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won Da NE MUN O e . | cee — =e \ i. _ = | Sikandar: Shaik CCIEX3 (RS/SP/SEQ) NG OO CI ALOERIUTUU RECO Table of Contents About the Author... Cisco - IOS-XR / ASR Routers. IOS-XR - Configuration...... DEFAULT TOPOLOGY SETUP :.... IOS-XR ROUTING... Cisco IOS-XR ~ Basic IP & IPv6 Configuration. LAB - Static Routing - 10S-XR LAB - OSPFVv2 and OSPFVv3 ROUTING — IOS-XR.... LAB ~ ISIS ROUTING IPv4 and IPv6 ~ 1OS-XR.. About the Author Sikandar Shaik, a Triple CCIE (RS/SP/SEC # 35012), is a highly experienced and extremely driven senior technical insfructor and network consultant. He has been training networking courses for more than 15 years, teaching on a wide range of topics including Routing and Switching, Service Provider and Security (CCNA to CCIE). In addifion, he has been developing and updating the content for these courses. He has assisted many engineers in passing out the lab examinations and securing certifications. Sikandar Shaik is highly skilled at designing, planning, coordinating, maintaining, troubleshooting and implementing changes to various aspects of mulfi-scaled, multi-platform, multi-protocol complex networks as well as course development and instruction for a technical workforce in a varied networking environment. His experience includes responsibilities ranging from operating and maintaining PC's and peripherals to network control programs for multi-faceted data communication networks in LAN, MAN and WAN environments. Sikandar Shaik has delivered instructor led trainings in several states in India as well as in abroad in countries like China, Kenya and UAE. He has also worked as a Freelance Cisco Certified Instructor globally for Corporate Major Clients. Acknowledgment First and foremost | would like fo thank the Almighty for his continued blessings and for always being there for me. You have given me the power and confidence fo believe in myself and pursue my dreams. | could never have done this without the faith I have in you. Secondly | would like to thank my family for understanding my long nights at the computer. | have spent a lot of fime on preparing workbooks and this workbook would not have been possible without their support and encouragement. 1 would also like fo recognize the cooperation of my students who took my trainings and workbooks. 1 believe my workbooks have helped them in upskilling themselves with respect fo the subject and technologies and | will continue preparing workbooks for the updated technology versions. Shaik Gouse Moinuddin Sikandar CCIE x 3 (RS/SP/SEC) Feedback Please send feedback if there are any issues with respect to the content of this workbook. | would also appreciate suggestions from you which can improve this workbook further. Kindly send your feedback and suggestions af lOS-XR_/ ASR Routers Cisco 1OS-XR NA. rm ror 2 NST) SCAU) ASR 9000 Chassis Overview POE SP lCct Cm mc ncc mi Pree Reichs Max Capacity toner 41206bps 440G/siot 440Gisot 1.2Tfslot = 880G/slot capable 880G/slot capable 2Tislot capable Size 2RU 10RU 21RU 44RU Air Flow Side to side Side to back Front to back Front to back ASR components NPA., » Route Switch Processor (RSP) card » Switch Fabric Controller (FC) card » Ethernet line cards » Power and cooling systems > Subsystems such as management, configuration, alarms, and monitoring. Ane ‘ n Fan ways Fro| Fri SetS Une ead ‘Slot Lne cand 2 eo Slot Lne cand Slot Line caro ee Slot SPI Sito ___ FSP, Power chet —>| [F'n [oi] we |W ] Pome nee — ASR 9010 ASR 9006 and ASR 9904 Router Architecture ASR 9000 - Components ORC RcoY » Fully distributed routers that use a switch fabric to interconnect a serles of chassis slots » Each chassis slots can hold one of several types of line cards. » Each line card in the Cisco ASR 9000 Series has © integrated 1/O and forwarding engines © sufficient control plane resources to manage line card resources. » Two slots in the chassis are reserved for RSP/RP cards to provide a single point of contact for chassis provisioning and. ‘management. Fan tars FTo| Fr Sets Une edd Slots Line ars? User S613 —Lne ard 1 ‘Slot? Line card 0 SP cards oe Soto ASFO Powershot —>| | wo wt_[ we | W3 ] Poe rs ceca ee ASR 9010 ASR 9006 and ASR 9904 Router Architecture RSP Card Front Panel and Access Ports NA, ie pasee < = tees § She 1. Management LAN ports CONSOLE and AUX ports SYNC (BITS/J.211) ports Alarm Out DB9 connector Compact Flash type I/II Alarm Cutoff (ACO) and LAMP TEST push buttons Eight discrete LED indicators LED matrix display Fabric Controller Card NPA. » On the Cisco ASR 9922 Router and Cisco ASR 9912 Router, the switch fabric resides on the FC cards » The switch fabric is responsible for transporting packets from one line card to another but has no packet processing capabilities. » The switch fabric is fully redundant, with one copy of the fabric on each FC, and each FC carries enough switching capacity to meet the chassis throughput specifications. komm Slot ID numbering Labels identifying slots are visible from the front of the chassis and are clearly numbered below each slot. Cisco ASR 9006 Router Slot ID Numbering. Fan trays Line cards ase care —{ Power shel —»||""wo | Mi] M2 | MS —S_— Power modules Slot ID numbering Cisco ASR 9004 Router Single fan tray (ear view) Line card.1 >| se carts —{ Line card 0 ——»| Power shel —>| Power modules MOA. Cisco ASR 9010 - Router Slot ID Numbering Peas Power mecoe Cisco ASR 9922 Router SS inca — Cable Management Tray MOA, » Cisco ASR 9922 Router and Cisco ASR 9912 Router have a cable management tray located above the card cage and a ‘cable management tray below the bottom card cage that do not interfere with the insertion or removal of cards » Line cards and RSP/RP cards share the same cable management tray. Cables to a card must be disconnected before its removal (this does not affect adjacent cards). Removal of a line card oF RSP/RP. ‘ard does not require removal or adjustment of cables other than those associated with the card itself S-XI Configuration 1OS-XR — Access & Login Reval wetter rennin oe tie congue |Gpest pat Cater crt NA. 2x 100 TOONPPS, BITS 4x GE SFP SEP Dual 0c McMT, combo Dry Alarm, Power fuxUS8 GE pos USBFlash, USB Console Cisco IOS XR router CLI access: » Direct connection to console port » Terminal server connected to the console port > Telnet or SSH (v1 or v2) via management Port Login > Root-system user defined at intial installation > Assigned username and password If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to NO root-system username is configured. Need to configure root-system username. --+ Administrative User Dialog --- Enter root-system username: % Entry must not be null. Enter root-system username: xruser manatee SCONE ACADEMY strictly limited to internal use ina non ea aesdscin environment solely for demonstration and evaluation purposes. Downloading, installing, or using the Software constitutes acceptance of the Agreement, and you are binding yourself and the business entity that you represent to the Agreement. If you do not agree to all of the terms of the Agreement, then Cisco is unwilling to license the Software to you and (a) you may not download, install or use the Software, and (b) you may return the Software as more fully set forth in the Agreement. Please login with any configured user/password, or cisco/cisco User Access Verification Username: co IOS-XR Prompt MOA, The Cisco IOS XR prompt on the Cisco ASR 9000 is RP/0/RSPO/CPU0:PEx#, where fields are as follows ‘Type ~ type of interface card (Usually RP for Route Processor) Rack — What Rack number this is installed in in