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Week-1 Midterms Biolec

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Lesson Proper:  LACTOSE= glucose + galactose

 MALTOSE= glucose + glucose

Three major classes of carbohydrates:
monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and • Disaccharides (C12l-122011) —
polysaccharides (from word saccharide is sucrose, lactose, maltose, isomaltose
derived the Greek word "sakcharon” meaning
• Trisachharides (C18H32016) — raffinose
Monosaccharides/Simple surgars
-are sugar polymers containing more than
- consist of a single polyhydroxy aldehyde
or ketone unit or one saccharide group.
or so monosaccharide units; some have
- The most abundant monosaccharide in
hundreds or thousands of units.
nature is Dextrose (six-carbon sugar D-
glucose). - Some polysaccharides, such as
cellulose, are linear chains; others, such
- Carbohydrates are classified according
as glycogen, are branched.
to the number of the saccharide groups
contained in their molecules. -Glycogen
Most common and abundant -present in animal tissues (LIVER)
- storage form of glucose in
 Glucose humans (LIVER)
 Galactose
 Fructose -Glucose – present in the bloodstream

• Trioses (C3H603) — glyceraldehyde, • Starch group — starch, glycogen, inulin,

dihydroxyacetone dextrin

• tetroses(c4H8o4)- erythrose, erythrulose • Cellulose group:

• Pentoses (C5H1005) — xylose, ribose ✓ Cellulose

desoxyribose, arabinose, rhamnose
✓ Hemicellulose
• Hexoses (C6H1206) — glucose,
galactose, mannose, fructose ✓ Pentosans (C5H8O4)— gum Arabic

• Heptoses (C7H1407) — mannoheptose, ✓ Hexosans— agar agar

✓ Hexopentosans- pectins
Physical Properties
-consist of short chains of
monosaccharide units joined by glycosidic • The mono and disaccharides are white
bonds/ linkages. Oligosaccharides consist crystalline substances; starches are amorphous
of more than one (2-10) saccharide powder, while the most complex cellulose is
groups. fibrous.

-The most abundant are Disaccharides, • The solubility to ordinary solvents is inversely
consisting of two monosaccharide units. proportional to the complexity of their structure.
Typical in sucrose (sugar cane), which ( the lesser its complexity the more soluble it is)
consists of the six-carbon sugar D-glucose • Both mono and disaccharides are sweet, while
D-fructose. starches and cellulose are tasteless
-All common monosaccharides and Reducing and Nonreducing Sugars
Disaccharides have names ending with
the suffix "ose" • Reducing Sugars: Glucose, Maltose, Fructose,
Lactose and Galactose
 SUCROSE= glucose + fructose
• The presence of a double band and a negative 4. Pentoses
charge in the enol anion makes glucose an active
• Are monosaccharides containing 5 carbon
reducing substance.
• Sucrose is the most common nonreducing
• They are not found in nature as such they occur
in the form of complex carbohydrates like
• Non reducing sugar do not contain active ketone pentosans, gums, xylans, and arabans which only
or aldehyde group. yield pentoses
Examples of Monosaccharides • Like hexoses they possess strong reducing
property, forming characteristic osazone crystals
1. Glucose/ Dextrose/ Grape sugar
with phenyldrazine and are optically active
• It is widely distributed in nature
• Pentoses are not however fermented by Baker's
• Together with fructose, it is found in fruit juices yeast

• It appears as white or yellowish white crystalline • On prolonged heating with mineral acids,
solid that is soluble in water pentoses yield furfural. This can be distilled off
and when brought in contact with aniline acetate
• It is one of the sweetest sugars, excelled only by paper, produces characteristic red color
fructose and sucrose
5. Desoxy sugars
• Commercially it is produced by the hydrolysis of
starch and appears as colorless or faintly yellow • are true carbohydrates but the hydrogen and
syrupy liquid oxygen in their molecules are not in such
proportion as that found in a molecule of water.
• It is readily absorbed through the digestive tract This is due to the substitution of one of the
and it is the only sugar present in the blood hydroxyl groups with hydrogen, so they contain
• In conditions where carbohydrate metabolism is one oxygen less than the sugars from which they
disturbed, as in DM (Diabetes mellitus), the are derived
amount in the blood is increased and glucose 6. Monosaccharide Esters
finds its way into the urine
• Monosaccharides form esters with phosphoric
2. Fructose/ Levulose/ Fruit sugar acid which appears to be a prerequisite to many
• It is found along with glucose in many fruits and physiological reactions
vegetables • The hydroxyl groups are esterified with
• It is commercially prepared by the hydrolysis of phosphates in the presence of appropriate
inulin enzyme

