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Radiotherapy and Oncology 132 (2019) 121–126

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Original article

Incidence and evolution of imaging changes on cone-beam CT during

and after radical radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer
Enrico Clarke a,⇑, John Curtis b, Michael Brada a,c
Department of Radiotherapy, Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust; b Radiology Department, Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; and c Department of
Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine, Institute of Translational Medicine, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background and purpose: Cone beam CT (CBCT) is used to improve accuracy of radical radiotherapy by
Received 12 July 2018 adjusting treatment to the observed imaging changes. To ensure appropriate adjustment, image interpre-
Received in revised form 3 November 2018 tation should precede any changes to treatment delivery. This study provides the methodology for image
Accepted 7 December 2018
interpretation and the frequency and evolution of the changes in patients undergoing radical radiother-
apy for localised and locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Patients and methods: From December 2012 to December 2014, 250 patients with localised and locally
advanced NSCLC had 2462 chest CBCT scans during the course of fractionated radical radiotherapy
(RT) (3–5 daily CBCTs in the first week followed by at least weekly imaging, mean 9.5 per patient, range
CBCT 1–21). All CBCT images were reviewed describing changes and their evolution using diagnostic imaging
IGRT definitions and validated by an independent chest radiologist.
Imaging Results: During radical RT for NSCLC 328 imaging changes were identified on CBCT in 180 (72%) patients;
Lung cancer 104 (32%) had reduction and 41 (13%) increase in tumour size; 48 (15%) had changes in consolidations
Cone beam contiguous to the primary lesion, 26 (8%) non-contiguous consolidations, 43 (13%) changes in tumour
cavitation, 36 (11%) pleural effusion and 30 (9%) changes in atelectasis.
In 105 patients imaging changes were noted in continuity with the treated tumour of which only 41
(39%) represented tumour enlargement; others included new or enlarging adjacent consolidation
(34%), and new or enlarging atelectasis (19%). The changes evolved during treatment.
Conclusion: Imaging changes on CBCT include real and apparent changes in tumour size and parenchymal
changes which evolve during treatment. Correct image interpretation, particularly when occurring adja-
cent to the tumour, is essential prior to adjustment to treatment delivery.
Ó 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Radiotherapy and Oncology xxx (2018) xxx–xxx

High dose fractionated external beam radiotherapy with or pre-treatment imaging where target outlining is an integral com-
without chemotherapy remains the mainstay of radical treatment ponent of the treatment planning process. An increasingly impor-
of localised and locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer tant aspect of radiotherapy imaging which guides the quality of
(NSCLC) not amenable to surgical excision [1]. radiotherapy delivery is image guidance during treatment cur-
Successful outcome demands accurate tumour localisation and rently using cone beam CT (CBCT) mounted on the linear accelera-
precise delivery of treatment. These are dependent on the quality tor [2]. As with pre-treatment CT, the accuracy of treatment relies
of imaging determined both by technical and operator related fac- on adjusting radiotherapy delivery to information obtained from
tors. In the treatment of lung cancer the imaging modality of the CBCT image and this demands not only high quality imaging
choice to define the target and critical normal structures currently but also correct and reliable image interpretation. This expertise
remains CT scanning. While the technical aspects of CT imaging rests either with the radiation oncologist or in many centres with
continue to improve to allow better visualisation of thoracic struc- the radiation therapist/technologist.
tures, operator dependent image interpretation has been subject to CBCT image interpretation has been entirely in the hands of the
less academic scrutiny, yet this is likely to be an important deter- treating profession and not subject to assessment and validation by
minant of accuracy of radiotherapy delivery. imaging experts (radiologists). It is therefore a largely non-
The principal focus of the accuracy and reliability of image validated skill which is open to significant interobserver variation
interpretation which defines the target for treatment has been on and potential incorrect interpretation of the images. To ensure
the image interpretation complies with validated imaging criteria
⇑ Corresponding author.
0167-8140/Ó 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
122 Changes on CBCT during RT for NSCLC

