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Relevance of School Mapping

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ISSN (Online): 2455-3662

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal

Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | April 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614||ISI Value: 1.188



Dr Nzokurim, Joy. C Prof. S. O Oluwo

Department of Educational Management Department of Educational Management
Faculty of Education Faculty of Education
University of Port Harcourt University of Port Harcourt

Educational planning at the local level is referred to as school mapping. It is a rational process of identifying locations for the
construction of classrooms, laboratory and workshops for the achievement of educational objectives. It is the last phase in a
planning process when the physical facilities that should be provided under a given plan are actually located based on the
norms and standards set up by the government. The essence of school mapping is to overcome the possibilities of inequalities
and imbalance in the location of schools and provision of educational facilities. In this period of economic recession, when
the government is finding it difficult to fund education, there is need to rationalize the use of existing facilities in order to
optimize the limited resources provided. A situation where physical facilities are surplus in some schools at the expense of
others cannot guarantee equal educational policy on education. Hence, the need for school mapping.

CONCEPT OF SCHOOL MAPPING equipment forthe purpose of implementing education

School mapping can be conceptualized in policies of a state. It is used to estimate future
different ways. Kaufman and Herman (2002) see school educational requirements and how they can be met.
mapping as requiring systematic effort designed to
locate educational facilities in such a manner that target PURPOSE OF SCHOOL MAPPING
age groups of the population are able to use the The purpose of school mapping is manifold.
facilities to their maximum advantage. To Kaufman and The objectives include the following:
Herman school mapping is not a one-shot thing but a • To assist realize the targets set by the national
continuous process of ensuring that school facilities are policy on education.
provided where they ought to be. Also Igwe in • To set up a school network that will meet the
Oboegbulem (2007) sees school mapping as a process future demand for education.
of planning the location and spacing of educational • To identify the locations for the construction
institutions taking into consideration the demographic, of classroom, laboratories, school buildings
pedagogical, economic, geographical, social, and workshops.
administrative, and political and manpower factors. For • To optimize the use of physical and human
Igwe, school mapping is seen as a technique and resources in achieving educational objectives.
procedure to plan the location and spacing of • To avert waste of scarce educational
educational institutions with a view to achieving resources, human and material.
educational objectives. School mapping is therefore a • To produce an inventory of available
process for collecting and recording curriculum-related educational facilities and show which of the
data which become a tool to help teachers improve facilities are utilized, over utilized and
teaching and learning. It is education planning process underutilized.
that incorporates spatial and demographic dimension. • To ensure that facilities are provided where
School mapping therefore is not an ordinary they can be utilized to the highest advantage.
map of a school that is static showing the location of • To achieve equality of educational
schools, it goes beyond this to show where schools can opportunities through equitable distribution
be located, the need for teachers, facilities and and redistribution of educational facilities.

2020 EPRA IJMR | | Journal DOI URL:

ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | April 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614||ISI Value: 1.188

• To plan the demand for school at the local regarding construction of school buildings and
level and to support decision making on the provision of educational facilities and their utilization.
planning, policy formulation, resource The standards are also set on the location of schools in
allocation and prioritization of future school urban and rural areas.
• To give a vision of how educational service CONSIDERATION OF THE PRESENT
should look in the future. STOCK OF DATA
• To identify the most appropriate location of School mapping activity also involves
school or their alternatives so that more consideration of existing facilities to know the state of
number of children can be benefited from the the art. The consideration and diagnosis will enable the
same level of investment. planners know what is on ground so that rational
• To ensure children attend school within their projections can be made. This will also assist in
catchment areas without much effort in terms avoiding duplication of educational facilities as well as
of trekking a long distance. in rationalization of what should be provided. The
• To cover not only the distribution and consideration will equally help to identify the strengths
redistribution of formal educational facilities and weaknesses of the system so that equitable
but also the non-formal educational ones. distribution of facilities can be ensured. Questionnaires,
Therefore school mapping should not be document analysis and interviews as instrument for
delimited to formal school sector. gathering data can be used. Thus data on resident
population enrolment, teacher supply, school buildings,
SCHOOL MAPPING ACTIVITIES facilities and equipment can be collected for this
To undertake a detailed school mapping exercise. Demographic information is very necessary in
activity in a locality, thefollowing stages need to be school mapping and this should be given optimum
followed: consideration.
• Specification of standards and norms
• Consideration of the present stock of data PROJECTION OF FUTURE
• Projection of future population of the residents POPULATION OF THE RESIDENTS
• Taking decisions on the school location Here, the number of children to be enrolled is
• Estimation of the required facilities in all the assessed based on the catchment area of the school.
educational institutions This has to do with the projection of total and school
• Decisions on the financial resources to age specific population. Population projection gears
accomplish set tasks. towards estimation of the future size and age structure
of the population based on midyear population estimate,
SPECIFICATION OF STANDARDS AND fertility, mortality and migration. The projections are
NORMS used for the purposes of resource allocation and
The location of educational facilities should be planning of where educational facilities will be
guided by the standards and norms developed by the provided. In population projection, assumptions are
government in its investment policies. Therefore made about levels of fertility and mortality as well as
location of schools depends on the set standards and how many people will move into or out of an area
norms. Norms and standards are set after due before the date. The net population increase or decrease
considerations of the entire gamut of educational over the given period is added to the baseline
enterprise. Thus location of schools is based on norms population to project future population. Population
and resources available. So the norms have to be set projections are classified into three categories. They
prior to the establishment of schools. Also within the include mathematical projection, economic projection
norms and standards set some geographical areas may and component projection methods. Furthermore,
be more eligible for opening of new schools than the growth rates and ratio methods of population projection
others. The norms and standards are set based on the can be used. Enrolment projection is essential when
threshold population in urban and rural areas as well as new schools are to be opened, the existing schools are
the minimum number of teachers based on the size of to be upgraded as well as in the estimation of the
enrolment. The norms and standards are also set required number of teachers. A lot of data are needed in
regarding the maximum permissible distance a child has enrolment projection like dropout rate, promotion rate,
to travel from their residence to school. Thus the repetition rate, entry rates.
catchment areas of a school can be measured based on The only constraint here is lack of some of
the norms and standards set. Norms are also set these data at the local level required to make reliable

