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13the Impact of Social Media On Learning English Vocabularies - Lina

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ISSN: 2581-8651 Journal of Humanities and

Vol-3, Issue-4, Jul – Aug 2021 Education Development (JHED)
Peer-Reviewed Journal

The Impact of social media on Learning English

Dr. Lina Fathi Sidig Sidgi

Al-Turath University College, Baghdad, Iraq

Received: 06 Jul 2021; Received in revised form: 11 Aug 2021; Accepted: 20 Aug 2021
©2021 The Author(s). Published by TheShillonga. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Social media usage has been on the rise in last eight years. Different fields, including business, politics, social events, and
education have reaped big from social media. However, the use of social media on language learning has been under-
researched. As a result, the sole focus of the research paper was to explore the impact of social media on learning English
vocabulary. A systematic review of the literature methodology was utilized. The analysis discovered that social media is an
important learning tool. It provides motivation, engagement, and exposure to a wide range of English vocabularies,
improving the learner's language skills. As a result, social media has been depicted as a valuable tool that modern-day
teachers and curriculum developers should consider in their lesson planning and language acquisition teaching.
Keywords— English language, vocabularies, learning, social media, social media platforms, language acquisition, language
use, learning language, Facebook, Twitter.
I. INTRODUCTION and discussed. In the process of discussing, Facebook
Social media has become the primary medium of serves as the medium through which English language
interaction and everyday communication in the modern vocabularies are shared with the rest of the members. It
world. The English language and dialect as the lingua implies that other than being a medium of communication,
franca of languages is used as the principal language of social media also holds a position as a resource center
communication on social media(Al-Smadi, 2013). Social where critical learning materials are held.
media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, Social media breaks the distance barriers and
YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, and TikTok use the embraces diversity and connection between individuals
English language as the central mode of communication. from different regions. Students are exposed to interactions
The exposure of the English language and terminologies involving diverse learners from all over the world. It
on social media platforms have provided an opportunity implies that through the utilization of social media,
for individuals to learn English vocabulary(Alharthi, learners across the world are given a chance to advance
Bown, & Pullen, 2020). and improve their English language vocabulary learning
According to Lomicka & Lord (2016), social processes (Monica-Ariana & Anamaria-Mirabela, 2014).
media platforms have offered an individualized learning For instance, a student in a remote African country such as
environment for individuals striving to acquire English Congo has the prospect of learning a significant amount of
language skills. For instance, it has provided English as a English language vocabulary through interaction with
Foreign Language and English as a Second Language American or UK-based learners who use English as their
learner with an opportunity to improve their vocabulary first language. More significantly, it provides the
and use of English words in diverse contexts. Equally, opportunity for the learner to improve their writing and
social media provides a platform where students can easily spelling, as they have a clear observation of the context in
share and discuss their academic materials and which different words are applied (Monica-Ariana &
coursework. For instance, Facebook has numerous Anamaria-Mirabela, 2014).
university student groups where learning context is shared 90
Sidgi Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)

