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Freedom of Information ' and Privacy Acts Subject: Jeffrey Dahmer File Number: 95-HQ-299705 RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRReRRAN THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. No BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. RR RRR RRR RRR RRA ai $2 ze ok ae 88 7 | Yea, a hf (City 10813026 C™ 2 uot Philp Aron : : ip Arent Milwaukee eel Stree 1 Milwaukee Police Department Ov wy 749 West State Street e Milwaukee, KI. 53233 ue August 12, 1991 1y Delivered By DIRECTOR Federal Bureau of Investigation 10th Street & Pennslyvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. Attention: FBI Laboratory Dear Sir: ope RE: MPD FILE: C. re 51767 (M2472) SUSPECT: MER, Jeffrey’, W/M, DOB: 5/21/60 SD” of 924°N. 25th St., #213, Milwaukee, WI OFFENSE: MULTIPLE HOMICIOES LOCATION: 924 .N. 25th St., #213, (Milwaukee, ) cls DATE: A Between November 1987 and July 19, 1991 43 Myt-iple Bemici On July 23, 1991, the remains of eleven decapitated, dismembered victims were discovered in the apartment of Jeffrey Dahmer. Subsequent investigation has implicated Dahmer in the homicides of seventeen persons. The items being submitted for examination were originally recovered from Dahmer's apartment on duly 23, 1991. C aso Ge TON OF EVIDENCE: 7 of ] /¥)- / (Box containing Explorer bushwacker, model 21-166, knife with black leather sheath, (NWPO INV #1337835, Items #1 and #2) Le ote spoon, (MHPD INV #1337860, Item #1) NJ cL/oisston handsaw with 64" blade, (MHPD INV #1337860, Item #2) Vee with black plastic handle and 12 blade, (WHPO INV #1337860, Item #5) 7 3/4" saw blade, (NWPD INV #1337860, Item #6) Z 434" saw blade, (MWPD INV #1337860, Item #7) 12k" saw blade, (MWPD INV #1337860, Item #8) Police Administration Building, 749 West State Street, Post Office Box 531, Milwaukee, Wisconsin $3201. PAGE 2 8 ~ “DAHMER EVIDENCE ogo 6 AUGUST 12, 1991 . agen saw blade, (NPD INV #1337720, Item #9) JAC tite with white plastic handle, (MMPD INV #1337855, Item #2) TAT Akco knife with 4 1/8" blade, (MHP INV #1337855, Item #3) - JAC Oral B toothbrush, (MWPD INV #1337855, Item #5) t tric drill, Sears Craftsman, 3/8", (NHPD INV #1337855, Item #9) Myoda lap-top computer, model 13500, ser/35002853, (MWPD INV #1337824, Item #9) JR shettietd knife with 2" blade, (MWPD INV #1337855, Sy) #4) 's manual for lap top computer, model LT3500, PD INV #1337872, Item #3) |. Computer guide - Micro soft learning dos, (MWPD INV #1337872, Item #4) Gmina needle, (MHPD INV #1337822, Item #2) (a bag contg filter and vacuumed debris from carpet, (MAPD INV #1338728, Item #1) J < Paper bag contg filter and vacuumed residue from aluminum pot, (PO INV #1338728, Item #2) . Floor tiles, 2 pieces, (MWPD INV #1338728, Item #4) per bag contg filter and vacuumed residue from file cabinet, (MWPD INV #1338728, Item #3) Sample of stained fabric from beneath cushions of couch, (MPD INV #1338730, Item #1) xr oean of stained fabric from cushion of couch, (MWPD INV #1338730, Item #2) She Sample of unstained fabric from beneath cushions of couch, (weD INV #1338730, Item #3) Ke ample of unstained fabric from couch, (MWPD INV #1338730, Item #4) Vv |. Sample of stained fabric from beneath chair cushion, (MWPD INV #1338730, Item #5) 4 AB. Sample of unstained fabric from beneath chair cushion, L (WWPD INV #1338731, Item #1) JK. Sample of stained fabric from chair, (MWPD INV #1338731, Item #2) PAGE 3 8 : 9 ‘DARMER EVIDENCE : AUGUST 12, 1991 Jab Sample of stained fabric from chair cushion, (M4PD Thy #1338731, Item #3) Jaf” Sample of unstained fabric from chair, (MHPD INV #1338731, Item #4) ky Collection bag from Mighty-Mini shop vac, (MHPD INV #1338731, Item #5) v AG. Filter from Mighty-Mini shop vac, (MHPD INV #1338731, Item #6) gi Van. Paper bag contg scrapings of dried material on stove top, “ (VWPD INV #1338732, Ttem #1) J BX Paper bag conta scrapings of dried material inside dishpan, (HPD INV #1338732, Item #2) J pa “gmat drit1 bit, (NWPD INV #1338732, Ttem #3) i JKC Sample of mattress pad, unstained, (MNPD INV #1338732, Item #4) < Sample of mattress pad, stained, (MWPD INV #1338732, Item #5) + Pillowcase, black cloth, bloodstained, (MPD INV #1338732, Item #6) 1A ample of cloth from pillow, stained, (MWPD INV #1338733, Item #1) oso of cloth from pillow, unstained, (MWPD INV #1338733, Item #2) Von of sheet, unstained, (MWPO INV #1338733, Item #3) Q J AQ. Sample of sheet, stained, (HPD INV #1338733, Item #4) te Sample of hall carpet, unstained, (MMPD INV #1338733, Item #5) a of hall carpet, stained, (MKPD INV #1338733, Item #6) J gC sampie of mattress fabric, stained, (NPD INV #1336734, Iten #1) LAG. Sample of mattress fabric, stained, (NWPD INV #1338734, Item #2) + AN. Sample