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Salinometer - Requirements - Alfa Laval

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1 Description
The salinometer is used in combination with a conductive electrode to measure and
supervise the salinity of feed water. Figure 1 illustrates the control device and electrode.

The control device is provided with indication LED’s for monitoring the salinity level
and two LED’s for alarm purpose. The measuring range as well as the adjustable alarm
range is 0 – 100 ppm (sea salt). The alarm limit can be adjusted by means of the set
screw located on the front panel. The alarm limit is indicated by a flashing LED in the
indication LED row. If the salinity level exceeds the alarm limit the alarm LED’s start

During commissioning it is not necessary to carry out any adjustments of the equipment
except setting the alarm limit. When the power is turned on, the salinometer will per-
form a self test. This calibration will take approximately 5 sec.

Illustration of the control device


PG 13.5



Figure 1 sl700g_bx3194020en.wmf

Note: The electrode is totally sealed and must not be opened. The guarantee is
void if opening of the electrode is attempted.

Language UK 1/5

2 Installation
The conductive electrode may be installed vertically, horizontally, or radial inclined.
However, the electrodes must be constantly submerged in feed water. Figure 2 illus-
trates the salinity system.

Illustration of the salinity system



Hot well


Cable lenght 2.5 m
Junction box
(not Alfa Laval supply)
Cable lenght max. 200 m
(not Alfa Laval supply)
PS (mounted in
power panel)
To boiler Feed water

Figure 2 sl700d_bx3198720en.wmf

2/5 Language UK

2.1 Wiring

The wiring should be carried out in accordance with the diagram shown in Figure 3.

Wiring diagram



Junction box
(not Alfa Laval supply)




Figure 3 sl700i_ax3115920en.wmf

The mains supply of the control device is 98-122 VAC or 196-244 VAC, 50-60 Hz.En-
sure that the mains supply is secured against over current by a fuse (max.100mA).

The recommended cable for the conductive electrode is a multi-screened twin twisted,
where the screen is connected to connector 14, one pair is used for connector 11+12,
and the other pair is used for connector 13+15. The length of the cable must not exceed
200 m.

Important: The cable may not be placed together with power cables, as this will
cause damage to the gold plating on the electrodes.

3 Maintenance
The accuracy of the salinometer equipment is very dependent on the electrodes are
kept clean. The electrodes should be taken out and cleaned at least once a week. Use
only a clean and soft cloth. When cleaning the electrodes it is important that oil or other
chemicals do not pollute the electrodes. Any pollution will immediately result in an
inaccurate measurement of the salinometer.

Note: Avoid damaging the gold plating.If the gold plating is damaged, the con-
ductive electrode must be replaced.

The expected longevity of the conductive electrode is approximately 1.2 – 2.2 years.

Language UK 3/5

4 Troubleshooting

Step Problem Description Posible causes

1 No lights in Check external fuse. Salinometer has no power.
Salinometer Check AC power on Salinometer terminal’s .Check the cable
(1) connections to the Salinometer.
2 No lights in Check voltage between pin 12 and 14. Electrode unit is defective or cable
Salinometer Voltage from electrode shall be approx. 2 VDC. failure (reference voltage from
(2) If the voltage is low (near 0 Vdc), disconnect the electrode unit electrode unit is missing).
and check that the light in the salinometer is on again.
3 Wrong reading Disconnect the connector to the electrode unit. Salinity level If no reaction: The salinometer is
of salinity. shall increase to approx. 100 PPM and the alarm will be flash- defective.
4 Wrong reading Remove Electrode unit and inspect/clean the electrodes. Use a Electrodes dirty or damaged.
of salinity. clean and dry rag. Avoid touching the electrodes with the fin- We recommend replacement of the
gers. Check that the gold plating not is damaged. This should electrode unit every 18 months de-
be done at least once a week. pending on the condition of the
gold plating.
5 Wrong reading This test has to be done with electrode in open air (not in water). Cable failure: Check connections.
of salinity. a) Check voltage between pin 11 and 14
(Voltage from electrode: 0 VDC).
b) Check voltage between pin 12 and 14
(Voltage from electrode: 2 VDC).
c) Check voltage between pin 13 and 14
(Voltage from salinometer: +12 to 15 VDC).
d) Check voltage between pin 15 and 14
(Voltage from salinometer: -12 to 15 VDC).
e) Disconnect electrode unit and check voltage between pin 11
and 14
(Voltage from electrode more than: 2 VDC).
6 Corrosion of Check that the sensor cable is mounted at far as possible from The cable to the Salinometer sen-
electrodes. high power cables. sor is mounted near some high
power cables. The induction from
the high power cables gives a high
voltage on the sensor cable and the
sensor. A high voltage on the sen-
sor will cause corrosion faster than

Table 1

4/5 Language UK

No. Picture Description What to do

1 Electrode unit in good condi- The unit is ready for installation.
tion. No visible damages.

2 Electrode unit with damaged The unit is ready for exchange. We recommend replacement of
gold platin the electrode unit every 18 months depending on the condition of
the gold plating.
Send a request for a new sparepart.

3 Electrode unit with serious The cable to the Salinometer sensor is mounted near some high
corrosion/erosion. power cables. The induction from the high power cables gives a
One of the sensors has almost high voltage on the sensor cable and the sensor. A high voltage
disappeared. on the sensor will cause corrosion faster than normal.
Relocate the cables and send a request for a new sparepart.

4 Electrode unit with crack in Under normal circumstances the electrode unit is covered by war-
the white moulding. ranty (as long as the electrode unit is not tampered with). When
The gold platin is in good discovering an electrode units with this fault please send following
condition. information to your supplier:
1. Serial number of the salinometer
2. Photos of the electrode unit, showing the crack and the golden
plated electrodes
3. Name of the vessel
4. Your reference no.

5 Warning: Send a request for a new sparepart.

Do not try to open the elec-
trode unit. Warranty will be
void if the electrode unit is
open or damaged.

Table 2

Language UK 5/5

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