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Links to Curriculum for Excellence Links to health and wellbeing outcomes for Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood I am aware of my growing body and I am learning the correct names for its different parts and how they work. HWB 0-47b HWB 1-47b I understand my own body's uniqueness, my developing sexuality, and that of others. HWB 3-47a HWB 4-47a Introduction Masturbation can seem a daunting subject to teach, but it is very important for young people to learn about appropriate touch. School provides an ideal learning environment for this, alongside an opportunity to work alongside parents to tackle this issue. If young people do not learn about masturbation and appropriate touch when they are teenagers, they are in danger of displaying inappropriate behaviour as an adult, often in public, which can lead to more serious repercussions. Staff may worry that teaching about masturbation can provoke a sudden obsession with genitalia, but this is usually a temporary reaction and one which can be successfully dealt with by one-to-one work through Social Stories. Having a policy on Managing Sexualised Behaviour may also be beneficial, outlining an approach to dealing with inappropriate touching in the classroom. Why do we touch ourselves? A nice introduction to masturbation You will need 2 body outlines/ Bodyboards (male and female), a toiletry bag with products, a model of breasts and testicles with leaflets from Health Improvement Resource Service. Recap on names of Parts Of The Body. Ask the students which are PRIVATE body parts (those covered by underwear- breasts, penis, vagina, anus, clitoris etc.) WHY do we touch our private body parts?; 1. To keep clean- wash ourselves in the bath or shower (recap on hygiene, show toiletry products) 2. To check that we are healthy- no unusual lumps or bumps (pass around model breast and testicles, feel for lumps, emphasise that this is a good thing to do regularly, in private at bedtime/ bathtime etc) 3. Because it feels nice. Because it feels sexy and exciting. Or it can help us relax. This is sometimes called masturbation. It is normal and OK but should be done in private.

Private Touching You will need 2 body outlines/ Bodyboards (male and female). Recap on names of Parts Of The Body. Ask the students which are PRIVATE BODY parts (those covered by underwear- breasts, penis, vagina, anus, clitoris etc.) Tell the group these are Private Body Parts, not for everyone to touch and see. But sometimes people like to touch their own private body parts to make themselves feel nice and sexy. This is called Masturbation. This is OK, but it must be in a private place. Using the Bodyboard/ outline, point to each private body part and say; If you are in a Private place, is it OK to touch your ownpenis? Vagina? etc Class to answer Yes (or sign, or hold up symbol) Teacher says Yes, it is OK if it feels nice and you are in a private place Do the same exercise, but in a Public place.

Information about masturbation Can use with pictures of male and female masturbation. When people are growing up their sex organs become more active. Many teenagers begin to have nice and exciting feelings about their own bodies Boys and girls, teenagers and grown-ups experience sexy feelings. Some people decide to masturbate because they like these feelings. Masturbation is touching or rubbing any part of the bodys sex organs because it feels good. When people masturbate they get a warm, tingling and excited feeling. This feeling gets stronger and stronger. A boy may ejaculate and have an orgasm when sperm comes out of his penis A girl will get an exciting feeling through her body and around her vulvathis is a girls orgasm. Masturbating cannot hurt anyone. Other things to remember are; Lots of people masturbate Women and girls can not get pregnant by masturbating People can not get any infections by masturbating A person normally masturbates by themselves. The only exception to this is if a person has a boyfriend of girlfriend and they want to do this to each other. It is important that you ask your boyfriend or girlfriend if they want to do this before you touch them.

Resources Pictures of male/ female masturbation are available from: o Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Resource for Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder p131 o Picture Yourself cards or CD - Being Private o Puberty and Sexuality pack p133- 142 and 147 xualitypack.pdf Masturbation stories Read Matts story about a boy and Paulas story about a girl with cartoon pictures. Read Mikess Story and Jos Story about a boy masturbating, and a girl masturbating Read Lukes story and Beckys Story about Masturbation, with symbols Resources o Matts story about a boy and Paulas story about a girl with cartoon pictures. P66-72 Talking Together about Growing Up (FPA) o Mikess Story and Jos Story about a boy masturbating, and a girl masturbating p129- 132 from Puberty and Sexuality litypack.pdf o Lukes Story- Growing and Learning book for boys/ for girls, books 2 and 3 (Jane Keeling) Public and private places An extension on the Touching Ourselves lesson but with pictures to remind students of where Public and Private places are. Recap on PRIVATE body parts Hold up pictures of public and private places Ask Is it ok to touch yourself intimately or masturbate in the classroom? (Supermarket? School toilets? Your kitchen at home? Your own bedroom?) If working one-to-one, could have photos of students own bedroom. (need to check with parent if child has room on their own/ has private time alone/ needs to draw curtains etc if naked) Resources Pictures of public and private places available from o Picture Yourself CD / card set o Puberty and Sexuality pack p45,46

Masturbation pictures Look at pictures showing boy and girl touching themselves inappropriately in public. Discuss What are they doing? How are the other people feeling? Resources o Pictures of scenarios showing boy and girl touching themselves inappropriately in public Puberty and Sexuality 143,144 df

When can I masturbate? (Masturbation flowchart) A useful flowchart for young person to follow asking questions such as ; Would I like to masturbate? Am I alone? Am I in a private place? Resources o Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Resource for Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder p131 Masturbation quiz Answer True or False Masturbating can feel nice Lots of people masturbate It can make a girl pregnant It is bad for your eyesight It is OK to masturbate in a private place, such as your bedroom It is not OK to masturbate in a public place, like the classroom, where other people are After masturbating, I must wash my hands After masturbating I must wash my feet After masturbating I should wash the private parts of my body (penis, testicles, vagina) If I want to talk to someone about Masturbating, I could talk to; The school nurse, My mum or dad/ grandparent ,My teacher, My doctor The bus driver, A stranger etc

Homework o Parent to read Matts story about a boy or Paulas story about a girl with cartoon pictures. P66-72 Talking Together about Growing Up (FPA) o Parent to talk to son/daughter about PRIVATE places in the house where it is OK to masturbate Other useful resources ALL ABOUT US- CD ROM, covers wet dreams and masturbation. Can be one-to-one work or in small group Jasons Private World and Kylies Private World DVDs, or You, Your Body and Sex DVD Social Stories- Use Boardmaker to make individual stories for pupils e.g. Good Hands so they learn where they can/ can not masturbate e.g. in the classroom (all schools have a licence for Boardmaker. The Speech and Language therapist can help schools to develop these stories) Common Knowledge website- photo story and quizzes includes a section on Masturbation

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