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4ms MR Djamal Sequence 3)

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Level :4ms

Healthy food

The town council has organized a school Installing resources objectives

contest to raise children’s awareness of
Make recommendation for a healthy diet
the negative effects of junk food.
/ table manners.
From the set of materials
provided(pictures, graphs, newspaper -Give instructions.
articles, CDs, videos ,etc) identify these
effects, then devise a leaflet and give -Compare and contrast food items.
recommendations and advice to stop the
excessive consumption of junk food by -describe food habits.
children (this can be for a balanced diet/
a low- calorie menu) or a poster with -Ask for and give advice
your comments to prevent food poisoning
-Defend positive actions( citizenship)
Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 Healthy food Lesson: Framework: PPU
Language focus : language
learning / use .

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to give instructions using imperative.

Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ course

interpret – produce. book/flashcards
Target structure: - imperative
(affirmative/ negative)/giving

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

1. Intellectual competency: Eating healthy food

- The learner can use his critical thinking to deduce Valuing food.
the rules
2 Methodological competency:
- He can work in pairs or within the whole class.
- He can mobilize his resources
3.Communicative competency:
He can interpret a recipe
4. Personal and social competencies:
- He socialises through oral or written exchanges.

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up
Do you use recipes when you cook ? T/L
Can you name some traditional cakes you or your To pave the way
mothers do at home ? Can you tell us about the for the WB V
ingredients to make them ? presentation of A
the topic about
- T invites his pps to open their books on cooking
page 21 then interact with them about
which ingredients they need to make
tamina and pancakes.
T asks his pps to do ("Act 2 p 21")Re-
order the instructions of the recipe about
Presentation involve the
"How to make a pancake" learner SB
Num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Lette B A D C E F H g

T : Check the ingredients again and answer the
questions :
1- How many eggs do we need to make
pancackes ?
2- How much flour do we need ?
3- Do you need too much salt ?
4- What about cooking oil ?
5- Find all the kitchen utensils you
6- Do you know other kitchen utensils ?
T : Consider the following instruction and Giving the
answer the questions : opportunity to
the learners to
guess and elicit
T/L the new WB
Heat the pan .
Where is the verb ?
Where is the subject ?
T highlights the rules
Heat is a verb in the imperative . Highlighting the
-Imperatives are verbs used at the rules
beginning of sentences either in the
affirmative or negative to indicate
instructions, invitations, signs and notices
or telling someone what to do.
-We use the base form of the verb
without to such as: walk, read,
open,….etc and the command is given to
(you ) .
-The imperative has "positive and
negative" commands  ex: heat the pan!
- Don't heat the pan
Examples :
1- Instructions
Mix the flour with the eggs
Take tow tablets every 24 hours
2- Invitation :
Come in ;you are welcome.
Please start , dont wait for me.
3- Tell someone what to do
Open your book.
4- Warnings
Keep out .Danger.
5- Making signs and notices
6- Making requests
Please open the door.
-Read the instructions and sort out the
other verbs in the imperative
Task 1

I work with my to write each noun next to T/L

the verb it goes with. Some nouns can be Check and
used more than once. consolidate in
bread cake butter salt oven eggs meat term of form and
1. Turn on the ………. . 5. Sprinkle meaning
some…………….. on the meat.
2. boil some …………….. . 6. Fry the………….. in
a pan.
3. Spread the ……………… . 7. Melt………………
the in a pan.
4. Bake the …………... 8. Preheat the ……… .
9- roast ……………….. 10 grill ………………..



1 -Cut onions into small pieces. The pps can use

2- break 3 eggs in the frying pan. L/L what they have
3 boil water.
4-Grill meat
5- fry potatoes
PPS can give other instructions and mime
Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 Healthy food Lesson: Framework: PDP /PIASP
Language focus : language
learning / use .

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to write a recipe using imperative and
time sequencers
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ course
interpret – produce. book/
Target structure: - imperative/ time

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

1. Intellectual competency: Eating healthy food

- The learner can use his critical thinking to deduce Valuing food.
the rules
2 Methodological competency:
He can work in pairs or within the whole class.
He can mobilize his resources to solve a problem
3.Communicative competency:
He can interpret a recipe
4. Personal and social competencies:
 - He socialises through oral or written
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up After greeting his pps , the teacher makes a

quick review of the ingredients ,the instructions Review prior
and the kitchen utensils we need to make a knowledge to WB
pancake. pave the way and V
T invites the Pps to open their books p22( T/L involve all the A
on the move) focus on the illustration then learners
Pre read answer the questions :
Where is this women ?
Can you identify some kichen utensils ?
What’s she doing ?
Which type of food is she cooking ?
She looks happy , why ?
(T : Because tomorrow is pancake Day and
all the families are going to make pancakes)
T invites his pps to read the text and Help and guide
answer : them
-How many paragraphs are there ? interpreting the
Read -Which paragraph talks about the recipe
ingredients we need to make a pancake ?
- Which paragraph talks about the
instructions ?
T shifts to -Sort out(or what is) the first instruction .
Piasp to T writes the instruction on the board and Elicit the target A/V
elicit and helps the pps to analyse it. structure
introduce First , mix the sifted flour with the eggs. WB
the target
structure │ │ │ │
Time sequencer comma imperative
presentation the rest of the sentence.