a multi-shelf system, typically 0 If standalone © Slot ~ Slot the RP is installed in (7) Management © Module ~ What execute the user commands or port interface. Usually CPUo or CPUr Ethernet * Name — Hostname of the router, default here is IOS Conn RP /0/7/ CPUo: ios # Command Modes ‘SDR managerent coogrepete| EXEC RP/0/RSPO/CPUD:router# Global P7/07RSPO/CPOO: config RP/0/RSPO/CPUD. Interface [jtp/0/RS0/CPU0: router (config) # interface pos 0/2/0/0 submode | np/0/nsP0/cPU0: router (config-it) # config: <= Protocol and [)R2/0/RSPO/CPOO submode | RP/0/RsP0/cPU0: ‘router (config)# router Bgp 140 router (config-bgp)# address-family ipv4 contig RP/0/RSPO/CPUD: router (config-bgp-af) # re 'RP/0/RSPO/CPUD router# admin sn) Rp/0/RSPO/CPUO: routers (admin) $ ‘Admin 'RP/0/RSPO/CPUO router (adain)# configure config Rp/0/RSPO/CPUO: router (admin-config) # Cisco 10S - XR Cisco IOS: RP/0/7/CPUs-iostconft Router conft RP/0/7/CPUoxios(config* hostname R1 Router(configt hostname R1 RP/0/7/CPUo:ios(config® Ri(configh RP/0/7/CPUo:os(confight sh config ‘Thu Mar 29 16:03:53,060 UTC Building configuration... #1 IOS XR Configuration 4.1.1 hhostname Ri end IOS the hostname changed immediately after hitting Enter. RP/0/7/CPUb:ios(config)xcommit ‘Thu Mar 29 16:03:08.182 UTC RP/07/CPUaRi(config) ‘once you entered COMMIT, the hostname change from IOS to R1, > RP/a/1/CPUbziose conf t > RP/0/7/CPUosios(configh hostname Ri > RP/a/7/CPUo+tosicontfigt Command Mode Navigation NA, > ControlZ is equivalent to the end command. » 2 works with do command from within the configuration mode. ‘exitiond 1Rp/0/RS#0/CPUD:PELAehow pats a Toe Jun 26 08ca7:37 e598 UIE sun /0/RSP0/CPU0:PE: fadnén show platform Access Login NeTwo ‘Activity Navigation: » admin mode » admin configuration mode » back to exec mode » configuration mode » Interface configuration mode > exec mode RIF admin Ri (admin) # configure Ri (admin-config) # end Ri (admin) # exit RIF config Ri (config) # interface Gi0/0/0/0 Ri (config-if)# end Rue Command Line Editing NA, + Emacs editing shortcuts Pacearvor wis cirece + Control (*) escaped sequences {Delete \ (eo) JE] Coli ‘ i = at toes = ]f [RP7O7RSRO7EROO: PElfshow route] ipvaThnicast—] | |R®/0/nsP0/cpu0:PE1Ashow route ipvilfinicast ospt oN = nP/0/nsP0/ceU0:PE14%how route! ipvd unicast vip eres AL Redisplay the line ‘Cursor movement ‘AY = Paste what was deleted Command Line Editing XA, » There is no startup-config, [No write memory command [No write erase command 'No write command, stage > Configuration changes > (target config) must be “committed” to become persistent between reboots » Commands to clear configuration: > Configure » commit replace Committing a Configuration MW OA RP/0/RSPO/CPU0:PE1 (config) Feommit ? best-effort © the configuration changes via best-effort operation comment Assign a comment to this commit confirmed Rollback this commit unless there is a confirming commit force Override the memory checks Label Assign a label to this commit replace Replace the contents of running configuration save-running running configuration to a file Viewing configuration ‘the configuration changes via pseudo-atomic operation > show config: Show uncommitted configuration > show config merge: Show future running configuration after commit, » show config changes: Show future running, configuration after commit replace ‘Committing > commit best-effort: Commit whatever you can (not all or nothing) » commit confirmed seconds: Commit for the duration of the timer (unless committed before timer elapses) » commit replace: Replaces current running configuration with configuration in the buffer > commit label: Commits and adds a label to the history > commit comment: Adds a comment to the committed history entry Show Configuration Failed - Example NA, Configuration commit entry fails. View cause of failures. 'P/0/RSP0/CPOD- PEI (config) Weaakgrosup Dap 12/0/nse0/cr00: PE (contig-t) hostname, Peay 2 /0/nav0/cr00: PE (contig) feammae ‘OF more configuration items during a peeudo-atomic Partial configurati only 41]: 4MGBL-CONFIG-6-DB_coMerT Use ‘show configuration commit changes issue ‘show configuration ion to view the errors ‘Re /0/R520/C200: Péxy= (config) Hehow configuration|fatled) SEMANTIC ERRORS: This configuration vas rejected by 11 the aysten due to semantic errors. The individual 11 qrrors with each failed configuration comand can be found below jergroup/Taskgroup nanes cannot be Configuration Management WN OA, » Every configuration change is stored in history BE/0/RPL/CPOO:GRSY show configuration history ‘Tue Sep 28 17:37:20,623 CEDT Sno. Event Info ‘Time Stamp {]: omit tovoconsee Tha Jun 23 21:22:19 2011 2 comet 4a 1000001649 ‘Phu Jun 23 21:24:38 2011 3 commit 4d 1000001650 hu Jun 23 22:15:27 2011 4 commit 4d 1000001652 Tue Jun 28 09:05:49 2011 5 backup Periedic ASCIT backup Tue Jun 28 09:06:36 2011 6 shutdown syne for potential shutdown Tue Jun 28 09:29:57 2011 rollback configuration last 2 rollback configuration to 4 » No rollback occurs if the configuration is incompatible. » Rollback succeeds if the configuration passes all compatibility checks. » For incompatible configuration, the operation fails and an error appears. Configuring Session Management NEA, » Using configure exclusive instead of configure [terminal] enters exclusive the configuration mode. » show configuration lock: Who used the exclusive mode? » show configuration sessions: Who Is configuring right now? » Entering configuration mode is possible with a lock, but committing is not until the lock is released. RP/O/RSPO/CPUO: PEL#show configuration lock Tue Jun 28 11:22:10.449 UTC Session Write Lock (00000211-00244133-00000000 RP/O/RSPO/CPUO: PEI#show configuration s ‘Tue Jun 28 11:23:13.269 UTC Current Configuration Session Line Date Lock 00000211-00244133-00000000 —vty0 ‘Tue Jun 28 11:20:10 2011 * Enable Management Interface — Example 1OS-XR - Management Access en Password: Fe/0/RS90/CP00sPEi¥ahow configuration running-contig interface WyatBth0/R5PO/CPU0/0 Fea fun 20 artist t26 ore Titertace mpaeztho/isv0/0700/0 cp Verify management] | Configure IP address seeedown t ' interface configuration. | | and enable RP/O/RSPO/CPUO: management interface. Regan eDiets #2/o/nse0/cov0 el (contig) #intertace MyutZth0/RS0/CE00/0 Hr/o/nsto/croo: bel (contigrse)diped address 10-10-10;17. He/o/nsto/crv0 bet (contig-if} ee ahutdow Br/o/naro/croo: ai (eontig-if} fend Indomnitesd changes found, commie them before axiting(yee/s0/cancel)? cancel] :yes Ro/o/nsp0/ceoo;den 20 13:i2;31. 