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Derpsch Et Al. 2014

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Soil & Tillage Research 137 (2014) 16–22

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Letter to the Editor

Why do we need to standardize no-tillage research?


No-tillage is looked upon by many as a way to enable sustainable cropping intensification to meet future
agricultural demands. Although no-tillage suggests merely the absence of tillage, in reality several
components need to be applied to a conservation agriculture system to guarantee equal or higher yields
and better environmental performance than with conventional tillage systems. No-tillage/conservation
agriculture systems research has now been performed for more than half a century in many countries
around the world, primarily for economic reasons, but also to reduce labour and energy consumption
and improve environmental outcomes. However, an integrated approach to understanding this system
requires standardized research methodology based on site-specific conditions. We contend that broad
understanding is lacking of what conservation agriculture systems research means. This has led to a
situation of conflicting research results because different technologies, methodologies, and definitions of
conservation agriculture systems have been applied. The term no-tillage has been used despite
considerable soil movement in the previous crop, to inject fertilizer or to establish the current crop.
Similarly, the term no-tillage has been used for systems with very little or no crop mulch cover, extended
fallow periods, alternating tillage and no-tillage, or crops grown in monoculture. By not performing no-
tillage research in a systems approach, many problems can be encountered such as reduced yields, high
erosion, low infiltration, elevated fertilizer and high pesticide use. Materials and methods in an
experiment are often not descriptive enough to unveil peculiarities. By analysing the function of
components of conservation agriculture systems in monofactorial experiments, synergetic interactions
among components can be overlooked. In this editorial, we discuss the need to thoroughly describe
materials and methods to avoid confusing interpretations of results. We contend that standardization of
research methodologies in no-tillage/conservation agriculture systems is needed based on a thorough
description of the whole system so that results from different researchers and regions of the world can be
logically compared.
Published by Elsevier B.V.

crop production and environmental outcomes (Derpsch et al.,

Introduction 2011). For example, some researchers have found that no-tillage
sequesters carbon in the soil (Rasmussen et al., 1980; Kern and
Worldwide literature on yield and environmental performance Johnson, 1993; West and Post, 2002; Sá and Lal, 2009; González-
of no-tillage systems is inconsistent and even contradictory. In Sánchez et al., 2012), while others contend no effect or
many cases, inconsistencies can be explained by a lack of common contradictory results (Baker et al., 2007; Blanco-Canqui and Lal,
standards in how experiments in tillage systems were performed. 2008), leading to major confusion in the research community as to
Sometimes mulch tillage, reduced tillage, minimum tillage or other the true effect of tillage systems on a key environmental response.
methods involving various degrees of soil tillage disturbance Reasons for differing results can be associated with low biomass-C
are coined no-tillage. This lack of common understanding of what input and not only due to absence of tillage (Franzluebbers, 2010),
no-tillage systems are, plagues research scientists as well as as well as due to differences in soil composition (texture and native
practitioners. Similarly, lack of crop rotation, extended fallow organic matter content), unique site conditions (temperature and
periods, and insufficient mulch cover or periodic tillage, violate the moisture), and sampling at different soil depths: top soil layers vs.
concept of no-tillage systems, now properly termed conservation lower soil horizons. All too often experimental protocols are not
agriculture systems as a more holistic description. If systems are rigorous enough to unveil real differences in tillage systems
named ‘‘no-tillage’’, but performed with various intensities of soil (Karlen et al., 1994; Calegari et al., 2008; Christopher et al., 2009).
disturbance, lack of crop rotation and/or mulch cover, and fallow Researching conservation agriculture systems is not a simple
periods, inconsistent and contradictory results can be expected task. Frequently, researchers change only one factor in experi-
because a legitimate conservation agriculture system is not ments, such as tilling or not tilling the soil. Some researchers avoid
included in the experimental assessment. Use of local jargon changing several factors at the same time, because this can result
and inconsistent definitions of no tillage by different researchers in interactions and therefore in undesired confounding interpreta-
can cause misunderstandings of the implications of no-tillage on tions. But since conservation agriculture encompasses three key