Highlighting rules : T/L WB

A First is a time sequencer. It is used
to indicate the order in which steps of
a procedure are carried out .
In what part it comes in this
Practice T
sentence:  at the beginning
Highlighting rules
b) List other time sequencers of the
text: [and-then- next – after that-
c) They are followed by what ?
These words are usually used with
d)Do you know other time V/A
sequencers ? [15 minuteslater] first
of all – 2minutes after…..
d) In what part do they come in a T/L
sentence: They come at the
beginning of a sentence.
e) Heat is a verb in the imperative.
Practice : the pps work in small froups to solve
the following a problem situation
Sally is at home. She is hungry. She wants WB
to prepare an omelet, but she doesn’t
know how to do that. Let’s help her.

This table may help you

Ingredien utensils instructio sequence
ts ns rs
Eggs,salt Fork Break(cra First
Pepper -Frying ck) Then
,cheese pan Heat After that Use what they
oil -plate Beat next L/L learnt to write a
Table Add finally recipe
spoon Put
-recipient Pour
First, break 2 or 3 eggs in a recipient.
Then, add a pinch of salt and beat with a
fork for 2 minutes. Next, heat a frying pan V/A
and put one table spoon of oil in it. After
Use that, pour the beaten eggs into the frying
pan and cook for 3 minutes. Finally, put
the omelet into a plate and sprinkle
cheese on it.
Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 HEALTHY FOOD Lesson: 1 I listen and do Framework: PDP
Language focus : language

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learners will be able to ask /talk about their daily meals and
how they like their food.

Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ course book
interpret – produce.
Target structure: - simple present
What do you have for…………?
How often…………………?
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intel: learner can interpret verbal and non-verbal Eating healthy food
messages. Valuing food.
 Meth: He can work in pairs or in small groups.
 Com: He can face an audience .
 Per and soc: He socialises through oral or written

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

T greets his learners / the learners respond.

Warm up T asks the learners about what they had for T/L
breakfast this morning? Brainstorm ideas
To prepare the Ls for the listening phase ,T asks : about types of The V
Pre listen 1)What do you usually eat for breakfast? food /activate board A
for lunch or dinner? for snacks? the learner’s
4- How do you like your food? Examples prior knowledge
Do you like potatoes ?How do you like your
potatoes? How do you like your meat, potatoes,
eggs…..? ‘boiled, roasted, fried, steamed……..
involving the
Tinvites Pps to listen the to the following dialogue learners .paving
and answer the questions the way .
How many speakers are there and who are they ? Introducing the
What are they talking about?  key words
needed for the
Son: Mom, what’s for lunch today? conversation
Mother: I’ve made for you some soup ,lamb
and some boiled vegetables.
Son: O.K. ! Have you fried the lamb or roasted
Mother: I roasted it.
While Son: Oh!No! I’m so tired of eating roasted
listening meat. Can you fry it today, please?
Mother: No, fried meat is not healthy .You T/L An
are too fat. audio Au
Son: Who cares about health ? I love fried file
Mother: That’s not good for you . Gist listening to
get general idea
about the
Task 1 : I listen and write true and false.
1)The mother has made soup ,lamb and some To listen and find
boiled vegetables for dinner. the correct/
2)The mother roasted the meat. wrong
3 ) The boy is happy. information

Task 2: T invites his pps to listen again then work

with partners to check , compare their answers T/l The
and correct each other. Involve PPs in board
Task 3 : I listen and answer ; peer- correction

1)How does the boy like his meat and

2) Is fried meat healthy?
Note : T shows his learners the right
pronunciation of the final “d” in the words fried ,
steamed, cooked, roasted, grilled) To listen and
Task 4: answer questions
T: Discuss with your partners one typical
meal (breakfast , lunch or dinner ) you eat at
home(mention 7 food you eat). Then ask
each other:
The Ls reinvest
Example :
what they learnt
What do you usually have for ………………….?
to ask and V/A/
Post listening We often have…………………………………………… L/L answer about K
And how do you like your food ( vegetables , daily meals they The
meat , fish ……………….? have and how board
they like their
Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 Healthy food Lesson: Framework: PDP /PIASP
Language focus : language
learning / use .

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to ask for and give advice.

Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ course

interpret – produce. book/flashcards
Target structure: - should/shouldn’t

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intel: learner can interpret verbal and non-verbal Eating healthy food
messages. Valuing food.
 Meth: He can work in pairs or in small groups.
 Com: He can face an audience
 Per and soc: He socialises through oral or written

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up T invites his learners to work in small groups to T/L

place the correct food items listed in the Brainstorm ideas
following box, in the corresponding food about types of Flash V
Pre listen group. food /activate cards A
bread, yoghurt, French fries, melon, banana, the learner’s
beans, lamb, cheese, apple, chips, pepper, prior knowledge
sausage, sardine, carrot, spaghetti, tomato,
popcorn, doughnut, chicken wings, courgette,

vegeta fruits dairies grains meat



T invites his learners to listen to the following
interview between Dr john and a journalist then
choose the correct answers.(T uses gestures to
explain some difficult words while reading)

