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somatic art of healing.

It belongs to
modern medical science, is not the
Acupuncture, unlike
the spiritual domain and involves cosmic energy in a
the abdundance of energy in the physical body resulting
It is always the paucity o r
result of different types
and almost all the diseases of the medical science are the
disorder, balance and the energy
imbalances in the physical body. The root
lies in the energy
disturbances culminate into diseases. introduced into
medical world a r e actually the foreign bodies
The drugs used in the their o w n
transient instant results, but at the s a m e time produce
the body. They do bring to the organ dam-
toxicities. These adversities range from anaphylaxis
side effects and art should attack at
dependence is another c u r s e . The healing
ages, and e v e n
death. Drug their effect on the leaves
and not on the leaves. The drugs produce
the root of the tree
basic difference between
has the healing effect on the roots. That is the
while acupuncture
the two sciences.


of therapy is the concept of energy flow in the body through
The mainstay acupuncture
with their main reflections on
the energy stations termed as acu-
defined energy channels
stations when pricked with a needle
have the capacity of influ-
These energy
puncture points. located on the
and curing the disorder. These points are not necessarily
encing energy flow, are far away from the dis-
not the exact local treatment points. They
diseased parts, and are these
from the distant location. The pricking of
eased site and endowed with healing capacity
points) is termed as acupuncture.
energy stations (acupuncture
of Latin origin: The 'Acu' means needle
and 'pungue' means
word acupuncture is
distributed on the body and they
numerous such acupuncture points
pricking. There are

traditionally stimulated by two ways:

1. Hand stimulation by needles.
2. Heat stimulation by warming.
s t i m u l a t i o n with a n stimulator. For heating
involves an electrical
The advanced
technology from a herb called Artemisia vulgaris.
a r e prepared
a r e used. They
moxa rolls
p u r p o s e the by laser beam, ultrasound and
stimulation of acupuncture point
In the recent past the
also added in the therapy.
acupuncture is

of Tao
The Philosophy round the philos0-
of the Acupuncture healing POwer
The scientific explanation the vital "Chiis eternal and pervades the
Universal cosmic force or
phy of Tao. Tao', the into the 'Tao. Tao itself comprises
universe. Everything that exists, emerges and disappears
described as opposites, these
forces are actually
two opposites: Yin and Yang. Though other. This philosophy 1s called "Taoism'.
cannot exist without the
interdependent and one Han Dynasty. Subsequently it
The main credit of spreading
the knowledge goes to the
centuries. It w a s the era when physicians discovered
reached the helm in third and seventh
them the most noble and notable name is Kokung
effective cures for the diseases and among
who belonged to Kiangsu state.

Spread of Taoism
his dynasty the concept of Taoism
Emperor Han ruled the China in 206 BC-220 AD.)During is mother force of the entire uni-
the Tao
spread throughout country. The concept says that
verse. There are three factors: material, power and shape, which are responsible for the cre-
ation, and are influenced by the dual forces called Yin and Yang.
The concept reached the zenith between third and seventh centuries. The two notable
clinicians who contributed significantly in this field are worth remembering. They are Ko Kung,
the physician and Hua Tuo, the surgeon. Ko Kung is remembered for discovering cures to
many ailments and the Hua Tuo for his contributions in spinal surgery and anaesthesia.
Han Dynasty was followed by the Tsin Dynasty (265-420 AD). The book called "Zhen Jiu
Jia Yi Jing" was written during this period. It described the then existing knowledge of acu-
and moxibustion. It also contained an account of different
puncture principles and theories of
The acupuncture points were first systematiçally described during this period, and al-
most 349 basic
acupuncture points and about 649 in all, were listed on the human body. In the
Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) a strong need was felt to start an acupuncture
cial centre and a spe-
department was started as the Imperial Medical College of China. During 9601297
acupuncture was further systematized, but it was in 1026 that the acupuncture AD
Government's official recognition. By this time total 657 acupuncture points received
included in the text. The human had been
modelbody of bronze was also made
In ancient China,
3737-2697_BC period is said to be the legendary era. One interesting but
educative legend has the story of some
the acupuncture wounds warriors, who got the miraculously healing effect by
produced by the arrows which pricked their body at different

