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Improving Composting Process by Controlling Aeration Time: International Journal of Applied Chemistry January 2016

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Improving Composting Process By Controlling Aeration Time

Article  in  International Journal of Applied Chemistry · January 2016


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8 authors, including:

Khairul Bariyah Abd Hamid Mohd Huzairi Mohd Zainudin

International Islamic University Malaysia (Kuantan Campus) Universiti Putra Malaysia


Kamaruzzaman Yunus
International Islamic University Malaysia


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International Journal of Applied Chemistry. ISSN 0973-1792 Volume 12, Number 1 (2016) pp. 130-135
© Research India Publications

Improving Composting Process By Controlling

Aeration Time
*Khairul Bariyah Binti Abd Hamid Mohd Armi Abu Samah
Department of Biotechnology, Kulliyyah of Science Department of Biotechnology, Kulliyyah of Science
International Islamic University Malaysia International Islamic University Malaysia
Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang

Mohd Huzairi Mohd Zainudin Kamaruzzaman Yunus

Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture Department of Marine Science, Kulliyyah of Science
Universiti Putra Malaysia International Islamic University Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang

Abstract—Composting is a biological treatment process to has conducted a research on hospitality and food services, and
treat organic waste. There are many parameters that affecting it found that 920,000 tonnes of food is wasted at outlets each
process. Temperature, pH, aeration, moisture content and year, 75% of which is avoidable and could have been eaten. In
microorganism are a few factors controlling composting process. Malaysia, there are many research has been done regarding
Missing one of the parameter will result in incomplete process. waste. Most of the study shows that food waste dominates the
Thus, the objective of this study is to improving composting composition of the solid waste [11]. However, most of the
process by controlling one parameter of composting which is food waste will end up at the landfill without proper treatment.
aeration. Before starting the composting process, the food wastes
are spread on a canvas to drain out excess water. After that, the Unfortunately in Malaysia, Hamid et al. [1] stated that at
food wastes are grinded and let out to rest about 1 day under this moment, the authority is just trying to find the best
sunlight. 12 kg of grinded and dried food waste was thrown into solution to solve basic matter regarding the management of
composting bin and the first data was recorded. The food waste municipal solid waste (MSW) only. Even the issues of FW
in the composting bin has been rotated for 15 minutes and let to and MSW are the same which are very critical, the FW was
rest another 15 minutes. The data collection has been done for not treated separately from the MSW due to extremely limited
the total 53 hours in 3 days. Range for compost temperature, treatment and poorly MSW management in this country [1,2].
compost pH, surrounding temperature and surrounding relative It is the challenging task to separate the compostable item with
humidity during the process are 26°C - 45°C, 4.24 – 5.81, 26.4°C
the non-compostable ones if the culture within the community
– 35.2°C, and 54% - 81%, respectively. Results show that with
was not really aware about that importance. In Malaysia, more
the constant aeration time, time taken for composting process to
complete become shorter. Further research can be done to
than 50% of waste that being disposed to landfills is come
compare various aeration times for composting. Thus, we can from food waste. Abdullah et al. [3] stated that this waste has
come out with the standard of aeration of composting process. nutritious element and it is wasted if they cannot be converted
This will enhance the composting process technique that help to into useful thing and just be dumped to the landfills. In the
solve the problem of increasing food waste and prolong the other hand, develop countries like Japan and Korea are do
landfill lifetime. concerned about the management of waste and they segregate
their FW from the MSW. The segregated food waste is treated
Keywords—Aeration; Composting; Food waste to become another valuable thing which is compost.
Composting is one of the best and suitable ways to treat
I. INTRODUCTION the organic wastes. Compost is a humus-like substance
Composting is one of the treatments to treat increasing produced from the conversion of solid organic material under
volume of solid waste especially organic waste. As the world the controlled biological decomposition. The process of
population increased, the need for foods will also increase. composting is known to be environmental friendly method
This situation will lead and create to another thing which is that does not release any hazardous chemical which can affect
waste. Food waste (FW) is a current worldwide issue and it human health. Compost itself has many beneficial ingredients
will become a major problem to human if it is not managed that are crucial for organism like plants. Instead of reducing
properly. Food waste is one of the components that make up the investment to buy synthetic or chemical fertilizer from the
the solid waste stream in Malaysia [9]. Each year, food waste outsiders [4], the usage of compost can reduce the anxiousness
shows an increasing volume. Most of it will end up in landfill of people regarding the issues of environmental problems as
without proper management. In United Kingdom, WRAP [10] well as their health.

