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Do Green Marketing Strategies Influence Green Buying Intentions Evidence From Developing Economy

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Do Green Marketing Strategies Influence Green

Buying Intentions? Evidence from
Developing Economy
Amena Khatuna Sanjoy Kumar Royb*
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Corresponding author, Assistant Professor,
European University of Bangladesh, General Education Department, City University,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract:- This study aimsto investigate the influence of green design, production, integrated marketing
green marketing strategies on the green buying communication, etc. (Saleem et al., 2021).
intentions of Bangladeshi green consumers. A
convenience sample of 277 consumers was used. The For a few years, the environment has been facing
study employed structural equation modeling to several challenges, such as global warming, air pollution,
scrutinize the impact of green marketing strategies. The water pollution, climate change, etc., which have led
results indicate that all the green variables (value, consumers to be more aware of the consequences of these
packaging, labeling, price place, and promotion) challenges (Govender and Govender, 2016). These
significantly impact green buying intentions.The green challenges have prioritized the business atmosphere and
promotion has the highest impact and the green place public thinking (Govender and Govender, 2016). Once,
has the lowest impact on the green buying intentions of quality of life, sustainability, society's well-being, the
consumers. Marketers and experts may take necessary cohesion of society, and transmission of values were just in
steps for the betterment of business marketing as well as morality, but nowadays, these are the norms in business
for a sustainable environment and livelihood. ethics for the sake of the society, environment, and
organization (Murin et al., 2015; Islam et al., 2021). By
Keywords:- green strategy, green buying intention; green applying green marketing, marketers can bring betterment
consumer behavior; green marketing, Bangladesh. for our planet and inspire the public who are conscious of
the consequence of the challenges the environment is facing
I. INTRODUCTION today. Again, by giving importance to sustainable green
products,companies can decrease damageto our
An environment surrounds us, and this environment is environment. That's why green marketing is also called eco-
being negatively affected by human activities (Vani, 2022). marketing or environmental marketing (Machova et al.,
Every government worldwide is trying to reduce its 2022). Green marketing makes the marketer capable of
influence on the environment (Vani,2022). Nowadays, occupying a distinctive position in the consumers' mindset,
people are more concerned with the environment than increasing the number of loyal customers. As a result, the
before (Vani, 2022). Due to the new concern of society, marketer gets a higher competitive advantage in the
marketers have started to modify their business activities marketplace. Marketers who adopt green marketing
and integrate environmental aspects into business activities strategies can minimize the negative impact of
(Vani, 2022). Green issues have been incorporated manufacturing on the environment. They can manufacture
intovarious literature by academic disciplines, for example, recyclable products, decrease the consumption of energy,
marketing(Kaur et al., 2022; Vani,2022), human resource decrease the utilization of natural resources, increase
management (Chowdhury et al., 2019; credibility, accomplish innovation,confirmlongitudinal
Tanova&Bayighomog, 2022), education (Zhong et al., growth and earn higher revenue.
2022). "Green Marketing" is included in the syllabus, and
along with marketing, students study green marketing There are severalpieces of research where the
(Vani,2022). Green marketing develops and sells goods and researchers have narrated the influence of green marketing
services which are environmentally friendly. Green strategies on purchasing intention and consumer behavior in
marketing incorporates marketing strategies in a way that several nations (Hossain and Rahman, 2018; Kaur et al.,
considers society's long-term interests and is connected to 2022; Mehraj& Qureshi, 2020).Since Bangladesh is the
the companies, consumers, and environment (Karnai et al., eighth most populated country in the world, more research is
2021). Green marketing considers sustainable designs, tools needed on green marketing issues to protect the country's
and environmentally friendly strategies to fulfil consumers' ecology from ecological hazards (Hossain and Rahman,
needs (Chowdhury & Roy, 2015; Mohammed, 2021; 2018; Kaur et al., 2022). There is inadequatework on the
Machovaet al., 2022). Marketing should not be defined as effect of green marketing strategies adopted by marketers to
only sales and advertisements; a wide range of activities are satisfy green consumers in Bangladesh(Hossain and
included in it, for example, product ideation, distribution, Rahman, 2018). Previous studies especially measure the
packaging, transportation, promotion, pricing, etc. (Saleem impact of a green marketing mix on green consumer buying
et al., 2021). Green marketing includes a wide range of intentions (Hossain and Rahman, 2018; Kaur et al., 2022;
environment-oriented marketing activities, for example, Roy et al., 2021). The marketing mix variables were the

