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How To Use The Apo Alert Monitor For Reporting

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How to Use the APO Alert Monitor for Reporting

By Shaun Snapp, Supply Chain Consulting
Editor's Note: One of the most compelling parts of the new SAP market is seeing users begin to take advantage of the "hidden" features within (now) robust solutions such as APO. In this excellent "how to" article, APO expert Shaun Snapp tells readers how to take advantage of the APO Alert Monitorspecifically the lesser-known "database alerts"for improved reporting and analysis. Properly used, these reporting tools can be used to identify and compare areas of "overcoverage," leading to better inventory control and less overstocking. This is the kind of bottom-line benefit that is allowing savvy users to yield some tangible benefits by "digging deeper" into functionality they have already paid for, but may not be fully utilizing. Release 2.0, alerts are now macrodependent and thus can reflect the actual data in liveCache. This alert type is NOT suitable for dealing with large volumes of alerts because large numbers slow down performance." "Database alerts show the planning situation as it was during the planning run, or last executed macro. When dealing with large data volumes, it is best to perform a batch-planning run using the appropriate database macro. The results of the planning run show the situation as it was at the time of the run, in other words, with database alerts you see a snapshot of the plan during run time."2 Alerts in APO have been designed to provide a strong reporting functionality that moves the Alert Monitor away from being merely an interactive tool and into an analytical tool. Since most SAP customers are familiar with using the Alert Monitor for its dynamic capabilities, this paper will explain how to use the lesser-used, but extremely useful, database alerts. We will cover the basic setup for running database alerts in the Alert Monitor. Then a real life project problem will be illustrated and addressed.

Since most SAP customers are familiar with using the Alert Monitor for its dynamic capabilities, this paper will explain how to use the lesser-used, but extremely useful, database alerts.
every alert as a pre-written report that you can use to perform an overall diagnosis of the APO planning results. This is critical to catching both systematic planning problems and inconsistencies both pre-go-live, and to a somewhat lesser degree, during the support phase of an APO project. There are two kinds of APO Alerts: Dynamic Alerts and Database Alerts. Some SAP customers find it difficult to distinguish the two, so the following definitions from may be helpful: "Dynamic alerts mirror the current planning situation but are not stored in the database. In contrast to the SNP alerts in APO

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APO Alerts for Reporting Many APO users are familiar with using APO Alerts for automating feedback after planning runs. In this way, the monitor provides advanced warning of problems with the plan related to "material, capacity, transportation, and storage constraints"1 and provides the intelligence necessary to allow users to take action. This is why the Alert Monitor was originally created and indeed is the focus of the SAP online help section on how to use the Alert Monitor. However, the Alert Monitor is equally effective in providing a snapshot picture of the plan results. You can look at
1 Definition from

Configuring Alerts Our first step is to review what alerts are available to us in the Alert Monitor. We do this by finding the Alert Monitor under Supply Chain Monitoring. (See Figure 1.) 2 Definition from

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After double clicking on the Alert Monitor, we are taken to the screen in Figure 2. As you can see from Figure 2, the screen we are taken to is not very instructive. However, once you have a simple translation of the buttons that are listed in Figure 2, you will be able to navigate this easily. The "Settings" button actually means "Where you go to select and activate an Alert Profile." The "Maintain profile" Figure 1: APO Menu Supply Chain Monitoring button means "Create New Profiles." The "Refresh alerts" button means "Run the Alert Profile." Lets start with the Maintain profile (Create New Profiles). By clicking on this button, we are taken to the screen in Figure 3. On the left-hand side of Figure 3, we have the categories that the various alerts are lumped into, and on the right, we have a selection box (at top) for previously saved alerts, and below that, the specific alerts to be configured. Creating and saving a single alert is called creating an alert profile. The alert profiles are categorized by APO module: ATP Forecast SDP (TLB) Transportation Load Builder PP/DS VS (Vehicle Scheduling)


Figure 2: Display Alerts Initial Screen

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The categorization is important because the types of alerts that can be selected change per module. For instance, the Transportation Load Builder alerts listed in Figure 4 would be nonsensical if applied to ATP and vice versa. Each module has its own set of mostly mutually exclusive alerts (or KPIs, if you like) that are germane to its area of APO. A quick perusal between the various alert categories demonstrates that the monitor is capable of a wide variety of alerts. APO Version 3.1 has 42 different alerts just for the PP/DS module. However, like most things, you will find that just a few represent the majority of the alert profiles that you Figure 3: Alert Change (and Create) Screen will create. Our case study will be using two of these alerts within the PP/DS module to address some common project issues.


