Gced P3 Week1 Lauroncheamy Ann
Gced P3 Week1 Lauroncheamy Ann
Gced P3 Week1 Lauroncheamy Ann
This Sustainable Development Goal aims to end poverty in all its forms
everywhere. It comprises of 7 targets and 14 indicators, where its target includes
eradicating extreme poverty for all people everywhere and reduce at least by
half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty by
the year 2030. Moreover, it aims to ensure that the poor and the vulnerable have
equal rights to economic and natural resources, basic and financial services,
ownership and control over land and other forms of property, and appropriate social protection
systems and measures for all.
This Sustainable Development Goal calls to “end hunger, achieve food security
and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture” by the year 2030.
It has 8 targets and 14 indicators which covers to all young, poor and most
vulnerable people that aims to end all forms of malnutrition and address all
nutritional needs. It also strives for a year-round universal access to safe,
nutritious, and sufficient food by ensuring sustainable food production systems
and resilient agricultural practices, equal access to land, enhanced international cooperation on
investments in infrastructures, and technology development to increase agricultural productivity.
This Sustainable Development Goal calls to “make cities and human settlements
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.” This goal consists of 10 targets and 15
indicators, which aims to provide green public spaces, investment in public
transport for a safe and sustainable transport systems for all, and improvements
in urban planning and management. Moreover, it aims to strengthen efforts to
protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.
This Sustainable Development Goal aims to “conserve and sustainably use the
oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.” There are 10
targets and 10 indicators for this goal which aims to reduce marine pollution of
all kinds including ocean acidification, protect marine and coastal ecosystems
from adverse impacts, and regulate harvesting and overfishing. Moreover, it aims
to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resourses
by implementing international law that provides legal framework for the conservation and sustainable
use and to increase scientific knowledge with regards to oceans.
ACTIVITY PHASE 4: Answer this question briefly, “As a student, how can you become a global citizen?”
To become a global citizen, one must have the behavior, knowledge, and skills to take an
action to solve a problem individually or collaboratively. And as a student, I can become a global citizen
by being able to communicate and collaborate with others, being able to solve problems, being able
to make decisions, and most of all, being able to think outside the box. It is an important skill for a
student like me to be able to think imaginatively as it helps in understanding and gaining more
learnings about the world we live in especially with the diversity of identities, cultures, and beliefs,
and to be able to find solutions to problems that seems unimaginable. Moreover, being able to
communicate and collaborate, physically or digitally, with others makes it easier for a student like me
to learn and understand diverse cultural views and perspective, and all other issues therein. Lastly, as
a student, I can become a global citizen by being able to decide for myself and do what is right may it
be online or offline.