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IT Services

IT Services
Our Services for ETH Zurich
2 IT Services  Services & Organisations

Current Web Version

Cover picture (ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)
For an updated edition of this brochure
"Our Services for ETH Zurich" (ETH Start / Orientation Day Brochure)
and other ITS publications visit ETH Web.

Coordination of introductory events

"ETH Start": Caroline Stucki, ITS
"New doctoral students": Armin Brunner, ITS
"New professors": Dr Rui Brandao, ITS
IT Services  Services & Organisations 3


An efficient IT infrastructure offering stable ITS is structured in five sections.

and reliable services and support is crucial for The ITS Organisation Chart can be found on
the success of ETH Zurich as a leading univer- page 28/29.
sity. The IT Services (ITS) support the IT and
communication needs of the departments and We work closely together with decentralized
Central Bodies. Efficient and sustainable use departmental and institutional IT organisati-
of our resources is primarily based on cus- ons and maintain national and international
tomer needs. Services include basic infras- contacts with other universities and research
tructures (servers, storage, telephony, mail), organisations.
lecture hall infrastructures, video conferen-
cing and production, workplace IT, wireless I wish you all a good start at ETH Zurich and
networks, procurement of IT software and look forward to working with you.
hardware, licences, software development
and integration, cloud services as well as Dr Rui Brandao, Director IT Services
scientific IT services. This brochure is desig-
ned to help you to gain an initial overview of
these services.

The IT Services are part of the ETH Zurich

administrative departments and is directly
responsible to the Vice-President for Infras-
tructure (VPIN).

The index lists key terms from the ETH start brochure in alphabetical order.
This should help you find our services easily.

Applications...........................................10 eduroam (educational roaming) �����������18
Audio Production...................................15 Email, Groupware, Web.........................12
Auditorium Infrastructure.....................15 ETH User Account.................................10
Awareness IT Campaigns......................19 Euler, HPC Cluster................................16

Backup..................................................21 Gallery Hosting......................................12
Blogs, Blog Service...............................13
C Hard-, Software, Work Stations �����������14
CDS (Cost Defined Storage)..................20 High Performance Computing �������������16
Central Bodies (ZO).................................9 HSM (Storage Management).................20
Chat Server...........................................13
Clientbackup (CBK)...............................21 I
Client Delivery Service..........................14
Cloud Service Center.............................22
ITEK (IT Expert Commission)................24
IT Knowledge Base................................. 6
Computational & Data Science ������������17
IT Procurements....................................22
Computer Rooms for Lectures ���������������8
IT Security Center.................................19
IT Security in everyday life....................24
Contact Database..................................10
IT Shop (ITSM).......................................22
Corporate Mobile Network....................19
IT Software Courses & Events ��������������13
IT Training.............................................22
D IT Training Lab.......................................24
Database Hosting..................................13 IT-Women@ETH....................................24
Data Network........................................18
Data Science Support............................17 L
Data Storage, Storage Services �����������20
LDAP, Active Directory...........................10
Digital Collaboration.............................23
Lecture Recording.................................16
Discussion Forums, Mailing Lists ��������12
Leonhard, HPC Cluster.........................16 Services for Departments.......................9
Licences................................................22 SharePoint.............................................13
Live Streaming......................................16 Software Distribution............................22
Locations ITS.........................................30 Software Project Services.....................14
Long Term Storage (LTS).......................21 Spam Filter............................................12
Support ETH Spin-offs............................6
M Support for Teaching...............................8
Managed Services.................................. 8 Survey Application.................................13
Microsoft Teams....................................23 SW Development, scientific...................16
Multimedia............................................15 SWITCH edu-ID......................................10

NAS (Network Attached Storage) ���������20 Telephony..............................................19
Network, Internet..................................18
Newsletter inside|out............................. 7 U
Newsletter Tool.....................................12 URL Shortener......................................12

