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Effect of E-Satisfaction toward E-Repurchase Intention on

E-Commerce Platform

Puspa Yudha Utama, Naili Farida, Dina Lestari and Robetmi Jumpakita Pinem
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University
Jl.Prof.H.Soedharto,SH, Tembalang Semarang, Indonesia 50275


Keywords: E-commerce, customization, awareness, interactive contact, e-satisfaction, Brand preference e-repurchase

Abstracts: The aims of this research was to examine the effects of customization, awareness, interactive contacts on
e-commerce customer satisfaction, then identify the effect of e-commerce customer satisfaction toward
e-repurchase intentions. Respondent in this research amount 209 respondent and analysis Structural
Equation Model (SEM) software AMOS 22.0. The results showed that customization, awareness and
interactive contacts have a significant influence on e-commerce customer satisfaction, e-commerce
customer satisfaction has a significant effect on brand preference and finally, brand preference has a
significant intention of repurchasing e-commerce customers.

1 INTRODUCTION Business is inseparable from a risk, as well as e-

commerce business. Consumers often face the risk
Advances in technology and telecommunications of dissatisfaction while shopping online. The results
support the development of internet technology. The of research conducted by Rakuten Smart Shopping
company's ability to adapt changes in economic Survey in 2013 showed that consumers in Indonesia
globalization has a positive correlation between as much as 84% feel dissatisfied with his online
company's competitive ability with its competitors. shopping experience. As many as 49% of the
Companies that are able to compete in the respondents feel dissatisfied because the products
competition is a company that is able to implement they get differ from what they expect. The
the technology into the company. One type of phenomenon of the gap is causing interest to do
technology implementation in terms of increasing research, in order to know more deeply the factors
business competition and product sales is by using that affect the satisfaction and intention of
electronic commerce (e-commerce) to market repurchasing e-commerce customers. Knowledge of
various goods or services, both in physical and the factors that affect the satisfaction and the
digital (Almilia, 2005). Mastel reported internet intention of repurchasing e-commerce customers is
users in Indonesia on 2017 keep increasing until expected to minimize the risk of e-commerce
143.26 million around 54.68% Indonesia population customer dissatisfaction that can negatively affect
(262 million). the company.
This phenomenon affects the trend of online Haverila shows that customer satisfaction and
shopping in Indonesia, which tend to increase. repurchase intention variables have a significant
Penetration of Internet users that continue to expand, influence (Haverila, 2011). Further Shin
it can provide many opportunities for e-commerce foundthat customer satisfaction had no significant
business in Indonesia; E-commerce is growing very effect on repurchase intention, as well as site quality
rapidly. Visa credit card companies report that their variables, but customer trust and customer
client's internet payments totaled $ 13 billion / year commitment variables significantly affected
and keep growing every year(Gefen, 2000). repurchase intention (Shin 2014). Chang and
Chen has the opposite proof that customization,
interactivity, convenience, character has no effect on

Utama, P., Farida, N., Lestari, D. and Pinem, R.
Effect of E-Satisfaction toward E-Repurchase Intention on E-Commerce Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0008891206090613
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018) - , pages 609-613
ISBN: 978-989-758-437-4
Copyright c 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research

