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Well Data Summary Program

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The document outlines the well data summary, current well data including perforation intervals, reservoir pressures, and proposed procedures for wellbore clean-up, preparation, and three DSTs.

The wellbore clean-up aims to thoroughly clean all surface equipment that will come into contact with fluids used during well displacement operations to remove debris and ensure there are no leaks in the fluid system.

Steps involved in wellbore preparation include thoroughly cleaning all surface equipment, removing any dirt or caked materials mechanically or with high pressure/steam wash, ensuring all lines and pits are opened and cleaned, and pressure testing BOPs.


Well name: KOLO 1

Classification: EXPLORATORY
Deviation: Vertical
Concession: OPL XYZ (AGBADA)
Type of location: Onshore
Country/State: NIGERIA
Proposed TD (drilling design): 14,250ft MD / TVD
Actual Well TD: 13,701 MD / TVD
Rig contractor: ABCD
Rig: JPRAWN 2000
Rig Floor Elevation 31 FT

Surface coordinates: 688653.82mE ; 1117929.2mN,

CSG setting depth: 24” CSG, @ 82 ft
13-3/8” CSG, @ 5,004ft
9-5/8” CSG, @ 10,676ft
TOL @ 10536ft
7” Liner, @ 13,696ft

PBTD inside 7” liner 13,584 ft MD/TVD

Spud date: 30th October, 1999
Casing content: 9.3 ppg brine
Expected number of Zones for Testing: 3 Zones
Estimated Testing days: 26 Days
Current Well Data:
9-5/8’’ Csg 10,676ft
7’’ Liner shoe 13,696ft
Completion 9.3 ppg
BHST 326 deg F

Perforation Interval Perforation Reservoir EMW (ppg) Temp Sand

Length (ft) Pressures (F)
9-5/8’’ Csg 6,418 – 6,421 ft 3 3043.65 psi 9.1 228.6 AA
9-5/8’’ Csg 6,496 – 6,502 ft 6 3044.68 psi 9.0 229.5 BB
9-5/8’’ Csg 6,540 – 6,543 ft 3 3044.72 psi 9.0 230.5 CC

 Make up 6” PDC bit, 7” and 9-5/8” casing scrapers (spaced out in tandem) plus BHA and
RIH on 3-1/2’’ and 5’’ drillpipe. Drill and dress cement down to the 7” liner float collar
depth. Perform well bore displacement to corrosion inhibited brine. POOH and L/D
 RU Wireline log and Run GR/CCL/CBL. Based on evaluated GR/CCL/CBL log suite, carry
out remedial squeeze where necessary. TBA

General guidelines
 Mud to be conditioned (over finer shaker screens) before making the clean out trip.

 Hold a pre job rig meeting with Drilling contractor and mud engineer to define a plan for
proper fluid management using existing and supplemental pits. Test all valves on pits with
water to ensure total seals. Remove all debris from pits that could wedge in a valve and
interfere with proper sealing. Have silicone caulk available to seal valves on empty pits that
are not to be opened during operations. Have chains and locks to secure appropriate valves
from accidental opening.
 All surface equipment, which will have contact with any fluid used during the well
displacement, should be thoroughly cleaned. This includes rig equipment (rig pumps, piping,
mixing and storage tanks, mud pits, rig manifold, flow lines, shale shakers, return line,
circulating head, TDS) and service companies equipment (including cement HP unit and
cement line).

 If necessary, dirt will be mechanically removed (especially in places difficult to clean (i.e
under helicon-mixers in mud mixing pits, in corners of square shaped tanks, etc.).

 Any leak in the fluid system (leaking valves, doors, flow lines, etc.) will be located and fixed.

 Appropriate safety wear must be used by any person working with chemicals (safety clothes
and goggles must be worn by personnel). Chemical hazard areas need to be clearly marked.

 In any circumstances, do not use barite, bentonite or any kind of polymers
to seal hatches or valves.

  Wash fluid handling system equipment and adjacent areas utilizing a combination of
high volume wash to remove most solids followed by high-pressure/steam wash to
remove caked materials.