0167-1987/$ – see front matter . Published by Elsevier B.V.
Letter to the Editor / Soil & Tillage Research 137 (2014) 16–22 17

principles, it is not enough to change tillage alone. The three key  How efficient was weed control in each system?
principles of conservation agriculture systems are: (1) minimizing  Was insect, disease, and weed control taken into account for each
soil disturbance, consistent with sustainable production practices, system separately or was the same programme used in all
(2) maximizing soil surface cover by managing crops, pastures, and systems?
crop residues, and (3) stimulating biological activity through crop  Were fertilizer programmes and especially N the same in
rotations, cover crops, and integrated nutrient and pest manage- different systems during the first few years after transition?
ment (FAO, 2013). In a no-tillage system, crop residue manage-  What crop rotation and/or cover crop system was used? Was the
ment plays an equally important role as minimizing and even cover crop planted using no-till techniques?
avoiding soil disturbance. There is a close linkage between
minimum soil disturbance and crop residue management that Additional questions might arise if researchers, technical staff,
should not be overlooked. Weed, insect, and disease control and tractor drivers have enough training, or the necessary
programmes, as well as fertilization, may need to be changed and knowledge on how a conservation agriculture system needs to
adapted to the new system. If components within the system are be implemented to become fully successful. Have steps towards a
not optimized, then the system will likely not be effective and will successful transition to conservation agriculture systems been
not reflect what progressive farmers are practicing. As long as this followed? (Duiker and Myers, 2005; Derpsch, 2008). Have
deficiency remains, the scientific literature will continue to be researchers applied the same level of technology the majority of
filled with uninformative, inconsistent, controversial and confus- no-till farmers have implemented to be successful with their
ing research results about this system. In short, no-till is a system system and have they adapted the technology to the specific site
different than conventional agriculture, not easily distinguished by conditions? Depending on how these questions are answered,
factorial separation of components. different research outcomes might be expected. To achieve a
There is a need for science-based, quantitative data and valid system comparison, a minimum assurance of relevance
accurate descriptions of methods used to describe no-tillage needs to be developed in a research protocol and this needs to be
systems to minimize confusion in the literature. Standardization of reflected in the materials and methods of research publications
definitions and research methodologies is necessary to improve to make it clear how results were obtained. Coming to an
interpretations from the diversity of experiments conducted internationally agreed upon definition of terms and technology
around the world. Researchers reporting their results need to applied will help in making results from different parts of the
ensure that materials and methods clearly reveal how tillage and world understandable. All of this may seem obvious to many
management variables were performed. Detailed site conditions of experienced research scientists, but in reality, all too often some
the experimental setting are also needed. Several important basic elements have not been accounted for in the execution of
questions need to be answered in a research protocol when doing the research. For example, it may be that lower yields obtained
no-tillage research: under no-tillage in some studies may not be system inherent, but
a consequence of research methodology or a lack of understand-
 What was the duration of plough-tillage following conversion of ing of how no-tillage performs optimally compared with more
native vegetation to agricultural production? traditional tillage systems.
 How was the previous crop harvested, i.e. normal combine or
stripper header and information on residue amount and Description of the conservation agriculture system
 What was the soil type, texture, organic carbon content, pH, CEC Conservation agriculture systems according to the FAO defini-
and slope? tion use no tillage and have seeds placed at a proper depth in
 What was the cropping history and amount and quality (legume untilled soil with previous crop or cover crop residues retained on
versus grass) of soil cover before starting the experiment? the surface (Derpsch et al., 2011). Special no-till seeding
 What was the soil water content at seeding/planting, soil equipment with discs (low disturbance) or narrow tines/coulters
temperature, and bulk density? (higher disturbance) open a narrow slot into mulch-covered soil.
 What kind of seeding equipment was used and what was the The aim should be to move as little soil as possible to preserve
configuration of the planter, e.g. equipment manufacturer, surface residues and to reduce potential weed seeds from reaching
model number, speed of planting, residue managers, tines the soil surface to germinate. With no tillage, no other soil
versus disc openers, seed slot closing mechanism and types of disturbance is needed. If >50% of the soil surface is disturbed, even
press wheels? only superficially, then the system cannot be termed no-tillage and
 Were uniform seed spacing and depth placement achieved and must be defined as mulch tillage or some other form (Linke, 1998;
was plant population the same in all treatments? Sturny et al., 2007; CTIC, 2011). A successful no-tillage system
 What percentage of the soil surface was disturbed while requires adequate weed control. Therefore, weed control in no-
seeding? tillage is often performed with (a) consideration of appropriate
 What was the percentage of soil covered with residues after crop rotations, (b) use of adapted, aggressive species of cover crops,
seeding? (c) termination of a cover crop with a mechanical non-soil-
 What was the type and amount of biomass produced and engaging tool like the knife roller or mulcher, and/or (d)
returned to the soil in each system per year, e.g. was residue C:N application of appropriate herbicides.
ratio, particle size, and orientation (vertical or flattened) No-tillage management has been successfully implemented on
considered? >100 Mha of cropland worldwide (Derpsch et al., 2010) and on
 Was a systems approach used or was tillage the only factor about 70% of arable cropland in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay,
changed? Uruguay, Australia and New Zealand. Cropping systems with two
 Was seeding time and depth and fertilizer regime kept equal crops a year like the rice-wheat production system in the Indo
across treatments or optimized for the respective treatments? Gangetic Plains (6 Mha), where soil is not tilled prior to wheat,
 Which products and/or tools were used for weed control? but is ploughed every year for rice, cannot be considered a no-
 Did weed control include use of different herbicides in different tillage or conservation agriculture system, and therefore, are not
tillage systems and was any mechanical soil engaging weed included in the worldwide estimates of no-till (Derpsch et al.,
control performed? 2010) or conservation agriculture (FAO, 2012).
18 Letter to the Editor / Soil & Tillage Research 137 (2014) 16–22

