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CS19541-Computer Networks

Unit 1

Text Books:-
1. Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 5e
- Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie
2. Data communications and networking
- Behrouz A Forouzan. - 5th ed.

CS19541 - Computer Networks 5

Computer Networks?
 Computer network is a collection
of computers and devices
[computer terminals, printers,
audio or visual display devices, or
telephones] connected by
communications channel that
facilitates communications among
users and allows users to share
resources with other users.

Why Networking?
 Sharing of information:-
 Data Communication
 Do you prefer this??

 Or this??

Advantages of Networking?
 Sharing hardware or software
E.g. print document

 Centralize administration and support

E.g. Internet-based, so everyone can access the same
administrative or support application from their PCsInformation
Technology Center


 Process of sending and receiving messages
 Human Communication
 Data Communication:-
exchange of data between two devices via some form of
transmission medium such as a wire cable.
 Local
Devices in the same or restricted area
 Remote
Farther apart

Effectiveness [Characteristics]of a data
1. Delivery
Is jitter good or
2. Accuracy
3. Timeliness
4. Jitter
Delivery: The system must deliver data to correct destination.
Accuracy: The system must deliver data accurately.
Timeliness: The system must deliver data in a timely manner.
Jitter is defined as a variation in the delay of received packets
Components of a data communication system

 Source: It is the transmitter of data. Some examples are Terminal, Computer,
and Mainframe.
 Medium: The communications stream through which the data is being
transmitted. Some examples are: Cabling, Microwave, Fiber optics, Radio
Frequencies (RF), Infrared Wireless
 Receiver: The receiver of the data transmitted. Some examples are Printer,
Terminal, Mainframe, and Computer.
 Message: It is the data that is being transmitted from the Source/Sender
to the Destination/ Receiver.
 Protocol: It is steps that are to be followed for sending the data from the data
and as well as interpreting the data received.

 DCE:
 Data Communication Equipment
 Interface between the Source & the Medium, and the Medium & the
 modems
 DTE:
 Data Terminal Equipment
 Telecommunication name given to the Source and Receiver's
 it can be a terminal, microcomputer, computer, printer, fax, machine
or any other device that generates or consumes digital data.

Direction of Data Flow Data flow is the flow of
data between 2 points

 In this type of data communication the data flows in only one direction on the
data communication line (medium).
 A device can only send the data but cannot receive it or it can receive the data
but cannot send the data.
 Examples are Keyboard, Monitor, Radio and Television broadcasts
 Advantage of Simplex mode:
 station can utilize the entire bandwidth of the communication channel, so that more
data can be transmitted at a time.
 Disadvantage of Simplex mode:
 Communication is unidirectional, so it has no inter-communication between

 In this type of data communication the data flows in both directions but
at a time in only one direction on the data communication line.
 Example Conversation on walkie-talkies is a half-duplex data flow.
 Advantage of Half-duplex mode:
 Both the devices can send and receive the data and also can utilize the entire
bandwidth of the communication channel during the transmission of data.
 Disadvantage of Half-Duplex mode:
 When one device is sending the data, then another has to wait, this causes
the delay in sending the data at the right time.

 In this type of data communication the data flows in both directions
 Example Telephones and Modems
 Advantage of Full-duplex mode:
 Both the stations can send and receive the data at the same time.
 Disadvantage of Full-duplex mode:
 If there is no dedicated path exists between the devices, then the capacity of
the communication channel is divided into two parts.

Different Communication Modes:

1. Unicast - one to one

Unicast packets are sent from host to host. Information transferred
between a participation of single sender and single recipient.
2. Multicast – one to many
from one source to multiple destinations stating an interest in
receiving the traffic i.e. One-to-Many
3. Broadcast – one to all
18 from one source to all possible destinations i.e. One-to-All

A network is a set of devices (often referred to as nodes) connected

by communication links. A node can be a computer, printer, or any
other device capable of sending and/or receiving data generated by
other nodes on the network. A link can be a cable, air, optical fiber,
or any medium which can transport a signal carrying information.

Topics discussed in this section:

▪ Network Criteria
▪ Physical Structures
▪ Categories of Networks
Network Criteria
 Performance
 Depends on Network Elements
 Measured in terms of Delay and Throughput
 Reliability
 Failure rate of network components
 Measured in terms of availability/robustness
 Security
 Data protection against corruption/loss of data due to:
 Errors
 Malicious users
Physical Structures

 Type of Connection
 Point to Point - single transmitter and receiver
 Multipoint - multiple recipients of single
 Physical Topology
 Connection of devices
 Type of transmission - unicast, mulitcast,
Figure 1.3 Types of connections: point-to-point and multipoint

Point to Point:
 It provides a dedicated link between two devices.
 The entire capacity of the link is reserved for transmission between
these two devices.
 It is a connection in which more than two specific devices share a
single link.
 In this environment a single channel is shared, either spatially or
 If several devices can use the link at the same time it said to be
spatially shared.
 If the devices take turn to use the link then it is referred to as

Physical Topology refers to the way in which network is laid out
Two or more links form a topology.
Geometric representation of the relationship of all the links and
the linking devices tone another.
mesh topology
• Each device has a dedicated
point to point link to every other
• No of LINKS = n(n-1)/2
[to link n devices]
• No of I/O ports =(n-1)
A fully connected mesh
topology (five devices)
1. If 7 number of devices are connected with each other in a mesh
topology, find the number of links & number of I/O ports used.
 No of LINKS = n(n-1)/2
= 7(7-1)/2
=21 links
 No of I/O ports =(n-1)
= (7-1)
= 6 I/O ports

