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ĐỀ 1
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from
the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. remedy B. expectancy C. sensor D. renewable
2. A. process B. discussion C. stress D. assistance
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. police B. attract C. signal D. discuss
4. A. purchase B. contain C. suggest D. reflect
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
5. Dreams are commonly made up of either visual and verbal images.
6. John composes not only the music, but also sings the songs for the major Broadway musicals.
7. Even on the most careful prepared trip, problems will sometimes develop.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
8. A new school_______. They hope to finish building it next month.
A. is being built B. has been built C. is built D. was built
9. We object__________your leaving dinner to take phone calls.
A. for B. on C. to D. with
10. This shirt is_______that one.
A. a bit less expensive B. as much expensive as
C. not nearly as expensive as D. much far expensive than
11. Please take all personal belongings with you_________leaving the train
A. when B. what C. whom D. which
12. It is still unclear________the Mayor will accept the recommendations of the City Council.
A. yet B. about C. before D. whether
13. The PTA _________ parents and teachers who support the schoolby fund raising and other
A. which group of B. that is a group of
C. it is a group of D. is a group of
14. We are considering having _______ for the coming New Year.
A. redecorated our flat B. to redecorate our flat
C. our flat to be redecorated D. our flat redecorated
15. In Vietnam, two or more _________ may live in a home.
A. generations B. generous C. generalizations D. generators
16. In a formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye _________ with the interviewers.

Trang 1

A. contact B. touch C. link D. connection

17. The small,_________farms of New England were not appropriate for the Midwest.
A. self-supporting B. self-supported
C. supporting themselves D. they support themselves
18. Too many factories dispose_________their waste by pumping it into rivers and the sea.
A. out B. of C. away D. off
19. We expected her at nine but she finally_________at midnight.
A. turned up B. came off C. came to D. turned out
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each
of the following exchanges.
20. “Can I carry these suitcases into the room for you?” - “_________”
A. You can't, I think! B. No, you can’t.
C. Yes, you can. D. Can you? That’s very kind.
21. A: “I think it is a good idea to have three or four generations living under one roof.
B: “_________. Family members can help each other a lot.”
A. It’s not true B. That’s wrong
C. I couldn't agree more D. I don’t agree
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. They are going to suffer a lot of criticism for increasing bus fare by so much.
A. get into B. stand in with C. come in for D. put
23. Roger’s Thesaurus,a collection of English words and phrases, was originally arranged by
the ideas they express rather than by alphabetical order.
A. unless B. instead of C. restricted D. as well as
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. “The table is too heavy for me to move alone.”
A. light B. easy C. old D. bulky
25. The breadfruit does well in hot and humid climates.
A. arid B. watery C. soaked D. moist
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
26. We stayed in that hotel despite the noise.
A. Despite the hotel is noisy, we stayed there.
B. We stayed in the noisy hotel and we liked it.
C. No matter how noisy the hotel was, we stayed there.
D. Because of the noise, we stayed in the hotel.
27. Everybody thinks that Frank stole the money.
A. Everyone was suspected to steal Frank’s money.
B. Frank’s money was thought to be stolen.

Trang 2

C. Everyone suspects Frank of stealing the money.

D. Frank suspects everyone of stealing the money.
28. My family doesn’t normally go into town by car.
A. My family is used to going to town by car.
B. My family is not used to going to town by car.
C. My family used to go to town by car.
D. My family didn’t use to go into town by car.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
29. He wanted to give the ball a powerful kick. He used the top of his foot.
A. He gave the ball a powerful kick to use the top of his foot.
B. Using the top of his foot, he kicked a powerful ball.
C. What he wants to do is give the ball a powerful kick and use the top of his foot.
D. He used the top of his foot to give the ball a powerful kick.
30. We didn’t want to swim in the river. It looked very dirty.
A. We didn’t want to swim in the river, where looked very dirty.
B. We didn’t want to swim in the river, which looked very dirty.
C. We didn’t want to swim in the river, in which looked very dirty.
D. We didn’t want to swim in the river, that looked very dirty.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Fashioning Goes High-Tech
Fashion is no longer something that is just made of cloth or leather. These days it has become something
that needs batteries and is often connected to the Internet. When it comes to high-tech fashion, it might be (31)
_______________________________________to your wrist or resting on the bridge of your
nose, and it is doing a lot more than just (32)___________you look stylish.
Google was one of the first to burst on the scene with a fashionable item that was also very (33) .
Google Glass, which looks like glasses, allows wearers to do all sorts of
things, from seeing information in a simple viewer to simply saying out loud, “Take a picture.” What you are
seeing in the picture that will be taken, (34)_______________________Google Glass heard you
through its microphone and has a built-in camera. If you ask a question, you will (35) the answer in the tiny
screen displayed before one eye. Google Glass uses Bluetooth technology to communicate with a smartphone,
so it is not a stand-alone item.
3 A. fastened B.joined C. attached D. placed
3 A. making B. doing C. performing D.
3 A. attractive B. functional C. durable causing
3 capable
A. therefore B. although C. so
3 A. show B. be shown C. find because
5 found
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Trang 3

The Internet: Changing Everything

Let’s do a little experiment: Take five minutes, and find some information about Angola. How did you get
your information? How much information were you able to get? Chances are, you probably just went online
and typed the word “Angola”. You were probably able to find out all sorts of things. This experiment shows
us how useful the Internet is.
Over the last 20 years, the Internet has changed the way that we live, work, and study. The biggest change
has been the way that we access information. Twenty years ago, you would have needed an encyclopedia to
learn about Angola. If you had wanted information, you would have had to get out of your chair, open your
encyclopedia, and look up the word “Angola”. Today all you need is about five seconds and you’ll have the
exact same information. This technology makes work a lot faster and more efficient.
It has also made information storage a lot easier and neater. Twenty years ago, offices had papers and files
all over the place. If you wanted to find a file, you had to open a desk drawer and find the right piece of paper.
Today, many of us keep our files in cloud storage. Cloud storage is a technology that lets people store files on
the Internet. All you have to do is to sign into the site, and you can find all of your files in seconds.
Another big change is communication. These days more and more people are working from home. People
have “home offices”. They just do their work at their house and e-mail it to their company. It makes life a lot
Some people don’t like these changes. They say that life is too convenient these days, and it is making
people lazy. However, most people think that even if this technology makes us a little easier, it still has more
benefits than disadvantages. In the end, it doesn’t matter what we think. The Internet has changed all of our
lives forever.
36. If you use cloud storage, where are your files?
A. On the Internet B. In your desk
C. On an airplane D. On your computer
37. Why do some people dislike the changes that have come from the Internet?
A. They think that the Internet makes life too stressful.
B. They think that the Internet makes people too smart.
C. They think that the Internet is too hard to use.
D. They think that the Internet makes people lazy.
38. What does the word “chances” in paragraph 1 mean?
A. Probably B. Probably not C. Definitely D. Definitely not
39. The word “they” in paragraph 5 refers to________.
A. Computers B. People C. Opinions D. Changes
40. All of the following are the benefits of using the Internet in communication EXCEPT
A. people can send e-mail to each other very quickly
B. the Internet can make communication between great distances more convenient
C. the Internet keeps huge amounts of data in cloud storage
D. the social network makes communication more interesting
41. What is another way of saying the last two sentences of the passage?

Trang 4

A. The Internet is changing all the time.

B. The Internet is changing the way that we think.
C. Some people say that they don’t like the Internet, but they actually like it.
D. No matter what we think, the Internet is changing our lives.
42. All of the following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT that_________.
A. encyclopedia was a great source of knowledge
B. some people don’t like the Internet because they are lazy to learn
C. files in an office used to take a lot of space
D. we can get information about any subject by using the Internet
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Are Human Beings Getting Smarter?
Do you think you are smarter than your parents or grandparents? According to James Flynn, a professor at
a New Zealand university, you might be. Over the course of the last century, IQ test scores of people in some
countries have got increasingly better - on average, three points better for every decade that has passed. This
trend of improving scores is known as “the Flynn effect,” and scientists want to know what is behind it.
IQ tests and other similar tests are designed to measure general intelligence rather than knowledge. Flynn
knew that intelligence is partly inherited from our parents and partly the result of our environment and
experiences, but the improvement in test scores was happening too quickly to be explained by heredity. So
what happened in the 20th century that led to higher test scores?
Scientists have proposed several explanations for the Flynn effect. Some suggest that the improved test
scores simply reflect an increased exposure to tests in general. Because we take so many tests, we learn test-
taking techniques that help us perform better. Others have pointed to better nutrition, which results in babies
being born larger, healthier, and with more brain development than in the past. Another possible explanation
is a change in educational styles - children are encouraged to discover things for themselves rather than just
memorizing information. This could prepare people to do the kind of problem-solving that intelligence tests
Flynn himself suggested that learning new technologies may have improved people’s problem-solving
skills. This may be true for the first decade of his tests, when IQ scores in many countries increased. However,
in recent years, IQ test scores in some countries have begun to decline. Data from Norway, the Netherlands,
Australia, and Great Britain have shown that as these countries become more and more modern, IQ scores
have begun to drop.
While scientists aren’t sure what is causing this decline, they think technology is dramatically changing
the way that we learn and get information. For example, people are now able to access all kinds of
information easily using online resources like Google or Wikipedia. The danger is when they start to rely too
much on these sources of information, and not do any thinking for themselves. Lifestyle changes that come
with modem technology may also have a negative effect on intelligence, such as video games and television
making people less social.
So while the world may have got smarter over the 20th century, improving technology and changing lifestyles
may soon reverse that trend.

Trang 5

Note: heredity (n) = the process by which features and characteristics are passed on to you from your parents
through your genes
43. What best describes the Flynn effect?
A. a way to measure intelligence
B. an increase in IQ test scores
C. a way of teaching university students
D. an explanation for why people are less smart
44. The Flynn effect is probably the result of________.
A. heredity B. our environment and experiences
C. taking fewer tests D. memorizing information
45. IQ test evaluate our________.
A. knowledge B. environment C. intelligence D. memories
46. The word “exposure” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. being influenced by something
B. attention from newspapers or TV
C. the act of making something public
D. the amount of light received
47. Who does the word “others” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. babies B. scientists
C. people in general D. people who take tests
48. The writer uses video games as an example of how_________.
A. we are becoming less social
B. technology increases problem-solving skills
C. people don’t think for themselves
D. countries are becoming more technologically advanced
49. Which sentence gives the main idea of the passage?
A. This trend of improving scores is known as ‘”the Flynn effect,” and scientists want to know what is
behind it.
B. Because we take so many tests, we learn test-taking techniques that help us perform better.
C. However, in recent years, IQ test scores in some countries have begun to decline.
D. Lifestyle changes that come with modem technology may also have a negative effect on intelligence.
50. Which statement would the writer probably agree with?
A. People today are more intelligent in every way.
B. People today have fewer problems to solve.
C. People today don’t take enough tests.
D. People today use computers too much.

Trang 6

1 D 2 B 3 C 4 A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10 C
1 A 12 D 13 D 14 D 15 A 16 A 17 A 18 B 19 A 20 D
21 C 22 . C 23. B 24. A 25. A .
26 C .
27 C 28. B .
29 D .
30 B
31 C 32 . A 33. B 34. D 35. B .
36 A .
37 D 38. A .
39 B .
40 C
41 D 42 . B 43. B 44. B 45. C .
46 C .
47 B 48. A .
49 D .
50 D
5. C both 6. A not only composes 7. B carefully Notes:
18. dispose of sth = vứt bỏ, tống khứ
31. attach something to something = gắn, dán
33. functional (a) = thiết thực, thực dụng, có ích

Trang 7

ĐỀ 2
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. longevity B. immune C. nutrition D. prescription
2. A. disease B. leisure C. physical D. preserve
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. elegant B. argument C. compassion D. comfortable
4. A. beneficial B. conservative C. experienced D. responsible
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. National parks including land for animal grazing, as well as wilderness areas with scenic
mountains and lakes.
6. Ducks are less susceptible to infection than others types of poultry.
7. Mary said her friends that she would never walk alone in the forest after dark.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. By the 20th of this month, I_________here for exactly two years.
A. will have been worked B. will work
C. will be working D. will have worked
9. We are worried_________the current situation of environmental pollution in our country.
A. of B. about C. on D. at
10. Total weight of all the ants in the world is much greater than_________.
A. all human beings B. all human beings is that
C. that of all human beings D. is of all human beings
11. _________anyone wish to access the information on the status of his or her order, the
password should be entered.
A. If B. Should C. Whether D. As though
12. Betty can speak French________ than Nancy.
A. as fluently B. fluently C. more fluently D. most fluently
13. Bill asked Tom________.
A. where is he B. where he is going
going D. where was he going views do Americans
C. where he and Asians have about love and marriage?
was going B. traditionally C. traditionalism D. traditional
14. What____ _____industry provides the third largest source of revenue for the North
A. tradition


15. Morocco’s _
Africa country.


A. tour B. touring C. tourism D. tour’s

16. I didn’t enjoy this book on how to succeed in business. It wasn’t very_________
A. well typed B. poorly written C. good written D. well written
17. Members of my family share the________
A. homework B. hometown C. household D. housework
18. The weather was fine, and everyone was _____the coast.
A. going for B. making for C. joining in D. seeing about
19. “We’d better _ if we want to get there in time.”
A. take up B. turn down C. speed up D. put down
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Peter: “________” - Dick: “Sorry, Brian is not her.”
A. Can I leave a message then? B. Can I take a message then?
C. Can I speak to Brian, please? D. Would you like to leave a message?
21. Diana: “I didn’t know you could play the guitar so well. Your tune was lovely!”
- Peter: “_________”
A. You’re welcome.
B. I bought it near my house.
C. You must be kidding. I thought it was terrible.
D. You told a kid. I was playing better than that.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. According to Freud, dreams can be interpreted as the fulfillment of wishes.
A. attainment B. performance C. conclusion D. completion
23. My elder sister failed her final exam, which depressed my parents.
A. embarrassed B. satisfied C. pleased D. disappointed
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Names of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity.
A. reveal B. conserve C. presume D. cover
25. During the five-decade history, the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects.
A. holding at B. holding back C. holding by D. holding to
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Your refusal to attend the party made everyone sad.
A. Everyone felt sad attending the party.
B. Everyone felt sad when you refused to attend the party.
C. Your attendance at the party made everyone feel sad.
D. You made everyone sad about your refusal to have the party.
27. Who made you work so hard yesterday?


A. Who forced you to work so hard yesterday?

B. Why did you work so hard yesterday?
C. What made you work so hard yesterday?
D. How could you work so hard yesterday?
28. Despite his inexperience in the field, John applied for the job.
A. John was unable to do the job because he was inexperienced.
B. John applied for the job because he has experience in the field.
C. John did not apply for the job because of his inexperience in the field.
D. John applied for the job even though he had no experience in the field.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. Transportation has been made much easier thanks to the invention of cars. However, cars are
the greatest contributor of air pollution.
A. Although the invention of cars has made transportation much easier, cars are the greatest
contributor of air pollution.
B. However easier the invention of cars has made transportation, it is cars that are among
the greatest contributors of air pollution.
C. The invention of cars has made transportation much easier, but cars are among the
greatest contributors of air pollution.
D. Although the invention of cars has made transportation much easier, people use cars to
contribute to the pollution of air.
30. All the homes of the residents had been damaged by the flood. They were given help by the
Red Cross.
A. The residents, all of whose homes had been damaged by the flood, were given help by
the Red Cross.
B. The residents, all of their homes had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the
Red Cross.
C. The residents, all their homes had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the
Red Cross.
D. The residents, all whose homes had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the
Red Cross.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to Indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Finding Beauty in The City
Cities are known to have lives of their own, and photographers are able to (31)_____________
some of it. Whether taking shots of people walking on a crowded street or time-lapse shots of cars
driving at night, the (32) ________________ photos can be breathtaking. Because many of the
shots taken are of man-made objects like architecture, many emotions that come into (33)
__________wouldn’t be found in nature photography. Photos can show the wonder of a child
staring at a fountain as water shoots upward in the sunlight. They can also show the sadder side,
such as a camp of homeless people living in terrible poverty. (34)______________of what they


show, there is always beauty to be found, even if it is beauty in something that is showing an ugly
Depending on the time of the day, photos taken in an urban environment can change
drastically. To see the (35)___________of a building as its shadow is cast on the lawn of a park
is always amazing to see.
3 A. capture B. catch C. seize D. see
31 A. causing B. mentioning C. involving D. resulting
23 A. practice B. action C. play D. work
33 A. Regardless B. Due to C. Without D. Unaware
43 D.
A. edge B. outline C. line
5 description
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Stones that Move
The American southwest is full of deserts. If you ever go there, you might get to see a very
strange event. We are talking something called the sailing stones.
Sometimes, stones in the southwestern desert move by themselves. Wind doesn’t seem to
push them. People and animals don’t touch them. However, these stones still move. Sometimes
they travel more than a hundred meters. They always leave a trail in the sand behind them. This
is useful because we can look at the trail and figure out how far a stone has moved.
How is this possible? How can stones move all by themselves? Scientists have been studying
this for years. People have offered all kinds of theories. One of the earliest theories was that wind
pushes the stones. That theory isn’t correct, because some of the stones weigh more than 300
kilograms. When it seemed like there was no logical explanation for the sailing stones, people
started coming up with crazier ideas. Some people said that aliens were moving the stones, and
others said that clever people were playing a joke.
Finally, in 2013, a scientist came up with an explanation for the sailing stones. This scientist
normally studies weather on other planets, and when he heard about the sailing stones, he became
interested in them. He found out that ice forms on the bottom of the stones. When that happens,
even a very light wind can push the stone for long distances.
To prove his theory, the scientist did an experiment. He put a rock in his freezer and let some
ice form on it. Then, he put sand and a little water in a tray. Finally, he put his frozen rock on top
of the sand. When he blew on the rock, it moved. Even when he blew very gently, he had no
problems moving the rock.
Here is something interesting about the sailing stones. Curious people visit the desert in the
southwest to see them. A lot of those people don’t like to hear the scientific explanation for the
sailing stones. Many people prefer to feel that the stones are still a mystery.
36. What was the first theory about the sailing stones?
A. People were playing a joke.
B. Wind pushed them.
C. Ice formed on the bottoms of the stones.


D. Aliens were pushing the stones.

37. What kind of work did the scientist do before he studied the sailing stones?
A. He looked for life on other planets.
B. He studied weather in deserts.
C. He sold freezers.
D. He studied weather on other planets.
38. Why is it useful that the stones leave a trail?
A. We can know how fast the stones traveled.
B. We can know who is moving them.
C. We can know how heavy the stones are.
D. We can know how far they traveled.
39. The word “trail” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________. '
A. a road B. a rail C. a path D. a distance
40. The word “that” in paragraph 4 refers to________.
A. stone sailing B. ice forming C. the bottom D. an experiment
41. What does the last paragraph tell us?
A. Some people prefer to believe that the sailing stones are still a mystery.
B. Many people don’t believe the scientist’s theory about ice.
C. Fewer people are interested in the sailing stones because they are not a mystery
D. Many scientists have different explanations about the sailing stones.
42. What can be inferred from the scientist’s experiment?
A. The light wind can move very small rocks.
B. Sand and water in a tray makes rocks move.
C. The experiment in the freezer is far different from the real situation.
D. The friction between the stones and the ice is small.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Film and the Novel: Twilight
When a popular book gets made into a movie, there will always be a debate about whether
the novel or film is better. The filmmakers always have to consider certain things: do they want to
follow the book closely to please dedicated readers, or do they want to change parts of the book if
they don’t translate well on-screen? No matter what they do, there will always be people who feel
the movie will never be as good as the book, people who will love the movie without ever reading
the book, and people who enjoy both.
The vampire series Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer, became so popular that movie companies
wanted to produce it for the big screen. Most Twilight fans were excited about seeing characters
such as Edward and Bella “come to life,” but there were other fans who did not trust the movie
script. They assumed the scriptwriters would change parts of the story to make it seem more
interesting as a movie.


By the time the first Twilight movie was released, millions of people had read the series.
Many of these people went on to watch the film, which made $35.7 million just on its opening
day. While many fans and critics liked it and said the movie more or less followed the book’s
storyline, some fans were not impressed. One change that angered them was that certain sound
effects were added to the movie, such as a “whooshing” sound when the vampires jumped. This
was not mentioned in the book, and many fans felt that it was too distracting.
Those who liked the movie said that they enjoyed the light mood and excitement. This was
very different from the book. The writing in Twilight is dark and gloomy, like many vampire
novels. The movie, however, added more energy to the story and more personality to the
characters. For example, many characters in the book are portrayed as being quiet, and they spend
most of their time at school. But in the movie, the characters are cooler and funnier - one scene
even shows them going surfing together. The director of the first movie, Catherine Hardwicke,
thought it was important for the characters to be believable. She wanted them to have a wide
variety of emotions, since the series is for, and about, teenagers.
In the end, the films were considered a success, even if there were both happy and unhappy
fans. It’s a great accomplishment to make films that are watched by millions of people, and you
can’t expect to be able to please everyone all of the time.
43. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. It takes a long time to make books into movies.
B. Filmmakers prefer to make movies out of popular books.
C. People will always compare movies to the books.
D. Many people will see a movie without reading the book.
44. Why does the passage say fans were excited to see the movie?
A. to see how the story would change
B. to see which actors would play their favourite characters
C. to see real people acting out the story
D. to see if the movie would be better than the books
45. The passage discusses vampires jumping________.
A. as an example of a sound effect
B. as an example of a change that displeased fans
C. because it was a special effect and not real
D. to say how scary the movie was
46. The book Twilight is described as very________.
A. exciting B. serious C. fun D. funny
47. According to the passage, what was NOT changed for the movie?
A. storyline B. mood C. characters D. sound effects
48. The word “energy” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to________.
A. the power to drive something B. attention to something
C. the ability to be very active D. the magical power
49. The word “them” in paragraph 4 refers to the________.


A. directors B. actors C. characters D. fans

50. What best describes this passage?
A. a comparison of a book and a movie
B. a review of a movie
C. an introduction of a book
D. a discussion of how books are made into movies


1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
1 B 12 C 13 C 14 D 15 C 16 D 17. D 18 B 19. C 20. C
21 C .
22 D .
23 D .
24 A .
25 .
B 26 B 27. A 28. D 29. A 30. A
31 A .
32 D .
33 C .
34 A .
35 .
B 36 B 37. D 38. D 39. C 40. B
41 A .
42 D .
43 C .
44 C .
45 .
B 46 B 47. A 48. C 49. C 50. A
18. make for = đi về (hướng nào)
33. come into play = có hiệu quả, có tác dụng
35. outline (n) = đường nét, hình dáng; the outline of a building = hình bóng của một toà nhà

Trang 9

ĐỀ 3
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. change B. preparation C. climate D. related
2. A. capture B. catastrophic C. atmosphere D. shortage
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. accident B. reference C. coincide D. formulate
4. A. environment B. economy C. publication D. equality
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Of all seashore plants, seaweeds are best able to tolerate long periods out of water, followed
by long periods covering by water.
6. Because parents did not satisfy with the explanation given by the bus driver, they were
asking for an official investigation into the accident.
7. Deforestation is occurring most rapid in tropical regions of the world.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. Tom said that he_________his motorbike the day before.
A. had lost B. lost C. has lost D. lose
9. Drying flowers is the best way_________them.
A. preserved B. by preserving C. preserve D. to preserve
10. Traditionally, Americans and Asians have very different ideas ________ love and marriage.
A. to B. at C. about D. m
11. Swimming is a beneficial exercise,_________aerobic activity and uses a number of muscle
A. not only because it provides B. because it both provides
C. for provision D. as a result of providing
12. The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader
A. the domestic marketer has B. the domestic marketer does
C. those of the domestic marketer D. that which has the domestic marketer
13. The collapse of tin prices in the 1980s destroyed the tin-mining industry,_________former
employees have since turned in desperation to growing cocoa.
A. all of whom B. none of their


C. several of its D. many of whose

14. ________a research team is an effective way to prepare for class preparation of social
studies such as history, geography, literature, and economics.
A. Form B. Forms C. Forming D. Formed
15. We bought some________.
A. German lovely old glasses B. German old lovely glasses
C. lovely old German glasses D. old lovely German glasses
16. We are going to have a trip to Ha Noi. We need to____________arrangements for the trip
A. do B. make C. get D. pay
17. When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty__________paintings were destroyed,
including two by Van Gogh.
A. worthless B. priceless C. valueless D. worthy
18. When it started to snow, he_________his overcoat.
A. took out B. put off C. took off D. put on
19. The meeting has been put_________to Friday as so many people have got the flu.
A. up B. in C. out D. back
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Ann: How well you are playing, Peter!
A. Say it again. I like to hear your words.
B. Thank you too much.
C. I think so. I’m proud of myself.
D. Many thanks. That’s a nice compliment.
21. Jennifer: “I believe that supermarkets are much better than traditional markets.”
Katherine: “_________. Each has its own features.”
A. I couldn’t agree with you more. B. That’s completely true.
C. I disagree with you. D. I can’t help thinking the same.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The whole village was wiped out in the bombing raids.
A. changed completely B. cleaned well
C. destroyed completely D. removed quickly
23. A brief outline of the course and bibliography were handed out to the students at the first
A. discarded B. showed up C. distributed D. contributed
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Punctuality is imperative in your new job.
A. Being late B. Being cheerful C. Being efficient D. Being courteous

Trang 2

25. Polluted water and increased water temperatures have driven many species to the verge of
A. Enriched B. Contaminated C. Purified D. Strengthened
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. I couldn't help laughing when he told me that story.
A. The story he told me did not help at all.
B. I did not laugh when hearing that story.
C. I couldn't help him tell that story.
D. I couldn't resist laughing when he told me that story.
27. She feels happy because of her coming birthday party.
A. She feels happy to come to a birthday party.
B. Her coming birthday party makes her happy.
C. Because she was born she feels happy.
D. Her birthday party will happily come.
28. “That's a lovely new dress, Jean,” said her mother.
A. Jean's mother said she liked her dress.
B. Jean's mother complimented her on the lovely new dress.
C. Jean's mother wanted to buy a lovely new dress.
D. Jean's mother told her to buy that lovely new dress.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. The government has little money. It can’t deal with the many social problems.
A. The government has little money because it can’t deal with the many social problems.
B. The government has little money with which to deal the many social problems.
C. The government has little money, but it can deal with the many social problems.
D. The government has little money so that it can’t deal with the many social problems.
30. Pollution diminishes the quality of our lives. That is hard to deny.
A. It’s pollution that diminishes the quality of our lives is hard to deny.
B. Pollution diminishes the quality of our lives is hard to deny.
C. It’s hard to deny that pollution diminishes the quality of our lives.
D. It’s hard to deny pollution that diminishes the quality of our lives.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Native American Beauty
All native peoples create artworks that use what is (31)____________to them in terms of local
resources. In the Americas, the aboriginal people created handicrafts that had both a cultural and
an artistic significance. These beautiful crafts were made by master Native American craftsmen,
and their skills have been (32)____________________down through countless generations.
Religious or spiritual beliefs can play a major role in the arts and handicrafts of all people.

Trang 3

One example of a Native American handicraft is made of a willow branch and thin strips of
leather. The branch is formed into a circular (33)___________that is meant to hang in a person’s
living area. Often (34)___________with feathers on the outside of the circle, it is called a dream
catcher. It is related to the belief that these special crafts could catch bad dreams sent by the
spirits. To Native Americans, dreams were special (35)___________sent from the great beyond.
The dream catcher would allow good dreams to pass through it; however, nightmares would be
caught and then released with the first morning light.
3 A. ready B. available C.abundant D. sufficient
31 A. come B. brought C. left D. passed
23 A. model B. arrangement C. design D.
33 A. decorate B. to be decorated C. decorated decoration
43 decorating
A. messages B. ideas C. news
5 information
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
The Most Powerful Force in Space
A black hole is a spot in space that has incredibly powerful gravity. A black hole’s gravity is
so strong that it pulls everything nearby into it. It can pull stars, planets, and other things. Nothing
can escape a black hole. In fact, they are so powerful that even light cannot escape them.
Scientists first started talking about black holes in the year 1783. That year, one scientist said
that in the universe, there might be places with gravity strong enough to trap light. However, that
scientist didn’t use the term “black hole”. The term “black hole” was invented in 1967.
Black holes are formed when a star dies. When a star dies, it collapses. When that happens, a
huge amount of matter crowds into a very small space. The matter becomes very, very dense.
How much matter are we talking about? Imagine a star that is the size of ten suns. Imagine fitting
that amount of matter into New York City. That is what a black hole is like. Its gravity is so
powerful because it has so much matter.
However, not all black holes are huge. Scientists believe that some black holes are the size of
atoms. Although these black holes are tiny, they might have the same amount of matter that a
mountain has.
We can’t see black holes because they don’t have any light. They are completely invisible.
Scientists can guess where black holes are by studying nearby stars and planets. If gravity seems
to be pulling the stars and planets to one spot, then scientists believe that the spot is a black hole.
Some people wonder if a black hole could ever destroy the Earth. We do not need to worry
about that. There is no black hole that is close enough to destroy the Earth. The closest black hole
is about 7,800 light years away. In addition, the sun is not big enough to create a black hole.
36. When are black holes formed?
A. When a new star is formed B. When a planet collapses

Trang 4

C. When two suns crash into each other D. When a star dies
37. How do scientists study black holes?
A. They look at nearby stars. B. They look at the black holes
C. They look at the sun. D. They visit the black holes.
38. Which statement is NOT true?
A. Black holes have very little matter. B. Black holes can be big or small.
C. We can’t see black holes. D. Nothing can escape a black hole
39. Which of the following CAN’T be inferred from the passage?
A. Scientists started studying a black hole in 1967.
B. A black hole is invisible because it traps light.
C. The movement of stars and planets are affected by a nearby black hole
D. A black hole gets its name because it does not have any light.
40. The word “them” in paragraph 1 refers to________.
A. planets B. gravitation C. empty spaces D. black holes
41. The word “collapses” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A. fails B. falls inwards
C. breaks down D. becomes unconscious
42. What would be another good title for the passage?
A. Places without Gravity
B. Strong Enough to Pull a Planet
C. Will a Black Hole Destroy the Earth?
D. The Brightest Things in the Universe
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Organic Farming: The New Vacation
In 1971, Sue Coppard worked as a secretary in London. While she enjoyed city life, Sue also
missed the countryside where she spent most of her time as a child. So she offered to help out on
a farm, or more specifically, an organic farming programme organized by a nearby college. She
got a few people to volunteer as well, and they spent the weekend doing “housework,” which
involved clearing bushes and cleaning drains. Afterwards, the farm managers said they could
come back anytime to help out.
Sue put a small ad in a magazine, offering people the chance to volunteer at the organic farm.
The volunteer programme grew quickly, and soon other organic farmers joined in, asking for
people to help out. With so many people and farms involved, someone needed to organize the
different groups. A few of the original volunteers started WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities
on Organic Farms) to help volunteers and farmers find one another. Today, at least 50 different
countries have WWOOF organizations, and many other countries have individual farms that
participate in the movement.
While WWOOF is still a weekend activity for some, it now welcomes travellers and people
who visit to live and work on farms for longer periods of time. WWOOF volunteers can stay on a
farm for weeks or even months at a time in exchange for hands-on farming and gardening

Trang 5

experience. The work can be exhausting, but volunteers think it’s worth it. By working on farms,
the volunteers interact with farmers and develop a love for the outdoors and organic farming.
Many travellers now use WWOOFing as a way to visit new countries and experience new
As travellers will discover, every WWOOF opportunity is a bit different. In Serbia, you can
find Misa and Olja, a couple whose farm is known for its hard cheeses and for its bread made
from homegrown grains. Finca Amiruca, a farm in Ecuador, teaches volunteers how to grow
peanuts, plantains, and yucca. When volunteering in Japan, you may get to learn about growing
WWOOF is only one of the many unique volunteer opportunities available. Volunteering is
something that anyone can do, and a wide variety of organizations accept or even welcome
volunteers. So the next time you get the itch to be active on the weekend or on vacation, why not
look for a good cause to spend your energy on?
43. Why did Sue first work on a farm?
A. She was a student at the university. B. She needed money.
C. She missed the countryside. D. She did not enjoy the job.
44. More people joined the programme when Sue________.
A. put an advertisement in a magazine
B. hung posters at a school
C. asked friends and neighbours to come
D. offered to pay people to work
45. When living on a WWOOF farm, volunteers_________.
A. must pay the farm’s owner B. can stay for a long or short time
C. are given a special bedroom D. sleep outdoors
46. Which is NOT a change that WWOOF has undergone since it first started?
A. It has spread to many different countries.
B. It has many more people volunteering for it.
C. It allows people to stay for longer periods of time.
D. It is less tiring than it used to be.
47. The word “hands-on” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. decisive B. by hand C. skillful D. practical
48. The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to_______.
A. gardening B. working hard
C. gaining experience D. having no salary
49. What is special about the farm in Serbia?
A. It is the only farm in the country where rice is grown.
B. Peanuts, plantains, and yucca are grown on the farm.
C. It is an animal farm, with lots of pigs and cattle.
D. The people at the farm make cheese and bread.
50. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A. to introduce a new volunteer organization

Trang 6

B. to explain why working on a farm is good

C. to encourage readers to volunteer
D. to give one more detail about WWOOF

Trang 7


L C 2. A 3 C 4 C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C
1 B 12. C .
13 D .14. C 15 C 16 B 17 B 18. D 19. D 20. D
12 .23 .25 .26 27. B
C 22. C C 24. A C D 28. B 29. B 30. C
13 .33 .35 .36 37. A 38 A
B 32. D C 34. C A D 39. A 40. D
14 B 42. B .43 C 44. A .45 B .46 D 47. D 48. B 49. D 50. C
5.1 D covered________
. 6. A were not satisfied
. 7. B. rapidly . .
19. put something back = postpone = dời lại (thời gian), hoãn lại
31. available to someone = sẵn có để ai dùng
32. pass something down = truyền lại cho ai cái gì trước khi qua đời
35. message (n) = thông điệp, lời phán truyền (của thần, nhà tiên tri...)

Trang 8

ĐỀ 4
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. blind B. prioritize C. financial D. mobility
2. A. accessible B. experience C. special D. force
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. profile B. promote C. prefer D. regret
4. A. matchmaking B. teenager C. romantic D. reconciled
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Make sure that you have the words spell correctly; otherwise, your form won't be accepted.
6. Almost of the trees in this plantation have been cut down and burned.
7. Susan decided to not do her homework and went to a night-club.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. Could you please turn off the stove? The potatoes________for at least twenty minutes.
A. are boiling B. boiling
C. were boiling D. have been boiling
9. I will not be here next week. I am going to be________business in London.
A. about B. in C. on D. at
10. Little________he know how much suffering he has caused.
A. didn’t B. should C. won’t D. does
11. ________, he felt so unhappy and lonely.
A. Despite his wealthy B. Rich as was he
C. Rich as he was D. In spite of his being wealth
12. All commuters________the main highway to get to the center of the city will face delay of
up to an hour today because of on-going construction.
A. use B. used C. using D. will use
13. The world’s deepest cave, Pierre St. Martin in the Pyrenees Mountains, is almost three
A. as deep as the Empire State Building is
B. deeper than the Empire State Building is
C. is higher than the Empire State Building
D. as the Empire State Building’s height
14. Nowadays, most students use________calculators in their studies and examinations.
A. electrical B. electricity C. electric D. electronic


15. The Mountainview Hotel offers its guests a buffet breakfast every morning.
A. valuable B. situated C. D. complimentary
16. Water is________of two elements: hydrogen and oxygen.
A. consisted B. composed C. making D. comprising
17. I want to________a table at the Bamboo Restaurant.
A. maintain B. manage C. reserve
D. allow
18. I can’t problem. this noise any longer. I’m going to write a letter of complaint about this
A. get back to B. take away from C. put up with D. make out of
19. People are always advised to_________smoking because of its harm to their health.
A. cut down B. cut off C. cut in D. cut down on
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Lan: Let’s go to the cinema this evening.
A. We don't have any film. B. You went to the theater.
C. Let’s take the seat. D. I’ve seen the film already.
21. “How lovely your pets are!” - “_______”
A. Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so.
B. Really? They are always very nice.
C. Can you say that again?
D. I love them, too.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Within a week on display at the exhibition, the painting was hailed as a masterpiece.
A. a down-to-earth work of art B. an excellent work of art
C. an expensive work of art D. a large work of art
23. Hypertension is one of the most widespread and potentially dangerous diseases.
A. stretched B. popular C. common D. scattered
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. slow B. open C. unsure D. uninterested
25. “That is a well-behaved boy whose behaviour has nothing to complain about.”
A. behaving nice B. behaving cleverly
C. good behaviour D. behaving improperly
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. I haven’t got enough money, so I’m not going on holiday.
A. If I have enough money I would go on holiday.
B. If I had enough money I would go on holiday.

Trang 2

C. If I had had enough money I would go on holiday.

D. If I have had enough money I would go on holiday.
27. The noise next door did not stop until after midnight.
A. The noise next door didn’t stop during midnight.
B. The noise next door stopped after midnight.
C. The noise next door didn’t stop after midnight.
D. The noise next door didn’t stop at midnight.
28. Nobody at all came to the meeting.
A. Not many people came to the meeting.
B. Not a single person came to the meeting.
C. Only a few people came to the meeting.
D. There was almost nobody at the meeting.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. Many students like the lecture. Its subject is very interesting.
A. The subject of the lecture, which is very interesting, many students like.
B. The subject of the lecture, which many students like, is very interesting.
C. Many students like the lecture the subject of which is very interesting.
D. Many students like the lecture which subject is very interesting.
30. We had overslept. We missed the bus.
A. Having overslept so we couldn’t the bus.
B. Though we had overslept, we wouldn’t miss the bus.
C. If we hadn’t overslept, we wouldn’t miss the bus.
D. As a result of having overslept, we couldn’t catch the bus.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
A Healthy Way To Know A City
Maybe you are staying in a city, and there is no park nearby where you can take your morning
job. One of the more recent trend is to go on a running tour, but you are not leading the way.
Rather, a running (31)_______________who knows the best (32)____________in the city acts as
your guide. You are going out for a run, but you are also being shown highlights of the city while
you are doing it.
Guided running tours are a trend that seems to be catching (33)__________in quite a few of
the bigger cities in the United States. New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco are just three
of the major cities that have running tours in (34)_______________. They offer these tours to
individuals, groups, and even for corporate events. If you are going into a city with colleagues to
attend a business meeting or a convention, what better way is there to see the city and network
with others (35)_________________while taking a healthy run?
31. A. marathon B. sportsman C. enthusiasm D. enthusiast
32. A. ways B. routes C. directions D. approaches

Trang 3

33. A. on B. out C. up D. with

34. A. organization B. way C. place D. event
35. A. than B. even C. almost D. or
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
The World's Smallest Science
Have you ever noticed that our machines are getting smaller? Cell phones, cameras,
computers and everything else look smaller every year. One kind of new science involves
machines that are smaller than we can imagine. The name of this science is nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology means doing science, engineering, and technology at a very, very small
level. In other words, nanotechnology is the science of tiny things. But how tiny is the science of
nanotechnology? In nanotechnology, scientists work with things that are the size of a nanometer.
One meter has one billion nanometers. Here is another way to describe nanotechnology: it is the
science of observing and controlling individual atoms and molecules.
Nanotechnology is a new word, but the idea of studying atoms and molecules has existed for
a long time. In 1959, an American scientist Richard Phillips Feynman gave a speech in which he
claimed that we can see and control molecules and atoms. About ten years later, a Japanese
professor came up with the term “nanotechnology”.
Because nanotechnology is so new, we are only starting to understand how we can use it.
Nanotechnology could be very useful in medicine. In the future, doctors may use nanotechnology
to help with organ transplants. An organ transplant is the act of putting an organ into another
person's body. Scientists think that with nanotechnology, they might be able to make a person's
body accept a foreign organ. Nanotechnology might also help doctors fight infections, find
diseases in patients, and deliver medicine to the right spot in patients’ bodies.
Nanotechnology might also be useful in protecting the environment. It might be able to help
us save energy, reduce waste, and keep water clean. For example, nanotechnology might be able
to make some materials such as steel stronger. If we have stronger steel, we will be able to use it
longer. That way, we can produce less steel and save our resources.
Nanotechnology might be useful in so many ways. This science of studying tiny things could
change the world.
36. Around what year did people start using the word “nanotechnology”?
A. 1959 B. 1969 C. 1979 D. 1089
37. The word “which” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. nanotechnology B. the speech C. atom study D. the article
38. What does the word “foreign” in paragraph 4 mean?
A. Fake B. From another country
C. From another person’s body D. Real
39. What does the first sentence of the fourth paragraph mean?
A. Nanotechnology is new, so we are still learning about its uses.
B. Nanotechnology is not new, so we already know its uses.
C. We have no idea how we are going to use nanotechnology.

Trang 4

D. We used to understand nanotechnology more than we do now.

40. According to the passage, what will nanotechnology NOT do?
A. Find diseases B. Fight infections C. Reduce wastes D. Build organs
41. All of the following are the advantages of using nanotechnology in medicine EXCEPT
A. it helps doctors make and deliver medicine more accurately
B. it makes our bodies accept the organ transplants
C. it helps doctors prevent infectious diseases
D. it is also useful in medical examinations
42. Which statement is true?
A. The term “nanotechnology” is about 1900 years old.
B. The idea of studying atoms isn’t new.
C. A Chinese professor came up with the word “nanotechnology”.
D. Nanotechnology could be very useful in medicine.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Billboards that Recognize You
Have you ever felt you were being watched? Some new technologies might make you feel
that way. Digital billboards are being created that have the ability to recognize certain
characteristics. These high-tech devices have cameras pointed at the people on the street, and
software that tries to recognize people by age and gender. A computer inside the billboard then
uses this information to display ads that are directed at the people who are looking at the
billboard. For example, if a man passes a billboard featuring an ad for cosmetics, the computer
can change the ad to something that is more likely to catch the man’s attention, such as a
restaurant, or sporting goods.
While advertisers see this as a great opportunity to reach their target customers, some people
feel that this kind of profiling is an invasion of their privacy. People are now much more aware of
how information is exposed, shared, bought, and sold on the Internet. Now this debate will
include technologies such as these “smart” billboards. But advertisers claim that they are sensitive
to people’s concern about privacy - companies that have tested the billboards in Japan and the US
assure consumers that the billboards can only guess your age and gender, but they will not be able
to recognize your face or obtain any personal information about you.
Until recently, this kind of “personal” advertising has been mostly limited to the Internet.
Search engines like Google and Bing can follow what we search for because each computer that
connects to those sites has a unique identity. Companies then pay search engines to use this
information to display ads for products and services that you have searched for. So if you search
for travel information, you are likely to see ads for airlines and hotels. This kind of advertising
has proven to be much more effective and valuable than traditional advertising.
In addition to taking steps to deliver more personalized messages, advertisers are using
billboards to offer more useful information. Digital billboards can connect to the Internet to

Trang 5

display information such as the time, weather, and news headlines. In the future, this technology
could be used to reflect activity on social media sites or to broadcast ads that relate to local
In today’s world, people ignore thousands of ads every day. Advertisers are trying to change
that trend by personalizing the experience of seeing an ad. So pay attention the next time you see
a billboard - it could be talking to you.
Note: ad (n) = advertisement
43. What is another possible title for the passage?
A. The Dangers of Technology B. Billboards: Past and Present
C. How Information Is Sold D. A New Level of Advertising
44. What does a digital billboard’s camera look for?
A. a person’s fashion style B. what a person is carrying
C. a person’s age and gender D. whether someone is alone
45. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. High-tech billboards do not collect personal information.
B. People do not mind the billboards tested in Japan and in the US.
C. Advertisers buy information about consumers on the Internet.
D. People are worried about the type of information collected by billboards.
46. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. digital billboards B. digital advertising
C. customers' personal information D. customers’ attention
47. Why does the passage mention Google?
A. It is an example of a search engine that sells information to companies.
B. It is better than other search engines in gathering information.
C. It has started using high-tech billboards to get information.
D. It plans to develop better ways to profile Internet users.
48. Because of advertising profiling, a person buying airline tickets online will_________.
A. see ads for hotels and car rental companies
B. get better prices on their airline tickets
C. see no ads on the airline’s website
D. be offered discounts on shoes and clothing
49. In the passage, the writer says that video billboards_________.
A. allow people on the street to use the Internet
B. show movies and commercials
C. display information about the weather and news
D. are placed inside stores and buildings
50. What is the reason for advertisers making high-tech billboards?
A. Regular billboards are not in good locations.
B. People ignore regular advertisements.
C. It is cheaper to make high-tech billboards.

Trang 6

D. People are suspicious of regular advertising.

1 D 2 C 3 A 4. C 5 B 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. C 10 D
11 C 1 C 1 B 14 D 15 D 16. B 17. C 18 C 19 D 20 D
21 A 2.2 B 23 .
C 24 .
C 25 D 26. B 27. B 28 . .
B 29 C .
30 D
31 D 2.3 B 3 .
A 34 .
C 35 A 36. B B 38. .
C 39 A .
40 D
41 A 2.4 D 43 .
D 44 .
C 45 A 46. B 47. A 48 . .
A 49 C .
50 B
Note 2. 3 . . . . .
5. — spe 6. A Almost all/ Most 7 A not to
B — lt — . — do
15. complimetary (adj.) = mời, biếu, miễn phí; complimentary tickets = vé mời
18. put up with sb/ sth = chịu đựng ai/ cái gì
19. cut down on sth = giảm bớt, cắt bớt cái gì
32. route (n) = tuyến đường, lộ trình
33. catch on = trở thành cái mốt, được mọi người ưa chuộng
34. in place = được (thường xuyên) tổ chức
35. better... than = tốt hơn (là)

Trang 7

ĐỀ 5
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. motivated B. prioritize C. confident D. conflict
2. A. sibling B. conservative C. counsellor D. casual
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. contaminate B. supervisor C. investigate D. convenient
4. A. vulnerable B. discriminate C. philosopher D. stability
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Most of the guests turned up two hours early, that took us by surprise.
6. Even a professional psychologist may have difficulty talking calm and logically about
his own problems.
7. Until recently, women were forbidden by law of owning property.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. It’s time she_________how to look after herself.
A. learns B. learn C. learned D. learning
9. Any player who wishes to participate in the Gracey Tennis Tournament should register
August 14.
A. until B. about C. since D. before
10. Only if you promise to study hard__________to tutor you.
A. will I agree B. agree I C. I agree D. I will agree
11. The city libraries present a gloomy picture of the_________who used to flock the libraries
every evening.
A. gradual reduction of readers B. gradual readers reduction
C. gradual readers of reduction D. reduction gradual readers
12. “What are you going to do with your old typewriter?” “I don’t know yet, but____________
away seems wasteful.”
A. throw B. throwing it C. thrown D. throw it
13. Environmentalists are earnestly trying to determine__________of the ozone layer over the
A. what is causing the deterioration
B. what the cause of the deterioration
C. is causing the deterioration


D. the deterioration is causing

14. Beginning next week, managers will be_____________performance evaluations for all
employees within their department.
A. conduct B. conducts C. conducted D. conducting
15. She has just bought_________.
A. a reddish impressive wood French coffee table
B. an impressive reddish French wood coffee table
C. an impressive French reddish coffee table
D. an impressive French wood reddish coffee table
16. The wet weather has________three weeks now. It has rained every single day.
A. lasted B. gone C. run D. existed
17. After we each had been assigned an installment part of the project, we came back to our
A. respectively B. respectful C. irrespective D. respective
18. Deborah is going to take extra lessons to_________what she missed while she was away.
A. catch up on B. cut down on C. take up with D. put up with
19. The meeting has been brought_________to Monday due to the seriousness of the situation.
A. on B. out C. down D. forward
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Daisy: “What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!” - Mary: “_________”
A. Thank you very much. I’m afraid. B. You’re telling a lie. D. I
C. Thank you for your compliment! don’t like your sayings.
21. “Shall I wait for you?” - “________”
A. Why ask such a question? C. No, don’t B. No need to ask.
bother. D. No, of course.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. I think we can safely say now that we have got our money back; we are home and dry.
A. have got home dry B. have been successful
C. have not got wet D. have got no water
23. Paris is the ideal place to learn French; it’s a beautiful and hospitable city with institutions for
high quality linguistic teaching.
A. friendly B. natural C. affectionate D. noticeable
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same
A. remain unstable B. fluctuate C. restrain D. stay unchanged
25. This kind of dress is becoming outmoded. If I were you, I wouldn’t dress it up at the party.
A. fashionable B. realistic C. unfashionable D. attractive


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. “How long have you worked here?” he asked.
A. He asked me how long I had worked there.
B. He asked me for how long I had worked there.
C. He asked me if I had worked there long.
D. He asked me how long had I worked there.
27. It is in museums and galleries that hobbyists can study exhibits relating to their hobby.
A. Hobbyists can study exhibits relating to their hobby in museums and galleries.
B. Hobbyists are said that they can study exhibits relating to their hobby in museums and
C. Museums and galleries are the places which hobbyists can study exhibits relating to their
D. It is known that museums and galleries are the best places for hobbyists to study exhibits
relating to their hobby.
28. We were prevented from having our picnic due to the heavy rain.
A. The heavy rain made it impossible for us to have our picnic.
B. The heavy rain came unexpectedly but we still had our picnic.
C. We can’t have our picnic because of the heavy rain.
D. On being had the picnic, we met with a heavy rain.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. Nick gave me some advice. I was saved from bankruptcy.
A. I was saved from bankruptcy though Nick gave me some advice.
B. It was Nick’s advice that saved me from bankruptcy.
C. If it weren’t for Nick’s advice, I would go bankrupt.
D. Had it not been for Nick’s advice, I would have been bankruptcy.
30. We haven’t seen each other for ages. I’m wondering whether I shall even recognize him.
A. Though we haven’t for years, I’m wondering whether I shall even recognize him.
B. We haven’t seen each other for ages, because I’m wondering whether I shall even
recognize him.
C. We haven’t seen each other for ages, so I’m wondering whether I shall even recognize
D. The result why we haven’t seen each other for ages is that I’m wondering whether I shall
even recognize him.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
The Magic of Pop-up Books
Books are normally thought of in terms of the pages that are looked at. They are simple, two-
dimensional objects that we read. There are words on the page and occasionally (31)


__________that help us see more clearly what the words are being used to describe. They are
sources of knowledge, but more often than not they aren’t considered very special.
Some books take it another steps further, though, and their pages jump (32)____________and
form three-dimensional objects. These books can make adults smile and cause children to be
wide-eyed with (33)___________. Called pop-up books in our times, they have been around
longer than most people think they have.
Pop-up books were originally called mechanical books, and these paper (34)______________
took a lot of work to make. They were not for children at all, although centuries ago there were
practically no books made for children. The mechanical books helped illustrate (35)___________
things as the phases of the moon or were used to teach complex theories.
3 A. explanations B. illustrations C. examples D.
31 A. out B. up C. in meanings
D. into
23 A. admiration B. respect C. wonder D.
33 A. makings B. creations C. actions formality
43 processes
A. many B. like C. so many D.such
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
What Do You Think?
We have all had bad experiences with restaurants, stores, or hotels. Maybe you have gone to
a restaurant that served terrible food. Perhaps you have gone to a store that had high prices or bad
service. Or maybe you have booked a hotel and found out later that the room was nothing like the
These days, we have a better chance of preventing these unpleasant surprises. We can do this
by using apps. “App” is short for “application”. An app is a computer programme on a
smartphone. You can use apps to do almost anything. Apps can help you play games, get
directions, talk to friends, and so on.
If you want to find information about a store or a hotel, you can use a review app. Review
apps help us evaluate services and products before we hand over our money. The idea is very
simple. After you go to a restaurant or stay in a hotel, you can post a review with one of your
apps. You can say anything you want. If you like a hotel you stayed in, you can tell people that it
was wonderful. If you think that the food in a certain restaurant was bad, then you tell people not
to eat there. Other people can use their apps to read your reviews.
Plenty of people prefer not to use these review apps. Many of these people prefer to go out
and decide for themselves whether or not a service is good. However, review apps are getting
more and more popular every day. Some apps are for specific services. For example, Tripadvisor
focuses on travel, and Goodreads focuses on books. There are also other, larger apps that provide
information for just about every service that you can think of.
36. What does the passage say about apps?
A. There are very few good apps. B. You can use apps for many things.
C. Apps are only for travel. D. Apps are very expensive to use.
37. If you want to book a hotel, how can a review app help you?


A. It can tell you about the hotel before you book it.
B. It can tell you how to use a smartphone.
C. It can tell you about other people who post reviews.
D. It can help you write better reviews.
38. The phrase “is short for” in paragraph 2 can best be replaced by_________.
A. stands for B. supports C. takes after D. offers
39. The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to_______.
A. A restaurant B. A hotel C. A review D. An idea
40. According to the passage, why do some people prefer NOT to use review apps?
A. They don’t trust review apps.
B. They don’t know how to use review apps.
C. They think review app are too hard.
D. They prefer to make their own decisions
41. What does the app “Goodreads” focus on?
A. Books B. Films C. Newspapers D. Travel
42. Which of the following would be another good title for the passage?
A. Wasteful Apps B. Complaints from Customers
C. Customer Services D. Conveniences for Customers
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Urban Gardener
Cities are home to skyscrapers and apartment buildings, and it’s rare to find wide, open
spaces within them. With limited space for parks and gardens, architects and city planners often
find it challenging to incorporate greenery into neighbourhoods. One creative solution is to grow
plants on unused areas like walls or rooftops. It’s a popular idea, and now rooftop gardens and
green walls have been spouting up in cities around the world.
There are many benefits to having green spaces to the urban landscape. Adding gardens to
rooftops or walls can create a pleasant environment - what was once a grey cement wall can
become a colourful, blooming garden. The CaxiaForum art gallery in Madrid, Spain, is a famous
example - one of its walls is covered with 15,000 plants from over 250 different species. In other
cities, green walls are being used more functionally, to cover up construction sites and empty
buildings and to prominently decorate the lobbies of office buildings.
Using plants to cover walls and rooftops can also keep cities cooler in the summer. Buildings
and roads absorb the sun’s heat and hold it, causing a building or neighbourhood to stay warmer
longer. Plants, on the other hand, provide an enormous amount of shade. There is evidence that
growing a roof or wall garden can lower a building’s energy costs. Many cities offer tax discounts
to businesses with these features.
In New York City, public schools plant rooftop gardens that can reduce heating and cooling
costs. In addition to saving the school money, teachers and parents love the gardens because of
their educational value - it’s a fun and healthy way for their kids to investigate the world around


them. “For the children, it’s exciting when you grow something edible,” said Lauren Fontana,
principal of a New York public school.
These green spaces are also used to grow food. In recent years, rooftop gardens have slowly
been included in the “local food movement”. This is based on the concept that locally grown food
reduces pollution since it does not have to be transported far. Vegetables are being grown in
rooftop gardens by schools, churches, neighbourhoods and even restaurants. Chef Rick Bayless
serves “Rooftop Salsa” at his restaurant in Chicago, USA, using only ingredients grown in his
rooftop garden.
Rooftop gardens and green walls may require a bit more effort to grow and maintain.
However, hard work always brings rewards, and with green spaces, the rewards are plentiful.
43. What is this passage mainly about?
A. gardens in Madrid, New York, and Chicago
B. people growing plants on roofs and walls
C. private gardens in the city’s unused spaces
D. how to grow your own food in the city
44. According to the passage, people__________as cities have little space for gardens.
A. grow plants in their apartments
B. go to the countryside at the weekends
C. paint their walls and roofs green
D. grow trees and flowers on top of roofs
45. Why is the green wall in Madrid mentioned in the passage?
A. It is the most expensive green wall in the world.
B. It is located on the side of a government building.
C. It is a famous example of a green wall.
D. It was made to provide jobs for homeless people.
46. Which is NOT mentioned as a benefit of a rooftop garden?
A. It becomes a park that the community can use.
B. Having one might mean paying less taxes.
C. Children can use it to learn about the environment.
D. Growing plants on a roof keeps buildings cooler.
47. Because food can now be grown in cities,________.
A. the food at expensive restaurants is cheaper
B. governments are making many rules about city gardens
C. farmers in the countryside are moving to the city
D. there’s less pollution caused by transporting food
48. The word “it” in paragraph 5 refers to________.
A. a rooftop garden B. the food in general
C. locally grown food D. green space
49. Why did Chef Bayless name his dish “Rooftop Salsa”?
A. He got the idea while cooking on his rooftop.
B. He buys the salsa from other rooftop gardeners.


C. It is made from food grown in his rooftop garden.

D. The money earned from the dish is given to rooftop gardeners.
50. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. Rooftop gardens and green walls will take a long time to develop.
B. Rooftop gardens and green walls are worth the time and effort.
C. People with rooftop gardens will be able to grow and sell their own food.
D. People underestimate the effort needed to maintain rooftop gardens and green walls.


1 A 2 D 3. B 4. A 5.
C 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. D 10 A
1. A .12 B 13 A 14 D 15
B 16 A 17 D 18 A 19 D .
20 C
12 . .23 .24 .25. .27 .28 .29 .30
C 22 B A D A 26 A A A B C
13 . . . . . .37 .38 .39 .40
B 32 A 33 C 34 B 35 D 36 B A A B D
14 A .42 C .43 B .44 D .45 C .46 A .47 D .48 C .49 C .50 B
5.1 . 6. C calmly
c which . 7. D from
. .
owning . . . . .
17. respective (a) = cho từng cá the; respectful (a) = ; tôn trọng; irrespective (a) = không lưu tâm
18. catch up on sth = đuổi kịp, theo kịp; cut down on sth = cắt giảm; take up with = đưa ra vấn
đề để thảo luận; put up with = thảo luận
19. bring sth forward = dời sớm hơn
31. illustration (n) = tranh minh hoạ
32. jump out = bật ra; jump up = đứng vụt dậy
33. with wonder = làm ai ngạc nhiên
34. creation (n) = vật được sáng tạo ra

Trang 8

ĐỀ 6
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. wisely B. width C. wisdom D. confident
2. A. possession B. discussion C. profession D. decision
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. attitude B. argument C. relevant D. assistant
4. A. interact B. concentrate C. counsellor D. influence
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. It is said that Einstein felt very badly about the application of his theories to the creation of
weapons of war.
6. The plants that they belong to the family of ferns are quite varies in their size and structure.
7. Regardless of your teaching method, the objective of any conversation class should be for
the students to practise speaking words.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. My aunt is a wildlife photographer. She_________in Uganda for many years.
A. has been living B. is living C. will live D. lives
9. At first she was trained to be_________scriptwriter, but later she worked as______secretary.
A. the - a B. a - a C. the - the D. a - the
10. Mr. Barry oversaw the development of the Nissan Building________its initial stages to its
A. of B. to C. from D. about
11. They were such difficult tests________.
A. so I couldn’t finish them B. that I couldn’t finish
C. that I couldn’t finish them D. for me to finish
12. ___ ____to Jim myself, I can’t really tell you why he would say such terrible things.
A. Not to be speaking B. Because of not speaking
C. Not to have spoken D. Not having spoken
13. Potassium has a valence of positive one because it usually loses one electron when with
other elements.
A. does it combine B. it combines
C. it combining D. combination


14. Children younger than 5 years old are_________free to festival events.

A. admit B. admitted C. admission D. admittedly
15. My mother_________me against staying uplate night after night to prepare for exams.
A. recommended B. encouraged C. warned D. claimed
16. The computer has had an enormous_________on the way we work.
A. change B. alteration C. influence D.impression
17. Our last hopes would________all probability evaporate.
A. on B. in C. of D. for
18. It took Ted a long time to get_________the failure in his entrance exams.
A. over B. across C. along with D. through
19. Please_____and see us some time. You’re always welcome.
A. come around B. come about C. come to D. come away
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. John: “What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!” Mary: “_________”
A. Thank you very much. I’m afraid.
B. Thank you for your compliment.
C. You are telling a lie.
D. I don’t like your sayings.
21. Tom: “Can I have another cup of tea?” Linda: “________”
A. Be yourself. B. Do it yourself.
C. Allow yourself. D. Help yourself.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. He was one of the most outstanding performers at the live show last night.
A. easy-looking B. important C. well-known D. impressive
23. Many parents may fail to recognize and respond to their children’s needs until frustration
explodes into difficult or uncooperative behavior.
A. slowly reaches the boiling point
B. remains at an unchanged level
C. suddenly becomes uncontrollable
D. stays under pressure
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. The flowering pebble is a plant that looks like a stone and grows in arid areas.
A. deserted B. damp C. dry D. barren
25. The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
A. eliminate B. protect C. pollute D. destroy
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.

Trang 2

26. You have done me a favour. I really thank you for it.
A. I really thank you for a favour.
B. I really thank you for having been done me a favour.
C. I really thank you for having done me a favour.
D. I have really done a favour to you.
27. A collection only has its real value when it is properly labeled.
A. Only when a collection is properly labeled it has its real value.
B. When properly labeled that a collection only has its real value.
C. Only when a collection has its real value is it properly labeled.
D. It is only when a collection is properly labeled that it has its real value.
28. You must speak slowly or he’ll not be able to understand you.
A. Unless you speak slowly, he won’t be able to understand you.
B. Unless you don’t speak slowly, he’ll be able to understand you.
C. You can speak slowly but he’ll not be able to understand you.
D. Although you speak slowly, he’ll not be able to understand you.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. Mary was sick. She didn’t leave the meeting until it ended.
A. Though sick, Mary didn’t leave the meeting until it ended.
B. When the meeting ended, Mary left because she was sick.
C. Mary didn’t leave the meeting until it ended despite she was sick.
D. In spite of the fact that Mary’s sickness, she didn’t leave the meeting until it ended.
30. My suit needs to be cleaned before the interview but I’m too busy to do that.
A. I must get someone clean my suit before the interview.
B. I must have my suit cleaned before the interview.
C. I should have cleaned my suit before the interview.
D. I must clean my suit before the interview.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Rock 'n' Roll Changes The World
Musicians who want to make it in the world have a lot of options, but the best one to (31)
__________them obscurity to fame might be rock ’n’ roll. Especially in the days when other forms
of music are waning, rock ’n’ roll (32)__________________in the memory. Nevertheless, it is
music that transcends cultures and keeps the youth of many nations invigorated.
Before rock ’n’ roll, there were many different forms of popular music. If looking at a
timeline, the music of African Americans created both jazz and blues. These (33)_____________
into what is known as rhythm and blues, which is often just called R&B. With the invention of
the electric guitar, rock ’n’ roll came (34)_____________as musicians experimented with what
they could do with the sounds this new style of instrument could make.
Musicians were quick to see the possibilities that rock ’n’ roll offered. Early musicians like

Trang 3

Chuck Berry (35)___________the way for the likes of Elvis Presley, who would go on to
become known as the King of Rock ’n’ Roll.
3 A. control B. show C. influence D. lead
31 A. exists B. lives on C. comes round D. grows up
23 A. evolved B. involved C. grew D.
33 A. into reality B. into being C. true transformed
43 independent
A. cover B. build C. construct D.pave
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
What Is Heritage Protection?
Heritage is traditional beliefs, customs, and culture. We use the word “heritage” in many
different ways. People talk about their family’s heritage, their city’s heritage, and their country’s
Here are some examples of heritage. During Chinese New Year, people in China give red
envelopes. That is part of Chinese heritage. Every year in the American city New Orleans, there
is a huge party called Mardi Gras. That is a part of New Orleans’ heritage. Heritage can also be
more private and personal. If your family has a big dinner every Sunday night, that’s part of your
family’s heritage.
Today, heritage is changing. The Internet connects people around the world. In many ways,
this is a good thing, because we can learn about the heritage of other countries, and we can show
our own heritage to the world. However, some people worry that traditional heritage is
disappearing. Think about it. In many ways, countries are becoming more and more alike. In just
about every country around the world, you can find McDonald’s, Nike shoes, Starbucks coffee,
and American films. Some people think this is a good change, but others don’t like it. You can
decide whether or not you think it is a good thing. However, almost everyone wants to protect
their traditional heritage, and sometimes this is hard.
For example, when a new McDonald’s opens in your town, a traditional restaurant might have to
This is why heritage protection is so important. Heritage protection is a simple idea. It means
keeping your country’s or your city’s heritage alive. People do this in many ways. The biggest
part of heritage protection is probably preserving old buildings. A few other examples of heritage
protection are making sure your children speak your traditional language, and teaching your
heritage to children.
The world is changing very fast. This change brings a lot of good things. But as the world is
changing, it is important to remember the heritage of our parents and our grandparents.
36. What is the main point of heritage protection?
A. Showing your heritage to other people
B. Using the Internet
C. Keeping your heritage alive
D. Making heritage disappear
37. What is the biggest part of heritage protection?

Trang 4

A. Protecting old buildings B. Doing traditional dances

C. Giving red envelopes D. Telling stories
38. What is happening to most countries?
A. They are becoming the same. B. They are becoming more different,
C. They are getting smaller. D. They are destroying old buildings.
39. What is the main point of the last paragraph?
A. It is OK to forget traditional heritage.
B. The world is changing, but it is happening very slowly,
C. As the world changes, we have to remember our heritage.
D. People should talk to their parents and grandparents a lot.
40. Which of the following is NOT an example of heritage protection?
A. Making sure your children speak your traditional language
B. Protecting old buildings
C. Teaching your children about your heritage
D. Drinking Starbucks and wearing Nikes
41. The word “beliefs” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. cuisines B. histories C. arts D. religions
42. The word “it” in paragraph 3 may refer to________.
A. traditional heritage B. watching American films
C. importing foreign heritage D. people’s opinion
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Life of a Food Critic
You’ve seen restaurant reviews in newspapers, or perhaps in magazines or on the Internet.
People read these reviews when they want to know about the quality and price of the food at a
restaurant. Or maybe they’re looking for a restaurant with a distinctive atmosphere - dark and
romantic, bright and cheerful, or modern and sophisticated. But who writes the articles? Who gets
paid to eat? Those lucky people are food critics.
Food critics are journalists who eat at restaurants and write reviews that give readers the
feeling that they have visited the restaurant themselves. The articles almost always include a
description of the restaurant, for example, whether it is nicely decorated or has a beautiful view of
the ocean. The menu, prices, and service are generally described as well, but a food critic’s main
task is to write about their opinion of the food.
For “foodies” - people who love and study food and cooking - dining is a feast for the senses,
not just for the stomach. Food critics may tell readers about the colours of fresh vegetables, the
silky texture of a soup, or the rich aroma of a perfectly cooked chicken. They will mention
whether they were listening to soft music while they ate, or the noises of pots and pans being
washed in the restaurant’s kitchen and ending with the dessert. Every detail of the meal is
All of this may sound easy enough, but food critics do face some challenges. First, food

Trang 5

critics must be excellent writers. Their job is to give accurate information in an entertaining way
because newspapers and other publications want the restaurant review to be an enjoyable feature.
It is also important for food critics to be very observant by nature, and to have an excellent
memory, since taking notes at the table is not something typical customers do.
Looking like a typical customer is essential for remaining anonymous, but is perhaps the
most difficult challenge. Food critic Ruth Reichl, former editor-in- chief of Gourmet magazine,
used to go to restaurants wearing disguises so that she received the same food and service as any
other diner.
Despite the challenges, a career as a food critic appeals to many people. Anyone who is
thinking about becoming a food critic should start by developing strong writing skills and
learning as much about food and cooking as possible.
43. Food critics are________.
A. restaurant owners B. professional cooks
C. professional writers D. magazine editors
44. Which of the following would probably NOT be included in a restaurant review?
A. a description of a restaurant’s atmosphere
B. information about a restaurant’s hiring procedures
C. information about a restaurant’s prices
D. a description of a restaurant’s food
45. What is the purpose of paragraph 3?
A. to say that a critic must use all his or her senses when at a restaurant
B. to teach critics what they need to pay attention to when at a restaurant
C. to show that it is a very difficult job being a food critic
D. to say that the taste of the food is the most important detail of a review
46. Why does the author mention soft music and the noises of pots and pans being washed?
A. because food critics must listen carefully to the waiters
B. because it’s important for restaurants to use clean dishes
C. because food critics generally focus on the positive
D. because food critics must pay attention to every single detail
47. The word “this” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. noise and music B. the career of a food critic
C. every type of food D. every single detail
48. According to the passage, food critics need a good memory because_________.
A. they have very busy schedules every day
B. they like having a challenging job
C. they need to remember which restaurants they have been to
D. they have to avoid taking notes at the table
49. Why did Ruth Reichl go to restaurants wearing disguises?
A. She didn’t want her friends to know she was a food critic.
B. She didn’t want to get special food and service.
C. She enjoyed seeing people’s reactions.

Trang 6

D. She had a different job during the day.

50. How does the writer end the passage?

Trang 7

A. with a writing tip B. with advice

C. with a personal example D. with a warning

Trang 8

1. A 2 D 3 D 4 A 5 CÁN6. A 7. D 8. A 9. B 10 C
11 C . 1 D 1. B 1. B 1. C 16. C 17 B 18 A 19 A .
20 B
21 D 2.2 D 23 C 24. B 25 D 26. C 27. D 28. A .
29 A .
30 B
31 D 2.3 B 3 A 34. B 35 D 36. C 37. A 38. A .
39 C .
40 D
41 D 2.4 C 43 C 44. B 45 C 46. D 47. D 48. D .
49 B .
50 B
.5. — 2.bad 6. A 3 0 4. 7 D 5 spoken . . . .
C —
Notes: — . — words
17. in all probability = rất có thể; evaporate (v) = tan biến
18. get over = vượt qua
19. come around = thăm ai đó; come about = (sự việc) xoay chuyển bất ngờ; come to
somewhere = đi đến; come away = đi xa
21. Help yourself = Xin mời anh; Do it yourself = Hãy tự làm lấy.
31. lead (v) = đưa đến, dẫn đến
32. live on in the memory = tồn tại trong kí ức
33. evolve (v) = tiến triển
34. come into being = hình thành, ra đời
35. pave the way for... = mở đường cho, chuẩn bị cho

Trang 9

ĐỀ 7
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. generous B. seller C. video D. inventor
2. A. processor B. congestion C. tourism D. assignment
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. rhinoceros B. curriculum C. kindergarten D. discriminate
4. A. administrative B. productivity C. electricity D. opportunity
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. I prefer to watch a live concert to listening to music on the radio.
6. No other quality is more important for a scientist to acquire as to observe carefully.
7. If the ozone gases of the atmosphere did not filter out the ultraviolet rays of the sun, life as
we know it would not have evolved on Earth.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. He was very lucky when he fell off the ladder. He_________himself.
A. must have hurt B. should have hurt
C. will have hurt D. could have hurt
9. The healthcare community was shocked_________Peter’s resignation after only one year as
president of Healthcorps.
A. in B. up C. of D. by
10. Some crimes seem to be_________in this country than in others.
A. less common enough B. much less common
C. the least common D. very less common
11. In the film, a teenager___________to pursue a singing career meets resistance from his
strong-willed father.
A. wants B. wanted C. wanting D. who want
12. Only when the ground is kept moist_________germinate.
A. will grass seeds B. grass seeds will
C. does grass seeds D. grass seeds does
13. Using many symbols makes__________to put a large amount of information on a single
A. it possible B. possible C. it is possible D. that possible


14. The quarterly report__________the gains the computer company made in its software
A. reflect B. reflects C. reflector D. reflection
15. To request more________about any of our products and services, please visit our website.
A. brochure B. problems C. information D. representation
16. My uncle was_______ill last summer; however, fortunately, he is now making a slow but
steady recovery.
A. seriously B. deeply C. fatally D. critically
17. We shouldn’t use too many plastic bags because they are very hard to_________.
A. dissolve B. melt C. heat D. soften
18. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted_________a good answer.
A. came up to B. came out at C. came up with D. came out for
19. We intend to________with the old system as soon as we have developed a better one.
A. do up B. do away C. do down D. do in
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Peter: “Do you mind my taking this seat?” Jean: “________”
A. Yes, sit down please. B. No, of course not.
C. Yes, take it please. D. No, you can’t take it.
21. Peter: “What a great haircut, Lucy!” Lucy: “________”
A. Thanks. It’s very kind of you to do this.
B. It’s my pleasure.
C. Oh, yes. It’s very unfashionable
D. You think so? I think it’s a bit too short.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Mobile libraries bring books to children in many small communities. These libraries travel
from towns to towns in cars, vans, or trucks.
A. staying in one place B. moving from place to place
C. being sent easily and quickly D. changing shape easily and often
23. If I say something odd, it’s because I didn’t sleep at all last night. When I get extremely
tired, I can sometimes get a bit weird.
A. able to participate B. very strange and unusual
C. being too clever D. not able to concentrate
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. I would be happy to go along with the idea.
A. disagree with the idea B. agree with the idea
C. support the idea D. approve with the idea
25. All of the students are obliged to pass the entrance examination in order to attend the

Trang 2

A. forced B. impelled C. required D. optional
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Were it not for the money, this job wouldn't be worthwhile.
A. The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money.
B. This job is not rewarding at all.
C. This job offers a poor salary.
D. Although the salary is poor, the job is worthwhile.
27. Human beings are responsible for the changes in the environment.
A. The environment changes the responsibilities taken by human beings.
B. Responsibilities are taken with human beings in the environment.
C. Human beings take responsibilities for the changes in the environment.
D. The changes in the environment need human beings’ responsibilities.
28. I wouldn’t mind having a late meeting tomorrow since I’m quite used to going home late.
A. I’m trying to get more accustomed to going home late, so I think I’ll start the meeting
late tomorrow.
B. Why don’t we start the meeting late tomorrow, even though I know none of us is used to
leaving late.
C. As it’s rather normal for me to go home late, conducting a meeting late tomorrow would
be no problem for me.
D. It’s rare that I go home late, but it’ll be no problem if tomorrow’s meeting is a bit later
than usual.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. Companies spend millions of dollars on advertising. They want to increase their sales.
A. Companies spend millions of dollars on advertising so that they want to increase their
B. Companies spend millions of dollars on advertising, but they want to increase their
C. Companies spend millions of dollars on advertising with the aim of increasing their
D. In order that they want to increase their sales, companies spend millions of dollars on
30. She buys a lot of new dresses every month. She always dresses shabbily.
A. However a lot of new dresses she buys every month, she always dresses shabbily.
B. Many as new dresses she buys every month, she always dresses shabbily.
C. She always dresses shabbily although she buys a lot of new dresses every month.
D. However many new dresses she buys every month, she always dresses shabbily.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate

Trang 3

the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Tornadoes and Cyclones
Tornadoes are known to have higher winds than tropical cyclones, (31)___________________
tornadoes are much smaller. As a (32)_____________, a tropical cyclone can be hundreds of
kilometres wide, with destruction occurring in different degrees depending on which part of the
cyclone hits the land. In contrast, tornadoes are usually less than a few hundred metres wide.
These storms are (33) __________ destructive in the smaller areas in which they hit, but they are
also short-lived.
Tropical cyclones develop in areas where the seawater is warm and there is instability in the
atmosphere. (34)__________as tropical depressions, they begin to gather strength. As they are
developing, they begin to rotate, with the differences in humidity and air temperature (35)
__________them until sufficient wind speeds are reached to be classified as a tropical cyclone.
3 A. so B. however C. therefore D. but
31 A. estimation B. evaluation C. consideration D. comparison
A. incredibly B. slightly C. relatively D. jokingly
33 A. Starting B. Starting out C. Commencing D. Beginning
43 with
A. increasing B. heightening C. strengthening D. promoting
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Inside a 4D Film
A lot of people think that 3D films are pretty cool. When you watch a 3D film, it sometimes
feels like you can reach out and touch the things that you see. In the future, however, 3D might be
replaced by something even more advanced: 4D.
What you see in a 4D film is the same as what you see in a 3D film. The screen is the same,
and the glasses are the same. 4D films are different because they don’t use 3D technology. People
in the audience also feel physical things during the films.
Let’s look at a few examples. Let’s say that you are watching a film about earthquakes. If
you are watching a 4D film, maybe your seat will suddenly start to shake. It will feel like you are
in the middle of an earthquake, but you are not. The 4D effects make your seat shake. Or perhaps
during the film, one of the characters gives flowers to another character. The people in the cinema
might suddenly smell flowers.
The point of 4D films is to make people feel like they are in the film. When we watch films
these days, we only use two senses: our sense of sight and our sense of hearing. If we use our
other senses, the film might feel more real to us.
4D films already exist. The film Avatar was released everywhere in 3D, but in Korea and
Hong Kong, it was also released in 4D. People who watched Avatar in 4D feel wind and rain.
They also smelled smoke from the weapons in the film, and sometimes their seats moved.
Will 4D replace 3D films? It is possible, but we can’t be sure yet. One problem with 4D films
is that it is very expensive to show them in theaters. Before a theater shows a 4D film, it has to
buy a lot of special equipment. However, 4D films are catching on. Other films shown in 4D
include Shrek 4-D, and Iron Man 3.

