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2022 11 01DiabeticLivingAustralia

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The power
of a
See page 98


WINCE CATCH? We review the
Managing your BGLs Sustainable seafood latest tech

14 5 days, 5 dinners Inspiration for
everyday meals
22 Christmas feast Choose your
own festive adventure
34 Mocktail hour Taste sensation,

minus the booze

36 Light meals Starters to share

38 Cooking for one Treat yourself
46 5 ways with yoghurt Experiment 128
with cream’s lighter cousin Turn to page
e to
51 Hibiscus iced tea Flower power and subscrib your
g, for
Diabetic Livin p to 31%
52 Rush hour meals Short on time? ve u
chance to sa
lar price!
We’ve got your back! off the regu
60 Good food made simple Peek
inside Leah Itsines’ new book NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022
66 The joy of cooking Alice
Zaslavsky shows us how it’s done
76 Vegan paradise No dairy? No
worries! DPOUFOUT
LIVING WELL 122 ‘Why do you and dad cry
90 Pump it up We’ve got the every night at dinner?’
lowdown on insulin pumps
98 CSIRO diet Strategies for
managing pre-diabetes REGULARS
102 Sustainable seafood Good for 3 Privacy notice

you and the planet 4 Contact info

106 Disrupt diabetes destiny Don’t 5 Editor’s note
resign yourself to fate
112 Post-meal glucose Tips to help
tame the spikes
Just diagnosed
Your healthy life
Cook’s tips
116 7 things VLCDs Are shakes the 86 Menu plan
way to go? 88 About our food
118 Peer positivity A little 125 Puzzles
connection can go a long way 130 One last thing

This issue of Diabetic Living is published by Are Media Pty Ltd (Are Media). Are Media may use and disclose your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, including to provide you
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need to know

Whether you’re newly diagnosed with
diabetes or need some support or
information having lived with it for some
time, there are organisations that can
help, including…


national body for people living with all EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION more about diabetes and eye health, at
types of diabetes and those who are at (ADEA) Consulting with a KeepSight you can sign up for regular
risk. Committed to reducing the credentialled diabetes educator (CDE) eye check reminders and find a
impact of diabetes, online you’ll find a can help you understand more about KeepSight provider near you to make
wide range of helpful information diabetes, learn how to monitor and an eye check appointment. Visit
about everything from medications to manage your blood glucose levels and
preventing complications. Plus, if you discover what you can do to reduce MYDESMOND Access a suite of free
become a member, you’ll have access your risk of diabetes-related online health education and
to an online community forum, complications. Plus, a CDE can behavioural-change programs that can
member-only events and webinars encourage your diabetes healthcare help you self-manage type 2 diabetes
and health professionals that are team to work together. Head to or make healthy lifestyle choices after
just a phone call away. Visit to use the ‘Find a CDE’ being diagnosed with gestational service or call (02) 6173 1000. diabetes. Head to
An initiative of the Australian creating a world without type 1 NATIONAL DISABILITY
Government that’s administered by diabetes by funding research, JDRF INSURANCE SCHEME (NDIS)
Diabetes Australia, as well as also provides helpful information While the NDIS doesn’t fund financial
providing diabetes information and about type 1 diabetes and a range of support for diabetes, you may be able
resources, importantly, the NDSS also community support programs for to access support if you have a
delivers support services and people living with it. Head to disability caused by diabetes, such as
subsidised diabetes products. To to find out more. vision impairment, amputation or
register, visit or call the FOOT FORWARD Discover how to hearing loss. Visit or call
NDSS Helpline on 1800 637 700. care for your feet when you’re living 1800 800 110 for more information.
with diabetes, understand if your feet
are at risk from complications and
where to access relevant support
services when and if you need them.

4 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

A royal routine
At the time of writing this letter, I have just watched the
funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. What an incredible
spectacle and one I doubt we will ever see again. The
Queen certainly lived a remarkable life – meeting world
leaders, travelling the globe, supporting charities and
foundations and being, by all accounts, a loving
grandmother and great-grandmother. And, while she
was obviously an incredibly busy person, it seems she was also a lover of
routine, with a set time for waking, then a bath and breakfast before
ON SALE prescribed hours for paperwork, then a light lunch followed by a walk. She
101 DEC 15 apparently ate the same thing for breakfast and lunch and maintained
healthy habits throughout her life.
Of course, I don’t have the household staff the Queen did to help me
stick to a healthy routine, but I think there are lessons we can all learn
from her. I like routines because it means I don’t have to make a decision.
For me, a decision is an opportunity to put something off or make a less
than healthy choice. I try not to “decide” whether I am going to do some
exercise before work, I just tell myself that’s what I do, that’s my routine.
Of course, I’m not always perfect (none of us are) but sticking to my
routine certainly makes life more manageable. Thank you, your Majesty,
for your life of service and some lessons I can apply to my own life.
In this issue we have a feature from CSRIO Total Wellbeing dietician
Pennie McCoy (p98) about strategies you can put into place to help
achieve weight loss success and potentially reverse pre-diabetes. It’s all

about having a plan – and sticking to it. Another great feature about
33 actions you can take to have a positive influence on your health outcomes
is Disrupt your Destiny (p106) which includes 10 simple steps you can
start taking today.
One of those is making good food choices and we have plenty of
delicious food to choose from in this month’s recipes – including a
flavour-packed and budget-friendly Christmas feast. I’m also loving our
baking feature that’s filled with vegan delights everyone will love.
In our previous issue, we dropped our regular recipe
index. However, a number of readers have contacted us to
let us know how valuable it was, so we’ll be reinstating it
from our Jan/Feb issue. Thanks for reaching out – we love
hearing what you do and don’t like about the magazine. Alix Davis,
Until next time! Editor

We’d love to hear from you!

We want to hear your stories, answer your questions and share the love with other readers DiabeticLivingAU

Diabetes Australia and JDRF are proud to support Diabetic Living. While all care has been taken in the preparation of the articles in this
magazine, they should only be used as a guide, as neither Are Media Pty Limited nor Diabetes Australia is able to provide specific medical
advice for people with diabetes or related conditions. Before following
any health advice given in this magazine, please consult your healthcare
professional. Recipes that are gluten free or have gluten-free options
have been approved by Coeliac Australia.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 5

A diagnosis of diabetes can be scary at first – don't panic, we're here to help

Getting your head around
‘diabetes lingo’?
lingo”? Read
Read on...

• When should I test my blood

glucose levels (BGLs)? This varies
depending on the type of diabetes
and your medication, but possible
times include before meals, two hours
after eating, before bed, before you
exercise and if you’re feeling unwell.
• What should my BGLs be? As a
guide, if you have type 1 diabetes,
a healthy target to aim for is 4-6mmol/L
before you eat, and 4-8mmol/L two
hours after starting a meal. If you have
type 2 diabetes, aim for 6-8mmol/L
before meals, and 6-10mmol/L two

hours after starting a meal. Ask your

doctor or Credentialled Diabetes
Educator for more guidance.
• What’s mmol/L? It stands for
millimoles per litre of blood, and
is how BGLs are measured. drop below 4mmol/L. A hypo can people with type 2 will also need
• What’s HbA1c? It’s your average make it hard to concentrate, so some insulin six to 10 years after being
BGLs over a period of 10-12 weeks and, activities (like driving) aren’t safe, and diagnosed, because the pancreas
used in conjunction with the blood it needs to be treated quickly using produces less insulin over time.
glucose monitoring you do yourself, specific foods. Only people who take • What’s pre-diabetes? It’s when
paints a picture of your blood glucose insulin or some types of glucose- BGLs are higher than normal, but not
management. Your doctor will arrange lowering tablets are at risk of a hypo. high enough for a type 2 diagnosis.
a HbA1c test every three to six months. • Will I have to use insulin? Yes, if Lifestyle changes can delay or prevent
• What’s a hypo? It’s when BGLs you have type 1. But 50 per cent of pre-diabetes from becoming type 2.
5:1&5:1& '00%.:5)4
What’s the difference? '0318%
TYPE 1 is an auto-immune condition caused by a
combination of genetics and unknown factors. It It's my sweet tooth!
accounts for 10 per cent of all diabetes, and occurs It’s not that simple. While type 1 is
when the body’s immune system destroys the cells triggered by genetics and unknown
in the pancreas that produce insulin, the hormone factors, type 2 is caused by a mix of
that’s vital for converting glucose into energy. People genetics and lifestyle factors. One of
living with type 1 diabetes need to use insulin to those is being overweight, but it’s not just
sugar that causes that. Plus, if you are
reduce the level of glucose circulating in their blood.
overweight, that’s only a risk factor, not
a direct cause of type 2.
TYPE 2 is caused by a combination of genetics and
lifestyle factors. It accounts for 85-90 per cent of all
diabetes, and is a progressive condition where the
body becomes resistant to the normal effects of
insulin, or where the pancreas slowly loses its ability No more chocolate!
to produce enough of the hormone – both of which False. As long as chocolate, or other foods
leave too much glucose in the blood. Lifestyle containing added or natural sugars, are eaten
modifications or medication (and sometimes both) as part of a healthy meal plan or combined
are used to manage type 2 diabetes. with exercise, people with diabetes can
definitely still enjoy them in moderation. Talk
to your GP or dietitian for more info.

Ugh. A ‘special diet’
Not really. These days ‘healthy eating’ for
people who have diabetes is no different
to the ‘healthy eating’ guidelines
in Australia, through healthcare recommended for the general population.
costs, reduced wellbeing, lower You don’t need to prepare separate meals
or buy special food – the recipes in DL are
employment and additional care designed for everyone.
* That’s People With Diabetes

1 You’re
not alone
About 280 Aussies
2 It's your move
Continuing or starting
regular physical activity
3 We’re here
Wondering where
to start? Combined
develop diabetes every will help lower your with advice from your
day – one person every short- and long-term BGLs healthcare team, you’ve
five minutes. And for every and can also help certain made a great first step.
four people diagnosed, diabetes medications work In this (and every!) issue
someone else is living more effectively. Plus, of Diabetic Living, you’ll
with diabetes but doesn’t along with a healthy diet, find practical, helpful
know. The longer diabetes losing weight – as little as advice, expert responses
goes undiagnosed, the five per cent of your body to questions that might
more it can impact your weight – can also have a sound familiar, and a whole
overall health. positive impact. heap of healthy recipes. ■

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 7

healthy life
The latest news on all things diabetes and health

Walk this way

If your favourite way to exercise is
walking, new research provides a few tips
and tricks to get the most out of it. For
starters, University of Sydney scientists
have shed light on two things – not only is
taking 10,000 steps a day definitely the
“sweet spot” for reducing your risk of
dementia, heart disease and even cancer,
your walking speed matters too. “The
take-home message here is that for
protective health benefits people could
not only ideally aim for 10,000 steps a day
but also aim to walk faster,” says co-lead
author Dr Matthew Ahmadi, research
fellow at the University of Sydney’s
Charles Perkins Centre and Faculty of
Medicine and Health. And, as far as the
best time to go walking, for diabetes
management, stepping out after eating is
wise – another recent study shows that a
short 2 to 5 minute post-meal walk can
help to lower blood sugar levels.

8 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

How’s your mental health?
The latest data from Diabetes Australia shows that mental health

challenges are the most prevalent, yet least recognised complication of A S K DA NIE
diabetes, with 700,000 people living with diabetes experiencing them
every year. “Concerningly, the latest figures show that about 400,000
people living with diabetes report difficulties accessing mental health Q: My six-year-old son
care,” says Diabetes Australia Group CEO Justine Cain. “That’s a lot of was recently diagnosed
people who aren’t getting the help and support they need.” The stigma with type 1. I know good
more than 80 per cent of people living with diabetes have experienced, footcare is crucial for
people with diabetes –
combined with the burden of daily diabetes management and
does this include children?
the worry about diabetes-related complications can all take a toll on When should he start
mental health and wellbeing. “We want people to know that diabetes seeing a podiatrist?
mental health challenges are real and encourage people with diabetes
Danielle says: Good footcare
and their healthcare professionals to explore options for mental and early detection of foot
health care.” Visit to learn more about problems through regular
diabetes and mental health. foot examinations is really
important for a young person
with diabetes, and their family,
as it improves their awareness
and understanding of the
disease, which can help prevent
complications in the future.
Most guidelines suggest
children and young people
with type 1 diabetes should be
offered annual footcare reviews,
with some guidelines suggesting
that screening for peripheral
neuropathy should occur five
years after a type 1 diagnosis,
and then at least annually
depending on risk status.
In the very young and early
stages of diagnosis it may seem
unnecessary, as the tests are
likely to be “normal” and other
aspects of their care will take
priority. But there are benefits
from yearly foot examinations,
including forming good habits,
understanding footcare, and
having questions and anxieties
regarding foot problems
answered. The exam doesn’t
have to be performed by a
podiatrist and may best be part
of an annual review by the child’s
paediatric care team to help
reduce additional appointments.

Danielle Veldhoen, podiatrist

your healthy life

Lowering the bar for

gestational diabetes
A study of more than 4000 pregnant New Zealand
women shows the health of babies and expectant
mums could be improved by changing how gestational
diabetes is diagnosed. In a nutshell, the results of the
research suggest there’s several benefits to be had
by lowering the blood-sugar threshold for diagnosis.
“Treatment for gestational diabetes improves mothers’
and babies’ health but it has been unclear what level
of blood sugar should be used to make the diagnosis,”
says the study’s lead investigator, Professor Caroline
Crowther from the University of Auckland.
Finding that twice as many women were
diagnosed with gestational diabetes when the
lower blood-sugar threshold was used, the
change lowered the risk of pre-eclampsia for
women and birth complications for baby,
and also meant mums and babies were
more likely to receive diabetes-related
interventions and healthcare. The next
step is following up with the mothers and
children just before they start school, to
assess the difference lowering the diagnostic
threshold has on their later life and wellbeing.

Researchers working on developing oral insulin tablets as
a replacement for daily insulin injections recently made
a game-changing breakthrough. Testing various versions and
The Art of Sleeping formulations of insulin tablets, the Canadian-based scientists have
By Rob Hobson discovered that their latest version mimics the way injected insulin is
HQ Non Fiction GB, $19.99 absorbed, in lab-based animal studies.
If you’re feeling tired and sleep “These exciting results show that we are on the right track in
deprived as another year draws developing an insulin formulation that will no longer need to be
to a close, this book could be a injected before every meal, improving the quality of life, as well as
saviour so you can start the new mental health, of more than nine million type 1 diabetics around
year refreshed. Combining the the world,” said Dr Anubhav Pratap-Singh, the study’s
latest scientific research, expert principal investigator, when the results were published.
advice and the author’s own tricks The next step is securing funding and collaborators
and tips, by exploring the three to test the oral tablet in human trials.
key pillars of sleep – behaviour,
environment and diet – you’ll learn
techniques to assist with relaxation
and getting a good night’s sleep.

10 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Monday, November 14 is
World Diabetes Day (WDD), &

the world’s largest diabetes SK DR MA
awareness campaign that’s
been running for more than
three decades. Like last year’s
Q: I find it hard to stick to a
WDD, this year’s theme
healthy, type-2-friendly diet
The Veggie Christmas remains “Access to Diabetes
at this time of year. Any tips?
Cookbook Care”, due to the fact that
By Heather Thomas millions of people living with Dr Marsh says: Christmas and
diabetes around the world New Year can be a challenging
HarperCollins, $12.99 eBook
don’t have access to necessary time when it comes to healthy
Whether you’re hosting eating, but there are some
care. To learn more or find out
vegetarian or vegan friends tips to help you through the
how you can get involved, visit
and family this festive festive season:
season, or are plant-based ❱ Replace traditional snack foods
yourself and want more with healthier alternatives like
than a dry nut roast for salsa or hummus with raw
Christmas, this eBook has vegetables and baked pita bread,
got you covered. Featuring roasted chickpeas, unsalted nuts,
60 recipes, including plain popcorn or a fruit platter.
sparkling salads and sides, ❱ If you’re planning a roast for
merry mains, dazzling Christmas Day, cook a lean cut of
desserts and holly jolly meat on a rack to let any fat drip
leftovers, you’re bound to off. Bake vegetables in a separate
find something that’ll tickle pan, brushed with olive oil and
everyone’s tastebuds. serve plenty of steamed greens
or a large salad.
❱ In place of rich desserts serve a
fruit platter or a bowl of summer
Artificial sweeteners: the berries with a dollop of Greek
not-so-sweet sugar alternative yoghurt. If you enjoy Christmas
They might contain zero kilojoules, but pudding, have a small serve with
custard but skip the cream.
a new study has added to the growing
❱ It’s easy to overeat when there’s
evidence that replacing sugar with artificial
so much food to choose from.
sweeteners isn’t as healthy or as helpful
Have a little of what you enjoy
as it was once believed to be. Published in and remember that leftovers will
the British Medical Journal, the research be handy for tomorrow.
found that at least one in three people ❱ If you’ve been invited to
consume the artificial sweeteners a gathering, offer to bring some
aspartame, acesulfame or sucralose, daily healthy nibbles, a fruit platter, or
and that they have an increased risk of a salad to accompany the meal.
cardiovascular disease, as a result. ❱ Alternate alcoholic with non-
Where do those artificial sweeteners alcoholic drinks and avoid soft
hide? In the study, “no added sugar” soft drinks. Mineral water with a
drinks accounted for 53 per cent of slice of citrus and a sprig of mint
artificial sweetener consumption, makes a refreshing alternative.
but people also consumed artificial
sweeteners in tabletop sweeteners
and dairy foods like yoghurt and Dr Kate Marsh, advanced accredited
cottage cheese. practising dietitian and credentialled
diabetes educator

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 11

your healthy life


&A W
Almost all Australian adults are at
risk of developing shingles, a viral
infection that causes a painful Q: I struggle to make
rash and can have some serious exercising stick. I go well
complications, because 95 per for the first couple of weeks
cent of people aged over 30 have but then the habit slides
been infected with virus that’s and I start finding reasons
responsible. The bad news is to avoid being active. How
living with diabetes increases the can I turn exercise into a
risk of developing shingles but habit for good?
the good news is, vaccines which Drew says: Start by identifying
can protect you from serious a deep emotional “why”. You
disease caused by shingles, are need a good reason to show up
available. Vaccination is for your daily exercise routine,
recommended for everyone aged especially on days when you
over 50 and it’s free of charge for don’t feel like it.
people aged 70-79 under the Next, attach a positive
National Immunisation Program. emotion to it, one that aligns
To find an immunisation with the joy of being alive and
provider, talk to your GP, contact happy, as that’s a much better
your state or territory health long-term motivator than one
department or use Healthdirect’s associated with fear of sickness.
service finder available at For example: “I want to live a long, healthy life because it
health-services. will make me happy to see my
grandkids grow up” rather
than “I’m afraid that the
complications of diabetes will
A HEARTFELT REASON TO mean I won’t be around to see

my grandkids grow up”.
Finally, follow a plan you can
adhere to. Your exercise routine
The fact that smoking is a serious health risk isn’t news, but needs to be comprised of
movements you enjoy. If you
new research suggests that the habit is even more
resent them you’re less likely to
damaging to the heart than previously thought. “It’s well
stick to the plan. Write a list of
known that smoking causes blocked arteries, leading to
exercises and activities that
coronary heart disease and stroke,” says study author
bring you joy and structure
Dr Eva Holt, from Denmark’s Herlev and Gentofte your week so that you get a
Hospital. “Our study shows that smoking also leads to daily dose of them across the
thicker, weaker hearts. The more you smoke the worse week. Maybe it’s a brisk walk

your heart function becomes.” If you do smoke, with some bodyweight

quitting helps the heart repair, so that after one year exercises throughout. Or
of being smoke-free, the risk of heart disease is maybe it’s playing golf and
halved. “The heart can recuperate to some degree doing cardio on the stationary
with smoking cessation,” says Dr Holt. “So it is bike. Whatever it is, move in
never too late to quit.” Need help to do just that? a way that feels right for you!
Visit or call Quitline on 13 7848.
Drew Harrisberg, exercise physiologist
& diabetes educator
12 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

* Based on some patient descriptions of their
shingles pain. Symptoms may vary and not
everyone will experience these symptoms.



• Shingles typically produces a painful, blistering rash that can last

2 to 4 weeks
• U p to 99. 5% of a du l ts age d ɖǤǟřЭīĮ carr y the virus that can cause
sh in gles 1 – 3
• U p to 1 in 3 people risk developing shingles in their lifetime 1– 3
• While most people recover fully, up to 25% may experience
long-term complications 3


A BOU T SH INGL ES about shingles

References: 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention of Herpes Zoster: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR. 2008 June;57(RR-5):1–30. 2. National Centre
for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) Zoster vaccine for Australian adults fact sheet, updated May 2022. Available at: [accessed
May 2022]. 3. Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI). Australian Immunisation handbook. Australian Government Department of Health, Canberra, 2018. Available at
[accessed May 2022].

GlaxoSmithKline Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 47 100 162 481. Melbourne, VIC. NP-AU-HZX-ADVT-220003. Date of GSK Approval May 2022.

How our
food works
for you8
see page 8

14 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

5 DINNERS Delicious dinners to make midweek easier


TURKEY, STRAWBERRY & Bring to the boil over a medium

AVOCADO SALAD heat. Reduce heat to medium-low,
PREP 15 MINS COOK 10 MINS cover and cook for 10 minutes, or
SERVES 2 AS A MAIN until the turkey is cooked through
and the juices run clear. Use a
200g skinless turkey breast fillets
slotted spoon to transfer to a plate.
1 lemon, ½ zested and juiced,
Cover loosely with foil and set aside
½ sliced
to cool slightly.
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tsp sugar-free maple syrup 2 Whisk the lemon zest and juice
1 tsp olive oil and the maple syrup in a small
¼ tsp poppy seeds bowl. Slowly whisk in the oil, then
Freshly ground black pepper the poppy seeds. Season with
80g baby spinach leaves pepper.
1 avocado, peeled, stoned and 3 Use two forks to shred the turkey.
sliced Divide the spinach, avocado,
150g strawberries, hulled and cut strawberries and basil between
into quarters plates and top with the turkey.
½ cup basil leaves, torn Drizzle with the dressing and serve.

