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Joel Villavicencio Gastelu, Joel Melo Trujillo, and Third C. Author, Member, IEEE

Conceptos Fundamentales para la Correcta

Elaboración y Presentación de Planos

B. Normalización en los sistemas para dibujo IS0
Resumen—Durante la elaboración de planos de ingeniería es If you choose not to use this document as a template,
necesario tener en cuenta las normas vigentes. En este trabajo prepare your technical work in single-spaced, double-column
son presentados los conceptos fundamentales para la correcta
elaboración y presentación de planos. Los conceptos aborados
format, on paper 21.6×27.9 centimeters (8.5×11 inches or
están relacionados básicamente con la xxx y xxxx. Para tal fin, 51×66 picas). Set top and bottom margins to 16.9 millimeters
fueron consultados sitios web de internet y algunos libros. La (0.67 inch or 4 picas) and left and right margins to about 16.9
información presentada en este trabajo puede server cómo una millimeters (0.67 inch or 4 picas). Do not violate margins (i.e.,
guía de consulta rápida para la preparación de planos de text, tables, figures, and equations may not extend into the
ingeniería de acuerdo con las normas. margins). The column width is 88.9 millimeters (3.5 inches or
21 picas). The space between the two columns is 4.2
Index Terms—Normas ISO, Escalas de dibujo, escalímetro,
cotas. millimeters (0.17 inch or 1 pica). Paragraph indentation is 4.2
millimeters (0.17 inch or 1 pica). Use full justification. Use
I. INTRODUCTION either one or two spaces between sections, and between text

and tables or figures, to adjust the column length [4].
CTUALMENTE, se observa que muchos planos de
ingeniería son elaborados sin seguir las normas de dibujo C. Typefaces and Sizes
técnico vigente. Esto en parte puede se consecuencia de no Use a proportional serif typeface such as Times Roman or
tener información resumida de los aspectos principales que Times New Roman and embed all fonts. Table I provides
deben ser considerados. samples of the appropriate type sizes and styles to use.
Por lo expuesto anteriormente, en este trabajo se presentan
los diferentes conceptos para la correcta preparación de las D. Section Headings
láminas de dibujo. A primary section heading is enumerated by a Roman
La información contenida en este trabajo puede servir como numeral followed by a period and is centered above the text. A
un guía práctico para los futuros estudiantes y profesionales de primary heading should be in capital letters.
las carreras de ingeniería. A secondary section heading is enumerated by a capital
letter followed by a period and is flush left above the section.
II. PREPARACIÓN DE LA PLANTILLA DE DIBUJO The first letter of each important word is capitalized and the
heading is italicized.
Please use automatic hyphenation and check your spelling.
A tertiary section heading is enumerated by an arabic
Additionally, be sure your sentences are complete and that
numeral followed by a parenthesis. It is indented and is
there is continuity within your paragraphs [1]. Check the
followed by a colon. The first letter of each important word is
numbering of your graphics (figures and tables) and make sure
capitalized and the heading is italicized.
that all appropriate references are included.
A quaternary section heading is rarely necessary, but is
A. Normas y Formatos para las Láminas de Dibujo perfectly acceptable if required. It is enumerated by a
Las normas utilizadas para la creación de láminas de dibujo lowercase letter followed by a parenthesis. It is indented and is
son ISO y UNE [2]. followed by a colon. Only the first letter of the heading is
Las normas utilizadas para la creación de láminas de dibujo capitalized and the heading is italicized.
son ISO y UNE [3].
Samples of Times Roman Type Sizes and Styles

Financial support should be acknowledged here. Example: This work was
supported in part by the U.S. Department of Commerce under Grant BS123.
The title should be in uppercase and lowercase letters, not all uppercase.
The name and affiliation (including city and country) of each author must
appear on the paper. Full names are preferred in the author line, but are not
required. Initials are used in the affiliation footnotes (see below). Put a space
between authors' initials. Do not use all uppercase for authors' surnames.
F. A. Author is with the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Boulder, CO 80305 USA (e-mail:
S. B. Author, Jr., was with Rice University, Houston, TX 77005 USA. He
is now with the Department of Physics, Colorado State University, Fort
Collins, CO 80523 USA (e-mail:
T. C. Author is with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of
Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 USA, on leave from the National Research
Institute for Metals, Tsukuba, Japan (e-mail:

