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Marketing Management MCQ

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1. Labeling, packaging are associated with: Price mix Product mix Place mix Promotion mix
2.______________ set(s) the floor for the price that the company can charge for its product.
Supply Demand Costs Nonprofit factors 3. Companies facing the challenge of setting prices for
the first time can choose between two broad strategies: market-penetration pricing and
________. Market-level pricing Market-competitive pricing Market-skimming pricing Market-
price lining 4. In the maturity phase of the PLC, a marketing manager should consider: dropping
the product and moving on to the next product winner. modifying the market, product, and
marketing mix. expanding R & D. pricing to penetrate the market. 5. The stage of the PLC
characterized by overcapacity, greater competition, and the eventual elimination of weaker
competitors is called the: Decline stage. Introduction stage. Growth stage. Maturity stage. 6.
Which of the product is in the decline stage of PLC? HD TVs Tata Salt I- phone Music CDs 7.
Which of the following is not a type of decision usually made during the product development
stage? Branding Product positioning Packaging Product screening 8. All of the following are
different ways a firm can obtain new products, except which one? By acquiring a whole new
company A firm can obtain a new product through patents A firm can obtain a new product by
licensing someone else's new product A firm can obtain a new product by using the R&D
department of other firms in the same industry. 9. Original products, product improvements,
product modifications, and new brands that a firm develops through its own research and
development efforts are called: new products. concept products. altered products. supplemental
products. 10. To create successful new products, a company must understand consumers,
markets, & competitors and: develop a great advertising campaign. have a strong Web site to
push the product. adopt a push rather than pull promotional concept. develop products that
deliver superior value to consumers. 11. ________________ is screening new-product ideas in
order to spot good ideas and Drop poor ones as soon as possible. Idea generation Concept
development and testing Idea screening Brainstorming 12. A ___________________ is a
detailed version of the idea stated in meaningful Consumer terms. Product idea Product image
Product concept Product feature 13. If a company wishes to test its positioning strategy,
advertising, distribution, pricing, branding and packaging, and budget levels, it can do so during
which of the following stages of the new-product development process? Commercialization Test
marketing Product development Concept testing 14. Sterilization packaging systems have an
impact on: Instruments Healthcare acquired infection Healthcare costs All of the above 15. All of
the following are accurate descriptions of reasons why new products fail, except which one?
Although the market size was correctly estimated, the product idea itself was not good. The
actual product was not designed as well as it should have been. The new product was priced
too high. The new product was advertised poorly. 16. Which of the following is NOT a price
adjustment strategy? Segmented pricing Promotional pricing Free samples Geographical pricing
17. Differentiation in pricing for various geographical customer Price skimming Psychological
pricing Pricing variations Geographical pricing 18. When Pepsi came out with Pepsi Blue and
priced it at half price to attract buyers they were using, Pepsi was using ________. Market-
skimming pricing Market-penetration pricing New-product pricing Discount pricing 19. _____ is a
period of market acceptance and increasing profits. Product development Maturity Growth
Introduction 20. _____ begins when the company finds and develops a new-product idea.
During product development, sales are zero and the company's investment costs mount.
Introduction Growth Maturity Product development 21. Technological advances, shifts in
consumer tastes, and increased competition, all of which reduce demand for a product, are
typical of which stage in the PLC? Decline stage Introduction stage Growth stage Maturity stage
22. A „penetration pricing‟ strategy will set an initially high price to „cream off‟ as much revenue
as possible from the early purchasers. True False 23. Original products, product improvements,
product modifications, and new brands that a firm develops through its own research and
development efforts are called: New products. Concept products. Altered products.
Supplemental products. 24. As a product reaches its decline stage of the PLC, management
may decide to __________ the product, which means reducing various costs and hoping that
sales hold up. drop harvest cultivate 25. The stage in the product life cycle that focuses on using
a cost-plus formula and creating product awareness and trial is the: decline stage. introduction
stage. growth stage. maturity stage. 26. The stage in the product life cycle where the strategic
focus is on market penetration and building intensive distribution is the: decline stage.