1 Put turkey fillets between two Nutritional info

sheets of baking paper and use a PER SERVE 1220kJ (292Cal),
rolling pin to bash to a 1cm protein 25g, total fat 17g (sat. fat
thickness. Put turkey, lemon slices 3g), carbs 4g, fibre 11g, sodium
and garlic into a medium, deep 285mg • Carb exchanges ½
non-stick frying pan. Cover with • GI estimate low • Gluten free •
water so the turkey is submerged. Lower carb



2 tsp olive oil

½ x 420g can drained and
rinsed no-added-salt corn
kernels, drained
½ brown onion, chopped
2 baby Zeralla Spud Lite
Potatoes, cut into 1cm
½ tsp smoked paprika, plus
extra, to serve
¼ tsp ground cumin
250ml (1 cup) salt-reduced
or gluten-free vegetable
200ml water
½ lime, half juiced, half thinly
Freshly ground black pepper
½ long green chilli, thinly sliced
30g reduced-fat feta, crumbled
2 slices Burgen Lower Carb High
Protein Sunflower & Linseed
Bread or gluten-free bread,
toasted, each spread with 1 tsp
light margarine, to serve

1 Heat half the oil in a medium 3 Reserve 3 tablespoons of the corn

saucepan over medium-high heat. in a small bowl and add the
Add the corn, keeping it in a single remaining corn to the pan. Bring to
layer as much as possible. Cook the boil over high heat. Reduce
undisturbed for 2 minutes so the heat to medium and simmer,
kernels turn golden on the bottom. covered, for 5-10 minutes or until
Stir, spread out again and repeat the potato softens.
until the corn is golden and charred
4 Remove the pan from the heat
in spots. Cook for another minute,
and squeeze in the lime juice. Use a
stirring, then tip into a large bowl.
hand held blender (or tip into a
2 Add remaining oil to pan and blender to do this) to blend until Nutritional info
heat over medium heat. Add onion smooth and creamy. Season with PER SERVE 1260kJ (301Cal),
and potato and cook, stirring often, pepper. Divide the soup between protein 18g, total fat 16g (sat. fat
for 3-4 minutes or until vegetables serving bowls and top with the 4g), carbs 14g, fibre 11g, sodium
start to soften. Add the paprika and reserved corn, the chilli, lime slices, 629mg • Carb exchanges 1 • GI
cumin. Cook, stirring, for 1 minute. feta and a sprinkle of extra paprika. estimate low • Gluten-free option
Stir in the stock and water. Serve with the bread. • Lower carb

Nutritional info
PER SERVE 1900kJ (455Cal),
protein 17g, total fat 18g (sat.
fat 5g), carbs 39g, fibre 10g,
sodium 205mg • Carb
exchanges 2½ • GI estimate
low • Gluten-free option




125g (½ box) Vetta Fibre Smart 1 Cook the broken lasagne sheets 3 Combine the lemon zest and
Lasagne Sheets or gluten-free in a medium saucepan of boiling juice, 2 tablespoons parmesan,
lasagne sheets, broken into water, stirring occasionally, for margarine and remaining olive oil
large pieces 10-12 minutes or until al dente. Add in a medium bowl. Season with
100g snow peas, halved the snow peas and peas for the last pepper. Tip in the drained pasta,
diagonally 2 minutes of cooking. Drain the snow peas and zucchini along with
55g (/ cup) frozen peas pasta, reserving about 100ml of the half of the reserved cooking water.
1 tbsp olive oil, plus ½ tsp extra pasta cooking water. Toss to combine, adding more
1 zucchini, halved lengthways, cut pasta water if the mixture looks dry
2 Meanwhile, heat ½ tsp of the oil
into 1cm half moons – the margarine and parmesan
in a medium non-stick frying pan
Pinch chilli flakes should melt into a silky sauce,
over medium heat. Add zucchini
Zest and juice of ½ lemon coating the pasta.
and cook, stirring occasionally, for
2½ tbsp grated parmesan
8-10 minutes or until the zucchini is 4 Stir the mint into the pasta.
15g light margarine
golden and softens. Add the chilli Divide between serving bowls and
Freshly ground black pepper
flakes and cook, stirring, for 1 top with the remaining parmesan.
¼ cup mint leaves, roughly
minute. Set aside. Serve.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 17

THURSDAY GFO LCO Nutritional info
PER SERVE 1850kJ (442Cal), protein 18g, total fat
LIGHT SUMMER TOFU 27g (sat. fat 11g), carbs 27g, fibre 10g, sodium
CURRY 409mg • Carb exchanges 2 • GI estimate low •
PREP 10 MINS COOK 20 MINS Gluten-free option

2 tsp olive oil LOWERCARB OPTION: Replace the rotis with 2

140g firm tofu, cut into 2cm cubes Simson’s Pantry Low Carb Super Grains wraps.
1 small red onion, thinly sliced PER SERVE 1390kJ (333Cal), protein 17g, total fat
1 clove garlic, crushed 20g (sat. fat 9g), carbs 13g, fibre 14g, sodium
¾ tsp grated fresh ginger 228mg • Carb exchanges 1 • GI estimate low •
¾ tsp ground turmeric Lower carb
½ x 400ml can light coconut milk
1 lime, ½ juiced, ½ cut into
wedges, to serve
50ml water
80g baby spinach leaves
¼ cup coriander, most roughly
chopped, reserve a few whole
leaves to serve
2 Mission wholemeal roti breads
or gluten-free wraps, to serve

1 Heat 1 teaspoon of the oil in a

medium non-stick frying pan over
medium-high heat. Add the tofu
and cook, tossing often, for 5
minutes or until golden brown. Use
a slotted spoon to transfer to a
2 Add the remaining oil to the pan
and heat over medium-high heat.
Add half the onion and cook,
stirring often, for 5 minutes or until
golden brown. Add the garlic and
ginger. Cook, stirring, for 1 minute.
Add the turmeric and cook, stirring,
for a further 30 seconds.
3 Stir the coconut milk into the pan.
Return the tofu to the pan along
with the lime juice and water.
Simmer for 5 minutes. Stir in the
spinach and the chopped
coriander, and cook, stirring, for 1
minute until the spinach wilts.
4 Divide the curry between serving
bowls. Top with the coriander
leaves and remaining onion. Serve
with the roti and lime wedges, to
squeeze over.

Nutritional info
PER SERVE 2060kJ (493Cal), protein
32g, total fat 29g (sat. fat 6g), carbs
21g, fibre 7g, sodium 134mg • Carb
exchanges 1½ • GI estimate medium •
Gluten-free option • Lower carb


2 cloves garlic, unpeeled oil. Bring the edges of the foil Season with pepper.
2 tsp olive oil, plus ½ tsp extra together to enclose the garlic and
4 Remove the parcel of garlic from
400g baby Zerella Spud Lite put on a baking tray. Bake for 10
the oven and set aside. Line the tray
Potatoes, halved or quartered, minutes.
with baking paper and arrange the
if large
2 Meanwhile, bring a medium salmon fillets on top. Spread the
1 bunch asparagus, woody ends
saucepan of water to the boil over fillets with the Dijon mustard.
high heat. Carefully lower the Gently press the hazelnut crumb
30g hazelnuts
potatoes into the water. Cover and down onto the mustard. Cook for 10
3 sprigs thyme
return to the boil. Reduce heat to minutes or until the salmon is just
Zest of ½ lemon
medium and simmer for 10-15 cooked through.
Freshly ground black pepper
minutes or until the potatoes are 5 Squeeze the roasted garlic into a
2 x 120g skinless and boneless
tender. Add the asparagus for the small bowl, discarding the skins.
salmon fillets
last 2 minutes of cooking. Drain and Whisk in the remaining oil. Tip the
1 tsp Dijon mustard or gluten-free
separate the potatoes and the potatoes into a large bowl and
asparagus. roughly crush with a potato masher.
1 tbsp finely chopped flat-leaf
parsley 3 While the potatoes are cooking, Drizzle over the garlic oil. Add the
place the hazelnuts, thyme leaves parsley and season with pepper.
1 Preheat oven to 200°C (fan- and lemon zest in a small food Toss to combine.
forced). Put the garlic cloves on a processor. Process briefly until the 6 Serve the salmon with the garlic
piece of foil and drizzle with ½ tsp mixture resembles breadcrumbs. parsley potatoes and the asparagus.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 19

Not sure what to do with the remaining food?
Take inspiration from these tasty tips


COCONUT MILK Use in sauces, GINGER: Cut into julienne and use in
dressings or freeze the remaining stir-fries. Finely grate and use in
coconut milk in a small airtight marinades and dressings.
container for another time.
POTATOES: Thinly slice and toss in a
ROTI BREAD Halve the warm roti little olive oil, crushed garlic and dried
bread then split through the middle. mixed herbs. Barbecue until crisp and
Use as an alternative to a wrap and fill golden. Serve as a carb side.
with your favourite salad fillings.
CHILLI: Finely chop or thinly slice and
LASAGNE SHEETS: Use the remaining use in dressings, marinades or sauces.
lasagne sheets to make a healthy
CORIANDER: Great tossed through at
spinach and ricotta lasagne.
the end of your stir-fry or throw a
HAZELNUTS: Roughly chop and add handful of leaves into your salad for an
to your favourite garden salad. Munch extra flavour hit.
on a few as a snack.
MINT: Throw a handful of mint leaves
CORN: Use in salads and soups or in a into your water bottle with a slice or
salsa. two of lemon or lime to add a little zing
to your water.
remaining stock in a small airtight THYME: Pick a few sprigs of thyme and
container in 250ml (1 cup) batches. finely chop. Mix with some reduced-fat
Label and date. ricotta, crushed garlic, a little grated
lemon zest and freshly ground black
BREAD: Use to make your favourite
pepper. Use as a spread on crackers
healthy sandwich, or toast and spread
and top with some sliced ripe
with mashed avocado, top with
cottage cheese and sprinkle with a few
chilli flakes and a sprinkle of pepper as BASIL AND PARSLEY: Use the basil
a quick and easy breakfast. and parsley to make a pesto. Or use in
salads or tear the leaves and top your
FROZEN PEAS: Use in fried-rice or
pasta sauces.
LIME AND LEMON: Use the zest and
TOFU: Marinate in a little salt-reduced
juice in dressings.
soy sauce, fresh lemon juice, grated
ginger and mirin. Drain, reserving STRAWBERRIES: Munch on for a
marinade. Pan-fry in a little olive oil. snack. ■
Serve with steamed veggies and low GI
FETA: Crumble a little over your salad
or pizza.

20 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living


❏ 400g can light coconu FRUIT & VEGETABLES
t ❏ 1 small red onion
❏ 1 small knob ginger
❏ 240g pkt Mission Food
s ❏ 1.5kg pkt Zerella Spud
Wholemeal Roti Bread Lite
❏ 250g box Vetta Fibre Po tatoes
Smart ❏ 1 brown on
Lasagne Sheets ion
❏ 160g baby spinach le
❏ 120g pkt hazelnuts aves
❏ 100g snow peas
❏ 420g can no-added-s
alt ❏ 1 zucchini
corn kernels
❏ 1 bunch asparagus
❏ 1L salt-reduced vege
table ❏ 1 avocado
❏ 1 green chilli
❏ 1 loaf Burgen Lower
Carb ❏ 1 bunch coriander
High Protein Sunflower
& ❏ 1 bunch mint
Linseed Bread
❏ 1 bunch thyme
❏ 1 bunch basil
❏ 1 bunch flat-leaf pars
❏ 200g skinless turkey ley
breast ❏ 2 limes
❏ 2 lemons
❏ 250g punnet strawbe
❏ 2 x 120g skinless &
boneless salmon fillets PANTRY
❏ Olive oil
FREEZER ❏ 5 cloves garlic
❏ 500g pkt frozen peas ❏ Ground turmeric
❏ Chilli flakes
CHILLED ❏ Black pepper
❏ 300g pkt firm tofu ❏ Smoked paprika
❏ 200g pkt reduced-fa ❏ Ground cumin
t feta ❏ Poppy seeds
❏ Dijon mustard
❏ Sugar-free maple syru
❏ Parmesan
❏ Light margarine
Select one each of the entrees,
mains, low-carb and carb sides
plus a dessert option to create
a Christmas lunch you’ll feel
good about.

Enjoy this delicious Christmas lunch that’s

big on flavour and friendly on your wallet

It’s smashed avo on toast – the
amped-up Christmas version.
Recipe, page 30

Nutritional info
PER SERVE 757kJ (181Cal),
protein 6g, total fat 9g (sat.
fat 3g), carbs 16g, fibre 4g,
sodium 281mg • Carb
exchanges 1 • GI estimate
low • Gluten-free option
How our
food works
for you
see page 88
DILL & RICOTTA Nutritional info
A bite-size canapé that (182Cal), protein 11g,
won’t spoil your appetite. total fat 5g (sat. fat
Recipe, page 30 2g), carbs 22g, fibre
2g, sodium 285mg
• Carb exchanges 1½
• GI estimate low
• Gluten-free option

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 23

Top garden-fresh greens
with a crunchy crumb that’s
full of flavour.
Recipe, page 30
Nutritional info
(74Cal), protein 6g,
total fat 2g (sat. fat
1g), carbs 6g, fibre
4g, sodium 113mg
• Carb exchanges ½
• GI estimate low
• Gluten-free
option • Lower carb

Nutritional info SAGE, CHILLI &
protein 5g, total fat 7g (sat. fat POTATOES
2g), carbs 21g, fibre 9g, sodium Think you can’t improve
20mg • Carb exchanges 1½ • GI roast spuds? Think
estimate low • Gluten free again.
$1.70 PER SERVE Recipe, page 31

Sweet baby carrots in a blanket of
crispy prosciutto? Yes, please!
Recipe, page 31

Nutritional info
(138Cal), protein 8g,
total fat 8g (sat. fat
2g), carbs 6g, fibre
4g, sodium 411mg
• Carb exchanges ½
• GI estimate low
• Gluten-free
option • Lower carb


Nutritional info
(182Cal), protein 6g,
total fat 6g (sat. fat
1g), carbs 22g, fibre
7g, sodium 65mg
• Carb exchanges 1½
• GI estimate low
BROWN RICE & ROAST • Gluten-free option
A delicious way to eat your vegies, $3.35 PER SERVE
and great for leftovers.
Recipe, page 31

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 25

Nutritional info
PER SERVE 1070kJ (256Cal),
protein 34g, total fat 6g (sat. TURKEY STEAKS WITH
fat 2g), carbs 12g, fibre 2g, CHERRY & PORT SAUCE
sodium 364mg • Carb There’s no need to wrestle with
exchanges 1 • GI estimate low a large whole bird when you can
• Gluten free • Lower carb cook turkey steaks with ease.
Recipe, page 32

Perfectly roasted
chicken will always be
a crowd-pleaser.
Recipe, page 32
Nutritional info
PER SERVE 825kJ (197Cal),
protein 29g, total fat 4g
(sat. fat 1g), carbs 11g, fibre
1g, sodium 47mg • Carb
exchanges ½ • GI estimate
GFO medium • Gluten-free
option • Lower carb

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 27

A traditional pavlova gets a
seasonal makeover with the
addition of fragrant spices
and nuts.
Recipe, page 32

Nutritional info
(189Cal), protein 8g,
total fat 5g (sat. fat
1g), carbs 28g, fibre
2g, sodium 69mg
• Carb exchanges 2
• GI estimate medium
• Gluten-free option

It’s not Christmas every day, Nutritional info
so take the time to enjoy one of (157Cal), protein 8g,
total fat 2g (sat. fat
these sweet finishes 1g), carbs 26g, fibre
2g, sodium 114mg
• Carb exchanges 1½
• GI estimate low
• Gluten-free option

You’ll love every indulgent
mouthful of this velvety
choc mousse.
Recipe, page 33

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 29

warm with dill


2 tomatoes, deseeded, finely 6 slices (30g each) low-GI white PARMESAN &
chopped bread or gluten-free bread GARLIC CRUMBS
2 green shallots, trimmed, finely 60g salt-reduced smoked salmon, PREP 15 MINS COOK 10 MINS
chopped finely chopped SERVES 4 AS A SIDE
1 tbsp roughly chopped mint 2 green shallots, trimmed, finely 2 bunches broccolini, ends
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil sliced trimmed
1½ tbsp fresh lemon juice 1 tbsp finely chopped dill, plus 2 bunches asparagus, woody ends
Freshly ground black extra sprigs, to serve trimmed
pepper Freshly ground black pepper Squeeze of fresh lemon juice
1 small avocado, flesh 50g light Pantalica Smooth Ricotta
removed 60g egg
30g sourdough bread or gluten-
4 x 30g slices sourdough 60ml (¼ cup) low-fat milk
free bread, processed into
bread or gluten-free bread ½ tsp Dijon mustard or gluten-
1 clove garlic, halved free mustard
1 large clove garlic, crushed
50g reduced-fat feta, crumbled
2 tbsp finely grated parmesan
1 Preheat oven to 180°C (fan-
2 tsp shredded flat-leaf parsley
1 Combine the tomatoes, shallots, forced). Spray 12 x 30ml (1½ tbsp)
mint, oil and 2 teaspoons of the round-bottomed patty pans with
1 To make the parmesan and garlic
lemon juice in a bowl. Season with cooking spray.
crumbs, preheat oven to 180°C
pepper. Set aside for 30 minutes to
2 Using a rolling pin, roll each slice (fan-forced). Line a small baking
allow the flavours to develop.
of bread out until thin. Using a tray with baking paper. Combine
2 Mash avocado roughly with a fork 6.5cm round cutter, cut 2 rounds the breadcrumbs, garlic and
in a small bowl and stir in the out of each slice of bread, using the parmesan in a small bowl. Spread
remaining 1 tablespoon of lemon remaining bread to make into out over the lined tray. Bake for 5-8
juice. Season with pepper. breadcrumbs and freeze. Roll each minutes, stirring once, until crumbs
round out a little more with the are golden brown. Transfer to a
3 Preheat an oven grill on medium-
rolling pin. Use rounds to line patty bowl to cool. Once cool, stir in
high. Spray one side of the bread
pans, pressing down firmly. Bake for parsley.
with cooking spray. Place under
4 minutes. Remove from the oven
grill and cook for 2-3 minutes each 2 Meanwhile, put the broccolini
and set aside.
side, or until lightly golden. Rub top and asparagus in a steamer basket
side (sprayed with oil) of bread with 3 Combine the salmon, shallots, dill over a large wok or saucepan of
cut garlic. Cut each piece of bread and pepper in a small bowl. Divide simmering water. Steam for 2
in half crossways, if you like. the ricotta evenly between the minutes or until the vegetables are
bread cases and spread over base. tender crisp.
4 Spread the mashed avocado over
Top with the salmon mixture. Whisk
the garlic side of each piece of 3 To serve, place the greens on a
egg, milk and mustard together
bread. Then top with the tomato serving platter. Drizzle with lemon
and pour a little into each case.
mixture and sprinkle over the juice. Sprinkle the garlic crumbs
Bake for 15-20 minutes or until set
crumbled feta. Serve immediately. over and serve immediately.
and light golden brown. Serve

30 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living



SERVES 4 AS A SIDE 85g (/ cup) SunRice Doongara
400g Carisma potatoes, peeled,
16 baby (Dutch) carrots, trimmed, cut into small chunks Low-GI Brown Rice
scrubbed 400g orange sweet potato, 350g eggplant, chopped
3 tsp wholegrain mustard or peeled, cut into small chunks 1 red onion, cut into thin
gluten-free mustard 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil wedges
4 thin slices prosciutto, halved / cup sage leaves, halved 1 red capsicum, chopped
lengthways lengthways 2 zucchini, chopped
16 asparagus spears, woody ends 4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
trimmed ½ large red chilli, halved 2 cloves garlic, crushed
3 tsp balsamic vinegar lengthways, seeds removed, Juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil very thinly sliced 2 tsp wholegrain
1 tsp fresh lemon juice mustard or gluten-
Freshly ground black pepper 1 Put a large steamer basket over a free mustard
pan of simmering water. Add the 2 tsp balsamic
Carisma potatoes to basket and vinegar
1 Preheat oven to 200°C (fan-
then steam for 2 minutes over 3 tbsp chopped
forced). Line a large baking tray
medium heat. Add the sweet flat-leaf parsley
with baking paper.
potato and then steam together for
2 Put the carrots in a shallow, 12 minutes or until almost tender. 1 Cook the rice in a
microwave-safe dish. Add 60ml (¼ medium saucepan
2 Preheat oven to 220°C (fan-
cup) water. Cover and cook on of boiling water for
forced). Line a large roasting pan
High/100% for 2-3 minutes. Drain 25-30 minutes or
with baking paper. Arrange the
and rinse under cold water. Pat dry until tender. Drain
potatoes in a single layer within the
with paper towel. the rice and then
pan. Drizzle oil over potatoes and
transfer to a large
3 Spread a little mustard over each toss gently to combine.
strip of prosciutto. Wrap two carrots
3 Roast potatoes for 25 minutes.
and two asparagus spears in a strip 2 Meanwhile, preheat
Add sage, garlic and chilli to the
of prosciutto. Place on the lined oven to 220°C (fan-
roasting pan and toss to combine.
baking tray. Repeat with remaining forced). Line a large
Roast for 5 minutes or until the
carrots, asparagus and prosciutto, roasting pan with baking
potatoes are light golden brown
making eight bunches in total. paper. Put the eggplant,
and crispy. Toss then serve.
onion, capsicum, zucchini
4 Roast the vegetables for 10
and oil in a bowl. Toss to
minutes, or until the asparagus is
combine then spread over
tender. Whisk together the vinegar,
roasting pan. Roast for 20
oil, lemon juice and pepper. Place
minutes or until tender.
vegetable parcels on a platter.
Add the garlic and toss to
Drizzle dressing over the
combine. Roast for 5
vegetables. Serve.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 31

minutes or until the vegetables softens. Add the cherries, orange baking paper. Use your fingers to
are light golden brown. zest, juice, ginger and port. Cover loosen skin over chicken breast.
and bring to a simmer. Simmer, Carefully remove skin off breasts
3 Add the roasted vegetables to the
covered, over medium-low heat, for and legs, leaving wings intact and
rice and toss to combine. Whisk the
10 minutes. Remove the lid and skin on knuckles at end of legs.
lemon juice, mustard and vinegar
increase the heat to medium. Place chicken in pan and tie legs
in a small bowl. Add to the salad
Simmer, uncovered, for a further 15 together with kitchen string.
and toss to combine. Set
minutes, or until the mixture
aside for 20 minutes. Stir in 2 Put the marmalade, cranberry
the parsley and serve. sauce, orange zest and juice, stock
2 Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large and mustard in a small saucepan.
non-stick frying pan over medium- Cook, stirring, over medium heat
high heat. Add the turkey steaks until well combined. Increase heat
and cook for 3 minutes on one side. to high and bring to a simmer.
Turn over and cook for 2 minutes or Reduce heat to medium and
until the turkey is just cooked simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until
through. the mixture reduces and thickens.
Stir in half of the thyme leaves.
3 Serve the turkey steaks topped
with the sauce. 3 Brush the chicken with a little
TURKEY STEAKS glaze. Roast for 50-60 minutes,
WITH CHERRY & brushing with extra glaze every 15
PORT SAUCE minutes (using a thicker layer of
PREP 15 MINS COOK glaze on final coat), or until a
skewer inserted in the thickest part
of the chicken produces juices that
1 tsp extra virgin olive run clear. Sprinkle over remaining
oil thyme leaves, to serve.
4 x 150g turkey breast
steaks, pounded to an even
¼ tsp extra virgin olive oil MINS SERVES 4 AS PART OF A MAIN;
½ red onion, finely chopped WITH LEFTOVERS FOR 2
250g cherries, pitted, finely
1.6kg free-range chicken, excess
fat removed
Zest of ½ orange
3 tbsp Buderim Ginger Ginger,
Juice of 1 orange SPICED NUTTY PAVLOVA
Lemon & Lime Marmalade
3cm piece ginger, peeled, finely WITH RICOTTA CREAM
1 tbsp cranberry sauce
Zest and juice of 1 orange
2 tbsp port COOK 1 HOUR 30 MINS
60ml (¼ cup) salt-reduced chicken
stock or gluten-free stock
1 To make the cherry and port 2 tsp Dijon mustard or gluten-free 2 egg whites (from 60g eggs), at
sauce, heat oil in a medium mustard room temperature
saucepan over medium-low. 1 tbsp thyme leaves Pinch cream of tartar
Add the onion and cook, 5 tbsp caster sugar
stirring occasionally, for 5-6 1 Preheat oven to 180°C (fan- 1 tsp cornflour or gluten free
minutes or until the onion forced). Line a roasting pan with cornflour

