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C2 LRN 2018 Jan

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• Do not open this paper until you are told to do so.

• Read the instructions before answering the questions.
• You will hear Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 of the Listening TWICE.
• You will hear Section 3 of the Listening AGAIN in Writing, Section 1.
• Answer all the questions.
• Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet in pencil.
• Use a pencil HB 2.
• Do TWO Tasks in the Writing.
• Write your Tasks in the Writing Booklet in pencil.
• You must ask any questions now as you cannot speak during the Test.

Page 1

Listen to 10 short conversations. For questions 1-10, choose the best answer
(A, B or C). You will hear each conversation TWICE. You now have 2 minutes
to read the questions.
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.
First week at work Failing an audition
1. How does John feel about his job? 6. Chris implies that Paulina failed the audition
A. recognised because she
B. appreciative A. had not practised enough with her voice
C. discouraged coach.
Shopping online B. had never sung in front of an audience
2. From what you hear, you understand that
C. had been too overconfident.
A. does not trust online shops completely. The restaurant
B. refuses to help Jessica order a sofa 7. It seems that Peter
online. A. found the restaurant food of high
C. disregards any of the advantages of quality but expensive.
e-shopping. B. was not at all impressed with the
At a photography workshop restaurant staff.
C. had nothing positive to say about the
3. What is TRUE about Helen according to
what you hear?
A. She is currently working as a Wearing black
photographer. 8. Linda believes that
B. She lacks any photography skills A. dark clothes show that someone is unhappy.
whatsoever. B. Greg is right about her being miserable.
C. She studied photography at university. C. wearing black makes her appear stylish.
A speech An upcoming storm
4. Both Mat and Emily think that the last 9. Theo does not seem to be worried about
speaker at the conference the imminent storm because
A. gave a very amusing speech. A. it is not going to be as severe as the
B. lacked the knowledge to talk about his previous one.
topic. B. they have taken the necessary
C. failed to keep the audience interested. precautions against it.
At the hotel reception C. they no longer grow any plants in their
5. What is FALSE according to what you hear?
A. There is no public transport near the New curtains
hotel. 10. From what you hear, you understand that
B. The man will probably go to the A. Harry finds his new curtains a bit of a
museum by bus. letdown.
C. There is no direct underground line B. Harry bought ready-made curtains for
from the hotel to the museum. his living room.
C. Harry appreciates what Cynthia has
done for him.

Page 2

Listen to 3 longer conversations. For questions 11-20, choose the best answer
(A, B or C). You will hear each conversation TWICE. You now have 2 minutes
to read the questions.
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

A power cut 16. From what Sophie tells Henry, we

understand that she
11. What is TRUE according to what you
A. does not like high-calorie food.
B. takes care of herself.
A. Tina is at work at the moment.
C. recently gained weight.
B. There has been a power failure at
Brian’s house. 17. Which of the following snacks would
C. Tina is calling to ask why Brian is Sophie probably prefer to eat?
still at work. A. raw almonds with no salt
B. a salty pretzel
12. Brian tells Tina that he can’t leave the
C. rice crackers with salt
office because he
A. is busy organising a meeting. The conference
B. is in the middle of an important
18. Olivia seems annoyed because
A. Mike keeps telling her to be patient.
C. cannot cancel today’s meeting. B. they missed their stop.
13. What is FALSE according to what you C. the bus ride is taking a long time.
hear? 19. It seems that Olivia regrets having
A. Brian is against calling off the dinner A. signed up for the conference.
party. B. booked a hotel on the outskirts.
B. The power failure seems limited to C. come to Dublin with Mike.
Brian’s home.
C. The other apartments on Tina’s floor 20. What is FALSE according to what you
have power. hear?
A. Mike suggests changing hotels after
14. At the end of the conversation, Brian the conference.
A. gives Tina an emergency number to B. Olivia says Mike won’t be impressed
call. by Dublin’s nightlife.
B. tells Tina to contact an electrician.
C. Mike and Olivia decide to extend
C. reassures Tina he will call an their stay in Dublin.
Eating nuts
15. Henry sounds surprised that Sophie
A. has decided to go on a special diet.
B. likes eating nuts in winter so much.
C. went out in the cold to get nuts.

Page 3

Listen to an extract from a radio talk about which two steps English language learners can
follow to write a successful essay. For questions 21-25, choose the best answer
(A, B or C). You will hear the extract TWICE. You now have 1 minute to look at the
Mark your answers on the separate Answer sheet.

21. According to what you hear, what is TRUE about writing an essay?
A. Confident language learners never have any fears about it.
B. It can be a source of uneasiness for all language learners.
C. It is hardly possible for any language learner to upgrade their writing skills.

