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JSA For Cleaning Boiler, SCR & ESP Internal

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Title & Description of Work Confined space entry in to cleaning and Inspection at Economizer and SCR

Work Executed by STATIC Preparation Date

Work Location / Area B400/U110 Applied for PTW No.

Equipment / Material & Tools Hand tools, Face shield, Ventilation Blower, air blow duct, Lighting, DB box, Electrical Cable ,Hydro jet pump, water hose, Air hose, Vacuum truck,
to be used Generator, Apron, full face with respirator

Process fluid information Fluid: Flue gas Pressure: KPag Temperature: Deg.C Toxicity: Other:

Type of JSA Level of Risk

New Standardized Medium Risk Low Risk
High Risk


Base Risk Residual Risk
(Before provide (After provide
Sequence of Control Measures Action By
control control
NO Basic Work Potential Hazard Consequence
measures) measures)
START Meeting 1.1.1.Obtain a Valid PTW with relevant
Identify nearest
1.1. Noncompliance of 1.1.2. Attach LOTO certificate with relevant &
Safe Muster Supervisor
NSRP- HSSE ▪ Bodily injury B 3 3B sufficient isolation points. B 1 1B
Point / Workers
Procedures. 1.1.3.Provide marked up SLD & P&ID.
1.1.4. Update tag blind list after rotating/ insert
Response /
1.2. Change in wind ▪ Workers B 3 3B 1.2.1.Wind direction to be monitored from the B 1 1B Supervisor
direction. exposed to nearest visible windsock. Workers
smoke or gas 1.2.2.Do not walk through the process plant
▪ Delay is
1.3. Evacuation access 1.3.1.Ensure that the access way to muster point is Supervisor
evacuation to B 3 3B B 1 1B
route blocked not obstructed. Workers
safe area
▪ The worker 1.4.1.Conduct START Meeting before commencing
don’t work to ensure all members understand the
1.4. Unauthorized work understand task, its hazard, and the control measures.
Lack of about job and C 2 2C 1.4.2.Discuss START in dual language for clear C 1 1C
communication. don’t recognize understanding as required.
the hazard 1.4.3.Emergency Contact No. 02378738541.
▪ Delay work. 1.4.4.Plant Telephone: 6700 / 6701
2.1.1.Ensure and confirm correct isolation point as
per marked P&ID and actual site
2.1.2.Isolations to be performed by Authorized
▪ Fire & Isolators and Recorded in the LOTO
explosion certificate accordingly.
2.1. Isolations are not in Supervisor
▪ Burn injury / C 2 2C 2.1.3.Isolation certificate to be accepted by Task C 1 1C
place or incorrect Re-validator
property Supervisor / Requestor.
damage 2.1.4.Using personal lock to lock LOTO box.
2.1.5.Isolation to be performed by operation team
as per line break check list.
2. isolation and
2.1.6.Complete line break check list before starting
zero energy
the job.
2.2.1.Conduct Zero energy test. (With operator
2.2.2.Gas test before conduct job
▪ Person injury 2.2.3.Conduct First line break check list and fulfill
2.2. Residual energy & Supervisor
▪ Environment C 2 2C the necessary requirements. (With Operator C 1 1C
Exposed to fluid. Workers
pollution. presence and Task supervisor)
NOTE: First line break checklist are not met, do not
proceed with the PTW revalidation. Seek for
a Deviation and additional risk assessment.
3.1.1.Ensure the access and egress are not
3.1. Slips, trips & Falls ▪ Bodily injury C 2 2C 3.1.2.All unwanted material must be removed from C 1 1C
3.1.3.Maintain comfortable body position
Preparation and
▪ Eardrums Supervisor
mobilizing tools 3.2. High noise C 2 2C 3.2.1.Using ear plug C 1 1C
3. damaged. Workers
to working
3.3.1.Ensure all tools are in good condition and get
location ▪ Delay work and Supervisor
3.3. Defective Tools. C 2 2C valid inspection sticker before bringing inside C 1 1C
personal injury. Workers
the refinery.
3.4.1.Ensure work area is barricade.
▪ Equipment Supervisor
3.4. Equipment collision. C 2 2C 3.4.2. Use flag man to vehicle IN/OUT inside C 1 1C
damage Workers
process area
Open Manhole 4.1.1.Keep fingers away from pinch point area
Setup 4.1. Pinch point and 4.1.2.Use land yard or wrench holder to hold the
▪ Injuries to Supervisor
ventilation, and obstructions. C 2 2C spanner to avoid pinch point when C 1 1C
hands Workers
lighting. hammering to spanner.
4.1.3.Always wear proper hand gloves
5.1. Flammable gases 5.1.1.Using non sparking spanner, allowed to use Supervisor
Toxic vapor ratchet wrench without hammering. Workers
▪ Fatality / bodily 5.1.2.Ensure no flammable and toxic are presence
C 2 2C C 1 1C
injury inside confined space.
5.1.3.Equip 4 in 1 gas detector during working time
5.1.4.Stay up wind during opening flange.
6.1. Damaged cables ▪ Electrocution & C 2 2C 6.1.1.Electrical equipment and cable must be C 1 1C Supervisor
Electric shock inspected by NSRP before mobilizing to site. Workers
6.1.2.Properly visual check the equipment and
cable by task supervisor and workers before
6.1.3.Drip tray to be provide along with generator
to avoid oil spill.
6.1.4.Equipment are properly grounded at
designated earthing points.
6.1.5.Cable arrangement and hanging by J hook
must free for prevent any damage and not
stack to working area.
7.1. Falling objects 7.1.1.Barricade the area & display the warning sign
at ground level.
7.1.2.Use tools bag to contain all the hand tools or
▪ Personal injury
plastic containers. Supervisor
and damage C 2 2C C 1 1C
7.1.3.Laying canvas on platform to avoid falling Workers
7.1.4.Do not stack tool, equipment near to handrail.
Tools keep at tool container or tool bags
8.1. Heat stress 8.1.1.Drink plenty of water site
8.1.2.Workforce rotation is advice to avoid stress Supervisor
▪ Heat stroke C 2 2C C 1 1C
and over fatigue Workers

