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Arts Hand Out

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The Importance of Art
The arts are indescribable to define and difficult to gather into a conceptual net, but we would probably
agree that the arts enhance daily experiences. Art has touched everyone. Art is all around us, being universal
as it can be found in all cultures. We are certain that we do not want to be without the arts, yet we are pushed
to define them and sometimes even to understand them. Art has particular a particular importance with our
lives. All the art that we receive through our senses have purpose, as well as expression, they occupy some
place in our judgment.
These days, art plays a vital part in developing the intellect of the younger generation to build up a
positive character and appreciate natural aesthetics. An artistically tending student has a constructive turn of
mind and artistic ways in every work he or she performs. Above all, such a student steadily develops unbiased,
responsive, and inventive mind full of creativity and dormant talent.
Students who rise with an artistic awareness perceive the world from diverse viewpoints. This
understanding shapes their behaviors, interpersonal and intrapersonal communication, and performances. The
artistic awareness is above any methodologist and approaches. The milieu in which each child dwells, grows
up, and function is distinctive and cannot be comprehensive. Creative sensibilities are to be developed and
encourage at home, in school, in society, and finally, in the world, which plays a major role.
In general, there is no debating the belief that the arts have never been more important to our society
and should be fully integrated into our lives, our community and education as a whole.

Meaning of Art
Skill as a result of learning or practice.
Ability or practical skill.
Crafts or specialized form of skill.
The word art conveys many meanings, including ability, process and product.
Ability-The human capacity to make things of beauty and things that stir us; It is creativity.
Process- Art encompasses acts, such as drawing, painting, sculpting, designing buildings, singing,
dancing, and using camera to create images or memorable works.
Product- art is the completed work – an etching, a sculpture, a structure, a musical composition,
choreography, or a tapestry.
Many known personalities define arts in various ways. According to;
Aristocles plato
“Arts is that which brings life in harmony with the beauty of the world”
John Dewey
“Art is an attitude of the spirit, a state of mind-one that demands for its own satisfaction and fulfilling, a
shaping of matter to new and more significant form”.
Oscar Wilde
“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known”
Elbert Hubbard
“Art is not a thing_ it is a way”


1. Art has to be man-made.
2. Art must be creative, not imitative.
3. Art must benefit and satisfy man.
4. Art is expressed through a certain medium or material by which the artist communicates
himself to his audiences.


1. Art is universal

It transcends cultures, races, and civilizations. As long as human beings exist, art is feasible, alive and

2. Art as a means of communication

People share a common means of expressing their thought and feelings that is through arts like music,
dances, literary pieces, decorative arts, paintings and drawings, sculptures and others. These forms of art are
utilized to establish and strengthen communication; they are a profound mode of unfolding images and
revealing depths of imagination.

Art is also used to call for unity and reconciliation. Our country's anthem, for instance, is there to bind
us; to make us feel that we are one in our dreams and mission. Monuments and other historical heritage
remind us of our past, the struggles that each one shared, and the unity we formed in the name of freedom.
Further, the art expressed through festivals depict each tribe's culture that needs to be communicated and
expressed for common understanding.

In contrast, art can also be used to communicate mutiny and rebellion. For instance, the work of Rizal
in his book "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo" extends his utmost disagreement with the Spaniards'
control over the Filipinos.

3. Art is timeless

Art is timeless because it goes beyond the time of our own existence. It is present in every corner of the world
to serve basic needs of mankind, from ancient time to modern world.

Further, art is timeless because it continually evolves. Aside from artists birthing new artworks, they also never
stop innovating, recreating, reinventing and reviving works of art.

Classical music, for instance, never fades and goes out of style. It continually invades our time – listened and
appreciated by many. It remains strong because it became a witness, a company, a reflection and journal of
our forefathers' young lives.

Art defines time. In watching film, for example, even when you do not have the idea when it was created, the
style of directing and filming, the clothing and bearing of the characters, musical scoring and the setting and
the plot of the story would make the viewers guess the period when it was produced.

While art defines time, time also defines art. it identifies the artwork that would "click" in a particular time for the
particular audience.

