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Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations - Volume 1 Planning

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Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations

Volume 1
Summary of Mandate
In 2008, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE
Armed Forces and Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, mandated the formation of the Abu Dhabi Mosque Development
Committee. Its purpose is to deliver upon the vision of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE and
Ruler of Abu Dhabi, for the continued fulfilment of the grand design envisaged by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Father
of the Nation, and the ongoing evolution of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The Mosque Development Committee (MDC) is responsible for preparing a strategy to direct the development of mosques in the
Emirate. Its objectives include optimising the distribution of mosques and enhancing their role within communities, encouraging
design innovation while preserving Emirati architectural heritage and ensuring that mosques are built, operated and maintained to
the highest international standards.

Accordingly, the MDC has completed the following:

• A comprehensive Emirate-wide survey and conditions assessment of all existing mosques to identify those which may be
replaced to regulate distribution and capacity based on population density;
• A web-enabled application processing tool that identifies gaps in supply and demand to determine the optimum location of
future mosques;
• An Emirate-wide cleaning and maintenance programme that ensures all mosques are serviced to the highest international
standards for public buildings;
• An Emirate-wide programme that enables all mosques, including those that are privately owned, to be managed and operated
by the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments (Awqaf);
• An Emirate-wide programme that enables all temporary mosques to be replaced with new permanent ones where required;
• An Emirate-wide regulatory framework that addresses the planning, design, construction, operations and maintenance of each
mosque to ensure best practice standards are applied during its complete life cycle.

As such, the MDC is pleased to issue the Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations, a regulatory framework that will safeguard
the development of mosques well into the future.
Table of
I. Introduction 1 3.0 Land Use Planning 29
II. Targeted Users 3 3.1 Plot Distribution and Orientation 30
III. Regulatory Language 3 3.2 Accessibility 31
IV. Document Structure 3 3.3 Land Use Considerations 34
V. Application 3 Attachment A: Estidama Compliance Checklist 39
VI. Site Hierarchy 4 Attachment B: Mosque Planning Case Study
Summary Sheet 43
VII. Mosque Hierarchy 5
Glossary 47
VIII. Outline of the Mosque Planning Process 6
Acknowledgements 51
1.0 Policies and Principles 9
2.0 Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements 13
2.1 Identify Boundaries and Land Area 15
2.2 Determine Settlement Context and
Mosque Planning Unit 17
2.3 Determine Number and Mosque Types 19
2.4 Determine Mosque Capacity 21
2.5 Calculate Plot Area and GFA 23
2.6 Calculate Musalla Provision 25
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations
Volume 1 – Planning

I. Introduction
The Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations (ADMDR), referred to here onwards as the Regulations,
establishes standards for the distribution, design and operational management of permanent mosques Estidama
in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (refer to Figure 1). All proposals for mosques in the Emirate will be ‘Estidama’, which means sustainability
prepared and assessed using the Regulations. in Arabic, is Abu Dhabi Government’s
programme of sustainability. As part of
The Regulations comprise the following documents, as referenced in Figure 2: Estidama, the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning
Council (UPC) has developed the Estidama
1. User Guide 3. Appendices Pearl Rating System (PRS).

2. Regulatory Volumes The PRS is a comprehensive framework for the sustainable

• Appendix 1 – Estidama design, construction and operation of communities,
• Volume 1 – Planning buildings and villas that supports the social and cultural
• Appendix 2 – Architectural Prototypes
• Volume 2 – Design traditions and values of the Emirate.
• Appendix 3 – Vernacular Study
• Volume 3 – Operations
The ADMDR specify that all mosques shall achieve a the
minimum required Pearl Rating as per Information Bulletin
#15. In order to do this, the design of a mosque must:

• Meet all 20 mandatory Pearl Building Rating System

(PBRS) required Credits; and
• Where applicable, meet a combination of PBRS
Credits that will achieve a minimum of an additional
60 Credit Points.
Al Ain City
A PBRS Credit is a specific sustainability item or set of
Municipality items from which Credit Points are obtained. The number
Abu Dhabi
City of Credit Points obtained can vary from Credit to Credit.
Municipality For example, SM-10 is a Credit relating to recycled
material that offers 6 Credit Points, whereas SM-12 is a
Credit relating to re-used or certified timber that offers 2
Al Dhafra Region Credit Points.
Municipality Abu Dhabi Emirate Boundary
Abu Dhabi City Municipality In this volume, the Estidama logo appears next to the
Al Ain City Municipality relevant policies, standards and guidelines to inform the
user of Credit opportunities and requirements. For more
Al Dhafra Region Municipality
information, refer to Attachment A of this document
and Appendix 1 – Estidama*.
Figure 1: Geographical jurisdiction of Abu Dhabi Emirate
* Standards and guidelines related to optional credits are not applicable to mosques required
to comply with a minimum 1 Pearl Rating.

Planning Page 1

Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3


Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations | User Guide

Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations | Volume 1 - Planning

Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations | Volume 3 - Operations

Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations | Volume 2 - Design

Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3
User Guide Planning Design Operations

User Guide Planning Design Operations



Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations | Appendix 1 - Estidama

Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations | Appendix 2 - Architectural Prototypes

Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations | Appendix 3 - Vernacular Study


Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations

Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations Appendix 3
Appendix 1 Appendix 2
Estidama Architectural Prototypes Vernacular Study



Figure 2: Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations documents and application

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Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations
Volume 1 – Planning

II. Targeted Users IV. Document Structure V. Application

The Regulations in this volume, Volume 1 – Planning, have This volume takes the user through a step-by-step process of Any area that has a residential component and/or any industrial
been designed for the following user groups: calculations and assessments, in line with the Regulations, in area must comply with the Regulations regarding the provision
order to determine the optimal distribution of mosques within a of mosques. The planning process presented in this volume
• Master Developers; defined area. It includes: is used to identify plots for mosques under the following
• Municipalities (Urban Planning); scenarios:
The settlement context, as defined by the UPC, is categorised
• Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC);
as: 1. Infill development, including:
• Estidama Assessors; and
• Estidama Pearl Qualified Professionals (PQPs). • Highly Urban; • The development of mosques within existing urban areas;
• Urban; and

III. Regulatory Language • Suburban; and • The redevelopment or refurbishment of an existing

• Rural. mosque which will result in an increase in capacity.