½ tsp mixed spice

1 tbsp hazelnut meal
125g mixed berries (such as
raspberries, blueberries and
blackberries) To roast hazelnuts,
1tbsp chopped roasted and spread on a small baking
skinned hazelnuts (see Cook’s tray and roast in an oven
Tip) preheated to 180°C (fan-
forced) for 6-8 minutes or until
RICOTTA CREAM aromatic. Rub the skins off the
150g Pantalica Smooth Light hazelnuts and roughly chop.
1 tbsp icing sugar or gluten free
icing sugar, sifted
½ tsp finely grated orange zest
¼ tsp vanilla extract

1 Preheat oven to 120°C (fan-

forced). Line a large baking tray
with baking paper.
2 Using electric beaters, whisk egg
PREP 20 MINS + 4 HOURS CHILLING occasionally to stop skin forming.
whites and cream of tartar until soft COOK 10 MINS
peaks form. Add sugar SERVES 4 AS A DESSERT 2 Put the boiling water in a small
1 tablespoon at a time, whisking heatproof bowl and sprinkle over
well between each addition until 2 tbsp cocoa powder or gluten- the gelatine. Stir well until gelatine

the sugar dissolves. Continue free cocoa powder, sifted is almost dissolved. Put in the
whisking until all the sugar has 2 tbsp caster sugar microwave on High/100% for 20
2 tbsp custard powder or gluten-

dissolved. Stir in cornflour, mixed seconds. Stir well until gelatine

spice and hazelnut meal. free custard powder dissolves.
250ml (1 cup) skim milk
3 Spoon the mixture evenly into 2 tbsp boiling water 3 Whisk the gelatine into the
four piles and spread out each into 2 tsp powdered gelatine chocolate mixture. Whisk in the ½
circles that are about 9cm in 130g (½ cup) low-fat vanilla cup yoghurt. Set aside for 10
diameter, rounding the sides with a yoghurt, plus extra 1 tbsp (1 tsp minutes.
palette knife. Add to the oven and per person), to serve 4 Using electric beaters, whisk the
then reduce the oven temperature 2 egg whites (from 60g eggs), at egg whites in a large bowl until soft
down to 100°C (fan-forced). Bake room temperature peaks form. Add a spoonful to the
for 1½ hours. Turn the oven off and 10g milk or dark chocolate, chocolate mixture and fold in well.
put a wooden spoon into the oven shaved, to serve Add the remaining egg white and
to hold the door ajar. Leave in open 3 strawberries, quartered, to serve fold in gently until just combined.
oven for 2 hours to cool.
Spoon mousse evenly between 4
4 To make ricotta cream, combine 1 Put cocoa powder, caster sugar serving dishes. Place dishes on a
ricotta, icing sugar, orange zest and and custard powder in a small tray and put in the fridge for 4
vanilla extract in a small bowl. saucepan. Gradually whisk in the hours, or until set.
5 To serve, place pavlova shells on milk. Cook, stirring, over medium 5 To serve, top each individual
serving plates. Top with ricotta heat until mixture thickens and mousse with a spoonful of yoghurt,
cream, berries and chopped comes to a simmer. Whisk until a sprinkle of the chocolate shavings
hazelnuts.. smooth. Set aside, whisking and a few slices of strawberry.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 33

Cook’s Tip
You can buy ready made sugar syrup or
simply make your own by heating equal
parts of sugar and water in a small
saucepan over low heat until sugar
dissolves. Chill and keep in the fridge.

Nutritional Nutritional info

info PER SERVE 53kJ
PER SERVE 670kJ (13Cal), protein 0g,
(160Cal), protein 2g, total fat 0g (sat. fat
total fat 0g (sat. fat 0g), carbs 3g, fibre
0g), carbs 34g, 0g, sodium 17mg
fibre 5g, sodium • Carb exchanges 0
8mg • Carb • GI estimate n/a
exchanges 2½ • Gluten free
• GI estimate low • Lower carb
• Gluten free


10 frozen blackberries 1 Put the blackberries, Ice cubes, to serve 1 Fill a tumbler with ice.
1 small banana, sliced banana, ginger, 25ml cloudy apple juice Pour in the apple juice,
1 small piece drained pomegranate juice and a 1 tsp apple cider vinegar cider vinegar, ginger
ginger in syrup few small ice cubes in a 1 tsp of Buderim Ginger syrup and stir. Slowly top
100ml 100% blender. Cover and blend Ginger Refresher Cordial up with the sparkling
pomegranate juice or until smooth and thick. 100ml Schweppes water.
grape juice Infused Natural
2 Pour the smoothie into 2 Stir again with a sprig of
Ice cubes Mineral Water with
a serving glass and rosemary and leave it in
1 sprig thyme and 1 Grapefruit
garnish with a thyme the drink as the garnish.
frozen blackberry, to 1 sprig rosemary, to
sprig and frozen
garnish garnish

Zero alcohol doesn’t necessarily equal zero fun

(and flavour)! Shaken or stirred?

How our
food works Nutritional info
for you88 PER SERVE 156kJ (37Cal),
protein 1g, total fat 1g
see page
(sat. fat 1g), carbs 7g,
fibre 1g, sodium 19mg
• Carb exchanges ½
Nutritional info • GI estimate low
PER SERVE 167kJ (40Cal), • Gluten free • Lower carb
protein 4g, total fat 0g
(sat. fat 0g), carbs 5g,
fibre 0g, sodium 64mg
• Carb exchanges ½
• GI estimate medium
• Gluten free • Lower


50ml alcohol-free gin the shaker is ice cold, PREP 5 MINS + CHILLING SERVES 1 AS A DRINK
25ml fresh lemon juice then double strain into a
50ml chilled orange & Ideally chill a flute glass
5ml sugar syrup (see small jug.
passionfruit juice too.

Cook’s tip)
2 Discard the ice and any 25ml fresh lemon juice,
4 sage leaves 2 Pour all of the
remaining sage pieces, chilled
Ice cubes ingredients into your
then pour the cocktail 2 tsp elderflower cordial
1 Tbsp egg white (from glass, taking your time
back into the shaker and 150ml chilled sparkling
60g egg) when you add the
add the egg white. water
sparkling water so it
1 tsp passionfruit seeds,
1 Put the alcohol-free gin, 3 Shake the shaker really doesn’t overflow, then stir
to serve
lemon juice, sugar syrup, hard to froth up the egg gently.
3 of the sage leaves and a white, then pour into a
3 Drop in a few
good handful of ice into a cocktail glass. Garnish 1 Make sure all the
passionfruit seeds to
cocktail shaker. Shake with the remaining sage ingredients are well
hard until the outside of leaf. chilled before you start.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 35

light meals




1 tbsp smoked paprika

2 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp garlic powder
100g (/ cup) plain flour or gluten-
free flour
200ml buttermilk or kefir
500g cauliflower, broken into small
Keep it light with spiced cauliflower bites florets
or a citrus-spiked salad 80ml (/ cup) hot sauce or gluten-free
hot sauce
1½ tbsp sugar-free maple syrup
1 tbsp light margarine
2 stalks celery, cut into sticks
100g reduced-fat Greek yoghurt
3 tbsp 97% fat-free mayonnaise or
gluten-free mayonnaise
2 tbsp chopped chives
1 tbsp skim milk

1 Preheat oven to 200°C (fan-forced).

Line a baking tray with baking paper.
2 Combine paprika, cumin, garlic
powder and flour in a large bowl.
Make a well in the centre and
whisk in buttermilk. Add
cauliflower and toss to coat.
Spread out the cauliflower


on the baking tray and cook,
turning halfway during
cooking, for 20-25 minutes
or until crisp at the edges.

nutritional info: 3 Put hot sauce, maple

syrup and margarine in a
PER SERVE 743kJ (178Cal),
small saucepan. Cook,
protein 7g, total fat 4g (sat.
stirring, over low heat for 2-3

fat 2g), carbs 28g, fibre 3g,

minutes or until combined.
sodium 319mg • Carb
Liberally brush over the
exchanges 2 • GI estimate
cauliflower and return to the
medium • Gluten-free
oven for 8-10 minutes.
4 Meanwhile, to make the ranch
dip, whisk the yoghurt, mayonnaise,
chives and milk in a small bowl, adding
a little more milk if needed to make a
dipping consistency.
5 Serve the cauliflower with the celery
sticks and ranch dip.

36 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living



180g reduced-fat feta, crumbled

250g reduced-fat Greek yoghurt
½ tsp chilli flakes 1 Put the feta in a bowl with the yoghurt and
2 tbsp za’atar or mixed dried herbs mash together well with a fork. Put in a sieve
50ml extra virgin olive oil set over a bowl for 3 hours. Cover and put in
1 tbsp honey the fridge overnight.
2 tbsp white wine vinegar 2 The next day, roll the feta mixture into 12
Freshly ground black pepper balls the size of walnuts. Combine the chilli
1 large eschalot, very thinly sliced into rings and za’atar in a large shallow dish. Roll the feta
150g rocket or spinach leaves balls in the mixture to coat. Put in the fridge to
4 mandarins, peeled and sliced horizontally chill for 30 minutes.
½ small bunch of mint
40g shelled unsalted pistachios, chopped 3 Combine the oil, honey and vinegar in a
50g pomegranate seeds or 30g Ocean Spray small bowl. Season with pepper. Toss the
50% reduced-sugar Craisins eschalot, rocket, mandarin and mint in a bowl.
Arrange the salad over a large
platter. Top with the feta balls
and drizzle over the dressing.
Sprinkle with the pistachios
and pomegranate seeds.
Nutritional info
PER SERVE 1230kJ (293Cal),
protein 14g, total fat 18g (sat. fat
5g), carbs 16g, fibre 4g, sodium
490mg • Carb exchanges 1 • GI
estimate low • Gluten free •
Lower carb

Cook’s Tip
The feta balls will
keep in the fridge
up to 3 days- sim
place in an airtight
container and co
with a layer of oil.
g special with these simply deliciou
s sin
som ser
ing ve
in s
o d

Creamed spinach omelette

Recipe, page 42
How our
food works
for you88
see page
Marinated beans with kale
& cod
Recipe, page 40

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 39

1 small eshalot, finely chopped
1 x 150g skin-on chicken breast fillet, trimmed of
2 tsp red wine vinegar
excess fat
50g kale, tough stems removed, torn
1½ tbsp olive oil, plus 1 tsp extra
2 tsp olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
100g thin asparagus, woody ends trimmed
½ x 400g can drained and rinsed no-added-salt
1 small (28g) wholemeal pita or gluten-free pita, torn
cannellini beans
into pieces
2 tbsp 97% fat-free sun-dried tomatoes, finely
Zest and juice of ½ lemon
1 tsp honey
Pinch dried chilli flakes
1 tbsp dill, half finely chopped, half roughly torn
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 roasted pepper from a jar, chopped
1 tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley
½ small red onion, thinly sliced
1 tbsp chopped mint
2 tsp drained capers, roughly chopped
1 tbsp chopped dill
150g skin-on blue-eye cod fillet
1 Preheat oven to 180°C (fan-forced). Line a small
Freshly ground black pepper
roasting tin with baking paper. Put the chicken skin-side
1 tsp light margarine
up in the roasting tin. Drizzle with the 1 teaspoon of
olive oil and season well with pepper. Roast for 25
1 Put the eshalot and vinegar in a large bowl. Set
minutes or until the chicken is cooked through with
aside for 5 minutes.
crispy skin.
2 Meanwhile, put the kale in a separate bowl
2 Meanwhile, halfway through the chicken cooking
and drizzle with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and the
time, put the asparagus and pita in a large baking tray
lemon juice. Massage for 2-3 minutes to soften
and drizzle with 1 tablespoon of oil. Add the lemon zest
the kale.
and season with pepper. Toss to combine. Transfer to the
3 Add the beans, tomatoes, chilli flakes, garlic, oven and roast for 10-12 minutes or until the asparagus
parsley, mint and dill along with the kale to the bowl is crisp and tender, and the pita is lightly toasted.
with the eshalot. Drizzle over the remaining oil and
3 Transfer the asparagus and pita to a large bowl and set
gently stir to combine. Season with pepper and set
aside. Keeping all the juices in the pan, transfer the
aside for 10 minutes.
chicken to a chopping board or large plate, remove and
4 Spray a large non-stick frying pan with cooking discard the skin from the chicken, and shred the meat.
spray. Heat over medium-high heat. Season the fish Set aside to cool.
with pepper. Once the pan is hot, add the fish,
4 Skim any excess fat from the cooking juices. Whisk the
skin-side down. Cook, undisturbed, for 2-3 minutes
lemon juice, honey, finely chopped dill and remaining
or until the skin is crispy and golden. Carefully turn
oil in a bowl. Slowly whisk in the chicken juices until the
over the cod and cook for 1 minute until just cooked
dressing is emulsified, then lightly season with pepper.
through. Add the margarine to the pan and, using a
Add the roasted pepper and onion to the bowl with the
spoon, briefly baste the fish.
asparagus and pita. Toss with 2 tablespoons of the
5 Put the marinated beans on a plate and top with dressing. Set aside for 10 minutes before adding the
the fish. Finish with a final sprinkle of freshly ground chicken, capers and remaining dressing, if you like. Toss
black pepper and serve. to combine and serve.
Nutritional info Nutritional info
PER SERVE 2050kJ (490Cal), protein 42g, total fat PER SERVE 2340kJ (559Cal), protein 38g, total fat 31g
20g (sat. fat 4g), carbs 27g, fibre 15g, sodium (sat. fat 5g), carbs 29g, fibre 7g, sodium 397mg • Carb
239mg • Carb exchanges 2 • GI estimate low • exchanges 2 • GI estimate medium • Gluten-free
Gluten free option

40 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Roast chicken & asparagus
Recipe opposite


150g cherry tomatoes, still on the vine

1 tsp olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper
30g Philadelphia Chive & Onion Cream Cheese GFO
200g frozen chopped spinach, defrosted, drained CURRY FRIED RICE
and any excess liquid squeezed out PREP 10 MINS + 30 MINS MARINATING COOK 10 MINS
1 tbsp skim milk SERVES 1 AS A MAIN
1 tsp grated parmesan
Pinch of dried chilli flakes 2cm piece ginger, peeled and roughly chopped
Pinch of grated or ground nutmeg 2 cloves garlic, peeled and roughly chopped
3 x 60g eggs, lightly whisked ½ green chilli, roughly chopped
2 tsp olive oil
1 Preheat grill on high. Toss the tomatoes with half a 50g paneer, cut into 1cm cubes
teaspoon of the oil on a small oven tray. Season with 125g (¾ cup) cooked brown basmati rice
pepper. Grill, turning occasionally, for 5 minutes or 1 carrot, finely chopped
until the tomatoes are charred, blistered and just 80g mushrooms, thickly sliced
softened. Transfer to a plate, cover with foil to keep 55g (/ cup) frozen peas
warm. 1 green shallot, trimmed and finely chopped
½ tsp mild curry powder or gluten free curry powder
2 Meanwhile, put a 20cm non-stick frying pan over Small handful of coriander leaves, roughly chopped
medium heat. Melt the cream cheese, then add the Juice of 1 lime
spinach and milk, stirring to combine. Add the
parmesan, chilli flakes and nutmeg, and stir again to 1 Put the ginger, garlic and chilli in a small food
combine. Season with pepper. Transfer to a bowl. processor and process until a smooth paste forms,
Cover with foil to keep warm. adding 1-2 tsp of water to loosen if needed. Put the
3 Wipe the frying pan out with paper towel and add paneer in a small bowl along with half the paste and
the remaining oil. Put over medium heat. Lightly stir to coat. Set aside for 30 minutes to marinate.
season the eggs with pepper then pour into the pan, 2 Put a wok over a high heat. Add 1 teaspoon of the oil
gently rotating it to allow the eggs to swirl and and once hot add the paneer. Cook, stirring frequently,
evenly coat the bottom. Let it set for 30 seconds then, for 2-3 minutes or until golden. Transfer to a plate,
using a rubber spatula, gently bring in the edges of cover loosely with foil and set aside.
the omelette, allowing any runny egg to run to the
sides. Do this a couple of times until it has only just 3 Add half the remaining oil to the wok and return to
set – the surface should still be a little wet. the heat. Add the rice and stir-fry for 2 minutes or until
heated through. Scrape the rice into a bowl. Add the
4 Add the creamed spinach to one side of the remaining oil to the wok and stir-fry the carrot and
omelette. Carefully fold over the empty side so the mushrooms for 1 minute, then add the peas and green
spinach is covered. Slide the omelette onto a plate shallot. Stir-fry for a further minute. Add the remaining
and serve with the grilled tomatoes. ginger paste and the curry powder. Stir-fry for 1
Nutritional info minute.
PER SERVE 1860kJ (445Cal), protein 34g, total fat 4 Add the rice and paneer back into the wok. Toss to
28g (sat. fat 10g), carbs 8g, fibre 14g, sodium combine. Remove the wok from the heat and stir in the
643mg • Carb exchanges ½ • GI estimate low • coriander and lime juice.
Gluten free • Lower carb
Nutritional info
PER SERVE 2190kJ (524Cal), protein 20g, total fat
19g (sat. fat 7g), carbs 59g, fibre 17g, sodium 159mg •
Carb exchanges 4 • GI estimate medium • Gluten-
free option

42 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Curry fried rice
Recipe opposite

Nutritional info GFO LC

PER SERVE 1710kJ (409Cal), protein 28g, total NIÇOISE JACKET POTATO
fat 25g (sat. fat 5g), carbs 19g, fibre 7g, sodium PREP 10 MINS COOK 50 MINS
541mg • Carb exchanges 1½ • GI estimate low SERVES 1 AS A MAIN
• Gluten-free option • Lower carb
1 x 150g Carisma potato, unpeeled,
scrubbed, pat dry with paper
3 tsp olive oil
1 x 60g egg
80g small green beans, trimmed
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
¼ tsp Dijon mustard or gluten-free
1 tsp finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
Freshly ground black pepper
95g can tuna in springwater,
drained, broken into chunks
50g cherry tomatoes, quartered
3 pitted kalamata olives, cut into
thin wedges
½ green shallot, thinly sliced

1 Preheat oven to 200°C (fan-forced).

Prick the potato all over with a fork and
rub with 1 teaspoon of the oil. Transfer
to the oven and bake directly on the
oven rack for 50 minutes or until the
potato is tender with a crispy skin.
2 Meanwhile, bring a small saucepan
of water to the boil. Slowly lower in


the egg and cook for 7 minutes.
During the final 2 minutes of cooking
time, add the green beans and cook
until al dente. Drain in a colander and
plunge everything into a bowl of cold
water. Drain. Set aside.
3 Whisk the lemon juice, mustard and
parsley in a small bowl. Slowly drizzle

and whisk in the remaining oil. Season

with pepper. Peel the egg, roughly
chop then add to the dressing with
the green beans, tuna, tomatoes,
olives and shallot. Gently toss
together to combine.
4 Carefully split the baked potato
down the middle and using a fork,
gently fluff the inside. Pile the salad
on top, finishing with a sprinkle of
freshly ground black pepper.

44 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

O r ang e& Chi a Se ed
Serves 2
Ingredients: Method:
1 cup rolled oats • In a mixing bowl, mix the
4 scoops Glucerna Vanilla Powder Glucerna Powder into the yoghurt.
2 tbsp chia seeds • Grate enough orange peel to
1 orange squeezed to make ½ cup make 1 teaspoon of rind.
freshly squeezed orange juice and pulp • Squeeze the orange to make ½ cup juice
1 tsp orange rind, finely grated and collect the pulp without the seeds.
¾ cup natural yoghurt • Add these to the Glucerna mix, then add in all
½ tsp cinnamon the other ingredients and mix until combined.
1 green apple, grated • Leave the mixture to soften in the fridge
¼ cup slivered almonds overnight, or serve immediately with
an extra sprinkle of cinnamon.
¼ cup chopped apricots or other dried fruit

Scan the QR code to download more Glucerna recipes


Advanced slow-release Unique fat blend 4x more Myo-Inositol*,

carbohydrate blend to to help support which has been shown
help manage blood a healthy heart5,6 to support insulin
glucose levels1–5 sensitivity5,7-9

Food for Special Medical Purposes. Use only under medical supervision.
Glucerna is formulated to support people living with diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance, as part of a diabetes management plan
including diet and exercise.5
*Compared to Glucerna® S434 per serving.
References: 1. Dávila LA, et al. Nutrients. 2019;11(7):1477. 2. Devitt A, et al. Journal of Diabetes Research and Clinical Metabolism.
2012;1(1):20. 3. Mottalib A, et al. Nutrients. 2016;8(7):443. 4. Peng J, et al. Br J Nutr. 2019;121(5):560–66. 5. Glucerna® Product Label.
6. West SG, et al. Diabetologia. 2005;48:113–22. 7. Bevilacqua A, et al. Int J Endocrinol. 2018;2018:1968450. 8. Dang NT, et al. Biosci
Biotechnol Biochem. 2010;74(5):1062–7. 9. Yamashita Y, et al. J Agric Food Chem. 2013;61(20):4850–4.
®Registered trademark of the Abbott Group of Companies, Abbott Australasia Pty Ltd,
299 Lane Cove Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. ABN 95 000 180 389. Customer Service 1800 225 311.
ANZ.2022.23258.ENS -GLU.1 (v1.0). ABAU6752. July 2022.
Creamy, tangy and incredibly versatile, this is a great dairy

switch when you want flavour without the heaviness.


