This document lists short term research studies applied for by undergraduate medical students to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). It includes the student name, topic, guide name, and year for 28 studies conducted in 2017-2018. The studies covered a wide range of medical topics including infectious diseases, lifestyle factors, nutritional status, and more. The guides were medical faculty from specialties like paediatrics, physiology, community medicine, and others.
This document lists short term research studies applied for by undergraduate medical students to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). It includes the student name, topic, guide name, and year for 28 studies conducted in 2017-2018. The studies covered a wide range of medical topics including infectious diseases, lifestyle factors, nutritional status, and more. The guides were medical faculty from specialties like paediatrics, physiology, community medicine, and others.
This document lists short term research studies applied for by undergraduate medical students to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). It includes the student name, topic, guide name, and year for 28 studies conducted in 2017-2018. The studies covered a wide range of medical topics including infectious diseases, lifestyle factors, nutritional status, and more. The guides were medical faculty from specialties like paediatrics, physiology, community medicine, and others.
This document lists short term research studies applied for by undergraduate medical students to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). It includes the student name, topic, guide name, and year for 28 studies conducted in 2017-2018. The studies covered a wide range of medical topics including infectious diseases, lifestyle factors, nutritional status, and more. The guides were medical faculty from specialties like paediatrics, physiology, community medicine, and others.
Short Term Studies applied for ICMR by undergraduates Medical Students
Sl. No. Student Name Topic Guide Name
2018 1. Aishwarya NP Prevalence Risk Factors and Dr.Sahana KS III MBBS Outcomes of Fungal Associate Professor Septicemia in Neonates Paediatrics admitted to the Neonatal Intensive care unit of a tertiary care Hospital in South India A Retrospective study 2. Manasvi Tyagi II MBBS Influence of Lifestyle Stress Dr. Grrishma B ORS, Mentrual Obstetric Assistant Professor Pattern and Cardi Metabolic Physiology Risk Factors on young Female Patients with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 3. Varsha Rao UB Influence of Socio Dr.B.Kalpana II MBBS Demographic Life style, Assistant Professor Menstrual and Cardio Physiology Metabolic Risk Factors on Anemic Female Patients of Reproductive Age Group 4. Bindulatha M Is Bedtime Usage of Hand Dr.Varun N III MBBS held devices causing daytime Assistant Professor somnolence and affecting Community Medicine sleep quality in Healthcare undergraduates? 5. Javeria Ruksar Assessment of Nutritional Dr.Poonam R Naik III MBBS Status and Cognitive function Professor among the Elderly population Community Medicine in a Rural Area of Dakshina Kannada District Karnataka 6. Viraaj Suvarna Prevalance of Dr.Vinitha Ramanath II MBBS Microalbuminuria and its Pai association with some Professor Anthropological and Lifestyle Biochemistry factors in college going adult males 7. Rakshitha Raghavendra Pathways of care among Dr.Akshaya K.M II MBBS presumptive Pulmonary Associate Professor Tuberculosis patients: a cross Community Medicine sectional study from a Tertiary care Teaching Hospital of coastal Karnataka 8. Nandakishore Bommeri A study on Barriers of Dr.Imaad Mohammed II MBBS Communication in Ismail undergraduate Medical Associate Professor Education from students Community Medicine perspective 9. Shrika Rai Economic Burden of Dr.Uma Kulkarni II MBBS Managemnet of Diabetic Professor Retinopathy on the Diabetic Ophthalmology Patients attending a Medical College Hospital in South Karnataka :A Questionnaire based exploration 10. Nishat Shaikh A cross