were known as
Another legend pertains to two ancient Gods of the Chinese people. They
Huang Di and Shen Nung, the second and third of the three August emperors, Gods preceded by
The existence of such legendary has not
Fu Hsi, the legendary discoverer of the P'a Kua.
been proved. Shen Nung was the creator of herbal therapy. He governs profound respect
throughout orient, with temples in his honour still standing in the countries like orth iet
nam and Hanoi. Each temple possesses three memorials on the main altar, to Fu Hsi, Shen
Nung and Huang Di. It appears from the scriptures that Huang Di stands next tolFu Hsi and
called Yellow emperor because he de-
Shen Kung as thefather of acupuncturo Huang Di
clared earth (yellow) element as the prime element.
(red) the
Shen Nung is honoured as Red emperor because he acknowledged fire as prime
it was during an excavation in the recent past (20th century), that some good evidence of

the ancientry of the acupuncture was found. It was while digging was done at alang-neng
mountain, Wei-Shan country of shandong province that a Han Dynasty carving of Super
natural being was discovered. The being was half man and half bird. It was holding a large
needle in gesture to prick the body of a patient. It obviously, suggests the prevailing of acu
puncture knowledge in primitive society. In another digging in 1968, an ancient tomb
(113 BC) in Maohing, Hebe province was excavated and golden and silver needles were found.
TheGolden and Silver needles era', appears to be the much advanced period for this art
of healing. Initially it was in the 'Stone age' that the people used pointed stones for prickin8
the acupuncture points for treating the diseases. These stones were termed as bian' in the
Chinese language. And with the march of time, when the Bronze age and then the Grown age
arrived the technology got refined and the needles got more sophisticated.
As for the documentation is concerned we find the description in the following classics
written in the different periods:

Huangdi Neijing Canon of Medicine: 500-300 BC

Zhenjiu Jiayijing Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 265 AD.
Tongren shuxue Tujing Illustrated Manual on Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Points on a Bronze Model, 1026 AD.
Zhenjiu Zishenging A classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment
1220 AD.
Zhenjiu Dacheng Acupuncture and Moxibustion Compendium, 1601 AD.


The art of acupuncture has witnessèd the dark era of suppression. This period covers the
period ranging from 1644 to 1949

During both the Ching Dynasty (1644-1911) and the nationalist China (1911-1949) acu-
puncture lost favour of rulers andit remained suppressed upto the level of extinction. This
Wasmostly the result of western influence on the Chinese treating systems. Chiang Kai Shek
and the Kumingtang also popularized and favoured western medical science. The Chinese
cinicians got involved into the western systems, and opted their technology.The Chinese
Advanced Acupuncture Iherapy

were labelled as communists, hence tho

clinicians who practised traditional acupuncture,
felt safe in not popularizing the art.

classic of Internal Medi-
Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen: Popularly called as yellow Emperor's
written work of traditional Chinese
cine, the Huan Di Nei Jing (or Nei Jing) is the master
the throne of China from Shen Nung in
healing art. The legend has it that Huang Di who took
2697 BC was a man of great wisdom and visions. He formulated the
classic of Chinese medi-
cine and his work, principles and conclusions pertaining to anatomy, health and medicine
were written down in the book Nei ling (Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen).
He was assisted by his chief minister and physician "Che Po' who helped him in accom-
plishing this task. The book is written in two parts. The first part, known as Su Wen or simple
guestions contains the theory of universe and principles of medicinein content with the health
of human being. The second part Ling Shu or the magicc of the art contains the science of
The descriptions in the Nei Jing are perfect. The circulation of the blood in the blood

vessels is well described.

In Tang Dynasty the Nei Jing again revised by Wang Ping and since then it has al-
ways received the favour of China's emperors and long before the Sung version about
49 editions of Nei Jing had already come into the medical field.