Built form standards and guidelines governing: 2. Area plan and master plan developments, including:
Throughout this volume, there are methodologies, planning
standards (referred to as PS1, PS2, PS3, etc.) and planning
guidelines (referred to as PG1, PG2, PG3, etc.) that have been • Plot area; • Development of mosques within newly planned areas
established in order to ensure the provision of mosques meets • Minimum gross floor area (GFA); where a hierarchical distribution of mosques can be
the requirements of the community. established.
• Plot coverage;
• Building height; and In non-residential buildings (hotels, offices, shopping centres,
The methodologies are mandatory and must be used to ensure
consistency across the Emirate when assessing the provision • Parking requirements. sports and cultural buildings, etc.), musallas (prayer rooms) will
of mosques. be required within the built form of the building. A musalla will
Land use standards and guidelines governing: not replace the requirement for a mosque in an Overall Site Area
The prescriptive elements in the standards and guidelines in or Site Area (refer to Figure 3), but will provide additional prayer
this volume are defined using the following language: • Plot location; facilities over and above the provision of all required mosques.
• Site suitability;
• SHALL and SHALL NOT are mandatory statements; In rural areas, the requirements for the allocation of a plot for a
• Accessibility; and mosque will be determined by Awqaf, DMA and the UPC. In this
• SHOULD and SHOULD NOT are recommended statements; and • Land use compatibility. case, the land use calculations and assessments in this volume
• MAY is a permitted statement. may be used to inform decision-making.

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VI. Site Hierarchy
Three terms are consistently referred to throughout this volume
to establish a hierarchy of areas that are used to determine the
distribution of mosques:

• Overall Site Area: the largest of areas used for calculating • Site Area: a subset of the Overall Site Area. An Overall • Plot: an individual piece of land within a Site Area that a
the number of mosques required, and contains the Site Area may be divided up into a number of Site Areas mosque will be located on.
population that the mosque(s) will serve. The boundaries based on clearly defined physical boundaries or a change
of an Overall Site Area would likely be made up of major in urban form. A Site Area should represent a predominant
roads, natural boundaries, open space, etc. In a master settlement context and/or a defined population to allow
plan or area plan, the site boundaries would define the the maximum efficiency for mosque distribution within
extent of the total area to be developed. the Site Area.

Overall Site Area Site Area Plot

(Shakhbout City) (Sector MFW 10) (MFW 10-71)

Figure 3: Example of site hierarchy

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Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations
Volume 1 – Planning

VII. Mosque Hierarchy

There are three types of mosque as defined in the Regulations. The locational, built form and land use standards used in this
Each type has a specific role and, as a result, requires varying volume are based on the mosque hierarchy (refer to Table 1:
degrees of facilities and supporting infrastructure. Mosque Hierarchy.)

Table 1: Mosque Hierarchy

Mosque Typology Catchment Served Characteristics Catchment Area

Masjid (daily mosque) Serves a single catchment within a Site Serves all daily prayer times.
Area. Masjid
Required to accommodate a smaller worshipper population
Centrally located in a catchment and within the Site Area compared to other mosques.
typically within walking distance.

Jame’e (Friday mosque) Serves multiple catchments within a Site Serves all daily prayer times and Friday prayers.
Required to serve a larger worshipper population than a
Typically located along a transit route to masjid in order to accommodate the number of worshippers
provide better access. from multiple catchment areas who will attend Friday

District Jame’e (Eid mosque) The minimum catchment area served is Serves daily, Friday and Eid prayers.
similar to a jame’e.
District Jame’e
Abuts an open space along the entrance boundary in order
Adjacent to an open space to accommodate to accommodate an increased worshipper population during
Eid prayers. Eid prayers.

District jame’e mosques may be designated for ‘Community

and Emergency Support’, in the event of natural disasters Open Space
and emergencies, by the local emergency planning

Planning Page 5
VIII. Outline of the Mosque Planning Process
The mosque planning process guides the user through a The planning process in this volume is structured into three 2. Calculate the demand, supply and capacity requirements.
sequence of stages with the objective of identifying plots that stages:
3. Assess plots against best practice land use planning.
achieve maximum efficiency in the distribution, capacity and/
or typology of mosques. 1. Review the planning policies and principles.


Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning

2.1 Identify Boundaries and Land Area

2.1 Identify Boundaries and Land Area
3.1 Plot Distribution and Orientation

2.2 Determine Settlement Context and 3.1 Plot Distribution and Orientation
2.2 Planning
Determine Unit Context and
Mosque Planning Unit

2.3 Determine Number and Mosque

Review Policies and Principles, which provide Typology
2.3 Determine Number and Mosque
the overarching direction for the planning of Types
mosques and inform the decision-making process 3.2 Accessibility
throughout the planning, design and assessment 3.2 Accessibility
2.4 Determine Worshipper Capacity
of development proposals.
2.4 Determine Worshipper Capacity

2.5 Calculate Plot Area and GFA

2.5 Calculate Plot Area and GFA
3.3 Land Use Considerations
3.3 Land Use Considerations
2.6 Calculate Musalla Provision (If required)
2.6 Calculate Musalla Provision (if required)

Figure 3: Mosque planning process

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Policies and Principles
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 – Planning

1.0 Policies and Principles

The Policies and Principles provide the overarching direction Methodology
for the planning of mosques and inform the decision-
making process throughout the planning and assessment At project inception, review the Planning Policies and Principles
of development proposals. to ensure that the intent is considered throughout the planning
process and reflected in the final outcome.

1.1 Provision Policy 1.2 Location Policy 1.3 Access Policy

Sufficient mosques are to be provided to ensure there Mosques are to be placed in prominent, localised places Mosques are to be planned with safe and comfortable
is appropriate provision for all worshippers regardless that promote and reinforce the important religious and access for pedestrians (first) and vehicles (second).
of location and settlement context. social roles they play in their respective communities.

Principle 1.1a All worshippers are to be Principle 1.2a Mosques are to be the primary place Principle 1.3a Mosques are to be located to
accommodated within the mosque, of worship within communities, and ensure they are easily accessible by
even at peak prayer times. this role should not be diminished worshippers travelling on foot or by
or reduced by inappropriate public transport.
development proposals.

Principle 1.1b Musallas are to be a supplement to Principle 1.2b Mosques are to be located to ensure Principle 1.3b Pedestrian access is to be made
full mosque provision. appropriate access, which reinforces safe and comfortable with non-
their role within communities. obstructive shadeways.

