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Group 6 Entrepreneurship Business Plan

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Bauan Technical Integrated High School

Bauan, Batangas

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement in

Entrepreneurship 2

Submitted By:

Group 6
Group 6
Leader: Medina, Karl Marx A.
Assistant Leader: Rosales, Kristelle Leigh L.

Mercado, Jolo Madjhid C.
Paglicawan, Jhon Danniel B.
Panaguiton, Chaster Mikhale D.
Panganiban, Jes Ronnel C.
Rayos, Jamilla G.
Rosales, Micah Angelica V.
San Juan, Angel Airich E.
Sauro, Jeanzyn May Hanz P.
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary

II. Overview of the Business

Business Logo

III. The Business Plan Proper

IV. Statement of Vision, Mission, and Values

V. Market Profile

VI. Production Plan

VII. Organizational Plan

VIII. Operational Plan

IX. Financial Plan

I. Executive Summary

Freeze Pop is cooperative in mother nature. It is to be run by the

students themselves. Its initial capital for the first month of operation of Php
50,000.00 will be coming from the student-owners by means of their
investments as their stock in the business and from fund-raising activities as
well. It is a food stall located near the campus. Ice candy as the main product
is to be manufactured by the proponents and to be sold and distributed to the
target markets of 552 students daily, including BTIHS Grade 7 to Grade 10
students. Since the main product is made from cocoa, mango, melon and
pineapple, it promotes healthy, affordable, and satisfying chocolate, mango,
melon and pineapple derivative products. The proponents made an
agreement with the BTIHS administration on how they can be of help on the
promotion of nutrition and on increasing the agricultural market. Since it is a
fruit-flavoured ice candy, it contains lots of nutrients like Vitamin A, C, K, and
Freeze Pop aims to be the leading producer and provider of nutritious
and affordable home-made ice candy near the campus of BTIHS. The total
population of BTIHS is 5,519 students. Estimating 10% of the population will
buy the product. The student-owners will be trained and guided before they
handle the business to avoid lapses and misconceptions. They will be
supervised by their Business Education mentors.
The management and operation of Freeze Pop starts from inventory
and estimation of the volume of ice candy to be produced daily. Second is
purchasing of the ingredients and raw materials needed to complete the
preparation of the product. Third are production, packaging and freezing of
the ice candy. Lastly, is the marketing and selling of the product. As a food
stall, it ensures safety and sanitation of its business structures and cleanliness
of the product itself. It aims to lower the price of ice candy without sacrificing
its quality. It has a shelf life of 8 days.
Since it is new in the business line of BTIHS, it initially aims to capture
10% of the existing market shares which is currently dominated by Quinn’s Ice
Candy, Alexah’s Ice Candy, and Candy Corner.
Freeze Pop is highly feasible, doable, and socially desirable. It will help
both the school and the students. This will serve as learning laboratory for the
students of BTIHS especially to the newbie. It will also be the inspiration for
the aspiring business men to be a successful entrepreneur. The proponents of
the business advocates being the leading promoter of agricultural products,
specifically cocoa, mango, melon, and pineapple. This will help increase the
demands of cocoa, mango, melon, and pineapple, thereby economically
promotes livelihood among the cocoa, mango, melon and pineapple growing
farmers in the area.

II. Overview of the Business

i. Freeze Pop / Chocolate

ii. Freeze Pop is the name of the business and Chocolate is the name of its
primary product. The proponents chose this product, because it’s both easy to
make, and affordable for the customers. Specifically, it will produce ice candy
that will be dressed with sprinkles, chocolate chips, marshmallows, or fruits
that will surely fit to the customers’ palate, and guarantee clients’ satisfaction.
It combines innovativeness and creativity in product concepts such as fruits,
and candies as its main ingredient. Dominating the pre-existing ice candy
businesses in Bauan as well as in Batangas City will be its main thrust. The
proponents aim to target young millenials, adults, and students to enjoy the
ice-cold sweet treats.