introduction stage. growth stage. maturity stage 27. One of the challenges presented by the
product life cycle for a product is that of new-product development. True False 28. One study
found that the number one success factor for new-product introduction is a unique, superior
product. True False 29. Idea screening is generally recognized to be the first step in the new-
product development process. True False 30. In terms of the PLC, the growth stage is a period
of rapid market acceptance and increasing profits. True False 31. If a company were to change
characteristics of the product such as quality, features,or style, it would most likely do this in the
maturity phase of the product life cycle. True False 32. Introducing the new product into the
market takes place in which stage of the new product development process? commercialization
test marketing marketing strategy product development 33. Looking at the sales history of
similar products and surveying market opinion are tools used at which stage in the new-product
development process? concept development and testing commercialization business analysis
marketing strategy development 34. Presenting new-product ideas to consumers in symbolic or
physical ways to measure their reactions occurs during which of the following stages? idea
generation concept testing marketing strategy screening 35. A ___________________ is a
detailed version of the idea stated in meaningful consumer terms. product idea product image
product concept product feature 36. One reason that idea screening is a critical stage in the
new-product development process is that: Product-development costs rise greatly in later
stages and the company only wants those products that can succeed. Competitors can quickly
steal ideas so the company wants only those ideas that can be protected with patents.
International competition and markets demand that all ideas be culturally sensitive. The Federal
government carefully monitors each company‟s idea screening process to make sure no
national security matters are at stake. 37. The systematic search for new-product ideas is
characteristic of which stage in the newproduct development process? idea screening concept
development and testing idea generation business analysis 38. To achieve the marketing
objectives for the brand and satisfy the desires of consumers, the ________ and functional
components of packaging must be chosen correctly. characters logo aesthetics brand name 39.
A label performs several functions for a product. These include all of the following EXCEPT
________. grades promotes describes classifies 40. To be branded, physical products must be
differentiated. True False 41. Packaging is all the activities of designing and producing the
container for a product. True False 42. Packaging has been called the fifth “P” by marketers
because it can be an element of product strategy. True False 43. Labels can identify the product
and must contain legal statements that under various Federal laws cannot be misleading, false,
or deceptive. True False 44. _____ involves designing and producing the container or wrapper
for a product. Packaging Product line Service Branding 45. Like New Products wants to improve
its packaging after reading customer responses to its customer opinion poll. Which is not a
function of packaging? Its purpose is to contain and protect the product. It contains the brand
mark. It protects children. It determines product quality. 46. At the very least, the _____
identifies the product or brand. It might also describe several things about the product. line
extension social marketing label specialty product 47. Some analysts see _____ as the major
enduring asset of a company, outlasting the company‟s specific products and facilities. brands
convenience products specialty products unsought products 48. Chicken of the Sea brand tuna
sells more than the same size Kroger brand tuna even though the Kroger tuna costs Rs.0.15
less per can. This is known as brand _____. extension equity specialty service 49. Branding
assists buyers in numerous ways. Which of the following is not a direct consumer benefit
derived from branding? Brand names raise awareness and increase consumer interest. Brand
names increase shopper efficiency. Brand names convey product quality. Branding enables
suppliers to attract loyal and profitable set of customers. 50. What elements constitute a brand?
Name, design, style, words or symbols, singly or collectively that distinguish one product from
another. Design, style, or symbols, singly or collectively that distinguish one product from
another. Name, design, style, words or symbols that distinguish one product from another.
Name, words or symbols, singly or collectively that distinguish one product from another. 51. At
the introduction stage of the Product Life Cycle (PLC), which of the following are the marketer‟s
two main priorities? Launch planning and creating shelf space. Generating awareness and
stimulating responses. Launch planning and generating awareness. Creating shelf space and
generating awareness. 52. In the growth stage of a product life cycle which of the following
statements are applicable? 1) There is a rapid increase in sales. 2) Effects of repeat purchasing
are seen. 3) Increased competitor activity is found. 4) Profits begin to rise. 5) Good product
management is required. Options 1,2,3,4 1,3,4,5, 1,2,3,4,5, 1,2,3,5, 53. Which of the following is
NOT a method of idea generation? Morphological analysis. Synthetics. Synetics. 54. Launching
a product in a small part of the market is called: Competitive response. Competitive analysis.
Test marketing 55. Starting with one or two areas and then adding new regions to the
distribution area is called: Rolling launch. Sprinkler strategy. Test marketing. 56. Which of the
following is not a stage in the product life cycle? Introduction. Withdrawal. Growth. Maturity. 57.