Online Collaboration.............................23 Video Conferencing...............................15
Operational Information System ����������11 Video Portal...........................................16
Organisation Chart ITS..........................28 Video Production...................................15
Video Studio...........................................16
P Virtual Desktop Infrastructure �������������20
Password, Applications.........................10 Virtual Server........................................21
polybox..................................................21 VPN (Virtual Private Network) ��������������18
Printing Service.....................................14
Publications ITS..................................... 7 W
R Web Conferencing.................................15
Remote Teaching, Home Office ������������23 Webhosting............................................12
Research Data Management.................16 Wi-Fi Calling..........................................19
Wi-Fi (WLAN).........................................18
S Wiki Hosting..........................................13
WTO Tender...........................................22
Scientific Computing.............................16
Scientific IT Services.............................16 Y
Scientific Software................................16
Sections ITS...........................................25 Young ‘n’ Rising.....................................24
Secure Data Platform............................16
Security.................................................. 9 Z
Server Services.....................................21 Zoom.....................................................23
Service Desk........................................... 6
6 IT Services  Services & Organisations

Support, Inquiries,
Information, Contact

Need help? Failure Notification, Interruptions,

The ITS Service Desk is the gateway Service Monitoring
to the ETH Zurich IT Services Announcements concerning planned and un-
The Service Desk is the point of contact for planned interruptions and the automatic
all ITS matters. The Service Desk is familiar service monitor can be found on the ITS Ser-
with and can provide information on all ITS vice Desk page.
services and their respective operating sta-
tus. Inquiries and problems can be presented IT Services
by phone, email, chatbot, SmartDesk Portal, Current information on services and contacts
or at the counter (HG E11). Instructions can be and various documentations are all published
found in the IT Knowledge Base. on the ETH homepage. Detailed information
Tel. +41 44 632 77 77 / 2 77 77 (internal) can be found in the IT Services catalogue and
Telephone hotline hours in the ITS brochures.
Monday to Thursday 7.30 am-5.30 pm,
Friday 7.30 am-4.30 pm
Counter opening hours
Monday to Friday 9.30 –11 am and 13.30–16 pm
IT Services  Services & Organisations 7

ITS Publications ITS Benefits

IT Services publishes various documentati- • Home use of software licences (IT Shop)
ons targeting specific user groups or cover- • IT Training: ETH internal IT courses
ing particular issues such as security, entry • Standard IT courses by external training
and exit. Updated web versions of our publi- partners (even private courses) with dis-
cations can be found on the ETH homepage. count
The ITS Blog, an interactive information plat- • Programme "All you can read": IT Manuals
form, complements the product range. in form of PDFs free of charge
• Wi-Fi: Use the Hot Spots of other universities
Newsletter inside|out free of charge (worldwide, SSID eduroam)
The "inside|out" newsletter offers outsiders • Loanable Multimedia Devices
a better awareness of ITS services while fo- • Online surveys with "Select Survey"
cusing on current IT topics. The IT Services • ETH Doodle ad-free ("Doodle Premium")
hopes this will foster increased cooperation
with other ETH members and improve the
information flow. inside|out appears three
times annually and can be ordered by sub-
8 IT Services  Services & Organisations

Support for Teaching Managed Services

ITS supports teaching in information tech- This group offers ETH-related units lifecycle
nology projects in cooperation with the LET management for their workplace IT infrastruc-
(Educational Development and Technology de- ture. Services cover the complete lifecycle:
partment), in the development of the Acade- • Consultations for planning IT solutions and
mic Applications and mobile apps, as well as IT procurement
in examinations, and with infrastructure and • Hardware procurement
services in lecture halls and seminar rooms. • Installation and commissioning
• Patching, updates, operation, trouble-
Operation of Computer Rooms for shooting
Lectures and Online Exams • Management of storage (NAS), authentication
On behalf of Academic Services, ITS opera- and authorization, firewalls, network
tes computer rooms for lectures and online • Disposal of data carriers and devices
exams. The equipment is geared to the needs
of the lecturers. All installed machines can IT supporters also work on site. A support-
be started with Linux or Windows. During un- pool guarantees broad know-how and absence
occupied periods, the rooms can be used as coverage, while ensuring the professional su-
student workstations. pervision required in the ETH IT-environment.
IT Services  Services & Organisations 9

