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International Dental Journal 2013; 63 (Suppl.

2): 39–47
doi: 10.1111/idj.12072

A randomised clinical study to evaluate the effect

of brushing duration on fluoride levels in dental
biofilm fluid and saliva in children aged 4–5 years
Evelyn E. Newby1, Esperanza A. Martinez-Mier2, Domenick T. Zero2, Sue A. Kelly2,
Nancy Fleming3, Mairead North1 and Mary Lynn Bosma1
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, Weybridge, UK; 2Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, IN, USA; 3GlaxoSmithKline
Consumer Healthcare, Parsippany, NJ, USA.

Objectives: To compare the effect of 40 seconds versus 2 minutes brushing on saliva and dental biofilm fluid fluoride in
children ages 4–5 years over 1 hour. Design: This was a single-blind, cross-over, randomised, two-period clinical study
in healthy children. Three days before the start of each treatment subjects received a thorough brushing and then
refrained from all oral hygiene procedures. At treatment visits, after collecting baseline biofilm and saliva samples, staff
brushed the occlusal surfaces of the subject’s posterior teeth with a pea-sized amount (0.25 g) of NaF/silica toothpaste
for the randomised time. Samples were taken at 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes after brushing and
analysed for fluoride using a microanalytical methodology. There was a minimum 4-day washout period between treat-
ments. Results: Log changes from baseline biofilm fluid and saliva fluoride were statistically significant (P < 0.05) for
both brushing times at all post-brushing time-points [except 60 minutes saliva where P = 0.06 (t-test)]. Statistically sig-
nificantly greater ln-AUC (area under the curve) was found for biofilm fluid and salivary fluoride after brushing for
2 minutes compared with brushing for 40 seconds over the 1-hour test period. There was a statistically significantly
higher concentration of fluoride in the log change from baseline saliva levels after 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes for the
2-minute brushing time compared with 40 seconds brushing time. There was no statistically significant difference in con-
centration of log change from baseline fluoride levels in biofilm fluid at each individual time-point (5, 15, 30 and
60 minutes) for the 2-minute brushing time compared with the 40-second brushing time, but significant differences were
observed for 15, 30 and 60 minutes in favour of 2-minute brushing time when log biofilm fluid value was analysed. Con-
clusion: The findings provide further evidence for the benefits of increased duration of brushing with respect to fluoride

Key words: Biofilm-fluid, fluoride, retention, saliva, toothpaste, children, brushing time

is the key solvent in which minerals are exchanged at

the tooth surface. The level of fluoride in biofilm,
Dental caries occurs as a result of dissolution of more specifically in biofilm fluid, appears to be
enamel, caused by acids produced by the dental bio- directly related to its anti-caries effect7.
film. Topical fluoride delivered by brushing with Fluoride in the biofilm fluid exists in equilibrium
toothpaste is accepted as effective in the prevention with fluoride in the saliva8, which in turn exists in
of caries1, mainly because it decreases the rate of equilibrium with fluoride bound to the oral soft tis-
enamel demineralisation and enhances the rate of sues9, which are believed to be the principal fluoride
enamel remineralisation2,3. Numerous in vitro studies reservoir after brushing. As fluoride levels in saliva
have shown that the rate of caries progression and and biofilm fluid are mutually interdependent, they
remission is directly affected by the fluoride content are both important in the prevention of caries.
of the liquid phase of the biofilm overlying the These complex exchange processes and nature of
lesion4–6. saliva flow over oral surfaces10 mean that oral deliv-
In practice, a tooth surface is only vulnerable to ery and clearance of fluoride is extremely difficult to
caries if it is covered by a biofilm2. Thus biofilm fluid model11, so clinical studies are critical to understand
© 2013 FDI World Dental Federation 39
Newby et al.