Of the following, which statement(s) would not support a market-skimming policy for a new
product? The product's quality and image support their higher prices Enough buyers want the
products at that price Competitors are not able to undercut the high price Competitors can enter
the market easily 58. Choosing a price based upon its short-term effect on current profit, cash
flow, or return on investment reflects which of the following pricing objectives? current profit
maximization product quality leadership market share leadership survival 59. Pricing to cover
variable costs and some fixed costs, as in the case of some automobile distributorships that sell
below total costs, is typical of which of the following pricing objectives? current profit
maximization product quality leadership market share leadership survival 60. If a company
believes that the company with the largest market share will enjoy the lowest costs and highest
long-run profits, that company will probably choose which of the following pricing objectives as
their primary course of action? current profit maximization product quality leadership market
share leadership survival 61. ________ pricing is the approach of setting a low initial price in
order to attract a large number of buyers quickly and win a large market share. Market-
skimming Value-based Market-penetration Leader 62. Freight-absorption pricing is used for
________ and ________. Services; installations Market penetration; holding on to increasingly
competitive markets Market penetration; higher profit margins holding on to increasingly
competitive markets; higher profit margins 63. PoolPak produces climate-control systems for
large swimming pools. The company's customers are more concerned about service support for
maintaining a system than its initial price. PoolPak may use this knowledge to become more
competitive through ________. Value pricing Target costing Cost-plus pricing Skimming pricing
64. Which of the following is not a price adjustment strategy? Seasonal pricing segmented
pricing Free samples Geographical pricing 65. Which of the following statements about break-
even analysis is true? It is a technique marketers use to examine the relationship between
supply and demand It is a technique used to calculate fixed costs It is calculated using variable
costs, the unit price, and fixed costs It determines the amount of retained earnings a company
will have during an accounting period 66. Big Mike's Health Food Store sells nutritional energy-
producing foods. The price of the products sold varies according to individual customer
accounts and situations. For example, long-time customers receive discounts. This strategy is
an example of ________. Cost-plus pricing Penetration pricing Dynamic pricing Everyday low
pricing 67. Which of the following is not an effective action that a company can take to combat a
competitor's price cut on a product? Launch a low-price "fighter brand" Improve quality and
increase price Raise perceived value Improve quality and decrease price 68. Magic Box
Company wants to provide better customer service while trimming distribution costs through
teamwork, both inside the company and among all the marketing channel organizations. Magic
Box is thinking of ________. Disintermediation Integrated logistics management Customer
relationship management Vendor-managed inventory 69. Company building its pricing strategy
around the experience curve would be most likely to ________. Engage in break-even pricing
Engage in value-added pricing Price its products high Price its products low 70. Low-interest
financing and longer warranties are both examples of ________. Allowances Promotional
pricing Discounts Segmented pricing 71. Typically producers who use captive-product pricing
set the price of the main product ________ and set ________ on the supplies necessary to use
the product. High; low markups High; high markups Low; low markups Low; high markups 72. A
car maker's strategy of advertising a basic vehicle model with few conveniences and comforts at
a low price to entice buyers and then convincing customers to buy higher-priced models with
more amenities is an example of which of the following? Captive product pricing Optional
product pricing Product line pricing Segmented pricing 73. While costs set the lower limit of
prices, __________and__________ set the upper limit. Price and value Interest rates and
inflation Market and demand Supply and demand 74. What is value-based pricing? Companies
base their prices on buyers' perceptions of value, not their own costs Offering just the right
combination of quality and good service at a fair price Companies set prices to make a target
profit and to get some value for their production and marketing efforts Companies set prices to
break-even on production and marketing costs 75. Price is a major factor affecting buyer choice
that goes by many names, such as __________. Assessments, commissions, dues and fees
Rent, salaries, tuition and wages Honoraria, interest, income taxes and premiums All of the
above 76. Which of the following is not one of the general pricing approaches? Competition-
based Cost-based Relationship pricing Penetration pricing Value-based 77. If an abattoir sold
offal to a pet food manufacturer and hence reduced the costs of the final price of the meat to
consumers, this would be an example of ________ pricing strategy. Bundle By-product Optional
Captive 78. Pricing products that must be used together with a main product is called ________
product pricing. By-product Optional Bundle Captive 79. Price elasticity of demand means
__________. How much demand will change in response to a price change? The higher the
price, the lower the demand That demand changes greatly with a small increase in price That
demand hardly changes with a small increase in price 80. Which of the following is not one of
the product mix and service mix pricing strategies? Bundle By-product Product line
Complementary 82. ______________ costs do not vary with production levels or sales levels.