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
green product, green price, green place and green and avoid purchasing plastic-packaged products. Therefore,
promotion. But the green product variable comprises three marketers should try not to sell plastic packaged products
factors: green value, green packaging, and green labelling. and emphasize recycled packaging because consumers'
Again, no work has been done to investigate the significant green purchasing decision is greatly influenced by green
impact of green value, green packaging, and green labelling packaging (Agyeman, 2014). According to Davis (2014),
on green buying intentions in the context of Bangladesh. female consumers prioritize packaging more than males.
Therefore, this study has been designed to fill up the Hence, green packaging attracts and encourages green
gap.This study aims to scrutinize the impact of green purchasing (Jerda&Sahayaselvi, 2018).So, the hypothesis is:
marketing strategy variables on consumers' buying intention
in the context of Bangladesh. H2: Green packaging significantly influences consumers'
green buying intentions.
A. Green Consumer
Green marketers are those who purchase green products C. Green Labeling
(Vani, 2022). Green consumers' purpose is to save Green labels are the symbols used to describe a product
themselves the globe through their purchasing power as environmentally safe, and the product is considered a
(Zeynalova&Namazova, 2022). All purchasing activities of green product (Sharma and Kushwaha 2019). Green labels
green consumers are based on the intention to ensure the are considered in terms of environmental standards (Sharma
ecological balance (Vani, 2022). By avoiding buying and Kushwaha 2019). Green label is considered an
products that are detrimental to the environment, green important medium of communication that conveys
consumers contribute greatly to the environment (Vani, information to consumers and helps them to take purchasing
2022). Green consumers do not buy unwholesome products; decision (Rex and Baumann, 2007). Since green labeling is
detrimental to the environment during production, usage, the appearance of an environment-friendly product, most
and after usage; they do not consume more energyand consumers like green-labeled products compared tothe
elements that endanger different species(Vani, 2022). traditional labeled product (Sharma and Kushwaha 2019).
Therefore, a green consumer adopts environmentally So, green labeling increases sales, and the hypothesis is:
friendly behaviours and purchases green products (Vani,
2022). H3: Green labeling significantly influences consumers'
green buying intentions.
D. Green Pricing
A. Green Value An individual has to pay an amount to obtain ownership
Value is the difference between the benefits of of something; this amount is called a price (Burrow,
preserving and consuming a product and the cost of 2008).Marketers should emphasize green pricing since it is
obtaining that product. Green products meet consumer needs one of the important elements of the green marketing mix
in a way that involves environmental well-being (Patterson (Govender & Govender, 2016). Price is the prime reason
and Spreng, 1997). Previous researchers proved that green consumers do not purchase a green product because of its
value is an important element of green marketing strategies, expense (Bukhari, 2011).However,consumers are frequently
which influences green consumers' buying intention. purchasing green products today (Ahammad,2012).
Therefore, marketers emphasize green value perception Especially, the young generation is more interested in
because it enhances consumer purchasing interest purchasing green products and paying a fixed amount
(Steenkamp and Geyskens, 2006). When consumers (Anvar& Venter, 2014). Green products or services,
perceive increased value from a product, their purchasing recyclable paper, brand-new coffee strainer, and renewable
intention increases for this product (Chang & Chen, energy facility creates the floor for green pricing
2008).Perceived green value and buying intention are highly (Ahammad, 2012). Different costs incorporated because of
correlated (Dhewi et al., 2018). Perceived value greatly the consideration of environmental standards are added to
influences increasing sales (Dhewi et al., 2018). So, the green products' production costs (Kaur et al., 2022). When
hypothesis is: consumers perceive that the consumed benefit exceeds the
cost, they are willing to pay the price fixed by the marketer
H1: Green value significantly influences consumers' (Abzari et al.,2013). Therefore, green product prices
green buying intentions. significantly affect buying intention (Widayanti,
2020).Previous researches show that consumers of green
B. Green Packaging product are not reluctant to pay a higher price forgreen
Green packaging is served as the marketing strategy to products (Bathmathan&Rajadurai, 2019).Therefore, the
contain, identify, explain, protect, visualize, communicate hypothesis is:
and make the green product marketable (Govender &
Govender, 2016). Green packaging is designed and H4: Green price significantly influences consumers'
produced insuch a way it is beneficial to the users, green buying intentions.
consumers, and manufacturers of packaged products (Kozik,
2020). In recent years, packaging has been designed and
produced in terms of environmental aspects (Kozik, 2020).
One of the main reasons for environmental pollution is the
usage of plastic. Consumers are more environment-oriented