742 1 Lémge(2s8], SPRE THFRACLINN.3-OPDON Trle-toce tpucsan0/au00/c100/0, ehmoped, Pelee, bo Some no/o/asbo /c00:et#no/0/RoPU/eEO0. jue 20 13°12: 37°229 ; mge(228]: SPRT_INFRA- Hii lacuvooml | invertase hyeertno/Baro/cr00/0, changed state ta dp RP/0/RSPO/CPU0: PEL¥show configuration running-config interface MgmtEth0/RSPO/CPUO/0 ‘Tue Jun 28 13:16:22,479 UTC interface MgmtEth0/RSPO/CPUO/0 dp Apvé address 1010.10.17 Console to RP and standby RP (inactive) Auxillary console to RP and standby RP (inactive) IP connectivity to active RP on both management interfaces interface MgmtEth0/RSP0/CPU0/0 ipvd address interface MgmtEth0/RSP0/CPU0/1 ipv4 address IP connectivity to active RP on virtual address 10S & IOS XR - configuration model tos » Isa single stage mode! meaning that as soon as you make a change, it is applied to the active running config. Jos XR » you have a running (active) config that you cannot modify directly, all your changes are made in a staging area first before being committed to the running config, » After you make your changes, you commit them and promote the staging config to the active config. » Before the change is made active, the IOS XR will run a sanity check on it making sure that the commands are correct to a certain degree, if there is a problem it will tell you so that you can correct the error Cisco IOS XR & Cisco 10S - Comparison a Bcd Configuration changes do not take place immediately iM OA, Configuration changes take place immediately ometrery ‘Config changes must be Committed before taking effect No commit, changes Immediate You can check your configuration before applying No verification, Two stage configuration Single stage ‘Configuration Rollback Not easy to do, has to be manually configured and not| Guaranteed Feature centric Interface centric ‘Always ask for username/password No username & password by default Skip Configurations done NA, ‘what if | am making changes and decide | don’t want them? You have a few options. First you could just exit all the way out. RP/o/7/CPUo:Ra(config)+ exit Uncommitted changes found, commit them before exiting(yes/no/cancel)? [cancel]: no ‘And once you exit out, all your changes are lost. Clear configurations NOA [NETWORK ONLINE ACADEMY RP/0/7/CPUo:Ri(config-iNishow config RP/0/7/CPUo: Ri(confighsinterface loop Sun Apr 1 22:19:03.438 UTC Z Building configuration... RP/or7/CPUo: Ru(contig-fwip address ilios XR Coangasiar interface Loopback ipva address end (OK, we have it In the candidate configuration now. We changed our mind about that — so lets clear It RP/0/7/CPUo:Ri(configyinterface loop? RP/0/7/CPUs:Ri(configyeshow config, RP/0/7/CPUo:Ra(config-iNaclear Sun Apr 1 22:19:34.733 UTC Building configuration... 11 10S XR Configuration 4.1.1 end Commit confirm Mi OA. » we can do a commit confirm, this way if we do lose connection our change will be rolled back RP/0/7/CPUo: R1(configwint loop 666 RP/0/7/CPUo: R1(config-iNfip add RP/0/7/CPUo: R1(config.iecomimit confirmed 30 RP/0/7/CPUo: Ri(config-iNado show int loopses Sun Apr 7 22:23:34.353 UTC Loopbackses sup, fine protocol up Interface state transis: 1 Hardware is Loopback interfaces) Internet address 66.66/32 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 0 Kbit rellabllty Unknown, tdoad Unknown, rxload Unknown Encapsulation Loopback, loopback not set, Last input Unknown, output Unknown Last clearing of "show interface” counters Unknown, ‘Now we can wait a few seconds (30 or so) and do the show interface command again RP/0/7/CPUo: R1(config-islo show int loop6s6 Sun Apr 1 22:25:09.361 UTC. Interface not found (Loopbackss6) Basic IPv4 & IPv6 — address Configuration RP/0/7/CPUo:Risshow Ip interface brief “Thu Mar 29 16:12:08.883 UTC Interface Mamt€tho’7/CPUo/0 unassigned Mamtétho7/CPUo’ unassigned MgmtEthor7/CPUo/2 unassigned Gigableétherneto/3/0°0 Gigabittherneto/3/0" GigabitEtherneto’3/02 Gigabitétherneto/3/0°3 MamtEtho’s/CPUo/0 unassigned MamtEtho’s/CPUo” unassigned MamtEtho’s/CPUo/2 unassigned IP-address Shutdown Shutdown Shutdown unassigned ‘unassigned unassigned tunasigned Shutdown Shutdown Shutdown status Down, Down, Up Up Down Protocol Down Down Up Up + Here you can see that we have an RP in Slot 6 and 7 (Mgmt) and a 4 -port Gig card in Slot 3. + Interfaces Go/3/0/2 and Go/3/0/’ are pre cabled to another router and are currently UP/UP right now. IPv4 address Configuration NOA NETWORK ONWE ACADEMY RP/0/7/CPUo:Ri# conf t RP/o/7/CPUo:R¢sh run int g0/3/0/2 RP/o77/CPUo:Ra(confight int go/3/0/2 “Thu Mar 29 16:42:43.763 UTC RP/0/7/CPUo: Ri(config-iNe ip add Interface GigabltEtherneta/3/0/2 RP/o/7/CPUo: Ri(config-i no shutdown pve address 190..12.1 255.255.2350 RP/or7/CPUo: Ra(config-i+ commit RP/0/7/CPUo:Rasping ‘Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: ne ‘Success rate Is 100 percent (8/5), round-trip min/avg’max = 3/8/12 ms IPv6é address Configuration NOA NETWORK ONLINE ACADEMY RP/077/CPUo:Ri(cconfigyrint go/3/0/2 RP/07/CPUO:Ra(config-ify ipve address 2001:1:1:12::1/64 RP/or7/CPUo:Ri(contigifieexit RP/o/7/CPUo:R(confightcommit RP/0/7/CPUo:Risping 2001:1:1:12::2 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001: Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/ma 12::2, timeout is 2 seconds: = 2/16/68 ms Platform Route Processor Package Cisco |OS XE lOSd asr1000rp1-ipbase. i NETWORK ONLINE ACADEMY DEFAULT TOPOLOGY SETUP : Loopbacko Loopbacko 3.33.32 555.832 20017:6/128 2001381128 ra LeopbackO Loopback® RE 444.432 656.632 200141128 200161128 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 #conf t RP/0/0/CPUt (config) hostname XR1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config)i#int g0/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}#ip address RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:12::1/64 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config)itint g0/0/0/1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if#ip address RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:13::1/64 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}#ne shutdown RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config}#int g0/0/0/2 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}#ip address RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:14::1/64 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}rexit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config)i#int loopback 0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}#ip address RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001::1/128 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config)#int loopback 1 RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}tip address RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:11::1:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config) RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config: RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}¥ipv6 address 2001 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}#exit loopback 2 address 1/128 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config)#int loopback 3 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}#ip address RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}¥ipv6 address 2001 1/128 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}¥exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config)#int loopback 4 RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if#ip address RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config)#commit Sun Feb 17 02:46:47,018 UTC RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config)#end RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#show ip int br Sun Feb 17 02:47:24.296 UTC Interface IP-Address Status Protocol Virf-Name. Loopbacko 44.1 Up Up default Loopback1 110.11 Up Up — default Loopback2 11.021 Up Up default Loopback3 11.031 Up Up default Loopback 11.041 Up Up default Magmtth0/0/CPU0/0 unassigned Shutdown Down default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/0 10.0121 Up Up — default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/1 10.0131. Up Up — default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/2 10.0141 Up Up — default RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1# RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#show ipv6 int br Sun Feb 17 03:11:02.069 UTC Loopbacko (Up/Up] fe80::a549:adff-fed2:bf90 2001::1 Loopbackt (Up/Up] f-fed2:b190 2001:11:1:1 Loopback2 (Up/Up] fe80:a549.adff:fed2:bf90 2001:11:2:1 Loopback3 (Up/Up] f-fed2:b190 2001:11:3:1 Loopback4 (Up/Up] fe80::a549:adff-fed2:bf90 2001:11:4:1 MgmtEth0/0/CPU0/0 — [Shutdown/Down} unassigned GigabitEthemnet0/0/0/0 [Up/Up] fe80::5200-f€01:1 2001121 Gigabitéthernet0/0/0/1 [Up/Up] fe80::5200:fffe01:2 2001:13:1 