Support for the ETH Central Bodies (ZO) Security for IT Infrastructures
ZO-Support ensures second-level support ITS protects your IT infrastructure and ser-
for all ZO customers. Core tasks include im- vices against misuse with up-to-date means.
plementation, maintenance and development In addition to the prevention of security inci-
of the ETH Central Bodies (ZO) client infras- dents, network traffic and the access proces-
tructure including realization and support for ses to various central services is constantly
projects. Central bodies are staff units and monitored in order to detect and treat suc-
administrative departments that support the cessful attacks as quickly as possible. ITS
Executive Board and the departments. defines security standards for the use of sys-
tems (clients, servers, storage, applications),
Services for Departments provides appropriate tools, advises system
We provide IT services and support to the ETH administrators and ensures the quality of the
departments, institutes and professorships. approved standards. An audit service is offe-
This includes the complete management of red for IT managers in the central bodies and
workstations (purchase and installation of departments, which enables you to test the
hardware, maintenance of operating systems security of your internal services, IT infras-
and applications, configuration of printers tructure and processes.
and peripherals), the administration of user
accounts, the provision of file servers for diffe-
rent applications and data types, or the main-
tenance of laboratory device controllers and
research applications.
10 IT Services  Services & Organisations

Password, Directories,

ETH User Account, LDAP, Active Directory and authorization infrastructure (SWITCHaai)
The central authentication and authorization allows access via the ETH user account to va-
infrastructure of ETH Zurich regulates access rious web activities offered by the above in-
to IT user services: stitutions, especially in the e-learning range.
SWITCH edu-ID is a digital identity for lifelong
• access to ETH network access to services in the university environ-
• Wireless LAN ment. ETH offers the possibility to link the
• VPN SWITCH edu-ID account with the ETH user
• email account. This ensures that ETH-relevant data
• central storage services is transferred to the SWITCH edu-ID account.
• computers in the student computing labs A linked SWITCH edu-ID account is a prerequi-
site for using the services of the ETH Library.
Many electronic services of ETH Zurich requi- Support (e.g. in case of password problems)
re the ETH password for email or web appli- is provided by Switch. The contact database
cations and verify access rights on an LDAP or (KDB) is provided to organisational units free
Active Directory server. The servers are ac- of charge. In addition to the administration of
cessible to organisational units for their users addresses and the contact details of external
and computers. Organisational units can thus people, the KDB also allows access to the ETH
benefit from an integrated ETH user account office addresses of employees of ETH Zurich.
management and are spared the necessity of
their own domain controllers as well as the
accrual of a great amount of specific knowhow.
ETH Zurich membership in the Swiss univer-
sities and research institutes authentication
IT Services  Services & Organisations 11

Operational Information System faculty application "eDoz". Additional functio-

The ETH Operational Information System (OIS) nality is provided by the Course Catalogue and
permits the maintenance of ETH academic and other applications.
administrative operational data and consists • Research reporting applications (AAA Annual
mainly of the following components (data- Academic Achievements).
bases and applications): • SAP ERP for finance / controlling, human
resources and materials management and
• People and organisations database / ETH- SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (Data
Card applications with data covering all ETH Warehouse). Since 2010 interactive access to
Zurich members as well as the ETH Zurich or- these environments is via the ETHIS Portal
ganisation. Card applications allow the pro- (SAP NetWeaver Web portal).
duction of electronic ETH ID cards. • GMIS (Software system "Planon") for techni-
• Academic database / applications. These cal and commercial facility management.
systems support academic processes at ETH • Provis for supporting the financial execution
Zurich. The applications "LisethPro" (student of construction projects [Real Estate Division]
administration), "Sempro+" (semester pro-
grammes, room and teaching task manage-
ment) and "LKW" (performance assessment)
and "ZULETH" (Admission) are intended for
the Academic Services and the departmental
Teaching Administration Offices. Students and
faculty participate in administrative processes
through the use of web applications, such as
the student application "myStudies" and the
12 IT Services  Services & Organisations

Email, Groupware, Web

Email, Virus- and Spam Filter, Groupware, Webhosting, WCMS

Newsletter Tool Not every organisation may be able or wil-
The ITS mail server, with more than 70,000 ling to operate its own web server or develop
email accounts, is professionally maintai- something as complex as a Web Content Ma-
ned and highly available thanks to redundant nagement System (WCMS) infrastructure. This
hardware components. All standard clients is where we step in. We run diverse servers:
are supported. A virus protection program for simple sites, for web forms or complex
prevents virus and malware infection and the web applications. WCMS is available for larger
Spam filter deletes junk mail. Exchange also sites, which are managed by various authors
offers an electronic calendar for managing with different rights. No HTML knowledge is
appointments and organising meetings. The required for the maintenance of these web pa-
Exchange server supports many portable de- ges. Furthermore, WCMS pages automatically
vices with a push mail solution which informs appear in the current ETH web design. Profes-
you of new incoming emails and deadlines. sional system management and access sta-
Internet access is possible via a Web browser. tistics are included on all our servers. Gallery
We also manage public hierarchically-orga- Hosting is a service that manages images and
nized mailing lists which are used to update makes them available on the web. With the
ETH members (e.g. maintenance work). Addi- URL Shortener you can automatically gene-
tionally, we offer the possibility to create and rate ETH URLs shorter with statistics.
manage mailing lists. If you would like to send
out newsletters, a newsletter tool responsive
and in ETH design is available.
IT Services  Services & Organisations 13