Total Variable Fixed All of the above None of the above 83. The objective of price can be: Profit
Market share Cash Flow All the above None of the above 82. Mark up pricing is a pricing
_________ & geographical pricing is a ____________. Method, strategy Strategy, method
Process, policy Policy, process None of above 83. The three layers of packaging are: Primary,
Secondary & tertiary packaging Primary, Secondary & shipping packaging Shipping, inner &
outer packaging None of above 84. Sales are declining, profits are also declining & competition
is increasing. These indicate that the product may be in: Introduction stage Decline stage
Growth stage Maturity stage All of above 85. The term brand equity refers to: The value
attached to the brand The financial value of a company's brand It's level of popularity All of
above 86. Companies can create brand equity for their products by making them
______________. Memorable, Easily recognizable Superior in quality Reliability All of above 87.
A brand name is one of the elements of the: Discounted product Core benefit Augmented
product Actual product 88. Identify the commercialization decision which includes decisions
regarding locality, region, nationally or even internationally launching the product. Why to launch
the product? How to launch the product? Where to launch the product? When to launch the
product? 89. Which of the following is the leak-proof packaging that provides additional
protection for the primary container? Primary packaging Secondary packaging Transport
packaging Decorative 90. Gift baskets are the example of which one of the following types of
packaging? Decorative Secondary Shipping Primary 91. The label on a pack of frozen peas
says, 'packed within an hour of picking'. These words are used: To promote the product To
satisfy legal requirements To provide information To fulfill ethical requirement 92. Packaging
used for the ice creams is an example of which of the following? Decorative packaging
Transport packaging Secondary packaging Primary packaging 93. Which of the following is a
name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, that identifies the product or
service? Label Co-brand Brand Product 94. The concept of price is central to: Administration
Management Macroeconomics Microeconomics 95. Which of the following marketing mix
element generates revenue? Promotion Price Place Product 96. ABC Company priced the
product as of Rs. 19.99 instead of Rs.20. Which of the following pricing techniques is ABC
Company using? Dodging pricing Deceptive pricing Premium pricing Psychological pricing 97.
To pay premium price for the product customers require: Allowance Flawless performance
Discounts High promotion, 98. Which of the following is NOT an objective of discounts? Reward
valuable customers Reward competitors Move out-of-date stock Increase short-term sales 99.
3/10 net 30 is an example of which of the following? Seasonal discount Trade discount Quantity
discount Cash discount 100. A company is providing warehousing facility to its channel
members. The company is using which of the following? Seasonal discount Trade discount
Quantity discount Cash discount 101. To attract customers into stores, the store advertises its
milk at a price less than cost, hoping that customers will purchase other groceries as well. Milk
is acting as which of the following? Premium item On- sale item Discounted item Loss leader
102. Many companies try to set a price that will maximize current profit. This strategy assumes
that company has knowledge of it‟s: Cost and production function Revenue and cost function
Demand and market function Demand and cost function 103. Which one of the following 4Ps of
marketing mix involves in decisions regarding list prices, discounts, allowances and payment
periods or credit terms? Product Price Place Promotion 104. Identify the stage of product life
cycle in which sales are at peak. Introduction Growth Maturity Decline 105. Which of the
followings are considered defensive in nature? Maturity and growth stage Maturity and decline
stage Introduction and maturity stage Introduction and growth stage 106. Standard Cable cut
back advertising expenditures to minimum level and reduced the number of channel members
for its industrial cable product. These actions are indicative of a product in which of the following
stage of its life cycle? Introduction Growth Maturity Decline 107. Highest percentage of ideas for
new products originates with/from which of the following sources? Top management Customers
Competitors Employees 108. Which of the following are the people who purchase new products
almost as soon as the products reach the market? Innovators Late majority Early majority Late
adopters 109. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages that customers go through in the
process of adopting a new product? Desire Awareness Evaluation Interest 110. Using one
brand name for several related products is known as which of the following? Family branding
Group branding Combination branding Premium branding 111. Which of the following price is
quoted to a potential buyer, usually in written form? Wholesale price Market price List price
Retail price 112. Mr. A, marketer of XYZ Co. is selling his ice-cream in the market at Rs.20, 20%
more than his competitors‟ price. Still his sales are increasing. Now his aim is to maintain same
pricing. He enjoys which type of leadership? Promotion leadership Price leadership Cost
leadership Product leadership 113. Market-penetration pricing will likely to be used most in
selling which of the following items? Specialty Convenience Unsought Pharmaceuticals 114.