iii. It aims to deliver high-class level of service to its customers at its maximum
potential. It envisions to serve products that’ll be both nutritional, and
affordable. It envisions to create a good business-to-customer relationship to
improve its service to the customers. It envisions to use locally grown, high-
quality ingredients to support Filipino local farmers. It envisions to be the
leading provider of high-quality, but affordable ice candy in Bauan, Batangas
continues innovation of the product will be processed to supply the needs of
Bauangueños. It also envisions the use of customer feedbacks to improve the
taste and quality of the product. To grow the customer base, it will have its
presence on social media to promote the product, and create collaboration /
partnership with other businesses to boost sales revenue.
III. The Business Plan Proper

i. The Needs

a. Global warming has been the talk for the past years now. It remains
rather a vague idea with many people. Some say the matter is simply
just speculations; others think it doesn’t concern them directly. Global
warming is the long-term heating of the Earth’s surface, due to human
activities, increasing the greenhouse gas in the Earth’s atmosphere. In
the Philippines, in particular, the issue of global warming has not
entirely seized the public minds, despite unimaginable amounts of
effort from advocacy groups. The scorching-hot feeling in our body
makes us uncomfortable. Moreover, there might be more heat stroke
cases being reported, due to body overheating. Being a fellow humans,
the proponents come up with a concept that will not only satisfy the
clienteles’ palate, but also help reduce the accumulating heat from the
clientele, and also sustain the nutrients they need, aside from the fact
that using fruits and chocolates as main ingredients in foods will also
boost agricultural demands for cocoa, melon, mango, and pineapple
farmers. This will help the business to save money for the economy,
and may prevent importing these ingredients from overseas.

b. Freeze Pop, an ice candy filled with fresh fruits that will surely sustain
the needs of the people, especially the ice candy lovers. Filipinos,
nowadays usually prefer junk foods more than healthy foods. During
summer, ice candy is one of the traditional and popular snacks, among
Filipinos. Ice candy is a frozen refreshment to beat heat during
summer. Additionally, the customers would love to eat Freeze Pop in
winter, due to its nutritional value from fruits, and not so sugary, so this
will attract adults, teenagers, and children. The proponents assure that
our product will be healthy, because Freeze Pop’s main ingredients –
cocoa, mango, melon, and pineapple contains vitamins and minerals,
to support the body’s overall health. Freeze Pop was made for the
customers to have the best ice candy they’ll taste. It wasn’t done only
for profit, but because of the passion to satisfy the buyer. Its main
reason is to create a product that will, most likely satisfy the customers,
and bring them delight.

c. Due to excessive heat due to global warming, ice candy is presented to

provide freshness and to relieve intense heat from its customers. Heat
stroke is one of the heat-related illness nowadays, and it will prevent
people into having heat stroke. Also, Freeze Pop also has various
flavours to choose from, ranging from chocolate, mango, melon, and
pineapple, so people can enjoy different flavours. The product might
not have direct effect on global warming, but in just P10, the customers
will get a cool and refreshing feeling, that can maybe help lessen the
possibilities of the customers’ body being overheated, due to the
worsening effect of the global warming to the planet.
IV. Statement of Vision, Mission, and Values

a. Vision

On behalf of the business’ high-class customer service, Freeze Pop

envisions to be the leading business that will serve freshly-made, traditional
yet a unique taste of ice candy, that will satisfy the customers’ cravings, as
well as sharing a healthy way to beat the summer heat; working with cocoa,
mango, pineapple and melon farmers cooperative and will be the best leading
providers of high-quality ice candy by the year 2030.
b. Mission

“To provide a Freeze Pop that’s made of locally grown ingredients with
an amazing taste, at an affordable price, the guests’ satisfaction is the
business’ highest priority.” It aims to provide customers with a delicious
Freeze Pop, specializing in combination with quality, nutrition, authenticity,
affordability, and satisfaction. The proponents expect to generate 20% return
of investment, as the proponents’ goal is to be a well-known ice candy
business that provides high-quality and affordable ice candy, by the year
c. Values

Freeze Pop, as a business, commits to give its customers the best

product it can serve. It will maintain its high standards of hardwork, hygiene
and sanitation in food preparation and handling, and also the proper grooming
and etiquette of the owners and the personnels. The dedicated management
will do its best potential to deliver with full sincerity and honesty for better
customer service. It will give a prompt, fast, accurate and best service to its
clients. The management also sets to create a support systems for the cocoa,
mango, melon, and pineapple growing farmers in order to economically
improve their standards of living.
V. Market Profile

i. Research and Analysis

Customer satisfaction is claimed to have improved drastically in Freeze
Pop stalls. The partisans concluded that they must conduct a close inspection
of the commercial setting. A formal interview with the proprietors of the current
ice candy stalls in Bauan was also conducted by the management. Due to the
few flavour options and peculiar flavours that the general public is not familiar
with, the proponents discovered that the customers aren’t particularly satisfied
with the ice candy served by stalls on the roadside that is adjacent to the
public market of Bauan. The proponents discovered that most of the products
are not very nutrient-dense to meet the demands of the body, and that
customers are not quite satisfied. The management thinks that actions must
be done predominately to provide a new twist to the flavours that they’ll
readily identify as frigid cold delicacies, in order to help the populace cope
with the effects of the summer heat.
With these guiding principles, the proponents decided to create a
mango-flavoured, chocolate-flavoured, pineapple-flavoured, or melon-
flavoured ice candy to meet the populace’s demands. Bauan Technical
Integrated High School in Bauan will as the market. Students from Grade 7
through 10, of BTIHS, will be the populace or the consumer groups.

