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Child Protection Policy

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1|Page C H I L D P R O T E C T I O N P O L I C Y


PRATIGYA takes an oath to empower every child to protect themselves.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) shall be the guiding
principle for implementing basic rights for all children below the age of 18 years.

This document sets out ‘PRATIGYAChild Protection Policy and Procedures’.

The Policy applies to all staffs, volunteer, interns and consultants thatworks with the children at
PRATIGYA and is part of their contractual obligations. It is also a condition of placement for all
volunteers who work for the PRATIGYA NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) or in our

There are some groups of children and young people who are particularly vulnerableand in need
of care and protection. For this reason, PRATIGYA wants to make explicit our commitment to
promote the safety and security of the children and young people in our care.
PRATIGYArecognizes the personal dignity and rights of children towards whom it has a special
responsibility and a duty of care and respect. PRATIGYA, and all its staff and volunteers,
undertake to do all in our power to create a safe environment for children and young people and
to prevent any harm or abuse to them. PRATIGYAis committed to acting at all times in the best
interests of the children.

Our mission is to mobilize the youth, to act towards ensuring the right to quality education for
every child in India. We believe in moving beyond the traditional approaches and providing
parents and children with choice. We aim at freeing children and India from the shackles of
ignorance and poverty.

Language: English

Approved by: Board of Trustees, PRATIGYA, Ranchi

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Procedures and Guidelines

Program Planning


General Guidelines

Awareness Rising

General confidentiality of child information

Behavior Protocols

Code of conduct

Partner Organisations’ Agreements

Acknowledgement of receipt of PRATIGYA, Child Protection Policy

Reporting Format

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CHILD PROTECTION POLICY is a statement of intent that demonstrates a commitment to
safeguard children from harm and makes clear to all what is required in relation to the protection
of children. It helps to create a safe and positive environment for children and to ensure that the
organization is taking its duty of care seriously.

This Child Protection Policy provides a support of principles, standards and guidelines on which
to base individual and organizational practices in relation to areas, such as:

o Creating a ‘child safe’ and ‘child friendly’ organization (in relation to environmental
safety as well as protection against physical, psychological and sexual abuse)
o Prevention of abuse
o Personnel recruitment and training
o Robust management systems
o Guidelines for appropriate and inappropriate behavior / attitude
o Guidelines for communications regarding children
o Recognizing, reporting and reacting to allegations of abuse
o Ramifications of misconduct for those failing to follow the policy

Child:- As per the Article (1) of UN Convention on the Rights of Child, a person below the age
of 18 is child, unless the law of any country set the legal age for the adulthood.

Child Abuse:-Child abuse’ or ‘maltreatment’ constitutes ‘all forms of physical and/or emotional
ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation,
resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the
context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. (WHO, 1999)

Child Labour :- Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) defines child abuse and
neglect as: Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in
death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation, or an act or failure to act
which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.

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Child Protection:-It is every person’s (all contractual, all non- contractual, all board members)
responsibility to do their best to protect the children who are in contact with organization,
whether harm is taking place either inside or outside the organization.

Child Trafficking:-According to Article 1 of the 1990 Convention & UNICEF it is defined as

“any person under 18 who is recruited, transported, transferred, harbored or received for the
purpose of exploitation, either within or outside a country.

Mentally & Physically Disabled Child: - The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities,
Protection of Rights and Full Participation) The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.

"Disability' means -Blindness, low vision, leprosy-cured Hearing impairment, locomotor

disability, Mental retardation, Mental illness

Physical abuse :- The physical or mental injury of a child by any parent or other person who has
permanent or temporary care, custody, irresponsibility for supervision of a child, or by any
household or family member, under circumstances that indicate that the child’s health or welfare
is harmed or at substantial risk of being harmed.

Orphans: - The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Joint United Nations Programmed
on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS), and other groups label any child that has lost one parent as an
orphan. In this approach, a maternal orphan is a child whose mother has died, a paternal orphan
is a child whose father has died, and a double orphan has lost both parents. This contrasts with
the older use of half-orphan to describe children that had lost only one parent.