fully the impact of brushing duration and quantity of understand the concept of ‘spitting’ or to have the
dentifrice on the process. physical ability to provide saliva samples was varied.
There have been several studies on the kinetics of Consequently, the saliva collection method for this
fluoride in biofilm fluid after topical application. The study has been modified in order to collect saliva sam-
pioneering work of Tatevossian12 reported increased ples from all subjects regardless of their ability to spit
fluoride levels in pooled biofilm fluid for 2 hours, by using a modified mucus trap method instead of
after rinsing with 20 mmol/l NaF rinse. Vogel et al.13 requesting that the subjects expectorate into a con-
found a strong linear correlation between salivary and tainer.
biofilm fluid fluoride after administration of a 0.2% The quantity of paste (0.25 g) was chosen from the
NaF rinse. Direct comparisons have also been made near-universal dental professional body recommenda-
of fluoride in biofilm fluid after NaF and monofluoro- tion that children aged 6 years and under should
phosphate (MFP) rinses14,15. brush with a ‘pea-sized’ quantity of paste. The only
Starting from the work of Aasenden et al.16, there guidance (of which we are aware) as to the actual
have been many studies of the kinetics of fluoride in weight of a pea-size amount of paste is a European
saliva after topical application. The studies of Duck- Union Committee recommendation which states that
worth8,9,17–19 showed that fluoride clearance is bipha- a ‘pea-sized’ amount should be taken as 0.25 g27.
sic: an initial rapid loss of fluoride in the first DenBesten and Ko26 reported that following brushing
approximately 15 minutes followed by a much slower with 0.25 g of toothpaste, fluoride levels in saliva had
rate of loss for the ensuing hours. The rapid clearance returned to baseline levels within 45 minutes.
phase has been attributed to loss of fluoride present in The purpose of the present study was to observe
free solution in the oral fluids; the slow clearance the fluoride clearance curve in children following two
phase has been attributed to loss of fluoride bound to different brushing times was measured over a 1-hour
oral surfaces, which must first dissociate into free period.
solution before clearance. The brushing times used have been chosen in the
Children are particularly vulnerable to caries. Teeth light of existing data on how long children brush
emerging during childhood will create certain ‘stagna- versus how long professionals recommend. A recent
tion sites’, especially occlusal surfaces and interproxi- study of children’s brushing time found that the aver-
mal areas, where cariogenic biofilm will accumulate age time spent was 39 seconds28, which is in agree-
even with regular toothbrushing habits20,21. If the ment with a previous study indicating approximately
overall remineralisation–demineralisation balance at 40 seconds29. A general consensus among oral health-
these sites tends to favour demineralisation, it is likely care professionals is that individuals should spend at
that dental caries will progress to the cavitation stage least 120 seconds brushing their teeth with an effec-
within a few years (i.e. during childhood)21. Addi- tive technique at least twice a day.
tional caries risk factors for children may include low
dexterity/enthusiasm for brushing compared with
adults; a diet higher in frequency and quantity of fer-
mentable carbohydrates also predisposed to car-
Study design
Recent studies have shown the importance in adults This was a single-blind (fluoride analyst), cross-over,
of brushing duration, and quantity of dentifrice used, randomised, two-period study in healthy children aged
on in-situ fluoride uptake and consequent reminerali- 4–5 years (inclusive) to evaluate the effect of two dif-
sation by early enamel lesions24,25. This suggests that ferent brushing times (40 seconds and 2 minutes) on
caries protection from a dentifrice is dependent on biofilm fluid fluoride and salivary fluoride levels over
both duration of brushing and quantity of paste used. a 1-hour period after use of an experimental sodium
To our knowledge, only one published study exists on fluoride/silica children’s toothpaste containing
saliva fluoride levels as a function of quantity of den- 1150 ppm fluoride. The study protocol and consent
tifrice used in children26; this concluded that quantity form was reviewed and approved by the Indiana Uni-
of dentifrice is very important. versity Institutional Review Board and the study con-
This currently reported study used methodology uti- formed to the guidelines laid out in the Declaration of
lised in previously reported studies evaluating fluoride Helsinki.
in biofilm fluid in an adult population24,25 with a Parental/legal guardian informed consent was col-
number of adaptations in order to conduct the study lected before any subject’s participation in this study –
in a younger population. Based on a pilot study to because of the age of the children no child assent was
evaluate feasibility of conducting a study of this nat- collected. A total of 157 healthy subjects between the
ure in a population of children aged 4–5 years we ages of 4 and 5 years were screened from 21 October
determined that the ability of children of this age to 2011 to 28 February 2012, with 49 subjects randomised
40 © 2013 FDI World Dental Federation
Effect of brushing time on fluoride level