4. Art addresses human needs

Art is universal because it addresses needs of people from all over the world. Through directly functional and
indirectly functional arts, we are provided with a variety of offerings – comfort, entertainment and education,
which would somehow lead us to self-fulfillment and satisfaction.

5. Art is not nature

Art is not nature because art is man-made. It is a creation of man that may reflect a profound
skillfulness and craftsmanship. It undergoes process and planning: a result of study and research.

Art is artificial because it is just an imitation or even appropriation of ideas, thought, feelings, and
emotions that are communicated in creative and artistic ways. further, arts are made by artists to adore and
acknowledge the wonders of life, the awe of God's creation and the commemoration of our experiences.

Art can never be natural because nature is evanescent, in constant transformation of change, and yet
art is permanent: id does not change by itself, unless manipulated by its creator, man.

Art is not nature because It is limited. It can only capture a limited point that can be conveyed to the

The beauty of nature is innate and silent. It is given. It doesn't ask for attention since it is naturally part
of it, while it is true that beauty in art demands human attention for it leads us to its valuation.

6. Art involves experience

Art is a representation of our experiences. It demands involvement. The only way to find conviction and
affirmation in art is thorough immersion to the arts. We can only appreciate art if we spend time to look at it,
listen to it, tough it and feel its presence.

Making art is not a contest or a competition; it may be utilized to strengthen one's identity, not just
showcase talents, to share stories and unfurl mysteries. Further, art is utilized either to influence and convince,
or to destroy and unshapen one's belief.

1. Personal- It is used to provide comfort, happiness, and convenience to human beings. The artist tries to
express his personal feelings through the artwork.
2. Social- Art is used for public display and celebration; It bridges connection among people. Art
conveys sense of family, community, or civilization.
3. Cultural Function-Art helps preserve, share and transmit culture of people from one generation
to one another.
4. Aesthetics Function- Arts becomes influential for man to be aware of the beauty of the nature.
Aesthetics is when there is the real feelings of appreciation to nature’s beauty and are
manifested through appreciation and enjoyment when in contact with the artwork.
5. Spiritual Function-An artist may create the work of art to reinforce the religious support of a

Basic Philosophical Perspectives of Art

1. Art as mimesis- According to Plato, art is an imitation of the real that was an imitation of the
ideal. Art is an imitation of the imitation.
2. Art as a representation- According to him, the aim of art is not to represent the outward
appearance things but their inward significances.
3. Art for art’s sake-According to him, art has its own reason for being. It implies that an art
object is best understood as an autonomous creation to be valued only for its success as it
organizes color and line into a formally satisfying and beautiful whole.
4. Art as an escape-The ceremony of doing and creating art touches the deepest realms of
the mind and the sacred dimensions of the artistic creative process. The sacred level of art
not only transforms something into art but also transforms the artist at the very core of his
or her being.
5. Art as functional-Art serves a function. Art is meant to be used, to enrich lives to be
spiritually potent, to educate, to support or protest existing power structures, to entertain,
and so on.

1. Visual Arts 2D, 3D

2. Performing/ Combined Arts

Performance Poetry
3. Digital Art

4. Applied Arts
Fashion Design
Furniture Design
Interior Design
Graphic Design

Let’s Make it Happen
Instruction: Choose one artwork under the given categories that you are familiar with. This can be the last
artwork that you come across with or the one that made the most impact to you. Criticize using the guide
questions provided.
Categories: Movie, Novel, Poem, Music, An Architectural Structure or A Piece of Clothing
Category: _________________________
1. What is it about?
2. What is it made of?
3. What is its style?
4. How good is it. Cite some proofs that it is really good.


Lesson Title: The Importance, Meaning and Assumptions of Art

Name: __________________________________________ Score: _______________

Course: _________________________________________ Date Completed: _______________


Place the photo at the box.

Artwork: _______________________________________________________________________
Date Acquired: _______________________________________________________________________
Monetary value: ______________________________________________________________________
How was it acquired? __________________________________________________________________
Significance: ________________________________________________________________________
Draw in the box below the artwork that you identified at home. Use pencil only. Show your
creativity by using your own technique in drawing such as shading or 3D design.
Scoring Rubric: Creativity – 4 points; Craftmanship – 4 points; Timeliness – 2 points

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