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Effect of Several Doses of Bioamelioran Plus Indigenous Mycorrhizae On Growth and Yield of Glutinous Corn (Zea Mays Var. Ceratina)

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Effect of Several Doses of Bioamelioran Plus

Indigenous Mycorrhizae on Growth and Yield of
Glutinous Corn (Zea mays var. ceratina)
Wahyu Astiko*, M Taufik Fauzi, Irwan Muthahanas
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Abstract:- Application of bioameliorants with various provides additional income so that it is feasible to be
formulations can increase nutrient concentration, growth developed (Syuryawati, Margaretha and Hadijah, 2010).
and yield of corn glutinous. However, how much increase Glutinous corn can also be used to improve the smoothness
in nutrient concentration, growth and yield in sandy soils and creaminess of canned food, as an adhesive for bottle
has not been revealed. The experimental design used was labels and to strengthen paper (Hamzah, Utami and Cholik,
a randomized block design consisting of five treatments 2011). Glutinous corn contains starch in the form of 100%
for the bioameliorant formulation, namely F0: no amylopectin which has a sweet taste, fluffier and attractive
bioameliorant, F1: with bioameliorant 10% compost + appearance (Tengah et al, 2016). Glutinous corn is widely
10% manure + 10% husk charcoal + 70% mycorrhizal grown in the Northeast of Thailand which is consumed as
biofertilizer, F2: with bioameliorant 15% compost+15% corn on the cob because of its delicious sticky texture.
manure+ 15% husk charcoal + 55% mycorrhizal Glutinous corn seeds generally belong to traditional cultivars
biofertilizer, F3 : with bioameliorant 20% compost+20% and are known throughout the world while purple glutinous
manure+ 20% husk charcoal + 40% mycorrhizal corn seeds are an important source of anthocyanins with
biofertilizer, F4 : with bioameliorant 25% compost+25% characteristics of food coloring and bio-functional
manure + 25% husk charcoal + 25% mycorrhizal components (Yang and Zhai, 2010).
biofertilizer. The variables observed in this study were:
(1) soil nutrient concentration variables and plant The varieties of glutinous corn in Indonesia are still in
nutrient uptake (N and P) at 42 days after planting local form, such as local Sulawesi, local Jember, local Kediri,
(DAP), (2) growth variables included: plant height and local ciamis and others. This research resulted in hybrid
number of leaves at 14, 28, 42 and 56 DAP, and weight of glutinous corn when it was carried out by government
wet and dry biomass of roots and shoots at 42 DAP, (3) research institutes and seed companies (Rifianto, 2010).
mycorrhizal population variables included: number of
spores and percentage of root infection at 42 DAP, and (4) In 2013 the Cereal Crops Research Institute made a
yield variables were: wet ear weight per plot, weight wet number of efforts to increase the productivity of glutinous
biomass per plot, dry cob weight per plant and seed rice/pulut, regardless of the advantages, glutinous rice/pulut
weight per plant. The results showed that the application corn has weaknesses, one of which is the low productivity
of bioameliorants with the formulation of 25% compost + level, between 2-2.5 t/ha. One of the efforts to increase
25% manure + 25% husk charcoal + 25% mycorrhizal productivity is crossbreeding with local germplasm which
biofertilizer in corn glutinous gave the best has high yield potential and produces new varieties of corn
concentrations of N, P nutrients for plant growth and rice with productivity reaching 6 t/ha or three times higher
yield glutinous corn. than local corn rice. In addition, the amylopectin content is
also high up to 90% so that it gives a savory taste. The new
Keywords:- Bioameliorant, Glutinous Corn, Mycorrhizae. corn is named "Pulut URI" (Untuk Rakyat Indonesia). Pulut
URI-1 and Pulut URI-2. can be used to meet the demand for
I. INTRODUCTION corn-based processed industries such as “marning” corn
(Nuha et al, 2022).
Glutinous corn is also known as pulut corn. Glutinous
corn was released in 2013 and was given the name "Pulut The increase in glutinous corn yields needs to be done
URI" (For the People of Indonesia) which can be used to meet in line with the increasing demand for glutinous corn.
the demand for corn-based processing industries (Balitbang, However, there are several obstacles to the yield of glutinous
2013). Glutinous corn has the same starch content in the corn that are faced, namely the continuous planting of local
endosperm as the tapioca starch produced by the cassava varieties, fertilization that does not match the dose, and
plant so that it can be used as a substitute plant. Glutinous cultivation techniques that are less than optimal. Corn is a
corn can also be used as a mixture of raw materials for paper, plant that really needs nutrients. Efforts to increase corn
textile and adhesive industries. Processed corn including yields are carried out, among others, by fertilization.
glutinous corn can be used as a substitute for rice Fertilization is a process to improve or provide additional
consumption from rice and other food needs. Another added nutrients to the soil, so that it can meet the needs of plant
value that can be obtained is getting profits because it growth. Application of organic matter will improve soil

