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Reviewer 1ST Grading

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LESSON 1 – PLATE TECTONICS Convergent Plate Boundary – a boundary in

which two plates move toward each other,
Plate Tectonics – a theory which suggests causing one of the slabs of the lithosphere to
that Earth’s crust is made up of plates that subduct beneath an overriding plate. 
interact in various ways, thus producing
earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes, and other  Continental-Oceanic - at a convergent
geologic features.  boundary between oceanic and
 The crust has an average density of continental lithosphere, the oceanic
2.8 g/cm3 and its thickness ranges plate will always subduct, which will
from 5-50km. cause earthquakes and form
 An earthquake releases three types of submarine valleys/also form
seismic waves: Primary, Secondary, volcanic arcs.
Long surface waves. An earthquake is
a vibration of Earth due to the rapid
release of energy.
 Tsunami is a series of ocean waves
with very long wavelengths caused by
large-scale disturbances of the ocean.
 Deep ocean trenches, volcanoes,
island arcs, submarine mountain
ranges, and fault lines are examples
of features that can form along plate  Oceanic-Oceanic – creates a chain of
tectonic boundaries volcanic islands known as a volcanic
 The Philippine archipelago are island arc and a deep trench.
considered as part of the Philippine Underwater earthquakes, especially the
Mobile Belt. stronger ones, can generate tsunamis-
 Seismogram is a record made by a the Japanese term for “harbor wave”
seismograph. A seismograph is a Many parts of the Philippines originated
device used to record earthquake from oceanic-oceanic convergence.
waves. Trench is a depression in the seafloor
 There are three types of Plate produced by subduction process.
Boundaries: Divergent, Convergent, Subduction is an event in which a slab
and Transform-Fault boundary. of rock thrusts into the mantle.

Divergence Plate Boundary – a region

where the crustal plates are moving apart. 

 Formation of rift valleys and

oceanic ridges are indications that
the crust is spreading or splitting
 Mid-ocean ridge is a continuous of
land with long width and height
on the ocean floor
 Spreading rate at these ridges may
vary from 2-20 cm per year.

Transform Fault Plate Boundary – a

boundary produced when two plates slide
past each other.  Continental-Continental – creates a
large group of tall mountains called
 Most transform faults are located mountain range.
within the ocean basins, there are a
few that cut through the continental
crust. Ex:
San Andreas Fault.
 Hot spot is a concentration of heat in
the mantle capable of creating
magma. Magma is a mass of molten
rock formed at depth.


Seismic Waves - are caused by the sudden  Body waves can travel through the
movement of materials within the Earth, Earth’s inner layers. They are used by
such as slip along a fault during an scientists to study the Earth’s interior.
earthquake.  2 types of Body Waves:
> Primary (P-waves) is a pulse energy
 Two main types of seismic waves: that travels quickly though the Earth
body and surface waves. and through liquids, more powerful,
 Surface waves can only travel longitudinal wave, its energy transfer,
through the surface of the Earth. and wave propagation is directly along
 2 types of Surface Waves: its line and motion.
> Love (A.E.H. Love, British
mathematician 1911), exists due to > Secondary (S-waves) is a pulse
Earth’s surface, faster, moves he energy that travels slower through
ground in a side-to-side horizontal Earth and
motion (S), causes the most damage solids, less powerful, transverse wave,
to structures. its method of propagation is like an S,
does not exist on the Earth’s outer
> Rayleigh (John William Strutt, Lord core.
Rayleigh 1885) moves the ground
either up and down or side-to-side,  Andrija Mohorovičić (1909), a
most of the shaking felt from an Yugoslavian seismologist, found out
earthquake is due to the Rayleigh that the velocity of seismic waves
wave. changes and increases at a distance of
about 50km below the Earth’s
 Thickness of the different layers of surface.
the Earth  Mohorovičić Discontinuity (Moho) is
LAYER THICKNESS IN KM the boundary that separates the crust
and the mantle.
Crust 40
 The continental crust is mainly made
Mantle 2900
up of Silicon (Si), Oxygen (O),
Outer Core 2200 Aluminum (Al), Calcium (Ca), Sodium
Inner Core 1278 (Na), and Potassium (K). Mantle: Si, O,
  The Continental Drift Theory of Alfred Fe, and Mg. Core: Fe, and Ni.
Wegener (1912), a German  Lithosphere is the topmost, solid part
meteorologist, states that the continents of the Earth that is composed of
were once part of a large landmass called several plates.
Pangaea which drifted away from each  Asthenosphere is soft, weak upper
other. portion of the mantle where the
 This Pangaea started to break into lithospheric plates float and move
two smaller supercontinent called around.
Laurasia and Gondwanaland during
the Jurassic Period (145 million years  Alfred Wegener based his theory on
ago) evidence from the continental jigsaw
puzzle (puzzlelike fit of continents),
 Seafloor spreading was fossils imbedded in rocks, and rock
strengthened with the discovery formations.
that the magnetic rocks near the
ridge follow a pattern aside from > Coal beds were formed from the
the fact that rocks near the ridge compaction and decomposition of
are remarkably younger than those swamp plants that lived million years
farther from the ridge. ago. These were discovered in South
America, Africa, Indian subcontinent,
 Convection current is a current in Southeast Asia, and in Antarctica.
the mantle because of the heat
from the inner layers of the Earth > Seafloor Spreading is the process by
and is the force that drives the which new ocean floor is formed near
plates to move around. the mid-ocean ridge and moves
outward. Scientists found a system of
 Scientists believe that the plates’ ridges or mountains in the seafloor
movement is due to convection similar to those found in the
currents in the mantle. continents, called mid-ocean ridges.
Overtime, the new oceanic crust
pushed the old oceanic crust far from
the ridge. Findings support Seafloor
Spreading Theory:

