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TLE Automotive 4th - Prelim

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001Bonifacio St., Kidapawan City

Junior High School
4th Prelim Examination in TLE 7
SY 2018-2019

Name: ___________________________ Score: ____________

Teacher: Ma’am Jundelyn B. Sato Date: _____________

Test I: Multiple Choice

Instruction: Read the following questions and write only b. hammer d. tin snip
the letter in the space provided. ___ 11. These are tools for loosening and tightening of
STRICTLY NO ERASURE. bolts and nuts.
a. wrenches
___ 1. When you want to make things done with less
b. box end wrenches
effort and efficiency, use _______.
c. allen wrench
a. . bench work c. lights
d. All of the above
b. place d. tools
___ 12. It is a piece of long metal rod made of hardened
___ 2. Possessing basic knowledge will help you _____
steel and tempered at the tip. It is used to loosen
tools for the tasks.
and tighten screws.
a. guess c. identify and select
a. plier c. screwdriver
b. presume d. replace
b. hammer d. none of these
___ 3. Choosing the right tool is easy but requires a lot
___ 13. A ______ driver has flat tip at the end and used
of _____________.
in a single groove screws.
a. assumption c. deduction
a. Flat screwdriver
b. practice d. presumption
b. Phillips screwdriver
___ 4. Using incorrect tools for the job will result in
c. Wrenches
d. None of these
a. efficiency c. injury
___ 14. It is a kind of screw that has cross-like tip at the
b. good performance d. good values
end and used in a cross groove head of the
___ 5. Basic level of competency involves __________.
a. checking and inspection
a. Flat screwdriver
b. disassembling
b. Phillips screwdriver
c. overhauling
c. Wrenches
d. major job
d. None of these
___ 6. It is a fibrous cloth used in cleaning and wiping
___ 15. It is a kind of wrenches with an open-end on
dirt and dust.
one side and box-end on the opposite side.
a. utility rag c. top cloth
a. Combination wrench
b. blouse d. linen
b. Close wrench
___ 7. It is a tool used for bending, crimping, cutting,
c. Open wrench
holding, stripping and twisting.
d. None of these
a. plier c. electric drill
Test II. True/False
b. hammer d. none of these
Write T if the statement given is correct and F
___ 8. What do you called to a tool used for boring
if wrong.
___ 16. Common faults of hand tools are usually blamed
a. plier c. electric drill
on manufacturer’s defect.
b. hammer d. none of these
___ 17. Metal fatigue is developed from overuse of
___ 9. It looks like a is a scissor shaped tool used for tools.
cutting thin sheets of metal. ___ 18. Natural tear and wear causes tools to widen or
a. plier c. electric drill reduce its size.
b. hammer d. tin snip ___ 19. Tools not kept, not maintained, and unused will
___ 10. Which tools are generally used for driving or become rusty.
___ 20. To become more aware of the condition of hand
striking work?
tools, it is good to know some of its specific
a. plier c. electric drill faults.
___ 21. Defective tools can be repaired
according to company procedure.
___ 22. Defective tools can reduce work efficiency.
___ 23. Defectives tools also decrease credibility of the Test IV.
auto mechanic. 35-40. Make or create a sample inventory of any
___ 24. Electrician is the person who is responsible in tools for at least tools that used in automotive services.
repairing automobiles.
___ 25. Tools are less important in automotive services.

Test III.
Name the tools and write its uses or functions.(2
points each)

God Bless !  
Ma’am Sato

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