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Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Discrete random
variables and their
probability distributions

 To review the basic concepts of probability.
 To define discrete random variables.
 To define the probability distribution of a discrete random variable.
 To calculate and interpret expected value (mean) for a discrete random variable.
 To calculate and interpret variance and standard deviation for a discrete random variable.
 To illustrate the property that for many random variables approximately 95% of the
distribution is within two standard deviations of the mean.

Uncertainty is involved in much of the reasoning we undertake every day of our lives. We
are often required to make decisions based on the chance of a particular occurrence. Some
events can be predicted from our present store of knowledge, such as the time of the next
high tide. Others, such as whether a head or tail will show when a coin is tossed, are not
Ideas of uncertainty are pervasive in everyday life, and the use of chance and risk models
makes an important impact on many human activities and concerns. Probability is the study
of chance and uncertainty.
In this chapter we will extend our knowledge of probability by introducing the concept of the
probability distribution (also known as the probability mass function) for a discrete random
variable. Using this distribution we can determine the theoretical values of two important
parameters which describe the random variable: the mean and the standard deviation. We will
see that together the mean and the standard deviation tell us a lot about the distribution of the
variable under consideration.

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11A Sample spaces and probability 495

11A Sample spaces and probability

In this section we will review the fundamental concepts of probability, the numerical value
which we assign to give a measure of the likelihood of an outcome of an experiment.
Probability takes a value between 0 and 1, where a probability of 0 means that the outcome
is impossible, and a probability of 1 means that it is certain. Generally, the probability of
an outcome will be somewhere in between, with a higher value meaning that the outcome is
more likely.

 Sample spaces and events

When a six-sided die is rolled, the possible outcomes are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Rolling
a six-sided die is an example of a random experiment, since while we can list all the
possible outcomes, we do not know which one will be observed.
The possible outcomes are generally listed as the elements of a set, and the set of all possible
outcomes is called the sample space and denoted by the Greek letter ε (epsilon). Thus, for
this example:
ε = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

An event is a subset of the sample space, usually denoted by a

capital letter. If the event A is defined as ‘an even number when
a six-sided die is rolled’, we write 4 3
A = {2, 4, 6} 6
5 1
If A and B are two events, then the union of A and B, denoted
by A ∪ B, is equivalent to either event A or event B or both
Thus, if event A is ‘an even number when a six-sided die is
rolled’ and event B is ‘a number greater than 2 when a six-sided
die is rolled’, then A = {2, 4, 6}, B = {3, 4, 5, 6} and 4 3
A ∪ B = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6} 6
5 1

The intersection of A and B, denoted by A ∩ B, is equivalent to

both event A and event B occurring.
4 3
Thus, using the events A and B already described: 2
A ∩ B = {4, 6} 5 1

In some experiments, it is helpful to list the elements of the sample space systematically by
means of a tree diagram.

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496 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

Example 1
Find the sample space when three coins are tossed and the results noted.

To list the elements of the sample space, construct a tree diagram:

First Second Third Outcome

coin coin coin


Each path along the branches of the tree identifies an outcome, giving the sample space as
ε = {HHH, HHT , HT H, HT T , T HH, T HT , T T H, T T T }

 Determining probabilities for equally likely outcomes

Probability is a numerical measure of the chance of a particular event occurring. There are
many approaches to determining probability, but often we assume that all of the possible
outcomes are equally likely.
We require that the probabilities of all the outcomes in the sample space sum to 1, and that
the probability of each outcome is a non-negative number. This means that the probability
of each outcome must lie in the interval [0, 1]. Since six outcomes are possible when rolling
a die, we can assign the probability of each outcome to be 16 . That is,
Pr(1) = Pr(2) = Pr(3) = Pr(4) = Pr(5) = Pr(6) =
When the sample space is finite, the probability of an event is equal to the sum of the
probabilities of the outcomes in that event.
For example, let A be the event that an even number is rolled on the die. Then A = {2, 4, 6}
and Pr(A) = Pr(2) + Pr(4) + Pr(6) = 12 . Since the outcomes are equally likely, we can calculate
this more easily as
number of outcomes in A 3 1
Pr(A) = = =
total number of outcomes 6 2

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11A Sample spaces and probability 497

Equally likely outcomes

In general, if the sample space ε for an experiment contains n outcomes, all of which are
equally likely to occur, we assign a probability of to each of these outcomes.
Then the probability of any event A which contains m of these outcomes is the ratio of the
number of elements in A to the number of elements in ε. That is,
n(A) m
Pr(A) = =
n(ε) n
where the notation n(S ) is used to represent the number of elements in set S .

We will see that there are other methods of determining probabilities. But whichever method
is used, the following rules of probability will hold:

 Pr(A) ≥ 0 for all events A ⊆ ε

 Pr(ε) = 1
 The sum of the probabilities of all outcomes of an experiment is 1.
 Pr(∅) = 0, where ∅ represents the empty set
 Pr(A ) = 1 − Pr(A), where A is the complement of A
 Pr(A ∪ B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B) − Pr(A ∩ B), the addition rule

When two events A and B have no outcomes in common, i.e. when they cannot occur
together, they are called mutually exclusive events. In this case, we have Pr(A ∩ B) = 0
and so the addition rule becomes:
Pr(A ∪ B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B), the addition rule when A and B are mutually exclusive
We illustrate some of these rules in the following example.

Example 2
If one card is chosen at random from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards, what is the
probability that the card is:
a an ace b not a heart c an ace or a heart d either a king or an ace?

a Let A be the event ‘the card drawn is an ace’. A standard deck of cards contains
four aces, so
4 1
Pr(A) = =
52 13
b Let H be the event ‘the card drawn is a heart’. There are 13 cards in each suit, so
13 1
Pr(H) = =
52 4
and therefore
1 3
Pr(H  ) = 1 − Pr(H) = 1 − =
4 4

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498 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

c Using the addition rule:

Pr(A ∪ H) = Pr(A) + Pr(H) − Pr(A ∩ H)
Now Pr(A ∩ H) = , since the event A ∩ H corresponds to drawing the ace of hearts.
1 1 1 4
Pr(A ∪ H) = + − =
13 4 52 13
d Let K be the event ‘the card drawn is a king’. We observe that K ∩ A = ∅. That is, the
events K and A are mutually exclusive. Hence
1 1 2
Pr(K ∪ A) = Pr(K) + Pr(A) = + =
13 13 13

Example 3
500 people were questioned and classified according to age and whether or not they
regularly use social media. The results are shown in the table.

Do you regularly use social media?

Age < 25 Age ≥ 25 Total

Yes 200 100 300
No 40 160 200
Total 240 260 500

One person is selected from these 500. Find the probability that:
a the person regularly uses social media
b the person is less than 25 years of age
c the person is less than 25 years of age and does not regularly use social media.

Solution Explanation
300 3
a Pr(Yes) = = There are 300 out of 500 people who say yes.
500 5

240 12
b Pr(Age < 25) = = There are 240 out of 500 people who are less
500 25
than 25 years of age.
40 2
c Pr(No ∩ Age < 25) = = There are 40 out of 500 people who are less
500 25
than 25 years of age and say no.

 Other methods of determining probabilities

When we are dealing with a random experiment which does not have equally likely
outcomes, other methods of determining probability are required.

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11A Sample spaces and probability 499

Subjective probabilities
Sometimes, the probability is assigned a value on the basis of judgement. For example, a
farmer may look at the weather conditions and determine that there is a 70% chance of rain
that day, and take appropriate actions. Such probabilities are called subjective probabilities.

Probabilities from data

A better way to estimate an unknown probability is by experimentation: by performing the
random experiment many times and recording the results. This information can then be used
to estimate the chances of the event happening again in the future. The proportion of trials
that resulted in this event is called the relative frequency of the event. (For most purposes
we can consider proportion and relative frequency as interchangeable.) That is,
number of times event A occurs
Relative frequency of event A =
number of trials
This information can then be used to estimate the probability of the event.

When the number of trials is sufficiently large, the observed relative frequency of an
event A becomes close to the probability Pr(A). That is,
number of times event A occurs
Pr(A) ≈ for a large number of trials
number of trials

If the experiment was repeated, it would generally be found that the results were slightly
different. One might conclude that relative frequency is not a very good way of estimating
probability. In many situations, however, experiments are the only way to get at an unknown
probability. One of the most valuable lessons to be learnt is that such estimates are not exact,
and will in fact vary from sample to sample.
Understanding the variation between estimates is extremely important in the study of
statistics, and this is the topic of Chapter 15. At this stage it is valuable to realise that the
variation does exist, and that the best estimates of the probabilities will result from using as
many trials as possible.

Example 4
Suppose that a die is tossed 1000 times and the following outcomes observed:

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 135 159 280 199 133 97

a Use this information to estimate the probability of observing a 6 when this die is rolled.
b What outcome would you predict to be most likely the next time the die is rolled?

a Pr(6) ≈ = 0.097 b The most likely outcome is 3, since it has
the highest relative frequency.

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500 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

Probabilities from area

When we use the model of equally likely outcomes to determine probabilities, we count
both the outcomes in the event and the outcomes in the sample space, and use the ratio to
determine the probability of the event.
This idea can be extended to calculate probabilities when areas are involved, by assuming
that the probabilities of all points in the region (which can be considered to be the sample
space) are equally likely.