to study treatment. The study completed in March • Undergoing therapy with products or drugs that in
2012. The flow of the subjects through the study is the opinion of the investigator or dental practi-
shown in Figure 1. tioner may influence salivary flow
Subjects were enrolled into the study if they: • Taking fluoride supplements or other fluoride prod-
• Had a sufficient number of primary teeth that were ucts for health reasons except that naturally occur-
fully erupted and not noticeably loose (at least one ring in usual diet
tooth per quadrant) to obtain an adequate biofilm • Had been placed under the control or protection of
sample an agency, organisation, institution or entity by the
• Produced at least 5 mg of biofilm at the required courts, the government or a government body, act-
screening visits ing in accordance with powers conferred on them
• Had adequate salivary flow (0.2 ml/minute using by law or regulation. This included a child cared
the mucus trap method) at the required screening for by foster parents or living in a care home or
visits institution. This does not include a child who is
• Subjects were excluded from the study if they were: adopted or has an appointed legal guardian.

Assessed for eligibility (n = 157)

Excluded (n = 108)

Not meeƟng inclusion criteria

Enrolment (n = 105)
Protocol violaƟon (n = 2)
Withdrawal of consent (n = 1)
Randomised (49)

Sequence 1: 40 seconds Sequence 2: 120 seconds

then 120 seconds then 40 seconds

Allocated to intervenƟon (n = 24) Allocated to intervenƟon (n = 25)

Received allocated intervenƟon Received allocated intervenƟon

(n = 24) (n = 25)
Did not receive allocated AllocaƟon Did not receive allocated
intervenƟon (n = 0) intervenƟon (n = 0)

Lost to follow-up (n = 1) Lost to follow-up (n = 1)

Withdrawal of consent (n = 2) Withdrawal of consent (n = 1)
Other (n = 1) Other (n = 1)

Analysed ITT (n = 25)

Analysis Analysed ITT (n = 23)
Subjects excluded from ITT analysis
Subjects excluded from ITT analysis
(n = 0)
(n = 0)
Missing data led to fewer than 25
Missing data led to fewer than 23
subjects being analysed for certain
subjects being analysed for certain
endpoints and Ɵmepoints
endpoints and Ɵmepoints

Figure 1. Trial profile.

© 2013 FDI World Dental Federation 41

Newby et al.