Sexual Abuse/Exploitation: - ‘Imminent danger to the physical well-being of the child’ includes
an emergency situation in which there is reasonable cause to believe that any child in the home is
or has been sexually abused or sexually exploited.

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Program Planning


o Focus on Child protection in the framework of United Nations Convention on the rights of
the child (UN CRC).
o Plan programmes to reduce risks being faced by vulnerable children and to address
particularly the needs of children who are in situations of abuse, neglect or exploitation.
o Plan for rehabilitation of children who have been abused and exploited, are developed in
the best interests of the child by enhancing and maintaining safety security, and reducing
the risk from further harm.
o Encourage promote and develop research activities that will support efforts for child
o Promote children’s participation in securing their rights.
o Ensure the participation of child in the process of decision making


o PRATIGYA will recruit staff, both permanent and contract, volunteers or interns only
after obtaining adequate background verification from references and behavior Protocols
and code of conduct.
o Enhance capacities of staff working with children in projects, to effectively deal with
issues of child rights and advocacy, to promote rights of children and to provide protection
from exploitation, neglect and abuse
o Staff, interns, consultants, volunteers and visitors including sponsors will respect the local
cultural and behave in appropriate way with children in communities.
o Staffs, volunteer, interns and consultants will be not allowed totake PRATIGYA Children
on a visit of their homes without prior knowledge of their child protection officers.
o No staff will be allowed to employ domestic workers or engage in any kind of child labour
in their homes.
o No staff will be allowed to let any children participate in any rallies campaign or seminar
without prior knowledge of their child protection officers.

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General Guidelines

o The NGO will make its policy and procedures available to anyone who requests them.
o The Directors of PRATIGYA will ensure that all staff are aware of the Child Protection
Policy and have access to the document. And all staff will be expected to complete a more
detailed briefing session on the policy.
o The NGO expects all staff and volunteers to follow the stated code of behavior.
o All managers have the responsibility for ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of
the Policy, and for reminding them of its provisions when the need arises. Managers will
be expected to take part in Child Protection training.
o The training needs of staff in identified posts will be regularly assessed
o Any events planned should ensure that child protection issues are considered as part of the
risk analysis and/or health and safety arrangements.

PRATIGYA will do this by:

o Setting in a place, implementing and regularly monitoring and reviewing procedures to

protect children and young people. These procedures cover PRATIGYA recruitment

practice, staff induction and training, and management responsibilities.

o Adopting a code of behavior for all staff and volunteers.

o Ensuring that any allegations of abuse are promptly and properly dealt with, victims

supported and perpetrators held to account.

o Aiming to be an example of best practice in the prevention of child abuse and in

responding to it.

o For the purposes of this policy, PRATIGYA regards children and young people as those

who are under the age of 18. This policy applies to all children with whom PRATIGYA

has contact regardless of gender, religion or ethnicity.

o PRATIGYA intends that its child protection procedures will ensure a safe and protected
environment for vulnerable children in regard to the NGO’s work and activities.

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o PRATIGYA believes that all staff and volunteers need to be aware of our policy and
commitments in relation to child protection even though some of our staff and many
volunteers may never have any unaccompanied contact with children or young people
through their work

Awareness Raising

o promote awareness on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC),including their right to
protection, education & facilitation
o promote awareness of rights of children among colleagues , consultants, volunteers,
interns in the communities in which it works,
o Promote awareness within children, their parents also in general public
o Ensure that all PRATIGYA members must be aware of child problems, trained in child
o Facilitate in establishing co-operative societies with the help of local Child Protection
Units in the communities it works, consisting of leaders, key officials from Government,
Staffs to help in implementing Child Protection Programmers,
o To ensure protection of all children in the community and also handle any case on child
abuse by establishing child help lines and network with UNICEF, Social Defense and
similar child protection NGOs.