Success of conservation agriculture systems is based on system, weed control should be optimized in each system, and
diversification through crop rotation and cover crops and on disease and pest control need system-level attention).
continuous, permanent application of no-tillage (Ségui et al., 2006;  No-tillage may have been performed with bare soil conditions or
Sturny et al., 2007). The system mimics nature, in which soil with insufficient soil cover with crop residues. Surface residue
loosening is performed by a diversity of plant roots and soil fauna cover is a key feature of conservation agriculture systems.
and flora (Sá et al., 2013; Tivet et al., 2013). The fact that soil is not Research by CIMMYT has shown that removing residues can lead
tilled and remains permanently covered with crop residues leads to reduced yields and lower economic returns with no-tillage
to reduced soil erosion, increased soil biological activity and soil (Wall, 1999; Sayre et al., 2006).
carbon sequestration, better conservation of water, better nutrient  Lack of experience of the machine operator at seeding (e.g.
use efficiency, increased nutrient availability from biological inadequate regulation of seeding equipment, seed furrow staying
activity, improved energy efficiency (Sturny et al., 2007), and open after seeding, too deep or too shallow seed placement, soil
higher economic returns through time (Derpsch et al., 2010). smearing because of excessive moisture, etc.).
Moreover, no-till is a key farming system approach that meets the  Inadequate no-tillage machinery, leading to poor plant estab-
requirements of a sustainable agricultural production system, even lishment. Inadequate furrow closing and seed placement can
under extreme soil and climate conditions. For example, the water lead to poor stand (e.g. seeds are placed too shallow or too deep,
conservation benefit of no-till over traditional till during dry or seed to soil contact is insufficient). Frequently, researchers
periods is generally recognized (Derpsch et al., 1991; Baumhardt lack funds to buy adequate no-till seeding machinery, which has
and Jones, 2002; Lampurlanés et al., 2002; Reicosky, unpublished sometimes led to the use of conventional tillage seeding
data). machines in no-till experiments producing poor results.
 Poor weed control (e.g. inadequate selection of herbicides or
Definition of no-till weed suppression techniques, insufficient or excessive dose of
herbicide causing weed escapes, crop injury, non-uniform
Due to frequent misinterpretations it seems necessary to better coverage, etc). Frequently, researchers insist on using the same
define this technology (Derpsch et al., 2011). No-tillage is a herbicide programme for all treatments (conventional, mini-
conservation farming system, in which seeds are placed into mum and no-tillage), because tillage is the only variable they
otherwise untilled soil by opening a narrow slot, trench, or hole of want to change. This may favour one system, but be detrimental
only sufficient width and depth to obtain proper seed placement to the other system.
and coverage. No other soil tillage is done (adapted from Phillips  Poor disease and insect control (e.g. using calendar applications
and Young, 1973; Köller and Linke, 2001; Köller, 2003). Although for all treatments, instead of using system-specific pest
direct seeding is sometimes used synonymously with no-tillage management methods). System-specific pest management
and it is increasingly being used to place seed directly into approaches are needed, because no-tillage systems may favour
undisturbed soil, some direct seeding equipment especially in or disfavour some diseases and pests differently in comparison
Europe causes extensive soil disturbance at seeding that buries or with other tillage treatments (Derpsch et al., 1991).
mixes crop residues with the soil. Such techniques should rather be  N fertilization may not have been adjusted during the first few
characterized by the umbrella term of mulch tillage and should not years of applying no-tillage technology or a leguminous crop
be used synonymously with no-tillage. may not have been seeded previously to provide the additional N
needed initially to account for immobilization of N in surface
Reasons for yield discrepancies with change in tillage residues and soil organic matter (Sá, 1999; Sá et al., 2007;
Ferreira et al., 2009).
Observations from all regions of the world have shown that  No-tillage may have been implemented on an extremely
similar or higher yields can be obtained with no-tillage compared degraded and/or eroded soil with very low organic matter
with conventional tillage systems9 (Dick et al., 1997; Baumhardt content, in which micro- and macro-biological activity and
and Jones, 2002; Halvorson et al., 2002; Franzluebbers, 2005; fertility limit initial success. In such degraded soils, an advantage
Defelice et al., 2006; Duiker et al., 2006; Sturny et al., 2007). When may be conferred to conventional tillage initially, through
yield with no-tillage is lower than with conventional tillage, some continued mineralization of N with tillage disturbance until
of the following reasons may be responsible: organic matter is depleted.
 Lack of assessment of the time period between the conversion of  Inadequate crop rotation diversity (e.g. optimized rotations for
native vegetation and no-till adoption. For example, if the conventional tillage may not be the same as for no-tillage).
conversion period was 20 years, the time to recover may be Additionally, conservation agriculture systems may have differ-
longer and could have a strong impact on yield and soil ent opportunities for cover crop planting, whereas conventional
attributes. systems may be limited due to time and moisture lost with
 Lack of knowledge or experience on how to manage crops with tillage.
no-tillage techniques. Guidance can be obtained from ‘‘critical
steps to successful no-till adoption’’ (Derpsch, 2008) or ‘‘steps Systems research continues to pose a challenge to researchers,
towards successful transition to no-till’’ (Duiker and Myers, and that is the main reason why no-tillage adoption all over the
2005). A learning curve of farmers and researchers can often be world has been farmer driven and not researcher driven. Farmers
the reason for initial yield depression with no-tillage. are in better position to implement new farming systems than
 Lack of a systems approach when eliminating tillage. It is not most researchers and university professors. Statistical techniques
sufficient to only stop tilling with all else managed the same way and requirements by scientific journals support reductionist
as in conventional tillage systems (e.g. planters should be methods changing only one factor at a time to avoid confounding
adjusted or put weight on for optimum performance in each factors, yet this often makes results of limited value when systems
need to be compared. A conscious decision by researchers needs to
be taken as to whether the system is more important for evaluation
Under conventional tillage we understand that the tillage operation is generally
performed with a moldboard plough (full inversion of soil) or with a disc plough
or a simple change of practice. An additional issue is that large plots
(inversion and mixing of soil) followed by several passes of levelling harrow. Type of should be used for experiments comparing tillage systems, but
implement and depth of tillage need to be described. space is often at a premium on research stations and compromises
Letter to the Editor / Soil & Tillage Research 137 (2014) 16–22 19

