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Autoliv Preliminary Risk Analysis

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Nature of JOB : Construction of precast compound wall Date 08.07.2021
Name of the Contractor : M/s: SRI PROJECTSS Location: AUTOLIV, Badli, Jhajjar.
Name of Safety Officer : Contractor General Manager
Sequence of Job / Job Steps Activity Photographs Potential Hazard Recommended Control Measures Responsibility

1. Safety shoes and other PPE's should be used

2.Take care, be observant, avoid ants nests, bee nests, do not handle any wild
animals. Look before putting hand under rocks, logs or into dense vegetation.First
1) Injury to leg by excavation tool kit must be on site. Wear protective clothing, long sleeves, long trousers, Safety
2) Animals,ants, bees, flies, mosquitoes, shoes and gloves. All volunteers to know first aid for snake/spider bite. Be aware of
snakes,spiders-Bites and stings 3) potential for allergic reactions. If allergic, carry medication and alert others to your
Excavation work by manual labour (Excavation
1 Falling object or person in excavated pit. condition. Be informed of diseases transmitted by ticks & Mosquitoes. Mr. Saybanna Lonar
depth limited to 2 Ft)
4) Underground 3. Inspect the soil condition before excavation. Aware
services like pipeline/live cables damage volunteer about excavation. barricading should be done. proper nomenclature
5) Poor posture boards should be in place. 4.
Check for underground services befor starting work. Isolate services as need
through authorised permit. 5. Methodolgy of
activity should be explained properly to volunteers.

A) 1. Insure all team members are attain the TBT before deploy the work.
2. Use all mandatory PPE and job specific PPE.
3. Ensure work under supervision. 4.
Ensure first aide facility is therre on site. B) 5.
A) i. Slip hazard, ii. Trip hazard, iii. Snake bite, Segregation of vehicle and pedestrian routes.
iv. Earth collapse. B) i. 6. All open pits to be barricaded and warning signage to be provided.
Hit by moving vehicle, ii.fall of vehicle into pit, 7. Vehicle speed limited to 15kmph throughout site.
iii. Overspeeding of vehicle, iv. Struck of 8. proper approach road with good compation strength need
Concreting- A) Area cleaning vehicle to access road. C) i. Fall of to be provided for vehicle. C)
B)Route plan for workers into excavation, ii. Fall of material into 9. Provided warning signage near excavation.
material and vehicle movement C) Access excavation. D) i. Chemical 10. Excavated material should be kept 1.5 m away from the pit.
of workers into excavated area D) burns to body, ii. Dermatitis D) 11. Use safety goggles, gum boot while doing PCC.
2 Mr. Saybanna Lonar
Pouring PCC diseases. E) i. Manual 12. Wash the effected body parts with water immediately after
E) Installation of footing mats reinforcement. handling of footing mats, ii. Cut injury to concret burs.
F) Installation of shuttering work for body parts. F) i. Manual 13. Use anti itching cream or lotion over itching body part.
footing mat. G) Poring RCC handling, ii. slip,trip & Fall, iii. impalement of E) 14.Always use buddy system while handling uneven size materials.
nails. G) Concrete burns, 15. use good ergonomous postures while handling rebar
ii. Traping of legs into mats, iii. Incompetent and tie wires. 16. Use mandatory cut resistance hand gloves
worker deployment, iv. sprain and strain on 17. Competent person should be deployed.
body parts F) 18. use proper lifting techniques.
19. Use cut resistance handgloves.
20. unwanted nails to be denailed or removed. G) 21.
use safety goggles and gum boots. 22. Engage only
trained workers for concreting
1. TBT should be conducted by superviser. 2.
Loading/unloading should be done in strict supervision.
3. Loading and unloading of material from vehicle should be done with
trained people. 4.
PPE's and cut resistance hand gloves should be used
5. Ensure that overloading is prevevnted 6.
Secure all material properly 7.
1) Imroper loading of material
Barricade loading/unloading areas & use hard barricade wherever required
2) slip and fall.
Erection of column And Pannel- A)Transportation of 8. Use proper sign boards
3) cut injury by sharp edged material
of precast column/material (Loading/offloading of 9. No unauthorised person
3 4) personel injury due to slip 5) Mr. Saybanna Lonar
material) B) Erection/Lifting of column should be allowed 10. All drivers/operators have
Roll down of material 6)
valid driving liscense 11. Ladder will be
Unauthorised people in work area
used to go up on trailer 12. No passanger allowed
to travel on back of trailer 13. Speed limits
to be followed 14. Proper acces
should be provided from storagr to erection area 15. Cut
resistance handgloves and other require PPE's should be used for loading/unloading
purpose 16. 4 person on trailer
and 4 person on ground should assigned for loading/unloading of members.

4 Fixing of support / angle (Welding or Fastening) 1. Cuts from wire 1. Use proper fall protection system (Safety harness).
with concertina coil.- A) Transport Concertina coil 2. Wire uncoiling 2. Inspect working platform prior to use.
and barbed wire. B) Welding of angle to receive coil, 3. Electrical shocks and falls 3. Avoid leaving loose materials on scaffolding platform.
C) Drill holes for eye bolts D) String coil and barbed 4.Droping down of materials. 4. Remove all flammable and
wire 5.Burn injury. combustible material away from hot work area.
6.Fire hazards 6. Availability of fire extinguisher.
7. 7. Check for damage cables or machines.
Electric shocks. 8.Take correct working posture Mr. Saybanna Lonar
8.Working under hot and humid climate 9.Availability of drinking water and take frequent breaks.
10. Use appropriate hand gloves.
11. Use of fire extinguisher near welding area.
12. Use safety goggles and PPE's.


Prepared by Reviewed by Reviewed by Reviewed and Approved by

CONTRACTOR EHS Engineer CONTRACTOR Project Manager AUTOLIVProject Manager AUTOLIV EHS Manager

Mr. Saybanna Lonar

Mr. Saybanna Lonar

Mr. Saybanna Lonar

Mr. Saybanna Lonar

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