22. It is advisable that the key points in an essay topic should be highlighted so that
A. unnecessary information can be avoided.
B. language learners can exclude supportive evidence.
C. wasting time reading the topic can be prevented.

23. Which of the following can contribute to organising the essay key ideas into
A. the number of questions to be covered
B. making a brief essay plan beforehand
C. being too general throughout the introduction

24. What is FALSE according to what you hear?

A. A Topic Sentence presents the main idea of a paragraph.
B. A well-structured paragraph contains more than one key idea.
C. Linking devices establish logical connections among ideas in the essay.

25. From what you hear, you understand that

A. paragraphing is one of the features of a successful essay.
B. a personal opinion should not be expressed in the conclusion.
C. advanced structures alone can make an essay stand out.

Now turn to Writing, Section 1, Task 1. Open your Writing Booklet and listen to the
instructions. You have 1 minute to open your Writing Booklet.

Page 4

Task 1

Listen to the extract from the radio talk again. USE the space provided in the Writing
Booklet to take notes. You can use the information from the recording and the notes
you have taken to write an Essay about which two steps English language learners can
follow to write a successful essay.

Write your Essay in the Writing Booklet, Task 1.

Your notes will not be marked.

Take notes for the following information

or for anything else you wish.

Addressing the question Write your notes

take time to read the topic in the Writing Booklet

underline the key points

make a plan

Organising ideas into paragraphs


main body:
topic sentences
elaborative points
linking devices


Page 5

You must do Task 1.

Write your Essay on the following topic in the space provided in the Writing Booklet.
You can use the notes you have taken. You may add any other relevant information you

Write your Essay in 200-250 words.

Many English language learners find writing an essay a difficult task. In your
opinion, what two steps can they follow to write a successful essay?

Page 6

Choose ONE of the following WRITING TASKS. Use the points below each TASK. You
may add your own points if you wish.
Write your TASK in the space provided in the Writing Booklet in 250-300 words.

Task 2
A lot of people nowadays choose to work from home. In your opinion, what
are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home? Give
examples to support your ideas.

Advantages of working from home Disadvantages of working from home

• work at one’s own pace • requires more self-discipline
• spend more time with family • causes isolation
• be in a less stressful working • makes it difficult to distinguish
environment between work and personal life
• not waste time travelling • leads to overworking


Task 3
The modern lifestyle has created several health problems. In your opinion,
what health problems has the modern lifestyle caused and what can people
do to avoid such problems? Give examples to support your ideas.

Health problems due to the modern Solutions to avoid health problems

• depression • spend time with family and friends
• obesity • exercise regularly
• stress • follow a healthy diet


Task 4
It is true that the crime rate in cities is higher than that in rural areas. In
your opinion, why is the crime rate higher in cities and what can be done to
reduce it?

Reasons for the high crime rate in How to reduce the crime rate in cities
• unemployment and poverty • schools emphasise the importance
• social alienation of customs, traditions and values
• loss of traditional values • organise campaigns against crime
• provide support for poorer citizens

Page 7

Read the text below about The Effects of Climate Change and then answer the questions
that follow. For questions 1-9, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

The Effects of Climate Change

Scientific observations worldwide make it very clear that climate change and global
warming are threatening both the environment and society.

Global warming is the gradual increase in the Earth’s average temperature, often
associated with the emission of greenhouse gases. It has brought about an alarming rise in
sea levels, whose short-term effects are already observable. One of these effects is
recurrent flooding, otherwise called nuisance flooding, which takes place at high tides.
Occurring when the ocean has reached the ‘brim’ locally, like a little water being added to
an already full glass, nuisance flooding is also called ‘sunny day’ flooding as it is linked to
sea level rise rather than to storms or heavy rain. Although the effects of nuisance flooding
are not life threatening, they close roads, damage storm drains and strain city maintenance
budgets. The degree of how dangerous nuisance flooding can be depends on various
factors like the height of the tide or the strength of the wind. Nuisance floods have already
become routine features of some coastal areas around the world, and in others the number
of flooding days has dramatically increased causing consternation among scientists. In
Washington DC, for example, there have been a total of 522 flooding days since 1950, with
almost 200 of them being the direct result of climatic change.

Climate change can also affect agriculture and livestock. Although warm temperatures can
benefit the growth of certain crops, high temperatures and precipitation can harm other
crops, reduce their yields or in extreme cases, even prevent their growth. In some areas of
the world, increased temperatures cause droughts; they make once fertile soils dry and
seriously reduce water supplies, leaving little or no water available for irrigation. In
addition, a warmer climate can lead to an increase in weeds and pests, necessitating a
greater use of pesticides, which ……… can threaten human health. Heat waves can have an
impact on livestock as well. High temperatures can encourage the growth of parasites and
diseases affecting animals, while both dry weather and floods can destroy grazing land for
livestock. Finally, climate change can have devastating effects on marine life as higher
temperatures allow the spread of parasites and marine diseases, forcing many species to
migrate or driving others to extinction.