Trang 4

36. What is one problem with 4D films?

A. They are expensive. B. They are a little dangerous.
C. They don’t feel real. D. Actors don’t like them.
37. What does the second sentence of the sixth paragraph mean?
A. We know that it is not possible.
B. We know that it definitely will happen.
C. It might happen, but we don’t know yet.
D. We can’t be sure because there are no 4D films yet.
38. Which of the following is NOT true about 4D films?
A. They use the same glasses and screens as 3D films.
B. Some have been shown in Hong Kong and Korea.
C. When you watch them, your seat might shake.
D. Cinemas that show them don’t need special equipment.
39. The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. 4D films B. Glasses C. Screens D. 3D technology
40. What would only happen during a 4D film?
A. The sound would be very loud.
B. You would feel like you could reach out and touch the things that you see.
C. Water would fall on your head.
D. You would wear special glasses.
41. The phrase “catching on” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.
A. arriving already B. becoming popular
C. being shown D. getting an advantage
42. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Some films may have both 3D and 4D versions.
B. Special equipment in a theater for 4D films are completely different from those for 3D
C. Some normal films also make people use more than two senses.
D. 4D films use the same technology as 3D films.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Using Social Media to Boost Business
In the past few years, social media has swept across the globe. Nowadays, people of all ages
and nationalities are opening Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts to connect with friends,
celebrities, and those who want to share similar interests as them. Social media isn’t just for
individuals though. Small businesses and corporations are also using it to develop closer
relationships with their fans and attract new customers.
There are many ways that organizations can benefit from social media. For starters, it can be
an effective way to conduct market research. In the past, companies often spent millions on
studies to determine what their customers wanted. However, they often had difficulties locating

Trang 5

people who were interested in their products or services. Nowadays, social media has simplified
this process as many customers will follow or like the companies they purchase products from.
Furthermore, online advertising campaigns through social media allow companies to specifically
target people who like similar products as the ones they are selling.
Social media also gives companies greater control over their brand image. It allows fans and
customers to leave comments about companies, their products, or their services. In turn, these
companies can evaluate this feedback and respond in a way that shows they truly care. One
company which does this extremely well is Zappos, an online shoe retailer. If customers seem
dissatisfied with anything, Zappos is quick to offer refunds, exchange items, or even send out free
presents to keep customers happy. As a result, you will find thousands of positive reviews about
Zappos’ excellent customer service on several social media sites.
However, companies shouldn’t jump into social media without a carefully planned strategy,
as this can cause more harm than good. A common mistake is putting new hires or outside
consultants in charge of social media accounts. The person controlling these accounts becomes
the face of the company, so it is a must that they are knowledgeable about the company’s core
values. Another mistake is using conservative, corporate language in posts and updates. On social
media, people are looking for personalities they can connect with, so companies shouldn’t shy
away from using humour or being colourful. Finally, social media accounts should always
provide value and other share-worthy content to fans, for that is the primary reason they become
followers. By keeping these tips in mind, organizations can join the social movement and take
their businesses to the next level.
43. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A. Getting feedback using social media
B. Selling products using social media
C. Explaining traditional advertising
D. Explaining why customers buy things
44. One of the characteristics that social media can attract customers is that_________.
A. the access to the company and its products is very fun, colourful and friendly
B. customers can get advice from celebrities whether they work for the company or not
C. customers can know the companies which produce the goods they like and their rivals
D. customers can leave comments that affect the process of employing the staff
45. The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. Present companies B. Future companies
C. Foreign companies D. Older companies
46. What kind of person should be in charge of a company’s social media?
A. Only an outside consultant
B. The company’s best customers
C. Employees who understand the company
D. Any workers who can use a computer
47. What could best replace the phrase “In turn” in paragraph 3?
A. As a result B. Unfortunately C. However D. First

Trang 6

48. All of the following are true about social media EXCEPT that_________.
A. nowadays it is for both individuals and companies
B. it offers the most convenient way for customers to get refunds for faulty products
C. companies can get feedback from customers very quickly
D. it can help companies provide necessary information about products that customers are
interested in
49. How does the author feel about social media?
A. Only individuals can benefit from them.
B. Before using it, companies should make a plan.
C. Companies can figure it out as they go along.
D. Only large companies will really benefit from it.
50. All of the following are benefits of using social media to boost business EXCEPT
A. develop closer relationship with their fans and attract new customers
B. companies can target people who like similar products
C. reduce the cost of their products because of the big sale
D. allow people to leave comments so that they can get feedback

Trang 7

1. C 2. C 3 C 4. A ÁN5. A 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. B
11 C 12. A 1. A 1 B 15. C 16. A 17 A 18 C 19. B 20. B
21 D 22. B 23 B 4.2 A 25. D 26. A .27 C 28. C 29. C 30. C
31 D 32. D 3 A 4.3 B 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. D 39. A 40. C
41 B 42. A 43 A 4.4 A 45. D 46. C 47. A 48. B 49. B 50. C
5. — watchin 3 6. —4. than 7. A — had not filtered. out .
Notes:— g
12. germinate (v.) = nảy mầm
17. dissolve (v) = phân huỷ; melt (v) = tan chảy; heat (v) = đun nóng; soften (v) = làm cho dịu đi
18. come up with = tìm ra lời giải, ỷ tưởng
19. do away with sth = stop doing or having sth - chấm dứt
29. with the aim of... = với mục đích
30. dress shabbily = ăn mặc xoảng xĩnh
33. incredibly (adv) = đáng kinh ngạc; slightly (adv) = với mức độ không đáng kể; relatively
(adv) = tương đối; jokingly (adv) = bỡn cợt
34. start sth = bắt đầu cái gì; start out = khởi đầu
35. strengthen (v) = làm cho mạnh mẽ; increase (v) = làm tăng; heighten (v) = tăng lên;
promote (v) = đẩy mạnh

Trang 8

ĐỀ 8
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. fabric B. laptop C. patent D. imitate
2. A. patent B. patient C. inspiration D. nation
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. determined B. examine C. reliant D. medicine
4. A. international B. interpersonal C. intelligently D. intellectually
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. The prices of homes are as high in urban areas that most young people cannot afford to buy
6. The oxygen content of Mars is not sufficient enough to support life as we know it.
7. People with exceptional high intelligence quotients may not be the best employees since
they become bored of their work unless the job is constantly changing.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. He________off alone a month ago, and___________of since then.
A. set - hasn’t been heard B. has set - hasn’t heard
C. had set - hasn’t heard D. set - hadn’t been heard
9. Information on events occurring in the theater__________the year is available through our
A. into B. throughout C. on D. as
10. It gets________to understand what the professor has explained.
A. the more difficult B. difficult more and more
C. more difficult than D . more and more difficult
11. A good essay must_________contain enough interesting ideas and specific examples but
also have good organization.
A. in addition B. either C. not only D. as well
12. You must always have a good breakfast every morning_________late you are.
A. even if B. whatever C. no matter D. however
13._________she could not say anything.
A. Therefore upset was she that B. However upset was she that


C. So upset was she that D. So upset was that

14. The song has________been selected for the 22nd Sea Games in Vietnam.


A. officially B. office C. official D. officer

15. I called Jenny yesterday with a view_________asking her about the project.
A. of B. to C. in D. for
16. The job requires certain________. You have to be good at operating computers and dealing
with people.
A. qualifications B. knowledge C. techniques D. skills
17. One condition of this job is that you must be_________to work at weekends.
A. acceptable B. available C. accessible D. capable
18. Quite soon, the world is going to_________energy resources.
A. get into B. run out of C. keep up with D. come up against
19. She never says anything good about me. She is forever running me_________.
A. over B. down C. out D. off
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Tom: “Your kitchen is fantastic! Did you do it all by yourself?”
Mary: “No, I_________by a professional.”
A. have it designed B. designed it
C. had it designed D. had designed it
21. “How about a small present for little Jimmy after his performance?” “_________
A. Thank you for being so respectful.
B. It’s a great idea. He would like it.
C. Thanks for your promise. I’m sure he’ll be proud.
D. Not at all.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Deer-like figures made from willow shoots are the oldest evidence of human habitation in
the Grand Canyon.
A. proof B. clue C. dispute D. exhibit
23. Did she get the better of you in the argument?
A. try to be better than B. try to beat
C. gain a disadvantage over D. gain an advantage over
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. There has been no huge improvement in the noise levels since lorries were banned.
A. clear B. obvious C. insignificant D. thin
25. Many California mining towns prospered until the gold ran out and prospectors moved on to
new areas, leaving boom towns to become ghost towns.
A. declined B. assembled C. employed D. thrived
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.

Trang 3

26. As soon as he arrived at the airport, he called home.

A. Calling home, he said that he had arrived at the airport.
B. No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he called home.
C. He arrived at the airport sooner than he had expected.
D. He arrived at the airport and called me to take him home.
27. Anne had the TV on when her parents entered the room.
A. Anne’s parents told her to turn on the TV.
B. Anne noticed her parents watching TV.
C. Anne’s parents found her watching TV.
D. The TV was on a table in Anne’s room.
28. Jane refused to attend his birthday party, which made him feel sad.
A. Jane’s refusal to attend his birthday party made him feel sad.
B. He felt sad not to be able to attend Jane’s birthday party.
C. Jane made him sad despite her refusal to attend his birthday party.
D. Jane refused to attend his birthday party because it made him feel sad.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. The student next to me kept chewing gum. That bothered me a lot.
A. The student next to me kept chewing gum, that bothered me a lot.
B. The student next to me kept chewing gum, which bothered me a lot.
C. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothering me a lot.
D. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothered me a lot.
30. It was an interesting novel. I stayed up all night to finish it.
A. The novel was so interesting that I stayed up all night to finish it.
B. Though it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finish it.
C. I stayed up all night to finish the novel so it was interesting.
D. Unless it were an interesting novel, I would not stay up all night to finish it.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Motion Pictures: Forever Changed by the Computer
We are truly at a(n) (31)____________between imagination and reality, especially when it
comes to film. No longer are we able to tell what is real and what isn’t. In the past, it was easy to
tell if a scene in a film was created artificially, as the special effects were never very good. To a
person who grew up with the special effects that Hollywood can create today, the effects in films
from 50 years ago are laughable. The scenes from these films come (32)________________as so
obviously fake that they are almost painful to watch.
Today, however, a line has been crossed. Computer-generated animation has made it nearly
impossible to (33)___________between what was actually filmed and what was created by lines
of computer code by a programmer. Not only is scenery created by computers, but also many
actors known as extras. In the past, a film director would have to hire dozens and possibly
hundreds of extras in order to show a crowd scene. This is no longer the (34)____________, and

Trang 4

the one film that proved thus was achievable was Titanic, directed by James Cameron.
However, years later, computer animation was taken to yet another (35)______________by the
same director with the movie Avatar.
3 A. place B. crossroads C. junction D.
13 A. across B. up C. on intersection
D. along
23 A. differ B. notice C. separate D.
33 A. occasion B. argument distinguish
D. problem
A. level B. ability C. floor D. ladder
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Tourism and Heritage Protection
Travelling is a great thing to do. It helps us learn about different people and different places.
Some people travel because they want to see nature. Others travel because they want to make
friends and try great food. Of course, a lot of tourists are interested in traditional culture.
Tourism can be very good for traditional cultures. This is because when people travel to
another country, they often want to learn more about that country’s traditions, such as music,
food, and history. Therefore, the local people in that country will keep their traditional culture
alive. They will wear traditional clothing, and sell traditional food. They will also have shows for
tourists. These shows can be dances, concerts, plays, or something else.
Tourism also helps people respect each other. If you understand another culture well, you will
probably respect that culture much more. You will probably want to protect that culture as well.
However, tourism is not always good for traditional culture. Many people say that tourism
creates “fake traditional culture”. This means that the local people wear traditional costumes, and
do traditional dances only for tourists, but that is not their real lifestyle. Their real lifestyles are
similar to the tourists’ lifestyle. They are just pretending because they want to make money.
Another problem is that tourists can interfere with the local people’s lives. For example,
sometimes tourists come to watch local people praying in temples. While the local people pray,
tourists take photographs and make noise. This often bothers the local people. Sometimes tourists
also damage local sites. If 500 people enter an ancient temple every day, they may damage that
No matter what, more and more tourists want to learn about traditional cultures. Most local
people want more tourism, because tourists bring money and help local businesses. Tourists have
to respect local culture and places. Local governments have to make laws that protect places and
lifestyles. If everyone is responsible, then tourism will be great for traditional cultures.
36. What is the main point of the passage?
A. Tourism is always good for traditional culture.
B. Tourism is always bad for traditional culture.
C. Tourism can be good and bad for traditional culture.
D. Tourists don’t care about traditional culture.
37. Why do local people want tourism?

Trang 5

A. Tourists bring money.

B. Tourists help teach local people.
C. Tourists tell local people about business.
D. Tourists destroy traditional culture.
38. What is one problem that tourists create?
A. They hurt local people. B. They steal money from local people.
C. They hurt local businesses. D. They interfere with local lifestyles.
39. The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. tourists B. local people C. tourist guides D. dancers
40. What does the second sentence of the third paragraph mean?
A. If you don’t respect other people, then they won’t respect you.
B. If you understand another culture, then you will respect it more.
C. If you respect yourself, then other people will respect you, too.
D. Nobody respects traditional culture anymore.
41. The word “fake” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. real B. not real C. very good D. very bad
42. All of the following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT that_________.
A. tourism can create jobs for local people
B. tourism can be used as a means to promote cultural exchanges
C. in some places local people perform some dances that do not belong to their everyday
D. too many tourists at a historical site can make it collapse at once
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Cyborgs: How Man Becomes Machine
It’s only natural that people want to use the latest innovations to better themselves. Smart
devices can truly do incredible things and help to simplify our day. They can also enhance our
perceptions, arm us with knowledge, and open up a world of new possibilities. A few people have
even decided to make the leap and transform themselves to become cyborgs.
Cyborg is a term used to describe a being that is half human and half machine. This may
sound like something out of science-fiction novels, but some people have already adapted this
lifestyle. One is artist Neil Harbisson. He was bom completely colour-blind, and could only see
black and white images. It seemed that he would never experience colour. After attending a
cybernetics talk in college, he met an inventor who agreed to make a special device for him. They
designed an eyeborg, a mechanical eye that converted colours into sound frequencies. This
enabled Harbisson to hear colour and perceive the world in a different way. He started going to
museums to ‘"hear” classic paintings. In fact, a simple walk down a grocery store filled with
colourful products produces some catchy tunes. Harbisson loves his eyeborg so much that he
rarely takes it off. He now gives talks urging others to consider adding their own mechanical
In 1998, British scientist Kevin Warwick conducted his own experiment. He implanted a

Trang 6

chip inside of his arm, which he used to control lights and other appliances at home. He later
expanded the project by placing electrodes inside his nervous system and linking it to the Internet.
This allowed him to control external objects including robotic arms, amplifiers, and.
loudspeakers. His work remains influential as this example of extended sensory input was the
first of its kind.
If you’re interested in becoming a cyborg and you’re willing, a good place to start might be
with a pair of Google Glass. Users wear it like ordinary eyeglasses, yet Google Glass is equipped
with state-of-the-art electronics. Using voice commands you can have it take a picture of what
you see, see directions right in front of you, or translate your voice into other languages.
Hopefully, this experience will help you decide whether becoming a cyborg is right for you, or if
you’re content to remain a human like the rest of us.
43. What does the passage say about smart devices?
A. They are very dangerous to use.
B. They are quite expensive and not very useful.
C. They can make our lives easier.
D. Everyone should put them inside of their bodies.
44. What is a cyborg?
A. A computer that’s able to talk
B. A human who refuses to use technology
C. A person who uses technology to extend their senses
D. A machine that behaves exactly like a human being
45. What did Harbisson’s eyeborg do?
A. It allowed him to see colours very clearly.
B. It gave him a way to hear colour as sound.
C. It improved his vision so he could see for miles.
D. It made his sense of touch a little bit better.
46. Why was Kevin Warwick’s work important?
A. It helped researchers to build the first ever cyborg.
B. It was the first time that anyone was able to use a robotic arm.
C. It was the first time that someone controlled an outside object with their mind.
D. It was the first time that anyone could attach a machine to their body.
47. Why does the author suggest that people should use Google Glass?
A. It is the best permanent decision that they can make.
B. It is extremely cheap compared to other cyborg devices.
C. It has every single cyborg feature that a device could offer.
D. It gives them a chance to test out basic cyborg technology.
48. The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to_______.
A. the nervous system B. a chip inside an arm
C. extended sensory input D. the electric system
49. The word “state-of-the-art” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to

Trang 7

A. best available B. cheaply priced

C. old but reliable D. out of fashion
50. It can be inferred from passage that_________.
A. the eyeborg helps Harbisson experience colour comfortably as other people
B. Google Glass offers you a good place to try out various robotic kinds of devices
C. Harbisson’s eyeborg makes the disabled hope there will be suitable devices for them
D. cyborg is the next stage of the developments in modem times

Trang 8

1. D 2 A 3 D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D
1 C 12 . D 1. C 14. A 15. B 16. D 17 B 18 B 19 B 20. C
21. B 22 . A 23 D 24. C 25. A 26. B .
27 C 28. A .
29 B 30. A
31. B 32. A 3 D 34. C 35. A 36. C .
37 A 38. D .
39 B 40. B
41. B 42
. D 43 C 44. C 45. B 46. C .
47 D 48. C .
49 A 50. C
5. so. 6. A 3 sufficie 7. C bored with . . .
15. with a view to doing sth = với ý định làm cái gì
18. run out of sth = cạn, hết; get into sth = bắt đầu (một nghề nghiệp...); keep up with sb/ sth =
theo kịp, ngang hàng với, không thua kém; come up against = đối mặt, đương đầu
19. run sb down = bôi nhọ, nói xấu, gièm pha; run off = chạy trốn; run over = chạy đè lên, cán
ai; run out = chảy ra, cạn kiệt
31. at a crossroads = đến bước ngoặc, đến bước quyết định
32. come across = diễn đạt cái gì (trong văn chương, phim ảnh, âm nhạc)
33. distinguish between something and something else = phân biệt
34. it is not the case = không phải như thế

Trang 9

ĐỀ 9
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. therapy B. respiratory C. medical D. vessel
2. A. allergy B. imagine C. sugar D. oxygen
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. significant B. ability C. political D. sympathetic
4. A. prevention B. implement C. fertilize D. enterprise
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Fertilizers are used primarily to enrich soil and increasing yield.
6. Coastal and inland waters are inhabited not only by fish but also by such sea creature as
7. An unexpected raise in the cost of living as well as a decline in employment opportunities
has resulted in the rapid creation by the new government programmes for the unemployed.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. The teacher as well as his students__________at the school meeting yet.
A. arrived B. hasn’t arrived C. haven’t arrived D. not arriving
9. The bridge connecting Potsdam to Suffern will open_________traffic on Tuesday.
A. to B. at C. as D. from
10. He really deserved the award because he performed_________what was expected of him.
A. much better which B. much better than
C. much more as D. the most that
11. What’s the point________here if you don’t have anything to tell them?
A. getting them all come B. in getting them all come
C. to get them all come D. in getting them all to come
12. _____ ___on several different television programmes, the witness gave conflicting
accounts of what had happened.
A. Appears B. He appeared C. Who appeared D. Appearing
13. Because it was so closely related to communication,_________art form to develop.
A. drawing was probably the earliest B. to draw early was probably
C. early drawing probably D. the earliest drawing
14. Because of the_________of hospital employees at that hospital, the head of the
administration began advertising job openings in the newspaper.


A. short B. shortcoming C. shortfall D. shortage

15. The ambassador to Vietnam oversaw the opening_________at the Music Festival.
A. studio B. effect C. ceremony D. termination
16. “Don’t worry about your necklace. Give it to me and I promise to__________great care of
A. bring B. take C. keep D. make
17. Jim usually looks happy, but today he has a long_______. He must have had a quarrel with
his best friend.
A. face B. chin C. nose D. expression
18. Don’t expect that the changes brought_______by the new law will make everyone happy.
A. around B. over C. up D. about
19. I can’t walk in these high-heeled boots. I keep_________.
A. falling off B. falling back C. falling over D. falling out
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Mai: “Wow, I’ve never seen such a nice cell phone, Nam.” Nam: “_________”
A. Oh, I don’t know. B. Thank you. I’m glad you like it.
C. You’re welcome. D. I agree with you.
21. John: “Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?”
Laura: “_________”
A. Of course not. You bet. B. Well, that’s very surprising.
C. There is no doubt about it. D. Yes, it’s an absurd idea.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Excessive amounts of lead in the air can decrease a child’s intelligence.
A. boom B. diminish C. abate D. swamp
23. Species that have already lost habitat because of deforestation are given higher priority in
the plan due to their greater risk of extinction.
A. a thing that you do often and almost without thinking
B. the place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found
C. a subject that students don’t understand
D. a theme that everyone likes to discuss
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Two weeks ago, when I was looking for a new pair of jeans in the night market, I ran into
A. called loudly B. met very quickly
C. saw by chance D. arranged to meet
25. He was arrested for his illicit drug trade in the police raid yesterday.
A. legal B. irregular C. elicited D. secret

Trang 2

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Calling Jim is pointless because his phone is out of order.
A. It’s useless calling Jim because his phone is out of order.
B. It’s worth not calling Jim because his phone is out of order.
C. It’s no use to call Jim because his phone is out of order.
D. There’s no point in calling Jim because his phone is out of order.
27. Max delayed writing the book until he had done a lot of research.
A. It was only when Max had written the book that he did a lot of research.
B. Only after Max had done a lot of research did he begin to write the book.
C. Max delayed writing the book as he had already done any research.
D. Max did a lot of research after he finished writing the book.
28. I got bored with the match halfway through.
A. I lost my interest in the match halfway through.
B. Through the match, I got bored halfway.
C. The halfway through match made me boring.
D. I found the match bored halfway through.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. This is a rare opportunity. You should take advantage of it to get a better job.
A. You should take advantage of this opportunity, that is rare to get a better job.
B. This is a rare opportunity that you should take advantage of to get a better job.
C. You should take advantage of this rare opportunity, which is to get a better job.
D. This is a rare opportunity what you should take advantage of to get a better job.
30. We had planned to walk right round the lake. The heavy rain made this impossible.
A. In spite of the fact that we had planned to walk right round the lake, the heavy rain made
this possible.
B. We had planned to walk right round the lake, therefore, the heavy rain made this
C. We had planned to walk right round the lake, but the heavy rain made this impossible.
D. Even though we had planned to walk right round the lake, but the heavy rain made this
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Culture Clash
In Africa a famous food company tried to sell its baby food by advertising it with the picture
of a baby on the label. They did not know that this particular country used labels only to (31) ___a
picture of the food inside. When Pepsico used the slogan ‘Come alive with Pepsi’ in Taiwan, they
had no idea that it would be translated into Chinese as ‘Pepsi (32)_________________________
your ancestors back from the dead’.

Trang 3

Misunderstandings such as these about language or about culture are sometimes comical but
can also cause genuine hurt or anger. Business styles (33)_______________widely in different
countries and what is normal in one culture can be completely unacceptable in another.
Socialising in different countries can be tricky. In Arabic countries, for example, people do
not discuss business (34)___________meals. Giving gifts is another potential problem: in the
UK most people take presents to a dinner party, but in many countries this is not polite because it
(35)____________you think the host is poor.
3 A. show B. express C. record D. display
13 A. leads B. returns C. brings D.takes
23 A. vary B. disagree C. differentiate D.
33 A. in B.over C.about exchange
43 through
A. proposes B. recommends C. indicates
5 suggests
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Traveling in the Future
These days, if you want to travel from New York to Beijing, the flight takes about 16 hours.
You also have to wait at the airport, and sometimes you have to transfer onto a different airplane.
If you add all of that extra time, the trip takes at least 20 hours. But in the future, the trip from
New York to Beijing might only take two hours.
Right now, a private company is developing something called ET3. ET3 stands for
“evacuated tube transport technology”. Here is how it works. A tube goes all the way from New
York to Beijing. The tube is only a few meters wide. Capsules move through the tube. Six people
can sit in one capsule. The capsules use electricity instead of gasoline. For international travel, the
capsules can travel at about 6,500 kilometers per hour. That is much faster than airplane — most
modem airplanes usually only fly at about 800 kilometers per hour.
So how is this possible? How can these capsules travel so fast? The answer is that there is no
air inside the tube. When airplanes fly, they have to move through the air. The air slows the
airplanes down. Because there is no air in the ET3 tubes, the capsules are able to move at a very
high speed. Besides, the capsules are quite light. They only weigh 183 kilograms.
There are other advantages to ET3. Because it uses electricity, it is quite clean. In addition, it
is much quieter than airplanes and cars. Finally, ET3 tubes and capsules don't require very much
building material.
Of course, ET3 doesn’t exist yet. The technology is still being developed. Developers still
have to solve a lot of problems. The biggest problem is that right now, ET3 would be far too
expensive. In order to make ET3 cheaper, we will need much better technology.
It is exciting to think of how ET3 will change travel in the future. Maybe someday, you will
be able to have lunch in New York and dinner in Beijing.
36. Which of the following is NOT true about travelling at present?
A. Modern planes fly at about 800 kilometers per hour.
B. We use mostly gasoline for transportation.
C. Flights make little noise thanks to modem technology.

Trang 4

D. Traveling takes place in the air.

37. Why is ET3 clean?
A. It is made of a clean kind of material.
B. It uses a cleaner kind of gasoline.
C. It doesn’t use gasoline or electricity.
D. It uses electricity.
38. The word “works” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. travels B. operates C. earns money D. succeeds
39. All of the following are factors that make ET3 travel fast EXCEPT that
A. there is no air inside the tube
B. the capsule is quite light
C. building material was discovered by accident
D. there is nearly no friction during the trip
40. What is a problem with ET3?
A. Right now it is too expensive.
B. We don’t know what the best building material is.
C. It is far too loud.
D. Most people in Beijing don’t want to use ET3.
41. According to the passage, which statement is true?
A. People are already using ET3 to travel.
B. There is no air in ET3 tubes.
C. ET3 capsules might travel at 650,000 kilometers per hour.
D. Right now, a flight from New York to Beijing takes about six hours.
42. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. There is still a lot to do before putting ET3 into operation.
B. All flights have to transfer at different cities.
C. ET3 will be used domestically.
D. Electricity used as a source of energy makes a capsule much quieter.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Movies for the Blind
When you think of the cinema, the phrase ‘watching a movie’ probably comes to mind, and,
indeed, moviemakers work very hard to make their films interesting visually. They may use
elaborate costumes, beautiful locations, or amazing special effects to tell a story. An actor’s
expression or movements can also sometimes say more than words.
But what about people who are blind or have trouble seeing? Movies also contain dialogue,
music, and sound effects - things that people don’t need to see in order to enjoy. Movie reviewer
Marty Klein, who is blind, created a website called Blindspots to help people choose movies that
they can follow without the help of someone explaining what is happening on the screen. He gave
a rating, from 1 to 10, based on several things. A movie received a high rating if it has only a few
main characters whose voices are easy to recognize. Klein also liked interesting stories without

Trang 5

many changes in time and place. A large amount of dialogue between the characters was better
than long silences or noisy action scenes. His reviews are still online, but the site is no longer
Another blind movie reviewer, Jay Forry, maintains the website Blindsite Reviews. He also
writes for newspapers and is a guest on radio shows. Forry gives movies one of five ratings,
including, “So good, blind people like it” and “I’m glad I couldn’t see it.” Forry became a writer
after going blind at the age of 28, and his writing skills and sense of humour are what keep people
reading his reviews or listening to him on the radio. After “watching” the animated movie Up,
Forry commented that he wished he, too, could have a talking dog to tell him to watch out for
cars and not to “go into the ladies’ restroom again.”
Sometimes, though, it’s nice to go to the movie without reading reviews and knowing what
to expect. Some movie theaters have begun to offer recorded audio descriptions of the
movements, scenery, and special effects so that blind moviegoers can follow what other audience
members see on the screen. They usually receive a wireless headset to wear during the movie.
This allows them to listen to the narration while still hearing the hearing’s music and other
sounds that surround them in the theater. Jay Forry also notes that modem theaters now have
excellent sound systems, something he appreciates more than the average moviegoer.
In the end, going to the movies should be a fun and exciting experience - for both the sighted
and the blind.
43. What is the main idea of the article?
A. Jay Forry writes movie reviews for blind people.
B. Blind people have resources to help them enjoy movies.
C. Some movie reviews are written specifically for blind people.
D. Blind people do not enjoy going to movies.
44. Which movie would probably receive the best rating from Marty Klein?
A. a foreign martial arts film with many fight scenes
B. a drama that often shifts between the past and the present
C. a romantic comedy with four main characters and lots of conversation
D. a space adventure with many explosion and special effects
45. Movie reviewer Jay Forry has his own_______.
A. website B. newspaper C. radio show D. movie theater
46. What is Jay Forry most likely to say about a movie he dislikes?
A. He wishes it hadn’t been made.
B. It might have been good if he could see.
C. He is happy he is blind.
D. Other blind people , might like it.
47. Why does the author include this quotation: “go into the ladies’ restroom again”?
A. to recommend the movie UP to readers
B. to compare Forry to the dog in the movie UP
C. to illustrate Forry's sense of humour
D. to demonstrate Forty’s need for help

Trang 6

48. To help blind people, some theaters_________.

A. offer special headsets that play a recorded description of the movie
B. hold events for blind people to see movies together
C. give a discount on movie tickets to blind people
D. provide people to sit next to blind people and describe the movie
49. The word “them” in paragraph 4 refers to________.
A. the sighted moviegoers B. the blind moviegoers
C. all the moviegoers D. the moviemakers
50. What does the phrase “something he appreciates more than the average moviegoer” mean?
A. Jay Forry is a better movie critic than most people in the audience.
B. Jay Forry needs to test if wireless headsets help blind people.
C. Jay Forry needs to pay attention to sound so he can write a movie review.
D. Jay Forry pays more attention to sound.

Trang 7

1 .B 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 DÁN 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. B
1 .
. D 12. D 1. A . 1 D 1. C 16. B 17 A 18 D 19 C 20. B
21. C 22. B 23 B 4.2 D 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. A .
29 B 30. C
. A 32. C 3 A 4.3 B 35. D 36. C .
37 D 38. B .
39 C 40. A
. B 42. A 43 B 4.4 C 45. A 46. C .
47 C 48. A .
49 B 50. D
D increase 3 6. 4. sea creatures
5. A rise . . .
11. the point in doing sth = quan điểm về cái gì
18. bring about = làm xảy ra, dẫn đến, gây ra
19. fall over = ngã lộn nhào; fall off = rơi xuống; fall back = ngã ngữa, rút lui; fall out = rơi ra
32. bring back = khôi phục; take back = lấy lại, mang về
33. vary/differ widely = rất khác biệt, thay đổi nhiều
35. suggest (v) = ám chỉ; indicate (v) = biểu lộ; propose/recommend (v) = đề nghị

Trang 8

ĐỀ 10
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. composer B. solo C. post D. love
2. A. solo B. music C. single D. song
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. loneliness B. management C. confident D. protective
4. A. difficulty B. community C. ability D. effectively
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. What happened in that city were a reaction from city workers, including firemen and
policemen who had been laid off from their jobs.
6. Nitrogen must be combine with another element such as hydrogen or oxygen to be useful in
agriculture or industry.
7. Benjamin Franklin was the editor of the largest newspaper in the colonies, a diplomatic
representative to France, and he invented many useful devices.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. Without my parents’ support, I_________my overseas study.
A. had not completed B. would not have completed
C. will not complete D. did not complete
9. The Prime Minister congratulated the team_______winning the match.
A. for B. in C. on D. into
10. The more you talk about the matter,_________.
A. the situation seems the worse B. the situation seems worse
C. the worse seems the situation D. the worse the situationseems
11. She listened so attentively that not a word_______.
A. she had missed B. she missed
C. she didn’t miss D. did she miss
12. does not circle around the earth was proven by Galileo.
A. That the rest of the universe B. Since the rest of the universe
C. As the rest of the universe D. The rest of the universe
13. ________that Mary was able to retire at the age of 50.


A. So successful was her business B. So was her successful business


C. Her business was too successful D. So successful her business was

14. Both liquids and gases flow freely from a container because they have
A. not definite shape B. none definite shape
C. no definite shape D. nothing definite shape
15. When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty__________paintings were destroyed,
including two by Picasso.
A. worthless B. priceless C. valueless D. worthy
16. I phoned the company, who_________me that my goods had been delivered.
A. guaranteed B. assured C. reassured D. confirmed
17. It is very important to make a good impression_________your interviewer.
A. on B. for C. of D. to
18. She kept her son________because he had a high temperature.
A. on B. in C. off D.out
19. Learning English isn’t so difficult once you________.
A. get on it B. get off it C. get down to it D. get down with it
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “You haven’t been to the bank today, have you?” “_________”
A. Yes, 1 haven’t. I am busy. B. No, I haven’t any money.
C. No, I have. I got some money. D. No, I haven’t. I’m about to.
21. Lisa: “Have you been able to reach Peter?” Gina: “_________”
A. That’s no approval. B. Yes, I’ve known him for years.
C. No, the line is busy. D. It’s much too high.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was
established in 1946.
A. set up B. found out C. run through D. put away
23. People in Korea gave books to schools in Indonesia, and Indonesians taught Koreans a
traditional dance. This exchange helped them learn about each other’s cultures.
A. giving and receiving things at the same time
B. trying many different things at the same time
C. the process of changing an amount of one currency
D. an arrangement for two parties
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Strongly advocating health foods, Jane doesn’t eat any chocolate.
A. denying B. doubting C. supporting D. advising
25. Unless the two signatures are identical, the bank won’t honor the check.
A. different B. genuine C. fake D. similar


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Tom writes French as well as he speaks it.
A. Tom is bad at writing French.
B. Tom does not speak French so well as he writes it.
C. Tom writes and speaks French equally well.
D. Even though Tom writes French well, he speaks it better.
27. You can try as hard as you like but you won’t succeed.
A. However hard you try, you won’t succeed.
B. You can hardly try as you like, but you won’t succeed.
C. You won’t succeed because you can’t try as hard.
D. Although you won’t succeed, you can try as hard as you like.
28. Refusal to give a breath sample to the police could lead to your arrest.
A. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police.
B. If you refuse to be arrested, you have to give a breath sample.
C. If a breath sample is not given, the police will refuse to arrest you.
D. The police could cause you to give a breath sample to decide whether to arrest you or
not. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. I ’ve been too busy to answer my email. However, I’ll do it soon.
A. I haven’t got round to answering my email but I’ll do it soon.
B. I haven’t got times to answer my email but I’ll do it soon.
C. If I had been too busy to answer my email, I would do it soon.
D. I haven’t taken up answering my email but I’ll do it soon.
30. The electricity has been cut off for two days now. All the food in the freezer has been
A. The electricity has been cut off for two days now; however, all the food in the freezer
has been defrosted.
B. The electricity has been cut off for two days now; as a result, all the food in the freezer
has been defrosted.
C. The electricity has been cut off for two days now; consequences, all the food in the
freezer has been defrosted.
D. The electricity has been cut off for two days now so that all the food in the freezer has
been defrosted.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Let The Car Drive
Human beings are notorious for making mistakes. If you look at the police log in any given
city on any given day, you will definitely (31)___________that one of the biggest problems all
cities face is car accidents. People do all sorts of things that (32)____________them into trouble

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on the roadways. Sometimes, they feel sleepy or they talk on cell phones while they are driving.
Whatever the case may be, the accidents that are caused are almost always due to human error.
The car accident as a human error might be in for a big shake-up that will make the roadways
much safer. We may soon be (33)____________________into an area of self-driving cars that
communicate with other cars on the road while (34)___________the areas around them to avoid
obstacles and keep the passengers safe. The technology is already here, and it is proving to be
One company that has fully (35)_____________the idea of driverless car is Google. The
company’s driverless car programme is run by Sebastian Thun, who gained fame in 2005 when
his team from Stanford won the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) Grand
3 A. experience B. find C. find out D. realize
13 A. put B. push D. get
23 A. moving B. transferring C. transmitting D.
33 A. discovering B. aiming C. searching signalling
43 monitoring
A. holding B. including C. embracing
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on youraccepting
5 answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Twitter: 140 Characters to Express Yourself
At the start of the social media revolution, Facebook quickly became the most popular site
for sharing information with others. However, it is not the only service that people can use to
express themselves. Those who believe in the old saying that “more is less” may want to check
out Twitter. Part of Twitter’s appeal is that it limits users to 140 characters whenever they update
their status. This forces people to quickly “get to the point” when they are communicating.
Twitter is a microblogging service that was created by four American programmers in 2006.
The founders chose the name Twitter because the word has two definitions: “a short burst of
information” and “the sound that little birds make”, both of which fit the description of what their
service provides. In fact, some people have even labeled Twitter the “SMS of the Internet”.
Twitter is not just about words though. Users can also share videos and pictures. Another thing
which truly sets Twitter apart from its competition is the hashtag. Hashtags are a special way of
labeling and classifying information. They help people interested in a subject to find related posts
and content. For example, some interested in sports could simply search for hashtag sports and
they would find all messages tagged in this manner.
Twitter has also allowed people to easily connect with others who they would have never had
access to in the past. This has enabled fans to interact with their favourite celebrities by following
their Twitter updates and sending them direct messages. Of course, there is no guarantee that the
famous person will respond, as the celebrities may receive thousands of messages each day.
However, there have been some pretty stunning interactions. In 2011, singer Justin Timberlake
made headlines when he accepted an invitation from a female soldier to attend a Marine Corps
ball. In return, many celebrities find it gratifying to know some of their supporters more closely.
However, there is a dark side to Twitter conversations: Some people who don’t think before

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sending out tweets that can cause outrage by milking inappropriate or insensitive remarks.
In November 2013, Twitter went public on the New York Stock Exchange. The added
investments should allow the company to do some incredible things in the near future.
36. What is an effect of Twitter’s word limit mentioned in the article?
A. It helps people focus on what they want to say.
B. It caused many users to quit Twitter and use other sites.
C. It is something that most users hope will change very soon.
D. It is the same word limit that other social media sites use.
37. What is the benefit of hashtags?
A. They help users maintain privacy.
B. They help celebrities earn more money.
C. They help people find relevant content more easily.
D. They help sports fans improve their skills.
38. What does the passage suggest about celebrities?
A. They shouldn’t be allowed to use Twitter.
B. Many of them enjoy connecting with their fans.
C. They usually reply to every message they get.
D. Most celebrities don’t have Twitter accounts.
39. The word “appeal” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. influence B. statement C. request D. attraction
40. The word “them” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. fans B. websites C. celebrities D. requests
41. Which of the following is an example of the “darker side” of Twitter?
A. A fan asks a celebrity to do a favour.
B. A celebrity takes a fan to a dance.
C. Someone posts rude insults about another person.
D. Someone closes their account due to a lack of time.
42. Who would be most interested in the passage?
A. A person who wants to meet others online
B. A person who likes to write long posts on social media
C. A person who is looking to protect their identity on the Internet
D. A person who is dreaming of becoming famous in the future
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Raising a Child Athlete
In many countries, children with sporting potential are identified early and encouraged to
achieve athletic greatness by training for hours every day. While some people see this as a great
opportunity for kids to be healthy, others argue that too much focus on training can hurt young
people. How parents should raise child athletes has become a big topic of their debate.
People who are against such serious commitment to sport say that there are many negatives

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to training so intensively. Here are some of their arguments:

• The long hours spent training can distant the child from his or her family.
• Athletes who spend too much time training miss out on education. The child may not be
prepared for other real world activities, such as going to college and having a non-athletic
• Pressure from parents and coaches to win can be psychologically damaging for the child.
Parents may also become too pushy and end up caring more about athletic achievements than
the child.
Dr. Christine Carr, a psychologist, suggests that parents take some important steps to make
sure that their kids are getting the most out of sports. Carr says that the focus should be on the
child’s happiness and about learning life lessons. Self- discipline, determination, and learning to
deal with failure are some of the important life skills and lessons kids can learn from sports.
Other experts point to the importance of letting children make their own decisions. Top
athletes Tiger Woods and Michael Phelps have said that they appreciated their parents letting
them decide how much or how little they wanted to train. In fact, according to Phelps’ mother, he
had trouble focusing in the classroom until he found a sport that he was passionate about. By
allowing Michael to focus on his sport, his mother also saw him improve as a student.
Another thing that many parents and doctors agree on is the importance of developing a close
relationship with the family. Dr. Carr suggests eating dinner together and says it is a simple way
to remind children that family is important, and that support can always be found at home. Woods
and Phelps both had supportive families and made it public, with parents attending their many
Raising an athlete is not easy. By balancing life and training, parents can set their children up
for success and help them become winners in sports and in life.
43. What is this passage mainly about?
A. why training child athletes is wrong
B. when child athletes should begin training
C. how parents can decide if their child would make a good athlete
D. how parents can raise child athletes the right way
44. The purpose of the second paragraph is to________.
A. examine what child psychologists say
B. list arguments against training young athletes
C. compare arguments for and against training young athletes
D. list bad ways to train children
45. What best describes Dr. Carr’s opinion of children in sports?
A. She thinks sports have the potential to benefit children.
B. She is against children playing sports.
C. She thinks only teenagers should play sports.
D. She thinks sports are good but meaningless for children.
46. What is said about failure in the third paragraph?

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A. It should be avoided.
B. It happens when athletes don’t train hard enough.
C. It is something child athletes should not think about.
D. It is something children should learn to deal with.
47. The phrase “the most” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. the highest medals B. the world’s records
C. the most benefits D. the most serious trainings
48. Why does the writer use Tiger Woods and Michael Phelps as examples?
A. They are very rich and successful athletes.
B. They had supportive families as child athletes.
C. They have spoken about the dangers of training too hard.
D. They are now raising their children as child athletes.
49. Why does Dr. Carr say families should eat dinner together at home?
A. because it is an important meal for child athletes
B. because otherwise the children might eat fast food
C. because children should spend their evenings at home
D. because it teaches children the importance of family
50. Who would find this passage the most useful?
A. child psychologists B. coaches of child athletes
C. parents of child athletes D. adult athletes

Trang 7

1. D 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 ÁN 6. A
B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10 D
1 D .
12 A 1. A 14. C 1. B 16. B 17 A 1 B 19. C .
20 D
21. C .
22 A 23 A 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. A 29. A .
30 B
31. B .
32 D 3 A 34. D 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. B 39. D .
40 C
41. C .
42 A 43 D 44. B 45. A 46. D 47. C 48. B 49. D .
50 C
5. .
wa 6. A 3 must .be 5. 7 C an .inventor 8. .
14.priceless (adj.) = vô giá; worthy (adj.) = đáng coi trọng; worthless/valueless (adj.) = không có
giá trị
17. (leave/ make) an impression on sb = (để lại/ gây) ấn tượng đối với ai
18. keep in = giữ không cho ra ngoài
19. get down to sth = bắt đầu tập trung nỗ lực vào cái gì
24. advocate (động từ) = ủng hộ công khai; doubt (động từ) = nghi ngờ, ngờ vực
25. identical (tính từ) = giống hệt nhau; different (tính từ) = khác nhau.
35. embrace (v) = nắm lấy thời cơ

Trang 8

ĐỀ 11
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. integrate B. independent C. determined D. access
2. A. discuss B. mission C. message D. successful
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. essential B. different C. important D. negation
4. A. invaluable B. intimacy C. investigate D. intensity
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Traditionally, the flag is risen in the morning and taken down at night.
6. Anyone reproducing copyrighted works without permission of the holders of the copyrights
are breaking the law.
7. Living in New York, apartments cost more to rent than they do in other smaller cities.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. “I’m sorry I cannot hear what you_________because everybody__________so loudly.”
A. were saying - has talked B. said - was talking
C. have just said - is talking D. are saying — talk
9. The new model of aeroplane is capable_________over 500 passengers.
A. of carrying B. to carry C. to carrying D. of being carried
10. Only____ ____research has been carried out in this field.
A. a few B. a little C. very little D. not much
11. Not until a monkey is several years old________to exhibit signs of independence from its
A. beginning B. does it begin C. and begin D. it begins
12. When friends insist on________expensive gifts, it makes people uncomfortable.
A. them to accept B. they accepting
C. their accepting D. they accept
13. ________that she burst into tears.
A. Such was angry girl B. So angry was she
C. She was angry so D. Her anger was such
14. In order to become a member of the country club, applicants have to meet the strict set by
the club president.
A. require B. requires C. requiring D. requirement


15. Many scientists_________all their lives to working out answers to problems.

A. send B. promote C. spend D. devote
16. We would contact your nearest relative_________any accident occurring.
A. in place of B. in spite of C. on account of D. in the event of
17. As the drug took________, the boy became quieter.
A. action B. effect C. force D. influence
18. Old people are often looked_________by their children when they get older.
A. for B. up C. after D. into
19. Don't worry about trying to catch the last train home, as we can easily_________you up for
the night.
A. keep B. put C. take D. set
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Ann: “How well you are playing, Peter!” Peter: “________”
A. Say it again. I like to hear your words.
B. Thank you too much.
C. Many thanks, that’s a nice compliment.
D. I think so. I’m too proud of myself.
21. Tim: “________” - Joyce: “Certainly.”
A. Welcome back! B. What are you doing there?
C. I’m sorry I am late D. May I borrow a pencil, please?
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The gravitational forces of the sun and the moon are fundamental in causing ocean tides.
A. unique B. essential C. odd D. current
23. Although he is recognized as one of the most brilliant scientists in his field, Professor White
cannot seem to make his ideas understood in class.
A. get his ideas down B. recall his ideas
C. summarize his ideas D. get his ideas across
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Pure water is often a fairly rare commodity that requires significant energy to produce.
A. Contaminated B. Clean C. Unadulterated D. Flawless
25. Why are you being so arrogant?
A. humble B. cunning C. naive D. gentle
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. It’s the first time I’ve been to a flower show.
A. I haven’t been to a flower show for years.
B. It’s the first time I’ve seen so many flowers.

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C. I haven’t been to a flower show before.

D. This is the first flower show I know.
27. “I’ m sorry, I was rude to you yesterday,” I said to Tom.
A. I apologized of having been rude to Tom the day before.
B. I apologized to Tom for having been rude to him the day before.
C. I apologize for my rude to Tom yesterday.
D. I apologize to Tom as I was rude to you the day before.
28. The supermarket which is located at the comer of the street has an extensive range of teas.
A. You can buy expensive teas at the market at the comer of the street.
B. The supermarket at the comer of the street has a wide range of teas.
C. The supermarket locating at the comer of the street sells many kinds of tea.
D. The supermarket located at the comer of the street has expensive teas.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. Jane Eyre is a novel by English writer Charlotte Bronte. It is one of my favourite books.
A. One of my favourite books is a novel entitled Charlotte Bronte by Jane Eyre.
B. Jane Eyre, a novel by English writer Charlotte Bronte, is one of the books I like most.
C. I only like novels in English by Charlotte Bronte, one of which is Jane Eyre.
D. I like Jane Eyre because it is a novel by English writer Charlotte Bronte.
30. She gave in her notice. She planned to start her new job in January.
A. She gave in her notice, plan to start her new job in January.
B. Her notice was given in with the aim to start her new job in January.
C. Her notice was given in in order for her to start her new job in January.
D. She gave in her notice with a view to starting her new job in January.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Surfing on the Land
Waves don’t always (31)___________the beaches with enough height or force to allow a
sport such as surfing. The surfers in the 1960s looked for something that would allow them to
have the thrill of riding waves without having to actually go in the water on days when it looked
more like a (32)__________rather than a series of hills reaching the shore. The simple solution
was to put wheels on a board, and before long, a new style of surfing was born, but it was done on
Looking back, it is easy to see how skateboarding could become more popular than even
surfing. To surf you need coastline and waves, but to skateboard, all you need is a paved surface.
As its popularity grew, skateboarding took (33)________________________new forms, and
adventurous skateboarders tried new stunts. Skateboard parks started popping up throughout
several countries, and there was plenty of innovation in skateboards.
Early skateboards had metal wheels, usually (34)___________from roller skates. Clay wheels
replaced these, followed by the special urethane wheels that are used today. The innovations with

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wheels made the sport safer in many ways, but they also (35)__________________the stunts to

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become more and more extreme.

31. A. hit B. approach C. touch D. attack
32. A. plane B. floor C. mirror D. surface
33. A. over B. up C. out D. on
34. A. take B. taken C. separate D.
35. A.gave B. made C. allowed
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
The Brain: Myths and Facts
There are a lot of myths about the human brain. We are going to tell you a little about these
myths, and we are also going to give you the truth.
One of the biggest myth is that we only use 10 percent of our brains. The next part of that
myth is that if we can learn to use the rest of our brains, then we will be much smarter. People say
this all the time, but it is absolutely not true. The truth is that although we don’t know everything
about the human brain, we know that each part of it has an important function. Modem scientists
call the “10 percent myth” ridiculous.
The other most popular myth is about being “right brained” or “left brained”. According to
this myth, people who use the right side of their brains tend to be more artistic and creative.
People who use the left side of their brains tend to be better at maths and science. This myth is as
popular as the 10 percent myth, and it is also wrong. In 2013, a study at an American university
examined the right brain and left brain myth. According to the study, we use both sides of our
brains equally.
It is true that we use different parts of our brains for different things: We use our left side for
language more, and our right side when we need to pay attention. But there is no evidence that
creative people use the right side more, or that scientific people use the left side more.
We have talked about myths, so let’s look at a few interesting facts about the brain. First of
all, the brain feels no pain. Second, about 75 percent of the brain is made of water. It is also the
fattest organ in your body. Another interesting fact about the brain is that around the time you
turn 18 years old, it stops growing.
36. According to the myth, what is true about the left side of our brains?
A. Creative people use that side more.
B. Hardworking people use that side more.
C. Scientific people use that side more.
D. Young people use that side more.
37. What can we say about the left brain - right brain myth?
A. It is popular as the 10 percent myth.
B. It is actually correct.
C. It is older than the 10 percent myth.
D. Only university students believe it.
38. Which of the following is true about the human brain?
A. Each part of the brain has a specific function.

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B. People don’t care about the 10 percent myth.

C. Scientists partly agree with the common myths.
D. It cannot help us feel pain.
39. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. the myth B. the rest of the brain C. the truth D. our intelligence
40. The word “ridiculous” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. imaginary B. unreasonable C. deceitful D. cheating
41. What did the study at the American university say?
A. Creative people use the right side of their brains more.
B. Scientific people use the left side of their brains more.
C. People use both sides of their brains equally.
D. People only use 10 percent of their brains.
42. Which of the following is NOT true about the human brain?
A. 75 percent of it is water.
B. The right side is used more for language.
C. It is the fattest organ in the human body.
D. It feels no pain.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Life of a Professional Gamer
Gordon Hayward has a pretty cool job - he plays basketball for the team Utah Jazz in the
American National Basketball Association (NBA). But in his free time, he also works as a
professional gamer, competing in StarCraft 2 tournaments. Even as a top-level athlete, Gordon is
impressed with the amount of commitment needed for these competitions. “These guys are
professionals,” he says. “They play this game for their job, so they take this as seriously as I take
playing basketball for a living.”
Competitive gaming has been around for almost as long as video games themselves, but it's
only recently that people have started earning money from it. This is because companies sponsor
gamers and tournaments. The gaming industry is now worth about $6 billion, and it is growing
every year. Michel Masquelier, President of IMG Media (one of the world’s largest entertainment
companies), called gaming the number one activity in the world for men aged 18 to 24. Just as
young people aspire to play in the NBA, many also dream of becoming professional gamers.
There are now big global tournaments like World Cyber Games and Major League Gaming
Championships, where hundreds of gamers come to compete in popular games like STARCRAFT,
Warcraft, Counterstrike, and the football game FIFA in front of an audience. The prize money in
a tournament can reach a few million dollars.
One thing gamers and athletes have in common is that they often play in teams. These
“clans”, as gamers call them, usually play tournaments together and practise against one another.
Professional gamers and their clans earn money through sponsorships, winning tournaments, and
teaching and training people to play video games better.
Like athletes, gamers must train long and hard to become the best at the games that they

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play. Most gamers only compete in one game, the same way that most professional athletes only
play one sport. Adrian Kwong, a professional gamer, says that he usually practises StarCraft 2 for
more than three hours a day. Some days he even plays for more than five hours. “To become a
pro player, it takes determination, skill, and extensive practice,” says Katie Goldberg, who is
vice-president of communications at Major’s League Gaming.
Gordon Hayward isn’t going to give up his basketball career anytime soon, but he says that
athletes and gamers are not that different: “You have to train hard if you want to be the best, and
that goes for everything, not just basketball. That also goes for video games like StarCraft”
43. What best describes the main idea of the passage?
A. While popular, video game sports are not real sports.
B. Professional gamers earn as much as athletes.
C. Professional gamers train and compete like athletes.
D. More athletes are playing video games than ever before.
44. Why does the writer say in paragraph 1 that Gordon is impressed “even as a top-level
A. Athletes are used to training long and hard.
B. Athletes generally don’t like playing video games.
C. Athletes don’t have time to play video games.
D. Athletes enter lots of competitions as well.
45. Why does the passage say gamers have recently started earning money?
A. Competitive gaming is very new.
B. Gamers now work for video game companies.
C. Young people pay to watch their favourite gamers.
D. Companies now sponsor gamers and competitions.
46. What is a “clan”?
A. a club for fans of gamers B. a team of gamers
C. a person who is new to gaming D. a gamer who no longer competes
47. Which is true about gaming tournaments?
A. Only the top gamers compete.
B. Gamers play from their homes.
C. Winners receive trophies, but not money.
D. Fans watch gamers as they play.
48. Professional gamers like Adrian Kwong________.
A. do some physical exercise to help their gaming
B. take part in gaming competitions on their own
C. practise for many hours a day
D. compete in many different games
49. The word “everything” in the last paragraph refers to_________.
A. any tournament B. any sport C. any gamer D. any game
50. The purpose of the final paragraph is to show________.

Trang 2

A. how athletes and gamers are the same

B. how athletes and gamers are different
C. why Gordon Hayward plays video games like StarCraft 2
D. why Gordon Hayward chooses basketball over video games

Trang 2

1 D 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 BÁN6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B
1. B .
12 C .
13 B .
14. D 1. D 16. D 17 B 18. C 19. B 20. C
21 D .
22 B .
23 D 24. A 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. B 30. D
31 A .
32 C .
33 D 34. B 35. C 36. C 37. A 38. A 39. A 40. B
41 C .
42 B .
43 C 44. A 45. D 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. A
Notes . . 5. .
16. event = trường hợp, khả năng có thể xảy ra; in the event of... = trong trường hợp...
17. take effect = có tác dụng, có hiệu quả
19. put sb up = cho ai trọ
24. pure (a) = tinh khiết, được lọc; comtaminated = bị ô nhiễm; unadulterated = thuần khiết;
flawless = hoàn mỹ.
25. arrogant (a) = kiêu ngạo; humble = khiêm tốn; cunning = xảo quyệt; naive = ngây thơ;
gentle = hiền lành.
30. with a view to doing sth = với ý định làm cái gì
31. hit (v) = xảy ra, ập đến
32. like a mirror = như tấm gương
33. take on something = có thêm tính chất hoặc dạng thức mới
34. take something from = lấy cái gi từ đâu
35. allow (v) = cho phép điều gì xảy ra
40. ridiculous = buồn cười, lố bịch; unreasonable (a) = vô lí; imaginary (a) = không có thực;
cheating/ deceitful (a) = lừa gạt

Trang 8

ĐỀ 12
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. bloc B. govern C. scholarship D. motto
2. A. charter B. chance C. charity D. brochure
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. counsellor B. decisive C. confident D. discipline
4. A. management B. protective C. respectful D. reliant
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Nancy said that she went to the supermarket before coming home.
6. Some tree frogs can alter their colors in order to blend to their environment.
7. Albert Einstein was such brilliant a scientist that many of his colleagues had to study for
several years in order to form opinions about his theories.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. By the end of this year. Nam__________English for seven years, but he will still need more
training and experience before he masters the language.
A. will have been studying C. has studied
B. has been studying D. will be studying
9. We don’t allow________in the office.
A. people smoke B. smoke
C. to smoking D. people to smoke
10. The dog went_________him and knocked him down.
A. over B. toward C. for D. onto
11. It is________work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.
A. a so unusual B. so a unusual C. such unusual a D. such an unusual
12. ________get older, the games theyplay become increasingly complex.
A. Although children B. For children to C. Children, when D. As children
13. My teeth were a little yellow so I_________by the dentist.
A. had cleaned them B. had had them cleaned
C. had them cleaned D. was cleaned
14. Employees are not permitted to refund customer purchases unless__________by a manager
or assistant manager.
A. supervise B. supervised C. supervisor D. supervision


15. Please accept our apology for the inconvenience this delay is causing all the passengers here
at Tan Son Nhat International Airport.
A. sincere B. original C. estimated D. completed
16. Before you start applying for any job, you must be absolutely sure you have the
A. qualities B. qualifications C. qualifying D. qualifiers
17. I accidentally________Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.
A. caught sight of B. kept an eye on
C. paid attention to D. lost touch with
18. The meeting has been put_________to Friday as many people have got flu.
A. up B. in C. out D. back
19. Mr. Chau’s main role in the company for the next two weeks is to look__________the right
person to take over Mr. Shaw’s position when he leaves at the end of the month.
A. in B. for C. over D. from
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. A: “What’s the matter? You don’t look very well.”
B: “I feel a little__________.”
A. out of the blue B. under the weather
C. out of order D. under the impression
21. A: "Your parents must be proud of your result at school."
B: "_________"
A. Sorry to hear that.
B. I am glad you like it.
C. Thanks. It's certainly encouraging.
D. Of course.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The introduction of credit cards radically modified North Americans’ spending habits.
A. devoted B. altered C. reduced D. resolved
23. We had waited for two hours and in the end they arrived.
A. luckily B. suddenly C. gradually D. eventually
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. The soldiers were told to commence firing in the mock battle.
A. continue B. stop C. begin D. evoke
25. The consequences of the typhoon were disastrous due to the lack of precautionary measures.
A. severe B. beneficial C. physical D. damaging
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in

Trang 2

meaning to each of the following questions.

26. Did they build the circus at the same time as the theater?
A. Did they build the circus as long as the theater?
B. Was the theater built at the same time of the circus?
C. Did they build the circus along with the theater?
D. Was the circus built at the same time as the theater?
27. Six years ago we started writing to each other.
A. We’ve been writing to each other for six years.
B. We’ ve been writing to each other since six years.
C. We’re used to write to each other for six years.
D. We used to write to each other for six years.
28. John said, “You’d better not lend them any money, Mary.”
A. John said Mary not to lend them any money.
B. John said to Mary not lend them any money.
C. John advised Mary should not lend them any more money.
D. John advised Mary not to lend them any money.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. My grandparents’ lake house was built in 1953. It was completely destroyed by the forest
A. The forest fire destroyed my grandparents’ lake house was built in 1953.
B. My grandparents’ lake house was built in 1953 and completely destroyed by the forest
C. My grandparents’ lake house was built in 1953, so it was completely destroyed by the
forest fire.
D. My grandparents’ lake house, built in 1953, was completely destroyed by the forest fire.
30. It isn’t just that the level of education of this school is high. It’s that it’s also been
consistent for years.
A. The level of education in this school, which is usually quite high, shows only slight
variations from year to year.
B. The standard of education is not high in this school, but at least all the students are at the
same level.
C. Not only are the standards of education good in this school, but it has maintained those
standards over the years as well.
D. It isn’t fair to deny that this school is successful, as it has had the same high standards
for many years now.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Swim, Cycle, and Run
For athletes who like to (31)_______________a variety of endurance sports in a single

Trang 3

race, triathlons are a great fit. These competitions (32)____running, cycling, and
swimming into one race, and they take place one after the other in a single continuous timed race.
Athletes who participate must be in top physical form and have the skills needed to complete each
portion of the race.
Training for triathlons means the athletes have to become proficient not only in the sport required
in each stage, but they also have to become familiar with what (33)____________________from
one to the other does to their bodies. Many inexperienced triathletes are surprised to (34) hard it
can be to switch from swimming to cycling to running, and how tired their muscles can suddenly
feel. One thing all triathletes can agree (35)_______________________________is that no one
ever told them that running a triathlon would be easy.
3 A. compete B. compete in C. take part D. contest
3 A.join B.connect C. fasten D. combine
3 A. transference B. transmission C. transition D. transport
3 A. find what B. find out why C. find how D. find out
3 A. on B. with C. in how D. at
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
An Amazing Invention
Look at your hand, and it might not seem very interesting at first, but it is an amazing tool. In
fact, the human hand is as complex and as useful as a high tech machine.
This might sound strange to you, but the development of the human hand changed the world.
For example, the thumb helped human beings become the smartest and most powerful animals on
the Earth. Your thumb is important because it faces your other fingers. This allows you to hold
things, like tools. Being able to hold tools allowed our ancient ancestors to build things and
become more advanced. It is also possible that when w§ developed thumbs and started to use
tools, our brains developed faster as well.
And how about this? Your fingers are the only parts of your body that are moved by a
“remote control”. A remote control is the small device that you use to change the channel on your
television. Your fingers are controlled by remote because they don’t have any muscles. You
control your fingers with the muscles in your palms. The palms are connected to the fingers by
tendons. The palms pull the tendons, and move them the same way a string moves a puppet.
Every part of the human body is complicated, but the hand is especially complicated. It has a
total of 29 bones. There are 34 different muscles that move the fingers and the thumb. Seventeen
of those muscles are in the palm, and 18 are in the forearm. The human hand also has 48 nerves
and 30 arteries. An artery is like a vein, but it carries blood away from the heart.
Human beings are not as strong or as fast as other animals. However, our ancient ancestors
were able to rule the world for two reasons. First, they were intelligent. Second, they had these
amazing instruments called hands. There is no other invention like them in the world.
36. What is important about the thumb?
A. It faces our other fingers. B. It is longer our other fingers.

Trang 4

C. It has muscles on it. D. It has 29 bones.

37. Which statement is true?
A. The hand has 48 arteries.
B. Our thumbs make us less intelligent.
C. A remote control is a very large machine.
D. There are 34 muscles that control fingers.
38. The word “tendons” in paragraph 3 most probably means_________.
A. parts that join a muscle to a bone B. parts that join fingers to the thumb
C. parts that join the heart to the veins D. parts that join the palm to a muscle
39. The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to________.
A. body B. blood C. vein D. artery
40. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A. Our fingers are considered to be directed by a remote control.
B. The tendons help the palm move the fingers.
C. The palms pull the muscles in the fingers.
D. The remote control that directs fingers are the muscles in the palm.
41. What does the last sentence of the last paragraph mean?
A. Many other things are like hands.
B. There are no other animals that have hands.
C. Hands cannot help us invent things.
D. Hands are different from every invention in the world.
42. What would be another good title for the passage?
A. An Amazing Tool B. Thumbs!
C. The Fastest Animal D. Our Remote Controls
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Will Shortz: Puzzle Maker
When you ask a child what they would like to be when they grow up, common responses
might include firefighter, pilot, doctor, or athlete. But those jobs don’t capture the attention of all
kids. Take Will Shortz, for example. In eighth grade, at the age of 14, Shortz had to write an
essay about what he wanted to do with his life. He wrote about his desire to become a puzzle
maker - someone who creates games and puzzles, such as sudoku or crossword puzzles. That
same year, he sold his first puzzle to the magazine Venture. By the age of 16, Shortz was
regularly contributing puzzles to magazines.
In college, Shortz found that there was no traditional way to study puzzles or become a
puzzle maker. There were no classes offered on puzzles. Fortunately, after becoming bored with
his economics studies, Shortz learned that his university offered a special programme that
allowed students to suggest and create unique fields of study. After creating and completing two
courses on word and math puzzles, Shortz switched his major to enigmatology - the study of
Shortz and his professors then created new classes that explored all aspects of puzzle-

Trang 5

making. He studied the history, construction, and psychology of puzzles, mostly on his own.
Because there were no professors of enigmatology, Shortz realized that he probably was the only
student at his university to know more about his field than any of his professors.
He did well in school, but upon graduating, Shortz did not know how to get a job creating
puzzles. For summer work, he joined the magazine Penny Press, where he realized that he could
find work as a puzzle editor. Shortz then found a job creating and editing puzzles for Games
magazine. This seemed like a dream job because he could create new kinds of puzzles and be
surrounded by great puzzle makers.
After 15 years at Games, Shortz accepted a position as the editor of The New York Times ’
crossword puzzle. When he first joined, the newspaper’s crossword puzzle was seen as very
difficult, and few readers could complete it. Shortz made fundamental changes, such as including
everyday language in the clues and answers so that many more people could enjoy it. Today, he
credited with making the crossword appealing to a wider audience. Some of Shortz’s most
famous puzzles have related to the news for that day, such as the name of the winning president
on Election Day, and a love-themed puzzle on Valentine’s Day.
43. The writer mentions other children in the introduction to show_________.
A. how every child has a different ambition
B. how Will Shortz was different from other children
C. that they were not interested in puzzles
D. that none of them were as successful as Will Shortz
44. When did Shortz first become interested in puzzles?
A. before he was 14 years old
B. when he was 14 years old
C. when he was 16 years old
D. when he entered university
45. What kind of classes did Will Shortz take in college?
A. classes by professors who study puzzle-writing
B. classes that he and his professors developed
C. classes taught by professional puzzle makers
D. classes that art students take
46. Which statement describes Will Shortz’s college experience?
A. He enjoyed his time in college very much.
B. He was bored in college and did not finish.
C. He felt he did not learn very much.
D. He thought it was too challenging.
47. Why is Penny Press mentioned in the fourth paragraph?
A. It is the first company at which Will Shortz worked.
B. It is where he was allowed to develop new puzzles.
C. The owner of the company did not hire Will Shortz.
D. It is where Will Shortz worked during college.
48. Why did Will Shortz consider his job at Games magazine a “dream job”?

Trang 6

A. He earned a lot of money writing crossword puzzles.

B. Games was the only puzzle magazine in the US.
C. He could study the history of puzzle-making at the magazine.
D. He designed new puzzles and worked with other puzzle makers.
49. At The New York Times, Will Shortz________.
A. changed the kind of puzzle the newspaper published
B. made the crossword puzzle more difficult to solve
C. made the crossword puzzle more interesting for most people
D. wrote newspaper articles about puzzles and games
50. The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to________.
A. sudoku B. the game
C. the crossword puzzle D. the newspaper

Trang 7

1. B 2 D 3 B 4. A 5 BÁN 6 D 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B
1 D . 1 D 1. C 1 B 1. .
A 16. B 17 A 18 D 19 B 20. C
21. B 2. 2 D 23 B 4.2 B 25 D 26. A 27. D 28. B .
29 D 30. C
31. B 2. 3 D 3 C 4.3 C 35 A 36. A 37. D 38. A .
39 D 40. C
41. D 2. 4 A 43 A 4.4 A 45 B 46. A 47. D 48. D .
49 C 50. C
1. — had
5. 2. 3 6. —4. in 5 7 A .
so brilliant . .
Notes: gone
B — D with . —
15. sincere = chân thành; original = nguyên bản, gốc; estimated = được đánh giá; completed =
được hoàn thành
17. catch sight of sb = nhìn thấy ai; keep an eye on sb/ sth = để mắt vào, trông giữ, canh giữ;
lose touch with sb = mất liên lạc với ai
18. put sth back = hoãn lại
19. look for = tìm kiếm; look in = ghé thăm; look over = xem xét, nhìn bao quát; look from =
nhìn từ (đâu)
20. under the weather = cảm thấy không khoẻ; under the impression = có cảm tưởng rằng
24. commence = bắt đầu; stop = kết thúc; evoke = gợi lên (kí ức, tình cảm...)
25. disastrous = thảm khốc, thảm hoạ; beneficial = có lợi, có ảnh hưởng tốt
33. transition (n) = sự chuyển từ điều kiện này sang điều kiện khác; transference (n) = sự
truyền; transmission (n) = sự phát (tín hiệu); transport (n) = sự chuyên chở
35. agree with sb about/on sth = đồng ý với ai về việc gì

Trang 8

ĐỀ 13
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. partnership B. charter C. hard D. scholarship
2. A. bloc B. confident C. policy D. cooperation
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. primitive B. inherit C. nominate D. harmony
4. A. comfortable B. devastating C. facsimile D. agriculture
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Studying the science of logic is one way to cultivate one's reason skills.
6. Since vitamins are contained in a wide variety of foods, people seldom lack of most of
7. The scholarship board selected Bill because of his research into the effects of vitamins,
many of which can be seen in international journals.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. Founded ten years ago, the Youth Media Network_________the leading source of print and
broadcast news for teenagers.
A. become B. becomes C. becoming D. has become
9. ________most of his co-workers, Chris prefers to arrive early for work rather than stay late.
A. Among B. Except C. Unlike D. Following
10. _______the United States consists of many different immigrant groups, many sociologists
believe there is a distinct national character.
A. Even though B. Despite C. Whether D. In spite of
11. AIDS is - that scientists are doing research to find a cure.
A. a so serious disease B. so a serious disease
C. so serious a disease D. a such serious disease
12._________in UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites in 2003, Phong Nha - Ke Bang is noted for
its cave and grotto systems.
A. Listing B. Having listed
C. To have listed D. Having been listed
13. Children learn primarily by______ the world around them.
A. direct physical experience of B. directly physical experience
C. experience direct D. direct experiencing of
14. That medical group offers employees competitive salaries and benefits_________.


A. pack B. packed C. packers D. packages

15. People unanimously agreed that John would have performed a great deal better under more
A. favourable B. favourably C. favourite D. favour
16. The kind-hearted woman_________all her life to helping the disabled and the poor.
A. wasted B. spent C. dedicated D. lived
17. She nearly lost her own life_________an attempt to save the child from drowning.
A. at B. with C. in D. for
18. The students are going to_________an experiment to determine the melting point of cotton.
A. buy into B. carry out C. engage on D. come to mind
19. You have to study hard to________your classmates.
A. keep pace with B. look out for C. catch sight of D. get in touch with
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. A: “Shall we go out tomorrow night?” B: “________”
A. I’m sorry I can’t. I’m busy. B. Of course, you can come.
C. Yes, I’m going out now. D. No, thanks to you.
21. A: “Would you like a cup of tea?” B: “_________”
A. Yes, I usually drink coffee. B. I could do with one!
C. It isn’t my cup of tea. D. Don’t mention it.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. I stayed there with her for a while before I left.
A. in the difficult time B. for relaxation
C. whenever she needed me D. for a short period of time
23. I don’t think I can ever live on my own in a big city.
A. poorly B. hungrily C. freely D. alone
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. In big cities, animals should be kept under control.
A. out of dispute B. out of discipline
C. out of hand D. out of order
25. We ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being.
A. accessible B. revealed C. lively D. frequented
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. John didn't attend the class because he was seriously ill.
A. John's class was not serious.
B. John never attended the class.
C. John was absent from class many times.


D. John was too ill to attend the class.

27. The story of their sufferings was painful to listen to.
A. I don’t like to listen to their sufferings because it was painful.
B. It was painful to listen to the story of their sufferings.
C. They always complained about their sufferings which were painful.
D. Their sufferings which I listen to were painful to listen to.
28. She’s very pleased to be going away on holiday soon.
A. She is looking forward to going away on holiday soon.
B. She is fond at going away on holiday soon.
C. She would like she went on away on holiday soon.
D. She wishes she is going away on holiday soon.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. He was exhausted by his work. He threw himself on his bed.
A. He was exhausted by his work and throw himself on his bed.
B. He was exhausted by his work throwing himself on his bed.
C. He was exhausted by his work, then threw himself on his bed.
D. Being exhausted by his work, he threw himself on his bed.
30. Our flight was delayed. We decided to take a long walk around the terminal.
A. We have been taking a long walk around the terminal since our flight was delayed.
B. Since our flight was delayed, we decided to take a long walk around the terminal.
C. We decided to take a long walk around the terminal in case our flight was delayed.
D. We have been walking around the terminal for a long time since the delay of our flight.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Shooting Hoops
Of the many sports that people play, most have evolved over time from simpler games or a
combination of different games. Basketball is different in this (31)___________because it was a
game specifically invented to be an indoor sport. Its purpose was not to be just fun and
challenging. (32)___________, it was invented for track and field athletes to use in order to stay
in shape during the winter, while also being relatively safe to play. The person who made up the
game was a physical education teacher at a school in Springfield, Massachusetts named Dr. James
It only took Naismith two weeks to come (33)____________the game. He took a basket that
had originally held peaches and nailed it high up on the walls of a gymnasium. The players then
used a soccer ball and to get it in the basket while being blocked by other players. Naismith’s
reason for putting the basket high up on the wall came from his (34)_______________that more
injuries in other games happened near where a goal was. In this case, the goal was the basket, so
he believed the higher up it was, the safer the players would be.
Eventually, the game progress like so many other sports did, and it became quite popular. A


second basket was added, rules of play were (35)___________, and the sport of basketball as we
know today was born.
3 A. respect B. admiration C. honour D. detail
13 A. Rather B. Certainly C. Surprisingly D.
23 A. upon B. up with C. down to Interestingly
D. out of
33 A. noticing B. watching C. recognition D.
43 observation
A. dealt with B. drawn up C. prepared for D. written out
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
It's in Your Genes
Every human being has about 25,000 genes. Your genes are part of your DNA. They give
your body instructions on how to develop. For example, if your genes tell your body to build
long, thin fingers, then you will have long, thin fingers.
Your genes come from your parents, and they decide everything about you. They decide your
hair colour, your eye colour, your height, and so on. Genes are still a bit of a mystery to scientists,
but they are learning new things about them all the time.
One issue that people often debate is this: Do our genes influence our personalities? These
days, most people agree that the answer to this questions is yes. Recent studies have shown that
genes especially influence our self-control and our sense of purpose. Your sense of purpose is
your desire to have goals in your life. If a person really wants to accomplish something and do
well in life, he or she has a sense of purpose. A person who does not care about goals has no
sense of purpose.
Although scientists agree that our genes influence our personalities, there is another question.
How much do they influence us? Can we control ourselves, or do our genes control us? People
everywhere are still debating this issue. So far, we don’t really have an answer.
Genes also affect your health. If a gene has a problem, it is called a mutated gene. Some
mutated genes can cause diseases. That is why if a person has a certain health problem, his or her
child is more likely to have that same problem. The child also has the mutated gene.
As scientists and doctors learn more about genes, they are also developing a new kind of
medicine: gene therapy. Therapy is help for a mental or a physical problem. Gene therapy means
fixing or replacing mutated genes. Scientists are still experimenting on gene therapy. It is possible
that in the future, gene therapy will help doctors prevent and cure diseases that are caused by
mutated genes.
36. What does the passage say about genes and personality?
A. We still don’t know how much genes affect personality.
B. We know that genes control our personality completely.
C. We know that genes don’t affect our personality at all.
D. Nobody has studied the effects of genes on personality.
37. Which of the following is NOT influenced by genes?
A. Parts of our body B. Personalities


C. Sense of purpose D. Gene therapy


38. The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to________.

A. scientists B. parents C. genes D. mysteries
39. All of the following are true about genes EXCEPT that_________.
A. your genes take after your parents and they give instructions to your body building
B. scientists are discovering more things about genes
C. genes which are a bit of a mystery to scientists are changing all the time
D. defects of genes can cause diseases
40. What might a person with a strong sense of purpose do?
A. Stay at home and watch TV all day
B. Spend a lot of time having fun with friends
C. Do well in school and try to get a very good job
D. Stay at home and read books all day
41. What is gene therapy?
A. Studying genes B. Killing genes
C. Fixing genes D. Teaching people__________about genes
42. The word “mutated” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. differently changed B. developed quickly
C. self-controlled D. hereditary
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The People Behind the Music
Think for a moment about the last music album you bought. Most likely, you’ll think of the
singer or band that made you want to buy the album. You might even know the name of the guitar
player or the drummer. Those talented performers, however, are only some of the people in the
music industry work behind the scenes, but the roles they play in the musical progress are very
Songwriters: Songs begin with the songwriter. Some songwriters work alone, but many work
in teams that combine the talents of a lyricist, who writes the words to songs, and an
instrumentalist, often a piano player or guitarist, who writes the music. Many of today’s pop stars
work with songwriters. For example, some of Lady Gaga’s biggest hits were written by Nadir
Khayat, also known “RedOne”. Some songwriting teams have become very famous, such as Mike
Stock, Matt Aitken, and Pete Waterman, who were responsible for many big 1980s pop hits.
Arrangers: After a song has been written, music arrangers make it more appealing by deciding
which instruments will be used, what tempo, or speed, the song will have, and whether the song
should have a lower or higher pitch. A good arrangement can bring a song to life and make it a
Studio Musicians: Not every singer or instrumentalist can be a star, and many work in the
background as studio musicians. These artists are not a part of any one musical group. Instead,
they are hired for recording sessions that eventually become the albums you buy, as well as
soundtracks for television shows, movies, and radio ads.