1. Rocks are younger at the mid-ocean

2. Rocks far from the mid-ocean ridge
are older.
3. Sediments are thinner at the ridge.
4. Rocks at the ocean floor are
younger than those at the continents.






Information from news reports, speeches, The pronouns myself, yourself, himself, herself,
informative talks, panel discussions, etc. are good itself are called reflexive pronouns or intensive
source of information that can pronouns, depending on how they are used in
be used in everyday life. sentences. Their plural forms are yourselves,
ourselves, and themselves.
 Education is a learning experience,
where an individual learns about  Reflexive pronouns are used in a
various aspects of life, understands sentence to refer back to the subject.
the different perspectives, and tries They cannot be removed.
to apply it in daily life.
 Education is important to the
children, to adults and to the society.
 We learn new things in education.

Graphic Organizers are visual displays of key

content information designed to benefit learners
who have difficulty organizing information.

 Main Idea and Details Chart,  Intensive pronouns are special kinds
Semantic Web/Map, Venn Diagram, of pronouns used to intensify or add
K-W-L Charts, Ranking Ladder are emphasis to a sentence. They can be
several types of graphic organizers. removed without affecting the
 Nick Pontikis is the writer of Daedalus meaning of a sentence.
and Icarus
 Daedalus is an Athenian craftsman
and Icarus is his son. Daedalus can
create everything; however, he gets
easily jealous.
 He killed his nephew, Talos, by
throwing him off the Acropolis, LESSON 2.2 – PUBLIC SPEAKING
because of jealousy. He left Athens
Public speaking is the process of communicating
and heads to the island of Crete.
information to an audience.
 He befriends King Minos, Crete’s
ruler. He built a cow suit for Pasiphae  5 Elements of Public Speaking:
(so the queen can get it on with a 1. Source of the message (Who)
bull), the Labyrinth (where the 2. Message itself (What)
minotaur is jailed), 2 large wings (for 3. Audience (For Whom)
he and Icarus to escape), a temple to 4. Actual delivery method (Medium)
Apollo (where he hangs his wings). 5. Speaker’s intent for the speech
 He helped Theseus with a ball of yarn (Effect)
and tells the hero to trail it behind
him, so Theseus could escape the  3 Important Factors of Public Speaking
Labyrinth as Ariadne fell madly in by Aristotle BC 384-322:
love with the said hero. 1. Ethos (The Ethical Appeal) –
 King Minos jailed the father and son credibility and character of the speaker.
because of the aftermath; however, 2. Pathos (The Emotional Appeal) –
they escaped the Labyrinth by using ability to create a connection between
large wings, albeit Icarus died the audience.
because he flew too high- which 3. Logos (The Logical Appeal) – logical
resulted for the wing’s wax to melt. arrangement of words or sentences
 Daedalus names the part of the
ocean where Icarus fell the “Icarian  Essential qualities of all public speakers:
Sea.” 1. Confidence
 Daedalus flew to Sicily. He friended 2. Passion
with King Cocalus, the ruler of the 3. Introspection and Self Awareness
island. King Cocalus’ daughter kill 4. Be Yourself
King Minos with scalding water, 5. Connect with your audience
freeing Daedalus from his hunt
forever. LESSON 3.2 – SOURCES OF
SETTING, AND  Accessibility refers to the quality of
CHARACTERIZATION being available when needed.
 Effectiveness means the ability to be
 The plot of a story consists of the successful and produce the intended
events that occur during the story. results.
 The setting is the time and place in  Primary Source is written or created
which the story takes place. document at the time of the
 Characterization is the process occurrence of an event or period of
through which an author reveals a research. Examples include:
character’s personality. - diaries, manuscripts, logs,
 The author’s purpose may/could correspondence, case laws, artifacts,
persuade, to inform, and to entertain. government issued
 Cosette was sent by Madame documents/certificates, regulations,
Thenardier to get a bucket of water in biographies, autobiographies, research
the forest in which she comes across reports, interviews, journal, articles
a man who told her that the bucket is (new research/findings), oral histories.
heavy for her age.  Secondary Source is written after an
 The man was shocked after learning event. Examples include:
the name of Cosette - textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias,
 She answered that she doesn’t have a dissertations, criticisms, commentaries,
mother and that she was sent alone books that interpret, opinions.
by her Mistress in the forest at night.
 They reached Montfermeil. As they LESSON 4.2 – PERSUASIVE ESSAY
approached the tavern, Cosette asked
the man to let her carry the bucket Persuasive Essay also known as an argumentative
essay, is a piece of academic writing where you use
because if Madame sees that
logic and reason to show that your point of view is
someone has carried it for her, she more legitimate than any other.
will beat her.
 Characters of CHAPTER VII of Les  Basic Parts of a Persuasive Essay:
Misarables are: Cosette (main 1. Introduction
character), Stranger (who assisted 2. Body
Cosette), Madame Thenardier 3. Conclusion
(mistress of the child), Ponine and
Zelma (daughters of Madame) LESSON 5 – MODALS
 Setting: On the road
 Time: Night Modals are special verbs in a way that, when put
before the main verb, perform specific functions.
Expresses physical
 Direct/Explicit Signal is any idea that able to ability or skill
is stated directly. Example: could
“Let it go.”
 Indirect/Implicit Signal is any idea  Possibility:
that is stated indirectly. Example: may – formal and is often found in
“It’s time to see what I can do. To test writing
the limits and breakthroughs.” might – less formal than may is more
common with conversation
LESSON 6 – ELEMENTS OF A  Obligation:
STORY must Firm obligation
have to
 Plot is “what happens” in the story. should
 Key points of a plot: ought to Moral obligation
1. Beginning/Exposition can
2. Rising Action
3. Climax  Permission:
4. Falling Action or Denouement can – ask for/give permission
5. Resolution may – formal way to ask for/give
 Characters are the who permission
 Conflict involves: man vs man, man
vs nature, man vs self
 Setting is the time and place
 Theme is the main idea of the story
 Setting of the story “Arachne”:
 Characters are: Arachne, and
Generalization is a broad statement drawn from a
group of facts about a topic. It must be supported
 Arachne was a popular weaver that by evidence that is logical and factual.
skills aren’t like no other. Goddess
Athena challenged Arachne to a  Valid Generalization (logical)
weaving contest. Arachne lost to Example:
the goddess and therefore declared - Some students ignore school rules.
the loser of the contest. She Evidence: Guidance office is filled with
committed suicide. By the Goddess’ students who violate school rules.
pity, she turned Arachne into a  Faulty Generalization (wrong)
creature with the ability to weave Example:
forever. - Most water carabaos can fly.
 Theme: Learn to walk in humility,
not pride and arrogance


