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SERB SSR Policy Document

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SERB Scientific Social Responsibility Policy

Science and Engineering Research Board

Department of Science and Technology
Government of India

February 2019 Version 2.1


1. Context

Scientific research continues to spur various technological advances and is one of the
pivotal factors driving the economic growth of any nation. Science in India has
witnessed rapid progress over the past several years and number of research
institutions, scientific infrastructure and resources along with research output have
increased significantly. Scientific resources and knowledge thus developed are an
unprecedented wealth which when strategically tapped and channelized can create a
huge impact on the research ecosystem of the nation. Hon’ble Prime Minister in the
104th Indian Science Congress at Tirupati emphasized “On the lines of Corporate
Social Responsibility, the concept of Scientific Social Responsibility needs to be
inculcated to connect our leading institutions to all stakeholders, including schools and
colleges. We must create an environment for sharing of ideas and resources.” On the
basis of the above concept, it is desirable that various scientific
agencies/departments/institutions take up the initiative to device policy and criteria for
SSR. for the programs managed by them. The combined efforts of all stakeholders
would thus lead to a development of rich research culture of integrated scientific and
social commitments in the country.

Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), being a premier organization for
funding basic research in the country, caters to researchers belonging to various
disciplines of science and engineering. With total R&D budget of Rs. 800 crore, about
10000 researchers were directly supported in the year 2017-18 through its various
programs and schemes. SERB has devised its Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR)
Policy which aims to spread the benefits beyond these direct beneficiaries especially to
the less-endowed researchers. The approach is to integrate and align the social
responsibility activities within the SERB Grantees’ committed research activities

2. Objectives

SERB SSR policy intends to

• Effectively utilize the R&D infrastructure and expertise of SERB grantee to
benefit other S&T stakeholders and the society
• Embed a participatory, inclusive and sustainable culture of social responsibility
among SERB grantee


3. Scope of SERB SSR

SSR Initiative would focus on:
A. Infrastructure sharing
B. Mentoring/Training
C. Fostering research culture
D. Public outreach and knowledge dissemination
E. Scientific Services

A. Infrastructure sharing
Research vigor and R&D infrastructure vary widely in Indian Institutions across the
country. Eminent research institutions have developed their infrastructure facilities over
the years through various means of support. It will be immensely beneficial if these
facilities are shared with researchers belonging to universities/institutions which are less
endowed in scientific resources. This would be an effective way to address the research
needs of the scientific community, thus enhancing the overall scientific research
capability of the nation. This would also augment national mobility of researchers and
aid in collaborative research.
B. Mentoring/Training
Like R&D infrastructure, the research expertise also varies substantially across various
categories of institutions. Scientific knowledge, skills and experience of accomplished
researchers can be leveraged to mentor young faculty/researchers and aspiring
research students. This would have a positive impact in enhancing the scientific
capacity and lead to a more inclusive growth.
C. Fostering research culture
In the knowledge- and technology-driven economy, the demand for human resources in
science and technology is increasing to a great extent. Therefore, it is imperative to
build the basis for continuous supply of human resources in science and technology.
SERB grantee can act as a facilitator in motivating students to pursue research career
through various measures, such as direct interaction with students, conducting
workshops, etc. and introduce and inspire members of academic community to the best
practices of research.
D. Public outreach and knowledge dissemination
The aim of public outreach activities is to bring science to the society by special
programs, workshops, lectures, science festivals, open house, etc. Dissemination of
science will focus on communicating research outputs to the general public. It is a way
to inform the public of the research activities that are being carried out by public funding
and also to enhance the public understanding of science.


E. Scientific Services
The present competitive research funding landscape depends predominantly on the
services of the scientific community of the nation. Peer review of research proposals
are being done by scientists and researchers on a voluntary basis. In recent past, the
reach and demand for funding has increased multifold whereas increase in quality
reviewers had not kept up with the pace. A positive intervention seems to be required to
expand the reviewer pool and strategically revive the enthusiasm for quality and timely
review. The aim of this activity is to involve SERB grantees in the peer review process
in a more systematic manner through SSR. This is expected to create immense mutual
benefit by aiding to increase the reviewer base as well as to provide an avenue for
researchers to fulfil their scientific obligation.

