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Correction with Single Vision

Spectacle Lenses

Lecture for Residents

Amy C. Nau OD
Lens Shape and Power
A lens corrects a refractive error if the secondary focal point
coincides with the far point (punctum remotum) of the eye with
accommodation relaxed.


Far point


Far point
Lens Shape
 In most cases, a meniscus lens is used
 Both lenses concave towards the eye
 Best off axis optical quality
 Room for eyelashes

Meniscus Convex Meniscus Concave

Trial lenses, phoroptors etc use other types where field of view is irrelevant
Lens Power
 Back Vertex Power Fv=(F1/(1-(t/n2)F1))+F2
 Spectacles and contact lenses

 Equivalent (true) power Feq=F1+F2-((t/n2)F1F2 )

 Low vision aids b/c relates to mag

 Approximate Power Fapprox= F1+F2

 Ignores lens thickness “thin lens power”

 Front Vertex Power Fa=F2 /(1-(t/n2)F2))+F1

 Obtained by hand neutralization

 Effective Power Fe=F/(1-dF)

 Used for vertex distance
Hand Neutralization of lenses
 Plus lenses induce against motion
 Minus lenses induce with motion
 Can neutralize astimgatic lenses (each
meridian separately)
Problem type
 50 yo wm has OTC readers that work well.
You have no lensometer.
 What type of lens can you use to neutralize his
 Which type of motion will the readers induce?
 What will happen to the motion when the
glasses are neutralized?
Identification of Lenses by Hand
 Study the image formed by the lens!
 Spherical lenses do not induce distortion
 Plus lenses give against motion
 Minus lenses give with motion
 Astigmatic lenses cause distortion
 Prism displaces cross marks towards the apex
Identification of lenses
 The image formed by a lens will stop moving
once the power is neutralized
 So a +3.00 DS lens will cause against motion
but when combined with a -3.00 lens, there
will be no motion.
 For torics, each meridian neutralized
Effective Power
 The back vertex power varies with the
position of the lens in front of the eye
 Important for high power lenses (>4D)
 Contact lens conversions
 Lasik/refractive procedures!!!!!
 + lens more + as it is moved away from eye
 - lens less – as it is moved away from eye
 Affects accommodation
 Myopes lower accom demand….
 Hyperopes more accom demand….
Effective Power- vertex distance

+8.00 lens has f2 of

12.5cm with 16mm vertex
The focal length needed at
12mm is 12.5 - .4, or
The power is then 1/.121
Or +8.26D
Gen Formula
The focal length
must be 4mm shorter Fe=F/(1-dF)
so lens has to be
STRONGER. d=change in vertex (m)
+ to eye, - ex eye
Problem type- vertex
 45 yo WF w/ Rx of -12.00  A) Fe=12/1-(0.015)(12)
wants to know why she sees  Fe=12/0.82
better at near with her  Fe=14.63D
glasses compared to her
contact lenses.
 B) Fe=-12/1-(0.015)(-12)
 If you are to fit her with
contacts for optimal distance  Fe=12/1.18
vision, what would you  Fe=-10.16
prescribe for contact lens
power? (-10.16)
 What if she is a +12D
hyperope? (+14.63)

Fe=F/(1-dF) d=.015
Lens Transposition
 Relates to base curve of the I want a +4.00 DS lens
 Any lens power is the
algebraic sum of the two pl +4.00
surfaces (approx power)
 Base curve defined as
std curvature ground on
to the lens +1.00 +3.00
 Lens aberrations (oblique
astig/curvature of image)
minimized with correct
selection of base curve
-10.00 +6.00
Lens Transposition- sphere
 You need to make a -
3.00 lens.
 The front base curve is
a +12.00. What is the
back surface curve
going to be?
Toric Transposition
 Nearly all lenses are now made with minus
cylinder, a meniscus design where front
surface is sphere and the back is toric
 -1.00 = -100x 180
 This has been shown to have superior optics
 Plus cyl designs have the toric surface on the
front and are now obsolete
 Plano = +1.00 X 090
Toric transposition
 Made with one sph surface and one toric surface.
 The principal meridian of weakest power of the toric surface is

+4.00 = -1.00 x 180

+4 -1 +3

pl +4

If the front curve is +10 D sphere

+10 -7
Ex from chapter
Toric Transposition
Example: Transpose +3.00 DS/+1.00x090 Base curve -6D

1) Put into Rx form +3.00= +1.00 x 090 note that the cyl is not the same
Sign as the bc, so must transpose to – cyl form. +3
+4 -1
2) +4.00 = -1.00 x 180
Think about this in optical crosses: + =
+4 pl +4

3) Calculate power of sphere surface: sph-BC 4-(-6) = +10

+10 -6 +4
+ = +4
+10 -6

4) Now combine the base curve plus the cyl

+10 -6 -1 +10 -7
+ + =
+10 -6 pl +10 -6
Toric Transposition- problem
 Transpose the following
 +5.00 DS/+3.00 X 180
with back surface BC -
Format for Writing Prescriptions
 +2.00 DS means no cyl  Toric lenses must
specify both the sphere
and cyl component
+2.00 = +1.00 x 180