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
E. Green Place environment faces today and purchase eco-friendly goods
The place consists of the firms and people who make a that are biodegradable, produced with recycled materials,
product available to the consumers. The closer location and and CFC-free. Advertising effectively increases customers'
easy accessibility impact consumer buying decisions since knowledge about a product and its influence on the
most consumers are not interested in buying green products environment (Ansar, 2013). Nowadays, emotional
or services by travelling far (Kontic, 2010). Green products advertising is the priorityfor marketers to influence the
can be available for consumers in supermarkets (Gittell et buying intention of consumers (Ahern, 2013). So, marketers
al., 2015).Hence, marketers should give importance to the can use environmental advertising to increase the motivation
availability of green products in the nearest place to the of consumers to purchase green products. (Govender &
consumer (Kaur et al., 2022). Therefore, the hypothesis is: Govender, 2016).Previous studies show that green
promotion has been able to modify green consumers'
H5: Green place significantly influences consumers' traditional purchasing habits, and the habits have been
green buying intentions. shifted to green products (Agus&Rasmen, 2019).If
marketers implement these promotional strategies properly,
F. Green Promotion consumers will be attracted to green products, increasing
Green promotion introduces a green product in the green purchasing.Therefore, the hypothesis is:
marketplace and persuades green consumers to purchase that
product. When consumers are not knowledgeable enough H6: Green promotionimportantly influences consumers'
about a product, visual presentation in the product's green buying intentions.
packaging is an important tool for marketing promotion
(Govender & Govender, 2016). The green promotion also The proposed hypothesized model is represented in figure 1.
works to create consciousness of the hazards the

Green value

Green Packaging

Green Labeling

Green Price Intention

Green Place

Green Promotion

Fig. 1: Hypothesized Research Model

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
III. METHODOTHOLOGY statements relating to the dependent variable, green buying
intention. The items are given in appendix 1. A total of 300
A. Data Collection respondents were given the questionnaire to fill up. After
For collecting primary data, a personal interview final checking, 277 questionnaire was suitable for further
technique was employed. Convenience sampling methods analysis. The analysis was performed by using SPSS and
have been used for collecting information from customers SmartPLS software.
who are well known for the term "green marketing". All the
constructs from the literature were with standard scales. B. Consumers demographic analysis
Since a structured questionnaire makes it easier to answer 53.07% of the consumers were female, and the rest were
the questions, a well-structured questionnaire has been male. Most consumers are 20-25 years (45.49%) and are
formulated by the researchers (Roy & Ahmed, 2016). For graduates (39.71%). Furthermore, the majority of green
collecting the consumer responses,a five-pointLikert scale consumers are students (37.54%). Only 8.30% of the
was used. In this study, onepresented"strongly disagree", respondents have an income of more than 50000
and five presented"strongly agree". In the dimensions of Bangladeshi taka, whereas less than 30000 Bangladeshi taka
green marketing strategies, researchers have used 22 (46.21%) (See Table 1).
statements for ratingsof the performance. There were four