Journalist : I s food important for us ? To listen and find

Dr John : Of course ! Healthy food is good for the correct
you. You need it for shiny hair and strong answer
bones. You need it so you can grow tall and
feel good.
You should eat four servings of grains .
Milk, cheese, and yogurt are also important.
These will give you strong bones.
Meat, beans, fish, and nuts give your body iron
and protein. You should also eat an egg
or some peanut butter to help keep your body
healthy. Fruits and boiled vegetables are good
to eat. You should eat many kinds each week.
Chips and cookies are tasty, but You should n’t
eat too much. When you eat healthy food,
your body will thank you!
Journalist : Thank you very much Dr john for
these recomendations.
1.Healthy food will make you . . .
a.sick. d.tasty.
2.What food will help give you strong bones? WB
a.bread c. cheese b.nuts d.chips V
3.What kind of vegetables should you eat each
a.none vegetables c. one kind d.many
kinds To listen and find
4. Fruit and ………………….. vegetables are good the missing word
to eat
a- roasted b- boiled c- fried d- grilled
Task 2 : T : You work with your partner, you
check your answers and correct each other.
Task 3 : I listen and find the missing word
You should eat …………..servings of grains.
You should also eat an ………….. or some peanut
butter to help keep your body ……………....
Chips and cookies are ………, but You should n’t
eat too ……………..
Note : We use should and shouldn’t to give
In English, one way to ask for advice is using Highlighting rules
the modal verb SHOULD.
We can make this type of question using ….
Should I + verb…?
For example:
 Should I eat or Should I visit the doctor.
One common way to respond to a question
with SHOULD is to also use SHOULD in the
You can start by saying:

 I think you should + verb*

 I think you shouldn’t+verb……
Remember we say : he should/ she

(whole class discussion)

Your friend is obese . He wants To reinvest the VAKT
your advice to loose weight. listening phase to
Post listening Try to give him some solutions. Make a poster
about healthy
using should and shouldn’t.
Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 Healthy food Lesson: I pronounce Framework: PPU
Language focus : language

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my pupils will be able to pronounce some cooking verbs, utensils
and Food in a correct way.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/
interpret – produce.
Target structure: - imperative /cooking
Target sound : diphtongs
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

1. Intellectual competency: Eating healthy food

- The learner can identify sounds Valuing food.
2 Methodological competency:
- He can work in pairs or within the whole class.
3.Communicative competency:
He can interpret a recipe
4. Personal and social competencies:
- He socialises through oral or written exchanges.

Warm up : T starts by singing the alphabet song.Teacher asks his students to recite the alphabet. Afterward, he has them
say which of the letters are vowels.

The teacher helps his pps to remember the vowels ( monophtongs ) they have seen with the 1st sequence.

/ i:// i//a://ɔ ://uː/ / e// ɒ//ʊ// e//æ// ……………

The presentation
The teacher draws on the baord a head and invites his pps to name its different parts
T helps his pps identify the sounds these words contain.
The teacher invites his learners to repeat these sounds individually and chorally

T : These are diphtongs . .The diphthong is a union of two vowel sounds.

T : There are other diphtongs like :

// / date / / boil / / pure

Task 1 T invites his pps classify the following words according to their sounds
Bake- take – boil –toast- soup – iceing ( suger)- cake-knife—plate- dates- wait-rice- tomato-potato-try-fry-pure-
grapes- roast- grate- grater- container- slices- decorate- cakes- timer- opener- cold- now- oil-kilo- waiter- weight-
Break – roll out – taste – tasty- pie- later-hereknow- mouth- hear-sure- chair- table –sure –dough-how - dry
Repitition of these words is essential to shape the learners pronunciation and helps them memorize the target sounds

Task2 : I work in a group of four and find other words contain the same sounds
Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 Healthy food Lesson: Framework: PPU
Language focus : language
learning / use .

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to compare between food nutritious
values using comapraison
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ course
interpret – produce. book/food packages
Target structure: - comparing between
adjectives and nouns/ irregular

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

1. Intellectual competency: Raising teenagers awareness in regard to healthy food

- The learner can use his critical thinking to deduce Raising teenagers’ awareness so that they become selective in
the rules regard to what they should eat.

2 Methodological competency:
- He can exchange information with his peers.
3.Communicative competency:
- He can identify healthy food.
He can interpret the food label
4. Personal and social competencies:
-He socializes and exchanges experiences
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up After greeting his pps the teacher may well

check and helps his student to remember the T/L To refresh the
rules of comparaison ( equality and superiority) pps previous
knowledge WB V
Which of the following items you have the habit A
Presentation to eat or drink : sodas ,chips, popcorns,
chocolate……… ? Are they healthy ?
The T shows his pps some food packages (wafer,
chocolate, ……) and asks :
What does a package provide ?
It provides protection and bears some
informations like : name , date of production, To intoduce the
expiration and nutrition facts. target structure
T invites his pps to interpret the processed food in a context
labels on page 27 (on the move) and then answer the
following questions(THE TEACHER CAN COMPARE
- Which food is higher / lower in calories?
T/L Student
The cocoa powder or the chocolate bar?
Giving the s
- The chocolate bar is higher in calories than
cocoa powder
opportunity to Books
- Which one is better for your health protein the learners to A/V
or colouring ? guess and elicit
- Which food contains more / less fat? The the new
cereal bar or the chocolate bar? structure
-The chocolate bar contains less fat than the
cereal bar
- which one is more delicious ?
T invites his learners to consider the answers above
and helps them to analyse them .
Adj +er More /
comparatives less+adj

The chocolate The chocolate

bar is higher in bar contains
calories than less fat than
cocoa powder the cereal bar

T highlights rules ; WB
1) How to make comparative adjectives?