of mattress fabric, unstained,‘ (MWPD INV #1338734, Item #3) j. Sample of box spring fabric, stained, (HWPO INV #1338734, Item #4) (SKC Sample of box spring fabric, unstained, (MWPD INV #1338734, Item #5) J ye Sample of bedroom carpet pad, stained, (MWPD INV #1338735, Item #1) | pe Sample of bedroom carpet pad, stained, (MWPD INV #1338735, Item #2) J BX Sample of bedroom carpet pad, unstained, (MWPD INV #1338735, Item #3) 1386 Sample of bedroom carpet pad, stained, (MWPD INV #1336735, Item #4) * PAGE 4 « -DAHMER. EVIDENCE August 12, 1991 < = pe seme Of bedroom carpet, sti nue, «twPo TH 191338735, Item #5) Lag Sample of bedroon carpi, stained, YwweD INV 11336736, Ttem-#1) : y de "Sample of bedroom carpet, unstained, (MPD, INV #1338736, Item. #2) aa of-bedroon carpet, stained, (MPO INV #1338736, Item #3) ple of living room carpét, stained, (MWPD INV #1338736, Item #4) 1 Sample of living room caret, unstained, (MWPO INV #1338736, Item #5) © Sample of living room carnet pad, unstained, (MMPO INV #1338736, Item #6) Sample of living room car,et pad, stained, (MWPD INV #1338736, Item #7) Ie ample of living room carpet, stained, . (MWPD TN. #1338736, Item #8) J Sealed envelope contg oral and anal swabs and smears, saliva sample, head hair, pubic hair, hairs. from torso, and left and right fingernail clippings from remains of Oliver Lacy at post mortem exan, (wwPD INV #1338900, Item #1) Y |. Sealed bag contg frozen samples of Tunbar margin, bone marrow and anterior 6th rib cartilage from remains of Oliver Lacy at post mortem exam, IPD INV #1338900, Item #2) Vv Sealed envelope contg oral and anal swabs and smears, saliva sample, head hair’ and hair from anus from remains of Joseph Sradeabott; at post nortan exam, (MWPD INV #1338901, Item #1) ort x Sealed bag contg frozen sampiq) of cervical and lumbar margins and bone aprox from remains of Josep freetloty post mortem exam, Item NS (PO INV ony 1 ©" Sealed envelope Contg oral and anal swabs and smears, laryngel swabs and smears, saliva sample and head hair from remains of Jeremiah Weinberger . at post mortem exam, (MWPD INV #1338902, Item #1) : was Seated bag contg frozen cervical and lumbar margins, bone marrow and sample skull with drill holes from remains of Jeremiah Weinberger, Awe INV’ #1330902, Item #2) { Sealed envelope contg upper molars and sample of skull with drill holes rom remains of Konerak Sinthasomphone at post mortem exam, (MWPD INV #1338903, Item #1) V7 LS Sealed envelope contg upper molars and sample of skull with drill holes from remains of Tony Hughes at post mortem exam, (mwPo INV #1338904, Item #1) \ / PAGE 5 mp DAHNER EVIDENCE aoe * August 12, 1991 042 Q PAGE TWO DE FBIMM 0031 UNCLAS EF TO REFERENCED TELETYPE, MIAMI RECEIVEO INFORMATION FROM QD GMM THAT THREE SEPARATE WITNESSES HAVE COME FORTH AND HAVE PLACED DAHMER AT THE HOLLYWOOD SHOPPING CENTER THE MORNING ADAM WALSH WAS KIDNAPPED FROM A SEARS DEPARTMENT STORE. GMM SCRIBED HIS WITNESSES AS BEING RELIABLE ORDINARY Jyie. CITIZENS AND NOT INDIVIDUALS SEEKING NOTORIETY OR PUBLICITY. ONE OF THE WITNESSES IS A QB IN THE FORT LAUDERDALE AREA AND LIKE THE OTHER TWO, AFTER SEEING DAHHER ON THE NEWS THEY INDEPENDENTLY CONTACTED QUUMMMMMMIMMB AT OIFFERENT TINE FRAMES. THERE IS NO INFORMATION TO REFLECT THAT THE WITNESSES KNOW EACH OTHER. WITH THIS INFORMATION MIAMI AGREED TO ASSIST QD IN ATTEMPTING TO SECURE A PERSONAL INTERVIEW WITH DAHMER, WITH ASSISTANCE FROM SA QM sss QB ras Been rw TeEvePHonrc Xs CONTACT WITH DAHMER'S ATTORNEY JERRY BOYLE ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS. BOYLE WAS PRESENTED WITH THE NEWEST DEVELOPMENTS IN THE WALSH CASE AND AGREED TO ASSIST IF IT MEANT NOT PLACING HIS CLIENT IN JEGPARDY. AS THE SUREAU AND MILWAUKEE ARE AWARE DAMMER HAS REFUSED TO IMPLICATE HIMSELF IN CASES IN THOSE STATES WHICH CARRY THE DEATH PENALTY. ATTORNEY SOYLE REFUSED TO ALLOW THE MIAMI CASE AGENT AND PAGE THREE DE FaIMM 0031 UNCLAS EF TO QM 10 rer view Hrs cLIEWT PRIDR TO DAHNER'S TRIAL. HE INDICATED THAT DAWMER HAD INFORMATION (POSSIBLY AN ALIBI) THAT WOULD ELIMINATE HIM AS A SUSPECT IN THE WALSH CASES MOMEVER) THIS INFORMATION WAS NEVER SHARED WITH MIAMI. SSA) nie GERM artenpreo 19 OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION JUST PRIOR TO DAMMER'S TRIAL» BUT BOYLE. DID NOT MAKE HIMSELF AVAILABLE AND REFUSED TO RETURN TELEPHONE CALLS LEAVING MESSAGES WITH HIS SECRETARY THAT AFTER THE TRIAL HE WOULD CONTACT THE MIAMI CASE AGENT. THE LAST TELEPHONIC CONTACT WITH SQYLE OCCURRED ON THURSDAY, APRIL 165 1992s WHEN SSA QM CONTACTED HIM aT HIS RESIDENCE. DURING THIS TELEPHONE CONVERSATION, BOYLE Ane INDICATED THAT DAHNE2 HAS RETAINED AN ATTORNEY FROM PHILADELPHIA, ROBERT MOZENTER (PHONETIC) TO APPEAL THE CASE. BOYLE OID NOT APPEAR EAGER TO DISCUSS THE