Example 5
A dartboard consists of a square of side length 2 metres
containing a blue one-quarter of a circular disc centred at the
bottom-left vertex of the square, as shown.
If a dart thrown at the square is equally likely to hit any part of
the square, and it hits the square every time, find the probability
of it hitting the blue region.

1 2 1
Area of blue region = πr = π × 4 = π m2
4 4
Area of dartboard = 2 × 2 = 4 m2
area of blue region
Pr(hitting blue region) =
area of dartboard

 Probability tables
A probability table is an alternative to a Venn A B
diagram when illustrating a probability problem
diagrammatically. Consider the Venn diagram A′ ∩ B ′
which illustrates two intersecting sets A and B.
From the Venn diagram it can be seen that the A ∩ B′ A∩B A′ ∩ B
sample space is divided by the sets into four
disjoint regions: A ∩ B, A ∩ B , A ∩ B and
A ∩ B . These regions may be represented in
a table as follows. Such a table is sometimes
referred to as a Karnaugh map.

A A∩B A ∩ B
A A ∩ B A ∩ B

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11A Sample spaces and probability 501

In a probability table, the entries give the probabilities of each of these events occurring.

A Pr(A ∩ B) Pr(A ∩ B )
A Pr(A ∩ B) Pr(A ∩ B )

Summing the rows and columns, we can complete the table as shown.

A Pr(A ∩ B) Pr(A ∩ B ) Pr(A)
A Pr(A ∩ B) Pr(A ∩ B ) Pr(A )
Pr(B) Pr(B ) 1

These tables can be useful when solving problems involving probability, as shown in the next

Example 6
Simone visits the dentist every 6 months for a checkup. The probability that she will
need her teeth cleaned is 0.35, the probability that she will need a filling is 0.1 and the
probability that she will need both is 0.05.
a What is the probability that she will not need her teeth cleaned on a visit, but will need
a filling?
b What is the probability that she will not need either of these treatments?

The information in the question may be entered into a table as shown, where we use C to
represent ‘cleaning’ and F to represent ‘filling’.

C 0.05 0.35

0.1 1

All the empty cells in the table may now be filled in by subtraction:

C 0.05 0.3 0.35

C 0.05 0.6 0.65
0.1 0.9 1

a The probability that she will not need her teeth cleaned but will need a filling is given
by Pr(C  ∩ F) = 0.05.
b The probability that she will not need either of these treatments is Pr(C  ∩ F  ) = 0.6.

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502 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions 11A

Section summary
 The sample space, ε, for a random experiment is the set of all possible outcomes.

 An event is a subset of the sample space. The probability of an event A occurring is

denoted by Pr(A).
 Equally likely outcomes If the sample space ε for an experiment contains n outcomes,
all of which are equally likely to occur, we assign a probability of to each outcome.
Then the probability of an event A is given by
number of outcomes in A n(A)
Pr(A) = =
total number of outcomes n(ε)
 Estimates of probability When a probability is unknown, it can be estimated by the
relative frequency obtained through repeated trials of the random experiment under
consideration. In this case,
number of times event A occurs
Pr(A) ≈ for a large number of trials
number of trials
 Whichever method of determining probability is used, the rules of probability hold:
• Pr(A) ≥ 0 for all events A ⊆ ε
• Pr(∅) = 0 and Pr(ε) = 1
• The sum of the probabilities of all outcomes of an experiment is 1.
• Pr(A ) = 1 − Pr(A), where A is the complement of A
• Pr(A ∪ B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B) − Pr(A ∩ B), the addition rule

 If two events A and B are mutually exclusive (i.e. if A and B have no outcomes in
common), then Pr(A ∩ B) = 0 and therefore Pr(A ∪ B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B).

Exercise 11A

Example 1 1 An experiment consists of rolling a die and tossing a coin. Use a tree diagram to list the
sample space for the experiment.

2 Two coins are tossed and a die is rolled. Use a tree diagram to show all the possible

Example 2 3 If one card is chosen at random from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards, what is the
probability that the card is:
a a queen
b not a club
c a queen or a heart
d either a king or a queen?

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11A 11A Sample spaces and probability 503

4 A blank six-sided die is marked with a 1 on two sides, a 2 on one side, and a 3 on the
remaining three sides. Find the probability that when the die is rolled:
a a 3 shows b a 2 or a 3 shows.

5 Suppose that the probability that a student owns a smartphone is 0.7, the probability
that they own a laptop is 0.6, and the probability that they own both is 0.5. What is the
probability that a student owns either a smartphone or a laptop or both?

6 At a particular university, the probability that an Arts student studies a language is 0.3,
literature is 0.6, and both is 0.25. What is the probability that an Arts student studies
either a language or literature or both?

7 A computer manufacturer notes that 5% of their computers are returned owing to faulty
disk drives, 2% are returned owing to faulty keyboards, and 0.3% are returned because
both disk drives and keyboards are faulty. Find the probability that the next computer
manufactured will be returned with:
a a faulty disk drive or a faulty keyboard
b a faulty disk drive and a working keyboard.

8 A new drug has been released and produces some minor side effects: 8% of users suffer
only loss of sleep, 12% of users suffer only nausea, and 75% of users have no side
effects at all. What percentage of users suffer from both loss of sleep and nausea?

9 In a particular town, the probability that an adult owns a car is 0.7, while the probability
that an adult owns a car and is employed is 0.6. If a randomly selected adult is found to
own a car, what is the probability that he or she is also employed?

Example 3 10 An insurance company analysed the records of 500 drivers to determine the relationship
between age and accidents in the last year.

Accidents in the last year

Age 0 1 2 3 Over 3
Under 20 19 35 25 17 10
20–29 30 45 33 39 17
30–39 40 33 15 6 2
40–49 18 15 10 3 1
Over 49 21 25 17 13 11

What is the probability that a driver chosen from this group at random:
a is under 20 years old and has had three accidents in the last year
b is from 40 to 49 years old and has had no accidents in the last year
c is from 20 to 29 years old
d has had more than three accidents in the last year?

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504 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions 11A

11 200 people were questioned and classified according to sex and whether or not they
think private individuals should be allowed to carry guns. The results are shown in
the table.
Do you think private individuals should be allowed to carry guns?
Male Female Total
Yes 70 60 130
No 50 20 70
Total 120 80 200

One person is selected at random from these 200.

a What is the probability that the person thinks private individuals should be allowed
to carry guns?
b What is the probability that the person is male and thinks private individuals should
be allowed to carry guns?

Example 4 12 Use the given data to estimate the probability of the specified event occurring:
a Pr(head) if a coin is tossed 200 times and 114 heads observed
b Pr(ten) if a spinner is spun 380 times and lands on the ‘ten’ 40 times
c Pr(two heads) if two coins are tossed 200 times and two heads are observed on
54 occasions
d Pr(three sixes) if three dice are rolled 500 times and three sixes observed only twice

Example 5 13 Suppose that a square dartboard consists of a white square of side

length 30 cm inside a larger blue square of side length 50 cm, as
shown. If a dart thrown at the board has equal chance of landing
anywhere on the board, what is the probability it lands in the white
area? (Ignore the possibility that it might land on the line or miss
the board altogether.)

14 A spinner is as shown in the diagram. Find the probability that

when spun the pointer will land on: 60°
a the green section 180° 60°
b the yellow section 60°
c any section except the yellow section.

Example 6 15 In a particular country it has been established that the probability that a person drinks
tea is 0.45, the probability that a person drinks coffee is 0.65, and the probability
that a person drinks neither tea nor coffee is 0.22. Use the information to complete a
probability table and hence determine the probability that a randomly selected person in
that country:
a drinks tea but not coffee b drinks tea and coffee.

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11A 11B Conditional probability and independence 505

16 A chocolate is chosen at random from a box of chocolates. It is known that in this box:
 the probability that the chocolate is dark but not soft-centred is 0.15
 the probability that the chocolate is not dark but is soft-centred is 0.42
 the probability that the chocolate is not dark is 0.60.
Find the probability that the randomly chosen chocolate is:
a dark b soft-centred c not dark and not soft-centred.

17 Records indicate that, in Australia, 65% of secondary students participate in sport,

and 71% of secondary students are Australian by birth. They also show that 53% of
students are Australian by birth and participate in sport. Use this information to find the
probability that a student selected at random:
a does not participate in sport
b is Australian by birth and does not participate in sport
c is not Australian by birth and participates in sport
d is not Australian by birth and does not participate in sport.

11B Conditional probability and independence

The probability of an event A occurring when it is known that some event B has occurred is
called conditional probability and is written Pr(A | B). This is usually read as ‘the probability
of A given B’, and can be thought of as a means of adjusting probability in the light of new
Sometimes, the probability of an event is not affected by knowing that another event has
occurred. For example, if two coins are tossed, then the probability of the second coin
showing a head is independent of whether the first coin shows a head or a tail. Thus,
Pr(head on second coin | head on first coin)
= Pr(head on second coin | tail on first coin)
= Pr(head on second coin)
For other situations, however, a previous result may alter the probability. For example, the
probability of rain today given that it rained yesterday will generally be different from the
probability that it will rain today given that it didn’t rain yesterday.

The conditional probability of an event A, given that event B has already occurred, is
given by
Pr(A ∩ B)
Pr(A | B) = if Pr(B)  0
This formula may be rearranged to give the multiplication rule of probability:
Pr(A ∩ B) = Pr(A | B) × Pr(B)

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506 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

The probabilities associated with a multi-stage experiment can be calculated by constructing

an appropriate tree diagram and multiplying along the relevant branches (from the
multiplication rule).