Oral soft tissue (OST) and oral hard tissue (OHT) ples were collected 5  1 minutes, 15  5 minutes,
examinations were performed at the initial screening 30  5 minutes and 60  5 minutes after brushing.
visit. Subjects then received a thorough brushing and Approximately 1 mg of interproximal/buccal biofilm
flossing of all teeth using a marketed children’s tooth- was collected immediately after each saliva sample.
paste (Aquafreshâ Kids toothpaste, GlaxoSmithKline Thorough brushing, treatment brushing, plaque and
Consumer Healthcare, L.P., Pittsburgh, PA, USA) and saliva collection was conducted throughout the study
toothbrush (Aquafreshâ Kids toothbrush) to remove by one of three trained hygienists for each subject.
all biofilm. Eligible subjects were instructed to refrain Subjects were required to remain at the site for the
from all oral hygiene products and procedures for the entire treatment phase.
next 3 days to allow sufficient growth of biofilm at At the end of each treatment period the hygienist or
their next visit. dentist thoroughly brushed the subject’s teeth using
The second screening visit was to assess whether the commercial children’s toothpaste and study tooth-
subjects were likely to form sufficient amounts of bio- brush. Subjects received a post-treatment OST exami-
film during treatment visits, had sufficient salivary nation. There was a minimum of 4 days before the
flow and could willingly sit for the collection pro- next treatment period.
cesses, an OST examination was also performed at
this visit by one of two trained dentists. At the end of
Randomisation procedure
the second screening visit subjects had their teeth
flossed and thoroughly brushed with the marketed Subjects were assigned randomisation numbers by a dis-
children’s toothpaste by one of three trained dental penser at the study site using a randomisation schedule
hygienists. For those that qualified to participate, the list generated by the study sponsor. Randomisation
same toothpaste was provided to use at home for the numbers were assigned sequentially in chronological
duration of the study except during the 3-day no oral order as each subject was deemed to be fully eligible.
hygiene periods before each treatment visit. Subjects received the corresponding two study treat-
Approximately 1 mg of biofilm was required for ments in the sequence order specified by a randomisa-
each sample in order to perform the analytical mea- tion schedule using a Williams Latin Square design.
surement (five samples were required in total at each
visit: baseline, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes and
Saliva collection procedure (mucus trap method)
60 minutes after brushing). Therefore, at each treat-
ment visit the subject was required to have approxi- A mucus trap is a hand-powered suction device with
mately 5 mg of biofilm (following the 3-day brushing an attached collection vial for collecting mucus or
abstinence). Repeat screening and treatment visits saliva, and a suction catheter that is often used with
were permitted for subjects who were unable to pro- tracheotomy tubes. In this study, the suction source
duce the required amount of biofilm or who were was the saliva ejector and a saliva ejector tip was
unable to attend both the brushing and subsequent inserted into the end of the catheter tube. The child
biofilm collection visit within the 3-day time limit. was instructed to swallow all saliva at the beginning
Subjects attended the study site 3 days before each of the 5-minute collection and was then instructed to
treatment visit, where they received an OST assess- open their mouth while the saliva ejector tip was
ment followed by having their teeth flossed and thor- moved around in the child’s mouth to collect the sal-
oughly brushed with the washout toothpaste by a iva. The child was then instructed to close their mouth
trained dental hygienist. Subjects then abstained from and the procedure was repeated periodically (every
oral hygiene until the treatment visit 3 days later. 10–20 seconds) for the 5-minute collection period.
At the treatment visits subjects received a pretreat-
ment OST examination, a saliva sample was then col-
Biofilm collection procedure
lected followed by collection of an interproximal and
buccal biofilm sample from the posterior teeth by a Immediately before dental biofilm collection, the sub-
trained dental hygienist. The occlusal surfaces of the ject was instructed to swallow all remaining saliva
teeth were brushed by a trained dental hygienist with and then keep their mouth open. Interproximal and
0.25 g  0.03 g (a pea-sized amount) of the test den- buccal biofilm samples were collected by one of the
tifrice (an experimental sodium fluoride/silica chil- trained dental hygienists. Approximately 1 mg of den-
dren’s toothpaste containing 1150 ppm fluoride) for tal biofilm was collected from the interproximal and
the randomized time (40 seconds or 120 seconds). buccal surfaces of the posterior teeth of all four quad-
Subjects then expectorated the toothpaste slurry and rants. Biofilm samples were collected using a standar-
rinsed with 10 ml of deionised water for 10 seconds dised approach. Using a stainless steel periodontal
and expectorated. Only the occlusal surfaces were scaler (S. McCall 17/18 or IU 17/18, Hu-Friedy Mfg.
brushed to avoid disturbing the biofilm. Saliva sam- Co, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), pooled biofilm samples
42 © 2013 FDI World Dental Federation
Effect of brushing time on fluoride level

