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Career Barvie Bual

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My Portfolio

career guidance

Submitted by: barvie b. Bual

Submitted to: Mrs. April Jane c. Gonzales
Table of content

 Acknowledgement
 Table of content
 Biography
 Activities
 Reflection

To our almighty god who have given me talent and brain this gift is a very
special to me and I’ll promise to develop it day by day I also thank my parent and
brother sister sibling and to my relatives and friend whose always there to show
their support you don’t know how make me feel good in my worst day.

I am Barvie B. Bual 20 years old and a grade12 student. I live in P-9 Dologon,
Maramag, Bukidnon and I was born in march 18, 2002. I am the 3rd child among
the children of Junel R. Bahin and Erlinda B. Bahin. There are my inspiration to
study hard and I will do my besy to keep them proud of me and I will promise to
finish my study to have a good work and future and I am thankful to our almighty
God who create, guide, help, and love me who I am and also thanyou to the people
who love and support me.
Module 1: Entering the exits
Appendix 5
Activity sheet no. 2
My entry point in the exit

I choose this symbol because it represents the ICT and being a

student, we would have a much more to learn and will represent
as our life because people dependent to technology.

Appendix 6
Journal Reflection No. 1

For me, it was a mixture of fun, sad, easy, and challenging at the
same time. This is when I am in the process of completely
deciding the path I want to take as I am about to begin the next
chapter in my life. Thanks to my experience and achievement
the 4th grade was a lot of fun. I was also sad because when I
entered another chapter in my life the people, I was with could
go else where and not look like that as usual. At school. On the
day of the graduation ceremony some people were studying
abroad and I had to say goodbye, so I cried.

In comparison to when I initially started, I also find it simple. I

had wonderful teacher who helped me improve and comprehend
the value of school. At the same time, I was challenged because
I will soon be more autonomous and would have to choose
which college course I will pursue. It was difficult at start if you
had no idea what you wanted.

What I did was ask my parents for recommendations for the

ideal college course and to inquire about their experience as
college students. I did so in order to prepare myself and gain
some insight from their experience.

Knowing what I wanted to be in my life and knowing my

purpose helped me more. Our school provide us with events
shared their knowledge with a variety of successful people and
gave us tips on how to succeed in life. These individuals really
helped us to be more determined and push hard to reach our
goals. Life is certainly not that simple.

So I'm really grateful that I was able to gather all my knowledge

and strength during my 4th grade and Finally decide on my
career at university.Module

2: Discovering the C's

Processing Question:
1. I found the task supplied to be quite beneficial to me, mostly
because it encourages me to put my lesson knowledge into
2. What exactly is labor market data? Labor market information
includes information on employment by area and occupation
labor supply and demand, pay, unemployment, and labor force
demographics (LMI).
3. Choose your profession carefully. Choosing a profession is
the first and most significant step in obtaining career success.
4. Skills you need to be successful
* Sales skills, sales is the basis of all businesses success
* Transferable skills
* The ability to ask
* The ability to code
* Communication skills
* Interpersonal skills
* Project management skills
* The ability to be a self-starter

Processing Question:

After the lecture, ask the learners the following questions:

1. Technology globalization, outscoring, demographics and
diversity, changing workers attitude and values
2. Increase our quality of life by increasing our understanding of
the world around us, providing us with more and better
3. Heraclitus was a Greek philosopher who focused on life and
the future. " There is nothing permanent except change," he
famously said.

Yes, this Greek philosopher is correct. It is impossible to stop

time. It is unable to run backwards. Once a Change occurs over
a period of time, it tends to change over time. With the passage
of time, no once can stay unaffected. The only constant and
acceptable thing is the time will change everything and
4. Here are the seven C's of lifelong skills
* Critical thinking and doing
* Creative
* Collaboration
* Cross-cultural understanding
* Computing ICT literacy
* Career and learning self-reliance


The seven C's of communication are a set of guidelines for

ensuring effective written and oral communication. Clear,
correct, comprehensive, concrete, concise, considerate, and
polite are the seven C's

Module 4

Question for the reflection

1. The thing that motivates poets to write poetry is the message.
After understanding the meaning of poetry, the message can be
found. Are
After reading the poem, readers are left with a message or piece
of advice. The readers reaction to message poetry is intimately
tied to the readers attitude toward something.
2. " Even if I fail, I must continue trying." This passage in the
poem is my favorite because it promotes self-assurance, self-
reliance, and determination, among other qualities. Makes a
person go through life with ease and boldness till he or she
3. Chasing dreams requires taking risks, so even if I change
degrees or anything in my life prevents me from pursuing my
desire, I will be able to depart knowing that I gave it my all. So,
I believe in chasing goals and going where your heart leads you.