Example 7
In a certain town, the probability that it rains on any Monday is 0.21. If it rains on
Monday, then the probability that it rains on Tuesday is 0.83. If it does not rain on
Monday, then the probability of rain on Tuesday is 0.3. For a given week, find the
probability that it rains:
a on both Monday and Tuesday
b on Tuesday.

Let M represent the event ‘rain on Monday’ and T represent the event ‘rain on Tuesday’.
The situation described in the question can be represented by a tree diagram. You can
check that the probabilities are correct by seeing if they add to 1.

0.83 T⎮M Pr(T ∩ M) = 0.21 × 0.83 = 0.1743

0.21 M Pr(T  ∩ M) = 0.21 × 0.17 = 0.0357

0.17 T′⎮M

0.3 Pr(T ∩ M  ) = 0.79 × 0.3 = 0.237

0.79 M′
0.7 T′⎮M′ Pr(T  ∩ M  ) = 0.79 × 0.7 = 0.553

a The probability that it rains on both Monday and Tuesday is given by

Pr(T ∩ M) = 0.21 × 0.83
= 0.1743
b The probability that it rains on Tuesday is given by
Pr(T ) = Pr(T ∩ M) + Pr(T ∩ M  )
= 0.1743 + 0.237
= 0.4113

The solution to part b of Example 7 is an application of a rule known as the law of total
probability. This can be expressed in general terms as follows:

The law of total probability states that, in the case of two events A and B,
Pr(A) = Pr(A | B) Pr(B) + Pr(A | B ) Pr(B )

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11B Conditional probability and independence 507

Example 8
Adrienne, Regan and Michael are doing the dishes. Since Adrienne is the oldest, she
washes the dishes 40% of the time. Regan and Michael each wash 30% of the time. When
Adrienne washes the probability of at least one dish being broken is 0.01, when Regan
washes the probability is 0.02, and when Michael washes the probability is 0.03. Their
parents don’t know who is washing the dishes one particular night.
a What is the probability that at least one dish will be broken?
b Given that at least one dish is broken, what is the probability that the person washing
was Michael?

Let A be the event ‘Adrienne washes the dishes’, let R be the event ‘Regan washes the
dishes’ and let M be the event ‘Michael washes the dishes’. Then
Pr(A) = 0.4, Pr(R) = 0.3, Pr(M) = 0.3
Let B be the event ‘at least one dish is broken’. Then
Pr(B | A) = 0.01, Pr(B | R) = 0.02, Pr(B | M) = 0.03
This information can be summarised in a tree diagram as shown:

0.01 B Pr(A)Pr(B|A) = 0.004

0.99 B′
0.02 B Pr(R)Pr(B|R) = 0.006
0.98 B′
0.3 0.03 B Pr(M)Pr(B|M) = 0.009

0.97 B′

a The probability of at least one dish being broken is

Pr(B) = Pr(B ∩ A) + Pr(B ∩ R) + Pr(B ∩ M)
= Pr(A) Pr(B | A) + Pr(R) Pr(B | R) + Pr(M) Pr(B | M)
= 0.004 + 0.006 + 0.009
= 0.019
b The required probability is
Pr(M ∩ B)
Pr(M | B) =
0.009 9
= =
0.019 19

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508 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

Example 9
As part of an evaluation of the school Year
canteen, all students at a Senior
Rating 10 11 12 Total
Secondary College (Years 10–12)
Poor 30 20 10 60
were asked to rate the canteen as
poor, good or excellent. The results Good 80 65 35 180
are shown in the table. Excellent 60 65 35 160
What is the probability that a student Total 170 150 80 400
chosen at random from this college:
a is in Year 12
b is in Year 12 and rates the canteen as excellent
c is in Year 12, given that they rate the canteen as excellent
d rates the canteen as excellent, given that they are in Year 12?

Solution Explanation
Let T be the event ‘the student is
in Year 12’ and let E be the event
‘the rating is excellent’.
80 1
a Pr(T ) = = From the table, we can see that there are 80 students
400 5
in Year 12 and 400 students altogether.
35 7
b Pr(T ∩ E) = = From the table, there are 35 students who are in
400 80
Year 12 and also rate the canteen as excellent.
35 7
c Pr(T | E) = = From the table, a total of 160 students rate the
160 32
canteen as excellent, and of these 35 are in Year 12.
35 7
d Pr(E | T ) = = From the table, there are 80 students in Year 12, and
80 16
of these 35 rate the canteen as excellent.

Note: The answers to parts c and d could also have been found using the rule for conditional
probability, but here it is easier to determine the probability directly from the table.

 Independent events
Two events A and B are independent if the probability of A occurring is the same, whether or
not B has occurred.

Independent events
For events A and B with Pr(A)  0 and Pr(B)  0, the following three conditions are all
equivalent conditions for the independence of A and B:
 Pr(A | B) = Pr(A)
 Pr(B | A) = Pr(B)
 Pr(A ∩ B) = Pr(A) × Pr(B)

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11B Conditional probability and independence 509

 Sometimes this definition of independence is referred to as pairwise independence.
 In the special case that Pr(A) = 0 or Pr(B) = 0, the condition Pr(A ∩ B) = Pr(A) × Pr(B)
holds since both sides are zero, and so we say that A and B are independent.

Example 10
The probability that Monica remembers to do her homework is 0.7, while the probability
that Patrick remembers to do his homework is 0.4. If these events are independent, then
what is the probability that:
a both will do their homework
b Monica will do her homework but Patrick forgets?

Let M be the event ‘Monica does her homework’ and let P be the event ‘Patrick does his
homework’. Since these events are independent:
a Pr(M ∩ P) = Pr(M) × Pr(P) b Pr(M ∩ P ) = Pr(M) × Pr(P )
= 0.7 × 0.4 = 0.7 × 0.6
= 0.28 = 0.42

Section summary
 Conditional probability
• The probability of an event A occurring when it is known that some event B has
already occurred is called conditional probability and is written Pr(A | B).
• In general, the conditional probability of an event A, given that event B has already
occurred, is given by
Pr(A ∩ B)
Pr(A | B) = if Pr(B)  0
This formula may be rearranged to give the multiplication rule of probability:
Pr(A ∩ B) = Pr(A | B) × Pr(B)
 Law of total probability
The law of total probability states that, in the case of two events A and B,
Pr(A) = Pr(A | B) Pr(B) + Pr(A | B ) Pr(B )
Two events A and B are independent if the occurrence of one event has no effect on
the probability of the occurrence of the other, that is, if
Pr(A | B) = Pr(A)
Events A and B are independent if and only if
Pr(A ∩ B) = Pr(A) × Pr(B)

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510 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions 11B

Exercise 11B
1 In a certain town, the probability that it rains on any Saturday is 0.25. If it rains on
Example 7 Saturday, then the probability of rain on Sunday is 0.8. If it does not rain on Saturday,
then the probability of rain on Sunday is 0.1. For a given week, find the probability that:
a it rains on both Saturday and Sunday
b it rains on neither day
c it rains on Sunday.

2 Given that for two events A and B, Pr(A) = 0.6, Pr(B) = 0.3 and Pr(A ∩ B) = 0.1, find:
a Pr(B | A)
b Pr(A | B)

3 Given that for two events A and B, Pr(A) = 0.6, Pr(B) = 0.3 and Pr(B | A) = 0.1, find:
a Pr(A ∩ B)
b Pr(A | B)

4 In Alia’s school, the probability that a student studies French is 0.5, and the probability
that they study both French and Chinese is 0.3. Find the probability that a student
studies Chinese, given that they study French.

Example 8 5 The chance that a harvest is poorer than average is 0.5, but if it is known that a certain
disease D is present, this probability increases to 0.8. The disease D is present in 30%
of harvests. Find the probability that, when a harvest is observed to be poorer than
average, the disease D is present.

Example 9 6 A group of 1000 eligible voters were asked their age and their preference in an
upcoming election, with the following results.

Preference 18–25 26–40 Over 40 Total
Candidate A 200 100 85 385
Candidate B 250 230 50 530
No preference 50 20 15 85
Total 500 350 150 1000

What is the probability that a person chosen from this group at random:
a is 18–25 years of age
b prefers candidate A
c is 18–25 years of age, given that they prefer candidate A
d prefers candidate A, given that they are 18–25 years of age?

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11B 11B Conditional probability and independence 511

7 The following data was derived from accident records on a highway noted for its
above-average accident rate.

Probable cause
Type of accident Speed Alcohol Other Total
Fatal 42 61 12 115
Non-fatal 88 185 60 333
Total 130 246 72 448

Use the table to find:

a the probability that speed is the cause of the accident
b the probability that the accident is fatal
c the probability that the accident is fatal, given that speed is the cause
d the probability that the accident is fatal, given that alcohol is the cause.

Example 10 8 The probability of James winning a particular tennis match is independent of Sally
winning another particular tennis match. If the probability of James winning is 0.8 and
the probability of Sally winning is 0.3, find:
a the probability that they both win
b the probability that either or both of them win.

9 An experiment consists of drawing a number at random from {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}.

Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, B = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} and C = {4, 6, 8, 9}.
a Are A and B independent?
b Are A and C independent?
c Are B and C independent?