were collected from each interproximal area (buccal The amount of total fluoride in the samples was
aspect) and buccal area starting from the upper right calculated based on the amount of fluoride divided by
quadrant to the upper left, lower left and ending in the volume of the sample and expressed as lg F/ml of
the lower right quadrants. The pooled biofilm sample sample.
was then transferred to a preweighed plastic strip. The amount of fluoride delivered by the dentifrice
to the saliva over the 1-hour post brushing period (i.e.
the area under the salivary F clearance curve) was cal-
Biofilm-fluid fluoride analysis
culated via trapezoidal rule.
The microanalytical method of Vogel et al.13 was
used to analyse biofilm fluid samples for fluoride con-
Criteria for evaluation of efficacy
• Samples were placed, under mineral oil, on the sur- For the primary objective, the criterion of success was
face of a specially constructed inverted F electrode. whether there was a statistically significant increase in
The mineral oil was used to prevent evaporation the biofilm fluid area under the curve (AUC) between
• Total ionic strength-adjusting solution (TISAB III) brushing for 120 seconds compared with 40 seconds.
was added to the samples in a ratio of 9:1
• The tip of a microreference electrode was placed in Safety
contact with the sample to complete the circuit.
Triplicate analyses was performed on each pooled The safety profile of the experimental sodium fluoride
biofilm fluid sample. Biofilm fluid fluoride was children’s toothpaste was assessed with respect to the
expressed as lg F/g, which was calculated by compar- incidence of treatment–emergent adverse events (AEs)
ison with a standard fluoride curve constructed the and OST abnormalities.
same day of the analysis.
Calculation of sample size
Saliva sample analysis
The sample size was calculated for the primary effi-
The concentration of fluoride was measured in all sal- cacy parameter, AUC, for fluoride concentration in
iva samples. Samples were centrifuged for 10 minutes biofilm fluid in the 1 hour following a single use.
at 10,000 rpm (4,000 g gravity) at 7°C and the With 50 completed subjects, it was calculated that
supernatant was stored at 4°C for immediate analysis there would be an estimated 80% power at the 0.05
or at 20°C for later fluoride analysis. Analysis of level of significance, using two-sided testing, to detect
saliva was conducted using a modification of the hex- a mean treatment difference on the natural logarithm
amethyl-disiloxane (HMDS) microdiffusion method of scale of 0.285 for AUC (with a standard deviation of
Taves30 as modified by Martinez–Mier, et al.31. One the difference estimated to be 0.705). This translated
millilitre of centrifuged saliva sample was pipetted into to a standardized effect size of 0.404. The estimate of
plastic Petri dishes (Falcon 15-cm plastic Petri dishes), standard deviation was based on a two similar, previ-
adding enough deionised water to bring final volume ous studies conducted on adults over a 4-hour period
in each Petri dish to 3.0 ml. A 0.05 M sodium hydrox- using a larger amount of toothpaste24,32.
ide analytical reagent (NaOH) 50 ll trap solution was
placed in five drops on the Petri dish lid and after the
Statistical methods
addition of 1 ml of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) saturated
with HMDS through a small hole in the lid of the Petri The primary efficacy variable was the biofilm fluid
dish; each dish was immediately tightly sealed with AUC, the area under the biofilm fluid fluoride clear-
petroleum jelly. During overnight diffusion, fluoride ance curve, measured using the trapezoidal method.
was released by acid hydrolysis and trapped in the Subjects without fluoride data for at least three time-
NaOH. The trap was recovered and buffered to pH points after brushing, including the 1-hour time-point,
5.2 with 25 ll acetic acid (CH3COOH). The recovered did not have a sufficient number of data points for an
solution was adjusted to a final volume of 100 ml with accurate estimate of AUC to be calculated. In this case
total ionic strength buffer (TISAB II). Fluoride was the AUC value was set to missing. Where the baseline
measured using a fluoride combination electrode value was missing, it was set as zero for calculation of
(Orion Specific Ion Combination Fluoride Electrode, AUC. Where the 1-hour value was missing, the AUC
96-909-00, Precision Instruments, Sarasota, FL, USA) was also set to missing as it is not possible to calcu-
and pH/ion meter (Orion EA940). The fluoride content late AUC accurately without this information. The
(lg F) of the samples was calculated from a standard efficacy analysis required natural logarithm transfor-
curve constructed from fluoride standards and micro- mation of AUC values before analysis because of fail-
diffused at the same time as the samples. ure of the assumptions of normality of the model
© 2013 FDI World Dental Federation 43
Newby et al.

residuals. Statistical analysis for natural logarithm- assessments), 49 subjects were randomised. A total of
transformed AUC was performed with statistical 42 subjects completed the study. A total of 48 sub-
analysis system (SAS) software (SAS Cary, NC, USA) jects were included in an intent to treat (ITT) popula-
using a linear model. An analysis of covariance (AN- tion and 47 subjects were included in the per protocol
COVA) model included subject (as a random effect), (PP) population. Efficacy analyses were based on the
treatment and study period as factor and two baseline ITT population; PP population analyses were not per-
terms as covariates; (1) the subject-level baseline bio- formed. Seven of the randomised subjects did not
film fluid concentration calculated as the mean baseline complete the study, three were because of withdrawal
across both periods within a subject, and (2) the per- of consent, two could not grow sufficient biofilm and
iod-level baseline biofilm fluid concentration minus the two were lost to follow up.
subject-level baseline biofilm fluid concentration. Mean
differences between the duration of brushing are pre-
sented with 95% confidence intervals. All tests were
two-sided and performed at the 5% significance level. The baseline demographics for the study population
The secondary efficacy variables were: are summarised in Table 1.
• Biofilm fluid fluoride concentration at each post-
brushing time-point (5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes)
Efficacy results
• Saliva fluoride AUC
• Change in fluoride concentration in biofilm fluid The mean (SE) fluoride concentrations in biofilm fluid
from baseline at each time-point (5, 15, 30 and at each time-point are shown in Figure 2. The values
60 minutes) observed for 40-second and 2-minute brushing times,
• Change in fluoride concentration in saliva from respectively, in lg F/g were: baseline 0.182 (0.016),
baseline at each time-point (5, 15, 30 and 60 min- 0.212 (0.025); 5 minutes 0.616 (0.206), 0.635
utes). (0.116); 15 minutes 0.321 (0.037), 0.521 (0.108);
The variables 1 and 2 were analysed in the same 30 minutes 0.256 (0.023), 0.395 (0.058) and 60 min-
way as primary efficacy but with biofilm fluid and sal- utes 0.239 (0.030), 0.327 (0.046).
iva fluid at baseline as the covariates for the biofilm The mean (SE) fluoride concentrations in saliva at
and saliva endpoints, respectively. Natural logarithm each time-point are shown in Figure 3. The values
transformations were required. observed for 40-second and 2-minute brushing times,
The variables 3 and 4 were analysed in the same respectively, in lg F/g were: baseline 0.032 (0.004),
way as primary efficacy but with biofilm fluid and sal- 0.037 (0.006); 5 minutes 0.510 (0.050), 0.797
iva fluid at baseline as the covariates for the biofilm
and saliva endpoints, respectively. Within-treatment
change from baseline were assessed comparing the Table 1 Demographics of intent to treat study popu-
adjusted mean value observed from the ANCOVA lation
model versus zero using a t-test. Natural logarithm
transformations were required. Number of subjects Age (years)
During the blinded data review, it was noted that Male Female Overall Mean Range
there were some instances where the baseline levels of
Overall intent to treat 25 23 48 4.4 4–5
fluoride were not obtained owing to an inability to
extract fluid from the total biofilm. This sensitivity
analysis analysed the biofilm fluid fluoride in AUC
without baseline levels as a covariate. The model
terms included subjects (as a random effect), treat-
ment and study periods in the analysis of variance
(ANOVA) model.
As the primary endpoint was predefined, there has
been no adjustment for multiplicity.

