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Criminalistics Reviewer 2

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37. The study of the effect of the impact of a projectile on the target.    

          A.    Terminal Ballistics
          B.    Internal Ballistics
          C.    External Ballistics
          D.    Forensic Ballistics                              
38. The unstable rotating motion of the bullet is called
          A.    Trajectory
          B.    Yaw
          C.    Velocity
          D.    Gyroscopic action                              
39. The part of the mechanism of a firearm that withdraws the shell or cartridge from
the chamber.
          A.    Extractor
          B.    Ejector
          C.    Striker
          D.    Trigger                                            

40. The pattern or curved path of the bullet in flight.

          A.    Yaw
          B.    Range
          C.    Velocity
          D.    Trajectory                                       

41. This refers to the deflection of the bullet from its normal path after striking a
resistant surface.
          A.    Misfire
          B.    Mushroom
          C.    Ricochet
          D.    Key hole shot                                 

42. A type of primer with two vents or flash holes.

          A.    Bordan primer
          B.    Berdan Primer
          C.    Baterry Primer
          D.    Boxer Primer                                    

43. This refers to the helical grooves cut in the interior surface of the bore.
          A.    swaging  
          B.    ogive
          C.    rifling
          D.    breaching                                        

44. It refers to the unstable rotating motion of the bullet.

          A.    Trajectory
          B.    Yaw
          C.    Velocity
          D.    Gyproscopic action                          

45. It is the measurement of the bore diameter from land to land.

          A.    Calibre
          B.    Mean diameter
          C.    Gauge                
          D.    Rifling                                            
46. He is known as the Father of Ballistics.
          A.    Hans Gross
          B.    Charles Waite
          C.    Albert Osborne
          D.    Calvin Goddard                              

47. A document in which some issues have been raised or is under scrutiny.

          A.    Void Document
          B.    Illegal Document
          C.    Forged Document
          D.    Questioned Document                 

48. The following are characteristics of   forgery  except one:

          A.    Presence of Natural Variation
          B.    Multiple Pen Lifts
          C.    Show bad quality  of ink lines
          D.    Patchwork Appearance                 

49. Standards which are prepared upon the request of the investigator and for the
purpose of comparison with the questioned document.   
          A.    relative standards
          B.    collected standards
          C.    extended standards
          D.    requested standards                   
50. Any stroke which goes back over another writing stroke.
          A.    natural variation
          B.    rhythm
          C.    retracing
          A.    shading                                        
51. The name of a person written by him/her in a document as a sign of
          A.    Opinion
          B.    Document
          C.    Signature
          D.    Handwriting                                      

52. A kind of document  which is executed by a private person without the

intervention of a notary public, or of competent public   official, by which some
disposition of agreement is proved.
          A.    commercial document
          B.    official document
          C.    public document
          D.    private document                            

53. An instrument that can be legally used in comparison with a questioned

document, its origin is known and can be proven.   
          A.    simulated document
          B.    forged document
          C.    standard document
          D.    compared document                        
54. The process of making out what is illegible or what has been effaced.  
          A.    Comparison
          B.    Collation
          C.    Obliteration
          D.    Decipherment                                  
55. A document which contains some changes either as an addition or deletion.   
          A.    inserted document
          B.    altered document
          C.    disputed document
          D.    obliterated document                       

56. A kind of erasure by using a rubber eraser, sharp knife, razor  blade or picking
          A.    mechanical erasure
          B.    electronic erasure
          C.    magnetic erasure
          D.    chemical erasure                              

57. It is the periodic increase in pressure, characterized by widening of the ink stroke.
          A.    Shading
          B.    pen lift
          C.    pen emphasis
          D.    pen pressure                                    

58. A kind of document executed by a person in authority and by private parties but
notarized by competent officials.
          A.    private document 
          B.    commercial document
          C.    public document
          D.    official document                             
59. The detection and identification of poisons.
          A.    Bacteriology
          B.    Posology
          C.    Toxicology
          D.    Chemistry                                          

60. The specimen that is preferably used in the determination of abused drugs in the
          A.    blood 
          B.    saliva
          C.    body fluid
          D.    urine                                                 

61. A forensic chemist is tasked  to examine the chemical nature

      and composition of the following except one:  
          A.    Fingerprint
          B.    Explosives
          C.    Blood
          D.    Body fluids                                       

62. Who qualifies a forensic chemist as expert?

          A.    defense  lawyer    
          B.    judge
          C.    prosecutor
          D.    the chemist himself/herself              

63. Methamphetamine hydrochloride is commonly known as  

          A.    Coke
          B.    LSD
          C.    Heroin
          D.    “shabu”                                            
64. An area surrounding the place where the crime occurred. 
          A.    crime scene
          B.    police line
          C.    area of operation
          D.    area of responsibility                       
65. The body of the crime.
          A.    Evidence
          B.    body of the victim
          C.    criminology
          D.    corpus delicti                                    
66. One of the following is a derivative of the opium poppy.
          A.    Demerol
          B.    Caffeine
          C.    Morphine
          D.    nicotine                                            
67. Number restoration is necessary in determining whether there is tampering of
serial number in  
          A.    Typewriter
          B.    Firearm
          C.    Prisoners
          D.    Bank notes                                       

68. In forensic examination, a tip of the hair is examined to determine  if it was

          A.    Bend
          B.    Folded
          C.    Stretched
          D.    Cut                                                   
69. All of the following are accurate tests for the presence of alcohol in the human
body except one:  
          A.    Saliva test
          B.    Harger Breath Test
          C.    Fecal test
          D.    Blood test                                        

70. The application of chemical principles and processes in the examination of

          A.    Forensic Medicine
          B.    Forensic Evidence
          C.    Criminalistics
          D.    Forensic Chemistry                          
71. Volatile poisons may be isolated by means of this process.
          A.    Dialysis
          B.    Dilution
          C.    Distillation
          D.    Extraction                                        
72. The process in reproducing physical evidence by plaster moulds.
          A.    Casting
          B.    Cementing
          C.    Moulage
          D.    Sticking                                            
73. The test used to determine the presence of semen particularly in stained clothing.
          A.    Florence Test
          B.    Barberio’s Test
          C.    Microscopic Test
          D.    Ultra-Violet Test                               
74. The test used to determine the presence of blood in stained material.
          A.    Florence Test
          B.    Barberio’s Test
          C.    Takayama Test
          D.    Phenolphtalein  Test                        
75. It is the major component of a glass.
          A.    Lime
          B.    Soda
          C.    Silica
          D.    Gel                                                   
76. Poisons which produce stupor and less feeling.
          A.    Narcotics
          B.    Irritants
          C.    Depressants
          D.    Stimulants                                        

77. A supercooled liquid which possess high viscosity and rigidity.

          A.    dry ice
          B.    cartridge case
          C.    gel
          D.    glass                                                
78. The study and identification of body fluids.
          A.    Pharmacology
          B.    Serology
          C.    Posology
          D.    Immunology                                     

79. The test to determine whether blood is of human origin or not.

          A.    Blood typing
          B.    Precipitin Test
          C.    Confirmatory Test
          D.    Preliminary Test                               

80. The circulating tissue of the body.

          A.    Blood
          B.    Cells
          C.    Muscles
          D.    Liver                                                

81. The complete, continuous, persistent cessation of respiration, circulation and

almost all brain function of an organism.  
          A.    Apparent death
          B.    Molecular death
          C.    Cellular Death
          D.    Somatic death                                  

82. The approximate time for the completion of one case for DNA Testing.  
          A.    minimum of eight weeks
          B.    minimum of six weeks
          C.    minimum of four weeks
          D.    minimum of two weeks                     

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