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111 Novena

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Novena to St.

John Paul II May you bless families, bless each

family! You warned of Satan’s assault
against this precious and
indispensable divine spark that God lit
on earth. St. John Paul, with your
prayer, may you protect the family
and every life that blossoms from the

Pray for the whole world, which is still

marked by tensions, wars and
injustice. You tackled war by invoking
*Opening Hymn dialogue and planting the seeds of
love: pray for us so that we may be
*Opening Prayer tireless sowers of peace.

Oh, St. John Paul, from the window of Oh St. John Paul, from heaven’s
heaven, grant us your blessing! Bless window, where we see you next to
the church that you loved and served Mary, send God’s blessing down upon
and guided, courageously leading it us all. Amen.
along the paths of the world in order
to bring jesus to everyone and
everyone to Jesus. Bless the young, (DAY 1)
who were your great passion. Help
Let us pray: God our Father, in order
them dream again, help them look up
to return to you, we must find your
high again to find the light that
mercy your patient and kind love
illuminates the paths of life here on
which in you knows no limit. Infinite is
your readiness to forgive our sins
because as ineffable is the sacrifice of
your Son. With confidence we ask that
you crown with the glory of the saints Let us pray: God our Father, You are
the tireless witness and apostle of and you were first to love us. Your Son
your mercy, St. John Paul II, and let us became a man for our salvation, and
enjoy his intercession in heaven, and revealing to his brothers and sisters
grant us this favor… through Christ the truth about love, permitted them
Our Lord. Amen. to understand themselves and
discover the sense of their own
existence. We ask you that the St.
The daily novena concludes with the John Paul II, a tireless defender of
Litany. human dignity, a good shepherd,
seeking lost souls in the confusion of
life and plunged into hopelessness,
(DAY 2) was presented as the model of
Let us pray: God our Father, before holiness. By his intercession grant us
the Church of the Third Millennium this favor… Through Christ Our Lord.
there opens a vast ocean of creeds of Amen.
our contemporary world. Believing in
You, placing my hope in Christ, I wish
to imitate Him and experience the (DAY 4)
miracle of an abundant catch. Come Let us pray: God our Father, your
to the aid of all Christians of our eternal plan of salvation reached its
generation to go out into the deep of fullness when your Beloved Son came
Truth, good, and beauty. Make our into the world through the Holy
Saint John Paul II a holy patron of the Family, sanctifying by His birth every
new evangelization, and through his human family. We entrust to you our
intercession grant us this favor… families and all the families around
Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. the world. May prayer be a part of
their lives, pure love, respect for life,
and a healthy concern for youth. We
(DAY 3) ask you humbly that Saint John Paul II,
the tireless defender of the rights of
the family, be to crown Him with the to You. Your Son, through His free will
glory of the Saints. Through His passion and death on the cross, took
intercession may be strengthened by upon Himself all the evilof sin, and
the grace… Through Christ our Lord. giving suffering a whole new meaning.
Amen. He introduced it into the order of love.
In the name of this Love, that was able
to assume suffering without any guilt,
(DAY 5) we thank You for the life of St. John
Let us pray: God our Father, from our Paul II, who while serving the people
youth You have invited us to follow of God, was marked with the stigmata
You. In your Son, youth has a Master, of martyrdom; through His
who teaches hoe to form a new intercession grant this special grace…
person in us---patiently and Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
persistenly---to discover one’s
vocation, to build effectively a culture
(DAY 7)
of love. We pray to You for our youth,
that it may not enslave itself to blind Mary, Mother of Mercy, grant that our
desires and deceptive love. May St. hope that we place in your Son, our
John Paul II, who sought the young Redeemer, may always remain alive.
and reciprocally loved them, be a You, St. Faustina, also help us when
model and patron for them in the with you we wish to repeat, as we
body of saints, and for us I ask for this gaze boldly into the face of the divine
favor… Through Christ Our Lord. Redeemer, the words, “Jesus, I trust in
Amen. You. Today and forever. Amen.

(DAY 6) (DAY 8)

Let us pray: God our Father, sin is a Let us pray: God our Father, Mary of
prod that causes pain and kills Your Son, hear our prayer-petitions:
sanctifying grace. Suffering in your “Our Advocate, turn then your
concept of salvation is the way leading merciful eyes upon us, and may the
blessed fruit of Thy womb Jesus, and
after this our exile show unto us the
Blessed fruit of Thy womb, Jesus O
merciful, O compassionate, O sweet
Virgin Mary! “May we offer thanks for Kyrie eleison
the Saint John Paul II, totally
dedicated to Mary, faithfully and to Christie eleison
the end fulfilling the mission given to Kyrie eleison
him by the Risen One---accept the
Christ hear us, Christ graciously hear us
fruits of his life and service, in heaven
give him the crown of the holy God the Father of heaven, have mercy on
pastors, and to us grant this favor… us
Through Christ our Lord. Amen. God the Son, Redeemer of the world,have
mercy on us

God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us

(Day 9)
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us
Let us pray: God our Father, before
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
the Church of the Third Millinnium
there opens a vast ocean of creeds of St. John Paul II, Pray for us
our contemporary world. Believing in Perfect disciple of God
You, placing my hope in Christ, I wish
Generously gifted with the gifts of the Holy
to imitate Him and experience the
miracle of an abundant catch. Come
to the aid of all Christians of our Great apostle of Divine Mercy
generation to go out into the deep of Faithful Son of Mary
Truth, good, and beauty. Make our
Totally dedicated to the Mother of God
Saint John Paul II a holy patron of the
new evangelization, and through his Persevering preacher of the Gospel
intercession grant us this favor… Pilgrim Pope
Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Pope of the Millennium
Model of industry That we may be faithful imitators of
Model of priests
That we may be strong with the power
Drawing strength from the Eucharist
of the Holy Spirit
Untiring man of prayer
That we may have trust in the Mother of
Lover of the rosary God

Strength of those doubting their faith That we may grow in our faith, hope ,
and and charity
Desiring to unite all those who believe in
Christ That we may live in peace in our families

Converter of sinners That we may know how to forgive

Defender of the dignity of every person That we may know how to bear suffering

Defender of life from conception to That we may not succumb to the culture
natural death of death

Praying for the gift of parenthood for the That we may not be afraid and
infertile courageously fight off various
Friend of Children
That he would intercede for us the grace
Leader of Youth
of a happy death
Intercessor of families
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of
Comforter of the suffering the world, spare us, O Lord
Manly bearing his pain Lamb of God, you take away the sins of
the world, graciously hear us, O Lord
Sower of divine joy
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of
Great intercessor for peace
the world, have mercy on us
Pride of the Polish nation
Pray for us, St. John Paul II
Brilliance of the Holy Church
That we may become worthy of the
promises of Christ


O Blessed Trinity, we thank you for

having graced the Church with Saint John
Paul II and for allowing the tenderness of
your fatherly care, the glory of the Cross
of Christ and the splendor of the Spirit of
love to shine through him. Trusting fully
in your infinite mercy and in the
maternal intercession of Mary.

He has given us a living image of Jesus

the Good Shepherd. He has shown us
that holiness is the necessary measure of
ordinary Christian life and is the way of
achieving eternal communion with you.
Grant us, by his intercession, and
according to your will, the grace we
implore, through Christ our Lord. Amen

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