Basic Consol - Tutorial Q 82022
Basic Consol - Tutorial Q 82022
Basic Consol - Tutorial Q 82022
Question 1
Prem plc is the holding company of Talia Ltd. The two companies do not trade with each
other. Prem plc purchased its interest in the share capital and debentures of Talia Ltd on the
incorporation of that company.
The statements of financial position of the two companies at 31 January 2021 are as follows:
Prem plc Talia Ltd
$000 $000 $000 $000
Non current Assets
Freehold land 250 90
Plant 110 80
Investment in Talia Ltd 90 cancel these figure because-it become zero
450 170
Current Assets
Inventory 190 70
Receivables Dividends and Interest 98 37 minus 13.6-1.2=22.2
Cash at bank 102 -
390 107
840 277
Ordinary shares of $1 250 100
Retained earnings 260 50
510 150
Non-current liabilities
8% debentures 100
12% debentures subsidiary - 25 minus 10 debts
Current liabilities
Overdraft at Y bank - 10
Trade payables 107 57
Interest payable 8 3 minus 1.2=1.8
Proposed dividends 40 17 minus 13.6=3.4
Corporation tax 75 15
230 102
840 277
Prem plc has recorded its share of the proposed dividends and interest due from Talia in
receivables. There is no goodwill for this question.
Prepare the Consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 January 2021
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Basic Consolidation Tutorial Questions
Question 2
The draft statements of financial position of Frank Ltd and Ben Ltd as at 31 December 2020
were as follows:
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables 23,200 7,600
Dividend payable 6,000 29,200 2,000 9,600
141,700 44,600
1. Frank plc acquired its investment in Ben Ltd of 19,600,000 ordinary shares for
$33 million on 1 January 2018. The balance on Ben Ltd’s retained earnings at the
date of acquisition was $5,100,000.
2. The fair value of the property, plant & equipment of Ben Ltd at 1 January 2018 was
$32,000,000. The book value of the property, plant & equipment of Ben Ltd at 1
January 2018 was $28,000,000. The revaluation has not been recorded in the books of
Ben Ltd. The property, plant and equipment are depreciated over 10 years
3. Frank plc purchased goods from Ben Ltd for $20,000,000 during the year ended 31
December 2020. 40% of these remained in inventory at the year end. Ben Ltd had
sold these at its normal margin of 25%.
4. Frank plc is of the opinion that the goodwill is impaired and has fallen by 10% of its
value at the acquisition date.
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Basic Consolidation Tutorial Questions
Prepare the consolidated statement of Financial Position for the Frank Group as at 31st
December 2020
Question 3
On 1 October 2019 Purple Plc bought 45,000 ordinary shares in Scarlett Ltd paying $140,000
cash, when the retained earnings of Scarlett were $56,000.The summarised statements of
financial position for the two companies as at 30 September 2021 are:
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 138,000 115,000
Investments 162,000
Current assets
Inventory 15,000 17,000
Receivables 19,000 20,000
Bank and cash 2,000
336,000 152,000
Ordinary $0.50 shares 114,000 30,000
Share premium 40,000 10,000
Retained earnings 149,000 72,000
303,000 112,000
Non-current liabilities
8% Debentures 20,000
Current liabilities
Payables 33,000 20,000
336,000 152,000
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Basic Consolidation Tutorial Questions
1. The inventory of Scarlett includes $8,000 of goods purchased from Purple at cost plus
2. Purple sold goods with a total value of $24,000 during the year to Scarlett
3. At the date of acquisition the fair values of the net assets of Scarlett were not materially
different from their book values apart from buildings, which had a fair value of $24,000
more than their carrying value. These buildings had a remaining useful life of six years
at the date of acquisition. The group policy is to depreciate non-current assets on a
straight line basis over their remaining useful economic life.
a.) Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position of the Purple group as at 30
September 2021.
b) Prepare the consolidated income statement for the P group for the year ending 30th
September 2021.