the study was designed and conducted together with an expert Imaging
thoracic radiologist.
All patients had planning CT scan with Philips Brilliance CT
The study examined in detail over 2000 CBCT images in 250
scanner (Philips N.V., Eindhoven, NL). On treatment cone beam
patients undergoing radical radiotherapy for locally advanced
CT scans were performed using Varian Truebeam and Varian C-
NSCLC describing imaging changes and their evolution using vali-
series Linac with kV X-ray source OBI (Varian Medical Systems,
dated imaging definitions and assessed and quality assured by an
Palo Alto, California, USA). The general policy was to perform 3–5
expert thoracic radiologist. This should provide the basis for accu-
daily CBCTs in the first week followed by at least weekly imaging
rate and reliable interpretation of CBCT images during treatment to
(more when changes were detected requiring potential treatment
ensure appropriate adjustment of treatment to enable optimum
adjustment) with a mean of 9.5 per patient (range 1–21). Following
treatment outcome both in terms of best tumour control and min-
radiotherapy diagnostic CT was carried out 1–6 months after com-
imal treatment related toxicity.
pletion of treatment with a median of 73 days (patients usually
have imaging 3 months after treatment but some had it earlier
Patients and methods due to symptoms or had it at their local hospital first).
All images were scored and reviewed by one IGRT experienced
Study population specialist clinical oncologist (EC) with contentious cases reviewed
The study was a structured review of all available diagnostic, by a thoracic radiologist (JC) or another clinical oncologist (MB).
planning, cone beam and post-treatment CT scans in a cohort of The imaging from a randomly selected 10% of the patients was
patients undergoing conventional fractionated radical external reviewed by an expert thoracic radiologist (JC).
beam radiotherapy (Table 1) for histologically verified NSCLC (with
or without neoadjuvant & concomitant chemotherapy – Table 1) Imaging abnormalities
between 31/12/2012 and 30/12/2014 with CBCTs obtained in the
two calendar years. All patients had an identifiable tumour on CT Imaging abnormalities on planning CT and on CBCT during RT
imaging. Patients undergoing SABR and palliative radiotherapy were identified and recorded using standard imaging terminology
were excluded from the analysis as were patients without an iden- [3]. Changes were reported in comparison to planning CT and the
tifiable lung parenchymal tumour (adjuvant radiotherapy for previous CBCT. Due to the limited resolution of CBCT images only
microscopic residual disease after surgery), and those who changes 3 mm were considered significant. Examples are shown
received previous thoracic or adjacent radiotherapy (e.g. for breast in Fig. 1.
cancer). Tumour enlargement (or progression) was defined as concentric
(involving more than 50% of the margin) increase of 3 mm of
Table 1
either maximum diameter or perpendicular maximum diameter
Patient & disease characteristics of a cohort of 250 patients with NSCLC treated with
radical radiotherapy. of the primary tumour. Similarly tumour reduction (or regression)
was defined as a decrease in size 3 mm of maximum or perpen-
Characteristic Number of pts. %
dicular maximum diameter of the primary tumour.
Total 250 100% Consolidation (or infiltrative change) was classified as contigu-
ous and non-contiguous. Contiguous consolidation was defined as
F 115 46%
M 135 54%
increase in pulmonary parenchymal attenuation, generally homo-
geneous, that obscures the margins of vessels and airway walls
WHO performance status (PS)
0 58 23%
of at least 3 mm, not considered to be tumour or atelectasis, con-
1 90 36% tiguous with the tumour, or a nonconcentric increase in size of
2 81 32% the tumour at least 3 mm affecting less than 50% of the tumour
3 9 4% margin.
NA 12 5%
Non-contiguous consolidation was defined as increased
COPD comorbidity parenchymal attenuation of at least 3 mm not considered to be
Yes 65 26%
tumour or atelectasis, not contiguous with the tumour.
No 185 74%
Cavitation was defined as a gas-filled space seen as a lucency or
low-attenuation area within the tumour of at least 3 mm.
Adenocarcinoma 86 34%
Squamous cell carcinoma 119 48% Pleural effusion was defined as the presence of at least 3 mm of
NSCLC NOS 24 10% fluid-like density between lung and posterior chest wall (on a
Large cell carcinoma 2 1% supine CT scan).
Adenosquamous carcinoma 3 1%
Atelectasis had the characteristics of consolidation with distin-
Carcinosarcoma 1 0%
Not histologically verified 15 6%
guishing anatomical features often associated with abnormal dis-
placement of fissures, bronchi, vessels, diaphragm, heart, or
AJCC stage
IA 10 4%
IB 25 10%
IIA 14 6%
IIB 24 10% Quality assurance
IIIA 120 48%
IIIB 47 19% Series of planning, cone beam and post treatment scans from
IV 10 4% 10% of randomly selected patients (25) were reviewed by an expe-
Chemotherapy rienced thoracic radiologist (JC). Complete concordance was noted
concurrent chemoradiotherapy 51 20% in 10 patients. In the remaining 15 patients, 23 out of 30 changes
sequential chemoradiotherapy 107 43% were agreed and 7 were amended (4 were added). The overall error
TKI 1 0%
rate was <10% and mostly related to lung changes not adjacent to
RT dose fractionation the tumour. Following the review of cases the whole image dataset
50–55 in 20 fractions 242 97%
was reviewed with minor amendment and these data are
58–60 Gy in 20–30 fractions 8 3%
E. Clarke et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 132 (2019) 121–126 123