Recording Engineers: Recording engineers also play a major role in creating the final sound
that you hear. First, these engineers set up the recording studio, the room where the performers
play, placing musicians and microphones in exactly the right places to get the best sound. Next,
they use electronic equipment, such as multi-track recorders, to capture the music. Finally, long
after the musicians have gone home, recording engineers use a mixing board to balance the
melodies and rhythms of each musician, and sometimes to incorporate special sound effects or
additional tracks.
Many people make a living with music. You may not recognize all of their names, but all of
them work together to create the songs you love to listen to.
43. The article is mainly about________.
A. pop stars who write the biggest hits
B. songwriting teams who combine their talents
C. people who play a background role in creating music
D. instrumentalists who work as hired musicians
44. According to the passage, an instrumentalist is responsible for_________.
A. writing the music of a song B. writing the lyrics of a song
C. choosing piano and guitar players D. recording the music
45. Why does the author mention Lady Gaga?
A. to give an example of a star who works with a songwriter
B. to explain why she does not write her own songs
C. to compare her with other talented songwriters
D. to persuade readers to buy her music
46. Which of the following do music arrangers probably NOT do?
A. decide which pitch to use
B. decide how fast or slow a song will be
C. decide which instrument to use
D. decide the price of the CD
47. The word “classic” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. a famous song B. a modem song
C. a traditional song D. a lively song
48. Which piece of equipment is used at the end of the recording process?
A. a guitar or piano B. a microphone
C. a mixing board D. a multi-track recorder
49. Which sentence is NOT true about studio musicians?
A. They work in the recording studio.
B. They are not as famous as the artists they play for.
C. They usually support or play for the same artist.
D. They earn money for each session that they do.
50. Which statement would the author probably agree with?
A. Studio musicians would be more successful as members of one musical group.
B. It is important to buy albums made by performing artists who are not yet famous.

Trang 6

C. People are often unaware of the amount of work that goes into creating music.
D. Having a famous person sing a song will usually make it successful.

Trang 7

1. D 2. C 3 B 4 C ÁN5. D 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. A
11 C 12. D 1 . .
A 1 B 15. A 16. C 17 C 18 B 19. A 20. A
21 B 22. D 23 D 4.2 C 25. B 26. D 27 . B 28. A 29. D 30. B
31 A 32. A 3 B 4.3 D 35. B 36. A 37 . D 38. C 39. C 40. C
41 C 42. A 43 C 4.4 A 45. A 46. D 47 . A 48. C 49. C 50. C
.5. — reasonin 3 6. 4. — lack 7. C — much . .
D pack
14. — (v)g = thu xếp,Dsắp xếp cái gì vào một cái khác; packer (n) = người gói hàng; package
(n) = gói đồ, bưu kiện
15. favourable (adj.) = thuận lợi; favourably (adv.) = một cách thuận lợi; favourite (adj.) = ưa
thích nhất; favour (n.) = đặc ân
17. in an attempt to do sth = cố gắng, nỗ lực làm điều gì
19. keep pace with = theo kịp, bắt kịp
24. under control = trong tầm kiểm soát; out of hand = không nắm được, không kiểm soát
được nữa
25. secret = bí mật; revealed = tiết lộ
31. respect (n) = khía cạnh; in this respect = về khía cạnh này
32. Rather = đúng hơn, hơn là
33. come up with (ph. v) = đưa ra, phát hiện ra (ý tưởng), khám phá
34. observation (n) = sự quan sát
35. draw sth up (ph. v) = soạn (văn bản); write sth out = ghi chép

Trang 8

ĐỀ 14
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. teenage B. heritage C. advantage D. encourage
2. A. enthusiast B. together C. thousand D. youth
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. disabled B. poverty C. barrier D. celebrate
4. A. community B. individual C. accessible D. forgettable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Dislike the gorilla, the male adult chimpanzee weighs under 200 pounds.
6. Rocks can be broken apart by water that seeps into the cracks and freeze in low
7. Nobel prizes are awarded to people who excellent in their fields above and beyond what is
expected from scholars.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. They went home after they________their work.
A. have finished B. had finished
C. finished D. would have finished
9. Socially, Dan was a gregarious person who enjoyed_________of others enormously.
A. the company B. company C. a company D. the companies
10. _______a person gets,___________chance they will develop a disease that harms the brain.
A. So old - greater than B. Too old - a lot greater
C. The older - the greater D. The oldest - the greatest
11. I would be very rich now________working long ago.
A. if I gave up B. if I wouldn’t give up
C. were I to give up D. had I not given up
12. One’s fingerprints are________other person.
A. different from B. different from any
C. differ from any D. different from those of any
13. Studies indicate________collecting art today than ever before.
A. more people that are B. there are that more people
C. that there are more people D. people there are more
14. Despite the onset of heavy rains, the outdoor concert was not_________.


A.cancel B. cancelled C. cancelling D. cancellation

15. Jenny should try to be more. It will be difficult for her if she’s not prepared to
A. confident B. easygoing C. flexible D. optimistic
16. The train accident ______the other train’s departure by a few hours.
A. sent back B. called off C. delayed D. retained
17. If you want to learn something, you’d better pay__________in class.
A. care B. attention C. respect D. notice
18. Please_________off your shoes when you come in the house.
A. bring B. take C. remove D. put
19. She was very ill but now she’s got__________it.
A. off B. over C. out of D. away from
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Jane: “Would you mind if I use your computer for an hour?”
Tony: “_________”
A. Not at all. I’ve finished my job. B. Yes, you can’t use_________it.
C. Of course. I still need it now. D. Yes, it’s all right.
21. Dick: “I enjoyed myself so much at your birthday party.” Patrice: “_________”
A. Oh, that’s kind of you. B. Oh, I’m glad to hear that.
C. Congratulations! D. It’s my pleasure.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Although we argued with him for a long time, he stood his ground.
A. wanted to continue B. felt sorry for us
C. refused to change his decision D. changed his decision
23. Scientists and engineers have invented filters and other methods of removing pollutants
from industrial wastes.
A. taking away B. taking over
C. making out D. making over
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. We left New York when I was six; so my recollections of it are rather faint.
A. misunderstood B. clear C. ambiguous D. explanatory
25. Phosphorus is used in paints for highway signs and markers because it is luminous at night.
A. dim B. adequate C. bright D. attractive
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. The cold weather is really depressing me at the moment.
A. The cold weather is really depressing at the moment.

Trang 2

B. The cold weather does not have an influence on me.

C. The cold weather is getting me down at the moment.
D. The cold weather is sign of negative changes now.
27. He got over his illness in three months.
A. It took him to get over his illness in three months.
B. It took three months to him to get over his illness.
C. It took him three months to get over his illness.
D. It took three months for his illness to get over.
28. I didn’t listen to him, and I didn’t succeed.
A. If I listened to him, I would succeed.
B. If I hadn’t listened to him, I wouldn’t have succeeded.
C. If I hadn’t listened to him, I would have succeeded.
D. If I had listened to him, I would have succeeded.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. Tom has been working all day. He must be tired now.
A. I think Tom must work all day and tired now.
B. Tom is tired now because he is working all day.
C. I’m sure Tom is tired after working all day.
D. I think Tom was tired all day working.
30. I am tired from staying up late last night studying. I am also worried about today’s test.
A. Not only am I tired from staying up late last night studying but I am also worried about
today’s test.
B. Because I am worried about today’s test, I stayed up late last night studying.
C. I am not only tired, of staying up late last night studying but also worried about today’s
D. Tired from staying up late last night studying, today’s test also makes me worried.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
When Will the Earth Shake Next?
Earthquakes are one of the scariest natural phenomena because they are so unpredictable.
Scientists have tried to come up with a method to predict them but they have always failed.
Unlike other destructive phenomena such as hurricanes or even solar storms, earthquakes come
without any (31)___________whatever.
Some people believe that animals are able to (32)___________when earthquakes are
coming. There are many anecdotes about dogs barking before an earthquake happens. In some
cases, strange phenomena have been observed in creatures like toads, where a few days before a
major earthquake hit, they left their breeding ground. The toads did not reappear (33) the
quake had happened.
Another strange creature that some believe may hold the key (34)____________quakes is the

Trang 2

oarfish. These strange fish normally live in very deep water. (35)__________________of these
fish are very rare, but in 2013, oarfish were found to beach themselves in San Francisco, and this
caused some to believe that a major earthquake was coming. What was the reason for this?
3 A. alarm call B. worry C. sign D. warning
13 A. sense B. catch C. explain D. judge
23 A. when B. while C. until after soon as
33 D. about
A. to predict B. to predicting C. of prediction
43 predicting
A. Sights B. Scenes C. Sightings D. Views
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Make Home a Little Nicer
Some people think that if they don’t have a yard, they can’t keep a garden. Fortunately, that’s
not true. For people who live in apartment buildings, there is another option: rooftop gardens.
A rooftop garden is just a garden that you keep on your roof. Rooftop gardens are very
popular in cities. Most building roofs go to waste - people don’t use that space for anything.
Putting a garden on your roof is a nice way to turn an empty space into something that is pretty
and relaxing.
Rooftop gardens are not a new idea. About 2,600 years ago, people in Ancient Mesopotamia
planted rooftop gardens. There were similar gardens in Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt. These
gardens had a very important purpose. Many ancient cities had walls. The enemy army usually
tried to destroy the city’s food, so the people in the city kept their gardens on top of their walls.
That way, they could continue to grow food.
Today’s rooftop gardens don’t keep us alive, but they still have nice benefits. Plants absorb
heat, so if there are a lot of them on a rooftop, they make the whole building cooler. As a result,
people in the building use the air conditioning less, which means they use less electricity. One
study said that if every roof in Tokyo had a garden, the city would save more than one million
dollars a day on electricity.
Rooftop gardening is harder than regular gardening. Here are some tips. First of all, be safe.
Build a fence around your garden. You don’t want the wind to blow plants off your roof! Also,
remember that rooftop gardens get more sun. If you have a plant that shouldn’t get too much sun,
remember to put it in the shade sometimes.
There are many other things that you need to know before you start a rooftop garden. Do
some research and then give it a try. You’ll make your little part of the city much nicer.
36. Why did people in ancient cities have rooftop gardens?
A. They needed them to survive. B. They made the cities prettier.
C. They helped people save money. D. They made the cities cooler.
37. What can rooftop gardens do for a building?
A. They can make the building warmer.
B. They can make rent in the building cheaper.
C. They can make the building cooler.
D. They can make the building safer.

Trang 2

38. What can be inferred for ancient cities?

A. Residents lived on food from gardens on top of the walls.
B. Wars occurred in Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt very often.
C. The walls could protect residents during the attacks.
D. Rooftop gardens were used for the purpose of decoration.
39. Why should you build a fence around a rooftop garden?
A. A fence will stop the plants from blowing off.
B. A fence will help you save money.
C. A fence will make the plants grow safer.
D. A fence will keep the plants cooler.
40. The word “they” in paragraph 4 refers to________.
A. plants B. people
C. buildings D. rooftop gardens
41. The phrase “your little part of the city” in paragraph 6 refers to_________.
A. the fence B. the house
C. the neighbourhood D. the living room
42. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?
A. You should do research before you start a rooftop garden.
B. Rooftop gardening is easier than regular gardening.
C. Rooftop gardening is harder than regular gardening.
D. Rooftop gardens get more sun.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Rise of Robots
As kids, our grandparents frequently scared us by talking about how difficult life was when
they were growing up. They mentioned walking miles to school in the snow, or doing hours of
manual labour for little pay. Life has changed greatly since then, and it seems to get easier year
by year. In fact, with the help of robots we soon might have to do much at all. But is this a good
By 2030, it’s estimated that robotics will be a $10 billion business worldwide. Companies
are already starting to integrate them into the workforce. The electronics manufacturer Foxconn is
drawing up plans to launch a factory within the next 10 years that’s completely staffed by robot
workers. Meanwhile, an American company Briggo has invented a robot that serves gourmet-
quality coffee to customers. With the push of a button it will crush coffee beans, measure exact
quantities of water, and even wave a steam wand to ensure customers get the perfect cream on
top. Unlike human baristas, it can serve multiple drinks at once and work all day and night
without a break.
Robots are also invading our homes. The Rooma is a mini-robot that vacuums rooms
automatically according to a schedule. The Robomow is a device that will cut the grass for you
while you sit in the shade. Then there’s the Nanda clocky, an alarm clock that makes sure that

Trang 2

even the deepest sleepers get up on time. The clock is attached to a pair of wheels, and it will

Trang 2

randomly move around the room. Once you finally catch it, you're probably too awake to hit the
snooze button. Although these early home robots are somewhat basic, they will likely become
more capable as times goes on.
Although robots certainly help us to eliminate tedious tasks, many people are concerned
about a future filled with robots. Some fear that humanity will start to decline if machines do
everything for us. Others have even warned about the robot rebellion, in which robots become so
smart that they may decide to turn on their masters. These ideas may seem a bit far-fetched, but
there are certainly lots of questions that need to be answered before everyone opens up to the idea
of a robotic future.
43. According to the first paragraph, how is life changed since our grandparents’ time?
A. Children have to walk longer distances to school.
B. The education system has got much worse.
C. Things aren’t as hard as they once were.
D. It hasn’t changed much at all.
44. How is Briggo’s invention superior to human workers?
A. It is better at conversation.
B. It never has to stop.
C. It is more knowledgeable about coffee-making.
D. It can operate machinery.
45. What would happen if you pressed the snooze button?
A. The alarm clock would turn off forever.
B. You would have to wake up immediately.
C. Nothing would happen at all.
D. The alarm would stop, but go off again soon.
46. All of the following are true about robots EXCEPT that_________.
A. they can work all day and night without a break
B. they can draw up plans to launch a factory
C. they can have greater capabilities
D. they can do boring tasks for humans
47. We can infer from the passage that________.
A. the communication will decline with the use of robots
B. present domestic robots can work without any programmes
C. a robot rebellion can happen daily
D. robotics will have been a major business by 2030
48. Which of the following is NOT true about the concerns over robotics?
A. Robots may be dominant at the workplace.
B. Robots may do some harm to humans.
C. The ideas of robotics may seem far-fetched.
D. It takes some time for people to accept robots.
49. The word “tedious” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.

Trang 2

A. expensive B. boring C. difficult D. intelligent

50. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A. Some reasons why people don’t accept robots yet
B. A very amusing science-fiction story about robots
C. How people in local communities are supporting robots
D. A few of the latest robots on the market today

Trang 2

1. A 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 ÁN6.
A C 7. B 8. B 9. A 10 C
11 D . 1 D 1. C 1. B 1. C 16. C 17 B 18. B 19. B 20 . A
21 B 2.2 C 23 A 24. B 25. A 26. C 27 . A 28. D 29. B 30 . C
31 C 2.3 A 3 C 34. B 35. C 36. A 37 . C 38. C 39. A 40 . D
41 B 2.4 B 43 C 44. B 45. B 46. B 47 . A 48. C 49. B 50 . A
5. 2.
— unlike 6. —3 freezes4. B are 5. ecellent/ . .
9. gregarious (a) = thích giao du; company = bầu bạn
15. flexible = linh động, linh hoạt; confident = tự tin; easygoing = dễ tính; optimistic = lạc quan
17. pay attention to sb/sth = chú ý tới ai/ cái gì
24. faint (tính từ) = mờ nhạt, không rõ; clear = rõ rệt
25. luminous (tính từ) = phát sáng; dim = tối lờ mờ
26. depress (v) = làm chán nản; get sb down = làm ai buồn, chán nản
31. warning (n) = lời cảnh báo; alarm call = chuông đồng hồ báo thức
32. sense (v) = thấy, cảm thấy; đánh giá, phán đoán
34. key to doing something = chìa khóa, điều then chốt cho cái gì; oarfish (n) = cá đai biển
35. sighting (n) = sự/lần trông thấy; sight (n) = quan cảnh; scene (n) = cảnh tượng; view (n) =
tầm nhìn, quan điểm

Trang 8

ĐỀ 15
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. pursue B. curtain C. furniture D. further
2. A. admission B. profession C. passion D. passive
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. museum B. position C. recommend D. commitment
4. A. admiration B. enthusiast C. discriminate D. minority
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. The lion has long been a symbol of strength, power, and it is very cruel.
6. Many states do laws regulating production processes for different types of food products.
7. The function of pain is to warn the individual of danger so he can take action to avoid more
serious damage.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. Mocha Monkey’s Coffee__________very quickly because of its cheap prices and unique
A. expands B. are expanding C. is expanding D. to expand
9. Did you read________news about the Sukhoi Superjet crash in Indonesia?
A. a B. the C. some D. 0
10. People are becoming________aware of healthy eating, exercise, and relaxation, and want
to incorporate them into their daily lives.
A. hardly ever B. rather than C. more and more D. much as
11. Don’t you__________that Veronica and George are still together?
A. incredibly find B. find incredible C. find incredibly D. find it incredible
12. ________the ringing phone when it went dead.
A. Hardly I reached B. I had no sooner reached
C. Just as I reached D. Scarcely had I reached
13. The noise of the airplanes_________from the airport over my house was unbearable at
A. which taking off B. taking off
C. which was taking off D. to take off
14. The authority is_________construction proposals for a railroad between the downtown and


the Sampson International Airport.

A. consider B. considering C. considerate D. consideration
15. Our Import-Export Company Limited will have to_________sales during the coming year.
A. expand B. enlarge C. extend D. increase
16. No one knows much about her private life because she is quite_________.
A. shy B. sensitive C. sociable D. reserved
17. My cousin obviously didn’t________much of an impression on you if you can’t remember
meeting her.
A. create B. make C. do D. build
18. His girlfriend left him last month and he still hasn’t got_________it.
A. over B. by C. off D. past
19. What chemical is this? It’s_________a horrible smell.
A. giving over B. giving off C. giving down D. giving up
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Patient: “Can I make an appointment to see the doctor, please?”
Receptionist: “__________”
A. Not at the moment. He can’t be disturbed.
B. OK, you will need to check my diary.
C. OK, let me check the diary.
D. Have a seat and I’ll be with you in an hour.
21. Laura: “Come on, let’s go or we’ll be late.” Jane: “________”
A. Hang on. Give me a moment. B. Oh, what a shame!
C. No way! You are pulling my leg D. Let me sleep on it.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. I take my hat off to all those people who worked hard to get the contract.
A. respect B. discourage C. detest D. dislike
23. Originally developed in 1935 by Charles F. Richter of the California Institute of
Technology, the Richter scale was expanded for worldwide use.
A. prolonged B. enlarged C. exchanged D. spread
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the great composers in the history of music.
A. influential B. outstanding C. reliable D. unknown
25. His policies were beneficial to the economy on a whole.
A. innocent B. harmless C. crude D. detrimental
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Whenever she went to the downtown, she bought a new dress.

Trang 7

A. She never went to the downtown to buy a new dress.

B. She never went to the downtown without buying a new dress.
C. She never bought a new dress without going to the downtown.
D. She never bought a new dress when she went to the downtown.
27. He failed the test many times, but he didn’t stop trying.
A. Failing the test never discourages him.
B. He didn’t stop trying although he failed the test many times.
C. He didn’t stop trying despite his first failure.
D. He never stops trying but fails to pass the test many times.
28. Without water, people and other living things would die.
A. People and other living things would die without no water.
B. People and other living things would not exist if there is no water.
C. Unless there weren’t any water, people and other living things would die.
D. If there weren’t any water, people and other living things would die.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. The coffee was not strong. It didn’t keep us awake.
A. The coffee was so strong that it didn’t keep us awake.
B. We were kept awake because the coffee was strong.
C. The coffee was very strong, but it couldn’t keep us awake.
D. The coffee was not strong enough to keep us awake.
30. The blouse is a little too loose. You’d better ask your tailor to take it in.
A. Your tailor is asked to take your blouse in a little.
B. You’d better have the blouse taken in as it is a little too loose.
C. The blouse is a little too loose as you didn’t ask your tailor to take it in.
D. The blouse is little tight as you asked your tailor to take it in.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Social Networks: Too Little Privacy
The (31)___________for many young people today is to communicate with others over the
Internet and have a life online. The way they do this is through social networking web sites such
as Facebook and Twitter. However, the people who (32)____________their lives online are also
putting themselves at risk, and they may not even understand how they are doing so.
The key to limiting risk is to keep certain pieces of information private. If you do any banking
online, for example, it is important to note that dates of birth are often used as a(n) (33) feature
by banks. They will need to know your identification number and possibly your address as well,
but to (34)_your identity, they might ask you for your date of
birth. If a criminal were to gain access to your account number at a bank, and then obtain your
address from public records, the one thing that he would not have would be your birth date. These
days, however, a lot of people list their dates of birth openly on Facebook (35) their friends can

Trang 7

wish them well on their birthdays. Unfortunately, doing so could end up being a recipe for
3 A. development B. trend C. change D. behavior
13 A. make B. produce C. create D. invest
23 A. recognizing B. recognition C. identification D.
A. verify B. prove C. determine identifying
D. clarify
43 A. so B. so that C. because D. thus
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Clean and Popular
Wind power is a very clean source of energy. This is how wind power works. Wind makes
windmills spin. When the windmills spin, they make electricity. Then we can use the electricity.
Many people think that wind power is new, but that is not true. For thousands of years,
people have used wind to sail boats and move water. We still do those things today, but these
days we mostly use wind power to make electricity.
Wind power is a very popular source of energy. Most people think that we should use it more
and more. First of all, it is clean. Windmills don’t pollute the environment at all. Second, we can
use wind power forever. After all, we will always have wind. In addition, wind power is cheap,
and it is getting even cheaper.
A lot of people don’t understand wind power very well. They believe that there are problems
with wind power, but many of those problems are not real. For example, some people say that
windmills are dangerous for birds. That used to be true, but it isn’t true anymore. Old windmills
killed birds because they spun very fast. New windmills spin slowly, and they aren’t dangerous
for birds.
However, there are real problems with windmills. One problem is that many people think
windmills are very ugly. This is a problem for some people, because windmills are often in very
pretty areas. Besides, wind doesn’t blow all the time, so we can’t use wind power all year round.
Finally, windmills are noisy.
Wind power is becoming more and more common. Right now, more than 80 countries use
wind power. About 2.5 percent of the world’s power comes from the wind. For some countries,
that number is a lot higher. Wind power gives Denmark more than 25 percent of its electricity.
36. What is one problem with windmills?
A. They are too expensive. B. They are hard to build.
C. They are very dangerous. D. They are loud.
37. The word “make” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. generate B. do C. save D. produce
38. The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to_______.
A. wind power B. reality C. belief D. spinning fast
39. Which of the following is NOT true about wind power?
A. It is the main source of energy in Denmark.

Trang 7

B. It is regarded as a source of renewable energy.

C. The tendency to use wind power is increasing.
D. It is considered one of the cleanest sources of energy.
40. Why can’t we use wind power all the time?
A. Windmills break all the time.
B. Wind doesn’t blow all the time.
C. We can’t use windmills at night.
D. Windmills are too expensive to use all the time.
41. Why don’t new windmills kill birds?
A. Birds don’t fly near them. B. They spin slowly
C. They are shorter than old windmills. D. New windmills don’t spin.
42. What does the passage say about wind power?
A. Most people don’t like it. B. It is getting more expensive.
C. It is getting cheaper. D. Denmark doesn’t use it.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Particle that Started the Big Bang
In 2013, the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to Francois Englert and Peter W. Higgs for
their discovery of a particle that is vital to our understanding of the universe. Although its official
name is the Higgs boson, many refer to it as the God particle, because it’s considered to be the
building block of the universe. Many believe that the Higgs boson may be the cause for the Big
Bang explosion which led to the creation of the universe.
In the 1960s, Higgs came up with the concept that particles had no mass when the universe
started. In a split-second, however, it came into contact with something that gave it mass. This,
Higgs theorized, was the Higgs boson. Many scientists initially laughed at the idea, but in the
upcoming years, Higgs along with Englert and several of their peers continued to work on these
concepts. Their ideas would eventually help lead the way to the discovery of the Higgs boson
decades later. The search for the Higgs boson certainly didn’t come up cheap, as it cost nearly
$10 billion to build the machinery necessary to perform the tests to find it. Yet nearly every
physicist would agree that it was worth it, as the Higgs boson has already been labeled as one of
the most important discoveries in particle physics. The finding is also a huge boost for physics in
general because it proves that the Standard Model of Physics which researchers have been using
for years is correct. The Higgs was the last remaining question mark as all of the other particles
and elements had been found.
Still, many ordinary people may question how such a discovery affects their lives at all.
Although quantum mechanics may seem weird, it has actually led to several important
technological breakthroughs over the past century. These findings have led to laser and X-ray
technologies that work in the real world. There is still much to be learned with further observation
of the Higgs boson in action. Scientists hope to learn more about dark matter, a strange substance
that constitutes 25 percent of the mass of the universe. The research could also lead to some other

Trang 7

technologies as well.
43. Why did Higgs and Englert win the Nobel Prize for Physics?
A. They discovered something about God.
B. They discovered things about the first human on Earth.
C. They found out exactly what happened before the Big Bang.
D. They found something about the beginning of the universe.
44. How did the God particle get its name?
A. It is the only important particle in the universe.
B. It played a key role in the creation of everything.
C. The people who discovered it wanted to honour the Creator.
D. It got that name because it was the last particle that was discovered.
45. What did people think when Higgs first introduced his particle theory in the 1960s?
A. They thought it was ridiculous.
B. They thought it was very interesting.
C. They immediately believed it.
D. They were very supportive.
46. How might everyone benefit from the discovery of Higgs boson?
A. It will eliminate the need for people to work.
B. It will explain who believes in the correct God.
C. It could lead to the creation of new technologies.
D. It should be the last discovery in physics.
47. All of the following are true about the Higgs boson EXCEPT that_________.
A. it is important to our understanding of the universe
B. it forms dark matter that makes up 25% of the mass of the universe
C. it may have led to the Big Bang explosion which led to the creation of the universe
D. it gave evidence to the Standard Model of Physics
48. It can be inferred from the sentence “The Higgs was the last remaining question mark ” in
paragraph 2 that_________.
A. the Higgs boson was the last particle that was discovered
B. scientists also had other questions about particles and elements
C. the Higgs boson was the last discovery made by Peter W. Higgs
D. the discovery of the Higgs boson put a question to the other particles and elements
49. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The cost to build the machinery to find the Higgs boson was high.
B. The study and observation of the Higgs boson has been completed.
C. Dark matter has attracted many scientists’ attention.
D. The gravitational field has no effect on the Higgs boson.
50. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to_______.
A. universe B. the Higgs theory
C. the Higgs boson D. Big Bang

Trang 7

1. A 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 D ÁN 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C
11 D . 1 D 1. B 1. B 1. D 16. D 17 B 18 A 19 B 20. C
21 A 2.2 A 23 B 24 D 25. D 26. B 27. B 28. D .
29 D 30. B
31 B 2.3 C 3 D 34 A 35. B 36. D 37. A 38. C .
39 A 40. B
41 B 2.4 C 43 D 4 B 45. A 46. C 47. B 48. A .
49 B 50. C
5. 2.
— cruelty6. A 3 ma 74 B 5. that
so . . .
D ——
Notes: ke . —
15. increase (v) = tăng lên, tăng thêm; expand (v) = mở rộng; enlarge (v) = mở rộng, khuếch
trương; extend (v) = kéo dài (thời gian, không gian)
16. reserved (a) = kín đáo, khép kín; shy (a) = e thẹn; sensitive (a) = nhạy cảm; sociable (a) = dễ
hoà đồng
17. make an impression on sb = gây một ấn tượng đối với ai
19. give off = tỏa ra, phát ra, (mùi, khói...)
21. hang on = chờ đợi trong thời gian ngắn;pull one's leg = trêu chọc ai; sleep on sth = gác đến
ngày mai;
22. take one's hat off to sb = hết sức thán phục ai; respect (v) = khâm phục; discourage (v) =
làm nản chí; detest (v) = căm ghét; dislike (v) = không ưa, ghét
23. expand (v) = enlarge (v) = mở rộng; prolong (v) = kéo dài, gia hạn; exchange (v) = hoán
đổi; spread (v) = truyền bá
24. one of the great composers = một trong những nhà soạn nhạc vĩ đại; unknown = vô danh.
25. beneficial (a) = có lợi, có ảnh hưởng tốt; detrimental (a) = có hại, bất lợi cho
31. trend (n) = xu hướng, khuynh hướng
32. create (n) = tạo nên, sáng tạo nên
34. verify (v) = xác minh, xác nhận;prove (v) = chứng tỏ; détermine (v) = định rõ cái gì; clarify
(v) = làm cho dễ hiểu

Trang 7

ĐỀ 16
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. consult B. campus C. discussion D. subject
2. A. tutor B. master C. tuition D. transcript
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. heritage B. integrate C. intervene D. principle
4. A. solidarity B. cooperation C. opportunity D. popularity
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. During wedding ceremonies in the United States guests are usually silence.
6. The equipment in the office was badly in need of to be repaired.
7. The value of precious gems is determined by their hardness, colour, and brilliant.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. The inspector noticed that not everyone_________their safety helmet.
A. was being worn B. will have worn C. was wearing D. wearing
9. The________source of power in 1970 was from natural gas with almost 25%.
A. most second important B. second most important
C. second important most D. most important second
10. There_________a number of reasons for the falloff the Roman Empire.
A. are said to have been B. said to be
C. are said being D. was said being such
11. If you had taken your dad’s advice, you a silly mistake.
A. would have avoided B. would have avoid
C. would avoid D. have avoided what true
12. Only when you become a parent______ responsibility is.
A. you will understand B. don’t you understand
C. will you understand D. would you understand
13. I must go to the dentist and__________.
A. get my teeth to take care of B. take care of my teeth
C. my teeth be taken care of D. get my teeth taken care of
14. The storm gradually decreased in_____ as it came close to the coast.
A. intense B. intensity C. C. intensify intensify
D. intensification
15. The film was so________that, even though I tried not to, I ended up crying.


A. reluctant B. contrary C. moving D. sensible


16. The job they offer________very interesting with a fashion house in the city centre.
A. hears B. sounds C. appears D. looks
17. I can never talk easily with him, we seem to have nothing_________common.
A. in B. on C. with D. of
18. She’s a very good child. She always________her toys.
A. puts up B. takes down C. brings on D. puts away
19. The report suggested________up links with local companies.
A. joining B. making C. doing D. setting
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. A: “I’ m sorry for shouting at you.” B: “________”
A. It’s OK. B. So do I.
C. I still can’t hear you. D. I am too.
21. A: “_______” B: “She’s sociable and very kind-hearted”
A. How does your mother look?
B. What’s your mother like?
C. What’s your mother’s social status?
D. What kind of heart does your mother have?
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The lost hikers staved alive by eating wild berries and drinking spring water.
A. revived B. survived C. surprised D. enlivened
23. After her mother died, she was raised by her grandparents.
A. put up B. brought up C. come into D. grown up
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.
A. indistinct B. evident C. obvious D. transparent
25. The loss of his journals had caused him even more sorrow than his retirement from the
military six years earlier.
A. grief B. joy C. comfort D. sympathy
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. She usually spends one hour riding to work every day.
A. She usually works one hour every day.
B. She does not usually ride to work.
C. It usually takes her one hour to ride to work every day.
D. It usually takes her one hour to work on her motorbike every day.
27. Soil erosion is a result of forests being cut down carelessly.
A. That forests are being cut down carelessly results from soil erosion.

Trang 2

B. Soil erosion results in forests being cut down carelessly.

C. Soil erosion contributes to forests being cut down carelessly.
D. That forests are being cut down carelessly leads to soil erosion.
28. The government had local people plant trees as a way of fighting back desert expansion.
A. In order to fight back desert expansion, the government asked trees to be planted by
local people.
B. In order to fight back desert expansion, trees have been planted by the government.
C. In order to fight back desert expansion, local people are forced to plant trees by the
D. In order to fight back desert expansion, the government had trees planted by local
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. I understand why you detest her. I've finally met her.
A. I met her and I know your feeling to her.
B. Since I finally met her, I understand why you like her.
C. Now that I have finally met her, I understand why you hate her.
D. I understand why you don’t like her due to I’ve lastly met her.
30. The police issued a warning on the radio. A dangerous man had escaped from hospital.
A. A dangerous man had escaped from hospital, so the police issued a warning on the
B. The police issued a warning on the radio about a dangerous man had escaped from
C. The police issued a warning on the radio, namely, a dangerous man had escaped from
D. A dangerous man had escaped from hospital where the police issued a warning on the
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Water Scarcity
It has been said that the wars of the future will not be fought over land. Instead, they will be
fought over the water supply. As the climate changes due to global warming, weather (31)
__________all over the world are becoming disrupted. In some regions, there will be too much
water, causing extreme flooding. On the other hand, the (32)___________will be true in other
areas, where drought and famine will take place instead.
Climate change is not the only reason why there will be serious problems (33)_____________
water. Already, man-made projects such as the damming of rivers have caused (34)___________
to rise between nations. Since rivers can only flow in one direction, if you live in a country that
relies heavily on river water for its water supply but live downstream from another country, that
other country, (35)___________, controls the water supply.

Trang 3

31. A. ways B. arrangements C. patterns D. sets

32. A. opposite B. extreme C. other D. different
33. A. relating B. with C. in D.
34. A. nervousness B.anger C. stretch regarding
35. A. effective B. in effect C. however D.though
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
The Most Convenient Way to Shop
Do you do a lot of online shopping? For millions of people, it is a wonderful way to purchase
the things they want without having to leave their homes.
Online shopping is not very old. The first online shopping company was created in 1991.
However, the idea of shopping from home has existed for a very long time. Many years ago,
people shopped with mail-order catalogues. A catalogue is a very thin magazine that is full of
advertisements, and then they mailed their order back to the company. A few weeks later, their
product arrived. Because people ordered their products through the mail, they were called “mail-
order” catalogues. After that, shopping television shows became popular. These TV shows
introduced products to people watching at home. People who wanted to buy something called the
company and placed the order. This is called home shopping.
Now we have online shopping. Online shoppers go online and look at web sites. When they
find something they want, they place an order with the web site. They usually pay with a credit
card or with virtual currency.
Online shopping is changing shopping. Millions of people buy things online every day. The
biggest effect of online shopping is on stores. As more people buy things online, more stores are
shutting down. After all, why should you go to a store if you can buy things from home?
The main advantage of online shopping is convenience. You can buy almost anything from
anywhere in the world, and a week later the product will be in your house. Also, other customers
write reviews of products. You can read these reviews and decide whether or not you want to buy
the product. The big disadvantages are the loss of jobs from store closing, and the fact that you
can’t examine an item closely before you buy it.
After online shopping, what do you think will come next?
36. Which of the following came first?
A. Home shopping B. Online shopping
C. Mail-order catalogues D. The passage does not say.
37. What can be inferred from the passage about home shopping?
A. It may be not popular now. B. It is based on using computers.
C. Customers use no cash. D. It was created in 1991.
38. What is one effect of online shopping?
A. People aren’t using computers anymore.
B. More stores are opening.
C. People are buying fewer things.
D. There are fewer shops.

Trang 4

39. The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to________.

A. the customers B. the products
C. the advertisements D. the companies
40. The phrase “shutting down” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
A. taking a rest B. opening
C. moving to a new place D. stopping business
41. What is the main advantage about online shopping?
A. It is safer.
B. It is more convenient.
C. It is always much cheaper.
D. You can look at the product before you buy them.
42. What can you see in “reviews” mentioned in paragraph 5?
A. Opinions from customers about the products
B. Advertisements about the products
C. Complaints to the companies about the products
D. New products on the markets and their prices
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
A World without Wires
We are lucky to live in a world that is full of incredible technology. Our living rooms are
packed with computers, LCD TVs, video game systems, and Blue-ray players that help us enjoy
the latest entertainment. Although these items bring us joy and convenience, they also create a lot
of clutter. Each device needs its own plug and adaptor to keep its batteries recharged, and over
time these wires get tangled. Thankfully, something has come along to help get rid our homes of
this mess while still supplying these devices with the power they need. It’s called wireless
charging and this trend is just starting.
Wireless charging, also known as inductive charging, has a lot of potential for smartphones
and other electronic devices. Coils are used to create a magnetic field. Electronic devices can then
absorb the electricity once they are placed on a special charging pad. There are several
advantages that wireless charging offers over traditional methods. For starters, cords have a
tendency to wear out with use. Wireless charging eliminates this hassle so users never have to
worry about buying replacement cords. Wireless charging is also far more convenient for medical
implants, as patients won’t need to recharge their devices through the skin using cords. In turn,
this cuts down on the risks of infection. Wireless charging can also bring safety benefits, as wired
charging devices that come in contact with water can increase the chances of getting an electric
shock. Wireless charging eliminates that danger completely.
Still, there are a few drawbacks to wireless charging. The first is speed. It takes a bit longer to
charge devices wirelessly than it does if the device is plugged in. The process also requires more
heat, so devices tend to get a bit hotter, which could create other safety issues. Also, since devices
must be left on a special pad while charging, it is harder to operate them while they are powering

Trang 5

up. This limitation may be eliminated in the future, as researchers are developing transmitters that
can charge several different devices in a room without the need to connect to a charging pad.
Although wireless-charging technology may be far from perfect, it seems like a step in the right
direction as we move towards a less- tangled future.
43. What does the passage say is a problem with many modem appliances?
A. Most people can’t afford to pay for them.
B. They can cause a lot of clutter around the house.
C. They can go out of style too quickly.
D. They are not very entertaining.
44. Why is wireless charging beneficial for medical patients?
A. It often brings down the cost for their medical bills.
B. Wireless charging has shown to cure people of serious diseases.
C. It makes maintenance of their devices much easier.
D. It’s being used as a replacement for many pills.
45. What danger does wireless charging get rid of completely?
A. People don’t have to replace their older devices.
B. People who get shocked while using wet products.
C. People will never need to charge their products anymore.
D. People can now buy fewer devices for their homes.
46. How does the author seem to feel about wireless charging?
A. He feels that the device has been perfected and cannot be improved soon.
B. He doesn’t seem to have an opinion on the matter one way or another.
C. He feels that this is a short-lived fad that will soon go out of style.
D. He seems fairly certain that it will catch on in the future.
47. Who would probably enjoy wireless charging the most?
A. Someone who is often on the go with a cellphone
B. Someone who repairs the wiring system in households
C. Someone who lives in a small bedroom with many electronic devices
D. Someone who makes so many business phone calls and is very busy.
48. All of the following are the advantages of wireless charging EXCEPT_________.
A. avoiding the mess of the wires and adaptors
B. offering absolute safety in all cases
C. not worrying about buying replacement cords
D. giving convenience to patients with medical implants
49. The word “tangled” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.
A. powerful B. inconvenient C. messy D. tidy
50. All of the following are the improvements which should be made on wireless charging
devices EXCEPT_________.
A. reducing the time of charging
B. reducing the heat released from the process
C. getting rid of the charging pad

Trang 6

D. connecting a charging pad to several different devices

1. B 2 C 3. C 4. B ÁN5. D 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. A
11 A . 1 C 13. D 14. B 15. C 16. B 17 A 18 D 19 D 20. A
21 B 2.2 B 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. D .
29 C 30. A
31 C 2.3 A 33. D 34. D 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. D .
39 B 40. D
41 B 2.4 A 43. B 44. C 45. B 46. D 47. C 48. B .
49 C 50. D
5. — 2.
sile 6. D — being repaired7. D — brilliance . . .
D — nt
15. moving (a) = cảm động; reluctant (a) = miễn cưỡng; contrary (a) = đối lập; sensible (a) = có
óc xét đoán
16. sound (v) = nghe có vẻ; hear (v) = nghe thấy; appear (v) = dường như; look (v) = trông có vẻ
17. have sth in common = có chung cái gì
22. stay alive = còn sống; survive = sống sót; revive = làm hồi sinh; enliven = làm sôi nổi
24. apparent = dễ thấy; indistinct = không rõ ràng, mơ hồ; obvious = rõ ràng, dễ thấy;
transparent = trong suốt
25. sorrow/grief = nỗi đau khổ; joy = niềm vui; comfort = sự an ủi; sympathy = sự thông cảm
29. now that/ because (conj) = vì rằng
31. pattern (n) = kieu; weather pattern = kiểu thời tiết
32. opposite (n) = điều trái ngược
33. regarding (prep) = about = về, đối với
34. tension (n) = tình trạng căng thẳng
35. in effect = in fact = thực sự, thật vậy

Trang 7

ĐỀ 17
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. heritage B. passage C. teenage D. package
2. A. distinctive B. diversity C. irresponsible D. islet
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. medicine B. endanger C. addition D. survival
4. A. particular B. environment C. curriculum D. circumstances
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. I think she will be suitable for the work because she has been working like a teacher for a
long time.
6. Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial
cities today.
7. The closer it gets to December 21, the first day of winter, the short the days become.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions
8. “When________it” “Well, this time tomorrow I___________for it.”
A. will be sitting B. will sit
C. will have been sitting D. sit
9. In most________developed countries, up to 50% of population enters higher education at
some time in their lives.
answer to each of the following questions.
A. the - 0 B. 0 - 0 C. the - a D. 0 - the
10. ________ten minutes earlier, you would have got a better seat.
A. Had you arrived C. Were you to arrive
B. If you arrived D. If you hadn’t arrived
11. ________the phone rang later that night that Ann remember the appointment.
A. Not until B. Just before C. Only D. No sooner
12. The more she practises,________she becomes.
A. the most confident B. the more confident
C. the greater confidence D. more confidently
13. Off all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one_________the most.
A. that influences farmers B. fanners that is influenced
C. why farmers influence it D. it influences farmers


14. Computers with a Linux operating system are not________of running Digitext software.
A. capable B. capability C. capableness D. capabilities
15. Don’t worry about me - just_________on with what you’re doing.
A. stay B. rest C. carry D. hurry
16. Whales have________ears, which they use to find their location.
A. quite sensible B. very sensitive C. good sense D. sensibly good
17. I don’t have much cash , but I can get some from an automatic teller machine.
A. in hand B. on hand C. into hand D. under hand
18. I suggest you________up a list of things to be done.
A. draw B. do C. put D. make
19. The situation calls________prompt action. Let’s call__________our teacher and
ask him_________some advice.
A. for - on - for B. on - for - about
C. on - on - for D. up - in - 0
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. David: Monica: “Good luck to you.”
A. I don’t like rock music. B. How do you do?
C. Have a nice day. D. I’m taking a test______________this afternoon.
21. Charles: “Do you mind if I smoke?” Lisa: “________”
A. Yes, I don't mind. B. No, I don’t think__________so.
C. Yes, go ahead. D. No, go ahead.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. In my book, great caution should be exercised in dealing with this matter as it appears to be
more complex.
A. In my subjection B. In my opinion
C. In my retrospection D. As for my reading
23. I just want to stay at home and watch TV and take it easy.
A. sleep B. sit down C. relax D. eat
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. I’ll have to whisper to you, otherwise he will hear.
A. shout B. whistle C. talk D. say
25. The company is very successful in releasing a new customer driven product, which contains
no artificial colours.
A. natural B. false C. artful D. factual
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. There was too much noise, so we couldn’t hear the speech.


A. We couldn’t hear the speech although there is too much noise.

B. There was so much noise that we couldn’t hear the speech.
C. It was so noisy, however, we heard the speech.
D. Too much noise makes us impossible to hear the speech.
27. Though he tried hard, he didn’t succeed.
A. However hard he tried, he didn’t succeed.
B. However he tried hard, he didn’t succeed.
C. However hard he tried, but he didn’t succeed.
D. However he didn’t succeed, he tried hard.
28. It rained all day, but we enjoyed ourselves all the same.
A. It rained all day and we didn’t enjoy at all.
B. It rained all day and we enjoyed it less.
C. It rained all day; however, we enjoyed it.
D. We enjoyed in the same way as others because it rained all day.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. The man was shot in the bank robbery. The doctors are operating on him.
A. The doctors are operating on the man who was shot in the bank robbery.
B. The man was whom the doctors are operating on him shot in the bank robbery.
C. The man whom the doctors are operating on him shot in the bank robbery.
D. The man was shot in the bank robbery where the doctors are operating on him.
30. No one but the experts was able to realize that the painting was an imitation. It greatly
resembled the original.
A. It was obvious that only a person with great talent could fake a painting so successfully.
B. It was hard for ordinary people to judge between the fake painting and the real one, but
not for the experts.
C. The painting looked so much like the authentic that only the experts could tell it wasn't
D. It was almost impossible for amateurs to realize that the painting was not authentic,
though the experts could judge it quite easily.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Cities Going Green
As more and more people concentrate in cities, planners are looking for ways to (31) cities
into better living spaces. This can be (32)__________________________by improving existing
infrastructure while also creating more public spaces that are both beautiful and green. This can
be hard to accomplish, especially in cities with a haphazard fashion.
Some cities have been created with the idea of a green city as the goal. One such city, Masdar
City in the United Arab Emirates, aims to become a (33)__________for other cities to follow. It
is being known as a truly green city that relies strictly on renewable sources such as solar energy
to provide all of its energy needs. In addition, it will be a zero waste city in which (34) that is


used can be recycled. (35)_____________________________it will truly accomplish its goal

remains to be seen, but it will also act as an experiment for environmentally-friendly areas to be
31. A. transfer B. transform C. transmit D.
32. A. made B. done C. ended
33. A. product B. type C. design D. model
34. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. none
35. A. However B. Whatever C. Rather D. Whether
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
The Finer Points of Fair Trade
Throughout the year, we buy foods and beverages from a variety of sources. However, few of
us take the time to consider the lives of the people who make these things. In many cases, these
goods are produced by poor workers who have trouble surviving on their salaries. A social
movement called “Fair Trade” is trying to change this by ensuring that workers are paid decent
wages for their efforts.
The Fair Trade movement aims to create a membership between customers and producers
that is based on respect and fairness. Consumers hope that by supporting fair trade goods they are
empowering workers in developing countries to live better lives. Consumers also benefit because
they receive high-quality products and have peace of mind that these workers aren’t mistreated.
Fair Trade also benefits the environment, as Fair Trade goods are produced with minimal
pesticides and pollutants.
The first Fair Trade mark was introduced in 1988 by a Dutch group called Solidaridad, which
focused on labeling fair trade coffee imported into Holland from Mexico. Shortly after, other
groups in North America and Europe followed their lead. These groups started to seek Fair Trade
benefits for workers producing wine, honey, bananas, flowers, and several other goods. Then, in
1997, the Fairtrade Labeling Organization International (FLO) was established to unite all of
these independent groups into one organization and set unified standards worldwide. In 2002. the
FLO launched the FAIRTRADE Certificate Mark, which became an international symbol that
labeled goods met the environmental, economic, and social requirements set by FAIRTRADE
International (FLO). If consumers spot this mark on goods, they are assured that the workers
producing them are receiving a suitable payment for their services.
Major corporations are also getting involving in the Fair Trade movement, including
Starbucks. The multi-national coffee retailer now purchases over 93 percent of its coffee from
ethical sources. Furthermore, it has pledged to increase that number to 100 percent by 2025. If
you are willing to join Starbucks and millions of other consumers around the globe, keep your
eyes out for the FAIRTRADE mark next time you go food shopping.
Note: (have) peace of mind = so that we do not have to worry
36. According to the passage, why do some consumers support fair trade?
A. They want to be fair to large corporations.


B. They don’t enjoy low-quality goods.

C. They want to help out workers.
D. They want to buy local goods.
37. What is the third paragraph mostly about?
A. The history of Fair Trade groups.
B. How Solidaridad became a wealthy producer.
C. The best ways to put Fair Trade marks on products.
D. How producers can get Fair Trade labels.
38. The word “this” in paragraph 1 refers to________.
A. criticism B. Fair Trade C. movement D. situation
39. The word “decent” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.
A. good enough B. unacceptable C. honest D. with respect
40. We can infer from the passage that in the past________.
A. most of the workers in developing countries earned much for their products
B. corporations tried to get local products at the lowest cost in order to get big profits
C. production in developing countries caused minimum harm to the environment
D. there was also an international symbol for products from ethical sources
41. The FLO________.
A. has controlled the coffee industry in Europe and North America with two agents:
Solidaridad and Starbucks
B. was established in 1997 in order to set international safety rules for workers in
developing countries
C. has assumed that the workers in the world are receiving a suitable payment for their
goods and services
D. has set international standards for goods from ethical sources and issued labels for goods
meeting the requirements
42. What is supposed to happen in 2025?
A. Starbucks will begin selling coffee from ethical sources.
B. Starbucks will only sell coffee from ethical sources.
C. Starbucks will stop selling coffee from ethical sources.
D. Starbucks will start working with Fair Trade groups.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Putting Cars on Autopilot
Automobile accidents are one of the leading causes of death each year. Accidents can occur
due to drunk driving, mechanical problems, carelessness, or a whole assortment of other reasons.
In the near future, these problems could be solved by eliminating the person behind the wheel.
Driverless cars may soon be turning all vehicle owners into “backseat drivers”.
Driverless cars are vehicles that use several technologies to operate without human input.
Through GPS, they can find a location on a map and plan the best route to get there. They may


also use radar to detect other vehicles and avoid them when necessary. One company involved
with developing driverless cars is Google. It’s developing software called Google Chauffer which
powers the vehicles. The technology isn’t cheap though, as Google robotic cars contain about
$150,000 worth of equipment. In 2012, Google began testing the cars on the road with a highly-
skilled driver in the driver’s seat, and a Google engineer in the passenger seat. In case there are
any malfunctions, the human driver can step on the brakes or turn the wheel to take control of the
automobile. Other car manufacturers are also working on implementing automated options into
their cars. For example, the 2014 Mercedes-S class offers advanced cruise control using radar,
lane warnings, and even detects, and warns drivers when they appear tired.
Many Americans seem open to the idea, as three states have already passed laws that make it
legal for driverless cars to be on the road. Still there will be some stumbling blocks to overcome
before the roads are controlled by digital decision-makers. Firstly, companies will need to provide
proof that driverless cars were tested a lot and are truly safe. Automobile manufacturers will also
have to find a way to bring down costs, as few people would be able to afford the equipment
required. Driverless cars could also potentially become targets for computer hackers. If a hacker
were somehow able to override the software system, they could cause accidents or malfunctions.
There are also economic issues to consider. If driverless cars became successful, millions of
truck, bus, and taxi drivers would likely lose their jobs. Despite these issues, all indications
suggest that it should be just a matter of time before humans are no longer needed behind the
43. Which of the following is the advantage of driverless cars over ordinary ones?
A. no malfunctions B. no drunk driving
C. absolute safety D. no computer hacking
44. What do driverless cars use radar for?
A. To see if other things are close to them
B. To go slightly faster than the speed limit
C. To check on local weather conditions
D. To report important information back to Google
45. What is Google Chauffer?
A. It’s a nickname for the person who drives a Google car.
B. The person who sits in the passenger seat of a Google car.
C. The first driverless car that was manufactured by Google.
D. A computer programme that tells driverless cars what to do.
46. Why does the author suggest that Americans are OK with the concept of driverless cars?
A. Most Americans don’t like to drive very much anyway.
B. Americans always accept robotic inventions.
C. Some local governments have said it’s OK to use them.
D. In polls, Americans always say that they prefer driverless cars.
47. What is one reason why some people are hesitant to accept driverless cars?
A. They feel that the quality of the cars will be too cheap.


B. They are worried that many drivers might lose their jobs.
C. They feel that this will force them to take the train to work every day.
D. The car owner will have nothing to do behind the wheel.
48. According to the passage, all of the following are true about driverless cars EXCEPT
A. There is a trend for car companies to develop the automated qualities for their products.
B. Driverless cars may depend on some other devices on the road.
C. Google completed the technology for driverless cars in 2012.
D. There is a concern about the malfunctions due to several reasons.
49. The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. drivers B. obstacles C. robots D. routes
50. The word “malfunction” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. a hardware upgrade B. an extra feature
C. a secret password D. a failure to work properly


1 C 2 D 3 A 4 D 5 ÁN 6. B
D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. A
1. A .
12 B .
13 A .
14 A 1. C 16. B 17 A 18. A 19 C 20. D
21 D .
22 B .
23 C .
24 A 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. C .
29 A 30. C
31 B .
32 B .
33 D .
34 C 35. D 36. C 37. A 38. D .
39 A 40. B
41 D .
42 B .
43 B .
44 A 45. D 46. C 47. B 48. C .
49 B 50. D
Notes . . . 5. . .
15. carry on (ph. v) = tiếp tục; stay on (ph. v) = ở lại; rest on = dựa trên, tựa trên
17. cash in hand = tiền mặt có sẵn trong tay; in one’s hand = có trong tay
18. draw up = lập kế hoạch; do up = gói, bọc, khôi phục;put up = để lên, đặt lên; make up = bịa
19. call on/ upon sb to do sth = kêu gọi, yêu cầu, mời
22. in my book = theo ý tôi; in one’s subjection = dưới quyền kiểm soát của ai; retrospection =
sự nhìn lại quá khứ.
23. take it easy = relax: thoải mái, thư giãn.
24. whisper = nói khè, nói thì thầm; shout = la to, hét lớn.
25. artificial = nhân tạo; natural = tự nhiên; driven (a) = có nhu cầu bức bách
31. transform (v) = biến đổi; transfer (v) = dời, chuyển; transmit (v) = truyền, phát (tín hiệu);
transcend (v) = vượt qua
33. model (n) = kiểu, mẫu, mô hình
35. whether (prep) = cho dù có hay không; rather (adv) = đúng hơn, hơn là

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ĐỀ 18
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. grotto B. poetic C. worship D. dome
2. A. cruise B. mosaic C. cuisine D. craftsman
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. diversity B. economy C. activity D. independence
4. A. official B. impairment C. community D. delicate
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Too much water makes plants turning brown on the edges of their leaves.
6. The number of homeless people in Haiti have increased sharply due to that severe
7. The explorers were too tired that they found a site to camp overnight.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. By the end of next year, George________English for 7 years.
A. will have learned B. will learn C. has learned D. would learn
9. _________non-verbal language is_______________important aspect of interpersonal
A. 0 - an B. A-the C. The- 0 D. The-a
10. Because the annual budget report must be submitted_____________the end of the month,
employees are busy calculating figures.
A. on B. between C. by D. except
11. The use of computers aids in teaching,_________the role of teachers is still very important.
A. although B. yet C. so that D. because
12. She was________she could not say anything.
A. so surprised at the news that B. such surprised at the news that
C. so surprised of the news that D. so that surprised for the news
13. ________extremely bad weather in the mountains, we’re no longer considering our skiing
A. Due to B. Because
C. Since D. Due to the fact that
14. Employee contracts are eligible for_________each year.
A. renew B. renewal C. renewed D. renewing


15. Human carelessness has been_________damaging marine life.

A. accused of B. prevented C. said to D. warned against
16. Michael was________with anger when he saw his car had been scratched.
A. filled B. fixed C. loaded D. stored
17. The Business Advisory Council has been specially designed for those in_____________of
advice about setting up new businesses.
A. absence B. duty C. want D. need
18. The story she told you wasn’t true. She________.
A. gave them back B. crossed it out C. filled it in D. made it up
19. I ran in a marathon last week, but I wasn’t fit enough. I_________after 15 kilometers.
A. dropped out B. moved in C. showed off D. closed down
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. A: “Look at that beautiful butterfly!” B: “________”
A. Why can’t you? B. Where? I don’t see it.
C. No, it’s your turn. D. I’ll take it, don’t worry.
21. A: “Let’s have fish and chips.” B: “_________”
A. Not tonight. B. Yummy, I like sweet things.
C. Not at all. D. It was delicious.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. I find it difficult to remain neutral while he’s concerned about the matter.
A. objective B. negative C. positive D. middle
23. Bacteria can be both detrimental and helpful to humans, depending on the specific type and
A. useful B. fatal C. productive D. harmful
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Now, when so many frogs were killed, there were more and more insects.
A. fewer and fewer B. less and less
C. lesser and lesser D. lesser and fewer
25. As a newspaper reporter, she always wanted to get information at first hand.
A. indirectly B. directly C. easily D. slowly
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. They don’t let workers use the office telephone for personal calls.
A. They don’t allow workers to use the office telephone.
B. The office telephone is not used by workers personally.
C. They don’t let the office phone be used for personal purpose by workers.
D. They don’t allow using the office telephone to call personal secretaries.

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27. We had planned to visit our grandmother, so we left early in the morning.
A. We left early to see our grandmother.
B. We left early because we were intending to visit our grandmother.
C. We left early because we are planning to visit our grandmother.
D. We were going to visit our grandmother so we try to leave early.
28. You are in this mess right now because you didn’t listen to me in the first place.
A. If you listen to my advice in the first place, you will not be in this mess right now.
B. If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right
C. If you listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
D. If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t have been in this mess
right now.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. Travellers are advised to take out insurance. Their luggage may go astray.
A. Travellers should take out insurance if their luggage goes astray.
B. Travellers should get insurance, or else their luggage may go astray.
C. Travellers are advised to take out insurance in case their luggage goes astray.
D. Travellers had better buy insurance as a precaution against their luggage go astray.
30. He was suspected of giving away government secrets to the enemy. They have investigated
him for days.
A. Suspecting of giving away government secrets to the enemy, he has investigated them
for days.
B. Having suspected of giving away government secrets to the enemy, he has investigated
them for days.
C. He had been investigated for days, suspected of giving away government secrets to the
D. Suspected of giving away government secrets to the enemy, he has been investigated for
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Taboos about the Body
How can a person offend people just because they cross their legs? In Thailand, it is rude for a
person to show other people the bottom of their feet. This is considered unclean, and Thais can
(31) _________serious offense at it. Another thing people do in the West is to touch people on
the head especially children. It is very normal to see ar. old woman walk up to a young boy and
(32) _________his hair tenderly while saying what a handsome young man he is.
In Thailand, touching a person’s head is strictly taboo because that is the (33)______________
part of the body, and it is where the (34)___________is thought to reside in a person. Although
very close family members might touch a child on the head, even this is considered rude after a

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child grows up.

In the Middle East and some parts of Asia, the left hand is used to wash oneself after using a
toilet. (35)__________, the left hand can never be offered to another person or used to eat with.
Food must always be passed with the right hand, and it is considered polite to always use the right
hand for social interactions.
3 A. cause B. give C. take D. commit
31 A. spoil B. mess up C. do D. tidy up
23 A. highest B. tallest C. most remote D. most
33 distant
A. brain B. quality C. personality D. soul
43 A. However B. Therefore C. Moreover D. But
5 the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Productivity Hacks for Great Success
No matter who we are or where we are from, we only have 24 hours each day to get things
done. Some people seem to make the most of their time, using it to achieve their goals and
dreams. Others feel that life is passing them by and they aren’t accomplishing anything. If you are
in the latter group, it is not too late to turn things around. By implementing a few simple hacks,
you can start getting better results very quickly.
If you want to become more productive, it pays to learn about the Pareto principle (which is
also known as the 80-20 rule). It states that for most tasks, 80 percent of the results we get come
from 20 percent of the work we do. For example. 80 percent of the company sales usually come
from 20 percent of customers. Therefore, the trick is to focus your efforts on the key 20 percent of
actions that truly matter to greatly improve your results.
In some cases, people may be busy from morning to night but still seem to get nothing done.
In this situation, the problem might be that clear goals haven’t been set. To fix this, set some time
aside to list the things you want to achieve in life. Then, select the top three or four that you want
to focus on for the next year. Look at your goals every night before bedtime and ask yourself
what are the next actions to accomplish each day. Then, promise yourself that you will finish
these tasks no matter how busy you get. If possible try completing the tasks first thing in the
morning so you are assured of success.
Another common mistake regarding productivity is not considering our energy levels. If we
try to work around the clock, we will eventually get tired and quit. Everyone needs time to sleep,
eat, socialize with friends, and unwind from the stress of the day. To make sure you don’t burn
out, be sure to schedule some time for breaks and fun activities into your schedule every day.
Finally, no matter how difficult your goals may seem, remember the old saying that “a journey of
a thousand miles begins with a single step".
36. Which of the following sentences is true?
A. Everyone manages time the same way.
B. No one ever achieves all of their goals.
C. Everyone has the same time in a day.
D. No one has any spare time these days.

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37. What is the Pareto principle?

A. Companies don’t need to hire more than 80 people.
B. A few important things produce most of the results.
C. You need to do lots of work to increase sales by 20 percent.
D. If you work hard 80 percent of the time, you can relax for 20 percent.
38. In order to achieve our goals, we should________.
A. set as many goals as possible so that we can achieve some of them or at least 20 percent
B. eat a lot to burn enough energy for our daily activities
C. set the goals just before bedtime in order to remember them better
D. select the most important goals for each day and take the priority to achieve them within
the day
39. The word “this” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. clear goals B. a lack of time C. setting no aims D. failing in business
40. Which of the following statements does the author support most?
A. Reasonable goals and good techniques of timé management may help you get great
B. We try to work around the clock and set some time aside to list the things we want to
achieve in life.
C. How difficult our goals may seem, we should take steps to travel a thousand miles to
achieve them.
D. We need time to sleep, eat, socialize with friends, and achieve our goals for 20 percent
of the day’s time.
41. What is implied in the last sentence of the passage?
A. It is best to take a big first step.
B. Start moving toward your dreams little by little.
C. Think twice before taking any steps.
D. People get their best ideas when travelling.
42. The phrase “hacks for” in the title is closest in meaning to_________.
A. secretly achieve B. cut off
C. leads to D. kicks without control
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Fun Facts about Physics
Out of all the branches of science, none offers us as much insight on how things in the
universe work quite like physics. Although it often requires advanced mathematics, physics also
requires lots of creativity. Researchers need this in order to come up with theories, and to create
the experiments necessary to prove them. Even if mathematics and science aren't your strong
suits, you can still learn a lot of cool stuff through physics. Just be warned, because a lot of this
information is truly mind-bending.
In our lives, we often think of things in terms of the past, present, and future. However,

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Einstein’s theory of relativity shows that these things do not really exist at all. It suggests that all
things and events in the universe are relative. Depending on our location and the speed at which
we are moving, we will see things differently. The reason that people can agree on whether
something is past,
present, or future is because we are moving at similar speeds and we are affected similarly by the
Earth’s gravitational field as well.
At the same time, physicists believe that things which happen in the future can affect the
events of the past. The double-slit experiments showed that light will sometimes behave like a
wave, and sometimes behave like a particle, depending on whether or not someone views the
experiment. Yet in another experiment, researchers discovered that if you watch light
immediately after it goes through the slit, it retroactively changes its behaviour. Although the
future influencing the past occurs in just a fraction of a second in this study, seeing something
from a distant planet in another galaxy could theoretically change something that happened
millions of years ago.
Everyone can admit that some days are better than others. The next time you’re feeling
depressed about something, consider that somewhere in the universe a different version of you is
having a great day. That’s because the universe is infinite; in other words, it never ends. This
means that considering trillions of stars and billions of galaxies doesn’t even really scratch the
surface. As there is no end to possibility, every event must have happened in every way
imaginable an infinite number of times. So when you look at your test paper and see you’ve
received an “F” grade, somewhere out there is an alternative universe where you’ve scored an
“A” instead.
43. What does the first paragraph suggest about the answer to physics questions?
A. They will likely shock you.
B. Only smart people will understand them.
C. You probably already know the answers.
D. They are not interesting at all.
44. Einstein’s theory of relativity suggests that________.
A. everything is occurring in the future
B. only the present moment exists
C. the time something happens depends on many things
D. time only matters for people in outer space
45. What is the point of the last paragraph?
A. Things never change.
B. The universe will never come to an end.
C. People’s possibilities are getting smaller.
D. There are unlimited possibilities.
46. All of the following are true about physics EXCEPT that_________.
A. it studies theories on how things in the universe work
B. it requires advance mathematics and experiments

Trang 8

C. it studies the link between events on distant planets

D. it denies the relationship between past and future events
47. Which of the following is NOT true according to Einstein’s theory of relativity?
A. Time on two spaceships travelling at different speeds will be the same.
B. There are no clear distinctions between the past, present and future.
C. Time also depends on the gravitational field.
D. Time depends on the location in the universe.
48. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Einstein’s theory of relativity helps us to discover all things and events in the universe.
B. This time you have received an “F” grade means that next time you will get an “A” for
your paper.
C. Some concepts in physics changed during the course of time.
D. There are trillions of stars and billions of galaxies in the universe.
49. The word “this” in paragraph 1 refers to________.
A. science B. mathematics
C. physics D. originality
50. The phrase “scratch the surface” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.
A. overdo something B. just begin
C. make a rhythm D. damage severely

Trang 8

1 C 2 D 3 D 4 D 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. C
1 B 12 A 13 A 14 B 15 A 16 A 17 D 18 D 19 A 20. B
21 A 22 . A 23 . D 24. A 25 . A 26 . C .
27 B 28. B .
29 C 30. D
31 C 32. B 33 . A 34. D 35 . B 36 . C .
37 B 38. D .
39 C 40. A
41 B 42
. C 43 . C 44. C 45 . D 46 . D .
47 D 48. C .
49 D 50. B
14. renew (v) = gia hạn; renewal (n) = sự gia hạn
17. in need of sth - muoốn cái gì, hoặc phải có cái gì
18. make up = bịa, dựng chuyện
19. drop out = stop taking part in something — rút ra khỏi (một hoạt động, cuộc thi,...), bỏ
cuộc; move in = dọn nhà (đến chỗ ở mới); show off = khoe khoang; close down = ngừng
hoạt động
22. neutral = trung lập; objective = khách quan.
23. detrimental (a) = có hại, bất lợi cho; harmful (a) = có hại.
24. more and more = ngày càng nhiều; fewer and fewer = ngày càng ít (dùng với danh từ đếm
được số nhiều).
25. at first hand = trực tiếp; indirectly = gián tiếp.
29. go astray = bị thất lạc
31. take offence at sth = dễ bị mếch lòng vì cái gì
32. mess up the hair = xoa đầu ai
34. soul (n) = linh hồn

Trang 8

ĐỀ 19
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. citadel B. climate C. bachelor D. diploma
2. A. disease B. cause C. university D. preserved
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. historical B. facilitate C. instrumental D. dimensional
4. A. expectation B. disappearance C. intensity D. scientific
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. The old lady cannot remember the place which she kept her savings.
6. My sister told me that she had met my teacher at the supermarket yesterday.
7. Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, disappeared in June 1937
while attempted to fly around the world.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. We regret to inform you that Ms. Markowitz’s workshop on public speaking______________
postponed until next week.
A. were B. being C. has been D. would____________
9. He spent part of________afternoon telling them__________news he could not tell them by
A. the - the - 0 B. an - 0 - the C. an - the - the D. the - 0 - the
10. A quick look would reveal that France has twice_________computers.
A. as many televisions as B. more televisions than
C. as many as televisions D. many as televisions as
11. In the 18 century,_________not many women who had access to formal education in the

A. there were B. it was C. were D. were there
12. She made a list of what to do_________forget anything.
A. in order to B. so as not to C. so that D. to not
13. I don’t think Peter will reject that job offer,__________?
A. do I B. will he C. won’t he D. don’t I
14. The Cornwall Library has the most extensive________of encyclopedias in the area.
A. collect B. collection C. collectable D. collectively


15. The three boys object to being separated as they have_________this room for the
last three months.
A. united B. joined C. shared D. associated
16. The sales assistants are so ; they spend more time chatting to each other than serving
A. helpless B. unhelpful C. helping D. helped
17. I'm sure you'll have no________the exam.
A. difficulty passing B. difficulties to pass
C. difficulty to pass D. difficulties of passing
18. Sue was offered a job as a translator but she________.
A. gave it away B. made it up C. turned it down D. filled it in
19. The baby is crying! Will you_________while I prepare his milk?
A. look him up B. look after him C. care about him D. make him up
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Tom: “I’m sorry. I won’t be able to come.” Mary: “_________”
A. Great. B. Oh, that’s annoying.
C. Well, never mind. D. Sounds like fun.
21. David: “You’re already leaving? The ball is only starting.” Linda: “But it’s very late,
A. take care B. have a good day
C. goodbye for now D. it’s great fun
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The bread has become stale and I cannot swallow it.
A. gone up B. gone off C. gone down D. gone away
23. It takes roughly 4,000 pounds of petals to make a single_______pound of rose oil.
A. amazingly B. as much as C. relatively D. more or less
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. In the 1980 census, New Jersey was the most densely populated state.
A. rigorously B. heavily C. wantonly D. sparsely
25. The ship went down although strenuous efforts were made to save it.
A. energetic B. forceful C. half-hearted D. exhausting
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. This artist is regarded as the father of modern arts.
A. This artist is considered to be the father of modem arts.
B. The father of modem arts are this artist.
C. Modern arts were born after the birth of this artist.


D. This artist’s father has created modern arts.

27. “You should learn English instead of any other language, Tom.” said Tim.
A. Tim encouraged Tom learn English instead of any other language.
B. Tim encouraged Tom to learn English instead of any other language.
C. Tim encouraged Tom to learn any other language but English.
D. Tim encouraged Tom to learn any other language including English.
28. The moon doesn’t have the atmosphere, neither does the planet Mars.
A. Neither the moon or the planet Mars has the atmosphere.
B. Either the moon nor the planet Mars has the atmosphere.
C. Neither the moon nor the planet Mars has the atmosphere.
D. Either the moon or the planet Mars has the atmosphere.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. We arrived at the airport. We realized our passports were still at home.
A. We arrived at the airport and realized that our passports are still at home.
B. Not until we arrived at the airport did we realize that our passports were still at home.
C. Not until had we arrived at the airport, we realized our passports were still at home.
D. It was until we arrived at the airport that we realize our passports were still at home.
30. We chose to find a place for the night. We found the bad weather very inconvenient.
A. Bad weather was approaching, so we started to look for a place to stay for the night.
B. The bad weather prevented us from driving any further but stayed for the night.
C. Seeing that the bad weather had set in, we decided to find somewhere to spend the night.
D. Because the climate was so severe, we were worried about what we’d do at night.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Relax Your Body and Mind
People have five senses. We have a sense of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Believe
(31)___________, your sense of smell is very important. Our nose tells us about our
environment. When your nose smells something, it sends information to our brain. Smells tell us
if there is danger nearby, or if there is something to eat. Of course, these tools were more useful
in the past, but they still come (32)________________today.
The things you smell can affect your (33)___________. If you smell something nice, you are
more likely to be happy. On the other hand, if you smell something unpleasant, you are more
likely to be unhappy. That is (34)___________there are so many businesses that work to create
nice scents. Businesses also work on the best ways to deliver scents to people’s noses. Candles
(35)___________a whole room smell better. Oils and soaps also have health benefits.
3 A. your luck B. a word of it C. anyway D. it or not
13 A. in use B. in handy C. true D. in hand
23 A. mood B. style C. character D.
33 A. what B. how C. why impression
D. when
43 A. convert B. make C. transform D. force


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
No More Polar Bears?
We all know that the Earth is getting warmer and warmer. This problem is called “global
warming”. We also know that global warming is causing a lot of problems. Ocean levels are
getting higher and higher. Because ocean levels are getting higher, storms are getting stronger and
stronger. This list of problems goes on and on.
Animals are suffering a lot because of global warming. Polar bears are suffering more than
most animals. This is because polar bears live in the North Pole. In the North Pole, global
warming is making ice melt. Polar bears hunt from large pieces of floating ice. They jump off the
ice and hunt for food. Polar bears have to swim and find these floating pieces of ice. These days,
they have to swim farther to find the floating ice. Many of them don’t have enough energy. They
get too tired, and they die in the water.
Polar bears are suffering because of other problems, too. Pollution makes their water dirty.
Many countries go to the North Pole to look for oil and gas, and they damage the environment of
the bears. In addition, when ships sail through the North Pole, they cause a lot of damage. Finally,
people hunt and kill too many polar bears. However, melting ice is definitely the biggest problem.
Right now, there are about 25,000 polar bears in the world. If global warming continues,
there may be only about 12,000 in the year 2050. By the year 2080, that number might be much
It is important to study polar bears. When we learn about polar bears, we also learn about the
health of the North Pole. If polar bears are doing well, then the environment in the North Pole is
probably healthy. If polar bears are suffering, then there are probably serious problems in the
North Pole.
Right now, governments around the world are working to help polar bears. There are new
laws that protect polar bears. However, if global warming continues to get worse, polar bears may
disappear forever.
36. Which of the following has the same meaning as the last sentence of the first paragraph?
A. We should make a list of the problems that global warming causes.
B. We don’t know all of the problems that global warming causes.
C. Global warming doesn’t make any other problems.
D. Global warming makes many more problems.
37. Why do polar bears have to swim farther?
A. They have to look for other bears. B. They have to get away from people.
C. They have to find floating ice D. They have to find cleaner water.
38. Why is it important to study polar bears?
A. Polar bears are the world’s most important animal.
B. Polar bears tell us whether the North Pole is healthy or not.
C. Polar bears tell us if there is oil nearby.
D. Polar bears help us stop ice from melting.

Trang 4

39. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to________.

A. floating ice B. the situation C. global warming D. ice melting
40. The word “dirty” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to__________.
A. salty B. polluted C. fresh D. melted
41. What is the biggest problem for polar bears?
A. Ships sailing through the North Pole
B. People hunting polar bears
C. More countries looking for oil
D. Melting ice
42. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Polar bears are regarded as an indicator of the North Pole’s environment.
B. According to studies, polar bears will become extinct soon.
C. Polar bears live on food from floating ice.
D. Polar bears cannot swim well.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50
Some Amazing Apps for Your Smartphone
It is hard to imagine life in modem society without smartphones. These handy little devices
keep us entertained and enable us to manage important tasks on the go. Although smartphones
feature powerful hardware, they wouldn’t be so useful without thousands of handy applications.
Here are a few free and helpful apps that you can download to help you throughout the day.
If you have a habit of forgetting things and want to organize your life, give Evernote a try. It
promises to help users remember everything. With a few clicks, I you can send all of your photos,
documents, and audio notes to Evernote. Then, your digital information can be stored in folders
or tagged with useful keywords. When you need to access this data, you can perform a simple
search and it will appear in seconds. Evernote is available on smartphones, tablets, and
computers, so you can access your data from everywhere.
Imagine this scenario. You are watching a TV show and you hear a cool song in the
background. You want to buy it but there is one problem. You don’t know the name of the song.
SoundHound is an app that will make this problem a thing of the past. It enables users to quickly
identify songs by launching the app and holding their phone in the air, The app takes the song
playing and compares it to thousands of other songs until it finds a match. Within seconds, it can
tell you the name, artist, and album of the song you just heard.
Another spectacular app is Lookout. Hopefully, you won’t have to use it often, but when you
do need it, Lookout can be a lifesaver. Its main function is to help you find your phone if it goes
missing. Lookout does this by using your smartphone's data connection to locate your lost device.
To see where your phone is on a map, simply log into Lookout from any web browser. In the
worst-case situation, if someone steals your phone and you fear it has gone for good, you can
wipe out all of its data with a few clicks. This will ensure no one will see any private information
on your phone.

Trang 5

These helpful apps are just the tip of the iceberg. If you do some searching online, you are
certain to find many other apps that will make your life more convenient.
43. Evernote can help you________.
A. access your data with a few useful keywords
B. store only documents, texts, and contracts
C. organize your daily activities and remember things
D. reduce your load of work thanks to its support
44. Who would most enjoy SoundHound?
A. A person who always misplace things.
B. Someone who knows the name to every song.
C. Someone who is learning to play an instrument.
D. A person who enjoys discovering new music.
45. What could best replace the word “appear” in paragraph 2?
A. upgrade B. hide C. show up D. erase
46. What is Lookout most useful for?
A. Cleaning your phone when it has too much data.
B. Helping users change the appearance of their phones.
C. Improving the speed of data connections.
D. Locating phones when users can’t find them.
47. The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to________.
A. your smartphone B. the app Lookout
C. a web browser D. your life
48. What does the author imply in the last paragraph?
A. These are the most useful apps on the market.
B. People should try to find more apps on their own.
C. Users should read the author’s website for more tips.
D. Users only need to use the apps included on their phone.
49. All of the following are true about the apps for your smartphone EXCEPT that
A. they can be used for various purposes
B. they have a wide range from entertainment to daily activities
C. they were developed before the hardware of smartphones
D. they can make your life more comfortable and convenient
50. Which of the following statements does the author most probably agree with?
A. The app Lookout is most useful to the police.
B. Lookout can replace Google Map to locate any location.
C. Evernote can offer you the treatment for your loss of memory.
D. The app SoundHound can save you a lot of time.
1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 ÁN 6. D 7. D
C 8. C 9. A 10. A
1. B .12. B .
13 B .
14 B .
1 C 16. B 17 A 18 C 19. B 20. C
21 C 22. B .
23 D .
24 D 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. C
1 . . 5. . .