 Start at the highest point of the fluid handling system (typically the flowline area) and
wash down. This involves starting at the shaker area and ending at the mud pits,
including the mud pumps and lines.

 Ensure that all troughs, flow-lines, trip tanks, pits, etc. are opened and thoroughly

 Ensure structural steel such as angle irons, ladders, equalization lines, etc. is thoroughly
cleaned, paying special attention to areas not readily visible.

 After removing all visible mud solids and residues, open all suction and discharge lines
of the circulating and transfer system to ensure that trapped solids are removed

 BOP’s shall be pressure tested at Maximum Expected Wellhead Pressure just before
DST, independently of the pressure test frequency applied during the drilling phase.

 RIH 6” bit 7’’ and 9-5/8” scraper assembly in tandem to 13,584 ft in the 7” liner.

 Perform wellbore cleaning as per WELL BORE CLEAN-UP PROCEDURE.

 Displace well bore cleaning pill with clean brine of weight 9.3 ppg (brine to be prepared
having cleaned the mud tanks as per BRINE PREPARATION PROCEDURE).
 POOH scraper / brush assembly after displacement.

Well Testing Procedures:

1. After displacement of hole to clean brine, proceed as follows with the well testing
2. Note: DST Supervisor to confirm Bit & Scraper and Junk Basket has been run up to
Packer setting depth.
3. Circulate clean fluid while on bottom with casing scraper and while working casing
scraper. Pressure test casing to 5000psi.
4. Prior to pickup of TCP and DST tools, TCP and DST supervisor must conduct safety
meeting with all essential location personnel.
5. Program and make up downhole electronic quartz memory pressure / temperature gauges
(4 instream and 2 external DynaMem gauges) Program gauge as per FES Test Engineer.
All personnel involved should synchronize their watches with that of Data

Important Notes

 Primary firing mechanism will be the Bar Drop Firing head.

 Redundant firing mechanism will be the Pressure activated Time Delay firing head.

 Fill up string manually with fresh water as you trip in hole. Leave the calaculated
amount of air gap to achieve the desired underbalance.

 The job Lead person should liaise with company man and pass all information to
affected specialist.

 All personnel must wear the appropriate PPE at all time on location.

 Only TCP personnel should handle TCP guns and ensure the guns are safely deployed as
per TCP Company standard. TCP specialist to direct crane operator on picking guns.

 Ensure Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is held at every critical phase of the operation.
 At least a Tools Specialist should always be on the rig floor at all time during the well
test operation.

 TCP and TOOLS Specialists should discuss and agree on the job calculations. Company
man should be aware of all calculations.

 DST and TCP Specialists should measure and record the dimensions of the various BHA
that make up the string.

 TEAM work is very essential to all operations and must be adhered to during this DST.

 DST Specialist should make sure that pump lines are connected properly.

 Drift all DST tools and DC’s with 2.19 ” O.D. rabbit to ensure passage of drop bar
and wireline tools to be run.

 TCP specialist and wireline engineer to be aware of the smallest ID in the whole
string assembly.

 All non-essential personnel should stay clear off the rig floor while making up guns
 Dope pin ends of workstring sparingly to prevent any dope accumulation in the string

 SELECT tester valve should be in the closed position.

 Set RD Valve to 4,250 psi. It is advisable to test the casing and liner to 5000psi before
starting the DST

 Measure distance from R/A tag to top shot and record same.

 Repeat the step above with a different tape. Compare results and resolve any discrepancy
 Running Speed should not exceed 1 minute per stand from pulling to setting slips
 Acoustic shot detection device will be attached to string to confirm gun firing
 Ensure annulus chart recorder is hooked up prior to picking up BHA
 Always keep annulus open during BHA pressure tests
 Perforation to be done with +/-800psi under balance using a combination of water and
air cushion
 The job Lead person should liaise with company man and pass all information to
affected specialist.
 As this is an exploratory well, and in line with safety procedures, all perforations
and will be carried out in day light
A combination of 3-1/2” DP and 5’’ Drill Pipes will be mainly used while testing.