Database & Wiki Hosting / Chat Server / Blogs are readily available for project management,
The cost of installing, operating and monito- departments, institutes or research groups.
ring a database system can be considerable. SharePoint Service also includes consulting,
IT Services offers ETH organisational units coaching and customizing.
dependent on a highly functioning database,
cost effective and customized solutions with Online Surveys with Survey Application
MySQL, MSSQL or PostgreSQL. Own Wiki web- The "Select Survey" application makes it possi-
sites can be operated on Confluence. With the ble to create simple and complex surveys. The
On-Premises Chat Server you can communi- Service Desk provides support and consulting
cate securely with colleagues and students. for Select Survey.
Our blog service is the ideal platform for your
corporate blogs, Edublogs or for scientific Support Management Courses & Events
blogs. The service offers comprehensive support for
course management through the provision
SharePoint of standard soft-ware developed specifically
SharePoint is a web application which is used for this purpose. All process steps are sup-
to provide collaboration, knowledge manage- ported, from the administration of a basic
ment, content management, intranet portals, offer of courses, from which individual imple-
workflows, wikis, blogs, calendar, project mentations are derived, to the publication of
management and document and image libra- the course offer on the ETH websites, to the
ries. The IT Services operate a professional processing of registrations and invoicing of
and highly available SharePoint infrastructure, course fees. The service includes training and
accessible from any browser. SharePoint sites regular moderated meetings of the users.
14 IT Services  Services & Organisations

Software, Work Stations, Printing

Software Project Services Client Delivery Service

The ITS supports ETH units with the design, In order to manage ICT workplace infra-
implementation, integration, quality assu- structure in an efficient, flexible and scala-
rance and commissioning of IT applications. ble manner client deployment systems are
These services are provided within the frame- available for Windows, Mac and Linux. These
work of projects or consulting assignments systems have a user-friendly interface, allow
which are regulated by an appropriate agree- fully automatic installation and configuration
ment. of clients and servers and offer client lifecycle
management. Automation of installation and
Printing Service maintenance processes improves installation
The ITS printing service includes consulting, quality as well as security and saves time, mo-
evaluation and procurement of multifunction ney and human resources.
devices (MFD) and printers, as well as the
operation of the infrastructure. The MFDs are
equipped with a card reader for the ETH card.
This enables secure printing, pull printing as
well as the recording of usage. ITS operates a
wide variety of standard printers at different
locations at ETH Zurich. These devices can be
accessed from anywhere via the ETH Zurich
network and may be used by staff members
as well as students.
IT Services  Services & Organisations 15


Audio and Video Production and Distribution Infrastructure and support in lecture halls
We provide technical support for lectures and seminar rooms
and events as well as live streaming, lecture ITS supports the educational experience at
hall-to-lecture hall transmissions and recor- ETH Zurich with infrastructure for teaching
dings. We publish these on the ETH Zurich Vi- and learning. To this end, we plan and ope-
deo Portal. Image and documentary films as rate the audiovisual equipment for lecture
well as videos for teaching and learning are halls and seminar rooms and provide on-site
produced and distributed according to client support. Our free checkout service (with pro-
specifications – on-site and in our video studio. jectors, cameras, mobile loudspeakers, etc.)
Furthermore, we support teaching, research is offered to ETH members at ETH Zentrum
and administration with all a/v concerns. and Hönggerberg.

