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Julita District - 2nd Q 2022

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Department of Education

Regional Office No. VIII (Eastern Visayas)

Government Center Palo, Leyte

Portfolio Day Accomplishment Report

S.Y. 2021-2022, 2nd Grading Period

Date of Conduct: February 10, 2022

Number of Schools (Public Public Private
and Private Schools) in the
District which conducted
the activity via:
a) Face- to -Face
(limited and IATF-
b) Virtual Online
c) TV/ Video -based
d) Radio- based
e) Blended Modality /
f) Others, please
Issues and
Focus Areas Resolutions
1. Parent – Teacher Face to Face claim of Reading of the DepEd Memo
Advisor conference parents on SSAT.
and Feedback Encourage parents help the
Giving school in getting ready by
complying the indicators
reflected in the SSAT and the
school will apply for validation
for F2F classes.
Poor reading and
numeracy skills of Teacher will proposed a limited
learners face to face tutorial to cater
learners with difficulty in
reading and numeracy.
2. Showcase of Parents do not go to Gallery of output were group
Learners’ Outputs other booths other than according to subject. Teachers
and Performances their child/ren were assigned to their
coordinatorship and will
prepared booth.
Parents enjoyed roaming
Parent-Teacher creativity were
evidenced in the display of
3. Distribution of How learners’ got their One-on-one conference of
Learner’s Progress grades parent helped in agreeing how
Report/ Cards learners’ got their grades. The
teacher presents her Grading
sheets and Learners’ Portfolio.

Key Stage 1 teachers met their

parents Feb 9, 2022 for Parent-
Teacher Conference and
Distribution of Report Card,
hence they cannot attend to
their queries as they were
scheduled to attend a webinar
on Literacy.

4. Other, please Stakeholders were not Delivery of State of the School

specify aware of school Address makes the school-
a. School General updates, programs and community aware of the school
PTA Meeting & projects being quarterly achievement and
State of the implemented in school. plans and updates.
School Address The school conducted live
(SOSA) SOSA for the benefit of working

b. Recognition of Schedule do not meet Uploaded virtual recognition of

Supportive up with the school supportive stakeholders and
Stakeholders activity giving of downloadable digital

c. School Safety Minimal school Partner with the school

Assessment resources and community to comply the
Tool (SSAT) manpower in requirements for the F2F
Orientation and complying the required classes.
Validation of indicators in the SSAT HRPTA will work per class
data entry GPTA will work on school

5. Overall Conduct of Initiative of schools in Schools were able to carry out

the activity the presentation of the the event successfully. It was
Portfolio Day supported and attended by the
stakeholders. Teachers’
creativity showcased in the
display of the output, likewise it
mirrors the tandem effort of the
Learner-Parent display. Red
motif highlighted the event as
advance celebration of
Valentines Day. Flowers, token,
and sweet treat given to
participating parents adds color
of the event.

Prepared by:
School Principal

District Head


Program invitation were distributed to the teachers and to their class officers. It
was also posted on the school Facebook account
Teachers ushers the parents and visitors that came on that day from the
entrance gate to the venue

Class advisers in Grades 1, 2 and 3 conducted their Parent-Teacher Conference day

before the Portfolio Day as they were to attend scheduled webinar on Literacy. This
was done to meet the parents ad to discuss agreements on their learners
Display of learners’ output were arranged by subject. Parents enjoyed roaming
around to looking for their child’s output and see other children’s work
State of the School Address, giving of school updates and orientation to SSAT for
the F2F classes

Inspirational message of the District Head, Rhodora A. Arceno, PhD

Photo opportunity with the District Head

and technical assistance from her on the SBM and SSAT
Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Government Center Palo, Leyte
Government Center Palo, Leyte