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
structure, increase water holding capacity (Riley et al., 2008), II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
and increase soil biological life (Dinesh et al., 2010).
However, excessive use of organic fertilizers in a long period A. Materials and Research Tools
of time will certainly result in soil degradation and nutrients The materials used in this experiment were corn seeds
cannot be fully utilized by plants. In addition, excessive of Pulut Putih variety, urea fertilizer, Phonska fertilizer, cow
application of inorganic fertilizers in the long term will manure, mycorrhizal biofertilizer, OrgaNeem pesticide,
increase soil acidity which has a negative impact on soybean varieties, raffia, plastic bags, tissue, label paper, soil
microorganisms in the soil (Yusnaini, 2009). samples, root samples, methylene blue, 10% KOH, sucrose,
distilled water, filter paper, and tools write. The tools used in
Organic ameliorant is a soil improvement agent derived this experiment are oven, scales, binocular microscope,
from organic materials that can improve the physical, magnetic stirrer, beaker, tweezers, graded sieve,
chemical, and biological properties of the soil. The use of centrifugation, funnel, petri, shovel, hoe, sickle and hand
organic ameliorants can improve soil aggregation, infiltration counter.
and permeability; increase the cation exchange capacity
(CEC) of soil and some nutrients; as well as increasing soil B. Place and design of the experiment
organic C which is a source of nutrients for soil biota This research was conducted in Muncuk Hamlet,
(Sudaryono, 2009). Rembiga Village, Mataram from May to August 2022. The
experimental design used was a randomized block design
Organic ameliorants that can be used to improve soil with four replications and six treatments of bioameliorant
quality are chicken manure compost, municipal waste dose, namely D0: Control (without bioameliorant), D1:
compost, and coconut shell biochar. Chicken manure bioameliorant dose 5 ton ha-1, D2: dose of bioameliorant 10
compost can improve the physical, biological and especially tons ha-1, D3: dose of bioameliorant 15 tons ha-1, D4: dose of
chemical properties of the soil (Afandi et al, 2017). bioameliorant 20 tons ha-1, D5: dose of bioameliorant 25 tons
Municipal waste compost applied with organic fertilizer is ha-1 (Gomez et al, 1984).
able to provide the same results as the application of 100%
organic fertilizer (Hartatik and Setyorini., 2012). Coconut C. Implementation of the experiment
shell biochar is able to increase the C-organic status of the The land used was first cleaned of weeds and then plots
soil (Sukartono and Utomo, 2012). were made as a place for treatment of amelioran dose with
the size of each experimental plot of 3 mx 2.6 m then the soil
Ameliorant material that is often used in the cultivation was processed using a hoe, irrigation channels were made
of plants in dry land is dolomite (containing elements of Ca between plots with a width of 50 cm and a height of the beds.
by 32.0% and Mg by 4.03%) which can improve soil physical 25 cm high.
properties, improve soil granulation so that aeration is better,
improve soil chemical properties, namely reduce the Propagation of mycorrhizal isolates in culture pots was
concentration of H ions, decrease the solubility of Fe, Al and carried out using a corn host plant with a mixture of soil and
Mn, increase the availability of C, Mg, P and Mo as well as sterile cow manure (50%: 50%) as much as 5 kg. Mycorrhizal
increase base saturation, improve soil biological properties, inoculation was carried out using a mixture of soil, roots,
namely increasing soil micro-service activities (Harsono et spores and mycorrhizal hyphae. Inoculation was carried out
al., 2011). using the funnel method, isolate MAA was placed and the host
plant was placed on the filter paper. The filter paper is then
Organic ameliorants that can be used to improve soil covered with soil and the plants are allowed to grow
quality are chicken manure compost, municipal waste (Sastrahidayat, 2011, Simarmata, 2017). After 50 days, the
compost, and coconut shell biochar. Chicken manure soil in the culture pots was harvested by cutting the plant
compost can improve the physical, biological and chemical roots, then blended until smooth. The results of this blender
properties of the soil (Taufaila et al, 2014). are then mixed homogeneously with the soil of the culture
pot media. This mixture was then filtered through a 2 mm
Therefore, efforts are made to increase soil fertility and diameter sieve. The mycorrhizal inoculants were then mixed
increase production in glutinous corn plants using natural homogeneously with cow manure, rice husk charcoal and
ingredients. The way to be taken is by using organic compost in a ratio of 25%: 25%: 25%: 25%. This ameliorant
fertilizers. However, how much influence the dose of mixture is then sieved through a 2 mm diameter sieve and the
bioamelioran has on the growth and yield of corn has not final product of this ameliorant is in the form of flour.
been revealed. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct
research on "The Effect of Several Doses of Bioamelioran Bioameliorant plus mycorrhiza was given at the time of
Plus Indigenous Mycorrhizae on the Growth and Yield of planting. Bioameliorant plus mycorrhiza in the form of flour
Glutinous Corn (Zea mays var. ceratina) is placed at a depth of ± 10 cm evenly to form a layer. The
bioameliorant plus mycorrhizae used was a mixture of root
cuttings, fungal spores, fungal hyphae and pot culture
medium which was already in powder form with doses
according to treatment. The type of indigenous mycorrhizal
from North Lombok used is a private collection of Dr. Ir.
Wahyu Astiko, MP (Astiko, 2015; Astiko et al, 2016b).