Thecurrent scenario of acupuncture though fascinating, needs some review and revision.
Fascinating because it makes many promises, and modern medical man has now started in-
cluding this speciality in his existing treatment modalities. But, what actually happening is
remix of the therapy by totally modernizing the technique. Instead of understanding the
real philosophy of acupuncture, and opting traditional skills, clinicians are just mixing two
techniques abruptly. This is not going to yield results. The 'tomorrow' depends on the real
understanding of the science in its true perspectives. It certainly cannot be compared with
physiotherapy. There is nothing, which can be invented in acupuncture. It is already there. It
simply can be discovered. And if this concept touches the heart of experts, there is certainly a
bright future ahead.
Theories of Acupuncture

Yin-Yang Theory is not merely an academic speculation but is of great practical
importance in traditional Chinese medicine. First of all, it is the primary basis for classification
of diseases.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine diseases are classified as being either
(Cold, "Xu") or Yang (Hot, "Shi"). The basic differences between these two
follows: types are as
"Xu" Diseases Shi" Disèases
Yin Yang
Internal External
Cold Hot
Deficiency Excess

Collectively, the above diagnostic criteria are referred to as "Pa Kang" or "The Eight Principles
of Diagnosis
In terms of
present day Western medical concepts the following further distinctions may be
"Xu" Diseases "Shi" Diseases
Hypoactive Hyperactive
Hypofunctional Hyperfunctional
Chronic Acute
Protracted Short-lived
Afebrile Febrile
Mentally apathetic Relativeiy cheerful

According to traditional Chinese medicine foodstuffs are either Yin or Yang in nature.
As a general rule, Yin foods are used to treat
Yang diseases and Yang foods are used to treat
Yin diseases. Therefore it is important for the acupuncturist to be able to recognize which
foods are Yin and which ones are Yang.

Yin and Yang Dietary ltems

Carbohydrates Proteins
Vegetable food Animal food
Alkaline food. Acidic food
Raw food Cooked food
Cold drinks Hot drinks
Milk shake Alcohol

The diseases also belong to Yin and

Yang categories. The clinical differences between Yin
and Yang signs and of
symptoms diseases are as follows:

Wood Earth

Water Metal)
Fig. 2.3: Destructive cycle

Heart, Pericardium
Major Fire Minor Fire
Small Intestine Triple Warmer


Liver Spleen
Gallbladder Wood ******************************************************************Earth
* ***************** ******

********* ********

Water Metal

Kidney, Lung,
Urinary bladder Large Intestine

Creative Cycle
Destructive Cycle
Fig. 2.4: Concepts of five elements

Properties of Five Elements

Each element possesses special properties and their analysis is very important in acupuncture
diagnosis, because each one of them gives a clue to the affected element. These properties are
divided into two categories:

1. Objective properties: The properties which possess objective mafnifestations are called
objective properties. These are listed as: colour, flavour, smell, fluid secretions, body
parts governed, external manifestations, orifices and sense organs.
2. Subtle properties: The properties of non-material nature are called subtle
properties. These are listed as: direction, climate and seasons, emotions, sounds
and dreams.
Advanced ACUupuricu


Objective Properties of Five eas

Colour correspondence in five elements Colom

Corresponding Colour
Wood Green Aueaå
ire Red
y e l l
arth Yellow
Water Blue face is green
hue of the patient's
Colour judgement is the matter of experience. If the
element is dominant
within the
Wood: other colours, the wood
or it oneprefers green over

patient. in balance. The

red hue to the face. This red hue should be present
Fire T h e fire imparts fire depletion.
blenched pale face is due to
flushed face is due to fire abdundance and
Both of these extremes are bad. hands,
coloration of the face, sclera, nails,
Earth The colour of earth is yellow. Yellow is destroyed by
serious illness. As we know earth
palate and tongue a r e the signs of
ood, the green bile of liver and gallbladderofwhen get blocked and imparts a yellow
various types.
colour to the body by developing jaundice
of the face, palm and nails
Metal The metal element has a white hue, and the whiteness
anaemias. | O
indicates metal depletion as is evident in the iron deficiency
bluish black or dark circles around
Water: The colour of water element is black. The
dark hue of the skin on the
eyes, dark pigmentation maxillary prominences,
on the
body-all these indicate depletion of water element. and the
This usually happens when earth is destroying water element by vomiting,
of water and
water element is reacting by polyurea. The whole body gets depleted
colour changes occur.
Flavour correspondence in five elements
2 The five flavours in human life are-sour, bitter, sweet, spicy and salty. All of them
should be in balance and disturbance of this balance is injurious to health.