10 If A and B are independent events such that Pr(A) = 0.5 and Pr(B) = 0.4, find:
a Pr(A | B) b Pr(A ∩ B) c Pr(A ∪ B)

11 Nathan knows that his probability of kicking more than four goals on a wet day is 0.3,
while on a dry day it is 0.6. The probability that it will be wet on the day of the next
game is 0.7. Calculate the probability that Nathan will kick more than four goals in the
next game.

12 Find the probability that, in three tosses of a fair coin, there are three heads, given that
there is at least one head.

13 The test used to determine if a person suffers from a particular disease is not perfect.
The probability of a person with the disease returning a positive result is 0.95, while
the probability of a person without the disease returning a positive result is 0.02.
The probability that a randomly selected person has the disease is 0.03. What is the
probability that a randomly selected person will return a positive result?

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512 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions 11B

14 Anya goes through three sets of traffic lights when she cycles to school each morning.
The probability she stops at the first set is 0.6. If she stops at any one set, the
probability that she has to stop at the next is 0.9. If she doesn’t have to stop at any one
set, the probability that she doesn’t have to stop at the next is 0.7. Use a tree diagram to
find the probability that:
a she stops at all three sets of lights b she stops only at the second set of lights
c she stops at exactly one set of lights.

15 There are four red socks and two blue socks in a drawer. Two socks are removed at
random. What is the probability of obtaining:
a two red socks b two blue socks c one of each colour?

16 A car salesperson was interested in Marital status

the relationship between the size of
Size of car Married Single Total
the car a customer purchased and
Large 60 20 80
their marital status. From the sales
records, the table on the right was Medium 100 60 160
constructed. Small 90 70 160
What is the probability that a person Total 250 150 400
chosen at random from this group:
a drives a small car
b is single and drives a small car
c is single, given that they drive a small car
d drives a small car, given that they are single?

17 Jenny has two boxes of chocolates. Box A contains three white chocolates and four
dark chocolates. Box B contains two white chocolates and five dark chocolates. Jenny
first chooses a box at random and then selects a chocolate at random from it. Find the
probability that:
a Jenny selects a white chocolate
b given that Jenny selects a white chocolate, it was chosen from box A.

18 At a particular petrol station, 30% of customers buy premium unleaded, 60% buy
standard unleaded and 10% buy diesel. When a customer buys premium unleaded, there
is a 25% chance they will fill the tank. Of the customers buying standard unleaded, 20%
fill their tank. Of those buying diesel, 70% fill their tank.
a What is the probability that, when a car leaves the petrol station, it will not have a
full tank?
b Given that a car leaving the petrol station has a full tank, what is the probability that
the tank contains standard unleaded petrol?

19 A bag contains three red, four white and five black balls. If three balls are taken without
replacement, what is the probability that they are all the same colour?

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11C Discrete random variables 513

11C Discrete random variables

Suppose that three balls are drawn at random from a jar containing four white and six black
balls, with replacement (i.e. each selected ball is replaced before the next draw). The sample
space for this random experiment is as follows:
ε = {WWW, WW B, W BW, BWW, W BB, BW B, BBW, BBB}
Suppose the variable of interest is the number of white balls in the sample. This corresponds
to a simpler sample space whose outcomes are numbers.
If X represents the number of white balls in the sample, then the possible values of X are 0, 1,
2 and 3. Since the actual value that X will take is the result of a random experiment, we say
that X is a random variable.

A random variable is a function that assigns a number to each outcome in the sample
space ε.

A random variable can be discrete or continuous:

 A discrete random variable is one that can take only a countable number of values.
For example, the number of white balls in a sample of size three is a discrete random
variable which may take one of the values 0, 1, 2, 3. Other examples include the number
of children in a family, and a person’s shoe size. (Note that discrete random variables do
not have to take only whole-number values.)
 A continuous random variable is one that can take any value in an interval of the real
number line, and is usually (but not always) generated by measuring. Height, weight, and
the time taken to complete a puzzle are all examples of continuous random variables.
In this chapter we are interested in understanding more about discrete random variables.
Consider again the sample space for the random experiment described above. Each outcome
in the sample space is associated with a value of X:

Experiment outcome Value of X

WW B X=2
W BW X=2
W BB X=1
BW B X=1

Associated with each event is a probability. Since the individual draws of the ball from the
jar are independent events, we can determine the probabilities by multiplying and adding
appropriate terms.

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514 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

Example 11
A jar contains four white and six black balls. What is the probability that, if three balls are
drawn at random from the jar, with replacement, a white ball will be drawn exactly once
(i.e. the situations where X = 1 in the table)?

X = 1 corresponds to the outcomes W BB, BW B and BBW.
4 6
Since there are 10 balls in total, Pr(W) = = 0.4 and Pr(B) = = 0.6.
10 10
Thus Pr(X = 1) = Pr(W BB) + Pr(BW B) + Pr(BBW)
= (0.4 × 0.6 × 0.6) + (0.6 × 0.4 × 0.6) + (0.6 × 0.6 × 0.4)
= 0.432

 Discrete probability distributions

The probability distribution for a discrete random variable consists of all the values that the
random variable can take, together with the probability of each of these values. For example,
if a fair die is rolled, then the probability distribution is:

x 1 2 3 4 5 6
Pr(X = x) 1

The probability distribution of a discrete random variable X is described by a function

p(x) = Pr(X = x)
This function is called a discrete probability function or a probability mass function.
Consider again the black and white balls from p(x)
Example 11. The probability distribution for X, 0.5
the number of white balls in the sample, is given (1, 0.432)
by the following table:
0.3 (2, 0.288)
x 0 1 2 3 (0, 0.216)
p(x) 0.216 0.432 0.288 0.064 0.1 (3, 0.064)
The probability distribution may also be given x
0 1 2 3
graphically, as shown on the right.
Note that the probabilities in the table sum to 1, which must occur if all values of the random
variable have been listed.
We will use the following notation, which is discussed further in Appendix A:

 the sum of all the values of p(x) is written as p(x)
 the sum of the values of p(x) for x between a and b inclusive is written as p(x)

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11C Discrete random variables 515

For any discrete probability function p(x), the following two conditions must hold:
1 Each value of p(x) belongs to the interval [0, 1]. That is,
0 ≤ p(x) ≤ 1 for all x
2 The sum of all the values of p(x) must be 1. That is,

p(x) = 1

To determine the probability that X takes a value in the interval from a to b (including the
values a and b), add the values of p(x) from x = a to x = b:

Pr(a ≤ X ≤ b) = p(x)

Example 12
Consider the table shown. x 0 1 2 3
a Does this meet the conditions to be a p(x) 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.4
discrete probability distribution?
b Use the table to find Pr(X ≤ 2).

a Yes, each value of p(x) is between 0 b Pr(X ≤ 2) = p(0) + p(1) + p(2)
and 1, and the values add to 1. = 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.1
= 0.6

Example 13
Let X be the number of heads showing when a fair coin is tossed three times.
a Find the probability distribution of X and show that all the probabilities sum to 1.
b Find the probability that one or more heads show.
c Find the probability that more than one head shows.

a The sample space is ε = {HHH, HHT , HT H, T HH, HT T , T HT , T T H, T T T }.
Now p(0) = Pr(X = 0) = Pr({T T T }) =
1 1 1 3
p(1) = Pr(X = 1) = Pr({HT T , T HT , T T H}) = + + =
8 8 8 8
1 1 1 3
p(2) = Pr(X = 2) = Pr({HHT , HT H, T HH}) = + + =
8 8 8 8
p(3) = Pr(X = 3) = Pr({HHH}) =

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516 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

Thus the probability distribution of X is:

x 0 1 2 3
1 3 3 1
8 8 8 8

b The probability that one or more heads shows is

3 3 1 7
Pr(X ≥ 1) = p(1) + p(2) + p(3) = + + =
8 8 8 8
c The probability that more than one head shows is
3 1 4 1
Pr(X > 1) = Pr(X ≥ 2) = p(2) + p(3) = + = =
8 8 8 2

Example 14
The random variable X represents the number of chocolate chips in a certain brand of
biscuit, and is known to have the following probability distribution.

x 2 3 4 5 6 7
p(x) 0.01 0.25 0.40 0.30 0.02 0.02

a Pr(X ≥ 4) b Pr(X ≥ 4 | X > 2) c Pr(X < 5 | X > 2)

a Pr(X ≥ 4) = Pr(X = 4) + Pr(X = 5) + Pr(X = 6) + Pr(X = 7)
= 0.4 + 0.3 + 0.02 + 0.02
= 0.74
Pr(X ≥ 4)
b Pr(X ≥ 4 | X > 2) =
Pr(X > 2)
= since Pr(X > 2) = 1 − 0.01 = 0.99
Pr(2 < X < 5)
c Pr(X < 5 | X > 2) =
Pr(X > 2)
Pr(X = 3) + Pr(X = 4)
Pr(X > 2)

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11C 11C Discrete random variables 517

Section summary
 For any discrete probability function p(x), the following two conditions must hold:
1 Each value of p(x) belongs to the interval [0, 1]. That is,
0 ≤ p(x) ≤ 1 for all x
2 The sum of all the values of p(x) must be 1. That is,

p(x) = 1
 To determine the probability that X takes a value in the interval from a to b (including
the values a and b), add the values of p(x) from x = a to x = b:

Pr(a ≤ X ≤ b) = p(x)

Exercise 11C

Skillsheet 1 Which of the following random variables are discrete?

a the number of people in your family
b waist measurement
c shirt size
d the number of times a die is rolled before obtaining a six

2 Which of the following random variables are discrete?

a your age
b your height to the nearest centimetre
c the time you will wait to be served at the bank
d the number of people in the queue at the bank

Example 11 3 A fair coin is tossed three times and the number of heads noted.
a List the sample space.
b List the possible values of the random variable X, the number of heads, together with
the corresponding outcomes.
c Find Pr(X ≥ 2).