How our
food works
for you
see page 88

1½ tbsp tahini 1 Put the tahini, yoghurt and garlic Nutritional Info
5 tbsp reduced-fat Greek-style in a large bowl. Season with pepper PER SERVE 370kJ (88Cal),
natural yoghurt and mix until smooth. protein 4g, total fat 1g (sat. fat 1g),
½ clove garlic, crushed carbs 7g, fibre 5g, sodium 55mg
2 The dressing will thicken so add
Freshly ground black pepper • Carb exchanges ½ • GI estimate
enough cold water to loosen it. Add
2-3 tbsp cold water low • Gluten free • Lower carb
the cabbage, carrot and onion to
1 small red cabbage, quartered
the dressing. Toss together until
and shredded
3 small carrots, cut into fine
everything is well coated. serving suggestion
matchsticks Use in sandwiches and wraps for
lunch; serve with grilled fish or
1 small brown or red onion,
pork for dinner.
halved and thinly sliced

46 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Spiced yoghurt
Recipe, page 48

Cook’s Tip
To remove the chicken skin,
wrap the bone end with a
piece of paper in one hand
and use the other hand to
pull the skin off the chicken.
Serve with chargrilled CHICKEN
lean lamb steaks and
steamed baby potatoes or
falafels and rocket leaves
for a vegetarian option. SERVES 4 AS A MAIN

8 skinless chicken drumsticks (see

Cook’s Tip p47)
130g (½ cup) low-fat natural
1 tbsp ground cumin
1 tbsp ground coriander
2 tsp ground turmeric
¼ tsp ground chillies
Freshly ground black pepper
280g broccoli florets, steamed, to
2 large carrots, sliced and
steamed, to serve
210g snow peas, steamed, to serve

1 Use a small sharp knife to make a

few slashes in each drumstick.
Whisk the yoghurt, cumin,
coriander, turmeric and chillies in a
bowl until smooth and well
combined. Season with pepper.
2 Add the drumsticks to the
GF V marinade, rubbing the mixture well
GRILLED EGGPLANT WITH YOGHURT & MINT into the meat. Cover and put in the
fridge for 30 minutes to marinate.
PREP 10 MINS COOK 50 MINS minutes on each side until soft and
SERVES 4 AS A SIDE lightly charred. Transfer to a plate 3 Preheat a barbecue grill on
and repeat with the remaining medium. Remove the drumsticks
4 small eggplant, sliced into
eggplant slices. Set aside to cool from the marinade, shaking off the
1cm-thick rounds
slightly. excess. Add the chicken to the
2 tbsp olive oil
barbecue and cook for 20-25
Freshly ground black pepper 3 Meanwhile, combine the yoghurt, minutes, turning occasionally, until
130g (½ cup) low-fat natural lemon juice, garlic and mint in a cooked through. Alternatively,
yoghurt bowl. Season with pepper. preheat oven to 180C (fan-forced)
Juice of ½ lemon
4 Drizzle the yoghurt mixture over and roast the drumsticks for 30
2 cloves garlic, crushed
the eggplant and serve at room minutes or until cooked.
Small bunch mint leaves, coarsely
chopped temperature. 4 Serve chicken with the vegetables.
Nutritional info Nutritional info
1 Put the eggplant and oil in a large PER SERVE 796kJ (190Cal), protein PER SERVE 1270kJ (304Cal),
bowl. Season with pepper and turn 6g, total fat 11g (sat. fat 2g), carbs protein 39g, total fat 9g (sat. fat
to coat. 12g, fibre 10g, sodium 47mg • 2g), carbs 12g, fibre 8g, sodium
2 Preheat a chargrill pan on Carb exchanges 1 • GI estimate 208mg • Carb exchanges 1
medium-high. Add some of the low • Gluten free • GI estimate low • Gluten free
eggplant slices and cook for 2-3 • Lower carb

48 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

5 ways

SUPERGREEN SOUP WITH 20g pine nuts, toasted of salad greens and stand for 1
YOGHURT & PINE NUTS Chilli oil, to serve (optional) minute.
PREP 10 MINS COOK 25 MINS 3 Use a hand held blender (or
SERVES 2 AS A LIGHT MEAL 1 Heat the olive oil in a medium
transfer to a blender) and blend
saucepan over medium-low heat.
2 tsp olive oil until smooth. Serve the soup
Add the onion and cook, stirring
1 brown onion, chopped topped with a dollop of yoghurt,
occasionally, for 10 minutes or until
2 cloves garlic, crushed pine nuts and a drizzle of chilli oil, if
the onion softens but doesn’t
1 (250g) Carisma potato, using.
colour. Add the garlic and cook,
unpeeled, cut into small cubes Nutritional info
stirring, for 1 minute.
400ml salt-reduced vegetable
PER SERVE 1060kJ (254Cal),
stock or gluten-free stock 2 Add the potato, stock and water
protein 12g, total fat 14g (sat. fat
200ml water to the pan. Cover and bring to the
2g), carbs 23g, fibre 7g, sodium
120g bag mixed watercress, rocket boil over high heat. Reduce heat to
632mg • Carb exchanges 1½ • GI
and spinach salad medium and cook, partially
estimate low • Gluten-free option
130g (½ cup) low-fat natural covered, for 10-12 minutes or until
• Lower carb
yoghurt, whisked until smooth the potato is very soft. Add the bag

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 49

5 ways

FROZEN TROPICAL FRUIT the bowl when necessary.
YOGHURT 2 Scoop the mixture straight into
PREP 15 MINS serving bowls, or transfer to a
freezerproof container and freeze
480g frozen mango to serve later.
170g reduced-fat Greek yoghurt 3 Spoon the rockmelon and
2 tbsp sugar-free maple syrup passionfruit over the frozen
150g finely chopped rockmelon yoghurt. Serve.
flesh, to serve
3 passionfruit, pulp removed, to Nutritional info
serve PER SERVE 359kJ (86Cal), protein
3g, total fat 1g (sat. fat 1g), carbs
1 Put the frozen mango, yoghurt 16g, fibre 3g, sodium 40mg • Carb
and maple syrup in a small food exchanges 1 • GI estimate low
processor. Cover and blend until • Gluten free
smooth, scraping down the side of



50 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living


With a festive hue and a long list of benefits, you can

feel good about adding this refresher to the menu.

Cook’s Tip
Dried hibiscus flo
can be bought on
or in selected heal
food or wholefood


10g whole dried hibiscus flowers

(see Cook’s Tip)
Ice, to serve
1 tsp honey per serve, to sweeten

1 Boil a kettle of water, then set the

kettle aside for 1 minute to cool
slightly. Put the flowers in a
heatproof jug and pour over 500ml Colourful and refreshing Benefits of hibiscus flower
(2 cups) of water. Set aside to steep The rich colour the flowers impart ✽ Taken as a powder, extract or
for 16 minutes. This is the optimum to this tea couldn’t be brighter, prepared by steeping the dried
time and temperature for extracting while the flavour is tart, a bit like flowers in boiling water, this

the beneficial antioxidants. cranberry juice. This is a refreshing vibrant plant comes with a
option while doing you good, too, plethora of health benefits.
2 Fill two large glasses with ice.
as hibiscus contains many
Strain over the tea and sweeten ✽ Packed with antioxidants
beneficial compounds that act as
with the honey.
antioxidants, including ✽ Contains vitamin C and beta-
Nutritional info anthocyanins, phenolic acids and carotene
PER SERVE 47kJ (11Cal), protein flavonoids. Why not experiment ✽ May support liver health
0g, total fat 0g (sat. fat 0g), carbs with additional flavourings when
3g, fibre 0g, sodium 8mg • Carb steeping the flowers? You could add ✽ Anti-inflammatory properties
exchanges 0 • GI estimate n/a • a few strawberries, slices of orange, ✽ Supports healthy blood pressure
Gluten free • Lower carb a cinnamon stick or vanilla pod. levels

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 51


When you need a healthy dinner in a
hurry, give these tasty options a whirl

How our
food works
for you
see page 88

52 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Salmon flash-
fried rice
Recipe, page 58

Cook’s Tippreheat
To cook the sa
a chargrill or n
medium heat.
frying pan on
with cooking
Spray salmon
son with
spray and sea
for 3-4
pepper. Cook
side or until
minutes each g h.
cooked throu

To boost the nutrient and fibre
content of this meal use brown
basmati rice in place of white
basmati rice.
PINEAPPLE CHICKEN & 8 Mission White Corn Tortillas the chicken is cooked through.
VEG WRAPS 2 tbsp 97% fat-free mayonnaise
3 Spread the tortillas with
PREP 10 MINS COOK 25 MINS or gluten-free mayonnaise,
mayonnaise. Pile in the chicken and
SERVES 4 AS A MAIN to serve
vegetables. Fold up and enjoy!
1 tbsp olive oil
1 Heat the oil in a large non-stick Nutritional info
1 large brown onion, halved and
frying pan over medium heat. Add PER SERVE 1670kJ (398Cal),
the onion and capsicum and cook, protein 30g, total fat 9g (sat. fat
2 red or yellow capsicum, cut into
stirring often, for 10 minutes or 2g), carbs 44g, fibre 10g, sodium
short, thick strips
until the vegetables soften. Add the 152mg • Carb exchanges 3 • GI
1 large clove garlic, grated
garlic, cumin, oregano and paprika. estimate low • Gluten-free option
1 tbsp ground cumin
Cook, stirring, for 1 minute.
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tbsp smoked or sweet paprika 2 Increase heat to high and add the LOWERCARB OPTION: Replace
400g skinless chicken breast fillet, chicken strips, tomatoes and the tortillas with 8 Simson’s Pantry
fat trimmed, cut into thin strips pineapple to the pan. Bring to the Low Carb Keto Wraps.
400g can no-added-salt chopped boil. Reduce heat to medium and PER SERVE 2010kJ (480Cal),
tomatoes simmer, covered, for 5 minutes. protein 45g, total fat 18g (sat. fat
1 x 227g can pineapple rings in Remove the lid and continue to 5g), carbs 24g, fibre 24g, sodium
natural juices, drained, cut into cook, uncovered, stirring 480mg • Carb exchanges 1½ • GI
small pieces occasionally, for 10 minutes or until estimate low • Lower carb

Lemon & greens pesto pasta

Recipe, page 56

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 55



350g dried pasta (we used spaghetti)

or gluten-free pasta
300g broccoli, cut into florets
1 cup basil leaves GFO LC
2 cups baby spinach leaves, wilted in boiling water,
cooled and excess water squeezed out
4 tbsp pine nuts SERVES 4 AS A LIGHT MEAL
1 clove garlic, grated
Zest and juice of half a lemon 420g can no-added-salt corn kernels, drained
5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 small zucchini, coarsely grated
150g (1 cup) frozen peas, set aside in boiling water 4 green shallots, finely chopped
until heated through, drained 110g cured chorizo, chopped
3 tbsp grated parmesan 4 tbsp wholemeal plain flour or gluten-free flour
3 tbsp light ricotta 1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
Freshly ground black pepper 1 tsp sweet paprika
2 x 60g eggs, whisked
1 Cook the pasta in a large saucepan of boiling water 4 tbsp skim milk
following packet instructions. Freshly ground black pepper

2 Meanwhile, cook the broccoli in a small saucepan of QUICK SALSA

boiling water for 3-4 minutes or until just tender. Drain 4 medium tomatoes, finely chopped
the broccoli and transfer to a small food processor. Add 1 green shallot, thinly diagonally sliced
the basil, spinach and pine nuts. Process until ½ clove garlic, grated
combined. Transfer to a bowl. Juice of half a lime
1 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
3 Stir the garlic, lemon zest and juice, olive oil, peas, 2 tsp olive oil
parmesan and ricotta into the broccoli mixture. Season
with pepper. 1 Put the corn, zucchini, shallots, chorizo, flour,
4 Drain the pasta, reserving a little of the cooking coriander, paprika, eggs and milk in a large bowl.
water. Return the pasta to the pan and add the pesto Season with pepper and mix until well combined.
along with a splash of the reserved cooking water to 2 To make the quick salsa, combine all the ingredients
loosen. Toss until well combined. Serve. in a medium bowl.
Nutritional info 3 Spray a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat.
PER SERVE 1980kJ (473Cal), protein 16g, total fat 25g Spoon 1½ tablespoons of the batter at a time into the
(sat. fat 4g), carbs 43g, fibre 7g, sodium 106mg • Carb pan to form a fritter, cooking a few fritters at a time.
exchanges 3 • GI estimate low • Gluten-free option Cook for about 5 minutes, turning halfway, or until
golden brown and cooked through. Transfer to a plate
LOWERCARB OPTION: Replace pasta with 400g lined with paper towel. Cook the remaining fritters in
Slendier Edamame Bean Spaghetti, prepared according batches, spraying with more oil when necessary,
to packet instructions. making a total of 12 fritters.
PER SERVE 1450kJ (347Cal), protein 18g, total fat 26g
(sat. fat 5g), carbs 6g, fibre 10g, sodium 108mg • Carb 4 Divide the fritters between serving plates and top
exchanges ½ • GI estimate low • Gluten free • Lower with the salsa. Serve.
carb Nutritional info
PER SERVE 1200kJ (287Cal), protein 15g, total fat 15g
(sat. fat 4g), carbs 20g, fibre 6g, sodium 380mg • Carb
exchanges 1½ • GI estimate medium • Gluten-free
option • Lower carb

56 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Cook’s Tip
ters on a
Freeze cooked frit
to a
tray, then transfer
r bag for
resealable freeze
efrost at
up to 2 months. D
e, then
room temperatur
reheat in a low ov

Chorizo veg fritters

Recipe, opposite

2 tsp sesame oil

2 tsp olive oil
2 green shallots, chopped
350g mixed frozen vegetables (eg peas,
capsicum, corn & broccoli)
250g (1¼ cups) basmati rice, cooked
following packet directions, cooled
3 tsp salt-reduced soy sauce or gluten-free
soy sauce
1 tsp sugar-free maple syrup
2 x 60g eggs, lightly whisked
4 x 100g skinless and boneless salmon
fillets, cooked, cooled, flaked
(see Cook’s Tip)

1 Heat the oils in a wok over high heat. Add

the shallots and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add in
the mixed vegetables and stir-fry for 2-3
minutes or until the vegetables are
2 Add the rice, soy sauce and maple syrup to
the pan. Cook, tossing, for 1 minute. Add the


whisked eggs and cook, stirring, until the
mixture resembles egg fried-rice. Gently
toss through the salmon, being careful not
to break it up too much.
Nutritional info
PER SERVE 2240kJ (536Cal), protein 32g,
total fat 20g (sat. fat 5g), carbs 54g, fibre
3g, sodium 207mg • Carb exchanges 3½ •

GI estimate medium • Gluten-free option

PER SERVE (using brown basmati rice)
2260kJ (540Cal), protein 32g, total fat 22g
(sat. fat 5g), carbs 51g, fibre 5g, sodium
207mg • Carb exchanges 3½ • GI estimate
medium • Gluten-free option


2 tbsp olive oil

1 carrot, grated
3 green shallots, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, grated
175g mushrooms, finely chopped or
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp fennel seeds
6 Peppercorn Pork & Red Onion
Sausages, squeezed out of their skins
400g can no-added-salt chopped
1 tbsp reduced salt and sugar tomato
100ml water
Freshly ground black pepper
140g (¾ cup) couscous, cooked following
packet directions

1 Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over

Sausage & medium heat. Add the carrot, shallots, garlic,
mushroom ragu mushrooms, oregano and fennel. Cook,
stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes.
2 Add the sausage meat to the pan and
cook, stirring often, for 3-4 minutes or until
the mince is browned all over. Add the
chopped tomatoes, tomato sauce and
water. Increase heat to high and bring to
the boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and
simmer, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes.
Season with pepper.
3 Serve the ragu with the couscous.
Nutritional info
PER SERVE 1970kJ (471Cal), protein 23g,
total fat 21g (sat. fat 5g), carbs 44g, fibre
7g, sodium 721mg • Carb exchanges 3 • GI
estimate medium

LOWERCARB OPTION: Omit the couscous

and serve with 1 cup/serve steamed
cauliflower rice.
PER SERVE 1580kJ (378Cal), protein 21g,
total fat 21g (sat. fat 5g), carbs 23g, fibre
7g, sodium 777mg • Carb exchanges 1½ •
GI estimate low • Gluten free • Lower carb

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 59

book extract

How our
food works
for you 8
see page 8

Good food that tastes great is
at the heart of Leah Itsines’
cooking philosophy. Here she
shares some recipes from her
new book with us

60 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Chicken enchiladas
Recipe, page 62

Cook’s Tip
To line the ti
n, s
a large squa crunch up
re of baking
paper, then
smooth it o
and press it ut
into the tin.
This will als
o assist in
lifting the e
out of the ti
book extract

CHICKEN ENCHILADAS foil and bake for 25 minutes. 1 Combine the spice mix ingredients
PREP 30 MINUTES COOK 35 MINUTES Remove the foil and bake for in a small bowl.
SERVES 46 AS A MAIN MEAL another 10 minutes or until the
2 Dry the brisket with paper towel
Olive oil spray enchiladas are golden.
and place it on a wire rack sitting in a
3 cups (450g) shredded barbecue 5 Meanwhile, combine the lettuce, roasting tin. Rub the spice mix all
chicken tomato, green capsicum, avocado, over the brisket. Set aside for 1 hour
400g tin black beans, rinsed and remaining coriander and spring to marinate and come to room
drained onion in a large bowl. Add the lime temperature.
150g marinated red capsicum, juice and olive oil, season with
3 Preheat the oven to 140°C.
chopped pepper and toss well.
2½ cups (625ml) tomato passata 4 Pour enough water into the
6 Serve the enchiladas with sour
1½ cups (150g) grated cheddar roasting tin to come 1 cm up the
cream and the salad.
cheese sides without touching the meat on
1½ cups (190g) grated mozzarella Nutritional info the rack. Cover with foil and bake for
cheese PER SERVE 2820kJ (675Cal), 5 hours. Remove the foil and cook
6 spring onions, chopped protein 44g, TOTAL FAT 35g for a further 30 minutes to brown
1 bunch coriander, chopped (sat. fat 14g), CARBS 40g, FIBRE 12g, the meat. Remove from the oven,
2 tsp sweet paprika SODIUM 1230mg • CARB loosely cover with foil and set aside
2 tsp ground cumin EXCHANGES 2½ • GI ESTIMATE low to rest before slicing.
6 wholegrain tortillas
6 Meanwhile, grill the corn on a
½ iceberg lettuce, shredded
barbecue or chargrill pan over
3 tomatoes, seeded and diced SLOW-COOKED MEXICAN medium–high heat, turning until
1 green capsicum, diced BEEF WITH ELOTE SALAD lightly charred on all sides, for about
1 avocado, diced PREP 20 MINUTES, PLUS 1 HOUR 8–10 minutes. Set aside to cool, then
Juice of 1 lime MARINATING SERVES 68 AS A MAIN cut off the kernels.
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1.5 kg beef brisket 7 Mix the yoghurt, mayonnaise, lime
Reduced-fat sour cream, to serve
6 corncobs, husks removed juice, crushed garlic and chopped
¼ cup (70g) Greek-style yoghurt jalapeños together in a large bowl.
1 Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a
¼ cup (60g) whole egg mayonnaise Add the corn, spring onion and most
22 cm round cake tin with baking
2 tbsp lime juice of the coriander and feta and toss
paper and spray with olive oil.
1 garlic clove, crushed well to combine. Season with freshly
2 Combine the chicken, black beans, 2 jalapeño chillies, seeded and ground black pepper.
marinated capsicum, 2 cups (500ml) finely chopped
of the passata, two-thirds of the 4 spring onions, chopped 8 Serve the salad with the sliced
grated cheeses, two-thirds of the 2 bunches coriander, chopped brisket and mini tortillas, topped
spring onion, half the coriander and 200g Greek feta cheese, crumbled with the remaining feta and
the paprika and cumin in a large Mini tortillas, to serve coriander.
bowl and season with salt and
Nutritional info
freshly ground black pepper. SPICE MIX PER SERVE 2650kJ (634Cal),
3 Trim 1 cm off the top and bottom ¼ cup (60ml) olive oil protein 52g, total fat 31g
of the tortillas to create flat edges. 1 tbsp chipotle in adobo sauce, (sat. fat 10g), carbs 31g, fibre 8g,
Divide the chicken mixture among finely chopped sodium 448mg • Carb exchanges 2
the tortillas, spreading it to cover the 3 tsp honey • GI estimate low
whole surface, then roll up so that 3 tsp onion powder
the cut edges are at the top and 3 tsp ground coriander
bottom. 2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp ground cumin
4 Cut each enchilada into thirds and 2 tsp smoked paprika
stand them upright in the lined tin.
Top with the remaining passata and
grated cheeses. Cover the tin with

62 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Slow-cooked Mexican
beef with elote salad
Recipe, opposite

250g sweet potato, peeled and cut

into small pieces
1 red onion, cut into thin wedges
2½ cups (150g) small broccoli
Olive oil spray
2 tbsp thyme leaves
12 eggs
¾ cup (185ml) milk
150g soft goat’s cheese

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a

baking tray and a 25 cm round
ovenproof dish with baking paper.
LC 2 Spread the sweet potato, onion
BROCCOLINI AND dissolved. Add the yoghurt, and broccoli over the tray. Spray
SMOKED ALMOND SALAD mayonnaise, mustard and chives with olive oil, sprinkle with the
WITH LEMON WHITING and season with salt and freshly thyme and season with salt and
PREP TIME: 15 MINUTES COOK TIME: ground black pepper. freshly ground black pepper. Roast
5 MINUTES SERVES 2 AS A MAIN for 25 minutes or until the sweet
3 Chop the broccolini into small potato is just tender.
pieces and add it to the bowl with
2 bunches (about 300g) broccolini the dressing. Add the hemp seeds 3 Whisk the eggs and milk together


2 tsp honey and almonds and toss well to and season with salt and pepper.
Juice of 1 lemon combine. Pour the mixture into the lined dish.
2 tbsp Greek-style yoghurt Add the roasted vegetables,
4 Season the fish with salt and dividing them evenly throughout
2 tbsp whole egg mayonnaise
pepper. Heat the olive oil in a frying the egg mixture, and dot with the
2 tsp dijon mustard
pan over high heat and cook the goat’s cheese. Bake for 20–25 mins
1 bunch chives, chopped
fish, skin side down, for 3 minutes. or until the mixture is just set.
¼ cup (30g) hemp seeds
Pour the remaining lemon juice
¼ cup (40g) smoked almonds, Nutritional info
over the fish, then turn and cook for
roughly chopped
another 30–60 seconds or until just PER SERVE 1270kJ (304Cal),
4 whiting fillets or other small,
cooked through. protein 24g, total fat 18g (sat. fat
firm white fish fillets
7g), carbs 10g, fibre 4g, sodium
2 tsp olive oil 5 Serve the fish with the broccolini
314mg • Carb exchanges ½
and almond salad.
• GI estimate low • Gluten free
1 Put the broccolini in a large bowl, Nutritional info • Lower carb
cover with boiling water and set
PER SERVE 2640kJ (632Cal),
aside for 1½ minutes, then drain
protein 45g, total fat 41g (sat. fat
well and cool.
4g), carbs 15g, fibre 8g, sodium
2 Add the honey and 2 tablespoons 345mg • Carb exchanges 1 • GI
of the lemon juice to a large bowl estimate low • Lower carb
and stir until the honey has
book extract

