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X-Ray Diffraction

Prashant Pandey
M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics)

o X-rays were discovered in
1895 by the German physicist
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and
were so named because their
nature was unknown at the
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
o He was awarded the Nobel
prize for physics in 1901. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
X-ray :
 Type of high-energy radiation.In low doses,
x-rays are used to diagnose diseases by
making pictures of the inside of the body.In
high doses, x-rays are used to treat cancer.

 A relatively high-energy photon having a

wavelength in the approximate range from 0.01
to 10 nanometers.

 A stream of such photons,used for their penetrating power in

radiography,radiology,radiotherapy,and scientific research.Often used in
the plural.Also called as Roentgen ray.
The penetrating power of x-rays depends on energy .There are two
types of x-rays :

1) Hard x-rays

2) soft x-rays

1) Hard x-rays : low energy

X-rays from about 12 to 120 keV (0.10 to 0.01 nm
wavelength) as "hard" rays, due to their penetrating abilities.Hard X-rays can
penetrate solid objects,and their most common use is to take images of the
inside of objects in diagnostic radiography and crystallography.As a result, the
term X-ray is used to refer to a radiographic image produced using this
2) soft x-rays :
X-rays from about 0.12 to 12 keV (10 to 0.10 nm wavelength)
are classified as "soft" X-rays. Soft X-rays hardly penetrate matter at
all,the attenuation length of 600 eV (~ 2 nm) X-rays in water is less than 1
•Diffraction is a wave phenomenon in which the
apparent bending and spreading of waves when they
meet an obstruction.

• Italian scientist Francesco Maria

Grimaldi coined the word "diffraction"
and was the first to record accurate
observations of the phenomenon in
• Diffraction occurs with electromagnetic waves, such as
light and radio waves, and also in sound waves and water

• The most conceptually simple example of diffraction is

double-slit diffraction.

History of X-Ray Diffraction
1895 - X-rays discovered by Roentgen.

1914 - First diffraction pattern of a crystal made by

Knipping and von Laue.

1915 - Theory to determine crystal structure from

diffraction pattern developed by Bragg.

1953 - DNA structure solved by Watson and Crick.

Now - Diffraction improved by computer technology

methods used to determine atomic structures and
in medical applications.
Diffraction of x-rays :
 Like other types of electromagnetic radiation,when x-
radiation passes through a sample of matter,the electric
vector of the radiation interacts with the electrons in the
atoms of the matter to produce scattering.

 When x-rays are scattered by the ordered

environment in a crystal,constructive and destructive
interference occurs among the scattered rays because
the distances between the scatterin centers are of the
same order of magnitude as the wavelength of the
radiation.Diffraction is the result.
Bragg’s law :
• English physicists Sir W.H. Bragg and his
son Sir W.L. Bragg developed a relationship
in 1913 to explain why the cleavage faces of
crystals appear to reflect X-ray beams at
certain angles of incidence (theta, θ).This
observation is an example of X-ray wave
Sir William William
Henry Lawrence
Bragg(1862- Bragg(1890-
1942) 1971)

• 1915,the father and son were awarded the noble prize for the
physics” For there services in the analysis of crystal structure by
means of x-rays”
 When an x-ray beam strikes a crystal surface at some angle θ,part of
the beam is scattered by the layer of atoms at the surface.

 The unscattered part of the beam penetrates to the second layer of

atoms where again a fraction is scattered,and the remainder passes
on to the third layer and so on.

 The cumulative effect of this scattering from the regularly spaced

centers of the crystal is diffraction of the beam in much the same way as
visible radiation is diffracted by a reflection gating

The requirements of x-ray diffraction are :

1)The spacing between layers of atoms must be roughly the same as

the wavelength of the radiation.

2)The scattering centres must be spatially distributed in a highly

regular way.
 In 1912,W.L.Bragg treated the diffraction of x-rays by
crystals as shown in figure above.

 Here,a narrow beam of radiation strikes the crystal

surface at angle θ,scattering occurs as a result of
interaction of the radiation with atoms located at O,Pand
R.If the distance
 Where n is an integer,the scattered radiation will be in
phase at OCD,and the crystal will appear to reflect the X-
AP=PC=d sin θ Equ (1)

 Where d is the interplanar distance of the crystal.Thus,the

conditions for constructive interference of the beam at angle
θ are
nλ = 2d sin θ Equ (2)

 Equation(2) is the fundamentally important Bragg

Note : X-rays appear to be reflected from the crystal only if the angle of
incidence satisfies the condition

Sin θ = nλ/2d
The instrumentation consists of the following parts,they
are :

 Production of x-rays

 Collimator

 Monochromators

 Detector

X-rays are generated when

high velocity electrons impinge
on a metal target.
Approximately 1% of the
total energy of the electron
beam is converted in to x-
The remainder being dissipated as heat.
Many types of x-ray tubes are available which
used to producing x-rays.
Selection Of Target Material :
1)Select the target material whose atomic number should be
greater than that of elements being examined in the sample.
2)The energy of x-rays emitted by the target material should be
greater than that required to excite the elements being irradiated.

Generally the target gets very hot in use. The problem has
been solved to some extent by cooling the tube with
water.Another method to solve the problem is to rotate the
target at high speed so that the production of localized
heating is reduced
The main advantage of this method is It permits the
production of x-rays of intensity much greater than that
obtainable from stationary target.