International Journal of Applied Chemistry. ISSN 0973-1792 Volume 12, Number 1 (2016) pp. 130-135
© Research India Publications

Even though there are many advantages when practicing

composting, this organic compost actually takes a longer time
to produce before it can be used [5,6]. Thus, it was assumed
that the market demand towards this product is less.
Furthermore, as many parameters need to be observed,
managing of food waste composting was not easy. Other
studies done by researchers found that optimized formulation
and composition of food waste was suitable to overcome the
problem occurs during composting process as well as to
increase the composting performance [7,3]. The optimized
condition of food waste composting can be done through the
uses of aeration to control the time taken for composting to
Fig. 2 Composting Bin Design

Humidity and temperature recorder (RH 520) by Extech
A. Research Framework Instruments (Fig. 3) were used to record the surrounding
temperature and RH values. The recorder was set up 50 cm
In this study, the food waste was collected from the café
from ground.
and brought to study site at INOCEM Research Station (IRS).
At the site, the food waste was spread out to drain excess
water and was grinded using heavy duty commercial blender.
After the food waste was grinded, it will lay out to dry under
direct sunlight for 1 day. 20 kg of grinded and dried food
waste will be thrown into composting bin. The bin will be
rotate in 5 minutes and rest for 15 minutes. Result will show
temperature, pH, and moisture content value in hour basis.
Fig. 1 shows the framework of this research.

Fig. 3 Humidity and temperature recorder.

To record compost temperature, digital thermometer

(GMH 11150) was used as shown in Fig. 4. The probe was
Fig. 1 Research Framework. stab into compost and wait around 10-15 second before taking

B. Study Site and Sampling

All the fieldwork and laboratory work was done at the
Inocem Research Station (IRS). It is located at Kg. Cherok
Paloh. Sampling was done in 3 days.

C. Apparatus and Equipment Used

For the composting bin, a tank with a height of 40cm,
width of 90cm and length of 90cm was installed with a rotator.
The rotator was built using PVC pipe as shown in Fig. 2.

International Journal of Applied Chemistry. ISSN 0973-1792 Volume 12, Number 1 (2016) pp. 130-135
© Research India Publications

Fig. 4 Digital Thermometer. Fig. 5 pH meter.

For pH readings, as shown in Fig. 5, pH meter by Mettler All the parameters reading except moisture content were
Toledo was used. The probe was dip into compost mix in taken every 1 hour. For moisture content, the reading was
deionized water with 1:5 ratio weight/volume. taken every 24 hours. Fig. 6 shows the flow during

Fig. 6 Flow of Composting Process.

International Journal of Applied Chemistry. ISSN 0973-1792 Volume 12, Number 1 (2016) pp. 130-135
© Research India Publications