Good writing is a product of a writer’s careful

 Distinguishing characteristics
include expressiveness such as
sharpness of detail and sensory
impressions, viewpoint or the
writer’s attitude or opinion toward a
subject, and style or the
combination of word choice and
sentence and paragraph structure
that contribute to the writer’s
individual voice.



Ang salitang mitolohiya ay nangangahulugang
agham o pag-aaral ng mga mito/myth at alamat. - Cupid (pag-ibig) at Psyche
 Ang myth/mito ay galing sa salitang - Mga aral mula sa “Cupid at
Latin na mythos at mula sa Greeek na Psyche”
muthos na ang ibig sabihin ay 1. Hindi mabubuhay ang pag-ibig
kuwento. kung walang pagtitiwala.
 Diyos at diyosa 2. Ang pagmamahal ay
 May kapangyarihan pasasakripisyo.
 Griyego at Rome 3. Hindi mo kailanman mabibihag
 Di kapanipaniwala ang pag-ibig.
 Zeus – Griyego; Jupiter – Roman
 Bugan (babae); Wigan (lalaki); ayon - Mga Kayarian ng Salita:
sa kuwento na sa kanila nagmula ang 1. Payak – binubuo ng salitang-
bagong henerasyon ng mga tao sa ugat lamang.
2. Maylapi – binunuo ng salitang-
ugat at isa o higit pang panlapi.
LESSON 1.4 – WIGAN AT BUGAN a.) Unlapi – panlapi ay nakakabit
sa unahan ng salita.
 Si Bugan ay mahalagang babaeng hal. Labahan, tawanan, balikan
tauhan sa
 Bugan ay anak ni Pangaiwan ng b.) Gitlapi – panlapi ay nakasingit
Daligdigan at kaaway ng ama ni sa gitna ng salita.
Aliguyon hal. Sumayaw, kinain
 Bu-ad – ritwal na isinasagawa ng mga
taga-Ifugao upang magkaroon ng c.) Hulapi – ikinakabit sa hulihan
anak at masaganang buhay. ng salita.
 Ngilin, Bumabbakker, Bolang. Mga hal. Sulatan, balitaan
diyos sa akda.
d.) Kabilaan – kapag ang pares ng
LESSON 1.6 – POKUS NG panlapi ay ikinakabit sa unahan at
PANDIWA hulihan ng salitang-ugat.
hal. Mag-awitan
Ang Pandiwa ay salitang nagpapakilos o
nagbibigay-buhay sa isang lipon ng mga salita. d.) Laguhan – kapag mayroong
panlapi sa unahan, gitna, at
 Ang tawag sa relasyong hulihan ng salitang-ugat.
pansemantika ng pandiwa sa simuno hal. Pagsumikapan
o paksa ng pangungusap ay ang
pokus ng pandiwa. 3. Inuulit - Makabubuo ng mga salita
 Mga Uri ng Pokus ng Pandiwa: sa tulong ng reduplikason ng salitang-
1. Pokus sa Tagaganap o Aktor ugat.
> kapag ang paksa ang gumaganap ng a.) Pag-uulit na Ganap – inuulit ang
kilos sa pangungusap. buong salitang-ugat
> ginagamitan ito ng mga panlaping hal. Araw-araw
mag, um-/-um, mang, ma, maka,
makapag. b.) Pag-uulit na Parsyal - isang pantig
> Hal: Bumili ng pagkain si Inay sa o bahagi lamang ng salita ang inuulit.
palengke. hal. Aangat

2. Pokus sa Layon o Gol 4. Tambalan – binubuo ng dalawang

> kapag ang paksa ng pangungusap salitang pinagsasama para makabuo
ang pinaglalaanan ng kilos o layon ng ng isa lamang salita.
> -in, i-, -ipa-, ma-, -an. a.) Malatambalan/Tambalang Parsyal
> Hal: Ipatapon mo ang basura kay – nananatili ang kahulagan ng
Ana. dalawang salita.
hal. Bahay-kalakal
3. Pokus sa Tagatanggap
> kapag ang paksa ng pangungusap b.) Tambalang Ganap – nakabubuo ng
ang tumatanggap ikatlong kahulugang iba kaysa sa
> i-, ipang-, ipag- kahulugan ng dalawang salitang
> Hal: Ibinili ko ng damit ang kaibigan pinagsama.
kong balikbayan. hal. Hampaslupa

4. Pokus sa Gamit o Instrumental LESSON 1.6 – ASPEKTO NG

> ang paksa ay instrument o gamit sa PANDIWA
pagsasagawa ng kilos na isinasaad ng
Pandiwa Ang aspekto ay katangian ng pandiwa na nagsasaad
kung naganap na o hindi pa nagaganap ang kilos, at
> ipang-
kung sisimulan na at kung natapos nang ganapin o
> Hal: Ipamunas mo ang basahan. ipinagpapatuloy pa ang pagganap.