The key to making comparative adjectives is Highlighting rules

counting the syllables in the word. Every word about
is made up of units of speech, usually comparaison
containing vowel sounds

For one-syllable words we add -er to the

adjective to make it a comparative. The
following are all one syllable adjectives ;

low becomes lower

High becomes higher

Note - If the adjective ends in a consonant-
vowel-consonant combination (CVC), double
the final consonant before adding –er:

Big becomes bigger

Adjectives with two or more syllables

take more / less:

Beautiful becomes more beautiful

Irregular forms
Some adjectives don't follow any of the above
rules. Here are some of the most common
irregular forms:

good becomes better

bad becomes worse
far becomes farther

2) We can compare between nouns :

We can use more, less and fewer with
noun phrases to create comparisons
which are similar to the comparative
forms of adjectives
Fish contains more protein than chicken

Task 1 : Read the food labels again and answer
The following :(orally)
Which food is higher in protein ?chocolate bar or
cereal bar ?
Which food is lower in carbohydrates ? To check how well
practice Cocoa powder or chocolate bar ? the learners have
Which food contains more vitamin c ? grasped the
Cocoa powder or chocolate bar ? meaning and the
use of the new
Task 2 T invites his pps to work in pairs then fill
in the sentences above using words listed in the
apple -biscuits -cake –carrots - crisps
doughnuts -popcorn -yoghurt

1 I like ? but ? is healthier.

2 ? are delicious but they’ve got lots of sugar To reinforce
in them. I’ll have an ?.
3 3 I love ? but they’re not very good for me.
? is better. L/L
4 4 I had some ? last night. Today, I want to
have some ? for a snack.

T : Now ,read about tony’s diet on a typical day

and answer the questions below (page28 on the
Which foods in tony’s dietcontain more fat ?
Which foods contains more suger ? To check how
Which food is lower/ higher/ in ………. ? well the learners
Use Is Tony’s diet healthyor unhealthy ? Why ? are able to use Food
Task : pair work what he learnt package
Talk about choosing healthy foods with a partner correctly s VAKT
Example :
Samir : I like sweets but a banana is healthier.
Ahlem : I like ice cream but an orange is better
Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 Healthy food Lesson: listen and do Framework: PDP/PIASP
Language focus : language
learning / use .

Learning Objective (s): Students will be able to order meals and speak in a socially polite way in a restaurant
using would like.
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ course
interpret – produce. I pronounce : weak and strong book/audio file
Target structure: - would form of would

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

Being polite
1. Intellectual competency: Speak in a socially acceptable way
- He can understand and interpret verbal and Eating healthy food
nonverbal messages Valuing food.
2 Methodological competency:
- He can work in pairs,or , a small group or
within the whole class.
- He can mobilize his resources
3.Communicative competency:
He can interpret a menu
He can re-invest the language in a real life
He can use role-play to communicate appropriately
4. Personal and social competencies:
He is aware of his role and others' roles in the
process of learning
Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up
T: Do you know what this is? (showing a T/L
T discuses the format and the different parts KNOWLEDGE A
of it.
T: Great. Where do we need menus?
S: In a restaurant.
T: That is correct. We need a menu to order
food in a restaurant. To prepare the
T discuses the format and the different parts learners for the
of it Today we are going to practice how to listening phase
order a meal. We are going to listen to a SB
dialogue in a restaurant. I want you to listen T/L
and write down all questions of the waiter.
Do not worry about spelling at this point.
The teacher plays the dialogue and the
students take notes.
Waiter: Good evening. Are you ready to Audio A/V
order sir ?. file
Customer 1: Hello! Yes.please..I ‘d like
some lentils soup and some spaghetti with
roasted lamb .
Customer 2: Mm! That sounds delicious.
Waiter : And what about you ,sir?
Customer 2: I do not like lentils. I think I’ll
While have some vegetables soup , with grilled
listening salmon.
Waiter: Would you like any salad with
Customer 1: Yes, that’d be nice. I’d like
lettuce, egg and tomato. T/L
Customer 2: No, thanks.
Waiter: What would you like for dessert,
please ?
Customer 1: I’ll have some apple juice.
Customer 2: Some fruits, please.
Waiter: Certainly. Giving the
opportunity to
The answers
the learners to
Good evening. Are you ready to order sir ?
guess and elicit WB
And what about you ,sir the new
Would you like any salad with them structure
What would you like for dessert, please
T : how does the waiter start the
conversation ?
S : by greeting
T ; what about the first offer ?
Does it sound polite ? V/A
T shifts to S : Yes ,of course.
piasp to elicit
T ; considert the sentences above and find
and introduce
the repeated words ?
The target
structure S : would like.
T : listen to me reading these sentences and
mark the intonation
T highlights rules :
a) Would you like and do you
like have the same meaning,
but would like is more polite
than do you like.

We use would like for polite

requests and offers.

I would like a cup of tea. Highlighting the

I would like some more coffee. rules
Would you like to go out on
Where would you like to go ?
b) The customer should be
very polite with the waiter .he
uses would like or want to
have instead of giving orders
Example :I wouldsome soup
instead of
C ) Teacher insists on the correct
Show the correct
pronunciation of would a silent l) form and the
c) right
/wʊd/ strong form pronunciation of
/wəd/ weak form would
- initally : example :
Would you like some juice.
- ‘d after the pronouns ( I, you he
she n we , they) example : I ‘d
like some juice
- . əd elsewere ( all would like the
same dish) Check and
- *Rising and falling reinforce

intonation in oral interaction

Practice SB
L/L (on the
- Task 2 : T asks his pps to do ("Act 1 p move)
29") Read the sentences and circle the
polite ones. Justify your answer [ b-c-d-g-I
a) What's on the menu? (idiomatic
expression) This sentence is said by the
b) Are you ready to order, sir? (polite
c) And for the main course, sir? (polite
d) How would you like your steak, sir?
(polite request) This is not a good
question because it is about likes and
e) Do you like a steak? The question is
"impolite" – informal – because the
speakers are not supposed to know each
f) What would you like for a starter?
(This is a polite request because the
speaker uses "would") SB
g) Do you like a starter? (This question is
meaningless) L uses what he
Would you like a starter? (polite request learnt to act out
use T ask 3 : T asks his pps to do task 2 page 31 a role play
I use appropriate language to make the
waiter and customers sound more polite.
Use :
The pupils work in three to act out the
corrected version dialogue ( task 2 page 31)
using a correct pronunciation of would.and
And a correct intonation .
Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 Healthy food Lesson: I pronounce ( silent Framework: PPU
Language focus : language
learning / use .