are made to use small plots and/or few replications. Further, Sayre et al. (2006) under rainfed conditions in the highlands of
technicians often need to regulate seeding equipment on the actual Central Mexico. Yield and economic return of wheat and maize
research plot, but improper regulation may occur prior to were drastically reduced when residues were removed from the
completion of seeding. As a result, problems could arise in terms no-till system. Sayre et al. (2006) concluded that ‘‘no-tillage
of depth of seeding or leaving an open furrow that exposes seeds to without crop residues on the soil surface leads to disaster’’.
bird, rat and/or slug damage, etc. Such problems can be avoided by Soil cover is therefore of vital importance in a conservation
establishing additional plots with the same tillage treatments and agriculture system. Many of the benefits and advantages of a no-
crops as in the actual experiment, which are exclusively used to tillage system come from permanent cover of soil but there are also
adequately set up and adjust the equipment. some equally important key effects resulting from not tilling the
Researchers have seldom acknowledged their mistakes in soil (Ségui et al., 2006; Derpsch, 2007). In other words, it is not
scientific manuscripts. As an exception, Kahnt (1976) reported that alone the absence of tillage, but the presence of crop residues on
his early no-till research (1965–1968) led to lower yields the soil surface that results in better performance of no-tillage
compared to conventional plough tillage, because conditions for compared with conventional tillage. Surface crop residues serve as
successful application were lacking. He listed ten conditions for a primary form of organic matter input to concentrate soil
success in no-tillage systems, of which only two or three were met biological activity, conserve moisture and moderate soil tempera-
in the early days of his research. He pointed out that not fulfilling ture extremes. Failure to pay attention to soil cover has resulted in
one of the following conditions could lead to yield depression: poor performance of no-tillage systems (e.g. lower yields, runoff,
erosion, low biological activity, etc.).
1. Sufficient horsepower of the tractor Crop residue cover is needed to increase water infiltration into
2. Strong hydraulic system (for operating 3-point-linked equip- soil and reduce runoff and erosion (Roth, 1985; Govaerts et al.,
ment) 2007). Very high erosion rates have been recorded in no-till
3. Appropriate seeding equipment without residue (Gomez et al., 2003). Limited crop residue cover
4. Accounting for the possibility of greater N fertilizer application also leads to high water evaporation, reducing production and
needed with no-tillage water use efficiency.
5. Availability of appropriate herbicides
6. Appropriate crop types Importance of diversification of crops with crop rotation and
7. Adapted varieties cover crops
8. Appropriate crops preceding no-tillage establishment
9. More adapted crop rotations for no-tillage Green-manure cover crops and crop rotation play an
10. Familiarity with the technique and experience of persons important role in achieving adequate soil cover and diversity
involved in the research. in a no-till system. Development of successful cover cropping in
no-till systems has been a major factor in the unprecedented
The human management factor is very important when it growth of this technology in South America (Derpsch and
comes to putting no-tillage technology into practice, a factor Benites, 2003).
usually ignored. Generally, higher management skills are required In drier climates, farmers are often concerned that green
with no till systems. If people involved in the research or in manure cover crops remove too much moisture from soil, leaving
practical farming are not mentally prepared to accept, or do not too little available for cash crops. This is and should always be a
believe in the system, then it will most likely fail (Bieber, 2000). concern. Using crop species that use less moisture and timely
Often, performance of no-till seeding equipment is highlighted as a management of cover crops are needed. For example in Argentina
reason for success or failure of no-tillage, but the performance of and in France, respectively, more intensified cropping and use of
people operating machinery is equally or more important. cover crops increased water use efficiency compared with clean
Therefore, yield differences obtained from various tillage system fallow (Gil et al., 2010; Frederic Thomas, personal communica-
comparisons may have little to do with the treatments applied, but tion). This has also been observed by farmers in the United States
rather the people involved in executing the research, i.e. and elsewhere, in which shading of soil by cover crops resulted in
technicians, managers, and/or tractor drivers. lower soil temperature and water evaporation. In different
‘‘Each farmer, tractor driver and/or extension educator first regions of the United States, farmers have found opportunities to
must get acquainted with innovations and gain experience with include cover crops profitably in dryland farming systems by
them before he can truly understand and accept new agricultural integrating crop and livestock production (Franzluebbers and
practices. Once he understands and accepts the new practices, he Stuedemann, 2007; Franzluebbers, 2011). Highly variable pre-
can then apply them and recommend them to other farmers. cipitation is conducive for selective grazing of cover crops in
Getting accustomed to the sight of a no-tilled field after planting is high-precipitation years, while maintaining sufficient crop
difficult, because our experience and education bias us towards residue for system function.
expecting a ‘clean tilled field’ as under conventional tillage. The According to the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SARE/SAN,
different goals of tillage operations with their advantages and 1998) in the United States, ‘‘cover crops slow erosion, improve
disadvantages for the soil, plants and economic performance, have soil, smother weeds, enhance nutrient and moisture availability,
often not been sufficiently discussed or critically evaluated’’ help control many pests and bring a host of other benefits to your
(Kahnt, 1976). farm’’.

