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RAH EDU 1421 Part 2

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Assignment Brief.

E-Portfolio Academic Year 2022


Cover Page.

[Student ID number, module name, tutor name, academic year/group]

Orientation for Success in Higher Education 1

E-Portfolio-CPD PLAN/SWOT Analysis.
Area of Learning Reflection of Learning Future Implications Implementation

The degree of accounting and finance management is The high standard of teaching of The teachings gained from the
Cultural and behavioural expectations such that it does not discriminate or has any barriers indicates that I would fully high standard of education would
of studying for a degree in Accounting of understanding with culture. The environment and understand the concepts and build help me effectively use the
and Financial Management. the culture is dependent upon the region rather than a strong foundation of each course theoretical knowledge to the
degree itself however, the nature of the degree allows within the degree. Good teachers practical settings that would
a diversified cultural enrolment that creates a healthy are an integral part high standard further help me develop a career.
atmosphere as it allows oneself to locate and group of teaching and such teachers Furthermore, in daily life I would
with the people they connect to the most. The would help me develop the be practising the code of conducts
diversified culture offers a chance to be adaptable and aforementioned foundation. In laid in the employment along with
socialize with individuals from various cultures that future studies, I would be more respectfully following conventions
gives a learning and sense of understanding of prepared with stronger basics that within a society. Additionally, such
connectivity with various types of people. Moreover, I could further build upon with the conducts are also essential to
the university incorporates a high standard of understanding on complex notions follow to avoid legal battles as
teaching culture with the opportunity to discuss issues in further education. defaming someone rude in a
and provide feedback if necessary. While progressing in career, it is public setting could give rise to
The emphases is majorly upon the behavioural essential to be disciplined and liability in tort.
expectations from a student enrolled as being an communicate in a manner that is In addition, I would also practically
accountant they are expected to be rational, logical respectful and considerate. The use the behaviour of submitting
and realistic. Moreover as a student, one is expected behavioural expectation learnings assessments on the given deadline
to be considerate and respectful. Consideration in would assist me as I would know as in the professional environment
aspects of basic etiquettes such as not being rude, how to be respectful and everything works on a fast pace
being punctual and focusing on the lecture rather disciplined. In a job, discipline is indicating that there is no space
than the phone. Moreover, the expected behaviour is very important to have uniformity for a person who does not know
also to follow the university guidelines as that would and a work life balance that keeps how to properly manage their
keep the discipline in check while also setting a an individual motivated within a time. Time is an invaluable asset in
standard of respect for every member. Such rules healthy lifestyle. Moreover, every the real world and using it to the
form uniformity amongst the students making it an member feels valued when maximum benefit would not only

essential component of behaviours. Additionally being communicated respectfully and in help me build a successful career
disciplined is significant as that would help in time an employment status where team but also a happy life.
management by following routines. work is a necessity, this
Furthermore, another expected behaviour is to submit behavioural learning would help
the assessments on deadline as those help professors me in networking.
in evaluating our understanding. The teacher who
puts in efforts to convey the understanding of a
lecture and then assigns a task, it is a gesture of
respect to value her deadlines by submitting her
assigned tasks on time. Moreover such a discipline of
submission on time could go a long way.
The importance of peer-to-peer Peer to peer training is a kind of student - centred The benefits of collaboration are I want to work at first to obtain a
support and team working to enhance teaching work together to achieve academic not restricted to the academic; grasp of the field's complexity, and
learning experience objectives. Peer to peer studying, in addition to there are very few employment with the knowledge of improved
educator guidelines, teaches people to collaborate options that allow you to work social and communication skills, it
through new ideas and information with other alone. When an individual is will be simpler to build
learners who are working on the same project, as well employed as an employee in a relationships and gain that
as possibilities to tell and be tried to teach each other, corporation, he or she is obligated knowledge. Furthermore, peer
broadening their outlooks and cultivating intimate to work in concert with the other support raises morale since they
friendships. The Peer approach is intended to provide employees. This is one of the share similar experiences, and
learners with abilities that will be useful and required reasons why companies want to such chats are helpful. I would
throughout their academic and professional lives. hire people who can function in a take full use of peer support to
Peer to peer teaching helps for individuals who are group setting. Furthermore, maintain my work-life balance.
geographically separated to form a worldwide working in a pleasant workplace Likewise, collaboration aids in
community. This also aims to introduces learners aims that encourages cooperation and communicating that their ideas
to prepares the prepares the students for the distinct teamwork may be beneficial in are valued and respected via
opportunity to work of dealing in an international terms of load sharing, and such an interaction. I'd put this into
society, which is a crucial attribute in today ’s rapidly environment can lead to increased practise to avoid being offensive in
changing business competitive society. motivation and professional my workplace and in society by
The method of Peer Evaluations fosters partnership success. The training of good talking with respect. Peer support
and collaboration. These abilities will be extremely listening, speaking, and social skills and teamwork also educate me

useful in a variety of business contexts. In settings, in a group setting would aid in the how to produce a speech, which
paying attention politely and reply productively to formation of relationships that I'll use while giving presentations
such criticism, and also crafting and properly would be valuable in the future to clients or seniors to successfully
expressing such advice to one's colleagues, is a useful since such ties go a long way. explain my point of view and
technique. thoughts. Increased job
Increasing the social interaction is one of the most satisfaction and a successful
successful strategies to employ peer to peer career would result from using
education. This mainly entails learning through seeing, such learning.
engaging with, and copying peers' actions when
executing activities. Because it is very casual, limited,
and slightly elevated, this is a particularly successful
style of education.
Moreover team work helps in learning how to work in
collaborations that polishes the communication skills
and also boosts morale due to decrease in the
workload. Additionally, as team members constantly
share ideas, every individuals thought processes are
expanded with creative perspectives meaning that it
would give the learning that together a team can
achieve more than one single person could.

SWOT Analysis
Student’s personal strengths in relation Student’s personal weaknesses in relation to Identified opportunities on gainingThreats envisaged in relation to
to learning learning. skills and degree student’s attainment of
I believe I have a high IQ which why it is Submitting task is an issue for me due to lack of The most significant potential now The current economic climate
easier for me to comprehend the effective time management skills. I have weak available to me is the numerous poses the greatest threat to
readings required for a specific course concentration skills and I procrastinate that leads to business contacts I have today's graduates. To stay solvent,
while also being able to understand the delay in work. established with classmates, many businesses are
complex lectures. Moreover, I lack extensive experience in the field of teachers, and co-workers. These concentrating on cutting costs,

I am also disciplined and respectful as I accounting that is a drawback when I establish my connections have helped me which generally means laying off
follow the guidelines of code of conduct career in the future however, I can covert this into my expand my network. In the future, workers. Because there are fewer
in the university. strength by gaining more experience. Another slight my network might lead to career and fewer job vacancies, as well as
Lastly, I have strong social skills that weakness of mine is overthinking without any reason. prospects. an influx of job seekers, the job
make communication with a diverse Moreover, with the completion of market has become increasingly
group easier for me leading to a high this degree of accounting and competitive, making finding work
network within the industry for future. finance, I would be presented the incredibly tough. Furthermore,
opportunity of being able to secure because the business relationship I
a job within the field. built with my classmates would be
fully aware of my flaw, this may be
exploited against me.

Instruction to students:

 Prior to final submission please delete the red highlighted instructions

 from the table.
 Use as many additional pages as needed.
 E-portfolio is worth 50% of overall mark.

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