Male Female Total

20-25 52 (40%) 74 (50.34%) 126 (45.49%)
26-30 28 (21.54%) 24 (16.33%) 52 (18.77%)
Age 31-35 47 (36.15%) 43 (29.25%) 90 (32.49%)
36-40 3 (2.31%) 6 (4.08%) 9 (3.25%)
130 (46.93%) 147 (53.07%) 277 (100%)
Undergraduate 24 (18.46%) 62 (42.18%) 86 (31.05%)
Graduate 40 (30.77%) 70 (47.62%) 110 (39.71%)
Education Post-graduate 60 (46.15%) 11 (7.48%) 71 (25.63%)
Doctorate 6 (4.62%) 4 (2.72%) 10 (3.61%)
130 (46.93%) 147 (53.07%) 277 (100%)
Student 42 (32.31%) 62 (42.18%) 104 (37.54%)
Homemaker 1 (0.77%) 54 (36.73%) 55 (19.86%)
Occupation Own business 22 (16.92%) 20 (13.61%) 42 (15.16%)
Professional 65 (50%) 11 (7.48%) 76 (27.44%)
130 (46.93%) 147 (53.07%) 277 (100%)
Less than 30,000 48 (36.92%) 80 (54.42%) 128 (46.21%)
Monthly Income 30,000-50,000 66 (50.77%) 60 (40.82%) 126 (45.49%)
More than 50,000 16 (12.31%) 7 (4.76%) 23 (8.30%)
130 (46.93%) 147 (53.07%) 277 (100%)
Table 1: Demographic profile of the respondents

IV. RESULTS values varied from 0.743 to 0.877, which was greater than
the 0.70 indicated by Nunnally and Bernstein (1994). The
A. Assessment of the measurement model CR values of all latent constructs varied from 0.837 to
To assess the measurement model, researchers check the 0.924, which was much higher than the tolerable limit of
factor loadings (λ), Cronbach's alpha (α), composite 0.70 (Hair et al., 2020). Furthermore, the AVE values were
reliability (CR), average variance extracted (AVE), and greater than the cutoff value of 0.50 (Hair et al., 2010) for
discriminant validity (Hair et al., 2020; Roy, 2022). The all the constructs. Based on these fit indicators, it was
result found that the λ values for all variables were ensured that the model had appropriate convergent validity.
substantial and greater than the indicated threshold value of
0.70 (Hair et al., 2020). See table 2 and figure 2.
Furthermore, the findings of construct consistency using α

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Factor Items λ α CR AVE
Green Value GVAL1 0.725 0.828 0.879 0.593
GVAL2 0.803
GVAL3 0.754
GVAL4 0.765
GVAL5 0.801
Green Packaging GPAC1 0.824 0.743 0.837 0.562
GPAC2 0.706
GPAC3 0.715
GPAC4 0.749
Green Labeling GLAB1 0.848 0.777 0.870 0.691
GLAB2 0.796
GLAB3 0.849
Green Price GPRI1 0.799 0.834 0.889 0.667
GPRI2 0.877
GPRI3 0.733
GPRI4 0.850
Green Place GPLA1 0.921 0.877 0.924 0.802
GPLA2 0.884
GPLA3 0.881
Green Promotion GPRO1 0.850 0.820 0.892 0.734
GPRO2 0.866
GPRO3 0.853
Green Buying Intention GBIN1 0.876 0.861 0.905 0.705
GBIN2 0.855
GBIN3 0.821
GBIN4 0.804
Table 2: Convergent validity

Again, to measure the discriminant validity of the the AVE values. The study results meet these conditions.
model, Fornell&Larcker's (1981) criteria and Heterotrait- Again, the HTMT ratio value needs to be less than the
Monotrait ratio (HTMT) were employed. According threshold of 0.85 (Kline, 2015). The outcomes of the work
toFornell and Larcker's criteria, the inter-correlation affirm the criteria. So, the discriminant validity has no
between the construct must be less than the square root of issues. See Table 3.