Learning Objective (s): Students will be able to name foods , utensils and some cooking verbs using a correct
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ course
interpret – produce. I pronounce : silent letters book/
Target structure: - the silent letters

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

Being polite
1.Intellectual competency: Speak in a socially acceptable way
- The leaner can interpret and identify sounds. Eating healthy food
- He can interpret verbal and non-verbal Valuing food.

2. Methodological competency:
- He can work in pairs or in small group.
- He can assess his work and his peers.
3. Communicative competency:
- He can use English to communicate
4. Personal and social competencies: - He
socialises through oral and written exchanges.

Warm up : A quick review about how to order a meal ..

The teacher writes on the board the following words and invites them to order them alphabetically.
lentils soup spaghetti roasted lamb .vegetables , salmon.Salad lettuce, egg tomato.dessert apple
T : Now listen to me reading these words and circle the letters which are not pronounced
soup spaghetti roasted lamb . , salmon. dessert juice.fruits,
T high lights rules
The English language has a lot of silent letters. Silent letters cause difficulties for both native speakers and
English learners, because they make the spelling of words different from their pronunciation.
Here are some common English words with silent letters from
Silent letter form example

B B is not pronounced when climb dumb

following M at the end of a
crumb comb

C C is not pronounced in the muscle

ending "scle"
D D is not pronounced in the handkerchief Wednesday
following common words: sandwich

E E is not pronounced at the end hope gave write

of words site

G G is often not pronounced champagne sign

when followed by an N foreign

GH GH is not pronounced before T thought daughter light

and at the end of many words right through
might fight

H H is not pronounced when what when whether

following W why

H H is not pronounced at the hour honor heir

beginning of many words. Use herb
the article "an" with unvoiced
H. Here are some of the most

K K is not pronounced when knife knee knock

followed by N at the beginning knowledge
of a word.

L L is often not pronounced calm salmon talk

before L, D, F, M, K. balk should

N N is not pronounced following autumn

M at the end of a word. hymn

P P is not pronounced at the psychiatrist psychotic

beginning of many words using psychotherapy pneumonia
the suffix "psych" and "pneu".

r r is not pronounced before a Order , waiter garbage

consonant or at the end of a , sir
word but we prounouce it at
the beginning

S S is not pronounced before L in island isle

the following words:

T T is not pronounced in these castle fasten whistle

common words: often
Christmas thistle listen

U U is not pronounced before guess guitar

after G and before a vowel.
guidance guest

W W is not pronounced at the wrap write

beginning of a word followed
by an R.

W is not pronounced with who whom

these three pronouns:

- TASK 2 T invites his learners to do ("Act 3 p 24 (on the move)") Listen to the teacher reading the
following words and cross out the letters which are silent
You see /write You pronounce You see /write

Cooker / 'k k / Yolk / j k/

Fruit / fr t/ Salmon / 's m n/
Parsley /'p sli/ Salt / s lt/
Fork /f k/ Stomach / 'st m k/
Knife /n f/ Lamb /l m/
Turnip /'t n ps/ Doughnuts / 'd n ts/
Hamburger /'h mb g / Wheat /w t/
Yoghurt /'j g t/ Light /l t/
Spaghetti / sp 'geti/ Calf /k f/
autumn / ' t m/
T ask 3 Take your pencil. Think about a word which contains a silent letter. Draw it then show it to
your classmates
Manners refers to social behavior .How a person behaves when with others

Table manners : A set of guidelines to follow when eating.

You shouldn’ talk with your mouth full.

You should cut food into small bites.

You shouldn’t pick your teeth or smack your lips

You should ask politely for things to be passed if you cannot reach them.

You shouldnt put too much food into your mouth.

You shouldn’t lick your fork or your knife

You should cut your food with the knife

You should ask to be excused when you have finished eating and want to leave
the table.

You shouldn’t begin eating until everyone is served.

You should wash your hands and comb your before comming to the table..

You should chew with your mouth closed

You should wipe your mouth with the napkin.

You shouldn’t rest your elbows on the table Do not complain about the food.

You should Wash your hands again

You should hold the knife firmly in one hand and the fork in the other hand.

You shouldn’t take more than your share.

Teacher : Djamel Djamel

Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 Healthy food Lesson: Read and check Framework: PDP/PIASP
Language focus : language
learning / use .

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my pps be familiarized with the fundamentals of good table
manners .
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ course
interpret – produce. book/flashcards
Target structure: - imperative
(affirmative/ negative)/giving
instructions/should / shouldn’t / avoid

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

1. Intellectual competency: Eating healthy food

- The learner can use his critical thinking to deduce Valuing food.
good manners Being polite
2 Methodological competency:
- He can work in pairs or within the whole class.
- He can mobilize his resources
3.Communicative competency:
The learner can: use dramatization and role-play to
communicate appropriately
4. Personal and social competencies:
- He socialises through oral or written exchanges.