CASE~ IN ONE OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED CONVERSATIONS WITH SA GEIB = suorcaten THAT oamMeR HAD SECONE FRIENOLY WETH ONE) og OF THE DETECTIVES FROM THE MILWAUKEE POLICE DEPARTMENT. TAM WOULO STILL LIKE TO INTERVIEW DAHNER SINCE HE IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY SUSPECT IN THE CASE, IF MILWAUKEE THROUGH THE LOCAL \e POLICE DEPARTMENT COULD ATTEMPT TO FACILITATE AN INTERVIEW IT WOULD CERTAINLY ASSIST IN THE WALSH MATTERe ATLWAUKEE DIVISION AT MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. MILWAUKEE DIVISION IS REQUESTED TO LIAISON WITH MILWAUKEE POLICE DEPARTHENT INVESTIGATORS WITH WHOM OAHMER HAD ESTABLISHED A RAPPORT AND ATTEMPT TO FACILITATE AN INTERVIEW OF DAHMER FOR HOLLYWOOD POLICE DFPARTHy i 1c on August 12, 1991 (10813028 S 27 QFTL) LX ROM_SIN’ rE: a Piece of skull (BR) KL Teeth from SINTHASOMPHONE (BR) Specimens personally delivered by; Sie on August 12, 1991 (10813029 s 2J ‘ITEMS FROM HUGHES: on Piece of skull (BS) KL Teeth from HUGHES Specimens personally delivered +y aS Jac on August 12, 1991 (10813030 S/D ZJ YI QF ZH): ‘ITEMS FROM MILLE! a Paint chips from skull (BT) 2 Photograph (CE) Page 6 (over) 10812064 S/D 23 28 2a KL Teeth from MILLER (BT) Specimens personally delivered by on LIC August 12, 1991 (10813031 S ZJ QF ZH’ ITEMS FROM SEAR! Qa Pubic hair combings (BU) | 2 Paint chips from skull (BU) KL Pubic hair sample from SEARS (BU) K2 Head hair sample from SEARS (BU) K3 Teeth from SEARS (BU) Specimens personally delivered by on Me. August 12, 1991 (10813032 5 23 OF ZB)? ITEMS FROM SMITH: Qu Paint chips from skull (BV) Kl Teeth from SMITH (BV) Specimens personally delivered > STI on )1C- August 12, 1991 (10813033 S 23 QF 7 ITEMS FROM LINDSEY: Qu Piece of skull (BW) KL ‘Teeth from LINDSEY (BW) Specimens personally delivered by (EB on) 1c, August 12, 1991 (10813034 S 23 QF): ITEMS FROM_STRAUGHTER: Qn Pubic hair combing (BX) KL Pubic hair sample from STRAUGHTER (BX) x2 Teeth from STRAUGHTER (BX) Page 7 (over) 10812064 S/D 2 Specimen personally delivered by August 12, 1991 (10813035 S 23 YI): ‘ITEM FROM THOMAS: Qu Photo (CF) Specimens personally delivered by on ae August 12, 1991 (10813036 S ZJ QW QI 2 ‘ITEMS_FROM TURNER: Qn Oral swabs (BY) 2 oral smear (BY) 3 Anal swabs (BY) o4 Anal smear (BY) . 05 Debris from right costal margin (BZ) 6 Debris from pubis (BZ) 7 cervical margin (BZ) 08 Lumbar margin (BZ) KL Head hair sample from TURNER (BY) ka Saliva sample from TURNER (BY) x3 Bone marrow from TURNER (BZ) ALSO SUBMITTED: Hair plucked from skin pieces (BZ) Result of examination: HAIRS AND FIBERS EXAMINATIONS: Negroid head hairs and hair fragments suitable for significant comparison purposes, and Negroid and Caucasian hairs not suitable for significant comparison purposes were found on specimens 94, Q9, Q11, 913 and Q28 (10812064). No hairs which were suitable for significant comparison purposes Page 8 (over) 10812064 S/D 25 a exhibit the same microscopic characteristics as those in the known head hair samples from Oliver Lacy (K1 - 10812064), Joseph Bradehoft (K1 - 10813026), Jeremiah Weinberger (K1 - 10813027), Anthony Sears (K2 - 10813031), or Matt Turner (Kl - 10813036) . No hairs microscopically like those in the known head or pubic hair samples from the suspect (K5 and K6 - 10812064) were found on or in specimens Q47 through Q49 (10812064), Q5 (10813026), Ql (10813031), Ql (10813034), or Q5 and Q6 (10813036). Grouping tests conducted on the known samples disclosed the results set forth below. K3 (LACY) “Hp 1" K4 (DAHMER) "PGM 1+, Hp 2-1, Ge 2-18" All additional grouping tests conducted on specimen K3 were inconclusive. Grouping tests conducted on the K2 saliva sample were inconclusive. Grouping tests conducted on human blood identified on specimens Q18, 030, Q31 and Q34 through Q42 were inconclusive. Human blood, insufficient in quantity to allow further analysis, was identified on specimens Ql, 014 and Q19. Human blood, which was not further characterized, was identified in specimens Q46 and Q47. Blood which could not be further characterized was identified on specimen Q33. Stains containing human protein, but no blood, were identified on specimen 029. No blood was identified on specimens Q1A, Q2 through Q11, 920 through 923, Q32, Q43 through Q45 and Q51 through 053. Both human blood and semen were identified on specimens Q50 and K2. Semen was also identified on specimens Q51 and 952. No semen was identified on specimens Q14 and 953. Biochemical testing for substances characteristically present in fecal matter were positive on samples taken from specimens Q29, 32 and Q61. Page 9 (over) 10812064 S/D 23 1081302! Grouping tests conducted on the K3 bone marrow sample and the K2 saliva sample were inconclusive. Human