ii. Market Plan

Table 1
Number of Target Ice Candy Buyers Per Consumer Group

Populace Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Total

1,410 1,398 1,423 1,288 5,519
Daily 141 140 142 129 552
Monthly 3,102 3,080 3,124 2,838 12,144
Yearly 37,224 36,960 37,488 34,056 145,728
Based on the given consumer group or the populace on the table, the
daily, the monthly, and yearly target buyers/customers are all reflected to the
proponents’ assumption that 10% of students from Grade 7 through Grade 10
groups, will buy ice candy from Freeze Pop. During the midst of the summer
vacation, Freeze Pop will only serve or sell their products in various crowded
places such as malls, supermarkets, churches, etc., and such, where we can
assure the sale, sustain the nutrients the body demands, and can help
customers get cooled and refreshed, beneath the summer heat.
VI. Production Plan
i. Product Description
Freeze Pop is a business providing or selling different flavours of ice
candy. The finished product will be frozen inside an ice candy bag, and
depending on the consumers, they will choose if they want their ice candy to
have dressing (chocolate chips, sprinkles, etc.) frozen with the ice candy. The
product as researched was proven nutritious palatable. Today’s Ice Candy/ies
are not that nutritious and of with poor quality. Freeze Pop made it with a new
twist by means of using fruits like mango, melon and pineapple as the main
ingredient/s. The individual finished products will be packaged in an ice candy
bag with design. There will also be packaging for wholesale purchases.

ii. Operating Strategies

The company will produce a Freeze Pop station with premium
ingredients and nutritional value. To create the products that will be sold,
Freeze Pop needs basic ingredients; fruits, chocolates, and mangoes–the
major components–are among them. The product will be created by the
proponents themselves. Raw materials will be purchased at the Bauan Public
Market, where the proponents can assure their quality and the aspect of
perishability. By giving the consumer a free sample, the proponents managed
to interview the teachers and some students, and then giving a feedback or
comment afterwards. The company will come up with more ideas as the
operation is ongoing, on how to make more appealing and attractive products.

iii. Critical Risk

Table 2
Freeze Pop’s Position in the Market

Competitors Market Share Target

Quinn’s Ice Candy 35% 30%
Alexah’s Ice Candy 45% 40%
Candy Corner 20% 20%
Freeze Pop 10%
Based on the table shown, there are three competitors who dominate
the Ice Candy market in Bauan. Freeze Pop aims 10% of the market share.
Through creativity, uniqueness, and innovation, the management believes
that it will be achieved.
VII. Organizational Plan

i. Team Members

Vice President


Asst. Manager


Asst. Supervisor

Manufacturing Supervisor




ii. Contribution to the Business

1. CEO/Owner – the highest position in the business, and mostly

overseeing the production of the product.
2. Vice President – the one who assists the CEO in overseeing the
production, and mostly in charge of product inspection.
3. Manager – the one who takes care of the business’ money, revenue
and income.
4. Asst. Manager – the one who is in charge of the business’ data and
inventory, where he/she checks the number of stocks of products and
5. Supervisor – the one who is incharge of hiring new employees; he/she
is also in charge of managing the production of products.
6. Asst. Supervisor – the one who was in charge of giving training to
new employees.
7. Manufacturing Supervisor – the one who is in charge of supervising
the new employees to their work.
8. Advertiser – the one who is in charge of advertising the product to the
9. Cashier – the one who is in charge of scanning and totalling the cost of
the products the customer bought. He/She was the one in charge to
issue a receipt, and confirm the purchase.
10. Subordinate – the one who is in charge of interacting with the
customers. He was also in charge of the security of the station.


iluOperational Plan


Freeze Pop has a simple organizational plan. It starts from inventory

and estimation of the number of ice candy to be produced daily, then
purchasing of raw ingredients and materials needed. After purchasing, the
production, packaging and freezing. Lastly, the marketing or the selling of the