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up
To pave the way
for the Flash V
presentation of cards A
the topic about
table manners

The teacher

Pre read

The teacher shows his pps this picture Involve all the
and starts a discussion : learners in the
What is this boy doing ? discussion
Is it a good manner to eat in this way ?
Why ?
T : explains to students that good table WB A/V
manners are a way of showing respect and
consideration for themselves and others.
Good manners make sharing a meal a
pleasant and neat experience for everyone.
T emphasizes that good manners should
be used at every meal, even when dining
alone, so that they become natural and
T gives his pps good manners handouts.
W read Task 1 : T invites his students read the table
manners to classify them. T/L WB

Before the While After having

meals having the the meal Giving the
opportunity to
the learners to
think and do

Task 2 T asks students for their ideas on

other good and bad manners they know.
Task 3 Look at the pictures and say what rules have
been broken.

The learners can

relate pictures to
ideas the have V/A

Teacher can show more bad manners

pictures. Check and
reinforce the use
- Task 4 : Re-write the checklist of
Of imperative
instructions; replace the models by 'the
Post read imperative'
T ask 5 : A role play :(T helps his pps in The pps reinvest
acting the folowing scene) what they have
Serve the students a snack or a meal. Divide learnt to act a
the students into small groups and have L/L role play
them politely encourage each other to eat VAKT
with good manners throughout the meal,
giving gentle reminders when needed.
Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 Healthy food Lesson: Read and check Framework: PDP
Language focus : language
learning / use .

Learning Objective (s): by the end of this lesson my learner will be able to interpret an advert and gives his
personal opinion about it .
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ course
interpret – produce. book/flashcards /leaflets
Target structure: - imperative

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

1. Intellectual competency: Eating healthy food

- The learner gives freely his opinion about a Valuing food.
He can understand and interpret a conversation
2 Methodological competency:
- He can work in pairs or within the whole class.
- He can mobilize his resources
3.Communicative competency:
He can interpret an advert
4. Personal and social competencies:
- He socialises through oral or written exchanges.

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up T shows his learners different leaflets and

interacts with them about the reason why they T/L
are made.And the different means for To activate the Ls
advertising. prior about Leaflets V
Pre read T invites his pps to open their books on page 32( adverts A
on the move) and helps them interpret the
pictures : How many pictures we have? What do
they represent ?
Now look at them again and circle the letter of
the correct answer (1 page 32)
developing reading
W read T : Read the advert and answer the following skill’s strategies
questions : Gist reading to
1- How many paragraphs are there ? get general idea
2- Which of the paragraphs simply gives T/L
information ? To read for more
3- Which of the paragraphs try to persuade details. SB
The customers to go and eat at jack’s
fish ?
T asks his pps to do ("Act 5 p 33") Which of
the sentences state "facts" or A/V
"opinions".[distinguish between facts and
A. There is no food more delicious than
the one you're served at Jack's Fish and
Chips Corner. "opinion"
B. We are at the corner of Haymarket
Street and Panton Street  "fact" Reading for
Jack's Fish and Chips Corner is the restaurant specific
which has the fastest service in London.  " information

Write it out:
- Asks to do ("Act 1 p 34") Read the sentences T/L
and match letters with numbers, write a coherent
Num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SB

Lett A B E C D F G

- The paragraph:
Our opening times are generally from 10.30 Read and reorder
to 6.30.And we are open seven days a week
all year round. Call us on 0171889223. We
accept all credit cards .Book now and pay
later. We at Jack's Fish and Chips Corner are
looking forward to welcoming customers old
and new. Your enjoyment is our pleasure. To engage the V/A
learners in a
T : A lot of people dont trust advertisements, creative
Post read Why ? discussion about
Do you trust adverts ? why ? the topic
Have you had any good or bad experience
with adverts ?
Level : MS4 School : Bormadia Relizane Teacher: Mr Bendoubaba djamel
djamel djamel
Sequence: 3 Healthy food Lesson: Read and check Framework: PDP
Language focus : language
learning / use .

Learning Objective (s Students will become comfortable in giving, accepting, and refusing invitations in English..
Targeted competencies: interact – Domain (s): Oral/written/both Materials: / W. Board/ course
interpret – produce. book/invitation card
Target structure: - imperative

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

1. Intellectual competency: Eating healthy food

- The learner gives freely his opinion about a Valuing food.
product. Being polite
He can understand and interpret a conversation
2 Methodological competency:
- He can work in pairs or within the whole class.
- He can mobilize his resources
3.Communicative competency:
He can interpret an invitation card
4. Personal and social competencies:
- He socialises through oral or written exchanges.

Time Framework Procedure Focus Aims Material Vakt

Warm up T shows a picture of a party then asks

students what they see going on in the T/L
picture. Then asks students how they would To activate the Ls
invite someone to a party . prior about Leaflets V
Pre read adverts A
T : there a lot of ways how to invite people (
inviation card, invitation letter, using emails ,
using telephone
T invites his learners copy this card and work
with his partner to fillit.
developing reading
W read skill’s strategies
You're invited Gist reading to
get general idea
Occasion: T/L
To read for more
Date: Time: details. SB

Tel :

T : Now , transform it into a letter

Dear X,
I'm writing to invite you to my Reading for
……………party. We're going to information
celebrate it on …………….. at
18.00.The party is going to be at
This is my address: my house is
next to the post office opposite to
the mosque. SB
I’ll be waiting for you.
Using telephone or mouth to ear.
 What are you doing on (day/date)?
 Would you like to. . .?
 How about. . .?
 Do you want to. . .with me? Read and reorder
 I'd like to invite you to. .

Accepting an invitation
 Thanks! That sounds like fun.
 Sure. Thank you for the invitation.
 When is it? V/A
 What time does it start/end?
 Let's meet at. . .
Post read  What date/day is it?