Portfolio Day Accomplishment Report

S.Y. 2021-2022 4th Grading Period
District of Julita

Date of Conduct: June 25, 2022

Number of Schools (Public Public Private
and Private Schools) in the 23
District which conducted
the activity via:
g) Face- to -Face 23
(limited and IATF-
h) Virtual Online
i) TV/ Video -based
j) Radio- based
k) Blended Modality
l) Others, please
Focus Areas Issues and Challenges Resolutions
6. Parent – Teacher Learners’ class One-on-one conference with
Advisor conference performance. parents and teachers to discuss
and Feedback learner’s performance and
Giving discussed on how to help the
Preparations for the class
closing activities List down proposed activities and
agreed on the needed
7. Showcase of How were learners’ output Teachers’ put creativity in the
Learners’ Outputs rated by the teachers? presentation of the output. There
and Performances were search for Best Output.
How learners’
performance affect or add Some schools install booths
one’s rating? outside the school plaza, others
set-up table on the hallway,
stage, and some on their multi-
purpose hall or gym to display
learners’ output.

Some schools displayed their

output by class while some
displayed the output by subject
were parents enjoyed more as
they roam around the hall to look
for their child/ren output and see
other learners’ work.
8. Distribution of Grades earned for the Refresh on DO No. 31.
Learner’s Progress quarter and the final rating Showed class record.
Report/ Cards of the learners

9. Other, please Stakeholders were not Delivery of State of the School

specify aware of school updates, Address makes the school-
d. School General programs and projects community aware of the school
PTA Meeting & being implemented in quarterly achievement and plans
State of the school. and updates.
School Address

e. Recognition of Commitment of parents to Give certificate of recognition to

Supportive school activity parents supporting the school
Stakeholders Giving door prizes to supportive
f. Tree Planting Climate change Tree planting at school and
adaptation (DRRM encourage planting trees at
mitigation) home.

District activity were held in the

afternoon in coordination with the
different stakeholders of the
10. Overall Conduct of Portfolio Day in the 23 schools of Julita District were
the activity successfully held. It was monitored by our CID Chief Mrs.
Felicidad T. Espinosa and our District In-Charge, Mrs.
Rhodora A. Arceno.
The schools manifested engagement to the activity as
all teachers were present. Display of output were creatively
displayed, and developed talents of the learners were evident
based on their performance showcase.
Teacher-Parent partnership is built in improving the
learners’ academic and performance. Thus, learners self-
assurance and confidence are developed as they witness that
their parents and teachers are working together for their

Upload this monitoring tool at:

Prepared by:

District Portfolio Day Coordinator
District Head
Talent day at
Calbasag ES. Each
class prepared a
showcasing their
best performance.
Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Government Center Palo, Leyte

Portfolio Day Accomplishment Report

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Grading Period
District of Julita

Date of Conduct November 27,2021

Number of Schools (Public and Private Public Private
Schools) in the District which conducted 20-Elem 0

a.) Face-to-Face (limited and IATF- 23

b.) Virtual Online
c.) TV/Video-Based
d.) Radio-based
e.) Blended Modality
f.) Others, please specify

Focus Areas Issues and Challenges Resolutions

1. Parent- Clamor of the parents for a regular class The school will conduct home visitation for
Teacher-Advisor for their children to learn the normal way the meantime and made available through
Conference and rather than to study at home that they online when needed by the learners or
Feedback Giving cannot understand their lessons. parents. The school must wait for the
DepEd to implement regular class.

Monotony of their children in studying at Suggested the parents guide their children
home. to follow the class program and do the
routinary activities suggested to avoid
monotony of studying. Schools are
suggesting alternatives on reaching their
learners as possible.

2. Showcase of Parents were not excited to see their Each school has a gallery walk of learners’
Learners’ children’s output as they were the first output. It was displayed beautifully that
Outputs and one to see them and they too helped excites the parents and guardians on
Performance them accomplished those. looking at them, identifying which are
their child/rens output and exclaimed this
is my child’s work!

Learners are not present to see their Teachers took a video of learners output
output due to community restrictions. and posted it online for the learners to see
their classmate’s work.