Vital importance of crop residue cover in a no-till system Framing a protocol for no-tillage research

No-tillage without soil cover results in poor crop performance Several issues should be accounted for to avoid systematic
and yield (Ashburner, 1984). In a low-rainfall area of Bolivia, errors leading to skewed results and reduced yields when
highest yield was obtained from no-tillage and crop residue conducting no-till research. A science-based research protocol is
retention, intermediate yield from different tillage systems with needed and the most important points should be highlighted in the
conventional to minimum tillage, and lowest yield from no-tillage materials and methods section of scientific papers when describing
and no residues (Wall, 1999). Similar results were obtained by the experiment. We suggest the following:
20 Letter to the Editor / Soil & Tillage Research 137 (2014) 16–22

(1) System description: The system-level strategy should be (9) Plant biomass produced: Seasonal and yearly measurements
described and changes made according to that system. are needed (t/ha dry matter), especially if studying soil carbon
Changing only tillage will result in an artificial system and sequestration or if organic matter is an important research
not reflect the conditions of practical farming. objective. These measurements are especially important in
(2) Cropping and tillage history: Description is needed of the crops long-term no-tillage experiments.
and type of tillage preceding the experiment. Fallow periods (10) Insect and disease control: Control measures should account
before starting the experiment need to be recorded. Duration for system requirements and avoid routine calendar applica-
of the no-till system prior to the experiment must be tions for all treatments. Continuous monitoring of insect and
described. disease development is necessary. If calendar applications are
(3) Soil condition before the experiment: Details are needed of soil used, this needs to be recorded.
type, texture, organic carbon content, pH, CEC, percent soil (11) Nitrogen requirements: During the first three to five years, no-
cover, amount and quality of crop residues, and whether tillage may require greater N fertilizer inputs than conven-
residues were evenly distributed on the soil surface. Soil tional tillage systems (10–30 kg N/ha greater for cereal crops).
structural condition (e.g. stability of surface aggregates, Equal N application rates may lead to yield reductions in no-
drainage status, and presence or absence of hardpans) needs tillage during initial years of the experiment (Sá, 1999; Sá
to be reported. et al., 2007; Ferreira et al., 2009). Sufficient N has to be applied
(4) Soil fertility: Report if, when, and how soil pH and nutrient in the right way to avoid volatilization losses and also to avoid
deficiencies were corrected prior to the experiment. Soil excessive soil disturbance when applying it. If additional N is
fertility needs to be monitored during the duration of the not applied in no-tillage this has to be specifically mentioned.
experiment. When necessary, lime should be applied fre- If a leguminous cover crop is used, an estimate of the N
quently in small amounts (e.g. infrequent and large applica- available to the economic crop should be included.
tions can lead to wide swings in surface pH and ‘acid roof’ (12) Crop rotation: Using inadequate crop sequences is detrimental
formation, which can lead to poor surface root proliferation to no-tillage systems, and monoculture is inconsistent with
and nutrient uptake and poor weed control besides other conservation agriculture. No-till after legumes, and especially
problems). perennial legumes, can be a good way to start no-till without
(5) Weed control: Adequate and system-specific techniques need expecting a reduction in yield. Varieties need to be mentioned
to be employed. Ground cover should be weed free at seeding as they may respond differently to different tillage treat-
(i.e. previous vegetation needs to be controlled). Herbicide ments.
name, formulation, and date and amount of product applied