blood was identified on specimens Qi and K2. Chemical tests for the possible presence of blood were positive on specimens Q2 through Q4. In view of the nature of the specimens, no further examination was conducted for blood. Specimens Q1 through Q4 and K2 were examined for the presence of semen, however, none was identified. Grouping tests conducted on the K3 bone marrow sample from WEINBERGER disclosed the results set forth below. K3 “Hp 1, Ge 18" All additional grouping tests conducted on this specimen and on K2 were inconclusive. Human blood which was not further characterized was identified on specimens Qi and K2. Chemical tests for the possible presence of blood were positive on specimens 02 through Q6, however, in view of the nature of the specimens, no further characterization was done. Specimens Q1 through Q6 and K2 were examined for the presence of semen, however, none was identified. 10813036: Grouping tests conducted on the K3 bone marrow sample and the K2 saliva sample were inconclusive. Human blood was identified on specimen K2. Chemical tests for the possible presence of blood were positive on specimens Qi through Q4. In view of the nature of the specimens, no further characterization was conducted on these specimens. Specimens Q1 through Q4 and K2 were examined for the presence of semen, however, none was identified. Page 10 (over) 10812064 S/D 25 ‘ 3h Additional laboratory examinations to determine DNA profiles in samples taken from the submitted evidence are currently in progress. You will be advised of the results of these examinations by separate report. If any developments occur in this case such as dismissal of charges or guilty pleas which would eliminate the necessity for conducting these examinations, please advise the FBI Laboratory DNA Analysis Unit immediately (202-324-5436) . 10} NATION! Specimen Q8 (10813036) contains longitudinal impressions that are consistent with a sawing action, that left no toolmarks of value for identification purposes and thus could not be associated with any of the submitted saw blades. Specimen Q7 (10813036) contains longitudinal impressions that are consistent with a reciprocating (back and forth) sawing action that left no toolmarks of value for identification purposes. Specimen Q1 (10813029) has two holes that are consistent in diameter with 928 (10812064) and therefore could have been produced by this drill bit. However, due to a lack sufficient corresponding toolmarks of value, no further association could be made. Additionally, holes in Ql (10813028), Q1 (10813033) and another hole in Q1 (10813029) vary in diameter from 1/8th-1/4th of an inch in size. These holes also have no toolmarks of value for identification purposes. ‘There are no toolmarks of value for identification purposes present on any of the other items submitted in this case. No further associations could be made with any of the other submitted tools and the submitted items in this case. CHEMISTRY EXAMINATIONS: Specimens Q2 and Q14 are negative for the presence of commonly encountered drugs. PAINT EXAMINATIONS: The paints from the Q1 (Laboratory number 10813030), Q2 (Laboratory number 10813031) and Q1 (Laboratory number 10813032) specimens were examined microscopically, Page 11 (over) 10812064 S/D 25 microchemically and instrumentally. Based upon the comparison examinations conducted, these paints were determined to match in colors, textures, type and composition. Therefore, it was concluded that these paints could have originated from a common source. The probable source of the above-described paints is @ commercially available product called FLECK STONE in their "Gotham Gray" color. FLECK STONE is manufactured by the PLASTI-KOTE Company, Medina, Ohio, 44256, and can be found in both hardware and craft stores. The above-mentioned paints matched the "Gotham Gray" FLECK STONE in color, texture} type and composition. PHOTOGRAPHIC EXAMINATIONS: The Q1 polaroid photograph (10813035), Q2 polaroid photograph (10813030) and the Qi0 polaroid photograph (10813027) were photographically copied and enlargements made. It was determined the Qi and Q2 film were manufactured in April 1990 and the Q10 film was manufactured in November 1990. No determination can be made as to exactly when the photographs were taken. The photographic enlargements are being returned separately. The copy negatives are being retained at the FBI Laboratory. MAGNETIC MEDIA EXAMINATIONS: The Q57 harddisk drive, Q58a through 058i, Q60, and Q60a floppy disks were analyzed using the computer resources currently available to the FBI Laboratory. Directory listings have been produced for 957, Q58a through 958i, Q60 and Q60a. The Q57 harddisk drive C: contained only software programs. No data files