Climate change has already started taking its toll and scientists are certain that global
temperatures will continue to rise unless human activities that pollute the environment are
drastically reduced. Without such measures, there is no telling what effects global warming
will ultimately have on the planet.

Page 8

1. According to the 2nd paragraph, what is one cause of global warming?

A. scientific observations
B. rising sea levels
C. greenhouse gas emissions

2. What is TRUE about nuisance flooding in the 2nd paragraph?

A. It is more likely to occur after a downpour.
B. It is likely to happen repeatedly.
C. It is associated with a drop in sea level.

3. What could be a possible effect of nuisance flooding?

A. reduced budgets for maintenance
B. disruption of transportation
C. more intense winds

4. According to the 2nd paragraph, scientists are concerned about

A. people becoming used to nuisance flooding.
B. nuisance flooding now affecting inland cities.
C. the rising frequency of nuisance floods.

5. What is FALSE according to the 3rd paragraph?

A. High temperatures pose a threat to all plant species.
B. Heavy rainfall may affect the development of certain crops.
C. High temperatures may lead to a reduction in plant yields.

6. Which of the following is not a negative effect of rising temperatures?

A. the creation of fertile soils
B. a lack of water for farming
C. increased numbers of parasites

7. Which of the following can fill in the blank in the 3rd paragraph?
A. otherwise
B. similarly
C. in turn

8. What does the phrase ‘devastating’ mean in the 3rd paragraph?

A. disastrous
B. hopeless
C. superficial

9. In the last paragraph, the writer believes

A. the effects of climate change are irreversible.
B. global warming will not pose a threat in the future.
C. drastic steps must be taken to stop global warming.

Page 9

Read the following passages about Two Rivers in South America.

For questions 10-20, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

Two Rivers in South America

Passage A

Cano Cristales 10. What is TRUE about the river Cano

Cristales according to the 1st paragraph?
Flowing in a remote area in the Andes in
Colombia, the river Cano Cristales, A. It bears no resemblance to any
commonly called the ‘River of Five Colours’ other river whatsoever.
or ‘Liquid Rainbow’ is a spectacular natural B. It appears multi-coloured for half the
wonder. For six months of the year, Cano year.
Cristales looks like any other river, but C. It flows in too remote an area to
between the months of June and November, attract visitors.
it captivates visitors with its striking colours
11. From what you read, you understand
of yellow, green, blue, black and red, each
caused by a different phenomenon. For
example, the macarenia clavigera, an A. macarenia clavigera floats on the
aquatic red plant growing on underwater surface of Cano Cristales.
rocks paints the river floors with vibrant B. all the different colours of Cano
shades of red; the mass blooming of algae Cristales come from aquatic plants.
and moss on the bed of rocks causes the C. different natural formations enhance
green colour effect and its crystal clear the beauty of Cano Cristales.
waters give it a blue appearance. Waterfalls,
12. What is FALSE about Cano Cristales
pools and caves add to the extraordinary
according to the 2nd paragraph?
beauty of the river and the absence of any
fish or other creatures allow visitors to swim A. Tourists cannot visit it unless they
undisturbed in its waters. are escorted by a guide.
B. Political unrest in the area is still
Due to political unrest in the area from 1989
preventing tourists from visiting it.
to 2009, visitors were not allowed to reach
C. Local communities restrict the
the Cano Cristales. Since the turmoil
number of visitors to the river.
stopped, access to the river and its
surrounding areas has been possible but 13. What does the word ‘ban’ in the 2nd
only on guided tours. Fearing the impact of paragraph mean?
expansive tourism growth, towns and
A. legally prohibit
communities near the river set strict limits
on the number of visitors per day and ban B. give a fine
any products that may cause pollution. C. export