Fig. 1. Examples of imaging changes during radical radiotherapy for NSCLC. Planning CT images are shown on the left and cone beam CT scan images on the right. A tumour
enlargement; B reduction in tumour size; C new contiguous consolidation; D cavitation; E contralateral pleural effusion; F atelectasis.

Statistical analysis coefficients were used to assess correlations between

SPSS version 21.0, (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used for imaging changes and patient, tumour and treatment
statistical analysis. v2 test and Spearman’s rank correlation characteristics.
124 Changes on CBCT during RT for NSCLC

Results Table 2
Imaging changes on CBCT (250 patients; 328 changes) during radical radiotherapy for
Imaging change Number of changes % changes % patients
Over a 2 year period (31/12/2012–30/12/2014) 430 patients
Change in tumour size
with NSCLC had chest CBCT scans during the course of RT. Two Enlargement 41 13%
hundred and fifty met the inclusion criteria. The patient and dis- Reduction 104 32%
ease characteristics are shown in Table 1. The majority (67%) had Total 145 44% 58%
stage III disease; 51 (20%) received concurrent chemo- Contiguous consolidation
radiotherapy and 107 (43%) sequential chemoradiation. The major- New 14 4%
ity of patients (241–96%) received a dose of 50–55 Gy in 20 Pre-existing increased 30 9%
Pre-existing decreased 4 1%
Total 48 15% 19%
Most patients completed the full course of treatment. The treat-
Non contiguous consolidation
ment was discontinued early in 8 patients due to treatment related
New 5 2%
toxicity (2), disease progression (2), increased dyspnoea (1) and Pre-existing increased 19 6%
other reasons (3). Pre-existing decreased 2 1%
The majority of patients (170) had a 3D planning scan; 80 had a Total 26 8% 10%
4D planning CT scan. Overall 2378 3D CBCT scans were reviewed Cavitation
(mean 9.5 per patient); 50 patients had 4DCBCT for a total number new 14 4%
of 84 scans (1–3 per patient). If two CBCT (due to beam reposition- Pre-existing increased 9 3%
Pre-existing decreased 20 6%
ing) were performed on the same day only the original image was Total 43 13% 17%
analysed and reported.
Pleural effusion
New 21 6%
Pre-existing increased 10 3%
Planning CT scan Pre-existing decreased 5 2%
Total 36 11% 14%
On the planning CT scan 363 abnormalities were noted in 212
patients. Contiguous consolidation was noted in 125 and non- Atelectasis
New 6 2%
contiguous in 118 patients; 40 patients had tumour cavitation,
Pre-existing increased 14 4%
32 effusion and 48 atelectasis; 106 patients had one, 67 two, 33 Pre-existing decreased 10 3%
three and 6 four abnormalities. 38 patients had no abnormalities Total 30 9% 12%
on planning CT (Appendix, Table I).