Principle 1.3c Entrances for worshippers are to

be placed prominently along public

Planning Page 9
1.4 Wider Community Policy 1.5 Gender Equality and Inclusivity Policy

Mosques are to be holistically integrated within the All mosques are to be designed to ensure there is
wider community. appropriate provision for all user groups.

Principle 1.4a Mosques are to provide space for Principle 1.5a Appropriate space is to be provided
visiting worshippers. to accommodate the requirements of
male and female worshippers.

Principle 1.4b Mosques are to provide opportunities Principle 1.5b Comfortable prayer spaces,
for community support facilities, ancillary facilities and recognisable
such as crèches and Qur’anic access points are to be provided to
education, and spaces for community accommodate the requirements of
interaction. the elderly and mobility impaired.

Principle 1.4c Mosques are to be designed to Principle 1.5c Mosque entrances are to be designed
integrate with the connections to the so that they are easily recognisable
surrounding public realm. and accessible.

Principle 1.4d Mosques are to be planned to create

activity centres and places of social Figure 5: Example of a mosque in a Highly Urban settlement
interaction through co-location with context within the Abu Dhabi City Municipality boundary
other community facilities.

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Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 - Planning

2.0 Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements

This stage provides the step-by-step process for determining Table 2: Summary of Mosque Metrics includes all of the The process presented in this section describes in detail how
the number, type and size of mosques required within an standards required to make the relevant calculations for the each calculation is made and presents a case study to illustrate
Overall Site Area or Site Area. planning of mosques. how each step is applied. A sample Mosque Planning Summary
Sheet containing all of the information that has been calculated
as a result of applying the case study is provided in Attachment
Table 2: Summary of Mosque Metrics
Mosque Catchment Plot/Built Form Matrix Supporting Standards
Min Plot
Min GFA Ra- Imam’s Mu'athen’s Min Open
Mosque Min Distance Area Ratio
Settlement Catchment tio (sqm per Residence Residence Max Plot Space/Car Max Build-
Mosque Type Planning Between (sqm per
Context Distance worship- (additional (additional Coverage Parking ing Height 3
Unit Mosques worship-
per) 2 GFA) GFA) Coverage 1
per) 1
(CD) (MD) (PAr) (GFAr) (IR) (MR) (PC) (OS) (BH)
Highly Urban Jame’e 9.5 ha 175 m 340 m 1.8 1.8 100 80 70% 30%
basement 4

Jame’e 1.8 1.8

Urban 38.5 ha 350 m 340 m 100 80 70% 30%
basement 4
1.9 2

Masjid 38.5 ha 350 m 340 m 4.4 Not required G

Suburban Jame’e 3.5 100 60% 40% G+1
154 ha
District 700 m 680 m 80
(SMPU) 3.7 2 G+2
Masjid 4.4 Not required 60% 40% G
Rural To be determined by the relevant authority. 1.8 100
Jame’e 5.6 80 50% 50% G+1

1 – Excludes total parking requirements (refer to PG18). 3 – Refer to Figure 6.

2 – Excludes Imam’s and Mu’athen’s residences. 4 – Basement not to be used for parking (refer to PS26 and PS27).

Planning Page 13
Prepare a Mosque Planning Summary Sheet of all calculations
that have been completed for the Overall Site Area or Site Areas
based on Attachment B.

Table 2 (continued): Summary of Mosque Metrics

G G+1
Settle- Vehicle Vehicle
Bicycle Parking
ment Mosque Type Parking Space Parking Area
Context Requirements5 Allocation 6

(VPS) (VPA) (BP)

Highly A minimum
Jame’e of 5 bicycle
1 parking
stands for
space per 30
Jame’e mosques with
worshippers, 30 sqm
a capacity
Urban or 1 space per
of 500 G+2 G+2+Basement
District 45 sqm of GFA7
Jame’e or less, or a
minimum of 10
Masjid bicycle stands
for mosques
Suburban Jame’e
with a capacity
District 1 parking of over 500
Jame’e space per 15 35 sqm worshippers.
worshippers7 Ensure each
bicycle stand is
at least 2 m x
0.75 m

5 – Based on DoT Standards at time 1of publication. Figure 6: Maximum building height
6 – Inclusive of sqm for parking spaces and circulation. Does not apply to
on-street parking.
7 – For Imam, Mu’athen and disabled parking, refer to PS23 and PS24.

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Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 - Planning

2.1 Identify Boundaries and

Land Area
• The selected Site
This process determines whether the Overall Site Area Area is a portion of an
(master plan or area plan) will be treated uniformly or if it Overall Site Area.
will be sub-divided into Site Areas as a result of: • The boundaries of the
Site Area are defined
• Physical boundaries, such as boulevards (3+3), avenues by avenues along
(2+2) (As defined in the Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design each of the 4 sides of
Manual (USDM)) and parks, that increase walking time the Site Area.
and/or prevent safe and convenient pedestrian access • Site Area = 219 ha.
to a mosque;
• Boundaries created where there is a clear distinction
between population density as a result of built urban
form; or
• A combination of the two.

Figure 7: Boundary of the Site Area

Planning Page 15
Methodology Outcome
i. Identify and define the boundaries of the Overall Site Area • Built urban form boundaries may be defined based on • The boundaries for the Overall Site Area or each Site Area
and calculate the area. a transition between differing population densities. A will be clearly defined.
ii. Identify any physical or urban form boundaries that will boundary between low-density residential villas and
medium- or high-density apartments may be clearly • The corresponding land area(s), in hectares for the Overall
determine the boundaries of Site Areas within the Overall Site Area and/or Site Areas will be calculated.
Site Area, as follows: apparent.

• Physical boundaries may include boulevards and iii. Calculate the area (in hectares) of each Site Area.
avenues (as defined in the Abu Dhabi Urban Street iv. Ensure the total sum of the land area of all Site Areas is
Design Manual), parks and open spaces, waterways, equal to or less than the area of the Overall Site Area. Highly Urban
transportation corridors, utility corridors and v. Ensure the sum of the population of all Site Areas is Suburban
inaccessible, privately owned or non-residential land equal to the population of the Overall Site Area.
that creates a barrier that increases the distance and
subsequent walking time to a mosque.