4. Activities
The activities associated with SSR under various categories are listed below:
Infrastructure sharing
1. Access to scientific facilities of SERB grantee
1. Mentorship of college/university faculty by SERB grantee
2. Training on high end scientific skills and research facilities created at SERB
grantee’s lab/institution for other researchers
3. Providing student internships
Fostering research culture
1. Organize workshop to faculty members of nearby colleges on topics not
limited to (i) scientific area of research undertaken (ii) project proposal writing
(iii) project management and (iv) ethics in science
2. Enabling school and college students to visit SERB grantee’s lab/institution
and interact with scientists/faculty to develop a scientific culture among
school/college students
3. SERB grantee delivering individual lectures to students in nearby
colleges/schools for inculcating the scientific temper
Public outreach and knowledge dissemination
1. Public lectures on science
2. Popular articles in science journals such as Current Science, etc.
3. Reports in newspapers, web articles, etc.
Scientific Services
1. Peer review of research proposals submitted to SERB for funding, as and
when assigned

5. SERB SSR framework

All researchers who receive funding from SERB will be part of SERB SSR initiative. The
principal commitment of SERB grantee is to carry out quality research and achieve the
objectives of the proposed work within the sanctioned budget and time frame. Social
commitment would be part of the research initiatives without affecting their principal
mandate of research activities as mentioned in the project approval. The activities to be
carried out by SERB grantee of various programs are given in Annexure.

SERB SSR Policy Annexure

SERB SSR Activities – Program Wise

Program/Scheme Conditions

Target ECR, CRG,

beneficiary OPDF/
project), IMPRINT, fellowship)
Access to A Researchers of Minimum Minimum Minimum - - - NA *Mandatory
PI scientific other institutions 8 hrs per 8 hrs per 8 hrs per for equipment
facilities month month month costing
≥ Rs.10 lakh
Mentoring B SERB TARE Once in Once in Once in - - - NIL
of faculty Faculty; SERB project project project (For TARE –
PIs requiring duration duration duration Financial
mentorship for support as per
conducting TARE
research guidelines)
Student B Students in One student One One - - - Upto Rs. 5000
At least one
Internship undergraduate in project student in student in per month
activity from
engineering or duration project project (max two
Category B is
postgraduate duration duration months) as
science student
Research B Researchers (10 One day One day Two-day - - Upto
Facility number) training, training, training, Rs.10000 per
Training once in once in once in day
Program project project project
duration duration duration
Workshop C Faculty of nearby One day Two-day Two-day - - - Upto
to faculty college (25 workshop, workshop, workshop, Rs.25000 per
of nearby number) once in once in once in day
colleges project project project
duration duration duration

Visit of C Students (A One day One day - - - Upto Rs.

At least one
college/ group of 25) visit visit 10,000
activity from
Category C is
students in
Individual C School/ college Once in a Once in a Once in a Once in a Once in One NIL
lectures students year year year year fellowship lecture
period within one
month of
Public D General Public Once per Once per Once in a Once per Once in - NIL
lectures on project project year project fellowship
science duration duration duration period
Popular D General Scientific Once per Once per Once in a Once per Once in Once in At least one
Articles Audience project project year project fellowship fellowship activity from
duration duration duration period period Category D is
Reports in D General Public Once per Once per Once in a Once per Once in
newspaper, project project year project fellowship
web duration duration duration period
articles, etc.
Peer review E Scientific As and As and As and As and - - NIL Mandatory
of research Community when when when when
proposals through SERB referred referred referred referred

SERB SSR Policy Annexure

CRG Core Research Grant
DIA Distinguished Investigator Award
ECR Early Career Research Award
EMEQ Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for Excellence in Science
HRHR High Risk High Reward
IRHPA Intensification of Research in High Priority Areas
IMPRINT Impacting Research Innovation and Technology

IRRD Industry Relevant R&D

JCB JC Bose Fellowship

MATRICS Mathematical Research Impact Centric Support

NPDF National Postdoctoral Fellowship
RJN Ramanujan Fellowship
OPDF Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship
OVDF Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship

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