9.1.1.Ensure informed to Ops, discussed on

SIMOP meeting and get approval before
using power plant.
9.1.2.Ensure all equipment are in good condition
9.1. Damaged DB box , ▪ Electrocution, and valid inspection sticker before bringing
Use plant power Supervisor
9. plant power socket ▪ Fire and C 2 2C inside the refinery. C 1 1C
to perform jobs Workers
and Electrical cable explosion. 9.1.3.All cables good condition and valid inspection
9.1.4.Use Distribution Panel with ELCB with proper
grounding / earthing.
9.1.5.Fire extinguisher to be available on location.
Using Generator 10.1. Damaged Generator ▪ Electrocution. C 2 2C 10.1.1. Ensure all equipment are in good C 1 1C Supervisor
in case unable cables and invalid ▪ Fire & condition before bringing inside the refinery. Workers
to use plant inspection sticker explosion 10.1.2. All cables properly connected and
power. covered.
10.1.3. Use Distribution Panel with ELCB and
Generator with proper grounding / earthing.
10.1.4. Fire extinguisher to be available on
11.1. Oil spill. 11.1.1. Provide drip tray for diesel generator.
▪ Fire &
11.1.2. Barricade the area and display warning
explosion Supervisor
C 2 2C signage C 1 1C
▪ Environment Workers
11.1.3. Cover AOC/COC in 15m radius.