In the process of enhancing individual English identify the opportunities to enhance their learning and
vocabulary usage, learners have been relying on web- improve English vocabularies usage.
based learning platforms or CD-based resources. However, Additionally, different social media platforms
a study by Khan, Ayaz, & Faheem (2016) revealed that present unique educational pathways for both English as
social media platforms are more foundation and First Language, and English as Second Language learners.
sustainable in improving one's ability to learn an English However, without the appropriate support and guidance on
vocabulary and improve the overall ability to utilize the utilizing social media for language learning, it becomes
world. The diversity of English language users on social challenging to enhance one's vocabulary use abilities. As
media provides a good learning environment for ESL and an instrumental tool for language learning, social media
EFL learners to understand the meaning and context of creates an avenue for knowledge sharing, interaction, and
different words. For example, Twitter has been communication. Though, it has an intense form of ubiquity
fundamental in promoting English language vocabulary that could affect how learners acquire and utilize learned
build-up for ESL learners. For instance, during the Russian vocabularies. As a result, the study will seal the gap by
invasion of Ukraine, different news reports on social media exploring how well learners could use the symbols,
provide a wide range of English vocabularies such as pronunciation tools, web-based translation engines, and
'shelling' were commonly used (Twitter, 2022). symbols to understand how to utilize a vocabulary in
Introducing such new words to English as a different contexts. In its entirety, the research paper will
Second Language learners offers a crucial opportunity to evaluate vocabulary learning on social media, citing the
enhance one's vocabulary usage and understanding. principal role and impact of social media in the learning
Irrespective of the general understanding of the impacts of process. To completely seal the gap, it will also provide
social media on learning English vocabulary, the topic area recommendations for ESL and EFL students on how well
has not been adequately explored. Critical research gaps to utilize social media and reap the benefit of learning
exist regarding the true influence of social media and its from its resources and interaction platforms it provides.
influence on the English language learning and 1.2 Research Question, Aim, and Objectives
enhancement processes. Resultantly, the primary focus of
1.2.1 Research Question
the research paper is to deeply explore and evaluate the
impact of social media on learning English vocabularies Does the use of social media platforms enhance the
and how well learners can utilize social media to enhance learning of English language vocabulary?
their English language learning and vocabulary reservoir. 1.2.2 Research Aim
1.1 Statement of the Problem The primary aim of the research is to explore the impact of
As the world evolves due to globalization and the social media on learning English language vocabulary.
fast development in technology, so does language use. 1.2.3 Research Objectives
Advancement in technology has bridged the
I. To investigate the impact and influence of social
communication gap by introducing social media platforms
media usage on English language vocabularies
and a convenient way of interacting and sharing
information. In the interaction process, key verbs and
II. To examine how well ESL and EFL learners
English phrases are introduced to English learners. The
could utilize the opportunities presented by social
social media platforms create an environment to engage,
media in enhancing their English vocabulary
interact, and challenge English learners with new
vocabularies and word usage. It implies that the classical
structure and approach to the English language have 1.3 Significance of the Study
evolved from traditional classroom learning to a more As the main mode of communication, social
socially-embedded form of English vocabulary learning. media platforms have proved to be effective tools for
Irrespective of the opportunities social media sharing information and learning a language. Diverse
presents, English language learners do not have clear research studies have argued that social media provides a
guidance on the actual usage of the prospects presented by unique learning environment for English language learners
media in learning English vocabularies. As a result, the to improve their vocabulary and language usage. While
research paper will provide a clear and concise exploration considering the lessons learned from the Covid-19 and the
of the impact and influence of social media on learning impact of technology in bridging learning gaps, learning
English vocabularies and how well the learners could on social media has shown to be more effective when
compared to a traditional classroom setup. As a result, the 91
Sidgi Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)

research is important as it will outline the impact of social innovative strategy for teaching and learning languages
media on learning English vocabulary. More significantly, and vocabularies. Curriculum planners integrate social
it will provide guidelines on how ESL and EFL learners media to enhance vocabulary learning and usage by
can maximize the opportunities served by social media learners. The strategy involves encouraging students to
platforms to enrich the English language vocabulary. For develop social media groupings, communicate, interact,
instance, it will showcase how English language learners and share information with their peers. In the process, they
can utilize social media platforms as a tool for improving are better placed in the acquisition of English language
their vocabulary enlargement, pronunciation, and word use skills while enhancing their vocabulary bank.
in different contexts. Consequently, the literature review section will evaluate
1.4 Theoretical Framework diverse literature sources, including articles, journals, and
books, to understand the impact of social media on
The research paper's exploration is founded on the
learning English vocabulary.
Schema theory of vocabulary learning and acquisition. In
English language learning, learners with limited prior 2.1 English Vocabularies and Social Media
knowledge about English vocabularies and their usage According to Swan (2017), learning a language is
have challenges in learning and adopting new phrases and founded on a learner's ability to learn, adapt, and use
words. A study by McVee, Dunsmore, Gavelek different vocabularies. In ESL and EFL, vocabulary
(2005)showed that when learning new vocabularies, the learning is critical in powering their language acquisition
lack of schema due to limited reading and exposure to the skills, usage, and enlargement. Vocabularies work as a
English language proves a major challenge in learners vital component of language skills as it helps in connecting
striving to develop their English vocabularies. Resultantly, the learner's ability to read, write, listen, and speak to a
the theoretical framework argues that the learner's given language. Equally, its vocabularies provide the
background knowledge and exposure serve as scaffolding foundation the foundation through which the learner can
to encode new information from a particular text. The utilize the acquired language in different contexts. It
theory suggests that as learner experiences new words and implies that the learner will be limited in their contexts,
vocabularies grow, it becomes easy for them to use the engagements, and interactions without a well-founded
words in different contexts. The theory aligns with the vocabulary. Among the ESL and EFL learners, the
research focus. It provides critical insights into why student's failure or success in language acquisition is
exposure to social media interaction expands the learners' determined by the magnitude of vocabulary and
English language vocabularies adoption and usage in acquisition that the learner possesses. Critically,
diverse communication contexts. The continued exposure vocabularies are a vital ingredient in language usage
to the world creates a good environment for improving the among learners, and it creates the gateway through which
spoken use of words and application in both social and the learner's success in interaction and language usage are
written contexts. aligned.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study To effectively bridge the exposure between the
Regarding the scope, the research paper will traditional classroom and the modern world of Internet-
predominantly focus on the impact of social media based interaction, social media lays the platform for
platforms on learning English language vocabulary. It will learners to advance their vocabulary learning and
not feature other Web 2.0 or Web 3.0 internet-based enlargement. Social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook,
platforms used to enhance English vocabulary learning. YouTube, and Twitch, classified as social networking
Additionally, the study is limited to English vocabulary platforms, create an environment that virtually assists
learning linked to American and British English language learners in enlarging their vocabularies. Through social
phrases and terms. The core reason for choosing the two media, learners can access large amounts of information,
zones is based on the fact that English is the official encode, and share their experiences with others. In the
language. Equally, they are an important source of quality process of sharing and processing data on social media,
vocabularies and English language enhancers that make it learners are exposed to a variety of vocabularies that are
possible for ESL and EFL learners to learn and expand critical in building the learner's language skills.
their English language usage. According to Sebah Al-Ali (2014), English
vocabulary learning is influenced by the magnitude of
II. LITERATURE REVIEW exposure and the frequency of use in different contexts,
forums, and situations. Social media provides a flexible
In the contemporary learning environment, social
environment where learners are exposed to different
media language learning (SMLL) has been adopted an 92
Sidgi Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)