120 60

150 30

0 180
Against the rule (-) cyl convention
With the rule (-) cyl convention
Oblique is in between
Geometry of Lens Design
Off axis ray must pass
Thru CR to be focused




Why is Base Curve Important?
 Determines the shape of the lens
 Determines off axis image quality
 Power, index, thickness, vertex distance
cannot really be varied to a significant degree
 This is actually a huge research field…. Lens
companies pay big money to have the
clearest lenses, etc. Especially progressives.
The Lens Clock
 This device is useful for
determining base curve
 Can tell you if lens is
front or back surface
 Can tell you if there is
warpage of lens
 Good for patients in
whom you suspect BC
may be an issue- match
the old glasses.
Lens Materials
 Glass
 Heavy
 Ophthalmic crown glass n=1.523
 Scratch resistant
 Plastic (CR-39)
 Decreased weight (1/2 that of glass)
 ease of tinting
 Impact resistant but scratches
 Lower index
 POLYCARB- shatter resist/UV protect
What is Index of Refraction?
 Amount of light bent per unit thickness
 “High index”
 Glass n = addition of titanium oxides.
Increase n, but also increases chromatic
dispersion (abbe #) & density (weight)

Too thin and will not pass the drop ball test
withstand impact of 5/8inch steel ball weighing
16g dropped from height of 50 inches.
High Power Spectacles
 Aphakic (>+10D)
 Aspheric design plus flattest BC possible
 Poor cosmesis
 Thick
 Eyes look huge
 Heavy
 Lots of Prism
 Magnification issues 25-30%
Aphakic spectacles

 Magnification 20-30% can cause false orientation/depth

 Pincushion distortion and contracture of the visual field due to
higher mag in lens periphery
 Higher order aberrations from radial astigmatism, curvature of
image plane, spherical aberration, coma, and chromatic
 restricted peripheral visual field due to small lens size, the
roving ring scotoma, and the unrefracted area outside the field
of view of aphakic spectacle lenses;
 near vision problems
 weight, thickness, and cosmetic appearance
 inaccurate spectacle prescription due to faulty measurement of
vertex distance, inaccurate lens duplication, pantoscopic tilt

Dabezies OH Jr. Defects of vision through aphakic spectacles Ophthalmology 1979 Mar 86(3) 52-79
Pediatric Considerations
 Lens implantation (PCIOL) is the tx of choice
 Best VA results
 Best binocular results
 (protective against aphakic glaucoma)

 Can be risky and may be contraindicated in patients

less than 12m.
 Uncertain rate of refractive growth and
 Power calculations require sedation
Pediatric Considerations
 If IOL not an option, an aphakic contact lens
should be used
 30% dropout due to
 Parent/patient non-compliance
 Infection
 Intolerance
 Systemic abnormalities preclude successful I&R
Pediatric Considerations
 If contact lens not an option, last resort is
aphakic spectacles
 Better than nothing, but not great due to all the
optical issues
 Amblyogenic potential
 Poor/no binocular stimulation
High Minus Spectacles
 High Minus (>-10D)
 Edge thickness
 Small, round frames
 Myopic rings
 Minification
 Barrell distortion
 prism issues
Anti-Reflective Coating
 Thin layer of MgF
 ¼ wavelength optical thickness
 Destructive interference between front and
back surface reflections- for only one
wavelength unless multilayered
 This is why it is colored
 Decreases reflectance (to 0.5%) and
increases transmittance (to 99%)
AR Coating
 plasma enhanced chemical vapor depositing
(PECVD) a polymer on the substrate
 The PECVD processes provide an AR
polymer generated by introducing monomer
vapors into a plasma state followed by
polymerization, with assistance of plasma
energy, onto the surface of a substrate.
 Chemical Vapor Deposition is also used
Anti-Reflective Coatings

Effects of Radiation on the Eye
Electromagnetic Spectrum
UV Light and the eye

 UVR must be absorbed to cause damage

 Photochemical Damage
 UVB(315-290nm) and UVC (290-200nm)
 Cell nucleus can be damaged by single
 Thermal Damage
 UVA (380-315nm)
UVR and the Eye Absorbed by the cornea

Ozone layer blocks


Cornea 200-320
Conj 270-310
Uvea 295-310
Lens 295-320 uva uvB
Retina 310-380
 Between 10am-2pm over 50% of UVR
reaches the earth
 Green grass reflects 3.5% of UVR
 Sand reflects 35%
 Snow reflects 85-95%
 Skiiers have increase of 15% increase exposure
per each km of altitude above sea level
Ocular Effects of UVR
 UVC exposure up to 290nm damages K epi
 290-135nm K stroma and endo damaged and
metabolic changes occur
 Acute UVB induced cataracts in rabbits,