Dealing with Disclosures and Suspicion

PRATIGYArecognizes that disclosures (i.e. when a specific allegation of abuse is made

against a named individual) and suspicion (i.e. when concern is expressed concerning abuse
that may have taken place or be in prospect) should always be investigated and acted upon
swiftly, making the welfare of children the paramount consideration. Any information offered
in confidence should be received on the basis that it will be shared with relevant people in

If any member of staff or volunteer suspects abuse, or if a child or young person makes a
disclosure, or if a person external to PRATIGYA reports a suspicion or allegation relating to
NGO staff, volunteers or activities, the following steps should be taken:
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o If a child or young person tells you they are being, or have been abused, or have witnessed
o Listen to, accept and take seriously what the child or young person says and comfort them
as necessary.
o Do not investigate, and do not inform, question or confront the alleged abuser.
o Reassure the victim that they have done the right thing by telling you.
o Let them know you need to tell someone else. Do not promise total confidentiality.
o Record carefully what you have heard whilst it is still fresh in your mind. Include the date
and time of your conversation and any incident disclosed.
o Avoid any delay.
o Report this to immediate senior, as well as project head & directors. At the same place
report to the Manager/Staff member designated as the child protection co-coordinator for
o The designated person will ensure an assessment is made and a report given to the
appropriate Social Services Department or Police Station if necessary. However, if urgent
action is required to protect children this should be initiated immediately.

Dealing with society:-

o Collaborate and network with agencies engaged in Child Rights and Child Protection for
sharing knowledge and spearheading to secure the rights of children.
o Actively network with any institutions, Governments, Non-Government organizations and
Human Rights Commissions in organizing and participating in campaigns, rallies,
seminars on Child Rights, and also advocating with decision makers for necessary
changes/amendments to child related legislations.
o Provide support in the areas of legal aid/advocacy pertaining to instances of infringement
of child rights/protection.
o Ensure names and identities are not to be disclosed outside or to the media. Child abuse
incidents to be flagged as confidential and handled with care and concern.
o Ensure all written agreements with partner organizations include a clause referring to child
protection and the expectation that the partner organization will have a child protection
policy of its own or agree that its staff will abide by World Vision India’s child protection
behavior protocols.
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o Contractors if so appointed will make a self-declaration stating that children (below 18
years) will not be employed by them for any task.

The NGO’s Management Responsibilities and Plan of Action

o If a member of staff is the subject of an allegation of child abuse, that staff member will be
asked to take leave from their duties on full pay until an investigation has been completed.
If a NGO volunteer is the subject of an allegation of child abuse, that volunteer will be
asked to withdraw from their work until an investigation has been completed. In both
cases, it should be made clear that suspension does not imply guilt but rather protects all
parties whilst an investigation is undertaken.
o If a disclosure of abuse takes place in which the alleged abuser is a member of staff or a
volunteer, or the incident has taken place on NGO premises or in connection with NGO
activities, PRATIGYA will inform the statutory authorities. If a suspicion is expressed, the
NGO will undertake a risk assessment and then take appropriate action, which may
involve contacting statutory authorities.
o If an allegation of child abuse is made involving a member of NGO staff, this allegation,
together with a record of the investigation undertaken and the outcome, will be recorded in
their personal files.
o Confidentiality regarding these records will be scrupulously maintained and information
will only be released to the Manager of the staff member concerned or to those in
positions of authority externally who have reason to need it for the protection of children.
o If an incident of child abuse takes place in connection with PRATIGYA as an
organization or any NGO activities, the NGO undertakes to provide support for the
alleged victims and the alleged abuser whilst an investigation is carried out. PRATIGYA
will also seek to ensure that any continuing support needed after a situation has been
resolved is made available.
o If a member of NGO staff or anyone closely associated with the NGOs work in some
recognizable capacity is found to have committed acts in relation to children which are
criminal or which contravene in a serious way the principles and standards set out in this
policy, PRATIGYA will take disciplinary action and/or any other action which may be
appropriate to the circumstances. If volunteers are found to have committed such acts, the
volunteer relationship will be ended.
o Reviewing the Child Protection Policy in every 2 years