vocabularies without being coerced into learning. For which vocabularies are applicable and what makes them
instance, articles shared on social media such as Instagram grammatically appropriate.
expose the learner to the need to read new content. In Considering that English is the primary language used
reading either for fun or pleasure, the learner can learn new in the modern transactional world, students exposed to
vocabulary. After reading the article, the learner may be social media have an increased potential to communicate
prompted to give feedback or comment on the article's and succeed in the classroom compared to the rest. Social
contents. In so doing, the exposure indirectly forces the media platforms such as Twitter are more of a word-based
learner to internalize and understand the content shared to platform when compared to Facebook, which has more
be in a position to make a quality response. Critically, the pictures. Learners can utilize the learned vocabularies in
entire cycle of interacting, reading, socializing, and different contexts through intense exposure to words,
offering reviews within the social media platform exposes phrases, and verbs. An analysis by Gaytan (2013)
the learner to hands-on skills geared towards language compared vocabulary acquisition between students in a
acquisition and vocabulary enlargement. traditional classroom and those exposed to a social media
In word use and context, social media platform such platform. During the study, some participants were
as Twitter plays a critical role. Twitter social platform has exposed to social media while others in normal classroom
a limit of 280 characters, and it implies that the social setup. The learners in the controlled traditional classroom
media platform strives to guarantee a clear and concise were exposed to the use books, simple explanations,
message purposed for quick reading. By encouraging a pictures, and flashcards. After two months of study, the
limited number of words in passing a message, the social research showed that learners exposed to social media
media platform creates a good opportunity for learners to have an enlarged vocabulary base compared to the rest.
easily learn the context and meaning in which different The researcher revealed that social media integration in the
words fall. The differentiated word usage on social media learning process improved vocabulary usage, writing, and
serves as an opportunity for the learner to expand, language use skills.
experiment, and develop their language use vocabularies. Additionally, Derakshan & Hasanabbasi
Gibbins & Greenhow (2016)emphasized that social (2015)highlighted that social media offers a free
media also impacts learning English by accompanying interaction environment where users participate in real-
words with visuals. On social media, objects or pictures time, real-life, and relevant conversations. The virtual
are labeled or described using words. The approach takes engagement offers a good chance for the language learner
an activation strategy where a new English learner can to reduce their anxiety, pressure, and improve their
easily understand what different situations mean in language skills. Peer discussion, commenting, and reviews
pictures and the specific words to utilize in offering a on social media motivate the learner to participate in real-
description. For example, YouTube provides an option for life conversations. In real-life conversations, they can
a viewer to activate video captions. The captions help in utilize the words learned in social media in different
transcribing the words described by the speaker into contexts. Analytically, it implies that social media
written words. Other than bridging the process of platforms such as Facebook and Twitter function as an
understanding the context in which words are used, it important English learning tool. Other than offering the
creates an avenue where the learner acquires the spelling learner the opportunity to acquire and stabilize their
and the connective words to utilize while using the language use, it provides a chance to collaborate and test
particular word. the usage of different wordings. Social media creates a
Irrespective of the positive impact of social media in virtual room where an ESL can learn new words and
enlarging a learner's vocabulary reservoir, there are vocabulary from peers without meeting native speakers in
situations where it might adversely influence their real-time.
language acquisition skills. For example, social media is The schema theory argued that for a student to acquire
well known for its rapid use of jargon and internet slang and be better placed in using the vocabularies, continuous
that is not grammatically applicable. For instance, words exposure to the conversations and interactions generating
such as LOL (Laugh out Loud), IYKYK (If you know, you the new words must be generated. Derakshan &
know), or BTW (by the way) have the potential of Hasanabbasi (2015)noted that social media continuously
affecting an ESL learner's English vocabulary retention generates news words and conversations as the world
and use. Social media's positive and negative impact on evolves and experiences new events and situations.
vocabulary acquisition calls for guidance in the context in Continuous exposure is vital in the learner's language
learning processes. For example, before Covid-19, ESL 93
Sidgi Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)