• It is the sweetest of all sugars Examples of Oligosaccharides

• In solution, it is difficult to crystallize due to its 1. Disaccharides

property of absorbing moisture • The members of the disaccharides can be
• It may be found in the urine of patients suffering grouped into those containing the potentially free
from DM (Diabetes mellitus) aldehyde group, like maltose and lactose, and
those which do not, like sucrose
3. Galactose
• On hydrolysis, they yield two molecules of
• It is found in plants as a constituent of pectin monosaccharides
• In animals, it forms a part of the nervous tissues ❖ Sucrose/ Saccharose/ Table sugar
such as galactolipids
• This is the most important sugar from the dietary
• It appears abnormally in the urine of nursing standpoint
infants suffering from digestive disturbances
• It is widely distributed in nature especially in
• It is less sweet and less soluble than glucose sugar cane and sugar beets
Other Monosaccharides
• It is one of the sweetest sugars, surpassed only 2. Trisaccharides
by fructose
❖ Raffinose/ Melitose/Melitriose
• It is an inert sugar
• It is found in cotton seed
• It does not reduce alkaline metallic soIutions nor
does it form osazone crystals • It is dextrorotatory, does not possess reducing
power on alkaline metallic solutions and is slightly
• In the intestinal tract it is readily hydrolyzed into acted upon by yeasts
glucose and fructose which are subsequently
absorbed • Acids hydrolyze it into fructose and melibiose

• Like lactose it is not utilized as such by the body Examples of Polysaccharides

and therefore should not be injected • Polysaccharides with large molecular weights
intravenously, if intended for nutritive purposes are antigenic. When injected to experimental
❖ Maltose animals, they produce antibodies. These
antibodies cross — reacts with polysaccharides of
• Malt sugar is the product of hydrolysis of starch similar structure. So that if the structure of the
by the action of either enzymes or acids original antigen is known, the structure of the
cross —reacting polysaccharide may be inferred.
• The enzyme may be either a diastase
By the use therefore of different antibodies of
(vegetable origin) or amylase (animal origin)
known specificity, and measurement of the cross
• It is easily digested which makes it an essential reaction to unknown polysaccharide, important
ingredient of food preparations for invalids and information can be obtained of the latter's
babies structure.

• Maltose is a sweet, crystalline, white powder, 1. Homopolysaccharides

soluble in water
• These are polysaccharides which on hydrolysis
• It is fermentable by yeast only after hydrolysis yield one kind of monosaccharide

• Because of the presence of the aldehyde group, • Example: (1) Starch and glycogen which yield
it reduces alkaline metallic solutions and forms glucose (2) Inulin which yields only fructose
osazone crystals
❖ Starch
❖ Lactose/ Milk sugar
• Is found abundantly in the plant kingdom
• It is found in large amount in milk particularly in fruits, cereals, seeds, bulbs and
• In excessive secretion of the mammary gland as
in lactating women, it may appear in the urine • Occurs in the form of granules

• It may also be eliminated through the urine, in • Starch granules are made up of amylose (98%)
normal individuals after ingesting large amounts which is linear in structure, and amylopectin which
of milk or lactose, and in nursing infants suffering consists of highly branched chains
from digestive disturbances
• Raw starch is insoluble on cold water
• Like maltose it reduces alkaline metallic
• Prolonged heating or grinding causes the
solutions and forms characteristic osazone
disintegration of the granules liberating the
crystals due to the presence of the aldehyde
amylose which is slightly soluble in water
• This is responsible for the deep blue color
• Lactose is not acted upon by yeast but is
produced with iodine due to the formation of
fermented by Escherichia coli
starch iodine; amylopectin produces purple color
• Sour milk is formed after the conversion of
• The hydrolysis of starch either by action of
lactose into lactic acid by microorganisms like
amylolytic enzyme or acid gives rise to split
Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus
fragments of gradually diminishing molecular size
and complexity with simultaneous production of
• It is not very soluble in water and is not as sweet maltose
as other sugars
• In the presence of the enzyme maltase, maltose • They are amorphous, white powder, soluble in
is converted into glucose. ordinary solvents but insoluble in alcohol and
• In acid, the final product is glucose
• They are dextrorotatory and non — fermentable
• The enzymes amylases catalyzing the
by yeast
hydrolysis of starch have been divided into 2
classes: • Dextrins upon hydrolysis by amylase yield
maltose, by acids, they give glucose
α— amylases like those of the pancreatic and
salivary, split a — 1,4 — glucosidic bonds (except • They are precipitated from their clear, colorless
for those of maltose) in random fashion solution by alcohol, forming a sticky, gummy
β— amylase, such as barley and malt, attack mass which are used d mucilage
polysaccharide chains effecting successive
• They are widely used in infant feeding
removal of disaccharides
• Many of breakfast foods and malt preparations
❖ Inulin
for beverages also contain dextrin
• It is found in the bulb of onions and garlic
❖ Cellulose
• It is a white, odorless, tasteless powder, easily
• Purest source is cotton
soluble in hot water but slightly soluble in cold
water and insoluble in 60% alcohol • It forms the supporting tissues of plants
• It does not give blue color with iodine solution • It is practically insoluble, being dissolved only in
certain special reagents like Schweitzer's
• Optically active
ammoniacal cupric hydroxide and zinc chloride in
• Thru the hydrolyzing action of either acid or the HCI solution
enzyme inulase, insulin yields only fructose
• It does not give a blue color with iodine
❖ Glycogen/ Animal Starch
• It is not hydrolyzed by dilute acids
• Found mostly in the liver as storage material
• With strong nitric acid and concentrated sulfuric
• Found in the muscles as a source of energy acid, it forms nitrocellulose