Example 12 4 Consider the following table:

x 0 1 2 3 4
p(x) 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.2

a Does this meet the conditions to be a discrete probability distribution?

b Use the table to find Pr(X ≤ 3).

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518 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions 11C

Example 13 5 A jar contains four red and five blue balls. A ball is withdrawn, its colour is observed,
and it is then replaced. This is repeated three times. Let X be the number of red balls
among the three balls withdrawn.
a Find the probability distribution of X and show that all the probabilities sum to 1.
b Find the probability that one or more red balls are obtained.
c Find the probability that more than one red ball is obtained.

Example 14 6 Two dice are rolled and the numbers noted.

a List the sample space.
b A random variable Y is defined as the total of the numbers showing on the two dice.
List the possible values of Y, together with the corresponding outcomes.
c Find:
i Pr(Y < 5) ii Pr(Y = 3 | Y < 5) iii Pr(Y ≤ 3 | Y < 7)
iv Pr(Y ≥ 7 | Y > 4) v Pr(Y = 7 | Y > 4) vi Pr(Y = 7 | Y < 8)

7 A die is weighted as follows:

Pr(2) = Pr(3) = Pr(4) = Pr(5) = 0.2, Pr(1) = Pr(6) = 0.1
The die is rolled twice, and the smaller of the numbers showing is noted. Let Y
represent this value.
a List the sample space.
b List the possible values of Y.
c Find Pr(Y = 1).

8 Suppose that three balls are selected at random, with replacement, from a jar containing
four white and six black balls. If X is the number of white balls in the sample, find:
a Pr(X = 2) b Pr(X = 3)
c Pr(X ≥ 2) d Pr(X = 3 | X ≥ 2)

9 A fair die is rolled twice and the numbers noted. Define the following events:
A = ‘a four on the first roll’
B = ‘a four on the second roll’
C = ‘the sum of the two numbers is at least eight’
D = ‘the sum of the two numbers is at least 10’
a List the sample space obtained.
b Find Pr(A), Pr(B), Pr(C) and Pr(D).
c Find Pr(A | B), Pr(A | C) and Pr(A | D).
d Which of the following pairs of events are independent?
i A and B ii A and C iii A and D

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11C 11C Discrete random variables 519

10 Consider the table shown on the right. x 0 1 2 3

a Does this meet the conditions to be a p(x) 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.3
discrete probability distribution?
b Use the table to find Pr(X ≥ 2).

11 Which of the following is not a probability distribution?

a x 1 3 5 7
p(x) 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7

b x −1 0 1 2
p(x) 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

c x 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0

p(x) −0.5 −0.25 0.25 0.5

d x 10 20 30 40
p(x) 10% 20% 30% 40%

12 Three balls are selected from a jar containing four black and six red balls. Find the
probability distribution of the number of black balls in the sample:
a if the ball chosen is replaced after each selection
b if the ball chosen is not replaced after each selection.

13 A coin is known to be biased such that the probability of obtaining a head on any toss
is 0.4. Find the probability distribution of X, the number of heads observed when the
coin is tossed twice.

14 A spinner is numbered from 1 to 5, and each of the five numbers is equally likely to
come up. Find:
a the probability distribution of X, the number showing on the spinner
b Pr(X ≥ 3), the probability that the number showing on the spinner is three or more
c Pr(X ≤ 3 | X ≥ 3)

15 Two dice are rolled and the numbers noted.

a List the sample space for this experiment.
b Find the probability distribution of X, the sum of the numbers showing on the
two dice.
c Draw a graph of the probability distribution of X.
d Find Pr(X ≥ 9), the probability that the sum of the two numbers showing is nine
or more.
e Find Pr(X ≤ 10 | X ≥ 9).

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520 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions 11C

16 Two dice are rolled and the numbers noted.

a List the sample space for this experiment.
b Find the probability distribution of Y, the remainder when the larger number
showing is divided by the smaller number. (Note that, if the two numbers are the
same, then Y = 0.)
c Draw a graph of the probability distribution of Y.

17 Suppose that two socks are drawn without replacement from a drawer containing
four red and six black socks. Let X represent the number of red socks obtained.
a Find the probability distribution for X.
b From the probability distribution, determine the probability that a pair of socks is

18 A dartboard consists of three circular sections, with

radii of 2 cm, 10 cm and 20 cm respectively, as shown
in the diagram.
When a dart lands in the centre circle the score is 10 cm
2 cm 20 cm
100 points, in the middle circular section the score is
20 points and in the outer circular section the score is
10 points. Assume that all darts thrown hit the board,
each dart is equally likely to land at any point on the
dartboard, and none lands on the lines.
a Find the probability distribution for X, the number of points scored on one throw.
b Find the probability distribution for Y, the total score when two darts are thrown.

19 Erin and Nick are going to play a tennis match. Suppose that they each have an equal
chance of winning any set (0.5) and that they plan to play until one player has won
three sets. Let X be the number of sets played until the match is complete.
a Find Pr(X = 3).
b List the outcomes that correspond to X = 4, and use this to find Pr(X = 4).
c Hence, or otherwise, find Pr(X = 5).

11D Expected value (mean), variance and standard deviation

From your studies of statistics, you may already be familiar with the mean as a measure of
centre and with the variance and the standard deviation as measures of spread. When these
are calculated from a set of data, they are termed ‘sample statistics’. It is also possible to use
the probability distribution to determine the theoretically ‘true’ values of the mean, variance
and standard deviation. When they are calculated from the probability distribution, they are
called ‘population parameters’. Determining the values of these parameters is the topic for
this section.

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11D Expected value (mean), variance and standard deviation 521

 Expected value (mean)

When the mean of a random variable is determined from the probability distribution, it is
generally called the expected value of the random variable. Expected value has a wide
variety of applications. The concept of expected value first arose in gambling problems,
where gamblers wished to know how much they could expect to win or lose in the long run,
in order to decide whether or not a particular game was a good investment.

Example 15
A person may buy a lucky ticket for $1. They have a 20% chance of winning $2,
a 5% chance of winning $11, and otherwise they lose. Is this a good game to play?

Let P be the amount the person will profit from each game. As it costs $1 to play, the
person can lose $1 (P = −1), win $1 (P = 1) or win $10 (P = 10). Thus the amount that
the person may win, $P, has a probability distribution given by:

p −1 1 10
Pr(P = p) 0.75 0.20 0.05

Suppose you played the game 1000 times. You would expect to lose $1 about 750 times,
to win $1 about 200 times and to win $10 about 50 times. Thus, you would win about
−1 × 750 + 1 × 200 + 10 × 50
= −$0.05 per game
Thus your ‘expectation’ is to lose 5 cents per game, and we write this as
E(P) = −0.05

Note: This value gives an indication of the worth of the game: in the long run, you would
expect to lose about 5 cents per game. This is called the expected value of P (or the
mean of P). It is not the amount we expect to profit on any one game. (You cannot
lose 5 cents in one game!) It is the amount that we expect to win on average per game
in the long run.
Example 15 demonstrates how the expected value of a random variable X is determined.

The expected value of a discrete random variable X is determined by summing the

products of each value of X and the probability that X takes that value.
That is,

E(X) = x · Pr(X = x)

= x · p(x)
The expected value E(X) may be considered as the long-run average value of X. It is
generally denoted by the Greek letter μ (mu), and is also called the mean of X.

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522 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

Example 16
A coin is biased in favour of heads such that the probability of obtaining a head on any
single toss is 0.6. The coin is tossed three times and the results noted. If X is the number
of heads obtained on the three tosses, find E(X), the expected value of X.

The following probability distribution can be found by listing the outcomes in the sample
space and determining the value of X and the associated probability for each outcome.

x 0 1 2 3
p(x) 0.064 0.288 0.432 0.216

μ = E(X) = x · p(x)

= (0 × 0.064) + (1 × 0.288) + (2 × 0.432) + (3 × 0.216)

= 0.288 + 0.864 + 0.648
= 1.8

Note: This means that, if the experiment were repeated many times, then an average of
1.8 heads per three tosses would be observed.
Sometimes we wish to find the expected value of a function of X. This is determined by
calculating the value of the function for each value of X, and then summing the products of
these values and the associated probabilities.

The expected value of g(X) is given by

E[g(X)] = g(x) · p(x)

Example 17
For the random variable X defined in Example 16, find:
a E(3X + 1) b E(X 2 )


a E(3X + 1) = (3x + 1) · p(x)

= (1 × 0.064) + (4 × 0.288) + (7 × 0.432) + (10 × 0.216)

= 6.4

b E(X 2 ) = x2 · p(x)

= (0 × 0.064) + (12 × 0.288) + (22 × 0.432) + (32 × 0.216)


= 3.96

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Let us compare the values found in Example 17 with the value of E(X) found in Example 16.
In part a, we found that E(3X + 1) = 6.4. Since 3E(X) + 1 = 3 × 1.8 + 1 = 6.4, we see that
E(3X + 1) = 3E(X) + 1
In part b, we found that E(X 2 ) = 3.96. Since [E(X)]2 = 1.82 = 3.24, we see that
E(X 2 )  [E(X)]2
These two examples illustrate an important point concerning expected values.
In general, the expected value of a function of X is not equal to that function of the expected
value of X. That is,
E[g(X)]  g[E(X)]
An exception is when the function is linear:

Expected value of aX + b
E(aX + b) = aE(X) + b (for a, b constant)

This is illustrated in Example 18.