-bitr Element Flavour

Wood Sour
Fire Bitter
Earth Sweet
Metal Spicy or pungent/
R S a l Water Salty
h e dietary items of these flavours should be included to strengthen the respective element.
v o o d -

3. The snell correspondence of five elements

The smell correspondence of five elements is as follows:
Element Smell
Wood Rancid
Theories of Acupuncture

Fire Smell of Tea/Coffee

Water Putrid

fouoly retionPond.uar
While examining the patient, a particular s,
smell gives a distinct idea of the element involvea.
4. Fluid-secretion correspondence in five elements:
The tluid secretion
correspondence of five elements is as folloWs:
e m e n s

Fluid secretion
Lespe Wood Tear
Fire Respiration, peritoneal fluid, pericardial
fluid and pleural fluid
a Saliva S a l t y a - c o r h ,

Novel_(ley Water
Saliva is the secretion of earth. Every vegetable man eats grows on the earth, and the earth
responds by secreting saliva when the edibles are put into the mouth. Even the very thought
of food brings saliva in the mouth. Absence ofsalivaindicates depletion of earth.A drymouth
is not a good sign in clinical examination. The excess mucus in the stools is a sign of large
intestine problems. The lungs are normally supposed to be free from secretions, but when
affected they become congested and produce different noises which can be heard on
auscultation. Both these conditions are the outcome of metal depletion.
Sputum is the secretion of water, and the water element depletion adversely attects
water element which in turn compels trachea and throat to secret more sputum. The excess
of sputum is not a healthy sign. It requires stimulation of water and sedation ot metal
M Perspiration, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid and pleural fluid are the secretions otfirTe.
They should always be in balance. The abdundace of these fluids indicates sick-fire and is a
sign of bad prognosis. Wood produces tears. As water creates wood, and wood opens to
W eye, the excess water flows through the eyes. Be it joy, gloom, pain or griet, the fire and
water both are imbalanced and as a result wood is disturbed leading to pouring out of tears
from the eyes.
5. Body-parts governed by five elements
The parts of the body governed by five elements are as follows:

Body-parts governed
Muscles, tendons, ligamentsu
Fire Blood vessel
M-Cl Earth Neurons, lymphatic system
Metal Skin and body hair
Water Bones and bone marrow
External manifestations
Each element manifests itself externally in different ways in the human body as follows:
fingers (cracks, cold,
E x t e r n a l P h y s i c a l M a n i f e s t a t i o n s

Element cracking,
Nails (colour,
splitting, temperature,
Wood and feet (colour,
paleness), face)
face, bluish
Skin, body hair. face, pale (flushed
Metal the body parts complexion.
Complexion of muddy
Fire body parts,
on the
(muscle tone).
Musculature of the body
Earth Flesh and flabbiness baldness).
head hair
(with special
Water Scalp and
7. Orifices of five where it opens to.
an orifice diminished vision,
Each element has and blindness,
wood opens to eyes, and other
The element astigmatism
Wood ophthalmoplegia,
and liver
i m b a l a n c e d Chi in
myopia, metropia, the result of the
ophthalmic problems
wood element. Normal
related to the
the organs
gallbladder which
indicate balanced result
bright eyes at tongue. Speech problems a r e the
the outlet a r e the
The element fire has
Fire stuttering and slurring
i m b a l a n c e . Stammering,
of fire examination of the tongue
c a n very

manifestations of
disturbed fire. An
of fire in a particular body.
of the status
an idea
well give of lips gives the idea
to mouth. The condition
Earth The element earth opens due to earth imbalance,
the earth. Bluishness of the lips is
of the status of
malnutrition is also due to poor and large
Disturbed olfactory functions, lung
Metal opens to nose.
Metal the manifestations of poor
sinusitis are
intestine problems, epistaxis,
urethra and anus. Impotence, frigidity
openings at
Water element hasitsmanifestations
Water and infertility are the
of water. All sexual functions
depend on the balance of water element