E. Figures and Tables

Figure axis labels are often a source of confusion. Try to
use words rather than symbols. As an example, write the
quantity “Magnetization,” or “Magnetization, M,” not just
“M.” Put units in parentheses. Do not label axes only with Fig. 1. Magnetization as a function of applied field. (Note that “Fig.” is
abbreviated and there is a period after the figure number followed by two
units. As in Fig. 1, write “Magnetization (kA/m)” or spaces.)
“Magnetization (kA·m-1),” not just “kA/m.” Do not label axes
with a ratio of quantities and units. For example, write Number footnotes separately with superscripts (References
“Temperature (K),” not “Temperature/K.” Figure labels | Insert Footnote). Place the actual footnote at the bottom of
should be legible, approximately 8- to 10-point type. the column in which it is cited. Do not put footnotes in the
The IEEE Graphics Analyzer Tool enables authors to pre- reference list. Use letters for table footnotes.
screen their graphics for compliance with IEEE Transactions Check that all figures and tables are numbered correctly.
and Journals standards before submission. The online tool is Use arabic numerals for figures and Roman numerals for
located at tables.
To insert images in Microsoft Word, position the cursor at Appendix figures and tables should be numbered
the insertion point and either use Insert | Picture | Insert Picture consecutively with the figures and tables appearing in the rest
from File or copy the image to the Windows clipboard and of the paper. They should not have their own numbering
then use Home | Paste | Paste Special | Picture. All figures and system.
tables must be in place in the text near, but not before, where
they are first mentioned. G. Units
Large figures and tables may span both columns, but may Metric units are preferred for use in IEEE publications in
not extend into the page margins. Figure captions should be light of their global readership and the inherent convenience of
below the figures; table captions should be above the tables. these units in many fields. In particular, the use of the
Do not put captions in “text boxes” linked to the figures. Do International System of Units (Systeme Internationale d'Unites
not put borders around your figures. Use the abbreviation or SI Units) is advocated. This system includes a subsystem of
“Fig. 1,” even at the beginning of a sentence. units based on the meter, kilogram, second, and ampere
(MKSA). British units may be used as secondary units (in
F. Numbering parentheses). An exception is when British units are used as
Number reference citations consecutively in square identifiers in trade, such as 3.5-inch disk drive.
brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the brackets
[2]. Multiple references [2], [3] are each numbered with H. Abbreviations and Acronyms
separate brackets [1]-[3]. Refer simply to the reference Define less common abbreviations and acronyms the first
number, as in [3]. Do not use “Ref. [3]” or “reference [3]” time they are used in the text, even after they have been
except at the beginning of a sentence: “Reference [3] defined in the abstract. Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, MKS,
shows….” CGS, ac, dc, and rms do not have to be defined. Do not use
abbreviations in the title unless they are unavoidable.
See Appendix A of the Author’s Kit for additional
information and standard abbreviations.
I. Math and Equations
Use either the Microsoft Equation Editor or the MathType
commercial add-on for MS Word for all math objects in your
paper (Insert | Equation or MathType Equation).
To make your equations more compact, you may use the
solidus ( / ), the exp function, or appropriate exponents.