Fornell and Larcker's criteria

Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Buying
Value Packaging Labeling Price Place Promotion Intention
Green Value 0.770
Green Packaging 0.562 0.750
Green Labeling 0.651 0.470 0.832
Green Price 0.638 0.472 0.674 0.817
Green Place 0.568 0.504 0.513 0.533 0.896
Green Promotion 0.567 0.485 0.598 0.666 0.599 0.857
Green Buying 0.671 0.580 0.653 0.669 0.597 0.659 0.839
HTMT ratio
Green Value
Green Packaging 0.710
Green Labeling 0.814 0.610
Green Price 0.760 0.578 0.840
Green Place 0.666 0.606 0.620 0.621
Green Promotion 0.678 0.598 0.739 0.786 0.698
Green Buying 0.780 0.705 0.791 0.766 0.678 0.768
Note: Bold diagonal elements represent the square root of AVE values.

Table 3: Discriminant validity

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Fig. 2: The results of the measurement model

B. Structural equation model (SEM) buying intention. The results support the hypothesis (β
The study then proceeds by examining the structural =0.163, t-value = 2.846, p-value <0.01).The outcome is
model's path coefficients, illustrated in table 4 and figure 03. analogous to the previous work (Rex and Baumann, 2007).
As for hypothesis, H1, the green value has a significant Again, as stated by H4, the green price significantly impacts
impact on green buying intention(β =0.187, t-value = 2.841, green buying intention. Hypothesis H4 is supported by the
p-value <0.01). The hypothesis was supported, which study results (β =0.173, t-value = 2.493, p-value <0.05) and
confirms that the green value significantly positively is also similar to the work of Widayanti(2020). Similarly,
impactsgreen buying intention. The study outcomes were green place significantly predicts green buying intention (β
supported by earlier research (Chang & Chen, 2008; Dhewi =0.118, t-value = 2.467, p-value <0.05) and supports the
et al., 2018). The result found that green packaging is a hypothesis H5. The result is identical toKaur et al.'s
substantial predictor of green buying intention because β result(2022). Finally, green promotion is also an important
=0.165, t-value = 2.904, and p-value <0.01. So, hypothesis predictor of green buying intention. The study results
H2 was supported, and the result is consistent with supported the preposition H6(β=0.190, t-value = 3.154, p-
Jerda&Sahayaselvi's (2018) research work.According to value <0.01) and consistent with the earlier research work
hypothesis H3, green labeling significantly impacts green (Ahern, 2013; Agus&Rasmen, 2019).

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Fig. 3: The results of the structural model

H Relationships β t-values p-values Supported

H1 Green Value -> Green Buying Intention 0.187 2.841 0.005 Yes
H2 Green Packaging -> Green Buying Intention 0.165 2.904 0.004 Yes
H3 Green Labeling -> Green Buying Intention 0.163 2.846 0.004 Yes
H4 Green Price -> Green Buying Intention 0.173 2.493 0.013 Yes
H5 Green Place -> Green Buying Intention 0.118 2.467 0.014 Yes
H6 Green Promotion -> Green Buying Intention 0.190 3.154 0.002 Yes
Table 4: Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Results