Rejecting an invitation
 I'm sorry, but I have to. . .
 Thanks, but I have another
appointment at that time.
 I can't. I'm sorry.

To engage the
Your birthday is very soon.You are preparing learners in a
for a big party .You want your close friend to creative
share with you this good moment.You decide discussion about
the topic
to send him/heran invitation letter.
Fast food or Traditional food?
It’s Ok to eat fast food occasionally but it’s is high in calorie. So, if you
often eat junk food like hamburgers , chips and pizzas you can easily become
obese. You must eat homemade food because it is healthier.
Everybody knows that fast food is cheap and quick. However fast food is
not as tasty as homemade food. Young people prefer to eat pizzas,
hamburgers and French fries but they should eat soup instead. Fast food
companies spend lots of money to make people believe that it is cool. The
average American eats three hamburgers with French fries a week. Is it
surprising that 14% of American teenagers are obese? Health care is devoted
to create new eating habits so that we can have a healthier generation.
Obesity can lead to other diseases such as diabetes and heart strokes. This is
why America is now starting to fight back against the fast food companies.
They are stopping serving fast food in school cafeterias and restaurants
serving traditional food are opening now.

Adapted from

Task one:

Read the text and write true or false

1. There is no problem if you eat fast food now and then.
2. Junk food is low in calorie.
3. You can get fatter if you eat hamburgers and chips frequently.
3- Fast food is not expensive.
4- Advertisements convince people to eat fast food.
5- 14% of American teenagers are fat.
Task two:
Read the text and answer the questions
What does young people like to eat? Why?
How is The government in USA fighting this problem?
Which one is healthier ,fast food or traditional food?
Why ?
Task three:
What do the underlined words in the text refer to?

Task three
Find in the text that are synonyms in meaning to
Delicious =
Fat =
Find in the text words opposite in meaning to

expensive ≠
Task four Task 4 : The pps work in small groups Make a Healthy Foods collage/ poster. Then present it to the class.

It's important for people to eat as much as they need to give them energy. If they eat too little food or the
wrong food they won't have enough energy. If they eat too much, they will need to make more exercise;
otherwise they will put on weight. When we eat the correct quantity of food for the exercise we take, we call this
the energy balance.
Fat is very high in calories, and so is no help at all in keeping energy balance. Fat has also been linked with
heart disease, and many experts believe that eating less would help to reduce it.
Sugar isn't good for the energy balance either. The only value of the diet is to provide energy, and you can get
that from other foods. There's no doubt that too much sugar makes you fat and it doesn't do your teeth much
good either.
Fibre, on the other hand is something that we eat too little of. One of the simplest ways of eating more fibre is
to eat more bread, particularly whole meal, granary, or high fibre bread .It's a good, cheap source of fibre and
nutrients without too many calories .Potatoes are good, too. Like bread, they are underrated, but they're
excellent for filling you up without making you fat, especially if you don't cover them with butter or fry them in
So eat less fatty food (sweets, chocolate, cakes pudding, jam) and eat more fibre foods (bread, potatoes,
pasta, fresh fruit and vegetables).


A-Are these sentences true or false? Justify.

1-People won’t need to make exercise if they eat too much. ------------
2-When people eat too much they put on weight. ---------------
3-Eating less fat would cause heart attacks. --------------
4-Sugar provides energy, but it causes obesity. ----------------
5-Fibre foods are good for the energy balance. ---------------

B-Answer these questions.

1-Give a title to the passage. --------------------------------------------------------------------

2-Why is exercising necessary for good health? -------------------------------------------

3-What does "the energy balance" mean? ---------------------------------------------------
4-What are fatty foods? Give examples. -------------------------------------------------------
5-What are fibre foods? Give examples. -------------------------------------------------------

C-Complete these sentences.

1-People eat a variety of foods so as to -------------------------------------------------------------------------

2-People mustn't eat the wrong food so as not to -----------------------------------------------------------
3-If we don't exercise regularly, we ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4-People must eat fibre foods such as --------------------------------------------------------------------------

D-What do the underlined words in the text refer to?

1-it ------------------------------------------
2-that ---------------------------------------
3-it ------------------------------------------
4-them -------------------------------------

E-Find in the text words that mean almost the same as:

1-will be fat (paragraph 1) ---------------------------------------------

2-decrease and diminish (paragraph 2) -----------------------------
3-give and supply (paragraph 3) ---------------------------------------
4-cook food in hot oil or fat (paragraph 4) --------------------------
Food pyramid for Teenagers
Eating healthy should be a very important part of your life, but it's okay to not eat perfect all the
time. Use the food pyramid as a guideline, and keep in mind that each person differs in his or her
nutritional needs - especially teenagers. On the average, teenage females should follow a 2200
calorie-a-day meal plan and teenage males should follow a 2800 calorie-a-day meal plan. Here is a
picture of the food pyramid:

The food pyramid is broken down into six categories ranging from the largest categories at the
bottom (foods you should eat the most) and the smallest categories at the top (foods you should
eat the least). The groups include: Breads, Cereal, Rice & PastaThis group is the largest, which
means your daily diet should consist mostly of breads, cereals, rice & pasta with at least 6-11
serving daily. These carbohydrate provide the body with energy and iron.
Vegetables. Your daily diet should have at least 3-5 servings of vegetables daily. Vegetables
provide the body with vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Fruits. 2-4 servings of fruit daily provides the body with carbohydrates for energy, vitamins for
proper body functioning, and fiber to help digestion.
Milk, Yogurt & Cheese They are a very important part of a teenager's development because it
helps increase bone density, needed to prevent broken bones, fractures and osteoporosis. It is
recommended for teenagers and young adults to have at least 4.5 servings daily or 1300 mg of
Meats, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs & Nuts 2-3 servings from this group are required daily to
give your body protein and iron for proper functioning and energy.
Fats, Oils, & Sweets This is the smallest of all the groups on the food pyramid. While no one
should completely stop eating fats, oils, and sweets, you should try to eat less of these foods.
1. Fish don't give your body any proteins T F
2. It is ok to eat sweets with moderation T F
3. You should completely stop eating fats T F
4. The group which includes fats is the smallest groups on the pyramid. T F
5. Milk increase bone density T F