except those provided by software manufacturers were located. The hidden files are either MS-DOS operating system files or programs related to the commercial software package Pctools manufactured by Central Point Software. One deleted file was located on Q57 in the ¢:\directory. This is a system configuration file. A disk dump of drive Cc: showing all the printable characters has been produced. Page 12 (over) 10812064 S/D 27 aL 33 The Q57 drive D: did not contain any program or data files. No hidden or deleted files were located on D:. Upon receipt in the FBI Laboratory, the 057 Myoda \laptop computer system would not boot up. The computer system was taken to PKI/MYODA 1053 Shore Road, Naperville, I1 60563 on September 11, 1991 for repair. The motherboard was replaced in the Q57 computer system. During the repair process sone Petools’ files that are used to monitor the systen’s configuration were duplicated. This is a normal occurance when this option is chosen from within the Pctools software package. The Q58a through Q58i, Q60 and Q60a floppy disks contain software program files for Pctools and Microsoft Learning Dos. No data, hidden or deleted files were located on these disks. 957, Q58a through Q58i, 960 and Q60a floppy disks, 959, manuals, hardcopy printouts, old memory board and motherboard are being returned along with the other evidence to the contributor. No duplicate diskcopies or hardcopy printouts are being retained by the FBI Laboratory. All specimens are being maintained at the FBI Laboratory until picked up by a representative of your department. Page 13 10812064 S/D 27 0-4 (Rev. 1-9-00) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION “> aerate Q Ay pare: 12/19, 1991 ne Jeffrey L. Dakmer ~ Suspect; Oliver Lacy, et. al. ~ Victims; To: dae Homicide Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 i Inve of Content Ge escipon ot Content: or Fle#_95=209724-and 12064 - Ql - Q63, Kl - K6, Also Submitted items; Cot ee 13026 QL - Q7,'KL ~ K3;"10813027 - Ql - Q1O, ia - K3; 10813028 - Q1,K1; 10813029 - Ql, Kl; 10813030 - Ql - 2, KL; 30813031 - Qt'= Q2, KL ~ K3; 10813032 - QL, 12; 10813033 = QL, K1;'10813034'- QL, KL - 12 10813035 - QL}. 10813036 ~ Ql - 08, KI - K3, Also submitted item, Your 91-51767 2472) DNA cuttings and projed menbranes LO Ratu to oom ™ Ba. rq. 51 Met Rooms apse, us Personally picked up by (corotered mat) on _ 7° 7-F2 L : FMSS - Supply Room, 18868 (oot regatered) Hueardous Materials Only, Weight of Hatardous Matetile: Packaged By Tigaatare Date [Al iter lated above are contained In this package. ‘A detailed description item will be found In Burenu communietion dated a (SHIPPING HOURS - £00 AM. TO 400 PM) Richa Ween. sveeavormvesncanon @ — gya3/1 8/14/91 ‘UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE i os Laboratory Work Sheet is Hae @ Police Department — 749 West State Street” Manin 95-Q9Q7O0S Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 Labo. 10813026 8 23 QW. OF ™ Reference: Letter dated August 12, 1991 YouNe, 91751767 (112475) Re. JEFFREY L. DAHMER - SUSPECT; JOSEPH: BRADEHOFT = VICTIM; HOMICIDE Speimenereedd: “August 13, 1991 ‘Specimens pozsonally delivered by 9 aaa? : J Qi Oral. swabs (BN) Voge oral: smears cm, Knal “swabs (en) | [ga Head hair sample from BRADEHOFT (BN) J x Saliva sample from BRADEHOFT (BN) \ J K3 Bone marrow from BRADEHOFT (BO) 26 Page 2 10813026 S 25 © for130a6 25 Wb COB yess ny dat thm Ceti at sale go OS 1 Cath 1.00 phe te alice wan so 8he6y =Dapsal) 0PCA.20 (123.96) D FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release 10 you. ‘Section $52 Section $52a_ oO 1 way 0 8) D we) 1D wHMB) 2 O@ 5 wa) 2 Mme 5 wa) 1D Ho) 0 we 5D OMe 5 we) o OMe 0 wa) Oo ws) Oo we) ow) 2 Oo 2 Oo RO} 2 wo ow 1D Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You willbe advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(es). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date, [1 Pages were not considered for release as they ae duplicative of HP IS=297705—), Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): 1@The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: XXXXXXXAXXXXNAXX X Deleted Pages) X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page =X XXXXXXXKAKXXKAAK XX00K XXXXXX XXXKKK, FBuDOr X38 © Jie. SB cso JEFFERY DAHMER - SUSPECT JOSEPH BRADEHOFT - VICTIM HOMICIDE MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN NOVEMBER 12, 1991 wile # 98-29) J lab) # 1083028 'S 2) ew poms # NA ¢ te BE SEROLUGY EXAMINATIONS ae galt Samp Grouping tests conducted on the K3 bone marrow sampleqwere inconclusive. Human blood was identified on specimens @i and K2. Chemical tests for the possible presence of blood were positive on specimens QZ through Q4. In view of the nature of the specimens, no further examination was conducted for blood. Specimens @1 through @4 and Kz were examined for the presence of semen, however, none was identified. a 1age.22.8) RECORDED rfBheat BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Q 8/13/91 e149 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE _ og — Laboratory Work Set ic Date z Aste Milwaukee Police Department. Aa, Wap best state: street rare 95-90 796 If Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 ie ae LabNo. 