Cook’s aTroiund
To easily li h up a
dish, scrun ing
sheet of b ten it
n flat
paper, the s it into
out and p h
the dis

Good Food Made Simple by

Leah Itsines. Published by
Murdoch Books. RRP $36.99

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 65

book extract

How our
food works
for you8

see page 8


Alice Zaslavsky’s new book delivers life-changing skills and thrills for
enthusiastic eaters

66 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Spana in the works
Recipe, page 68
book extract



1 medium–large onion, finely diced 8 eggs, at room temperature

3 tbsp olive oil 50ml white vinegar or lemon juice
300g rainbow chard, leaves and stems roughly 2 black garlic cloves, or 1 tsp black garlic paste or
chopped (about 4 cups) powder
2 cups (100g) finely chopped Tuscan kale (cavolo 1 tbsp boiling water
nero) leaves 2 ripe avocados
Zest and juice of 1 lemon 4 cubes marinated feta (see opposite), plus a
1 bunch of dill or parsley, roughly chopped tablespoon of the marinating oil
2–3 large eggs (depending on the size of your pan … 4–8 slices crusty bread, toasted parsley or chervil
the less egg, the better!) sprigs, to garnish
¼ cup (40g) pine nuts
60g crumbly feta
1 To poach the eggs, bring a large, wide shallow pan
250g truss cherry tomatoes
half-filled with water to the boil (or you can poach in
A pinch of caster sugar
two batches in a smaller pan; see opposite). Meanwhile,
Toasted sourdough, to serve
crack the eggs into a bowl. Splash the vinegar or lemon
juice into the bowl with the eggs (rather than into the
1 Preheat the oven to 190°C. poaching water), à la Nigella’s method; you’ll see the
whites contract almost immediately.
2 In a shallow, flameproof casserole dish, cook the
onion in 2 tablespoons of the olive oil over medium 2 Once the water is boiling, drop the heat down to a
heat for a minute or so. Put the lid on, reduce the heat simmer, then plop the eggs and vinegar or lemon juice
to low and let the onion sweat for 5 minutes. Finish with into the water from as close to the water’s surface as
the lid off until the onion is well and truly translucent possible, making sure all of the vinegar/lemon juice
and softened. also makes it into the pan. The eggs will start to spin
around and coagulate pretty quickly. If the whites start
3 Add the chard and kale. Cover and cook for 5 minutes,
to foam up and threaten to inch towards the top of the
or until softened and wilted. Remove from the heat and
pot, drop the heat a little lower until they calm down.
stir in the lemon zest, juice and herbs.
3 For runny poached eggs, 2–3 minutes cooking should
4 Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat with a fork. Add
do it. For firmer poached eggs, cook for 3–4 minutes.
the salt, stirring well to incorporate. Pour the egg
mixture over the sautéed greens and stir to combine. 4 Scoop the eggs out with a slotted spoon or spider
Crumble the pine nuts and feta on top. Drizzle with the skimmer and drain on paper towel or a clean tea towel.
remaining olive oil.
5 If using whole black garlic cloves, pour the boiling
5 Bake for 30–35 minutes, or until firm to touch and water over them in a small bowl, then mash with a fork
slightly golden. Toss the cherry tomatoes in a glug of to soften. (Skip this step if using garlic paste or powder.)
olive oil and a pinch of sugar and salt flakes and place
6 To make your smashed avo, scoop the avocado flesh
on top of the slice.
into a bowl, then use your fork to mash it together with
6 Enjoy straight out of the oven on toast, or as a fab the black garlic paste, feta and oil. (If using garlic
cold lunchbox option. powder, this can go in now as well, or you can save it for
sprinkling on top at the end.) Season to taste with salt
Nutritional info
and black pepper.
SERVES 4 PER SERVE 1760kJ (421Cal), protein 15g,
total fat 28g (sat. fat 5g), carbs 24g, fibre 9g, 7 Portion the smashed avo over the toast. Top with the
sodium 553mg • Carb exchanges 1½ • GI poached eggs and herbs and serve.
estimate low • Lower carb Nutritional info
SERVES 6 PER SERVE 1300kJ (311Cal), protein 11g,
PER SERVE (with 2 slices wholemeal sourdough)
total fat 19g (sat. fat 4g), carbs 22g, fibre 5g,
2070kJ (584Cal), protein 26g, total fat 29g (sat. fat
sodium 427mg • Carb exchanges 1½
7g), carbs 26g, fibre 10g, sodium 577mg • Carb
• GI estimate low • Lower carb
exchanges 1½ • GI estimate low • Lower carb

68 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Tips and Subs Go entirely plant-based by skipping the
If you can’t find marinated feta at the poached eggs and subbing in a plant-based
shops, use a creamy feta and add your own marinated feta.
flavourings — chilli flakes, crushed garlic
If you don’t have a pan big enough, poach
and herbs.
the eggs in two batches. After cooking the
Avocado is already so creamy, so if you’re second batch, gently scoop the whole lot
cheese-poor but avocado-rich, you’re back into the still-warm water for one last
welcome to use straight-up avo forked plunge to briefly reheat them, then drain
through with a squirt of lemon juice. again before serving

Smashed avo eggs with black

Recipe opposite
book extract

PRAWN, MACADAMIA & ASPARAGUS will happen almost instantly. If you find the liquid gets
STIR-FRY absorbed way too fast, splash in another ½ cup (125
SERVES 4 ml) water and allow this to incorporate, too. Taste for
250g peeled raw prawn tails (see Subs)
¾ tsp bicarbonate of soda 8 Serve topped with extra spring onion, with bowls of
1 generous thumb-sized knob fresh ginger, peeled steamed jasmine rice, and add this to the weekly
2–3 garlic cloves, peeled rotation.
2 tbsp oyster sauce (see Subs) Nutritional info
1 tbsp light soy sauce PER SERVE (with / cup cooked rice) 2440kJ (584Cal),
1 tbsp shaoxing rice wine protein 20g, total fat 43g (sat. fat 6g), carbs 28g,
1 tbsp sesame oil fibre 4g, sodium 1120mg • Carb exchanges 2 • GI
1 tbsp cornflour estimate medium
½ cup (125ml) water, plus an extra ½ cup (125ml) LOWERCARB OPTION: Omit the rice and serve
water on standby stir-fry on its own.
2 tbsp vegetable oil PER SERVE 2060kJ (493Cal), protein 18g, total
2 bunches of asparagus, cut into 5 cm lengths (see fat 43g (sat. fat 6g), carbs 8g, fibre 4g,
Subs) sodium 1120mg • Carb exchanges ½ • GI
6 spring onions, white and green bits cut into 5 cm estimate low • Lower carb
lengths, plus extra thinly sliced spring onion to
1 cup (150g) roasted macadamias (see Subs)
Steamed jasmine rice, to serve

1 To ‘velvet’ the prawns, slice the tails in half through

the centre and massage the bicarbonate of soda into
the flesh, then leave to rest for 15 minutes. Sounds Asparagus is so seasonal, but this is the
weird, I know, but go with me here. kind of stir-fry you’re going to want to make
all year round, so for any time that isn’t
2 Finely grate half the ginger and all the garlic. Slice the spring, use baby broccoli (broccolini) or
other ginger half into rough chunks and reserve. even broccoli florets chopped into fork-
3 In a bowl, whisk together the grated ginger, garlic, sized bits instead. Snow peas (mange tout)
oyster sauce, soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil, cornflour would be fantastic here, too.
and ½ cup (125ml) water until combined. Set aside as No macadamias? Use cashews. If using raw
your stir-fry sauce. nuts, toast them in a dry pan until golden
4 Rinse the prawns thoroughly in a colander and pat and pull out before cooking the prawns.
dry with paper towel. For a nut-free alternative, you could try
5 Heat 1 tablespoon of the vegetable oil in a wok or tinned water chestnuts, rinsed and chopped
large frying pan until very hot. Add the prawn meat into chunks.
and stir-fry for 30–60 seconds, or until it just changes Go fully plant-based by subbing the oyster
colour; remove from the wok and set aside. Wipe out sauce out for mushroom sauce (Megachef is
the wok with paper towel and reheat the remaining oil. my favourite brand for this) and the prawns
6 Boil a kettle. Pop the asparagus and spring onion into for firm or even extra-firm tofu. This
a colander and into the sink, then pour boiled water doesn’t need to be silkened, just boiled as a
over them. Drain well, then add to the hot wok and whole block (out of the pack) for 2 minutes
stir-fry for 2 minutes. or so, drained of liquid, chopped, pre-
seasoned with plenty of soy sauce and other
7 Give your stir-fry sauce another whisk to spices of choice, then tossed with cornflour
reincorporate everything, then pour it into the hot wok to coat each cube before searing as you
and bring to the boil. Toss the prawns and nuts would the prawns.
through. The sauce should be silky and glossy, which

70 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Prawn, macadamia &
asparagus stir-fry
Recipe opposite
book extract



¼ cup (60ml) extra virgin olive oil deep-flavoured and briny broth. Place the lid on and
1 leek, trimmed of the darkest green tops, julienned shake the pan occasionally for 4–5 minutes, or until all
(see Subs) of the mussels open. Scatter in the herbs and lemon
2 pale inner celery stalks, finely diced zest and juice.
4 garlic cloves, finely sliced 5 Serve in deep bowls, scattered with the herby picada
1 cup (250ml) white wine crumb, with lemon cheeks for squeezing over.
½ tsp sugar
1 tbsp tomato paste Nutritional info
1 cup (250ml) good-quality tomato passata PER SERVE 2710kJ (648Cal), protein 28g,
1.5–2kg mussels, scrubbed, beards removed (see total fat 43g (sat. fat 6g), carbs 23g, fibre 8g,
Tips) sodium 901mg • Carb exchanges 1½
½ cup roughly chopped parsley • GI estimate low • Lower carb
½ cup roughly chopped coriander LOWER CARB OPTION: For a lighter meal skip the
Zest and juice of 1 lemon, plus extra lemon cheeks to picada crumb and serve with a simple side salad made
serve with 4 cups mixed lettuce leaves, 1 diced avocado and
drizzled with lemon juice.
HERBY PICADA CRUMB PER SERVE 1720kJ (411Cal), protein 24g,
/ cup (50g) blanched almonds (see Tips) total fat 23g (sat. fat 4g), carbs 12g, fibre 9g,
4 garlic cloves, peeled sodium 801mg • Carb exchanges 1
2 thick slices fresh or stale sourdough bread (100g), • GI estimate low • Lower carb
crust and all
½ cup finely chopped parsley
½ cup finely chopped coriander
/ cup (80ml) extra virgin olive oil
1 To make the herby picada crumb, pulse the almonds If you’ve no leek, any ol’ allium will do —
in a small food processor with the garlic, bread, salt, from brown onion to French shallot. Just
pepper and herbs until a rough crumb forms. Heat the finely dice these instead.
olive oil in a large heavy-based frying pan and toast the Tips
crumbs over medium heat until golden. Set aside. Mussels don’t need to be purged prior to
2 Heat a large heavy-based lidded saucepan over cooking, unlike clams (vongole). To clean
medium heat until you can feel the warmth radiating them, grab on to the overhanging beard and
when you hold your palm at a sensible distance. Splash pull it around the shell towards the hinge.
in the olive oil and sauté the leek, celery and garlic over The beard should snap right off. Most
medium heat for 5–10 minutes, or until the leek is commercially grown mussels are kept
super soft and smells heavenly; if it’s starting to brown, relatively tidy for on-sale, so you shouldn’t
splash in a tablespoon of water and drop the heat a need to rinse them too heavily in
little. preparation for the pot.

3 Once the leek is sufficiently softened, splosh in the Some people say to never eat a mussel that
wine and sugar and crank the heat up to cook off the doesn’t open, but I’d use my senses before
alcohol and reduce the liquid by half. Spoon in the ditching it — if it smells A-OK and looks
tomato paste and cook for a minute before adding the right, I’d give it a whirl.
passata. Cook down the liquid over medium–high heat You can buy blanched almonds, but it’s
for about 10 minutes, until it starts to get thick and super easy to make your own. Just soak raw
jammy. almonds in some boiling water from the
4 Drain the mussels of any excess liquid, then tip the kettle and leave for 10 minutes, then plonk
whole lot into the screaming-hot pan. They will into cold water until cool enough to peel.
instantly release more juice to make a deliciously

72 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Sailors’ sauce mussels with
picada crumb
Recipe, opposite
book extract



4–5 eggs, at room temperature

400g new potatoes or kipfler potatoes minutes, or until they’re fork-tender. Drain well, chop
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus extra for drizzling them into fork-friendly shapes, place in a large mixing
200g green beans, topped, leaving the tails on bowl and gently toss with 2 tablespoons of the olive oil.
200g cherry truss tomatoes 3 To ‘tiger’ the beans and tomatoes, place them in a
A handful of your favourite olives, pitted (see Tips) bowl together and toss with the remaining 1
5–6 radishes, thinly sliced and refreshed in cold water tablespoon of olive oil. Heat a large, heavy-based frying
until needed pan over medium heat. Once smoking hot, add the
1 small red onion, or 1 French shallot, thinly sliced beans and leave for a minute or two to get some
into rounds burnished tiger stripes, then toss and leave for another
½ cup roughly chopped parsley couple of minutes. Do this for 8–10 minutes, adding the
250g good-quality tinned tuna in spring water tomatoes at the 5-minute mark. The beans need to be
6 anchovies (optional) bright green with stripes of brown and black, and still
Caper berries, to serve have a bit of crunch. In the last couple of minutes of
Lemon wedges, to serve cooking, add the pitted olives to warm through. Add
SAUCE GRIBICHE the whole lot to a bowl.
2 tbsp mayonnaise (see Tips) 4 At this stage, if you would like to crisp up the
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil potatoes, add them to the hot pan for 5 minutes or so
1 tbsp dijon mustard over high heat to get some colour. Pop the green bean
1 tbsp red wine vinegar mixture back into the pan to soak up every last bit of
1 tbsp lilliput capers in salt, rinsed and drained juiciness and retain some heat while you make the
16 cornichons (75g) finely chopped sauce gribiche.
1 cup finely chopped parsley
1 tbsp finely chopped tarragon or Thai basil (weird, 5 Grate or finely chop two of the eggs. Place in a bowl
but it works!) with all the gribiche ingredients, except the herbs. Mix
well and season to taste, then mix in the herbs. Set
1 Pop the eggs into a pan of boiling hot water from as aside until ready to serve.
close to the water as possible. Leave to cook for 6–8 6 To assemble the salad, choose a large serving platter
minutes, depending on how runny you like them; 8 or chopping board. In a large mixing bowl, give the
minutes will be hard-boiled. Run under cold water and cooked veg a gentle toss with the radish, onion,
set aside. Peel when cooled. parsley, broken-up tuna chunks and anchovies, if using,
2 Parboil the potatoes in plenty of water for 20–25 seasoning to taste before tumbling it all onto the
platter without a care in the world. Splodge the sauce
gribiche over the top.
7 Cut the remaining two eggs into quarters, or finely
Tips grate them over the top (if you’re a hard-boiled kinda
I use Kewpie mayonnaise for extra umami, gal or guy). Scatter some caper berries over, and an
but whole-egg mayo will do, too. extra drizzle of oil. Squeeze the lemon wedges over just
Pit the olives by placing them on a chopping before serving.
board and squishing each olive with Nutritional info
something sturdy like the base of an olive SERVES 4 PER SERVE 2440kJ (584Cal), protein 29g,
oil bottle, the flat of your chef’s knife or total fat 41g (sat. fat 7g), carbs 22g, fibre 7g,
even between your fingers! sodium 1200mg • Carb exchanges 1½ • GI
All of the ingredients can be prepared a few estimate medium • Lower carb
hours in advance and chilled, but need to be SERVES 6 PER SERVE 1630 kJ (390Cal), protein 19g,
brought back to room temperature before total fat 27g (sat. fat 5g), carbs 15g, fibre 4g,
being assembled and served. sodium 801mg • Carb exchanges 1 • GI
estimate medium • Lower carb

74 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

The Joy of Better Cooking by
Alice Zaslavsky. Published by
Murdoch Books. RRP $49.99
Vegan food sometimes gets a bad rap, but these
dairy-free delights score highly for both flavour
and nutrition.


76 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Cook’s Tigp
ht ti
Keep in an air
e fridge
container in th s.
for up to 3 da
, freeze for
Alternatively s.
up to 2 month

How our
food works
Blueberry coconut blondies for you
page 88
We’ve put a vegan spin on
blondies, using coconut sugar
for a caramelised flavour,
coconut milk for a creamy
texture and blueberries for a
fruity zing.
Recipe, page 78

BLUEBERRY COCONUT blondies to cool completely before processor. Cover and process until
BLONDIES carefully lifting out using the baking smooth.
PREP 15 MINS COOK 25 MINS paper. Cut with a sharp knife into 16
3 Oil the bases and sides of two
SERVES 16 AS A SNACK squares.
20cm loose-bottomed round
150ml aquafaba (water from a Nutritional info sandwich tins using ½ tsp of the oil,
400g can of no-added-salt PER SERVE 328kJ (78Cal), protein then line the bases with baking
chickpeas – keep the chickpeas 2g, total fat 1g (sat. fat 1g), carbs paper. Put the almond milk in a jug,
for salads, blend into hummus or 14g, fibre 2g, sodium 51mg • Carb add the vinegar and set aside. Sift
scatter into veg-packed one-tray exchanges 1 • GI estimate high the flour, cacao powder and
roasts), chilled bicarbonate of soda into a large
85g coconut sugar bowl. Make a well in the centre and
DATE, CHOCOLATE & add the puréed dates, almond milk,
150ml light coconut milk
SWEET POTATO CAKE remaining oil and vanilla. Beat well
185g wholemeal spelt flour
PREP 20 MINS + COOLING until smooth.
20g cornflour
½ tsp baking powder AS AN OCCASIONAL DESSERT/SNACK 4 Divide the mixture between the
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda prepared tins and bake for 25-30
Zest of 1 lime 300g orange sweet potato,
minutes or until a skewer inserted
150g blueberries unpeeled
into the middle of the cakes comes
10g (1 ½ tbsp) coconut flakes 250g pitted dates
out cleanly. Set aside in the tins for
80ml (/ cup) light olive oil
10 minutes, then turn out onto wire
1 Preheat oven to 160°C (fan- 350ml almond milk
racks to cool completely.
forced). Spray a 20cm x 20cm square 1½ tbsp apple cider vinegar
cake tin with cooking spray and line 350g wholemeal self-raising flour 5 Scrape the insides of the sweet
with baking paper, leaving paper to 50g cacao powder potatoes into a medium saucepan.
overhang the sides. 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda Add the 150g chocolate and cook,
1 tsp vanilla extract stirring, over low heat until the
2 Using electric beaters, whisk the 150g dark chocolate, roughly chocolate melts and the mixture is
aquafaba until very foamy. Gradually chopped, plus 10g extra, grated mostly smooth. Transfer the mixture
beat the sugar into the foam, 1 orange, zested, juiced to make to a food processor while still warm,
whisking well after each addition, 1 tbsp along with the orange zest and
until thickened and shiny. Stir in the juice. Process for 2 minutes until
coconut milk. 1 Preheat oven to 170°C (fan- completely smooth. If the mixture
3 Sift together the flour, cornflour, forced). Pierce the sweet potatoes in looks too thick, add 1-2 tbsp of
baking powder and bicarbonate several places with a fine skewer, just-boiled water and continue to
soda in a large bowl. Fold the flour then put on a small baking tray. beat until smooth. Set aside to cool.
mixture into the wet ingredients Bake for 1 hour or until soft
6 Spread the cooled icing over the
with the lime zest until no pockets throughout. Set aside until cool
cake. Top with extra grated
of flour remain. Pour the batter into enough to handle.
chocolate and serve.
the prepared cake tin. Scatter over 2 Put the dates in a medium bowl
the blueberries and coconut flakes. Nutritional info
and cover with just-boiled water.
PER SERVE 931kJ (223Cal), protein
4 Bake for 25 minutes or until set Set aside for 30 minutes to soak.
4g, total fat 9g (sat. fat 3g), carbs
around the edges and a little shiny Drain, reserving 2 tbsp of the
29g, fibre 5g, sodium 216mg • Carb
on the surface in the centre. Transfer soaking water. Put the dates and the
exchanges 2 • GI estimate medium
the tin to a wire rack and leave the reserved water in a small food

78 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

We’ve given classic chocolate cake
a healthy twist by using sweet potato,
sticky dates and almond milk.
Using dark chocolate and cacao
powder gives it a wonderful richness.

120g silken tofu

4 ripe (380g) bananas, mashed until
125ml (½ cup) light olive oil
125ml (½ cup) sugar-free maple
Cook’shT ip
syrup, plus 1 tbsp extra t containe
60ml (¼ cup) almond milk Keep in an for up to 3 days.
in the frid , wrap individual
1 tsp vanilla extract ely
Alternativ lastic wrap and
300g wholemeal spelt flour pieces in p alable freezer
2 tsp baking powder place in a e for up to
¼ tsp bicarbonate of soda bag. Freez emove
2 months sired.
1 tsp mixed spice pieces as
175g frozen mixed berries
1 Preheat oven to 150°C (fan-forced).
Line a 25cm x 20cm slice tin with
baking paper, leaving some paper to
overhang the sides.
2 Put the tofu in a large bowl and use a
hand blender to blitz until smooth.
Add the banana, 125ml (½ cup) maple
syrup, almond milk and vanilla extract.
Mix to combine.
3 In a separate bowl, combine the
flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of
soda and mixed spice. Add the dry
ingredients to the wet and mix until
just combined.
4 Pour the batter into the lined tin.
Sprinkle the berries over the top. Bake
for 40 minutes or until springy to the
touch. Remove from the oven and,
while the cake is still hot, brush
the remaining 1 tbsp of maple
syrup over the top. Set aside
to cool on a wire rack and
then, using the baking
paper, lift out the cake
and cut into 18 pieces.