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Code of conduct
There are some simple rules and procedures that will minimize the risk of an incident occurring
or being alleged. Most of these are common sense and will already be followed, but it is
important that staff and volunteers specifically check that they are being implemented in any
event which involves babies, children or young people.
o Treat everyone with respect, recognizing their right to personal privacy.
o Be aware of situations which may present risks and manage these.
o Plan and organize events so that risks are minimized.
o Recognize that caution is required in all one-to-one situations.
o Provide access for children and young people to talk to others about any concerns they
o Encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable enough to point out attitudes and
behavior they do not like.
o Remember that someone else may misinterpret your actions, no matter how well
o Do not spend time alone in a closed room / room with no windows with children – plan
activities so that more than one adult is present or, at least, other people are within sight
and hearing.
o Avoid being drawn in to inappropriate attention-seeking behavior, such as tantrums.
o Avoid showing favoritism to any individual.
o Never make suggestive remarks or gestures, even in fun.
o Do not rely on just your good name to protect you.
o Do not believe “It could never happen to me”.

Note:-The above policies are subject of change under any circumstances but it must be with the
consent of Board members & the decisions must be based on majority vote.

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Partner Organisations’ Agreements

PRATIGYA will initiate development of joint agreements with partners. The aim would be to
ensure all written agreements with partner organizations include a clause referring to child
protection and the expectation that the partner organization will have a child protection policy of
its own or agree that its staff will abide by PRATIGYA’s child protection policy.

PRATIGYA will initiate action to any Non-compliance of Child Protection Policy that will lead
to PRATIGYA terminating the agreement.

Acknowledgement of receipt of PRATIGYA, Child Protection Policy

I have received and read a copy of PRATIGYA’s Child Protection Policy and have read and
understood its contents.

To clarify my role and responsibilities in this area I consulted

with________________________________________________ (name)

I agree to abide by the policy and the principles therein. I understand that I must raise any
concerns I may have about child protection during my role as a staff
/volunteer/consultant/representative / partner ____________________________ (role) with
PRATIGYA with _________________________(Name of CP officer) in a confidential manner.

Rounak yadav

Signed by:_____________________________ 12-1-2020


Manager’s name:_______________________________________________________________

Signed by:_____________________________


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Consent Form to Interview and use Images of Children
1. I agree to PRATIGYA:
speaking to me and recording my words at (choice of venue) _________________
taking my photograph
making a video / other recording

2. I agree for PRATIGYA (and organisations that have a relationship with it)
to use my story
photographs of me
my condition (for example disability)

3. I understand that my photo and/or information will be used for:

other (specify: ________________________________________________________)

Name*: _________________________________________________________________________

Signature or thumb-print:____________________________________________________________

Location:________________________________ Age:_________ Date:_____________


I confirm that I agree for PRATIGYA to carry out the above

I confirm that the child has also agreed to this
I have authority to sign this form on their behalf (if unsigned above)

Name*: ______________________________________________________________________________

Signature or thumb-print:________________________________________________________________

Relationship to child: ___________________________________ Date:___________________________


As per POCSO Act 2012 consent of any person below the age of 18 years is mandated to be
accompanied by the consent of an adult person preferably one or both parents or any adult legal
guardian of the person. This can be both oral and or in written but would require specific authentication
from the consent seeker.

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Reporting Format

1. The incident has been disclosed by child/staff/others/ observed by reporting staff himself:
2. Whether the incident was observed /suspected?__________________________________
3. (About the child)
Child’s name: _________________________________________________________________
Age: _________________________________________________________________________
Centre: _______________________________________________________________________
4. Incidental Details:
a. Date, time and place of incident: _________________________________________________
b. Date when the incident came to the knowledge of the staff: ____________________________
c. Name of the alleged person: _____________________________________________________
5. Details of the person: (please put tick mark)
a. Staff: contractual staff, general assignment, trainee and community volunteers (paid)
b. Intern/ Volunteer c. Supplier/ Contractor d. Donor e. Visitor f. Parents
6. Nature of allegation: _________________________________________________________
7. Personal Observation of the reporting staff (visible injuries, child’s emotional state etc.):
8. Immediate action taken by the reporting staff: ____________________________________
9. Were there any other people or children involved in the incident: ____________________
10. Remarks (if any): ___________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________
11. Action taken by team leader:

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