LESSON 2.1-2.2 – PARABULA - Pawatas - neutral

- Perpektibo – naganap na
Ang parabula ay isang akdang pamapnitikang - Imperpektibo – ginagawa
nagtuturo ng kinikilalang pamantayang moral.
- Kontemplatibo – gagawin pa lang
 Ang parabula ay buhat sa salitang - Katatapos – katatapos pa lang
Griyego na “parabole.” gawin
 Banal na kasulatan, maikli at Pawatas PER IMPER KON KAT
praktikal, gumagamit ng tayutay na anihin inani inaani aanihan kaani
simile at metapora o LESSON 2.3 – PAGPAPAHAYAG
matatalinhagang mga pahayag NG EMOSYON
 Tauhan – gumaganap o mga
gumaganap - Paghanga: Wow! Perfect ang iskor mo.
 Tagpuan – pinagyarihan ng isang - Pagkagulat: Naku po!
kuwento - Pagkatuwa: Yahoo! Pasado ako,
 Banghay – naglalahad mg yehey!
pagkasunod-sunod ng pangyayaring - Pag-asa: Naku, sana nga’y
naganap sa kuwento makapasa ka na!
 Aral o magandang kaisipan – - Pagkalungkot: Naku, kawawa
matutuhan ng isang tao matapos naman siya!
mabasa ang isang kuwento - Pagtataka: Talaga? Siya ang nanalo?
 Ang “Mensahe ng Butil ng Kape” ay - Pagkagalit/Pagkainis: Hmmp!
nasa kalagayan ng paghihirap ngunit Nakaiinis ka!
dahil sa positibong pananaw ng ama, - Pagkaawa: Kawawa naman siya, ang
ipinaliwanag niya sa anak na lalaki aga niya naulila!
ang kahulugan ng buhay. - Panghihinayang: Sayang, hindi ako
- Itlog: taong noon ay may natanggap!
malambot na puso ngunit nagging - Pang-aalinlangan: Sasagutin ko na
matigas dahil sa pagsubok kaya siya o saka na lang?
- Karot: taong malakas sa una
ngunit pag may pagsubo ay - Paraan ng Pagpapahayag ng
nagiging mahina Emosyon:
- Butil ng Kape – taong himigit na - Mga pangungusap na padamdam –
lumabas ang mabutingasal sa nagsasaad ng matinding damdamin,
gitna ng mga pagsubok may batas na tandang padamdam
- Maikling sambitla – nagsasaad ng
LESSON 2.4 – PANG-UGNAY matinding damdamin, isa o
dalawang pantig.
Ang pang-ugnay ay salita/mga salitang ginagamit - Mga pangungusap na nagsasaad ng
sa pag-ugnay ng isang ideya sa mga kasunod na tiyak na damdamin – mga
pangungusap na nagpapahiwatig na
damdamin sa hindi diretsahang
 Pagdaragdag at pag-iisa-isa ng mga
impormasyon – ginagamit ang pang-
ugnay sa bahaging ito sa paglalahad
nng pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga
Ang pangunahing paksa o ideyang ito ay
Mga salitang: Pagkatapos, saka, nakapaloob sa isang pangungusap.
unang, sumunod na araw
 Pagpapahayag ng mga kaugnayang
lohikal – paglalahad ng dahilan at Ang sanayasay ay isang uri ng panitikan na nasa
bunga, paraan at layunin, paraan at anyong tuluyan na nagpapahayag ng mga kuro-kuro
resulta maging sa pagpapahayag ng at pansariling kaisipan ng manunulat
kondisyon at kinalabasan.

Mga salitang: Kaya, kung kaya, kaya - Uri ng sanayasay:

naman, tuloy at - Pormal – upang lalong maging
LESSON 3.3 – MGA SALITANG makatwiran ang
MAGKAPAREHO/MAGKAUGNA pagkakasunod=sunod ng mga
Y bagay-bagay.
Di-Pormal – nagagawanag malaya ang ayos ng
Sa Ingles, ito ay tinatawag na “synonyms.” paglalahad.
 Talinghaga at Idyoma – mga
pahayag na di-tuwirang nagbibigay
ng kahulugan
 Konotasyon ang dalawang LESSON 3.5 – MGA
dimensiyon sa pagpapakahulugan EKSPRESYONG NAGPAPAHAYAG
ng mga salita
 Denotasyon ay karaniwang
 Ayon, Batay, Sang-ayon sa
kahulugang mula sa diksiyonaryo
- Sang-ayon sa Memorandum Order
 Tindi ng Kahulugan o Clining ay pag-
No. 20: Series of 2013 ng CHED na
aayos ng kahulugan ng salita ayon