2020 EPRA IJMR | | Journal DOI URL:

ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | April 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614||ISI Value: 1.188

and precise projections. Capacity to keep accurate data The facilities in question include the site, the
in Nigeria most times is lacking and sometimes building and the equipment, machines, laboratory, seats,
projections are made without reliable information. At blackboard, etc. The estimation of the facilities is
times the data are scanty and not enough to make necessary to avoid duplication, underutilization and
accurate population Projection, hence we depend on the overutilization. Therefore both the infrastructural
most probable approximations and estimate that may facilities and teaching and learning material should be
not be entirely reliable. incorporated in the estimation.


Opening of new schools should be based on PROCUREMENT OF FACILITIES
the set norms by government. Decisions should be Estimation of physical facilities to be procured
taken before location of schools in line with the norms without financial provision is a wild goose cheese.
and standards set by the public authorities. Decisions Funds are very important in every organization.
are made based on the number of school going age to be Planning without due consideration for funding will
enrolled; population in rural and urban areas; the definitely fail. Therefore based on the estimate of
number of teachers available; the permissible distance a facilities required for new and existing schools, cost
child should travel home to school These information estimates can be made based on the prevailing market
are necessary and can be obtained through a survey. price. It is only after the cost estimation that proposals
This will help to identify the most ideal locations to can be prepared for the purchase of the facilities
open schools. In Nigeria, some schools are located required. However, costing is one thing and making
based on political consideration rather than due money available for purchase another more especially
consideration for accurate information. Most times in this era of economic recession. The process of school
decisions are not made to favour equitable distribution mapping activity therefore involves rationalization of
of educational facilities. Schools should not be located existing facilities and provision of new or additional
based on political considerations but on social demand facilities. According to Sabix (n.d) the rationalization of
to benefit the majority of the citizenry. Gaps on unequal existing educational facilities can be by shifting, closure
location of schools should be bridged to ensure equal or amalgamation of institution; optimal utilization of
educational opportunities. Statistics is necessary in teaching and non-teaching staff; and optimum
deciding the location of schools. Location of schoo1s utilization of buildings, equipment and furniture. The
should be based on the norms and resources available. provision of new or additional facilities should be by
opening of new schools or upgrading of existing ones;
ESTIMATION OF THE REQUIRED providing additional teaching and non-teaching staff
FACILITIES IN ALL THE and providing new or additional buildings, furniture and
EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS equipment in institution. Sabix states further that school
Facilities are very essential educational mapping has the dual function of securing greater
institutions. As is the facility so the school. Researches equality of educational opportunities and at the same
have consistently shown that schools with adequate time of rationalizing the use of existing ones in an effort
facilities perform better than those with poor facilities. to optimize the limited material and manpower
However, the facilities available should be well utilized resource. Thus school mapping should cover not only
and maintained for the benefit of the students. The the distribution of formal educational facilities but also
requirement of facilities in schools can easily be in the non-formal educational facilities (UNESCO,
assessed in the new schools. In the existing schools, 1983).
facilities can equally be assessed but not as easy as in
the new schools. Additional infrastructural facilities can OBSTACLES TO SCHOOL MAPPING
be required in the existing schools based on the ACTIVITIES IN THE DEVELOPING
population growth and potential growth in enrolment. NATIONS
In the assessment of the entire school facilities, direct School mapping activities have the advantages
observation can be used. Also questionnaire and of improved information for decision making,
interview schedules can be employed. The estimation of equalization of educational opportunities, increased
facilities requires that the number of enrolment of enrolment, equitable distribution of educational
pupils, the total population and the number of class facilities, decreased incidence of drop out, enhanced
streams should be generated. capacity of field actors to plan and take action, etc.
However, there are some challenges planners encounter