Example 18
For a $5 monthly fee, a TV repair company guarantees customers a complete service.
The company estimates the probability that a customer will require one service call in a
month as 0.05, the probability of two calls as 0.01 and the probability of three or more
calls as 0.00. Each call costs the repair company $40. What is the TV repair company’s
expected monthly gain from such a contract?

We may summarise the given information in the following table.

Calls 0 1 2 ≥3
Gain, g 5 −35 −75
Pr(G = g) 0.94 0.05 0.01 0.00

E(G) = g · Pr(G = g)

= 5 × 0.94 − 35 × 0.05 − 75 × 0.01

= 2.20
Thus, the company can expect to gain $2.20 per month on each contract sold.
Alternative solution
An alternative method of solution uses the formula for the expected value of aX + b,
as follows.

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524 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

Let X be the number of calls received. Then

G = 5 − 40X
and so E(G) = 5 − 40 × E(X)
Since E(X) = 1 × 0.05 + 2 × 0.01
= 0.07
we have E(G) = 5 − 40 × 0.07
= 2.20 as previously determined.

Another useful property of expectation is that the expected value of the sum of two random
variables is equal to the sum of their expected values. That is, if X and Y are two random
variables, then
E(X + Y) = E(X) + E(Y)

 Measures of variability: variance and standard deviation

As well as knowing the long-run average value of a random variable (the mean), it is also
useful to have a measure of how close to this mean are the possible values of the random
variable — that is, a measure of how spread out the probability distribution is. The most
useful measures of variability for a discrete random variable are the variance and the
standard deviation.

The variance of a random variable X is a measure of the spread of the probability

distribution about its mean or expected value μ. It is defined as
Var(X) = E[(X − μ)2 ]
and may be considered as the long-run average value of the square of the distance from X
to μ. The variance is usually denoted by σ2 , where σ is the lowercase Greek letter sigma.

From the definition,

Var(X) = E[(X − μ)2 ]

= (x − μ)2 · Pr(X = x)
Since the variance is determined by squaring the distance from X to μ, it is no longer in
the units of measurement of the original random variable X. A measure of spread in the
appropriate unit is found by taking the square root of the variance.

The standard deviation of X is defined as

sd(X) = Var(X)
The standard deviation is usually denoted by σ.

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11D Expected value (mean), variance and standard deviation 525

Example 19
Suppose that a discrete random variable X has the probability distribution shown in the
following table, where c > 0.

x −c c
Pr(X = x) 0.5 0.5

Find the standard deviation of X.

 Pr(X = x)
μ = E(X) = x · Pr(X = x) 1
x 2
= (−c × 0.5) + (c × 0.5)
-c c
σ2 = Var(X) = E[(X − μ)2 ]
= E(X 2 ) since μ = 0

= x2 · Pr(X = x)

= (−c)2 × 0.5 + c2 × 0.5

= c2
which is the average of (the distance from X to μ)2 .
Therefore σ = sd(X) = c.

Using the definition is not always the easiest way to calculate the variance.

An alternative (computational) formula for variance is

Var(X) = E(X 2 ) − E(X) 2

Proof We already know that

E(aX + b) = aE(X) + b (1)
and E(X + Y) = E(X) + E(Y) (2)

Hence Var(X) = E[(X − μ)2 ]

= E(X 2 − 2μX + μ2 )
= E(X 2 ) + E(−2μX + μ2 ) using (2)
= E(X ) − 2μE(X) + μ
2 2
using (1)
= E(X ) − 2μ + μ
2 2 2
since μ = E(X)
= E(X ) − μ
2 2

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526 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

Example 20
For the probability distribution x 0 1 2 3
shown, find E(X 2 ) and E(X) 2 and
Pr(X = x) 0.08 0.18 0.4 0.34
hence find the variance of X.

We have
E(X) = 1 × 0.18 + 2 × 0.4 + 3 × 0.34 = 2
E(X) 2 = μ2 = 4
E(X 2 ) = 1 × 0.18 + 4 × 0.4 + 9 × 0.34 = 4.84
Var(X) = E(X 2 ) − μ2 = 4.84 − 4 = 0.84

Variance of aX + b
Var(aX + b) = a2 Var(X) (for a, b constant)

Example 21
If X is a random variable such that Var(X) = 9, find:
a Var(3X + 2) b Var(−X)

a Var(3X + 2) = 32 Var(X) b Var(−X) = Var(−1 × X)
=9×9 = (−1)2 Var(X)
= 81 = Var(X)

Interpretation of standard deviation

We can make the standard deviation more meaningful by giving it an interpretation that
relates to the probability distribution.

Example 22
The number of chocolate bars, X, sold by a manufacturer in any month has the following

x 100 150 200 250 300 400

p(x) 0.05 0.15 0.35 0.25 0.15 0.05

What is the probability that X takes a value in the interval μ − 2σ to μ + 2σ?

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11D Expected value (mean), variance and standard deviation 527

First we must find the values of μ and σ.

μ = E(X) = x · p(x)

= 5 + 22.5 + 70 + 62.5 + 45 + 20
= 225
Before determining the standard deviation σ, we need to find the variance σ2 .
Now Var(X) = E(X 2 ) − E(X) 2

and E(X 2 ) = x2 · p(x)

= 500 + 3375 + 14 000 + 15 625 + 13 500 + 8000

= 55 000

Thus Var(X) = 55 000 − (225)2

= 4375

and so σ = sd(X)

= 4375
= 66.14 (correct to two decimal places)

Hence Pr(μ − 2σ ≤ X ≤ μ + 2σ)

= Pr(92.72 ≤ X ≤ 357.28)
= Pr(100 ≤ X ≤ 300) since X only takes the values in the table
= 0.95 from the probability distribution of X

In this example, 95% of the distribution lies within two standard deviations either side of the
mean. While this is not always true, in many circumstances it is approximately true.

For many random variables X,

Pr(μ − 2σ ≤ X ≤ μ + 2σ) ≈ 0.95

Example 23
A manufacturer knows that the mean number of faulty light bulbs in a batch of 10 000
is 12, with a standard deviation of 3. He wishes to claim to his clients that 95% of batches
will contain between c1 and c2 faulty light bulbs. What are two possible values of c1
and c2 ?
Since Pr(μ − 2σ ≤ X ≤ μ + 2σ) ≈ 0.95, we can say
c1 = μ − 2σ = 6 and c2 = μ + 2σ = 18

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528 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions 11D

Section summary
 The expected value (or mean) of a discrete random variable X may be considered as
the long-run average value of X. It is found by summing the products of each value
of X and the probability that X takes that value. That is,

μ = E(X) = x · Pr(X = x)

= x · p(x)
 The variance of a random variable X is a measure of the spread of the probability
distribution about its mean μ. It is defined as
σ2 = Var(X) = E[(X − μ)2 ]
An alternative (computational) formula for variance is
Var(X) = E(X 2 ) − E(X) 2
 The standard deviation of a random variable X is defined as

σ = sd(X) = Var(X)
 In general, for many random variables X,
Pr(μ − 2σ ≤ X ≤ μ + 2σ) ≈ 0.95

Exercise 11D

Example 15 1 Tickets in a game of chance can be purchased for $2. Each ticket has a 30% chance of
winning $2, a 10% chance of winning $20, and otherwise loses. How much might you
expect to win or lose if you play the game 100 times?

Example 16 2 For each of the following probability distributions, find the mean (expected value):
a x 1 3 5 7
p(x) 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3

b x −1 0 1 2
p(x) 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

c x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
p(x) 0.09 0.22 0.26 0.21 0.13 0.06 0.02 0.01

d x 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

p(x) 0.08 0.13 0.09 0.19 0.20 0.03 0.10 0.18

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11D 11D Expected value (mean), variance and standard deviation 529

e x 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1
36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
f x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 10 5 5 5 10 10

3 A business consultant evaluates a proposed venture as follows. A company stands

to make a profit of $10 000 with probability 0.15, to make a profit of $5000 with
probability 0.45, to break even with probability 0.25, and to lose $5000 with
probability 0.15. Find the expected profit.

4 A spinner is numbered from 0 to 5, and each of the six numbers has an equal chance
of coming up. A player who bets $1 on any number wins $5 if that number comes up;
otherwise the $1 is lost. What is the player’s expected profit on the game?

5 Suppose that the probability of having a female child is not as high as that of having a
male child, and that the following frequency data for the number of male children in a
three-child family have been determined from past records.

Number of males 0 1 2 3
Frequency 18 54 57 21

a Using the data, construct a table giving the probability distribution of X, the number
of male children in a three-child family.
b What is the mean number of male children in a three-child family?

6 A player throws a die with faces numbered from 1 to 6 inclusive. If the player obtains
a 6, she throws the die a second time, and in this case her score is the sum of 6 and the
second number; otherwise her score is the number first obtained. The player has no
more than two throws.
Let X be the random variable denoting the player’s score. Write down the probability
distribution of X, and determine the mean of X.