pinagtitibay ang pagkawala ng
sa intensidad o tindi ng kahulugang
Filipino bilang isa sa mga asignatura
nais ipahiwatig
sa ilalim ng Gen ED Curriculum sa
 Paggamit ng contextual na clue ay
taong 2016.
kahulugan ng salita ay mauunawaan
- Batay sa Konstitusyon 1987…
ayon sa pagkakagamit ng
- Alinsunod sa tadhana ng batas at
sang-ayon sa nararapat na maaaring
 Halimbawa: Masama –> Sakim ->
ipasya ng Kongreso, dapat
magsagawa ng mga hakbangin ang
pamahalaan upang ibunsod at
puspusang itaguyod ang paggamit
Ang epiko ay tulang pasalaysay na nagsasaad ng Filipino bilang midyum ng opisyal
ng kabayanihan ng pangunahing tauhan na na komunikasyon bilang wika ng
nagtataglay ng katangiang nakahihigit sa pagtuturo sa sistemang pang-
karaniwang tao na kadalasanan ay buhay sa lipi edukasyon.
ng mga diyos o diyosa. - Ayon sa tauhan si Simoun,
 Ang salitang epiko ay mula sa
salitang Griyego epos na ang  Sa paniniwala, akala, pananw,
salawikain o awit ngunit ngayon paningin, tingin, palagay, ni/ng
ito'y tumutukoy sa kabayanihan na - Sa paniniwala ko ang pagkakaroon
isinasalaysay. ng isang mataas…
 Epiko ni Gilgamesh: - Sa aking pananaw ang edukasyon
- Enkido – ang linikha ng diyos mula ay…
sa luwad dahil sa dasal ng mga tao
- Sa tingin ng maraming guro na….
sa Uruk na siyang naging kaibigan
ni Gilgamesh.
 Inaakala, Pinaniniwalaan, Iniisip
- Gilgamesh – ang Hari ng Uruk at
ang bayani ng epiko. 2 katlo na - Pinaniniwalaan kong higit..
lahing diyos at 1/3rd na lahing tao. - Inaakala ng iba…
 Ang epiko ay may pitong element
kabilang ang Banghay na may limang  Sa ganang akin, sa tingin, akala,
bahagi palagay ko
1. Panimulang Banghay - Sa ganang akin kailangang…
2. Papataas na Aksyon - Palagay ko, kailangan ang
3. Kasukdulan malawig…
4. Pababang Aksyon - Sa kabilang dako, sa dami ng
5. Wakas
 Mga uri ng Tunggalian: - Sa isang banda, mabuti na…
1. Tao laban sa Sarili - Samantala mamamayan mismo..
2. Tao laban sa Tao
3. Tao laban sa Kalikasan  Ningning at Liwanag ni Emilio Jacinto
4. Tao laban sa Lipunan  Nigning ay madaya at pno ng
5. Tao laban sa Tadhana kasinungalingan.
 Liwanag ay kailangan natin upang
LESSON 5.1 – MAIKLING mabatid ang katotohanan.
Ang maikling kuwento ay isang maikling KATAPORA
salaysay hinggil sa isang mahalagang
pangyayarin kinsasangkutan ng isa o ilang Ang panghalip ay mga salitang ginagamit
tauhan at may iisang kakintalan o impresyon panghalili sa pangngalan.
 Anapora ay mga reperensiya na
 Ang Kwintas ni Guy de Maupassant kalimitan ay panghalip na tumutukoy
 Mathilde – ang pangunahing sa mga nabanggit na sa unahan ng
karakter na may masyadong teksto o pangungusap.
sopistikadong pamumuhay o kaya  Katapora naman ay mga reperensya
sa madaling salita- maarte. na bumabanggit, at tumutukoy sa mga
 G. Loisel – ang kaniyang asawa. bagay na nasa hulihan pa ng teksto o
 Madam Forestier – ang mayamang pangungusap.
kaibigan ni Mathilde at nawalan ng
kwintas dahil Nawala ni Mathilde.  Panghalip panao ay ang panghalip na
 Nagkakahalaga ang kwintas ni humahalili sa pangngalagang pantao.
Forestier na 200 prangko. Ngunit,  Isahan:
inakala nina Mathilde at Loisel na Una – ako, ko, akin
40, 000 ito, na siyang naging dahilan Ikalawa – ikaw, ka, mo, iyo
sa paghirap nila. Ikatlo – siya, niya, kanya
 Dalawahan:
Una – kata, kita
 Maramihan:
Una – tayo, kami, amin, atin, natin
Ikalawa – kayo, inyo, Ninyo
Ikatlo – sila, nila, kanila