One more disadvantage of the most x-ray tubes is that there

is lack of focusing of the electrons so that whole surface
becomes a source of x-rays.
 In order to get a narrow beam of x-rays, the x-rays
generated by the target material are allowed to pass
through a collimator which consists of two sets of
closely packed metal plates separated by a small gap.
 The collimator absorbs all the x-rays except the
narrow beam that passes between the gap.
In order to do monochromatisation of x-rays,two methods are
available.These are :

1) Filter

2)Crystal Monochromators
a) Filter :
A filter is a window of material that absorbs
undesirable radiation but allows the radiation of required
wavelength to pass.This method makes use of large
difference in the mass absorption co-efficient on either
side of an absorption edge.

Example : Zirconium filter which is used for molybdenum

b) Crystal Monochromator :

A crystal monochromator is made up of a suitable crystalline

material positioned in the X-ray beam so that the angle of the
reflecting planes satisfied the Bragg’s equation(nλ=2d sin θ) for
the required wavelength.
The beam is split up by the crystalline material in to the
component wavelengths in the same way as a prism splits up
the white light into a rainbow.Such as crystalline substance is
called an analyzing crystal.

Crystal monochromators are of two types :

1) Flat crystal monochromator and

2) Curved crystal monochromator
Flat crystal monochromator Curved crystal monochromator

• The x-ray intensities can be measured and

recorded either by photographic or counter methods.

• Both these types of methods depends upon ability of x-

rays to ionize matter and differ only in the subsequent
fate of electrons produced by the ionizing process.
A) Photographic method :

In order to record position and intensity of x-ray beam

a plane cylindrical film is used.

The film after exposing to x-rays is developed,the blackening

of the developed field is expressed in terms of density units D
given by


D is related to the total x-ray energy that causes the

blackening of the photographic film and measured by
B) Counter methods :
These are of many types, like

a.Geiger-muller tube counter

b.Proportional counter

c.Scintillation counter

d.Solid-state semiconductor detector

e.Semiconductor detector
a)Geiger-muller tube counter :

The Geiger tube is filled with an inert gas like

argon and central wire anode is maintained at a
positive potential of 800 to 2500 V.When an x-ray
is entering the Geiger tube,this ray undergoes
collision with the filling gas,resulting in the
production of an ion pair;the electron produced
moves towards the central anode while the
positive ion moves towards the outer
electrode.The electron is accelerated by the
potential gradient and causes the ionization of a
large number of argon atoms,resulting the
production of an avalanche of electrons that are
travelling towards the central anode.This results in
an output pulse of 1 to 10V which can be
measured very easily by employing a simple
Advantages :
1) The Geiger tube is inexpensive
2) Relatively trouble-free detector
3)This tube gives the highest signal for a given X-ray intensity

Disadvantages :
1) The Geiger tube is used for counting low rates
2)The efficiency of a Geiger tube falls off rapidly at wavelengths
below 1Ǻ
3)As the magnitude of the output pulse doesnot depend upon the
energy of the X-ray which causes ionization,a Geiger tube cannot
be used to measure the energy of the ionizing radiation
b) Proportional counter:

Construction is similar to Geiger-tube counter

only but proportional counter is filled with a
heavier gas like xenon or krypton.
Heavier gas is preferred because it is easily
 The main disadvantage of proportional counter is that
the associated electronic circuit is complex and
Thus,the advantages of the proportional counters
outweight the extra cost.
c) Scintillation detector :

 In this detector, there is a large sodium iodide crystal

activated with a small amount of thallium.
 When x-rays incident upon crystal, the pulses of visible
light are emitted which can be detected by photomultiplier
 The scintillation detector is particularly usefull for
measuring X-rays of short wavelengths but its usefulness
drops off X-rays of longer wavelengths.

 Crystals used in scintillation detectors include sodium

iodide,anthracene,naphthalene and p-terphenol in xylene.
d) Solid -state semi-conductor detector :

• In this type of detector,the electrons produced by x-ray beam

are promoted in to conduction bands and the current which
flows is directly proportional to the incident x-ray energy..

• The main disadvantage of a solid-state-semi-conductor is

that the semi-conductor is to be maintained at very low
temperatures to minimize the noise and prevent deterioration
in the detector characteristics
d) Semi-conductor detectors :

When x-ray falls on a semiconductor or a silicon

lithium-drifted detector,it generates an electron(-e) and
a hole(+e) in a fashion analogous to the formation of a
primary ion pair in a proportional counter.

 The principle is similar to that of gas ionization

detector as used in a proportional counter, except that
the materials used are in a solid state.

These are generally used for investigating the internal

structures and crystal structures of various solid compounds.

These are :

a) Laue-photographic method

b) Bragg’s x-ray spectrometer method

c) Rotating crystal method

d) Powder method
Diffraction of crystals by two methods :

a) Transmission method :
• In the transmission Laue method, the film is placed behind
the crystal to record beams which are transmitted through the

• One side of the cone of Laue

reflections is defined by the
transmitted beam. The film
intersects the cone, with the
diffraction spots generally lying on
an ellipse
b)Back-reflection Laue Method
• In the back-reflection method, the film is placed between the x-
ray source and the crystal. The beams which are diffracted in a
backward direction are recorded.

• One side of the cone of Laue

reflections is defined by the
transmitted beam. The film
intersects the cone, with the
diffraction spots generally lying
on an hyperbola.
Bragg’s x-ray spectrometer method:
This method is based on Bragg’s law, bragg analysed the
structures of Nacl,KaI and ZnS.
 Structure of crystals

 polymer characterisation

 particle size determination

 soil classification based on crystallinity

 Analysis of industrial dusts can be effected

and their relationship to industrial disease

 corrosion products can be studied

Advantages and disadvantages of X-rays :
Advantages :
X-ray is the cheapest, the most convenient and widely used
X-rays are not absorbed very much by air, so the specimen
need not be in an evacuated chamber.

Disadvantage :
They do not interact very strongly with lighter elements.

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