Trang 6

3 D 32. B 33 A 34 C 3 B 36. D 37 C 38 B 39. B 40. B

41 D 42. A .
43 C .
44 D 45. C 46. .
D 47 B 48. B 49. C 50. D
16. unhelpful = không giúp đỡ; helpless = cần sự giúp đỡ của người khác
17. (have) difficulty (in) doing sth = (gặp phải) khó khăn khi làm việc gì
22. become stale = go off = ươn, thối, ung, ôi.
23. roughly = phỏng chừng, xấp xỉ; more or less = khoảng chừng, ước độ.
24. densely = đông đúc; sparsely = thưa thớt.
25. strenuous = căng thăng, vất vả; half-hearted = không nhiệt tình.
30. seeing that = because the fact that - xét thấy rằng
31. believe it or not = cho dù anh có tin hay không
32. come in handy/ useful = có ích vào một lúc nào đó
33. mood (n) = tâm trạng, tính tình; style (n) = kiểu, cách thức; character (n) = tính cách;
impression (n) = ấn tượng

Trang 7

ĐỀ 20
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. entrance B. diploma C. exchange D. apply
2. A. interesting B. singer C. single D. strong
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. remedy B. dramatic C. quality D. paradise
4. A. longevity B. expectancy C. sustainable D. individual
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. My English teacher said we should write another composition for tomorrow related for our
experience at last week’s workshop.
6. The customer was interested to see one of those new pocket cameras with the built-in flash.
7. The chemistry instructor explained the experiment in such of a way that it was
easily understood.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. He had changed so much since the last time we met that I__________him.
A. could recognize B. could hardly recognize
C. wouldn’t have recognized D. don’t recognize
9. Where do you keep_________knives and forks?
A. the B. some C. a D. 0
10. The mass of the sun is about 750 times that of all planets
the combined.
A. the greatest B. as great as C. greatly D. greater
11._________his brother, Peter is active and friendly.
A. Alike B. Unlike C. Dislike D. Liking
12. She asked me_____ _____I was looking at.
A. when B. if C. what D. why
13. All_____ ___is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.
A. what is needed B. for our needs
C. the thing needed D. that is needed
14. He’s the only child in his family and he can hardly enjoy_________.
A. brother B. brothers C. brotherhood D. brotherly
15. Robert________a business trip to France with a visit to his uncle in Paris.


A. attached B. united C. joined D. combined

16. Many animals are________for their fur and other valuable parts of their bodies.
A. hunted B. chased C. run after D. followed
17. The new manager found the situation so complicated that he couldn’t see the wood for
A. leaf B. fruits C. wood D. trees
18. Lucy was late for school this morning because the alarm didn’t_________as usual.
A. ring off B. get off C. go off D. take off
19. Sometimes a postman________some terrible handwriting and didn’t know where the letter
should go.
A. ran away with B. ran up with C. ran up against D. run without
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Will you do me a favor?” - “________”
A. What’s a favor? I don’t have any.
B. Sure. What can I do for you?
C. No, thanks anyway. I have enough favor.
D. Absolutely, but I’m busy now.
21. Son: “I got 100 for TOEFL iBT.” Mother: “________”
A. Good for you. Thank you.
B. I’m glad you say so.
C. Well done, son! I’m very proud of you.
D. You can do it.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Between you and me. so don’t tell anyone. I’m sure he’ll lose the election.
A. In truth B. In confidence C. In conclusion D. In fact
23. He drives me crazy because he never stops talking for hours.
A. frightens me B. moves me C. irritates me D. steers me
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. The use of lasers in surgery has become relatively commonplace in recent years.
A. absolutely B. relevantly C. virtually D. comparatively
25. A deficiency of vitamin D can lead to permanent bone deformities.
A. irreparable B. infinite C. temporary D. occasional
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. “Mary, you should not take a lot of vitamins,” said the doctor.
A. The doctor advised Mary to take a lot of vitamins.
B. The doctor advised Mary not to take lots of vitamins.
C. The doctor made Mary not to take lots of vitamins.


D. The doctor let Mary not take a lot of vitamins.

27. The music was so loud that we couldn’t hear what you said.
A. You didn’t say loud enough for us to hear.
B. Because of the loud music, we couldn’t hear you.
C. The music was too loud that we couldn’t hear you.
D. The music was too loud for us to hear.
28. It is a pity we don’t have a steak to cook over our camp fire.
A. We will cook it over our camp fire if we had a steak.
B. If we had had a steak, we would have cooked it over our camp fire.
C. If we have a steak, we shall cook it over our camp fire.
D. If we had a steak, we could cook it over our camp fire.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. They improve the quality of their products. We will order more handbags from them.
A. Even if they improve the quality of their products, we will order more handbags from
B. Unless they improve the quality of their products, we will order more handbags from
C. Only when they improve the quality of their products will we order more handbags from
D. In case they improve the quality of their products, we will order more handbags from
30. Tuition fees were increased. There were many objections from students and parents.
A. There had been too many objections from students and parents while tuition fees were
B. Tuition fees were increased as there were many objections from students and parents.
C. There were many objections from students and parents, so tuition fees were increased.
D. Tuition fees were increased in spite of the fact that there were many objections from
students and parents.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which man pollutes his
surroundings. Man dirties the air with gases and smoke,. the water with chemicals and other
substances, and damages the many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also pollutes his (31) soil
with (32) surroundings in various other ways. For example, people ruin natural beauty by (33)
__________garbage and waste products on the land and in the water. They death.
Polluted water kills fish life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is operate machines
and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing noise. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and
(34)___________________and other (35) available for growing food.


3 A. poisons B. pours C. puts D.

31 A. extreme B. too C. such surrounds
D. all
A. disposing B. filling C. using D. making
33 A. therefore B. consequently C. even D. just
A. water B. hydro C. coastal D. marine
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
The Rise of E-Books
Over the past decade, e-books have revolutionized the way people consume written
information. It will probably come as no surprise the total global sales number continues to rise
each year. There are several reasons why readers are buying more e-books. For starters, reading a
lengthy e-book in front of your computer isn't the most comfortable thing to do. But since tablet
sales have exploded, readers can now relax and read their favourite e-books in bed or from the
beach. Many e-books are often sold at lower prices than traditional books. Since there is almost
zero cost for producing e-books, some authors are offering their novels at lower prices. Another
factor is convenience. In the past, keeping a large book collection meant setting aside a lot of
extra space in one’s home. With e-books, it is now possible for readers to carry a portable library,
which contains thousands of books. To really understand the e-book market though, it is
important to keep up with national trends.
Recent data suggests that the e-book market in the US and the UK have matured. In both of
these countries, e-book sales account for roughly 20 percent of overall book sales. Although that
percentage continues to increase, it is going up at a slower rate than in the past.
The popularity of e-books has exploded in Russia. In one poll, 70 percent of Russians claim
to have read at least one e-book. However, publishers are not too pleased with this news because
approximately 92 percent of e-books in Russia are acquired illegally.
In France, consumers don't appear to be too keen on e-books at this time. Although in 2012,
e-book sales comprised about 3 percent of the market, it is predicted that this number will
increase at a very slow pace. Some French people believe that reading e-books on small screens is
uncomfortable. Others say that the French are a cultural exception, as they like the feeling of
holding a dusty old physical book. This demonstrates that no matter how popular e-books get, it is
unlikely that traditional books will disappear any time soon.
36. This year, e-book sales in the US and the UK will probably_________.
A. start to decline B. stay the same
C. increase drastically D. keep going up
37. Which of the following is NOT a reason why e-books became popular worldwide?
A. People can now store more books easily.
B. A new type of reading device was invented.
C. Most popular novels are only offered as e-books.
D. Reading e-books recently became more comfortable.
38. The phrase “account for” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. are a particular part of B. form the total of


C. are the explanation of D. know what has happened

39. Why are publishers unhappy about the popularity of e-books in Russia?
A. Customers are not paying for them.
B. The quality of e-books is poor.
C. Only a small percent of people read e-books.
D. More people are returning to traditional books.
40. The word “they” in paragraph 5 refers to________.
A. e-books B. French people C. traditional books D. total sales
41. All of the following are the reasons why the French are not fond of e-books
very much EXCEPT that_________.
A. it is considered that reading e-books on small screens is not comfortable
B. the French have a trend of reading traditional books
C. the French may want to keep their traditional reading habit
D. the French are an exception, not using any mobile devices
42. What is the meaning of the last sentence of the passage?
A. French people will change their minds about e-books.
B. E-books won’t get popular in France until screens get bigger.
C. It is just a matter of time before e-books disappear.
D. Some people will continue to read traditional books.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Incredible Shrinking Microchips
There is a popular old saying that “bigger is better”. Although this may be true in some
regards, the exact opposite often applies in technology. As electronic components get smaller, it
allows companies to manufacture tinier devices with more features. Thus began the never-ending
quest to create the smallest microchips on the planet. Yet as these vital electronic components get
smaller, they are also getting stronger and clever inventors are finding new ways in which to use
them to do incredible things.
Currently, the biggest limitation microchip producers face when trying to reduce chips’ size
is the copper wires that provide electrical current throughout the chip. Although they can be made
smaller, this can cause a whole host of problems such as melting and overheating. Thanks to the
work of a few scientists from the UK though, this problem may soon be a thing of the past. Their
solution is getting rid of the copper wiring altogether and using carbon nanotubes instead. Not
only would this allow for smaller sizes but it would also increase the power that microchips can
generate. In the end, this would translate into smaller and more powerful devices much to the
delight of consumers all over the world.
Corporate powerhouse Intel01' has announced plans to create a line of tiny, low power chips
that can be used in bracelets, smart watches, and other tiny devices. The chips will be called
Intel® Quark, and they are being designed primarily to fit in biomedical devices. A key selling
point to biomedical technology is that the devices have to be nonintrusive because people don’t
want to carry around heavy equipment to monitor their health. If they can do this, Intel® will


likely find several tablet and smartphone manufacturers who are willing to corporate Quark
microchips into their devices.
In a somewhat unusual project, researchers are working on a special microchip that will
serve as miniature human organs in experiments. These “organ” chips could be used to test
different medicines and study diseases. If realized, the technology could put an end to the use of
lab mice and other animals for testing. Everyone from the largest pharmaceutical companies to
the US military has shown interest in the project. Currently, the research team in charge of the
project believes that within five years the organ chips will be used in practical research. It goes to
show that thinking small often produces the biggest results.
43. What does the author disagree with in the first paragraph?
A. Microchips need to get smaller.
B. Things which are larger are always better.
C. Big things are sometimes better than small things.
D. Companies who try to make tiny things.
44. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. copper wiring B. increase in power
C. using carbon nanotubes D. a thing of the past
45. What might nanotubes do?
A. Give chips less space
B. Give chips more problems
C. Give chips more size
D. Give chips more power
46. All of the following are characteristics of using carbon nanotubes EXCEPT__________.
A. providing huge devices to monitor people’s health
B. avoiding melting and overheating problems
C. making electronic devices much smaller
D. getting rid of copper wiring
47. What best matches the meaning of the word “nonintrusive” in paragraph 3?
A. not too annoying
B. not too expensive
C. not too interesting
D. not too light
48. Where are you most likely to find an Intel® Quark chip at first?
A. In an Android cellphone
B. In a personal heart monitor
C. In the latest tablet computer
D. In a small home light bulb
49. What will “organ” chips help to do when they are completed?
A. Help doctors cure diseases
B. Create new medicines
C. Save the lives of laboratory animals


D. Replace donor organs

50. Which of the following is NOT the benefit of the “organ” chips?
A. To serve as miniature human organs in experiments
B. To be used to test different medicines and study diseases
C. To be likely useful in practical research
D. To put an end to the use of labs for testing medicines


1. C 2. C 11. 3. B 4. D 13. A 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B
B 12. C 14. C 23. C 24. A 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. C 19. C 20. B
21. C 22. B 31. 33. A 34. C 43. B 25. C 26. B 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. D
A 32. B 41. D 44. C 35. D 36. A 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. B
42. D Notes: 45. D 46. A 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. D

17. can’t see the wood for the trees = thấy cây mà không thấy rừng, nhìn thấy hiện tượng mà
không thấy bản chất
18. go off = (súng, bom) nổ, (chuông, còi báo động) vang lên; ring off = ngừng nói chuyện bằng
điện thoại; get off = ra đi; take off = bỏ (mũ), cởi (quần áo), (máy bay) cất cánh
19. run up against something = trải qua điều khó khăn
22. between you and me = between ourselves = it’s a secret; in confidence = giữ bí mật; in truth
= thật sự, đúng là; in conclusion = sau cùng; in fact = thật vậy
23. drive sb crazy/make sb go crazy = làm ai phát điên; irritate (v) = làm phát cáu; steer sb (v) =
dẫn ai đi đâu; frighten (v) = làm sợ hãi

Trang 8

ĐỀ 21
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. nursing B. nurture C. turn D. future
2. A. society B. sociable C. groceries D. finance
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. catastrophic B. fertilizer C. preservation D. electronic
4. A. diversity B. ecosystem C. ecology D. industrial
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Vietnam exports a lot of rice is grown mainly in the south of the country.
6. The longest mountain range, the Mid-Atlantic Range, is not hardly visible because most of
it lies under the ocean.
7. Schools are important and vital means by which modern education is provided.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. Imagine_________when the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids. How would your life have
been different?
A. you had been living B. you are living
C. you live D. you have been living
9. ________Professor Johns,________ man whose new drug everyone is talking
about refused___________interview.
A. 0 - the — an B. 0 - a - the C. The - a - the D. The — a — an
10. Of the Charles Dickens’ many novels, “Great Expectations” is perhaps__________to many
A. most satisfying one B. the most satisfying one
C. more than satisfying one D. the more satisfying one
11. _______she was brought up.
A. It is Paris that B. It was Paris, where
C. It is in Paris, which D. It is in Paris that
12. Up________, and the people cheered.
A. went the balloon C. does the balloon go
B. goes the balloon D. did the balloon go
13. The instructions from air traffic control were not fully explicit, and_________
A. as a result, the pilot made an error and crashed


B. so that the pilot made an error and crashed

C. therefore the pilot made it crash
D. resulting from the pilot crashing the plane
14. Executives at that company eliminated unnecessary meetings,_________on memorandums
to communicate with employees instead.
A. rely B. relying C. reliable D. reliance
15. I’d like to________this old car for a new model but I can’t afford it.
A. change B. exchange C. sell D. replace
16. I thought the film was________but other people didn’t like it.
A. shocked B. fascinating C. thrilled D. confusing
17. He would win the race if he_________his brother’s example and trained harder.
A. repeated B. set C. answered D. followed
18. I had my doubts about her when I took her on, but now I’m pleased to say that
she has_________to be a talented executive.
A. taken up B. made out C. turned out D. carried on
19. The boy stands________from others because of his height.
A. in B. out C. up D. for
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “The problems seem annoying to everyone.” - “________”
A. It is. B. They are. C. They do. D. It does.
21. “Would you like me to send this package for you?” - “_________”
A. That would be nice. Any problems?
B. Yes, please, if you don’t mind.
C. I’m sorry, but here you are.
D. No, thanks. I’m really busy.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Educators have made great strides in recent years in combating the ignorance of the nation's
young about AIDS.
A. fearlessness B. indoctrination C. unawareness D. arrogance
23. Because of cutbacks in council spending, plans for the new swimming pool had to be
A. delayed B. canceled C. disapproved D. stopped
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Do you know of any actual cases of this happening?
A. false B. untrue C. hypothetical D. imitate
25. One by one, the stars appeared in the sky.
A. vanished B. blossomed C. broke out D. performed

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. My father hasn't smoked for three years.
A. My father started smoking three years ago.
B. My father stopped smoking three years ago.
C. My father quit smoking for three years.
D. My father will continue smoking in three years' time.
27. Not taking a difficult exam is worse than failing it.
A. It is better to fail a difficult exam than not to take it at all.
B. If one is going to fail a difficult exam, it is better not to take it.
C. To fail a difficult exam is worse than not to take it.
D. Because the exam is difficult, it is better not to take it.
28. It is said that in some cultures and religions, recreation is encouraged on certain days.
A. It is recreation that is encouraged on certain days in some cultures and religions.
B. Recreation is said to be encouraged on certain days in some cultures and religions.
C. Recreation is said in some cultures and religions that it is encouraged on certain days.
D. Some cultures and religions are said to be encouraged on certain days.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. The hotel is not spacious. The hotel is not comfortable.
A. The hotel is not spacious but comfortable.
B. The hotel is either spacious or comfortable.
C. The hotel is both spacious and comfortable.
D. The hotel is neither spacious nor comfortable.
30. Mr. Brown wanted to get some fresh air in the room. He opened the window.
A. Mr. Brown wanted to get some fresh air in the room because he opened the window.
B. Having opened the window, the room could get some fresh air by Mr. Brown.
C. Mr. Brown got some fresh air in the room, even though he opened the window.
D. Mr. Brown opened the window in order to get some fresh air in the room.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Sharing Videos on the Web
When people are looking for a great way to (31)___________themselves of boredom, videos
found on the Internet are often the perfect solution. Such websites as YouTube, Dailymotion, and
Vimeo have become so popular that they are known to get millions of visits each day.
YouTube is known for allowing people to create their own videos and share them with the
world. It is (32) ___________ YouTube that enormous amounts of interest in certain videos can
be created. So many people watch them that the interest (33) ___________ from person to person
is almost exponential.
Another site that is similar to YouTube is called Vimeo. Although it (34)_____________as a
direct competitor to YouTube, Vimeo has more of a concentration on longer videos. However,

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the (35)___________is the same in which the service allows users to share their videos with a
very wide audience on the Internet.
31. A. prevent B. take C. relieve D. stop
32. A. through B. by C. with D. for
33. A. existed B. generated C. made D.
34. A. play B. does C. behaves performed
D. acts
35. A. concept B. thinking C. theory D. strategy
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Fighting Back against Bullying
It is often said that childhood is the most joyful period in a person’s life. This is supposed to
be a time when children can focus on their studies and enjoy their free time with friends.
However, these days more and more children are experiencing a stressful and miserable
adolescence due to bullying.
Bullying occurs when one student, or a group of students, uses aggression to harm another
child and try to make them feel bad. This abuse can either be physical, such as pushing or beating
another student, or it could take the form of mental abuse, such as taunting and teasing the
Although it may seem harmless to some, studies show that bullying can greatly impact a
child’s life and have long-lasting negative effects. People who have been bullied may experience
self-esteem issues and start to lack confidence in almost everything they do. These traits can
make it difficult to manage relationships and even cause them to have trouble holding down a
steady job.
One of the most harmful types of bullying that is on the rise is cyberbullying. The bullied
student is targeted in cruel or threatening e-mails, instant messages, or hateful public posts about
them. In many cases, bullies will post embarrassing pictures of the victim or spread nasty
rumours about them through social media. In some tragic cases, children have even turned to
suicide, feeling that they can’t deal with the humiliation.
If you are being bullied by another student, you don’t have to accept it or suffer. There are
some steps you can take to deal with the problem. At first, you may try to ignore the bully, as
they will often lose interest in bothering you if you don’t react. If the bullying persists, however,
you should tell a trusted adult as soon as possible. This could be a parent, a family friend, a
teacher, a school guidance counselor, or even the school principal. Until recently, many teachers
and school officials turned a blind eve to bullying, believing that the students would eventually
sort it out by themselves. But this mindset has changed in recent years in light of some of the
tragedies that have occurred. If for any reason you feel that your complaints are not being taken
seriously, there are other groups available online who will help you deal with bullying. By
dealing with bullying at an early stage, you can stop it before it gets much worse.
36. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Some of the worst bullies today are adults.

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B. Bullying is probably not as serious as you think.

C. Bullying is a natural part of growing up.
D. The issue of bullying has got worse lately.
37. The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. victims B. parents C. acts of bullying D. studies
38. What does the author suggest that students should do if someone starts to bully them?
A. Tell an adult the first time it happens
B. Start a fight with the bully to make them scared
C. Try not to show too much emotion to the bully
D. Prove to the bully that you have other friends
39. What effects can bullying have on a person?
A. It can make them uncomfortable and feel bad.
B. It can teach them valuable lessons about life.
C. It can help them to develop a better sense of humour.
D. It can drive them to get a better job.
40. The phrase “turned a blind eye to” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to________.
A. became blind B. ignored C. concerned D. escaped
41. Which of the following sentences defines cyberbullying?
A. It is an organization that stops online bullying.
B. It is a way to bully children over the Internet.
C. It is a way that bullies physically punish their victims.
D. It is a website where students talk about bully problems.
42. Nowadays, the community has________.
A. taken notice of the problem of bullying more seriously
B. turned a blind eye to bullying
C. focused on solving cyberbullying alone
D. left the responsibilities for the school to solve the problem
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Don't Handle with Care
People always go shopping for the latest and greatest gadgets. Speed, performance, and the
latest functions are always key factors before making a purchase. Yet the most important factor of
all, which often isn’t considered, is a product’s durability. After all, if a product breaks easily and
can’t be repaired, the buyer will have wasted their investment. In other cases, weakly-designed
products can cost someone their life. Thankfully, today’s inventors and engineers are coming up
with some incredible ways to ensure that many products can survive the most difficult situations.
One area where durability is absolutely essential is in designing weaponry. In the industry,
lapses in quality can lead to death. Designers of military vehicles have recently made great strides
in creating some extra tough bulletproof vehicles. Researchers were inspired by the advances
made with a similar technology, bulletproof vests. This equipment, which keeps police officers

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and soldiers protected from gunfire, has been continually upgraded as time has gone on. In order
to get tougher, these vests have got lighter, so officers and soldiers can move more freely while
Beautiful screens, a fast computer processor, and the latest software are probably the biggest
concerns for most people shopping for new smartphones. Yet, since most mobiles will be subject
to their fair share of bumps and bruises during their life cycle, durability should also be a major
concern. A major breakthrough in recent years was the invention of Gorilla Glass. This
technology not only prevents devices from breaking when dropped on hard surfaces, but it also
makes them scratch-resistant as well. Gorilla Glass screens are given molten alkaline salt baths
that produce a hard, compressed layer at the surface. Before a screen can crack, it will have to
penetrate this rugged surface, which takes a large degree of force.
Recently, another new technique called electrospinning was developed that could make
future products even tougher to break. The process involves applying high voltage to a polymer to
create a strand of nanofiber. Products designed with the material will be able to absorb more
energy without breaking. Researchers are aiming to lighten up aircraft and potentially decrease
the damage planes suffer in crashes. Hopefully, these advances are just the beginning. Although
science has come a long way in helping manufacturers to create more durable products, the next
century should surely bring some even more incredible improvements.
43. What is the main point of the first paragraph?
A. People often forget about the durability of products.
B. Almost every product you buy will break easily.
C. Having great features is more important than being durable.
D. The only thing that really matters about a product is its durability.
44. Why should bulletproof vests be light?
A. Because most of the bullets are not so strong.
B. Manufacturers need to bring down costs.
C. People wearing them need to move more easily.
D. The weather will be too hot if they are heavy.
45. All of the following are true about weaponry EXCEPT that_________.
A. bulletproof vests have been manufactured
B. police officers and soldiers are protected from gunfires
C. bulletproof vests have become lighter and tougher
D. bulletproof vests have been replacing bulletproof vehicles
46. The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to_______.
A. hard surface B. the new technology
C. a large degree of force D. dropping on hard surfaces
47. The word “penetrate” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. succeed B. show a way C. go through D. join
48. What is the benefit of using Gorilla Glass?
A. It looks nicer than regular glass.
B. It will not get destroyed very easily.

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C. It is better for the environment.

D. It raises money for sick animals.
49. What does the passage say about durable products in the conclusion?
A. This is just a fad that will end soon.
B. It is unlikely that this trend will continue in the future.
C. Most people think durable goods are not worth the extra cost.
D. It seems like things will be harder to break in the future.
50. Which of the following can provide the better durability with the technique called
A. High voltage B. New material
C. A strand of nanofiber D. A polymer layer

Trang 3

1. D 2 B 3 B 4 B BÁN6.
5 B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10 B
1 D . 1 A 13 . A 14. B 1. B 16. B 17 D 18. C 19 B .
20 B
21. B 2. 2 C 23 . A 24. C 25 A 26. B 27. A 28. B .
29 D .
30 D
31. C 2. 3 A 33 . B 34. D 35 A 36. D .
37 A 38. C .
39 A .
40 B
41. B 2. 4 A 43. A 44. C 45 D 46. B .
47 C 48. B .
49 D .
50 C
1. — grown/which
5. 2. . is grown
. 6. B 5noưhardly 7. B .
important/ . .
B ——
Notes: — vital
17. follow an example = bắt chước, làm theo; set an example = nêu gương, làm gương
18. take sb on - nhận vào làm, thuê, mướn; turn out = hoá ra là; make out = nhận ra, hiểu; take
up = choán, chiếm; carry on = tiếp tục
19. stand out = nổi bật lên
22. ignorance = sự không biết; unawareness = sự không có ý thức; indoctrination = sự truyền
bá; fearlessness = tính can đảm; arrogance = tính kiêu ngạo.
23. shelve (động từ) = xếp xó (một dự án, kế hoạch); delay = trì hoãn.
24. actual = có thật; hypothetical = có tính cách giả thuyết
25. appear = xuất hiện; vanish = biến mất; blossom = nở hoa; break out — bùng no; perform =
thực hiện
31. relieve sb of sth = làm nhẹ bớt gánh nặng, cất gánh nặng
33. generate (v) = tạo ra; generate interest/ excitement = tạo ra hửng thú/ hứng khởi
34. act as sb/ sth = thực hiện vai trò hoặc nhiệm vụ của ai/ cái gì
35. concept (n) (= principle/ idea) = khái niệm, nhận thức

Trang 3

ĐỀ 22
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. heavy B. breadwinner C. cleaning D. breakfast
2. A. laundry B. iron C. ingredient D. cream
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. envelope B. amazing C. passenger D. decorate
4. A. elaborately B. mysteriously C. necessarily D. originally
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Modern art is on display at the Guggenheim Museum, a building with an unusually design.
6. This class has cancelled because too few students had registered before
registration closed.
7. The abilities to work hard, follow directions, and thinking independently are some of the
criteria for success in the workplace.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. “Is it the first time________the first class?”
A. you ever fly B. you’ve flown
C. you’re ever flying D. you’ve ever been flying
9. In the past six months, the company has already received twice__________in gross revenues
as it earned in the entire preceding year.
A. as much B. more C. as many D. as more
10. “Have you really got no money____________the fact that you’ve had a part-time job this
A. although B. in spite of C. because of D. in case
11. No sooner__________at the bus stop_________the bus came.
A. he had arrived - when B. had he arrived - than
C. had he arrived - when D. he had arrived — than
12. The house I grew up has been painted and redecorated.
A. in B. in it C. in that D. in which
13. It is________that I can’t put it down.
A. so interesting a book B. so interesting book
C. such interesting book D. too interesting book
14. ________say that property taxes have increased faster than homeowner’s incomes.


A. Analyze B. Analysts C. Analysis D. Analyzable

15. He laughed in a very strange way,__________everyone to turn round and look.
A. causing B. making C. allowing D. attracting
16. The Victoria Falls are one of the world’s________wonders.
A. spacious B. private C. natural D. national
17. Although the patient’s condition is serious, she seems to be out of________.
A. place B. control C. danger D. order
18. Thank you for your support, which__________me throughthe hard time I had last month.
A. pulled B. went C. led D. jumped
19. If you don’t_________that bike, it won’t last very long.
A. look after B. look out for C. look into D. look over
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Let me wash the vegetables while you’re preparing the meat.” “_________”
A. Good idea. I’ll do it for you. B. No problem.
C. Yes, please. But I can manage. D. OK. Thank you very much.
21. “You haven’t paid attention to what I am saying.” “_________”
A. That’s understandable. I am speaking too fast.
B. That sounds terrific. Thank you.
C. Why should I do when I don’t know what you are talking about?
D. You mean a lot to me. Thank you.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Biogas can be utilized for electricity production, cooking, space heating, water heating and
process heating.
A. increase B. generation C. sparing D. reformation
23. Staring at other people can sometimes be impolite.
A. Winking privately B. Peeking carefully
C. Glancing briefly D. Gazing steadily
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. My cousin tends________to look on the bright side in any circumstance.
A. be confident B. be optimistic C. be pessimistic D. be smart
25. Their wedding party caused great disappointment but at least there was sufficient food for
A. worthless B. inadequate C. satisfying D. unpleasant
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. It’s a pity that Anne hates studying.
A. Anne uses some strange methods when she studies.


B. Anne receives very good grades although she doesn’t study.

C. Anne is very fond of studying something pitiful.
D. It’s too bad that Anne dislikes studying.
27. The little boy could not carry such a heavy school bag.
A. The little boy’s disability made him unable to carry such a heavy school bag.
B. It was impossible for the little boy to carry such a heavy school bag.
C. The little was not capable of carrying such a heavy school bag.
D. The little boy is said to have been unable to carry such a heavy school bag.
28. People say that hundreds of local people have died in the floods.
A. It is said that hundreds of local people have died in the floods.
B. Hundreds of local people were said to have died in the floods.
C. It is in the floods that hundreds of local people have died.
D. Hundreds of local people are said to have been died in the floods.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. The fire-fighters made every effort to put off the flames. The building burned down
A. Had it not been for the fire-fighters’ every effort, the building would have burned down
B. Since the fire-fighters made every effort to put off the flames, the building burned down
C. The building burned down completely though the fire-fighters made every effort to put
off the flames.
D. Making every effort to put off the flames, the fire-fighters completely burned down the
30. I had two job offers upon graduation. Neither of them was appropriate for my qualifications.
A. Though I wasn't qualified enough, two jobs were offered to me upon graduation.
B. The two jobs offered to me after I graduated were inappropriate for my qualifications.
C. Both of the job offers I had prior to my graduation were appropriate for my
D. I was offered two jobs soon after my graduation, both of which were suitable for my
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Sad Times in the Arctic
The beautiful white bears found in the Arctic are in grave danger, and human beings are very
(31)__________the cause of this danger. As we bum fossil fuels to generate electricity or get us
around town in our cars and trucks. We create a massive amount of carbon dioxide. This gas has
increased in (32)____________so much over the past few centuries that it is causing global


Polar bears need sea ice in order to live because this ice is their hunting (33)___________. The
bears’ main source of food is the meat and blubber of seals. These animals come to the surface
holes in the ice to breathe. It is there that the polar bears have (34)_____________to ambush the
seals. Without any ice, there is nowhere for the bears to stalk their prey. The seals rarely venture
onto land and spend their time out on the sea ice.
In recent years, the sea ice has disappeared in the Arctic during the late summer. This is
dangerous for the polar bears, as they rely almost exclusively on seals for food. (35)___________
brown and black bears, polar bears do not hibernate during the winter.
31. A. probably B. like C. likely D. truly
32. A. amounts B. numbers C. attention D.
33. A. ground C. surface D. soil
34. A.changed B. adapted C.adopted D.
35. A. Alike B. Unlike C. Unlikely D. Apart from

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Understanding India's Caste System
It has been said that life is what we make of it. In other words, if we work hard and focus on
our goals, we can have great careers and enjoy high status in society. However, these
opportunities don’t exist for everyone. In some places, the family you are bom into will decide
almost everything about your life. India’s caste system is an example of this.
The caste system is a major part of the Hindu religion that has existed for thousands of years.
It is a way of organizing and grouping people based on the occupation of the family. Castes will
determine whom people can socialize with and their place in society. Originally, a person’s caste
was supposed to be determined by their personality, but over time it has been linked to their job
and family.
There are four classes, also known as varnas, in India’s caste system. The highest one is
Brahmin. People in this class have jobs in education and religion. These are seen as extremely
important functions for the society as they deal with the knowledge. The second highest level is
the Kshatriya, or ruling class. People from this group can be soldiers, landowners, or have jobs in
politics. The class beneath this is the Vaishya. These people often work in the commercial sector
as merchants. The fourth class level is the Shudra. Shudras typically work as unskilled labourers
doing factory or farm work, or they may also be employed as artists.
There is another group, the Harijan, that is at the bottom and considered to be outside of the
caste system. For many years, they were known as Untouchables. People from this caste held the
most undesirable jobs in society, such as cleaning up garbage. Furthermore, they weren’t allowed
to pray at public temples or drink water from the same wells as other classes. If someone from
another caste came into contact with an Untouchable, they were considered dirty and would be
expected to bathe vigorously to clean themselves.
Although the caste system still exists in India, the government is taking steps to improve the


living conditions and decrease unemployment rates for the Shudras and Harijan. This includes
providing better health care, offering literacy programmes, and making sure that people from
higher social classes do not exploit them. It seems unlikely that the caste system will disappear
any time soon, but the overall conditions for those at the bottom do seem to be improving.
36. Which of the following is NOT true about India’s caste system?
A. The caste system has been used in India for a long time.
B. The Kshatriya is the second highest class.
C. Hard work helps people move up in the caste system.
D. It is possible that a Shudra would work on a farm.
37. The word “this” in paragraph 1 refers to________.
A. the fact that your origin will mostly decide your future
B. the pleasure of life in India
C. the India’s caste system existing for thousands of years
D. the major part of the Hindu religion
38. What is the caste system mainly based on?
A. What a person believes on B. When a person starts school
C. Who a person’s parents are D. Where a person was bom
39. What kind of job would a Brahmin likely have?
A. A priest B. A warrior C. An inventor D. A painter
40. What could replace the word “ruling” in paragraph 3?
A. defeating B. guessing C. delaying D. governing
41. All of the following are true about the Harijan EXCEPT that_________.
A. they used to be known as Untouchables
B. they had to do undesirable jobs in society
C. any contact between someone from another caste with an Untouchable was considered
D. anyone from another caste coming to contact with an Untouchable is not allowed to pray
at temples
42. What does the passage suggest about the future of the caste system?
A. One day soon it won’t be used anymore in India.
B. It is probably going to get worse before it gets better.
C. The bottom groups will rise to rule over the top classes.
D. It will likely continue to exist for a long time in India.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The LED Lighting Revolution
If you have picked up any electronics magazines recently, you have probably heard about
LEDs; yet chances are, you probably don’t realize why they are so special. The truth is that these
tiny light bulbs are helping to improve watches, remote controls, televisions, and a host of other


Diodes are components that enable energy to flow in one direction, while simultaneously
blocking the current from the opposite direction. This is similar to how a valve works on a faucet.
If electronic manufacturers require currents to flow in several directions, then multiple


diodes will be included in the circuit design. With LEDs, every time a current passes through
them, a light is emitted.
LED is short for light-emitting diode. Although they have only recently made waves in the
past decade or so, early models have been around since 1962. There are several benefits that
LEDs offer when compared to incandescent or fluorescent lighting. For starters, they have
extremely long-life spans in the range of 100,000 hours even in the toughest conditions. They
also require far less energy than other power sources, which can save users money over the long
run. Since LEDs don’t contain moving parts like other bulbs, they can withstand heavy impacts
without getting damaged. Finally, they don’t require any warm-up time so they will instantly
light up when switched on. The only drawback is that they are still a bit more expensive to
purchase at the moment.
LEDs were first used on digital clocks, but they have come a long way since then. They have
certainly done a lot to improve TV technology. LED TVs have been a hit because they can be
built extremely thin, yet also offer power-saving benefits. LED TVs also provide a wider range of
colour, which allows for more lifelike and vivid images. In the future, organic LEDs, or OLEDs,
will bring additional benefits for viewers. OLEDs are even more flexible than LEDs, so
manufacturers will be able to create bent display screens and lights. Therefore, you will be able to
roll up your living room TV set and pack it in your suitcase. In other words, LED and OLED
technology will likely be lighting up your life for years to come.
43. When energy goes through an LED, it__________.
A. lights up B. goes off C. changes colour D. goes back
44. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of LEDs?
A. being bump-resistant B. lightening up immediately
C. being very affordable D. having longer life span
45. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A. The history of LEDs B. The future of LEDs
C. The end of LEDs D. The advantages of LEDs
46. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. flowing in only one direction B. working of a faucet
C. blocking the current D. supplying energy
47. The phrase “warm-up time” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. a short period of time to practise something
B. a short practice of exercises
C. a short performance of light
D. a short period of time to prepare something
48. How do OLEDs compare with LEDs?
A. They are older. B. They bend more easily.
C. They cause more pollution. D. They are exactly the same.
49. Who would likely enjoy the passage most?
A. Someone who likes old technology


B. Someone who likes to know how things work

C. Someone who spends most of their time in the dark
D. Someone who is studying for a final exam
50. The tone of the passage is________.
A. negative B. subjective C. objective D. doubtful

Trang 7

1. C 2 B 3 B 4. C 5 D 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10 B
11 B . 1 D 1. A 1 B 1. A 16. C 17. C 18 A 19 A .
20 D
21 C 2.2 B 23 D 4.2 C 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. A .
29 C .
30 B
31 C 2.3 D 3 A 4.3 B 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. C .
39 A .
40 D
41 D 2.4 D 43 A 4.4 C 45. D 46. A 47. D 48. B .
49 B .
50 C
5. 2.
— unusual 3 6. 4. has been
— 5. canceled 7. B — . . .
17. out of danger (= not likely to die) = qua cơn nguy kịch
18. pull through = vượt qua được, thoát cảnh khó khăn
22. electricity production = electricity generation = sự sản xuất điện năng.
23. staring = gazing steadily = nhìn chằm chằm, nhìn không rời mắt.
24. look on the bright side = be optimistic = lạc quan; be pessimistic = bi quan.
25. sufficient = đầy đủ, dư thừa; inadequate = không thích hợp; worthless = không có giá trị;
satisfying = thoả mãn; unpleasant = khó chịu.
31. likely (adj) = có thể xảy ra; like (prep) = như là;probably (adv) = hầu như chắc chắn; truly
(adv) = đích thực, thực sự
32. concentration (n) = sự tập trung; attention = sự chú ý; numbers = con số; amount(s) = tổng
số giá trị
33. hunting ground = khu vực săn mồi, nguồn cung cấp
34. adapt to something (v) = thích nghi; adopt (v) = nhận con nuôi; transform (v) = biến đổi
35. unlike (prep) = không giống (như); unlikely (adj) = không chắc xảy ra; apart from = ngoại
trừ; alike (adj) = giống nhau, tưong tự; hibernate (v) = ngủ đông

Trang 8

ĐỀ 23
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. breath B. health C. heart D. head
2. A. yoga B. young C. yin D. rhythm
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. greenhouse B. climate C. upset D. footprint
4. A. consequence B. atmosphere C. chemical D. infectious
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. So extensive the lakes are that they are viewed as the largest bodies of fresh water in the
6. Establishing in 1984 for students who wanted to study art and music subjects, LaGuardia
was the first public school of its kind.
7. Manufacturers may use food additives for preserving, to colour, or to flavour, or to
fortify foods.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. I declined the offer as I_________it was time for me to go for a swim in the sea.
A. have decided B. decided C. had decided D. would decide
9. Would you rather live in________town or in__________country?
A. a - a B. a - the C. the - a D. the - the
10. I suggest the room________before Christmas.
A. be decorated B. is decorated
C. were decorated D. should decorate
11. ___ ____, no one was absent from the farewell party last night.
A. Heavily as it rained B. As it rained heavily
C. Though it rains heavily D. In spite of the heavily rain
12. ___ ___ is to give strangers your address.
A. What must never you do B. That must never you do
C. That you must never do D. What you must never do
13. It is ________ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.
A. such unusual a B. such an unusual C. so an unusual D. a so unusual


14. Jane installed security software on her new computer to__________it against viruses.
A. protect B. protector C. protection D. protective
15. Environmental changes in Antarctica___________a drastic decline in the numbers of
A. caused B. have brought
C. have led to D. have resulted from
16. Daniel is________for checking the passengers as they get onto the plane, so he must have
seen the suspect.
A. preferable B. suitable C. available D. responsible
17. He always_________the crossword in the newspaper before breakfast.
A. writes B. makes C. works D. does
18. What my grandfather said ten years ago about my future career________to be true.
A. turned down B. turned in C. turned out D. turned up
19. It was twenty years before the whole story_________.
A. came B. came off C. came out D. came through
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Emma: “There aren’t many people here yet, are there?” Jimmy: “_________”
A. Yes, not many yet. B. Yes, I think so.
C. No. there are. D. No, but it’s still__________early.
21. “I , et me bring these in for you.” “__________”
A. Oh, thanks. It’s amazing. B. Well, it’s very disappointing.
C. Don't worry. 1 can do__________it. D. Sure. Go ahead. Thanks.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The boy was brought up with a family in the countryside.
A. grown B. reared C. educated D. bred
23. We have to balance the risks of the new strategy against the possible benefits.
A. work out B. keep steady C. compare D. stay away
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. In many countries, military service is obligatory.
A. encouraged B. compulsory C. voluntary D. mandatory
25. Henry has found a temporary job in a factory.
A. genuine B. permanent C. eternal D. satisfactory
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Coal, the main source of energy in many countries, is considered to be a serious pollutant.
A. Coal, a serious pollutant, is considered the main source of energy in many countries.
B. People consider that coal is the main source of energy in many countries, a serious

Trang 2

C. Coal, the main source of energy in many countries, is considered to be a serious
D. It is considered that coal, the main source of energy in many countries, is a serious
27. Nora went to the gas station to have her tank filled.
A. Nora's car is being repaired at the gas station.
B. Nora is going to the gas station to pick up her car.
C. Nora had her gas tank filled with gasoline.
D. Nora is going to the gas station to pick up her tank.
28. You won't have a seat unless you book in advance.
A. You may have a seat if you book in advance.
B. You won’t have a seat because you didn’t book in advance.
C. You will have a seat if you keep your book in front of you.
D. You can’t have a seat although you book in advance.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. They're my two sisters. They are teachers like me.
A. They’re my two sisters, and both of those are teachers like me.
B. Unlike me, both of my two sisters are teachers.
C. They’re my two sisters, neither of whom are teachers like me.
D. They’re my two sisters both who are teachers like me.
30. Marry loved her stuffed animal when she was young. She couldn’t sleep without it.
A. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal so much that she couldn’t sleep
without it.
B. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal so as not to sleep with it.
C. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal though she couldn’t sleep without
D. As Marry couldn’t sleep without her stuffed animal when she was young, she loved it.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Global Warming and You
How is global warning affecting you? Many people in the world would not know how to answer
this question as they do not see any sort of change in climate. The people who do not notice it
tend to live in cities where the climates are already (31)__________; in essence, they mostly live
indoors. If it is raining, they stay inside. If it is too cold or too hot, they turn on the heat or their
air conditioning (32)___________. For farmers and others who live closer to the land; however,
global warming is not something they are (33)__________from. Although they cannot prove on
any given day that the weather, extreme or mild, has anything to do with climate change, they can
say over time that things are beginning to seem different. They notice that flowers and other

Trang 3

plants are blooming earlier in northern regions of the world’s continents. This causes them to
change planting (34)___________for crops in some cases. (35)____________, farmers are facing
more floods and droughts in our country and elsewhere.
3 A. ruled B. limited C. ordered D. controlled
31 A. respectively B. relatively C. independently D.
23 A. moved B. formed C. separated successively
D. divided
33 A. period B. time C. times D. sets
43A. Meanwhile B. In the C. For the meanwhile D. In
5 meanwhile meantime
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
The Sinking of the Unsinkable Ship
In history, some events are so shocking that they are discussed and analyzed for years after
they occur. One example of this is the tragic sinking of the RMS Titanic. In an ironic twist, when
the plans for this gigantic British ship were announced to the public, it was nicknamed “the
unsinkable ship” because people felt it was too large to be damaged by anything.
The Titanic left for its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912 from Southampton, England with
2,223 people on board. Its intended destination was New York, but sadly the ship would never
arrive. The ship was captained by Edward J. Smith, who was nicknamed “Millionaire’s Captain”
because he was frequently in charge of ships that contained wealthy passengers. During the
journey, the crew received many warnings about icebergs in the area. As a result, Captain Smith
slightly changed the course of the ship to make it head further south. Unfortunately, this change
was not enough and on the night of April 14, the ship collided with an iceberg and started to sink.
When the Titanic crashed into the iceberg, the crew quickly sent out distress signals to alert
nearby ships of the disaster and request their help. However, these ships were far away and
couldn’t reach the Titanic’s location for several hours. When the ship started to go underwater,
the crew started evacuating the ship. The Titanic only had 20 lifeboats available, which could
only fit 1,178 passengers. In the confusion, many of the lifeboats would leave before they were
fully occupied. The remaining passengers, about 1,500 people, died when the ship sank. The
leading cause of death was cardiac arrest due to the shock of the freezing waters.
After the tragedy, investigations were made by both the US and British governments and new
safety measures were required for ships. News of the tragedy immediately captured the attention
of the public. Many were perplexed that such a large ship could suddenly sink. Others enjoyed
hearing stories about the final moments of the ship and the heroic actions of passengers who
sacrificed their lives to save others. Of course, there were also stories of cowards who decided to
save themselves instead of rescuing others. This interest in the Titanic continues to this day, as
several films and documentaries have been made about the legendary ship.
36. Why did Captain Smith get his nickname?
A. He was the captain of a million ships.
B. He worked for lots of rich people.
C. He was paid a large salary.
D. He had been to many locations.

Trang 4

37. Why didn’t other ships come to help the Titanic?

A. They felt it was too dangerous to take the risk
B. They believed that everything would be OK.
C. They were too far from the accident.
D. They were already helping other ships.
38. All of the following may be the reasons for the sinking of the Titanic EXCEPT
A. icebergs in the Atlantic were the great danger to the Atlantic-crossing ships
B. Captain Smith hadn’t changed the course of the ship properly to avoid hitting the
C. the huge size of the ship made it unable to escape hitting the iceberg
D. there were not enough lifeboats for all the passengers
39. What could replace the word “distress” in paragraph 3?
A. strange B. amusing C. bold D. help
40. The word “them” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. passengers B. rescuers C. lifeboats D. signals
41. What caused the death of most of the passengers on the Titanic?
A. Their bodies couldn’t endure the freezing water.
B. They drowned after a long time.
C. They died due to the force of the crash.
D. They chose to kill themselves.
42. What is the effect of the Titanic tragedy?
A. Several films and documentaries have been made.
B. New huge ships have never been built ever since.
C. People avoid the period of the freezing waters in the Atlantic.
D. New safety requirements have been applied to ships.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Microwave Magic
The 20lh century was a time in which many great inventions were created. Things like the
automobile, computers, and the Internet truly changed the way we live forever. Yet, one handy
invention that has made eating at home far more convenient is often overlooked. The invention of
microwave allowed even the worst cooks in the world to prepare a meal in essentially no time at
What is really fascinating about microwave ovens is that they were invented by accident.
During World War II, British scientists discovered a device called a magnetron that can produce
microwaves. They hoped it would help them quickly identify German planes that were intent on
bombing their nation. However, it would be an American scientist named Percy Spencer who
linked microwaves with cooking food. One day, Spencer brought a candy bar with him to work,
and he stored it in his shirt pocket. While walking through a radar set, he noticed that the radar

Trang 5

had somehow melted his treat. Afterwards, Spencer and his coworkers started to experiment with
heating other things. They tried heating some popcorn kernels and it worked like a charm. Next,
they tried to cook an egg with microwaves, but it literally blew up in their face.
In 1945, the company that Spencer worked for, Raytheon, filed a patent for the technology
and started working on ways to make microwave ovens more efficient. The first commercial
microwave ovens hit the market, and an industry was bom. In the first few years, things didn’t
appear too promising. Early microwaves were quite expensive and they were big and chunky, so
it was difficult to fit them in most kitchens. Yet, people did see the benefit an ease of being able
to cook foods so quickly. Therefore, once manufacturers were able to shrink the device and bring
down the price a bit, sales started to skyrocket. By 1986, approximately 25 percent of Americans
had a microwave oven in their kitchen.
Through the years, many people have questioned the safety and potential negative health
effects of microwaves, fearing that the technology was a little too good to be true. Yet, some
studies have shown that microwaving food actually helps it to retain more nutrients because of
the short cooking times and minimal water required. However, it is essential to use microwave
containers to avoid harmful chemicals from possibly leaking into your food. Microwave dishes
may never be seen as gourmet cooking, but when you are in a hurry, nothing beats this method of
43. What is the main point of the first paragraph?
A. Many people forget the importance of microwaves.
B. The Internet was a much better invention than the microwave.
C. It wasn’t really necessary that the microwave was invented.
D. The microwave was more important than computers.
44. What was the first use of microwaves?
A. They were used to cook things.
B. They were used by the military.
C. They were used to sell products.
D. They were used to raise temperatures.
45. The first thing that microwaves proved to be able to be useful in cooking was
A. identifying planes B. inventing a magnetron
C. cooking eggs D. melting candy bars
46. What best matches the meaning of the phrase “worked like a charm” in paragraph 2?
A. didn’t work B. almost worked C. worked perfectly D. broke down
47. What does the sentence “the technology was a little too good to be true” in paragraph 4
A. It was too harmful. B. It was not necessary to worry about.
C. It was a little overstated. D. It was proved to be true soon.
48. Why were microwaves unpopular at first?
A. People couldn’t afford them. B. People didn’t believe they worked.
C. People were scared of them. D. People felt they were too small.
49. What does the author suggest about the safety of microwaves?

Trang 6

A. Microwaves should be operated by everyone including children.

B. Much more research needs to be done about microwave safety.
C. No matter what you do, they are going to be dangerous.
D. If you follow the instructions, they are quite safe.
50. It can be inferred from the passage that when we use microwave ovens
A. we need special containers
B. we consume a lot of energy
C. the food we cook has to have many nutrients
D. fewer people will use them in the near future

Trang 7

1. C 2 D 3 C 4 D 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10 A
11 A . 1 D 1. B . 1 A 15 C 1 D 17 D 18 C 19. C .
20 D
21 C 2.2 C 23 C 4.2 C 25 . B 6.2 D 27 . C 28. A 29. A .
30 A
31 D 2.3 A 3 C 4.3 C 35 . A 6.3 B 37 . C 38. D 39. D .
40 A
41 A 2.4 D 43 A 4.4 B 45 . D 6.4 C 47 . C 48. A 49. D .
50 A
5. 2. the
— are 3 6. 4.
— . 7 6.
B .
to preserve . .
Notes: lakes
A — A Established . —
17. do a/ the crossword = chơi ô chữ
18. turn out = hóa ra, thành ra
19. come out = lộ ra, được xuất bản (sách báo...)
22. bring someone up = educate someone = nuôi dạy ai; rear = nuôi nấng; breed = sinh sản
23. balance = cân nhắc (một vấn đề, giải pháp); compare = so sánh
24. obligatory = compulsory = bắt buộc; voluntary = tự nguyện; mandatory = có tính cách
bắt buộc; encouraged = khuyến khích
25. temporary = tạm thời; permanent = cố định, thường xuyên
32. respectively (adv) = theo thứ tự
33. separate from something = tồn tại riêng biệt
34. time(s) (n) = thời điểm, lúc, lần
35. meanwhile = trong lúc đó, in the meanwhile/ meantime = thời gian giữa hai sự việc; for
the meanwhile = trong thời gian ngắn

Trang 8

ĐỀ 24
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. compare B. album C. talent D. fan
2. A. franchise B. release C. contest D. post
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. optimistic B. compulsory C. independent D. conservation
4. A. considerate B. photographer C. community D. circumstances
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. The viceroy butterfly, an insect that birds like to eat, has a colour pattern
similar to that one of the monarch butterfly, whom birds do not like to eat.
6. She was anxious about the interview because she has failed three interviews before.
7. To attract someone’s attention, we can use either verbal and non-verbal forms of
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. Now that you’re through with it, you should be more grateful to Ted for all his help. Do you
think you_________without it?
A. might succeed B. would succeed
C. could succeed D. would have succeeded
9. He tried to park his car but_________was too small.
A. space B. spaces C. a space D. the space
10. “Sorry, I can’t join in the picnic. I’m busy._________, I don’t have any money after buying
all the stuff.”
A. So B. Besides C. Although D. However
11. In the preparation of fibrous material for production uses, stiff woody fibers from plants
fibers from animal sources.
A. the most heat the B. need, the more heat than
C. than more heat the D. need more heat than
12. He was determined to choose that university because of_________.
A. its reputation is fine B. its fine reputation
C. it is fine reputation D. it has a fine reputation


13. ________that we had to ask a police officer for directions.

A. So confusing was the map B. So was confusing the map
C. The map was so confused D. Such confusing was the map
14. Ms. Jefferson asked her secretary to_________the pamphlets into three categories.
A. separate B. separation C. separately D. separateness
15. My friend has read quite a lot of books and_________a lot of knowledge in different fields.
A. won B. achieved C. studied D. acquired
16. There is a_______variety of activities to choose from.
A. wide B. large C. spacious D. private
17. Because of the economic crisis, many workers are now in__________of losing their jobs.
A. worry B. warning C. danger D. threat
18. He took_________the business after his father passed_________.
A. over — away B. on — by C. away — down D. in — through
19. We are doing so well that we’ll soon have to________on new staff to help us.
A. take B. keep C. pay D. hire
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. A: “Can I help you, madam?” B: “__________”
A. Yes, it’s in our summer sale. B. It’s very cheap.
C. No, thanks. I’m just looking. D. Right. It looks a bit
21. “The test result will be released at 9 a.m. tomorrow!” “Will it?_________”
A. Can I wait for it? B. Could it wait?
C. Yes, please D. I can’t wait!
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. In the end her neighbour decided to speak his mind.
A. are given the right to B. say exactly what he thought
C. say a few words D. have a chat
23. “What I’ve got to say to you now is strictly off the record and most certainly not for
publication,” said the government official to the reporter.
A. not yet official B. beside the point
C. not popular D. not recorded
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Primary education in the United States is compulsory.
A. selective B. optional C. free of charge D. required
25. I prefer secure jobs because I don’t like keeping on moving and changing all the time.
A. challenging B. demanding C. safe D. stable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in

Trang 2

meaning to each of the following questions.

26. Linda seems to have very little record for other people’s feelings.
A. Linda has very few feelings like other people’s.
B. Linda appears unconcerned about other people’s feelings.
C. Linda has difficulty expressing her feelings for other people.
D. Linda doesn’t respect people who feel sorry for themselves.
27. My friend advised me to accept the offer.
A. My friend said that if she had been me, she would be accepted the offer.
B. My friend said that if she were me, she would accept the offer.
C. My friend encouraged me accepting the offer.
D. My friend told me that I would accept the offer.
28. If Mr. Davis hadn’t been late every day, he wouldn’t have lost his job.
A. Mr. Davis lost his job because he was late every day.
B. Mr. Davis is late every day, so he loses his job.
C. Mr. Davis wasn’t early enough to lose his job.
D. The reason why Mr. Davis loses his job was that he is late every day.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. There are a lot of people. The people like to do things together.
A. There are a lot of people whom like to do things together.
B. There are a lot of people who like to do things together.
C. There are a lot of people who like do things together.
D. There are a lot of people like to do things together.
30. The referee brought the football game to a halt. He blew his whistle.
A. The referee stopped playing football and blowing his whistle.
B. The referee stopped the football game before he blew his whistle.
C. Having stopped the football match, the referee blew his whistle.
D. The referee brought the football game to a halt by blowing his whistle.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
The Robots Are Doing the Thinking
Some robots may take care of the dishes, do your laundry, keep the house clean, or even go to
the store to do your shopping. Robots that use artificial intelligence are the ones that a lot of
people are holding out for. Not only will these robots be able to take care of (31)____________,
but they will be able to learn as well.
There are some types of robots that already use a form of artificial intelligence called “swarm
intelligence”. As a(n) (32)____________________of how this works, scientists have created
underwater robots that will be used to repair coral reefs that have been damaged. What these
robots do is work together to rebuild damaged reefs. As they (33)____________, each one knows
what has been done in one area of a reef and can help build other areas or build onto something

Trang 3

that another robot has done. Working together, the robots create a new reef that can then be (34)
__________to grow and thrive on its own.
Amazon, the major electronic commerce company, has recently come (35)______________an
ingenious idea. Instead of having a package delivered to a customer via delivery truck, Amazon
will send out flying drones that will bring a package to a person’s house for delivery almost
3 A. jobs B. chores C. careers D. offices
31 A. model B. copy C. representation D. example
23 A. speak B. write C. share D.
33 A. left B. gone away C. stayed communicate
D. survived
43A. out B. out in C. out with D.over
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Piranhas on Parade
With the exception of whales and sharks, fish are generally considered to be harmless
creatures. The thought of a small fish hurting anyone is almost laughable. However, piranhas are
an exception to this rule. They frequently attack in groups and in some cases they can cause great
bodily harm.
Most piranhas are under 25 centimetres long, but don’t let their size fool you. Unlike most
fish, they have two rows of razor-sharp teeth. Their triangular shape makes them perfect for
puncturing and shredding whatever they bite. Although piranhas usually swim alone, they also
hunt in school of 1,000 fish or more, which greatly multiples the damage they are capable of. As
small fry, they feed of vegetables and plankton until they can tolerate meat. In terms of flesh, they
will eat any animals or fish that enters their territory when swimming in schools, even humans. In
some cases, hungry piranhas will even go after each other if they are really desperate for a snack.
However, the danger they present to humans is often exaggerated. In Hollywood films,
piranhas are often portrayed as vicious destroyers who love to eat people. Some rumours even
developed that schools of hungry piranhas will quickly kill and consume humans in a matter of
seconds. In reality, the majority of these attacks only consist of a few painful, but non-life
threatening bites to the person. However, that is not always the case.
A recent attack on December 25, 2013 in Argentina left at least 60 people injured. Victims
were wading in a river when a sudden attack began. Local police believe that some local debris
left floating by fishermen brought the piranhas to the area. Many swimmers left the water with
cuts all over their bodies, and a few even had to have their limbs amputated.
Oddly enough, some people choose to keep piranhas in their home aquariums. However,
piranhas can be tough to catch for this purpose because their sharp teeth can easily cut through
fishing nets. Before buying one, be sure to check local laws as it is illegal to own them in many
areas. Lawmakers often fear of the damage piranhas can cause to marine life if an owner decides
to release them into a local stream.
36. According to the first paragraph, what do people usually think about small fish?
A. They are nothing to worry about. B. They will cause lots of trouble.

Trang 4

C. They all have really sharp teeth. D. They are all piranhas.
37. Which of the following best matches the meaning of the word “puncturing” in paragraph

Trang 5

A. burying B. hiding C. filling D. poking
38. When are piranhas most dangerous?
A. When they are alone B. When it is daytime
C. When they are in a large group D. When they are in fish tanks
39. The word “that” in paragraph 3 refers to
A. attack B. pain C. fish D. rumour
40. How are piranhas usually shown in Hollywood films?
A. They seem kinder than in real life. B. They are more dangerous to people
C. They are friendlier to animals. D. They are not as smart as in real life
41. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A. A film about piranhas
B. Some piranhas that attacked people
C. A piranha experiment in Argentina
D. Some fishermen who caught piranhas
42. According to the passage, why is it illegal to own piranhas?
A. They are too expensive.
B. They could kill their owners.
C. They can’t leave South America.
D. They could destroy other fish if let go.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Great Energy Debate
Modern civilization is heavily dependent on energy. Without reliable power sources, we
couldn't operate machines, use transportation, communicate via the Internet, or do many other
things. Although everyone recognizes the importance of energy, deciding what kind of energy the
world should use in the future is not a simple task. The two leading candidates for this role are
green energy and nuclear energy.
Currently, most of the energy we use is derived from fossil fuels. Although this energy
source has got us this far, there are several problems with it. For starters, it is a finite resource
which is quickly running out. Some analysts have even estimated that the Earth could run out of
coal and oil within the next 50 years. Burning fossil fuels also creates large amount of pollution,
which is harmful to the environment. Although fossil fuels still provide the majority of our
power, governments are seeking better energy sources to use going forward.
Green energy is one option that is becoming increasingly attractive. It includes technologies
such as solar, wind, and hydro power. These are seen as clean sources of energy because they
cause very little pollution. In addition, they are completely renewable, so there is no danger that it
will run out. The major disadvantage with green energy sources is that they are not cheap.
The other alternative is nuclear power. Like green energy, it is also a renewable source of
power that will not run out, and it also doesn’t produce air pollution. In addition, nuclear power is
more reliable than green energy, as it doesn’t depend on sunshine, rain, or wind to operate. The
major issues with nuclear power are safety concerns and nuclear waste. Nuclear power plants

Trang 6

create a considerable amount of nuclear waste which is extremely hazardous to people’s health. If
they happen to have a meltdown, this could destroy the surrounding area for years to come.
The recent nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan brought this reality into the spotlight once
again. In response, Germany announced it would close down eight of its nuclear plants
immediately, and close the rest by 2022. Meanwhile, other nations refuse to give up on nuclear
power, stating that these disasters are rare. The debate of whether to use green or nuclear power
will likely continue for some time. In the end, it is quite possible that both energy sources will be
used to fuel our planet.
43. What is the focus of the passage?
A. Why energy is important
B. The energy sources used in the past
C. Comparing future energy solutions
D. Discussing how disasters affect power sources
44. What is the major problem with using fossil fuels?
A. They don’t generate lots of energy.
B. They can often cause earthquakes.
C. They are too costly at the moment.
D. They won’t be available for much longer.
45. What is the main problem with green energy?
A. It creates lots of pollution.
B. It costs more money than other solutions.
C. No one is interested in using it.
D. It won’t work at all in many nations.
46. The word “these” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. generation of electricity B. seeking greener energy
C. cheap energy D. alternative energy
47. Which of the following is a benefit of nuclear energy?
A. It is free for everyone.
B. It is extremely safe.
C. It doesn’t create any waste.
D. It works no matter what the weather is like.
48. What does the author think is the most likely energy solution for the future?
A. A mix of different energy sources will be the answer.
B. Fossil fuels will continue to be the best choice.
C. Nuclear energy probably makes the most sense.
D. People will all eventually support green energy.
49. The word “spotlight” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. concern B. attention C. danger D. area of light
50. It can be inferred from the passage that_______.
A. nations have different viewpoints about the utility of nuclear power
B. nuclear power is more expensive than other sources

Trang 7

C. nuclear energy is renewable because it can be replenished

D. the nuclear disaster in Fukushima made other countries give up on nuclear power

Trang 8

1. A 2 A 3 B 4. D 5. ÁND 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. B
11 D . 1 B 1. A 14. A 1 D 16. A 17 C 18 A 19 A 20. C
21 D 2.2 B 23 A 24. B 5.2 A 26. B 27. B 28. A 29 . B 30. D
31 B 2.3 D 3 D 34. A 5.3 C 36. A 37. D 38. C 39 . A 40. B
41 B 2.4 D 43 C 44. D 5.4 B 46. D 47. D 48. A 49 . B 50. A
5. 2.
— which 6. — 3 had 5.7. — or v al. . .
17. in danger of sth = gặp nguy hiểm, lâm vào mối đe dọa, nguy cơ; under threat (of sth) = bị
đe dọa
18. take over = kế tục, tiếp tục, nối nghiệp; pass away = qua đời
19. take on = thuê mướn (người làm...)
22. speak one’s mind = say exactly what he thought = nói ra điều mình nghĩ
23. off the record = not yet official = không chính thức
24. compulsory/ required = bắt buộc; optional = tùy ý, không bắt buộc; selective = có tuyển
25. secure jobs = những công việc vững chắc, bảo đảm; challenging jobs = những công việc
thử thách năng lực
34. be left = để lại, chừa lại, giữ nguyên
35. come out with (ph. v) = đột nhiên có ý tưởng nào đó

Trang 9

ĐỀ 25
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. volunteer B. cheerful C. needy D. career
2. A. understanding B. friendship C. secondary D. handsome
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. eligible B. kindergarten C. magnificent D. secondary
4. A. coordinator B. opportunity C. international D. similarity
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten the documents.
6. Not until much later did she realize that her long-known partner had been lying her.
7. The scholarship that Peter received to study history at Cambridge presented an unique
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. By the time his daughter graduates from college, Mr. Brown________.
A. retired B. will have retired
C. will be retiring D. has retired
9. Don’t drive into that street. It is__________one-way street.
A. a B. an C. the D. 0 0
10. Staying in a hotel costs________renting a room in a dormitory for a week.
A. as much as twice B. twice as much as
C. twice more than D. twice as
11. _____ ___on several different television programmes, the witness gave conflicting
accounts of what had happened.
A. Appearing B. Appears C. He appeared D. Who appeared
12. _____ ___attention we pay to commercials, we cannot avoid being influenced by the
constant repetition of a brand name or image.
A. However little B. In spite of the C. No matter what D. Only a little
13. Peter asked me________.
A. what time does the film start B. what time the film starts
C. what time the film started D. what time did the film start
14. Two public forums will be held to discuss options for_________the Long Bien Bridge.
A. repair B. repaired C. repairing D. repairable


15. If it hadn’t been for Tom who__________our attention to the mistake, the faulty project
would have received our acceptance.
A. caught B. drew C. paid D. called
16. Betty is happy and________. She always looks on the bright side of life.
A. confident B. honest C. flexible D. optimistic
17. My grandmother takes________for keeping house.
A. ability B. possibility C. probability D. responsibility
18. As its sales have increased, that computer company is going to_________more staff.
A. take in B. take on C. take over D. take up
19. After graduating from university, you still have to_________studying.
A. get on B. go on C. go over D. get up
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “What do you think about his new car?” “________”
A. You can say that again. B. Yes, it’s really beautiful.
C. I think it's a little expensive. D. Yes, I’m with you.
21. “Congratulations on your great achievement!” “________”
A. I am not so sure but any time. B. That doesn’t make sense to me.
C. It’s absolutely nonsense. D. Thank you very much.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. We spent the entire day looking_________for a new apartment.
A. all long day B. the long day C. day after day D. all day long
23. Ethnocentrism prevents us from putting up with all of the customs we encounter in another
A. experiencing B. comprehending C. tolerating D. adopting
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. We couldn’t roller-skate or skateboard on the road because it was too rough.
A. far B. bumpy C. cold D. smooth
25. Unless you water your indoor plants regularly and give them the necessary vitamins, you
can’t expect them to look healthy.
A. front-door B. outdoor C. side-door D. door
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Mary suggested that John should put a better lock on the door.
A. Mary suggested John of putting a better lock on the door.
B. Mary suggested John to put a better lock on the door.
C. Mary told John to put a better lock on the door.
D. “Why don't you put a better lock on the door, John?” Mary said.

Trang 2

27. A majority of the students in this college are from overseas.

A. International students in this college are from other countries.
B. No one in this college is from overseas.
C. Few students in this college are international ones.
D. Most of the students in this college are international ones.
28. The film was so boring that I fell asleep.
A. The film was interesting enough, but I fell asleep.
B. I fell asleep because the film was boring.
C. I did not fall asleep even though the film was boring.
D. The film was too long for me to watch.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. John Smith is a farmer. I bought his land.
A. John Smith, who is a fanner, whose land I bought.
B. John Smith, whose land I bought, is a farmer.
C. John Smith, who is a farmer, bought his land.
D. John Smith, whom I bought his land, is a farmer.
30. It was an interesting novel. I stayed up all night to finish it.
A. I stayed up all night to finish the novel so it was interesting.
B. So interesting was the novel that I stayed up all night to finish it.
C. Unless it were an interesting novel, I would not stay up all night to finish it.
D. Though it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finish it.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
The oceans of the world are precious because of (31)____________they do for all life on the
Earth. They help regulate the temperature of the planet, and they are home to a myriad of sea
creatures - many of which we depend on (32)___________sources of food. However, due to our
consumption and improper disposal of plastic items, human beings have created a swirling mess
of garbage. The one located in the Pacific now known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and it
is not a pretty sight.
In an ideal world, all of the plastic would be recycled and there would be zero waste. This is
not the case, however, and a huge amount of the plastic ends up making its (33)____________to
our oceans due to carelessness. (34)___________the plastic is part of rain runoff coming from a
landfill or just a thoughtless discard of a piece of plastic onto the ground, if it ends up in the
Pacific Ocean, it will eventually become part of the disgusting patch of garbage.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch may be impossible to (35) ___________, but it is doing a lot
of harm to sea life. If anything, we can do our best to avoid over-using plastic.
31. A. which B. that C. how D.
32. A. as B. like C. for what D.

Trang 3

33. A. route B. direction C. way D.

34. A. either B. whether C. neither road D. if
35. A. clean B. clear C. clean up D. clear away
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Online Video: The New King of Media
In the early days of the Internet, e-mail was all the rage. People marveled at how quickly and
easily they could communicate with friends no matter where they were located in the world. As
online technology advanced, websites, podcasts, and blogs became powerful sources of
information that allowed everyone to stay updated on any subject imaginable. Although all of
these information sources remain popular, there is a new king of media in town and it is online
There are many reasons why online video has exploded over the past few years. The first is
increasing data speeds. It wasn’t until recently that people everywhere had fast enough online
connections to enjoy high-definition videos on demand. However, once faster Internet speeds
were provided, people quickly fell in love with online videos. A second reason why online videos
have become so popular is convenience. Watching videos requires less effort and energy than
reading through paragraphs of text after a day of hard work. Videos also seem to provide more
satisfaction, as people prefer to connect with people they can hear and see, as opposed to the
words of some anonymous or mysterious author whom they know little about.
Advancing digital technology has also helped, as it has made sharing videos easier and more
convenient than ever. High-powered smartphones and more affordable video cameras allow
anyone to easily record an event or give a few comments about a scorching topic that is on their
mind. Meanwhile, sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and Ustream allow users to quickly upload their
videos and share them with friends, family, and the general public if they wish. It is also helping
artists promote their work. Korean single Psy’s single “Gangnam Style” became the first video to
ever get one billion views, and it probably won’t be long until someone breaks that record.
Last but not least, there is the issue of advertising. Companies have made it easy for people to
get rewarded for creating popular videos. Some people with large enough fans bases can even
earn a very wealthy living by uploading a few videos every week.
The future also looks bright for companies who post online video ads. In fact, new software
allows them to monitor viewers’ emotional responses to their content through the users’
webcams. They will be able to see whether users laugh, cry, or feel bored during videos, so they
can adjust their ads. This should prove extremely helpful, as there will be millions of videos
competing for viewers’ attention.
36. What does the passage seem to suggest about online videos?
A. They will continue to get more views.
B. They have reached the height of their popularity.
C. They will never be as popular as traditional websites.
D. They are starting to decline because people are tired of them.
37. The phrase “all the rage” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_________.

Trang 4

A. angry B. fashionable C. violent D. attracted

38. According to the passage, what is the reason why some people prefer watching videos after
A. It helps them to review the events of the day.
B. It lets them relax and conserve their strength.
C. They are sick of using their smartphones.
D. They are tired of using e-mail at their office.
39. All of the following are reasons why people enjoy online video EXCEPT that
A. they can enjoy high-definition videos that they like
B. online videos help people get rid of their smartphones
C. they feel relaxed to watch online videos after a day of hard work
D. they can upload their own video by using some apps
40. The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. scientists B. authors C. users D. suppliers
41. What did the Korean singer Psy do?
A. He became the first popular Korean singer in the US.
B. He broke a record for people watching his video.
C. He got over one billion comments for “Gangnam Style”.
D. He created the first ever online music video.
42. How will the software mentioned in the passage help companies in the future?
A. It will enable them to better understand what customers enjoy.
B. It will automatically convince people to like their videos.
C. It will send more traffic to the advertisements they make.
D. It will cause viewers to react exactly how companies tell them to.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Flying Drones into Danger Zones
A plane is sent deep into the enemy territory with a deadly mission. It is assigned to
eliminate several key targets with a precision bombing campaign. This mission won't be easy,
however, as to be successful, the plane will have to avoid enemy rockets and tank fire. There will
be no risk to the life of the “pilot” of the plane because he will not be able to aboard the vessel.
Instead, he will be thousands of miles away inside a control tower, as he is operating a drone.
Drones, which are also called UVAs or unmanned aerial vehicles, marked a major step
forward in technology. Inventors have been working on them since the early 1900s. Although
some devices were designed back then, they weren't able to do much more than a standard model
airplane. In fact, it was not until a US plane was shot down in 1959 during the Cold War that the
US military really got serious about drones. The aim was to save pilots’ lives while flying over
hazardous territories.
Drones usually fall into two categories. The first type of drones relies on human control from
a remote location. The second type of drones is preprogrammed with computer instructions, and it
then completes its mission operating autonomously. In addition to protecting pilots’ lives, drones

Trang 5

also have several other advantages. They can stay in the air for longer periods of time because
there is no concern for eating, sleeping, or rest breaks that pilots typically require. Drones can
also be produced cheaper since manufacturers don’t need to value safety precautions as they
would for aircraft flown by humans.
Despite their usefulness, military drones have been the cause of great criticism over the past
decade. There have been cases of British and American drones missing their targets and killing
innocent civilians instead. The Brookings Institution released a statistic that for every military
leader who is killed by a drone strike, ten civilians die. Some suggest that if human pilots were
flying these planes, they wouldn’t have made these errors. Drones don’t always have targets that
they must eliminate. The military also employs special surveillance drones that use long-range
cameras to gather information about buildings, enemy solider formations, and other vital
information from the ground. In the end, whether people are for or against the use of drones, it
appears that they are certain here to stay.
43. How are drones mainly different from regular planes?
A. They have been around for longer.
B. They don't use any gasoline at all.
C. They don't need a pilot inside the plane.
D. They fly at much faster speed than other planes.
44. What happened in 1959?
A. The first drone flight was made.
B. Russia destroyed an American drone.
C. World War II finally came to an end.
D. An American plane was shot down in Russia.
45. The word “surveillance” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. suspecting B. collecting C. flying D. monitoring
46. What is an advantage that drones have over normal planes?
A. They can transport a lot more people.
B. They can operate for longer without stopping.
C. They are equipped with more powerful weapons.
D. They can be used for military operations.
47. Drones are used for all of the following tasks EXCEPT_________.
A. to eliminate key military targets in a bombing campaign
B. to kill military leaders of the enemy
C. to gather information about the enemy
D. to monitor innocent civilians in order not to kill them
48. Why are some people against drones?
A. They are taking away jobs from pilots.
B. They are too expensive to produce.
C. They are harming innocent people.
D. They have started wars in foreign countries.
49. All of the following are the advantages of using drones EXCEPT_________.