The specifications of perforating guns are as follows:

For 7’’ liner:

Gun Size (OD) : 4-5/8”
Shot Density : 12 shots/ft
Phasing : 135/45o
Charge : Deep Penetration charges

For 9-5/8’’ casing:

Gun Size (OD) : 7”
Shot Density : 12 shots/ft
Phasing : 135/45o
Charge : Deep Penetration charges

Initial Well Testing Programme Summary



Make 6” bit 7’’ and 9-5/8” scraper assembly in tandem. Drill and dress cement
1 down to the 7”Liner float collar depth. Perform Wel bore clean up as per program 5.0
and displace well to 9.3 ppg brine. POOH and L/D bit and scrapers

2 RU Wireline log and Run GR/CCL/CBL. Based on evaluated GR/CCL/CBL/CET 1.0

log suite
3 DST #1: (7” liner) 6
RIH with DST/TCP #1 to perforation depth, correlate and put gun on depth. R/U
flow head and test all lines.
Perforate Pre-Bima Sand (13,480 – 13,484 ft) and Carry out DST/surface well test.
Kill well with brine, rigdown flow head, POOH and laydown DST-TCP.
Note: Perforations and first hydrocarbon to surface MUST be carried out in
day light. WOD if perforations timing falls in the night. This is applicable to
all the zones.
PU & RU E-Line and MU 7’’ 29ppf FASDRILL bridge plug #1. RIH and correlate
4 with GR-CCL . Set FASDRILL bridge plug at 30ft above DST #1 top most 0.5
perforation. POOH with wireline adapter and rigdown wireline.
DST #2: (9-5/8” Csg)
RIH with DST/TCP #2 to perforation depth, correlate and put gun on depth. R/U
5 flow head and test all lines.

Perforate Intra Yolde 1 Sand (6,670 – 6,673 ft) and Carry out DST/surface well
test; kill well with brine, rigdown flow head and POOH and laydown DST-TCP.
PU & RU E-Line and MU 9-5/8’’ 47ppf FASDRILL bridge plug #2. RIH and
6 correlate with GR-CCL . Set FASDRILL bridge plug at 30ft above DST #2 top 0.5
most perforation. POOH with wireline adapter and rigdown wireline.
DST #3: (9-5/8” Casing)
RIH with DST/TCP #3 to perforation depth, tag EZSV plug, correlate and put gun
on depth. R/U flow head and test all lines.
7 Perforate Intra Yolde 1Sand (6,540 – 6,543 ft ) and Carry out DST/surface well
test; kill well with brine, rigdown flow head and POOH and laydown DST-TCP.

PU & RU E-Line and MU 9-5/8” FASDRILL bridge plug #3. RIH and correlate
8 with GR-CCL . Set FASDRILL bridge plug at 30ft above DST #3 top most 0.5
perforation. POOH with wireline adapter and rigdown wireline.
Total number of days 23.5
Prepare to abandon well as per separate abandonment program to be issued

“DST/TCP #1 Procedure AA:

Perforation Interval: 13,480 – 13,484 ft MD 4 ft

1. Hold pre-job safety meeting. P/U HES 4-5/8” TCP guns loaded with 12 SPF HMX DP
charges. (DST/TCP Company to provide BHA schematic).
2. MU DST/TCP Assembly (as per Halliburton DST/TCP supervisor’s instruction). OMNI
circulating valve will be in 2.5 well test position, while RD circulating valve is set to rupture
at 4,250 psi annulus pressure. Memory gauge sampling rate should be agreed upon by the
Gauge Engineer and FES representative. All DST, TCP and SWT personnel to synchronize
their watches based on gauge programming.

3. RIH w/ DST/ TCP tools, DC’s and one stand 3-1/2”, 19.5 ppf, S-135 DP. Set test string in
slips and fill up string manually to surface.

4. Pressure test DST/ TCP tools and DC’s to 5000 psi X 10 mins (Record on Chart). Release

The packer, safety joint, jar and TST should be tested offline on deck from below the
packer, on the rig floor, run Select Tester valve in close position and pressure test against
STV Ball.