UVB can induce cats in humans via photo-

oxidation of lens crytallins and membrane
lipids, damage to to lens epith DNA
(Collman 1988)
Ocular effects of UVR
 Corneal damage
 Pterygium
 Pinguecula
 Climactic droplet keratopathy
 Cataract
 Retinal lesions

(Taylor 1989)
Retinal effects of UVR
 Immediate large losses in absolute retinal threshold
from 350nm that did not return to normal for 6mo.
(Henton and Sykes 1983)

 Compared to the cornea, the phakic retina is 2.5x

more sensitive to UVR (350nm) and the aphakic
retina is 14X more sensitive to UVR

 Ocular damage is mostly from UVB, which is affected

by loss of ozone

 Role of UV in ARMD?
UVR protection
 Crown glass not UVR protector
 Reduced to 0.2% with UV absorbing plastic
 Protection increases with lens area
 13cm2 lens = 65% protection
 20 cm2 lens= 96% protection
 Ocular exposure increases with vertex
Prescription of Absorptive Lenses
 Transmittance- ratio of amount of radiant
energy transmitted through the lens to the
amount incident on the front surface. It is
expressed as a percentage.
 Luminous transmittance- describes the visual
characteristics of tinted lens
 Optical density- another descriptor, usually
for occupational tint (welders)
 OD=-log10T

Transmittance Curve
 A = 2 - log10 %T - allows you to easily
calculate absorbance from percentage
transmittance data.
 So, if all the light passes through a solution
(or lens) without any absorption, then
absorbance is zero, and percent
transmittance is 100%. If all the light is
absorbed, then percent transmittance is zero,
and absorption is infinite.
Sunglasses- eliminating the radiation
not needed for vision

 Absorptive lenses subtract wavelengths

 Reduce the intensity (brightness) of light
 The portions of the sunlight transmitted determine
the hue/color
Factors to Consider
 Intended use
 Glare reduction
 Ocular health
 Pts pigmentaton
 Exposure to
 Environmental
 Lifestyle
 Cosmesis
Characteristics of Ideal Sunlens
 Controlling solar ambient luminance
 Provide comfortable vision in sunlight
 Sun intensity range 1,400 cd/m2 is
comfortable (under shady tree) but can be as
high as 70,000cd/m2 on a clear day!
 Mature pt requires more transmittance b/c
pupils are constricted
 Solar irradiance varies with pupil size 20W/m2
to 140W/m2 as pupil goes from 3-8mm
Tints- glass
 Glass tinted by adding metallic salts (16th C)
and WWII gives grey lens w/o color distortion.

>+/- 3D
Tints- plastic
 Plastics are tinted via immersion in a hot dye
 Color is uniform
 Can be bleached and re-tinted
 All plastic lenses contain a UV inhibitor that
protects against wavelengths below 330nm
 Some tints offer additional UV protection
Photochromic lenses
 Change optical density and hue in response
to ambient UV
 Developed during Cold War to protect in
nuclear holocaust.
 Glass made with silver halide crystal
impregnation, which dissociates on exposure
to UV or cold
 Plastics are OK, but prone to scratching
 Don’t turn dark inside the car




A light wave which is vibrating in more than

one plane is referred to as unpolarized light.

picture unpolarized light as a wave which

has an average of half its vibrations in a horizontal
plane and half of its vibrations in a vertical plane
in polarization, wavelike behavior
Unpolarized light is restricted to a single plane by a

Polarized light
 The most common method of polarization
involves the use of a Polaroid filter. Polaroid
filters have a chemical composition which can
block one of the two planes of vibration of an
electromagnetic wave.
 Polarized light wave emerges with one-half the
intensity and with vibrations in a single plane
 The general rule is that the electromagnetic
vibrations which are in a direction parallel to
the alignment of the molecules are absorbed.
Polarizing Lenses

Any vibrations which are perpendicular to the polarization axis are blocked by the filter.
Thus, a Polaroid filter with its long-chain molecules aligned horizontally will have a
polarization axis aligned vertically.
 When light travels through a linear polarizing material, a
selected vibration plane is passed by the polarizer, while electric
field vectors vibrating in all other orientations are blocked.

So the filter selects one component from all of the different planes of
light and lets that one component get through!
Polarization by reflection
 Unpolarized light can become polarized by
reflection off of a non-metallic surface and
can cause glare
 Depends on the angle of incidence
 Depends on the material
 Asphalt, snow, water
Polarization cont’d
 Unpolarized light ,when reflected, seems
white and can obscure vision
 Put a polarizing filter perpendicular to the
reflected light and it will absorb light
 Restores the balance of light intensities and
restores fidelity to surface color.
 Fishing, skiing, driving (anytime you get a lot
of reflections)
Polarization by refraction
Polarization from scatter
 As light bounces off of atoms in the
atmosphere, it is scattered and becomes
partially polarized
 Produces glare in the sky and washes out
 This is why cameras have polarizing filters,
as you rotate it, glare can be reduced.

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