C. Predictive power (R2) and predictive relevance (Q2) V. DISCUSSION

The quality of the structural model was evaluated by the
coefficient of determination (R2) and predictive relevance This research has been conducted for the purpose of
(Q2). The model has substantial explanatory power as green describing the influence of green marketing mix essentials
value, packaging, labeling, price, place, and promotion on the buying intention of the green consumer of
explain 63.9% of the variance in brand trust. Again, the Bangladesh after the pandemic period of Covid-19. Hence,
predictive relevance value was .435, which is greater than 0, it is a must for the producer and marketer to perceive the
indicating good predictive relevance (Chin et al., 2020). The relevancy of the strategies of the marketing mix for
researchers also checked the goodness of fit (GoF) index. attracting the green consumer towards green products
The approximate fit of the structural model was assessed by produced and sold. The researchers have perceived that all
standardized root mean square residuals (SRMR) (Henseler, the elements of green marketing considered by the
2012). For a good fit of a model, the SRMR value should commercial organization positively impact the purchasing
the less than 0.08 (Henseler, 2012). The SRMR value of the decision of Bangladeshi green consumers towards pro-
study was 0.067, which indicates considerable goodness of environmental products. The findings show that Bangladeshi
fit. consumers' purchasing intention is significantly impacted by
green value, packaging, labelling, price, place, and

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
promotion. This way, it can be narrated that a green product place, and green promotion) will empirically accomplish the
is eco-friendly. A green product's quality is high, it is purchasing intention of Bangladeshi people. This study has
beneficial to health, and the cost of a green product is contributed to the literature by suggesting a structural
justified. So, most of the respondents perceive that the equation model with necessary constructs to reveal the green
benefit of the green product outweighs the cost, and the buying decision of the green consumers of Bangladesh. The
perceived value significantly influence consumers' buying finding of exploratory research plays a significant role in
decision. Secondly, the aesthetic design or patterns building up the theory around green marketing elements and
motivates consumers' buying action. Green packaging is consumers' intentions. Bangladeshi consumers' purchasing
considered a means of pride and possession by green intentions are significantly influenced by green value, green
consumers. Some consumers do not observe the production packaging, green labeling, green price, green place and
and expiry date. Some are very concerned about labeling green promotion. Hence, the researchers suggest this study
green products, which influences their purchasing will encourage the marketers of green products to apply
intentions. The green product's price is reasonable to the oppressive strategies related to green value, green
consumers. The price of the green product is proportionate packaging, green labeling, green labeling, green price,
with its quality and other green aspects. Green products environment-friendly place and green promotion mixes. So,
consumers want green products easily accessible in the it is high time to design a new marketing campaign
green retail store. Green consumers know about the involving a consumer's necessity to consume a green
environmental benefits of green products through different product and contribute to saving the earth from further
promotional mixes that make them easily acceptable. downfall.