Trang 6

A. to prevent all planes from being shot down during the Cold War
B. to be produced cheaper than normal planes
C. to save pilots' lives in dangerous missions
D. to be used for several civilian or military purposes
50. It can be inferred from the passage that one of the missions of the Brookings Institution may
A. to conduct research on upgrading flying drones
B. to look for new solutions to protecting pilots' lives during dangerous missions
C. to look for new ideas for solving problems facing society at the global level
D. to conduct in-depth research into metropolitan policies

Trang 7

1. C 2 D 3. C 4. A 5 ÁN A 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. A 10 B
11 A . 1 A 13. C 14. C 1. B 16 D 17. D 18. B 19. B .
20 C
21 D 2.2 D 23. C 24. D 25 .
B 26 D 27. D 28. B 29. B .
30 B
31 D 2.3 A 33. C 34. B 35 .
C 36 A 37. B 38. D 39. B .
40 A
41 B 2.4 A 43. C 44. D 45 .
D 46 B 47. D 48. C 49. A .
50 C
5. 2.
— Hardly had 6. D 5
lying .
to her 7. D — .
A — he
Notes: — a
17. take responsibility for sth = chịu trách nhiệm
22. the entire day = all day long = suốt cả ngày, suốt cả trong một thời gian dài
23. put up with = tolerate = chịu đựng, dung thứ; ethnocentrism = chủ nghĩa vị chủng, thuyết
cho dân tộc là hơn cả
24. bumpy = gập ghềnh, mấp mô; rough = gồ ghề; smooth = bằng phẳng
25. indoor = trong nhà; outdoor = ngoài trời
33. make the way to = đi đến (nơi nào)
35. clean up (ph. v) = dọn dẹp, làm vệ sinh; clear up (ph. v) = dời đi chỗ khác; clear away = để
vào chỗ cũ

Trang 8

ĐỀ 26
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. donation B. charity C. attachment D. character
2. A. overspent B. achievement C. environment D. movement
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. horrify B. endanger C. develop D. imprison
4. A. effectiveness B. accountancy C. satisfaction D. appropriate
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. The professor was considering postponing the examination until the following week
because the students’ confusion.
6. Animals and man use the energy finding in food to operate their bodies and muscles.
7. Today was such beautiful day that I couldn’t bring myself to complete all my chores.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. My wallet________at the station while I___________for the train.
A. must have been stolen - was waiting
B. should have stolen - had been waiting
C. could have stolen - was waiting
D. needn’t have been stolen - would be waiting
9. “Did you have_______nice holiday?” - “Yes, it was___________best holiday I’ve ever had.”
A. a - a B. a - the C. the - a D. the — the
10. The team members have the same opinions on the matter__________they shared the same
A. following B. more than C. because D. unless
11. ___ ____it would stop raining for a morning, we could cut the grass.
A. If ever B. If only C. In case D. On condition that
12. _______the issue was debated, the more people became involved.
A. The more longer B. The longer
C. The longest D. the long
13. Nobody knows why________until next week.
A. did the meeting postpone B. the meeting was postponed
C. was the meeting postponed D. the meeting postponed


14. That tower has become a national__________for our city.

A. symbol B. symbolic C. symbolize D. symbolism
15. She felt that travelling had greatly__________her life.
A. moved B. enriched C. expanded D. increased
16. I was immediately_______to hear that none of my relatives was killed in the bus accident.
A. recovered B. improved C. relieved D. healed
17. “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop_________excuses!”
A. making B. doing C. having D. taking
18. Everybody in the building woke up when the alarm_________.
A. went out B. went off C. got off D. got
19. She’s gradually getting_________a bad cold which kept her___________work for several
A. over - off B. up - away from C. over - from D. on - off
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Relax, John. Everything will be all right.” “________”
A. I’m glad you say so. B. It’s OK. I’m proud of you.
C. Thanks, Tom. But I’m really upset. D. Thank you. You deserve it.
21. “Do you think surfing is a dangerous sport?” “_________”
A. No, I don’t think so.
B. Yes, it’s very exciting.
C. In my opinion, I think it’s not dangerous.
D. That’s a good idea.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. She is always diplomatic when she deals with angry students.
A. outspoken B. tactful C. strict D. firm
23. The newlyweds_________agreed to be_________very frugal in their shopping because
wanted to save enough money to buy a house.
A. interested B. economical C. wasteful D. careless
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following
24. Travel insurance is sometimes mistaken for temporary health insurance, but the two are
actually different.
A. transitory B. passing C. mutable D. permanent
25. Although they hold similar political views, their religious beliefs present a striking contrast.
A. interesting resemblance B. complete coincidence
C. significant difference D. minor comparison

Trang 2

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. I regret lending him money.
A. I did not lend him money.
B. 1 wish I had lent him money.
C. He did not borrow money from me.
D. I lent him money and I regret now.
27. There is absolutely no truth in that rumour.
A. That rumour is true to some extent.
B. That rumour is absolutely true.
C. There is some absolutely true rumour.
D. That rumour is absolutely false.
28. The rain began to fall during my walk in the countryside.
A. While I was walking in the countryside, it had rained.
B. While it was beginning to rain, I had walked in the countryside.
C. While I was walking in the countryside, it began to rain.
D. While it began to rain in the countryside, I was walking.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. He is a successful man in his career. He possesses a large number of shares of the company.
A. He becomes successful in his career by possessing a large number of shares of the
B. Given the large number of shares of the company he possesses, he is successful in his
C. Successful as he is in his career, shares of the company he possesses are modest.
D. Given a large number of shares by the company he works for, he is successful in his
30. Very few students understand the lecture. The subject of the lecture is very confusing.
A. The subject of the lecture, which very few students understand, is very confusing.
B. Very few students understand the lecture which subject is very confusing.
C. The subject of the lecture, which is very confusing, very few students understand.
D. Very few students understand the lecture, the subject of which is very confusing.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
The Lungs Of The World
It was once thought that forests and the wood that could be taken from them were in endless
supply. Especially in areas like South America, where vast areas of the continent were covered by
rainforests, logging and clearing of forests for farming seemed like a harmless endeavor. (31)
______________the clearing of rainforests been kept in moderation, it may have become a
stable source of wood and a(n) (32) __________ for the people in the region. It was not, though,

Trang 3

and the amount of damage that has been (33) ___________ to the entire planet has been terrible
because of the clearing of rainforests.
The rainforests are considered the lungs of the world because they breathe in carbon dioxide
and breathe out oxygen. We need the oxygen to survive, and the more we clear rainforests, the
more carbon dioxide begins to concentrate in the atmosphere. In addition to the clearing of
forests, the burning of fossil fuels for energy (34)______________more carbon dioxide to the
atmosphere. It makes the problems of global warming get worse, as we keep adding more carbon
dioxide while simultaneously taking away the planet’s (35)_________________to deal with this
31. A. If B. Would C. Has D. Had
32. A. cost B. livelihood C. earning D. job
33. A.done B. made C. suffered D. brought
34. A. causes B. increases C. contributes D. puts
35. A. skill B. ability C. talent D.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Google Books: Cataloging the World's Library
The digital age has brought us several conveniences which seemed unimaginable just a few
decades ago. In particular, it has changed the way in which we consume and store information.
Before the Internet, people would need large rooms with bookshelves if they wanted to maintain a
large book collection. However, thanks to e-books and services like Google Books, readers have
access to millions of books with a few clicks of their mice.
Google Books is a service provided by Google that catalogs books by scanning them and
making them searchable online. The project kicked off in 2004 with the ambitious goal of
creating the largest body of human knowledge ever and making it available online. To date,
Google Books has scanned over 30 million books into its catalog. By the end of the decade, its
goal is to cover every book that is currently available.
Using Google Books is quite convenient, as it is integrated into Google’s search engine.
When searching for a book that Google Books has in its catalog, users can access some contents
of the books depending on its copyright status. If a work is considered to be in the public domain,
as many old books are, they can read the entire thing. However, if a book is still under copyright,
the searcher will often be able to preview a few pages. In some cases, when an author has not
given permission to display their work, only a few random lines of text from the book will be
Although most book lovers and researchers are thrilled that Google has scanned so many
books, several publishers are upset by the company’s actions. They believe that Google Books is
hurting their business. In 2005, a group of publishers joined together to sue Google claiming
massive copyright violations. In response, Google claimed that its procedures were in line with
the concept of fair use, which specifies that it is legal to display parts of copyrighted works if it is
for educational purposes. Furthermore, Google compared its project to a modern-day online
equivalent to libraries’ card catalog system. In November 2013, the case went to trial and a judge

Trang 4

ruled in favour of Google. Although the publishers have announced that they will appeal the
verdict, the decision is a good indicator that Google is inching closer to becoming the main
caretaker of the world’s library of books.
36. What is the goal of Google Books?
A. To put every book available online
B. To encourage people to read more often
C. To print millions of textbooks for free
D. To help publishers earn more money
37. What will users see if an author does NOT give Google Books permission?
A. They can view the entire book.
B. They will only see a few sentences.
C. They can only read one or two chapters.
D. They will not see anything at all.
38. Why are publishers upset with Google Books?
A. They think Google is ruining their books.
B. The author’s names are listed on books.
C. Most publishers are against e-book sales.
D. They feel that Google is costing them money.
39. What could replace the word “preview” in paragraph 3?
A. purchase B. protect C. sample D. destroy
40. The word “it” in he last paragraph refer to________.
A. copyright B. selling C. copying D. display
41. What does Google compare Google Books to?
A. A service that helps people find books
B. A library that sells the best novels
C. A bookshop that improves the quality of books
D. A teacher who explains why stories are important
42. What does the author suggest about the court case?
A. The final decision was not fair.
B. It was a great victory for the publishers.
C. Google Books may go out of business after that
D. It may not solve the issue completely
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Getting Curious about Curiosity's Mission to Mars
The topic of space exploration reached a high point during the 1960s, as Soviets and
Americans competed for dominance. Yet after the Soviets put the first man in space and
Americans landed the first men on the moon, many people lost interest as nothing else could
compare to these groundbreaking accomplishments. Recently, a robotic rover on a mission to
Mars has generated massive interest from the public.
Curiosity is a robotic car-sized rover that is part of NASA’s long-term plan to learn more

Trang 5

about the terrain and conditions on the Red Planet. One of its main goals was to determine
whether or not it was possible for life to develop on Mars. Using mechanical arms, Curiosity can
gather soil and rock samples from the ground and analyze them to determine their chemical
composition. Since transporting around Mars was vital to the success of the mission, a lot of
effort was put into Curiosity’s transportation abilities. Mars’ terrain is not smooth, so designers
enabled Curiosity to roll over bumpy areas. Once Curiosity left the Earth, there would be no
opportunities to repair it, so engineers also had to be spot on about Curiosity’s power solution.
Therefore, they devised a system that can generate power internally from a radioisotope
generator. Finally, to capture stunning pictures of Mars, Curiosity was equipped with several
state-of-the-art cameras. The cameras also help the rover avoid hazards, navigate, and detect
information about the atmosphere.
After a 350-million-mile journey, Curiosity landed on Mars in 2012, an impressive 1.5 miles
away from its initial target. Upon arrival, NASA’s website crashed due to an overload of visitors.
People just couldn’t seem to get enough information on the mission. But the real thrills came in
the weeks and months that followed, as people got their first real glimpse about what life was
really like on Mars. The mission was originally supposed to last for two years, but scientists are
now optimistic that it could continue for up to 15 years, depending on Curiosity’s condition. No
matter what happens at this point, it is safe to say that Curiosity’s mission to Mars has been a
smashing success.
43. According to the passage, the popularity of space exploration reached its__________in the
A. drop B. break C. peak D. hit
44. Why did Curiosity have arms?
A. So it could study objects on Mars.
B. So it could push itself up if it fell.
C. So it could steer the ship it was on.
D. So it could defend itself from attack.
45. What best matches the meaning of the phrase “spot on” in paragraph 2?
A. available B. perfect C. seen D. location
46. All of the following are the difficulties that Curiosity had to overcome EXCEPT
A. it rolled over bumpy areas when it was in action
B. it got no repair from technicians when it was in action
C. it was equipped with several state-of-the-art cameras
D. it had to operate on its own energy
47. Why did NASA’s website crash in 2012?
A. It wasn’t meant to work in space. B. It was quite poorly designed.
C. Many people tried to attack it. D. Many people visited it at once.
48. What has been the highlight of Curiosity’s mission that the author suggests so far?
A. The rock samples that were collected

Trang 6

B. The journey on the spaceship

C. The incredible pictures that were taken
D. Discovering new planets in the solar system very soon
49. Which of the following is NOT the accomplishment done by Curiosity?
A. Navigating the spaceship in space
B. Collecting soil and rock samples from Mars
C. faking a lot of photos about what life was really like on Mars
D. Proving the durability of a robotic rover on another planet
50. We can infer from the sentence “After a 350-million-mile journey, Curiosity ... its initial
target” in paragraph 3 that_________.
A. the journey to Mars in 2012 was so impressive compared to others in space
B. NASA scientists achieved their initial target with the landing of Curiosity on Mars
C. Curiosity worked in a distance of 1.5 miles from its initial target
D. the calculations of the orbit done by NASA scientists were nearly perfect

Trang 7

1. A 2 A 3 A 4 C ÁN5. D 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10 C
11 B . 1 B 1. B. 1 A 15. B 16. C 17. A 18 B 19 C .
20 C
21 A 2.2 B 23 B 4.2 D 25. B 26. D 27. D 28. C .
29 A .
30 D
31 D 2.3 B 3 A 4.3 C 35. B 36. A 37. B 38. A .
39 C .
40 D
41 A 2.4 D 43 C 4.4 A 45. B 46. C 47. D 48. C .
49 A .
50 D
5. 2.
— because 3 6. — 4. 7. A — such a . . .
17. make an excuse = đưa ra lời viện cớ, bào chữa
19. get over = vượt qua, khỏi; keep...from = ngăn lại
22. diplomatic = khôn khéo; tactful = khéo xử
23. frugal = economical = tiết kiệm, tằn tiện
24. permanent = lâu dài; transitory = tạm thời; passing = thoáng qua, ngắn ngủi; mutable =
không bền
25. a striking contrast = sự tương phản nổi bật; complete coincidence = trùng hợp hoàn toàn;
significant difference = sự khác biệt đáng kể; interesting resemblance = sự giống nhau thú
vị; minor comparison = sự so sánh nhỏ
32. livelihood (n) = sinh kế; cost (n) = chi phí; earning (n) = việc kiếm tiền
33. do/ cause damage = gây thiệt hại
34. contribute to something = góp phần vào
35. ability (n) = khả năng; planet's ability to deal with this gas = khả năng trái đất loại bỏ khí
này (CO2)

Trang 8

ĐỀ 27
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. take B. family C. grateful D. table
2. A. smartphone B. fastener C. portable D. costly
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. abundant B. masterpiece C. demolish D. mosaic
4. A. mandatory B. magnificent C. harmonious D. imperial
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was handed in to the professor.
6. What I told her a few days ago were not the solution to most of her problems.
7. It was not until after midnight when the noise next door stopped.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. By the time the boss comes back from England, the work__________.
A. will have been finishing B. will be finishing
C. will have been finished D. will be finished
9. I lay down on________ground and looked up at___________sky.
A. a - a B. a - the C. the - a D. the - the
10. Tom: “Is your government salary good?”
Mary: “Yes, but I don’t make as much___________worked in private industry.”
A. as I would if I B. if I would have C. I would if D. as I
11. ________her hard work and commitment to the company, Ms. Ramirez was promoted to
the head of the public relations department.
A. Due to B. While C. In that D. In case
12. ________that Mary was able to retire at the age of 50.
A. So was her successful business B. So successful was her business
C. Her business was successful D. So successful her business was
13. ________is not clear to researchers.
A. Did dinosaurs become extinct
B. Why dinosaurs having become extinct
C. Dinosaurs became extinct
D. Why dinosaurs became extinct
14. The new computer chips will________be delayed because the hurricane on the East Coast


has disrupted air traffic.

A. probability B. probably C. probable D. probe
15. Local wildlife will_________if the factory does not stop polluting the nearby river.
A. injure B. suffer C. fail D. hurt
16. You must have felt________when all your exams were over.
A. relieved B. upset C. irritated D. cross
17. The youths nowadays have many things to do in their _________ time.
A. leisure B. entertainment C. fun D. amusement
18. The government have tried to the price of food, and they finally succeeded.
A. bring on B. put on C. get over D. bring down
19. I am so tired that I can’t________what you are saying.
A. give up B. carry out C. take in D. insist on
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Thank you. I couldn’t have finished my presentation without your help.”
A. Forget about it. I didn’t mean so. B. I highly appreciate what you did.
C. It doesn’t matter anyway. D. Never mind.
21. “I would like to invite you to our wedding anniversary this Saturday morning.” “________”
A. Thank you for your request, but I am sorry I can’t really come.
B. I would love to come but I have prior commitments. I’m sorry.
C. I am sorry. Can you come to my place?
D. How about going to the cinema?
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. A nurse practitioner has training in a specialized area of medicine.
A. honorable B. difficult C. prescribed D. distinct
23. Ice Age fossils from the La Brea tar pits in Los Angeles are now on display in the Natural
History Museum in Los Angeles County.
A. located B. on exhibit C. under supervision D. stored
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Mr. Smith’s new neighbors appear to be very friendly.
A. hostile B. nice C. aware D. popular
25. You can certainly set up a partnership with him as he is trustworthy.
A. unreliable B. indispensable C. unfavourable D. independent
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Tom is going to Mary’s birthday party and I am, too.
A. Either Tom or I am going to Mary’s birthday party.
B. Neither Tom nor I am going to Mary’s birthday party.

Trang 2

C. Both Tom and I are going to Mary’s birthday party.

D. Although Tom is going to Mary’s birthday party, I am not.
27. No matter how hard Fred tried to start the motorbike, he didn't succeed.
A. Fred tried very hard to start the motorbike, and succeeded.
B. It's hard for Fred to start the motorbike because he never succeeded.
C. However hard Fred tried, he couldn't start the motorbike.
D. Fred tried hard to start the motorbike, and with success.
28. He was thought to have travelled around the world.
A. They thought that he travelled around the world.
B. They think him to have travelled around the world.
C. They thought that he had travelled around the world.
D. They think he travelled around the world.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. I like Robinson Crusoe. He is the main character in a book by Daniel Defoe.
A. I like Robinson Crusoe because he is the main character in a book by Daniel Defoe.
B. I like Robinson Crusoe, who is the main character in a book by Daniel Defoe.
C. I like Robinson Crusoe and who is the main character in a book by Daniel Defoe.
D. I like Robinson Crusoe, who are the main character in a book by Daniel Defoe.
30. I can earn enough money to support my family. Thank you for your job offer.
A. Had you not offered me the job, earning enough money to support my family would be
B. Were you not to offer me the job, earning enough money to support my family would be
C. Should you not offer me the job, earning enough money to support my family will be
D. Had you not offered me the job, earning enough money to support my family would
have been difficult.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Green Energy
Fossil fuels are used to generate the majority of the world’s energy, and they come in different
forms. For example, coal may be burned in a power (31)_______________________to generate
electricity, but gasoline is burned in a car’s engine to make it run. Neither of these two sources is
considered green energy because they produce a lot of pollution when they are burned. In
addition, they come from a source that is inevitably going to (32)____________.
Green energy can be defined as any energy source that is to some degree nonpolluting. When
it is called (33)__________, this means that a person can replace the same amount of energy that
was consumed by that person (34)___________that person's lifetime. Since it took millions and
millions of years to create the fossil fuels that we now burn, we know that they cannot be

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replaced by us.
Wind power and solar power, (35)___________harnessed properly, are two excellent sources of
green energy. Once the necessary parts such as wind turbines to generate wind power and solar
panels to create solar power have been produced, only the pollution from the production is left.
3 A. point B. outlet C. factory D. plant
31 A. run out B. run out of C. bum out D. cut out
23 D.
A. durable B. sustainable C. harmful
33 effective
A. along B.about C. within D. during
43 A. where B. when C. which D. what
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Journalists: Protection of Sources
Being a reporter for a major news publication can be a difficult job. The best journalists often
work long hours and have to do a bit of dirty work to uncover scandals that others want to remain
secret. In many cases, it is a bit of information provided by an undisclosed source that finally
helps to break the story. But do reporters have a legal right to keep their sources a secret?
The protection of sources is the idea that journalists have the right to keep their sources of
their news stories a secret. Those who support this idea insist that if reported are forced to reveal
their sources, it will be much harder for them to do their job. It certainly seems logical that fewer
people would come forward with sensitive information if they know that eventually their identity
will be revealed to the public. Furthermore, in cases where the source’s information uncovers a
ring of corruption or somehow damages the reputation of a rich and powerful person or company,
releasing the source’s identity could put their life in danger.
For the most part, reporters are rarely required by law to reveal undisclosed sources if it is a
minor case of little importance. Yet in some instances, when vital or leaked information is
involved, a journalist may be asked to testify in court and reveal how they got their information.
In the US, such a situation arose after a mass shooting in Colorado in 2012. One journalist, with
information provided by an anonymous source, wrote an article claiming that the suspected killer
had sent a diary detailing plans to kill people to his psychiatrist a few days before the murder
occurred. The suspect’s lawyer then demanded the reporter should reveal her source because they
felt it damaged their defense case. In the end, the judge declined to force the reporter to testify.
So are there any cases when reporters should reveal their sources? Many would argue that
when the issue is a matter of national security, journalists should be willing to reveal their sources
if it can help to save lives. For instance, let’s say a reporter receives a tip from an anonymous
source about a terrorist attack. In this scenario, saving innocent lives should be more important
than protecting one’s source. In the end, it seems that forcing reporters to reveal their sources
should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
36. What is the main reason that reporters should NOT reveal their sources?
A. Their sources won’t trust them anymore.
B. It is against the law for them to do so.
C. It will put government officials in danger.

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D. Readers will stop reading their articles.

37. According to the passage, in most cases________.
A. anonymous sources will reveal their identities later
B. courts don’t ask journalists to reveal their sources
C. journalists will be forced to testify in court
D. reporters will only be dealing with anonymous sources
38. According to the passage, when might a reporter reveal their source?
A. After the reporter has served many years in jail
B. If a judge lets the reporter decide for himself
C. When the police are curious about what happened
D. If keeping a secret could harm someone else
39. The act of revealing the sources of the story may most cause danger to the source’s identity
in the case of_________.
A. corruption in a local company B. crimes of a very powerful person
C. love stories of senior officials D. car accidents throughout the country
40. What best matches the definition of the phrase “break the story” in paragraph 1?
A. To cancel a story B. To be first to reveal a story
C. To make a story false D. To invent a creative story
41. What does the word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. The reporter B. The lawyer
C. The diary D. The reporter’s story
42. What is the tone of the passage?
A. Humorous B. Scary C. Serious D. Bizarre
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Space Debris
Once something is considered rubbish, we want to throw it away and forget about it. Yet if
we are not careful about where we store it, our garbage could come back to haunt us. On the
Earth, poorly discarded garbage can cause land, water, and air pollution. And now, people are
starting to learn that space debris can also cause a host of different problems.
Space debris is defined as a collection of objects that orbit the Earth. Space debris can be
classified into two categories. One is man-made rubbish, such as old satellites, rockets, and other
machinery left in space after past missions. The other is natural objects, such as meteors that are
traveling through space. If you think the man-made garbage doesn’t amount to much, guess
again. Researchers estimate that there are over 20,000 pieces of large debris floating around in
space and approximately 300,000 smaller pieces in orbit as well. Traveling at speeds of up to
17,500 miles per hour, these objects create a great degree of danger for any spaceships when they
leave or return to the Earth.
We are lucky to some degree that there haven’t been too many accidents caused by space
debris as of yet. Still some incidents have occurred. In 1996, a French satellite was damaged after

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it crashed into debris from an old French rocket. Then in 2009, an old Russian satellite collided
with a working US satellite. The end result was an additional 2,000 pieces of space junk that was
added to the junk pile.
As the current situation can only worsen, it is now up to the international community to
cooperate and create a plan to deal with space debris. For starters, several nations have pledged to
take more care with the items they discard in space to cut down on future debris. Researchers are
working on devising a way to label space junk, so it can be avoided. Others have proposed more
creative techniques to recapture the garbage and discard it on the Earth, or destroy it with lasers.
The nightmare scenario that everyone fears is if the Kessler Syndrome starts to occur. This is
when the density of garbage becomes so high that it sets off a chain reaction of collisions which
would raise the probability of accidents even further. Although there is not a long-term solution in
place for space debris, nations are starting to understand the seriousness of this problem.
43. Space debris is________the Earth.
A. destroying B. assisting C. circling D. polluting
44. What makes up most of man-made space debris?
A. Home appliances B. Rocks that were destroyed
C. Foods thrown away by astronauts D. Equipment from old spaceships
45. What matches the meaning of the word “haunt” in paragraph 1?
A. scare B. hurt C. benefit D. return
46. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A. How nations are dealing with space debris
B. How space debris changed the space exploration
C. A few ways that space debris is helpful
D. Accidents caused by space debris
47. What are scientists most worried about with space debris?
A. It will fall down to the Earth.
B. It will catch fire and burn things.
C. It will be packed even closer together.
D. It will cause the prices of spaceships to increase.
48. What best summarizes the current situation regarding space garbage?
A. Countries know there is a problem but they have no solution.
B. The problem is understood and a long-term solution was made.
C. Most nations still deny that space debris is an issue.
D. Countries are only just finding out about space debris.
49. What have been done about the problem of space debris?
A. Some nations have promised to take more care with the matter.
B. The international community has found long-term solutions to the problem.
C. Scientists have labeled space junk so it can be avoided.
D. Some creative techniques have been applied to recapture the garbage and discard it.
50. It can be inferred from the passage that________.

Trang 6

A. any launch of spaceships will set off a chain reaction of collisions

B. meteors will offer a way to solve the problem
C. the number of space accidents will increase if nothing is done about the problem
D. space debris can also cause different problems on the Earth

Trang 7

1. B 2 B 3. B 4 A 5. ÁN C 6 B 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. A
11 A . 1 B 13. D .
14. B 1 .
B 16. A 17 A 18 D 19 C 20. D
21 B 2. 2 D 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. C .
27 C 28. C .
29 B 30. A
31 D 2. 3 A 33. B 34. C 35. B 36. A .
37 B 38. D .
39 B 40. B
41 D 2. 4 C 43. C 44. D 45. B 46. D .
47 C 48. A .
49 A 50. C
5. 2. handed it
— he 5.
6. B — was 7 C .that the . .
15. suffer = trải qua, chịu đựng; injure = làm tổn hại; fail = thất bại; hurt = làm bị thương
17. leisure time = free time = thời gian rảnh rỗi
18. bring down = hạ xuống; bring down prices = hạ giá cả; bring on = dẫn đến, gây ra; put on =
tăng thêm (put on speed = tăng thêm tốc độ); get over = vượt qua (khó khăn)
19. take in = hiểu, nắm được; give up = từ bỏ; carry out = thực hiện; insist on = kiên quyết
22. specialized = chuyên môn hoá; distinct = riêng biệt; prescribed = được quy định; honorable
= danh giá
23. on display = on exhibit = được trưng bày; under supervision = được trông nom/ giám sát;
located = ở vị trí; stored = cho vào kho
24. friendly = thân thiện; hostile = căm ghét, thù địch.
25. trustworthy = đáng tin cậy; unreliable = không đáng tin cậy; indispensable = không thể
thiếu được; unfavourable = không thuận lợi; independent = độc lập, không phụ thuộc.
31. power plant/ station = nhà máy điện; power poỉnt/outlet = ổ/phích cắm điện
32. run out (ph. v) = cạn kiệt; run out of something (ph. v) = dùng hết cái gì; burn out (ph. v) =
hỏng máy vì quá nóng; cut out (ph. v) = thôi dùng (cái gì)
33. within (prep) = trong vòng; within lifetime = trong khoảng thời gian một đời người
34. sustainable (a) = bền vững; durable (a) = bền, bền bỉ
35. harness (v) = khai thác; when harnessed properly = when they are harnessed properly = khi
chúng được khai thác một cách thích đáng
42. serious (a) = nghiêm túc; humorous (a) = hài hước; scary (a) = rùng rợn; bizarre (a) = kì dị

Trang 8

ĐỀ 28
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. horoscope B. honeymoon C. income D. money
2. A. pursue B. soul C. sweep D. present
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. documentary B. occupation C. competitive D. individual
4. A. argumentative B. psychological C. contributory D. hypersensitive
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Some studies show that young babies prefer the smell of milk to those of other liquids.
6. Together with the increase population, the rapid economic growth has put a lot of stress on
the water resources and environment in nearly every country in the world.
7. I think that Nam rides his red bicycle to school every morning with his sister, don’t I?
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. When they let us go in, we_________outside the exam room for over half an hour.
A. had been standing B. have been standing
C. have stood D. are standing
9. If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach

A. won't be existing B. don’t exist

C. isn't going to exist D. isn't existing
10. The curriculum at the public school is as good_________of any private school.
A. or better than B. as or better than that
C. as or better that D. as or better than those
11. ___ _____none of the participants has showed any interest, numerous outdoor activities
have to be cancelled.
A. Whether B. Since C. Even D. Which
12. This new model not only saves time but also________operating on two batteries instead of
A. saving energy B. save energy C. saves energy D. to save energy
13. For me,_________is not important.
A. what a person wearing B. what does a person wear
C. what a person wears D. what will a person wear


14. The personnel department requires that all__________be interviewed at least three times
before a hiring decision is made.
A. applications B. applicants C. appliances D. applicator
15. Our team_________first in the local schools’ championship.
A. came B. did C. made D. had
16. I’m having_________difficulty understanding what she means.
A. great B. broad C. large D. full
17. I was taking a quiet walk last night when,_________, there was a loud explosion.
A. all in all B. all at once C. suddenly at once D. once at all
18. No matter how often I explain, he doesn’t seem to_________.
A. put it through B. take it in C. take it on D. put it in
19. The class members told the monitor that she could_________on their support for the party.
A. depend B. count C. base D. concentrate
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Do you want to join us for a cup of coffee after work?” “_________”
A. Sounds good, but I can do it myself.
B. Sorry, but I have to finish my presentation for tomorrow.
C. No problem. What’s wrong with the coffee?
D. Thanks. You can make it.
21. “Don't worry. I’ll wake you up tomorrow.” “________”
A. It's all right. I’ll call you up. B. Thanks anyway.
C. Thanks. It’s very kind of you. D. Thanks for your suggestion.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. We had to list the chronology of events in World War II on our test.
A. catastrophe B. time sequence C. disaster D. differences
23. The company makes every effort to respond to customer queries and will reply to them via
email within two business days.
A. reservations B. complaints C. questions D. agreements
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. That international organization is going to be in a temporary way in the country.
A. permanent B. guess C. complicated D. soak
25. Names of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity.
A. cover B. conserve C. presume D. reveal
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Nam is living with a very kind stepmother.
A. His stepmother, who Nam is living with, is very kind to him.

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B. His stepmother, Nam is living with her, is very kind to him.

C. His stepmother, with who Nam is living, is very kind to him.
D. His stepmother, that Nam is living with, is very kind to him.
27. However much the club pays him, the footballer has never been satisfied.
A. How much the club may pay him, the footballer feels satisfied.
B. If the club pays him more, the footballer has never been satisfied.
C. Although the club pays him much, the footballer has never been satisfied.
D. Unless the club paid him much, the footballer would be satisfied.
28. It was six years ago when it last snowed in Sa Pa.
A. For six years now, it has been snowing in Sa Pa.
B. The last time it snowed in Sa Pa was six years ago.
C. It was said that snowing lasted six years in Sa Pa.
D. Finally after six years, it snowed in Sa Pa.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. She heard the news about her friend’s death. She broke down.
A. She broke down while she was hearing the news about her friend’s death.
B. Having broken down, she heard the news about her friend’s death.
C. She broke down the moment she heard the news about her friend’s death.
D. She broke down the moment when she heard the news about her friend’s death.
30. The basketball team knew they lost the match. They soon started to blame each other.
A. Not only did the basketball team lose the match but they blamed each other as well.
B. Hardly had the basketball team known they lost the match when they started to blame
each other.
C. As soon as they blamed each other, the basketball team knew they lost
the match.
D. No sooner had the basketball team started to blame each other than they knew they lost
the match.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
How Television Change The World
The television has undoubtedly changed society. For a modem person to think about (31)
__________the world was like without television is actually hard to imagine. The world before the
TV was one of little information flowing in to communities throughout the world. All information
that people could get was filtered through newspapers often had specific biases that caused them
to (32)____the news to whatever their preference was. Although television
would follow this to a certain (33)___________, it was able to hit a widespread audience at the
same time. In other words, people literally watched the broadcast at the same time each day, and
they began (34)___________news as things happened.
A television grew into something that practically every household in industrialized nations

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had, businesspeople were quick to realize the (35)_____________television had. They realized
there was an enormous amount of money to be made, and therefore they were willing to invest in
the technology and infrastructure that made it possible.
31. A. which B. what C. that D. how
32. A. model B.shape C. form D. make
33. A. height B. sum C. amount D. degree
34. A. getting along B. carrying out C. taking in D. looking
after D.
35. A. potential B. achievement C. success
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Inside the Mind of a Sushi Legend
During our lives, it is likely we will have not one, but several careers. People often change
jobs due to boredom, to earn more money, or because they want to experience more from life.
Although this certainly brings variety to life, it also prevents workers from achieving mastery in
their craft. This is what makes Sukiyabashi Jiro so incredible. For the past 75 years, he was
dedicated his life to one goal: perfecting his technique so that he can make the world’s best sushi.
In the documentary Jiro: Dreams of Sushi, viewers get a peek inside the life of this genius.
For Jiro, who owns a three-star Michelin restaurant, sushi is not simply taking raw fish,
vinegar, and rice, and arranging them together. He insists that every detail must be perfect.
Watching him at work is similar to seeing an artist in action. Yet, the true key to his success is not
creative imagination: it’s his dedication and repetition. Jiro has kept the same daily schedule for
decades. As he goes about his tasks, he always searches for small ways to improve his craft. Jiro
won’t accept anything less than the best. He has committed to using only the freshest ingredients,
and he’ll do whatever it takes to get them. This means heading down to the local fish market
daily to purchase fish which has just been caught that day. Jiro only deals with the top fish dealer,
who is also a master of his trade. This seller reserves only the best of the best for Jiro, which Jiro
inspects closely before making his choices. Back at the shop, the sushi rice is also prepared with
delicate care. If he senses something is not up to standards, he will have his employees trash it
and start all over again.
At the age of 85, Jiro is aware that he won’t be able to continue making sushi forever.
Therefore, he has been training his two middle-aged sons for many years to learn his techniques
and philosophies. His eldest son, Yamamoto, works side- by-side with Jiro to this day. His
younger son, Takashi, has opened his own sushi restaurant elsewhere in Tokyo. In the film, both
sons discuss how difficult it is trying to live up to their famous father’s expectations and match
his rigorous work ethic. To learn more about Jiro and his methods, be sure to catch this
fascinating film.
36. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A. People today are more focused on their careers.
B. Older people usually work harder than younger ones.
C. In the future, few people will be interested in sushi.
D. In the past, people worked fewer jobs in the lives.

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37. What does the passage say that Jiro hasn’t changed?
A. The usual things he does during the day
B. The ingredients in his foods
C. The number of seats at his restaurant
D. The amount of money that he earns each year
38. What does the word “them” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. His customers B. His employees
C. His business partners D. High-quality goods
39. The word “rigorous” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. careful B. negative C. realistic D. strict
40. Which of the following best describes Jiro?
A. He is a genius who lost interest in his job.
B. He is an owner who changes his mind often.
C. He is a perfectionist who watches every detail.
D. He is a lazy person who does as little as possible.
41. What does the passage suggest Jiro’s sons have trouble with?
A. They can’t find enough customers for the restaurant.
B. They aren’t as good as their father at making sushi.
C. They are both fighting to gain control of their dad’s business.
D. They don’t get along with each other and rarely have conversations.
42. Which of the following statements does the author support most?
A. Jiro’s two sons have met their father’s expectations.
B. Dedication and determination are the keys to success.
C. Achievements can be acquired through succeeding generations.
D. Sons should not be under the shadow of their father.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Space Tourism
If you are like most people, you probably dream of spending your next vacation sightseeing
or relaxing in a tropical spot. But pretty soon, you may have the option of blasting into space and
exploring the universe. It appears that space tourism may start to experience a boom that is sure to
be out of this world.
Since ancient times, humans have surely dreamed about visiting space. However, it was just
a fantasy until 1961, when Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to fly into
space. Yet in the years following, only a few highly-trained Soviet and American astronauts
managed to leave the Earth’s atmosphere. In the mid-1980s, the US began to relax some of its
restrictions. In 1986, an engineer named Charles Walker became the first non-government
employee to fly into space. A year later, an American teacher named Christa McAuliffe was
chosen to be the first teacher in space. Unfortunately, the Space Shuttle she was on, The
Challenger, crashed during takeoff, killing everyone on board. Space tourism got an unexpected

Trang 8

boost from the collapse of the Soviet Union. With Russia’s space programme in dire need of
money, it became open to offers for space tourism. In 1990, a Japanese reporter was allowed to
fly with a Russian crew into space, but the trip would cost his employer $28 million. In the late
1990s, a private company, MirCorp, started organizing trips to space for wealthy individuals.
Now, many other companies are trying to do the same.
Still, most people who want to become space tourists face a major barrier: the price. Early
space tourists have paid dozens of millions of dollars for a seven-to- ten-day stay outside the
Earth. However, there are some indications that the price will come down in the near future.
Some corporations are gearing up for this with big plans to make space a more hospitable place.
The luxurious hotel chain Hilton has expressed interest in opening a space hotel in the next 15 to
20 years. Meanwhile, some experts believe that flights to and from the moon could become a
common occurrence within a few decades. Hopefully someday soon we will all have the chance
to get to know our solar system a little bit better.
43. What happened in 1961?
A. The first space tourist traveled into space.
B. An American astronaut landed on the moon.
C. The first human traveled into space.
D. The first Soviet space tourism company opened.
44. Who was Christa McAuliffe?
A. The first American space tourist
B. A businesswoman who supported space tourism
C. A Soviet official who banned space tourism
D. An American teacher who wanted to travel into space
45. What effect did the end of the Soviet Union have on space tourism?
A. It made space tourism more expensive.
B. It made space tourism become a reality.
C. It delayed the start of space tourism for many years.
D. It prevented people from flying into space for a decade.
46. The word “dire” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. necessary B. sufficient C. important D. serious
47. What is MirCorp?
A. A company that develops equipment for space tourism
B. A company that fights against bringing people into space
C. A Russian government agency that trains astronauts
D. An organization that plans trips for people who want to visit space
48. Why aren’t more people taking vacation in space?
A. Space tourism hasn’t proven to be safe just yet.
B. Most governments have made it illegal to travel in space.
C. Many are waiting for the cost to come down.
D. Many have stated that there is not much to see in space.

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49. What does the passage imply about the future of space tourism?
A. Eventually, space tourism will become cheaper.
B. It seems very unlikely that space tourism will ever be popular.
C. There will be few space tourists until more hotels are developed.
D. It really isn’t worth it for common people to journey
50. It can be inferred from the passage that________.
A. Christa McAuliffe has been the first teacher to come back from space
B. the Japanese reporter spent two weeks in space in 1990
C. Charles Walker had never been a pilot before joining the NASA’s training programme
D. the US began to relax some restrictions because of the disaster of The Challenger

Trang 8

1. A 2 D 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. B
11 B 1 C 13. C 14 B 15 A 16. A 17. B 18 B 19 B 20. B
21 C 2. 2 B 23. C 24 . A 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. B .
29 C 30. B
31 B 2. 3 A 33. D 34 . C 35. A 36. D 37. A 38. D .
39 D 40. C
41 B 2. 4 B 43. C 44 . D 45. B 46. D 47. D 48. C .
49 A 50. C
5. 2.
— that .
6. A — increasing .
population 7. D doesn’t he . .
Notes:— —
17. all at lình, đột nhiên
19. count on/ upon sb/ sth = trông mong ở ai/ cái gì; depend on = lệ thuộc; base on = căn cứ
vào; concentrate on = tập trung
22. chronology = trình tự xảy ra các sự kiện; time sequence = chuỗi gồm nhiều sự kiện theo thứ
tự thời gian.
23. query = câu hỏi, câu chất vấn
24. temporary = tạm thời; permanent = lâu dài, bền vững.
25. preserve = giữ gìn; reveal = tiết lộ.
31. what... like = như thế nào
32. model (v) = làm theo, bắt chước
33. degree (n) = level (n) = mức độ
34. take something in (ph. v) = hiểu, nắm được
35. potential (n) = tiềm năng

Trang 8

ĐỀ 29
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. mobile B. modern C. electronic D. concentrate
2. A. recordings B. educate C. children D. device
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. enormous B. extended C. ungrateful D. elderly
4. A. vulnerable B. psychologist C. society D. responsible
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Students are not allowed to handle these chemicals if they are under the supervision of a
6. Taking a trip to the foreign country is a good way to practise a second language, but it is
too expensive for many people.
7. Although caffeine is a moderately habit-forming drug, coffee is not regarded as harmfully
as harmfully to the average healthy adult.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. By the end of last March, I_________English for five years.
A. have been studying B. will have been studying
C. had been studying D. will have studied
9. This morning I bought________newspaper and a magazine. The newspaper is in my bag,
but I don’t know where___________magazine is.
A. a - a B. a - the C. the - the D. the - a
10. The country is rapidly losing its workers as_________.
A. people are emigrating more
B. more and more people are emigrating
C. people emigrating are more and more
D. more emigrating people are
11. That chefs popular spicy shark steak and mushroom salad is a favourite_________________
A. past B. among C. toward D. despite
12. _______inexperienced, individuals with the willingness to learn will make a difference in


the foreseeable future.

A. Until B. Despite C. Although D. Otherwise
13. I did not want to believe them, but, in fact,_________was true.
A. who they said B. what has said
C. that they were said D. what they said
14. Dr. Hooper is the world’s_________authority on knee replacement surgeries.
A. led B. leader C. leading D. leaders
15. Many married women in the survey said they lacked time to________an interest.
A. pursue B. conduct C. proceed D. chase
16. Jane goes to a_______school so she only sees her family at the weekend.
A. day B. boarding C. comprehensive D. private
17. I shall do the job to the best of my________.
A. capacity B. ability C. knowledge D. talent
18. After standing in the sun for more than an hour, two of the people in the queue passed
_______and they came____________after some women threw water in their faces.
A. away - round B. out - back C. away - by D. out - to
19. I wonder when I will have to_________our assignment.
A. fill out B. apply for C. hand in D. look up
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “This is really a nice dress. Thanks, Tom.” “________”
A. Not at all. I'm glad you like it.
B. 1 apologize for this dress.
C. You’re welcome. It was very nice of you.
D. Thanks anyway.
21. “I wonder if you would like to come to my house for dinner next Saturday.”
A. Sure, but I’d rather not.
B. Yes, please.
C. Thanks. You’re very nice.
D. I’d love to, but I have another appointment.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. He’s a beautiful dog. Can I touch him?
A. feel B. reach C. stroke D. hit
23. I’m looking for a unique gift for my brother; he appreciates unusual things.
A. stunning B. one of a kind C. phenomenal D. astonishing
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. However, how to make full use of these sources of energy is a question for researchers all
over the world.
A. complete B. imperfect C. partial D. hungry

Trang 2

25. The little daughter would spend an inordinate amount of time in the shop, deciding which
goods she was going to buy.
A. excessive B. limited C. required D. abundant
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. She wanted to avoid an argument, so she said nothing.
A. She didn’t say a word to avoid an argument.
B. She avoided an argument because she said nothing.
C. If she said nothing, she wanted to avoid an argument.
D. She had nothing to say to avoid an argument.
27. My sister is looking forward to seeing her friend.
A. My sister is expecting to see her friend.
B. My sister is being looked after while her friend is abroad.
C. My sister feels bored because she is going to see her friend soon.
D. My sister does not want to see her friend again.
28. The computer speakers were so powerful that I nearly went deaf.
A. It was such powerful computer speakers that I nearly went deaf.
B. It was so powerful that I nearly went deaf.
C. The computer speakers were too powerful for me to hear.
D. I went deaf because of the powerful computer speakers.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. The burglar might come back. You’d better change all the locks.
A. The burglar will come back unless you change all the locks.
B. If you don’t change all the locks, the burglar could come back.
C. You’d better change all the locks in case the burglar comes back.
D. You’d better change all the locks or the burglar will come back.
30. We planned to visit Petronas Building in the afternoon. We could not afford the fee,
A. As planned, we could not afford the visit to Petronas Building in the afternoon because
of the fee.
B. We visited Petronas Building in the afternoon though the fee was too high for us.
C. We were going to visit Petronas Building in the afternoon but the fee was too high for
D. The fee was, however, high enough for us to plan a visit to Petronas in the afternoon.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Keeping the World in Our Pockets
Faster processors and advances in memory technology have made today’s smartphones
much more powerful than a lot of computers from just a decade ago. With wireless technology,
people can surf the Internet, play online games, send e- mail, and do (31)______________all the

Trang 2

things they once could only do on a computer. (32)______________, they have the power to do
things constantly at their fingertips.
Many people (33)___________that while smartphones are powerful tools, they are making
people reliant on them. Why would a person need to learn to read a map when he can get
directions to anywhere by simply asking his phone a question? Who needs to learn maths when
you have immense calculating power in your pocket at all times? What (34)___________is there
to memorise facts about history, art, or geography when that information is readily available from
a portable Internet interface?
There are just some of the questions being asked and answered as smartphone usage
continues to spread. Like any technology, smartphones have their advantages, but they do have
disadvantages as well that we must (35)___________an eye on.
3 A. practically B. suitably C. effectively D. most
13 A. Therefore B. Although C. However D.
23 A. show B. agree C.speak Rather
A. judgement B. reason C. ability argueD.
43 advice
A. put B. remain C. keep D. hold
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
American Barbecue Tradition
The US often gets a bad rap for its cuisine, as two of its most popular dishes - hot dogs and
hamburgers - are classified as fast foods. However, many Americans have perfected a technique
that is anything but fast. It involves covering meats with special sauces and spices and roasting
them for long periods of time. It is called barbecue, and every region of the country has its own
special way of doing it.
Barbecuing meats over open fires can add a smoky taste to the meat and add some peculiar
flavours. Although this way of cooking surely existed in other cultures, the first reference to
barbecuing in the US was found in documents from the 17 th century. As Americans expanded
westward, they brought barbecue along with them. Although barbecue is popular in every US
state today, its true home is the Southeastern US, as you can find 70 percent of the nation’s top
barbecue restaurants there.
It is important to make a distinction between grilling and barbecuing. Grilling is a faster style
of cooking that is used when a meat is cooked over a fire on a barbecue grill. What sets
barbecuing apart from grilling is the longer exposure time to the smoke. Sometimes, meats can be
barbecued at low temperatures for over 24 hours, which makes them more flavorful and tender
than grilled meats. Because of this, cooks can use rougher cuts of meat when barbecuing because
the slow-cooking process will make them softer in the end.
The most popular barbecue dish of all is pork ribs, which is a specialty in Memphis,
Tennessee. Ribs are served two ways: wet and dry. “Wet” ribs are coated with a thick and tangy
sauce, whereas “dry” ribs are coated with spices instead. In Carolina, pulled pork is the most
popular way to barbecue and the sauce contains more vinegar than most other regions. Texans
love barbecue so much that they created four separate styles that use different sauces and cooking

Trang 2

methods. In addition to pork, Texans frequently barbecue beef, lamb, and anything else you can
possibly imagine. In Kentucky, people frequently serve their barbecue on bread to add some
carbohydrates to the meal. In the end, you can choose which barbecue style you like best, or
better yet, just enjoy them all.
36. What does the passage say about American cuisine?
A. It is the best food in the whole world.
B. Many people think it is simple and unhealthy.
C. Barbecue is the first thing most people think of.
D. Although it is not very tasty, it is good for you.
37. When did barbecuing begin in the US?
A. In ancient times B. Within the past decade
C. During the late 1600s D. Sometime in the late 1700s
38. How is grilling different from barbecuing?
A. Grilled meats are usually cooked indoors.
B. Meats are softer when they are barbecued.
C. Only barbecued foods are eaten with sauce.
D. There is essentially no difference between them.
39. The word “It” in paragraph 1 refers to________.
A. American cuisine B. fast food C. technique D. barbecue
40. What could replace the word “coated” in paragraph 4?
A. covered B. cleaned C. cooked D. cut
41. All of the following are true about barbecue in the US EXCEPT that_________.
A. it involves covering meats with special sauces and spices
B. it started in the US sometime during the colonial times
C. it is popular in the Southeastern states
D. it is cooked with the same cooking methods throughout the US
42. What does the passage suggest that readers should do?
A. Ignore everything and create their own barbecue style
B. Try to find some better barbecue styles from overseas
C. Select one barbecue style and stick with it
D. Try to appreciate a variety of barbecue styles
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Invention of the Periodic Table
If you are looking to gain a better understanding of the world around you, chemistry is the
perfect subject to study. It is an examination of matter, its properties, and its interactions with
everything around it. Where physics often deals with concepts and theories that are difficult to
test and observe, chemistry principles can easily be applied to medicine, cooking, and several
other areas. At the heart of all these discoveries is one vital chart that organizes elements based on
their atomic number and chemical properties: the periodic table.
Although the first periodic table was published in 1869, it was a work in progress for

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hundreds, if not thousands of years. Since ancient times, people have been fascinated with
elements such as gold, tin, and copper in their natural forms. They were mined and used to make
jewellery, weapons, coins, and many other things. Over time, people became more curious about
these metals and how they were composed. In ancient Greece, Aristotle and other philosophers
claimed things were made from the elements of earth, water, fire, and air. For years, this theory
was accepted. Then people began to reevaluate this concept during the Age of Enlightenment.
In 1661, Irish scientist Robert Boyle defined an element as something that “cannot be broken
down into a simpler substance by a chemical reaction”. Over a century later, French chemist
Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier would publish the first modem textbook on chemistry. In it, he listed
several substances which he believed should be classified as elements into two categories: metals,
and non- metals. Although his work wasn’t completely accurate, it represented a major step
forward at the time. Over the next century, scientists started to classify the elements into different
groups depending on their properties and atomic weights. However, it is Russian chemist Dmitri
Mendeleev who is usually credited as the first person to make a periodic table. Although other
scientists had submitted tables, they were eventually rejected by the scientific community for a
lack of detail. Mendeleev arranged all of the elements according to their atomic mass. He was
even smart enough to leave empty spaces for elements which hadn’t been discovered at the time.
Although Mendeleev’s periodic table wasn’t perfect, it set the format which is similar to the one
used today.
43. What is the passage mainly about?
A. An important method of organization
B. The discovery of an important element
C. The life of the man who invented the periodic table
D. The habits of the world’s greatest scientists
44. How is chemistry different from physics?
A. Chemistry involves a lot more mathematics.
B. Its effects are easier to see in the real world.
C. Physics isn’t useful for anything at all.
D. There isn’t much of a difference between them.
45. Why did people first become interested in elements?
A. Many people wanted to be like Mendeleev.
B. They became interested after the periodic table was invented.
C. Everyone in ancient times was interested in science.
D. They wanted to use metals to make things.
46. The word “credited” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to________.
A. added B. decided C. believed D. made
47. What did Robert Boyle do?
A. He wrote down every element on the Earth.
B. He wrote the first textbook about science.
C. He defined the word “element”.
D. He showed Mendeleev how to use a periodic table.

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48. Why is Mendeleev usually given credit for inventing the periodic table?
A. He was surely the first person to create this kind of table.
B. He created the table and many other scientists approved of it.
C. He decided to name the table after himself.
D. He asked for the periodic table to be credited to him.
49. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Mendeleev left empty spaces for elements which hadn’t been discovered at the time.
B. The work of Robert Boyle might be used as the base for further study of elements.
C. The concept of chemical elements in ancient Greece was not accepted at all.
D. Mendeleev arranged all of the elements according to their atomic weights.
50. We can infer from the passage that________.
A. Lavoisier also published a periodic table of metals and non-metals.
B. the tables submitted by other scientists did not cover all the available elements
C. physics doesn’t deal with matter and its properties
D. people have become interested in how metals and non-metals are composed recently

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1. A 2. B 3 D 4 A 5 CÁN 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. B
11 B 12 C . 1 D 1. C 1. A 16. B 17 B 18 D 19. C 20. A
21 D . 22 C 3.2 B 24. C 25. B 26. A .
27 A 28. A 29. C 30. C
31 A . 32 C 3.3 D 34. B 35. C 36. B .
37 C 38. B 39. D 40. A
41 D . 42 D 3.4 A 44. B 45. D 46. C .
47 C 48. B 49. C 50. B
5. .
— unle 6. 3.
A—a 4. 7 C 5.
harmfu . .
17. to the best of my ability (= as well as I can) = với tất cả khả năng của mình
18. pass out = mê đi, bất tỉnh; come to = hồi tỉnh, tỉnh lại
22. touch = sờ, mó, chạm; stroke = vuốt, vuốt ve.
23. unique = one of a kind = có một không hai; stunning = gây ấn tượng sâu sắc; phenomenal
= phi thường; astonishing = gây ngạc nhiên.
24. full = đầy đủ, toàn diện; partial = một phần; make full use of something = tận dụng cái
25. inordinate = quá mức; limited = hạn chế.
31. practically (adv) = hầu như, gần như
33. argue (v) = đưa ra lí lẽ, biện luận
35. keep an eye on something = để ý, coi chừng cái gì

Trang 8

ĐỀ 30
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. digital B. fingertip C. identify D. similar
2. A. assignment B. address C. discussion D. access
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. stimulate B. skeleton C. pyramid D. digestive
4. A. alternative B. acupuncture C. original D. respiratory
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Mountains have helped to protect the Swiss from invaders, and indeed, Switzerland has
remained at peace while other European nations has been engaging at war.
6. Because of attitudes shape behaviour, psychologists want to find out how opinions are
7. I tried to explain him the problem, but he had difficulty understanding me.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. The rescuers________for their bravery and fortitude in locating the lost mountain climbers.
A. praising B. were praising C. praised D. were praised
9. The scientist is searching_________a topic__________which he can research in the coming
A. for — into B. into - for C. 0 - 0 D. for — for
10. Not every student is aware of_________the English language.
A. importance B. an importance
C. its importance D. the importance
11. ________you study for these exams,__________you will do.
A. The harder - the better B. The more - the much
C. The hardest - the best D. The more hard - themore good
12. Bus schedules are updated frequently, ________ check our website for the latest departure
and arrival times.
A. so B. if C. neither D. whereas
13. ________ he was driving thirty miles per hour above the speed limit at the time of the
accident will count against him.


A. The fact that B. Whether C. Whom D. Whenever

14. Many_________are nervous about the long-term financial health of the company,
especially after last week’s poor earning report.
A. investors B. investments C. of investors D. of the investments
15. How do they earn enough to_________six children?
A. support B. maintain C. hold D. survive
16. The new lecturer talks so fast that we often get_________during class time.
A. lost B. missing C. boring D. far
17. The closure of many companies_________the increase in the high rate of unemployment.
A. put down to B. set places for C. gave rise to D. got down to
18. Nancy is a very careful person. Usually, Nancy doesn’t submit her test paper until she has
her answer twice.
A. gone through B. signed up C. thought D. copied down
19. Before you finish this project, check__________the work__________your supervisor for
further instructions.
A. on — to B. out — with C. back - with D. up — to
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Remember to phone me when you arrive at the airport.” “_________”
A. I remember. B. I don’t. C. I will. D. I do.
21. “Thanks for helping me with my homework, John.” “_________”
A. I don’t mean so. B. Please, don’t blame yourself.
C. Don’t mention it. D. No harm done.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Only aggressive species of small animal life are likely to survive in the rough waters near
shallow coral reefs.
A. a few B. strong C. passive D. marine
23. Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement
A. wedding B. graduation C. engagement D. important
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. This new magazine is known for its comprehensive coverage of news.
A. casual B. superficial C. indifferent D. inadequate
25. During the five-decade history the Asian Games have been advancing in all aspects.
A. holding at B. holding back C. encouraging D. pushing up
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t open the door.


A. Try as hard as I might, I couldn't open the door.

B. Although I try, I couldn’t open the door.
C. It is difficult for me to open the door.
D. I could open the door with difficulty.
27. He found it extremely difficult to learn this subject.
A. It was extremely difficult for him to learn this subject.
B. The subject was so easy that he could learn it well.
C. He had difficulty finding the subject.
D. He did not find it difficult to learn the subject.
28. I expect that he will get there by lunchtime.
A. At any rate, he must get there by lunchtime.
B. I don't want him to get there by lunchtime.
C. I expect him to get there by lunchtime.
D. He will get there by lunchtime with me.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. The wedding took place last Friday. Only members of the family were invited to it.
A. Only members of the family were invited to the wedding, which took place last Friday.
B. The wedding, where only members of the family were invited to, took place last Friday.
C. The wedding took place last Friday, when only members of the family were invited to.
D. The wedding, which only members of the family were invited to, took place last Friday.
30. She phoned him early in the morning. She didn’t want him to forget to bring along the
A. She phoned him early in the morning so that he would not forget to bring along the
B. She phoned him early in the morning though she didn’t want him to forget to bring
along the document.
C. She phoned him early in the morning so that she wanted him to bring along the
D. She phoned him early in the morning when she didn’t want him to bring along the
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Is the Internet Making Us Dumber?
Do you quickly pull up any piece of information you need by looking (31)__________on the
Internet? If you do, you might be unfortunately making yourself less intelligent. Instead of having
to understand basic bits of information, you have come to (32)______________________on the
Internet for all of the things that you want to know. While this may be an easy solution and great
convenience to some problems in everyday life, it can never be a solution when a person finds
himself or herself in a situation where there is no (33)___________to the Internet.


In the past, one thing that was considered a very important part of (34)___________either in a
car or on foot was the ability to read a map. Today, people instead pull up maps on their
smartphones and, using the GPS technology that the phones offer, instantly know where they are
on the map. Then, they can simply (35)______________where they want to go, and they will be
instructed how to get there. They can do this in a city, and they can also often do this when they
go off onto trails in forests.
3 A. at it B. up it C. it up D. it out
3 A. rely B. trust C. have faith D. base
3 A. reach B. approach C. access D. road
3 D. going
A. getting ahead B. getting along C. going round
3 ahead
A. type in B. type C. put in D. realise
Read5the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Hooray for Hip Hop
It is amazing how far hip hop music has come in its relatively short history. You can trace the
roots of this urban art form to New York City in the 1970s. Hip hop began as a spontaneous way
of entertaining crowds. DJs discovered that people loved dancing to the drum breaks in popular
funk and soul records. These breaks were typically brief, so DJs would move or “scratch” records
back to extend them. In addition, a master of ceremonies (MC) would sometimes grab the
microphone and say a few words to get the crowd more excited. At first, the words of MCs were
simple chants but they later became a more complex form of poetry. Still, for several years rap
remained an underground art. Then, in the early 1980s, artists like LL Cool J, KRS-One, and Run
DMC helped it reach a wider audience.
Nevertheless, hip hop didn’t have an easy road to mainstream success. Many people
dismissed rap music because no “real musicians” were involved in creating it. Critics blamed the
beats were repetitive and stolen from other artists. Others claimed the lyrics were too negative
and violent. Yet they were overlooking several things. The lyrics were often from the perspective
of underprivileged youths growing up in the big city. Although these words were often dark, they
painted a clear picture that allowed outsiders to understand their joys and pain. Not all hip hop
songs had a heavy message, though. Others were quite humorous and showed a lighter side of
street life.
The influence of hip hop would spread far beyond music itself. In fact, a collection of other
art forms, would develop out of it. Since hip hop music had a beat like no other music before it,
new dance styles had to emerge. B-boying, more commonly called break dancing, was one of
these styles. Break dancers featured lots of spinning and fancy moves that took speed, agility, and
lots of practice to perfect. Hip hop also helped to inspire waves of modem street graffiti. Urban
artists would spray-paint their names on walls and subway cars as a rebellious way of expressing
themselves. After nearly three decades of popularity, hip hop has spread from New York to every
continent on the earth and it is still going strong as it continues to evolve.
36. What best describes the early lyrics of hip hop?
A. They were very complex and hard to understand.


B. They were quite simple compared to lyrics today.

C. They were usually shouted out loud by DJs.
D. They were usually made up by people on the dance floor.
37. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that________.
A. hip hop hadn’t become popular in New York until the early 1980s
B. DJs played no important roles to spread hip hop
C. the words of the early MCs were too complicated for the crowds to understand
D. there were no other art forms in New York City in the 1970s
38. The word “them” in paragraph 1 refers to________.
A. the DJs B. hip hop records C. the drum breaks D. lyrics
39. The word “chants” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to________.
A. songs B. shouts C. lines D. phrases
40. Which of the following was NOT a criticism of early hip hop?
A. The musicians were paid too much money.
B. The songs talked too much about bad things.
C. The DJs took the beats from other artists.
D. The beats of the songs sounded almost the same.
41. Which of the following people could be a good break dancer?
A. An older man with years of dancing experience
B. A talented athlete who doesn’t like to practise
C. Someone who moves slowly and gracefully
D. Someone who is hard-working and moves quickly
42. What does the passage suggest about the future of hip hop?
A. Many fans are getting interested in the roots of hip hop.
B. It probably won’t be long until it goes out of style.
C. Hip hop and its culture will continue to change.
D. It will only be popular in the US and not worldwide.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Great Debate over GM Foods
One of the hottest topic in agriculture today is genetically modified (GM) foods. GM foods
are foods that come from plants that have had their DNA altered using biotechnology. GM foods
have been on the market since 1994, when a company called Calgene started selling GM
tomatoes. Since then, other GM foods including papaya, corn, and plums to name a few have
been developed.
The main benefit of GM foods is that they can be a more economical solution than non GM
foods. Scientists found a way to modify many plants to make them more resistant to weeds,
diseases, and pests. This allows the plants to grow in tougher climates and conditions, which
should lead to lower food prices and increase the overall food supply.
However, many consumers still have their doubts about GM foods. For one, they feel that by


eating GM foods people are messing with nature. Until now, humans have survived on food that
was produced without any interference from science. Even though many lab studies show that
GM foods are safe in the short term, opponents feel that not enough long-term testing has


been done yet.

Another major issue in the GM foods debate is its labelling. Current US laws do not require
producers to label their foods as GM. This has upset many consumers who feel they have the
right to clearly know how the food they are buying is produced. On the other hand, producers are
afraid to label their foods as GM because they feel it will result in less product sales, as people
may assume that there is something wrong with GM foods.
This controversy is not just on the level of consumers and producers. The issue of non GM
foods has also become a block to a major free trade agreement between the US and Europe. GM
foods are banned throughout most of Europe, while they are quite common throughout the US.
Since many American GM food producers would like to sell their foods overseas in Europe, the
US is requesting that European nations eliminate laws banning GM foods. However, many
European nations are not fully convinced that these products are safe.
43. What did Calgene do?
A. It invented the first GM food.
B. It discovered the tomato.
C. It sold the first GM food.
D. It argued against the sales of GM foods.
44. According to the passage, why did scientists invent GM foods?
A. To make more delicious foods B. To create a new type of dessert
C. So plants would be stronger D. So the scientists could win a prize
45. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A. The laws that make GM foods illegal
B. How some GM foods are grown
C. The future of GM foods in America
D. Some reasons why people don’t like GM foods
46. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to_________
A. resistance B. modification
C. increase in food supply D. tougher climate
47. The phrase “messing with” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. making nature dirty and untidy
B. getting involved with GM foods that may be harmful
C. spending time doing things for no pleasure
D. spoiling nature with using GM foods
48. Which of the following statements is true?
A. GM foods are more accepted in the US than in Europe.
B. Scientists understand the long-term effects of GM foods.
C. People in Europe want to import more GM foods.
D. GM food is not an important issue between nations.
49. Why don’t corporations want to label their foods as GM?
A. They think it will make their prices higher.


B. They don’t believe their foods are really GM.

C. They think the label will scare some consumers.
D. They believe all foods should have the GM label.
50. All of the following are the reasons why European people don’t like GM foods EXCEPT
that .
A. scientists haven’t proved that GM foods are safe in the long term
B. European farmers can ’ t sell their produce in Europe
C. people like eating foods without any interference of science
D. American companies will get big profits from their GM foods

Trang 7

1. D 2 C 3 D 4 B ÁN 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. D
11 A . 1 A 1. .
A 14 A 15. A 16. A 17 C 18. A 19 D 20. C
21 C 2.2 B 23 .
B 24 B 25. B 26. A 27 . A 28. C 29 . A 30. A
31 C 2.3 A 3 .
C 34 D 35. A 36. B 37 . A 38. C 39 . D 40. A
41 D 2.4 C 43 .
C 44 C 45. D 46. B 47 . D 48. A 49 . C 50. B
5. 2. war 6. A 3 Because
— in . .
7. B — explain the problem to .
D ——
Notes: him
17. give rise to sth = làm cho cái gì xảy ra; put sth down to sth = cho cái gì được gây ra bởi cái
gì đó.
18. go through = kiểm tra kĩ lưỡng, xem xét tỉ mỉ
19. check up = kiểm tra, soát lại
22. aggressive = có tính hoang dã; strong = mạnh mẽ.
23. commencement = lễ phát bằng; graduation ceremony = lễ tốt nghiệp.
24. comprehensive = toàn diện, bao quát; superficial = hời hợt, nông cạn
25. advance = tiến bộ; hold back = ngăn lại, kiềm lại.
31. look sth up = tìm kiếm, tham khảo
32. rely on sb/sth = dựa vào; trust in sb/sth = tin cậy; have faith ỉn sb/sth = đặt niềm tin; base
on = căn cứ vào
33. an access to sth = cơ hội truy cập; reach (n) = tầm tay; approach (n) = sự đến gần; road (n)
= con đường
34. go ahead = thẳng tiến; get ahead = tiến bộ, vượt những người khác; get along = xoay xở; go
round = đi vòng, đi quanh

Trang 8

ĐỀ 31
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. laptop B. software C. handkerchief D. ancestor
2. A. bridesmaid B. contrast C. disadvantage D. horoscope
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. volunteer B. passionate C. handicapped D. cultural
4. A. disabled B. invalid C. obvious D. creative
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Each year tourists from all over the world travel to Poland to visit a birthplace of Frederic
6. It’s about time you decide whether to enter university or get a job.
7. I read in the newspaper that England didn’t get to the quarter finals last year and France
didn’t neither.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. By December, Tom________enough money to buy a mountain bike.
A. saves B. will save C. has saved D. will have saved
9. He teaches_______piano and____________violin.
A. the - the B. a — the C. the — a D. 0 — 0
10. We were rather surprised_________this job. We thought she still lacked the experience.
A. at Mary to be given B. by giving Mary
C. Mary to be given D. for Mary to be given
11. The picture_________was beautiful.
A. she was looking B. at which she was looking
C. at it she was looking D. at that she was looking
12. Passengers will get to their destination on time_________our departure time is a little late
due to a mechanical problem.
A. even B. while C. because D. even though
13. In developing agricultural countries, crops depend heavily on_________the weather is.
A. how often B. how well C. 0 D. how good
14. ________for the money management seminar will be forwarded to all the managers
A. Invite B. Invitations C. Inviting D. Invitation


15. Some of the passengers spoke to reporters about their_________in the burning plane.
A. knowledge B. experience C. occasion D. event
16. In spite of many unexpected changes, Betty is always_________her working principles.
A. devoted to B. loyal to C. informed of D. meaning to
17. After he had broken his leg, he could only go up and down stairs________.
A. with difficulty B. in difficulty C. hardly D. hard
18. The fire burned________more than 15 houses in the area last night.
A. down B. out C. off D. away
19. Lisa is so excited about her 6 birthday that she keeps practicing blowing_______________

birthday candles!
A. off B. out C. on D. away
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Your speech this morning was just beyond my expectation.” “__________”
A. It’s OK.
B. Not at all. It was just OK.
C. It was my pleasure.
D. Thanks. Without your help, I couldn’t have.
21. “Could you show me how this machine works, please?” “_________”.
A. Let’s begin by reading its manual together.
B. Yes. The show is terrific!
C. Well, it read quite well.
D. It’s good except that it takes hours to get there.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Even though the mountain was very steep and the climb was hazardous. several adventurous
tourists managed to reach the top.
A. causing a lot of risks B. bringing excitement
C. costing a lot of money D. resulting in depression
23. Thanks to the invention of the microscope, biologists can now gain insights into the nature
of the human cell.
A. deep understanding B. in-depth studies
C. spectacular sightings D. far-sighted views
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Their classmates are writing letters of acceptance.
A. agreement B. admission C. refusal D. confirmation
25. He was not afraid to pet the gentle dog, even though it was very big.
A. dirty B. cold C. calm D. fierce
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in

Trang 2

meaning to each of the following questions.

26. Roses can’t grow in such poor soil.
A. It’s impossible for roses to grow in such poor soil.
B. Growing roses in such poor soil is not.
C. Roses are incapable to grow in such poor soil.
D. Roses have difficulty with growing in such poor soil.
27. The doctor said, “You really ought to rest for a few days. Jasmine.”
A. It is the doctor’s recommendation that Jasmine rested shortly.
B. Jasmine’s doctor insisted that she rested for a few days.
C. The doctor suggested that Jasmine took a short rest.
D. The doctor strongly advised Jasmine to take a few days’ rest.
28. It was wrong of you not to call the fire brigade at once.
A. Calling the fire brigade must be done at once.
B. The fire brigade was called at the wrong time.
C. You should have called the fire brigade at once.
D. You didn’t call the fire brigade early and it was wrong.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. I had my seat belt on during an accident last year. I was fortunate not to sustain any injuries.
A. Although I had my seat belt on during an accident last year, I was fortunate not to
sustain any injuries.
B. The fact that I had my seat belt on during an accident last year, I was fortunate not to
sustain any injuries.
C. I had my seat belt on during an accident last year, as a result, I was fortunate not to
sustain any injuries.
D. Having seat belt on during an accident last year in order that I was fortunate not to
sustain any injuries.
30. My father encouraged me in my choice of career. That’s why I have become a chef now.
A. It was my father who encouraged me to become a chef otherwise I had chosen another
B. Hadn’t my father encouraged me in my choice of career, I would become a chef now.
C. If my father hadn’t been courageous, I would never have become a chef now.
D. If it hadn’t been for my father’s encouragement, I wouldn’t become a chef now.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
How the Internet Is Changing Our Language
There are words that we say today that 70 years ago weren’t even in (31)_____________. If a
person were to remark to a 1950s businessman, “Go and check this website out on the Internet
and get back to me via Facebook,” the businessman would have no clue as to what had just been
said. We know exactly what the words mean, though, so they (32)____________perfect sense to

Trang 3

The problem that people are encountering today is the same as the 1950s businessman would
have encountered - he would have come (33)_____________a word that would mean nothing
because he lived in a world where Internet technology is changing and progressing today at an
even faster (34)___________, and this is creating changes in the way we communicate. Our
words are different, and even our means of (35)___________those words across are different as
well. Forget about a 60-plus year difference; we speak much differently than we did even 10 or
20 years ago.
3 A. existence B. presence C. survival D. effect
31 A.have B. get C. bring D. make
23 A. along B. across C. between D. by
33 A. step B. pace C. move D.
43 movement
A. keeping B. putting C. getting D. making
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
A Microchip in Your Body
In 1998, a British scientist named Kevin Warwick did an experiment. He inserted a small
microchip into his left arm. He used the microchip to turn on lights, work with his computer, and
even start the water for his bath. After only nine days, Warwick removed the microchip from his
arm. Nine days is not a long time, but it was enough to give the world a very important message.
It is possible to have a microchip in your body.
Many people think that someday, we all will have microchips. There are all kinds of things
that a microchip could do. It could be useful for simple, everyday things. You might not have to
carry keys, because you could use your microchip to open the front door of your house. You
might not need cash, because you could use your microchip to buy things.
A microchip might be able to do more important things. For example, a microchip could
contain all of your important health information. If you had an emergency and went to hospital,
doctors could read your microchip and learn all of your health history. Some scientists even
believe that someday a microchip could help cure diseases.
Many people dislike the idea of a microchip in their body. They have a lot of concerns. Is it
safe? Could a microchip make you sick? Besides, would other people be able to read your
microchip and steal your personal information?
People are especially worried about personal freedom. This is probably the biggest reason
why so many people are against these microchips. What if your government could use your
microchip to watch you? What if your government could use your microchip to find your
location? Do you want the government to have that information about you? Again, for most
people the answer is “no”.
Nobody has microchips in their body yet. We don’t know if this will ever happen. If we ever
do have microchips, we don’t know what they would look like or what they would do. What do
you think? Would you like to have a microchip inserted into your body?
36. How long was the microchip in Warwick’s body?
A. Nine minutes B. Nine days C. Nine months D. Nine years

Trang 4

37. The word “message” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_________.

A. piece of information B. understanding
C. important idea D. warning
38. What can be inferred from the experiment done by Kevin Warwick in 1998?
A. He could operate devices with the microchip by using the computer and the Internet.
B. It helped doctors avoid ordinary diseases.
C. Kevin Warwick suffered a lot during the time of his experiment.
D. His experiment gained great support from the public all over the world.
39. What is the biggest concern that people have about the microchips?
A. They could hurt the government.
B. They could make people sick.
C. They could reduce our personal freedom.
D. People could read them and steal information.
40. The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to_______.
A. reading a microchip B. experiment
C. using a microchip D. inserting a microchip
41. Which statement is true?
A. We know what these microchips would look like.
B. Kevin Warwick put the microchip in his right arm.
C. Everybody wants these microchips in their bodies.
D. Kevin Warwick put the microchip in his arm in 1998.
42. All of the following are concerns about the idea of inserting a microchip into a human body
EXCEPT that_________.
A. you may become unconscious and someone steals your personal information
B. it may help doctors know your blood group
C. it may help other people follow you
D. it may affect your freedom and personal life
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Learning to Love Locally Grown Foods
Cooking shows on TV are usually all about exotic foods. Thanks to globalization, people
everywhere are introducing their taste buds to dishes from every corner of the world. At the same
time, other people are discovering that food from their area is the best kept secret. In the past few
years, this movement of purchasing local produce keeps picking up steam because it offers a lot
of benefits.
For starters, local food is often tastier because it is fresher. Goods that are imported from
abroad must be flown or shipped in from far away, so they naturally lose some of their freshness
during the journey. A simple way to test this is to sample a banana from overseas versus one that
was grown locally and compare the tastes. Imported goods must also be washed and packaged in
plastic or other containers so they can survive the journey. These materials may cause the
nutritional value of these goods to decline during the shipping process. Food safety is another

Trang 5

reason why people are choosing local produce. Today’s laws regarding foods vary from country
to country. This causes confusion and makes it difficult to detect if any harmful pesticides were
used. When you know the local farmer who grows your food and the fields that are used to
produce it, the chances of it being contaminated are greatly reduced.
Buying local foods can also have beneficial impact on the environment. By supporting local
growers, consumers can maintain green space and farmland in their communities. Buying locally
also helps to build the local community. If farmers can sell directly to consumers instead of a
middleman, they will earn more money for their families. Additional profits also enable farmers
to better care for their soil and keep quality standards high. In the end, it is a win-win situation for
both parties.
If you are interested in incorporating more local foods into your diet, you can start by
attending a farmers’ market in your area. This is an open market where farmers sell fruits,
vegetables, and meat directly to the public. If you have any questions about the production
process or quality of these goods, you can ask the farmers directly. Once you experience the
freshness of local foods for yourself, it might be tough to go back to the supermarket.
- pick up steam = start working more effectively
- produce (n) = food or any other grown through farming
43. The author says that________is the best-kept secret.
A. foreign foods B. exotic foods C. local produce D. other people
44. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. how far a product travels before it reaches you
B. the smell of bananas when they first arrive
C. the difference between local and imported foods
D. the total transportation costs during the journey
45. According to the passage, what is one reason why local foods taste better?
A. They cost more money. B. They are wrapped in plastic.
C. They are more interesting. D. They are fresher than imports.
46. What could best replace the word “beneficial” in paragraph 3?
A. helpful B. bad C. strange D. unknown
47. When we choose local produce, we can have better food safety because_________.
A. laws of food safety are the same throughout the world
B. we have enough information about the farmers and the fields to produce food
C. it is easy for us to detect if any harmful pesticides were used
D. local produce is always with the lowest level of contamination
48. What happens when consumers buy from local farmers instead of from middlemen?
A. Farmers can take better care of their community.
B. Middlemen don’t make as much money.
C. Farmers can get in trouble from the government.
D. Consumers can become wealthy quite easily.

Trang 6

49. According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT that_________.
A. imported foods from abroad don’t have good taste
B. imported foods must be processed to survive the long journey
C. local produce is often fresher and tastier than imported foods
D. the trend to purchase local produce has risen recently
50. What is another good title for the passage?
A. Some Basic Information about Importing Food
B. Some Tasty Recipes to Try with Local Foods
C. A Day in the Life of a Farmer
D. The Best Foods is Closer Than You Think

Trang 7

1. B 2. A 3 A 4 C 5 ÁN 6
D B 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. A
11 B 12. D 13 . D . 1 B 1. .
B 16. B 17. A 18 A 19 B 20. D
21 A 22. A 23 . A 4.2 C 25 D 26. A 27. D .28 C .
29 C 30. D
31 A 32. D 33 . B 4.3 B 35 C 36. B 37. C 38. A .
39 C 40. D
41 D 42. B 43 . C 4.4 A 45 D 46. A 47. B 48. B .
49 A 50. D
5. . 6.
— the birthplace 4.
— 5 7 D didn’t . .
D —B
Notes: decided . — either
16. loyal to sth = trung thành với cái gì; principle (n) = nguyên tắc, phương châm; devoted to
sth = tận tuỵ; informed of = am hiểu; meaning = có ý nghĩa
17. with difficulty = khá vất vả 18. burn down/ burn sth down = thiêu huỷ, thiêu trụi
22. hazardous = nguy hiểm; causing a lot of risks = mang đến nhiều rủi ro; bringing
excitement = mang đến sự phấn khởi; costing a lot of money = tốn kém; resulting in
depression = mang lại sự chán nản.
23. insight (n) = deep understanding = sự hiểu biết sâu sac; in-depth studies = sự nghiên cứu tỉ
mỉ - không đúng vì không thể kết hợp với động từ ‘ gain ”, thay vào đó ta có thể dùng động
từ “do”, “carry out”...', spectacular sightings = cảnh quan ngoạn mục; far-sighted views =
tầm nhìn từ xa.
24. acceptance = sự chấp thuận; refusal — sự khước từ.
25. gentle = hiền lành; fierce = hung dữ.
31. (in the) existence = sự tồn tại
32. make sense = có nghĩa, có ý nghĩa
33. come across = tinh cờ tìm thấy
34. pace (n) = nhịp độ tiến triển; at a pace = với tốc độ/ nhịp độ; step (n) = bước chân; move (n)
= sự dịch chuyển; movement (n) = chuyển động
35. get something across = giải thích rõ ràng cái gì

Trang 8

ĐỀ 32
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. threat B. increase C. release D. easy
2. A. conserve B. fossil C. discuss D. preserve
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. interact B. understand C. volunteer D. contribute
4. A. priority B. ability C. community D. voluntary
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. What are common known as “lead” pencils are not lead, but rather a mixture of graphite,
clay, and wax.
6. Political science, alike the other social sciences, is not an exact science.
7. The carpenter tried to join together the pieces of the broken box, but he found it impossible
to do.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. By the time you get to the theater, the play________.
A. will have finished B. will finish
C. finishes D. will have been finished
9. Tom sat down on_________chair next to_________nearest door.
A. a - a B. a - the C. the - a D. the - the
10. John seemed to be_______of remembering anything I told him.
A. unable B. unwilling C. inefficient D. incapable
11. If you________less last night, you__________so bad today.
A. had drunk - would not have felt
B. drank - would not feel
C. had drunk - would not feel
D. would have drunk - would not feel
12. The sky was grey and cloudy. , we went to the beach.
A. However B. In spite of C. Consequently D. Even though
13. I don’t think I might agree_________you have said.
A. with that what B. with what C. with that D. that which you


14. The effects of affordable housing in rural areas will be discussed at the


A. develops B. developing C. development D. developed

15. Although they played very well, they didn’t win the match because they lack__________.
A. team work B. team interest C. team sport D. team spirit
16. She felt terribly_________before the job interview, but once she was in the manager’s
office she calmed down.
A. bored B. nervous C. shocked D. surprised
17. I found his remarks offensive in the_________.
A. intense B. most C. extreme D. whole
18. It is necessary for a foreign centre to________up an English club.
A. turn B. look C. set D. get
19. The new student was very shy at the beginning, but then he________well with everybody.
A. caught up B. got on C. recovered D. make friends
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Would you mind posting this letter for me on the way to the shopping mall?”