• It has been found to occur also in yeast, algae • When heated for some time with concentrated
and fungi acids, it liberates a disaccharide which is
subsequently split into 2 molecules of D —
• It differs from starch in being soluble in cold glucose
water, forming an opalescent solution, from which
it can be precipitated by ethyl alcohol and in • Cellulose plays an important role in human
giving with iodine a red instead of a blue color physiology by furnishing bulk (roughage) which
stimulates peristalsis
• Like starch, glycogen upon the hydrolysis by
amylase yields maltose; with acid, the end • Under suitable conditions, cellulose is oxidized
product is glucose by nitric oxide, giving rise to substances which are
soluble in the slightly alkaline body fluids
• β - amylase hydrolyzes glycogen incompletely
into maltose and limit dextrin ❖ Hemicellulose

• Analysis of tissues for glycogen depends upon • Group of carbohydrates which differ from
solution in hot alkali, precipitation with alcohol, cellulose in that they are hydrolyzed upon boiling
acid hydrolysis of the precipitate and quantitative with mineral acids
determination of glucose
• Unlike other polysaccharides, they are not
❖Dextrins readily digested by amylase

• These are intermediary products of starch • The products of its hydrolysis are pentoses and
hydrolysis hexoses
• Pentosans is a class of hemicellulose liberates  Glycolysis- conversion of
pentose on hydrolysis. They are widely distributed pyruvate/lactate + ATP from glucose
in the plant kingdom. Example: Gum Arabic  Glycogenolysis- (glycogen + lysis)
breakdown of stored glycogen to
• Hexosans is represented by the galactans,
which are widely distributed in plants. Upon
 Glycogenesis- (glycogen + genesis)
hydrolysis, they give galactose. Example: Agar
conversion/formation of excess
glucose into glycogen stored in liver
• Hexo— pentosans this group is represented by and/ skeletal muscles.
pectins which are colloidal carbohydrates. They  Lipogenesis- (lipid + genesis)
are responsible for the jellying properties of fruits. conversion of carbohydrate to fatty
On hydrolysis, pectin yield arabinose, galactose, acids (small units of lipids)
acetic acid, methyl alcohol, and galacturonic acid  Gluconeogenesis- conversion of non-
carbohydrate substances such as
❖Dextrans amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol into
• Polysaccharides produced by certain
microorganisms when grown on sugar media A. Adsorption
• Made up of units of D — glucose molecules • After thorough digestion, carbohydrates are
having glycosidic linkages reduced into simple monosaccharides
• Dextrans , synthesized by Leuconostoc • Simplified monosaccharides take places in the
dextranicium has been recommended as blood small intestine and they are carried by the portal
extenders due to their high viscosity, low osmotic circulation to the liver
pressure, low disintegration and utilization
• The different monosaccharides are absorbed at
2. Heteropolysaccharides different speed
• These are polysaccharides which on hydrolysis • Galactose and glucose are actively absorbed
yields mixtures products of monosaccharides and
derived products • Active absorption of D — glucose requires the
mediation of specific transport protein in the
• The nitrogen containing heteropolysaccharides membrane of the brush border of the intestinal
may be divided into 2 main groups mucosal cells
(1) Neutral mucopolysaccharides • Potassium and lithium ions are inhibitory to
glucose absorption
✓ Made up of N — acetyl — hexosamine and
hexose • D — fructose and D — mannose is absorbed by
facilitated transport
✓ Example: those found in bacteria and the so —
called " immunological, specific blood group • Other sugars like pentose are passively
substances absorbed by diffusion