Page 10

Passage B 14. What is TRUE about the Rio Negro

according to the 1st paragraph?
The Rio Negro A. It is the only blackwater river in the
The Rio Negro, or Black River, was so named world.
by the Spanish explorer who came upon it in B. The plant material in its water makes
it look dark.
1541. It is one of the largest tributaries of
C. It was named after a Spanish explorer.
the Amazon River and the largest blackwater
river in the world. The river gets its black hue 15. Which of the following words can
from leaves and other vegetation that has replace the word ‘murky’ in the 1st
decayed and dissolved in it. Despite its
waters looking murky, the river is A. dark
considered to be one of the cleanest in the B. swollen
C. rough
world as it carries little or no sediment.
16. What is FALSE about the Rio Negro
The source of Rio Negro is in Colombia
according to the 2nd paragraph?
where it goes by the name Guainia River. It
A. Its path crosses the territory of three
criss-crosses the Colombia and Venezuelan
border until it flows into Brazil where it
B. The Rio Negro and the Amazon
becomes the Rio Negro and finally merges eventually come together.
with the Amazon River just south of Manaus, C. Most of the fish living there have yet
the largest city in the Amazon Rainforest. to be described.
There are 700 documented fish species in 17. The cruises on the Rio Negro
the basin of Rio Negro but along with
A. do not cater for budget travellers.
currently undescribed species, the total
B. offer guided land tours.
number of species may reach 900. Being C. allow guests to hunt birds.
navigable for more than 430 miles, the river
Questions 18-20 refer to BOTH
attracts a lot of wildlife lovers who can
choose from a range of cruise options, from
18. A limit to the number of people visiting
economy to luxury ones. Cruises give the
the river is mentioned in
guests the chance to explore the Rio Negro,
swim in its calm waters or go on guided bird- A. Passage A only.
B. Passage B only.
watching trips deep into the rainforest.
C. both passages.
19. In which river can visitors bathe?
A. in both of them.
B. in Cano Cristales only.
C. in Rio Negro only.
20. Cano Cristales differs significantly from
Rio Negro in that it
A. contains no fish.
B. lacks flora.
C. has unclean water.

Page 11

For questions 21-40, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

21. If ……… for a scholarship, he would not have continued his studies.
A. they considered him
B. it hadn’t been
C. he hasn’t worked

22. Modern furniture ……… comfort and style to an office.

A. has brought
B. brings
C. are bringing

23. She didn’t mention ……… for a bank loan.

A. to apply
B. she will be applied
C. having applied

24. She would never dream ……… her ideas on others.

A. to impose
B. of imposing
C. the imposition

25. It was irresponsible of you to drive in the storm. You ……… an accident.
A. could have
B. will have had
C. might have had

26. My parents asked me what ……… to my car.

A. was happened
B. did it happen
C. had happened

27. You can’t believe ……… to go horseback riding on the beach.

A. how fun there was
B. so much fun was it
C. what fun it was

Page 12

28. The teacher asked him how many exercises he ……… the day before.
A. did he do
B. were done
C. had done

29. The price of a laptop ……… online may be lower than that in a store.
A. which bought
B. been bought
C. bought

30. ……… some workplace stress is normal, excessive stress can cause problems.
A. Despite
B. Nevertheless
C. While

31. ……… of the employees was given a small present.

A. Each
B. All
C. Every

32. Once he ……… a strategic plan, he will work hard to put his ideas into action.
A. creates
B. will create
C. is about to create

33. She was ……… to leave the office when her boss asked her to send an email.
A. about
B. unlike
C. intended

34. No sooner had they bought the house than they ……… .
A. had renovated it
B. had it renovated
C. would renovate it

35. The main speaker was not good at ……… his ideas across.
A. giving
B. sending
C. getting

Page 13

36. If he had ……… knowledge of computers, he would probably get hired.

A. too good
B. a good
C. so good

37. ……… he tried, the detective couldn’t solve the mystery.

A. Hard though
B. Although hardly
C. As harder

38. Only when the rain stopped, ……… off on their journey.
A. they had set
B. were they to set
C. did they set

39. Urban poverty seems to be increasing at an ……… rate.

A. alarmed
B. alarming
C. alarmingly

40. In spite of………. of the risks involved, he decided to set up his own business.
A. warning him
B. having him warned
C. their warning him

Page 14

For questions 41-50, read the text below and use ONLY ONE word which best fits to fill
in the gaps.
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

Toddlers’ Tantrums

(41) ………… until children develop physically and emotionally, can they accurately express
their feelings. Until then, they may often get aggressive, taking their frustration out on
(42) ………… their parents or siblings. Many parents either feel embarrassed when their
children throw a tantrum (43) …………. punish their children for their bad behaviour.
According to psychologists, however, the problem is that young children lack the
vocabulary to explain (44) ………… is upsetting them. Their communication is limited, yet
they have all these needs to (45) ………… met. Therefore, (46) ………… of feeling ashamed
or laying the blame on their children, parents should remain calm and try to identify what
their children are trying to express when they misbehave. If not, they will be (47) …………
to handle the situation effectively. The worst thing (48) ………… can do when their toddlers
throw a temper tantrum is to (49) ………… their temper as well. Parents must provide a
comforting influence, or (50) ………… it may be too difficult to calm their children down.

Page 15

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