3. Sense organs and five elements
as follows:
All five elements, individually govern sense organs

Element Sense organ governed



Subtle Properties of Five Elements

Five elements and the time of the day

The body clock of human body works on energy flow regulation, all the time, with
2 T

peak at particular hours. These are the periods when one feels better or worse during
the day (Fig. 2.5).
Theories of Acupuncture

According to Yellow Emperor's Classic, these are the best hours to treat a patient forT
the correction of imbalance of the concerned element.
The peak hours of the energy flow for the five elements are as follows:

Element Time of the day of peak energy flow

11 PM to 1 AM
Gallbladder 1 AM to 3 AM
Heart 11 AM to 1 PM
Fire Small Intestine 1 PM to 3 PM
Stomachn 7 AM to 9 AM
Spleen 9 AM to 11 AM
Lung 3 AM to 5 AM
Metal Large Intestine 5 AM to 7 AM
Urinary Bladder 3 PM to 5 PM
Kidney 5 PM to 7 PM

23 24 1
Soe P-S
p l 20


- 1 17w - s , 17
18 IX K. LI. III 6

WOoA-he-SeboascTG,T orM,

Metd veat,

14 10

13 12 11

Fig. 2.5: Organ clock - Liv-Liver, L-Lung, LI-Large intestine, St-Stomach, Sp-Spleen, H-Heart SI-Small

intestine, UB-Urinary bladder, K-Kidney, P-Pericardium, TW-Triple warmer, GB-Gallbladder.

2. Direction correspondence to five elements

Earth is the central element among five and it has no direction, so it is called central in
The other four elements wood, fire, metal and water are
directed towards east, south,
west and north
respectively. The east wind is harmful to health, the south wind affects
nourishment and growth) homeostasisis disturbed by the wind from the west while
theenergy deposits are affected by the north wind.
6 Mtt

u Phett-homb
20 L

and s e a s o n s
to five a r e spring
pectively. The
and wind respectively. The climat
clim of
3. wood
s e a s o n of the earth
3. of the
and climate summer
is the and its
The summèr. The

s e a s o n is
the metal is a u t u m n .
fire is hot and and climate of
The s e a s o n
climate is damp.
elements conflict. Joy and happiness is the
Emotions and five frustration and
4 Wood imbalance results
in anger,
the virtues of
the earth. The mo al
sympathy are
of fire, compassion and the lungs)
The e x c e s s grief
adversely affects
itself as grief. ambitions are the
expresses will power and high ne
full of spirituality. Strong
The water element is
signs of water imbalance elements
55. Sound correspondence of five follows: W e

five elements are as

The sounds corresponding to
Wood Shout od h o

Fire Laugh
Earth Singing
Metal Weeping
Water Groanin8
particular element indicates its
The disturbance in the normal sound pattern of a

6. The dreams and five elements
Wood If mushrooms are seen in the dream, they indicate poor wood. Lack of
power to get up in the dream is also an indication of poor wood. Similarly
wood imbalanced person will see fight, battles and slaughters in the
dreams while sleeping.
Fire Fire depletion projects as hills, mountains and flames.
Earth The dreams corresponding to the earth are those of drinks, food, buildings
and playing music.
Metal The metal dreams are those of white objects, cruelty, killing and crying
Water The dreams associated with water are projected as drowning, lying in
water, ships and boats.

All the Zhang organs are solid organs. They are Yin -ve) in polarity. They always preserve
the energy (chi), and do not transmit it, whereas all the Fu organs are hollow organs. They are
Yang (+ve) in polarity. They always transmit the energy, and do not preserve it.

Zang or Yin Organs

1. Lung:The lungs are housed into the thoracic cage, and carry out the respiration. The
chi is in the dominating state in the
lungs. The purification of the vital force and then
making it available to the body in the purest form is the main function of these vital
organs. They also actively participate in water balance of the
body. Hair and cutis

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