On treatment cone beam CT (CBCT) scan during RT. In 19 (16%) of 118 patients with a pre-existing non-
contiguous consolidation there was an increase (11 in number of
Out of 250 patients 180 (72%) had at least one change on CBCT
lesions and 8 in size of lesions) and in 2 a reduction in size during
during radiotherapy compared to the planning CT scan. This
radiotherapy. In total 40 patients (16%) developed a new non-
included both new abnormalities and a change in size of an exist-
contiguous consolidation.
ing abnormality (3 mm). Overall 328 changes were identified:
Of 202 patients without pre-existing atelectasis on the planning
145 were alterations in the size of the primary lesion (104 reduc-
CT scan 6 (3%) developed a new atelectasis during treatment. In 48
tions and 41 enlargements) and 183 were changes not directly
patients with a pre-existent atelectasis, 14 (29%) had an increase
involving the tumour mass. Of these 60 were new (not seen on
and 10 (21%) a decrease in atelectasis size. In total 20 patients
planning CT) and 123 were changes of previously identified
(8%) developed a new atelectasis or increase in size of a pre-
existing atelectasis during treatment.
Contiguous consolidation was seen in 48 patients (14 new, 30
The median time interval between planning-CT and start of the
increases and 4 reductions of pre-existing contiguous consolida-
treatment (first CBCT) was 14 days (range 5–27 days). A significant
tion) and non-contiguous consolidations in 26 (5 new, 19 increases
correlation was found between longer time interval and develop-
and 2 reductions of pre-existing). Cavitation was noted in 43
ment of changes (p = 0.011). There was no significant correlation
patients (14 new, 9 increases, 20 reductions or disappearance/res-
found with patient characteristics, but there was a trend with
olution of pre-existing cavities), pleural effusion in 36 (21 new, 10
advanced T stage and changes (p = 0.06).
increases, 5 reductions) and atelectasis in 30 patients (6 new, 14
increases and 10 reductions). Seventy patients had no changes dur-
ing RT, 79 had one change, 66 had two, 24 three, 10 four and 1 Changes within or adjacent to the treated tumour
patient had five changes (Table 2).
In 105 patients imaging changes were noted within or adjacent
to the treated tumour; in 41 (39%) patients these represented
Lung parenchymal changes tumour enlargement while in 14 (13%) patients the changes were
Of 125 patients without contiguous consolidation on the plan- new and in 30 (29%) enlarging adjacent consolidation and in 20
ning CT scan 14 (11%) developed contiguous consolidation during (19%) new or enlarging atelectasis (Table 2).
RT. Of 125 patients with a pre-existing contiguous consolidation
30 (24%) had an increase and 4 (3%) a reduction. In total 44 of
Timing and evolution of changes
250 patients (18%) had a new or an increase in size of a contiguous
consolidation during RT. Overall, 48 (19%) patients had changes in Enlargement of the primary lesion was noted almost exclusively
the lung parenchyma adjacent to the tumour not representing an at the first fraction (40 patients out of 41). Most reductions were
alteration in tumour size. noted in the second half of treatment with a median time of onset
Of 132 patients without a non-contiguous consolidation on the in the third week of treatment. Of 41 patients with tumour
planning CT scan 5 (4%) developed a non-contiguous consolidation enlargement the lesion became smaller during treatment in 31,
E. Clarke et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 132 (2019) 121–126 125