Video & Web Conferencing

We operate the ETH video conferencing ser-
vice with specially equipped video conference
rooms in the main building and at Höngger-
berg. For videoconferencing in teaching, in
meeting rooms and at the workplace, we of-
fer the necessary professional infrastructure
(equipment, software) and advice (see page
16 IT Services  Services & Organisations

Scientific IT Services

Scientific Computing Research Data Management (RDM)

We operate the two central computing clus- We support researchers with data manage-
ters of ETH Zurich: "Euler" (140,000 processor ment of scientific primary and result data,
cores, 1,500 GPUs with 6 million CUDA cores, starting with consulting in the writing of data
8 PB of storage) for compute- & data-inten- management plans for research applications
sive applications and "Leonhard Med" (4,000 as well as workshops on various aspects
processor cores, 400 GPUs, 2 PB of storage) of RDM (together with the ETH Library), the
for storing and processing confidential and provisioning and operation of research data
highly confidential biomedical research data. management solutions, the integration of RDM
Researchers at ETH have access to hundreds systems in laboratory environments and the
of scientific programs and libraries as well as publication of data in projects. We offer bespo-
a complete software development environ- ke support for data management in biomedical
ment. Researchers can buy resources from research.
us on both clusters. A small part of the Euler
cluster is available to all ETH members free Scientific Software
of charge. Leonhard Med constitutes a node We offer support for writing and extending
in the Swiss wide network "BioMedIT" for ex- scientific software as well as for the inte-
change and interoperability of sensitive data gration of data analysis programs in data
with other Swiss universities and hospitals. pipelines. We help to set up and familiarize
researchers with scientific software and data
analysis environments (e.g. "Jupyter") and can
help researchers in a "code clinic" with writing
more efficient software and structuring their
IT Services  Services & Organisations 17

own source code in a more readable way. We Workshops and Trainings

also offer long-term "code custodianship" to For all mentioned areas of expertise we offer
maintain source code repositories and scien- workshops and trainings with a strong hands-
tific code bases for research groups. on focus.

Computational & Data Science Support

We support researchers in the implementa-
tion and application of computational and data
science methods as well as in the (co-)ana-
lysis of scientific data (e.g. in bioinformatics).
We offer expertise and services in machine
learning (ML) from cleaning up, over prepro-
cessing, to analyzing various types of data (e.g.
numerical/categorical, image, text) with state-
of-the-art ML techniques (traditional & deep
neural networks). We can help researchers
in the proficient use of a broad spectrum of
ML tools and libraries and in the porting and
scaling up of computational / ML workflows
to suitable hardware (e.g. high performance
computing cluster, GPUs).
18 IT Services  Services & Organisations

Network, Internet

Data Networks, Wi-Fi (WLAN) Cabling, Maintenance, Troubleshooting

For high-performance data traffic with the The planning and quality assurance of the ca-
Internet a complex technical infrastructure is bling of the buildings and server rooms is of
required. This data network infrastructure is central importance, thus providing a sustaina-
comprised of more than 80,000 connections ble service. The operation and troubleshooting
in more than 150 buildings at ETH Zurich. It is of the entire physical data and voice network
operated by specialists and monitored con- of ETH Zurich covers the cabling as well as the
tinuously by automatic systems. An extensi- active network devices.
ve wireless network (WLAN) with more than
5,500 access points (hot spots) is also being
made available. The area-wide WLAN cover-
age is already well-advanced and will continue
to be steadily improved.

eduroam, VPN
ETH Zurich has implemented the eduroam
standard, which is available worldwide. This
enables all ETH members to use the WLAN of
all Swiss and worldwide eduroam members
free of charge.
The Virtual Private Network (VPN) connects to
the ETH network with encrypted data trans-
mission from ETH external parties.
IT Services  Services & Organisations 19

Communication / Security

Telephony CMN (Corporate Mobile Network)

The telephony service for over 15,000 perso- ETH has negotiated a CMN contract provi-
nal and impersonal connections is provided by ding favorable rates for mobile calls and data
a modern IP telephone system. The expansion connections within Switzerland. The organi-
of the service for mobile, browser and APP- sational unit with its budget officer decides,
based telephony will be introduced on behalf according to policy or autonomously, whether
of the school management from 2022. its employees are eligible for CMN.