1. Fish don't give your body any proteins T F
2. It is ok to eat sweets with moderation T F
3. You should completely stop eating fats T F
4. The group which includes fats is the smallest groups on the pyramid. T F
5. Milk increase bone density T F


1. Fish don't give your body any proteins T F
2. It is ok to eat sweets with moderation T F
3. You should completely stop eating fats T F
4. The group which includes fats is the smallest groups on the pyramid. T F
5. Milk increase bone density T F


1. Fish don't give your body any proteins T F
2. It is ok to eat sweets with moderation T F
3. You should completely stop eating fats T F
4. The group which includes fats is the smallest groups on the pyramid. T F
5. Milk increase bone density T F


1. Fish don't give your body any proteins T F
2. It is ok to eat sweets with moderation T F
3. You should completely stop eating fats T F
4. The group which includes fats is the smallest groups on the pyramid. T F
5. Milk increase bone density T F


1. Fish don't give your body any proteins T F
2. It is ok to eat sweets with moderation T F
3. You should completely stop eating fats T F
4. The group which includes fats is the smallest groups on the pyramid. T F
5. Milk increase bone density T F


1. Fish don't give your body any proteins T F
2. It is ok to eat sweets with moderation T F
3. You should completely stop eating fats T F
4. The group which includes fats is the smallest groups on the pyramid. T F
5. Milk increase bone density T F
Tutorial session : food pyramid
Brainstorm and write in as many food words as you know


Dairy produce Fruits



Now complete your food pyramid. Write in groups of food you

eat every day.

I think my food pyramid is healthy/unhealthy because.........

Complete the healthy food pyramid! Label the groups of food.

Tick the food you have tried and if you like  or dislike  it

jacketed potatoes frog's legs

cake fruit salad pizza

beef hamburger rabbit

lamb mushroom sausage

watermelon seafood

Russian salad mashed potatoes snake

fish & chips goat cheese pasta

pancakes noodle soup steak

fried insects shark meat sushi

rice boiled peas

I would like to try...

Tell your classmates about what do you like
I would like

I have tried
Look at the pictures of the ingredients and complete the “You need” box.

a. 1 plain yoghurt e. 3 ____________________

b. 2 yoghurt pots of _______________ f. 1 sachet of ________________

c. 3 yoghurt pots of _______________ g. 1 pinch of _________________
d. ½ yoghurt pot of ______________ h. grated________________ peel

Read the recipe and match the instructions with

the pictures.

1 PREHEAT the oven to 180 ° C

2 CRACK the three eggs into a bowl. MIX with an electric


3 ADD the sugar and the plain yoghurt. MIX again with
the electric mixer.

4 ADD the rest of the ingredients; flour, oil, pinch of salt,

baking powder and grated lemon peel. MIX again.

5 POUR it into a baking pan.

6 PUT inside the oven.

7 BAKE it for 45 minutes. Don’t open the oven while

Review and consolidate (T Session)
Countable and uncountable nouns
I classify the following
cucumber, yogurt, cheese, flour, sandwich, meat, chicken, juice, potato, rice, butter, banana, cauliflower, beef- oil-
water- fish- -vegetables- cauliflower- water

countable uncountable

2 Match the expressions from the box with the products.

A jar of/ a glass of/ a kilo of/ a cup of/ a packet of/ a carton of

1 ____________ milk

2 ____________ jam

3 ____________ caviar

4 ____________lemonade

5 ____________ coffee

6 ____________ crisps

4. Complete the questions with How much / How many.

1 ________ cheese do you need a make a pizza? A lot.

2 ________ tomatoes should we buy? Not many.

3 ________tomato sauce do we use?Lots.

4 ________ mushrooms should I cut? A lot.

5 ________ time do we need to eat it? Not much

Task :

I Complete the questions with How much / How many.( I work with my partner)

1 ________ cheese do you need to make a pizza?

2 ________ tomatoes should we buy? ________tomato sauce do we use?.

4 ________ mushrooms should I cut?.

5 ________ time do we need to eat it?

Task 5 : I Complete the dialogue with these words and act it out with my partner:
much / some / any / many / are / is / lot of /
A: How......milk........there in the fridge?
B: There isn't........
A: And how...........apples and oranges..............there?
B: There are a few apples and a ……..oranges.
A: Ok, we have to get................milk and..............apples to make our apple pie.
Tutorial session n= 2

 First switch the oven on to warm  After that, bake the mixture in the
up. oven.

 Then mix the ingredients Ingredients:


A Recipe for Fairy Cakes  Next leave the cakes to cool.

 Put the icing on the cake slowly.  Finally, add a sugar flower to the top
of each cake.


 mix
 Water
 1 egg
 Icing sugar
 Sugar flowers
Can you find some verbs in the recipe?

______________________________ ____________________________

______________________________ ____________________________

How many ingredients are there?


How many steps are there in the method?


Draw what you think one of the cakes will look like:


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