Customer cost will be considered as which of the following Ps of marketing mix? Product Price
Place Promotion 115. Suppose Nestle wants to expand its line of food products. The managers
conduct surveys from customers to determine which food items would appeal to customers.
Nestle is currently in which of the following phase of new product development? Idea generation
Idea screening Test marketing Business analysis 116. Which of the following stage of product
life cycle is most expensive? Introduction Growth Maturity Decline 117. All of the following are
true about price EXCEPT: Price is independent of the other elements of the marketing mix Price
is the monetary value of a product Price is most flexible tool in the marketing mix Price is
marketing mix element which produces revenue 118. Which of the following is price reduction
offered when an order is placed in slack/drooping period? Cash discount Trade discount
Quantity discount Seasonal discount 119. Surf Excel was named to take the benefit of the
existing brand value of Surf. This strategy can be classified as _______________ strategy.
Brand growth Brand extension Branding Brand level 120. Though “Pizza Huts” are located in
posh, air- conditioning premises, they continue to call themselves as “Pizza Huts”. This is to
take advantage of Local sentiment of wanting to eat in huts Brand value Brand recognition
Brand extension 121. A ________ is an elaborated version of the idea expressed in consumer
terms. test brand product concept product idea new idea 122. Gillette Venus Embrace can best
be described as ________, rather than either a repositioning or a new-to-the-world product.
Improvements and revisions of existing products new product lines additions to existing product
lines cost reductions product adaptations 123. In _____, consumers who initially try the product
at no cost are reoffered the product, or a competitors' product, at slightly reduced prices.
simulated test marketing commercialization sales-wave research controlled test marketing 124.
________________ calls for finding 30 to 40 qualified shoppers and questioning them about
brand familiarity and preferences in a specific product category. Sales-wave research Focus
group research Controlled test marketing Simulated test marketing 125. The ultimate way to test
a new consumer product is to put it into full-blown ___________. test markets screening sales-
wave research controlled test marketing 126. Your firm has chosen a few representative cities,
and the sales force tries to sell the trade on carrying the product and giving it good shelf
exposure. The company puts on a full advertising and promotion campaign. Total costs exceed
Rs.1 million. Your firm has decided to conduct a ___________________. business analysis.
commercialization. test market controlled test market. 127. NPD stands for: New Product
Department. National Production Division. New Product Development. 128. Providing a
description of a product and its attributes and inviting comment from consumers is called:
Attribute testing. Market testing Concept testing. 129. What are the two ways that a company
can obtain new products? new-product development and acquisition market mix modification
and research and development internal development and merger line extension and brand
management service development and product extension 130. Which of the following is not a
potential cause of the failure of a new product? an incorrectly positioned product an
underestimated market size ineffective advertising higher than anticipated costs of product
development a poorly designed product 131. The creation of a successful new product depends
on a company's understanding of its ________ and its ability to deliver ________ to customers.
product life cycle, legal responsibilities, and social responsibilities; innovations competitors,
distributors, and employees; new styles product, marketing mix, and marketing strategy;
functional features customers, brands, products; product images customers, competitors, and
markets; superior value 132. Executives, manufacturing employees, and salespeople are all
examples of ________. core members of innovation management systems internal sources for
new-product ideas research and development team members external sources for new-product
ideas 133. Your firm wants to use external sources for new product ideas. After consulting with
a friend you learn that all of the following are common external sources except ________.