Figure 8: Site Area boundaries

Standards Guidelines
The Overall Site Area MAY be divided into smaller Site Areas due to physical
If an Overall Site Area is sub-divided into Site Areas, the combined sum of the area (in
PS1 PG1 boundaries and/or differing population densities, if the boundaries can be clearly
hectares) of each Site Area SHALL be equal to or less than the Overall Site Area.
If an Overall Site Area is sub-divided into Site Areas, the combined sum of the
PS2 population of each Site Area SHALL be equal to the population of the Overall Site

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Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 - Planning

2.2 Determine Settlement Context Table 3: Mosque Planning Unit Catchment Area

and Mosque Planning Unit

Settlement Catchment CASE STUDY NOTES:
As defined by the UPC, there are four categories of settlement MPU Catchment
Context Distance The case study used
represents a Suburban
settlement context
• Highly Urban;
175 m
• Urban; 175 m 9.5 ha • MPU of 38.5 ha will
Highly Urban
• Suburban; and be used:
• Rural. • Equivalent catchment
distance = 350 m
The settlement context provides an indication of the population • SMPU of 154 ha will
Urban 350 m 38.5 ha
density and urban development patterns in a Site Area, which also be used:
will influence the number, type and built form of mosques that Equivalent catchment
350 m
will be required. An industrial area represents a special case distance = 700 m
with regards to the settlement context and minimum distance Suburban
between mosques (refer to PS6). 350 m 38.5 ha

Once the settlement context has been identified, it will be

used to determine the Mosque Planning Unit (MPU). The MPU
indicates the geographical catchment area, in hectares, that a
mosque serves. It is derived from the defined maximum walking
distance to a mosque (catchment distance). The MPU is used to
calculate the number of mosques required within an Overall Site
Area or each Site Area (refer to Table 3).
154 ha 700 m
700 m
A Secondary Mosque Planning Unit (SMPU) is used in a Suburban (SMPU)
settlement context, where population densities are generally
lower, to calculate the number of jame’e mosques that will
be required. This calculation is required to ensure there is an
efficient distribution of masjid and jame’e mosques.

Rural To be determined by Awqaf, the DMA or the UPC.

Planning Page 17
Methodology Outcome
i. The UPC will determine the settlement context. Refer to iii. For an Overall Site Area or each Site Area that has a
• The settlement context for the Overall Site Area or each
the Abu Dhabi Community Facility Planning Standards Suburban settlement context only, the SMPU will be used
Site Area will be determined.
(CFPS) for the methodology used to determine the to calculate the number of jame’e mosques that will be
required. (Refer to Table 2 to determine the applicable • The Mosque Planning Unit required for the Overall Site
settlement context.
MPU and SMPU that will apply.) Area or each Site Area will be determined.
ii. Use the settlement context for the Overall Site Area or
each Site Area (determined in the previous section) to
determine the corresponding MPU that applies.

Standards Guidelines
If an Overall Site Area has multiple settlement contexts that can be defined by
PS3 specific boundaries, each settlement context SHALL be defined as a separate Site

PS4 Only one settlement context SHALL be used per Site Area.
An Overall Site Area or Site Area with over 200 persons per hectare SHALL be defined
as a Highly Urban Settlement Context.
The Mosque Planning Unit for an industrial area SHALL be 154 ha and maintain a
minimum distance of 1,400 m between mosques.

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Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 - Planning

2.3 Determine Number and

Mosques Types
• Site Area = 219 ha
There are three types of mosques: • Settlement context =
• Masjid (daily mosques); F • MPU = 38.5 ha
• Jame’e (Friday mosques); and
• Catchment distance =
• District jame’e (Eid mosques). 350 m
• Total number of
The methodology described below is only used to determine the
number of masjid and jame’e mosques required. The allocation
E mosques = 6
of district jame’e mosques will be at the discretion of Awqaf, A
For Suburban settlement
the DMA and the UPC and assessed based on community
context also use:

Once the number and types of mosques have been determined, D • SMPU = 154 ha
the preliminary mapping of the distribution of mosques can be B • Catchment distance =
done in order to: 700 m
• Number of masjid
• Establish an understanding of the general distribution and mosques = 4
location of mosques; • Number of jame’e
• Identify potential anomalies that may need to be
C mosques = 2
addressed (overlapping catchment areas, gaps where
there is no adequate mosque provision, etc.); and
• Identify alternative configurations that may improve
efficiency in the provision of mosques.

Masjid Jame’e

Masjid catchment Jame’e catchment

area area

Figure 9: Mosque distribution

Planning Page 19
iv. To calculate the number of jame’e mosques (JM) within a If the total number of mosques required includes a
i. To calculate the total number of mosques (N), divide fraction of a mosque, an allowance of 0.3 will trigger
the applicable Overall Site Area or Site Area (SA) by the Suburban settlement context, divide the Overall Site Area
or Site Area (SA) by the SMPU. the requirement for an additional mosque (i.e. 3.29 = 3
Mosque Planning Unit (MPU), as identified in Step 2.2. mosques, 3.3 = 4 mosques).

ii. An Overall Site Area or each Site Area with a Highly v. To calculate the number of masjid mosques (MM) within Outcome
Urban or Urban settlement context will only have a Suburban settlement context, subtract the number of • The number and types of mosques within an Overall Site
jame’e mosques. Therefore, the number of mosques (N) jame’e mosques (JM) from the total number of Area or each Site Area will be determined.
calculated will equal the number of jame’e mosques. mosques (N).
• Preliminary mapping of the mosques will be completed.
iii. For a Suburban settlement context, Site Areas may have MM = N - JM
both masjid and jame’e mosques.
vi. Map the preliminary distribution of mosques based on the
required catchment distance (refer to Table 2).
vii. Repeat steps i–vi for each Site Area.

Standards Guidelines
Mosques SHALL be distributed to minimise overlapping of and gaps between The location of a jame’e SHOULD be selected based on the most efficient catchment
catchment areas. coverage.

In order to minimise traffic congestion within an Overall Site Area or each Site Area,
a jame’e MAY be positioned close to or along transport corridors provided it is still
PS8 If there is only 1 mosque within a Site Area, it SHALL be a jame’e. PG3
within the boundaries of the Overall Site Area or each Site Area that the mosque
Each district SHALL have a minimum of one District Jame’e abutting a District Level
open space, as defined in the Abu Dhabi Public Realm Design Manual.