Processing Question:
1. Skill. The person is a client, and I will be present at health.
3. Drive
* Self-reliance
* Willpower
* Patience
* Integrity
* Passion
* Connection
* Optimism
* Self-confidence
* Communication
4. There is a sense of desperation throughout interview. Most
people are desperate to get the job of their dreams, and they will
tell the boss anything to get hired. If you're experiencing this
during an interview, you should take it easy.
5. Don't ask YES/ NO question.
" Multiple-choice" and " Double-barreled" question should be
Don't change topics too often.
The 'Why' question should be avoided.
Asking for little-known facts should be avoided.
Avoid concept that are too difficult to grasp.
Don't ask leading question.
Pay close attention.

Module 5

I want to be an IT who is an to be a programmer lost of

Module 6

Essay about values brought us to success

Values are attributes that one considers valuable and hence act
as a driving factor in one's life. A person's values take
precedence over other attributes, dictating how they conduct in
specific situations. I have a handful of value that I hold dear in
my life.

These ideals are the consequences of my upbringing, personal

principles, and socialization. In this essay, I will identify my
primary values and how they influence my daily decision,
behavior, and plans.

My upbringing, personal convictions and socialization have all

influenced my ideals. In this paper, I'll discuss my core beliefs
and how they affect my daily decisions action and plans

I place a high value on close friendship with my peers and work

hard to maintain them. This is because wonderful friends my
help your reach your life goals and are something closer than r
Family. As a result, l devotes a significant amount of time and
effort to my close pals. I make it a point to attend important
events in my friends live, such as birthday parties, weddings,
and even infant christening ceremonies furthermore, I make it a
point to inquire about their well-being on a regular basis.

Personal development and growth are basic value for me, and
their significance in my life connect be overstated. My life in my
opinion is not worth much if I do not endeavor to always build
on my accomplishments and grow as a person. This value of
personal growth and development has a significant impact on
my daily life, particularly when it comes to forming new
relationship. I normally follow the idea that if a new relationship
will not add any value to my life, I should not pursue it.

One of life's continuous facts is that we will always be

surrounded by individuals in need. As a result, on a social level,
I always try to help others who are less fortunate. A life well
lived, in my perspective is one lived in such a way that it makes
a difference in the live of other. This has been my mentality
throughout my life and I strive to make a positive effect in the
lives of those around me at all times. As a result, I place a high
emphasis on helping others not only in myself but also in other.

While modern living has led to a decrease in the value of family

compared to previous generations, I still consider family to be
quite important in my life. Family members, in my opinion are
the people who will always support and encourage you no
matter what happens in life.

While I believe that family is not always supportive or idea as I

imagine it, my family is well knit and always stands up for me in
my experience. As a result, wherever I make a decision, I keep
my family in mind and evaluate how my actions my influence
them. In addition, before making life-changing decision, I
attempt to get advice from family members who are more
experienced than I am.

Honest men and women have been said to be a fading breed.

This is especially true in our capitalist culture, when profit and
personal gain are the primary goals. The method used to achieve
success are sometimes overlooked, and as a result the ends
justify the means.
Even in the midst of such a situation, one of my key beliefs
remain honesty. Without a doubt this is due to my upbringing in
which honestly was praised and dishonesty was condemned.
Also, I've realized that the amount of satisfaction that comes
with achieving achievement Via honesty is genuinely
unsurpassed by any other expenses.

I hold religion in high regard because of my background. As a

result, participating in some religious organization is one of my
spiritual values. While most of my religious ideals are a result of
my upbringing, I have come to embrace them as my own over
time and consider it my personal responsibility to be actively
involved in my religious organization.

This gives me a sense of balance and allow me to be more

contemplative and grateful in my life. My religious value
influences my decision-making because I attempt to avoid
making decisions that contradict my religious views.

My Reflection in module 1

My understanding in module 1 is all about entering the exits

- after grade 12 entering a curriculum exit the students must
decide if they want to go to college, start a business, look for
work, or work on their middle-level talents.

My Reflection in module 2

My understanding in module 2 is all about discovering the C's

- it's characterized as " the ability to reach quickly." To evolve
inquire about and reflect on through information literacy and
practice " Self-directed self-managed learning"

My Reflection in module 3

My understanding in module 3 is all about the choice of

The desire of your heart that will go through.

My Reflection in module 4

My understanding in module 4 is all about myself in other's

To envision oneself in another person's situation or
circumstances in order to comprehend or empathize with their
viewpoint, opinion, or point of view. Always try to imagine
yourself in someone else's shoes before passing judgment on
their conduct. Afraid all, we are all human.

My Reflection in module 5

My understanding in module 5 is all about future combo,

This cliche underlines the need of people working together
fervently to achieve their goals. The same is true for the
advancement of learner's careers.

My Reflection in module 6

My understanding in module 6 is all about keep me balance

You maintain your balance and do not fall over. You get shaky
and tumble over if you lose your equilibrium. To keep her
equilibrium, she clung to the rail.

My Reflection in module 7

My understanding in module 7 is all about version of me 2.0

Is it the better version of me but better.

My Reflection in module 8

My understanding in module 8 is all about ready to take off

It means you're ready to leave/go somewhere.

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