10813026 S 23 QW OF TL Reference: Letter dated August 12, 1991 Your No. 91-51767 (M2475) Re JEFFREY L. DAHMER - SUSPECT; JOSEPH BRADEHOFT - VICTIM; HOMICIDE Specimensreceived: = AUGust 13, 1992 specinens personally deliveres >y ney fc = on August 13, 1992: FROM BRADEHOFT: oe io O,- Oy QyiO ee oral smear (BN) Ki, 400 ee Anal swabs (BN) ahyles ye Anal snearg (BN) pes Debris from anus (BN) Ay Yi3)4, Cervical margin (BO) Lumbar margin (BO) Page 1 (over) eo. ® KL Head hair sampie from BRADEHOFT (BN) er “Saliva sample from BRADEHO! " oom Bohe marrow from’ B 2 MEG! ~/502 Wiles, ype Linge uel pbisajro “nilnauke; folise yb Eniliner Ae hades [eta Spbjge CHE: 4eh/72) Bi? aeten, Chicdith 5 : We cabs Ab: tapeg ge) Page 2 026 S ZT aa 2081302 0PCA20 (12-396) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file, One or more of the following statements, where indicated, cexplain this deletion, C1 Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. n $52, ‘Section 52, 0 OM 1 wma) Oo @) 5 Me 2 MMe 5 @@ 0H 5 OMX 5 wm B om) B we D OMe D we) DOM 5 we Doxa) 5 H® 2 wo) D os) DO 0 wo 5 OO 0 wm 1 Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request of the subject of your request is listed in the tile only. Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for ‘and direct response to you, Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date. []__ Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of HO 45-2997 5- | Page(s) withheld for the following reasons): @ The following number is, Ps used for reference regarding these pages: XXXXXXXAXXXXAKAX X Deleted Pages) X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page -X XXXXXXXAAKXXXAAK XXXXXK XXXXXK XXXXXK FBVDOS xAN « oe 7-970 (Rev. 5-388) ® Correction Form fion and return to ECC, Room 3233, O Caption: O Butile # uw 108 13026 PJ ‘Add Cancel SAS Exam a Document Exam Special Projects a o o Engineering Exam a ooo Tl Reassignment To ______ From Oi This Submission Only C Entire Case OO Consolidate Bufile Into (correct specimens are (,-Q- «4, ~ Ky 1 Explanation: ECC Indicies Have Been Corrected Date dis. ey SUD. AB NO: SPECIMEN ‘coutarputor: WA lyp kee, Wiseareie/ Bw 1b ° dale-sitla itll: apy Conte l x, ONFL ip Page ‘1 Report: FILE CONTENTS Selection: LAB TAB # equate’ 108 rosis028 “NA Sep.12 91. 10813026 KS 714 ev. 10-26-89) ® BLOOD EXAMINATION ed huag! ie Pies [amas Tal = eal he cbapip OL 7 ae Fe Medi oo se Oe 0 Ley, wp hecill th 2 Gu TS Tah of ify “Wee A A144 Rov. 10-28-69) cs % BLOOD EXAMINATION a" Specimen Li. Hae! tar. Siyole, Mra Janphe eels Pe. z WB Cente of ide | * @ —cwcurencony avarver blood, origin (wicca, ciscue) _rabordeed’ fuhber ppnscabGw als |... Other (PR, etc) : contriburer [Miya wo . Antiserum. number! y Q1rO2.. secup Bion _ Aneiserum Source’ Hume. qheubacion ae ute . : ‘ o — “&) Boke fine: Gonek setir(’ (lat 1/8! Sin” n o # CI CG: © te) Cie MLS 9, 0.0 9 00 0., oa 60. 00°} ger ee Read 2 0.. 6.0 0 0.0 900000 9 G00 0°0°6 0. oO”: 20-6. “Oo O- 0-0 7415 (Rev. 11487) Spoamen Kel hos CPE hacth: of vLeny Csatopr4igs), 7 ‘Specimen Hl) Gb Grvtal Mh at pe tl Mya ho ttt. Ve dat en fe thi. he, fina frgle| Yea — Lea ET, tag Z kk) | ode Bie of che. S 50 910819002 10 NG/HL= < Lape 40815026 813026 10813026 10813026 10813026 soa1s026 10813026 496 DISK VOLUME: 1 NG/ML= sated esestnseasssonasassseescerssasrseenereasassrreeey | ITEM-STAIN RSLT 1 ee aes arse Q 3-28 K 2-18 eve + Sx 8D = EXP 8-22-91" TAT (Row. 10-25-89) % aasiva examin TOR/ 3026 a CW bi lig. 2 : , apex sy Sar Mebescuels ity Ha deced sb + sa gr Sy egy iat 52 17.205 (104 0 Semen INHIBITION eR Bi OA lee OB <= OH on Is tS fs fe 8: w [2 ls [p hee SIS pS ees OH R\|-8 [-s [eS eA a8 oH OH OH wal ioe [aH Ca oH ™ 53 oO dae GHEEEBINAL RESULTS (1/6/92) 10813026 S ZJ QW QF TL Milwaukee, Wisconsin DNA ANALYSIS RESULTS: No DNA profile results of value for significant comparison purposes were obtained from specimen K3 due to the presence of insufficient and/or degraded DNA. No DNA examinations were conducted with specimens K1 and K2. Pos fem Bams @F 34 1 | & gr Bb A 12Gay.22199) 5& RECORDED - Qeeacsuneau or nvestioamon O — gyasjoa 8/24/91 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE °s Laboratory Work Sheet ie. Date ™ > dre. Aaukee Police Department 749 West State street yarriew. 95£- 0 a. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 9/130 ta 10813026 § 29 QW OF TE KS from 2b Rewene: Letter dated August 12, 1991 dela! ‘Your No. 91-51767 (M2475) Re JEFFREY L. DAHMER - SUSPECT; JOSEPH BRADEHOFT - VICTIM; HOMICIDE Specimenereceived: = August 13, 1991 Specimens personally delivered by Qa °C on August 13, 1991: FROM BRADEHOFT: Qn Oral swabs (BN) 2 oral smears (BN) a3 Anal swabs (BN) 4 Anal smears (BN) 05 Debris from anus (BN) 26 Cervical margin (BO) qr Lumbar margin (BO) Page 1 (over) 0PCA.20 (12-396) : 3) X20, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, ‘explain this deletion, 1 Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Section 5528 Dm BD Mma) B ays) 0 H@ 0 Ome) 5 @@ 5 ®) DOnMo 5 ay 5 @nm) 0 we 3 One) 5 we) DOOm D we 0 wm 5 oe) 0 we D wy) 3 WH 5 wo 0 Oo 0D wm Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information famished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability ofthis information following our consultation with the other agency(jes). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date. [Pages were not considered for release as they ae duplicative of H@ Y5-2997 O5=4 p 4 Ibo Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): The oaegmnte is 9 be used for seference regarding these pages XXXKXXAKAKANAKKK X Deleted Page(s) X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page X XXKXXXXKAKKXKKXK XXXXXX XXXKX XXXXXX BuO! & tap # 10820262 QF DNA SAMPLE DATA CONTRIBUTOR i fwaukee WT ITEM DESCRIPTION aaa Nata ined piece. al whith rotloor tape An brit L Bem? cuthag fem swatch, 51 3 PROCEDURE DATA EXTRACTION DATE _@//t/4/ PURIFICATION DATE__4/ 2/4 YIELD TEST GEL DATE. Bus fal ENZYME DIGESTION DATE_9/)/9/ POST RE TEST GEL DATE_4 12/4 apt 10913026 OF contrisutor [4 ) (usezu Keres, WE HAE Ill LOT #_BDE/ OF ELECTROPHORESIS DATE, See 10B12004 OF SOUTHERN BLOT DATE. FIRST HYBRIDIZATION HYBE DATE, LOAD. BACK RAD DATE. FRONT RAD DATE___ SECOND HYBRIDIZATION HYBE DATE. LOAD. BACK RAD DATE. FRONT RAD DATE___ MEMBRANE LOT #. eee LOT#. ADDTL FILM, STRIP DATE. PROBE. LOT#. ADDTL FILM, STRIP DATE ® vievotestcerpata @ uB#__ 09/5026 contriauton A/waukee, W/E DATE —alsfor ___ 1A Mad aE 5 woh 4 180: 5 loons & 50Ky 7 ash, 4 2abby Gell Live yo x3 IX 1p (081FO27 BX 1 1081 3026 s4 post RE TEST GEL DATA 8 0813026 QF LaB#_L contrisutor _M:JwauKkee DATE __9//7/4, : 1 hae p 20,9 CH Line 3 KB \ dx 5 1083047 ® west1y60 ° ° ea ‘rowed BIOTA mIoMET soraqeg eds voa300 earua 3e soeyd peureas ef - t6/9/6 axaraome ourzz0> seoauas woss Suyasne og XT eek UE aueuisans wras la Eas Om sbay3300 asoqepere aloror aozzms ovo ‘nono manos vem ex umeroeas welezsor —t6/TT/60 6/90/60, wemaweesa sorta mmLWeEIR HoxNAT WD a+ voyyeesozer voreevems -- ma ‘enannensn * aabowrwunK aueByTBesuon/zepm WSO T norn20T uve worerora 009 ‘om = voyarezozur WoTaPTOTA =~ ueyevone txmuaac ‘upand ——:3oedens vwepevonsD ‘maxSO8“S40RNOW fers, Penne pane Fan ammuneerd (OYTO EHINOADK :wosoETEAHCD se ow wma avmoe = :axruonus zoerts Fok aD or Hae @ o1:0T Te6t-390-6e, sz0ctsots _:0K vores rere Seoerte - izequne ome moan ao Soorwworstoeds eden re] & ® cect FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file, One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. [Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release 10 you. Section 552 Section 52a. 8 oq) D wma) 5 @) 2 Me 2 On@) 2 @@ 0 we) DOMo 0 a 8 wo) 8 we 5 One 5 we) DOME 5 ao) 2 oO Boxe) 5 ws) o ws) B oy) 5 wo 2 wy) 5 wm Information pertained only to a third pany with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only 1 Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response (0 you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date. LJ Pages were not considered for release as they re duplicative of A 95-299105~| Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): a The wig ani a ergs ting ee oe XXXXXXXXXXXAAXXK X Deleted Page(s) -X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page X XXXXXXXAXXXXAKXX XXXXXK XXXXXX KN XXX Favor DICTATION FOR 10812064 10813027 10813028 10813029 10813033 joers036 / Toolmark Results \ Specimen Q8 (10813036) contains longitudinal impressions that are consistent with a sawing action, that left no toolmarks of value for identification purposes and thus could not be associated with any of the submitted saw blades. Specimen Q7 (10813036) contains longitudinal impressions that are consistent with a reciprocating (back and forth) sawing action that left no toolmarks of value for identification purposes. Specimen Q1(10813029) has two holes that are consistent in diameter with Q28(10812064) and therefore could have been produced by this drill bit. However, due to a lack of sufficient corresponding toolmarks of value, no further association could be made. Additionally, holes in Q1(10813028), Q1(10813033) and