It was planned to randomise 60 subjects to have 50
subjects complete both treatment periods of the study.
One hundred fifty-seven subjects were screened, how-
ever, owing to entry criteria challenges (predomi- Figure 2. Summary of mean biofilm fluid fluoride concentration over
nantly the inability to provide sufficient biofilm for all time.

44 © 2013 FDI World Dental Federation

Effect of brushing time on fluoride level

No statistically significant difference in log change

from baseline biofilm fluid fluoride concentration was
observed at any individual post-brushing time-point
comparing a 40-second brushing with a 120-second
brushing (Table 2), but significant differences were
observed for 15, 30 and 60 minutes in favour of the
120-second brushing time when the log biofilm fluid
value was analysed rather than the change from base-
line value (Table 5).
Statistically significant differences were observed for
log change from baseline in saliva fluoride concentra-
tion at each individual post-brushing time-point com-
paring 40 seconds of brushing with 120 seconds of
Figure 3. Summary of mean saliva fluoride concentration over time. brushing (Table 6). The sensitivity analysis for log bio-
ITT, intent to treat. film fluoride AUC gave consistent results (P = 0.0123)
in favour of the 120-second brushing time (Table 5).
(0.102); 15 minutes 0.155 (0.014), 0.182 (0.017);
30 minutes 0.072 (0.006), 0.107 (0.013) and 60 min- Safety results
utes 0.039 (0.006), 0.049 (0.006).
A statistically significant difference based on log- A total of 49 subjects were included in the safety popu-
transformed AUC at 1 hour for both biofilm fluid fluo- lation. A total of nine subjects reported 10 treatment-
ride (P = 0.0279) and saliva fluoride (P = 0.0033) was emergent AEs. There were no oral AEs reported in this
observed in favour of a 120-second brushing time com- study. None of the AEs were treatment related and all
pared with a 40-second brushing time (Tables 2 and 3). were mild in intensity; no serious AEs were reported.
Both the treatment groups showed a statistically sig-
nificant change from baseline at each post-brushing DISCUSSION
time-point in terms of log biofilm fluid fluoride con-
centration and log saliva fluoride concentration except This single-blind (fluoride analyst), crossover, randomised,
for 1 hour in the 40-second brushing time experimen- two-period study in healthy children aged 4–5 years
tal group for saliva (P = 0.0630) (Tables 3 and 4). (inclusive) evaluated the effect of two different brushing

Table 2 Log biofilm fluid fluoride concentration between-treatment (40 seconds vs. 120 seconds brushing time)
Treatment Parameter Log biofilm fluid fluoride concentration of change ln AUC* AUC†
from baseline (lg F/g)

5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes

40 seconds Difference (mean) 0.0976 0.1524 0.1991 0.1704 0.23 0.79

versus 120 seconds 95% CI (lower, upper) 0.42, 0.23 0.39, 0.08 0.45, 0.05 0.43, 0.09 0.44, 0.03 0.65, 0.97
P-value 0.5460 0.1985 0.1197 0.1852 0.0279

*Difference (Mean).