GigabitEthemet0/0/0/2 [Up/Up] fe80::5200-F£€01:3 2001:14:1 RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1# RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#tconf t RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config)# hostname XR2 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config)#int g0/0/0/0 RP/O/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:12:2/64 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2 (confi RP/O/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config)#int g0/0/0/1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}ip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:25:2/64 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#no shutdown, RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2{(config)#int g0/0/0/2 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:26:2/64 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2{config-if}#ino shutdown RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config)#int loopback 0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#ip address 22.2.2 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#¥ipvé address 2001:2/128 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config)iint loopback 1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#ip address RP/O/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if#ipv6 address 2001:12:1:1/128 RP/O/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config)#int loopback 2 RP/O/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if#ip address RP/O/0/CPUO:XR2(config-iftipv6 address 2001:12:2:1/128 RP/O/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config)#tint loopback 3 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#ip address RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#ipvé address 2001:12:3:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config)#tint loopback 4 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}ip address RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:12:4:1/128 RP/O/0/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2(config)#commit Sun Feb 17 03:09:49,454 UTC RP/O/0/CPUO:XR2(config)#end RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2#show ip int brief Sun Feb 17 03:10:18,582 UTC Interface IP-Address Status Protocol Vrf-Name Loopbacko 2222 Up Up — default Loopbackt 120.11 Up Up default Loopback2 12021 Up Up default Loopback3 1203.1 Up Up — default Loopbacka 12041 Up Up default Magmtth0/0/cPU0/0 unassigned Shutdown Down default Gigabitethemet0/0/0/0 10.0122 Up Up — default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/1 100.252 Up Up — default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/2 10.0262 Up Up — default RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2#show ipv6 int brief Sun Feb 17 03:10:34.171 UTC Loopbacko (Up/Up] fe80::8091:6eff-fe65:366 2001:2 Loopback (Up/Up] f¢80::8091:6eff-fe65:366 2001:12:1:1 Loopback2 (Up/Up] fe80::8091:6eff-fe65:366 2001:12:2:1 Loopback3 (Up/Up] fe80:8091:6eff:e65:366 2001:12:3:1 Loopback (Up/Up] fe80::8091:6eff-fe65:366 2001:12:4:1 Mgmt€th0/0/CPUO/0 —_ [Shutdown/Down] unassigned Gigabitéthernet0/0/0/0 [Up/Up] fe80::5200:fffe02:1 2001:12:2 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1 [Up/Up] fe80::5200:f:fe02:2 2001:25::2 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 [Up/Up] e80::5200:fff202:3 2001:26::2 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR2# XR3 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios#conf t RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)#hostname XR3 RP/0/0/CPUCzios(config)#int g0/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if#ip address 10.0.35,3 255,255.255.0 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:35::3/64 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUCzios(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)#int g0/0/0/1 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ip address 10.0.13,3 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipvé address 2001:13::3/64 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)itint g0/0/0/2 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ip address 10.0.34,3 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipvé address 2001:34::3/64 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)int loopback 0 RP/O/0/CPUC:ios(config-ifFip address RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-ifi#ipvé address 2001::3/128 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config) int loopback 1 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if tip address RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipvé address 2001:13::1:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUCzios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config)#int loopback 2 RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config-iftip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipvé address 2001 /128 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if}#texit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config}#int loopback 3 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ip address RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}ipvé address 2001:13:3:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)+int loopback 4 RP/O/0/CPUO:ios(config-if#ip address 1304.1 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-iNtipv6 address 2001:13::4:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-ifjtexit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#commit RP/O/0/CPUO:XR3(config)#end RP/0/0/CPUO:XR3#show ip int brief Sun Feb 17 03:39:20,882 UTC Interface IP-Address Status. Protocol Vrf-Name. Loopbacko 3333 Up Up default Loopbackt 130.11 Up Up default Loopback2 13021 Up Up — default Loopback3 13.031 Up Up default Loopback4 13.041 Up Up default Mgmtth0/0/CPU0/0 unassigned Shutdown Down default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/0 10.0353 Up Up — default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/1 Up Up — default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/2 10.0343 Up Up — default RP/0/0/CPUO:XR3#show ipvé6 int brief Sun Feb 17 03:39:25,342 UTC Loopbacko (Up/Up] fe80::904:ddfffea9:6de2 2001:3 Loopbackt (Up/Up] fe80::904:ddfffea9:6de2 2001:13:1:1 Loopback2 (Up/Up] fe80:904:ddff:fea9:6de2 2001:13:2:1 Loopback3 (Up/Up] fe80::904:ddfffea9:6de2 2001:13:3:1 Loopback4 (Up/Up] fe80::904:ddfffea9:6de2 2001:13:4:1 Mgmt€th0/0/CPUO/0 —_ [Shutdown/Down] unassigned GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 [Up/Up] fe80::5200:fffe03:1 2001:35:3 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1 [Up/Up] {e80::5200:fffe03:2 2001:13:3 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 [Up/Up] ¥e80::5200:fffe03:3 2001:34:3 XR4 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios#conf t RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#hostname XR4 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)itint g0/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:46::4/64 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-iff#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#int g0/0/0/1 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:34::4/64 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-ifexit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)+tint g0/0/0/2 RP/O/0/CPUO:ios(config-if#ip address 10.0.144 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if\ipvé address 2001:14:4/64 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if}#no shutdown RP/O/0/CPUG:ios(config-ifh#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#int