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Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 - Planning

2.4 Determine Mosque Capacity

The projected worshipper population (demand) is calculated as
a proportion of the total population within an Overall Site Area • Total population of
or each Site Area. From this, the worshipper capacity of each Site Area = 6,922
mosque within an Overall Site Area or each Site Area will be • Projected worshipper
calculated in order to determine the Plot area and GFA of each F population = 2,423
mosque. This will ensure that the total worshipper population (35%)
is accommodated.
404 • Number of mosques
For the Overall Site Area or each Site Area, three worshipper • Number of masjid
population categories will need to be calculated: E mosques = 4
404 A • Number of jame’e
• Projected worshipper population (W);
mosques = 2
• Male worshipper population (M); and
• Female worshipper population (F). 1,212 Capacity of each mosque
• Worshippers per
In the design stage (refer to Volume 2 – Design), the number of B masjid = 404
male and female worshippers is required in order to determine 404
the distribution of GFA for uses within a mosque Plot.
1,212 • Male worshippers
= 343
• Female worshippers
C = 61
404 • Worshippers per
jame’e = 1,212
• Male worshippers
= 1,030
• Female worshippers
= 182

Masjid Jame’e 404 Masjid worshipper capacity

Masjid catchment Jame’e catchment 1,212 Jame’e worshipper capacity

area area

Figure 10: Worshipper capacity of each mosque

Planning Page 21
i. To calculate the projected worshipper population (W), iv. Determine the number of male and female worshippers
determine the total population (P) of the Overall Site Area per mosque as follows:
or each Site Area and multiply by 35%. • Male worshippers = 85% of projected worshipper 35%
W = P x 35% population; and
• Female worshippers = 15% of projected worshipper
ii. To calculate the number of worshippers per mosque population.
(WPM), divide the projected worshipper population (W)
within the Overall Site Area or each Site Area by the total v. Repeat steps ii–iv for each mosque within the Overall Site
number of mosques (N) within the Overall Site Area or Area or each Site Area.
Site Area.
Outcome 15%
WPM = W / N

iii. Suburban settlement context only: to calculate the

• The projected worshipper population for the Overall Site 35% Male Female

Area or each Site Area will be defined.

number of worshippers per jame’e (WJM), divide the total
worshipper population (W) of an Overall Site Area or each • The worshipper capacity and number of male and
Site Area by the number of jame’e mosques required. female worshippers for each mosque will be defined.
Figure 11: Worshippers as a proportion of total residential
WJM = (W / JM)

Standards Guidelines
Where an Overall Site Area or each Site Area has a relatively consistent population
The projected worshipper population of an Overall Site Area or each Site Area SHALL
PS10 PG4 distribution, the number of worshippers per mosque MAY be evenly distributed,
be calculated as 35% of the total residential population.
resulting in mosques with equal capacity, GFA and Plot areas.

Where an Overall Site Area or each Site Area does not have a consistent population
The sum of the worshipper populations of all site areas SHALL be, at a minimum,
PS11 PG5 distribution, the number of worshippers per mosque MAY vary accordingly, resulting
equal to the projected total worshipper population for the Overall Site Area.
in mosques that vary in capacity, GFA and Plot area.

Planning Page 22
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 - Planning

2.5 Calculate Plot Area and GFA

The Plot area and GFA is calculated to ensure each Plot and
mosque can accommodate the projected worshipper population
and meet the requirements of the Regulations. • Worshippers per
mosque = 404
The Plot area, size and the settlement context will influence the Masjid • Plot area ratio = 4.4
built form of a mosque as presented in Table 2: Summary of sqm per worshipper
Mosque Metrics and Figure 6: Maximum building height. • Plot area = 1,778 sqm
per mosque
Worshippers: 404
• GFA ratio = 1.8 sqm
Plot Area: 1,778 sqm per worshipper
GFA: 727 sqm • GFA = 727 sqm per
mosque (Not including
Imam + Mu’athen’s

Jame’e • Worshippers per
mosque = 1,212
• Plot area ratio = 3.5
sqm per worshipper
Worshippers: 1,212 • Plot area = 4,242 sqm
per mosque
Plot Area: 4,242 sqm • GFA ratio = 1.8 sqm
GFA: 2,181 sqm per worshipper
• GFA = 2,181 sqm per
mosque (Not including
Imam + Mu’athen’s

Figure 12: Worshipper capacity of each mosque

Planning Page 23
When calculating Plot area, consider the number of car
i. To calculate the Plot Area (PA), use the formula below:
parking bays required both on and off the Plot (refer to
PA = WPM x PAr PG18).

• Input the worshippers per mosque (WPM); and

• Refer to Table 2: Summary of Mosque Metrics to Outcome
determine the required minimum Plot area ratio (PAr)
based on the corresponding settlement context and The Plot area and GFA for each mosque required within an
mosque type. Overall Site Area or Sites Areas will be defined.

ii. To calculate the GFA per mosque, use the formula below:
GFA = (WPM x GFAr) + IR + MR (if required)

• Input the worshippers per mosque (WPM);

• Refer to Table 2: Summary of Mosque Metrics to
determine the required minimum GFA ratio (GFAr),
based on the corresponding settlement context and
mosque type; and
• Use the formula below to add 100 sqm to the total area
for an Imam’s residence (IR) and 80 sqm to the total
area if a Mu’athen’s residence (MR) is required
(refer to Table 2).
GFA = (WPM x GFAr) + IR + MR (if required)

iii. Repeat steps i–ii for each Plot and mosque required.

Planning Page 24
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 - Planning

2.6 Calculate Musalla Provision

(If Required)
All buildings with non-residential GFA (e.g. commercial, retail
and industrial buildings) are required to provide a musalla
within the built form of the building. The provision of a musalla
is supplementary to the provision of a mosque and, as a result,
will be provided in addition to the requirement for mosques in
an Overall Site Area or each Site Area.

Figure 13: A musalla within an office block – Abu Dhabi City

Planning Page 25
Methodology Outcome
i. To calculate the projected worshipper population (WP) of a iii. Determine the floor area required for each musalla (male The floor area for male and female musallas in buildings with
non-residential building, multiply the number of and female) by multiplying the number of male/female non-residential GFA will be defined.
non-residential DoT required vehicle parking spaces worshippers by 0.9 sqm.
(VPS) by 35%. • Male musalla = MW x 0.9 sqm
WP = VPS x 35% • Female musalla = FW x 0.9 sqm
ii. The number of male worshippers (MW) will be 50% of
the projected worshipper population. The number of
female worshippers (FW) will be 50% of the projected
worshipper population.