2020 EPRA IJMR | | Journal DOI URL:

ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | April 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614||ISI Value: 1.188

in school mapping especially in a developing nation • Need to conduct an inventory of existing

like Nigeria. They include but not limited to the resources. At the local levels, the inventory of existing
following: resources in terms of manpower, hardware, software,
• Poor data supply databanks etc should be conducted. The results of the
• Inaccurate information generation inventory will determine the shortfalls, the gaps and
• Lack of hardware and software for effective shortcomings of the education management information
school mapping activity system (EMIS) in meeting its current future demand
• Poor manpower supply and requirements (Sabix, n.d).
• Inadequate capacity building for the planners • Government’s show of commitment to
• Lack of collaboration between planners at the school mapping. Government should cooperate with
local level educational planners by giving them the needed
• Emphasis on politics rather than the interest supports for effective school mapping. After costing the
of the local communities facilities, the government should endeaviour to provide
• Astronomical increase in the number of necessary funds for the procurement of the facilities in
students’ enrolment vis-a- vis governments’ the new and existing schools, knowing full well the
inability to fund schools. benefits of educational facilities in teaching and
• Lack of funds to acquire the necessary tools learning. Agencies of the government should be ready
for effective school mapping. to release statistics for effective school mapping when
• Lack of commitment on the part of the the need arises because poor data supply can mar a
government to ensure effective school mapping at the well-intentioned school mapping.
local level. • Educational planners should establish a link with other
• Poor information dissemination to teachers, government agencies to ensure that the requirements of
parents, students, education officials, community school mapping can be fully addressed. Without this
leaders on the real situation of education at different synergy, school mapping activity cannot be effectively
local levels. executed.
• Lack of cooperation of the stakeholders with • Existing policies, system and procedures appertaining
the government to carry out effective school mapping to school mapping should be reviewed and revised from
activities (poor synergy). time to time for a more rational and balanced approach
to upgrading schools from one level to another.
WAYS OF IMPROVING SCHOOL • Educational planners should be trained and retrained
MAPPING ACTIVITIES in the use of new technology in school mapping.
• Collaboration on the part of stakeholders in Knowledge of computers and programming is essential
education, the parents, students, community leaders, in processing data for the purposes of school mapping.
non-governmental organizations, the government, etc to Computer literacy is paramount and should be held at a
carry out a robust school mapping. The government high premium.
alone cannot do this without the cooperation of other
stakeholders because school mapping activity requires CONCLUSION
synergy. Without this synergy the goals of school School mapping activity helps to identify the
mapping will not be achieved. best location of schools so that more number of children
• Collaboration on the part of the local can be benefited from the same level of investment.
communities to acquire the materials like Geographic This helps to equalize educational opportunities through
information system needed for effective school effective distribution and redistribution of educational
mapping. Those who have the facilities can share with facilities in new and existing schools. To enhance
those that do not have. There is therefore need for school mapping activity, educational planners should
networking among communities for effective school see school mapping as a serious business and make use
mapping. of the strategies identified in this write up.
• Need for capacity building. Training should
be conducted on school mapping to all the people that REFERENCES
will be involved in it to appreciate what it is. If those 1. Kaufman, R & Herman, J. (2002). Educational
that should be involved do not know what the outcome planning: strategies, tactics and operation France
of school mapping is, they can frustrate the activity. It is Littlefield Education
therefore important that they are well tutored about the 2. Oboegbunam, A. (2007). School mapping and data
activity to enable them give their full cooperation to it. indicators for educational planning in institutional
network in Nigerian educational situations.

2020 EPRA IJMR | | Journal DOI URL:

ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | April 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614||ISI Value: 1.188

International Journal of Educational Planning and

Administration 1(3), 79-93.
3. Sabix, M. J. (n.d). School mapping in the light of
education reform in Pakistan. Education Archive
1(8), 30-34.
4. UNESCO (1983). IIEP advanced course in
educational planning and management training
materials, France.

2020 EPRA IJMR | | Journal DOI URL:


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