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Optimized Design of The BLDC Motor For Higher Efficiency IJERTV2IS50171

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

Optimized Design Of The Bldc Motor For Higher Efficiency

Soumya Sheel, Vinay Kumar Tripathi,

Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, SHIATS, Allahabad, (U.P.), India.,

phase back EMF can be measured, we will know

Abstract: The applications of brushless DC (BLDC) when to commutate the current.
motors and drives have grown significantly in
recent years in the appliance industry and the
automotive industry. Sensorless BLDC drive is very
preferable for compact, low cost, low maintenance,
and high reliability system. The conventional
sensorless method based on neutral motor point has
limited its application since it has relative speed
range, suffering from high common mode voltage Fig.1 The phase current is in phase with the back EMF in
noise and high frequency switching noise. In this brushless dc motor.
paper a novel back EMF sensing technique, direct
back EMF sensing, without motor neutral voltage
for BLDC drives is proposed, analyzed, and As mentioned before, at one time instant, since only
extended, overcoming the drawbacks of the two phases are conducting current, the third winding
conventional scheme. is open. This opens a window to detect the back
EMF in the floating winding. The terminal voltage of

Keywords: sensorless system, transition, floating the floating winding is measured. This scheme needs
winding, overall period, current freewheels. the motor neutral point voltage to get the zero
crossing of the back EMF, since the back EMF
I. INTRODUCTION voltage is referred to the motor neutral point.

For three-phase BLDC motor, typically, it is driven II. ZERO CROSSING BACK EMF
with six-step 120 degree conducting mode. At one DETECTION
time instant, only two out of three phases are
conducting current. For example, when phase A and The terminal voltage is compared to the neutral
phase B conduct current, phase C is floating. This point, then the zero crossing of the back EMF can be
conducting interval lasts 60 electrical degrees, which obtained. In most cases, the motor neutral point is
is called one step. not available. In practice, the most commonly used
method is to build a virtual neutral point that will, in
A transition from one step to another different step is theory, be at the same potential as the center of a Y
called commutation. So totally, there are 6 steps in wound motor and then to sense the difference
one cycle. Usually, the current is commutated in between the virtual neutral and the voltage at the
such way that the current is in phase with the phase floating terminal. The virtual neutral point is built by
back EMF to get the optimal control and maximum resistors, which is shown in Fig 2 (B).
torque/ampere. The commutation time is determined
by the rotor position. Since the shape of back EMF
indicates the rotor position, it is possible to
determine the commutation timing if the back EMF
is known. In Fig.1, the phase current is in phase with
the phase back EMF. If the zero crossing of the 112
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

instants to changes in the rotor speed. The back EMF

integration still has accuracy problems at low speeds.
The rotor position can be determined based on the
stator third harmonic voltage component. The main
disadvantage is the relatively low value of the third
harmonic voltage at low speed. The rotor position
information is determined based on the conducting
state of free-wheeling diodes in the unexcited phase.
Fig.2 (A) Back EMF zero crossing detection scheme with the
The sensing circuit is relatively complicated and low
motor neutral point available; (B) back EMF zero crossing
detection scheme with the virtual neutral point. speed operation is still a problem.

This scheme is quite simple. It has been used for a III. DIRECT BACK EMF DETECTION
long time since the invention. However, this scheme
has its drawbacks. Because of the PWM drive, the As described before, the noisy motor neutral point
neutral point is not a standstill point. The potential of causes problems for the sensorless system. The
this point is jumping up and down. It generates very proposed back EMF detection is trying to avoid the
high common mode voltage and high frequency neutral point voltage. If the proper PWM strategy is
noise. So we need voltage dividers and low pass selected, the back EMF voltage referred to ground
filters to reduce the common mode voltage and can be extracted directly from the motor terminal
smooth the high frequency noise, shown in Fig.3 For voltage. For BLDC drive, only two out of three
instance, if the dc bus voltage is 300 V, the potential phases are excited at any instant of time. The PWM
of the neutral point can vary from zero to 300 V. drive signal can be arranged in three ways:
 On the high side: the PWM is applied only on the
The allowable common mode voltage for a high side switch, the low side is on during the
comparator is typically a few volts, i.e. 5 V. We will step.
 On the low side: the PWM is applied on the low

know how much attenuation should be required.

Obviously, the voltage divider will reduce the signal side switch, the high side is on during the step.
sensitivity at low speed, especially at start-up where  On both sides: the high side and low side are
it is needed most. On the other hand, the required switched on/off together.
low pass filter will induce a fixed delay independent
of rotor speed. As the rotor speed increases, the
percentage contribution of the delay to the overall
period increases. This delay will disturb current
alignment with the back EMF and will cause severe
problems for commutation at high speed.
Consequently, this method tends to have a narrow
speed range.

Fig.4 Proposed back EMF zero crossing detection scheme.