competitors suppliers trade shows and magazines the firm's executives customers 134. ABC
has just brainstormed a large number of ideas for adding new products and services after
visiting several buying fairs. The owners will begin the first idea-reducing stage, called
________ , to arrive at a realistic number to adopt. idea generation concept development
product concept idea screening 135. In the concept testing stage of new-product development,
a product concept in ________ form is presented to groups of target consumers. final
commercial prototype physical or symbolic markettested 136. After concept testing, a firm would
engage in which stage in developing and marketing a new product? marketing strategy
development idea screening product development test marketing business analysis 137. During
which stage of new-product development is management most likely to estimate minimum and
maximum sales to assess the range of risk in launching a new product? marketing strategy
development business analysis test marketing concept testing 138. In the ________ stage of
new-product development, products often undergo rigorous tests to make sure that they perform
safely and effectively or that consumers will find value in them. concept development and
testing product development business analysis idea generation marketing mix 139. Under what
circumstances might it be wise for a company to do little or no test marketing? When
management is not sure of the marketing program. When the costs of developing and
introducing the product are low. When the product has no substitutes and is new in its category.
When management is not sure of the product. 140. The major purpose of test marketing is to
provide management with the information needed to make a final decision about ________.
whether to launch the new product which market to compete in how to develop a market
strategy how long to compete in the market 141. Which of the following costs is most likely
associated with the commercialization stage of new-product development? paying groups of
target consumers for product feedback developing a prototype of the product identifying target
markets building or renting a manufacturing facility 142. Which of the following is necessary for
successful new-product development? a market pioneer mindset and a holistic approach a
customercentered, team-based, systematic approach an innovation management system and
sequential product development a team-based, innovation-management approach a holistic and
sequential product development approach 143. Increasing profits will most likely occur at which
stage of the PLC? Introduction Growth Maturity Decline 145. Which of the following cannot be
described by the PLC concept? product form style product image brand 146. The PLC concept
can be applied by marketers as a useful framework for describing how ________. Product ideas
are developed Products and markets work To develop marketing strategies Concept testing is
conducted 147. In the ________ stage, the firm faces a trade-off between high market share
and high current profit. maturity Introduction Growth Decline 148. In which stage of the PLC will
promotional expenditures be high in an attempt to react to increasing competition? decline
maturity Introduction Growth 149.. Which stage in the PLC normally lasts longer and poses
strong challenges to the marketing managers? decline maturity Introduction Growth 150. Most
products in the marketplace are in the ________ stage of the product life cycle. maturity decline
Introduction Growth 151. Sales decline in the decline stage of the PLC because of technological
advances, increased competition, and ________. shifts in the economy shifts in consumer
tastes and preferences new market pioneers shifts in unemployment marketing mix
modifications 152. A manufacturer with a product in the decline stage of the product life cycle
might decide to ________ if it has reason to hope that competitors will leave the industry.
harvest the product maintain the product without change drop the product search for
replacements 153. Mattel's Barbie is an example of an age-defying product. Barbie,
simultaneously timeless and trendy, is in the ________ stage of the PLC. Growth Introduction
Maturity Decline 154. Schmidt Steel Corporation lacks the confidence, capital, and capacity to
launch its new steel product into full national or international distribution. Even though test
market results look promising, what will be management's next step? seek the help of a
nationally known consultant retest the product in additional markets secure a loan to provide
confidence, capital, and capacity develop a prototype develop a planned market rollout over
time 155. A company getting ready to launch a new product must make several decisions.
However, the company must first decide on _____. whether to launch the product in a single
location whether to launch the product in a region whether to launch the product into full national
or international distribution timing of the new product introduction 156. Marketers need to
position their brands clearly in target customers‟ minds. The strongest brands go beyond
attributes or benefit positioning. On which of the following basis the products are positioned?
Desirable benefit Good packaging Strong beliefs and values Customer image 157. The purpose
of idea generation is to create a _____ of ideas. The purpose of succeeding stages is to _____
that number. Small number; reduce Small number; increase Large number; increase Large
number; reduce
58. During which phases of the product life cycle are costs thought to be low on a per customer
basis? Maturity and Decline. Growth and Maturity. Product Development and Introduction.
Introduction and Growth. 159. During which stage of the product life cycle does the company
attempt to maximize market share? Introduction Decline Growth Maturity 160. During which
stage of the product life cycle does a company seek to build selective distribution? Introduction
Decline Growth Maturity

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