loopback 0 RP/O/0/CPUG:ios(config-i#ip address 4.444 RP/O/0/CPUC:ios(config-if#ipv6 address 2001::4/128 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if)#exit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)#int loopback 1 RP/O/0/CPUC:ios(config-if}#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/O/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:14::1:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#int loopback 2 RP/O/0/CPUC:ios(config-if}#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/O/0/CPUC:ios(config-iN#ipv6 address 2001:14:2:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#int loopback 3 RP/O/0/CPUC:ios(config-if#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-iNtipv6 address 2001:14:3:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#int loopback 4 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-ifyip address 255.255.2550 RP/O/0/CPUG:ios(config-i#ipv6 address 2001:14:4:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#commit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR4(config)#end RP/0/0/CPUO:XR4#show ip int brie Sun Feb 17 03:40:32,157 UTC Interface IP-Address Status. Protocol Vrf-Name. Loopbacko 4444 Up Up — default Loopback1 140.11 Up Up — default Loopback2 1402.1 Up Up default Loopback3 1403.1 Up Up default Loopback 14041 Up Up — default MagmtEtho/o/cPU0/0 unassigned Shutdown Down default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/0 100464 Up Up — default Gigabitethemet0/0/0/1 10.0344 Up Up — default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/2 100.144 Up Up — default RP/0/0/CPUO:XR4#show ipv6 int brief Sun Feb 17 03:40:36.947 UTC Loopbacko (Up/Up] fe80:588cdafffed6:89d5 2001:4 Loopbackt (Up/Up] fe80::588c:ddff:fed6:89d5 2001:14:1:1 Loopback2 (Up/Up] fe80::588cddffifed6:89d5 2001:14:2:1 Loopback3 (Up/Up] fe80::588cddff-fed6:89d5 2001:14:3:1 Loopback (Up/Up] fe80:588cddfffed6:89d5 2001:14:4:1 Mgmt€th0/0/CPUO/0 —_[Shutdown/Down] unassigned Gigabitéthernet0/0/0/0 [Up/Up] fe80::5200:fffe04:1 2001:46::4 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1 [Up/Up] fe80::5200:f:fe04:2 2001:34:4 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 [Up/Up] e80::5200:fff204:3 2001:14:4 XR5- RP/0/0/CPUO:ios#conf t RP/0/0/CPU:ios(config) hostname XRS RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config)#int gO/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-iffip address RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-ify#fipvé address 2001:35:5/64 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)#fint g0/0/0/1 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipvé address 2001:25::5/64 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUCzios(config)#int g0/0/0/2 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:56::5/64 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#tno shutdown RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-ifexit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)*int loopback 0 RP/O/0/CPUG:ios(config-if#ip address RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001::5/128 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)#tint loopback 1 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ip address RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-i#ipv6 address 2001:15::1:1/128 RP/O/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#int loopback 2 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-ifyfip address 255.255.2550 RP/O/0/CPUG:ios(config-if#ipv6 address 2001:15::2:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#int loopback 3 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:15:3:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config)int loopback 4 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-iffip address 255.255.2550 RP/O/0/CPUC:ios(config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:15:4:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)#commit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)# end RP/0/0/CPUO:XR5#show ip int brie Sun Feb 17 03:41:44.862 UTC Interface IP-Address Status Protocol Vrf-Name Loopbacko 5555 Up Up — default Loopbackt 150.11 Up Up default Loopback2 1502.1 Up Up default Loopback3 1503.1 Up Up — default Loopbacka 15041 Up Up default Magmtth0/0/cPU0/0 unassigned Shutdown Down default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/0 10.0355 Up Up — default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/1 10.0255 Up Up — default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/2 10.0565 Up Up — default RP/0/0/CPUO:XR5#show ipvé6 int brief Sun Feb 17 03:41:48,482 UTC Loopbacko (Up/Up] fe80:-faac:1 fffe87:7364 2001::5 Loopbackt (Up/Up] fe80::faac:1ffffe87:7364 2001:15:1:1 Loopback2 (Up/Up] fe80:f4ac:1fiffe87:7364 2001:15:2:1 Loopback3 (Up/Up] fe80:-faac:1 ffffe87:7364 2001:15:3:1 Loopback4 (Up/Up] feB0::faac:1ffffe87:7364 2001:15:4:1 Mgmt€th0/0/CPUO/0 — [Shutdown/Down] unassigned GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 [Up/Up] fe80::5200:fffe05:1 2001:35::5 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1 [Up/Up] {e80::5200:fffe05:2 2001:25::5 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 [Up/Up] ¥e80::5200:fffe05:3 2001:56::5 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR5# XR6 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios#conf t RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)#conf t RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)i#hostname XR6 RP/0/0/CPUCzios(config)#int g0/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if#ip address 255,255.255.0 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipvé address 2001:46:6/64 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUCzios(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)#int g0/0/0/1 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipvé address 2001:56:6/64 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)itint g0/0/0/2 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipvé address 2001:26:6/64 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config)#int loopback 0 RP/O/0/CPUC:ios(config-ifip address RP/O/0/CPUC:ios(config-if#ipvé address 2001::6/128 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#exit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)int loopback 1 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if#ip address RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipvé address 2001:16:1:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUCzios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:ios(config)#int loopback 2 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-ifip address 255.255.2550 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ipvé address 2001 /128 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if}#texit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config}#int loopback 3 RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}#ip address RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config-if}ipvé address 2001:16:3:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUG:ios(config)+int loopback 4 RP/O/0/CPUO:ios(config-if#ip address 16.04.1. 