It is also emphasized that green places/channels had VII. CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND FUTURE
the lowest, and green promotion had the greatest influence RESEARCH
on green purchasing intention. This states that Bangladeshi
customers are encouraged by the green marketing offerings There is an increased demand for green products from
of the seller and convert their green purchasing intention the emergence of environmental protection, safety and
into actual purchasing. It is also highlighted that the green health of families. More experiments are needed to justify
consumers' trust in the offerings of the green seller is more the theoretical components that reveal the deepness of the
important than the perception of the green product as the categorical greenness of customers' purchasing intentions.
solution to environmental hazards. On the other hand, Environmental attitude is a concept which is growing
previous research proved that green product is the most rapidly with consumer buying intention habits in
significant factor influencing on green purchasing intention Bangladesh. On the contrary, the upcoming scope of the
of Bangladeshi customers (Hossain & Rahman, 2018). In research related to the 4Ps of marketing can require more
contrast, green products have less significance on the and various measures, e. g.,the 7Ps (product, price, place,
purchasing intention of Indian customers (Kaur et al., 2022). promotion, packaging, positioning and people) of the green
marketing strategies in Bangladesh. In the case of
VI. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL IMPLICATION maintaining a greener and cleaner environment, buyers are
not reluctant to pay more for green promotions. So, green
By this exploratory research, the green marketing mix advertising play's vital role in agricultural countries like
strategies have been affirmed as the significant predictors of India for buying intentions. The organizations that are
green purchasing decisions of the consumers of Bangladesh, improving with creative objects, resources and newness,
which will vitally contribute to the literature. Hence, saving the ecology and describing the task assimilate the
policymakers and marketers should design marketing tools conclusions will get the maximum benefits in future.
and tactics to incorporate the customer's positive ecological
attitude into purchasing intention for green goods or This study cannot overcome four limitations: Firstly, a
services. To convert the buying decision of the green cross-sectional design has been used, determining the
consumer into the green buying decision, a marketer should practical value of the findings for the producers and
dominate the environmental emotions of the consumer. marketers. Secondly, this exploratory analysis does not
Ecology-sensitive customers are mainly involved in the generalize Western and developed nations since this study
move. In addition, emerging countries' consumers like has been conducted in an economy that assimilates unique
Bangladesh are likely to be nature-oriented; hence, this cultural characteristics completely different from developed
nature orientation can be considered the floor by marketers nations. Thirdly, random sampling may be used since the
to plan their future movements strategically. present study only uses a convenience sampling technique.
Fourthly, the researchers have shown only direct relation;
The researchers experimented with the effect of green future research may use mediator variables,i. e.
marketing mix elements on the green buying decisions of environmental attitude and green trust. This research is
the people of Bangladesh for personal care products froma limited to the emerging nation in the time frame post-
green perspective. There is a scarcity of literature perceiving pandemic (Bangladesh). This study shows the path for
the deepness of describing consumers' purchasing intentions further research to use this empirical model in other
in developing countries like Bangladesh. This research will emerging countries with diversified geographical locations
contribute to the sense hub of green customers purchasing and different settings. Moreover, if similar studies are
intentions. The adoption of green marketing mixes (green conducted in a longitudinal setting, these can increase the
value, green packaging, green labeling, green price, green pro-environmental measures for sustainable consumption.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Appendix 1

Constructs Statements Source

Green Value GVAL1: The product's environmental performance meets my expectation. Kanade
(GVAL) GVAL2: Green products are good for health. &
GVAL3: This product's environmental functions provide very good value for me. Harwani, 2022
GVAL4: Purchase this product because it has more conservation.
GVAL5: I order this product because it is ecologically friendly.
Green GPAC1: The packaging is made from recyclable materials. Kanade
Packaging GPAC2: The packaging is biodegradable. &
(GPAC) GPAC3: The packaging is recyclable and reusable. Harwani, 2022
GPAC4: The product has no excessive packaging.
Green GLAB1: Green advertisements are continuously trustworthy. Kanade
Labeling GLAB2: I contemplate what is printed on eco-labels, to be precise. &
(GLAB) GLAB3: The information on eco-label is habitually easy to realize. Harwani, 2022
Green price GPRI1: The ecological benefits justify the price of green products. Kaur et al.,
(GPRI) GPRI2: Green product prices should be reasonable to motivate consumers to buy. 2022
GPRI3: The price and quality of green products are proportionate.
GPRI4: The enhanced performance of green products justifies their price.
Green Place GPLA1: Green products are regularly available nearby. Kaur et al.,
(GPLA) GPLA2: Green products are readily available nearby. 2022
GPLA3: Green products are widely available in all places.
Green GPRO1: I tend to pay attention to advertisement messages about the environment. Kaur et al.,
Promotion GPRO2: Consumers are facilitated by environmental messages to make an 2022
(GPRO) informed purchasing decision.
GPRO3: Green advertisements increase consumers' awareness of the benefits of
green products.
Green Buying GBIN1: I am willing to pay more for a green product, avoiding cheaper ones that Kaur et al.,
Intention harm the environment. 2022
(GBIN) GBIN2: I will consider buying green products as they conserve energy resources.
GBIN3: I will consider buying green products as they are recycled materials.
GBIN4: I have the perception that green products have more excellent added value,
and therefore I am willing to pay more.

IJISRT22OCT802 777

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