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Corn seeds are planted by ditugal method. Each hole plant height and number of leaves at 14, 28, and 42 days after
was filled with 2 corn seeds with a spacing of 60 x 40 cm planting, and the weight of wet and dry biomass of roots and
corn. Embroidery is done by replanting corn seedlings at the shoots at the age of 42 days after planting, (3) mycorrhizal
age of 7 days after planting to replace dead plants or grow population variables were: the number of spores and the
abnormally. After the plants grew, thinning was carried out percentage of root infection at 42 days after planting and (4)
leaving one plant at the age of 14 days after planting. the yield variables were: wet ear weight per plot, weight wet
biomass per plot, dry cob weight per plant and seed weight
Fertilization is done by applying inorganic basic per plant.
fertilizers with the application of half the recommended dose
of urea 175 kg ha-1 and Phonska 125 kg ha-1 (Astiko et al, E. Data Analysis
2016c). Inorganic fertilizers as basic fertilizers were given The results of observational data and analysis of
1/2 dose at the age of 7 days after planting and the remaining variance by the Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test
1/2 dose was given at 14 days after planting. Spacing for at a 5% significance level using the Costat for Windows
sweet corn 40 x 20 cm with 2 seeds per planting hole. program

Plant maintenance includes weeding any weeds that III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
grow by pulling them out. Irrigation of plants is carried out
depending on rainfall in the field and watered using a water A. Height and Number of Leaves
sprinkler (“gembor”). The result of the analysis of variance showed that the
treatment dose of bioameliorant 25 t ha -1 gave a significant
Plant maintenance includes weeding any weeds that difference in plant height compared to other bioameliorant
grow by pulling them out. Irrigation of crops is carried out dosage treatments at the age of 14-42 DAP. The same results
depending on rainfall in the field and irrigation. were also seen in the number of leaves, the treatment dose of
bioameliorant 25 t ha-1 gave a significant difference in the 5%
D. Variable Observations HSD test when the plants were 14–42 DAP. At the age of 14
The variables observed in this study were: (1) soil - 28 DAP, the height and number of leaves of corn plants
nutrient concentration and plant nutrient uptake (N and P) gave the highest height and number of leaves and was
variables at 42 days after planting, (2) growth variables were: significantly different compared to other varieties (Table 1).