Entry inside 6.1.1. Conduct initial gas test and monitor by

confined space AGT
6.1.2. Ensure O2 level 19.5-23.5%, if O2 level is
to Inspection
not reach keep ventilation and conduct
and clean gas test by AGT, no abnormal detection
Economizer, for H2S, CO, LEL.
6.1.3. Authorized Manholes watcher must stand
6.1. Oxygen deficiency by during working time.
enrichment 6.1.4. Using 24V DC lighting inside confined
Personal injury / Supervisor
Unauthorized entry B 4 4B space B 2 2B
fatality and workers
Inadequate 6.1.5. PPE: hand gloves, face mask, respirator,
lighting clear goggles shall be worn
6.1.6. Rescue plan to be available and attached
to PTW
6.1.7. Inform to rescue team before and after
commencement of work.
6.1.8. Wear safety harness for rescue purpose.
6.1.9. Provide 4 in 1 gas detector and ensure
good functional
6.2.1.Ensure barricade work area and assign hole
watcher man to standby.
6.2.2.Hole watcher must be trained by NSRP and Supervisor,
6.2. Unauthorized entry. Bodily injury C 2 2C B 1 1B
PEC. workers
6.2.3.Confined space Entrant must have NSRP
Valid training passport
6.3. Damaged Electric Electrocution C 3 3C 6.3.1. Ensure all electrical equipment, cable in B 1 1B
equipment’s and good condition.
6.3.2. Ensure all equipment are in good
condition and valid inspection sticker
before bringing inside the refinery.
6.3.3. Equipment are properly grounded at Supervisor,
Electric cable
designated earthing points. workers
6.3.4. Cable arrangement and hanging by J
hook must free for prevent any damage
and not stack to working area.
6.4.1.Check all connection form hose from plant air
6.4. Damaged Air Hose Personal injury to the machines. Supervisor,
C 2 2C C 1 1C
6.4.2.Hoses connected by whip arrestor
6.5.1.Wear hand gloves and don’t put finger in
6.5. Pinch point, sharp Supervisor,
Personal injury C 2 2C sharp edge. C 1 1C workers
6.5.2.Don’t put body and finger in the line of fire
6.6.1.All electrical cable arrangement follow
handrail with J hook.
6.6. Slip/ Trip / fall -
6.6.2.Don’t obstruction with walkways. Supervisor,
Obstruction access Personal Injury C 2 2C C 1 1C workers
6.6.3.Maintain comfortable body position.
6.6.4.Keep all tools in tools container
6.6.5.Secure electrical fans to the manhole.
6.7. Contact with 6.7.1.Wear full Face shield with respirator ,
Contaminated water disposable coveralls
Cause skin C 2 2C
6.7.2.Wear chemical gloves. C 1 1C
6.7.3.To check and identify the safety shower
before working workers
6.8. Defective equipment 6.8.1.Ensure all equipment are in good condition
and tools
and valid inspection sticker
Bodily injury and C 2 2C
C 1 1C
6.8.2.Hand tools must be connected with tool
lanyard when working
6.9. Heat stress Heat stroke 6.9.1.Confirm inside drum temperature before C 1 1C Supervisor’s
entry, high temperature are not suitable for Workers.
C 2 2C
6.9.2.Drink plenty of water site
6.9.3.Workforce rotation is advice to avoid stress
and over fatigue
Use HP water 7.2. High pressure and 7.1.1. Only trained and authorized person to Supervisor
7. jetting machine water splashing operate Workers
to clean Inside C 2 2C
7.1.2. Keep buddy system
7.1.3. Control pressure during operate
7.1.4. Wear full face shield with respirator
7.1.5. Keep body far away from hydro jet
nozzle / gun and splashing point
7.1.6. Do not stand in line of fire
7.1.7. Wear cover all with apron
7.1.8. Hose of correct pressure rating and
hose specifically designed for High
7.1.9. Hose has no structural damage
Bodily Injury / 7.1.10. All fittings and couplings tight, clean,
property C 3 3C in good order and of correct pressure
damage rating.
7.1.11. Seals should be replaced and
lubricated as necessary
7.1.12. All the hose connections to equipment
or other hoses are restrained with
7.1.13. Nozzles of gun or flex lance.
7.1.14. Condition of guards, gauges, shields
and safety interlocks
7.1.15. Equipped with proper PPE,
gloves/cloth, leather apron, boots…
7.1.16. Protect area by canvas, or protect