• Male worshippers = WP x 50%

• Female worshippers = WP x 50%

Standards Guidelines
The projected worshipper population of buildings with non-residential GFA SHALL
be calculated at 35% of the number of non-residential DoT required parking spaces,
provided that the minimum area for each musalla is maintained at a minimum of 20
sqm. The total musalla area requirement MAY be strategically distributed within a building
Separate musallas SHALL be provided for men and women and SHALL be separated to optimise coverage.
and have separate access points and entrances, and provide appropriate supporting
facilities (e.g. shoe racks, ablution facilities, etc.) as per the requirements of Volume
2 – Design.

Planning Page 26
Land Use Planning
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 - Planning

3.0 Land Use Planning

Identifying the specific Plots that mosques will be located on Table 4: Mosque Plot Typology
is the final step in the planning process. However, a number of
factors need to be considered such as:
• Selecting an appropriate plot typology;
• Ensuring accessibility requirements are met; and
• Ensuring surrounding land uses do not conflict.

The position and typology of a Plot can influence the extent

to which the Regulations are met. Table 4 presents five plot
typologies representing the most common formats and their
associated characteristics. These plot typologies are to be Characteristics
considered when identifying suitable plots. Infill plots or
Located within a mid- Located on the end
plots with Located on a corner
block and is accessible of a block and is Four pedestrian/
supporting community with 2 pedestrian/
Methodology facilities located vehicular frontages.
through 2 opposite accessible through 3 vehicular frontages.
edges. edges.
i. Prepare a Mosque Planning Summary Sheet of all around them.
calculations that have been completed for the Overall Site Opportunities
Area or Site Areas. (Refer to Attachment B.) Good visibility/
ii. Use the initial mosque distribution map as a basis for Infill plots to develop Good visibility/ Good accessibility/ Good visibility/
informing the distribution and position of Plots. communities. accessibility. moderate visibility. accessibility.
iii. Identify Plots within each mosque catchment area that Constraints
meet the required Plot area calculated for each mosque. Circulation restricted Possible difficult Insufficient separation
Over-provision of
iv. Assess the Plots against distribution, orientation, and poor accessibility location for qibla between adjacent None.
circulation space.
accessibility and land use considerations presented in this and visual recognition. orientation. uses.
stage. Typology Applicability
v. Select the Plots that best comply with the Regulations. Masjid, jame’e and Jame’e and district
Masjid. Masjid and jame’e. Masjid and jame’e.
district jame’e. jame’e.


Frontage Recommended qibla direction Pedestrian/vehicular frontage

Built form Mosque Plot boundary

Planning Page 29
3.1 Plot Distribution and Orientation
Standards Guidelines
The distribution SHALL maintain the minimum distance between mosques as
PS14 PG7 Where possible, Plots SHOULD be orientated to enhance the primary entrance.
identified in Table 2: Summary of Mosque Metrics.

The Plot selected SHALL meet the minimum Plot area required for a mosque as PG8 Jame’e mosques SHOULD be located close to transportation corridors and/or public
calculated using the methodology and standards contained in this volume. transit nodes.
District jame’e mosques SHOULD be located adjacent to appropriate facilities as
PS16 A district jame’e SHALL be adjacent to a park/open space to accommodate an increase
PG9 assessed based on community requirements. (Refer to the Abu Dhabi Public Realm
in the number of worshippers during Eid prayers. (Refer to Figure 14.)
Design Manual (PRDM) and Abu Dhabi Community Facility Planning Standards (CFPS).)
The park/open space adjacent to a district jame’e SHALL be along the entrance/side District jame’e mosques within an Urban or Suburban settlement context SHOULD be
PS17 PG10
of the Plot so that worshippers are positioned behind the Imam. located within 150 m of public transit.

The park/open space adjacent to a district jame’e SHALL be designed to ensure that
the visual connection and physical continuity of prayer rows are maintained.

Retail Library

Women’s Facilities Public Open Space

District Jame’e

Figure 14: Park adjacent to a district jame’e

Planning Page 30
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 - Planning

3.2 Accessibility
Standards Guidelines
Pedestrian pathways leading to a mosque SHALL provide safe access. (Refer to Figure PG11 Pedestrian pathways that provide access to mosques SHOULD be shaded with non-
15.) obstructive shade structures and/or landscaping.
The street network surrounding mosques SHOULD include pedestrian safety design
PG12 elements, such as pedestrian tables and pedestrian priority junctions, as per the
requirements of the USDM.
Strong pedestrian linkages, via pathways, to other appropriate levels of community
PG13 facilities SHOULD be provided (e.g. for masjid mosques – local retail and for jame’e
mosques – a community centre.) (Refer to Figure 16 and Figure 17.)
Wherever possible, mosques SHOULD be adjacent to and have barrier-free
connections to adjacent or surrounding community facilities.
PS20 All mosque plots SHALL have good vehicular connectivity. PG15 Masjid mosques SHOULD have at least 1 edge along a street. (Refer to Figure 18.)

PG16 Jame’e mosques SHOULD have at least 2 edges along a street. (Refer to Figure 19.)

District jame’e mosques MAY have 1 edge along a street provided it is integrated with
adjacent community facilities and designed holistically. (Refer to Figure 20.)
Parking SHOULD be located as follows:
• On-site (within the mosque Plot);
The number of parking spaces provided for a mosque SHALL comply with DoT Parking • Adjacent to the mosque Plot;
PS21 PG18
• Co-located/shared with other uses; and/or
• On-street parking (not preferred).