another hole in Q1(10813029) vary in diameter from 1/8th-1/4th of an inch in size. These holes also have no toolmarks of value for identification purposes. There are no toolmarks of value for identification purposes present on any of the other items submitted in this case. No further associations could be made with any of the other submitted tools and the submitted items in this case. STATS ‘colmarks(025 69 Pate 12@ev. 251.90) J RECORDED 8/14/91 log ok ) Fi8RAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION “=” UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Laboratory Work Shoot ee: partment, 749 West State street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 Reference Your No. Be: JEFFREY L. Letter dated August 12, 1991 91-51767 (M2475) JOSEPH BRADEHOFT - VICTIM: HOMICIDE ‘Specimens received Specimens personally delivered by August 13, 1991 on August 13, 1991: EROM_BRADEHOPT a oral swabs (BN) 02 oral smears (BN) 33 Anal swabs (BN) o Anal smears (BN) 95 Debris from anus (BN) 26, Cervical margin (BO) (Vv? Lumbar margin (BO) Page 1 DAHMER - SUSPECT; rira 952999 jl 10813026 S 23 QW QF TL ee |. 0PCA.20 1123-96) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion, (1 Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552, ‘Section $52, 5 wa) 5 wma) 5 @s) 5 me) D5 Hme) 5 @@ 5 He) 5 ONO 5 wa) 5D OD 5 we 0 OMe B we) 0 OM 0 we) 2 wa) 2 we) 0 we) 5 ws) 2H 2 wo 2 wo) 2 wm {Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. 1D Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response {0 you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date. [__ ages were not considered for release as they are duplicative BQ 98-099 7105=4 pelle. Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): & The foo 88 umber is to be used for reference regarding these pages: XXKXXXXAXXXXXKXK X Deleted Page(s) -X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page XX XXMXXXXAAXKXXAXK XXXXXX XXXXXX KB XXXKXX Favor 1081 30ale Q7 bewdow apes Gop Cpe burs dn jpludsict buy Cha sncdireitis Yer [etefirrng sy Se — Ao TM « Ged Qo Cuaron Ne yore ~ UE No’ Tg oul Sy orca eass9 % FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withbeld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Section 5520 oO way 5 wma) 1 0D we 2 Ome) 5 O@ 5 we) 5 Ono 5 a oH 5 we 2 OMe 0 we 5 wr 0 we 0 we) 5 Oe 5 0s) OO) 0 Ox 2 wo . 0 OO ow © Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Goverment agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at 2 later date. ] Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of 5 - Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): athe gloss number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: = XXXXXXXAAKXXRAAX X Deleted Page(s) X X No Duplication Fee X X — forthis page X XXXXAAXXXXKAAAXK XXXXKK, XXXXXX KA XKKKXK Faupos Violation(s): HOM @ Lab No: 108026 S Violation date: City: = MILW iE, WI PD Violation location: MILWAUKEE, Wr Form: UP 08-12-91, 9 4 Victim: Bufile No: 958-799 70 5 BRADEHOFT, JOSEPH Contributors No: M2475 subject: DAHMER, JEFFREY L Remarks: 2924 NORTH 2500 STRE= QIN 0.0120 sources ne Seatue I seatue Z seatas catagory? 2 Trial Importance Doc\Sp Complex Volume Await Evid Buded:\ 09-11-91 Ack Type: 7-_— Principal units if / SFO ve. Date Date Dict Partiai/Final Examiner(s) Symbols Evid./Exams Delv Ret Date Date(s) ZO ses Qu) Senet Ie Tate @F 2 TE biceurns Veale ke eg-& K_Ky-V, stems 10 Evidence ret: Resub? @ Request? i> Return Ni Call when ready? EXT. d Latent? YES Q tabs? YES ‘ Print. Assignment Card(s) NO PREVIOUS SUBMISSIONS FOUND lod 28 6 SFO, RM 3266 Parcel Method and No: EW-@aaiR! a ECC, RM 3233 Received In ECC: 08-13-91 = Js FFG, RW TTST (0-4 (Rev, 1-9-60) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D. 6. 20535 pare: 12/19, 1991 ne: Jeffrey L. Dahmer - Suspect; Oliver Lacy, et. al. ~ Victims; . Lwat sconsin 53233 Involee of Contents Description of Contenta: 10812064 - QL - Q63, KL ~ K6, Submitted itens; 1813026 - QL - G7, KL ~ K3;G0813027-- QL - Q10, KI - K3; 19813028 - QL,K1; 10813029 - QL, K1; 10813030 - Ql - 2, 10813031 - Ql’- Q2, KL - K3; 10813032 - Ql, K2; 10813033 - Ql, K1; 10813034 - Ql, KL - K2; 10813035 - Ql; wasis0%6 = QL ~ Q8, Kl - K3, Also submitted item. DNA cuttings and probed menbranes Personally picked up by Jste Hasardous Materials Only, Weight of Harardous Materisle: Packaged By Signatare Date A itera listed above are contained in thie package. [A detailed description items will be found in Bureau communication dated we (SHIPPING HOURS - 8:00 AM. TO 400 P.M) « i for aelisvi ot Fee “EDO a others cue Your 91251767 2472) Return to Room ™ Bx. Oy Matt Room: 16827, TL 162 (otinterad mail) (Cy Mss - Supply Room, 13363 (not regietered)

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