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Hands on session 1

Report date
Feb 25, 2022 5:27:42 PM yessine bouhamed

1. Global Definitions.............................................................................................................................
1.1. Parameters 1............................................................................................................................
2. Component 1....................................................................................................................................
2.1. Definitions................................................................................................................................
2.2. Geometry 1...............................................................................................................................
2.3. Materials...................................................................................................................................
2.4. Transport of Diluted Species.....................................................................................................
2.5. Mesh 1......................................................................................................................................
3. Study 1..............................................................................................................................................
3.1. Stationary.................................................................................................................................
4. Results..............................................................................................................................................
4.1. Data Sets...................................................................................................................................
4.2. Plot Groups...............................................................................................................................

Global Definitions
Date Feb 15, 2022 4:43:53 PM

Global settings
Name Yessine-TP1.mph
Path C:\Users\yessine\Documents\yessine-TP1.mph
COMSOL version COMSOL 5.2 (Build: 220)

Used products
COMSOL Multiphysics

1.1 Parameters 1
Name Expression Value Description
H0 50[cm] 0.5 m Height of the plate
L0 30[cm] 0.3 m Width of the plate
Cs 1[mol/l] 1000 mol/m³ Concentration at the bottom of the plate
Ci 0.5[mol/l] 500 mol/m³ Concentration on the left side of the plate
Co 0.3[mol/l] 300 mol/m³ Concentration on the right of the plate
hi 10e-3 [m/s] 0.01 m/s Convection coefficient on the left of the plate
ho 4e-3[m/s] 0.004 m/s Coefficient of convection on the right of the plate
Dsteel 1e-30[m^2/s] 1E−30 m²/s Coefficient of diffusion in steel
The table contains an assortment of measurements that pertain to the physical size of the plat,
them being the height and the width. The different concentrations at each facet of the plate
(Cs,Ci,Co). convection coefficient of each side of the plate and finally the coefficient of diffusion
of the material used in the simulation.

Component 1
1.2 Definitions
1.2.1 Coordinate Systems

Boundary System 1
Coordinate system type Boundary system
Tag sys1

1.3 Geometry 1

Geometry 1

Length unit m
Angular deg

1.4 Materials
1.4.1 Steel AISI 4340

Steel AISI 4340

Geometric entity level Domain
Selection Domain 1

The material used in the simulation is called Steel AISI 4340 as the title implies, it is a low alloy
steel containing 0.4%C, 0.8% Cr, 0.25% Mo and 1.8% Ni. Characterized by its high tensile
strength and the notable heat conduction capacity of Λ = 44.5 w/mk.

1.5 Transport of Diluted Species

Transport of Diluted Species


Transport Properties 1
No Flux 1
Initial Values 1
Flux 1
Flux 2
Concentration 1

1.5.1 Transport Properties 1


1.5.2 No Flux 1

1.5.3 Flux 1

1.5.4 Flux 2

1.5.5 Concentration 1

1.6 Mesh 1

Mesh 1
The mesh is used for a model geometry, and it plays an instrumental role in how the model is
solved, as it determines a multitude of factors such as:

 How the geometry is divided.

 The size, density and the number of elements in the geometry.

 And with what shape or element type should the division occurs.

Study 1
Computation information
Computation time 2s
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 4800H with Radeon Graphics, 8 cores
Operating system Windows

1.7 Stationary
Study settings
Description Value
Include geometric Off

Physics and variables selection

Physics interface Discretization
Transport of Diluted Species (tds) physics

Mesh selection
Geometry Mesh
Geometry 1 (geom1) mesh1

1.8 Data Sets
1.8.1 Study 1/Solution 1
Description Value
Solution Solution 1
Componen Save Point Geometry 1

Data set: Study 1/Solution 1

1.8.2 Cut Line 2D 1

Description Value
Data set Study 1/Solution 1

Line data
Description Value
Line entry Point and direction
Point {0, 0}
Direction {1, 0}

Description Value
Space cln1x

Data set: Cut Line 2D 1

1.9 Plot Groups

1.9.1 Concentration (tds)

Surface: Concentration (mol/m3) Contour: Concentration (mol/m3)

Looking at the diagram of surface concentration we observe the following evolution events:

 The bottom plate seems to possess the highest level of concentration with a range of
845.05(mol/m3) to 977.86 (mol/m3).

 And as we gradually follow the concentration contour, we can see that it is in a steady
decrease with the lowest being 136.72 (mol/m3) in the bottom left corner of the plate
indicating a very low rate of mass transfer.

 And as for the right side of the steel plate the diagram indicates a moderate rate of
transfer ranging from 402.34(mol/m3) to the upper level of 623.7(mol/m3)

1.9.2 1D Plot Group 2

Line Graph: Concentration (mol/m3)

Using the 1D plot group we managed to compute the following line graph:
Concentration(mol/m3). (Concentration, Arc length) with arc length being the distance
between two points along a section of a curve.

Looking at the graph:

 the concentration maintains a constant level of 500(mol/m3) from 0 all the way to 0.4
arc length.

 after that point the graph seems to undergo a subtle augmentation in concentration
level from 500(mol/m3) to 550(mol/m3) followed by a sharp decrease in concentration
to less than 400(mol/m3).

 And lastly a large spike all the way past the 1000(mol/m3).


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