Example 17 7 The random variable X represents the number of chocolate chips in a certain brand of
biscuit, and is known to have the following probability distribution.

x 2 3 4 5 6
p(x) 0.01 0.25 0.40 0.30 0.04

Calculate: 1
a E(X) b E(X 3 ) c E(5X − 4) d E

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530 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions 11D

Example 18 8 Manuel is a car salesperson. In any week his probability of making sales is as follows:

Number of cars sold, x 2 3 4 5 6

Pr(X = x) 0.45 0.25 0.20 0.08 0.02

If he is paid $2000 commission on each car sold, what is his expected weekly income?

Example 20 9 A discrete random variable X takes x 0 1 2 4 8

values 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 with probabilities
1 1 1 1
as shown in the table. Pr(X = x) p
2 4 8 16

a Find p. b Find E(X). c Find Var(X).

10 A biased die is such that the probability of any face landing uppermost is proportional
to the number on that face. Thus, if X denotes the score obtained in one throw of this
die, then Pr(X = r) = kr for r = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, where k is a constant.
a Find the value of k. b Find E(X). c Find Var(X).

11 An unbiased die is in the form of a regular tetrahedron and has its faces numbered 1,
2, 3 and 4. When the die is thrown onto a horizontal table, the number on the face in
contact with the table is noted. Two such dice are thrown and the score, X, is found by
multiplying these numbers together.
a Give the probability distribution of X.
b Determine the values of:
i Pr(X > 8) ii E(X) iii Var(X)

12 A coin and a six-sided die are thrown simultaneously. The random variable X is defined
as follows: If the coin shows a head, then X is the score on the die; if the coin shows a
tail, then X is twice the score on the die.
a Find the expected value, μ, of X.
b Find Pr(X < μ).
c Find Var(X).

Example 21 13 If Var(X) = 16, find:

a Var(2X) b Var(X + 2) c Var(1 − X) d sd(3X)

Example 22 14 A random variable X has the x 1 2 3 4 5

probability distribution shown.
Pr(X = x) c 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.05
a the constant c
b E(X), the mean of X
c Var(X), the variance of X, and hence the standard deviation of X
d Pr(μ − 2σ ≤ X ≤ μ + 2σ)

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11D 11D Expected value (mean), variance and standard deviation 531

15 A random variable X has the probability distribution shown.

x 1 2 3 4 5
Pr(X = x) k 2k 3k 4k 5k

a the constant k b E(X), the expectation of X
c Var(X), the variance of X d Pr(μ − 2σ ≤ X ≤ μ + 2σ)

16 Two dice are rolled. If X is the sum of the numbers showing on the two dice, find:
a E(X), the mean of X
b Var(X), the variance of X
c Pr(μ − 2σ ≤ X ≤ μ + 2σ)

17 The number of heads, X, obtained when a fair coin is tossed six times has the following
probability distribution.

x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
p(x) 0.0156 0.0937 0.2344 0.3126 0.2344 0.0937 0.0156

a E(X), the mean of X
b Var(X), the variance of X
c Pr(μ − 2σ ≤ X ≤ μ + 2σ)

Example 23 18 The random variable X, the number of heads observed when a fair coin is tossed
100 times, has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 5. If Pr(c1 ≤ X ≤ c2 ) ≈ 0.95,
give possible values of c1 and c2 .

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532 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions

Chapter summary

 Probability is a numerical measure of the chance of a particular event occurring and may
be determined experimentally or by symmetry.
 Whatever method is used to determine the probability, the following rules will hold:
• 0 ≤ Pr(A) ≤ 1 for all events A ⊆ ε
• Pr(∅) = 0 and Pr(ε) = 1
• Pr(A ) = 1 − Pr(A), where A is the complement of A
• Pr(A ∪ B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B) − Pr(A ∩ B), the addition rule.
 Probabilities associated with combined events are sometimes able to be calculated more
easily from a probability table.
 Two events A and B are mutually exclusive if A ∩ B = ∅. In this case, we have
Pr(A ∩ B) = 0 and therefore Pr(A ∪ B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B).
 The conditional probability of event A occurring, given that event B has already
occurred, is
Pr(A ∩ B)
Pr(A | B) = if Pr(B)  0
giving Pr(A ∩ B) = Pr(A | B) × Pr(B) (the multiplication rule)
 The probabilities associated with multi-stage experiments can be calculated by
constructing an appropriate tree diagram and multiplying along the relevant branches
(from the multiplication rule).
 The law of total probability states that, in the case of two events A and B,
Pr(A) = Pr(A | B) Pr(B) + Pr(A | B ) Pr(B )
 Two events A and B are independent if
Pr(A | B) = Pr(A)
so whether or not B has occurred has no effect on the probability of A occurring.
 Events A and B are independent if and only if Pr(A ∩ B) = Pr(A) × Pr(B).
Discrete random variables
 A discrete random variable X is one which can take only a countable number of values.
Often these values are whole numbers, but not necessarily.
 The probability distribution of X is a function p(x) = Pr(X = x) that assigns a
probability to each value of X. It can be represented by a rule, a table or a graph, and must
give a probability p(x) for every value x that X can take.
 For any discrete probability distribution, the following two conditions must hold:
1 Each value of p(x) belongs to the interval [0, 1]. That is,
0 ≤ p(x) ≤ 1 for all x
2 The sum of all the values of p(x) must be 1. That is,

p(x) = 1

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Chapter 11 review 533

 To determine the probability that X takes a value in the interval from a to b (including the
values a and b), add the values of p(x) from x = a to x = b:

Pr(a ≤ X ≤ b) = p(x)
 The expected value (or mean) of a discrete random variable X may be considered as the
long-run average value of X. It is found by summing the products of each value of X and
the probability that X takes that value. That is,

μ = E(X) = x · Pr(X = x)

= x · p(x)
 The expected value of a function of X is given by

E[g(X)] = g(x) · p(x)
 The variance of a random variable X is a measure of the spread of the probability
distribution about its mean μ. It is defined as
σ2 = Var(X) = E[(X − μ)2 ]
An alternative (computational) formula for variance is
Var(X) = E(X 2 ) − E(X) 2
 The standard deviation of a random variable X is defined as

σ = sd(X) = Var(X)
 Linear function of a discrete random variable:
E(aX + b) = aE(X) + b
Var(aX + b) = a2 Var(X)
 In general, for many random variables X,
Pr(μ − 2σ ≤ X ≤ μ + 2σ) ≈ 0.95

Short-answer questions
1 If Pr(A) = 0.5, Pr(B) = 0.2 and Pr(A ∪ B) = 0.7, are the events A and B mutually
exclusive? Explain.

2 Show, using a diagram or otherwise, that Pr(A ∪ B) = 1 − Pr(A ∩ B ). How would you
describe this relationship in words?

3 A box contains five black and four white balls. Find the probability that two balls drawn
at random are of different colours if:
a the first ball drawn is replaced before the second is drawn
b the balls are drawn without replacement.

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534 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions
4 A gambler has two coins, A and B; the probabilities of their turning up heads are 0.8
and 0.4 respectively. One coin is selected at random and tossed twice, and a head and a
tail are observed. Find the probability that the coin selected was A.

5 The probability distribution of a discrete random variable X is given by the following

table. Show that p = 0.5 or p = 1.

x 0 1 2 3
Pr(X = x) 0.4p 2
0.1 0.1 1 − 0.6p

6 A random variable X has the following probability distribution.

x −1 0 1 2 3 4
Pr(X = x) k 2k 3k 2k k k

a the constant k b E(X), the mean of X c Var(X), the variance of X

7 If X has a probability function given by

p(x) = , x = 2, 4, 16, 64
find: 1
a E(X) b E c Var(X) d sd(X)
8 A manufacturer sells cylinders for $x each; the cost of the manufacture of each cylinder
is $2. If a cylinder is defective, it is returned and the purchase money refunded. A
returned cylinder is regarded as a total loss to the manufacturer. The probability that a
cylinder is returned is 15 .
a Let P be the profit per cylinder. Find the probability function of P.
b Find the mean of P in terms of x.
c How much should the manufacturer sell the cylinders for in order to make a profit in
the long term?

9 A group of 1000 drivers were classified according to their age and the number of
accidents they had been involved in during the previous year. The results are shown in
the table.
Age < 30 Age ≥ 30
At most one accident 130 170
More than one accident 470 230

a Calculate the probability that, if a driver is chosen at random from this group, the
driver is aged less than 30 and has had more than one accident.
b Calculate the probability that a randomly chosen driver is aged less than 30, given
that he or she has had more than one accident.