Nutritional info
PER SERVE 618kJ (148Cal),
protein 3g, total fat 7g
(sat. fat 1g), carbs 17g,
fibre 3g, sodium 56mg
• Carb exchanges 1
• GI estimate high

The natural
sweetness of
pineapple means
there’s no need for
added sugar

Tropical crumble muffins

These quick and easy treats
will keep in the fridge for
up to 2 days, alternatively
freeze for up to 3 months.
Recipe, page 82

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 81


TROPICAL CRUMBLE together until just combined. Fold break down. Stir through chia seeds
MUFFINS in the pineapple. and cook, stirring often, for a
PREP 15 MINS COOK 20 MINS further 5 minutes. Set aside to cool
4 Divide the batter between the
MAKES 12 1 PER SERVE; AS A SNACK completely, in which time it will
muffin cases, then top the muffins
thicken considerably. Spoon into a
275g wholemeal plain flour with the crumble mixture. Transfer
bowl and set aside until completely
100g rolled oats to the oven and bake for 20
30g (½ cup) flaked coconut minutes or until a toothpick
70ml sugar-free maple syrup inserted into the centre of the 2 Preheat oven to 160°C (fan-
1 tbsp flaxseed meal muffins comes out clean. Set aside forced). Line a baking tray with
3 tbsp water to cool for 5 minutes in the tins, baking paper. Whisk together the
2 ripe bananas then transfer to a wire rack to cool remaining maple syrup in a
150ml light coconut milk completely. Suitable to freeze. medium bowl with the oil and
2 tsp baking powder almond extract. Add the almond
Nutritional info
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda meal and mix well until a soft
PER SERVE 668kJ (160Cal), protein
½ tsp ground cinnamon dough forms.
5g, total fat 4g (sat. fat 3g), carbs
¼ tsp ground cardamom 3 Spread the chopped flaked
23g, fibre 5g, sodium 109mg •
227g tin pineapple chunks in


Carb exchanges 1½ • GI estimate almonds out on a small plate.
juice, drained and chopped Taking tablespoons of dough, roll
into balls and then roll into the
1 Preheat oven to 170°C (fan- almonds. Transfer to the baking
forced). Line an 80ml (/ cup) tray, spacing them 5cm apart. Using
12-cup muffin tin with muffin cases. ALMOND & RASPBERRY your thumb, make a hollow in the


Combine 25g of the flour, 20g of BISCUITS centre of each dough ball. Fill each
the oats and all the coconut flakes PREP 20 MINS COOK 20 MINS hollow with ¼ tsp of the chia seed
in a large bowl. Add half the maple MAKES 16 1 PER SERVE; AS A SNACK jam. You will have some jam left
syrup and stir with a fork until over – it will keep in the fridge for
200g frozen raspberries
combined. Set aside – this is your up to a week.
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
topping. 50ml sugar-free maple syrup, plus 4 Bake biscuits for 16-18 minutes or
2 To make the flax egg, combine 1 tbsp extra until they are light golden. Remove
the flaxseed meal and water in a 1½ tbsp chia seeds from the oven and set aside for 5
small bowl. Set aside for 5 minutes 50ml light olive oil minutes before carefully
or until it thickens. Mash the ½ tsp almond extract transferring to a wire rack. Set aside
bananas in a medium bowl and 185g (1¾ cup) almond meal until completely cool and firm.
whisk in the flax egg, coconut milk 35g (/ cup) flaked almonds, finely Suitable to freeze.
and the remaining maple syrup. chopped
Nutritional info
3 Put the remaining flour and oats PER SERVE 501kJ (120Cal),
in a large bowl with the baking 1 Put raspberries in a medium protein 3g, total fat 11g (sat. fat
powder, bicarbonate of soda, saucepan with vanilla bean paste 1g), carbs 2g, fibre 2g,
cinnamon and cardamom. Mix until and 1 tbsp maple syrup. Simmer sodium 1mg • Carb exchanges 0
well combined. Pour the wet over low heat, stirring often, for 5 • GI estimate n/a • Gluten free
ingredients into the dry and stir minutes or until the berries start to • Lower carb

82 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Almond and raspberry biscuits
Keep the biscuits in an airtight
container for up to 2 days.
Alternatively, freeze in a resealable
freezer bag, making sure to expel
any extra air before sealing, for up
to 2 months.
Recipe, opposite
Cook, eat, enjoy
Discover our supermarket favourites, learn kitchen hints, try some
quick and easy recipes, all from food editor Alison Roberts

Kitchen Tips
■ Reducing salt in your diet
doesn’t have to be a challenge,
just replace the salt with
ingredients that are packed full
of flavour such as chopped fresh
herbs, citrus zest and juice and a fillet, lean lamb or beef with a
variety of spices. combination of smoked paprika,
■ Try stirring chopped fresh herbs a pinch of ground cinnamon
through your healthy spaghetti and a little ground cumin and
bolognaise just before serving. coriander. Spray with cooking
■ Or simply tossing chopped fresh spray and grill or barbecue.
herbs, a little citrus zest and ■ One of our favourites is to toss
juice and freshly ground black partially steamed and halved
pepper to steamed potatoes or baby potatoes with smoked
veggies. You can even drizzle or paprika and a little olive oil.
toss through a little extra virgin Cook in a hot oven until crispy
oil as well. and toss in some finely grated
■ Rub skinless chicken breast lemon zest, a squeeze of lemon
juice and a handful of chopped
flat-leaf parsley.
food bites

Lakanto brown monkfruit
SECOND SNACK sweetener
A brown sugar replacement with
Put 200ml water, 8 scoops 93% less kilojoules, zero carbs
Glucerna, 1 ripe banana, 200g and no artificial flavouring or
reduced-fat Greek-style sweeteners. Lakanto has a perfect
yoghurt and 2 tsp pure maple mix of monk fruit and erythritol to
syrup in blender. Cover and match the sweetness of sugar and
blend until smooth. Serve maintain your baking and cooking
immediately. Serves 2. needs, simply replace the raw or
PER SERVE 823kJ (197Cal), brown sugar quantity in a recipe
protein 16g, total fat 9g (sat. fat using the same cup measurement
2g), carbs 43g, fibre 6g, sodium of Lakanto brown monkfruit
283mg • Carb exchanges 3 • GI sweetener.
estimate low • Gluten free RRP $11.95 Available from lakanto. and


GFO RICOTTA & PEAR 18g, total fat 5g (sat. fat 5g), carbs and a pinch of ground sumac in a
FRUIT BREAD 17g, fibre 3g, sodium 66mg • Carb small bowl. Grease a small microwave
Spread 2 thin slices toasted fruit exchanges 1 • GI estimate low • safe-dish with cooking spray. Pour in
bread or gluten-free bread with Gluten free • Lower carb egg mixture and top with ¼ cup
¼ cup low-fat ricotta. Top with ½ baby spinach leaves. Cook on high
sliced pear. Drizzle over 1 tsp honey GFO BAKED BEANS & for 1 minute or until set. Place egg on
and sprinkle with a little ground TOMATO ON RYE 1 x grain wrap such as Helgas Mixed
cinnamon. Grain Wraps or gluten-free wrap. Top
Toast 2 slices Burgen Rye bread or
SERVES 1. with 6 x 97% fat-free semi-dried
gluten-free bread. Top each slice of
tomatoes and 1 tbsp Bega 50% less
PER SERVE 1200kJ (287Cal), toast with a slice of tomato. Heat ½ x
fat tasty grated cheese. Roll up and
protein 10g, total fat 4g (sat. fat 220g can salt-reduced baked beans
slice in half to serve.
2g), carbs 48g, fibre 5g, sodium in a small saucepan with a pinch of

187mg • Carb exchanges 3 • GI curry powder or gluten-free curry
estimate low • Gluten-free option powder. Spoon over toast and PER SERVE 1770kJ (423Cal),
sprinkle with chopped parsley and protein 23g, total fat 16g (sat. fat
GF LC TROPICAL FRUIT & pepper. 7g), carbs 43g, fibre 8g, sodium
COCONUT YOGHURT SERVES 1. 612mg • Carb exchanges 3 • GI
Put 1 x 170g tub plain fat-free estimate low • Gluten-free option
PER SERVE 1250kJ (299Cal),
yoghurt in a small bowl. Top with protein 14g, total fat 5g (sat. fat LOWERCARB OPTION: Swap your
140g tub diced fruit (using a little 0g), carbs 42g, fibre 12g, sodium wrap for Simson’s Pantry Low Carb
of the juice if you like) and 2 tsp 699mg • Carb exchanges 3 • GI Keto Wrap.
sugar-free maple syrup. Sprinkle estimate low • Gluten-free option PER SERVE 1370kJ (328Cal),
with 1 tbsp toasted shredded protein 26g, total fat 16g (sat. fat
coconut. GFO LCO EGG, SPINACH & 6g), carbs 14g, fibre 13g, sodium
SERVES 1. 498mg • Carb exchanges 1 • GI
PER SERVE 812kJ (194Cal), protein Whisk 1 x 60g egg, 2 tbsp low-fat milk estimate low • Lower carb

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 85

Plan your week,
what to eat
this week? Try
these delicious
meal ideas

H2O Start each day with a glass of water. You should have 6-10 glasses a day,

Egg, spinach & Ricotta & pear fruit 1 cup fresh fruit salad Tropical fruit &
Breakfast tomato wrap (p 85) bread (p 85) topped with ½ cup coconut yoghurt
diet vanilla yoghurt, (p 85)
1 tbsp chia seeds & 1
tbsp slivered almonds

Frozen blackberry Banana berry slice 1 piece of fresh fruit Almond & raspberry
snack smoothie (p 34) (p 80) biscuit (p 82)

Chorizo veg fritters Mix & match a summer salad combo for your weekday lunches:
Lunch (p 56) 1 Start with 1½ cups of mixed lettuce leaves/rocket/spinach.


2 Add 1 cup chopped low-starch veg e.g. tomato, cucumber,
grated carrot, snow peas, radish, etc.
3 Choose 1 protein: 95g can salmon/tuna (in spring water) or 2
boiled eggs or 60g shredded chicken breast or 40g reduced-
fat cheese.

1 piece fresh fruit 170g tub Chobani Tropical crumble 30g unsalted nuts
Optional yoghurt muffin (p 82)
snack Pictured above

Healthy chicken Turkey, strawberry Mexican street corn Broken lasagne

Dinner stir-fry (p 130) & avocado salad soup (p 16) with zucchini, pea &
Pictured above (p 15) mint (p 17)
Pictured above Pictured above

Alcohol If you choose to drink, stick to 1-2 standard drinks per day. It’s also a good idea to

1 cup skim milk ½ cup diet jelly 120ml Twisted 1 cup frozen mixed
Optional with 1 tsp 30% less topped with 1 cup Frozen Yoghurt berries (warmed)
dessert sugar milo fresh mixed berries with ½ cup diet
vanilla yoghurt

Exercise Aim for 20-60 minutes of moderate exercise each day.

86 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

menu plan


The COVID pandemic pushed us to
learn and adapt to new ways of
doing things, and many of those
new practices, such as telehealth,
have been shown to be very
THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY beneficial and are here to stay for
the better.
Over the past 2 years, more than
100 million telehealth services have
been delivered across Australia to
approximately 17 million people.
Telehealth now provides patients
with a consultation with their
chosen clinician via phone or video
depending on your exercise levels. from the comfort of their own
home. It has removed geographical
Ricotta & pear fruit Baked beans & Tropical fruit & barriers, making healthcare more
bread (p 85) tomato on rye (p 85) coconut yoghurt accessible to all Australians. It has
(p 85) also reduced travel and waiting
time for appointments, and in many
cases, reduced expenses, making
This menu planner has been created by a dietitian and exercise physiologist for the average person with diabetes. If you have special needs,

good healthcare more affordable.

2 Vita-weets topped 170g tub Chobani 1 multigrain corn
Telehealth is now permanently
please consult your own dietitian. Check the product packaging or the nutrition info boxes near our recipes for nutritional analysis.

with 2-3 tbsp light yoghurt thin topped with 20g

reduced fat cheddar & available for various GPs, specialists,
sliced tomato allied health professionals (such as
diabetes educators and dietitians),
4 Add a healthy carb: 1-2 slices grainy bread Spiced feta, pistachio nursing and mental health services
or ½ cup legumes/roast sweet potato/ & mandarin salad (such as counsellors and
quinoa. (p 37) psychologists).
5 Drizzle with dressing: 1 tsp extra virgin Pictured above
olive oil plus balsamic vinegar/lemon DL’s dietitian, Shannon Lavery,
juice. currently offers telehealth services
Mix & enjoy! Serve with glass of water. across Australia. Bulk billing is
available for those with an EPC
170g tub Chobani 1 piece of fresh fruit Banana berry slice referral. Private health fund rebates
yoghurt (p 80) may apply. For more information on
Shannon’s services visit www.
Light summer tofu Hazelnut-crusted Slow-cooked Mexican
curry (p 18) salmon with crushed beef with elote salad
Pictured above potatoes (p 19) (p 62)
Pictured above

have a couple of alcohol-free days a week.

1 piece fresh fruit 1½ cup fresh fruit 1 cup frozen mixed

salad berries (warmed) with
½ cup diet vanilla

Always discuss your exercise plans with your doctor first.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 87

Our food
Every recipe in Diabetic Nutritional info
Living is carefully created PER SERVE 1220kJ
(292Cal), protein 25g,
to help you enjoy a total fat 17g (sat. fat 3g),
healthy, balanced diet carbs 4g, fibre 11g,
sodium 285mg • Carb
exchanges ½ • GI
Our Nutritional info boxes sit estimate low • Gluten
alongside each recipe. Use free • Lower carb
them to track your nutritional
requirements, as well as count
carbs, carb exchanges and find out Optional ingredients
Turkey, strawberry &
whether a recipe is low-, medium- Whenever we list an ingredient avocado salad
or high-GI, or gluten-free. Easy! as optional, it isn’t included in Recipe, page 14
the nutrition analysis and it’s
Serves 2 (as a main) up to you if you want to use it.
We show you whether a food is Lower-carb option
designed to be a between-meals Choice of ingredients When possible we will provide an
snack, breakfast, lunch (a lighter When we give you the choice ingredient substitution from the
main) or dinner (the main meal of two different ingredients, main recipe to reduce the carbs
of the day). When we say, “as we analyse only the first one. to less than 2 carb exchanges for
an occasional dish”, it should a main or light meal and less than
only be eaten as a treat, such Carb exchanges 1 carb exchange for a snack or


as once a fortnight. Using exchanges makes counting dessert. Nutrition information for
carbs easier: one exchange = 15g this variation will be included, but
Brand names of carbs. Aim for 1-2 exchanges please note the finished product
We often use product names to in every snack and 1-4 exchanges will vary slightly from what is
make it easier to find nutritionally in each meal. presented in the recipe picture. ■
suitable brands when shopping.

Sugar or sugar substitute  CUT OUT & KEEP


In some dishes, you can use either

sugar or a sugar substitute. In YOUR DAILY To maintain your weight* To lose weight*
these cases, we give you the
nutrition analysis for both.
ALLOWANCE Kilojoules 8700kJ
Protein 80g
Kilojoules 6000kJ
Protein 65g
GUIDE Total fat 70g Total fat 45g
Granulated sugar substitute
Most sugar substitutes on the With this guide, Saturated fat 24g Saturated fat 15g
market measure spoon for spoon, you can create
Carbs 270g Carbs 180g
rather than weight. For example, the perfect eating
plan for your Fibre 30g Fibre 30g
if the recipe uses 220g (1 cup) of
sugar, you would replace this with 1 needs Sodium Less than 2000mg Sodium Less than 2000mg
cup of granulated sugar substitute.

88 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

living well

“Let’s approach
Christmas with
an expectant hush,
rather than a
last-minute rush.”

DL mag dietitian and diabetes educator, Dr Kate Marsh,

explains how an insulin pump works, the pros and cons
of insulin pump therapy and what’s on the market

What is an insulin pump?

An insulin pump is a small device designed to
continuously deliver insulin to the body and can
be used in place of insulin injections. They
provide an alternative way of giving insulin for
people living with insulin-treated diabetes,
particularly those with type 1. Pumps vary in size
but are smaller than a mobile phone, and are
worn outside the body, on your belt or waistband,
in your pocket or in a pouch underneath your
clothes. The pump delivers insulin through a very
narrow flexible tube which is attached to a small
cannula inserted under your skin. You program Considerations before switching
the pump to give insulin – a small steady dose to a pump
throughout the day (basal rate) and an extra While there are many benefits to insulin pumps,
amount (bolus) when you eat. they don’t work on their own and still need
regular input from the user to work effectively.
A pump may help you to: This includes monitoring your blood glucose
❯ improve blood glucose management. levels and giving regular bolus doses via the
❯ have more flexibility around eating and pump when you eat or if your blood glucose levels
mealtimes, allowing you to vary your are above your target range, and changing your
mealtimes, sleep in or even skip meals more infusion sets regularly (usually every 2 to 3 days).
easily than with injections. You need to be an expert carb counter as the
❯ adjust your insulin around exercise more easily, pump relies on you entering the amount of carbs
by allowing you to suspend the pump or set each time you eat, so it can calculate how much
a reduced basal rate or higher target glucose insulin you need to take to cover the meal or
level prior to, during and/or after exercise. snack.
❯ deal with a “dawn rise” (blood glucose levels If your pump malfunctions, your blood glucose
that rise early in the morning even without levels will become high quickly, as the pump only
eating) by allowing you to deliver a higher delivers short-acting insulin. It is therefore
amount of insulin at this time. essential to always carry a spare pen or syringe in
❯ give insulin discreetly when you are eating out case things go wrong.
or with others. Pumps don’t come cheap (approximately
❯ reduce the risk of hypos, especially when $8000-$9000) but if you have private health
combined with continuous glucose monitoring cover, your health fund should cover this cost.
(CGM). Unlike insulin pen needles and syringes, the
“consumables” (i.e. infusion sets and reservoirs)
are not free but are subsidised under the NDSS,
and cost around $30 per month.

Questions to consider when choosing a pump:

■ Do you want a closed-loop option?

■ Does the size and weight of the pump matter to you?

■ What is your typical daily dose of insulin? If you use large doses you may want
to choose a pump with a larger insulin cartridge, or you will need to refill your
pump and change your pump site more regularly.
■ What level of watertightness do you need?

■ Would you prefer to replace batteries or to charge your device, like you do
your mobile phone?

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 91

What is a hybrid
Several pumps available in
Australia now offer a closed-
loop system, when used with
a compatible CGM. The
system automatically adjusts
the delivery of basal
(background) insulin based on
CGM readings. It can also
deliver automated correction
boluses. This means that the
pump takes glucose readings
from a CGM automatically
and then gives you more or
less insulin based on your
real-time needs. Having
a pump and a CGM that speak
to one another can help you
increase the time your glucose
levels stay in your
target range.

Choosing the right pump

for you
There are several insulin pumps
currently available in Australia and they
all do the same basic job of delivering
insulin. They all have a bolus calculator,
which calculates a bolus dose (either for
a meal or correction) based on personal
settings, carbohydrate intake, the
amount of active insulin in the body, and
your current blood glucose level. They
also all offer a variety of alerts and
reminders. All pumps are watertight
(which means they should be okay if you
accidentally get them wet) but some
have a higher waterproof rating, which is
worth considering if you spend a lot of
time in or around the water. There are
also many differences and unique
features of each of the pumps and we
have highlighted these here. For further
information on each of the devices,
please visit the company websites and
speak to your diabetes health

92 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living


A continuous glucose
monitor (CGM) is a device
that measures glucose levels They all have
continuously throughout
the day and night, every five
a bolus calculator,
minutes. This gives you which calculates
a much better picture of
what is happening a bolus dose based
compared to traditional
fingerprick monitoring,
on personal settings,
which is really just carbohydrate intake,
a snapshot in time. The
device can also alert you to the amount of active
highs and lows. It combines
a sensor, transmitter and
insulin, your current
receiver, and if you use an
insulin pump that works
blood glucose level.
with a CGM, the pump itself
becomes the receiver,
although you can still view
your CGM readings on your
smartphone. Some pumps
are now integrated with
CGM, so that the pump
adjusts insulin delivery
based on the CGM readings
(see: What is a hybrid
closed-loop system?). CGM
is expensive, but as of 1 July
2022, it is now subsidised
under the NDSS for all
Australians with type 1
diabetes. Most people with
type 1 diabetes will have a
small co-payment of $32.50
per month but some people
will still be able to access
fully subsidised CGM (i.e. no
co-payment). You can find
out more by visiting the
NDSS website: www.ndss.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 93

DL mag’s roundup of the insulin pumps
currently available on the market.