Damage 7.3.1. Workers must wear hear protection (Ear

7.3. Noise hazards C 2 2C C 1 1C
eardrums Plugs)
8.2. Presence of toxic Affect health and C 3 3C 8.2.1.Each group must have at least one personal C 1 1C
gases at the work
dangerous to gas detector attached to their body
people 8.2.2.Work Area shall be gas tested by
`authorized personnel prior to work ensuring
work area are safe from harmful gases.
8.2.3.Gas test findings to be recorded in PTW/Gas
test log sheet..
9.2. Unauthorized use of 9.2.1.Only Operations Personnel are allowed to
Plant Utility Services C 3 3C connect to plant utility services. B 3 3B
10.2. Accidental 10.2.1. Ensure hose connections are equipped
dislodge of hose Damage the with whip checks and pins for proper A 2 2A
connections C 2 2C
device connection.

11.2. Foreign object / 11.2.1. Ensure all air fittings are compatible and
debris in air hose
no jubilee clips are fitted. A 2 2A
Dash flying into
C 2 2C 11.2.2. Ensure hoses are compressed air hoses
and were not used for any other medium.

8.1. Unauthorized use 8.1.1.Only Operations Personnel are allowed to

of Plant Utility C 3 3C connect to plant utility services.
Services Violation
9.1.1.Ensure hose connections are equipped with
Use service 9.1. Accidental dislodge
8. water to clean Damage the whip checks and pins for proper connection.
of hose
C 2 2C
connections device

Mobilization of 10.1. Person Struck Avoid vehicle C 2 2C 10.1.1. Obtain Vehicle entry certificate. C 1 1C
10. vacuum truck to by vacuum
collisions 10.1.2. All vehicle & Equipment’s must be NSRP
remove water truck
from bottom of equipment inspected & have a valid sticker.
10.1.3. Flag man shall be deployed at site for
damage and
safe movements of Trailer, forklift and
personal injury.
vacuum truck
10.1.4. All drivers & operators must be aware of
the site vehicle speed limit and follow the
10.1.5. Maintain speed limit.
10.1.6. Cover all COC/ AOC by fire blanket
before vehicle entry.
10.2.1. Use certified chemical hoses for loading / B 2 2B
Affect the unloading liquid
10.2. Over flow. Un
C 2 2C
control move. environment 10.2.2. Provide wheel chocks for vacuum truck
10.2.3. Provide grounding for vacuum truck
10.3.1. Level indicator and instrumentation is B 2 2B
Affect the inspected.
environment 10.3.2. Third party certification is available for
10.3. Malfunction,
Hose rupture
C 2 2C vacuum truck.
and people
around 10.3.3. Ensure proper selection of vacuum truck
for chemical loading.
11.1.1. Ensure the access and egress are not
11.1. Slips, trips & Falls Bodily injury B 3 3B 11.1.2. All unwanted material must be B 1 1B
removed from site.
11.1.3. Maintain comfortable body position

11. House keeping 11.2.1. Excess material to be returned to

11.2. Excess material left Access blocking, Supervisor
B 3 3B NSRP Warehouse. B 1 1B
on location. trips & fall Workers
11.2.2. Ensure area is kept neat & tidy.
Access blocking 11.3.1. Maintain Good House Keeping at work
11.3. Scattered Material Flammable, Fire B 3 3B location. B 1 1B
Remark: “L” = Likely hood, “S” = Severity, “R” = Risk
rmally Work/Job shall be allowed to start if the Risk after applying control measures equal or smaller/less than “Moderate” as per “04-HSE-HS-PD-022; Hazard Identification, Risk
Management and Control Procedure”

Name Signature Date Position Company

Prepared by Work Execution PIC NGUYEN HUU NOI 09 Feb 2022 Technician. Leader PEC

09 Feb 2022
Reviewed by Work Execution Manager / His
DILIP KUMAR Supervising. Leader PEC

CHU SY THANH 09 Feb 2022 Static planner NSRP

Reviewed by NSRP Responsible Discipline
Manager / His delegate

Approved by Asset Owner / His delegate

Reviewed by NSRP Health and Safety SM

(High Risk Activity)