Mobile Inhouse Coverage (Wi-Fi Calling) IT Security Center

Newer mobile phones have the ability to esta- At ETH Zurich, the security of systems is moni-
blish mobile voice connections and send SMS tored to prevent the misuse of data and infras-
via any Wi-Fi connection. This new technolo- tructure and to ensure the good availability of
gy, "Wi-Fi Calling", is supported by all three the IT infrastructure at ETH Zurich. In this con-
Swiss providers. The ETH Zurich Wi-Fi net- text, ETH members are supported in questions
work is configured in such a way that Wi-Fi and problems concerning the topic of system
Calling connections can be established by all security of computers and network zones. In
network users. addition, security analyses of applications
and system installations are offered as well
as support for security awareness campaigns.
20 IT Services  Services & Organisations

Data Storage, Storage Services

NAS, Hierarchical Storage connected to the HPC clusters of ETH Zurich.

Management (HSM) The memory nodes are available to the mem-
Network Attached Storage (NAS) provides bers of the organizational units who obtain
storage space which can be used by any com- this memory via the IT Services, depending
puter connected to the ETH Zurich network. on the desired service version (QoS = Quality
Storage space is secured regularly and can of Service).
be managed either by ITS or the customer.
NAS storage is available in various so called Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
storage tiers, priced individually. There is Virtual desktops or workstations can be provi-
also the possibility of location independent ded in any number within a short time with ITS
data storage. If desired, hierarchical storage VDI service. Whether for uniform course PCs,
management can be activated on NAS. This 3D CAD workstations or CUDA calculations.
allows criteria defined data (age, size and file The virtual desktops can be ordered individu-
type) to be transferred onto a cheaper medi- ally predefined and then used simultaneously
um (magnetic tape library). Transferred data in large or small quantities. The 3D GPU option
remains visible on the file system and can be enables professional applications to be used
downloaded onto the memory disk any time. on a wide variety of end devices. Thus, deman-
ding applications can be used on "normal PCs
CDS (Cost Defined Storage) or laptops", which have high demands on GPU,
The Cost Defined Storage Service is designed CPU, disk and other resources.
to enable ETH Zurich researchers, lecturers
and employees to store and process large
amounts of scientific data (> 100 TB). The me-
mory can be made available via NFS or SMB or
IT Services  Services & Organisations 21

Server Services Long Term Storage (LTS)

High-availability servers for the Windows and Large amounts of rarely used data should
Linux operating systems are available. This be stored on tape. This increases data secu-
is based on pools of physical servers and rity while minimizing data storage costs and
an infrastructure that divides the pools into energy consumption. In addition, the secure
hardware-independent virtual servers. Effi- storage of scientific (primary) data also serves
cient utilisation of the infrastructure is achie- good scientific practice.
ved and significant energy and space savings
are made. The support can be agreed upon polybox
individually, from the pure provision of virtual polybox offers all ETH members "Dropbox-si-
servers to the complete support of operating milar storage". Data is stored on campus on
systems and applications. ETH Zurich storage facilities. It covers the fol-
lowing use case: "polybox – Use it as a logical
Backup memory stick – store your data on the ETH
A backup service is available for data that can- campus and share it with colleagues". You can
not be backed up and stored on a central back- also work collaboratively on documents.
up system. In order to use the backup service
the installation of client software is necessary.
Users receive a daily status report by email.
The Clientbackup (CBK) service offers the pos-
sibility of backing up mobile devices.
22 IT Services  Services & Organisations

Procurement &
Portfolio Management

IT Shop customers on the use of these clouds and con-

ITS endeavours to acquire ETH-appropriate tinuously evaluates various services in con-
software at preferential conditions. This soft- nection with the cloud offerings.
ware is available to the users without any pro-
blems in terms of licensing law. In addition to IT Training
licences, various other IT services of ITS can The ETH-specific courses are tailored to the
be obtained as "self-service services" in the needs of ETH employees and students. The
IT Shop. courses, workshops and short seminars are
conducted by ETH employees or external
IT Procurements specialists and can be adapted as required
Orders of CHF 10,000 or more (incl. VAT) to groups of a specific area and their special
must be placed in writing and processed wishes, such as course content and duration.
via the designated ETHIS application. The IT For IT standard training, please refer to the
Procurement Office examines the procure- comprehensive range of courses of our trai-
ment request and places the order with the ning partners.
suppliers. For the procurement of goods and
services from CHF 150,000 (excl. VAT), an Compicampus
invitation procedure must be carried out in For students at ETH Zurich, the IT training
advance and from CHF 230,000 (excl. VAT) team offers intensive IT evening classes du-
a WTO tender must be carried out in co- ring the semester.
operation with the IT Procurement Office.