On surface Close the Select Tester valve after pressure test OK

5. RIH DST/TCP BHA manually filling up the string with fresh water and leave +/1,087ft
(This should be re-calculated on site by the DST engineer) of air cushion to achieve +/-
800 psi under-balance

6. Lock rotary table to minimize tool rotation while TIH. Continue RIH w/ DST tools on 3-
1/2” DP. Control running speed as directed by DST tool supervisor.

7. Fill up string manually every 5 stands and test string to 5000 psi as per steps 3 every 30

8. RIH to 12,395ft as per calculated depth to achieve the desired underbalance, Hang off the
BHA on slips with clamps attached to the string and test BHA against STV ball to 5000psi
for 10 minutes. Confirm BHA integrity is OK.

9. RIH without filling the string to the approximate perforation depth. Hang off the string on

10. RU and RIH with Gamma Ray/CCL to correlate and position guns to perforate Pre Bima
sand. Space out accordingly using pup joints as required.
Note: A second correlation log MAY be required for confirmation of gun on depth.
This will be decided in due course

11. RU flow head, flow and kill lines, coflexi hose, choke manifold. All other surface lines
should have been rigged up and pressure tested offline. Pressure test flow head and lines
upstream of choke manifold to 500psi low and 5,500 psi high pressure for 10 minutes

12. Ensure all surface pressure indicators are connected and functioning properly, all flow lines
well lined up.

13. Set the 7” 29# champ IV packer or equivalent by rotating 3 to 4 right hand turns at packer
depth and slacking off 15,000# weight (As per procedure)

14. Apply 1000psi in the annulus to confirm packer sealing. Hold pressure for minimum of 10

15. Hold pre-job safety meeting and ensure all persons are aware of their roles and

16. Close annular preventer and apply 1,100psi to the annulus to hold select tester valve in
open position. The Tester Valve Operating pressure will be determined by the DST
Supervisor on location.

17. Confirm all surface equipment is ready. Synchronize timing clocks between DST
supervisor and Surface Testing crews

18. Open choke manifold, close master valve on flow head. Open swab valve and load firing

19. Open master valve to drop bar and immediately close the valve. Allow sufficient time for
the bar to reach the firing head and detonate the guns. (Watch for signs of gun detonating

20. Perforate DST #1 from 13,480 – 13,484 ft. (4 ft) in day light

21. Flow well to tank for clean-up on chokes as recommended by FES Test Supervisor.
Divert flow to test separator at the first sign of hydrocarbon. Continue clean-up until
cushion fluid unloads to approximately 0% BS & W.

22. Note If Well did not flow with Airgap, please follow the contigency plan below to create
another underbaalnce using diesel
a. Apply and maintain 1100 psi on the annulus to keep the SELECT Tester valve open.

Note: Always maintain annulus pressure between ± 100Psi of operating pressure.

Halliburton specialist to advice on location. At least a tools specialist must be on the rig
floor throughout the well testing operations.
b. Fill the empty space in drill pipe ;then Cycle the OMNI valve to circulating position,
Displace string to diesel to create desired underbalance. Cushion fluid to be 6.9ppg Diesel,
Cycle the Omni valve to 1st well test position (2.5)

23. Test well according to the following schedule while maintaining 1,100 psi annular pressure
to keep select tester valve open. Record choke size, FTHP, SICP, separator pressures, fluid
and gas rates, fluid and gas volumes, BS& W e.t.c. every 10 minutes.

S/N Bean Size /64 Time (hrs/mins) Remark

19.1 16, 20, 24 Depending on FTHP Until cushion fluid unloaded
at clean-up time. (To approx +/- 80 bbl of fresh water
be advised by FES
Test Supervisor)
Initial Shut-in 30 mins Shut-in at choke manifold
19.2 16 3 Begin proper Test (or as
recommended by COMPANY
DST Supervisor)
19.3 20 3
19.4 24 3
19.5 28 3
19.6 Build-up 12 Hrs Shut-in downhole for Pressure BU.

