House: Family
House: Family
House: Family
Size: Small (rejection or detached feelings towards family.) BIG: Life revolves around family
Doors and windows: Welcoming family. Closed doors: Not social. Windows with bars: Not
independent. No windows: Abusive behaviour happening to you or you are doing on someone. Lock
on door: Defensive. Clouds, birds, shading: Indication of depression. Pathways: Friendly. Fountain:
presence of goodness. Mountain: Anxiety depression/Sexual Double story: Double minded
personality. Door close windows open: restriction from family. Person on window: High need of a
person. Water bodies: Sexual relation. Backdoor: Secrets in your life. House with lights: Welcoming
behaviour. Car: Visitors and people getting assess to you. Sun moon star: Presence of authoritative
person in life. Swing: Good interpersonal relationships. Chimney: Sexual desire and need to vent out
aggressive. With smoke: Healthy way to vent out aggression.
Long branches: Not satisfied with society. Complete top of tree: Good interpersonal
relations. Proper lower part; good inner self and personal growth. Supporting lines or ropes: rely on
others for success. Small branch: limited skills / feeling of inferiority. Twisted branches:
environmental help is needed. Dead branches: hopelessness. Tringle shape top part: Aggressive
personality. Trunk is wide: Strong ego, Scars on trees: traumatic life events/severe depression.
Broken branches: broken interpersonal relationship. Leaves: Good functionality. Roots: Touch in
reality No roots: feelings of insecurity. Tall tree: wish to be dominant. Fruits: Hopeful person .
Flower: self loving personality. Cloud like tree: Confusefd personality Pointed leaves: Aggressive.
Person: Society
Big head: high intellectual ability. Eyes: way to perceive world around you. Hollow eye:
hallucination. Eye brows and lashes: Perfectionist. Nose: proper castration fear. Teeth: High
aggression. Open mouth: Talkative. Closed mouth introvert. No mouth : no contact with reality. Only
smile: Positive feelings for life. Ears: Ready to take advice from others.
Chin/shoulder/beard/mouschtash: Male dominance. Neck present: Touch with suroudings. Wide
neck: strong ego. No neck: conflict with society. Open arms: assessable. Cross arms: no access.
Hidden arms: secrets in life. pointed Fingers Aggression. Grapelike fingers Immaturity Shading on
hands: Guilt nude figure: psychotic tendencies/ sexual abuse. Presence of legs: independent and
autonomy in environment . big feet: desire to be independent. Small feet: dependency. Buttons :
maternal dependency. Belt and tie: Desire for sexual relationships/ homosexuality/ phallic
preoccupation. Small hands: Wish to intimate relationships. Hands down: rigidity. Hands away:
helplessness. Stick figure: complete amount of extreme aggression. Shoes: homosexuality.