37 33 4.47 28.7 75
III. RESULT & DISCUSSION 38 32 4.51 28.8 78
Total data recorded during sampling is 73 data in 3 days. 39 33 4.50 28.5 76
Table I shows all the parameter recorded during sampling. The 40 31 4.53 27.1 81
highest compost temperature recorded is 44°C while the 41 36 4.51 26.8 83
lowest is 28°C. pH for compost shows the highest at 5.33 and 42 37 4.59 26.6 82
the lowest at 4.40. For surrounding temperature and RH, the 43 38 4.63 26.1 84
highest is 35.3°C and 85%, while the lowest is 25.7°C and
44 34 5.22 25.7 85
57%, respectively.
45 32 5.11 25.8 85
46 35 5.21 31.3 68
47 39 5.24 34.1 59
TIME COMPOST AMBIENT 49 42 5.13 31.6 69
(HRS) 50 44 5.33 33.8 62
(°C) (°C) (%) 51 36 5.09 33.1 64
52 40 5.28 31.8 63
1 39 4.53 33.5 59 53 37 5.20 32.0 67
2 39 4.48 32.7 60 54 34 5.15 31.1 69
3 35 4.50 31.6 62 55 35 5.18 30.2 71
4 35 4.43 32.2 63 56 33 5.20 29.6 76
5 34 4.36 31.0 67 57 33 5.23 29.3 78
6 31 4.40 30.3 68 58 32 5.16 29.4 77
7 29 4.49 29.5 71 59 31 5.25 29.3 77
8 29 4.44 28.7 75 60 30 5.27 29.0 80
9 29 4.53 28.7 76 61 31 5.28 28.9 78
10 28 4.51 28.7 76 62 31 5.25 29.0 78
11 28 4.55 28.7 77 63 32 5.21 28.8 79
12 28 4.51 28.8 76 64 31 5.22 28.6 77
13 29 4.52 28.6 76 65 34 5.20 28.4 77
14 30 4.52 28.7 77 66 34 5.24 28.6 77
15 30 4.52 28.4 76 67 32 5.23 28.6 77
16 31 4.50 28.2 76 68 31 5.28 26.9 84
17 32 4.49 28.2 77 69 29 5.25 29.1 76
18 31 4.50 28.2 78 70 32 5.15 32.1 66
19 31 4.47 28.3 77 71 34 5.25 33.1 62
20 32 4.54 28.0 76 72 36 5.23 31.8 66
21 30 4.53 27.5 78 73 39 5.08 33.3 62
22 30 4.49 29.9 71
23 33 4.51 33.4 60
24 35 4.50 33.1 61
Fig. 7 shows the graph of compost temperature versus time.
Based on the figure, the graph shows a fluctuate line. As for
25 34 4.55 33.0 60
Fig. 8, it also show a fluctuate line and in increasing manner
26 37 4.52 33.2 58 for graph of compost pH versus time. For Fig. 9 (Graph of
27 39 4.49 33.0 60 ambient temperature versus time) and Fig. 10 (Graph of
28 40 4.72 32.2 64 ambient relative humidity versus time), it related to each other.
29 34 4.53 31.6 65 If ambient temperature is high, ambient relative humidity will
30 34 4.48 30.7 68 low and if ambient temperature is low, ambient relative
31 31 4.50 30.2 72 humidity is high.
32 33 4.51 29.3 74
33 31 4.49 29.3 78
34 32 4.42 29.1 77
35 32 4.54 29.1 76
36 33 4.55 28.8 75

International Journal of Applied Chemistry. ISSN 0973-1792 Volume 12, Number 1 (2016) pp. 130-135
© Research India Publications

Fig. 7 Graph of Temperature vs. Time Fig. 9 Graph of Ambient Temperature vs. Time

Fig. 8 Graph of Compost pH vs. Time Fig. 10 Graph of Ambient Relative Humidity vs. Time

All of the graph (Fig. 7, 8, 9, and 10) was combined in Fig. 11.
Based on the graph, temperature for composting are higher
than temperature in surrounding. As for surrounding relative
humidity, an increasing value indicated that ambient
temperature was decreasing while decreasing value indicated
that ambient temperature was increasing.

Fig. 11 Graph of Overall Parameters Data vs. Time

International Journal of Applied Chemistry. ISSN 0973-1792 Volume 12, Number 1 (2016) pp. 130-135
© Research India Publications

provide workplace and facility. Lastly, my thanks go for the

TABLE II. MOISTURE CONTENT DATA FOR EACH DAY OF people who are helping directly or indirectly in order to finish
SAMPLING this paper. Thanks for everything.
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Armi Abu Samah for supervising and advising me. Also, Real Data Composition of Municipal Solid Waste Generated in
thanks to Head of INOCEM Research Station (IRS) for Balakong, Selangor, Malaysia. Life Science Journal. 10(4). 2013.


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