 Move to next choke size if flow rate and pressure stabilize prior to end of three-hour
period. Stabilized rate defined as less than 5% variation in readings for 30 minutes
watch for indications of sand production. If noted, reduce choke size and flow for
balance of planned test period without increase.

 Capture representative samples of all formation fluids recovered

Report oil gravitites, water density, salinity & resistivity and gas gravity.
Catch three surface samples of both oil and gas for PVT analysis



At no point should the annulus pressure exceed the minimum rating of the rupture
disc installed in the Armada. The sampling Specialist on location will advise this
pressure prior to running in hole.
When the well has been conditioned and the client requests the samplers can be fired, the
annulus pressure can be increased to 3600 psi (the firing pressure advised by the
sampling specialist). This pressure should be held for 30 minutes while the samples are
taken. The annulus pressure can then be reduced to the normal operating pressure as
defined by the DST specialist and the remainder of the sampling flow resumed. The
pressure increase should be done in increments of 200 psi per 5min intervals to avoid
locking open the STV.

The sampling specialist should be able to see an accurate annulus gauge during this

Note: Sample the Armada downhole at the last Choke during Main flow

 Terminate test if surface pressures cannot be maintained below 5,000 psi.

NB – PVT SAMPLING SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT ON all the intervals to be


24. Shut in well downhole for 12 hour build-up (or 2X total flow periods in steps 19.2 to 19.6, if
less than 12 hours)
25. At the end of the build-up period, Open pkr by-pass and displace string with 9.3 ppg brine.
(monitor for losses).
26. Bleed off test string pressures slowly through choke manifold.
27. Circulate a minimum of 2X test string capacity, or until fluid densities in and out are stable.
28. Rig down flow head.
29. Release pkr, move string 10ft below perforation and circulate a minimum of 2 bottoms up
to ensure all gas trapped below packer is removed from the well!
30. POOH test string & L/D DST - TCP assembly.
31. Observe well for loss/gain when static and POOH. (Monitor fill-up volumes closely).

DST/TCP #2 Procedure C (9-5/8’’ Csg)

Perforation Interval: 6,670 – 6,673 ft-MD 3 ft

32. PU & RU E-Line and MU 7’’ 29ppf FASDRILL bridge plug with GR-CCL
33. RIH 7’’ 29ppf FASDRILL bridge plug, correlate and set same at 30ft above the perforations
(+/- 13,450ft.)
34. POOH, laydown Setting tool and RD E-Line
35. Repeat steps 1 through 31 to perforate DST #2 at 6,670 – 6,673ft and cleanup / test.
(Recalculate air cushon to achieve underbalance of +/-800 psi)

DST/TCP #3 Procedure CC sand (9-5/8’’ Csg)

Perforation Interval: 6,540 – 6,543 ft-MD 3 ft

36. PU & RU E-Line and MU 9-5/8’’ 47ppf FASDRILL bridge plug with GR-CCL
37. RIH 9-5/8’’ 47ppf FASDRILL bridge plug, correlate and set same +/- 6,640 ft.
38. POOH, laydown Setting tool and RD E-Line
39. Repeat steps 1 through 31 to perforate DST#3 at 6,540 – 6,543 ft and cleanup / test.
(Recalculate air cushon to achieve underbalance of +/-800 psi)
40. After the conclusion of the last DST, open packer by pass, and reverse circulate kill the well.
Unseat packer and move string 10ft below below perforations, circulate clean to be sure well
is clear of all gases.

41. POOH. L/D TCP/DST tools.

42. PU & MU 8-1/2’’ Bit assembly and RIH, drill out all 9-5/8’’ FASDRILL plugs inside 9-5/8’’
Casing and clean out to top of liner. POOH and L/D 8-1/2” bit (The actual plugs to drill
out will be contained in a separate abandonment program)

- Refer to Suspension / Abandonment Program for subsequent operations

Approval Page

Name Position Signature Date

Senior Well Test

Prepared by
Checked by Senior Drilling Engineer

Reviewed by Drilling Project Manager

Reviewed by
Approved by

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