customer satisfaction, and e-loyalty is not influenced that impact e-commerce raises also affect consumer
by customer satisfaction (Chang and Chen, 2008, p. behavior. The importance of studying consumer
2927). Lee found evidence that e-satisfaction behavior is a mechanism for achieving business
had significant effect on repurchase intention, success. The suitability between the products offered
overall e-service quality variable, website on the e-commerce site with the expected consumers
information satisfaction, and system satisfaction had will create satisfaction, so it can bring the intention
significant effect on e-satisfaction (Lee 2009), to buy back in the minds of consumers. The creation
then Noyan and Simsek and customer satisfaction of such cycles will positively correlate to the e-
has a strong correlation to repurchase intentions, but commerce business earnings, so profit can be
stronger customer satisfaction affects the intention increased.
of customer buybacks (Noyan and Simsek, 2012). The next theory that supports this research is the
Based on previous research, aware that the need for reasoned action theory that explains that humans
information interest factors trigger e-repurchase make a rational decision based on the information
intention is relevant and reliable is needed. The need available to them, and the best determinant of a
for this information makes this research interesting person's behavior is the intention, which is the
to do. cognitive representation of the readiness to perform
E-commerce customer satisfaction and certain behaviors (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980).
repurchase research will be more focused on fashion Management of a good e-commerce system can lead
business, because there is a tendency in the use of e- to the intention of buying site visitors, so there is
commerce facilities used for fashion shopping. hope sustainability of the intention is the act of
Based on research conducted by Nielsen Global purchasing and get satisfaction thereafter. Satisfied
Online Survey in 2010, obtained the results of all customers will have a tendency to have an intention
who intend to spend 38 percent online shopping to repurchase.
fashion. The test model of this research is to One determinant of the success of companies
examine the relationship between the factors that that have e-commerce services in establishing
affect e-commerce customer satisfaction. Next, relationships with customers is to meet the
examine the effect of satisfaction on the intention of expectations or desires of e-commerce customers.
repurchase through brand preferences of e- The expectation confirmation theory indicates that if
commerce customers in Indonesia. the company cannot meet customer expectations
This research was conducted using online well, indirectly the customer will give a bad
shopper in fashion field in Semarang city as appraisal or impression too, the brand preference
respondent. Nevertheless, e-repurchase intention on will not be formed, so the intention of repurchase is
fashion products in Semarang city tends to be low difficult to create because customer satisfaction is
when compared with the growth of internet users is not fulfilled.
quite high. Knowledge of the factors that trigger e- Customization: the suitability of products,
commerce customer satisfaction, and brand services, and the transactional environment adds to
preference is expected to trigger increased customer the possibility that the customer will get something
satisfaction, thus affecting the increase of e- from the expected (Srinivasan, 2002).
repurchase intention. Care: consideration that the e-retailer delivers
everything to customers both before and after
making a purchase, to assist in direct transactions
2 THEORETICAL REVIEW and long-term relationships with customers
(Poleretzky, 1999).
Contact interactively: availability and
Business relates the marketing aspect. The
marketing base of the product develops with the effectiveness of customer support tools on the
website and facilitating two-way communication
times. Business trade is increasingly global with the
technology in the application of product marketing with customers (Alba etal. 1997).
that is by using internet. The form of marketing on E-satisfaction: the feeling of pleasure or
disappointment of someone who comes from the
the internet is known as e-commerce or electronic
commerce. comparison between the performance and the
The dynamism of consumer behavior raises outcome of a product to his expectations (Kotler and
Armstrong, 2007).
interest in the development of consumer behavior
studies as well as marketing strategies. An event will Brand preferences: is the level at which
change the behavior, the development of the internet consumers want services provided by a company as

Effect of E-Satisfaction toward E-Repurchase Intention on E-Commerce Platform

a comparison to services provided by other 4 RESULTS

companies with a series of considerations (Hellier,
2003). The modification model that was built consisted of
E-repurchase intention: A repurchase is a 16 manifest variables, latent variables as much as 6,
repurchase action of a product from the same with exogenous as many as 5 variables, and
supplier after the purchase, created by customer endogenous as many as 3 variables. Based on the
satisfaction with a product purchased or consumed modification model obtained three equations:
beforehand. ES = 0.61 CUSTOM + 0.82 CARE + 0.51 CI + e (1)
BP = 0.58 ES + e (2)
ERI = 0.85 BP + e (3)
Based on the results of testing the goodness of fit
of model obtained the results of all criteria of
goodness of fit fulfilled, thus the model
hypothesized fit with the data or in other words the
goodness of fit of model.

Table 1: Result of Goodness of Fit.