remained stable in 8 and progressed in 2. Of the total of 250 Increase in tumour size noted principally at the beginning of
patients reduction in the size by the last week of treatment was treatment is likely to reflect tumour growth in the period prior
noted in 126 (50%) patients. to commencing radiotherapy. Tumours tend to decrease in size
Changes adjacent to the tumour mass in the form of contiguous mostly towards the end of the treatment [4,5,7–14]. Lung
consolidation were noted at the first fraction in 29 (60%) patients parenchymal changes also occur more frequently in the early
and during the first week in 33 (69%), with further 6 in the second, stages of treatment and mostly tend to improve or resolve during
7 in the third and 2 on the fourth week of treatment. Of 44 patients the course of treatment (Appendix, Table III) [4,5,15,16]. Our anal-
with new or changed contiguous consolidation (enlarged pre- ysis of diagnostic imaging after treatment (Appendix, Table IVb)
existing and new) in 20 patients this decreased in size over the noted a continuing trend in reduction in the size of the tumour
course of treatment. though a proportion remain stable.
The evolution of changes in non-contiguous consolidation and The complexity of evolution of lung parenchymal changes
in atelectasis followed a similar pattern. Of 20 patients with before (Appendix, Table I) and after RT (Appendix, Table IVa) sug-
enlarging and new atelectasis this fully or partially resolved in 9 gests that the evolution of changes is affected by a number of fac-
patients over the course of treatment. tors related to disease, treatment and comorbidity (such as COPD).
The current study does not provide information on the clinical
significance of lung parenchymal changes – contiguous and non-
Discussion contiguous consolidation (68) and new or enlarging atelectasis
(20) (Table 2). The majority of patients did not receive additional
CBCT is used primarily for adjustment of radiotherapy delivery therapy such as antibiotics although these data were not compre-
to ensure accurate targeting of the tumour and optimal normal tis- hensively recorded. On the basis of the available information treat-
sue avoidance [2]. Identification and interpretation of the changes ment with antibiotics for potential infective cause and the use of
observed on CBCT is essential prior to altering treatment to ensure anticoagulants for thromboembolic disease should be principally
the adjustments made are appropriate. We report a systematic guided by symptoms in the context of comorbidity (e.g. COPD)
description and analysis of imaging abnormalities seen on CBCT and appropriate diagnostic imaging rather than CBCT imaging
and their evolution during and after radical RT in patients with abnormalities alone. The management of imaging changes requires
locally advanced NSCLC. The CBCT images were treated as ‘‘diag- a separate prospective study. The issue of adaptive radiotherapy
nostic” scans using validated imaging descriptors in consultation for reduction in tumour size (seen in 104 (42%) of patients
with a thoracic radiologist. The aim was to improve the under- (Table 2)) is currently open to debate and awaits results of
standing of CBCT images and thereby improve the practice of prospective trials.
image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) which may result in better treat- CBCT images are subject to artefact and while the image quality
ment outcomes. The study did not focus on shifts and treatment continues to improve it does not yet reach the quality of diagnostic
adjustment although the interpretation of imaging changes has a CT [17]. In terms of the results reported here the presence of arte-
direct implication for treatment delivery. facts (not scored) may have resulted in some misreporting
Radiological changes on CBCT are common (observed in 72% of although the collaboration with and review by an experienced tho-
patients). Less than half (44%) represent changes in tumour size racic radiologist minimised such potential errors.
which may lead to adjustment to treatment delivery. Just over half We conclude that fast image analysis and interpretation of on-
of the changes (56%) did not represent a change in tumour size. Of line or off-line CBCT is challenging and this may be compounded
these two thirds were changes in abnormalities identified on plan- by the quality of CBCT images. The likelihood of misreporting in
ning CT and a third were abnormalities first noted during treat- the clinical situation is therefore considerable and potentially
ment. Intra-thoracic anatomical changes were reported on CBCT greater than reported here. The data presented highlight the need
in 72% of patients treated with radiotherapy [4] with the purpose for correct image interpretation which can be achieved by more
of defining changes that may need action (”Traffic Light Protocol”). detailed image inspection and analysis combined with appropriate
These focussed principally on changes in tumour size and atelecta- training of personnel involved in lung IGRT. The aim to improve
sis though did not distinguish parenchymal changes adjacent to accuracy of treatment delivery by adjustment based on CBCT
the tumour (contiguous consolidation) which may mimic alter- should be a two step process. The first and critical step prior to
ation in tumour size and did not formally involve diagnostic imag- adjustment requires ‘‘diagnostic” type image interpretation and
ing criteria. this study provides information on the frequency of the observed
Identification of potential tumour enlargement during treat- changes only some of which require adjustment to treatment
ment is of particular relevance to IGRT in NSCLC [4–6]. Missing a delivery.
true enlargement not encompassed within the PTV may result in
undertreatment while treatment adjustment to encompass appar-
ent enlargement due to contiguous consolidation or atelectasis Conflicts of interest
may lead to unnecessary treatment of normal tissues with a poten-
tial risk of increased toxicity. In the cohort studied increase in the None.
size of the tumour and the adjacent opacities was noted in 85
patients and of these 41 represented increase in tumour size and
44 new or enlarged contiguous consolidation (Table 2). It can be Acknowledgement
concluded that more than half of the changes which suggest an
apparent increase in tumour size are not due to tumour enlarge- This work was supported by Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Uni-
ment and therefore do not require adjustment to the target ted Kingdom.
Identification and correct interpretation of the evolution of
imaging changes on CBCT during radiotherapy is of equal impor- Appendix A. Supplementary data
tance to the delivery of radiotherapy as parenchymal changes such
as change in consolidation require different action than changes in Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
tumour size.
126 Changes on CBCT during RT for NSCLC

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