A. No problem. Give it to me before I go.

B. Yes. I posted it for you.
C. Never mind. You don’t have to do it now.
D. It is very kind of you to say so.
21. “This is a souvenir for you. I bought it when I was in Scotland.” “_________”
A. Thank you very much. It’s so beautiful.
B. My pleasure. It’s really nice.
C. Don’t mention it. It must have cost a lot.
D. Thanks anyway. I really love it.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. As tourism is more developed, people worry about the damage to the flora and fauna of the
A. flowers and trees B. plants and animals
C. mountains and forests D. fruits and vegetables
23. It is such a prestigious university that only excellent students are entitled to a full
scholarship each year.
A. have the right to refuse B. are refused the right to
C. are given the right to D. have the obligation to
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Psychologists encourage their patients not to get upset about trivial matters.
A. expectant B. unnecessary C. minor D. important
25. Mutualism is a type of symbiosis that occurs when two unlike organisms live together in a

Trang 3

state that is mutually beneficial.

A. alike B. likely C. similar D. dislike
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. It's a waste of time to try and explain anything to Tony.
A. Tony should be given explanations.
B. It's not worth trying to explain anything to Tony.
C. To save time, explain it to Tony.
D. It's well worth trying to explain things to Tony.
27. Nancy isn't used to walking so far.
A. Nancy used to walk farther.
B. Nancy doesn't like to walk so far.
C. Nancy isn't accustomed to walking very far.
D. Nancy needed help to walk so far.
28. Linh’s success took us all by surprise.
A. Linh was successful, which surprised all of us.
B. We took all of Linh’s successes surprisingly.
C. We were taken aback by all of Linh’s successes.
D. Linh’s success was surprised to all of us.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. The new restaurant looks good. However, it seems to have few customers.
A. In order to get more business, the new restaurant should improve its appearance.
B. The new restaurant would have more customers if it looked better.
C. If it had a few more customers, the new restaurant would look better.
D. In spite of its appearance, the new restaurant does not appear to attract much business.
30. I am very unhappy about the grade I made on my biology exam. I know I should have
studied more.
A. I know I should have studied more because I am very unhappy about the grade I made
on my biology exam.
B. I am very unhappy about the grade I made on my biology exam so I know I should have
studied more.
C. I am very unhappy about the grade I made on my biology exam, yet I know I should
have studied more.
D. I am very unhappy about the grade I made on my biology exam although I know I
should have studied more.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
The Rise of Electronic Media
As printed media begin to lose their dominance as a way to (31)____________information to

Trang 4

the world, electronic media have stepped up and taken their place. Many people no longer read
newspapers or magazines in their traditional paper forms, but they still do read. The (32) delivery
system is what has happened; many people are reading newspapers or magazines off of their
smartphones, tablets, or on their computer screens.
Probably the greatest criticism of online newspapers and magazines is that there often isn’t
very much invested in the stories as they (33)_____________. Rather than serious investigative
journalism, the main point of many online publications is merely to attract page views (34)
__________the advertisers on those pages must pay a small fee. In the age of information, finding
the information (35)_________________learning becomes the hardest task of all.
3 A. show B.convey C. display D. carry
31 A. exterior B. natural C. physical D.
23 mental
D. turn
A. come out B. publish C. go out
33 A. although B. so that C. but out D. so
A. pointless B. important C. worthy D. worth
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Clean, Convenient, and Cheap
Big cities like New York and London have a lot of great things. They have museums, parks,
shopping centres, and a huge variety of restaurants. However, there are a lot of annoying things in
big cities. The most common problems are air pollution and noise.
Traffic is the main cause of air pollution and noise. For example, drivers in New York are
famous for honking their horns and shouting. That noise drives many visitors crazy - it even
drives a lot of the locals crazy, too. Other big cities have similar problems with their traffic.
City governments have a lot of pressure to solve these problems. The most common solution
is public transportation. Public transportation is a form of travel provided by the government. For
example, New York’s biggest form of public transportation is the subway.
Public transportation helps reduce these problems, but it is not enough. Another solution is
bicycle sharing. This is a system that provides cheap bicycles. In cities that have bicycle sharing
programmes, there are spots that have parked public bikes. People borrow the bikes and use them.
They can drop off the bike at the same spot where they borrowed it, or they can drop it off at
another spot.
Bicycle sharing programmes are different in each city. In some cities, the bikes are
completely free. They are not even locked. In other cities, you have to pay a small deposit. You
get the deposit back when you return the bike. In still other cities, you need to have a membership
with the bicycle sharing programme. Once you have a membership with the bicycle sharing
programme, you can use a bike at any time you want.
Bicycle sharing is hugely popular all over the world. People love this system because it is
cheap, clean, and easy to use. There are bicycle sharing systems in dozens of countries and
hundreds of cities. In total, there are more than 530 bicycle sharing systems around the world, and
that number is going up all the time.

Trang 5

36. Which statement is true according to the passage?

A. You must drop off the bike only in the spot where you borrowed it.
B. In some cities, people can borrow bikes for free.
C. Bicycle sharing programmes are the same in every city.
D. The bikes in bicycle sharing programmes are usually very expensive.
37. What does the passage say about bicycle sharing?
A. It’s clean, but it’s not convenient. B. It’s getting less popular.
C. It’s getting more popular. D. It’s only popular in New York.
38. All of the following are the advantages of bicycle sharing EXCEPT that
A. it does not pollute the air at all B. it’s a cheap means of transport
C. it is also convenient D. it can be found in any city
39. The phrase “drop off’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. leave B. forget C. leave out D. stop
40. What does the last sentence of paragraph 5 mean?
A. If you don’t have a membership, you can still use a bike.
B. After you have a membership, you can use a bike at any time.
C. If you have a membership, you can use a bike but only during the day.
D. It is very hard to get a membership.
41. Who would probably most be interested in bicycle sharing?
A. A student who stays on a campus and enjoys exercise
B. A person who often travels short distances and enjoys exercise
C. A postman who delivers mail and parcels in the countryside
D. A sportsman who is going to take part in a cycling race
42. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Bicycle sharing B. Public transportation
C. Air pollution in big cities D. Spots for public bikes
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Microtrends: It's a Small World After All
In today’s world, it seems like everyone is focused on “the big picture”. However, coming
up with large-scale solutions is not always what is needed. Sometimes it pays to think small - and
that is exactly what many people are doing these days. By thinking small, lots of big minds have
created some pretty amazing things.
One example of this is microloans. Microloans are tiny loans, in some cases just a few
dollars, which are available to people in developing countries. Although this may not seem like a
lot of money, microloans can help workers to escape poverty and start their own businesses. The
person behind the modem microloan movement is a Bangladeshi man named Muhammad Yunus.
He started the project in the 1970s by offering villagers low-interest loans using his own money.
Yunus wanted to offer poor people access to small loans so they wouldn’t be forced to turn to
gangsters if they needed funds. In 1983, he founded the Grameen Bank and soon after, similar
organizations started popping up around the globe. Although there are still some issues with

Trang 6

microloans, at the very least they offer everyone the potential of becoming an entrepreneur.
For most of the 20th century, companies required large sums of money and plenty of
manpower to compete at the highest levels. In the late 1990s, the Internet changed this and many
microenterprises came about. Microenterprises are smaller companies that employ less than 10
people and only require small sums of money to start. Being small offers lots of flexibility to
these companies as they can react more quickly than corporate giants when a business
opportunity arises. Many technology companies that produce mobile apps and websites fall into
this category. Keep in mind that having a small staff doesn’t mean small profits, as
microenterprises can earn hundreds of millions of dollars per year.
Thinking small can also lead to a tremendous improvement in quality. One example of this is
microbreweries, which are smaller-sized breweries that produce far less beer than traditional
breweries. Since microbreweries don’t have to target large markets and make millions of sales to
stay open, they can monitor the brewing process carefully to make sure everything is perfect. In
addition, microbreweries can experiment with unique flavours that many traditional brewers
would shy away from. So the next time you are asked to “think big”, remember that good things
may also come in small packages.
43. According to the passage, who are microloans supposed to help?
A. Rich people who want to own more businesses
B. Bankers who want to earn money by investing
C. Poor people who want to buy new things for their family
D. Farmers who want to start their own businesses
44. We can infer from paragraph 2 that thanks to microloans from the Grameen Bank, poor
local people can_________.
A. avoid borrowing money with very high interest
B. borrow money without any interest
C. cooperate to open large businesses
D. put gangsters offering big loans into prison
45. The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. gangsters B. people who need loans
C. friends of Yunus D. those who work at banks
46. What could best replace the phrase “popping up” in paragraph 2?
A. complaining B. disappearing C. opening D. discovering
47. The type of businesses which is most interested in microloans may be_________.
A. small companies that employ more than 100 people
B. companies that require plenty of well qualified manpower
C. companies with plenty of business opportunities
D. the software companies producing mobile apps and web sites
48. What advantages do small companies have over larger corporations?
A. They can make faster decisions.
B. They usually have more money.

Trang 7

C. They don’t have to pay any taxes.

D. They have more people working for them.
49. All of the following are true about microloans EXCEPT that_________.
A. they are tiny loans, maybe just a few dollars
B. so many banks offering small loans started appearing all over the world
C. they are often offered to poor local people
D. its original ideas were initiated by a Bangladeshi man named Muhammad Yunus
50. Who would most enjoy the passage?
A. A businessman who enjoys creative business ideas
B. The owner of a very large farm in Bangladesh
C. A banker who wants to learn to make more money
D. Someone who drinks beer from large breweries

Trang 8

1. A 2 D 3 D 4. D ÁN5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. D
11 C . 1 A 1. B 14 C 15. D 16. B 17 C 18 C 19 B 20. A
21 A 2.2 B 23 C . 24 D 25. C 26. B .
27 C 28. A .
29 D 30. C
31 B 2.3 C 3 A . 34 B 35. D 36. B .
37 C 38. D .
39 A 40. B
41 B 2.4 A 43 D . 44 A 45. B 46. C .
47 D 48. A .
49 B 50. A
5. 2.
— common 3 6. . like
— 7. A — to . . .
Notes: ly
A — A join
17. in the extreme = ở mức độ cao nhất, cực kì
23. be titled to do sth = được quyền làm điều gì.
24. trivial = tầm thường; important = quan trọng.
25. unlike = không giống nhau; similar = tương tự; likely = có thể xảy ra; mutualism (n) =
thuyết hỗ sinh
28. surprise (v) = gây ngạc nhiên; be taken aback = bị sốc/sửng sốt (mang nghĩa phủ định)
31. convey (v) = chuyên, truyên đạt
32. physical (a) = (thuộc) vật chất
33. come out (ph. v) = được xuất bản; go out (ph. v) = rời khỏi; turn something out = sản xuất
35. worth doing something = đáng, bõ công để làm cái gì; worthy of doing something = đáng
làm cái gì

Trang 9

ĐỀ 33
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. damage B. area C. contaminate D. natural
2. A. impact B. focus C. pesticide D. practical
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. doctorate B. dynasty C. breathtaking D. acknowledge
4. A. ecological B. environmental C. archaeological D. analytical
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. He told me that he had never been in that restaurant before.
6. The number of students attending the seminar are smaller than registration numbers.
7. The economy is heavy dependent on industry, and economic growth has always been of
greater concern than environmental preservation.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. John went to the post office to ask about his package but they kept saying that it___________
A. doesn’t arrive B. hadn’t arrived C. is arriving D. was on the way
9. After he left_________University of Massachusetts, he went to_____________Indiana State
A. the - 0 B. the-the C. 0 -the D. 0 - 0
10. New York City’s Central Park is nearly twice as large__________second smallest country,
A. as B. is the C. as is D. as the
11. “If it________a trouble, I’d love to have a cup of coffee.”
A. hadn't been B. isn’t C. wasn’t D. weren’t
12. Even________I worked at night, I won’t finish.
A. although B. if C. so D. when
13. I asked the new friend what________.
A. languages was spoken by her B. she could speak languages
C. languages were spoken by her D. languages she could speak
14. Even if residents in the area have shown strong_______________to the project, the city
government may not be hesitant to proceed with it.


A. resisting B. resistant C. resisted D. resistance

15. The carefully nurtured gardens with a wide_________of flowers and fruit trees have added
elegance to this place and made it a major tourist attraction.
A. variety B. amount C. species D. number
16. From the________expression on his mother’s face, Bob realized that he wouldn’t be able
to persuade her.
A. tall B. firm C. weak D. hasty
17. He continues drinking despite advice________the contrary.
A. on B. to C. about D. for
18. After you have________the costume you like best, it’ll take a week to get it done.
A. kept away B. turned down C. picked out D. put off
19. Julie was very upset because her job application was_________twice.
A. turned off B. turned on C. turned down D. turned out
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “I think listening to music while learning is good.” “_________”
A. Sorry, but I’m not in agreement with you.
B. I’m sorry I couldn’t agree more.
C. Me neither.
D. I don’t agree. You can say that again.
21. “You have done a really good job.” “________”
A. Thanks. How nice of you to say so.
B. Thank you. You really deserve it.
C. Thanks. I’m proud of you.
D. Thank you. It’s going to be all right.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Paid employment has undoubtedly brought economic and social gains to many women.
A. independently B. hardly C. freely D. certainly
23. The repeated commercials on TV distract many viewers from watching their favourite films.
A. businesses B. advertisements C. economics D. contests
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. I can’t stand people who treat animals cruelly.
A. cleverly B. gently C. reasonably D. brutally
25. If you are at a loose end this weekend, I will show you round_________the city.
A. free B. confident C. occupied D. reluctant
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.

Trang 2

A. He has not had his eyes tested for ten months.

B. He had tested his eyes ten months before.
C. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then.
D. He didn’t have any tests on his eyes in ten months.
27. He survived the operation thanks to skillful surgery.
A. He survived the operation because he was a skillful surgeon.
B. There was no skillful surgery, so he died because of the operation.
C. Without skillful surgery, he wouldn't have survived the operation.
D. In spite of the skillful surgery, he didn't survive the operation.
28. The police caught the burglar climbing over the garden wall.
A. The police caught the burglar when they climbed over the garden wall.
B. The police were catching the burglar who was climbing over the garden wall.
C. The burglar who was climbing over the garden wall was caught by the police.
D. The police caught the burglar who is climbing over the garden wall.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. Not once in my life________!
A. I have stayed in such a good hotel
B. did I ever stay in such a good hotel
C. have I stayed in so good a hotel
D. stayed I in so good a hotel
30. _______, we tried our best to complete it.
A. Thanks to the difficult homework
B. Despite the homework was difficult
C. Difficult as the homework was
D. As though the homework was difficult
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Going Inside Black Holes
One of the strangest phenomena in the universe is the black hole. For years, scientists have
studied black holes (31)____________to better understand how they function. Like vacuum
cleaners, black holes will suck up anything that crosses their path. The incredible sucking power
that black holes generate comes from gravity. They can quickly swallow up anything including
planets, space debris, and anything else (32)___________________. Even light cannot escape the
(33) ___________ of black holes. Since they are able to pull in light, black holes are nearly
impossible to see even with high-powered telescopes. (34)_____________, scientists are able to
detect the presence of black holes in space because of their effect on an observed area.
Black holes can originate in a few ways. One type of black holes occurs when a star comes to
the end of its lifecycle and it dies in a supernova explosion. They can also occur when the mass of
a neutron star becomes so (35)_____________that it collapses in on itself. Black holes may also

Trang 3

occur when several large and dense stars collide with one another in space.
3 A. in attempt B. with attempt C. in an attempt D. with an
31 A. imagining B. imaginable C. imaginary attempt
D. imaginative
23 A. grasp B. achievement C. catch D. opportunity
33 A. Moreover B. In fact C. Therefore D. However
A. mass B. extreme C. great D. greatly
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
In 1826, a man named Joseph Nicephore Niepce went to the upstairs window of his home in
France. He used a new invention called a camera to take the world’s first photograph of nature.
Niepce’s photograph shows us the view from his window. However, it is very difficult to know
that when you look at the picture. The image is not very clear at all. That doesn’t matter. On that
day, Niepce changed the world forever.
Photography first became very popular in the 1850s and 1860s. People liked it because it
showed more details than other kinds of art. A painting or a statue might be more beautiful than a
photograph, but a photograph can tell you a much clearer story.
Many people believe that colour photographs didn’t exist until the 1920s, but that’s not true.
The first colour photograph was taken in 1855. It shows a colourful ribbon. Before the 1920s,
people didn’t often use colour photography because it was very complicated and expensive. Even
after colour photography became easier and cheaper, many people still preferred black and white
pictures. They felt that black and white had a more “classic photo” feeling. In the 1940s, colour
photography finally replaced black and white.
When we think of the history of photography, it is amazing to think of how easy it is to take
pictures today. Many years ago, only professionals had cameras. These days, just about
everybody has one. One of the biggest reasons for this change is the popularity of smartphones.
Almost every modem smartphones. Almost every modem smartphone has a camera. These
smartphone cameras are very easy to use and they also take very clear pictures. Most of them
have a video function.
One thing that hasn’t changed is the importance of photography. These days, a picture can
still create all kinds of feelings and emotions inside of us. There is a saying, “A picture is worth a
thousand words.”
36. What is NOT true about Joseph Nicephore Niepce?
A. He was from France.
B. He took the first picture of nature.
C. His picture showed the view from his window.
D. His picture was very clear.
37. What happened in the 1940s?
A. Colour photography became more popular than black and white photography.
B. People started to use smartphones.
C. Black and white photography became easier and cheaper.

Trang 4

D. Black and white photography became much more popular than colour photography.
38. What does the passage NOT say about smartphones?
A. Many of them have a video function.
B. They are easy to use.
C. They don’t take very good pictures.
D. They take very clear pictures.
39. All of the following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT that_________.
A. a photograph offers us more details than a painting
B. black and white photos were sometimes considered more impressive
C. smartphones have made a big change in photography
D. photography earns more popularity thanks to video function
40. The word “story” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. photography B. content C. other kinds of art D. novel
41. Which of the following does NOT change over the time?
A. The importance of photography B. The types of photos
C. The cameras to take photos D. The smartphones
42. The saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” in paragraph 5 means that
A. painting a picture take more time than writing a thousand words
B. taking a picture is more difficult than writing a thousand words
C. a picture and a one-thousand-word story give us the same money
D. a single picture can tell us more than a one-thousand-word story
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Obesity: Shrinking the World's Waistline
For most of human history, the majority of the world’s population struggled to get enough
food. Although starvation is also a big issue in some countries, many nations are now facing the
opposite problem - people are consuming too much food. In the past few decades, obesity has
become a global concern that physicians around the globe are trying to deal with.
Obesity occurs when a person becomes so overweight that their extra weight starts to
endanger their health. Many experts believe that the rise of obesity is closely linked to the rise of
cheap, high-calorie foods that bring little health benefits. These foods often contain lots of salt,
sugar, and fat. But this is not the only reason that people are getting heavier. In addition to poor
food choices, people are burning fewer calories because their lives have become lazier and they
don’t get enough exercise.
There is no denying that the statics are alarming. Since 1980, the world’s obesity rate has
almost doubled. Furthermore, the number of obese people is roughly about equal to the number of
people who are underweight. This increasing obesity rate has led to skyrocketing health care costs
in several countries. Obesity has been shown to increase the risks of several deadly diseases. This
includes heart disease, some forms of cancer, and diabetes.
Dealing with obesity has proven to be more difficult than originally anticipated. This is
because there are many factors which contribute to people becoming obese. First, if you walk

Trang 5

through any supermarket, you will find many more processed foods than fresh ones like fruits and
vegetables. Although these processed foods are void of nutrition, they are much cheaper and
easier to prepare than fresh foods. Corporate marketing campaigns make things worse, as
companies that sell junk foods will spend millions of dollars to convince consumers to buy their
foods without mentioning that they are unhealthy.
Some people are fighting back obesity though, including the former US First Lady Michelle
Obama. She has started an organization called Let's Move that specifically targets childhood
obesity. The organization believes in educating students, parents, and educators about how to
prepare healthy foods and showing them fun ways to get exercise. Let's Move also works closely
with schools to ensure that nutritious and affordable meals are provided in schools, so the process
of staying in shape won’t be difficult. Although we are a long way from defeating the obesity
problem, programmes like this one are a good start.
Note (be) void of sth = completely lacking sth
43. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Some different programmes started by Michelle Obama.
B. The types of foods people should eat to get skinny.
C. Jobs that are making people’s lives more difficult.
D. A health issue facing many nations around the globe.
44. According to the passage, what is true about starvation?
A. It is no longer a problem in any countries.
B. It affects as many people in the world as obesity.
C. It continues to get worse every year.
D. It has recently become a much bigger problem than obesity.
45. Why are countries having so many problems dealing with obesity?
A. No one wants to admit that it is really a problem.
B. There are many reasons why people are getting obese.
C. People in most nations really want to be become obese.
D. No one knows any statistics about obesity around the world.
46. All of the following are the reasons for obesity EXCEPT that_________.
A. a variety of junk foods looks very attractive
B. processed foods are much cheaper and easier to prepare than traditional foods
C. companies spend millions of dollars to make processed foods more nutritious
D. people are not exercising enough to consume the extra calories
47. What could replace the word “skyrocketing” in paragraph 3?
A. declining B. equal
C. increasing D. unfair
48. What is the main goal of Let's Move?
A. To stop children from getting too fat
B. To give students more delicious foods
C. To raise money for US President Obama

Trang 6

D. To make school cafeterias cleaner than ever

49. We can infer from the last paragraph that Let’s Move_________.
A. has worked closely with schools to provide cheap foods to their students
B. has carried out the programmes to make people aware of the obesity problem and the
need of a healthy lifestyle
C. has contributed to the reputation of the former US President Obama and former First
Lady Michelle
D. has offered students funny ways to entertain to avoid obesity
50. How does the author seem to feel about the problem of obesity?
A. It won’t be disappearing anytime soon.
B. It isn’t as bad as most people say it is.
C. If all nations cooperate, it can be eliminated right away.
D. Getting more exercise is the only way to solve it.

Trang 7

1 .B 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 CÁN 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. D
1 .B .
12 B . 1 D 1. D 1. A 16. B 17 A 18 C 19 C 20. A
21 . A .
22 D 3. 2 B 24. B 25. C 26. A .27 C 28. C .
29 C 30. C
31 . C .
32 B 3. 3 A 34. D 35. C 36. D 37. A 38. C .
39 D 40. B
41 . A .
42 D 3. 4 D 44. B 45. B 46. C 47. C 48. A .
49 B 50. A
51 C to . 3. B is
6. 4. 7 A 5.
heavil . . .
Notes: . y
17. on the contrary = ngược lại
18. pick out = chọn ra; turn down = bác bỏ; keep away = cắt đi; put off = cởi ra, hoãn lại.
24. cruelly = một cách độc ác; gently = nhẹ nhàng, dịu dàng.
25. be at a loose end = nhàn rỗi; occupied = bận rộn.
31. in an attempt to do sth = cố gắng làm cái gì
32. imaginable = có thể tưởng tượng được; imaginary = hư cấu; imaginative = giàu tưởng
33. grasp (n) = sự túm lấy; catch (n) = lượng cá đánh bat; achievement (n) = thành tựu;
opportunity (n) = cơ hội
35. great (a) = lớn, to lớn; extreme (a) = vô cùng, cực độ; mass (n) = số đông; mass (a) = đại
chúng; greatly (adv) = rất, lắm

Trang 8

ĐỀ 34
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. deplete B. device C. exotic D. challenge
2. A. biodiversity B. biogas C. biology D. biosphere
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. pessimistic B. optimistic C. overcrowded D. innovative
4. A. residential B. environment C. insoluble D. enjoyable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Today, successful farmers are experts not only in agriculture, but also in market, finance,
and accounting.
6. If you record people spoke a disappearing language, you can keep important information
about both the language and its speakers.
7. Buying clothes are often a very time-consuming practice because those clothes
that a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. Peter left half an hour ago. He_________for you for a long time then.
A. was waiting B. has been waiting
C. will be waiting D. had been waiting
9. I think everyone wants to make friends with John. He is_________honest person.
A. a B. an C. the D. 0
10. Don’t be too hard on him, he’s doing the job________.
A. he can as best B. as he can best
C. as best as he can D. best as he can
11. I ran all the way to the station, but when I got there I realized that_________because all the
trains were delayed.
A. I didn’t need to hurry B. I needn’t have hurried
C. I didn’t have to hurry D. I might have hurried
12. ___ ____in the first draft of the document will not necessary be in the final draft.
A. Although it appears B. It appears


C. What appears D. Despite its appearance

13. _______they do not have much experience, their applications have been approved.
A. Because B. So that C. Although D. As soon as
14. The unexpected operating complexity was more serious than _________ anticipated.
A. origin B. original C. originally D. originated
15. Many plant and animal species are now on the_________of extinction.
A. danger B. border C. verge D. margin
16. Many parts of the old palace were destroyed in the fire but most of its valuables
A.ruined B. similar C. untouched D. same
17. There's no________ ___in going to school if you're not willing to learn.
A. reason B. point C. aim D. purpose
18. Her brother was offered the manager's job, but he____________. He said he didn't want the
A. turned it off B. threw it away C. turned it down D. put it off
19. When she heard the bad news, she broke____ _______and cried.
A. up B. into C. down D. in
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “I 've finished all the assignments for this week.” “_________”
A. Good job. B. Be confident. C. Good luck. D. Be strong.
21. “Zoology is one of the most interesting subjects.” “________”
A. I don't think you're right. It's so boring.
B. I couldn't agree more. It's so boring.
C. No. It's very exciting.
D. I'm afraid I'm not with you. It's very interesting.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking.
A. help B. prepared C. be busy D. attempt
23. What may happen if John does not arrive in time?
A. turn up B. count on C. keep away D. go along
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. Charles W. Eliot, the president of Harvard in 1869, initiated a system under which most
required courses were dropped in favor of elective courses.
A. initial B. compulsory C. optional D. necessary
25. Harry displays enthusiasm whenever he is posed with a problem.
A. eagerness B. weakness C. indifference D. softness
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in

Trang 8

meaning to each of the following questions.

26. Tim is likely to fail if he takes the exam without studying.
A. Tim will fail if he takes the exam without studying.
B. It’s probable that Tim will fail the exam if he doesn’t study.
C. It’s certain that Tim will pass the exam if he studies.
D. It’s certain that Tim will fail because he doesn’t study.
27. They bought a gift that was very expensive for their son.
A. Their son bought an expensive gift for his birthday.
B. They gave their son a gift that was very expensive.
C. The gift was so expensive that they did not buy it for their son.
D. Although the gift was inexpensive, they did not buy it.
28. “If I were you, I would take the job,” said my roommate.
A. My roommate introduced the idea of taking the job to me.
B. My roommate was thinking about taking the job.
C. My roommate advised me to take the job.
D. My roommate insisted on taking the job for me.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. Doctors advise________.
A. eating a lot of vegetables and doing regular exercise
B. that we to ear a lot of vegetables and to do regular exercise
C. to eat a lot of vegetables and to do regular exercise
D. we would eat a lot of vegetables and do regular exercise
30. This is Mr. Brown,________.
A. his son won the first prize in the talent show last week
B. whom his son won the first prize in the talent show last week
C. in the talent show last week whose son won the first prize
D. whose son won the first prize in the talent show last week
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Mission to Mars
The topic of space exploration reached a (31)_____________during the 1960s, as Soviets and
Americans competed for dominance. After the Soviets put the first man in space and Americans
landed the first men on the moon, many people lost interest as nothing else could compare to
these groundbreaking accomplishments. (32)___________recently, a robotic rover on a mission
to Mars has generated massive interest from the public. Curiosity is a robotic car-sized rover that
is part of NASA’s long-term plan to learn more about the terrain and conditions on the Red
Planet. One of its main goals was to (33)____________whether or not it was possible for life to
develop on Mars. (34)__________mechanical arms, Curiosity can gather soil and rock samples
from the ground and analyze them to find out their chemical composition. Since transporting

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around Mars was vital to the success of the mission, a lot of effort was (35)______________into
Curiosity’s transportation abilities. Mars’s terrain isn’t smooth, so designers enabled Curiosity
to roll over bumpy areas.
31. A. main part B. high point C. top brass D. topmost
32. A. Even now B. More C. Yet pointD. Despite

33. A. struggle B. control C. decide D. determine

34. A. Using B. When used C. Powering D. When
35. A.spent B. taken C. put D. placed
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Culture and Nature
If you ever get the chance to visit Japan in the spring, be sure to attend a cherry blossom
festival. This is an annual event that happens all over the country.
Cherry blossoms are a very important part of traditional Japanese culture. One old Japanese
custom is something called “hanami”. This means having picnics under cherry blossom trees.
People started doing this about 1,200 years ago. At first, only powerful members of the Japanese
government had the picnics. Later on samurai joined the custom, and finally common people
started to do it as well.
Cherry blossoms are an important symbol in Japan. People see the blossoms as being similar
to life. The blossoms bloom in the spring and they are very beautiful, but only for a short time.
After that, the blossoms die. This is similar to the lives of people.
Today there are still cherry blossom festivals all over Japan. Some people prefer to just walk
through the parks and look at the trees, but the most popular activity is still having picnics under
the trees. There is one problem that comes with attending a cherry blossom festival: the crowds.
Because this is such a popular event, huge numbers of people come to the spots that have cherry
blossoms. However, the trees are so beautiful that when you are there, the crowds might not seem
so bad.
When most people think of cherry blossoms, they think of Japan. However, Japan is not the
only country that has these beautiful trees. Brazil has many Japanese immigrants. Years ago,
many of those immigrants planted cherry trees there. Those trees are still there today. Korea also
has many cherry trees because when Japan ruled Korea, Japanese people planted the trees there.
Other countries have cherry trees, usually because Japan gave them as presents.
Cherry blossoms are a traditional part of Japanese culture, but people still love them today.
Everyone should try to see them at least once. It is a chance to learn about traditional Japanese
culture and enjoy some beautiful scenery at the same time.
36. What does the word “hanami” in paragraph 2 mean?
A. Having a picnic under a cherry tree
B. Planting cherry trees
C. Cutting down cherry trees
D. Walking around and looking at cherry trees
37. Who were the last people to do "haiiami"?

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A. Powerful people in the government B. Samurai

C. Common people D. Not mentioned
38. All of the following are true about the cherry blossom festival EXCEPT that
A. it dated back a long time ago
B. cherry blossoms bear the similarity to human nature
C. it is a symbol of the traditional Japanese culture
D. during the festival we can enjoy both cultural activities and natural beauty
39. What does the last sentence of the fourth paragraph mean?
A. The crowds at the festival will make you crazy.
B. The crowds at the festival are really not bad.
C. You will enjoy the festival, but you should try to avoid the crowd.
D. The crowds are too big, but you won’t care because the trees are beautiful.
40. All of the following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT that_________.
A. the cherry blossom festival is not as popular as it used to be
B. samurai is the higher social class than common people
C. the cherry blossom festival offers a beautiful sight to the public
D. you will have an unforgettable experience at the festival
41. According to the passage, how do most other countries get cherry trees?
A. They grow in those countries naturally.
B. Japan gives them as presents.
C. Japanese immigrants grow them.
D. The countries buy them from Japan.
42. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A. Cherry trees are only found in Japan.
B. Cherry trees were planted in Korea because Korean people loved them.
C. Cherry trees can be used by Japan as a way to promote relationship with other countries.
D. Huge numbers of people coming to the cherry blossom festival have made it less
popular recently.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50
Strengthening Your Core
If there is one indication that someone is fit, it is a tight and lean stomach. Men and women
alike hope that eating right and putting in hard work at the gym will earn them a perfect six-patch.
Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. The rising popularity of fast food has led to an increase of
obesity rates and waistlines around the globe. If someone is out of shape, you will notice the extra
weight around their midsection. In both cases, a person’s core muscles seem to tell a lot about
their fitness and eating habits.
Many people associate the core with just the stomach area, but science actually defines it as
our body without arms and legs. Although many people want a solid core to look good, the
development of these muscles affects many areas of our lives. In athletics and general life for that

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matter, we all rely on our core muscles heavily to get things done. Studies have shown that
athletes who build a powerful core foundation aren’t injured as much. Meanwhile, the benefits of
your average Joe may be even greater. Ordinary people use their core muscles for nearly every
task they do. This includes picking things up, sitting in a chair, or tying your shoes. Our core
muscles provide stability, so we can keep our balance and easily move in any direction. If we
neglect them, life can become much more difficult.
As a result, we should always consider our core muscles when designing our workouts.
However, if you have been sedentary for years, performing thousands of repetitions will
probably get you injured. Instead, start off slowly and gradually build up your numbers. An
excellent exercise for both beginners and advanced exercisers is the plank. You simply get in an
extended pushup position as if you have just finished a rep. Maintain this position, but place the
weight on your forearms instead of your hands. Then, hold the position as long as you can. You
should feel your core muscles working hard to help your hands and support the weight of your
body. In the beginning, you may only be able to hold it for a few seconds, but keep at it. The
Guinness World Record for abdominal planking is three hours ad seven minutes.
43. What does the passage suggest about looking at a person’s stomach muscles?
A. It is quite rude to do this.
B. It doesn’t really tell you anything.
C. It gives you an idea of their overall health.
D. It tells you a lot about their personality.
44. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A. When people should start exercising their core
B. Why people should exercise their core
C. How people’s core muscles get weaker
D. What exercises help build a stronger core
45. What is a person’s core?
A. The types of food that are in their stomachs
B. The strength a person has in their arms
C. The whole body minus legs and arms
D. Only the stomach muscles
46. The word “Joe” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. a Mr. Joe B. a physical instructor
C. a typical ordinary person D. a set of shape indication
47. What would replace the word “sedentary” in the last paragraph?
A. depressed B. powerful C. motivated D. inactive
48. What benefits does having strong core muscles offer to athletes?
A. It reduces the amount of exercises they do.
B. It stops them from getting stomachache.
C. It helps them remember things.
D. It keeps them from getting hurt.

Trang 8

49. Which of the following is NOT true about the plank?

A. Beginners should do it for long periods.
B. It can be done almost anywhere.
C. It helps to strengthen stomach muscles.
D. Someone held it once for several hours.
50. All of the following are good tips to strengthen our core muscles EXCEPT that .
A. getting your core muscles to support the weight of your body
B. getting out of sedentary work and trying some exercise
C. working hard to build up your numbers of pushing quickly
D. holding the extended pushing position as long as you can

Trang 8

1. A 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 C 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D
11 B . 1 C 1. C . 1 C 1. C 16. C 17 B 18 C 19. C 20. A
21 A 2.2 A 23 A 4.2 C 25. C 26. B 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. D
31 B 2.3 C 3 D 4.3 A 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. B 39. D 40. A
41 B 2.4 C 43 C 4.4 B 45. C 46. C 47. D 48. D 49. A 50. C
5. 2.
— marketi 3 6. 4. speaking
— 5. 7. A — is . .
Notes: ng
C — A
6. record sb doing sth = ghi lại/ghi âm ai đó làm gì.
16. untouched = không động đến, còn nguyên; to ruin = làm hỏng, tàn phá
17. no point (in doing sth) = chẳng ích gì
19. break down = kiệt sức, suy sụp
24. required = bắt buộc; optional = nhiệm ý, không bắt buộc
25. enthusiasm = sự hăng hái; indifference = sự dửng dưng, sự vô tâm.
31. high point = giai đoạn cao điểm; main part = nhiệm vụ chính; top brass = viên chức cao
cap; topmost point = cực điểm

Trang 8

ĐỀ 35
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. understand B. culture C. public D. scuba-diving
2. A. reserve B. conserve C. preserve D. desert
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. capture B. picture C. ensure D. pleasure
4. A. eliminate B. investigate C. communicate D. manufacture
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Because they had spent too many time considering the new contract, the Browns
lost the opportunity to lease the apartment.
6. The next important question we have to decide is when do we have to hand in the proposal.
7. George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t neither.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. By the time I return to my country, I_________away from home for more than three years.
A. will be B. will have been C. has been D. was
9. My brother is well________with the problems encountered in starting a business.
A. aware B. informed C. acquainted D. knowledgeable
10. The relative size of an insect’s wing is much greater than__________.
A. that of a bird’s wing B. of a bird’s wing
C. that wing of a bird D. a wing of a bird is
11. The temperature inversions often occur when_________in the late afternoon.
A. the earth’s surface is cooled B. the earth’s surface is cooling
C. the surface of Earth cooled D. cooling the earth’s surface
12. The best way of writing a composition in a foreign language is to try and write___________
thinking in your own language.
A. expect B. unless C. apart from D. without
13. One purpose_____ _____to make up for money spent in building roads in the
A. of the law which was B. of the law
C. the law D. of the law was
14. The more we spent with the sales team, the more_________we were with their innovative
marketing skills.
A. impression B. impress C. impresses D. impressed


15. From the hotel there is a good_________of the mountains.

A. vision B. view C. sight D. picture.
16. I don’t like the song because its rhythm is too_________to me.
A. big B. large C. strong D. healthy
17. The policeman lost his temper. He__________.
A. got nervous B. was in a bad mood
C. lost his nerve D. was in bad humour
18. We can’t just________up at the party without an invitation.
A. turn B. go C. arrive D. reach
19. Sam liked making________stories to tell to his children.
A. off B. up C. for D. out
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “I think swimming helps us exercise all our muscles.” “_________”
A. Yes, Swimming does, too. B. Right. I’m not with you.
C. There’s no doubt about it. D. But I do.
21. “What if I fail the exam tomorrow?” “_________”
A. It’s OK. Thanks. B. Be confident.
C. Not at all. You can make it. D. You can do it. Thanks anyway.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. You should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying and make a real effort to answer
all the questions.
A. look at B. listen to
C. try your best D. focus your attention
23. Show enthusiasm or keenness when the job is explained to you.
A. interest B. reluctance C. unwillingness D. responsibility
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. There is no excuse for your discourtesy. Think twice before you are going to say anything.
A. bravery B. impoliteness
C. politeness D. stubbornness
25. Hardly anyone showed up the party last night due to the heavy rain.
A. Almost everyone B. Practically no one
C. Hardly ever D. Nearly no one
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. As a very successful salesman, Mr. Smith often has more customers than he can handle.
A. Mr. Smith's customers cannot handle him successfully.
B. Mr. Smith finds it difficult to handle his customers.

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C. Mr. Smith is a successful salesman of handles to many customers.

D. Mr. Smith sometimes has too many customers to take care of.
27. I found it difficult to communicate in English.
A. 1 had no difficulty communicating in English.
B. 1 didn’t like to communicate in English.
C. I was not used to communicating in English.
D. I preferred communicating in English.
28. “You should have finished the report by now,” John told his secretary.
A. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time.
B. John approached his secretary for not having finished the report.
C. John said that his secretary had not finished the report on time.
D. John scolded his secretary for not having finished the report.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. I am glad to know that________.
A. I’d do what you’d forgiven me
B. I’ve done what you’ve forgiven me
C. you’ve forgiven me for what I’ve done
D. you’d forgiven me for what I’d done
30. I can understand your English________.
A. if you have made the grammar mistakes
B. however much grammar mistakes you have made
C. despite you have made the grammar mistakes
D. in spite of the grammar mistakes you’ve made
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Sounds from the Past
Much of the music we listen to today is a mixture of styles from various countries and time
periods. A lot of music has (31)___________in older traditional songs heard in many different
countries around the world. Traditional, (32)___________, music is collected over decades, if not
centuries. Younger generations learn these songs from their elders through practice and repetition.
Since music can tell us a lot about different cultures (33)___________its lyrics, melodies, and
the instrument used, researchers and music fans see it as an essential part of history. They fear
that traditional and older types of music are slowly disappearing, partly because they are less
likely to be written down or recorded, or because the format in which they are recorded is no
longer (34)__________. Also, younger generations may not find such music very appealing, so
once older generations pass away, the music may die (35)_____________them. Whole genres of
music may go extinct.
31. A. parts B. causes C. root D. roots
32. A. or folk B. and folk C. or folks D. and folks

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33. A. about B. for C. through D. with

34. A. to use B. in use C. in using D. for
35. A. down with B. down to C. out with use D. out
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
India's Classical Jewel
If you are looking for a refreshing break from the standard pop songs on the radio and you
have an open mind, give Indian classical music a try. It dates back to thousands of years to when
the Vedas, India’s sacred holy texts were written. This makes it one of the oldest unbroken
musical traditions in the world. In fact, the music itself is closely linked to Hinduism. The songs
and chants were originally parts of devotional rituals performed to please the gods.
The music features several instruments that are uniquely Indian, but two in particular are
featured prominently. The first is the sitar, a stringed instrument with an extremely long neck.
The sitar is a far more complex instrument than the guitar, as it can have as many as 20 strings.
When played, it lets off a buzzing vibration that has a relaxing effect on listeners. The other
instrument which is essential for classical Indian music is the tabla. Tablas are a special kind of
hand drum that provides the tempo and rhythm. Tabla players sit on the floor and keep the drum
in place by locking it between their knees. Unlike Western drummers, tabla players use their
hands and fingers to play the instrument. The player’s fingers keep the beat, while a sudden flick
of the wrist and a slide of the palm can change the pitch of the drum.
Instead of songs, classical Indian music revolves around the concept of ragas, which are
more accurately defined as musical themes. Players take these ideas and begin to improvise their
own melodies around them. Ragas tend to be a bit longer than typical songs, and in some cases
they can go for several hours. Each raga is expected to have a wide range of tempos to help
viewers experience different emotions during the performance.
One of the most influential classical Indian musicians was a sitar player named Ravi Shankar.
After training for years to master his craft, he travelled to the US and Europe during the 1950s to
perform for Western audiences. He would eventually become close friends with Beatles’ guitarist
George Harrison, and his music would influence several of the band’s songs. Although he passed
away in 2012, his music continues to inspire both Eastern and Western musicians alike.
36. What is true about Indian classical music?
A. It is a very ancient art form.
B. Its songs are usually shorter than pop songs.
C. It can only be performed in Indian temples.
D. It uses the same instruments as Western music.
37. According to the passage, how does the sitar compare to the guitar?
A. Sitars use more electricity.
B. The guitar has lots of extra strings.
C. The sitar is much harder to master.
D. There is really no difference between them.

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38. Which of the following best matches the definition of the word ‘“flick” in paragraph 2?
A. Breaking in half B. Turning in circles
C. Tapping quickly D. Pounding slowly
39. The word “them” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. musicians B. tablas C. musical themes D. songs
40. Why does the speed of the music change during ragas?
A. To show the song is ending B. To change people’s moods
C. To help musicians share the stage D. To pay tribute to the gods
41. What is the last paragraph about?
A. The early years of Indian music
B. The career of a famous pop band
C. A story about a politician from India
D. A legendary Indian musician
42. Who would probably enjoy classical Indian music the most?
A. Someone who likes relaxing and complex songs
B. Someone who likes music that they can dance to
C. Someone who likes songs that are short and catchy
D. Someone who likes music with lots of lyrics
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Moving Your Mind for Maximum Fitness
When people design a new workout programme, they often target their chest, stomach, and
leg muscles, hoping to sculpt the perfect physique. However, they often neglect the most
important part of the body: the brain. Our brains grow stronger when we exercise them and
weaker when neglected. To assist in keeping our minds sharp, several websites and apps offer
brain games to help us get our mental workouts accomplished in a very short time.
As we age, our vocabulary continues to expand and we become better at creative plans.
However, by the time we enter our 20s, our prefrontal cortex starts to shrink. Although part of the
reason for our decline is physical, there is evidence that targeted exercises can halt or even
reserve cognitive damage. Throughout our lives we maintain the ability to create new neurons
whenever we learn something new, like a foreign language or a new sport. By repeating these
activities we create new pathways and connections between neurons that keep our minds
functioning at an optimal level. This is what brain fitness exercises aim to accomplish.
These digital exercises are broken into different categories. The first is memory exercises.
These programmes display information to users and then quiz us to see how much we can recall.
The second type is attention exercises. These games get users to focus on multiple tasks at once,
dividing their attention. Although trying to concentrate on several things at once during work is
not recommended, doing it in a game environment can help to strengthen our focus in the long
term. Speed exercises, on the other hand, are designed to keep our minds agile. In addition to
these major categories, there are other games that focus on specific situations like remembering

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names and faces, or calculating directions.

Although many users rave about positive effects of these games, there are other hacks we
can use to strengthen our brains. One is napping. Studies have shown that people who nap in the
afternoon fared much better at mental tasks than those who didn’t. A little caffeine can also make
your mind sharper, as long as
you don’t overdo it. Finally, getting some physical exercise also tends to improve the clarity of
our thinking. In other words, maybe the Roman poet Juvenal was on to something when he wrote
“A sound mind in a healthy body”.
Note: rave (v) = praise sth very much
43. What happens when we don’t exercise our brains?
A. It doesn’t work well. B. It grows much bigger in size.
C. It causes lots of health problems. D. It keeps functioning well.
44. What function of our brain improves as we get older?
A. We can remember more things. B. We are better at making plans.
C. We think much quicker. D. Nothing improves at all.
45. All of the following are true about our brains EXCEPT that_________.
A. there are several web sites and apps to help us get our mental workout
B. the number of neurons remains the same throughout our lives
C. our brains become stronger when we are more mentally active
D. connections and pathways between neurons play an important role in the functions of
our brains
46. What could replace the word “optimal” in paragraph 2?
A. excellent B. unacceptable C. debatable D. decent
47. What is the meaning of the word “it” in paragraph 3?
A. Doing memory exercises B. Keeping your mind empty
C. Concentrating on many things D. Focusing on one thing
48. Which of the following statements is NOT true about our brains and brain games?
A. We should concentrate on several things at once during our lives to strengthen our focus.
B. These brain games don’t take us much time to carry out.
C. The brain games can help us improve our memory and keep our minds active.
D. There are some brain games for specific purposes.
49. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. There are some brain games to treat mental diseases.
B. Our brains will work very well during a nap.
C. We don’t need brain games when we are playing a new sport.
D. There is a close relationship between physical and mental health.
50. According to the passage, which of the following statements about coffee is true?
A. It is not very good for your brain.
B. You should drink as much of it as possible.
C. A few cups of it could help your brain.

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D. Its effect on the brain were never tested.

Trang 2

1. D 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 BÁN 6 C 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
1 A . 1 D 1. D . 1 D 1. .
B 16. C 17 B 18 A 19. B 20. C
21. B 2.2 D 23 A 4.2 C 25. A 26. D .
27 C .
28 D 29. C 30. D
31. D 2.3 A 3 C 4.3 B 35. C 36. A .
37 C .
38 D 39. C 40. B
41. D 2.4 A 43 A 4.4 B 45. B 46. A .
47 C .
48 A 49. D 50. C
5. 2.
— too 3 6. —4. we have5. 7. D . hasn’t .
17. be in bad mood = ở tâm trạng không vui; lose one's temper = mất bình tĩnh
24. discourtesy/ impoliteness (n) = sự bat lịch sự; politeness (n) = sự lịch sự; stubbornness (n) =
tính bướng bỉnh
31. roots (n) = cội nguồn
32. folk (a) = thuộc về dân ca; folks (n) = họ hàng, thân thuộc
33. (be) in use = đang được sử dụng
35. die out = biến mất; die down = (âm thanh) nhỏ dần đi

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ĐỀ 36
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. effect B. depletion C. deforestation D. preserve
2. A. fossil B. session C. discuss D. progress
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. generate B. understand C. innovate D. maximize
4. A. infrastructure B. sustainable C. inhabitant D. renewable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. John decided to buy in the morning a new car, but in the afternoon he changed his mind.
6. Some of the plants in this store require very little care, but this one needs much more
sunlight than the others.
7. After George had returned to his house, he was reading a book.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. All the food_________sold by the time we arrived at the restaurant.
A. has been B. was C. was being D. had been
9. Even though he was bored__________doing the same thing every day, he was nervous
________making a change.
A. about - at B. with - for C. in - about D. with - about
10. Ann works_________than most of her friends.
A. much harder B. a lot more hardly C. more hardly D. more harder
11. ___ ____at his lessons, he couldn’t catch up with his classmates.
A. Hardly as he worked B. Hard as he worked
C. hard as he does D. Hard as he was
12. ___ ____we are under a tight deadline on product delivery, we will have to ask for
assistance from other departments.
A. Moreover B. Because C. Therefore D. Nevertheless
13. Scientists are now beginning to conduct experiments on__________trigger different sorts of
health risks.
A. noise pollution can B. that noise pollution
C. how noise pollution D. how noise pollution can
14. Applicants must possess a master of business administration or experience in a related field.


A. compare B. compared C. comparable D. comparing

15. If you want to put up a tent, you will have to look for a nice flat piece of_________.
A. ground B. soil C. earth D. floor
16. Drinking too much coffee can get you staying ________ the whole night.
A. long B. awake C. sleepy D. waking
17. By tracking the eye of a hurricane, forecasters can determine the speed_________.
A. which is a storm moving B. at which a storm is moving
C. which is moving a storm D. at which a moving storm
18. Joe is an orphan. He was brought__________by his aunt.
A. about B. up C. around D. on
19. Can you look_______a number in your telephone directory?
A. into B. up C. through D. after
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “T m sorry. I was stuck in a traffic jam.” “________”
A. It’s OK. We’ve just started. B. Never mind. Thanks.
C. Don’t apologize. It’s all my fault. D. My pleasure.
21. “Would you mind putting the parcel in the post for me?” “________”
A. Don’t mention it. B. Yes, I would. I’ll do it now.
C. Not at all. I’ll do it today. D. Yes, of course.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Think about the interviewer’s comments because they may help you prepare better when
you are called for the next job interview.
A. compliments B. criticism C. remarks D. character
23. It is really too easy to point the finger at parents who protect their children from life’s
A. examinations B. exercises C. experiences D. changes
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. My mother is a caring woman and always thoughtful of others.
A. rude B. inconsiderate C. inconsiderable D. critical
25. There is a strong smell of gas in the kitchen.
A. weak B. awkward C. shabby D. faint
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Everyone was impressed that Lan was able to communicate well with those foreigners.
A. Everyone was impressed by Lan’s ability to communicate well with those foreigners.
B. Everyone was impressed by Lan’s ability which communicates well with those

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C. Everyone was impressed by Lan’s ability for communicating well with those foreigners.
D. Everyone was impressed by Lan’s ability for her to communicate well with those
27. The children couldn’t go swimming because the sea was too rough.
A. The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming.
B. The children were not calm enough to swim in the sea.
C. The sea was rough enough for the children to swim in.
D. The sea was too rough to the children’s swimming.
28. “It's too stuffy in this room, isn’t it?” said the guest.
A. The guest said that the room was too crowded.
B. The guest suggested that the room should be aired.
C. The guest remarked that the room should be aired.
D. The guest said that there was too much stuff in the room.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. It takes him thirty minutes to go________.
A. to work with motorbike every day
B. to work on motorbike every day
C. to work by motorbike every day
D. working by motorbike every day
30. Despite having worked in the field day after day,________.
A. the whole family could hardly enough to feed
B. her parents could hardly earn enough to feed the whole family
C. earning enough to feed the whole family is hardly for her parents
D. could her family hardly earn enough to feed her parents
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Throughout the world there are different ways for people to greet each other. In much of the
world, a handshake is the (31)___________form of welcoming and greeting someone. In many
countries around the Mediterranean Sea a (32)___________kiss on the cheek is the appropriate
way to welcome friends and family. It can be a very (33)_____________surprise if you expect to
shake hands and get a kiss or a hug instead.
At times, it is difficult to tell what sort of greeting (34)____________is followed. People may
bow, grab another’s arm or even slap the other person on the back. In some places people just
smile, look at the other’s face and say nothing.
Most people in the world are tolerant of visitors and don’t mind what travellers do that seems
wrong as long as the visitors are (35)____________. A big part of the delightfulness of world
travel is experiencing different customs.
31. A. different B. unique C. common D. same

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32. A. light B. superficial C. fast D. heavy

33. A. huge B. large C. big D. great
34. A. habit B. routine C. custom D. tradition
35. A. sincere B. truthful C. faithful D. hopeful
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Learning to Dig Jazz Music
It has been said that jazz is America’s greatest contribution to music. It mixes the powerful
rhythm of African traditions with elements of European classical music. The beginnings of jazz
music are a bit unclear, but many people believe it originated in New Orleans during the late
1800s. New Orleans was a melting pot where local tribes mixed with immigrants who came from
Africa and Europe to form a new, unique culture.
Jazz has several elements which set it apart from other styles of music. Compared to rock
music, jazz is more complex and versatile. Whereas rock bands typically consists of a drummer,
some guitarists, and a singer, jazz bands can be big or small and they are made up from a wide
variety of instruments. Another thing which sets jazz apart from other forms of music is
improvisation. Musicians start with a basic structure, perhaps a few chords, and then they decide
what to play in the moment. Therefore, even if the same songs are repeated, you can be certain
that no two jazz concerts are the same.
Over the years, many sub-genres of jazz came about. Ragtime is one of the first styles that
came about, and it consists mainly of upbeat piano compositions. Dixieland Jazz started in the
1920s and it incorporated blue music and brass bands. Next came the Big Band era, which
showcased groups with 10 or more musicians playing different instruments. In the Bebop era of
the 1940s, jazz musicians returned to smaller groups of four to six musicians, but they started
playing far more complex melodies.
If you are just becoming interested in jazz, you should start by listening to the works of some of
its masters. Louis Armstrong is considered one of the grandfathers of jazz, as he helped to spread
jazz to the masses in the 1920s. Armstrong is perhaps best-known today for singing the classic
song “What a Wonderful World”, but in his prime, he was a talented bandleader and an incredible
trumpet player. Charlie Parker was all the rage during the bebop age, as every saxophone player
was trying to imitate him. Miles Davis is another pioneering jazzman who everyone should check
out, as he was always changing his style. During his long career, Davis won nine Grammy
awards. Although jazz music is an acquired taste, once you begin to appreciate it, it is like a fine
wine that gets better with age.
36. Why was New Orleans a good place for jazz to start?
A. It was the only place where music was sold in the US.
B. There were people from many cultures living there.
C. The city was famous for European classical music.
D. Only local tribes were allowed to play music there.
37. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A. Some of the most famous jazz musicians

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B. The things that make jazz music special

C. A few jazz classics that everyone should hear
D. How readers can learn to play j azz music
38. Which of the following best describes Bebop jazz?
A. A small group of jazz musicians playing difficult songs
B. A talented jazz piano player playing a happy melody
C. A large jazz band of 15 musicians playing a catchy song
D. A foreign jazz band playing easy songs with a singer
39. Which of the following best matches the meaning of the word “improvisation” in paragraph
A. Playing louder than other people
B. Playing every note exactly the same
C. Playing an instrument very quickly
D. Playing notes that match how you feel
40. The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to
A. chords B. jazz bands C. singers D. musicians
41. Louis Armstrong________.
A. won many Grammy awards
B. was a very famous Bebop musician
C. introduced many people to jazz music
D. could sing well but couldn’t play instruments
42. How does the author seem to feel about jazz?
A. He thinks it could take several listens before people like it.
B. He doubts anyone that is young will enjoy it.
C. He believes it will soon be more popular than it ever was.
D. He thinks readers will be hooked on jazz from the start.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Dropping Pounds Like a Caveman
For years, Americans have been told that a low-fat diet is the healthy way to eat. Health
experts and doctors alike have urged people to eat lots of rice, pasta, and any other carbohydrate
they can get their hands on to stay slim. However, Americans have got fatter following these
instructions. An alternative is the Palelo Diet, which suggests that people live and eat like
The Paleo diet recommends that people eat like those in the Paleolithic period, which
occurred 10,000 years ago. This was before the agricultural revolution, so there was no rice,
bread, sugar, or processed foods at all. Instead, people got their food from two sources: foraging
plants and hunting animals. The concept behind the diet is that evolution occurs over millions of
years, so our bodies haven’t adjusted to starches, grains, and artificial foods. Supporters often
point out to studies which show that hunter-gatherers were free of cancer, heart disease, and many

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other illnesses that plague modem society.

Many Paleo experts also advise people to adopt other aspects of our ancient ancestors’ lives.
For example, they urge people to sleep in complete darkness, and avoid staring at electronic
devices for a few hours before bed. These lights can confuse our hormones into thinking it is still
daylight and negatively impact our sleep. Experts also believe we would be healthier imitating
how our Paleo ancestors got their exercise. Cavemen didn’t have gym memberships or jog for
hours around a track. On a daily basis, they performed lots of low-intensity activities, like
walking. Occasionally, however, they would exert maximum effort to complete a difficult task,
such as chasing prey or trying to escape danger. Therefore, a more “Paleo” exercise programme
might substitute long walks for jogs, and short, intense sprinting, and weightlifting routines for
marathon gym and running sessions.
Of course, not everyone agrees with the principles of the Paleo lifestyle. Some complain that
if everyone ate like a caveman, there wouldn’t be enough meat on the planet. Others point out that
Asians have eaten high carbohydrate diets for thousands of years and they are slimmer and
healthier than Westerners today. Although many have had great success losing weight on the
Paleo diet, the jury is still out on whether the diet is here to stay or just a passing fad.
43. What happened when people in the US started eating lots of rice and pasta?
A. They started to lose weight. B. The Paleo Diet was created.
C. They started to get healthier. D. They started to gain more weight.
44. What does the Paleo Diet suggest?
A. People should have fewer vegetables.
B. People should consume less meat.
C. Our bodies function better living in caves.
D. Our bodies haven’t adapted to modem foods.
45. The word “foraging” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. searching for B. planting C. cutting down D. involving in
46. How does a Paleo workout programme differ from a standard one?
A. People should only work with rocks in the forest.
B. People can only do moderate exercises like jogging.
C. People workout very hard for short periods.
D. People workout very hard for long periods.
47. According to the passage, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT that_________.
A. too much lighting before bedtime may make our brains remain awake
B. Americans have become much fatter because they eat lots of rice, pasta and other
C. if a person follows the Paleo diet, he consumes a lot of meat
D. people following the Paleo lifestyle should chase prey and run to escape danger
48. Why do some people disagree with the Paleo Diet?
A. It doesn’t offer people enough protein.

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B. It would cause damage to the environment.

C. It has only become popular in Asia so far.
D. It requires too much rice and starches.
49. Who would be most interested in the passage?
A. An athlete before an important event
B. A historian who wants to study the Paleolithic period
C. A person who wants to stay slim
D. A teacher who would like to know more about functions of our hormones
50. Where would you most likely find the passage?
A. In a financial newspaper B. In a fitness magazine
C. On a web site for vegetarians D. On a web site about ancient history

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1. C 2 B 3 B 4. A ÁN5. B 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. A
1 B 12. . B 13 . D 14. C 15. A 16. B 17 B 18 B 19 B 20. A
21. D 22. C 23 . C 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. A 28. B .
29 C 30. B
31. C 32. A 33 . C 34. A 35. A 36. B 37. B 38. A .
39 D 40. D
41. C 42. A 43 . D 44. D 45. A 46. C 47. D 48. B .
49 C 50. B
5. a . the
car in 6. D others 7. D . read . .
Notes: new morning
14. comparable (adj) = có thể so sánh được, tương đương
17. move at a speed = di chuyển với một vận tốc nào đó
24. thoughtful (a) = quan tâm, ân cần; inconsiderate (a) = thiếu quan tâm, thiếu ân cần; rude (a)
= bất lịch sự; inconsiderable (a) = nhỏ, không đáng kể; critical (a) = chê bai, phê phán
25. strong smell = mùi hôi; faint (a) = mờ nhạt, không rõ; weak (a) = yếu ớt; awkward (a) =
vụng về; shabby (a) = tồi tàn, tiều tuỵ
28. air (v) = làm thông gió; stuffy (a) = ngột ngạt
31. common (a) = chung; same (a) = giống như vậy; unique (a) = có một không hai
32. light (a) = nhẹ nhàng; a light kiss = cái hôn nhẹ; superficial (a) = nông cạn, hời hợt
33. a big surprise = rất kinh ngạc; to my great surprise = làm tôi rất ngạc nhiên
34. greeting hatbit = thói quen chào hỏi; routine (n) = công việc thường làm hàng ngày; custom
(n) = tập quán; tradition (n) = truyền thống
35. sincere (a) = chân thật; truthful (a) = đúng sự thật; faithful (a) = trung thành; hopeful (a) =
đầy hứa hẹn

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ĐỀ 37
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. climate B. liveable C. city D. discussion
2. A. solar B. infrastructure C. designer D. focus
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. essential B. survival C. nutrition D. vegetable
4. A. meditation B. longevity C. expectancy D. cholesterol
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Many theories on conserving the purity of water has been proposed, but not one has been
as widely accepted as this one.
6. The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious.
7. Daniel said that if he had to do another homework tonight, he would not be able to attend
the concert.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. “There is somebody walking behind us. I think we are________
A. followed B. being followed C. following D. being following
9. There’s no need to be nervous. You’re quite capable__________your final exam.
A. of passing B. passing C. to pass D. pass
10. It is possible________may assist some trees in saving water in winter.
A. to lose leaves B. that the loss of leaves
C. the leaves are lost D. when leaves have lost
11. ________searching for long-term economic growth, the government intends to study
immediate solutions to avoid severe criticism from the public.
A. According to B. Future C. However D. Instead of
12. ________that increasing numbers of Blu-ray players will be bought in the years to come.
A. It is anticipated B. In anticipation
C. They are anticipated D. Anticipating
13. Newspaper publishers in the United States have estimated___________reads a newspaper
every day.
A. nearly 80 percent of the adult population who
B. it is nearly 80 percent of the adult population
C. that nearly 80 percent of the adult population who


D. that nearly 80 percent of the adult population

14. You can________rebuild your credit by taking steps to repair your credit rating as soon as
A. easy B. easier C. easily D. easiness
15. Tomorrow we can expect to see an end to the________rain in the region, but it will remain
A. hard B. heavy C. strong D. rough
16. The question of late payment of the bills was_________again at the meeting.
A. raised B. risen C. brought D. taken
17. We are prepared to overlook the error on this occasion________your previous good work.
A. in the light of B. thanks to C. with a view to D. with regardto
18. It took ages to_________her round when she fainted.
A. bring B. come C. take D. look
19. In the end, the detective managed to_________down the dangerous criminal.
A. find B. track C. get D. hit
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “I wonder if you could help me?” “_________”
A. No, what is it? I’ll be able to manage it.
B. Really? How nice.
C. Don’t mention it. I’m very pleased to help you.
D. I’ll do my best. What’s the problem?
21. “I didn’t see you when I came back here yesterday.” “_________”
A. Thank you. I’ll finish all my work today.
B. I’m sorry, but I didn’t see you here, either.
C. I’m very sorry. My son had an accident yesterday afternoon.
D. Forget about it. It’s not my fault.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Before the danger of the collapse, the dictatorial regime is buying time.
A. delaying the collapse B. paying bribes
C. counting its existence D. timing the collapse
23. This college emphasizes the primacy of teaching over research.
A. give it a primary stress B. make it most important
C. make it important at first D. make it most importance
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. In common with many mothers, she feels tom between her family and her work.
A. In association with B. In imitation of
C. Ignoring D. Unlike

Trang 3

25. It was a very wonderful opportunity for us to catch.

A. break B. destroy C. hold D. miss
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. We couldn't answer those two difficult questions.
A. Those two difficult questions couldn’t have been answered.
B. Those two questions were so difficult that we couldn’t answer them
C. Those two questions were not enough easy to answer for us.
D. Those two questions were too difficult for us to answer them.
27. “I will pay back the money, Gloria” said Ivan.
A. Ivan promised to pay back Gloria’s money.
B. Ivan apologised to Gloria for borrowing her money.
C. Ivan offered to pay Gloria the money back.
D. Ivan suggested to pay back the money to Gloria.
28. How did you persuade Tom to lend you the money?
A. In what way were you able to borrow money from Tom?
B. In what way were you able to get the money back from Tom?
C. How nice of Tom to lend you the money?
D. How much did Tom lend you the money?
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. Having found that I was not at home,________.
A. police arrested the thief
B. my house was broken into by the thief
C. the thief broke into my house
D. I didn’t know that the thief broke into my house
30. The world________was to be a great adventure for him.
A. he knew very little
B. that he knew very little
C. where he knew very little about
D. about which he knew very little
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
For Better Grades - Use Your Brain!
If you are like most students, you probably started this new academic year with a resolution to
study harder. Now, science can you help you keep your resolution. Recent discoveries in brain
research (31)_______________to better ways to learn.
How does the brain (32)___________new information? Think of the last time someone told
you their phone number. Could you remember that number five minutes later? Probably not!
That’s because it was in your short-term memory.

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Our memory actually has three components. Sensory memory takes (33)__________________
information from our five senses and is stored for just a few seconds while our brain processes it.
Short-term memory works like a “holding area” for new information — that’s where you keep the
phone number while you dial it. but if you can put the phone number into long-term memory,
you’ll remember that same phone number next week. This part of your memory (34)
__________everything from irregular verbs to the names of all your cousins.
When you study, you transfer new information into long-term memory. Every time we learn
something new, the structure of the brain actually changes as we build new connections to
information that we (35)____________know. When there are more connections to the new
information, it’s easier to find it again.
3 A. aim B. point C. show D.
31 A. maintain B. gather C. collect develop
23 A. in B. on C.about D. for
A. supports B. holds C. controls D.
43 continues
A. alright B. even C. earlier D. already
5 the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Becoming an Art Dealer
It is many people’s dream to become a world-famous artist. Unfortunately, it can be
extremely difficult to make a living solely from selling your paintings or sculptures. But don’t
worry because there are other jobs in the world of art that you can pursue. One possible career
option is to become an art dealer.
An art dealer works on behalf of artists to help them sell works to museums and galleries
around the world. To be successful at this profession, it requires a well-rounded skill set. For
starters, it helps a lot if you love art and are knowledgeable about art history. Having business
skills will also be quite useful, as it will be necessary to negotiate with buyers, and help the artists
you represent market their work. If becoming an art dealer sounds appealing, there are several
steps which you can follow. Although you may have a love for a wide range of styles, you should
start by choosing one category to focus on. Buyers usually prefer to deal with a specialist in a
particular area than someone who is a jack of all trades. When selecting your focus, choose an
area that you are passionate about instead of something that seems lucrative. Art trends come and
go, so there is no use trying to predict what is hot. These trends will certainly change over the
course of your career.
Once you selected an area to focus on, start to contact some museums, galleries, and other
companies in the art world and send them your resume. The majority of art dealers begin their
careers working as interns for these kinds of companies. Although these interns may be paid little,
or in some cases nothing at all, the experience of learning how art businesses work will certainly
serve you down the road.
It pays to be flexible in the beginning, as the most important thing is to get your foot in the
door. Museums and galleries may offer you several positions including a sales assistant or a

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junior art consultant. Whichever job you accept, be sure to learn it well and give it your best. In
addition to your responsibilities, make sure your start to network with others in your industry.

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As your knowledge and contacts begin to grow, more opportunities will be open to you. Note: a
jack of all trades = said about someone who is able to do many things, but is not an expert in any
of them
36. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Suggestions about how to get a job in the art world
B. The best-selling paintings in modern times
C. How to become a famous artist
D. Some helpful art schools students should consider
37. What does the passage suggest someone should have if they want to become an art dealer?
A. A good attitude and a lot of money
B. Excellent painting and drawing skills
C. A love for art and a few business skills
D. A lot of knowledge about art history and a college degree
38. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A. Getting your first job in the art industry
B. Ways to improve your own personal artwork
C. A job that you can get once you have a lot of experience
D. Ways to impress your boss when you start your career
39. What could replace the word “lucrative” in paragraph 2?
A. a bit unusual B. very beautiful
C. extremely ancient D. financially appealing
40. The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to________.
A. the beginning B. art business C. art gallery D. network
41. The best quality of an art dealer to start the career may be_________.
A. degrees and high qualifications B. fame from the artists
C. knowledge and contacts D. love of arts
42. Why does the author suggest it is important to make contact at work?
A. They help you have more fun on the job.
B. They can assist you in advancing your career later.
C. They can help you get your foot in the door.
D. They will take care of most of your job responsibilities.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50
Frozen Fitness
A man stands over a bathtub that is filled with ice. Although it is the middle of winter, he
slowly slides into the tub and submerges his body underneath the water. Within seconds, he
begins to shiver, but after a few minutes he is able to settle down. Despite the temperature, he will
remain in the tub for the next 30 minutes. He is taking advantage of cold thermogenesis, a
growing trend that could improve people’s health.
Thermogenesis is an internal process that mammals undergo to generate heat when they are

Trang 3

subjected to cold temperatures. In modem society, humans rarely requires this ability because

Trang 3

we have heated homes and offices during the winter season. Recent studies, however, indicate
that by doing so we could be missing out on some wonderful health benefits. Being subjected to
cold temperatures regularly has been shown to boost men’s testosterone levels. It also boosts
metabolism, which allows people to burn fat more efficiently. Some people have reported that
cold thermogenesis also provides a mental lift once you have overcome the initial shock of the
cold water.
The positive effects of thermogenesis were known before, but it only started to become
popular after the 2008 Olympics. One man who helped spark this craze was Ray Cronise, a
NASA scientist and entrepreneur. He was reading an article that reported Michael Phelps ate
12,000 calories per day while training. The calories were so high that led him to believe that
something else besides exercise was helping Phelps to stay thin and muscular: the icy water in the
swimming pool. So he conducted his own experiment by drinking several glasses of ice water and
exposing himself to cold water. After six weeks of this regiment, he had lost 30 pounds.
There are several routines that a person can adopt if they are interested in starting their own
thermogenesis routine. One method is ice baths. This method may be a bit too drastic for average
people though. Instead, people may want to begin by dunking their face in cold water for a few
seconds, and then gradually increase the time. Next, they can progress to cold showers and baths
before moving on ice baths. An even more convenient way is to place an ice packet on the back
of your neck for 15 to 20 minutes every evening. Although these methods may be extreme, many
are willing to give them a go to improve their health.
43. Which of the following best matches the meaning of the word “submerges” in paragraph 1?
A. puts under B. turns over C. makes hotter D. makes colder
44. Thermogenesis is the body’s way of_________when it is cold.
A. growing up B. turning off
C. cooling down D. producing warmth
45. Which of the following is a health benefit of thermogenesis?
A. You will never sweat again in any weather.
B. It helps your body get better at burning fat.
C. It helps women produce more testosterone.
D. Most people gain some weight by using it.
46. All of the following are true about the benefits of thermogenesis EXCEPT that
A. it can improve people’s health
B. it helps humans generate heat from the beginning
C. it allows people to burn fat more efficiently
D. it helps humans consume more calories
47. It can be inferred from the passage that thermogenesis_________.
A. has never used by doctors or scientists
B. consumes too much energy
C. helped Michael Phelps win so many gold medals.
D. is one of human instincts

Trang 3

48. What does the phrase “by doing so” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Living in cold climates B. Buying a home or office
C. Staying warm all of the time D. Experiencing thermogenesis
49. What does the author advise most people to do when starting thermogenesis?
A. Go slowly at first B. Only focus on ice baths
C. Never put ice on their neck D. Eat less food than ever
50. We should follow all of the following tips about thermogenesis EXCEPT that
A. you should consider it carefully before taking an ice bath
B. you should take cold showers or baths first, and then ice baths
C. it is a good way to place an ice packet on the back of your neck
D. you should dunk your face in cold water no more than a few seconds

Trang 3

1. A 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 BÁN 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. A 10 B
1 D . 1 A 1. D . 1 C 1. B 16. A 17 A 18 A 19 B .
20 D
21. C 2.2 A 23 B 4.2 D 25 D 26. B 27. A 28. A .
29 C .
30 D
31. B 2.3 D 3 A 4.3 B 35 D 36. A 37. C 38. A .
39 D .
40 B
41. C 2.4 B 43 A 4.4 D 45 B 46. B 47. D 48. C .
49 A .
50 D
1. — have
5. 2. 3 6. 4. smells 7.5B — some
— . . . .
17. in the light of something = after considering sth (sau khi xem xét cái gì)
18. bring round = làm cho tỉnh lại;/ain't = ngất đi, xỉu đi
19. track down = theo dõi và bắt được
22. buy time = to do something in order to be allowed more time (trì hoãn);pay bribes = đưa hối
lộ; time (v) = sap đặt thời gian, tính giờ.
23. primacy (n) = điều quan trọng nhất.
24. in common with sb/sth = giống như ai/cái gi; unlike (prep) = không giống như; ignore (v) =
phớt lờ; imitation (n) = sự bắt chước

Trang 3

ĐỀ 38
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. dweller B. detect C. technology D. eco-friendly
2. A. presentation B. sensor C. infrastructure D. insoluble
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. maintain B. perform C. prefer D. offer
4. A. contribute B. compliment C. bacteria D. procedure
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several film stars during her holiday.
6. Harry’s teacher persuaded his taking several courses which did not involve much
knowledge of mathematics.
7. The work performed by these workers are not worth our paving them any longer.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. By December Tim_________enough money to buy a mountain bike.
A. saves B. will save C. has saved D. will have saved
9. They are a bit anxious________going to Hong Kong for Christmas.
A. of B. for C. by D. about
10. On the way to the mountains, it was impossible to see____________a few meters ahead
because of the heavy fog.
A. rather than B. how far C. more than D. so large
11. Dan: “Your kitchen is fantastic! Did you do it all yourself?” — David: “No, I_________by
a professional.”
A. had it designed B. designed it C. had designed it D. have it designed
12. Bills for electricity________heating should be paid by the 15 of every month.

A. so B. nor C. but D. and

13. Doing exercises may________you to pass the exam.
A. make it easier for B. make easier for
C. be easy for D. make easy that
14. Our aim is to increase the efficiency of the rail services both for freight and passengers by
providing services on the network and increasing__________among companies.
A. competes B. competitively
C. competitive D. competition
15. Our local council is conducting________to reduce the amount of litter in our streets.


A. an action B. a campaign
C. a movement D. a drive
16. After________attempts, Michael finally passed his graduation examination.
A. repetition B. repeated C. repeatable D. repeating
17. I can’t possibly lend you any more money; it is quite out of the_________.
A. order B. practice C. place D. question
18. If I put__________this essay any longer, I doubt the teacher will let me even hand it
_______any more.
A. back - off B. on - along C. over - up D. off - in
19. I was wondering if you could_________me up at your place for the night.
A. give B. put C. live D. take
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “What’s the matter? You’re not listening to me.” “________”
A. Excuse me. I’m thinking of something else.
B. I’m sorry. I have been thinking about something else.
C. Excuse me. I’m still listening to you.
D. I’m sorry. I have still been listening to you.
21. “Would you please tell her that I’m waiting for her call?” “________”
A. Sure. I’ll tell her to call you.
B. OK. Can you call her back?
C. No problem. What time do you call her?
D. Yes, I would call you about her.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. It is common practice to look at the person you are talking to.
A. exercise B. policy C. skill D. habit
23. She will neither accept the terms nor give in to your demands.
A. surrender and accept B. hand in strongest requests
C. give up her hopes D. stand up against
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. The massacre of the Jews in World War II has accounted for its people’s hostility towards
A. disease B. hazard C. offence D. friendliness
25. I have a vague recollection of meeting him when I was a child.
A. apparent B. indistinct C. imprecise D. ill-defined
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. If Mr. Ba doesn’t stop having more children, he can’t support his big family.

Trang 2

A. Unless Mr. Bastops having more children, he can support his big family.
B. Unless Mr. Bastops having more children, he can’t support his big family.
C. Unless Mr. Bastops to have more children, he can’t support his big family.
D. Unless Mr. Bastops to have more children, he can support his big family.
27. “Would you like to come to my birthday party, Sarah?” asked Nick.
A. Nick asked Sarah if she liked his birthday party or not.
B. Nick invited Sarah to his birthday party.
C. Nick asked if Sarah was able to come to his birthday party.
D. Nick reminded Sarah of his coming birthday party.
28. Natural resources become exhausted because there are too many people on the earth.
A. If there are few people on the earth, natural resources will not become exhausted.
B. If there are fewer people on the earth, natural resources will not become exhausted.
C. If there were fewer people on the earth, natural resources would not become exhausted.
D. If there were fewer people on the earth, natural resources will not become exhausted.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. Do you get on with the neighbours________?
A. you live next door with them
B. that you live next door with them
C. with whom you live next door to
D. who live next door
30. He isn’t good enough to pass the test. He wishes________.
A. he were good enough to pass the test
B. he is good enough to pass the test
C. he had been good enough to pass the test
D. he will be good enough to pass the test
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.