sectional study to Dr.Madhavi Bhargava II MBBS assess the Dietary protein Assistant Professor Energy intake in the elrely Community Medicine population of Mangalore and its Association with Sarcopenia 11. Nihala Bijali Latheef Awareness regarding organ Dr.Navya N Palakkal donation among Rural Assistant Professor II MBBS population of coastal Community Medicine Karnataka 12. Megha J Osteoporosis risk prediction Dr.prachetha R III MBBS among women ages more than Assistant Professor 40 years a cross sectional Community Medicine study in Mangalore 13. Anusha Satheesh Awarness and acceptability of Dr.Abhay Nirgude II MBBS breast and cervical cancer Professor & HOD screening among women Community Medicine residing in a rural area of costal Karnataka a cross sectional study 14. Arun Kumar Cross sectional study on Dr.Malcom Pinto II MBBS Prevalence of common skin Assistant Professor Diseases among school Dermatology children in Local schools of Dakshina Kannada District Karnataka 15. Shafah Shamsudheen Affect of caffeinated Drinks on Dr.Shyamjith M III MBBS Memory among Medical Associate Professor students Pharmacology 16. Sharana TS Sociodemographic risk factors Dr.Shobith Bangera II MBBS for formation of Foot Ulcer in Assistant Professor Type II Diabetics A case Physiology control Study 17. Sai Bhargav T Pigmentation of Proximal nail Dr.Shivaram Bhat II MBBS fold in health and disease Professor Anatomy 18. Shiekh Arshad Ali Analysis of total leukocyte and Dr.Anuradha Ck Rao II MBBS differential counts C Reactive Professor protein ultrasonogram as Pathology defferiating predictors in Histopathologicallyproven acute and chronic appendicitis 19. Annapoorna Vinod In vitro evaluation of Dr.Rouchelle Tellis II MBBS Nitrofurantoin sensitivity Associate Professor among multidrug resistance Microbiology Bacteria causing acquired urinary tract infection an economic Therapeutic option 20. Karishma Pundalik Wound Healing Activity of Dr.Roopa P Nayak Rathod Paracetamol Hydrogel Prof & HOD III MBBS Preparation in Wistar Albino Pharmacology Rats 21. Rasheeda A study on incidence of a rare Dr.Gautham Kamble III MBBS Anatomical variant pulmonary Assistant Professor Azygous lobe in Dakshina Anatomy Kannada Population 22. Ashir luqman Corelation of Splenomegaly Dr.Shashidhar III MBBS and platelet counts in various Assistant Professor Hematological Dirsordes Pathology 23. Sameeksha Hegde Explanatory models of Dr.Ravichandra Karkal III MBBS Depression in a Rural Assistant Professsor Community of coastal Psychiatry Karnataka 24. Farha Mohammed To evaluate Anemia and Dr.Nisha TG II MBBS Hematological Parameters in Assistant Professor Patients with AuB Pathology 25. Darshan HS Glycemic Control with little Dr.Prabhakar Adake III MBBS millet panicum sumatrents) in III MBBS Diabetes Mellitus : A preclinical study 26. Varun Lokesh Knowledge and awareness of Dr.Prema Saldanha II MBBS risk of smoking related Professor malignancies among Medical Pathology students 27. Javeria Ruksar Assessment of Nutritional Dr.Poonam R Naik status and lognitive function Professor among the elderely population Community Medicine in a rural area of DK District Karnataka 2017 28. Afshaan Fathima K Salt Reduction and low sodium Dr.Madhavi Bhargava salt substitutes awareness Assistant Professor among Health provider in Community Medicine Mangalore 29. Megha J A cross sectional study on Dr.Deepu CC Health profile and Lung Assistant Professor functions of Female Beedi Respiratory Medicine Rollers in a Rural area in Mangalore 30. Mandara TP Significance of Lymphocytic Dr.Prema Saldanha Infiltrate in the Development Professor of Hypothyroidism after Pathology Thyroidectomy for benign thyroid lesions 31. Tubah Iqbal Influence of Lifestyles, Dr.Grrishma B II MBBS Stressors, Menstrual Pattern Asst.Professor and Cardiometabolic Risk Physiology Factors on young female patients with cholelithiasis 32. Abdul Rahman Usama Perceived stress rate pressure Dr.Aswini Dutt R II MBBS product and cardiome tabolic Associate Professor risk factors among young Physiology obese individuals 33. Ramya