255.255.2550 RP/O/0/CPUC:ios(config-iNtipv6 address 2001:16::4:1/128 RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config-ifjtexit RP/0/0/CPUC:ios(config) commit RP/O/0/CPUO:XR6(config)#end RP/0/0/CPUO:XR6#show ip int brief Sun Feb 17 03:42:42,688 UTC Interface IP-Address Status. Protocol Vrf-Name. Loopbacko 666.6 Up Up default Loopbackt 160.11 Up Up default Loopback2 1602.1 Up Up — default Loopback3 1603.1 Up Up default Loopback4 16041 Up Up — default Mgmtth0/0/CPU0/0 unassigned Shutdown Down default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/0 100466 Up. Up — default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/1 10.0566 Up. Up — default Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/2 10.0266 Up Up — default RP/0/0/CPUO:XR6#show ipvé int brief Sun Feb 17 03:42:46.848 UTC Loopbacko (Up/Up] fe80::5cb2:20fFfec3:edb5 2001::6 Loopbackt (Up/Up] fe80::5cb2:20ff-fec3:edb5 2001:16:1:1 Loopback2 (p/Up] fe80:5cb2:20fffec3:edb5 2001:16:2:1 Loopback3 [Up/Up) fe80:5cb2:20ff fec3:edb5 2001:16:3:1 Loopback [Up/Upl fe80:5cb2:20fffec3:edb5 2001:16:4:1 MgmtEth0/0/CPUO/0 — [Shutdown/Down] unassigned Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/0 [Up/Up] fe80::5200:ff:fe06:1 2001:46:6 GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1 [Up/Up] fe80::5200-ff:fe06:2 2001:56::6 Gigabitéthemet0/0/0/2 [Up/Up] fe80::5200-ff:fe06:3 2001:26:6 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR6# 10S-XR ROUTING Cisco IOS-XR — Routing RIP, EIGRP, OPSF , BGP (IPv4 & IPv6) Process Restart - IOS XR NA, > Microkernel architecture enables restart of most processes. BGP OSPF EIGRP ISS RIP VPN ‘SSH ssH_] [Telnet sever Groon areas || _tOP ‘ACLs LP ACLs cannot restart |/Tepnp |] ipv4 Forwarding | |[ TcPP || 1pv4 Forwarding Devers 1OS-XR — RIPv2 NEA. outer Tip atwork 192.160,101.0 7b/0/RSPO/CROO: PEL¥ahow outa Tip Pek Ape 14 23:22:08.242 OFC R__10.1.10.0/24 (120/2) via 192.168,101.11, 00:05:30, Gigabitaenernet0/0/0/d Ei¥ehow ap route Fp 20-0.0.0/8 As variably subsetted, 3 subsets, 2 masks 2 20-1-1-0/24 {120/1] via 192-168.10110, 00:00:19, Gigansexenernet0/o} 10S-XR — RIPv2 Verification NEA, 1RF/07RSPO/CPOO: PEI Sat Apr 15 00:45:1: exp contig Active: [Added to socket: Jout-of-nenory state: Default metric Packet source validation: usr: ‘Disabled Jrimare: Update: {——— ] 30 seconde (26 seconds until next update) Invalid: 380. seconde Holddown 280 seconds Flush: 240 seconds 1OS-XR — RIPv2 Verification NETWORK ONLINE ACADEMY Rb /0/RSP0/CPUD:PEL show protocols rip default-context Sat Apr 15 00:50:54,530 UTC Routing Protocol RIP VRF default is Active 2 interfaces configured, 2 active 4 routes, 3 paths allocated Timers: Update 30s (next in 27s), Invalid 180s, Holddown 180s, Flush 2408 OOM state is "Normal" Interface Active IP-Address State Send Recy Nore Gigabitzthernet0_00_0 Active Up 2 21 Loopback0 Active Up 2 2 0 10S-XR — RIPv2 Verification CEL#show ip protocols neTwo :ADEMY Routing is NSF aware *** Routing Protocol is "rip" Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is not set Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 11 seconds Invalid after 180 seconds, hold down 180, flushed after 240 Redistributing: rip Default version control: send version 2, receive version 2 Interface Send Recv Triggered RIP Key-chain GigabitEthernet0/o 2 2 Loopback 2 2 Automatic network summarization is not in effect Maximum path: 4 Routing for Networks: Routing Information Sources: Gateway Distance Last Update 192,168.101.10 120 00:00:17 Distance: (default is 120) Enabling RIPng ‘The Cisco 10S XR does not support RIPng. Example of configuring RIPng on the Cisco IOS and Cisco IOS XE routers. pee aia TonG Antexface Loopback® Spv6 addrers FC00:10;1:10::/64 eui-6¢ Toe oni aG Anterface Loopback0 Spv6 address FOD0:10:2:1::/64 eui-64 Spv6 enable Spee rip RIP_iab enable interface ciganitetnernet0/0/0 ipvé enable Spv6 rip RIF_iab enable Pitvahow ipee route Hip JR" "Fe00"10:1:10::/64 (120/21 Gigapierthernet0/0/0 GEifshow spvé route ep R "“Fooosa0:2:2::/64 (120/2) via FEO. “EAR?-4S9F-4FB:5800, Gigabitathernet0/0 1OS-XR - EIGRP x OA. + Enable the EIGRP routing process for AS 100 (range 1 to 65535). + Specify networks or interfaces. mp 100 atwork 192.160.1010, Tue Ape 18 03:45:59. 190/153056) vs 10-0.0.0/8 Ss variably subnetted, 3 subsets, 2 masks > {90/156160) via, 00:06:07, Gigabitathernet0/0 NsFeavare route hold timer 4= 240 vaxsmen hopecunt 100 Astonatic Sunmarization: enabled 192.168,101.0/24 for 100 IPve EIGRP — Configuration Tprt unicast-rooting Antertace Loopbsck® ipvé enable tpv6 elgep 100 Antertace Gigabitethernet0/0 fall interfaces 42 not ETWORK ONLINE ACADEMY RP/0/25P0/CPUO:PE1Vahow protocels eigep Tuo Apr 18 04:57:00.240 UTC cance 100 NGEGESURRAELEAEION, Logging neighbor changes Default networks not flagged in outgoing upd: Distance: internal 90, external 170 Maximum paths: 4 EIGRP metric weight KI=1, K2=0, K3=1, K4=0, K5=0 EIGRP maximum hopcount 100 EIGRE maxinum metric variance 1 hold timer is 2408 NSF signal timer is 20s timer 43 1208 ie 01:18:20 NSF converge Time since last rest. SIA Active timer is 1802 Interfaces Gigabitethernet0/0/0/0 Loopbacko (NETWORK OHI v Taterface Toopbeko Spv6 enable interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 > 2001: _IPv6 prefix RP/0/3/CPUO:XR1(config-if#ipv6 address 2001::1/128 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#exit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR1 (config-ifexit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR1 (config)i#int g0/0/0/0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#ip add RP/0/3/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#ipv6 address 2001:12::1/64 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR1(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/3/CPUO:XR1(config-if)#end * Tose the config whatever done before commit use show config command RP/0/3/CPUO:XR1 (config -if)}#show config Tue Mar 26 00:40:49.200 UTC Building configuration. 4110S XR Configuration 3.9.1 interface Loopback0 ip address ipv6 address 2001::1/128 ! interface GO/0/0/0 ip add ipv6 address 2001:12:1/64 ' end RP/0/3/CPUO:XR1 (config-if}#commit wheat saronietonsasi maraseahtonnsam® Page 45 XR2 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config)#int loop 0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-if)#ipy? ipv4 ipve RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-if)#ip address RP/0/3/CPUO:KR2(cont jpv6 address ? Hostname or X:X:X%zone IPv6 name or address X:X:X96zone/<0-128> _IPVv6 prefix RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(cont jpv6 address 2001::2/128 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#exit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config)#int g0/0/0/0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#ip add jpv6 address 2001: RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#no shutdown RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-if)#¥end To see the configs whatever done before commit use show config command RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-if}#show config end Tue Mar 26 00:40:49,200 UTC Building configuration. 