Ang kontemporaryong isyu ay tumutukoy sa mga  Ang likas na yaman ng Pilipinas sa

napapanahong pangyayari na nakaaapekto at kasalukayan: Kagubatan, Yamang Tubig,
maaaring makapagpabago sa kalagayan ng tao at
Yamang Lupa.
maging sa lipunang kanityang ginagalawan.
 Mga Suliraning pangkapaligiran: Solid
 Ang pagiging mulat sa mga isyung ito ay waste, Pagkasira ng likas na Yaman,
nakapagdudulot ng maraming Climate Change
kapakinabangan sa tao.  Republic Act No. 9003 o kilala bilang
 Ang pagbigay-pansin at pagsusuri sa Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
mga isyung ito ay mahalga sa pagnanais of 2000
nating makapamuhay nang maunlad at



 Mga Yugto sa pagbuo ng CBDRRM Plan

1. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation – 2. Disaster Preparedness – tumutukoy sa
dito tinataya ang mga hazard at mga hakbang o dapat gawin bago at sa
kakayahan ng pamayanan sa panahon ng pagtama ng kalamidad,
pagharap sa iba’t ibang suliraning sakuna, o hazard.
a. To inform – magbigay kaalaman
a. Risk Assessment – pagtataya ng tungkol sa mga hazard, risk, capability,
peligro at pisikal na katangian ng komunidad.
b. Hazard Assessment – pagsusuri b. To advise – magbigay ng
sa lawak, sakop, at pinsala na impormasyon tungkol sa mga gawain
maaaring danasin ng isang lugar. para sa proteksiyon, paghahanda, at
c. Vulnerability Assessment – pag-iwas sa mga sakuna, kalamidad, at
tinataya ang kahinaan o kakulangan hazard.
ng isang tahanan o komunidad c. To instruct – magbigay ng mga
d. Capacity Assessment – tinataya hakbang na dapat gawin, mga ligtas na
ang kakayahan ng komunidad na lugar na dapat puntahan, mga
harapin ang iba’t ibag uri ng hazard. opisyales na dapat hingan ng tulong sa
roas ng sakuna, kalamidad, at hazard.