M Hysterectomy, The Dr.Archana Vikram Therapeutic misconception for Asst.Prof Benign Gynaecological disease OBG a cross sectional and moisuattional 34. Nishat Shaik Current lifestyle practices Dr.Padmini Thalanjeri II MBBS dietary pattern and burden of Asst.Professor metabolic syndrome among Physiology Medical students 35. Ashiqa Ayisha Farhana Out of pocket expenditure Dr.Poonam r Naik II MBBS among diabetic patients of a Professor rural area of Dakshina Community Medicine Kannada District 36. Aysha Nilofer Bukhari Prevalence of falls and Dr.Santhosh Yatnatti II MBBS associated risk factors among elderly people living in urban area of mangalore city 37. Anusha N Is obstructive sleep apnoea Dr.Pracheth R II MBBS prevalent among adults with Assistant Professor type – 2 diabetes mellitus and Community Medicine cross sectional study in an urban area 38. Bindulatha M Pre clinical screening of Dr.Roopa Nayak II MBBS paracetamol for its role in Prof & HOD haloperiodol induced catalepsy Pharmacology 39. Sushma HP A Preclincial study to evaluate Dr.Shyamjith M the effect of olanzepine on Associate Professor cognition Pharmacology 40. Arshana Is quality of life associated Dr.Abhay Nirgude II MBBS with self care practices among Prof & HOD individuals with type II Community Medicine Diabetes Mellitus in a urban area of Mangalore 41. Aishwarya NP Respiratory Hygiene practices Dr.Akshay KM II MBBS among the patients attending Associate Professor chest Medicine outpatient Community Medicine Department of a Medical College Hospital in coastal Karnataka 42. Anusha Satheesh A Pre Clinical study to Dr.Megha Rani II MBBS evaluate the role of coleus Assistant Professor amboinicus on alchohol Pharmacology induced anxiety in swiss albino mice 43. Sruthi Shajee Pre clinical evaluation of Dr.Prabhakar Adake II MBBS anxiolytic activity of Assistant Professor Adhatoda vasica leaf extract Pharmacology in swiss albino mice 44. Durga Ganesh Out of the pocket expenditure Dr.Rashmi S II MBBS patients admitted for cataract Assistant Professor surgery under district Ophthalmology blindness control society scheme in a private Medical College Hospital 45. Sreejith Boban The use of Topical Facial Dr.Amina Asfiya M creams among the people of Iqbal coastal Karnataka A cross Senior Resident sectional study of Knowledge Dermatology and Practices 46. Sameeksha S Hegde Antimicrobial resistance in Dr.Anurag Bhargava II MBBS India – A structural analysis of Professor antimicrobial TDCs in the Gen.Medicine Indian drug market 47. Kiran R Significance of hematological Dr.Krishna Prasad II MBBS parameters in differentiating Asst.Professor Malaria from non Malarial Pathology acute febrile illness study in tertiary care centre 48. Mohammed Husain Study of socio Demographic Dr.Shobith Bangera II MBBS factors affecting Renal and Asst.Professor cardiovascular complications Physiology in patients of Type II Diabetes Mellitus 49. Muhammed Rafeeq Anthropometry of Mastoid Mohammed Asif II MBBS triangle and opisthion Lecturer bimastrol triangle in north Anatomy Karnataka population 50. Sushmitha Pathways of care among first Dr.Ravichandra Karkal II MBBS admissions to psychiatric Assistant Professor wards in a medical college Psychiatry hospital in south India 51. Egla KI Prevalance of cognitive Dr.Prabha Adhikari III MBBS Part – I impairement and depression Prof & HOD among type II Diabetic Gen.Medicine patients visiting a tertiary care hospital 52. Shoib syed Mohammed Diagnostic role of platelet Dr.Nisha TG Shafy indices and its relation with Assistant Professor II MBBS platelet count in Pathology thrombocytopenia cases 53. Chiranth Gowda Knowledge, attitude and Dr.Mohammed II MBBS perception about blood Hafeezulle Shariff donation among students and Associate Professor Para Medical staff in private Gen.Medicine University in the Dakshina Kannada region 54. Shrika Rai Knowledge and practices of Dr.Vijayalakshmi S II MBBS surgeons,surgical Residnets, Associate Professor Nurses and other Healthcare ENT professionals towards prevention of Surgical site infections at a