1110S XR Configuration 3.9.1 interface aan interface GO/0/0/0 ip add ipv6 address 2001:12:2/64 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-if) #20 LAB - Static Routing - 10S-XR 10.0.12.x/24 2001:122x/64 TASK: ‘© Configure XR1 and XR2 tocommunite between LAN (loopback interfaces) using Static Routing for both IPv4 and IPv6. RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1(config)#router static RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-static)# address-family ipv4 unicast RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-static-afi)# g0/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config: static-afi)# commit RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1(config-static-afi)#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-static)#address-fai RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-static-afi)#2001::2/128 g0/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-stati commit _ RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#sh run router static Tue Mar 26 02:01:42.643 UTC router static address-fami a unicast address-family ipv6 unicast 2001:2/128 GO/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#sh route ipv4 ‘Tue Mar 26 02:05:23,681 UTC Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, B- BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP i- ISIS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2 ia - IS-IS inter area, su - 1S-IS summary null, * - candidate default U - per-user static route, 0 - ODR, L - local, G - DAGR A access/subscriber Gateway of last resort is not set when serous honest mearaseahitnssam® "Page 45 L_1.1.1.1/32 is directly connecte LoopbackO C is directly connected, 01:26:42, G0/0/0/0 L is directly connected, 01:26:42, G0/0/0/0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config)#router static RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-static)# address-family ipv4 unicast RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-static-afi)# G0/0/0/0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-static-afi)# exit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2 (config: static-afi)# address-family ipv6 unicast RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-static-afi)# 2001::1/128 GO/0/0/0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-static-afi)# commit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#ping 2001::2 source 2001::1 Tue Mar 26 00:58:43,168 UTC Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001::2, timeout is 2 seconds: Success rat 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 2/18/41 ms LAB - OSPFv2 and OSPFv3 ROUTING ~ 10S-XR 10.0.12.x/24 2001:12=:x/64 Loopback 11.1.1 82 2001:2/128 TASK ‘+ Remove static routing on both XR1 and XR2 * Configure OSPF and OSPFv3 between XR 1 and XR2 as per the diagram RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config)#router ospf 1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf)#area 0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar)#interface loopback 0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar}#interface g0/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar-if) broadcast ‘Specify OSPF broadcast multi-access network non-broadcast Specify OSPF NBMA network point-to-multipoint Specify OSPF point-to-multipoint network point-to-point Specify OSPF point-to-point network RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar-if}#hello-interval ? <1-65535> Seconds RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar-if}#mtucignore ? disable Disable ignoring of MTU in DBD packets enable Ignores the MTU in DBD packets RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar-if)#eommit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar-if}#end * Changing hello interval, MTU, cost all the interface level commands comes under the mode RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar-if}# + To.commit the target configuration to the active (running) configuration, use the commit command in any configuration mode. RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#conf t RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config)#router ospf 1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-ospf) RP/0/0/CPUO:XR 1 (config-ospf-ar}#interface loopback 0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-ospf-ar)tcommit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-ospf-ar- ‘Tue Mar 26 00:47:20,647 UTC ! SEMANTIC ERRORS: This configuration was rejected by the system due to semantic errors. The individual !! errors with each failed configuration command can be ! found below. router ospf 1 area 0 interface LoopbackO end + the above output shows that we already configured loop 0 in area 0 and chaning to area 10 will not be allowed to commit as one interface cannot be part of two areas and XR will not overwrite the area like normal 10S do * so to change we need to remove the loopback 0 from area 0 and then advertise in area 10 see the below configurations }#show configuration failed RP/0/0/CPUO:XR 1 (config)#router ospf 1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-ospf}#area 0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar) RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar}texit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf}#area 0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar) RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospf-ar-if)#tcommit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#sh run router ospf 1 router ospf 1 area 0 interface GO/0/0/0 area 10 interface Loopback RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config)#router ospf 1 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-ospf)#area 0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-ospf-ar)#int g0/0/0/0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-ospf-ar-if}#int loop 0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-ospf-ar-if}#commit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-ospf-ar-i#end RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#sh ip ospf neighbor Neighbors for OSPF 1 soa ID Pri_ State Dead Time Address __ Interface Neighbor is up for 00:00:16 Total neighbor count: 1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#show ‘ route a OSPFV3 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR'1(config)#router ospfv3 1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-ospfv3)}#area 10 RP/0/0/CPUO:XRI (config-ospfv3-ar)#interface loopback 0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XRI(config-ospfv3-ar-ifHexit RP/0/0/CPUO:XRI (config-ospfv3-ar)texit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR'1(config-ospfv3)#area 0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XRI(config-ospfv3-ar)#interface g0/0/0/0 RP/O/O/CPUO:XRI1 (config-ospfv3-ar-if)#commit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config)#router ospfv3 1 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-ospfv3)#area 0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-ospfv3-ar)#interface loopback 0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-ospfv3-ar-iff#exit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-ospfv3-ar)#interface g0/0/0/0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-ospfv3-ar-if)#commit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2#sh route ipv6 unicast Gateway of last resort is not set OM at vated, 0021, GON L_ 2001:2/128 is directly connected, 00:15:31, Loopback0 C 2001:12:/64 is directly connected, 15:31, GO/0/0/0 L_ 2001:12:2/128 is directly connected, 00:15:31, G0/0/0/0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2#sh ipv6 int br LoopbackO (Up/Up] fe80::2c27-fcff:fed0:49af MgmtEth0/3/CPU0/0 — [Up/Up] unassigned Magmt€th0/3/CPUO/1 — [Up/Up] unassigned Mgmtth0/3/CPU0/2 — [Down/Down] unassigned GigabitEthemet0/4/0/0 [Up/Up] unassigned Gigabitéthemet0/4/0/1 [Up/Up] unassigned GigabitEthemet0/4/0/2 [Up/Up] unassigned GigabitEthemet0/4/0/3 [Up/Up] unassigned GO/0/0/0 [Up/Up] fe80::2c27-fcff:fed0:49af 2001-1232 Poso/7/0/1 (Up/Up] unassigned Poso/7/0/2 (Up/Up] unassigned Poso/7/0/3 (Up/Up] unassigned RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#sh route ipv6 unicast ospf Tue Mar 26 00:58:12,346 UTC (110/1] via fe80:2¢27-fefffe40:49af, 00:02:04, GO/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#ping 2001::2 source 2001::1 Tue Mar 26 00:58:43.168 UTC Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 200° imeout is 2 seconds: Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 2/18/41 ms LAB 10.0.12.x/24 2001:12:x/64 2001=1/128 TASK: Remove the OSPF and OSPFV3 on both XR routers XR1/XR2 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config)#ne router ospf 1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config)#ne router ospfv3. 