3. Disaster Response – tinataya

kung gaano kalawak ang
pinsalang dulot ng isang

a. Needs Assessment –
tumutukoy sa mga pangunahing
pangangailangan ng mga biktima
ng kalamidad.
b. Damage Assessment –
tumutukoy sa bahagya o
pangkalahatang pagkasira ng
mga ari-arian dulot ng kalamidad
c. Loss Assessment – tumutukoy
sa pansamantalang pagkawala
ng serbisyo at pangmatagalang
pagkawala ng produksyon.

4. Disaster Rehabilitation and

Recovery – mga hakbang at
Gawain ay nakatuon sa
pagsasaayos ng mga nasirang
pasilidad at istruktura at mga
naantalang pangunahing
serbisyo upang manumbalik sa
dating kaayusan at normal na
daloy ang pamumuhay ng isang
nasalantang komunidad.


 Impressionism Impressionism is an art movement that emerged in the

> designed to create a second half of the 19th century among a group of Paris-
based artist.
> melodies tend to be short and often
 Characteristics of Impressionism Art:
1. Color and Light
- Debussy; Claire de Lune
2. Everyday Subjects
- Ravel; Miroirs
3. Painting Outdoors
- Schoenberg; Piano Concerto
4. Open Compositions
- Stravinsky; The Firebird Suite
 Elements of Art:
 Primitivism
1. Line
> tonal through the asserting of one
2. Shape
note as more important than the others
3. Space
- Bartok; String Quartet no. 4
4. Color
 Neo-Classicism
5. Value
> combined elements of the classical
 Principles of Art:
1. Rhythm
> composers wanted to reconnect with
2. Balance
the past NOT revive it
3. Emphasis
- Prokofieff; Romeo and Juliet
4. Proportion
- Poulenc; Concerto for Two Pianos
 Claude Monet was one of the founders
 Avant Garde
of the Impressionist movement
> closely associated with electronic
- Gershwin; Summertime
- Bernstein; Tonight, from West Side
Story Abstractionism is an artistic style in which the natural
- Glass; Einstein on the beach appearance of objects becomes unimportant, and
 Electronic Music images are reduced to geometrical shapes, pattern
> music that uses the tape recorded is lines, angles, textures, and colors.
called musique concrete
- Varese; Poeme Electronique  Representational Abstractionism –
 Chance Music depicting still-recognizable subjects
> refers to a style wherein the piece  Pure Abstractionism – where no
always sounds different at every recognizable subject could be discerned
performance  Cubism is derived its name from the
- Cage; 4:33” cube, a three-dimensional geometric
figure composed of strictly measured
lines, planes, and angles on a flat surface

PE | LESSON 1: PHYSICAL > Foreign Artist: Pablo Picasso; Three

TO VIGOROUS > Filipino Counterpart: Vicente
Manansala; Magsasaka
Physical Fitness is the ability of a person to do our  Futurism is a fast-paced, machine-
everyday tasks with vigor and alertness without propelled age introduce movement into
excessive fatigue and still has plenty energy to enjoy
canvas and link beauty with scientific
leisure and to meet unexpected emergencies.
 Moderate-Intensity Physical Activity – > For. Artist: Gino Severino; Armored
activity that requires enough amount Train
of effort and noticeably accelerates the  Mechanical Style is the result of futurist
heart rate. movement
 Vigorous-Intensity Physical Activity – > Fernand Leger; The City
requires a large amount of effort and  Non-Objectivism from the very term
causes rapid breathing and a “non-object”
substantial increase in heart rate. > For. Artist: Piet Mondrian; New York
 The target rate of a 1 year old is City
between 123-164 beats per minute > Fil. Counter: Fernando Zobel

PE | LESSON 2: ACTIVITY  Abstract Expressionism

RECREATION 1. Action Painting – splattering,
squirting, and dribbling paint
2. Color Field Painting – used different
 Level 4: Rest, Watching T.V., Reading, color saturations
Playing Computer 3. Neodadaism – enjoys nonsense for
 Level 3: Weight Lifting, Sprinting, its own sake and simply wanted to
Jumping, and Stretching laugh at the world
 Level 2: Walking, Swimming, Running, 4. Conceptual Art – in the mind of the
Cycling, or any sport with light artist, took concrete form for a time,
intensity and then disappeared.
 Level 1: Walk rather than ride, and 5. Optical Art – lines, spaces, and colors
climb the train were precisely planned and
 Aerobic is any type of cardiovascular positioned to give the illusion of
type of activity movement
 Anaerobic includes heavy weight 6. Installation Art - a contemporary art
training, sprinting, jumping. form that uses sculptural materials
 Bone Strengthening produce an impact and other media to modify the way
or tension force on the bones that the viewer experiences a particular
promotes bone growth and strength. space
 Light Intensity requires the least 7. Performance Art – a form of modern
amount of effort art in which the action of an
 Moderate Intensity are those that get individual or a group at a particular
you moving fast enough place and in a particular time
 Vigorous Intensity is done with large constitute the work.
amount of effort.