students were not used to words such as 'cessation of In summary, the literature review has shown that
movement,' 'lockdowns,'"mask-up, 'and 'vaccination.' vocabulary learning is a vital aspect of language
However, learners can learn through social media acquisition and usage. For ESL and EFL learners,
interactions and add the new words into their vocabularies. mastering vocabularies can be a challenge. However, the
In entirety, it shows that other than enhancing the socially-embedded environment offered by social media
vocabulary structure of the new learners, social media exposes the student to a wide range of information that is
educates and empowers the new learners with new crucial in providing an important vocabulary pool. On
experiences, which are critical in building their language social media, the learner acquires using and integrating the
usage approaches. new word in different contents. The exploration affirms
Similar to inclusive classrooms, social media that social media improves the learner's language
platforms integrate native and non-native speakers into proficiency, provides an environment for wide reading,
interaction, socialization, and discussions. In socialization, and exposure to both simple and complex texts, leading to
the native speakers provide important words and better vocabulary development.
vocabulary to the non-native speakers. The new words
learned help motivate more engagement between the III. METHODOLOGY
learners, which creates a better atmosphere for adopting
The research adopted a systematic review
new words. Moreover, combining visuals and videos into
methodology for the study. The core reason for choosing a
the interaction provides insights and vocabulary build-up
systematic review methodology is that it provides a good
for non-native speakers. Critically, social media is an
opportunity to utilize peer-reviewed journals and resources
important learning tool for students working on developing
to retrieve critical information linked to the study topic. In
their vocabulary. Considering that the learning
order to understand the impact of social media on learning
environment is voluntary and socialized, the learner learns
English vocabularies, the researcher was required to
without a feeling of pressure from peers. The exposure and
comprehend and interpret the evidence offered by different
the learning process are naturalized, hence providing a
publications related to the topic. As a result, a qualitative
great opportunity to understand the context in which
research design was adopted to help evaluate and analyze
different words are utilized.
the selected systematic reviews to help answer the research
According to Al-Rahmi & Othman (2013), motivation question and achieve the goals and objectives of the
and self-drive in the learning process is critical ingredient research(Creswell & Creswell, 2020).
for successful learning. Social media impacts learners'
The researcher relied on secondary data retrieved
confidence, motivation, and positive attitude towards
from journals, articles, books, and peer-reviewed
personal improvement in vocabulary and language use
publications to answer the research question regarding the
skills. Engagements on social media offer a positive
type of data used. The literature review was developed and
attitude and the motivation to integrate different
planned to reduce biases and eliminate all irrelevant and
vocabularies into the communication. The integrated
low-quality studies. For instance, all articles older than ten
vocabularies originate from reading different texts,
years were not considered for the review. Equally, the
articles, messages, or events shared by peers worldwide.
selected resources were all published in English and peer-
For example, the current issue of the Russian invasion of
reviewed. The approach provided a good opportunity to
Ukraine provides an important opportunity for learners to
ensure that only quality research materials were utilized in
retrieve and acquire vital vocabulary to use in sharing their
the analysis. Concerning data analysis, the systematic
sentimental understanding of global issues. Through
review focused on journals that contained important
interaction with the global issues and topics on social
keywords linked to social media's impact on learning
media, learners are kept updated with new trending words
English vocabularies. In so doing, it was easy to retrieve
and free access to a large pool of new vocabularies and
high-quality ideas from peer-reviewed sources and
phrases. The engagement, sharing, and participation in
adequately answer the research questions. Once a
social media activities imply that the learner's language
particular peer-reviewed journal was identified,
will improve while their language base will be extended
information was extracted to help answer the research
without having to read more books. In totality, it is evident
question. Then, any available biases or limitation in the
that social media exposes the learner to a wide variety of
study was assessed to ensure that it does not contradict the
information which is vital in enhancing language
aim and focus of the study. The selected methodology
acquisition and improvement in the overall language usage
provided a good opportunity for the research to seal all the
and skills.
study gaps, and understand the core impact of social media 94
Sidgi Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)