The Planning Question The question that all good APO planners must tackle is whether the system is planning in a way that maximizes the use of production and transportation resources while keeping inventory as low as possible and meeting demand in a timely manner. Because the main interface for users looking for inventory, production, Figure 4: and movement history is the Product View transaction, one can receive a misimpression of how APO is actually planning the entire network. Fig-

TLB Alert Alternatives in the Alert Profile Change Screen

ure 5 shows an example of the Product view, transaction /n/SAPAPO/RRP3.

The product view is the natural transaction for looking at an individual factory and provides

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the capability of drilling down in order to see the pegging structure (the relationship between demands and pegged or assigned inventory). The Alert Monitors strengths are the opposite of the product view. The Alert Monitor culls the entire network (if you configure it that way) to find problems. This is like casting out a net in search of fish instead of pole fishing. Therefore the Alert Monitor and product view3 work in conjunction, one telling you where the problem is and the other providing a detailed view of the problem to figure out what went wrong. This is where reports like the Database Alert Monitor come into play.


Creating Custom Alerts Now that we have set the background of our two tools (the Alert Monitor and the product view), its time to get into our case study and create an alert profile. In this example, planners have been concerned because they have seen individual examples (in the product view) of what they deem as unnecessary excess production. Therefore, we want to determine if we have system-wide excess stock and/or production at the factory and warehouse overages. That is, we want to know if the system is habitually making the error of planning overages. We can determine if APO currently has these two overages with two different Alert Monitor reports.

Figure 5: The Product View for One Factory

Excess Production The first step is to select the correct category of alerts to configure our report. Since we are concerned with stock and production, we will select the Figure 6: PP/DS Alert Change (Create) Profile
3 Some may argue that the planning book, rather than the product view, can be better for detailed analysis. It really depends what you are checking. The planning book definitely has extra segmentation of stock; however, for the overall stock/inventory position and particularly the movement history between locations, the product view is what to use.
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PP/DS category by selecting it from the Change profile screen on the left-hand side of the screen. (See Figure 6.) When scrolling through the various alerts, the first thing you may notice is the large number of different reports within APO. You can combine reports to get very specific responses. You can also create a complex combined report that looks for multiple issues in one alert profile. By scrolling down the Alert screen of the PP/DS category, we can find "order creates overcoverage." We will select this category. Because we only want overages when they are substantial, we will want the variance to be higher than 5%. Next we need to set the limit of our Alert report. To do this, we move towards the Selection area below the alert listing box. In

Figure 8: Selection ID and Explanatory Text Dialog Box


essence, we are creating a variant to control for what we intend to run the alerts. For the Product, Locations, Production planner, and ATP categories, I recommend selecting the selection buttons to the right of the input boxes in Figure 6). The dialog box that appears as a response is shown in Figure 7. Since we want a global view, we will place an "*" in the internal character value field, meaning that we want to look at all products. Once you attempt to save your selection, you will receive the dialog box in Figure 8. Within the screen that asks for a "Selection ID and an Explanatory Text," we enter descriptive values to properly name our parameter. We will then save the selection as ALL PRODUCTS.