Cloud Service Center

The Cloud Service Center is the central point
of contact for Microsoft 365 and Google Work-
space cloud services at ETH Zurich. It advises
IT Services  Services & Organisations 23

Online Collaboration, Remote

Teaching & Home Office

Digital Collaboration Zoom

ITS's offering is based on two central pillars: Zoom focuses on the topic of video conferen-
Microsoft Teams for research, outreach and cing and offers reliable, high-quality and at
administration, Zoom for teaching. In addition, the same time simple solutions. Zoom sup-
we offer numerous complementary solutions ports up to 300 participants (standard for
at the local workplace (UC, Matrix Riot/Ele- each ETH Zoom account), 1,000 participants
ments) as well as for groups (Google Work- with additional licence. Meeting participants
spaces including hardware) and professional can share their screens. Private or public
solutions in various video conference rooms. groups can be created, files approved and
content shared via the chat. Using breakout
Microsoft Teams rooms, Zoom meetings can be divided into se-
Microsoft 365 is the collaboration and commu- veral separate sessions, e.g. for group work. .
nication tool of the Microsoft company. Within
Microsoft 365, MS Teams is the central pla- Please note
ce for digital collaboration. Microsoft Teams Special regulations for data protection and
enables group chats, joint work on documents, licensing apply to the use of cloud services.
video and telephone conferences, online mee- The activation of cloud services or of certain
tings and much more. At the centre of the va- functionalities within cloud services that do
rious functions of Microsoft Teams are the so- not meet the required guidelines (including
called Teams. These are groups that include data protection) may be restricted by ETH IT
people inside or outside a company or orga- Services.
nisation. For example, members of a depart-
ment, a project or a learning community can
be gathered in a team. A team can be further
divided into topic-based channels.
24 IT Services  Services & Organisations


ITEK Interns
ITEK (IT expert commission) is a committee ITS trains IT specialists with special focus on
that deals with IT concerns at ETH. Members platform development (formerly system tech-
include departmental IT support supervisors, nology), application development and media
representatives from ETH Library, Corporate technology as well as in Commerce. The va-
Communications and LET (Teaching Develop- riety of equipment and tasks as well as the
ment and Technology) as well as the ITS Direc- dedicated staff provide an ideal environment
tor and section heads. ITEK establishes task for an interesting apprenticeship.
groups to work on current issues and advises At Hönggerberg there is an IT Training Lab and
the Executive Board on IT matters. Young 'n' Rising (an apprentice-led team).

IT-Women@ETH IT Security in everyday life

An initiative that originates from the women Information on current topics of information IT
of the IT Services. The network is aimed at all security can be found on our websites
women who are involved with IT at ETH and in
ETH-related areas.
IT Services  Services & Organisations 25

ITS Sections

ITS Applications (APPS) ITS Corporate Centre (CCR)

Services include email, groupware, hosting of CCR provides ETH Zurich-wide support in IT
websites, databases and applications as well procurement & compliance, software asset
as responsibility for the operation of the ETH management (SAM), contract and supplier ma-
homepage (WCMS) and for platforms such as nagement in the area of IT goods & services.
SharePoint and blogs. The portfolio includes CCR is responsible for the IT Service Catalo-
conception, information technology implemen- gue, Service Management Office (SMO) and
tation and further development of the central Business Relationship Office (BRO). Another
operational information system (OIS), the iden- area of responsibility is project management,
tity management system (IAM), systems for including the Project Management Office. CCR
LET (teaching development and technology) is also responsible for the Cloud Service Cen-
as well as developments in the area of the web tre, IT Finance & Controlling, IT QM, IT Training
content management system of ETH Zurich. and the IT Training Lab.
This includes information technology support,
or - after appropriate agreements - the hand-
ling of SW-related projects for the Executive
Board, units in the departmental organisation
and the central bodies. This may include SW
system architecture, system integration, ap-
plication and interface development as well
as the implementation of IT projects.
26 IT Services  Services & Organisations

ITS Customer Experience and Solutions (CxS) ITS Infrastructure (INFRA)