Plant Height Number of leaves

Treatment Dose
14 28 42 14 28 42
D0:Without bioameliorant 15.39f 39.16f 75.75f 5.07d 6.25d 9.00b
D1: Bioameliorant dose 5 t ha-1 18.26e 56.55e 125.42e 5.22cd 7.07cd 9.07b
-1 d d d bc c
D2: Bioameliorant dose 10 t ha 19.38 67.75 144.37 5.52 7.22 9.15b
-1 bc c c b c
D3: Bioameliorant dose 15 t ha 20.57 76.18 153.85 5.70 7.50 9.37b
-1 b b b b b
D4: Bioameliorant dose 20 t ha 21.90 82.93 167.77 5.70 8.52 9.45b
-1 a a a a a
D5: Bioameliorant dose 25 t ha 23.80 95.44 178.13 6.00 9.45 10.10a
HSD 5% 0.90 3.03 4.17 0.28 0.60 0.32
Table 1:- The average plant height and number of leaves at the age of 14, 28 and 42 DAP in the treatment of bioameliorant doses
(Note: The mean value followed by the same letter in the same column was not significantly different according to the 5% HSD

Bioameliorant treatment with a dose of 25 t ha -1 had a plant moisture. Meanwhile, according to Jumin (2006),
significant effect on the height and number of leaves of corn explains that the amount of water demand for each growth
plants. This can be seen from the effect on the treatment of phase is directly related to physiological processes,
the bioameliorant dose which shows that there are morphology and environmental factors.
significantly different plant heights.of bioameliorant
treatment-1 so as to produce the highest number of leaves. B. Soil Nutrient Concentration and Plant Nutrient Uptake
This is due to differences in the nutritional content they The
contain. In the treatment, higher doses of bioameliorant gave Results of the analysis of varianceshowed that the
better plant growth. This indicates that the treatment with a treatment dose of bioameliorant 25 t ha-1 had a significant
higher dose of bioameliorant provides sufficient availability effect compared to other doses on changes in soil nutrient
of high nutrients used by plants for their growth process concentration and nutrient uptake by plants (Table 2). The
(Syahrullah and Rachmat, 2017). This situation causes plants results of the HSD test at the 5% level showed that the
to obtain sufficient nutrients so that the increase in cell size treatment dose of bioameliorant 25 t ha-1 could increase the
can reach optimal levels and allows an increase in the optimal total N and P concentrations of available soil (1.83 and
height and number of leaves as well. According to Loveless 70.15 as well as plant nutrient uptake of N. and P
(2007), most plant growth is influenced by soil water content. (38.385 and 3.127 at 42 DAP. The highest and
Furthermore, according to Gardner et al., (2005), plant significantly different increase occurred in the 25 t ha -1.
growth generally fluctuates greatly, depending on the state of

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Soil nutrient concentration Plant nutrient uptake
Treatment Dose P available P (
N total( 1 N uptake (g kg-1) P uptake (g kg-1)
D0: Without bioameliorant) 0.895d 16,037e 23,255d 2,195f
-1 c d c
D1: Bioameliorant dose 5 t ha 1,055 17,240 28,240 2,295e
-1 c d bc
D2: Bioameliorant dose 10 t ha 1,057 17,272 32,610 2,395d
-1 c c b
D3: Bioameliorant dose 15 t ha 1,102 33,422 32,977 2,562c
-1 b b ab
D4: Bioameliorant dose 20 t ha 1,625 59,502 35,635 2,680b
-1 a a a
D5: Bioameliorant dose 25 t ha 1,830 70,155 38,385 3,127a
HSD 5% 0.043 0.137 3.081 0,017
Table 2:- The average concentration of nutrients and uptake of N and P at the treatment dose of bioameliorants aged 42 DAP
(Note: The mean value followed by the same letter in the same column is not significantly different according to the 5% HSD