Monitoring and Evaluation

Freeze Pop will manufacture at least one hundred (100) pieces of ice
cream per day. It takes less than an hour to prepare the mixtures before
freezing. The ten (10) proponents divide the work among themselves. The
production hour will be done after classes so as not to affect their studies.
Since the shelf life is about 28 days, the possibility of producing for advance
demand is highly considered. It will supply one (1) secondary school that will
serve as its main market.
IX. Financial Plan

Freeze Pop will need at least Php 50,000.00 to start operating the
business in the market. This will be the result from the students’ financial
investments if they choose to engage in such entrepreneurial activities like
Table 3
Monthly Expenses of Freeze Pop

Product/Service Unit Price Quantity Total

Fixed Cost of Freeze Pop:
Rental Php 1,200.00 1 month Php 1,200.00
Salaries 2,000.00 10 crews 20,000.00
Advertising 1,000.00 1 month 1,000.00
D/A Freezer (Small) 12,000.00 1 freezer 1,200.00
Tables & Chairs 1,800/set 2 sets 300.00
Utensils & Tools 900.00 2 sets 180.00
Utility & Sanitation 2,000.00 1 month 2,000.00
(A) Total Fixed Cost Php 25,880.00
Variable Cost:
Raw Materials:
Condensed Milk 33.00 10 cans 330.00
Packaging (Plastic) 30.00 4 packs 120.00
Cocoa Powder 50.00/pack 3 packs 150.00
Sugar 88.00/kg 4 kg 352.00
Cassava Flour 30.00/pack 4 packs 120.00
Ripe Mango 120.00/kg 4 kg 480.00
Pineapple 215.00 5 pieces 1,075.00
Melon 49.00/kg 4 kg 196.00
Water Supply 600.00 1 month 600.00
Electricity 1,000.00 1 month 1,000.00
(B) Total Variable Cost Php 4,423.00
(A+B) Total Cost of Production Php 30,303.00
Table 3 shows the variable and fixed cost in the operation of Freeze
Pop. This will serve as a basis for computing the break-even point sales price
and the volume.
Table 4
Ice Candy Projected
Flavor Costing Volume Daily Projected Monthly Yearly
(in pcs.) Revenue Volume Revenue Projected
Daily Monthly Revenue
C–8 Php Php
Chocolate M–2 120 1,200.00 2,640 26,400.00 Php
SP – 10 316,800.00
C–8 Php Php
Mango M–2 120 1,200.00 2,640 26,400.00 Php
SP – 10 316,800.00
C–8 Php Php
Melon M–2 120 1,200.00 2,640 26,400.00 Php
SP – 10 316,800.00
C–8 Php Php
Pineapple M–2 120 1,200.00 2,640 26,400.00 Php
SP – 10 316,800.00
Total 480 4,800.00 10,550 105,600.00 1,267,200.00
Cost – C; Mark-up – M; Sales Price – SP
Table 5
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Revenue 105,600. 105,600. 105,600. 105,600. 105,600. 105,600.
00 00 00 00 00 00
Cost 30,303.0 30,303.0 30,303.0 30,303.0 30,303.0 30,303.0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Projected 75,297.0 75,297.0 75,297.0 75,297.0 75,297.0 75,297.0
Net Profit 0 0 0 0 0 0

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total

105,600. 105,600.0 105,600. 105,600. 105,600.0 105,600. 1,267,200.
00 0 00 00 0 00 00
30,303.0 30,303.00 30,303.0 30,303.0 30,303.00 30,303.0 363,636.00
0 0 0 0
75,297.0 75,297.00 75,297.0 75,297.0 75,297.00 75,297.0 903,564.00
0 0 0 0
Break-Even Guide
Total Revenue (TR) = Fixed Cost (FC) + Variable Cost (VC)
When TR is > than FC and VC means the business is earning profit. When TR
is < than the FC + VC means the business is losing.

Table 5 shows the monthly projected cost and revenue. As shown, the
business projected Php 1,267,200.00 gross sales for a year which is greater
than the cost at Php 363,636.00, thus, a net annual profit of Php 903,564.00.
Leader: Medina, Karl Member: Mercado, Jolo Member: Paglicawan, Jhon

Member: Panaguiton, Chaster Member: Panganiban, Jes

Member: Rosales, Micah Member: San Juan, Angel Member: Sauro, Jeanzyn

Member: Rayos, Jamilla Assistant Leader: Rosales, Kristelle

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