3.Distribution of Observance of safety protocols School set-up a cubicle where they can
Learner’s safely distribute their report cards.
Progress Report/
Cards Some parents were not able to come to Physical distancing is observed and
because of some errands to attend accessibility of alcohol

The school conducted a home visitation to

personally meet the parents and discuss to
better improve the child’s academic
4.Other, please
 State of Uninformed parents on learners’ Conducting quarterly SOSA, availability of
the academic achievement, school School Report Card and parents
School performance and the school’s program accessibility to the school virtual hub for
Address and projects updates and some important

 General-
Parent Lack parents support to school activities Conduct monthly meeting for updates and
Teacher maintain partnership and understanding.

5.Overall It was a successful event well planned by This Activity Accomplishment Report was
Conduct of the each school with the guidance of Mrs. made summarizing the 1st Quarter
activity Felicidad T. Espinosa, our very own CID, Portfolio Day.
Mauricio Catan, the Division EPS and Mrs.
Rhodora A. Arceno, our District Head.
Technical assistance were all noted for
the good of the school and for
Uploaded this monitoring tool at

Prepared by:
District Portfolio Day Coordinator
District Head
Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII (Eastern Visayas )
Government Center Palo, Leyte

Portfolio Day Accomplishment Report

S.Y. 2021-2022 3rd Grading Period
District of Julita

Date of Conduct: March 24, 2022

Percentage of Schools Number of Schools Percentage
(Public and Private 23 100%
Schools) in the District
which conducted the
activity via:
m) Face- to -Face 21 92%
(limited and IATF-
n) Virtual Online
o) TV/ Video -based
p) Radio- based
q) Blended Modality 2 9%
r) Others, please
Issues and
Focus Areas Resolutions
11. Parent – Teacher Scheduling of Prioritization of learners for the F2F
Advisor conference Learners for the classes.
and Feedback expanded Face to
Giving Face classes Learners will be given equal F2F and
modular schedule
Reading and
numeracy LSA to focus on reading and
improvement of numeracy improvement of learners
learners and teachers to give interventions.

12. Showcase of Bad weather ruined Teachers took a video of their

Learners’ Outputs the gallery of output to learners’ output and posted it on their
and Performances some schools who online platform for the parents to
settled outside the appreciate.
Teachers displayed learners output
creatively for the parents to get
attracted to see each output.
There were festive presentation
(Fiesta sa Nayon motif) and
welcoming sounds played to
encourage parents to come and to
make the activity more engaging.
13. Distribution of How learners’ got their One-on-one conference of parent
Learner’s Progress grades and how to helped in agreeing how learners’ got
Report/ Cards improve their grades. their grades. The teacher presents her
Grading sheets and Learners’

14. Other, please Stakeholders were not Delivery of State of the School
specify aware of school Address makes the school-community
g. School General updates, programs aware of the school quarterly
PTA Meeting & and projects being achievement and plans and updates.
State of the implemented in Some schools utilized the Trumpa of
School Address school. the barrio to transmit the SOSA for the
(SOSA) sake of those who did not make it to
school due to heavy rain.
h. Recognition of Expected Uploaded virtual recognition of
Supportive stakeholders were not supportive stakeholders and giving of
Stakeholders able to attend the downloadable digital copy.
event due to bad
15. Overall Conduct of Initiative of schools in Schools were able to carry out the
the activity the presentation of the event successfully. The District Head
Portfolio Day conducted her personal monitoring on
the lowland schools and virtual
monitoring on the upland schools.
Portfolio Day was supported and
attended by the school-community
stakeholders. Teachers’ creativity
showcased in the display of the output
during their limited face to face
classes. The festive preparations of
the school made the activity more
Upload this monitoring tool at

Prepared by:

District Portfolio Day Coordinator
District Head
Calbasag ES posted video of the school Portfolio Day activity. The display of outputs and
learners showcase of talent (taken their F2F classes) to surprise the parents.

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