Bioameliorant treatment with a dose of 25 t ha -1 will release more P in the soil, thereby increasing its availability.
increase the availability of total N and P nutrient The higher the P availability index means the higher the ratio
concentrations available in the soil and nutrient uptake by of P released (Afif et al. 1993). The results of this experiment
plants. In addition to the availability of nutrient are in line with the results of research by Sufardi (2001) who
concentrations in the soil, the air structure and soil air system found that organic matter treatment was able to increase the
also greatly affect the growth and development of plant roots. P availability index in Ultisol soils.
The development of a good plant root system greatly
determines the uptake of plant nutrients which will ultimately C. Development of mycorrhizae
determine the vegetative growth of plants. With the treatment The results of the analysis of varianceshowed that the
of bioameliorants containing mycorrhizae, the available P of effect of treatment with a dose of bioameliorant 25 t ha -1 was
the soil tends to show an increase. This indicates that there is significantly different according to the 5% HSD test
an ability of mycorrhizae in releasing soil P from a poorly compared to other bioameliorant doses on the parameters of
soluble form to a soluble form so that the available P the number of mycorrhizal spores and the percentage of root
increases. Mycorrhiza contained in bioameliorant is thought colonization at 42 DAP (Table 3). The value of the number
to be able to absorb P from mineral sources of P which is of spores and the highest percentage of colonization was
difficult to dissolve because it produces organic acids and found in the treatment of 25 t ha-1 bioameliorant dose, which
phosphatase enzymes. This compound is able to release P was 2824.25 spores per 100 g of soil and 75 percent of
bonds that are difficult to dissolve, such as Al-P and Fe-P so colonization. The value of the number of spores and the
that the availability of P increases (Sufardi et al, 2013). The lowest percentage of colonization was found in the control
highest availability of P was obtained in the bioameliorant treatment (without bioameliorant), which was 505.75
treatment at a dose of 25 t ha-1. The increased availability of spores/100 g soil and 50 percent colonization.
P indicated that the ameliorant dose treatment was able to

Treatment Dose Number of spores Colonization

D0: Without bioameliorant 505.75f 50.00e
-1 e
D1: Bioameliorant dose 5 t ha 904.50 55.00d
-1 d
D2: Bioameliorant dose 10 t ha 964.25 60, 00c
-1 c
D3: Bioameliorant dose 15 t ha 1106.50 62.50c
-1 b
D4: Bioameliorant dose 20 t ha 1285.50 70.00b
-1 a
D5: Bioameliorant dose 25 t ha 2824.25 75 ,00a
HSD 5% 4,919 1,776
Table 3:- Average number of spores (spores per 100 g of soil) and value of colonization (%-colonization) at 42 DAP for each dose
of bioameliorant (Note: The mean value followed by the same letter in the same column was not significantly different according
to the 5% HSD test.)

Biomeliorant treatment on corn plants contains soil microorganisms and is not dense, can support root
microorganisms that can ferment organic matter so as to growth through the soil through the pores of the soil so that
produce compounds that can be absorbed directly by plants. it can absorb water and dissolved nutrients. Another result is
In other words, microorganisms inoculated in the base the development of soil microorganisms is also getting better.
material work together to improve soil fertility by binding This indication was seen in the bioameliorant treatment at a
nitrogen from the air, consuming toxic gases. The results of dose of 25 t ha-1 of mycorrhizal development which was
the fermentation of these materials into organic compounds indicated by the number of spores per 100 g of soil and the
that can be absorbed by plants, produce antibiotic compounds higher percentage of root colonization (2824 spores and
that are toxic to disease and dissolve phosphate ions and other 75%) compared to the control, without bioameliorant (505
micro ions (Sirappa and Titahena, 2015). Furthermore, Oades spores and 50 spores). %).
(1993) stated that well-structured soil, which contains lots of

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
D. Wet and Dry Biomass Weight of Plants biomass weight of roots and plant shoots from 16.82 and
The results of the analysis of varianceshowed that the 140.10 g/plant to 24.17 and 271. ,77 g/plant. Meanwhile, the
treatment dose of bioameliorant 25 t ha-1 had a significant increase in dry biomass weight of roots and shoots from 3.89
effect on the increase in wet and dry biomass weight of roots and 19.83 g/plant to 10.27 and 62.47 g/plant, respectively.
and plant crowns compared to no bioameliorant treatment The highest increase in wet and dry biomass weight of roots
(Table 4). The results of the HSD test at the 5% level showed and plant shoots occurred at a dose of t ha-1 of bioameliorant
that the treatment with a dose of 25 t ha-1 compared to the treatment.
control (without bioameliorant) could increase the wet

Wet biomass Dry biomass

Treatment Dose
Roots shoot Roots shoot
D0: Without bioameliorants 16.82e 140.10e 3.89e 19.83e
D1: Bioameliorant dose 5 t ha-1 18.35d 152.26e 6, 18d 34.29d
-1 c d c
D2: Bioameliorant dose 10 t ha 20.18 166.66 7.26 41.43c
-1 b c b
D3: Bioameliorant dose 15 t ha 22.22 188.06 8.47 55.11b
-1 ab b b
D4: Bioameliorant dose 20 t ha 23.51 238.59 9.06 61.65a
-1 a a a
D5: Bioameliorant dose 25 t ha 24.17 271.77 10. 27 62.47a
HSD 5% 0.95 9.42 0.62 1.97
Table 4:- Average weight of wet and dry biomass of roots and shoots (g/plant) at 42 DAP for each dose bioameliorant (Note:
Value The mean followed by the same letter in the same column was not significantly different according to the 5% HSD test.

