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Hyperfund Service Agreement

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The agreement entered into between you (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) and HyperFund
(hereinafter referred to as “Vendor”). By accessing, downloading, using or clicking on “I agree” to

accept any Services (as defined below) provided by Client (as defined below), you agree that you have

read, understood and accepted all of the terms and conditions stipulated in this agreement.
Vendor has agreed to provide services to the Client on the terms and conditions set out in this

Agreement, while Client is of the opinion that the Vendor has the proper and necessary qualifications,

experience and abilities to provide services to Client.

Therefore in consideration of the matters described above, the receipt and sufficiency of which

consideration is hereby acknowledged, the Client and the Vendor agree as follows:
1. Scope of Work
The Vendor is to provide the Client with the following services (the “Services”):
1. Through the acquisition of a HyperDrive membership via the Client’s computer or Internet compatible
devices for the Client’s personal/internal purposes, the Client shall be granted a revocable, limited, non-

exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable license to access the services rendered by Vendor.
2. Vendor will provide educational resources such as text, graphics, photos, audio files, and documents
for the Client. The educational resources provided shall be subjected to availability, and shall mainly focus

on cryptocurrency terminologies and concepts, and the Client is expressly prohibited to use these
resources for resale or commercial purposes.
3. Provided that Client constantly comply with the express terms and conditions stated in this agreement,
Client shall receive credits (hereinafter known as “HU”) from the Vendor on a periodic basis, which will

enable the Client to redeem specified cryptocurrency tokens through the HyperFund platform.

4. Whereas, the Vendor is in business of performing such activities and is willing to provide these services
to the Client under the terms and conditions of this agreement. The services will include any other tasks

which the Client and the Vendor may agree on.

2. Terms of Service
This terms and condition will remain in full force and effect until the completion of the Services.
1. The Client shall establish a budget, acquire cryptocurrency, and transfer the said cryptocurrency to

Vendor via the use of their app, web service or other mechanisms as made available by Vendor.

2. Vendor Shall:
- Provide
Please thethe
read platform with carefully
agreement which to before
perform operations pertaining to cryptocurrency activities. Next
proceeding… 1/6

- Make available the education and instructional content for Client to understand and execute operations

as required to accomplish the Client's aims from the cryptocurrency markets.

- Issue a purchase receipt based on the agreed upon budget that was decided by the Client. This

purchase receipt will serve as an extension of the Product and Service Agreement, and all terms and
conditions in this Agreement will apply towards the purchase receipt, and the amount stated within.

- Take the budgeted cryptocurrency, in this case, the amount in the purchase receipt received by the

client and, via liquidity management activities across multiple exchanges, generate revenue for the Client
in the amount of HU from 1.5X to 3X, depending on the membership package the client purchases and

the cryptocurrency amount transferred by the Client to the Vendor.

3. Compensation
The Vendor shall be entitled, as a fee, to all revenue generated above the amount of targeted HU

amount, and the Client shall make no representations of claim to that amount. The expected return from
said activities is estimated to be between 0.5% and 1% of the client’s budgeted amount in HU,

equivalent to USD, per 24 hour period.

4. Proof of Vendor Competence

While the Vendor will perform on his/her given responsibilities to the best of his/her capabilities, do note

that past performance may not be indicative of future results. Different types of operations and activities
involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific
investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly in this agreement, will

be profitable, equal any corresponding indicated historical performance level(s), or be suitable for your
To the extent that the Client has any questions regarding the applicability of any specific issue discussed
above to his/her individual situation, he/she is encouraged to consult with the professional advisor of

his/her choosing.
5. Risks of Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrency is highly risky. Client acknowledge and agree that exchanging HU for specified

cryptocurrencies through the HyperFund platform is done so at the Client’s own risk, which include but
are not limited to:
- The liquidity, market depth and dynamics of the trading market fluctuate violently and change rapidly,

which may result in major gains or losses as the case may be.
- Client is not eligible to receive forked currencies split from any blockchain assets.
- Trading carry risk, and the value of Client’s digital assets may decline. If the value of assets drops to a

certain level, Client is responsible for dealing with these market circumstances. - In some market
Please readClient
situations, the agreement
may find itcarefully
difficult before proceeding
or impossible to trade a cryptocurrency. This may occur, forNext
as a result of insufficient market liquidity or technical issues on exchanges.… 2/6

6. Eligibility

By registering to use a HyperFund Account, you represent and warrant that (i) as an individual, you are at
least 18 or are of legal age to form a binding contract under applicable laws; (ii) as an individual, or legal

person, you have full legal capacity and sufficient authorizations to enter into these Terms; (iii) you have
not been previously suspended or removed from using HyperFund Services; (iv) your use of HyperFund
Services will not violate any and all laws and regulations applicable to you, including but not limited to

regulations on anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, and counter-terrorist financing.

7. Recourse
The Client’s purchase from the Vendor shall be with full recourse against the Vendor. In the event that

the liquidity management services and timed liquidity events fail to produce projected returns, the
Vendor will ensure revenue projections are met by liquidating digital portfolios of the Vendor in excess of
100,000,000 USD as and when required to meet any shortfall.