on language acquisition and English vocabulary of language contents to create a vocabulary bank while on
development. social media.
As initially explored, once a new word is learned,
IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION the learner may try to use it in the comment section or
feeds within the social media platform. They may use it in
The systematic review of literature sources has
their daily communication and interaction with peers in
discovered that exposure to social media platforms has a
other conditions. By connecting the learned word to
positive impact on the capability of learners to adopt and
personal experiences and utilizing it in their daily
add up their English vocabularies. However, it has also
interactions, the learner can adopt and utilize the
emerged that social media usage by ESL and EFL learners
vocabulary as their own. In the process, they are better
without proper guidance may distort their English
placed in building a stronger language that reflects their
language skills, vocabulary usage, and grammatical
needs and social practices. The extensiveness of social
challenges due to the inclusion of jargon in their
media provides an implicit and explicit environment where
conversations. Nonetheless, the benefit of social media on
learners can easily find new words, experiment with them,
learning English vocabulary outweighs the adverse effects
and consolidate their usage in their daily interactions and
of the same. Among the key influences of social media in
the acquisition, use, and learning of English vocabularies
include: Additionally, social media offers a platform
where language learners have the independence of learning
4.1 Social Media Motivates Students to Learn
based on their speed and abilities. The self-study ability
Social media keeps the learners engaged, offered on social media creates a good environment for
participative, and motivated to learn. On social media, guaranteed success in learning and using the adopted
learners are continuously exposed to content that prompts vocabularies. Also, exposure and peer-to-peer learning
and triggers them to continue reading. In the process, they increase the potential for experimenting with the words
can sharpen their reading skills, listening skills, writing until the user is comfortable with them. Since social media
skills, and at the same time improve their vocabulary access is done at the user's disposal, learning is flexible
understanding and usage. Different researches showed that and unforced. The learner has enough time to listen, read,
learners exposed to social media, especially Facebook and and practice the spelling and application of the learned
Twitter, scored high in vocabulary post-test when new words. The self-directed process creates a smooth
compared to learners in the traditional classroom. It avenue where the learner can easily remember the learned
affirms that social media helps improve and enhance the words and the contexts in which the phrases and words are
learners' vocabulary knowledge. Other than increasing applied. In its entirety, social media acts as a critical
their vocabulary makeup, social media offers an learning tool for students striving to build and enhance
opportunity for learners to have clear meaning and usage their language. The enlarged range of vocabularies and
of different words in particular content. As a result, social interactions on social media creates a better platform for
media lays the foundation through which the language word structural and functional usage in the learners'
skills of individuals are virtually improved. communication channels(Nikbakht & Boshrabadi, 2015).
4.2 Social Media and Incidental Learning of English 4.3 Social Media and Linguistic Proficiency
Linguistic proficiency reflects the magnitude of
Learning happens in situations where the learner how well a particular learner has mastered a language.
is exposed to repetitive information exposure. Equally, the Social media plays a critical role in improving a learner's
student must role play in the learning process to help get linguistic proficiency by enhancing their syntax,
hands-on knowledge and understand how different words semantics, vocabulary, and word receptive and expressive
and phrases are used. On social media, the user's mind is language skills. Social media enhances linguistic
focused on other things such as pictures, events, or videos proficiency by improving learners' understanding and
being streamed. In the process, they are exposed to texts exposure to vocabulary. Equally, it improves learners'
and articles that need to be read to have a clear grammatical competence by exposing them to a field
understanding of what is unfolding. The user is exposed to where English is purely used as the main language of
vocabularies and communicative technics through the communication. The student's English proficiency is
incidental participation to be part of the group. Normally, improved following the guidance and support offered by
ESL learners rely on incidental and guessing the meaning native English speakers(Bicen, & Sadikoglu, & Sadikoglu,
2015). It is evident that social media is vital in vocabulary 95
Sidgi Journal of Humanities and Education Development (JHED)

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