need to be recorded. Weeds need to be monitored throughout All of the above suggests that the best way of conducting robust
the experiment. tillage comparison studies is to engage a multi-disciplinary team in
(6) Planting/seeding equipment details: Provide manufacturer, the project, including experienced agronomists and practitioners
model number, planting speed, and configuration used for with sound agronomic know-how.
each system treatment. Special attention should be given to soil
opening tools (tines, discs) and furrow-closing devices. Conclusions
Researchers should not be reluctant to mention brand names
and models in materials and methods since this information is Depending on how no-tillage research is conducted, different
very important when interpreting no-tillage experiments. results can be obtained in terms of soil carbon sequestration, soil
Equipment needs to achieve uniform seed depth and guarantee moisture retention, seed germination/plant establishment, weed
good seed-to-soil contact. Hair-pinning of crop residue, open infestation, soil fertility, soil biological activity, and crop yields. We
slots after seeding, compaction of soil on top of the seed, etc., assert that it is imperative to profoundly understand and master
should be avoided, but these issues need to be recorded and the no-till or conservation agriculture system before implementing
mentioned in materials and methods when they happen. it or attempting to research the system. Until the scientific
Approximately the same number of plants/ha need to be community agrees on an internationally recognized definition of
achieved in each system compared. Plant counts/m2 should be no-tillage techniques, inconsistent and contradictory research
performed a few weeks after seeding and at least once again at results will continue to fill the literature regarding tillage system
harvest. This does not apply if system specific varieties are used. comparisons. Standardized research approaches are necessary to
(7) Soil moisture at seeding: Describe and monitor soil moisture be able to compare results from different researchers, different
conditions, as excessive moisture can lead to hair-pinning and regions, and different systems to avoid confusion and misinter-
poor seed to soil contact in a no-till system, which could lead pretation. Even after introducing standard definitions and descrip-
to poor germination. Adequate moisture content for seeding tions of no-till techniques, contradictory results may be reported –
should be achieved in all treatments. This is an especially but could probably be understood and explained, if more and
tricky point in tillage research, because soil moisture varies precise information on site and management conditions would be
between tillage systems and conditions for optimal seeding delivered.
may be different for different tillage systems. Rains on We contend that elaborating experimental protocols and
Thursdays can be a horror for tillage researchers in warmer detailing how tillage/no-tillage research was conducted in
climates! On Friday the soil may be still too wet to seed and on materials and methods of scientific publications will rectify some
Monday may already be too dry, as often it is difficult to discrepancies in the literature and lead to better system-level
organize seeding on weekends. development of no-tillage, which is a system adopted successfully
(8) Soil disturbance: During seeding, level of disturbance (depth by many thousands of farmers all over the world. To achieve
and soil volume) even in no-tillage needs to be recorded, comparable results in conservation agriculture system research, a
especially the row spacing and width of the seeding slot. No- minimum record of practices, equipment details, and crop
tillage with high-disturbance tines can yield quite different observations need to be described in a research protocol and
results in terms of soil CO2 emissions and water losses reflected in scientific publications to make it clear how the results
compared to low-disturbance no-till seeding with discs were obtained. An absolute minimum list of considerations
(Reicosky, unpublished data). should be:
Letter to the Editor / Soil & Tillage Research 137 (2014) 16–22 21