Reviewed and Approved by NSRP HSSE DM

(High Risk Activity)
Title & Description of Work Confined space entry in to cleaning and Inspection at Economizer and SCR
Work Executed by  STATIC Preparation Date
Applied for PTW
Work Location / Area B400/U110
Hand tools, Face shield, Ventilation Blower, air blow duct, Lighting, DB box, Electrical Cable ,Hydro jet pump, water hose, Air
Equipment / Material & Tools to be used
hose, Vacuum truck, Generator, Apron, full face with respirator
(A) Identify Potential Hazards for job
Hazard Prompt List (Review the job steps and identify if any of the following hazards are applicable) Potential Hazard Exposure Mechanisms
☒ Electricity ☒ Weather ☐ Excavations/Earthworks ☐ Struck – by, against boom truck & forklift.
☐ Hot/Cold surface ☐ Insect/Animal Bites ☐ Fire/ explosion ☐ Contact with
☐ Rotating Equipment ☒ Lighting ☐ Pyrophoric material ☐ Contacted by
☒ Collision of vehicles, ☒ ☐ ☐
Driving Hazards Harm to Flora/Fauna Caught – in, on, under, between, against
☒ Muscular Stress ☒ Falling Objects ☐ Pyrophoric deposit ☒ Exposure – temperature, chemicals, noise, dust
☒ Mental Stress ☒ Noise ☐ Inert atmosphere ☒ Slip, Trip or Fall – from heights, same level
☐ ☐ ☒ ☐ Complete Manual Handling Risk Assessment
Repetitive Work Radiation Spills/Leaks
☒ ☐ Hydrocarbon/Gas ☐ Other ☐ Overexertion/Excessive force – lifting, pushing,
Release Mobile/Stationary/Equipment pulling,
☐ ☒ ☐ ☐ Escape of Material – oil spill, gas release, light
Underground facility Open edge Pressure (Stored Energy)
☐ ☒ Tools/Equipment ☒ ☐
Vibration Fumes/Vapor/Dust Human Factors
☐ Depths ☒ Human Factors ☐ Catalyst ☐  Overload of lifting equipment
☒ Confined Spaces ☐ Off Road ☐ Toxic gas ☐  Suspended load
☐ Asbestos ☐ Chemicals ☐ Trip process ☐ Crane/ boom truck collapse
(B) Personal Protective Equipment
☒ Eye/Face protection ☒ Hearing protection ☒ Respiratory protection Weather conditions
☒ Head protection ☐ Safety/Rescue line ☒ Safety harness • hot/dry
• wet
☒ Foot protection ☒ Hand protection ☒ Gas detector • windy
☒ ☐ Spill prevention and ☐ • cold
Body protection Light shields
clean up
□ Other □   □  

Title & Description of Work Confined space entry in to cleaning and Inspection at Economizer and SCR

Work Executed by STATIC Preparation Date 09 Feb 2022

Work Location / Area B400/U110 Applied for PTW No.

Equipment / Material & Hand tools, Face shield, Ventilation Blower, air blow duct, Lighting, DB box, Electrical Cable ,Hydro jet pump, water hose, Air hose, Vacuum
Tools to be used truck, Generator, Apron, full face with respirator

Process fluid information Fluid: Pressure: Temperature: Toxicity: Other:

1. Isolation and Deisolation

2. Tools, equipment and material
Discussed Point
3. cleaning Economizer, SCR
3. PPE Additional

Participants Signature Date Position Company

(Work Execution PIC, Relevant NSRP discipline, Asset Owner and HSSE)

Discussions / Feedbacks (Be specific on what is the output of SWMS/JSA meting and update required in SWMS/JSA)

Recorded by:


Description of Work Confined space entry in to cleaning and Inspection at Economizer and SCR

Work To be Executed by STATIC

Work Location / Area B400/U110

Work order No /PTW


Date and Time of visit 09 Feb 2022

Participants Signature Date Position Company

Joint site visit finding: (Record – Identified hazards- control measures, certificates, documents required)

Recorded by : Name : Title: Company :


Title & Description of Work: Confined space entry in to cleaning and Inspection at Economizer and SCR

Work Executed by STATIC Preparation Date 09 Feb 2022

Work Location / Area B400/U110 Applied for PTW No.