Figure 7: The Selection Variant

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We will go through the same process for the Locations parameter. This will leave us with an alert that searches only Warehouses and Factories called ALL WAREHOUSES + FACT. We will then select the ATP categories that represent production and stock and call this selection PRODUCTION + STOCK. We leave the parameters of Prod parameter empty because we do not want to restrict the search on those parameters. By saving this variant, as shown in Figure 9, we are now ready to run our Alert Monitor Profile. The alert profile has been saved. We can now Figure 9: Product Selection with a New Saved Profile Called PROD + STOCK execute the new profile by "green arrowing" out of the Change Profile screen, which will take us back to the Display Alerts Screen listed in Figure 10. From here, we select the Refresh Alerts button, which takes us to Figure 11. The Display Alerts screen is the main screen for running our saved alert profiles. From here, we select the PP/DS Alert Profile that we have just created called PROD + STOCK. We then select the appropriate planning version and set the time horizon for which we want alerts. In our scenario, our CTM run looks out 18 months, so we will want alerts for that period, as shown in Figure 12.


Figure 10: Display Alerts Screen

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Figure 11: Display Alerts Screen


Figure 12: Display Alerts Screen

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The report view that we see in Figure 12 is not immediately very helpful. To get a better view, we will need to double click "Location product view" in the upper lefthand corner, which will display all products. We then click the header to the "all product" list, which will bring up the full report viewed in Figure 13. Here all the alerts now appear. This report is quite flexible, with all the sorting and filtering capabilities of similar APO row and column views. In most cases, you will want to use the summation feature in order to get a total "global" value for the (overstock in this case) Key Figure4 that you are reporting on. To do this, high- Figure 13: Display Alerts Screen with All Products Selected

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light the columns you intend to sum and select the green summation sign button, which is the header of the spreadsheet as listed in Figure 14. Any of the columns can be filtered by right-mouse clicking on the column heading. Its often good to have some values handy such as yearly sales, sales by weight, etc., in order to have the ability to compare the results against a meaningful business number. In order to answer our question of whether overcoverages are habitually being created, a more powerful analysis of individual optimization, CTM runs, PP/DS runs, etc., can be performed by summing the actual quantities and placing it as the denominator over a figure such as gross sales. Currently, there is no facility in the SAP Alert Monitor to perform this analysis, but the Alert results


Figure 14: Summed Values for Quantities Screen

4 Key Figure or quantities, such as sales revenue, fixed costs, sales quantity, or number of employees. In addition to the key figures saved on the database, you have the option of defining derived (calculated) key figures in the query definition in the Business Explorer. Such key figures are calculated using a formula from the key figures of the InfoCube. Examples of derived key figures are "sales revenue per employee" (sales revenue divided by number of employees), "variance as a percentage", or "contribution margin". Source: SAP Help
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can be easily copied into Excel for these purposes. This requires running successive database alerts and copying and pasting the results into Excel with the results listed in Figure 15.

Conclusion The Alert Monitor is both a tool for on-line alerts as well as a key tool for reporting on APO planning results. Using the alert report tool serves as an analytical counterbalance to the often-used Product View (which focuses on a narrow slice of the plan.) The alert report can be run for many different products, locations, and other characteristics.
Using the Database Alert Monitor, SAP has provided a broad range of alerts to develop reports around. What has been demonstrated in this paper is just how to set up the alerts and use them for analysis. These alerts are categorized by APO submodule, and are specific to the needs and function-

ality of those modules. In order to best leverage the Alert Monitor, one needs to spend some time looking through the many options offered in the profile view. Having done this, one can present the exact alert reports that meet the users current needs, or, in some cases, present targeted position reports that the user had not even considered. Shaun Snapp, Supply Chain Consulting. Shaun has worked in systems consulting since 1997. Having worked on large advanced planning projects for 6 years, Shaun has focused on SAP's Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) since 2001. Shaun can be reached at

Using the Database Alert Monitor, SAP has provided a broad range of alerts to develop

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reports around.


From this analysis, we were able to compare the overcoverage created by different CTM runs (thereby determining when the engine tended to create more overcoverage, and also comparing the overall system wide overages to historical averages and to the clients yearly sales. Our conclusion was that the APO system was not habitually overproducing. Once we determined we did not have a system-wide problem, we were able to use the PROD + STOCK profile to direct us to the right product and location combinations where overcoverages were occurring. The final analysis directed us to re-evaluate our minimum lot sizes that were causing the individual instances of overcoverage.

Figure 15: Example of Comparative Excel Spreadsheet That Displays Overstock Alerts
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