Merits Demerits
 Eliminates the traffic problems that  The amount of cabling and the I/O
occur when the links are shared by ports required increases with the
multiple devices. number of devices connected in the
 If one link becomes unusable, it network
does not incapacitate the entire  Installation and reconnection are
system. difficult
 Since every message travels along a  The sheer bulk of the wire
dedicated line only the intended accommodates more space than
recipient will receive the message available.
and hence the data is secure.  The hardware required to connect
each link can be prohibitively
star topology

• Each device has a dedicated point

to point link only to a central
controller usually called a hub.
• If one device has to send data to
another it sends the data to the
controller, which then relays the
data to the other connected device.

Star Topology
 Merits  Demerits
 Less expensive than a mesh  Require more cable compared
topology. to bus and ring topologies.
 Each device needs only one link  Failure of the central controller
and I/O port. incapacitates the entire
 Installation and reconfigure is easy. network.
 Robustness. If one link fails only
that link is affected.
 Requires less cable than a mesh.

bus topology
• One long cable acts as a backbone to link all the devices in a network.
• Nodes are connected to the bus cable by drop lines and taps.
• A drop line is a connection running between the device and the main cable.
• A tap is a connector that either splices into the main cable to create a
contact with a metallic core.
• As the signal travels farther and farther, it becomes weaker. So there is
limitation in the number of taps a bus can support and on the distance between
those taps

Bus Topology
 Merits  Demerits
 Ease of installation.  Difficult reconnection and
 Bus uses less cabling than mesh isolation.
or star topologies.  Signal reflection at the taps can
cause degradation in quality.
 A fault or break in the bus cable
stops all transmission.
 It also reflects signals back in the
direction of origin creating noise
in both directions

Ring topology
• Each device has a dedicated point to point connection only with the two
devices on either side of it.
• A signal is passed along the ring in one direction from device to device
until it reaches the destination.
• Each device in the ring
incorporates a repeater

Ring Topology
 Easy to install and reconfigure.
 To add or delete a device requires changing only two
 A break in the ring disables the entire network. It can be
solved by using a dual ring or a switch capable of closing off
the break.

hybrid topology
The combination of various different topologies is known
as Hybrid topology.
hybrid topology
 Advantages of Hybrid topology
1. We can choose the topology based on the requirement for
example, scalability is our concern then we can use star topology
instead of bus technology.
2. Scalable as we can further connect other computer networks
with the existing networks with different topologies.
 Disadvantages of Hybrid topology
1. Fault detection is difficult.
2. Installation is difficult.
3. Design is complex so maintenance is high thus expensive.

Categories of Networks
 Local Area Networks (LANs)
 Short distances
 Designed to provide local interconnectivity
 Wide Area Networks (WANs)
 Long distances
 Provide connectivity over large areas
 Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)
 Provide connectivity over areas such as a city, a campus

 Local area network is a group of computers connected with each other
in a small places such as school, hospital, apartment etc.
 LAN is secure because there is no outside connection with the local
area network thus the data which is shared is safe on the local area
network and can’t be accessed outside.
 LAN due to their small size are considerably faster, their speed can
range anywhere from 100 to 100Mbps.
 LANs are not limited to wire connection, there is a new evolution to
the LANs that allows local area network to work on a wireless

An isolated LAN connecting 12 computers to a hub in a closet
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
 MAN network covers larger area by connections LANs to a larger
network of computers.
 In Metropolitan area network various Local area networks are
connected with each other through telephone lines.
 The size of the Metropolitan area network is larger than LANs and
smaller than WANs(wide area networks), a MANs covers the larger
area of a city or town.

Wide area network (WAN)
 WAN provides long distance transmission of data.
 Size of the WAN is larger than LAN and MAN. A WAN can
cover country, continent or even a whole world. Internet
connection is an example of WAN. Other examples of WAN
are mobile broadband connections such as 3G, 4G etc.

WANs: a switched WAN and a point-to-point WAN
1. When nine devices are arranged in mesh topology, each
device needs ____ input/output ports.

2. Physical or logical arrangement of network is __________
a) Topology
b) Routing
c) Networking
d) Control

3. Mesh topology, have devices which are connected via
a)single and multiple links
b)Multipoint link
c)Point to point link
d)No Link

4. Which network topology requires a central controller or
a) Star
b) Mesh
c) Ring
d) Bus

5. Which topologies have two or more Combination:
a) multigrid
b)Star Topology
c)Bus Topology
d)Ring topology

6. Which topology has the highest reliability?
a. Mesh topology
b. Star topology
c. Ring Topology
d. Bus Topology
e. none of these

7. In a network, participating computers are referred to as:
a) Clients
b) Servers
c) Nodes
d) CPUs
e) both a and c

8. Terminators are used in _______ topology.
a. Mesh topology
b. Star topology
c. Ring Topology
d. Bus Topology

9. If one link fails, only that link is affected Terminators are
used in _______ topology.
a. Mesh topology
b. Star topology
c. Ring Topology
d. Bus Topology

10. For large network _______ topology is used.
a. Mesh topology
b. Star topology
c. Ring Topology
d. Bus Topology



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