(2) Acid mucopolysaccharides • Competitive interrelationship exists between

transport of glucose and transport of galactose
✓ Contain hexuronic acid, sulfate or phosphate
and acetylhexosamine • Thyroxine and members of the B complex
vitamins, promote the absorption of hexoses
✓ Example: Chondroitin sulfate, Heparin
• During absorption, the liver cannot completely
Carbohydrate Metabolism remove the sugars from the blood and some find
their way into the systemic circulation
• Around 60% of the total amount of food ingested
is made up of complex carbohydrates • Sprue hyperglycemia does not follow oral
administration of glucose although intravenous
• Starch and glycogen are acted upon by the injection produces a normal rise
digestive enzymes of the GIT
• In the liver, the hexoses are transformed into
• In the body of a normal healthy adult, there is 1. Krebs Cycle, after Sir Hans Krebs, who first
usually about 200 grams of glycogen investigated the pathway
2. Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA)
• The citric acid cycle is amphibolic, it plays a
role in both catabolism and anabolism.
Regulation of Blood Glucose
• It is the central metabolic pathway.
 Insulin
- it is the only hypoglycemic • The main difference between glycolysis and the
hormone (it lowers blood glucose citric acid cycle is that, the part of the cell in which
level when it is excessive in these pathways occurs are different; In
amount) eukaryotes, glycolysis occurs in the cytosol, while
-it is synthesized by the pancreas the citric acid cycle takes place in mitochondria.
(beta cell of the islet of Langerhan)
• Under aerobic conditions, pyruvate produced
-if glucose is definitely increased in
by glycolysis is oxidized further, with carbon
the circulation insulin will stimulate
dioxide and water as the final products.
the formation of glucose into
glycogen • First, the pyruvate is oxidized to one carbon
 Glucagon dioxide molecule and to one acetyl group, which
becomes linked to an intermediate, coenzyme A
- it is the primary hyperglycemic
hormone (it increases blood
glucose level when the body • The acetyl CoA enters the citric acid cycle, and
demands glucose) within the cycle, two more molecules of carbon
dioxide are produced for each molecule of acetyl
-synthesized by the pancreas
CoA that enters the cycle, and electrons are
(alpha cells of islet of Langerhans)
transferred in the process.
-if the body demands glucose
• The immediate electron acceptor in all cases is
glucagon will stimulate the
NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) which is
breakdown of glycogen into
reduced to NADH.
• In another case in which there is another
Other Hyperglycemic Hormone
intermediate electron acceptor, FAD (Flavine
 Somatostatin- growth hormone inhibitor; adenine dinucleotide), which is derived from
synthesized in pancreas (delta cells of riboflavin (Vitamin B2), takes up two electrons
islet of Langerhans) and hydrogen ions to produce FADH2.
 GH/somatotropin-growth hormone
• The final electron acceptor is oxygen, with
 ACTH/ Adrenocorticotropic hormone
water as the product.
 Cortisol
 Epinephrine • In the first reaction of the cycle, the two-carbon
 Thyroid Hormone acetyl group condenses with the four-carbon
oxaloacetate ion to produce the six-carbon citrate
Carbohydrate Malabsorption
• Hereditary deficiencies of enzyme sucrase,
• The citric acid cycle has eight steps, each
lactase, a — dextrinase, in infants and children is
catalyzed by a different enzyme. Four of the eight
called Disaccharide Intolerance
steps — namely Steps 3, 4, 6 and 8 are
• Incomplete digestion of amylopectin, maltose, oxidation reactions. The oxidizing agent is
sucrose or lactose results in bacterial NAD+ in steps 3, 4 and 8 while Step 6 has a FAD
decomposition of these carbohydrates in the oxidizing agent.
lower intestines with production of glucose and
• In Step 5, a molecule of GDP (Guanosine
other monosaccharides, organic acids and gases
diphosphate) is phosphorylated to produce GTP
Citric Acid Cycle (Guanosine triphosphate).
• The citric acid cycle has two other names: • The enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase
complex is responsible for the conversion of
pyruvate to carbon dioxide and the acetyl portion
of acetyl CoA.
• There are five enzymes that make up the
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in mammals.
They are pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH),
transacetylase, dehydrogenase, pyruvate
dehydrogenase kinase, and pyruvate
dehydrogenase phosphatase. The first three
enzymes are involved in the conversion of
pyruvate to acetyl CoA. The remaining two
enzymes catalyze the reactions of lipoic acid, a
compound that has a disulfide group in its
oxidized form and two sulfhydryl groups in its
reduced form.

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