Freudian Revolution
Freudian Revolution
Freudian Revolution
Freudian Theory of
Freudian Stages of
Freudian Revolution
Relates to the ideas or methods of Sigmund Freud, especially those
about how people’s hidden thoughts and feelings influence their
behavior with respect to the causes and treatment of neurotic and
psychopathic states, the interpretation of dreams, etc.
Sigmund Freud
considered father of psychiatry
born to Galician Jewish parents in the
Moravian town of Freiberg in the Austrian
qualified as a doctor of medicine in 1881 at
the University of Vienna
became a teacher in neuropathy in 1902
lived and worked in Vienna, having set up
his clinical practice there in 1886
Freud left Austria to escape Nazi
persecution in 1938
He died in exile in the United Kingdom in
During this stage, the superego The onset of puberty causes the
continues to develop while the libido to become active once
id's energies are suppressed. again. During the final stage of
Children develop social skills, psychosexual development, the
values and relationships with individual develops a strong
peers and adults outside of the sexual interest in the opposite
family. The development of the sex. This stage begins during
ego and superego contribute to puberty but last throughout the
this period of calm. The stage rest of a person's life.
begins around the time that Sexual instinct is directed to
children enter into school and heterosexual pleasure, rather
become more concerned with than self-pleasure like during
peer relationships, hobbies, and the phallic stage.
other interests.
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