Ratio of geometric mean.
P-value <0.05 is significant and bold.

Table 3 Log biofilm fluid fluoride concentration within-treatment change from baseline
Treatment Parameter Log biofilm fluid fluoride concentration of change
from baseline (lg F/g)

5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes

40 seconds Change from baseline (adjusted mean*) 0.8324 0.5466 0.3323 0.2143
Standard error* 0.1201 0.0930 0.0899 0.0855
P-value <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0005 0.0148
120 seconds Change from baseline (Adjusted Mean*) 0.9299 0.6990 0.5314 0.3847
Standard error* 0.1238 0.0945 0.0901 0.0928
P-value <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0001

*Based on log transformed data.

P-values <0.05 are significant and bold.

© 2013 FDI World Dental Federation 45

Newby et al.

Table 4 Log biofilm fluid fluoride concentration between-treatment (40 seconds vs. 120 seconds brushing time)
comparison (sensitivity analysis for AUC)
Treatment Parameter Log biofilm fluid fluoride concentration (lg F/g) ln AUC* AUC†

5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes

40 seconds versus Difference (mean) 0.1400 0.2206 0.2852 0.2443 0.29 0.75
120 seconds 95% CI (lower, upper) 0.45, 0.17 0.43, 0.01 0.48, 0.09 0.48, 0.01 0.52, 0.07 0.59, 0.93
P-value 0.3619 0.0391 0.0063 0.0411 0.0123

*Difference (mean).

Ratio of geometric mean.
P-values <0.05 are significant and bold.

Table 5 Log saliva fluoride concentration between-treatment (40 seconds vs. 120 seconds brushing time) comparison
Treatment Parameter Log saliva fluoride concentration of change from baseline (lg F/ ln AUC* AUC†

5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes

40 seconds versus Difference (mean) 0.4882 0.3073 0.4266 0.3195 0.27 0.76
120 seconds 95% CI (lower, upper) 0.77, 0.20 0.58, 0.03 0.69, 0.16 0.64, 0.00 0.44, 0.10 0.64, 0.91
P-value 0.0012 0.0299 0.0023 0.0496 0.0033

*Difference (mean).

Ratio of geometric mean.
P-values <0.05 are significant and bold.

Table 6 Log saliva fluoride concentration within-treatment change from baseline

Treatment Parameter Log saliva fluid fluoride concentration of change from baseline (lg F/g)

5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes

40 seconds Change from baseline 2.8527 1.6885 0.9465 0.2244

(adjusted mean*)
Standard error* 0.1241 0.1058 0.1041 0.1191
P-value <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0630
120 seconds Change from baseline 3.3408 1.9958 1.3731 0.5439
(adjusted mean*)
Standard error* 0.1245 0.1062 0.1045 0.1195
P-value <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

*Based on log transformed data.

P-values <0.05 are significant and bold.

times (40 seconds and 2 minutes) on biofilm fluid fluoride

and salivary fluoride levels over a 1 hour period in chil-
dren aged 4–5 years using 0.25 g of toothpaste. The results of the present clinical study provide fur-
The results of the current study are in agreement ther evidence to support the fluoride delivery benefits
with previous studies that have reported statistically of 2 minutes brushing in children.
significant differences on the AUC for both biofilm
fluid fluoride and saliva fluoride24,33. Also in agree-
Conflict of interest
ment with those previous reports is the fact that both
treatment groups in the current study demonstrated a Authors Newby, Fleming, North and Bosma are
statistically significant (marginally significant in one employed by GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare.
case) change from baseline within treatment at each Authors Martinez-Mier, Zero and Kelly were funded
post-brushing time-point. by GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare to conduct
Our results provide evidence in support of the impor- this study.
tance of the duration of brushing reported for adults24,25.
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rate of loss for the ensuing 60 minutes, as previously Cochrane Database Syst Rev 1 2009 (Systematic Review):
reported by Duckworth and colleagues8,9,17–19. CD002278.

46 © 2013 FDI World Dental Federation

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Correspondence to:
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© 2013 FDI World Dental Federation 47

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