Sources Of Pollution
There are many sources of pollution in our modem world. At present, the most (31)
__________sources are acid rain, car exhaust fumes and oil spills. Factory chimneys give out
smoke that contains sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These gases combine with the moisture
in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid and nitric acid. When it rains, these acids dissolve in the
rain and (32)______________it acidic. Acid rain is thought to be the worst pollution problem of
all. It has (33)__________aquatic life by turning many lakes into lifeless bodies of water.
Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead which are highly poisonous. In big
cities, the exhaust fumes build (34)____________and pose a health hazard to human beings.
Pollution of the sea by oil threatens marine life. Much of the oil comes from ships that clean
their fuel tanks while at sea. Pollution of the sea can also be caused by oil spills. An oil spill may
occur as a result of accidents (35)___________oil tankers.

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31. A. damaged B. sever C. serious D. important

32. A. get e C. become D. make
33. A. destroy B. turn C. harming D. harmed
34. A. up B. destroying C. on D. over
35. A. involve B. in C. involving D. involves
B. involved
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Explosions in the Sky
If you attend a major outdoor event in the evening, whether it is in Paris, Beijing, or New
York City, there is a good chance that it will end in a sensational way. After all of the other
activities have concluded, the sky will be lit up by a colourful firework display. Although the
show may only last for a few minutes, during that time every eye will look on with amazement as
they work their magic in the air.
Fireworks were invented in the seventh century by the Chinese. They were quickly absorbed
into the culture and became a part of many celebratory events and festivals. Eventually, emperors
would organize large firework displays to entertain and impress their subjects. Fireworks didn’t
become big in Europe until the mid- 17th century. People became interested in fireworks after
reading accounts from monks and travellers who saw them while in China. Once they did arrive,
it was obvious they were there to stay. Fireworks were frequently paired with triumphant classical
symphonies to celebrate the end of wars and other great victories. As time went on, the fireworks
continued to evolve and get better in many ways.
Fireworks now come in every colour imaginable. The colour comes from different chemicals
that are placed inside of each firework. Thanks to modem technology, it is also possible to create
firework arrangements in the shape of hearts, smiley faces, and even the planet Saturn. This is
because of the way that the aerial shells, or casings, of fireworks are constructed. The cases are
packed with exploding pellets and a piece of cardboard. The cardboard enables the designers to
arrange the pellets in pattern or shape of the object of their choice. The first time this technology
was used was in Washington DC, during a celebration to welcome home American troops who
fought in the Gulf War.
The visual aspect is only part of the reason fireworks are appealing. The sounds that fireworks
make also add a healthy dose of excitement to the display. There are several noises that fireworks
can make. The most common is the “bang” which sounds a lot like a gunshot. Fireworks can also
crackle, hum, and whistle as they streak across the night sky. The world’s largest firework show
was held in Kuwait in 2012. 77,282 fireworks exploded during the incredible 64-minute show.
But with people’s love for fireworks at an all-time high, who knows how long that record will
36. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Firework shows are only held in big cities.
B. Firework shows aren’t what they used to be.
C. No matter where you go, almost everyone loves fireworks.
D. It is a bit disappointing that firework shows are usually brief.

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37. How did fireworks come to Europe?

A. Chinese merchants started selling them in Europe.
B. Europeans imported them after reading about them.
C. Monks in China brought them back when returning home.
D. Classical composers demanded that they be used in ceremonies.
38. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. the interests in fireworks and the improvements
B. the use of fireworks throughout the Chinese history
C. the history of fireworks and the spread to Europe
D. the attraction of fireworks in Europe
39. Which of the following best matches the meaning of the phrase “become big” in paragraph
A. become popular B. increase in size
C. cause danger D. cost more money
40. The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. accounts B. fireworks C. travellers D. people
41. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A. Some famous firework events
B. How to be safe while using fireworks
C. A special ceremony held in the U S
D. The technology of fireworks
42. What does the author suggest about the 2012 firework show in Kuwait?
A. The show wasn’t bad, but it went on for too long.
B. There will probably never be another show like it in history.
C. It wasn’t very exciting compared to other shows in Asia.
D. Someday soon another show will probably be even bigger.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50
Tantalizing Teas from around the Globe
There are few things in life as refreshing as a cup of hot tea. However, few people realize the
wide variety of teas available. Here are some more options to try the next time you are in the
mood for a cup of tea.
The most famous tea in the West is Earl Grey. Although it is classified as a black tea, Earl
Grey contains some citrus qualities as well. The tea gets its name from a 19 th century prime
minister of England, Charles Grey. According to the legend, Grey saved the life of a drowning
man in China. The man he rescued was reportedly a tea blender, so as a reward he instructed
Grey how to flavour black tea with a special type of oil. Many tea historians doubt this tale and
insist that the only reason the tea is named after Grey is that he was a famous politician.
Another famous black tea is Assam tea. It comes from the mountains of India and it is
named after the region where it is produced. Assam tea is known for its strong and bitter flavour.

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It is sometimes called the breakfast tea, because it is an invigorating brew to enjoy in the
morning. Although Assam tea is cultivated in the East, it immediately became a big hit once it
was introduced to the West. Some people enjoy drinking Assam tea straight, but others feel it is
best with a little bit of milk and sugar added. It has been known to go perfectly with sweets as
well as more pungent foods like cheese.
Chamomile tea has a light, pleasant taste that some people have described as a mix between
flowers, herbs, and apples. Yet, it is the potent health benefits of the tea that cause most people to
buy it. For starters, it is the best tea to have at the end of a long day when you are looking to
relax. In fact, it has been used as a cure for insomnia for hundreds of years. In ancient times, it
was also used by the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians to help wounds heal faster. Chamomile has
anti-inflammation properties, so it can also help to clear up skin issues such as allergies and acne
as well.
So the next time you are sitting down for afternoon tea, be sure to have a close look at the
menu. You may even discover a new variety that becomes your favourite.
43. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The most popular teas in Asia B. How several teas got their names
C. Some rare teas that are hard to buy D. A few teas that are quite different
44. How did Earl Grey tea get its name?
A. It was named after a former British leader.
B. It was named after a famous Chinese politician.
C. It was named for a popular English entertainer.
D. It was named after a man who almost drowned.
45. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A. A tasty tea that must be taken straight.
B. Some desserts that go well with tea.
C. A bitter black tea that comes from Asia.
D. The most popular red tea made in India.
46. The word “he” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. a Chinese B. a prime minister C. Earl Grey D. a tea blender
47. What best matches the word “invigorating” in paragraph 3?
A. Something that wakes you up B. Something that makes you sleepy
C. Something that cure illnesses D. Something that tastes very bad
48. What is the best time to have a cup of chamomile tea?
A. When you need an energy boost
B. When you are starting to feel stressed out
C. If you are planning to stay up overnight
D. A few moments after you wake up
49. In addition to drinking chamomile tea, it is also useful when_________.
A. you are in the mood to enjoy a strong flavour tea
B. you want to get a nice suntan

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C. you need to take more vitamins

D. you have accidently cut yourself
50. All of the following are the characteristics of chamomile tea EXCEPT that__________
A. it has a light, pleasant flavour
B. it can stimulate you when you are tired
C. it is useful when you suffer from sleeplessness
D. it can keep the skin cleaner

Trang 7

1. D 2 A 3. D 4 B 5 ÁN 6. A
A 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. C
11 A . 1 D 13. A . 1 D 1. B 16. B 17 D 18 D 19 B 20. B
21 A 2.2 D 23. A 4. 2 D 25 A 26. B 27. B 28. C .
29 D 30. A
31 C 2.3 D 33. D 4. 3 A 35 C 36. C 37. B 38. C .
39 A 40. B
41 D 2.4 D 43. D 4. 4 A 45 C 46. C 47. A 48. B .
49 D 50. B
5. 2.
— being able 6. — 4. to
him 5 7 B — is . . .
A —
Notes: A — take .
17. out of the question (= impossible) = không thể được
18. put off = hoãn lại; hand ỉn = nộp (bài vở...)
19. put sb up = cho ai trọ lại
31. serious = nghiêm trọng, trầm trọng; severe = khốc liệt, dữ dội
34. build up = tích lại

Trang 8

ĐỀ 39
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. yoga B. expectancy C. dramatic D. massage
2. A. vision B. boost C. cholesterol D. support
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. personal B. proposal C. cultural D. several
4. A. superstitious B. complicated C. situated D. interestingly
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Yesterday we called our friends in Boston to tell them about the reunion that we are
planning about.
6. People in America respected George Washington because he was a honest man,
and he turned out to be one of their greatest military leaders.
7. The children were playing outdoors last night when it was beginning raining very hard.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. “Why didn’t Mary show up at the party last night?” “When I called her at 11:00,
A. had still been studying B. was still studying
C. would still study D. still studied
9. When he graduated________university, he had been famous__________his first novel.
A. from - for B. 0 — for C. from — as D. 0 — as
10. Ozone depletion has been__________at the poles, especially over Antarctica, where a
seasonal ozone layer “hole” appears.
A. as severe as B. so severe as
C. more severe than D. the most severe
11. You will see it is not a very difficult job. All_________is to keep the guests interested.
A. what matters really B. that really matters
C. what really matters D. which will really_matter
12. ________proficiency in German would be of much help, it is not a requirement for the
advertised position.
A. Otherwise B. Despite C. Regarding D. Although


13. “_______for you, I’d never have had the courage to enter the talent show.”
A. Except B. But C. Had it not D. Apart
14. There is another piece of evidence that there has been enormous__________in the supply of
customized services to customers.
A. growth B. grows C. grown D. grower
15. Simon has a strong________of duty so he will always carry out his promises.
A. idea B. sense C. mind D. thought
16. That English will become dominant in most scientific fields is_____
A. predicting B. predictable C. on predictions D. to predict
17. I took the wrong ________mistake.
pen _A. by B. with C. of D. from
18. It was his ideas that brought_________ _ changes in the village.
A.about B. back C. up D. round
19. The police believe the attacks were____ _______by criminals.
A. carried out B. carried on C. carried D. brought
through about
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Do you believe that we are destroying our environment?” “________”
A. Yes, I believe in you.
B. That’s exactly what I think.
C. I believe in anything we do.
D. It’s certain that our environment is being destroyed.
21. “Your essay was just excellent. You deserve the highest grade.” “________”
A. That’s OK. Take it easy. B. I believe you can do it.
C. Thanks, sir. I’m glad you like it. D. Thanks for your suggestion.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Creating a good impression on the interviewer is very important.
A. appearance and manner B. pressure and facial expressions
C. deep, strong effect D. compliments and promises
23. “Remember to bring a letter of recommendation from your previous employer.”
A. advice B. reference C. introduction D. suggestion
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. “I ’m sorry, madam. This is the fixed price and there is no discount.”
A. negotiable B. changeable C. unchanged D. discussed
25. Although they hold similar political views, their religious beliefs present a striking contrast.
A. minor comparison B. interesting resemblance
C. significant difference D. complete coincidence
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in

Trang 2

meaning to each of the following questions.

26. The tourists were unharmed after the train crash.
A. All the tourists were injured in the train crash.
B. None of the tourists were injured in the train crash.
C. The train crash was not harmful for the tourists.
D. The tourists were very afraid after the train crash.
27. Mary exchanged the shoes for a different pair.
A. One of Mary’s shoes did not fit, so she returned them both.
B. Mary took the shoes back to the store and got some different ones.
C. Because of a problem with the heel of the shoes, Mary returned the shoes.
D. Mary returned the shoes and took a pair of trousers instead.
28. Everyone in our class is doing something at the end-of-term concert, but Mary alone is
staying away.
A. Mary is the only one in our class who isn’t taking part in the end-of-term concert.
B. No one in our class but Mary, is taking part in the end-of-term concert.
C. Everyone in Mary’s class hopes to do something at the end-of-term concert.
D. The class wants Mary to play in the concert at the end-of-term, but she won’t.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. In high school, students develop basic verbal and numerical skills,________.
A. studying habits and acquiring other practical abilities
B. that study habits require and other practical abilities
C. with study habits and other practical abilities
D. study habits and other practical abilities
30. The availability of labor-saving household appliances since 1950_________.
A. has contributed to the participation of women in the labor force
B. contributed to the participation of women in the labor force
C. contributing to the participation of women in the labor force
D. has contributed to the participation of women are in the labor force
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Role Of Sleep
Deep sleep is important for everyone. The actual (31)___________of sleep you need depends
on your age. A young child ought to sleep ten to twelve hours, and a teenager about nine hours.
Adults differ a lot in their sleeping (32)___________. For most of them, seven to eight hours a
night is enough, but some sleep longer, while others manage with only four hours.
For a good night, having a comfortable (33)_____________to sleep is very important. Also,
there should be plenty of fresh air in the room. A warm drink sometimes helps people to sleep,
(34) _________it is not a good idea to drink coffee immediately before going to bed.
If you have to travel a very long distance, try to go to bed earlier than usual the day before the

Trang 3

(35) _________. This will help you to feel rested when you arrive.
31. A. size B. number C. amount D. sum
3 A. ways B. habits C. manners D.
32 A. point B. place C. position actions
D. part
33A. because B. as C. although D. even
A. journey B. voyage C. call D. visit
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Durable Ceramic Beauty
Inside an art and craft workshop, a young woman sits in front of a pottery wheel. The
machine contains a large lump of clay which she molds into the shape of an elaborate bowl.
Later, when she is satisfied with its appearance, it will be baked in an oven until it solidifies.
Then she adds decorative paints to add some style. In the end, this ceramic pot will be both a
handy utility for eating as well as a work of art.
Humans have been working with ceramics for about 30,000 years, making it one of the oldest
industries on the planet. In ancient times, ceramics enabled humans to make containers to store
food and drinks, as well as bricks for buildings, but as time went on, people found other uses for
this prehistoric technology. Techniques were added to give these products more eye-catching
designs. Objects were often coated with glaze, so they would be smoother and more pleasant to
touch. This helped to transform these practical items into works of art. People would pay large
amounts of money for pieces of ceramic art and use them to decorate their homes.
In modern times, architects and inventors discovered that ceramic offered the perfect balance
between beauty and durability, and started using it in their products as well. Ceramics have found
a home in the world of automobiles as they are used to produce several products. They are often
used to make brake discs, engines, and other parts because ceramics are able to withstand
extremely hot temperatures. Ceramics also play a part in the world of medicine, as their flexibility
and strength are perfect for creating sturdy dental implants. Other doctors are using them to
replace damaged bones because they are able to bond with tissues in the body without causing
adverse reactions. In many kitchens today, you will also find ceramic knives. Once they are
produced, the hard edges of these blades rarely need to be sharpened. Unlike metal knives, they
won’t rust when exposed to difficult conditions.
Ceramics also help to make it possible for humans to travel into space. Space shuttles are
designed with ceramic tiles because they are one of the few materials that can stand the extreme
heat when reentering the Earth’s atmosphere, plus they don’t wear out easily. With so many
useful applications, it is hard to deny that ceramic technology is out of this world.
36. What does the first paragraph describe?
A. An artist working with ceramic
B. Someone using a ceramic product
C. The first person who discovered ceramics
D. Someone who sells ceramics for a living

Trang 4

37. What were ceramics used for at first?

A. They were an expensive form of art.
B. They were used to decorate homes.
C. They were mainly used by dentists.
D. They helped with basic things in life.
38. Why are ceramics useful when making dental products?
A. They can take high temperatures.
B. They are cheaper to produce than other items.
C. They do not get damage easily.
D. They are the same colour as teeth.
39. Which of the following best matches the meaning of the word “adverse” in paragraph 3?
A. confusing B. negative C. temporary D. odd
40. The word “they” in the last paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. ceramics B. shuttles C. applications D. new technologies
41. What is a benefit of using a ceramic knife?
A. It cuts better than metal knives.
B. It isn’t sharp so it won’t hurt people.
C. It can also be used as a decoration.
D. It doesn’t need to be________repaired often.
42. Which of the following sentences best summarizes ceramic products?
A. They are affordable. B. They are basic
C. They are versatile. D. They are overrated.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Cities Get Clean by Going Green
When people hear the word “city”, they usually imagine concrete, neon signs, and lots of air
pollution. Thanks to some clever and concerned architects, this image is starting to change. The
concept of green cities aims to bring some beauty from rural environments into urban areas. It is
not only about looking better though. Green cities are also trying to improve the efficiency of
cities and raise the standard of living for people who stay in them.
The term “green cities” refers to cities where builders take into account several
environmental factors before that city is constructed or redesigned. For starters, green cities are
designed to be more physically appealing than traditional cities from the past. In addition, the
mobility of citizens should be considered, so public transportation can be more convenient and
travel time to work can be reduced. Energy sources should also be evaluated with the goal of
minimizing air pollution.
When it comes to going green, the city of Barcelona is far ahead of its time. Since 1859, its
designers have consciously tried to create sustainable urban designs. Then in 1992, the city
received a well-deserved makeover before hosting the Olympic Games. In recent years,
Barcelona has upgraded its transportation system. This has reduced air pollution as more and
more workers are using public transportation instead of their own vehicles. Barcelona also boasts

Trang 5

one of the best recycling programmes in the world. Visitors will find clear, colour-coded trash
bins throughout the city where they can put all of their materials.
It is no secret in Portland, Oregon is one of the greenest cities in the US. Since 1903, it has
been an example of what American cities can accomplish with careful planning. Instead of filling
its area with office buildings, Portland has plenty of green space for activities. There are 119
kilometres of running, hiking, and bike trails that allow citizens to experience the great outdoors.
The city also offers residents creative energy plans that give them the opportunity to pay a bit
extra for clean energy sources. For about $3 to $9 extra each month, homeowners can choose
solar or wind power and help the environment.
These are only a small sampling of the green cities around .the world. As more people experience
the pleasure of visiting green cities, it seems certain that the trend of urban areas going green will
continue far into the future.
43. Which of the following is NOT a goal that a green city builder would have?
A. Making the city look natural
B. Keeping the air nice and green
C. Painting every building green
D. Helping citizens feel more comfortable
44. All of the following are true about Barcelona EXCEPT that_________.
A. visitors can put all the trash in one colourful trash bin
B. more people have used public transportation
C. air pollution has been reduced
D. it is said by some to have one of the best recycling programmes in the world
45. What does the term “mobility'" in paragraph 2 mean?
A. How much money tourists spend B. The opinions of people
C. How visitors move around D. The feelings visitors have
46. The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. some dustbins in the city B. those who run the city
C. people who collect dustbins D. people who want to throw out trash
47. Green cities bring all of the following benefits EXCEPT_________.
A. to bring natural beauty into urban areas
B. to raise the efficiency of concrete buildings
C. to raise the living standards for urban citizens
D. to make green cities look much better than the old ones
48. When constructing or redesigning green cities, we try_________.
A. to use eco-friendly sources of energy
B. to make energy sources more appealing
C. to make transportation more convenient
D. to reduce the cost of solutions to the problem of air pollution
49. Which of the following people would most enjoy living in Portland?
A. Someone who likes to work in tall buildings
B. Someone who doesn’t mind air pollution

Trang 6

C. Someone who want cheap energy solutions

D. Someone who enjoys exercising outside
50. How does the author seem to feel about the future of green cities?
A. Green cities are too expensive to build in most countries.
B. Few people have interest in living in a green city.
C. The best green cities in the world are in North America.
D. We should continue to see more green cities being built each year.

Trang 7

1. D 2. A 3 B 4 A 5 ÁN 6. B
D 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D
11 B 12. D 13 . B . 1 A 1. B 16. B 17 A 18. A 19 A 20. B
21 C 22. C 23 . B 4.2 A 25. B 26. B 27. B 28. A .
29 D 30. A
31 C 32. B 33 . B 4.3 C 35. A 36. A 37. D 38. C .
39 B 40. A
41 D 42. C 43 . C 4.4 A 45. C 46. D 47. B 48. A .
49 D 50. D
5. . 6.
— planning (on) 4. an honest
— 5. C to rain . .
D —B
Notes: man7. —
17. by mistake = do sơ suất
18. bring sth about = làm xảy ra, dẫn đến, gây ra
23. recommendation (danh từ) = reference = sự giới thiệu, sự tiến cử.
24. fixed (a) = cố định; negotiable = có thể thưcrng lượng; unchanged = như cũ; discussed =
được thảo luận
25. illicit (a) = trái phép, lậu; legal (a) = hợp pháp; elicited (a) = được khám phá ra; secret (a) =
bí mật

Trang 8

ĐỀ 40
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. acne B. happy C. natural D. dietary
2. A. cooks B. loves C. joins D. spends
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. Internet B. effective C. portable D. benefit
4. A. identify B. disadvantage C. technology D. eliminate
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. The company has so little money that it can’t hardly operate any more.
6. The students were interested in taking a field trip to the National History Museum,
although they were not able to raise enough money.
7. My uncle doesn’t care how much does the car cost because he is going to buy it anyway.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. “It’s a pity she had to pull out of the competition.” “Yes, especially since she such excellent
A. is making B. made
C. has been making D. had been making
9. Not only John but his brothers_________also in debt.
A. have B. were C. was D. is
10. Many studies have shown that even university students are unfamiliar searching for
materials for their study.
A. about B. with C. to D. about
11. Of the three courses I did, this one is________interesting.
A. the hardest and more B. harder but more
C. the harder but more D. the hardest but most
12. Heavy rains made________planes to land or take off.
A. it impossible B. impossible for
C. it impossible for D. impossible
13. A baby's development is influenced by both heredity and__________.
A. environment B. environmentally
C. the influence of the environment D. by environmental factors


14. The plan was developed________by a team experts.

A. system B. systematical C. systemized D. systematically
15. The greatest________in my life is to become a successful actor.
A. plan B. ambition C. goal D. intention
16. Their flat is decorated in a_________combination of colours.
A. tasteful B. sweet C. delicious D. tasty
17. On leaving prison, Vic decided to turn over a new__________and to give up his old life of
A. book B. page C. chapter D. leaf
18. This magazine article has to do_________environmental problems.
A. up B. with C. out D. on
19. After days of trying to persuade my parents to allow me to go on the field trip, they finally
gave_________and agreed to let me go.
A. out B. up C. off D. in
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Your designs look so gorgeous.” “_________”
A. Thanks. These are my favorite, too. B. Never mind. Thanks.
C. Very well done. D. It doesn’t matter.
21. “I believe studying abroad is the only way to get a good job.” “_________”
A. I'm sorry, but I can’t agree more.
B. That’s right. That’s why I just want to study in my own country.
C. I don't think you’re right, but I do believe so.
D. Are you kidding me? It’s never the only way.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. During a job interview, it is advisable to give clear and honest answers.
A. frank B. polite C. correct D. interesting
23. Our new teacher has a good sense of humour.
A. ability to amuse people B. ability to frighten people
C. responsibility D. commitment
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. My brother has become a bit of a couch potato since he stopped playing football.
A. a lazy person B. a nice person C. a live wire D. a kind person
25. The farmers removed some undeveloped trees to improve the growth of the rest.
A. eliminated B. planted C. fertilized D. transferred
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. It was such strong coffee that he couldn’t drink it.

Trang 2

A. The coffee was too strong for him to drink.

B. He couldn’t drink the coffee although the coffee was so strong.
C. He couldn’t drink too strong coffee before.
D. The strong coffee made him able to drink it.
27. “Don’t use the office phone on personal purpose,” the director said to the staff.
A. The director asked the staff not to use the office phone on personal purpose.
B. The director requested the staff not use the office phone on personal purpose.
C. The director told the staff not using the office phone on personal purpose.
D. The director required the staff to use the office phone on personal purpose.
28. Jane used to write to me twice a month when she was in London.
A. Jane never forgets to write to me twice a month when she was in London.
B. When Jane was in London, she remembered writing to me twice a month.
C. Jane doesn’t now write to me twice a month.
D. Jane writes to me twice a month when she is in London.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
29. In recent years, with the economic reforms________.
A. farmers have had more chance for export their produce
B. their produce has had more chance to be exported by farmers
C. farmers have had produce more chance to export
D. farmers have had more chance to export their produce
30. _________________in order to save endangered species.
A. Efforts have made through different conservation
B. Efforts have been made with different conservation
C. Different conservation efforts have been made
D. They have been made different conservation efforts
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Benefits of Laughter Yoga
Laughing is good for the body and the mind. When we laugh we breathe more oxygen into
our body, (31)____________helps to keep us healthy. Endorphins, or happy chemicals, are
released in the body, and you feel more relaxed and happy. Laughter also brings people together
to (32)__________some fun.
Companies who have run laughter yoga workshops find that they have advantages for both
employers and employees. People who are happy at work are more hard-working and (33)
__________more money for the company. Also, people who can laugh together (34)___________
more successfully. In general, people do better at work when they feel happy and relaxed.
A Danish company who used Laughter Yoga for a year reported an increase (35)___________
sales of 40 percent over the previous year. Following Laughter Yoga session, a Hawaiian
timeshare company reported the highest sales of the year - double their target figures.

Trang 3

31. A. what B. that C. which D. how

32. A. divide B. give C. offer D. share
33. A. make B. earn C. provide D. take
34. A. work B. earn C. communicate D. promote
35. A. on B. in C. at D. through
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Drawing a Line in the Sand
Artists are known to be a picky bunch. Over years of practice, they often develop a
preference for certain materials. For instance, some sculptors will only work with marble,
whereas some painters may insist on only using watercolour paints. Yet, only a select few have
become masters working with a common material that you can find on any beach: sand.
As children, we all made sand castles, but some skilled artists have taken this activity to the
next level. They have created impressive, massive sand constructions in the shape of dragons,
castles, and everything else you can imagine. A major benefit for many artists who build with
sand is its simplicity. To get started, all you need is sand and water. However, mastering this
medium takes years of practice and great attention to detail. For example, different tasks require
different ratio of water to sand to get the job done. Deciding on the proper tools can also be
complicated. Some artists prefer using buckets and shovels, while others are purists who refuse to
use anything but their hands.
Sand painting is another form of sand art. The practice dates back dozens of thousands of
years and has been used by several different cultures. It involves spreading different coloured
particles, which often come from crystals and rocks, onto a surface and then arranging them to
make a picture. Interestingly enough, many sand paintings are designed to be temporary. Tibetan
monks will spend days creating beautiful sand paintings which are blown away by winds shortly
after they are finished. They view the natural destruction of their work as a symbol of
impermanence in life. Meanwhile, Native Americans consider their temporary sand paintings as
living creatures and they treat them with great respect while they exist.
Recently, filmmakers have also discovered a way to work with sand by creating sand
animation. Like other forms of animation, an artist will create one image and then capture it on
camera. Then, they will make some subtle changes and then move on to the next frame and so on.
After they have created and captured hundreds of images, the frames will be strung together. In
the final product, it will appear as if the sand images are moving or changing shape. The next
time you are at the beach, let your mind run free as you look at the shore. Who knows, you might
get the urge to create some remarkable sand art of your own.
36. What is the tone of the passage?
A. Humourous B. Educational C. Disrespectful D. Reflective
37. What does the passage say about artists in the first paragraph?
A. They are highly reasonable people.
B. They prefer to do things in their own way.
C. They are quite flexible when it comes to their work.

Trang 4

D. They usually all request to work with sand.

38. What best describes the art of building with sand?
A. It shouldn’t be attempted by beginners.
B. It is hard at first but people can master it quickly.
C. Anyone can try it but it takes a lot of work to be an expert.
D. Only artists who are good at other art forms should try it.
39. The word ‘“them” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. crystals B. particles C. artists D. paintings
40. The term “impermanence” considered by Tibetan monks is based on the idea
A. it takes a short period of time for nature to destroy anything humans have done for a
long time
B. sand is not the suitable material to build lasting buildings in the world
C. the time that Tibetan monks spend creating beautiful sand building is rather short
compared to their time dedicated to the Buddhist
D. the natural destruction only happens in a short period of time and we often ignore it
41. According to the passage, most sand paintings________.
A. are supposed to last forever
B. are found in fancy museums
C. are made within a matter of minutes
D. will only last for a short period of time
42. What would be another good article for the passage?
A. Painting with Sand B. Sand in the Film World
C. Sand Becomes High Art D. Buildings Made of Sand
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Hunting Down the Truth about Killer Whales
Hearing that killer whales are in the area is sure to strike fear in the heart of anyone at sea.
The thought of coming across a creature with a menacing name like that is a surefire sign you are
on a path to destruction. As it turns out, killer whales, orcas, are actually highly sophisticated
creatures that are usually harmless to humans.
The title “killer whale’’ may actually be a mistranslation of the Spanish term “ballena
asesina”, which means assassin whale. Orcas were nicknamed this due to their well-coordinated
attacks on marine life, not for the danger they pose to humans. At nearly five to seven metres in
length and a weight of over six tons, orcas are one of the largest creatures on the Earth. There are
about 50,000 orcas worldwide that are spread out in several oceans. Orcas are classified as an
Apex predator, which means no other creature hunt them for food.
Scientists believe that there are between three to five different types of orca and they are all
quite distinctive. The most frequently seen of these are Residents. They live in close-knit family
units called pods, which can contain over 50 members, and their diet consists mainly of fish.
Transient whales, however, prefer to travel in smaller groups of two to six whales. Meanwhile,

Trang 5

Offshore whales were only recently discovered in 1988. They prefer to swim farther away from
land than the others and several pods may come together to form groups as large as 200 whales.
Although these orca groups may seem similar to the naked eye, they are extremely different in
many ways, and scientists believe they haven’t interbred in thousands of years. Researchers also
acknowledge that their knowledge of orcas is limited, and even more groups may exist.
Male orcas have an average lifespan of about 30 years, while the average age for females is
50. However, there have been cases of females living up to 90 years. Yet when kept in captivity
at marine entertainment parks, their life expectancies drop dramatically. In fact, it seems that the
biggest threat to orcas these days is humans. Between the practices of hunting orcas, polluting
their environments, and capturing them for entertainment purposes, we are making it very
difficult for them to survive. Perhaps the killer whales aren’t the real killer after all.
43. Where did the name “killer whale” come from?
A. The whales often killed each other.
B. The whales planned their attacks skillfully.
C. The whales would often try to sink ships.
D. The whales are one of a few fish that kill humans.
44. What can be said about the different types of killer whales?
A. They behave in different manners.
B. They are quite similar in every way.
C. They frequently mate with one another.
D. They often have wars against each other.
45. All of the following are true about orcas EXCEPT that_________.
A. they are very quite good at hunting
B. no other creatures hunt them for food
C. they are the largest creatures on the Earth
D. there may be other types of orcas that we don’t know
46. What of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. The orca groups may have different behaviours.
B. There is nearly nothing that scientists don’t know about orcas.
C. The average lifespan of orcas is the same as that of humans.
D. Water pollution is the biggest threat to orcas.
47. Offshore whales________.
A. stay close to the land B. like to stay in small groups
C. were unknown until recently D. aren’t really whales at all
48. What happens when whales are kept by humans?
A. They die sooner. B. They get stronger.
C. They stop eating foo. D. They live longer lives.
49. What does the sentence “Although these orca groups may seem similar to the naked eye,
they are extremely different in many ways ” in paragraph 3 mean?
A. They appear in various ways in front of naked eyes.
B. Their huge size makes it difficult to follow them.

Trang 6

C. We can recognize the differences between the groups without naked eyes.
D. The differences between these groups are not easy to recognize.
50. What does the last sentence of the passage mean?
A. Pollution is what makes these whales kill so much.
B. Whales will never be able to survive in the future.
C. The only way to help these creatures is to capture them.
D. Humans might be more dangerous than whales.

Trang 7

1. D 2 A 3 B 4. B ÁN5. D 6 C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B
11 D . 1 C 1. A 14 D .
15. B 16. A 1 D 18 B 19 D 20. A
21 D 2.2 C 23 A . 24 C 25. B 26. A 27. A 28. C .
29 D 30. C
31 C 2.3 D 3 A . 34 C 35. B 36. B 37. B 38. C .
39 B 40. A
41 D 2.4 C 43 B . 44 A 45. C 46. A 47. C 48. A .
49 D 50. D
5. 2.
— can 3 6. .— 7. B — the car 7. . .
Notes: hardly
D — C but costs
16. tasteful (a) = trang nhã, có vẻ thẩm mỹ; sweet (a) = ngọt ngào, êm ái; delicious (a) = ngon,
thích thú, dễ chịu; tasty (a) = ngon, đầy hương vị
17. turn over a new leaf = thay đổi cách sống để trở thành người tốt hơn, cải tà quy chính
18. be/ have to do with sb/ sth = có quan hệ hoặc liên quan với ai/ cái gì
24. a couch potato = người suốt ngày chỉ ngồi xem ti-vi; a live wire = người năng nổ
36. educational (a) = mang tính giáo dục; humourous (a) = hài hước, dí dỏm; disrespectful (a) =
thiếu tôn trọng, bất kính; reflective (a) = suy tư, nghi ngờ

Trang 8

ĐỀ 41
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. massage B. smart C. appetite D. park
2. A. bath B. both C. farther D. breath
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. educate B. concentrate C. stimulate D. encourage
4. A. reasonable B. appropriate C. enjoyable D. accessible
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. His father does not approve of him to go to the party without dressing formally.
6. Children enjoy telling and listening to ghosts stories, especially on Halloween night.
7. No one would have attended the lecture if you told the truth about the guest speaker.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. “Did you stay up late yesterday?” “Not really. I went to bed after Monica
A. had left B. was leaving C. leaving D. has left
9. Mr. Harris is a good employer. He is renowned_________his even temper and patience.
A. for B. about C. of D. to
10. This one is prettier, but it costs_________as the other one.
A. twice as many B. as many C. twice as much D. so much
11. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds________.
A. occasionally to find B. occasionally found
C. have occasionally been found D. have occasionally found
12. It is difficult for you________if you can’t speak his native language.
A. getting acquainted to a foreigner
B. getting acquainted with a foreigner
C. to get acquainted to a foreigner
D. to get acquainted with a foreigner
13. ________announcing his retirement, Mr. Kinsley has been busy trying to train his
A. Because B. Once C. Since D. While
14. Many countries can attract many tourists in summer because their weather is____________
warm, often hot.
A. dependably B. dependently C. independently D. dependence


15. Scientists are looking for planets that have water, since they believe it is the__________for
supporting life.
A. requirement B. basis C. request D. base
16. He is________listening to his sister’s advice.
A. bored in B. tired from C. tired of D. interested with
17. The boy was always getting_________trouble as a youth. Then, to everyone’s surprise, he
became a policeman.
A. into B. onto C. on D. with
18. Thieves broke________their house while they were on holiday.
A. down B. into C. off D. up
19. Before he leaves for work he looks_________his newspapers.
A. up B. through C. into D. after
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “You’re late again, Michael.” “________”
A. Never mind. I stayed up too late last night.
B. I’m so sorry. The traffic was terrible.
C. It’s OK. Thanks for telling me.
D. That’s alright. It’s my fault anyway.
21. “Would you mind opening the window, please?” “_________”
A. Go ahead. B. You are very welcome.
C. No problem. D. Your apology is accepted.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The activists were accused of contaminating the minds of our young people.
A. providing healthy ideas B. nurturing
C. harming D. keeping in the dark
23. You shouldn’t wear casual clothes to an interview. As this may give your interviewers
wrong impression.
A. formal B. informal C. elegant D. nice
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. He said that the tragedy had been wholly avoidable.
A. evocative B. inevitably C. explicit D. inescapable
25. Any student who neglects his or her homework is unlikely to do well at school.
A. puts off B. looks for C. attends to D. approves of
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. My mother has to do lots of housework before she leaves for work.
A. My mother has to do lots of housework so she can leave for work.

Trang 2

B. My mother finds it necessary to do lots of housework before she leaves for work.
C. There is lots of housework done before my mother must leave for work.
D. There is lots of housework for my mother to do before she leaves for work.
27. My father often said to me, “Good for you! It’s good to be independent.”
A. My father told me never to depend on any other person.
B. My father warned me not to depend on the others.
C. My father encouraged me to be independent.
D. My father taught that being independent is a good quality.
28. Many applicants pass their job interview at the second attempt.
A. Many applicants meet difficulties passing their first job interview.
B. Many applicants succeed in their job interview at the second attempt.
C. Many applicants succeed for their job interview at the second attempt.
D. It is impossible for all applicants to succeed in their first job interview.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. They would have paid you more________.
A. if they were told of its value B. unless they had told of its value
C. would they be told of its value D. had they been told of its value
30. Most people think that volunteer work should________.
A. encourage more in our communities
B. be encouraged more in our communities
C. be more encouraged in our communities
D. more encouraged in our communities
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
We are being bombarded with advertisements all the time and a lot of them are targeted at
young people.
Smaller children, (31)____________spending their own pocket money, can also influence
what their parents buy, so many TV ads are created with kids (32)_____________________. For
example, adverts for drinks feature cartoon animals. Then, as two-year-olds are being pushed
around the shop by their parents in a trolley, they (33)___________the drink from the advert and
ask the adults to buy it.
As children grow older, some products are marketed to them as ‘must-have’ items, (34)
__________that children won’t be liked by their friends if they don’t get them. Teenagers are
incredibly (35)___________of adverts, so products aimed at them have to be advertised much
more cleverly. For example, advertisers give away stickers which direct teens to a website with
more information about the product.
3 A. along with B. apart from C. considering D. except
13 A. at present B. from memory C. by heart D. in mind

Trang 3

3 A. recognise B. realise C. understand D. impress

33 D. that
A. imply B. implied C. implying
35. A. pleased B. critical C. informal imply
D. pleasant
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Should We Use Nuclear Energy?
Right now, the biggest source of energy in the world is fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are oil, gas,
and coal. More than 80 percent of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuel. There are many
problems with fossil fuel. One problem is that when fossil fuel is burned, it pollutes the air. Also,
when we take fossil fuel from the
Earth, we often cause a lot of damage. Another problem is that we are running out of it. That is
why we need new sources of energy.
A big source of energy for many countries is nuclear power. Thirty-one countries use nuclear
power. Many ships also use it.
Nuclear power has some advantages. First of all, we can’t run out of nuclear power. Nuclear
power does not make the air dirty. Also, if a country has nuclear power, it doesn’t need to buy as
much as oil from other countries.
However, there are also a lot of problems that come with nuclear power. For example,
nuclear accidents are very serious. In 1986, there was a nuclear accident in Ukraine. In the next
20 years, about 4,000 people got sick and died. In 2011, there was another very serious nuclear
accident in Japan. Japan is still trying to clean up the nuclear waste from the accident.
Many people don’t want nuclear power in their countries. They say that it is not safe. A lot of
people want their countries to use safer and cleaner ways to get electricity. There have been
protests against nuclear energy in the United States, Russia, France, Taiwan, Japan, India, and
many other countries.
Although many people hate nuclear energy, more and more countries are using it. One reason for
this is that the world is using more and more energy. We just don’t have enough fossil fuel.
However, if we use nuclear power, then we may have more serious problems in the future.
36. Which of the following is NOT true about fossil fuel?
A. It can pollute the air.
B. We don’t use much of it.
C. Its sources are limited.
D. Mining fossil fuel can bring harm to the environment.
37. All of the following are true about nuclear accidents EXCEPT that_________.
A. they have been very serious
B. their effects can last many years
C. it doesn’t take us much time to clean up the nuclear waste from the accident
D. there were serious nuclear accidents in Ukraine in 1986 and in Japan in 2011
38. The phrase “clean up” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. block B. evacuate C. disappear D. remove
39. What does the word “they" in paragraph 5 refer to?

Trang 4

A. countries B. protesters C. offcials D. supporters

40. What can be inferred from the first sentence of the last paragraph?
A. Fewer countries are using nuclear energy.
B. No countries are using nuclear energy now.
C. Many people don’t like nuclear energy, but more countries are using it.
D. Many people like nuclear energy, so more countries are using it.
41. Which of the following statements would the author of the passage support most?
A. Some governments are wrong when they are using nuclear energy.
B. We should consider seriously the nuclear power because it has both advantages and
C. We can continue using nuclear energy until there is an accident.
D. Many people don’t want nuclear power in their countries and governments should
follow their people.
42. What would be another good title for the passage?
A. A Safe Source of Energy
B. The Best Energy Source in the World
C. Everyone Loves Nuclear Power
D. We Should Only Use Fossil Fuel
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Power of Crowdsourcing
There is a famous old saying that when trying to solve a problem “two heads are better than
one”. Yet until recently, businesses would often rely on one key person to get important tasks
done. But thanks to a phenomenon called crowdsourcing, more and more companies are allowing
their consumers to have their say when designing new products.
The term “crowdsourcing” refers to the process of outsourcing jobs which were once done by
a single person to a large group (or a crowd) of people. In the past, crowdsourcing wasn’t
practical, as it was possible to gather thousands of like-minded people together to share opinions.
Now, thanks to the Internet, online forums, and social media, this isn’t a difficult task at all.
There are many important applications for crowdsourcing in business. For example, if a small
business was looking to develop a business logo, it might employ a single designer and hope for
the best. However, with crowdsourcing, companies can specify some guidelines about their
project, set a budget, and start a design contest online. Within hours, it will likely receive
hundreds of designers sending them logos. In the end, they can choose the design they like best
and the winner will get compensated.
Crowdsourcing has other applications as well. A website called Duolingo is using
crowdsourcing to translate documents into different languages. It offers free lessons to language
learners. As part of their tests, users translate lines to test their knowledge. Then, a computer
programme will analyze thousands of test results for consistency and arrange an accurate

Trang 5

Not everyone is sold on crowdsourcing, though. In many cases, it may be better to rely on the
opinion of a few specialized professionals than information from a crowd. For instance, it makes
more sense to trust the opinion of one top doctor than to take the advice of 1.000 random people
regarding a health issue. Another criticism is the low wage that crowdworkers usually receive.
Since crowdworkers are freelancers and not employees, they can be paid less than minimum
wage. Whether you love or hate crowdsourcing, it appears to be here to stay. So before you make
any financial judgements, consider following the crowd and give crowdsourcing a try.
43. The old saying “two heads are better than one” in paragraph 1 means that_________.
A. two people can work more carefully than one person working alone
B. two heads are more expensive than one
C. two people can achieve more than one person working alone
D. two heads are paid better than one
44. One of the advantages of using crowdsourcing is________.
A. we can get the best answer to our solution with the unbelievably small budget
B. within a relatively short period of time, we can get so many answers to a single problem
C. the company no longer hire employees to solve problems
D. hospitals can practically apply the method of crowdsourcing in consulting patients
45. Which of the following is NOT a good situation to use crowdsourcing?
A. A company needs to get ideas for a new sneaker.
B. A business is looking to understand why people like its products.
C. A student is looking for ideas on where to stay on holiday.
D. A person needs to understand a law for an important court case.
46. According to the passage, why didn’t businesses use crowdsourcing in the past?
A. It was too hard to collect and check lots of people’s ideas.
B. People weren’t as smart as they are today.
C. It was usually illegal in most countries to do this.
D. No one had ever thought of the idea of crowdsourcing before.
47. The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to_______.
A. the winning logo B. the designer
C. the company D. the website
48. The word “compensated" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. helped B. provided C. employed D. paid
49. Why might someone agree to translate a document for Duolingo?
A. They might get paid lots of money.
B. It will help them get a good job in the future.
C. Duolingo will let them use crowdsourcing for free.
D. It is a part of their free language course.
50. Which of the following sentences is true?
A. Everyone agrees that crowdsourcing is a great idea.
B. Crowdsourcing is now a fast way to get logos made.

Trang 6

C. It seems that crowdsourcing will become less popular in the future.

D. People who work as crowdworkers don’t earn large salaries.

Trang 7

1. C 2 C 3. D 4 A 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10 C
1 C . 1 D 13. C . 1 A 15. B 16. C 17. A 18 B 19. B .
20 B
21. C 2. 2 C 23. B 4. 2 D 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. D .
30 B
31. B 2. 3 D 33. A 4. 3 C 35. B 36. B 37. C 38. D 39. B .
40 C
41. B 2. 4 A 43. C 4. 4 B 45. D 46. A 47. C 48. D 49. D .
50 D
1. — him
5. 2. going 6. — 4.
being told 7. B — had told . .
Notes: A
B — —
14. dependably (adv.) = chắc chắn; dependently (adv.) = lệ thuộc; independently (adv.) = độc
lập; dependence (n.) = sự lệ thuộc.)
17. be/ get into trouble = gặp chuyện không hay, gặp chuyện rắc rối
18. break into = đột nhập, xông vào (nhà...)
19. look through = xem lướt qua, đọc lướt qua
32. in mind = ghi nhớ điều gì; at present = hiện tại; from memory = những gì nhớ được; by
heart = học thuộc lòng
35. critical (a) = bình phẩm, phê bình;pleased (a) = hài lòng; informal (a) = thân mật;pleasant
(a) = vừa ý, dịu dàng

Trang 8

ĐỀ 42
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. objection B. obey C. impose D. forbid
2. A. privacy B. pierce C. advice D. activity
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. description B. counselor C. inspector D. adoption
4. A. property B. understand C. nitrogen D. surgery
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Although the quantity was small, we had supplies enough to finish the experiment.
6. Keith had so interesting and creative plans that everyone wanted to work on his committee.
7. If Brian would have studied German in college, he would not have found the scientific
terms so difficult to understand.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. Jack________chess before, so I showed him what to do.
A. didn’t play B. wasn’t playing
C. hadn’t been played D. hadn’t played
9. Winter is almost here and it’s time_________against flu.
A. to protect B. you protected
C. you protect D. you protected yourself
10. It is unusual________him to go out on a Monday night.
A. of B. for C. to D. with
11. I don’t know French, but I’ll________.
A. get Tom to translate it B. have it translate
C. have Tom to translate it D. make it to be translated
12. Research has shown that high school and university students can learn as much as from their
classmates as they__________from teachers and textbooks.
A. do B. should C. will D. would
13. “What did you do yesterday?” “After________a job at home, some friends came over for
A. me finishing B. I’ve finished C. finishing D. I’d finished
14. Due to________fuel prices, the company has decided to add a surcharge to all deliveries.


A. rise B. arisen C. rose D. rising

15. We have organized food and water_________in African countries.
A. droughts B. famine C. relief D. distribution
16. The Red List is a special book that provides names of_________animals.
A. vulnerable and endangered B. vulnerable and dangerous
C. endangered and hunted D. extinct and killed
17. It was the role that really ________ as a serious actress.
A. drew her a map B. caught her
C. put her on the map D. put her forward
18. Some children manage to get disobedience .
A. away B. over C. by D. away with
19. She set________some money each month for her holidays.
A. aside B. about C. back D. up
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Can you give me a hand on this?
A. I have only two hands.
B. No, My hands are busy now.
C. Oh, sorry, I’m busy at the moment.
D. No, I can’t. I’m not very busy.
21. Liz: “Thanks for the nice gift you brought to us!” Jennifer: “_________”
A. All right. Do you know how much it costs?
B. Actually speaking. I myself don’t like it.
C. Not at all. Don't mention it.
D. Welcome! It's very nice of you.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Fallout from a nuclear power station damaged in the tsunami may endanger the vegetation.
A. stimulate B. harm C. inhibit D. benefit
23. To prepare for a job interview, you should jot down your qualifications, work experience as
well as some important information about yourself.
A. what you have experienced
B. your bio data and special qualities
C. your own qualities in real life
D. what you have earned through study
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks.
A. associate B. separate C. cooperate D. assemble
25. Those clothes are inappropriate for this evening.

Trang 2

A. improper B. attractive C. available D. suitable

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Because I hadn’t heard the weather forecast, I was surprised to see the heavy rain.
A. Not having heard the weather forecast, I was surprised by the heavy rain.
B. The heavy rain caused me surprising because I hadn’t heard the weather forecast.
C. It was raining heavily, so I was surprised by the weather.
D. The weather forecast prevented me from knowing about the heavy rain.
27. Ann’s parents said to her, “You are too young to get married.”
A. Ann’s parents said that she can’t get married at quite a young age.
B. Ann’s parents stopped her from getting married at quite a young age.
C. Ann’s parents said that she is so young that she can’t get married.
D. Ann’s parents advised her to get married.
28. They travelled across China and then flew on to Japan.
A. Before travelling across China, they flew on to Japan.
B. After they had travelled across China, they flew on to Japan.
C. As soon as they flew on to Japan, they travelled across China.
D. They travelled across China as soon as they flew on to Japan.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. I spent one hour________.
A. trying to find the answer to the question
B. to try to find the answer to the question
C. trying to find the answer with the question
D. to try to find the answer with the question
30. Modern women now work outside the home________.
A. because they want to be economically independent
B. in spite of their economical independence
C. although they are economically independent
D. so that they are economically dependent
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
We tend to assume that people like Shakespeare or Darwin owe their success (31) their
genius. In his new book, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell suggests that the truth may be more
complex. Of course, all successful people are bound to have some natural (32) . But the true
(33)______of success are most probably hard work, opportunity, and the environment you grow
up in.
You need about 10.000 hours of practice before you get really good at something. Mozart’s
early work was certainly not great or (34)____________. By the time he composed his first true

Trang 3

masterpieces, he must have spent about ten years composing concertos.

But hard work is not enough, you have to get your chance. Most Silicon Valley tycoons, like
Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, were bom around 1955. When the personal computer revolution came
twenty years later, they were at a(n) (35)__________age to lead it.
3 A. about B. for C. to D. on
13 A. presents B. prizes C. opportunities D. gifts
23 A. ingredients B. recipes C. elements D.
33 A. different B. original C. ordinary details
43 strange
A. average B. earlier C. perfect D. true
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Is It Safe?
Fracking is a way of getting energy from the ground. First, a special liquid is put into the
ground. This liquid cracks rocks under the ground. After the rocks are cracked, oil moves through
the cracks. Then it is much easier to take the oil from the ground. Fracking was started in 1947.
These days, we are doing more and more fracking. That is why everyone is suddenly talking
about it.
A lot of people say that fracking is a good way to get energy. There is some gas that is very
difficult to take from the ground. If we didn’t use fracking, we would not be able to get this oil.
They say that because the world need more energy, we have to use fracking. Also, it is said that
fracking creates a lot of jobs.
However, many people are against fracking. They say that fracking’s “special liquid” pollutes
the ground, the water, and the air. People who live near fracking areas could have health
problems. Moreover, fracking is very loud.
In some countries, fracking is now illegal. The first country to make fracking illegal was
France. They did that in 2011. In other countries like England, fracking is legal, but there are
many rules that control it. Other countries are waiting to learn more about fracking before they
decide whether or not to allow it. However, fracking is very big in the United States. The US is
number one fracking country in the world.
People who support fracking say that it can be very safe. They say that first, we need strong
laws to make sure that fracking is always done safely. Second, they say that fracking needs safe
methods and good technology. It is said by many that after we develop these things, fracking will
be great for the whole world. However, other people want fracking to be illegal everywhere. They
say that it will never be safe.
We still don’t know enough about fracking. After we learn more about it, we can decide
whether it is really a safe way to get energy or not.
36. Fracking is most useful________.
A. to get oil from the ground in some difficult places
B. to mine precious minerals deep under the ground
C. to take natural gas from the ground
D. to make more jobs in any country in the world

Trang 4

37. Which country does the most fracking?

A. England B. France C. The US D. China
38. All of the following are true about fracking EXCEPT that_________.
A. it is considered by many a good way to get energy
B. water is pumped into the ground through the cracks
C. it can cause air, water, and noise pollution
D. the tendency against fracking is increasing in several countries
39. Why is everyone suddenly talking about fracking?
A. It was only invented two years ago.
B. There was a very big fracking accident.
C. We are doing a lot more fracking now.
D. Nobody knew about fracking before.
40. What is an advantage of fracking?
A. It creates job opportunities. B. It is very clean.
C. It is very quiet. D. It makes people healthy.
41. The word “big” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. large B. enormous C. beneficial D. important
42. Which of the following statements does the author support most?
A. Thanks to modem technology, fracking is really safe.
B. Fracking should be made illegal everywhere in the world.
C. We need more studies about fracking before making the final decision.
D. We continue using it and we can learn more about it.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Getting Closer to Nature at National Parks
In modern times, we seem to be getting more separate from nature with each passing day.
Most of us spend the majority of our time indoors, typing away at computers and fiddling with
digital devices. All the while, we are destroying the planet’s natural beauty by cutting down
forests and building cities in their place. In an effort to preserve nature for future generations,
national parks were created.
The primary function of national parks is conservation. In many cases, it is a matter of
national pride for countries to protect their indigenous species.
Although several nations considered opening national parks, the US was the first country to
officially do so when Yellowstone Park opened in 1872. This designation made the federal
government responsible for taking care of the territory. Soon after, national parks started to open
in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and eventually across the globe. Today, almost 100 countries
have established their own national parks. In total, there are over 6,500 worldwide.
There are several incredible national parks that have a lot to offer. Kruger National Park in
South Africa at 19,633 square kilometers is one of the largest game reserves. Tourists can go on
safari and witness elephants, rhinoceroses, lions, and several other large mammals in their natural
environments. At 75,000 square miles, the Northeast Greenland National Park is the world’s

Trang 5

largest. In fact, it is larger than all but 30 countries in the world.

Despite differences in names, location, and rules, most natural parks have certain traits in
common. For one, they are usually open to visitors throughout the year. Those who come to the
park can take part in a wide scope of outdoor activities including hiking, camping, cycling, bird
watching, and fishing. Other options may include horseback riding, rafting, or scuba diving if the
territory is suitable. In most places, visitors are encouraged not to feed the animals. The purpose
for this law is twofold: to protect the animals as well as those who might feed them. Animals also
have strict dietary needs, so feeding them exotic foods could make them sick. Feeding wild
animals could also cause them to aggressively pester humans they encounter in the future for
food. However, as long as you follow the rules, you are assured of having a great time at
whichever national park you visit.
43. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?
A. What people will likely see when they visit a national park.
B. How national parks will probably be different in the future.
C. A few things you will likely see if you go to visit a national park.
D. Some reasons why national parks are necessary.
44. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. The establishment of national parks
B. The main purposes of national parks
C. Some interesting facts about national parks
D. The first American national parks
45. Which of the following people would probably be most interested in visiting Kruger
National Park?
A. Someone who is interested in hiking
B. Someone who is interested in rare plants
C. Someone who likes observing large creatures
D. Someone who needs to adopt an animal
46. The word “indigenous” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. rare B. native C. large D. extinct
47. Which of these activities would probably NOT be featured at a national park?
A. Flying lessons B. Rafting
C. Mountain climbing D. Canoeing
48. Which of the following is NOT true about national parks?
A. They lies at locations with different traits.
B. They offer a variety of activities to visitors.
C. There are rules against feeding animals by tourists.
D. They have been established to avoid disasters.
49. The word “they” in the last paragraph refers to________.
A. visitors B. guards C. animals D. exotic foods
50. What can be inferred from the passage?

Trang 6

A. National parks were established in Britain earlier than those in the US.
B. National parks are not open to visitors in winter.
C. The Northeast Greenland National Park is only smaller than 30 countries in the world.
D. National parks in the US are under the control of the state authorities.

Trang 7

1. C 2 D 3. B 4 B 5 ÁNC 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. A
11 A . 1 A 13. D 14. . D 1. D 16. A 17 C 18. D 19 A 20. C
21 C 2.2 B 23. D 24. B 25 D 26. A 27. B 28. B 29 . A 30. A
31 C 2.3 D 33. A 34. B 35 C 36. A 37. C 38. B 39 . C 40. A
41 D 2.4 C 43. D 44. C 45 C 46. B 47. A 48. D 49 . C 50. C
5. 2.
— enough 6. A 5
such interesting 7.. A had studied .
C — supplies
Notes: — —
17. put sb/sth on the map = làm cho ai/ cái gì trở nên nổi tiếng hoặc quan trọng; role (n) = vai
18. get away (with sth) = thoát khỏi, tránh khỏi; disobedience = sự không vâng lời
19. set sth aside = để dành, dành dụm
31. owe something to something = công nhận cái gì là nguyên nhân
32. gift (n) = talent = tài năng
33. ingredient (n) = thành phần; ingredients of success = các yếu tố tạo nên thành công
34. original (a) = độc đáo; ordinary (a) = bình thường; strange (a) = kì lạ
35. perfect (a) = đúng, thích hợp

Trang 8

ĐỀ 43
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. afford B. force C. top D. norm
2. A. compassion B. progress C. discussion D. pressure
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. encourage B. engagement C. violence D. prestigious
4. A. ceremony B. majority C. equality D. remarkable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Our English teacher would like us spending more time in the lab practising our
6. Peter’s new sports car costs much more than his best friend.
7. Max would rather to be fishing from his boat in the lake than sitting at his desk in the
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. I decided to go to the library as soon as I_________.
A. finish what I did B. would finish what I did
C. finished what I did D. finished what I was doing
9. Had I studied harder, I________better in the last exam.
A. wouldn’t have done B. had done
C. would have done D. would do
10. Women have proved repeatedly that they are equal and often superior men in
almost every field.
A. to B. than C. with D.over
11. I must go to the dentist and____
A. get my teeth to take care of B. take care of my teeth
C. my teeth be taken care of D. get my teeth taken care of

12. If ultraviolet radiation enters the atmosphere,____________generally blocking the ozone

concentrated in the atmosphere.
A. it B. it is C. so it is D. then it
13. In Roman numerals,________symbols for numeric values.
A. are letters of the alphabet B. letters of the alphabet are


C. which uses letters of the alphabet D. in which letters of the alphabet are
14. The elegant hotel we stayed at was__________and bright and had a private entrance and


patio with a view of the ocean.

A. spacing B. spacious C. spaciousness D. spaces
15. Is the Siberian tiger an endangered__________? D. species
A. habitat B. programme C. expectancy
16. Nowadays it is not easy to find a_________job.
D. well-pay
A. good-pay B. well-paid C. good-paid
17. This is________the most difficult job I’ve ever had to do.
D. by myself
A. by far B. by heart C. by chance
18. Tony and Toby has their little differences at the beginning of their work but now they seem
to be quite nicely.
A. getting through B. getting along C. doing up D. doing by
19. I can’t make________what it says; it’s a very old book.
A. for B. up C. out D. of
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “Passing a university entrance exam is not difficult.” “_________”
A. I couldn’t agree more. It’s not easy at all.
B. You must be kidding me. It’s not easy.
C. But I don’t. I failed it last year.
D. I do, too. I passed it last year.
21. “You know what? They just called and offered me the job.” “_________”
A. Be strong. B. It was nothing really.
C. I’m glad you say so. D. Really? Congratulations.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
A. speed B. expect more
C. do better D. treat better
23. As all of us cannot be available today, let’s put off the discussion till later.
A. present for the event B. scheduled for theevent
C. arranged for the event D. appointed for theevent
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. The story told by the teacher amused children in the class.
A. astonished B. frightened
C. jolted D. saddened
25. The clubs meet on the last Thursday of every month in a dilapidated palace.
A. neglected B.regenerated
C. furnished D. renovated
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in

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meaning to each of the following questions.

26. Our family lived in a small village throughout our childhood.
A. Our parents thought we’d better live in a small village throughout our childhood.
B. We used to spend years living in a small village when we were young.
C. Our family never had intention of leaving when we were children.
D. Our family are used to living in a small village and we are, too.
27. Tom emphasized the importance of being thoughtful toward one another.
A. Tom said that people should not talk too much.
B. Tom said that people should not be too serious.
C. Tom said that people should consider the feelings of others.
D. Tom said that people should discuss intellectual topics.
28. My professor will retire next month after teaching chemistry for twenty years.
A. Twenty years after teaching chemistry, my professor will retire next month.
B. After my professor has finished teaching chemistry for twenty years, she will retire.
C. Having taught chemistry for twenty years, my professor will retire next month.
D. It will be twenty years next month since my professor retired.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. Excessive logging of forests in the past century has resulted in_________.
A. what becomes known as deforestation
B. knowing this as deforestation
C. that is known as deforestation
D. which it is known as deforestation
30. Declared an endangered species in the United States,________.
A. the bald eagle has been hunted almost to the point of extinction
B. hunting the bald eagle almost to the point of extinction
C. the near extinction of the bald eagle is due to excessive hunting
D. people have hunted the bald eagle almost to the point of extinction
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Most of the time, we avoid strangers. It is one of the first lessons we learn (31)_____________
children. But according to Dr. Richard Wiseman, it is a habit we should change. Talking to
strangers opens up new possibilities in life. It increases the chances of finding luck and
friendship. Choosing which strangers to talk to obviously requires a bit of common (32) and
judgement, but Liz Barry and Bill Wetzel from New York were so inspired by the idea that they
started the “Talk to Me” project. For three years, they sat at bus stops, on street comers and any
other place they could find in New York holding a sign saying ‘Talk to me’. They encountered
hostility and (33)________________________________sometimes, but in general they were
surprised by the kindness they encountered.

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Many philosophical and religious traditions tell us that happiness can found by living in the
present. Now there is some scientific support (34)____________this belief. Recent research by
Harvard University psychologists found that we spend 46.9 percent of our (35)___________time
daydreaming. And when we daydream, we are less happy, the research found.
3 A. as B. when C. like D. for
A. knowledge B. responsibility C. safety D. sense
23 A. trust B. suspicion C. friendliness D.
33 A. 0 B. to C. work fighting
D. as
43 D.
A. awaken B. woken C. woke
5 waking
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Future Cures for a Better Future
We all wish we could stay forever young, maintaining perfect health throughout our lives.
Unfortunately, this is just a pipe dream. In reality, our bodies start to fall apart as we age. Due to
genetic weaknesses, neglecting our bodies, and reckless actions, people often find themselves
facing a host of issues. Currently, many of these problems can’t be cured by modern medicine.
Yet there is hope in the future that remedies will be developed to eliminate these conditions once
and for all.
Once disease which prevents people from enjoying their golden years is Alzheimer’s. It is a
brain condition which causes sufferers to slowly lose their memory and intellectual capabilities,
and nearly 25 million people are affected by it. Although most of its victims get sick when they
are senior citizens, about 5 percent start to show some effects when they are in their 40s or 50s.
Within the next five to seven years, medicines should hit the market which greatly reduce the
effects of Alzheimer’s, and may even cure it completely. In addition, researchers are working on
a vaccine that could prevent people from getting it in the first place.
Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases on the Earth. It can strike any organ or quickly spread
throughout the body. Despite pumping millions of dollars into cancer research, it has proved to be
a difficult disease to defeat. However, scientists are optimistic that they can turn it into a
manageable condition within the next decade using a new approach. Doctors envision working
with individuals’ DNA to develop more personalized treatments. Although this may not provide a
complete cure, it should allow them to extend patients’ lives for many years.
Although it is not a disease, baldness is something that many men dread. Although whether
we lose hair is based primarily on genetics, many men feel that they did something wrong to
cause it. As a result, men have been tricked with pills and routines that promise to cure baldness
but actually do nothing at all. As it looks, there may be some effective treatments on the horizon.
One involves cloning healthy hair follicles to ensure that men maintain a healthy head of hair.
Another involves reawakening old hair follicles that have stop functioning. In the meantime,
shaved heads are in style, so men should realize that they have other options.
36. Which of the following people would be most likely to get Alzheimer’s disease?
A. A teenager with a bad memory

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B. A child who doesn’t listen to his or her parents

C. A retired old woman with three grandchildren
D. A middle-aged man who has a lot of stress at work
37. All of the following are true about Alzheimer’s EXCEPT that________.
A. there may be a damage to the intellectual capabilities
B. about 25 percent of the senior citizens are affected by it
C. a vaccine is being studied in order to stop the disease in the first place
D. there will be medicines to reduce the effects of the disease
38. How do doctors plan to treat cancer in the future?
A. They will use more powerful medicines.
B. They will find one approach that works great and sticks to it.
C. They will continue to use most of the old medications.
D. They will use different treatments for different people.
39. How does baldness compared to the other conditions and diseases mentioned?
A. It costs much more to treat effectively.
B. It is a disease that men never get.
C. It doesn’t damage people’s health.
D. It is the only one that can be cured.
40. What does the word ‘“it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. Medication B. A scientist C. All disease D. Cancer
41. The word “envision” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. look for B. imagine C. reject D. continue
42. What was said about the old cures for baldness?
A. Most of them were actually quite different.
B. They didn’t deliver on the results promised.
C. They were all based on cloning hair.
D. They are likely to be used for many years to come.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Poles Apart
There is an old saying that opposites attract, but when it comes to the two ends of the Earth,
this old saying doesn’t seem to apply. By comparison, the North and South Poles are different in
many aspects. In fact, the only other thing they seem to have in common is that you probably
wouldn’t want to live at either place.
First, consider their locations. The North Pole, the Arctic region, represents the most
northern part of our planet, while the South Pole, the Antarctic region, is the exact opposite. In
addition, the North Pole is found in the middle of the icy waters in the Arctic Ocean, while the
South Pole is located on land in Antarctica. Strangely enough, it is the North Pole that has a larger
population. About one million people live in the North Pole region, mainly in small towns and
villages. Although people have explored the South Pole, it remains the last place on the Earth that
is not a territory of any country.

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In terms of temperatures, both climates are extremely cold but the North Pole is a bit warmer
than the South. The lowest temperature ever on our planet, minus 89.6 degrees Celsius was
recorded at a Russian base in the South Pole. Typically, temperatures in the South Pole are minus
49 degrees Celsius compared to minus 34 degrees Celsius at the North Pole.
The two Poles provide very different, yet important, natural resources that humans can benefit
from. It is believed that nearly half of the Earth’s remaining oil supply is sitting under layers of
ice in the North Pole. As a result, both Russians and Americans have sent teams to the area to
break through the ice and attempt to tap into this source. Meanwhile, the South Pole contains 90
percent of all ice on the Earth, which accounts for 75 percent of all freshwater reserves. In the
future, governments may attempt to melt these icebergs to provide additional water for their
From cute cartoons and clever advertisements, people often assume that popular cold-climate
creatures share the same habitat. However, two of the most famous creatures, penguins and polar
bears, would never be found together, except at the zoo. Polar bears are only found in the
Northern hemisphere, while penguins are only located in the South. This reality has probably
saved those cuddly little creatures from becoming snacks for those powerful and enormous
43. What do the North and South Poles have in common?
A. They are located in the same area.
B. Their populations are the same.
C. They aren’t desirable places to stay.
D. They offer residents a wonderful opportunity.
44. The weather in the North Pole is_________than the weather in the South Pole.
A. slightly warmer B. much colder
C. a bit dryer D. precisely the same
45. The phrase “tap into” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. create B. access C. eliminate D. pollute
46. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A. Things that can benefit people
B. Things to see in these areas
C. Resources for making weapons
D. Resources for bettering computers.
47. All of the following are true about the Poles EXCEPT that_________.
A. the average temperatures at the North Pole is higher than those at the South Pole
B. half of the Earth’s oil supply is found under layers of ice in the North Pole
C. part of the North Pole belongs to several countries in that region
D. the South Pole is the biggest freshwater reserve in the world
48. What is true about penguins and polar bears?
A. They are actually good friends.
B. They stay in the same cages at zoos.

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C. They live in different areas in the wild.

D. They both can’t survive in cold weather.
49. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. We can only find scientific bases in the South Pole, not the North Pole.
B. Polar bears and penguins can be found at the same places.
C. Russians and Americans have cooperated to look for oil reserves in the North Pole.
D. The temperatures in the South Pole are always under minus 50 degrees Celsius
50. The phrase “those powerful and enormous predators” in paragraph 5 refers to
A. hunters B. polar bears C. zoo keepers D. large zoo animals

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1. C 2 B 3 C 4. A 5 ÁN
B 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. C 10 A
1 D . 1 B 1. B 14. B 1. D 16 B 17 A 18. B 19. C .
20 B
21. D 2.2 C 23 A 24. D 5.2 .
D 26 B 27. C 28. C 29. A .
30 A
31. A 2.3 D 3 B 34. C 35. .
D 36 C 37. B 38. D 39. C .
40 D
41. B 2.4 B 43 C 44. A 45. .
B 46 A 47. B 48. C 49. A .
50 B
1. — to
5. 2. 3 6. — his best5. . 7. —. be fishing .
Notes: spend
B — D friend’s A
14. spacing (n.) = khoảng cách chừa lại giữa các vật; spacious (adj.) = rộng rãi; spaciousness
(n.) = sự rộng rãi; space (n.) = khoảng trống
17. by far = rất nhiều, hơn xa, vượt trội (được dùng với tính từ so sánh hơn hoặc so sánh nhất)
18. get on/ along (with sb) = hòa đồng với ai, có quan hệ thân hữu
19. make out = hiểu, nhận ra
32. common sense = phán đoán theo kinh nghiệm
33. suspicion (n) = sự nghi ngờ; trust (n) = sự tin cậy; friendliness (n) = sự thân thiện; fighting
(n) - sự đánh nhau
34. support (n) = sự ủng hộ; support for sth = việc ủng hộ cái gì
35. one's waking time/hours = lúc tỉnh giấc; daydream (v) = mơ mộng

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ĐỀ 44
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. childcare B. privacy C. mature D. elegant
2. A. performed B. interviewed C. finished D. delivered
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. fertilizer B. ecosystem C. agriculture D. environment
4. A. machinery B. independent C. preservation D. conservation
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Sally must have called her sister last night, but she arrived home too late to call her.
6. Stood among so many strangers, the frightened child began to cry uncontrollably.
7. Whenever students asked for help or guidance, the counselor would advise them or refer
them to someone who will.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. 1 should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs, but_________.
A. I’m not invited B. I will not be invited
C. I have not been invited D. I was not invited
9. The train________to arrive at 11.30 but it was an hour late.
A. supposed B. is supposed C. was supposed D. had supposed
10. Our new coach is popular_________the whole team.
A. for B. to C. by D. with
11. We got on well when we shared a flat,_______.
A. in spite of the difference in our old
B. despite her being much older than me
C. in spite of the fact I was lots older than her
D. although the difference in our age
12. They are not buying any coal because they expect__________in their home by the end of
A. having gas heating to be installed B. to have gas heating installed
C. to have been installed gas heating D. having gas heating installed
13. Not only knowledge and skills, but also attitudes___________in school for students’ future
adjustment to society.


A. when cultivated B. cultivated

C. which need to be cultivated D. need to be cultivated
14. After we each had been assigned an installment part of the project, we came back to our
A. respective B. respectively C. respectful D. irrespective
15. Factories are not allowed to pump their industrial_________into the sea.
A. litter B. garbage C. rubbish D. waste
16. The________which are hung in the shop are terribly unfashionable.
A. clothing B. wear articles C. cloths D. items of clothing
17. I care about my job and my friends, but_________I care about my family.
A. after all B. not at__________all C. above all D. all in all
18. Thankfully, the fire brigade managed to_________out the fire in the South Hai Van forest.
A. make B. put C. carry D. hold
19. The police are looking_________the mysterious disappearance of three mountaineers.
A. after B. into C. up D. for
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Peter: “Need a hand with your suitcase, Jane?” Jane: “_________”
A. Not a chance. B. That’s very kind of you.
C. I don’t believe it. D. Well done!
21. “Have you got any identification, sir?” “Well, I haven’t got my passport. But
I’ve got my driving license._________”
A. Do you agree with me? B. Sure?
C. Of course. D. Will that be all right?
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. Setting off on an expedition without thorough preparation and with inadequate equipment is
tempting fate.
A. taking a risk B. losing heart
C. having panic D. going round in circles
23. Peter didn't mean to be disrespectful to his teacher. He just couldn’t control his temper.
A. showing lack of trust B. showing nervousness
C. showing impolite behaviour D. showing lack of attention
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. The road was partially blocked by a fallen tree.
A. haphazardly B. nervously C. entirely D. nearly
25. The President was concerned about the increasing unemployment in the country.
A. passionate B. ready C. stolen D. indifferent
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in

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meaning to each of the following questions.

26. We could have helped her out.
A. We didn’t help her when she had difficulty.
B. We succeeded in helping her out.
C. Although we didn’t help her, she managed to go out.
D. We could, so we helped her out.
27. The doctor advised my mother to limit her fat consumption.
A. The doctor said, “You’d better not use any fat food.”
B. “If I am you, I will limit my fat consumption,” said the doctor.
C. “Limiting fat consumption helps you to live longer,” said the doctor.
D. The doctor said, “It’d be best if you limited your fat consumption.”
28. Few people realized the importance of his role in the company.
A. He was realized as an important role in the company by a few people.
B. Not many people realized that he played an important part in the company.
C. Quite a few people realized the importance of his role in the company.
D. Many people realized his important role in the company.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each of
the following sentences.
29. The professor said that________.
A. the students can turn over their reports on the Monday
B. the students could hand in their reports on Monday
C. the students will on Monday have the reports handed in
D. the report on the Monday could be received from the students by him
30. _______until I get my exam results.
A. I will know if I have got into university
B. I won’t know if I have got into university
C. I didn’t know whether I got into university
D. I knew whether I got into university
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Shipping Containers
First used in the 1950s, shipping containers are, in many (31)___________, the symbol of our
time. They have helped globalization come in being. Before shipping containers, goods were
loaded and unloaded by (32)____________. Each package had to be carried onto the ship, tied
down with ropes and then untied and carried out at the other end. (33)____________unloading a
single ship could take 20 men a week, making goods from abroad very expensive. Nowadays,
three people operating three cranes can unload a ship in about ten hours. The largest modem ships
are four football pitches long and can carry almost 15,000 containers. This has made shipping
costs low, which has (34)____________________in cheaper goods all over the world and has
affected all our lives dramatically. So next time you buy a T-shirt, a book, or an electronic gadget

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which was made in another country, remember that it is only (35)________________because of

those big metal boxes.
3 A. methods B. manners C. distances D. ways
31 A. hand B. hands C. the hand D. the
23 hands
A. Exactly B. Equally C. Just D. Almost
33 A. succeeded B. ended C. competed D.
43 resulted
A. available B. possible C. acceptable
5 probable
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Are Vitamins Beneficial?
If you happen to flip through TV channels, you are likely to come across a commercial for a
new vitamin or supplement designed to improve your health.
These pills often promise the world, claiming to cure baldness, or kick-start fat loss. But in the
medical community, there is some debate as to whether these products provide any tangible
benefits at all.
Millions of people worldwide begin their day by popping a multi-vitamin. These pills are
supposed to effortlessly provide our bodies with vitamins in case we have missed them in our
meals. It seemed to be a no-brainer that everyone should take one. Scientific studies, however,
have painted another picture. In 2006. a study conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality, which used the strictest possible standards, concluded that multi-vitamins have zero
effect on reducing a person's chances of getting cancer or heart disease. The only people multi-
vitamins benefited were those in poverty-stricken nations who suffered from nutritional
deficiencies. In 2009, a related study by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center came to a
similar conclusion after monitoring 160.000 women for a period of 10 years.
Antioxidants are another supplement that is promoted to improve health and prevent aging.
Antioxidants are found in vitamins A. C. and E and are supposed to greatly reduce cellular
damage. However, in a study that involved over 180,000 adults, those who took a combined
dosage of these vitamins actually increased their risks of dying by 16 percent.
One likely cause for these negative results is that people who eat healthy diets and take
vitamins are probably getting too many nutrients, which can be toxic. Then why are these
supplements being promoted? Many experts blame the health industry in the US and other nations
because supplements are not highly regulated as they should be. What is worse, vitamin makers
are not required to list negative side effects like medicines do. Ill many cases, it can even be
difficult for the US's Federal Drug Agency (FDA) to ban risky ingredients due to lengthy and
expensive local battles. On the other hand, after these studies were made public, people continued
buying more vitamins than ever. It seems that no matter what evidence is presented, the majority
of people are not ready to give up on a magic pill just yet.
36. What does the first paragraph suggest about vitamins?
A. They are advertised very healthily.
B. They are hard to find in many countries.
C. They are healthy and delicious.

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D. They have never helped anyone ever.