Planning Page 31
Community Centre
ink Retail
ria Jame’e

st Pedes

de trian L


rian Lin



trian L

n Lin


Figure 15: Pedestrian linkages to the mosque Figure 16: Pedestrian pathways linking the mosque to local Figure 17: Pedestrian pathways linking the jame’e to
retail community facilities

Community Facilities
hic Open Space District Jame’e



S Community Facilities




lar Lin





Figure 18: Masjid with vehicular linkages along 1 street Figure 19: Jame’e with vehicular linkages along 2 streets Figure 20: District jame’e within a community facilities cluster

Planning Page 32
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 - Planning

Standards Guidelines
Masjid and jame’e mosques SHALL have all required parking provided within 150 m of
PS22 PG19 District jame’e mosques MAY have off-site parking provided within 300 m of the Plot.
the Plot.
All mosques SHALL provide, at a minimum, 1 parking space each within the mosque Parking spaces for the Imam, and Mu’athen if required, SHOULD be located at the side
PS23 PG20
Plot for the Imam, and Mu’athen if required. or rear of the mosque Plot.
All mosques SHALL provide disabled parking spaces within the Plot that meet DoT
All mosque plots SHALL provide space allocated for civil defence to comply with ADCD
Large parking areas SHOULD be designed to wrap around a maximum of 2 edges of
PS26 Basement parking for mosques SHALL NOT be permitted. PG21 the mosque Plot and have an adequate number of entrances and exits to comply with
DoT Parking Standards.
A risk assessment SHALL be performed prior to mosque approval if a mosque is built
PS27 on top of an existing parking structure (underground or podium) that is not associated
with that mosque.
On-street parking SHALL only be placed at the side and/or rear of a mosque and not Wayfinding signage directing people to the mosque SHOULD be provided in shared
PS28 PG22
be adjacent to the entrance. and/or off-site parking areas.

Planning Page 33
3.3 Land Use Considerations
Standards Guidelines
View corridors along streets leading to a mosque SHALL be promoted. (Refer to Figure View corridors to 1 or more mosque façades SHOULD be defined (e.g. use of a
PS29 PG23
21.) topographical high point).

Utility plots with above-ground structures (including telecommunication towers) Opportunities for uninterrupted views from the streetscape/public realm to at least 1
PS30 PG24
SHALL NOT be located within 50 m of a mosque Plot. façade of the mosque SHOULD be provided.

The following uses are compatible with and MAY be located adjacent to or within the
Existing utility plots around the mosque SHALL be aesthetically screened off to reduce vicinity of a mosque Plot:
PS31 PG25
their visual impact. • Residential, commercial, retail, educational, institutional, recreational, healthcare,
light industrial and transit nodes.
The following facilities SHOULD be considered within the vicinity of a masjid:
PS32 All mosques SHALL be planned as part of an integrated community facilities master • Grocery stores;
plan. (Refer to Figure 22.) • Pocket parks; and/or
• Barahaat.
PS33 Retail uses SHALL be prohibited within the mosque Plot boundary. The following facilities SHOULD be considered for location adjacent to a jame’e:
• Neighbourhood centres;
The following uses SHALL NOT be within 50 m of a mosque Plot: • Playgrounds;
PG27 • Grocery stores;
PS34 • Public parking;
• Hotels; and/or
• Heavy industry. • Neighbourhood parks; and/or
• Plazas.

Planning Page 34
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3
Policies and Principles Demand, Supply and Capacity Requirements Land Use Planning
Volume 1 - Planning

Standards Guidelines

The following facilities SHOULD be considered for location within the

vicinity of a district jame’e:
• Playgrounds;
• Community centres;
Adjacent land uses SHALL be of a compatible scale with the mosque and create • Libraries;
PS35 PG28
opportunities for community nodes. (Refer to Figure 23.)
• Restaurants and cafés;
• Souqs and supermarkets;
• District parks; and/or
• Mayadeen.

Planning Page 35
Retail Library
Open Space Retail

Women’s Facilities Open Space


Figure 21: View corridors along streets leading to a mosque Figure 22: Community planning to ensure community facilities are linked

Light Rail Station

Retail Library

Women’s Facilities
Open Space

bus station

Figure 23: Adjacent community facilities should be of a comparable size to the mosque

Planning Page 36
Attachment A:
Estidama Compliance Checklist
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations
Volume 1 – Planning

Attachment A: Estidama Compliance Checklist*

Section Volume 1 Estidama PBRS Appendix 1 – Estidama: Appendix 1
Guidelines Standards and Guidelines
Number Page No. Credit Section Reference Page No.
1.1 Policy 9 Provision Policy. LBo-R2 2.1 Natural and Urban Systems Assessment 16

2.0 Site Context 15

1.2 Policy 9 Location Policy. 2.1 Natural and Urban Systems Assessment 16

3.3 Accessibility and Provision of Community Facilities 26

2.0 Site Context 15

2.1 Natural and Urban Systems Assessment 16

1.3 Policy 9 Access Policy. 3.2 Outdoor Thermal Comfort 25
3.3 Accessibility and Provision of Community Facilities 26

3.4 Safe, Secure and Healthy Environments 27

* Standards and guidelines related to optional credits are not applicable to mosques required to comply with a minimum 1 Pearl Rating.

Planning Page 39
Section Volume 1 Estidama PBRS Appendix 1 – Estidama: Appendix 1
Guidelines Standards and Guidelines
Number Page No. Credit Section Reference Page No.
2.0 Site Context 15

1.4 Policy 10 Wider Community Policy. 2.1 Natural and Urban Systems Assessment 16

3.3 Accessibility and Provision of Community Facilities 26

2.0 Site Context 15

2.1 Methodology 16 Identify Boundaries and Land Area. 2.1 Natural and Urban Systems Assessment 16
3.3 Accessibility and Provision of Community Facilities 26

2.0 Site Context 15

Jame'e mosques SHOULD be located
3.1 PG8 30 close to transportation corridors and/or 2.1 Natural and Urban Systems Assessment 16
public transit nodes.
3.3 Accessibility and Provision of Community Facilities 26

A district jame’e SHALL be adjacent to 2.1 Natural and Urban Systems Assessment 16
a park/open space to accommodate an
3.1 PS16 30 LBo-3
increase in the number of worshippers
3.3 Accessibility and Provision of Community Facilities 26
during Eid prayers.