Tandem T-Slim X2

❯ Offers a closed-loop function (Control IQ) or a predictive

low glucose suspend function (Basal IQ) when used with
the Dexcom G6 CGM
❯ The Dexcom G6 sensor is changed every 10 days. It does
not need calibrations using fingerprick glucose levels
❯ Control IQ has dedicated settings for sleep and exercise
to help keep your blood glucose levels in your target
range while reducing the risk of hypos
❯ The pump can be updated remotely with a software
update, so you get immediate access to any new features
that become available within the 4-year warranty period
❯ Small size – 8.0 x 5.1 x 1.5cm; 112g including a full

insulin cartridge
❯ Holds up to 3.0 ml (300U) insulin
❯ Aluminium casing and touchscreen made from high
grade, shatter-resistant glass
❯ Rechargeable using a USB cable (like your mobile phone),
so no batteries to replace
❯ The choice of four different infusion set, three Teflon and
one steel
❯ The pump has an IPX7 waterproof rating (up to 1 metre
for 30 minutes). The Dexcom transmitter and sensor are
water-resistant up to 2.4m for 24 hours (IPX8)
❯ 24/7 Australian-based customer support
❯ AMSL Diabetes:

❯ Offers a closed-loop function

(Smartguard™ Auto Mode), when
used with the Medtronic
Guardian 3 sensor
❯ Automated Basal Rate, which
self-adjusts every 5 minutes
❯ The sensor is changed every
7 days and requires calibrating
with a fingerprick glucose level 2
to 3 times per day
❯ The choice of three different
target glucose levels – 5.5, 6.1 or
6.7 mmol/L
❯ Comes with the small blood
glucose meter which wirelessly
transmits your BGLs to the pump
❯ Full colour screen with icon-based
home screen
❯ Works with the MiniMed™ Medtronic MiniMed®
Mobile app so you can view your
pump data on your smartphone
780G System.
and upload your data
automatically to CareLink to
share with your health
❯ The pump can be updated
remotely with a software update,
so you get immediate access to
any new features that become
available within the four-year
warranty period
❯ Holds up to 3.0 ml (300U) insulin
❯ The choice of four different
infusion sets, three teflon and
one steel
❯ 5.3 x 9.6 x 2.4cm, 145g including

a full insulin cartridge and battery

❯ The pump has an IPX8

waterproof rating (to a depth of

up to 3.6 metres for up to 24
hours) and the sensor and
transmitter are water-resistant up
to 2.4 metres for up to 30
❯ Uses one AA battery, either
alkaline or lithium
❯ 24/7 customer support and
personalised onboarding program
❯ Medtronic Australia: www.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 95

mylife YpsoPump
❯ Offers a closed-loop function (mylife
CamAPS) when used with the Dexcom
❯ Works with the mylife App, so you can
view your pump data on your
smartphone. From late 2022, the App
will also allow for remote bolusing
❯ Integrates with the Dexcom G6 CGM, so
you can use sensor glucose values in the
bolus calculator, review Dexcom records
in the mylife App and receive high and
low glucose alerts (Android only;
awaiting iPhone)
❯ The Dexcom G6 sensor is changed every
10 days does not need calibrations using
fingerprick glucose levels
❯ Touchscreen icon-based display on the
❯ Both the mylife App and mylife CamAPS
DANA-i FX App are updateable if any new
features become available within the
❯ Securely connects with the TGA-approved AnyDANA four-year pump warranty
application on iOS or Android smartphones – basal, ❯ Small size and lightweight: 7.8 × 4.6 ×
Bolus, Temporary basal and pump settings can all be 1.6 cm; 83g including a full insulin
controlled from the phone cartridge and battery
❯ Designed to allow control and interoperability with ❯ Holds up to 1.6 ml (160U) insulin
approved artificial pancreas system (APS) algorithms ❯ The glass reservoirs can be prefilled and
(although not currently TGA-approved in Australia) stored in the fridge for up to 4 weeks,
❯ Small size and lightweight: 8.6 x 4.7 x 1.9cm, 86g which can save time when it comes to
including a full insulin cartridge and battery doing a set change
❯ Holds up to 3.0 ml (300U) insulin ❯ Uses one alkaline AAA battery which is
❯ Uses one alkaline AAA battery provided free for the life of your pump
❯ Choice of three different infusion sets, one teflon and ❯ Choice of three different infusion sets,
two steel two teflon and one steel
❯ The pump has an IPX8 waterproof rating (to a depth of ❯ The pump has an IPX8 waterproof
1 metre for up to 60 minutes) rating (to a depth of 1 metre for up to
❯ 24/7 Australian-based customer support for urgent 60 minutes)
pump issues ❯ 24/7 Australian-based customer
❯ Managing Diabetes:   support
❯ Ypsomed Australia: www.mylife-

In a class of its own:

Type 1 Diabetes
Omnipod Insulin Pump
DASH® Children under the age of 18
Insulin years who don’t have private
health cover may be able to
Management get some funding to
contribute towards the cost of
System a pump through the Type 1
Diabetes Insulin Pump
Program. Contact JDRF for
more details
The Omnipod has been available sensor (but larger) and the PDM is
overseas for many years and first used to program and deliver
became available for sale in insulin. The Pods hold 2.0ml (200U)
Australia in August 2021. However, of insulin and are replaced every 2 Don’t have private
at the time of writing this article, it to 3 days. The Pod is waterproof health insurance?
wasn’t covered by health funds or (IP28 rating for up to 7.6 metres for If you don’t have private
the NDSS, so you need to pay out 60 minutes) although the PDM health insurance but are
of pocket)*. The cost varies isn’t. willing to sign up, then most
depending on how many boxes of of the pump companies have
* As of August 2022, the Omnipod
Pods you purchase at one time. a loan program in place, where
DASH® System has been
The Omnipod differs from other they will loan you a pump
recommended for listing on the
pumps because it is tubeless. until your waiting period is up
NDSS. Insulet, the maker of
Unlike traditional insulin pumps,
Omnipod, is working with (usually 12 months).
which are connected to your body
government to affect the inclusion Considering the cost of
with tubing, the Omnipod
of the Omnipod DASH® System on a pump, taking out health
comprises a “Pod” containing your
the NDSS. insurance could be a
insulin and a Personal Diabetes
Manager (PDM), which looks like Insulet Corporation: www. worthwhile investment, as
a mobile phone. The Pod is placed most health funds will cover
on your skin, similar to a CGM the full cost of insulin pump.

Need help to decide which pump is right for you?

Your first point of call should be a diabetes educator or your endocrinologist. You can find a CDE in your
area at using the advanced search options in the Find a CDE search box to find an
educator who has experience with pumps. Some hospital diabetes centres have pump information sessions
where you can find out about insulin pump therapy and meet with the various companies who provide
pumps. You can also meet with the company reps individually to find out more about the particular pump
you are interested in. ■


The information provided in this article was correct at the time of publication. It is important to speak with your
diabetes health professional about whether insulin pump therapy and any particular device is suitable for your
individual needs.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 97

CSIRO Total Wellbeing dietitian Pennie McCoy shares strategies
for managing our growing health and lifestyle problem

98 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living
Did you know that more than two million Australians are living with
pre-diabetes, and are at high-risk of developing type 2 diabetes? A
further 550,000 Australians are living with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.
Without sustained lifestyle
changes, including healthy eating,
increased activity and losing
weight, approximately one in three
people with pre-diabetes will go on
to develop type 2 diabetes. Pre-
diabetes affects one in six
Australians aged above 25 years,
and type 2 diabetes is the sixth
leading cause of death in Australia.
And yet, while these statistics are
alarming, almost six out of 10
Australians can reverse pre-
diabetes with the right lifestyle
changes. If you’re overweight or
obese, losing weight is one of the
key ways to slow pre-diabetes or
type 2 diabetes from progressing.
Research shows that you don’t even
need to lose a huge amount of
weight to see the positive effects
either – and that losing just 5 per
cent of your body weight has
benefits to your health.
As an accredited dietitian and
health coach at the CSIRO Total
GET WITH THE PROGRAM Wellbeing Diet, my work sees me
The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet has launched actively help Australians better
four programs to help manage the national understand their relationship with
chronic disease problem, including its 12 food. Our team champions lifestyle
Week Program for Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 changes that are relatable and
Diabetes. The new program ensures assessable, and that centre around
members have access to all the aspects of simple nutritional choices to
the regular 12 Week Program, including its support healthy outcomes. It’s not
online tracking tools and features, but with a all doom and gloom – reversing
focus on pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes pre-diabetes, and managing
and how best to manage the issue. diabetes can indeed be achieved –
Visit all with the right lifestyle changes
outlined in the following pages.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 99

The Glycaemic Index is
especially useful for people
with type 2 diabetes, as
choosing low GI foods are
key to supporting good
blood glucose levels, and
managing appetite. Other
factors, such as the amount
of carbohydrates you eat,
have an impact on blood
glucose levels after meals,
so knowledge of these
BE REALISTIC ABOUT fluctuations is also
WEIGHT LOSS important. Adjusting your
Achieving 5 per cent weight loss eating habits can support
over time is super beneficial for management of your
diabetes management. Many diabetes diagnosis, for
people lose a large amount of example regular meals
weight when they make a lifestyle over the day filled with
change and the plateau can be plenty of vegies, lean
difficult to navigate, but the real protein, wholegrains, fruit
journey begins with weight and dairy .
management. Don’t ever be
discouraged by the scales and
understand that this is a lifelong
journey, and a new way of being.
Take the time to learn about food
groups, and the nourishment and
fuel that healthy food provides to
your body. The CSIRO Total
Wellbeing Diet has a range of
self-monitoring tools in place to
keep Australians on track,
including an easy-to-use food and
exercise tracker, which contains
more than 200,000 foods, meals
and exercises, as well as Positive

Psychology tools which take a

three-pronged approach to
wellbeing. Practising Kindness,
Gratitude and Best Possible Self
techniques – in combination with
eating better and staying active
– can be a game changer for your
overall wellbeing.
weight loss


A diagnosis of diabetes can be overwhelming, and this
can lead to negative thoughts and feelings. A positive
mindset is key to making changes and having a support
network such as your friends, family or an online
community (such as the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet
Facebook group) can be a game changer. Ultimately, don’t
forget to be kind to yourself!
I wholeheartedly believe that every Australian should
have access to dietitian-guided strategies to help translate
the complexities of food and maintain a healthy, “happy”
weight. A diabetes-friendly, hyper-targeted program can
fast-track your health and wellbeing.


There is always a way to fit exercise into your
lifestyle, both incidental and planned. The
more you move, the more your body will use
up glucose and support both weight loss
and good blood glucose control. Finding
ways to move doesn’t mean long hours
spent at the gym pumping weights
either; low intensity exercises such as
yoga and pilates, or group classes at
the gym can be just as impactful.
In fact, you don’t need a gym
membership to find ways to move.
Take the bus to work? Get off one
stop earlier and walk the rest of the
way. Weekend morning coffee run? Try
walking to the coffee shop rather than
driving. There are always quick and easy
ways to squeeze in movement, no
matter how busy and chaotic life gets!

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 101


102 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

h e re ou r fo o d is sourced and
are n es s a ro u n d w hat we eat, w h a s le d to growing
Grow ing aw g ha b it s
ad e r im p lic atio ns of our eatin g se afo o d . Baker
th e b ro f e a tin
what are
e n v iro n m e nta l sustainability o v estigates.
c ern a bo u t th e o n B e n n e tt, in
iab ete s In stitu te dietitian, Alis
Heart and D of extinction. on the edge
hearing of species
oily fish, is often w e st ri ke a balance between
Seafood, especially healthy diet. It is
So h ow d o
part of a healthy d
d ed as p ar t of a u d in g se afoo d as
recommen nutrients for our
ta l environment?
a rich sourc e of se ve ra l vi
dine and protecting our
y, in cl u d in g p ro te in, vitamin B12, io
n c, an d is al so on e of the best sources -3s?
What are omegae a type of essential fat
and zi
s ar
of omega-3 fatty ac
ids. Omega-3 fatty acid
y recommended as an d m aintain a healthy
Fish is also regularl uce that h el p to bu ild
cture for ever y
rnative to help red d e th e st ru
a good protein alte body. Th ey p ro vi
ol es te ro l le ve ls, an d it is a good
ll w all w e h av e, ar e an important ener
ch ce
u rc e of vi ta m in D , particularly for rce, an d th ey h el p to keep the heart,
so sou
iabetes. d immune system
those living with d lungs, bl oo d ve ss el s an
n more ey should.
However, as we lear working the way th
it from dy cannot produce
about how we benef However , th e h u m an bo
eating fish and seaf
ood, there
ow n om eg a- 3 s, w hich means it is es
are alarming trend
s emerging
th em to ou r die t by choosing foods
erfishing to add king supplements.
from industrial ov that con ta in th em , or by ta
we are
and pollution, and
Although omega-3s are found making a good environmental
naturally in some plant and animal choice. Greenpeace and GoodFish
protein sources, including grass-fed have developed sustainable seafood
beef, the evidence tells us that buying guides to help with your
marine sources are the best. decision-making.
Seafood options with the highest Sardines and mackerel are two
levels of omega-3s include salmon, great seafood alternatives to tuna How much should
blue-eye trevalla, blue mackerel, and salmon that have high omega-3 we have?
herring, canned sardines, canned content. ❯❯ 2-3 serves of fish or
salmon, and some varieties of seafood per week,
canned tuna. Healthy fats and including one serve of
It is recommended that we low-fat diets oily fish. One serve is
include two to three serves of fish A low-fat diet has long been the about 150 grams of raw
or seafood in our diet each week. diet recommended for people living or 100 grams of cooked
One serve equates to 150 grams of with diabetes. It’s clear now we seafood.
raw or 100 grams of cooked fish or need to re-think this messaging.
seafood. We know that including higher Include at least one serve
If you are seeking a good plant- fat options that contain healthy of plant-based sources of
based source of omega-3s, you can unsaturated fats, such as oily fish omega-3s daily.
turn to algae or seaweed, usually in and seafood, is a good choice. In ❯❯ 2-3 teaspoons ground
supplement form. Chia seeds, fact, diets rich in fish and seafood linseeds, chia seeds or
almonds and flaxseed are also are likely to be lower in saturated LSA
❯❯ 1 teaspoon of


omega-3 rich but they are a much fats due to lower intake of meat
harder source for the body to use products. flaxseed oil
than seafood so should not be your We also know that people living ❯❯ 200 grams of tofu
sole source of omega-3s. with diabetes are at a higher risk of ❯❯ 30 grams of walnuts
Supplementation should be heart disease, which means ❯❯ 1 tablespoon of canola
considered for those not cholesterol and triglycerides targets oil spread
consuming any of these products are tighter and harder to meet. ❯❯ 150 grams of cooked or
containing omega-3s. Focusing on increasing seafood sprouted soybeans.
intake can help with those controls.
Salmon and tuna are two of the
most commonly eaten fish in
Australia, however, there are
growing concerns about the
sustainability of these fish choices.
When deciding which brand or
species of fish to buy, it can be
difficult to know whether you are

Key benefits of
including seafood:
Rich source of omega-3s
Low in cholesterol for
those with diabetes or
heart disease
Lower in saturated fats
than animal products
so good for heart
health and weight
High in several nutrients
such as protein, zinc,
Fish with bones are also
high in calcium, which is
necessary to maintain
bone health.

For more information about healthy eating, visit

If you are seeking some good diabetes-friendly seafood recipes, you can find some

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 105

If type 2 is in your family, it doesn’t have to be on
the cards for all. These easy lifestyle tweaks offer
the chance of a diabetes-free destiny.
beat type 2

“G rowing up, I often had

chips, takeaways, white bread,
sweet foods and soft drinks,”
says Sandra Taylor, 42, a mother of two
from Melbourne. By her twenties,
she was gaining weight and seemed
destined to develop the type 2 that her
parents, two brothers, grandmother and
1 Know your numbers
“Monitoring and lowering your
weight, cholesterol and blood pressure
helps protect you against type 2
diabetes,” says endocrinologist
Dr John Wentworth from the Royal
Melbourne Hospital. “If you’re
overweight, losing just five per cent of
aunt were already living with. your weight can reduce your diabetes
Sandra’s story is far from uncommon. risk substantially.”
Type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest-
growing health conditions in the world. TOP TIP Do a little exercise each
It occurs when your body can no longer day, cut back on alcohol
effectively produce or use the hormone and, if you smoke, now’s the
insulin, which it needs to convert food time to quit. “Reduce your intake
into energy. This leads to a build-up of of takeaways, snack foods, salt,
glucose in the blood. Over time, elevated sugar and saturated fats,” says Helen
BGLs can damage nerves and blood Edwards. “Instead, choose foods
vessels, and increase your risk of heart with a low glycaemic index (GI),
attack, stroke, eye problems and which will help keep blood sugars
kidney issues. stable.”
About 280 Australians develop diabetes You can find a comprehensive list
each day, and two million are living with of low-GI foods at
prediabetes, the precursor to type 2. Risk
factors vary but, according to Diabetes

Australia, if you have a close family
member, such as a parent, with type 2,
your risk of also developing it is two to
four times higher.
“The risk goes up if you have certain
lifestyle factors, including high blood
pressure, being overweight or obese, not
being active enough and eating an
unhealthy diet,” says Helen Edwards,
diabetes educator and founder of Diabetes Switch drinks
Counselling Online. Fruit juices and soft drinks can cause
Without a cure for type 2, prevention is your blood glucose levels to rise rapidly
key when it comes to overcoming genetics – and stay that way. In fact, having one
and dodging a diagnosis. very sugary drink a day can increase your
“Lifestyle changes that focus on small risk of type 2 substantially – by 22 per
amounts of weight loss, improving your cent for soft drinks and 21 per cent for
diet and increasing your activity levels can fruit juices, according to UK research.
slash your risk of developing type 2
diabetes by half,” says nutrition academic TOP TIP For a quick and easy, thirst-
associate professor Tim Crowe from quenching drink, simply pour a
Deakin University in Victoria. glass of chilled water, add
If you think that type 2 is on the cards a squeeze of lime or lemon juice
for you or a loved one, here’s how to stack and top with a sprig of mint. ➤
the odds back in your favour.

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 107

beat type 2

Say no to
exercise excuses
Too tired, too busy, too cold, too hot, too
boring – whatever your excuses for not
exercising, try to resist them, as regular

exercise improves fitness, aids weight
control and helps your body use insulin
better. Diabetes Australia recommends
30 minutes of moderate-intensity
exercise, such as brisk walking or
swimming, every day, along with
a couple of sessions of resistance training
(see below).
Don’t have time for a dedicated daily
Get on the brekkie workout? Break your exercise down into
bandwagon smaller chunks to make it more
Running out of the door fuelled manageable, or do three 20-minute
by nothing but a cup of coffee or sessions of vigorous-intensity exercise
a slice of bread can ramp up your a week, such as jogging, strenuous
BGLs and lead you to overindulge in gardening or aerobics.
sugary, energy-boosting foods and
drinks later. In fact, studies show that TOP TIP Research suggests that
people who skip breakfast are more walking 6000 or more steps every
likely to be overweight and have day decreases your risk of developing
a greater chance of ending up with type 2, so invest in a pedometer to
type 2. keep track of your progress. As your
fitness improves, aim to alternate
TOP TIP If you know you’re aerobic (think cycling, dancing
going to be busy, organise or power walking) and resistance
tomorrow’s breakfast “to go” the exercises (such as
night before. Put healthy foods weights, lunges and
such as wholegrain bsicuits, a can squats) in your week,
of tuna, fruit and a handful of nuts as combining the two
in a container to eat on the run or has been proven to
when you get to work. better stabilise BGLs.


Many people with type 2 do not have any symptoms – however, if you notice
Passing Having cuts Itching
Excessive Exhaustion Constant
more urine that heal or skin
thirst or lethargy hunger
than usual slowly infections

108 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

beat type 2


I dropped

two dress
With the help of her dietitian
husband, Craig, Sandra Taylor
was able to break her family’s
cycle of type 2.
“When I married Craig at 24, he
Wind down the wine was horrified by my food choices
Downing more than two standard drinks of and taught me that some foods
alcohol each day can kick-start weight gain make your blood sugars rise,” says
and boost your triglycerides (blood fats), Sandra. “With his help, I retrained
amping up your chances of developing type 2. my tastebuds and started eating
In addition, research shows that men and women whole grains and more vegies,
with excess belly fat are respectively five and as well as cutting out sugary
three times more likely to be handed drinks and sugar in my tea.”
a type 2 diagnosis. “It was hard at first and
I craved fast food, but within
TOP TIP Aim to have no more than two weeks, my skin was clearer and
alcoholic drinks a day. If you’re out, order I had more energy. I also started
spritzers (half wine/half mineral water) and going to the gym with Craig
alternate drinks with water. Choose red or and I went from a size 12 to
white wines instead of fortified wines a size eight in six months.”
(like port), pre-mixed spirits and Fast-forward 10 years and
liqueurs, which can all cause Sandra sticks to a healthy diet
a greater spike in BGLs. and active lifestyle to keep
herself and her two young sons
on a diabetes-free path. “I feel
so lucky that I did not become
another statistic, but so sad for
the members of my family who
may have been able to avoid
this disease,” she says. ➤

any of the following in yourself or a loved one, see your doctor

Blurred Mood Leg
weight Headaches Dizziness
vision swings cramps

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 109

Walk off work stress

Do you find yourself drowning
in deadlines, cursing the boss or
spending long hours chained to your
desk? UK researchers have discovered
that workplace stress can double your Become a
risk of developing type 2 diabetes. probiotic pro
Why? Because anxiety (and office Probiotics are live bacteria or
inactivity) can contribute to an yeasts that are good for your
expanding waistline, which in turn, digestive system and overall health.
makes you vulnerable to type 2. Probiotic-rich foods such as yoghurt,
miso, pickled vegetables (like kimchi,
TOP TIP Head outside for a few a Korean dish of spicy pickled
minutes every hour. Studies cabbage), buttermilk and
suggest that getting out and stoneground sourdough bread
about in the fresh air will give you a have all been shown to boost healthy
natural energy boost, which can help gut bacteria. The result? Reduced
you manage stress levels inflammation and increased insulin
more effectively. sensitivity, which can help reduce
your type 2 risk.

TOP TIP The next time you’re

browsing the dairy cabinet
at the supermarket, choose

a plain low-fat Greek-style yoghurt
instead of artificially sweetened
varieties. Add a burst of sweetness
by topping it with berries or
other fruit.

Ban fake tan

Love a tan in a can? Strange as it may sound,
using fake tan may contribute to your chances of
developing diabetes. Why? Swedish research has shown
that chemicals called phthalates, which are found in fake
tans and other cosmetics, encourage weight gain, which
is a leading contributor to type 2.

TOP TIP Consider switching your fake tan

for a bronzer, which gives the same effect
without the high chemical load. Phthalates
are also found in many fragrance-containing
cosmetics, so opt for natural products and
fragrance-free haircare, skincare and make-up.
beat type 2


Don’t end Dream on

up like me! Getting too little sleep can disrupt
your body clock, affecting insulin
While type 2 can be managed production, promoting weight gain
with lifestyle interventions and causing your BGLs to rise,
– and, in more advanced according to Dr John Wentworth.
cases, medication and insulin And there’s a lot of science to prove it.
– your quality of life can be The long-running Nurses’ Health
dramatically affected by it. Just Study, which tracked the health habits
ask 69-year-old retiree Russell of 60,000 women for 16 years, found
Ashley, who is the latest in that women who slept for less than
a long line of family members five hours each night had a 15 per cent
to develop diabetes. higher chance of becoming overweight
“My diet was my biggest or obese compared to those who
downfall,” says Russell of his life managed seven hours of shut-eye.
before diagnosis. “I used to serve
myself food portions that were TOP TIP Limit caffeine and screen
too big or go back for second time before bed, as these can
serves. When I learned I had type overstimulate your brain.
2, I wasn’t shocked, as my father, Snore a lot? Dr Siobhan Banks from
grandmother and two uncles the Centre for Sleep Research at the

also had it. But, I felt very, very University of South Australia says,
down about it.” “Have an overnight sleep study to

Russell’s diagnosis prompted rule out sleep apnoea, which causes
him to switch to a low-GI diet micropauses in breathing
and sign up for exercise classes and is associated with a greater risk
several times a week, however, of heart attack, stroke and type 2.”
he believes he could have
prevented his type 2 if he’d
ditched his unhealthy habits
“I urge anyone who is
overweight or inactive to get Seek help if you’re feeling down
healthy and see their doctor to An estimated 45 per cent of Australians will experience depression or
check for signs of diabetes,” says anxiety at some point during their lifetime. Research from Harvard
Russell. “Once you have type 2, University shows that depression can increase your chances of
it takes a lot of attention and developing type 2, most likely because both mental disorders and the
planning to manage it. I now medication used to manage them affect hormones and energy levels.
have a higher risk of everything
from eye and kidney TOP TIP Talk to a friend or counsellor, or make an appointment with
problems, to heart attack your GP if your mood is affecting your ability to function and
and stroke,” he says. enjoy life. And aim to get 30 minutes of exercise each day,
“I really wish I had whether that’s hitting the gym, gardening or walking. In addition to
changed my lifestyle years helping to keep your weight under control, it’s a powerful
ago to help reduce my risk.” mood booster. ■

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 111

blood glucose levels

While it’s normal for blood glucose levels to rise after eating, if they
rise well above your target range regularly, this can increase the risk of
diabetes related health problems, and can also make you feel unwell.
DL Mag dietitian and diabetes educator, Dr Kate Marsh, provides her
top tips for taming post-meal blood glucose spikes.