Italicize Roman symbols for quantities and variables, but not X. Austan, A. H. Burgmeyer, C. J. Essel, and S. H. Gold for
Greek symbols. Use a long dash rather than a hyphen for a their work on the original version of this document.
minus sign. Use parentheses to avoid ambiguities in
denominators. VI. REFERENCES
Number equations consecutively with equation numbers in [1] W. Ye, W. Feng, S. Fan, A novel multi-swarm particle swarm
parentheses flush with the right margin, as in (1). Be sure that optimization with dynamic learning strategy, Appl. Soft Comput. 61
the symbols in your equation have been defined before the (2017) 832–843.
[2] L. Tozer, D. University, Catalyzing political momentum for the
equation appears or immediately following. effective implementation of decarbonization for urban buildings,
Energy Policy. 136 (2020) 111042.
−J √3 E A
I F =I B =−I C = A 2 I A 1 + AI A 2 +I A 0 = ( 1) [3] A. Tecnología, FORMATOS DE PAPEL, (n.d.).
Z 1+ Z 2 papel dibujo tecnico.htm
(accessed August 7, 2021).
where IF is the fault current. [4] I.D. Smith, How the process of transitions shapes the politics of
decarbonization: Tracing policy feedback effects across phases of
Use “(1),” not “Eq. (1)” or “equation (1),” except at the the energy transition, Energy Res. Soc. Sci. 70 (2020) 101753.
beginning of a sentence: “Equation (1) is .…”


Appendixes, if needed, appear before the acknowledgment.
Nikola Tesla (M’1888, F’17) was born in Smiljan
A. Acotaciones y dimensionamiento de los dibujos in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, on July 9, 1856.
This document may be used as a template for preparing He graduated from the Austrian Polytechnic School,
Graz, and studied at the University of Prague.
your Transactions/Journal paper. You may type over sections His employment experience included the
of the document, cut and paste into it, and/or use markup American Telephone Company, Budapest, the
styles. Edison Machine Works, Westinghouse Electric
Company, and Nikola Tesla Laboratories. His
B. Normalización en los sistemas para dibujo IS0 special fields of interest included high frequency.
Dr. Tesla received honorary degrees from
If you choose not to use this document as a template, institutions of higher learning including Columbia
prepare your technical work in single-spaced, double-column University, Yale University, University of Belgrade, and the University of
Zagreb. He received the Elliott Cresson Medal of the Franklin Institute and
format, on paper 21.6×27.9 centimeters (8.5×11 inches or the Edison Medal of the IEEE. In 1956, the term “tesla” (T) was adopted as
51×66 picas). Set top and bottom margins to 16.9 millimeters the unit of magnetic flux density in the MKSA system. In 1975, the Power
(0.67 inch or 4 picas) and left and right margins to about 16.9 Engineering Society established the Nikola Tesla Award in his honor. He died
millimeters (0.67 inch or 4 picas). Do not violate margins (i.e., on January 7, 1943.
text, tables, figures, and equations may not extend into the
margins). The column width is 88.9 millimeters (3.5 inches or Nikola Tesla (M’1888, F’17) was born in Smiljan
21 picas). The space between the two columns is 4.2 in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, on July 9, 1856.
millimeters (0.17 inch or 1 pica). Paragraph indentation is 4.2 He graduated from the Austrian Polytechnic School,
Graz, and studied at the University of Prague.
millimeters (0.17 inch or 1 pica). Use full justification. Use His employment experience included the
either one or two spaces between sections, and between text American Telephone Company, Budapest, the
and tables or figures, to adjust the column length. Edison Machine Works, Westinghouse Electric
Company, and Nikola Tesla Laboratories. His
special fields of interest included high frequency.
IV. CONCLUSIONES Dr. Tesla received honorary degrees from
institutions of higher learning including Columbia University, Yale
En este trabajo fueron explorados conceptos fundamentales University, University of Belgrade, and the University of Zagreb. He received
para la correcta preparación y elaboración de planos de the Elliott Cresson Medal of the Franklin Institute and the Edison Medal of
ingeniería. A partir de la revisión realizada se alcanzaron las the IEEE. In 1956, the term “tesla” (T) was adopted as the unit of magnetic
flux density in the MKSA system. In 1975, the Power Engineering Society
siguientes conclusiones. established the Nikola Tesla Award in his honor. He died on January 7, 1943.
El uso de las escalas nos permite blablala.

The following is an example of an acknowledgment.
(Please note that financial support should be acknowledged in
the unnumbered footnote on the title page.)
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of I.

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