Pedestrian pathways that provide access

to mosques SHOULD be shaded with LBo-R3
3.2 PG11 31 3.2 Outdoor Thermal Comfort 25
non-obstructive shade structures and/or LBo-1

1.4 Develop an Implementation Strategy 11

All mosques SHALL be planned as part of
3.3 PS32 34 an integrated community facilities master 2.1 Natural and Urban Systems Assessment 16
3.3 Accessibility and Provision of Community Facilities 26

Planning Page 40
Attachment B:
Mosque Planning Case Study Summary Sheet
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations
Volume 1 – Planning

Attachment B: Mosque Planning Case Study Summary Sheet

Type Jame’e Masjid Masjid Jame’e Masjid Masjid

Plot Number If known If known If known If known If known If known

Actual Plot Area If known If known If known If known If known If known

Settlement Context Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban Suburban

Number of Worshippers 1,212 404 404 1,212 404 404

Male Worshippers 1,030 343 343 1,030 343 343

Female Worshippers 182 61 61 182 61 61

Minimum Plot Area

4,242 sqm 1,778 sqm 1,778 sqm 4,242 sqm 1,778 sqm 1,778 sqm

Minimum GFA Required 2,181 sqm 727 sqm 727 sqm 2,181 sqm 727 sqm 727 sqm

Imam’s Residence 100 sqm 100 sqm 100 sqm 100 sqm 100 sqm 100 sqm

Mu’athen’s Residence 80 sqm Not required Not required 80 sqm Not required Not required

Maximum Plot Coverage 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60%

Minimum Open Space/

40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40%
Parking Coverage

Maximum Building
G+1 G G G+1 G G

Minimum Car Parking

81 27 27 81 27 27

Minimum Bicycle Parking

10 5 5 10 5 5
* Refers to mosques illustrated in Figure 9.

Planning Page 43
Planning Page 44
Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations
Volume 1 – Planning

Administrative Terms Religious Terms

Term Definition Term Definition

ADCD Abu Dhabi Civil Defence. Ablution The mandatory cleansing prior to prayer.

ADMDR Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations. District Jame’e A jame’e located adjacent to district-level community facilities.

Awqaf The General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments (GAIAE). Islamic religious leader of prayer. The Imam also manages the day-to-
day running of the mosque.
DoT Abu Dhabi Department of Transport.
Jame’e Mosque used for Friday prayers and other daily prayers.
Meaning ‘sustainability’ in Arabic, it is the established guidelines and
Estidama principles for the promotion of sustainability in development projects The weekly congregational prayers that occur every Friday at noon
Friday Prayers
within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. time.
The preferred practice in typical situations or an advisory statement on Masjid Mosque used for daily prayers – the colloquial term is ‘local mosque’.
how to comply with a standard.
Mu’athen A person who assists the Imam and is responsible for the call to prayer.
IBC International Building Code.
Meaning ‘place for performing prayer’ in Arabic. Throughout this
Standard An instruction that is considered a requirement or mandate. volume, it specifically refers to a secondary prayer facility that is
usually embedded in a building with a predominantly non-religious use
UPC Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council. such as an office building or a shopping mall.
The direction of performing prayers, which is towards the Kaaba in
Makkah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Planning Page 47
Technical Terms Technical Terms (continued)

Term Definition Term Definition

The ability for people of all ages, including those with impaired mobility, The division of a parking area marked by column spacing or markings on
Accessibility Parking Space
to physically access desired destinations, services and/or activities. the ground.
Also known as a Site Plan or Plot Plan. A graphic illustration showing That portion of a plot that is occupied by any building or structure,
the exact coordinated location of a site issued and approved by the Abu Plot Coverage typically expressed as a percentage of the building footprint area to total
Affection Plan
Dhabi Government which includes: plot owner, plot area, land use, sector plot area.
and plot identifier. An area with a very low population density and no specific building
Rural Settlement
The habitable storey of a building, which is wholly or partly below type. Buildings in this settlement context are usually isolated. (As
Basement Context
ground level. defined in the Abu Dhabi Community Facility Planning Standards.)
Community An immediate walkable area within which a group of residents live. Secondary
A group of sectors, within cities, towns or small settlements, which is Mosque Secondary Mosque Planning Unit (SMPU). In a Suburban settlement
District Planning Unit context, the catchment area of a jame’e.
served by district-level open space and amenities.
Gross Floor Area (GFA). The sum of all horizontal areas of each floor of
a building or structure, measured from the exterior wall faces of the A classification used to describe Highly Urban, Urban, Suburban or Rural
GFA Settlement areas within the Emirate based on varying built forms, geographic areas
exterior walls, or from the centre line of walls separating 2 buildings,
subject to the rules of measurement for determining GFA. Context and access to services. (Refer to the Abu Dhabi Community Facility
Planning Standards.)
Highly Urban
An area with a population greater than 200 persons per hectare. A single plot or a combination of plots that are under single ownership
Site or unified control, which together form the boundaries of an area to be
The area of planned influence and service area of the mosque. Sqm Square metres.
Catchment Area
Mosque An area where most of the building types are villas. (As defined in the
Mosque Planning Unit (MPU). The catchment area defined to serve an Settlement
Planning Unit Abu Dhabi Community Facility Planning Standards.)
individual mosque. Context
Identifies a concept and attitude in development that considers a plot’s
Neighbourhood A collection of three to four communities.
Sustainability natural land, water, and energy resources as integral aspects of the
Parking provided at site(s) not within or adjacent to a mosque Plot. It is a development.
Off-site Parking
typical solution for dispersed parking.
Temporary A mosque with a roof made of temporary and/or removable materials
Parking areas and parking spaces that are located within the mosque Mosque such as wood, corrugated sheets, etc.
On-site Parking
The systematic classification of types of uses/styles that have
On-street Parking areas and parking spaces that are located on the street and/or in Typology
characteristics, traits or functions in common.
Parking areas adjacent to the street within a right-of-way (RoW.)
Parking Area An area specifically designated for vehicle parking. An area where most of the building types are mid-rise. (As defined in
the Abu Dhabi Community Facility Planning Standards.)

Planning Page 48
Mosque Development Committee
H.E. Falah Mohamed Al Ahbabi – Chairman of the Committee
Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council
H.E. Dr. Hamdan Al Mazrouei – Member
General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments
H.E. Hamad Al Shamsi – Member
Ministry of Interior
H.E. Ahmed Mohamed Shareef – Member
Department of Municipal Affairs
H.E. Khamis Sultan Al Soweidi – Member
General Secretariat of the Executive Council

Project Management Team

Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council

Government Agencies
General Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endowments (Awqaf)
Department of Municipal Affairs
Abu Dhabi City Municipality
Al Ain City Municipality
Region Municipality
Abu Dhabi General Services Company (Musanada)
Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority
The Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research
National Centre for Documentation and Research

Other Contributors
The Mosque Development Committee would like to thank all other
organisations, universities and individuals who have participated in
the development of the Abu Dhabi Mosque Development Regulations.

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