 Health-Related Fitness components
are needed in everyday life. Focuses
 Dentist – teeth/oral
on health and it is related to the
overall well-being of a person.  Dermatologist – skin
 Dietician/Nutritionist – advises on
> Cardiovascular fitness matters of food
> Healthful body composition  Cardiologist – heart
> Flexibility  Gastroenterologist – digestive system
> Muscular Strength  Geriatrician – old people
> Muscular Endurance  Neurologist – neuro muscular system
 Ophthalmologist – eyes
 Skill-Related Fitness consist of  Pulmonologist – respiratory
components that are important to  Gynecologists – women’s health
succeed in skillful activities.  Orthopedist – bones
 Urologist – urinary tract/reproductive
> Agility tract in men
> Balance  Pediatricians – babies
> Coordination
> Reaction
> Speed  Hospital is an institution where people
> Power undergo medical diagnosis, care and
HEALTH | LESSON 2,3,5,6,7,8:  Private hospital – to gain profit
CONSUMER HEALTH  Voluntary hospital – does not require
 Health fraud refers to products like
 Government or public hospital – being
drugs, devices, foods or cosmetics that
run by the state
claim to prevent, treat, or cure
 General hospital – complete
diseases or other health conditions,
but are not proven safe and effective  Specialty hospital handle a particular
for those uses disease or condition or deal with only
one type of PH, and National Kennedy
 DOH is the executive department of
Transplant Institute
the gov. responsible for ensuring
access to basic public health services
 Medical Care
 DTI is a prime mover of consumer
welfare  Outpatient care – does not require an
individual to stay
 NFA is a program that aims to ensure
that prices of stable rice and corn are  Inpatient care – refers to care given to
reasonable and affordable to individuals
consuming public.
 FDA is responsible for the safeguarding  Walk-in Surgery Center, Health Center,
of public health by monitoring drugs, Extended Healthcare Facility.
medical devices, and cosmetics.
 ICPEN is a network of governmental  Medical Insurance, Major Medical
consumer protection authorities from Insurance, Hospitalization. Insurance,
over 50 countries. Surgical Insurance, Disability Insurance
 Right to basic needs, right to safety,  Public Insurance, Surgical Insurance,
right to information, right to choice, Health Maintenance Organization
right to redress, right to (HMO)
representation, right to consumer
education, right to healthy


Major Domains of Complementary

and Alternative medicine
 Biology-based practices – herbal
 Energy Medicine – magnetic fields or
bio fields
 Manipulative and body-based practices
– are bodily-kinesthetic in nature and
concerned with movement therapy
 Mind-body medicine – mental

PITAHC Approved Alt Modalities

 Naturopathy
 Herbal Medicine

Examples of motor:
 Acupuncture – long thin needles are
 Ventosa cupping massage therapy –
procedure is done by placing inverted
glasses that have flames from burning
 Reflexology - acupuncture but feet
 Acupressure – acupuncture but hand
 Nutrition Therapy – provides a tailored
suet for the patient.




 How can you describe an entrepreneur? - Gives more information about the
- w/ skills and capabilities to see and relative position and arrangement of
evaluate opportunities devices and terminals on the devices
- can strategically identify products  Fix and replace non-functional tools and
- an agent of economic change equipment
 To identify a potential competitor who  Hierarchy of Controls:
hires and do surveys - market research - Elimination
 Side cutting pliers are used to cut fine - Substitution
and medium wire - Engineering Controls
 To store an electrical item, use original - Administrative Controls
boxes - PPE
 Measurement is important to people  Through proper care and maintenance,
because it provides the creative way to we can improve the use of appropriate
get measurement measuring devices
 To take proper care of a multi-tester, it  If electricians will not follow the common
should be stored in a dry place electrical symbols and signs, then they
 Electrical symbols are small drawings or will not be able to recognize a component
pictograms used to represent various  To identify a pictorial diagram- is a sketch
electrical devices in a diagram of electrical circuit that shows the
 It is a must to identify whether a work external appearance of each component
equipment can be operated, adjusted,  Tools should not rub against each other
and maintained safely when stored
 Every 6 months is the desired time to  By mean of changing a piece of machinery
check the condition of tools or a work process to reduce expose to a
 We may prevent/control hazards/risk by hazard- it’s Engineering control
following all the control measures
 We follow and control hazards/risk by
using more than one control measure
 Implement Control Assistance to
implement control in a workplace
 Visual inspection – visual observation
 Importance of Electrical Wiring Diagram
and Plan, from least to most important:
- Vital for documenting
- Communicating information
- Troubleshooting your power systems

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