Go low GI
Glycaemic Index (or GI for short)
is a measure of how the
carbohydrates in food affect our
blood glucose levels. Foods with
a low GI break down slowly,
gradually releasing glucose into
the bloodstream. Examples include Lift weights
traditional or steel-cut rolled oats, Incorporating a short moderate-
barley, freekeh, quinoa, cracked intensity resistance training
wheat, dense wholegrain breads, workout 2-3 times per week has
legumes (lentils, chickpeas and
also been shown to help with
dried or canned beans), sweetcorn,
post-meal blood glucose levels.
and many fruits including apples,
Resistance training doesn’t mean
pears, citrus fruit, peaches and
lifting heavy weights in the gym,
nectarines. Make these your main
unless this is something you
carb choices.
enjoy, but can be done at home
Focus on fibre using your body weight,
Choosing high-fibre foods, and resistance bands and/or weights.
particularly eating these at the An exercise physiologist can help
beginning of your meal, can help to to design you a personalised
slow down the digestion of program you can safely do
carbohydrates and reduce the at home.
rise in post-meal glucose
levels. Good sources of fibre
in the diet include legumes,
minimally processed whole
grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts
and seeds.

Dress it up
Adding vinegar has been found to
reduce the rise in blood glucose
levels after a meal in people with
diabetes. It’s thought that the
acidity slows down stomach
emptying and therefore the
absorption of glucose from food.
One study found this effect was
only significant after a higher GI
meal, but not a low GI meal. So if
you enjoy a slice of fresh white
bread or other high GI foods, team
them with a salad dressed with
vinaigrette dressing .

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 113

Try tai chi
Some studies have shown that
doing tai chi can help to improve
blood glucose levels in people with
type 2 diabetes, including post-
meal blood glucose levels. It has
also been shown to help with
weight management and improve
quality of life in people with
diabetes and is a good form of
exercise for those who can’t do
higher intensity activity. Consider
joining a local tai chi class or an
online program. For example, this
program designed specifically for
people with diabetes is supported
by Diabetes Australia www.

Break it up
There is now a significant amount
of evidence to show that prolonged
periods of sitting can prevent
insulin from working as well, and
increase type 2 diabetes risk.
Research has also shown that
taking regular breaks from sitting
can help with managing blood

Save your carbs until last

Eating the vegetables, protein and fat in your meals before the carbs can
lower the blood glucose response to a meal. For example, a small study
of 11 individuals with type 2 diabetes found that eating the protein and
non-starchy vegetables (chicken breast, steamed broccoli and a garden

salad) in a meal first, followed 15 minutes later by the carbohydrate (white

bread and orange juice) resulted in a smaller rise in blood glucose levels
compared to eating the carbohydrate portion of the meal first. Another
study of 17 individuals with type 2 diabetes found that four weeks of
consuming carbohydrate foods at lunch and dinner meals only after eating
the fat and protein component of the meal resulted in lower post-meal
glucose spikes, particularly after lunch.

glucose levels, including glucose

levels after meals. For example, one Walk it off
study took 24 people with type 2 Regular exercise helps our insulin
diabetes, who were usually inactive, to work more effectively and
and gave them a standard meal on generally lowers blood glucose
three different occasions – during levels. However, the type, intensity
uninterrupted sitting for 8 hours, and timing of exercise can all
or during sitting for 8 hours with affect how your blood glucose
either 3-minute bouts of light levels respond to activity. One
walking, or 3-minute bouts of review of the research concluded
simple resistance activities every
that the most effective way to
30 minutes. Compared to those
reduce post-meal blood glucose
who didn’t move, both exercise
levels through exercise is with
groups had significantly lower
low-to-moderate intensity
blood glucose and insulin levels
exercise for 30-60 minutes, which
after eating. Another small
study found that breaking starts around 30 minutes after the
up prolonged sitting with meal. This can be particularly
5-minute bouts of standing or low beneficial after the largest meal of
intensity walking every the day. So, rather than sitting
30 minutes led to a smaller rise in down after a meal, either head out
post-meal blood glucose levels for a walk or do your active chores
compared to long-term sitting. such as housework, gardening
So, if your job has you sitting at or shopping.
a desk all day, try standing up every
30 minutes and doing a quick walk
around your home or office or
doing a few resistance exercises at blood glucose levels. However,
your desk. If you have access to an content of your research in recent years in
adjustable standing desk at work, meal or snack (for people with type 1 diabetes has
take advantage of this, and if you example whether a meal is high or shown that the fat and protein
work from home, consider low GI, and the protein and fat content of food also affects blood
investing in one and using this content of your food can all affect glucose levels and may need to be
intermittently throughout the day. how quickly or slowly the glucose considered when deciding on
from food is absorbed into your insulin doses and timing. Fat and
Time it right bloodstream), your blood glucose protein delay glucose absorption
If you take rapid-acting insulin with level before the meal, and whether and can cause a rise in blood
a meal, matching the timing of your your blood glucose level is rising or glucose levels many hours after the
insulin with food can help to avoid falling when you give your insulin. meal. If you manage your diabetes
post-meal spikes. Depending on Your diabetes health professionals with an insulin pump, giving
which rapid-acting insulin you are can help you work out the best a higher dose of insulin using an
taking, waiting between 5 to 15 timing for you. extended bolus, where insulin is
minutes, or sometimes longer, released over a longer time period,
between injecting and eating, can Consider more than may help to manage meals with
help to make sure the insulin is just carbs a high fat and or protein content. If
working at the time that your food If you are taking rapid-acting you find that carb counting alone is
raises your blood glucose level. insulin with meals, you have not always working to manage your
However, there are many factors to probably learnt how to carb count post-meal glucose levels, your
consider when looking at insulin and match your insulin and diabetes health professionals can
timing, including the specific carbohydrate intake. This is help you understand more about
insulin you are taking and how because carbohydrate foods have how to adjust your insulin,
quickly it works in your body, the the most significant impact on considering fat and protein. ■

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 115

Very low calorie diet – or VLCD – shakes are meal replacements designed for rapid
weight loss. But are they suitable if you’re living with diabetes? And how effective
are they, anyway? Here’s some need-to-know information.

VLCD meal replacements may UK study, 46 per cent of people following the diet seem to
be more effective for people who consumed a VLCD for at least experience an improvement in
living with type 2 diabetes, three months and lost an average T-cell function, which helps to
than other weight-loss diets. of 10kg, went into remission from protect the body from infection.
Examining evidence about which type 2 diabetes. And more than

diets help people with type 2 two thirds of the people following VLCD shakes are a special
diabetes lose weight if they need or a VLCD were able to stop taking class of meal replacements.
want to, researchers found that their diabetes and high blood In other words, they’re not
VLCDs allowed people to lose more pressure medications. comparable to protein shakes or
weight than other types of diets, even other meal-replacement

including low-carbohydrate and Research shows rapid weight shakes. For example, as well as
low-GI diets. loss is just as ‘good’ as delivering an amount of energy

gradual weight loss. In the designed to encourage weight loss,

Weight loss can have big study, not only were people who Isowhey’s VLCD shakes are
benefits. For people living lost weight quickly using a VLCD nutritionally balanced with
with diabetes who are more likely to achieve their 24 vitamins and minerals, which
carrying extra weight, losing some weight-loss goal than people means you can use them to replace
of it can help reduce the risk of following a gradual weight-loss all three daily meals if you want to.
diabetes-related complications, program, the speed of weight loss

including heart disease and stroke. didn’t affect the amount of weight Let your doctor know if you’d
It can also help some people with regain years later. like to try a VLCD. Your blood
type 2 go into remission. glucose levels are likely to

A VLCD has other health fall as you lose weight, which

VLCDs may give people with benefits, too. Research shows means your diabetes medications
type 2 diabetes the best that a VLCD may help to – particularly if you use insulin
chance of remission. In one improve immunity. People – will need to be reduced. ■

116 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

advertising promotion

Stay in
Summertime means longer days and
making the most of the warm weather.
But with all the picnics, festivities and
indulgence, dealing with diabetes
over the holidays can be trying.
Managing diabetes can often feel like
having to constantly monitor yourself
while everyone else is being carefree.
That’s especially true in the summer
months, when there are more parties,
barbecues and other opportunities
to deviate from your usual eating
routine. Fortunately, there’s a solution
that will help you feel fuller for longer, Protein
as well as manage your blood sugar designed for
and provide other nutritional benefits.
Available in tasty chocolate
and vanilla flavours, the Diabetic
A DELICIOUS SOLUTION Formula will also keep you
Featuring a GI rating of just 18 – far feeling full by packing 17 grams
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into every serve.
market – IsoWhey Clinical Nutrition
Diabetic Formula is a delicious
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designed especially to support
the needs of people with diabetes.
Best consumed as a delicious
chocolate or vanilla shake, it’s a
convenient and safe way to help Plus it’s made right here in Australia,
manage your weight and blood so you know you’re getting the very
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you’re missing out on all the fun. a reasonable price too.
Specific micronutrients in Combine IsoWhey Clinical Nutrition
IsoWhey’s Diabetic Formula assist Diabetic Formula with a balanced diet,
with carbohydrate metabolism, while healthy lifestyle and regular exercise
a range of vitamins and minerals to make the most of this summer – Talk to your dietitian or health professional
contribute to your energy levels and staying in control and living your before use. Available at Chemist Warehouse
support normal immune function. best life without worry. and ISOWHEY.COM.AU
positivity Sharing your experiences with others who face
the daily challenges of managing diabetes can
help you feel less alone. Find out how you can
connect with your diabetes peers.

What is peer support? encourage you when diabetes gets you down)
Peer support is when people living with ■ learn from others about self-management
a chronic condition (like diabetes) give and/or (e.g., how to put medical advice into practice,
receive support from one another. Many people share helpful tips and boost your motivation
who have diabetes have never talked to anyone levels)
else with diabetes, even though they may want ■ be able to share tips about access to health
to. This can feel very isolating. professionals and community resources
(e.g., personal recommendations)
People with diabetes may access peer ■ improve your overall health and wellbeing.
support because:
■ Family and friends, despite their best efforts, What not to expect from
cannot fully understand what it is like to live peer support
with diabetes. Peer support can lead to many positive
■ Health professionals may not always have the experiences but it:
time to talk about all aspects of living with ■ does not replace the advice you get from your
diabetes. health professional (e.g., about treatments or
lifestyle). Always talk to your diabetes health
Peer support is a way for people professional before making changes to the way
with diabetes to share their: you manage your diabetes
■ knowledge and skills ■ may not be the right fit for you, as it is not
■ insights and experiences a one-size-fits-all approach. Some people
■ thoughts and concerns prefer not to talk about their feelings, or
■ feelings about living with diabetes. would prefer to do so only with their health
This can happen in the form of organised, ■ is unlikely to give you the answers to all of
face-to-face peer support groups or one-on-one your problems. Peer support can be a great
telephone support; casual conversation; or source of information and advice, but it will
through various technologies such as SMS texts not necessarily ‘solve’ all your diabetes related
and the internet (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, email concerns.
or online forums).
If you are unsure about joining a peer support
What to expect from group/community, share your thoughts and
peer support feelings with people you trust. Also consider
Connecting with other people who have talking about this with your diabetes health
diabetes can help in many ways. You may: professional. They can help you work out what
■ feel less alone (e.g., have someone to talk to or kind of support would be most helpful for you.

It’s nice to be able to contact someone who’s exactly the same as

you. They give you that little bit of encouragement. You may be
having a flat day and you just want to go, ‘Oh, I don’t want to
get up for work’, and that someone is saying, ‘No, you can do it.’
… I think it’s great.”
James, 26, person with diabetes

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 119


Peer support in your area

Ask your diabetes health professional about peer support programs they are aware of.
You may also like to contact the following organisations for information about
local peer support programs.

Diabetes NSW & ACT Diabetes Tasmania Healthy Living NT

• • •
Diabetes Queensland Diabetes Victoria
• •
Diabetes SA Diabetes WA
• •



Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Aboriginal Health Council of South

Council of New South Wales Australia
• or call 02 9212 4777. • or call 08 8273 7200.
Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance
Health Organisation Northern Territory
• or call 03 9411 9411. • or call 08 8944 6666.
Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
Council • or call 1800 132 260.
• or call 07 3328 8500. Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health
Aboriginal Health Council of Western and Community Services (ACT)
Australia • or call 02 6284 6222.
• or call 08 9227 1631.

If you have type 1 diabetes, you may also be interested in:

• For peer support, go to or call 1300 363 126 and
select option 3 for peer support.

More information
and support
NDSS Over the years I’ve met a few friends
• and search for
‘Peer support program’,
with diabetes. Every now and then
email we have a chat about how things are
or call the NDSS Helpline
1800 637 700.
going. It’s definitely helpful to have
people who can relate to it.”
Diabetes Australia Lorna, 62, person with diabetes

120 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Lose weight & boost your energy!
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Christie Gonzalez’s six-year-old daughter LO
Willow Rose was diagnosed with type 1

SE ,
diabetes four years ago. The start of
a steep learning curve for her and husband

Christian, it also inspired them to start
a foundation dedicated to helping
others living with diabetes.

used to see needles and and I would both start crying. It
faint, so when we spent was only when our oldest
a week in hospital with daughter, Esmaee, who was four
Willow, learning our new at the time, asked ‘why do you
lives when she was diagnosed, and dad cry every night at
the first thing I had to dinner?’ that we realised we
overcome was that fear. really had to pick up our game.
“The doctors saying to me ‘in “Soon after that I left my job
order for you to go home, you because I was running a business
have to inject your daughter at the time, and you can’t really
with insulin’ was so scary. My do that and look after a toddler
biggest fear, apart from the with diabetes. Willow needed
needle, was giving her too someone dedicated to caring for
much. her and her diabetes, full-time.
“To this day, I still don’t
remember putting that first Finding a silver
needle into her. I think I kind of lining
blacked out, but I also knew it
was something I had to do. I “The Willow Rose Foundation
mean, without them, she dies. for Diabetes started with
“We went home and Christian Christian. The moment Willow
and I were absolute wrecks. We was diagnosed, we could see
went through a grieving that something was missing in
process, grieving the life we terms of support and access to
thought she was going to have necessary and really helpful
and wondering what this would products for people who were
mean for her, knowing that newly diagnosed, as well as
people might treat her their carers.
differently now. “Christian came up with the
“We were also angry. Willow idea for a foundation to help fill
didn’t deserve this, and having that gap and said, ‘we have to
to inject her every time she had run with this, and I’m not
to eat was so hard. She was two stopping until we do it.’
and didn’t understand why we “I could see what he saw, but
were injecting her. The first few for me it was ‘I need to keep my
needles didn’t really impact her daughter alive. We need to get
but as time went on she started her home and we need to get
to fear them. focused’.
“So we’d dread meal times. “We finally opened the
We’d cook dinner and Christian foundation in 2020 and we

122 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

type 1

“She’s so brave, how

could you not fight
for her future?”
type 1


“I’d get up every

two hours to check
her levels. It was
like having a
newborn again, so
the CGM was a
game changer.”

started by pulling together she’d make it through to the

essential care packs, which include Looking to the morning. I’d get up every two hours
a whole range of items to help future to check her levels. It was like
manage diabetes, based on what having a newborn again, so the
we’d learnt from our experience “Willow is six now and she’s keen to CGM was a game changer.
with Willow as well as what the start giving herself her injections, “We’re determined to help
diabetes community was telling us but she’s also still a bit scared to. Willow lead a life just like any other
they needed. We made those Her diabetes is pretty well child, because she truly can do
available online, but we’d also have managed, but at this age when she’s anything and we don’t want her to
people contact us saying that their growing so much, anything can miss a thing. But at the same time
mum needed continuous glucose affect her levels. of course we’re really mindful of
monitoring, but couldn’t afford it. “Hypos during the night can be her diabetes.
So we’d send them three-months’ quite common, which makes us so “A week before she was
worth of CGMs. grateful for her CGM. She got that diagnosed, my sister-in-law’s mum
“Now that CGMs are becoming a few months after being died due to complications of type 1

more affordable and accessible, diagnosed, following a few really and the last few years of her life
we’re changing our focus and frightening moments. One were horrendous. For Willow to be
looking at how we can help carers. afternoon when things were still diagnosed with the same thing was
I’d really love to establish very new to us, I couldn’t wake her confronting. It made us take it
a babysitting service that would so I rang the hospital and they more seriously, but it also made us
allow carers of children living with confirmed we were in trouble. I want to fight harder every day,
diabetes to feel confident that they rubbed honey all over her gums and because we don’t want that for her.
have someone to leave their child thankfully, it worked. And when she’s so brave, how could
with, when they need to. We’re very “After that, whenever she fell you not fight for her future?” ■
lucky to have my mum and dad asleep, I’d have to finger-prick her.
who know how to look after Willow, My heart would stop because I
but other than that, there’s not didn’t know if she’d passed out To learn more about the Willow
many people I’m happy to leave again. And I couldn’t help Rose Foundation for Diabetes visit
her with.” wondering every night whether

124 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

Grab a cuppa and a comfy chair – it’s time to put your brainpower to the test.

Each number in the grid represents a different letter of the alphabet and
it’s your task to decode them all. We have given you three letters to start you
on your way, so you can see that C=2, T=14, and H=22. You can record each
letter as you work it out in the letter checker at the bottom of the grid.
















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 125

Sharpen your pencil and show what you know.
For solutions, see page 127.
ACROSS 37 Species of eucalypt (8) 9 Himalayan guide (6)
11 One who deliberately causes 39 Embers or soot (5) 10 Dracula’s homeland (12)
strife for others (12) 41 Flowering plant mainly native to 17 Self-employed (9)
12 --- lights, aurora borealis (8) the tropical Americas (9) 19 Shore (5)
13 Endeavour (6) 42 Rot (5) 21 Alice in Wonderland tea party
14 Animal that can breathe in water 45 To --- a Mockingbird, novel (4) host (3,6)
or on land (9) 46 Bankrupt (9) 22 Bright orange coloured fruit (9)
15 Echelon (4) 48 Restore to life (6) 25 Able to be parted (9)
16 Very short time (5) 50 Eventual (8) 27 Unreachable (12)
18 Cliff (9) 51 Old English song (12) 29 Roaming in search of
20 --- West, US rapper (5) pleasure (12)
23 Askance (8) DOWN 33 Study of earthquakes (10)
24 Uneasy (12) 1 Illicit public scrawl (8) 34 Boiled bread roll (5)
26 Clothes line (5,5) 2 Japanese wrestler (4) 36 Taken into custody (8)
28 Exhales wistfully (5) 3 Awkward person (5) 38 --- mirror, car part (4-4)
30 Small horse (4) 4 Disconcerting (12) 40 Cream-filled French pastry (6)
31 Mend socks (4) 5 Jump playfully (4) 43 Stringed Indian instrument (5)
32 Roman garments (5) 6 Conduits for removing waste 44 Amusingly odd (5)
34 Ghostbusters and Groundhog water, etc (10) 47 Corporate bigwig (abbrev) (4)
Day actor (4,6) 7 Surround (8) 49 Range of vision (4)
35 Increasing speed (12) 8 Consumed liquid (5)

Place the numbers 1-9 in
each horizontal and
  vertical line, noting each
number can only appear
   once in each of the nine 3 x
3 squares.

126 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

diabetic living NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 127
Code Cracker Sudoku Crossword
H E C T I C R A D I A T E C U R I N G Across: 11 Troublemaker, 12 Northern, 13 Effort,
B U O E I S N O A E 14 Amphibian, 15 Rank, 16 Jiffy, 18 Precipice,
J O W L N A S A L P A G A N B A C K          20 Kanye, 23 Sideways, 24 Apprehensive, 26 Hills
M Y O P I A M A G I C A L E V I N C E          Hoist, 28 Sighs, 30 Pony, 31 Darn, 32 Togas, 34 Bill
D V I E E F O X L Murray, 35 Accelerating, 37 Ironbark, 39 Ashes,
41 Bromeliad, 42 Decay, 45 Kill, 46 Insolvent,
Q U C Q U T         
48 Revive, 50 Ultimate, 51 Greensleeves.
I D I G I Y E W A          Down: 1 Graffiti, 2 Sumo, 3 Klutz, 4 Embarrassing,
S P I C E D I M P E T U S I S O B A R 5 Skip, 6 Drainpipes, 7 Encircle, 8 Drank, 9 Sherpa,
10 Transylvania, 17 Freelance, 19 Coast, 21 Mad
Z E R O I D E A L B L E N D Z I N G         
Hatter, 22 Persimmon, 25 Separable, 27 Inaccessible,
S T R O N G Y A N K E E S E L D E S T          29 Gallivanting, 33 Seismology, 34 Bagel, 36 Arrested,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13          38 Rear-view, 40 Eclair, 43 Sitar, 44 Droll, 47 Exec,
V C N I E U Z X J Y P M S 49 View.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
T F Q O W L D R H G K B A Turn upside down for puzzle solutions

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Offer ends December 14th, 2022'/š%
one last thing

Cook’s Tip
Brown rice v
inegar is
available in
food stores

This quick and tasty protein booster is an ideal addition
to your midweek dinner rotation.
HEALTHY CHICKEN sugar crunchy peanut butter 4 Combine the peanut butter, soy
STIR-FRY 1 tbsp salt-reduced soy sauce or sauce and vinegar in a small bowl.


PREP 10 MINS COOK 20 MINS gluten-free soy sauce Stir the sauce into the wok. Toss to
SERVES 2 AS A MAIN 1 tbsp brown rice vinegar or rice combine. Serve with the rice.
wine vinegar (see Cook’s tip)
70g (/ cup) brown basmati rice Nutritional info
2 tsp olive oil 1 Cook the rice in a small saucepan PER SERVE 1940kJ (464Cal),
2cm piece ginger, peeled and cut of boiling water following pack protein 35g, total fat 15g (sat. fat
into thin matchsticks instructions. Drain. 3g), carbs 40g, fibre 13g, sodium
2 small red onions, cut into 517mg • Carb exchanges 2½ • GI
2 Meanwhile, heat the oil in a
wedges estimate low • Gluten-free option
non-stick wok over high heat. Add

160g broccoli, broken into florets,

the ginger and onions and stir-fry
stem finely chopped LOWERCARB OPTION: Replace
for 2 minutes. Add the broccoli
2 carrots, halved lengthways, the rice with 250g (2 cups) frozen or
stem, carrots and chilli, if using.
diagonally sliced fresh broccoli & cauliflower rice,
Stir-fry for 1 minute.
1 red chilli, deseeded, finely prepared according to package
chopped (optional) 3 Add the chicken and cumin to the directions.
200g skinless chicken breast, wok and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes. PER SERVE 1550kJ (370Cal),
trimmed of fat, cut into thin Add the broccoli florets and water. protein 35g, total fat 14g (sat. fat
strips Cover and leave to steam for 3-4 3g), carbs 18g, fibre 15g, sodium
½ tsp ground cumin minutes or until the broccoli is just 538mg • Carb exchanges 1 • GI
3 tbsp water tender and the chicken is cooked estimate low • Gluten-free option
1 tbsp no-added-salt and through. • Lower carb

130 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 diabetic living

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