teaching Hospital in coastal Karnataka 55. Arjun AK Knowledge, Attitude, Dr.Aswini Shaetty III MBBS Awareness about Biomedical Assistant Professor waste management in Anatomy undergraduate Medical and Nursing Students 2016 56. Ms.Milan Hande A study on internal and Dr.Venkatesh G II MBBS External Location of the Kamath pierion and its Neurosurgical Assistant Professor implications Anatomy 57. Mr.Mohammed Nuhman Prevalence and Factors Dr.Pracheth R III MBBS Part –I associated with Asthama and Assistant Professor Chronic Obstructive Community Medicine Pulmonary Disease among Rural Elderly Population 58. Mr.Navneeth B Therapeutic role of Dr.S.N Rao II MBBS Tylophoraindica on lognitive Prof & HOD impairment associated I Pharmacology diabetes mellitus in experimental animal models 59. Mr.Mali Abhishek HR Study of Hematological and Dr.Ksheera Cariappa II MBBS Biochemical Parameters in Assistant Professor patients with chronic kidney Pathology disease 60. Ms.Shafah Shamsuddin Effect of Artesunate on Dr.Shyamjith M II MBBS alchohol withdrawal induced Associate Professor anxiety in experimental Pharmacology animals 61. Thrilok H Histomorphological Dr.Prema Saldanha II MBBS Assessment of Reactive Professor Patterns in Axillary Lymph Pathology Nodes Draining Invasive Breast Carcinoma 62. Abhilash Adithya G Evaluation of antidepressant Dr.Prabhakar Adake II MBBS activity of Dolichos Biflorum Assistant Professor methanolic seed extract in Pharmacology Albina mice 63. Sushma HP Therapeutic role of Dr.Roopa Nayak II MBBS Phyllanthusmarus on Professor pilocarpine induced status Pharmacology epilepticus in experimental animals 64. Afshaan Fathima K A Hospital Based case control Dr.Padmini T II MBBS study on risk factors of breast Assistant Professor cancer among patients of Physiology coastal Karnataka 65. Suhas KS Comparative study on Dr.Bhaskaran Nair T II MBBS Antibiotic resistance pattern of Associate Professor Staphylococcus epidermis Microbiology isolated from clinical samples and from Healthy skin of the same patient. 66. Hannath Ayesha Reema Prevalence and Antimicrobial Dr.Dominic RM III MBBS susceptibility pattern of Saldanha Prof clinical isolates of MRSA in Microbiology atertiary care Hospital in Mangalore 67. Misriyathul Rizna Antimicrobial susceptibility Amar Sunil Lobo III MBBS profile and ESBL production Lecturer in keebsiella pneumonia – A Microbiology tertiary care set up in Mangalore 68. Aysha Niloufer Bukhari HIV Regated stigma and Dr.Radha Y Aras II MBBS discrimination among Health Professor care workers from a private Community Medicine Hospital in Dakshina Kannada District Karnataka – A cross sectional study 69. Shilpa PV Water sanitation and Hygiene Dr.Madhavi Anurag II MBBS a household survey of a village Bhargava in Dakshina Kannada Asst.Prof Community Medicine 70. Tasmiya Kateeja A study of antimicrobial Dr.Neha Haswani III MBBS resistance pattern in biofilm Asst.Prof producing uropathogens in catheterized patients in a Microbiology tertiary care hospital 71. Arjun AK Perceptions and practices of Dr.Rashmi S II MBBS drug dispensers towards self Assistant Professor medication of I red eye in a coastal city of Karnataka 72. Ansaba Naseer Toxic optic beedi rollers in Dr. Soujanya K Mangaluru, Karnataka: A pilot Assistant Professor study Ophthalmology 73. Aishwarya Gowtham Evaluation of Platele t indices in Dr.Soumya BU II MBBS type II Diabetes Mellitus Asst.Prof Pathology 74. Vesta P Rai Determinants of self care Dr.Akshaya KM II MBBS practices related to hypertension Associate Professor in the rural field practice area of a Community Medicine medical college in coastal Karnataka 75. Ramya Involvement of male in birth Dr.Siddharudha Shivalli preparedness and complications Assistant Professor readiness a cross sectional study Community Medicine among urban slum dweller in mangalore 2015 76. Shifali Shetty Physical Activity Index and Dr. Aswini Dutt R Indian Diabetes Risk Score as Assoc. Professor Tools to Assess the Development Physiology of Diabetes among Rural and Urban Women across sectional comparative