1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR(config)#commit iat ‘ASK © Configure ISIS ABC on XR1 and XR2 in same area with area ID 49.0012.0000.0000.000x.00 and both routers should be L1 only RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config)#router isis ABC RP/0/0/CPUO:XR 1 (conffg-isis)#net 49.0012.0000.0000.0001.00 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR 1 (config isis)#is-type level-1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR (config isis)#interface loopback 0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-isis-if}#address-family ipv RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1(config-isis-if}#address-family ipv4 unicast RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-isis-if-af)itexit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (contig sis-if #adldress-family ipv6 unicast RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1\(config-isis-if-af)¥exit RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-isis-if#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-isis)#int g0/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (conf se if elddrss fat iBUa URIS RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config isis-if-af)Hexit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-isis-if}#address-family ipv6 unicast RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-isis-if-af)#commit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config)#router isis ABC RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(conffg-isis)#net 49.0012.0000.0000.0002.00 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis)#is-type level-1 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2 (config isis)#interface loopback 0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if}#address-family ipv4 unicast RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2{config-isis- RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if}#int g0/0/0/0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-‘isis-if}exit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2 (config. RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis)#interface loopback 0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if}#address-family ipv6 unicast RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if-af)#exit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-ifrexit is) RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis)#int g0/0/0/0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if}#address-family ipv4 unicast RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if-af}#exi RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if}#address-family ipv6 unicast RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if-af}# RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2 (config -isis-if-af}#commit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2i#sh isis neighbors Tue Mar 26 01:05:08.049 UTC IS-IS ABC neighbors: pa Id Interface SNPA Ste eer Total neighbor count: 1 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2#sh route ipv4 isis Tue Mar 26 01:05:26.749 UTC RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2#ping source ‘Tue Mar 26 01:05:38,070 UTC Type escape sequence to abort, Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/3/5 ms RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#sh route ipv4 ‘Tue Mar 26 01:06:00.912 UTC RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#sh route ipv6 Tue Mar 26 01:06:10,124 UTC [115/20] via fe80::2c27:fcff:fed0:49af, 00:01:14, GO/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#ping 2001::2 source 2001::1 Tue Mar 26 01:06:22.244 UTC Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:2, timeout is 2 seconds: mu Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 2/4/8 ms TASK: Remove the ISIS on both XR and reconfigure them in different area RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config)#no router isis ABC RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config)#router isis ABC RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-isis)#net 49.1911.0000.0000.0001.00 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-isis}#is-type level-2-only RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-isis)# RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-isis)#int loop 0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (contig isis-if)taddress-family ipv4 unicast RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config isis-if-af)#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-isis-iftaddress-fami RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-isis-if-af}#exit RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config isis-if}e RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-isis)# RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(config-isis}#int g0/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config-isis-if}#address-family ipv4 unicast RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (config: RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (conf RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1 (confi RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1(confi RP/O/0/CPUO:XR1 (config. ly ipv6 unicast RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2{(config)#no router isis ABC RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2{(config)#!router isis ABC RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2{(config-isis)iis-type level-2-only RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis)#¢net 49.2222.0000.0000.0002.00 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2{(config-isis}#interface LoopbackO RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if}# address-family ipv4 unicast RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2{(config-isis-if-af)# address-family ipv6 unicast RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2 (config isis-if-af)# interface GO/0/0/0 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if}# address-family ipv4 unicast RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if-af)# address-family ipv6 ut RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2(config-isis-if-af)#eommit RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2#sh isis neighbors Tue Mar 26 01:12:43.911 UTC IS-IS ABC neighbors: pa Id__ Interface SNPA State Hold ee NSF Total neighbor count: 1 RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2#sh route ipv4 Tue Mar 26 01:12:50,513 UTC RP/0/3/CPUO:XR2#ping source Tue Mar 26 01:13:06.713 UTC Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 3/4/7 ms RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#sh route ipv Tue Mar 26 01:13:24,279 UTC [115/20] via fe80::2c27:fcff:fe40:49af, 00:00:50, GO/0/0/0 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#sh isis neighbors Tue Mar 26 01:13:32,289 UTC IS-IS ABC neighbors: System Id Interface SNPA. State Holdtime Type IETF-NSF Total neighbor count: 1 RP/0/0/CPUO:XR1#ping 2001::2 source 2001::1 Tue Mar 26 01:13:41,913 UTC Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001::2, timeout is 2 seconds: mm Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 2/3/7 ms for more Updates on new Releases New Video Training series and Updated workbooks. Upcoming Class schedule ke us on a, Up. VW twitter Linked ff},

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