37. Which does the word “them" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Vitamins B. Pills C. Meals D. People
38. Which of the following best matches the meaning of the word “no-brainer" in paragraph
A. foolish mistake B. easy decision C. bizarre option D. small possibility
39. According to the research, who does vitamins usually help?
A. People who are old
B. People who are skinny
C. People who have nutritional deficiencies
D. People who are fat
40. Why might some people get sicker by taking supplements?
A. The vitamins will soak up a lot of water.
B. They don’t believe in the things they are taking.
C. The extra vitamins poison their bodies.
D. They get too full and can’t eat anymore.
41. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. The rules for vitamins and supplements are not very strict.
B. It is not difficult for FDA to ban some supplements.
C. Antioxidants will become the potential treatment of aging.
D. The health industry in the US and other nations have made great success with their
42. Who would be most interested in the passage?
A. A person who is going to have an operation.
B. A person who often takes a lot of medicine.
C. A person who often visits a family doctor.
D. A person who works in a pharmacy selling vitamins and supplements.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Cleaning the World's Oceans
Imagine taking a romantic walk on the beach with your loved one. As the sun begins to set,
you hope to treasure this moment forever. Just then, your bare feet stumble over something and
you hear a crack. You have just stepped upon a plastic soda bottle and some junk that the tide has
washed ashore. Scenarios like this are happening more frequently due to an access amount of sea
rubbish, and the worst of it is found far from land.
The increasing accumulation of garbage in oceans is due to a number of factors. Studies
suggest that 80 percent of all debris originated on land. The majority of this waste is in the form
of plastics. This is particularly troublesome because plastic does not degrade at the same rate that
other materials do. Therefore, these articles will remain there for quite some time. Some of the
pollution is caused accidentally. For example, about 10,000 product-filled containers are lost at

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sea every year by freight ships. In other cases, the littering is more deliberate, such as the moment
when people toss things into the water from boats or land.
One of the most startling discoveries of recent years was an area which is now dubbed the
Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is a large collection of marine debris that collected in the North
Pacific Ocean. Although the patch is quite massive, it is undetectable from satellites in space
because most of the rubbish is underneath the surface. It was discovered in 1997 by a man who
happened to spot it while returning home from a sailing race. The patch formed as a result of
rubbish being carried by currents and then getting trapped in the area.
Thankfully, the problem of ocean garbage is not being ignore. Organizations like the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) are taking action. It has funded 76 projects that
take an aggressive approach to eliminating sea rubbish. Since 2006, it has removed 3,814 metric
tons of marine debris from oceans. Methods of rubbish removal include using machines that skim
the surface of ocean waters and remove any drifting materials found. In addition, special traps are
set by the mouths of rivers to snatch rubbish before it reaches the sea. If everyone does their part,
sea rubbish seems like an issue that can be resolved.
43. Where is most of the sea rubbish found?
A. At the bottom of the ocean B. Floating on top of the water
C. Close to the mouth of rivers D. In the middle of the ocean
44. The word “accumulation” in paragraph 2 refers to_________.
A. building up B. collecting C. disposal D. dumping
45. The word ‘“it” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to________.
A. the surface B. the area C. the discovery D. the patch
46. Which of the following statements about pollution in oceans is correct?
A. Nearly all of it is done purposely.
B. Most people aren’t aware they are littering.
C. Researchers have no clue where it comes from.
D. Some people mean to cause pollution while others don’t.
47. Which of the following is NOT true about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
A. It was discovered accidentally in 1997 by a local man.
B. It contains a large number of marine debris.
C. It formed as a result of marine currents and rubbish accumulation
D. It cannot be detected by satellite in space
48. All of the following are activities carried out by NOAA EXCEPT that_________.
A. skimming the surface of ocean waters
B. removing 3,814 metric tons of marine debris in 2006
C. removing marine debris
D. setting special traps by the mouth of rivers
49. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. NOAA is the only organization to deal with the problems of ocean garbage.
B. The Pacific Ocean has more marine garbage than any other ocean.

Trang 2

C. It takes plastic more time to degrade than any other material.

D. The projects of rubbish removal only involves with the middle of the oceans.

Trang 2

50. What is the tone of the passage? B.

A. Humourous Negative
C. Extremely positive D.

Trang 2

1. A 2 C 3. D 4. A 5 DÁN 6 A 7. D 8. D 9. C 10 D
11 B . 1 B 13. D 14 A 1. .
D 16. D 17 C 18 B 19. B 20 . B
21 D 2.2 A 23. C 24 . C 25. D 26. A 27 . D 28. B 29. B 30 . B
31 D 2.3 A 33. C 34 . D 35. B 36. A 37 . A 38. B 39. C 40 . C
41 A 2.4 B 43. D 44 . A 45. D 46. D 47 . A 48. B 49. C 50 . D
.5. — 2.0 6. A — Standing. among5. 7 D could. . .
D —
Notes: . —
14. respective (adj.) = riêng cho từng cá thể; respectful (adj.) = lễ phép, tôn trọng; irrespective
(adj.) = bàng quan, không lưu tâm
16. items of clothing (= clothes) = quần áo; clothing (n) quần áo (nói chung); cloth (n) = vải,
khăn trải bàn; wear (n) = thứ để mặc; ladies wear = quần áo phụ nữ
17. above all = quan trọng hơn hết thảy, đặc biệt; after all = cuối cùng, rốt cuộc, xét cho cùng;
not at all = không chút nào; all in all = nói chung, nhìn chung
18. put out = dập tat; thankfully = tôi/ chúng tôi rất vui mừng, may mắn
19. look into = điều tra

Trang 8

ĐỀ 45
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. reconciled B. sympathetic C. benefit D. talented
2. A. sympathetic B. smoothly C. without D. together
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. global B. greenhouse C. fuel D. effect
4. A. diversity B. biology C. degradation D.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Mary usually arrives at the office at eight o’clock, but because the accident, she was two
hours late.
6. The director felt badly about not giving Mary the position that she had found with the
7. We thought our cameras were the same, but his is different than the one that I bought.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. An eyewitness described how ten people_________in the fire.
A. were killed B. had been killed
C. had killed D. had been being killed
9. The spy admitted________some highly secret information to enemy agents.
A. to have given C. to have been given
B. having been given D. having given
10. After so many years of work, I’m really tired_________people’s lack of consideration.
A. with B. by C. from D. of
11. John explained to the police that he had and asked them to find it for him
A. had his car steal B. had his car stolen
C. stolen his car D. had his car to steal
12. Ann was not________to think that the test was too difficult.
A. who B. the one who
C. the only one D. among the people
13. I don’t know________.
A. when was this house built B. when this house was built


C. whom does this house belong to D. who does this house belong to
14. The factory was_________so the management tried to cut costs by making some workers

Trang 3

15. redundant.
A. competition B. competitive C. uncompetitive D. competed
16. Population expansion seems to surpass the ability of the earth to meet_________food.
A. the requirements of B. the command of
C. the demand for D. the necessity for

A. imaginary

B. imaginable

C. imagination

D. imaginative
17. Minh's compositions are full of mistakes, but they are very_________
18. It was purely_______chance that the mistake was discovered.
A. by B. in C. as D. from
19. I came________this old book while I was tidying up my room.
A. into B. up C. across D. out
20. My plans to travel around the world have through because I couldn’t save enough money.
A. fallen B. dropped C. given D. put
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
21. A: “I’d like to change some money.” B: “________”
A. Five tens, please. B. Which currency?
C. You haven’t signed it. D. What’s your account number?
22. Anne: “Make yourself at home.” John: “_________”
A. Not at all. Don’t mention it. B. Yes. Can I help you?
C. That’s very kind. Thank you. D. Thanks! Same to you.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
23. The washing machine I have just bought is very simple to use.
A. boring B. interesting C. easy D. difficult
24. In most countries, compulsory military service does not apply to women.
A. superior B. obligatory C. beneficial D. constructive
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
25. There was a lot of public concern that some regions in Russia were becoming autonomous
republics, not under the control of the central government in Moscow.
A. dependent B. independent C. superior D. powerful
26. All organisms must obtain nutrients from the environment in order to sustain themselves.
A. isolate B. harvest C. acquire D. digest

Trang 3

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
27. Peter is attending a private college and is majoring in electronics.
A. Peter is specializing in electronics at a private college.
B. Peter is a major at a private electronics college.
C. Although Peter is attending a private college, he’s majoring in electronics.
D. Peter’s college school is letting him major in electronics.
28. Animal experiments suggest that good nutrition during the first three years of human life is
A. Experiments have proven that it is very important for a human baby under three years of
age to have some nutrition.
B. Because of the experiments with the animals, researchers believe that good nutrition for
infants is very important.
C. If animals are deprived of health food for three years, they will not be healthy.
D. If infant humans do not eat good food for three years, they will act like animals.
29. “I ’ m sorry I didn’t tell you about my trip earlier,” Lan said.
A. Lan apologized me for not to tell about her trip earlier.
B. Lan apologized for not telling me about her trip earlier.
C. Lan apologized for not telling her about my trip earlier.
D. Lan apologized for telling me about her late trip.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each of
the following sentences.
30. ________is helping to break new ground in drug research.
A. If an increase in the use of computers
B. Computers are being used more
C. Computers are used more what
D. The increasing use of the computer
31. When reaching the top of the hill,________.
A. we suddenly caught sight of the sea
B. it was the sea that extended below us
C. we extended the sea below us
D. the sea became into view
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Fifteen Minutes of Fame
In ancient times, some of the first celebrities were Roman gladiators. Rather like today’s TV
talent-show contestants, these men fought each other for the audience’s entertainment.
Fast forward to the 18th century, it was politicians and preachers who were able to become
celebrities through public (31)___________. George Whitefield, for example, a preacher from
England, (32)___________a crowd of 30,000 when he visited the US city of Boston. It’s no

Trang 3

wonder he was called ‘Anglo-America’s first modern celebrity’.

In the 19th century, the arrival of cheap newspapers created a sudden (33)______________for
exciting stories. All kinds of people began to get their 15 minutes of fame, including the
legendary American outlaw and bank robber, Jesse James, and one of the world’s first media
celebrities, Sam Patch. Patch became famous for jumping into rivers from high places, and he
became a (34)___________name by leaping into Niagara Falls. He survived every jump, except
the last one into the Genesee River in New York.
In the same way that the media is held (35)_____________for celebrity problems today, people
blamed the pressure of the media for Patch’s sudden end.
3 A. relations B. figure C. transport D. speaking
13 A. reached B. drew C. moved D.
23 connected
A. demand B. order C. requirement
33 A. group B. family C. household expectation
43 community
A. responsible B. responsibly C. responsibility
5 responsive
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Helpful Home Remedies
When something is bothering us, it is natural to try and make it go away. We might head to
the doctor or make a trip to the local pharmacy for medicine. Unfortunately, these methods can be
time-consuming and expensive. But have no fear, because you might be able to whip up an
effective home remedy with nothing more than a few simple ingredients from your cupboard.
At one time or another, it seems everyone comes down with flu. Our temperature will rise, we
may feel nauseous, and we will likely have a stuffy nose and a cough. Aside from taking it easy
and getting plenty of rest, you can turn to chicken soup to make you feel better. Mothers from
around the world have been making it for thousands of years for sick relatives. The hot soup
warms you up and its flavorful smell helps to clear up your nose. It is often prepared with garlic,
onions, and carrots which all provide vitamins that increase circulation and reduce inflammation.
In addition, the liquid will keep you hydrated. Last but not least, it is usually delicious.
Nothing drives people mad quite like getting the hiccups. If you are fortunate, they will only
last for a few minutes. Yet in some cases, nothing seems to drive them away. Next time you have
a bad case of the hiccups, try this sweet solution. Take a full teaspoon with sugar and swallow it
down. The sugar is thought to change instructions to your nerves ad get your throat muscles to
relax. Just don’t overdo it, or else you might have to go to the dentist to get some cavities fixed.
Headaches are another annoyance that we can do all without. If you get one, try this home
remedy which doesn’t require taking any food or liquids at all. Instead, try putting a pencil in
between your teeth. A major cause of headache is stress, and when we are anxious, we often
tighten our jaws, which strains a muscle that connects to the temples of our head, and this action
causes the pain. By placing a pencil in our mouths, we are giving our minds a signal to relax our
jaw. This can reduce the intensity of headaches almost immediately. Just remember not to bite
down, unless you are in the mood for a lead sandwich.

Trang 3

36. What does the passage say about medicine from pharmacies?
A. It usually doesn’t work at all.
B. You need to see a doctor before you can get it.
C. It sometimes can cost a lot of money.
D. Most of it is imported from overseas.
37. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of the flu?
A. A bad cold B. Having a headache
C. Coughing a lot D. Having a fever
38. It is good advice to________when you are sick.
A. take it easy B. get some exercise
C. avoid eating chicken D. go to work
39. The word ‘“it” in paragraph 2 refers to_______.
A. home remedy B. medicine C. soup D. rest
40. The word “temples” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to________.
A. religious buildings B. core parts
C. flat parts at the sides D. the very top parts
41. Why does sugar help you when you have the hiccups?
A. It lowers your blood pressure. B. It has a lot of vitamins.
C. It strengthens bones. D. It relaxes muscles.
42. Why should you put a pencil between your teeth when you have a headache?
A. You can relieve stress by biting it hard.
B. It will ease tension in your jaw.
C. It will increase the strength of your jaw.
D. This will make you forget that your head hurts.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Saving the Rainforests
One of the hottest topics related to the environment is rainforests. Despite always being
mentioned in the news, many people don’t know very much about these areas or understand why
they are so important. The name “rainforest” actually does a pretty good job of describing what
they are — tall forests that receive high amounts of precipitation. In a year, rainforests get
between 250 to 450 centimetres of precipitation. There are two types of rainforests: tropical
rainforests and temperate rainforests. Tropical rainforests are more plentiful and are located in
warmer climates, while temperate rainforests are found in places where the weather is a bit
milder. In terms of location, rainforests can be found on every continent with the exception of
Antarctica. Although they only cover 6 percent of the Earth, over 50 percent of the Earth’s animal
and plant species can be found there. Many biologists estimate that there are possibly millions of
additional species present there that have yet to be discovered and classified.
Over the years, rainforests have gained the nickname “the world’s pharmacy” because more
than 25 percent of natural medicines were found there. Many herbs that are used to make

Trang 3

medicines can only be found in rainforests. Rainforests are also home to several tribes that have
lived off the land for thousands of years. During this time, they have survived by hunting animals
and gathering fruits and vegetables. They also possess tremendous knowledge when it comes to
crafting and applying medicines made from herbs and plants. Over time, their unique way of life
has declined as they have come in contact with modem civilization.
Despite their numerous benefits, rainforest have been disappearing at a rapid speed. As the
Earth’s population continues to expand, developers have been cutting down their trees to create
new lands for farming or urban projects. This could have unfortunate long-term effects on our
planet. If deforestation continues at this rate, it is possible that a quarter of all species on the Earth
may become extinct in the next 50 years. As it stands, plenty of damage has already occurred.
West Africa has had 90 percent of its rainforests destroyed, while the island nation of Madagascar
has eliminated 66 percent of its original rainforests as well. As a result, many charities have
sprung up with the goal of purchasing and protecting the remaining rainforests. With their help,
hopefully we can stop the destruction of one of the planet’s most vital assets.
43. What can we assume there are no rainforests in Antarctica?
A. The weather is too cold there.
B. They have already all been cut down.
C. There are no animals in this place.
D. There are already too many rainforest in other countries.
44. According to the passage, what did biologists conclude about rainforests?
A. Soon they will all be destroyed.
B. They are not as important as some believe.
C. They have found all of the species living there.
D. There are likely creatures there that humans haven’t studied.
45. Which of the following is NOT the feature of rainforests?
A. There are two types of rainforests.
B. They account for large amounts of the Earth’s surface.
C. They receive high amounts of precipitation.
D. They can be found in Europe and North America.
46. Which of the following best matches the meaning of the word “precipitation” in paragraph
A. plants B. animals C. rain D. land
47. What can be said about rainforests in West Africa and Madagascar?
A. The majority of them were destroyed.
B. Only a small percentage of them were destroyed.
C. They have been taken very good care of.
D. They have all been destroyed in recent years.
48. The word “this” in paragraph 3 refers to________.
A. rainfall B. deforestation C. extinction D. developing rate
49. What can be inferred from the passage?

Trang 3

A. Rainforests are home to more than half of the Earth’s animal and plant species.
B. Rainforests can only be found in tropical regions.
C. Rainforests are home to all ethnic tribes now.
D. People are aware of the importance of rainforests.
50. What does the author imply in the passage?
A. The future of rainforests is quite safe.
B. People will be sorry if they don’t protect rainforests.
C. The only reason to save them is for medical benefits.
D. It is not proper for people to live in rainforests.

Trang 3

1. D 2 A 3 D 4. C 5. ÁNB 6 A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. D
1 B . 1 C 1. B 14 C 1 .
C 16. D 17 A 18 C 19 A 20. B
21. C 2.2 C 23 B . 24 A 5.2 A 26. A .
27 B 28. B .
29 D 30. A
31. D 2.3 B 3 A . 34 C 5.3 A 36. C .
37 B 38. A .
39 C 40. C
41. D 2.4 B 43 A . 44 D 5.4 B 46. C .
47 A 48. B .
49 A 50. B
5. 2.
— bec se 3 6. . bad
— 5.7. — om . . .
15. demand for sth = sự đòi hỏi, sự yêu cầu; requirement for sth = nhu cầu; necessity for sth =
sự cần thiết; command of sth = sự thông thạo cái gì
17. by chance = tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên
18. come across = gặp một cách tình cờ
19. fall through = hỏng, thất bại
31. public speaking = nghệ thuật diễn thuyết, tài ăn nói;public relations = quan hệ công chúng;
public figure = nhân vật của công chúng; public transport = giao thông công cộng
32. draw (v) = thu hút, lôi cuốn
34. a household name = người/vật mà ai cũng biết
35. hold (v) = cho lả, tin rằng; be held responsible for something = được cho là có trách nhiệm
đối với cái gi

Trang 3

ĐỀ 46
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. date B. romantic C. teenager D. relationship
2. A. although B. breathe C. southern D. south
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. cultural B. national C. numerous D. fantastic
4. A. sustainable B. beneficial C. environment D. traditional
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. Louise is the more capable of the three girls who have tried out for the part in the play.
6. They played so good game of tennis last night that they surprised their audience.
7. My book is different from yours because I have a vocabulary section at the bottom of each
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. ________when Kevin and Isabel arrived.
A. We’ve just finished dinner B. We would be finishing dinner D.
C. We were about to finish dinner Dinner has nearly been finished _ to
9. How about taking a shower instead of save water?
A. to have a bath B. have a bath C. having a bath C. having a bath D. had a
10. “Why is Mrs. Brown upset?” - “She’s disappointed because her son’s low test scores
prevented_________to the university.”
A. him from being admitted B. him to admit
C. to admit him D. him from admitting
11. Kate often_________her cousin to look after the cat when she is away.
A. has B. makes C. gets D. keeps
12. _______how carefully you drive, you may still have a few minor accidents in the city
A. Even if B. No matter C. Whenever D. Although
13. _________________cause extensive damage to Pacific island nations each year.
A. Because of the high tides and winds during hurricanes
B. The high tides and winds of hurricanes
C. The high hurricane tides and winds which


D. That the high tides and winds of hurricanes

14. Harry has three years of ________ working as a teacher.


A. experiences B. experience C. experienced D. experiencing

A. habitat B. home C. house D. life

16. It is_________of this kind of work to take a lot of time.
A. usual B. characteristic C. average D. regular
17. There were some rainy days, but it was a nice holiday
A. by no means B. in general C. by all means

D. in particular
15. Loss of________and hunting are the reasons why that species is threatened.
18. The woman looked________the photos carefully to identify the pickpocket, but there were
so many that it was soon hard to distinguish one__________another.
A. at — of B. in - onto C. for — with D. over — from
19. I can’t speak French very well, but I always manage to get_________with a dictionary and
a few gestures.
A. by B. over C. across D.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. Anne: “Thanks for the nice gift!” John: “________”
A. In fact. I myself don’t like it.
B. You 're welcomed.
C. I’m glad you like it.
D. But do you know how much it costs?
21. Cashier: “All right. Keep your receipt. If something comes up, you can show it to us and
can get a refund.” John: “_________”
A. OK, I won’t use it. B. Thanks. I’ll put it in a safe place.
C. You’re welcome. See you. D. Thank you. I’ll keep it for you.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. I will not stand for your bad attitude any longer.
A. like B. mean C. tolerate D. care
23. The twentieth century saw a rapid rise in life expectancy due to improvements in public
health, nutrition and medicine.
A. expectation B. span C. prospect D. anticipation

Trang 8

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. He mentioned in particular electronics, his major at university.
A. on whole B. one and all C. in all D. in general
25. “That is a well-behaved boy whose behaviour has nothing to complain about.”
A. good behavior B. behaving improperly
C. behaving nice D. behaving cleverly
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. You should take regular exercises instead of sitting in front of the television all day.
A. Sitting in front of the television all day and taking exercises are advisable.
B. Don’t take regular exercises, just sit in front of the television all day.
C. Sitting in front of the television all day helps you take regular exercises.
D. Taking regular exercises is better than sitting in front of the television all day.
27. Only with careful environmental planning can we protect the world in which we live.
A. Careful environmental planning protects the world we live in.
B. We can protect the world we live in only with careful environmental planning.
C. Protecting the world we live in, we plan the environment carefully.
D. Planning the environment carefully, we can protect the world in which we live.
28. “Why didn’t you switch off the light before leaving the room?”
A. “You should switch off the light before leaving the room.”
B. “You had switched off the light before leaving the room.”
C. “You should have switched off the light before leaving the room.”
D. “You could have switched off the light before leaving the room.”
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete
each of the following sentences.
29. She regretted to tell him that________.
A. she was leaving the tickets at home
B. the tickets at home would be left
C. she would have left the tickets at home
D. she had left the tickets at home
30. Richard was asked to withdraw from the group because________.
A. his ability to finish the research was not believed or trusted
B. it was decided that he was not capable to complete the research
C. they believed he was not really able to complete research
D. he seemed to be incapable of completing his research
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Should Animals Be Used for Entertainment?
In zoos, aquariums, and many other situations, animals are used to entertain people. Most of

Trang 8

us (31)___________this for granted and see it as natural. However, some people argue that
animals (32)__________more respect.
Those who believe it is OK to use animals for entertainment say that most animals have a
safer and more enjoyable life in the entertainment (33)_____________. Animals in the wild often
have short and unpleasant lives and they are protected from (34)___________when they are used
for entertainment. In addition, supporters argue that zoos, aquariums and other places which keep
animals have an important educational function. It is the only way that most people will ever see
a real wild animal. Interestingly, animals are adaptable and actually enjoy life in (35) .
Opponents disagree because animals have no rights, especially the right to freedom.
3 A. take B. bring C. hold D. ask
13 A. get B. have C. deserve D.
23 A. role B. part C. section request
33 A. that B. which C. what business
D. all
A. restriction B. limitation C. captivity D. prison
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
The Magical Mind of Leonardo Da Vinci
When someone shows great skills in a certain field, we call them a genius. In particular, the
term is most associated with two people. One is the famed scientist Albert Einstein, and the other
is Leonardo Da Vinci. However, unlike Einstein, whose achievements were essentially all related
to science, Leonardo Da Vinci was a master at art, architecture, invention, and several other
Da Vinci was born in Italy in 1452. He took to art at an early age and at age 14, he went to
study as an apprentice in Florence under the artist Verrocchio. For the next six years, Da Vinci
picked up drawing, carpentry, sculpting, and many other techniques from his master and his
talent was evident. In fact, Da Vinci was such a good painter that his talent frustrated his master.
Eventually, Verrocchio was so frustrated by his student’s genius that he stopped painting
altogether. By the age of 20, Da Vinci was considered a master artist and set up his own
workshop. It was there that Da Vinci was approached to create a painting for the Duke of Milan.
The Duke was so impressed by his work that he would bring him under his service. In addition to
creating paintings and sculptures, the Duke also had him design innovative buildings, machines,
and weapons. Da Vinci would draw up plans for several futuristic inventions including tanks,
submarines, and flying machines. He also mastered the art of drawing every muscle and detail of
the human body. The only criticism one could make of Da Vinci is that his brilliant mind jumped
so quickly from subject to subject that he rarely completed the works he started. The ones he did
finish were often spectacular masterpieces,
such as his paintings The Last Supper and the timeless Mona Lisa. The latter. which is on
display at the Louvre in Paris, is arguably the most famous painting of all times because of its
incredible detail and realism.
Although Da Vinci died in 1519, his effect on the art world has never waned. He helped coin

Trang 8

the term “Renaissance man” which refers to someone who excels in many different areas.
Perhaps the greatest present Da Vinci left behind was his journals. Admirers and students of his
work can examine 13,000 pages of his notes, drawings, and ideas to better understand what made
this genius tick.
36. How is Einstein different from Da Vinci?
A. He was much more intelligent.
B. He was a slightly better painter
C. He lived many years before Da Vinci.
D. He mainly specialized in one subject.
37. Which of the following best describes Da Vinci’s plans while working for the Duke of
A. They were ahead of their time.
B. They were common and predictable.
C. They were all related to painting.
D. They were easily put into action.
38. The only weak point of Da Vinci might be that________.
A. he made his master, Verrocchio, stop painting
B. he excelled in many subjects of arts
C. his journals were too difficult for people to understand
D. he covered too many fields during his lifetime
39. In paragraph 2, what does the phrase “The latter'' refer to?
A. Da Vinci’s paintings B. Mona Lisa
C. The Last Supper D. The final years of Da Vinci’s career
40. What could replace the word “-waned” in paragraph 3?
A. increased B. decreased
C. stayed the same D. made people angry
41. All of the following are what Da Vinci did in his life EXCEPT that
A. he painted some masterpieces
B. he put most of his plans into practice
C. he drew up plans for futuristic inventions
D. he was a master at architecture
42. What does the passage say about Da Vinci’s journals in paragraph 3?
A. Only thirteen of them still exist today.
B. They prove that anyone can be an artist if they don’t give up.
C. People can read them to try and understand how he thought.
D. They probably won’t teach his fans anything they don’t already know.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Greatest Light Show on the Earth
If you are a fan of amazing visual displays, planetariums around the world offer some

Trang 8

entertaining laser-light shows that are often accompanied by popular music. Yet if you want to
see the world’s greatest light show, you won’t be able to catch it indoors. Instead, you will have
to head to one of the Poles. In certain spots, you will be treated to colourful streaks of light
dancing across the sky. This incredible display is the aurora borealis, and every year people from
all corners of the globe flock to witness its wonders firsthand.
The Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, got its official name in 1621. The name combines
the name of the Roman goddess of the dawn, Aurora, and the Roman god of the north wind,
Boreas. In ancient times, the aurora completely baffled people’s minds, as science was far more
primitive than it is today. Nevertheless, they created many myths to explain them. The Vikings
believed the lights were the reflection of dead maidens. The Scots thought they were supernatural
beings battling in heaven. Meanwhile, Eskimos thought that the lights were dead souls, and when
the colours changed, it was their attempt to contact living friends and relatives.
It was not until 2008 that a team of scientists from ULCA finally concluded with certainty
what the true cause of these dancing light is. The process begins when solar winds carry charged
particles from the Sun through space and into the Earth's atmosphere. When these charged
particles enter the Earth’s atmosphere, they are magnetically attracted to the Earth’s poles.
During their journey to these points, they come in contact with nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the
sky. These collisions are what cause the aurora. The heights at which the collisions occur
determine the colours of the individual lights. For example, when the solar winds collide with
nitrogen at least than 96 kilometres above the Earth's surface, the lights will be blue. If the same
collision occurs above 96 kilometres, however, the light will be purple. Or, if the solar wind
particles collide with oxygen, the colours produced will be either red or green. However, merely
understanding how the aurora works does not do this phenomena justice. To truly appreciate the
full splendor of the aurora, you will have to see this Natural Wonder of the World in person.
43. Which of the following statements about the Aurora Borealis is true?
A. It occurs indoors.
B. It is a popular tourist attraction.
C. It can be seen everywhere on the Earth.
D. It doesn’t actually exist.
44. Where does the name “Aurora Borealis” come from?
A. An old myth B. An ancient invention
C. A Scottish story D. A discovery at UCLA
45. According to the passage, what did the Viking and Eskimo have in common?
A. They thought the lights brought good luck.
B. They thought the lights were a sign of war.
C. They thought the lights represented young women.
D. They thought the lights were people who died.
46. The word “baffled” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. took B. affected
C. aimed at D. confused

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47. The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to_______.

A. science B. aurora
C. light D. name
48. Where can we often see the aurora most?
A. In the high layers of the atmosphere
B. Everywhere on the Earth
C. In the North and South Poles
D. At any natural wonder of the world
49. What can identify the colour of the aurora?
A. The north wind and sunlight
B. The solar wind and charged particles
C. Sunlight and the Earth’s atmosphere
D. The height at which collisions happen
50. What does the last sentence of the passage suggest?
A. It is impossible to understand the aurora’s beauty without witnessing it.
B. Science has finally figured out the secret behind the aurora.
C. It is not necessary to see the aurora to understand how pretty it is.
D. Now that people know the secret of the aurora, fewer people are visiting it.

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1. B 2 D 3 D 4 B 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A
11 C 1 B 1 B 1 B 15 A 16 B 17 B 1 D 1 A 20. C
21 B 2.2 C 23 B 4.2 D 25 . B .26 D 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. D
31 A 2.3 C 3 D 4.3 A 35 . C 36. D 37. A 38. D 39. B 40. B
41 B 2.4 C 43 B 4.4 A 45 . D 46. D 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. A
5. 2.
— the 3 6. 4. such a good/
— . so . a 7.. B 8. mine 9.
Notes: most
A — A good — has
17. in general = nói chung; by no means = không chút nào, không tí nào; by all means = tất
nhiên, chắc chắn; in particular = nói cụ thể, nói riêng
18. look over = xem xét, kiểm tra; to distinguish A from B = chỉ ra sự khác biệt
19. get by = xoay xở, đối phó
31. take sth for granted = coi cái gì là hiển nhiên
32. deserve (v) = đáng được
33. entertainment business = ngành giải trí
35. captivity (n) = sự nuôi nhốt; restriction/limỉtation (n) = sự hạn chế

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ĐỀ 47
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. advice B. reconciled C. incident D. decisive
2. A. contact B. initiative C. interact D. lifetime
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. awareness B. financial C. exotic D. biosphere
4. A. diversity B. ecology C. eco-friendly D. remarkable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. I would rather that they do not travel during the bad weather, but they insist they
return home today.
6. Although Mark has been cooking for many years, he still doesn’t know to prepare French
foods in the traditional manner.
7. Visitors were not permitted entering the park after dark because of the lack of security and
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. “________TV for the last four hours? Turn it off and get some exercise.”
A. Do you watch B. Are you watching
C. Did you watch D. Have you been watching
9. The car collided________a van before crashing__________the wall.
A. with - into B. to - with C. on - into D. at - 0
10. “Is he a good student?” - “Yes, he speaks English_________of all.”
A. as fluently B. the most fluently
C. more fluently D. fluently the most
11. ________many times I read my essays before handing them in to the teacher, she always
finds spelling mistakes in them.
A. Much as B. However C. No matter D. More than
12. ________that many hospitals wanted his service.
A. He was so good a doctor B. He was a such good doctor
C. He was so good doctor D. He was such a doctor good
13. The fire________to have started in the furnace under the house.


A. is believed B. that is believed


C. they believe D. that they believe

14. “These tablets are really________. My headache is much better now.”
A. affective B. effective C. efficient D. affected
15. Unless you have_________that Robert broke into your flat, we cannot continue with your
complaint against him.
A. proof B. sense C. choice D. attention
16. “Let’s go to the cinema.” - “Which__________film did you have in mind?”
A. single B. individual C. particular D. unique
17. We have about thirty guests a day in our restaurant_________the average.
A. on B. for C. in D. at
18. Although I spent only two months learning Chinese, I could________when I was there last
A. get over B. get through C. get up D. get by
19. It is not fair to put somebody_________in front of their friends.
A. out B. up C. through D. down
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “I’d like to place an order for delivery, please.” “_________”
A. We actually take orders at five.
B. Sure, how much is it?
C. Sure, what time is it?
D. Sure, what would you like?
21. “Dad, I was chosen to be in the school football team.” “_________”
A. Congrats. You deserve it.
B. Sounds good. How many people are there?
C. You can say that again.
D. It doesn’t matter. You’re good at it.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The tiny irrigation channels were everywhere and along some of them the water was
A. flushing out with water B. washing out with water
C. supplying water D. cleaning with water
23. The use of lasers in surgery has become relatively commonplace in recent years.
A. absolutely B. relevantly C. almost D. comparatively
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. The length of an X-ray wave is incredibly small: less than one ten-millionth of a millimeter.
A. believably B. considerably C. famously D. sufficiently
25. Experts hope that the vaccine will be mass-produced soon.

Trang 7

A. produced in great numbers B. produced in small numbers

C. produced cheaply D. produced with high cost
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Any time you get into town, give me a call, and we’ll get together.
A. If you phone me when you’re in town, we can meet.
B. When you leave town, I’ll go with you.
C. Give me a ring if you forget my address.
D. We can get a gift together downtown when you phone me.
27. Having done the test well, Tom hoped to be given a good mark.
A. Having been done the test well, Tom hoped to be given a good mark.
B. Having hoped to be given a good mark, Tom had done the test well.
C. Having the test done well, Tom hoped to be given a good mark.
D. Tom hoped to be given a good mark as he had done the test well.
28. After many long and tiring hours of practice, Betty finally became an accomplished
A. Betty’s long and tiring hours of practice helped her become an accomplished violinist.
B. Betty accomplished many long and tiring hours of practice and became a violinist.
C. After becoming an accomplished violinist, Betty spent many long and tiring hours of
D. Betty spent many long and tiring hours accomplishing her violin practice.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete
each of the following sentences.
29. _______are taking part in the struggle against illiteracy.
A. There are more and more people
B. More than people before
C. Young people who
D. Young people in our country
30. _______needed more help from charity organizations.
A. The people live in the flood-affected area
B. The people in the flood-affected area where they live
C. The people who’s living in the flood-affected area
D. The people living in the flood-affected area
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Alternative Medicine
People are increasingly (31)______________alternative medicine, such as homeopathy,
acupuncture and herbal medicine. Alternative medicine is useful as it can help millions of
people with illnesses which conventional medicine cannot (32)___________.
Alternative medicine is ‘holistic’ since it deals with the whole person, (33)________________

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conventional medicine just focuses on the illness. While many conventional doctors rely on
quickly prescribing drugs for most problems, alternative therapists tend to have more time to treat
their patients. Treatments like acupuncture have proved (34)_______________for problems like
back pain, chronic fatigue and asthma when conventional treatment does not work.
Critics say that there is no scientific proof that alternative therapies actually work; some (35)
__________even claim that they are dangerous due to their side effects and because patients delay
proper treatment for serious conditions. However, alternative medicine actually has fewer side
effects than most conventional treatments.
3 A. turning B. turning to C. turning over D. turning
31 A. cure B. heal C. treat out D. deal
A. when B. as C. whereas D. although
33 A. successful B. successfully C. available D. suitably
43 D.
A. rebels B. supporters C. opponents
5 advocates
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
If you are walking through the woods and you see a bear, you know that you are in danger.
The same is true if you see a snake or a beehive. However, these aren’t the only dangerous things
in nature. When you are having a good time outside, you also need to be careful of plants.
In some ways, plants are more dangerous than animals. This is because dangerous plants
often look normal. Sometimes they even look pretty. If you try to touch one of these nice-looking
plants, you could be in a lot of trouble.
Take the angel’s trumpet flower, for example. This beautiful white flower is full of poison. A
person who touches it can get headaches, confusion, and a very fast heartbeat. Very often, the
poison can kill you. All parts of the angel’s trumpets are poisonous, but the most dangerous parts
are the seeds and leaves.
Here is another dangerous and somewhat creepy plant: doll’s eyes. This plant got its name
because its berries look just like doll’s eyes. The berries from these plants can stop a person’s
heart. In fact, most berries that you see in nature are poisonous. You should never eat wild berries
that you find when you are outside.
Some plants can sting you. Stinging needles don’t look dangerous, but they have many tiny
hairs on them. If you touch a stinging needle, those hairs will put a weak poison onto your skin.
The poison won’t kill you, but it will make your skin itch for a while and it might drive you
One of the more common dangerous plants is poison ivy. This plant produces a clear liquid that
will cause all kinds of problems to anyone who touches it. Most people who touch poison ivy get
a red and very painful rash on their skin. The rash often itches very badly, and sometimes it
creates large blisters. If you see a green plant that has three leaves growing from every branch,
stay away from it. It could be poison ivy.
36. What do the first two sentences of the second paragraph mean?
A. Some plants look dangerous, but they are safe.

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B. Some plants are more dangerous because they look safe.

C. Every kind of plant is dangerous.
D. Animals are always dangerous, but plants are never dangerous.
37. What does the passage say about wild berries?
A. They can sting you. B. Most of them are poisonous.
C. They all look like eyes. D. Bees and snakes like to eat them.
38. Which of the following is NOT true about stinging needles?
A. They make you stay away from the first place.
B. They look normal.
C. Their tiny hairs put poison onto your skin.
D. Their poison may make you irritated.
39. What are the most poisonous parts of angel’s trumpets?
A. The seeds B. The leaves
C. The roots D. The seeds and leaves
40. The word “creepy” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to________.
A. strange B. frightened C. nervous D. scary
41. The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to________.
A. danger B. liquid C. nettle D. pain
42. What would be another good title for the passage?
A. Nature’s Dangerous Plants B. Stay Away from Poison Ivy!
C. The Sharpest Plants in the World D. Poison Eyes
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Getting Focused and Flexible with Yoga
In a small room, men and women are getting a great workout. However, there are no weights
in this gym. The only piece of equipment is a small rubber mat. On it, they strike unusual poses
which are held for minutes at a time. An instructor goes from student to student urging them to
relax and breathe deeply, while inspecting their posture. In the end, through the art of yoga they
hope to balance their body, mind, and spirit.
Yoga originated in India over 2,000 over years ago. The first yogis weren’t looking to lose
weight or get themselves in great shape. Instead, they practise yoga to help them achieve
liberation. Yoga became an important part of Hindu culture, and it is mentioned in nearly all of
the religion’s ancient scriptures. It wasn’t until the 19 th century, however, that Westerners took
notice of yoga. In the 1890s, Swami Vievekananda became the first yoga teacher to take on
Western students when he toured the US and Europe. His lessons focused primarily on the
spiritual aspects, and his speeches intrigued many intellectuals, but it would take some time
before yoga would catch on with the masses. That didn’t happen until the 1980s when many
Americans and Europeans embraced yoga during a worldwide exercise boom. Yet once it took
hold, yoga has increased popularity year by year. It is estimated that over 20 million Americans
now practise yoga regularly.
A main reason why contemporary people are hooked on yoga is that it helps to relieve work-

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related stress. Students are taught to breathe slowly and deeply while concentrating on the present
moment and letting go of the past. The challenging postures help to balance the negative effects
people experience from sitting in chairs all day. The poses also help people to regain flexibility
and improve circulation, which is particularly useful to the elderly.
As yoga became commercialized in the West, many new branches were formed. Ashtanga
yoga moves at a fairly quick pace, flowing from pose to pose. Power yoga, on the other hand,
offers workouts that are designed to increase strength. Another popular style, hot yoga, has
students practise in hot environments to help them burn more calories. If you are thinking of
studying yoga, try them all and let your heart decide which one is best for you.
43. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A. To argue that yoga isn’t healthy B. To introduce modern society
C. To describe a yoga class D. To explain the history of yoga
44. Which of the following best matches the meaning of the word “intrigued” in paragraph 2?
A. annoyed B. interested C. bored D. worried
45. The word “that” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. yoga speech B. yoga exercise C. regular practice D. popularity
46. What did Swami Vievekananda do?
A. He was the first person to invent yoga.
B. He started his own religion in the US.
C. He refused to teach yoga to Westerners.
D. He made yoga more internationally popular.
47. Why are many people today starting to pratise yoga?
A. It gives them more beautiful bodies. B. It helps them get rid of stress
C. It gives them more energy. D. It makes them taller.
48. All of the following are the benefits of yoga EXCEPT that_________.
A. it increases flexibility and improves circulation
B. it is a good way to get rid of stress
C. it is considered a way to balance their body, mind, and spirit
D. it improves commercialization in the West
49. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A. Ways to get stronger using yoga.
B. The best diet to match with yoga
C. Some different styles of yoga
D. Why hot yoga classes were started
50. Who would be most interested in practising yoga?
A. A busy person who often travels on business and practice t’ai chi in free time
B. The elderly who have problems of balance, heart disease and respiration
C. Children who want to become ballet dancers in the future
D. Western businessmen who would like to get benefits from opening yoga classes

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1. C 2. B 3 D 4 C 5 B 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. B
1 B 12. A 1. A . 1 B 1. A 16 C 17 A 18 D 19 D 20. A
21. A 22. C 23 D 4.2 A 25. B .
26 A 27. D 28. A .
29 D 30. D
31. B 32. A 3 C 4.3 A 35. C .
36 B 37. B 38. A .
39 D 40. D
41. B 42. A 43 C 4.4 B 45. D .
46 D 47. B 48. D .
49 C 50. B
1. — didn’t travel
5. 3 6. —4. how to 5. . 7. A —. to enter . .
Notes: — B prepare
17. on (the) average = tính trung bình
18. get by = xoay xở, đối phó; ví dụ: He gets by on very little money = Anh ấy xoay xở được với
so tiền rất ít.
19. put sb down = hạ bệ, làm nhục, bắt phải im
24. incredibly (adv) = không thể tin được; believably (adv) = có thể tin được; considerably (adv)
= đáng kể; famously (adv) = hay, giỏi; sufficiently (adv) = đủ, thích đáng
31. turn sth to sth = hướng về; turn over = chuyển giao, turn out = hoá ra
32. cure sb/sth (v) = chữa khỏi; heal (v) = chữa lành vết thưcmg; treat (v) = chăm sóc y tế, điều
trị chuyên khoa; deal (v) = đối xử
35. opponent (n) = người chống đối; rebel (n) = kẻ nổi loạn; supporter (n) = người ủng hộ;
advocate (n) = người tán thành

Trang 7

ĐỀ 48
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. pyramid B. hygiene C. nylon D. lifestyle
2. A. enquire B. quay C. quality D. quarter
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. determine B. advertise C. nursery D. applicant
4. A. substantial B. eternal C. outstanding D. industry
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. In spite of Jeans feared heights, she decided to fly with a group of her classmates to the
Bahamas during the spring holiday.
6. Peter did his assignment and got his sister writes his report for him because his right hand
was in plaster.
7. Mai said that she knew how the procedures for doing the experiment, but when we began
to work in the laboratory, she found that she was mistaken.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. I________eagerly to go to Yellowstone, but my brother got sick three days before the
A. have been planning B. had been planning
C. have planned D. was planned
9. I shouldn’t__________so much coffee last night. I was wide awake till four in the morning.
A. drink B. have drunk C. have drank D. be drunk
10. The millionaire is advertising for someone to care__________his baby daughter. He wants
someone_________whom he can rely.
A. for - on B. about - on C. of - in D. to - with
11. We are considering having_________for the coming New Year.
A. redecorated our flat B. to redecorate our flat
C. our flat to be redecorated D. our flat redecorated
12. ________variety of flowers in the show, from simple carnations to the most exquisite


A. A wide B. Was there C. Many D. There was a wide


13. Children love playing in the mud,__________.

A. running through paddles, and they get very dirty
B. running through paddles, and getting very dirty
C. running through paddles, and get very dirty
D. run through paddles, and get very dirty
14. It can be an amazing experience for those who have the_________to leave their family and
friends and live in a new place.
A. courage B. courageous C. encourage D. encouragement
15. Paul did his best to fix the faulty oven, but his___________at repairing electrical devices
wasn’t good enough to succeed.
A. service B. technique C. skill D. craft
16. The rhinoceros, whose numbers have dropped alarmingly recently, has been declared a(n)
A. endangered B. endanger C. dangerous D. danger
17. We must do this exercise_________we have been taught.
A. by the way B. on the way C. in the way D. as the way
18. However much he tries to persuade you, please do not give________.
A. up B. in C. down D. to
19. I find that my work________so much of my time that I don’t have any free time.
A. takes over B. takes after C. takes up D. takes off
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “I’ve finished the car wash. Look at it, Dad.” “________”
A. That would be great. B. How nice of you to say so.
C. Well done, my dear. Thank you D. Yeah, be confident all the time.
21. “Please lock the door carefully before you leave the room.” “_________”
A. That’s for sure. B. I am sorry. I did it last night.
C. I won’t tell you when I do it. D. I am thinking of selling the house.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. The workforce is generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe.
A. gang B. working class C. crew D. personnel
23. For a decade, that scientist has studied centenarians, looking for genes that contribute to
A. people who live to be 100 or older B. people who are vegetarians
C. people who want to be fruitarians D. people who are extraordinary
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. It is very probable that the minister will resign.
A. inconceivable B. likely C. certainly D. unlikely

Trang 2

25. My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play.

A. unimpaired B. unskilled C. ill-educated D. unqualified
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. We last saw Mr. Tan, our old teacher when we were at Mai’s party.
A. We haven’t seen Mr. Tan since we attended Mai’s party.
B. We didn’t see Mr. Tan since we were at Mai’s party.
C. The last time we saw Mr. Tan while we were enjoying Mai’s party.
D. We haven’t seen Mr. Tan when we were invited to Mai’s party.
27. Tommy wouldn’t let me explain the problem to him.
A. Tommy was so stupid that he didn’t want to accept the problem.
B. I tried to explain the problem to Tommy but he refused to listen.
C. Because Tommy refused to listen to the problem I tried to explain.
D. Tommy refused to listen to me so I tried to explain the problem.
28. Don’t forget to check for spelling mistakes before you hand in the paper.
A. Remember checking for spelling mistakes before handing in the paper.
B. Spelling mistakes must be checked if you want to hand in the paper.
C. You’d better check for spelling mistakes before you hand in the paper.
D. Spelling mistakes in the paper are believed to be checked well when it is handed in.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. Do not start a book________.
A. if you will see it is the one you can easily read and understand
B. if you see it is the one you can easily read and understand
C. unless you can see it is the one you can easily read and understand
D. unless you cannot see it is the one you can easily read and understand
30. Today women in many countries make some of the decisions_________.
A. of what will they do with their lives
B. over what they would do with their lives
C. about what they will do with their lives
D. in what would they do with their lives
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Interfering with Nature
Climate change is caused by the (31)__________high levels of dangerous chemicals in the
atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide. It is estimated that average global temperatures will rise
(32)______________between two and six degrees by the end of this century. We all know the
effects could be catastrophic, but are we (33)___________of the possible solutions? Crazy as it
sounds, a group of academics from British universities is making a plan to build a 12-mile pipe,
held up by a huge balloon, that would pump (34)__________quantities of toxic chemicals, such

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as sulphur dioxide, into the atmosphere. Surprisingly, there is good science behind the idea. The
chemicals would form a (35)___________layer around the earth that would reflect sunlight and
so cool the earth, much like the effects of a volcanic eruption.
31. A. absolutely B. extremely C. interestingly D.
32. A. by B. with C. for repeatedly
D. in
33. A. able B. capable C. aware D. fond
34. A. great B. enormous C. extreme D. absolute
35. A. protecting B. protected D.
C. protective
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Plants that Can Help You
We have already talked about some dangerous plants, but we don’t want to give anyone the
wrong idea. Please don’t think that most plants are dangerous.
The truth is that although some plants can hurt you, most are completely harmless. In fact,
there are plenty of plants that are actually very useful to humans.
That is why plants are so popular in Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine has been using
plants for at least 4,800 years. One of the most popular plants in Chinese medicine is ginseng.
Doctors of Chinese medicine believe that ginseng can help your lungs, clean your blood, and do
many other things. Ginseng is also a source of energy. In fact, many modem energy drinks that
you see in stores contain ginseng.
In some parts of the US, there is a plant called lady fem. This is the plant you need if you
have been stung by a bee, or if you have got a small bum or a cut. Lady ferns are great for making
your skin feel better. All you have to do is roll one of its leaves ad crush it in your hands. The
juices inside the leaf will help your skin feel better.
If you are ever hiking in Europe, look for a flower called tansy. This yellow flower is a
natural insect repellent. You just rub it on your skin, and insects will leave you alone.
Sage is one of the most useful plants in the world. Because it has so many uses, it is also quite
valuable. Human beings have been using sage for a very long time. In Europe, before
refrigerators existed, people often used sage to preserve food. Over the years, people have used
sage to fight all kinds of health problems. Sage has been used to treat colds, stop muscle
problems, and reduce swelling. There are all kinds of other things that people have used sage for.
In fact, sage is so useful that it comes from the Latin word “salvere” which means “to be saved”.
36. Which of the following is true about ginseng?
A. It is very important in Chinese medicine.
B. Chinese medicine doctors don’t use it anymore.
C. It can make you very sleepy.
D. It is not in any modern drinks.
37. What can lady ferns do?
A. Help your lungs B. Make insects leave you alone
C. Purify your blood D. Help your skin feel better

Trang 4

38. What does the passage say about sage?

A. People have only been using it for a few years.
B. Its name comes from Russian.
C. It is one of the most useful plants.
D. It causes all kinds of health problems.
39. All of the following are true about sage EXCEPT that_________.
A. people have known it for a long time
B. it can be used to make food taste better
C. its name comes from Latin
D. it can be used in several treatments
40. Which of the following cannot be inferred from the passage?
A. Ginseng has several medicinal purposes, and it is still valuable now.
B. A large number of plants are useful to humans.
C. All medicinal values of sage are mentioned specifically in the passage.
D. Tansy and sage can be used for skin treatment.
41. The word “repellent” in paragraph 4 means________.
A. a substance that is used for keeping insects away
B. a substance that is used for making you feel pleasant
C. a substance that is used for preventing water from passing through
D. a substance that is used for killing insects immediately
42. The word ‘“it” in paragraph 4 refers to_______.
A. skin B. tansy C. repellent D. insect
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
The Advancing Development of Artificial Limbs
It wasn’t very long ago that losing a limb automatically meant a drastic drop in the quality of
a person’s life. Thanks to the wonders of modem science, people now are recovering from all
sorts of horrendous injuries that let them disabled. The reason they are able to do so is remarkable
advances made in the field of artificial limbs.
Doctors have been creating prosthetic limbs for their patients dating back to ancient Greece.
For most of history, however, these replacements were mainly for cosmetic purposes. Pirates,
knights, foot soldiers that lost their limbs in battle would get them, so they wouldn’t lose face
when returning to society. It wasn’t until the mid-19 ’h century that doctors were able to perform
surgeries to reliably attach limbs to people’s bodies and amputate limbs without causing serious
Modern artificial limbs represent a tremendous leap forward in terms of form and function.
Today’s limbs are far more durable and can withstand a lot more wear and tear. An amazing
example of how far artificial limbs have progressed is the Flex-Foot Cheetah. Made from carbon
fiber, it is able to store energy as the person moves, which enables the wearer to run and jump.
The technology is so good that approximately 90 percent of all Special Olympic amputees use

Trang 5

them in competition.
Meanwhile, the Bebionic3 has emerged as the most advanced prosthetic arm available. It has
been nicknamed “The Terminator” because it is similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mechanical
limbs in the famous blockbuster film. The
Bebionic3 can perform a multitude of tasks including writing, tying a shoelace, lifting heavy
objects, and even pouring a beer. Wearers simply push a button on the base of the arm and the
Bebionic3 will work its magic.
In September 2013, scientists took another giant leap forward when they successfully fitted a
patient with an artificial leg that can be controlled by thought. Two of the patient’s nerves were
attached to his hamstring muscle. These nerves then interact with sensors inside the artificial leg.
Sensors will then transmit these messages to a computer which will follow through on his
instructions. Therefore, if the patient wants to stretch out his leg, the computer will understand
this command and send a message to the limb and instruct it to do so. If artificial limb technology
keeps advancing like this, losing a limb may not be such a big deal.
43. What would happen when someone in the past needed to get an artificial limb?
A. They usually die very quickly.
B. They would need to get the limb replaced within months.
C. Their new limb would function better than the old one.
D. Their life wouldn’t be as good as before.
44. What was the main reason that soldiers received artificial limbs?
A. So they can continue to fool the enemy
B. So other people wouldn’t think less of them
C. To allow them to fight better than ever
D. To make them more likely to follow orders
45. Why did artificial limbs progress in the mid-19th century?
A. Doctors became better with surgery.
B. Artificial limbs were made from stronger materials.
C. Governments passed laws that made artificial limbs legal.
D. Patients are more likely to get artificial limbs.
46. Which of the following best matches the meaning of the word “multitude'' in paragraph 4?
A. courage B. limit C. variety D. single
47. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A. The cutting edge of advancement
B. An artificial limb to stop working
C. A new technology that failed
D. An idea for a limb that will probably never work better
48. All of the following about modem artificial limbs are true EXCEPT that
A. they last for a longer period of time
B. they can supply energy by themselves
C. they can lift heavy things by thought
D. they can be used in competitions by the disabled

Trang 6

49. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Doctors began performing surgery in the mid-19th century.
B. Artificial limbs were attached to patients a long time ago.
C. The Flex-Foot Cheetah can help ordinary athletes break records.
D. The Bebionic3 was used in the film “The Terminator” to make special effects.
50. The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to________.
A. the computer B. the patient C. the leg D. the sensor

Trang 7

1. A 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A
11 D 1 D 1 B 14 A 1 C 1 A 17 C 18. B 19. C 20. C
21 A 2.2 B 23 A 24. D 25. B 6.2 A 27. B 28. C 29. C 30. C
31 B 2.3 A 3 C 34. B 35. C 6.3 A 37. D 38. C 39. B 40. C
41 A 2.4 B 43 D 44. B 45. A 6.4 C 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. C
5. 2.
— Althoug 3 6. B — . to 5. 7. 6.A knew .
A —h
Notes: write —
17. in the way = theo lề thói; on the way = dọc đường
18. give in = nhượng bộ, chịu thua; give up = từ bỏ, bỏ cuộc
19. take up = thu hút, choán, chiếm (thời gian, tâm trí...)

Trang 8

ĐỀ 49
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. decide B. decisive C. decision D. reliable
2. A. dangerous B. language C. energy D. change
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. reception B. arrival C. prestigious D. literal
4. A. experience B. hurricane C. volcano D. material
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. It was suggested that Tom studied the material more thoroughly before attempting to pass
the exam.
6. Despite the roadblock, the police allowed us to enter the restriction area to search for
our friends.
7. When we arrived at the shop to buy the dishes advertise in the newspaper, we learned that
all of them had been sold.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. I was upset to learn that my first opponent would be Sam Muller, who____________part in
tournaments for no less than ten years.
A. was taking B. has been taking C. had been taking D. took
9. The road in front of my house needs_________.
A. repairing B. be repaired C. to repair D. of repairing
10. Because of electronic publishing, will disappear in the next 25 years.
A. a book B. book C. the books D. books
11. On Sundays, many people take their cars to service stations________.
A. to get the oil refilled B. to get the oil refill
C. to refill the oil D. to make the oil refilled
12. Botanists are not sure where the first plants was grown or even_________.
A. what plant was B. it was what plant
C. what plant it was D. what plant was it
13. ________contained in the chromosomes, and they are thought of as the units of heredity.
A. Genes which are B. Genes are
C. When genes D. Because of genes


14. The expansion of the natural history museum is most___________the cause of significant
revenue increases.
A. probabilities B. probability C. probable D. probably
15. One of the__________for being a lifeguard is knowing emergency first aid for someone
having a heart attack.
A. backgrounds B. requests C. requirements D. accomplishments
16. No large________lakes are found in the state of South Carolina.
A. natural B. habitual C. environmental D. atmospheric
17. The water workers’ claim for a 10 percent pay rise has been under______________by the
A. application B. inquiry C. regard D. consideration
18. I________an old friend yesterday. It was really nice to see her after all this time.
A. ran after B. ran up C. ran over D. ran into
19. She managed to________university the first time she tried.
A. come into B. get into C. pass to D. enter to
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. John: “Do you think that we should use public transportation to protect our environment?”
Laura: “_________”
A. Yes, it’s an absurd idea. B. There’s no doubt about it.
C. Of course not. You bet. D. Well, that’s very surprising.
21. “What a nice watch you’re wearing.” “________”
A. I’m with you. I’ll buy another one for you.
B. Thanks. I bought it on my trip to Switzerland.
C. Sure. That’s the best watch on sale.
D. No harm done. You can take it.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. As children we were very close, but as we grew up we just drifted apart.
A. not as friendly as before B. not as serious as before
C. not as sympathetic as before D. not as childlike as before
23. The notice should be put in the most conspicuous place so that all the students can be well-
A. easily seen B. beautiful C. popular D. suspicious
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
24. She was brought up in a well-off family, so she can’t understand the problems we are
A. wealthy B. kind C. broke D. poor
25. The river should be controlled in order to facilitate navigation.

Trang 2

A. make difficult B. make impossible

C. make unpopular D. make busy
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. No sooner had the teacher gone out than the students started making noise.
A. The students started making noise the moment the teacher went out.
B. The students started making noise the moment when the teacher went out.
C. The students started making noise before the teacher went out.
D. The students started making noise soon the teacher went out.
27. Linda finally managed to get a good job.
A. Linda finally succeeded at getting a good job.
B. Linda finally succeeded in getting a good job.
C. Linda finally succeeded on getting a good job.
D. Linda finally succeeded to get a good job.
28. Smith’s career as a television presenter began five years ago.
A. Smith had been a television presenter for five years.
B. Smith has been a television presenter five years ago.
C. Smith has been a television presenter since five years.
D. Smith has been a television presenter for five years.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. When all the trees in a region are cut,________.
A. there is nothing remains but worthless desert
B. nothing remains but worthless desert
C. nothing but sand and land becomes desert
D. sand and land becomes desert
30. _______Paul realize that he was on the wrong flight.
A. No sooner had the plane taken off than
B. It was not until the plane had taken off that
C. Only after the plane had taken off
D. Not until the plane had taken off did
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Education and Employment
All men should study, we have to study to (31)___________our knowledge and develop our
intelligence. An uneducated man can only utilize his (32)___________strength to work and live.
An educated man, without this strength, still has the faculty of his intelligent brain and good
reflection. This intelligence and thought enable him to help his physical strength to act more
quickly and cleverly.
In a same profession or work, the educated man differs from the uneducated considerably.

Trang 3

Therefore, intellectual workers have to study, this is a matter of course but (33)_______________
workers must also (34)___________an education.
In civilized countries compulsory education has been applied. Man must spend seven or eight
years studying. From ploughmen to labourers in these nations, no one is (35)_________________
to read a book or a paper fluently.
31. A.expand B. stretch C. enlarge D.
32. A. body B. power C. labour widenD. brain

33. A. simple B. easy C. hard D.

34. A. learn B. study C. acquire manual
D. know
35. A. able B. unable C. not D. never
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Lady Liberty
New York City is undoubtedly one of the most famous cities in the world. There are several
landmarks such as the Empire State Building, Broadway, and Times Square which have come to
symbolize the Big Apple. Although these landmarks are all impressive, nothing captures the true
spirit of the city like a gigantic, greenish sculpture that stands proudly in New York Harbour: the
famed Statue of Liberty.
The Statue of Liberty was created as a special gift to the US by French sculptor Frédéric
Auguste Bartholdi. It was designed to represent the friendship between the French and American
people, two close allies that fought against the British during the American Revolutionary War.
Initially, Bartholdi anticipated that he would be able to finish the statue by 1876. The project was
conceived as a joint venture. The French would fund and create the statue and send it to the US,
while Americans would provide a location and build a pedestal to display it on. The initial
completion date would eventually be delayed, however, due to financial issues with both nations.
Bartholdi had some technical issues to deal with as well. He had never designed an enormous
copper structure of this size and he required some expert assistance. Therefore, Bartholdi
recruited Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower to help him. After nine years
of hard work, the 151 -foot, 22-ton statue was eventually completed and presented to the
American Ambassador in France. It then had to be taken apart and separated into crates before
being delivered to the US. It took another two years before Americans were able to raise enough
public funds to build the pedestal that she would stand on. But the task was finally completed and
the Statue of Liberty was assembled and dedicated on October 28, 1886.
Over the years, the symbolism of the Statue of Liberty continued to grow more and more
important until it became a key symbol of the entire nation. During the late 19 th and early 20lh
century, it was the first landmark that waves of immigrants saw as they sailed into Ellis Island.
The sight of this symbol of freedom gave them hope and inspiration that their life would be better
in their new country. Even today, people from all around the world see it as a powerful symbol of
the American democracy.
36. What reasons does the passage give for why the Statue of Liberty is special?
A. It is the most expensive landmark in the US.

Trang 4

B. It is a key center for economic decisions.

C. It is located very close to Times Square.
D. It represents the soul of the people in the US.
37. The Statue of Liberty represents the_________between the French and the Americans.
A. distance B. disagreements C. language D. bond
38. All of the following are the characteristics of the Statue of Liberty EXCEPT__________.
A. the American symbol of power
B. a huge sculpture
C. a symbol of the friendship between the French and the American
D. a technical achievement in the 19th century
39. What could replace the word “initial ” in paragraph 2?
A. last B. first C. difficult D. wild
40. The word “she” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. France B. the United States
C. the Statue of Liberty D. the woman
41. What was the problem that delayed the opening of the Statue of Liberty?
A. A war broke out between the French and the Americans.
B. The British offered to help build the statue.
C. France and the US didn’t have enough money.
D. The ambassador of the United States was visiting France.
42. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A. What the Statue of Liberty means to different people
B. What tourists will see when they go to visit the Statue of Liberty
C. The future plans for the Statue of Liberty
D. Why the Statue of Liberty was brought to the US
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.
Ocean Currents and the Turning of the Tide
If you take a seat at the beach and look out across the water, you’ll soon notice that oceans
have a rhythm of their own. Throughout the course of the day, sea levels will rise and fall, and
water will flow through routes and end up in different places. But how does it all work?
One force at play is tides, which are the alternating water levels of the ocean. There are two
major gravitational forces which cause tides: the sun and the moon. The moon’s force has a
tugging effect on oceans which causes them to bulge outwards on opposite sides of the planet.
Solar tides operate according to the same principles. However, they are only about 50 percent as
strong due to the distance between the sun and the earth.
As tides rise and fall, they create tidal currents. The strongest tidal currents occur at the
height of both high and low tides. Unlike other currents, they do not flow in a continuous stream.
Far from shore, tidal currents don’t have much of an effect. Yet when they pass through narrow
area, like harbours and bays, tidal currents can displace plants, animals, and sediment. Although
they may certainly shake things up, not all of the damage is negative. Tidal currents can spread

Trang 5

fish eggs across long distances to assist fertilization, in addition to transporting key nutrients.
Another category of currents is ocean currents. These currents occur near the top of the water,
and are mainly powered by the wind. One example of these is coastal currents, which are those
beachgoers encounter when going for a swim. One of the strongest and most well-known currents
is the Gulf Stream, which brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to Western
Europe. Meanwhile, Deep Ocean currents are a powerful force in the depths of oceans. The
strongest of these has been nicknamed the global conveyor belt, and it moves much slower than
surface currents. Although we can’t see it in operation, it’s about 16 times as powerful as all the
earth’s rivers put together. As the global conveyor belt pushes water around the planet, it carries
nutrition and carbon dioxide to places that truly need them. In the end, although there are several
currents working on oceans simultaneously, they each seem to perform a necessary function that
creates balance for life in the sea.
43. How do moon tides different from solar tides?
A. They operate using different principles.
B. They are stronger than solar tides.
C. They only occur during the nighttime.
D. They occur less frequently than solar tides.
44. The most powerful tidal currents occur________.
A. when tides are high B. when tides are low
C. when tides are low and high D. when it is a windy day
45. What happens when tidal currents pass through harbours and bays?
A. They always cause negative events.
B. They transport things around.
C. They destroy many towns.
D. They kill lots of plants and fish.
46. What can be said about the global conveyor belt?
A. They perform an important function.
B. They are near the top of the water.
C. They can be witnessed by beachgoers.
D. They are the fastest type of current.
47. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. The moon’s force has the same effect on oceans on the opposite sides of the earth.
B. There are ocean currents which are more powerful than the global conveyor belt.
C. People in Western Europe may see the Gulf Stream.
D. Ocean currents play a role in creating life balance in the sea.
48. The word “displace” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to________.
A. keep B. bury C. move D. destroy
49. The word “these” in paragraph 4 refers to________.
A. Deep Ocean currents B. the Gulf Stream currents
C. the depths of oceans D. forces to cause ocean currents

Trang 6

50. What might be another good title for the passage?

A. The Dangers of Ocean Currents
B. The Secrets behind the Seas
C. The Wonderful Sea of Dreams
D. The Pollution of the World’s Oceans

Trang 7

1. C 2 B 3 D 4 B 5 BÁN 6 C 7. C 8. C 9. A 10 D
1 A . 1 C 13 . B . 1 D 1. .
C 16. A 17. D 18 D 19 B .
20 B
21. B 2.2 A 23 . A 4.2 D 25. A 26. A 27. B 28. D .
29 B .
30 D
31. D 2.3 A 33 . D 4.3 C 35. B 36. D 37. D 38. A .
39 B .
40 C
41. C 2.4 A 43 . B 4.4 C 45. B 46. A 47. C 48. C .
49 A .
50 B
1. — (should)
5. 2. .
study6. 4. restricted
— 5. 7 C advertised . . .
Notes: — C . —
17. under consideration = đang được xem xét
18. run into sb = tình cờ gặp ai
19. get into sth = bắt đầu (một nghề nghiệp...)
20. no doubt = không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, chắc chan; You bet = chắc chắn, tất nhiên; absurd
(a) = vô lí
22. drift apart (động từ) = phiêu bạt, trôi nổi
23. conspicuous (a) = dễ thấy; suspicious (a) = hoài nghi
24. well-off (a) = khá giả; broke (a) = khánh kiệt
25. facilitate (v) = làm cho dễ dàng/thuận tiện
33. manual (a) = làm bằng tay; manual workers = những người lao động chân tay
34. acquire (v) = được, giành được

Trang 8

ĐỀ 50
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. prioritise B. privacy C. determined D. strive
2. A. chooses B. increases C. releases D. practises
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. confusion B. pollution C. influence D. removal
4. A. renewable B. influential C. advantageous D. beneficial
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
5. That manufacturer is not only raising his prices but also decreasing the production of
his product as well.
6. Jason’s professor had him to rewrite his thesis many times before allowing him to present
it to the committee.
7. Food prices have raised so rapidly in the past few months that some families ABC have
been forced to change their eating habits.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
8. Beginning in August, free parking_________available to anyone taking the commuter train
from Green City.
A. were B. to be C. being D. will be
9. My neighbor is_________photographer; let’s ask him for__________advice about color film.
A. a - 0 B. the — the C. a — the D. the — an
10. Kelly wanted to have a live band_________at her wedding.
A. to be played B. play C. played D. been playing
11. Without the proper card installed inside the computer,____________impossible to run a
graphical programme.
A. is definitely B. because of C. it is D. is
12. Unfortunately, your letter arrived after the final date for application.__________,we cannot
consider you for the post.
A. As result B. That is because
C. Consequently D. To this


13. A little farther down the street________.

A. is the house I used to stay at
B. there is a house where I used to stay in
C. the house is the place where I used to stay
D. is there a house in which I used to stay
14. We had to spend the whole month searching for better solutions, and__________customers
were impressed by our efforts.
A. fortunate B. fortunes C. fortune D. fortunately
15. Wild animals should always be treated with________.
A. concern B. worry C. caution D. protection
16. The river has been polluted by________waste.
A. endangered B. environment C. disease D. industrial
17. She had to hand in her notice_________advance when she decided to leave the job.
A. in B. from C. with D. to
18. I have given__________all my old books. We just didn’t have enough space in the
A. out B. away C. in D. of
19. The robbers packed the money into a suitcase and________in a van that waited for them in
the street.
A. put through B. rolled over C. carried away D. made off
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
20. “I believe you can do it. Don’t be so anxious, Helen.” “_________”
A. You can say that again. B. I’m sorry, but it’s not possible.
C. You bet! Don’t give up. D. Thanks. But I’m really nervous.
21. Patient: “Can I make an appointment to see the doctor, please?”
Receptionist: “__________”
A. Not at the moment. He can’t be disturbed.
B. OK, you will need to check my diary.
C. OK, let me just check the diary.
D. Have a seat and I’ll be with you in an hour.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
22. I prefer to talk to people face to face rather than to talk on the phone.
A. facing them B. in person
C. looking at them D. seeing them
23. These were the people who advocated using force to stop school violence.
A. openly criticised B. publicly said
C. publicly supported D. strongly condemned
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in

Trang 2

meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

24. Inadequate supply of oxygen to the blood can cause death within minutes.
A. Nonexistent B. Sufficient
C. Rich D. Useful
25. The thieves hid their precious possessions in the well.
A. priceless B. worthless
C. valuable D. invaluable
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
26. Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution.
A. Forests are being destroyed by pollution, scientists say.
B. Scientists are blamed for destroying forests.
C. Scientists say that there's much air pollution in the forests.
D. Scientists blame air pollution for the destruction of forests.
27. Even though Julie is a champion swimmer, she still practises every day.
A. Julie practises every day despite the fact that she is a champion swimmer.
B. Even though Julie practises every day, she is still a champion swimmer.
C. If Julie practises every day, she’ll be a champion swimmer.
D. Julie swims every day; consequently, she is a champion swimmer.
28. Many people enjoy collecting books because they enjoy reading.
A. It is because many people enjoy reading that they enjoy collecting books.
B. Enjoying collecting books is the reason that makes many people enjoy reading books.
C. It is because many people enjoy collecting books that they enjoy reading.
D. Many people enjoy collecting books, which makes them read books.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to complete each
of the following sentences.
29. _______, they slept soundly.
A. Hot though was the night air B. Hot as was the night air
C. Hot although the night air was D. Hot as the night air was
30. _______, the examinees know it was time to stop.
A. To have been heard the bell B. To hear the bell
C. Heard the bell D. Hearing the bell
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Industrialization and Pollution
Industrialization has provided us with material comfort and modem (31)_________________.
Electrical appliances and efficient gadgets ease our daily chores. Yet, there is a heavy price tag
attached to this convenience. Large-scale industrialization is killing the world.
Today there is a strong emphasis on the halt of CFC usage. CFCs, otherwise known as chloro-
fluoro-carbons, are ozone depleting chemicals. They (32)_________________bum a hole in the

Trang 3

earth's atmosphere and we, on the Earth, suffer from the strong radiation (33)___________by the
sun's rays. Household (34)____________like refrigerators, aerosol cans, air-conditioners and
styrofoam containers contain ozone depleting chemicals.
The hole in the sky allows harmful radiation to reach the Earth. As a result, the temperature
on the Earth will (35)__________. This is alarming because polar ice-caps will melt in the heat.
Ocean levels will rise and islands will gradually be flooded.
3 A. convenient B. convenience C. conveniences D.
31 A. truly B. hardly C. already
D. practically
23 A. emit B. emits C. emitting D. emitted
33 A. things B. items C. pieces D. amounts
A. raise B. raising C. rise D. rising
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Say Sayonara to Sushi?
There are few meals as nutritious as a plate of fresh fish. Whether eaten steamed or raw, fish
provides our bodies with healthy fats and it tastes great, too. Yet for years, the fishing industry
has practised overfishing, depleting the world’s oceans. It has been estimated that 85 percent of
stocks worldwide have been diminished to a dangerous level. Statistics show that the average
person consumes more than four times as much fish as someone from the 1950s. As the world’s
population grows and more people are able to afford pricier foods, the problem will likely get
In truth, knowledge of the shortage of fish is not something new. Since the late 1980s, despite
increased technology and a greater demand for fish, the total global catch has not increased.
Eager to make a buck, some fishermen have resorted to illegal tactics to catch more fish and
increase their income. They will violate regulations by fishing in waters that are supposed to be
off-limits. To make matters worse, they often use mile-long drift nets which trap and kill large
numbers of unwanted marine life for no reason at all. These practices only serve to destroy fishes’
habitats and speed up the rate of population decline.
As a result of dwindling fish supplies, many nations are turning to farmed fish. About half of
the fish sold today is derived from this practice. Supporters point out its efficiency and that it is
more feasible to support populations in this manner than with land animals. However, there are
still many hurdles to overcome. Many of the current farm fisheries are poorly run by their
owners. Poor practices can lead to marine pollution, as waters can be filled with fish manure and
extra feed that is not consumed. Some farmed fish have limited space, which causes disease. This
in turn can lead to health issues for the people who consume the fish.
Still, some regard fish farming as the way of the future. They suggest that with a few
modifications, it would be possible to meet the growing demand for fish. Others have suggested
more drastic measures, such as placing a ten-year ban on capturing some species, to deal with the
shortage. These people argue that a decade would provide sufficient time for the fish population
to replenish itself back to healthy levels. Hopefully, nations can come together and agree upon an
effective course of action before it is too late.

Trang 4

36. What is the main problem mentioned in the passage?

A. Not enough people are buying fish.
B. The world’s fish population is declining.
C. The price of fish is too expensive.
D. Too many fishermen have lost their jobs.
37. The amount of fish caught annually has_________over the past two decades.
A. increased B. stayed the same
C. dropped by a lot D. disappeared
38. Which of the following best describe drift nets?
A. They are supported by many nations.
B. They are an advanced technology with many benefits.
C. They don’t have any effect on fish anymore.
D. They are a dangerous and harmful tool.
39. Which of the following best matches the meaning of the word “hurdles” in paragraph 3?
A. prayers B. blessings C. benefits D. obstacles
40. The word “they” in the last paragraph refers to________.
A. campaigns B. organizations C. fisheries D. supporters
41. What does the passage suggest about farmed fishing?
A. It could work with some modifications.
B. It is perfect just the way it is.
C. It is perfectly not going to help the problem.
D. It is without a doubt the way to go.
42. Why might fishermen stop catching fish for 10 years?
A. They feel sorry for the fish.
B. The oceans have become too dangerous.
C. They hope it will create higher numbers of fish.
D. They believe better technology will be available then.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50
The Wonders of Wetlands
If you’re searching for scenic places or areas, visiting wetlands probably won’t be high on
your list. Wetlands are areas of land that are often saturated with water and they are quite an
eyesore. Although they might not look very pretty, they play an important part in keeping the
environment clean and suitable for plant and animal life.
With the exception of Antarctica, wetlands occur naturally on every continent. There are
many different types of wetlands on the Earth, including bogs, swamps, and marshes. Along with
rainforests, they are among the most diverse places on the Earth. In addition to naturally-
occurring wetlands, humans are creating artificial ones for a number of purposes related to water
One of the main benefits of wetlands is that they can prevent floods. They do so by storing
water temporarily and then slowly releasing it over time. Wetlands operate similarly to a sponge.

Trang 5

When it rains heavily and water levels rise, they absorb the excess water. This prevents runoff
from entering streams and keeping them from overflowing. Then, when water levels become low
in the future, they will release it. In many cases, wetlands offer a much more affordable solutions
than dams. However, it’s important to note that wetlands, like dams, don’t eliminate all dangers
from flooding. In cases of extremely heavy rainfall, wetlands can fill up and any additional water
will start to run off.
Wetlands can also play a part in water purification. Agricultural practices, urban runoff, and
sewage waste are a major cause of water pollution. Wetlands contain plants and organisms that
can reduce this pollution by filtering out unwanted substances such as chemicals, and
decomposing matter, as well as sediment.
Wetlands have additional benefits for the environment as well. They can help to feed nearby
fish populations by releasing vegetative matter to rivers. Also,
many amphibians use wetlands as breeding grounds because it provides places for foraging and
the shallow water they require for reproduction. Some birds also use wetlands for migration, as
they can settle in trees and then raid the wetland’s waters for fish when they’re hungry. Although
wetlands may not look pretty, it’s clear that they are capable of doing the dirty work required to
keep our planet clean and ensure that the circle of life remains unbroken.
43. What does the first paragraph suggest about wetlands?
A. They are quite difficult to locate.
B. They are popular with tourists.
C. They are usually quite ugly.
D. They don’t contain any animals.
44. The word “ones” in paragraph 2 refers to________.
A. types B. places C. marshes D. rainforests
45. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A. How wetlands help clean water
B. Cities that benefit from wetlands
C. Why farmers need wetlands
D. How wetlands stop floods
46. Which of the following statements about birds and wetlands is true?
A. Birds like to stay at wetlands for the entire year.
B. Birds aren’t able to catch a lot of food at wetlands.
C. Birds use wetlands because they can reproduce in the water.
D. Wetlands provide a place to stay and a nice food supply for birds.
47. All of the following are benefits of wetlands EXCEPT that________.
A. they can prevent floods
B. they are important to solve of water pollution
C. they are good places for tourists
D. they offer habitats to several species
48. According to the passage, which statement is true?
A. Wetlands play an important part in the ecosystem.

Trang 6

B. Wetlands occur naturally on every continent.

C. Wetlands can prevent all dangers from flooding.
D. Wetlands can filter out unwanted substances with chemicals.
49. Which type of the following is an example of the amphibians?
A. fish B. toads C. birds D. mammals
50. The phrase “the dirty work” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. pollution B. difficult tasks C. dark skies D. popular jobs

Trang 7

1. C 2 A 3. C 4 A 5 DÁN 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. A 10 B
11 C . 1 C 13 A 14 . D . 1 C 16. D 17 A 18 B 19 D .
20 D
21 C 2.2 B 23 . C 24. B 5.2 B 26. D .
27 A 28. A 29 . D .
30 D
31 C 2.3 D 33 . D 34. B 5.3 C 36. B .
37 C 38. D 39 . D .
40 D
41 A 2.4 C 43 . C 44. C 5.4 A 46. D .
47 C 48. A 49 . B .
50 B
.5. — 2. 0 .
6. A — rewrite. 5.
7. A — risen . . . .
D —
15. caution (n) = sự thận trọng; with caution = thận trọng; concern (n) = sự quan ngại;
protection (n) = sự bảo vệ
18. give away = cho, phân phát
19. make off = đi mất, chuồn, cuốn gói
24. inadequate = không thích đáng, không đủ; sufficient = đầy đủ.
25. precious = quý giá; worthless = không có giá trị.
31. convenience (n) = sự tiện lợi; conveniences (pl. n) = tiện nghi; modern conveniences = tiện
nghi hiện đại
32. practically = hầu như, gần như; truly (adv) = đích thực, thực sự; hardly (adv) = hầu như
không; already (adv) = đã... rồi


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