study 77. Anaswarasree Sociodemographic Lifestyle and Dr.Grrishma B Cardio metabolic risk factors for Asst.Professor (IHD) Isschemic Hear Disease Physiology among Males – A cross sectional study 78. Sanketh Bhat S Antianxiety activity of methanol Dr.Vinith R Pai extract of caesalpinia pulcherrima Professor leaf in wistar albino rats Biochemistry 79. Kevin Alfred Samuel Antianxiety effect of Eucalyptus Dr.Shyamjith M tereticornis on alchohol induced anxiety in wistar albino rats 80. Aishwarya S Pai Depression and Quality of life Dr.Poonam R Naik among the elderly population in a Professor RuralArea of Dakshina Kannada Community Medicine District 81. Hemanth BH Anthropometric study of 1st & 2nd Dr.Shivaram Bhat TOE Length in Adult South Professor Indian Population of Coastal Anatomy Karnataka 82. Aparna Ajjanagade Analysing Learning Style Dr.Prabhakar Adake Preferences among Medical Asst.Professor College in South India Pharmacology 83. Anupama R Nair Anthropometric Estimation of Dr.Meera Jacob Stature from Index and Ring Asst.Professor Finger Length in South Indian Anatomy Population 84. Aiswarya Thampi A clinical study of Estimation of Dr.Bindhu S Elbow carrying angle in south Associate Professor Indian population Anatomy 85. Hisham Ahmed Salih A Morphometric Evaluation of Dr.Venkatesh Kamath Tibial Plateau and its Appliance Asst.Professor in Genicular Prosthetic Design Anatomy 86. Gargi Krishna Das Maternal and Sociocultural Dr.Abhay Nirgude Determinants of Status among Professor &HOD under five children of Koraga Community Medicine Tribes Dakshina Kannada 87. Egla KI Impact of Socioeconomic and Dr.Padmini Thalanjeri Envirnomental risk factors on Asst.Professor Morbidity pattern in a cohort of Physiology construction workers – A cross sectional study 88. Prajna P Prevalence and Determinants of Dr.Pracheth R poor sleep quality in Community Asst.Professor Dwelling Elderly Community Medicine 89. Pradesh Sabu How well is informed consent Dr.Ravi Vaswani process understood by patients Professor who are undergoing Major General Medicine surgeries and have language barrier for English 90. Trupti Das A Community based study to Dr.Varun N determine the prevalence of Assistant Professor anaemia and Community Medicine Haemoglobinopathies among Adolescents in the field practice area of a private Medical College 91. Anagha P A study on eating attitudes, Dr.Rohan Dilip feelings and behavior among Mendonsa students of a Medical College in Professor Karnataka Psychiatry 92. Misbee Kaup Correlative study of modifiable Dr.Shobith Bangera risk factors for stress levels Assistant Professor among young and middle aged Physiology Hypertensive 93. Sajjad Salman Abdul Munaf Predictors of smoking cessation Dr.Ashwini S Shetty with reference to Nicotine Lecturer Dependence in Health Anatomy Professionals Mangalore City 94. Divya Ann Maria Life influences of pre, peri and Mrs.B.Kalpana post menopausal working women Assistant Professor on nutritional and biochemical Physiology parameters 95. Nagesh Gowda A study on Association of Ravichnadra Karkal Vitamin D Deficiency with Assistant Professor depression among adults in a Psychitry tertiary care hospital 96. Rusina Haris Conduct and attitude of college Dr.Anil Kakunje students towards mental illness Associate Professor Psychitry 97. Pradesh Sabu Assessment of Level of Dr.Ravi Vaswani understanding of informed Professor consent process by Surgery General Medicine Patients with English Language Barrier 98. Samra Afrin Clinical and Laboratory Profile of Dr.Syed Waleem Pasha Dengue Fever Assistant Professor General Medicine 99. Niha Fathima Imthiaz Prevention of Household Dr.Kishore Kumar Accidents by creating safety Associate Professor awareness in Rural Households Forensic Medicine 100. Hemanth IMBBS Anthropometric study of 1st and Dr.Shivarama Bhat 2nd adult toe length in coastal Professor Anatomy region of south India 101. Ms.Vaneesa Fernandes Cheiloscopy as a marker for Dr.Qudusiya Sultana II MBBS personal identification Asst.Prof Anatomy
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