In the proposed scheme, the PWM signal is applied

on high side switches only, and the back EMF signal
is detected during the PWM off time. Fig.4 shows
the concept detection circuit. The difference between
Fig.4 and Fig.2 is that the motor neutral voltage is
Fig.3 Back EMF sensing based on virtual neutral point not involved in the signal processing in Fig4.
Assuming at a particular step, phase A and B are
The back EMF integration approach has the conducting current, and phase C is floating. The
advantage of reduced switching noise sensitivity and upper switch of phase A is controlled by the PWM
automatically adjustment of the inverter switching and lower switch of phase B is on during the whole 113
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
step. The terminal voltage VC is measured. Fig.5 Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

shows the PWM signal arrangement.

Adding both we get

Assuming a balanced three-phase system, if we

ignore the third harmonics, we have

Or, if we don’t ignore the third harmonics, we will

Fig.5 Proposed PWM strategy for direct back EMF detection

IV. BACK EMF VOLTAGE WITHOUT ANY where e3 is the third harmonics. Let’s first finish the
SUPERIMPOSED SWITCHING analysis without considering the third harmonics.

When the upper switch of phase A is turned on, the

current is flowing through the switch to winding A
and B. When the upper transistor of the half bridge is So, the terminal voltage Vc,
turned off, the current freewheels through the diode
paralleled with the bottom switch of phase A. During
this freewheeling period, the terminal voltage Vc is
detected as Phase C back EMF when there is no From the above equations, it can be seen that during
current in phase C. the off time of the PWM, which is the current
freewheeling period, the terminal voltage of the

floating phase is directly proportional to the back

EMF voltage without any superimposed switching
noise. It is also important to note that this terminal
voltage is referred to the ground instead of the
floating neutral point. So, the neutral point voltage
information is not needed to detect the back EMF
zero crossing, and we don’t need to worry about the
common mode voltage. Since the true back EMF is
extracted from the motor terminal voltage, the zero
crossing of the phase back EMF can be detected very
Fig.6 Circuit model of proposed Back EMF detection during
the PWM off time moment precisely. If we consider the third harmonics,

From the circuit, it is easy to see vc = ec + vn , where

Vc is the terminal voltage of the floating phase C, ec
is the phase back EMF and Vn is the neutral voltage So, the terminal voltage Vc,
of the motor. From phase A, if the forward voltage
drop of the diode is ignored, we have

Therefore, the terminal voltage will see the third

harmonics. However, since the zero crossing of the
fundamental wave will coincide with the zero
From phase B, if the voltage drop on the switch is crossing of the third harmonics, the third harmonic
ignored, we have won’t affect the zero crossing of the fundamental
wave. A few tests have been conducted to show the 114
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
relationship between fundamental and third Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013




Fig.7 and Fig.8 show the test result for motor A.

Fig.9 and Fig.10 show the result for motor B. The
shapes of back EMF are different from two motors.
Nevertheless, the zero crossing of the third
harmonics is overlapping with that of fundamental
for both motors, which means that the third Fig.10 Expanded waveform of Fundamental wave and third
harmonics will not affect the zero crossing of harmonics of back EMF for motor B
fundamental wave. For motor B, there is slightly
unbalance for three phase. Even under this situation,
zero crossings of fundamental wave and third Therefore, we can neglect the third harmonics
harmonic are still well overlapping. content in the terminal voltage for zero crossing
detection. To illustrate the scheme, Fig.11 shows the
terminal voltage waveform of the scheme. From this
waveform, it is clear that the back EMF signal can be
extracted from the terminal voltage when the phase
is floating. From time T1 to T2, the winding is
floating; from time T2 to T3, the winding is
conducting; and from time T3 to T4, the winding is
floating again. The back EMF signal can be detected
when PWM is “off”. If the back EMF is negative, it
is clamped to about minus 0.7V by the diode

Fig.7 Fundamental wave and third harmonics of back EMF for paralleled with the switch in the inverter. When the
motor A back EMF is positive, it shows up in the terminal
voltage. Between time T1 and T2, rising edge of zero
crossing is detected; and between T3 and T4, falling
edge of the zero crossing can be detected.

Fig.8 Expanded waveform of Fundamental wave and third

harmonics of back EMF for motor A

Fig.11 Phase terminal voltage and the back EMF waveform.

As a summary, several advantages of the proposed

back EMF sensing technique over the conventional
schemes can be listed as following:
Fig.9 Fundamental wave and third harmonics of back EMF for
motor B 115
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
 It has high sensitivity. First, since we don’t Vol. 2 Issue 5, May - 2013

use voltage divider, there is no attenuation. It

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The improved method will overcome the duty cycle pp.202-209.
limit. The complementary PWM algorithm can
eliminate the offset voltage in the back EMF signal Soumya Sheel – He has received his B.E. (Electronics &
caused by the voltage drop of the diode, and also Communication) from I.E.T. AGRA in 2010 and is pursuing
increase the system efficiency by reducing the M.Tech(Electrical&Electronics) in Control and Instrumentation
conduction loss. The pre-conditioning circuit not from S.H.I.A.T.S. Allahabad.
only compensates the offset voltage, but also
amplifies the back EMF signal to be stronger. His area of interest includes control system, microprocessor,
power electronics.
Vinay Tripathi - He received his B.Tech (Electrical and
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1990. His area of interest includes control system and measurement,
power electronics and electrical machines etc. 116

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