CxS is responsible for user support and IT INFRA is responsible for the security of the
workstation management in research depart- data and voice networks and the telephony
ments, the central administrative units and at terminals connected to them, as well as for
ETH-related units. In addition, CxS manages the planning, installation and maintenance
the central computer workspaces and is re- of all data and voice networks at ETH Zurich.
sponsible for the IT infrastructure of online This in the campus networks as well as in
examinations. The Service Desk, client engi- the integration of all external properties into
neering (Windows, macOS and Linux) and the the ETH data network and from ETH Zurich
operation of the multifunction printers round to the Internet. It is responsible for providing
off the portfolio of tasks. CxS is in direct con- services in the areas of storage and servers
tact with students and IT users in the various with the provision, set-up and management
academic and administrative areas. It is the of the virtualisation infrastructure as well
point of contact for all operational IT matters, as the storage, administration and backup of
answers questions and solves problems itself data. INFRA provides audio and video services
if possible or forwards them to the appropria- such as audiovisual infrastructure in lecture
te specialist departments. halls and seminar rooms, equipment lending
pool, live streaming, broadcasting and recor-
ding of lectures and events. It produces videos
in various formats (image film, documentary,
teaching, learning video, tutorial) on site or in
the ETH video studio and operates the ETH
Zurich video portal. The video conferencing
IT Services  Services & Organisations 27

service supports cross-site communication

and collaboration, both in special rooms and
at the workplace.

ITS Scientific IT Services (SIS)

SIS provides research-related IT services for
computationally and data-intensive research
at ETH Zurich. SIS offers a broad portfolio
of services that has been developed and re-
fined together with its scientific customers.
The portfolio includes resources for scienti-
fic computing (HPC), as well as services for
scientific data management (including LIMS
and ELN functionalities). SIS provides advice
and support on scientific computing, software
and data management, as well as data science
methods, and offers training on these topics.
SIS provides a secure data platform for wor-
king with strictly confidential research data
and helps - by individual agreement - with the
creation, adaptation and optimisation of scien-
tific software, as well as its integration into
workflows for data acquisition and evaluation.
28 IT Services  Services & Organisations

Organisation Chart

Chief IT Security Officer

Strategic Projects
PR & Communications
Assistant to the Director

ITS Head Office

Quality Management

Human Resources
IT Services  Services & Organisations 29

ITS Corporate Centre ITS Scientific

IT Services

› IT Procurement and › ITS High Performance

Compliance Computing
› ITS Portfolio › Scientific Software and
Management Data Management
› ITS Project Management › Computational and Data
Science Support
› ITS Financial Services
› Research IT Platforms

ITS Applications ITS Customer Expe- ITS Infrastructure

rience and Solutions

› Software Project › Service Desk › Network Installations

Services and Planning
› ZO-Support
› SAP Development › Data Networks
› ITS Managed Services
› Network Applications
› Operational Information › ITS Services for D-BIOL
Systems › IT Security Center
› ITS Services for D-GESS
› IAM and eServices › Voice Networks
› ITS Services for D-MAVT
› WCMS and Mobile › Server
Applications › ITS Services for D-MTEC
› Storage
› Messaging › Client Delivery › Multimedia Technologies
› Windows Services › ITS Printing › Multimedia Production
› Hosting
30 IT Services  Services & Organisations

ITS Locations TUR


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IT Services  Services & Organisations 31

1   HG, Rämistrasse 101

ITS Service Desk Counter HG E11
ITS Infrastructure / Multimedia

2   WET, Weinbergstrasse 43
ITS Infrastructure
ITS Scientific IT Services

3   ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg

ITS Infrastructure / Multimedia
ITS Customer Experience and Solutions

4   OCTAVO, Binzmühlestrasse 130

Head Office IT Services
ITS Applications
ITS Corporate Centre
ITS Customer Experience and Solutions
ITS Infrastructure
ITS Scientific IT Services

  ITS Customer Experience and Solutions

Various ETH buildings & locations
ETH Zurich
IT Services
Binzmühlestrasse 130
8092 Zürich

IT Services of ETH
ITS /  IT Service Catalogue

ITS Image Film

Newsletter inside|out "IT News at ETH"

ITS Blog "News and more…"

IT Security in everyday life "PROTECT YOUR BRAINWORK."

Issued by IT Services
Editor Sabine Hoffmann, ITS Head Office, PR & Communications
Web-Version 1.2 (February 2022)
Copies Printed 300 (1.2/2022)
Order brochures at

© ITS Head Office, ETH Zurich, February 2022

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