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Basic Consolidation Tutorial Questions
Question 4
The draft statements of financial position of two companies as at 31 December 2021 were as
Equity shares of 50 cents each 87,500 12,000
Share premium 27,500 10,800
Retained earnings 39,125 28,400
154,125 51,200
Non-current liabilities
4% Debentures 2030 75,000 10,000
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables 45,750 8,480
Interest payable - 400
Dividend payable 1,250 47,000 - 8,880
276,125 70,080
Their draft statements of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December 2021 were:
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Basic Consolidation Tutorial Questions
1. Marina plc acquired its investment in Sohail Ltd on 1 January 2016. The investment
19,200,000 ordinary shares for $62.5 million
2,500,000 debentures for $2.5 million
2. The balance on Sohail Ltd’s retained earnings at the date of acquisition was
3. Marina plc purchased goods from Sohail Ltd for $8,000,000 during the year ended 31
December 2021. All of these remained in inventory at the year end. Sohail Ltd had sold
these at its normal margin of 20%.
4. Marina plc is of the opinion that the goodwill should be impaired by 25%.
Question 5
The statements of financial position of two companies as at 31 December 2021 were as follows:
Equity shares of 20 cents each 90,000 14,000
Share premium 30,000 7,000
Retained earnings 45,200 30,400
165,200 51,400
Non-current liabilities
4% Debentures 2029 60,000 10,000
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables 51,600 7,200
Interest payable 2,400 400
54,000 7,600
Total equity and liabilities 279,200 69,000
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Basic Consolidation Tutorial Questions
The statements of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December 2021 were:
1. Zinga plc acquired its investment in Gandhi Ltd on 1 January 2015. The investment
42,000,000 20 cents ordinary shares for $50,000,000
3,000,000 $1 debentures for $3,000,000
2. The balance on Gandhi Ltd’s retained earnings at the date of acquisition was $20,600,000.
3. Zinga plc purchased goods from Gandhi Ltd for $10,000,000 during the year ended 31
December 2021. One half of these remained in inventory at the year end. Gandhi Ltd had sold
these to Zinga plc at its normal gross profit margin of 20%.
4. Zinga plc is of the opinion that the goodwill has been impaired by 10%.
Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position and statement of comprehensive income for
the Zinga Group as at 31st December 2021.
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Basic Consolidation Tutorial Questions
Question 6
The statement of Financial position of Hip-Hip Bhd and Hooray Bhd as at 31 December 2021
is as follows
Current Liabilities
Trade payable 40 45
Tax payable 10 15
550 400
Prepare the consolidated statement of Financial Position of Hip Hip Bhd as at 31 December
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Basic Consolidation Tutorial Questions
Question 7
The summarised financial statements for two companies at 31 March 2022 are:
Moon Beam
RM’000 RM’000
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 294,000 227,300
Investments 264,000 -
Current assets
Inventories 51,700 55,650
Current account- Beam 31,000 -
Dividend receivable 17,280
Trade receivables 34,200 37,000
Bank 25,900 31,150
----------- -----------
718,080 351,100
====== ======
Equities and liabilities
Ordinary shares of RM 1 each 330,000 180,000
Revaluation reserve 83,600 -
Retained earnings 123,500 72,000
Non-current liabilities
10% Loan notes 100,500 -
Current liabilities
Trade payables 35,780 38,750
Current account-Moon 30,000
Proposed dividends 26,400 21,600
Taxation payable 18,300 8,750
----------- -----------
718,080 351,100
====== ======
Statements of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 March 2022
Moon Beam
RM’000 RM’000
Revenue 420,000 140,500
Cost of sales 300,200 66,700
----------- -----------
Gross profit 119,800 73,800
Operating expenses 60,000 35,900
Finance cost 10,050 1,000
Dividend income from Beam 17,280 -
---------- -----------
Profit before tax 67,030 36,900
Income tax expense 7,200 3,100
--------- ---------
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Basic Consolidation Tutorial Questions
Prepare for the Moon group
(a) the consolidate statement of comprehensive income for the year
to 31 March 2022 and
(10 marks)
(b) a consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 March 2022
(15 marks)
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