Figure 1: Framework.
Goodness of fit index Cut off value Result
2.1 Hypothesis Significance Probability 0,061 ≥ 0,05 Good
RMSEA 0,033 ≤ 0,08 Good
CMIN/DF 1,232 ≤ 2,00 Good
H1: Customization has significant effect on e-
TLI 0,963 ≥ 0,90 Good
CFI 0,970 ≥ 0,95 Good
H2: Care has significant effect on e-satisfiction.
H3: Contact interactively has significant effect on e-
H4: E-satisfaction has significant effect on brand 5 DISCUSSION
H5: Brand preference has significant effect on e- Based on the AMOS output table, the estimate value
repurcase. for the Customization, Caring, and Interactive
Relationship to the E-Satisfaction variable is 0.611;
0.819; 0.508 which means variability of variable E-
3 METHOD Satisfaction which can be explained by variability of
variable Customization, Caring, and Interactive
Relations equal to 61,1%; 81.9%; 50.8%. The rest is
This research includes explanatory research. This
explained by other variables outside the research
study was conducted to test the hypothesis by testing
model. Then, the value of estimate for the variable
the relationship to all variables studied (causal
of E-Satisfaction to Brand Preference is 0.577 which
research). The analysis tool used is structural
means variability of Brand Preference variable
equation model (SEM) software AMOS 22.0. Data
which can be explained by variability of E-
collected by questionnaire amount 209 respondents
Satisfaction variable equal to 57,7%. Furthermore,
who had purchased online. Sampling technique used
the value of estimate for Brand Preference variables
by using purposive sampling with criteria as follows,
on E-Repurchase Intention of 0.852, which means
1. Consumers have visited and made purchase
variability of E-Repurchase Intention variables that
transactions of products on e-commerce sites in
can be explained by variability of Brand Preference
the last 3 months.
variables of 85.2%. Then the results of the research
2. Consumers domiciled in Semarang.
hypothesis testing obtained results as follows.
3. Minimum age of 17 years.

ICMR 2018 - International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research

Tabel 2: Hypothesis testing. 6 CONCLUSIONS AND

Hipotesis Probabilitas Hasil SUGGESTIONS
Customization → E-
*** Accepted Based on the results of the analysis and
discussion in the previous chapter can be taken
Care → E-Satisfaction 0,050 Accepted several conclusions of research as follows;
a. Customization has a significant positive effect
Contact interactive → E-
0,011 Accepted on the e-satisfaction of the company-
commerce. The better the customization
E-Satisfaction→ Brand performed by e-commerce companies, the
*** Accepted
Preference higher the ¬customer satisfaction that makes
purchases on web-commerce.
Brand Preference → E- b. Care has a significant positive effect on e-
*** Accepted
Repurchase Intention
commerce companies. The better the awareness
given by e-commerce companies to consumers,
The customization variable affects e-satisfaction the higher the satisfaction of consumers who
with a signification of 0,000 (***). The results of make purchases on webe-commerce.
this study corroborate the results of previous c. Contact interactively has a significant positive
research (Srinivasan etal.2002, p. 41; Anwar and effect on the e-commerce of e-commerce
Gulzar,2011, p. 46; Alba etal.1997, p. 38-53) that companies. The better interactive relationships
the suitability provided by the fashion website page that e-commerce companies make to
e-commerce, includes products, services and consumers, the higher the satisfaction of
transactional environment positively correlated to e- consumers who make purchases on webe-
commerce customer satisfaction. Then the commerce.
awareness given by the website of e-commerce d. E-satisfaction has a significant positive effect
fashion website to its customers will be able to on brand preference. The higher the consumer
create customer satisfaction, as well as interactive satisfaction of a product, the higher the brand
relationship provided by the website of e-commerce preference will be the product.
fashion website to its.Customers will affect the e. Brand Preference has a significant positive
customer satisfaction; this is indicated by the results effect on e-repurchase intention. The higher the
of research that the variables of concern affect e- consumer brand preference for a product, the
commerce customer satisfaction of 0.050, interactive higher the intention of customer buys back to
relationship variables affect customer satisfaction of an e-commerce product.
0.011. There are several suggestions for further
Furthermore, e-commerce customer satisfaction research:
is found to affect customer preferences for a brand, 1. Display website is expected to show more
as indicated by a signification result of 0,000, this brand products, so that consumers can connect
reinforces the findings of Hellier and Ngutji (Hellier, the perception of the brand with the product to
2003, p. 1770and Ngutji, 2014, p. 160). be purchased, so that the preference of the
The result is also known that the e-commerce brand more easily created.
customer preference for a brand will affect the 2. Fashion website is expected to regularly
repurchase intention which it will do with the conduct regular surveys to customers, in order
signification of 0.000. The results of this study to better know the suitability of products and
reinforce previous findings, namely Hellier argues services provided, with the required by the
that there is a causal relationship between the customers.
disposition of services favored by customers from
brand preference and customer willingness to buy
back products from the same supplier (Hellier, 2003, REFERENCES
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