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Chapter 11 review 535

10 This year, 70% of the population have been immunised against a certain disease.
Records indicate that an immunised person has a 5% chance of contracting the
disease, whereas for a non-immunised person the chance is 60%. Calculate the overall
percentage of the population who are expected to contract the disease.
1 1 1
11 Given Pr(A) = , Pr(B) = and Pr(A | B) = , find:
2 4 6
a Pr(A ∩ B) b Pr(A ∪ B) c Pr(A | B) d Pr(A | B )

Multiple-choice questions
1 Consider the following table:

x −2 −1 0 1 2
Pr(X = x) 2k 3k 0.1 3k 2k

For the table to represent a probability function, the value of k is

A 0.09 B 0.9 C 0.01 D 0.2 E 1

2 Suppose that the random variable X has the probability distribution given in the
following table:

x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Pr(X = x) 0.07 0.15 0.22 0.22 0.17 0.12 0.05

Pr(−3 ≤ X < 0) is equal to

A 0.59 B 0.37 C 0.22 D 0.44 E 0.66

3 x 1 2 3 4 5
Pr(X = x) 0.46 0.24 0.14 0.09 0.07
For this probability distribution, the expected value E(X) is
A 2 B 1 C 1.59 D 2.07 E 5.87

4 A random variable X is such that E(X) = 1.20 and E(X 2 ) = 1.69. The standard deviation
of X is equal to

A 1.3 B 3.13 C 0.25 D 0.7 E 0.5

5 Suppose that a random variable X is such that E(X) = 100 and Var(X) = 100. Suppose
further that Y is a random variable such that Y = 3X + 10. Then
A E(Y) = 300 and Var(Y) = 900 B E(Y) = 310 and Var(Y) = 300
C E(Y) = 310 and Var(Y) = 900 D E(Y) = 300 and Var(Y) = 30

E E(Y) = 310 and Var(Y) = 100 3

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536 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions
6 The random variable X has the probability x −1 0 1
distribution shown, where 0 < p < . Pr(X = x) p 2p 1 − 3p
The mean of X is
A 1 B 0 C 1 − 4p D 4p E 1 + 4p

7 The random variable X has the probability x −2 0 2

distribution shown on the right.
Pr(X = x) a b 0.2
If the mean of X is 0.2, then
A a = 0.2, b = 0.6 B a = 0.1, b = 0.7 C a = 0.4, b = 0.4
D a = 0.1, b = 0.7 E a = 0.5, b = 0.3

Extended-response questions
1 Given the following probability function:

x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pr(X = x) c 2c 2c 3c c 2
2c 2
7c + c

a Find c.
b Evaluate Pr(X ≥ 5).
c If Pr(X ≤ k) > 0.5, find the minimum value of k.

2 Janet and Alan are going to play a tennis match. The probability of Janet winning the
first set is 0.3. After that, Janet’s probability of winning a set is 0.6 if she has won the
previous set, but only 0.4 if she has lost it. The match will continue until either Janet or
Alan has won two sets.
a Construct a tree diagram to show the possible course of the match.
b Find the probability that:
i Janet will win
ii Alan will win.
c Let X be the number of sets played until the match is complete.
i Find the probability distribution of X.
ii Find the expected number of sets that the match will take, E(X).
d Given that the match lasted three sets, find the probability that Alan won.

3 Five identical cards are placed face down on the table. Three of the cards are marked $5
and the remaining two are marked $10. A player picks two cards at random (without
replacement) and is paid an amount equal to the sum of the values on the two cards.
How much should the player pay to play if this is to be a fair game? (A fair game is
considered to be one for which E(X) = 0, where X is the profit from the game.)

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Chapter 11 review 537

4 A manufacturing company has three assembly lines: A, B and C. It has been found that
95% of the products produced on assembly line A will be free from faults, 98% from
assembly line B will be free from faults and 99% from assembly line C will be free
from faults. Assembly line A produces 50% of the day’s output, assembly line B
produces 30% of the day’s output, and the rest is produced on assembly line C. If an
item is chosen at random from the company’s stock, find the probability that it:
a was produced on assembly line A
b is defective, given that it came from assembly line A
c is defective
d was produced on assembly line A, given that it was found to be defective.

5 A recent study found that P, the number of passengers per car entering a city on the
freeway on a workday morning, is given by:

p 0 1 2 3 4 5
Pr(P = p) 0.39 0.27 0.16 0.12 0.04 0.02

a i Compute E(P), the mean number of passengers per car.

ii Compute Var(P) and hence find the standard deviation of P.
iii Find Pr(μ − 2σ ≤ P ≤ μ + 2σ).
b The fees for cars at a toll booth on the freeway are as follows:
 Cars carrying no passengers pay $1 toll.
 Cars carrying one passenger pay $0.40 toll.
 Cars carrying two or more passengers pay no toll.
Let T be the toll paid by a randomly selected car on the freeway.
i Construct the probability distribution of T .
ii Find E(T ), the mean toll paid per car.
iii Find Pr(μ − 2σ ≤ T ≤ μ + 2σ).

6 The random variable Y, the number of cars sold in a week by a car salesperson, has the
following probability distribution:

y 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pr(Y = y) 0.135 0.271 0.271 0.180 0.090 0.036 0.012 0.003 0.002

a Compute E(Y), the mean number of sales per week.

b Compute Var(Y) and hence find the standard deviation of Y.
c The car salesperson is given a bonus as follows: If fewer than three cars are sold in
the week, no bonus is given; if three or four cars are sold, a $100 bonus is given; for
more than four cars, the bonus is $200. Let B be the bonus paid to the salesperson.
i Construct the probability distribution for B.
ii Find E(B), the mean bonus paid.

Cambridge Senior Maths AC ISBN 978-1-316-63582-7 © Evans et al. 2017 Cambridge University Press
Mathematical Methods Y12 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.
538 Chapter 11: Discrete random variables and their probability distributions
7 A given investment scheme is such that there is a 10% chance of receiving a profit
of 40% of the amount invested, a 15% chance of a 30% profit, a 25% chance of
a 20% profit, a 20% chance of a 10% profit, a 15% chance of breaking even, a
10% chance of a 10% loss and a 5% chance of 20% loss.
a Find the mean and standard deviation of the percentage return on the amount
b Find the probability that the percentage return on the amount invested is within two
standard deviations of the mean.
c An investor investing in the scheme pays a brokerage fee of 2% on the amount
invested and a tax of 40% on the return (= profit − brokerage) of the investment.
(Assume that a loss results in a tax refund for this investment.)
Express the percentage gain in terms of the percentage return on the amount
invested, and hence find the mean and standard deviation of the percentage gain.

8 A concert featuring a popular singer is scheduled to be held in a large open-air theatre.

The promoter is concerned that rain will cause people to stay away. A weather
forecaster predicts that the probability of rain on any day at that particular time of the
year is 0.33. If it does not rain, the promoter will make a profit of $250 000 on the
concert. If it does rain, the profit will be reduced to $20 000. An insurance company
agrees to insure the concert for $250 000 against rain for a premium of $60 000. Should
the promoter buy the insurance?

9 A game is devised as follows: On two rolls of a single die, you will lose $10 if the sum
showing is 7, and win $11 if the sum showing is either 11 or 12. How much should you
win or lose if any other sum comes up in order for the game to be fair?

10 A new machine is to be developed by a manufacturing company. Prototypes are to be

made until one satisfies the specifications of the company. Only then will it go into
production. However, if after three prototypes are made none is satisfactory, then the
project will be abandoned.
It is estimated that the probability a prototype will fail to produce a satisfactory model
is 0.35, independent of any other already tested.
a Find the probability that:
i the first prototype is successful
ii the first is not successful but the second is
iii the first two are not successful but the third is
iv the project is abandoned.
b It is estimated that the cost of developing and testing the first prototype is $7 million
and that each subsequent prototype developed costs half of the one before. Find the
expected cost of the project.
c If a machine is developed, then it is estimated that the income will be $20 million.
(If the project is abandoned, there is no income.) Find the expected profit.

Cambridge Senior Maths AC ISBN 978-1-316-63582-7 © Evans et al. 2017 Cambridge University Press
Mathematical Methods Y12 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.
Chapter 11 review 539

x 1

11 A die is loaded such that the chance of throwing a 1 is , the chance of a 2 is and
4 4
1 1
the chance of a 6 is (1 − x). The chance of a 3, 4 or 5 is . The die is thrown twice.
4 6
9x − 9x2 + 10
a Prove that the chance of throwing a total of 7 is .
b Find the value of x which will make this chance a maximum and find this maximum

12 A game of chance consists of rolling a disc of diameter 2 cm on a horizontal square

board. The board is divided into 25 small squares, each of side length 4 cm. A player
wins a prize if, when the disc settles, it lies entirely within any one small square. There
is a ridge around the outside edge of the board so that the disc always bounces back,
cannot fall off and lies entirely within the boundary of the large square.
Prizes are awarded as follows:
Centre (the middle square) 50c
Inner (the eight squares surrounding the centre) 25c
Corner (the four corner squares) 12c
Outer (any other smaller square) 5c
When no skill is involved, the centre of the disc may be assumed to be randomly
distributed over the accessible region.
a Calculate the probability in any one throw of winning:
i 50c ii 25c iii 12c iv 5c v no prize
b The proprietor wishes to make a profit in the long run, but is anxious to charge as
little as possible to attract customers. He charges C cents, where C is an integer.
Find the lowest value of C that will yield a profit.

13 Discrete uniform distributions

a Let X represent the number appearing on the uppermost face when a fair die is
rolled. The probability distribution of X is shown in the table below.
i Find E(X). x 1 2 3 4 5 6
ii Find Var(X).
Pr(X = x) 1

b In general, a random variable X with values 1, 2, 3, . . . , n has a uniform distribution

if each value of X is equally likely, and therefore
Pr(X = x) = , for x = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n
i Find E(X). Hint: Use the result 1 + 2 + 3 + · · · + n = 12 n(n + 1).
ii Find Var(X). Hint: Use the result 12 + 22 + 32 + · · · + n2 = 16 n(n + 1)(2n + 1).
c A number is chosen randomly from the set {1, 2, 3, . . . , 10}. Let X represent the
number chosen. Find:
i Pr(X = 4) ii Pr(X ≤ 4) iii E(X) iv Var(X)

Cambridge Senior Maths AC ISBN 978-1-316-63582-7 © Evans et al. 2017 Cambridge University Press
Mathematical Methods Y12 Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

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