(1) Site conditions with soil composition, soil type, and climatic Derpsch, R., Friedrich, T., Landers, J.N., Rainbow, R., Reicosky, D.C., Sá, J.C.M., Sturny,
W.G., Wall, P., Ward, R.C., Weiss, K., 2011. About the necessity of adequately
conditions. defining no-tillage – a discussion paper. In: Proc. 5th World Congr. Conserv.
(2) Percentage of soil surface covered with residues (amount and Agric., 26–29 September 2011, Brisbane, Australia.
quality) after seeding. Dick, W.A., Edwards, W.M., McCoy, E.L., 1997. Continuous application of no-tillage
to Ohio soils: changes in crop yields and organic matter related soil properties.
(3) Percentage of soil surface that has been disturbed while In: Paul, E.A., Paustian, K., Elliott, E.T., Cole, C.V. (Eds.), Soil Organic Matter in
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22 Letter to the Editor / Soil & Tillage Research 137 (2014) 16–22

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of alternative conservation agriculture technologies for rainfed production in
the highlands of Central Mexico, 28 August–3 September 2006. In: Proc. 17th
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Ségui, L., Bouzinac, S., Husson, O., 2006. Direct-seeded tropical soil systems with J.C.M. Sá7
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West, T.O., Post, W.M., 2002. Soil organic carbon sequestration rates by tillage and
fax: +1 919 856 4712
crop rotation: a global data analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66, 1930–1946. E-mail addresses:
(A.J. Franzluebbers)
R. Derpsch1 (R. Derpsch)
International Consultant in Conservation Agriculture/No-till, Dr. (S.W. Duiker)
Patricio Maciel 322, Asunción, Paraguay (D.C. Reicosky) (K. Koeller)
A.J. Franzluebbers* (T. Friedrich)
USDA – Agricultural Research Service, 3218 Williams Hall, NCSU (W.G. Sturny)
Campus Box 7619, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA (J.C.M. Sá) (K. Weiss)
S.W. Duiker2
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16801, USA Tel.: +595 21 609717.
Tel.: +1 814 8637637.
D.C. Reicosky3 Tel.: +1 320 287 2314.
North Central Soil Conservation Research Lab, Morris, MN 56267, USA Tel.: +49 711 45923139.
Tel.: +53 7 2086411.
K. Koeller4 Tel.: +41 31 910 53 31.
Institut für Agrartechnik, Universität Hohenheim, Tel.: +55 42 3220 3000.
70593 Stuttgart, Germany Tel.: +49 7071 2074030.

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