1.0 Scope 1.1 Confined space entry in to cleaning and Inspection at Economizer and SCR

2.0 References 2.1  WO No.


3.0 Responsibilities 3.1
Periodic check to ensure Contractor personal attended fully training and qualified for these jobs.
To ensure all related HSSE document are at place for implement work safety.
Supervise the site work activity and ensure Contractor are conduct work safety follow HSSE procedure.
 NSRP Supervisor.
Develop this SWMS and JSA and review periodically to update the requirement to follow procedure.
To ensure Contractor check the site condition carefully and apply control measure to minimize risk.
 PTW Requester.
To prepare and understand the SWMS and JSA documents
To prepare tool, equipment, material and check actual conditions on the site
To prepare PTW documents
 PTW Issuer.
To review SWMS and JSA and ensure Contractor apply adequate countermeasure to control all associated hazards.
To apply and control the PTW system "SIMOPS" to control work safety.
To perform and verified Isolation before approval PTW.
To check with Contractor at actual site carefully to ensure safety condition before revalidated PTW
To cooperate with Maintenance and Contractor and HSE during carry out job.
 Task Supervisor.
To understand the SWMS and JSA documents
To check tool, equipment and material are enough before work
To verified Isolation before work
To check actual conditions on the site before daily revalidation for PTW
Safety task analysis risk talk meeting before start work
To monitoring Worker crew working safe follow SWMS and JSA during work
 Worker Crew.
To understand the SWMS and JSA documents
To understand to the work requested
Mandatory PPE are wear
To participation the safety task analysis risk talk meeting before start work
To working safe following MS and JSA

Hand tools, Face shield, Ventilation Blower, air blow duct, Lighting, DB box, Electrical Cable ,Hydro jet pump, water hose, Air
4.0 Equipment / Tools 4.1
hose, Vacuum truck, Generator, Apron, full face with respirator

5.0 Materials 5.1 Gaskets, bolts & nuts

Resources (Manpower &

6.0 6.1 PEC Supervisor, Workers,

Work steps:
1. START Meeting.
2. Checking isolation and zero energy.
3. Preparation and mobilizing tools to working location
4. Open Manhole and Setup ventilation & lighting.
5. Use plant power or Generator to setup DB box , ventilation and Lighting
6. Confined space entry in to cleaning and Inspection at Economizer and SCR

7.0 Work Steps 7.1 a. Check preliminary inspection before start cleaning
b. Cleaning by plant air and manual
7. Use HP water jetting machine to clean Inside
8. Use service water to clean
9. Mobilization of vacuum truck to remove water from bottom of SCR
10. House keeping
11. Close out PTW/WO.

 Gas monitor need pump test.

8.0 Safety 8.1
 Supervisor check work location, PTW, document before start the job
Hold Point and
9.0 9.1 Before start work must carry out Gas test NSRP ops
Supervision required

PTW, JSA, SWMS, PLOT PLAN, P&ID, Hot work check list, Cold work certificated, Isolation certificated, Line break check
10 Attachment 10.1

Name Signature Date Position Company

09 Feb 2022
Prepared by Work Execution PIC NGUYEN HUU NOI Technician. Leader PEC

Reviewed by Work Execution 09 Feb 2022

DILIP KUMAR Supervising. Leader PEC

Reviewed by NSRP NGUYEN SY ANH 09 Feb 2022 Supervisor NSRP

Responsible Discipline PIC

Approved by NSRP CHU SY THANH 09 Feb 2022 Static planner NSRP

Responsible Discipline

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