Treatment with a dose of bioameliorant fertilization at The main cause is that mycorrhizae can effectively increase
a dose of 25 t ha-1 showed the results of wet and dry biomass the absorption of nutrients, both macro and micro nutrients.
weight of roots and shoots the highest per plant, namely an In addition, mycorrhizal roots can absorb nutrients in bound
average of 24.17 g, 271.77 g and 10.27 g, 62.47 g, compared form and which are not available to plants (Anas, 1997).
to the control, without bioameliorant treatment, which
averaged only 16.82 g, 140.10 g and 3.89 g, 19.83 g only. E. Crop Yield
The higher the wet biomass weight, the higher the dry The results of the analysis of variance showed that the
biomass weight per corn plant. The dry biomass weight per treatment dose of bioameliorant 25 t ha-1 significantly
plant indicated a good response of the plant to the affected the increase in wet yield per plot and dry yield per
bioameliorant dosage treatment. This is indicated by the plant compared to the control treatment (Table 5). The results
increasing weight of wet and dry biomass of plant roots and of the HSD test at the 5% level showed that the treatment
shoots because it is suspected that higher doses of with a dose of 25 t ha-1 compared to the control (without
bioameliorant treatment can improve the physical, chemical bioameliorant) could increase the yield of wet cobs per plot
and biological conditions of the soil for the better (Maftu'ah from 2.55 kg per plot to 10.50 kg per plot, as well as the yield.
et al, 2013). The increase in wet weight and dry weight of wet biomass per plot increased from 7.025 kg per plot to
root and shoot stover in the bioameliorant treatment with 17.25 kg per plot. While the increase in dry cobs yield per
higher doses is thought to undergo decomposition process plant increased from 19.68 g per plant to 82.15 g per plant, as
more quickly, so that nutrients can be directly utilized by well as the dry grain yield per plant increased from 15.36 g
plants. In addition, plants that were given bioameliorant per plant to 58.70 g per plant. The highest increase in wet
containing mycorrhizae grew better than plants without yield per plot and dry yield per plant was obtained at a dose
bioameliorant treatment and without mycorrhizae (control). of 25 t ha-1 of bioameliorant treatment.

Wet yield per plot Dry yield per plant

Treatment Dose
Cob Biomass Cob Seed
D0: No bioameliorant 2.55f 7.025f 19.68f 15.36f
D1: Bioameliorant dose 5 t ha-1 5.50e 10.01e 45.64e 32.45e
-1 d d d
D2: Bioameliorant dose 10 t ha 7.37 11.03 53.53 40.28d
-1 c c c
D3: Bioameliorant dose 15 t ha 8.50 12.01 67.36 48.57c
-1 b b b
D4: Bioameliorant dose 20 t ha 9.37 14.02 77.61 51.05b
-1 a a a
D5: Bioameliorant dose 25 t ha 10.50 17.25 82.15 58.70a
HSD 5% 0.11 0.30 0.48 0.76
Table 5:- Average wet yield per plot (kg) and dry yield per plant (g) at each dose of bioameliorant (Note: The mean value
followed by the same letter in the same column is not significantly different according to the 5% HSD test.

In Table 5 it can be seen that the higher the dose of the formation of seeds and cobs. According to Bastiana et al.
bioameliorant, the higher the wet yield and the dry yield. This (2013) that the availability of nutrients in sufficient quantities
is due to the fulfillment of nutritional needs for plants in can increase the metabolic activity of plants so that they are
sufficient quantities so that the results of photosynthesis will more active in supporting the process of cob
be formed optimally. Photosynthate formed will be stored for enlargement.availabilityof phosphorus for plants can help the

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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Community Service at the University of Mataram for 22:1-20
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