8. Independent Contractor
The Vendor is acting as an independent contractor in providing the Services under this Agreement, not as
an employee. The parties agree that this Agreement does not create a joint venture or a partnership

between them.
9. Notice
All notices or demands required or permitted by the terms of this Agreement will be given in writing and

delivered to the parties.

10. Time is of the Essence
No extension or variation of this Agreement will operate as a waiver of this provision. Time is of the

essence in this Agreement.

11. Non-Refundable
Client understands that once membership has been purchased, there is no rescission of this agreement

and no refund will be made.

12. Integration
This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding by and between the Client and the
Vendor and no representations, promises, agreements or understandings, written or oral, not herein

contained shall be of any force or effect.

13. Choice of Law

This Agreement and the performance under this Agreement and all suits and special proceedings

this Agreement, be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special

Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (Hong Kong SAR).

Please read the agreement carefully before proceeding
14. Severability Next… 3/6

The provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed severable, and the invalidity or
unenforceability of any

one or more of the provisions hereof shall not affect the validity and
enforceability of the other provisions


As a member of the HyperCommunity and user of the HyperFund platform who is sharing the
benefits of

the company’s growth, there are some standard that you must uphold as a member of the platform

community. HyperTech Group has commitment to innovate the blockchain industry, build great products,
attract loyal users. Respect for our users, for the opportunity, and for each other are foundational to

success, and are something we need to support every day.
Who Must Follow Our Code?
All paid members of the HyperCommunity who have either purchased a new membership or a rebuy

must follow this code of conduct.

Our reputation as a conglomerate of companies that people can trust is by far our most
valuable asset

and it is up to the community and our team to ensure that we continually earn that trust. If
there is any
suspicion of wrongdoing amongst our community members such as poaching members, defamation, or

abuse toward our members and corporate team, we call upon the community members to inform the

company to
help us uphold the highest integrity.
For those who are building a community or inviting other members to the opportunity, it is

forbidden to pose as the company or use any of the company’s trademarked or copyrighted marketing
materials or support channels to promote other businesses.

Anyone found in violation of the above will receive one warning and any subsequent offenses
may result

in a permanent ban from the company’s support channels and/or appropriate legal action, depending
on the severity of the offense.
Our community members who are actively benefiting from the HyperFund platform are to uphold

code of conduct and are forbidden from publicly sharing any misleading of defamatory remarks about

HyperFund, the HyperCommunity, or and other other companies/platforms owned by the HyperTech
Group. This
constitutes fair warning to all of our active and paid members.

Anyone found in violation of the above will receive one warning and a temporary account
suspension for

1 week. A repeat offense will result in account termination without warning.

Anti-money Laundering and Counter-terrorism Financing (AML/CTF)

By entering into the Privacy Policy and Service Agreement, you undertake that you will not knowingly do
Please read the agreement carefully before proceeding Next
anything to put us in breach of any law in relation to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism… 4/6

Financing (“AML/CTF Laws”), including, but not limited to: criminal activities, fake deposits, or accepting

fiat currency from individuals with no prior relationship. You undertake to notify us if you are aware of

anything that would put us in breach of the AML/CTF Laws. Additionally, from time to time, we may

require further information and/or documentation to assist with this process.

We at the HyperTech Group rely on our community’s and our corporate team’s good judgment to

uphold a high standard of integrity for ourselves and for the company. We expect all of our corporate
and our paid community members to follow the Code of Conduct to the letter. We do understand

that sometimes,
doing the right thing is not an easy call, so if you are unsure of what to do or need some

guidance, do not
be afraid to consult our community members or the management team for more clarity.

We at the HyperTech Group are committed to ensuring our community builders are successful and

providing the resources they need. When joining our community as a community builder, it is absolutely
imperative to ensure that everything you are saying on social media is accurate and properly represents

HyperTech Group, so we have decided to create simple guidelines for everyone to help you grow the

effectively and in a compliant manner.
-Share your referral link with your social media contacts in private messages ONLY

-Refer to our official channels for message guidance

-Answer legitimate questions (provided you know the answer)

-Refer to official guidance if you are in any way unsure

-Direct people to official HyperCommunity channels if required

-Impersonate the HyperTech Group, HyperCommunity, or HyperFund trademark
-Share unofficial marketing materials or posts on social media outside of the official
Facebook and

Telegram Groups*

-Use the brand or logo in profile imagery*

-Use the brand, name or logo on personal social media accounts, personal web domains, OR

group chats*

-Post income claims of any kind

-Allow abusive or defamatory comments on your posts

-Post misleading or inaccurate information

-Post defamatory comments about HyperFund, HyperCommunity, HyperTech Group, or its community
Please read the agreement carefully before proceeding Next
-Promote products from a rival organization to known affiliate partners… 5/6

*Without explicit approval or written permission from corporate

Please take action as soon as possible if necessary.
The publication of this article constitutes fair warning to all HyperCommunity/HyperFund
Builders who are in current violation of these online guidelines and strongly recommends they take
immediate action to rectify it.
Anyone found in violation of these rules by our compliance team or other affiliates may be
subject to
warning and subsequent termination or blacklist upon repeat violations.
Now that you know what to do and what not to do, it’s time to get out there and use social
media in a
clean and effective way to help us build the world’s strongest blockchain community.

Please read the agreement carefully before proceeding Next… 6/6

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